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Project EU XXI: post-EUROPE 2020: I-EuropeProject EU XXI: post-EUROPE 2020: I-Europe
from the EU to a United Europefrom the EU to a United Europe
EUROPE - INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER: a Smart, Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable EUROPEEUROPE - INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER: a Smart, Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable EUROPE
Future Europe, Social Europe, Security Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe, IntelligentFuture Europe, Social Europe, Security Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe, Intelligent
Europe, Knowledge Europe, Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe, Sustainable Europe, andEurope, Knowledge Europe, Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe, Sustainable Europe, and
Global EuropeGlobal Europe
The EU stands in need of a single development policy and strategy, a single constitution, a singleThe EU stands in need of a single development policy and strategy, a single constitution, a single
government, a single foreign policy, a single taxation system, a single military, a single European justicegovernment, a single foreign policy, a single taxation system, a single military, a single European justice
Project EUROPE XXI is proposing the most optimal scenario for the European Project in the new century.Project EUROPE XXI is proposing the most optimal scenario for the European Project in the new century.
Sign the petition New Europe:
 In 2009, Dr Azamat Abdoullaev, as I-Europe Research Consortium Coordinator, proposed to the then president of the
European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, and the European Council president, Herman Van Rompuy, a trans-European
strategy “Smart Intelligent Europe” for building smart, intelligent and sustainable European Union:
 On 3 March 2010, the European Commission proposed our trans-European strategy “Smart Intelligent Europe” as Europe
2020, a 10-year strategy for advancement of the economy of the European Union as if following the failed Lisbon Strategy,
 On 26 March 2010, the European Council agreed on key elements of the new strategy, chaired by H. Rompuy.
The strategy elements were formally adopted on 17 June 2010.
 Keeping the key points of "smart, sustainable, inclusive growth“, the strategy was extended with five headline targets
originated from the Germany Digital Agenda in 2009 led by Henrik von Scheel for the Federal Minister of Economy &
Technology (evolved in 2013 into the Industry 4.0):
 To raise the employment rate of the population aged 20–64 from the current 69% to at least 75%.
 To achieve the target of investing 3% of GDP in R&D in particular by improving the conditions for R&D investment by the private sector, and develop a
new indicator to track innovation.
 To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% compared to 1990 levels or by 30% if the conditions are right, increase the share of renewable
energy in final energy consumption to 20%, and achieve a 20% increase in energy efficiency.
 To reduce the share of early school leavers to 10% from the current 15% and increase the share of the population aged 30–34 having completed tertiary
from 31% to at least 40%.
 To reduce the number of Europeans living below national poverty lines by 25%, lifting 20 million people out of poverty.
 seven flagship initiatives
 It was also added up with seven flagship initiatives, such as Innovation Union and European platform against poverty.
 The Horizon 2020 framework programme, with its 80 billion and more euro budget for the years 2014-2020, just one of the
implementing tools of the Europe 2020 strategy.
 All in all, it is about 1 trillion euro was allocated for the Europe 2020 Strategy, its development and implementation.
 The author’s IP for the European strategy for building smart, intelligent and sustainable European Union has never been
recognized by the European Commission and the European Council. The author had never financial benefit from what he
created, and this certainly makes a high-level case of the author’s right violation by the EU Administration.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Research and development of smart territories of the future is a stated objective of academia, research institutes and think
tanks, as well as many governments and corporations worldwide.
 First of all, smart territories meet the dual objectives of sustainability and improvement in the quality of life.
 In addition, as the global population increases, the world must also move towards smarter use of available resources, natural,
human, financial and material.
 Smart is a fundamentally innovative multidisciplinary concept that helps the human communities of any scale and scope by
enhancing their overall sustainability, livability and techno-social progress.
 As such, it meets the triple goals of fundamental innovations, sustainable future and improvement in the quality of life.
 Smart concepts integrate a diverse set of assets and expertise in the areas of natural science, engineering, and innovative
technologies, social science, political science, and economics, electronics, informatics, computing, and mathematics, urban
planning and city administration, project management and business management.
 The concept of Smart Territories is to integrate 21st century fundamental innovations and disruptive technologies to meet
territorial, political, economic, environmental, infrastructure, social, cultural and demographic challenges.
 Our key goal is to work out techno-social strategies and sustainable community development policies to help the key
stakeholder transform the human communities, international or national, regional, urban or local, into eco-sustainable,
intelligent, and smart territories.
 Smart Territories of the Future described as Cyber-Physical Intelligent Ecosystems. They are to be controlled and managed by
Territorial Intelligent Systems, TIS , Integrated Techno-Social Smart Cloud Platforms and Intelligent Operations Systems, to be
scaled for local, urban, national and global communities.
 The European Union governed by the smart Europe 2020 Strategy is selected as a case of transnational community, while its
member state, Smart Cyprus, as a case of national community.
 Azamat Abdoullaev (asha)'s blog; Market Place of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities:
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 “We only had two choices. Either come together around a positive European agenda or each retreat into our
own corners.
 I proposed a positive agenda to help create – as I said last year – a Europe that protects, empowers and
 we should chart the direction for the future. Now is the time to build a more united, stronger and more
democratic Europe for 2025”.
 Political groups welcomed Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s ambitious vision for a strong and
united Europe 2025 in the annual “State of the Union” debate
 Mr Juncker announced proposals for a European finance minister, legal migration, cybersecurity, freedom
and rights of workers, international trade and the Defence Union, for Parliament and Council to discuss and
decide on before the end of term.
 To represent a strong Union, he would like to see the European Council and Commission Presidency taken up
by the most successful “Spitzenkandidat” to be elected by EU citizens in the next European elections, in June
 Roadmap to EU 2025 built on democratic values and efficient decision-making
 Complete Defence, Security, Energy, Digital, Monetary and Capital Markets Union
 Offer equal opportunities to all citizens and strengthen industrial competitiveness
 Create EU agencies for workers’ rights, cybersecurity and counter-terrorism
 European Council and Commission Presidency be elected by EU citizens in the next European elections.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Project EUROPE XXI is proposing the most
optimal scenario for the European Project
in the new century.
Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable
 Future Europe, Social Europe, Security
Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe,
Intelligent Europe, Knowledge Europe,
Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe,
Sustainable Europe, and Global Europe
 “EUROPE XXI” Investment Fund is to
secure the United States of Europe as the
leading transnational community
prospects with its current socio-political
organization and EU institutions >>>
 European Parliament
 European Council
 Council of the European Union
 European Commission
 Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
 European Central Bank (ECB)
 European Court of Auditors (ECA)
 European External Action Service (EEAS)
 European Economic and Social Committee (EES
 European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
 European Investment Bank (EIB)
 European Ombudsman
 European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
 Interinstitutional bodies 
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 We are used to looking at Europe’s problems in a purely financial context, what is a critical mistake
missing the real reasons why the EU will fail and if to survive, why it should be rebuild differently.
 The European Union was originally a creation of US post-war foreign policy, as a buffer against the Soviet
 There was the Marshall Plan, which from 1948 provided funds to help rebuild Europe’s infrastructure.
 The establishment of NATO in 1949 ensured American and British troops permanent bases in Germany.
 A CIA sponsored American Committee on United Europe to promote European political union.
 The EU was in no way a natural European development. The concept of political union, via the European
Coal and Steel Community, realized in the Treaty of Paris in 1951 with France, West Germany, Belgium,
Luxembourg and Italy.
 The ECSC evolved into the EU as today, with an additional 21 member states, now missing the UK.
 With the original founders retaining their national identity, the EU resembles a political mess-up, each
retaining its original characteristics. After sixty-five years, a Frenchman is still a French nationalist.
Germans are German, the Italians Italian, Belgium is between Walloons and the Flemish, the Greeks are
Greek, etc,
 As a result, the EU lacks common national identity and therefore political cohesion, like the USA or Russian
 On the top, the poor member states, as Romania, Bulgaria becoming just poorer, the rich, as Luxemburg or
Germany, the richer
 The EU is really the Franco-German Alliance where real power is in “a small cabal of nation states, paying a
lip-service to the Brussels bureaucracy”.
 The Eurozone’s banking system, incorporating the national central banks and the ECB, just the means to
buy German goods on credit.
 Now the Germans want their money back. The debtors cannot pay, and need to borrow more money just to
survive. Neither side wishes to face reality. It started with Ireland, then Cyprus, followed by Greece and
Portugal, Italy, Spain and France.
 The whole Eurozone banking system is in deep trouble, as the German government itself
 So, nobody wants such a EU, an artificial Franco-German Alliance; for it is doomed.
 The people of Europe is looking for a really United Europe, Inclusive, Social, Safe and Secure.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Disunion and Political Instability (
Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements)
 Youth Unemployment and Structural Unemployment
 Disrule of Law, Injustice and Inequality
 Insecurity and Mass Migration
 Science, Innovation and Technology
 Distrust, Public Administration and Government Policy
 The EU Institutions
 the Brussels bureaucracy are merely disaster, no vision or competency, efficiency or effectiveness. (
Since 2009 Intelligent Europe has been proposed many times with no effects : )
 The European Commission is just useless, marked by bureaucracy and destructive government.
 The EU parliament is just toothless, marked by 20.000 Euros monthly for each MP.
 The European Council of national heads of government, foreign ministers, and representatives of the
Commission setting the EU agenda is just acting as a “board of directors.”
 Ubiquitous Corruption, Organized Crime, Fraud and Embezzlement, Crime and Offence
 Corrupt European countries are costing EU 6.3 per cent of overall EU-28 GDP plus 1% from organized crime.
 Corruption also has significant social and political costs. It is associated with more unequal societies, higher
levels of organised crime, weaker rule of law, reduced voters turnout in national parliamentary elections and
lower trust in EU institutions. (the criminal justice and fundamental rights remains under-represented both in
terms of actors involved and substantive considerations)
 Organised Crime and Corruption: Cost of Non-Europe Report
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Corruption, the “abuse of power for private gain” varying from paying bribes to officials abusing their powers
to award lucrative procurement contracts, continues to be a challenge for Europe - a phenomenon that cost
the European economy around 1 trillion euros per year: corrupt European countries are costing EU 6.3 per
cent of overall EU-28 GDP.
 Europeans are deeply worried about corruption - Eurobarometer survey results show that three quarters
(76%) of Europeans think that corruption is widespread and more than half (56%) think that the level of
corruption in their country has increased over the past three years.
 Creating a European Public Prosecutors’ Office as part of a crackdown on corrupt practises is merely
another corrupted office.
 Estimating the costs of organised crime is hard due to the absence of data collected independently from the
serious crimes committed.
 The size of the illicit markets in the EU is around 1% of EU GDP, representing a value of around 110 billion
euro; serious social crimes involve white collar and environmental crimes.
 Different types of fraud, as forgery, bank fraud, insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, property fraud, and land
investment fraud (it is hard to estimate value lost through fraudulent acts in EU and all the damage inflicted
on its social and economic life).
 (The author personally became the fraud victim in two separate cases, as the crime against justice on the false documentation
and the fake title deed bringing 1.5 m euro financial damages, when the fraud perpetrators had not been prosecuted and
imprisoned by governmental authorities).
 Not mentioning the intellectual rights property infringement, like as 2bn euro smart eco-development project,
Neapolis - Smart EcoCity, presented by its developers, former Cyprus government and European Commission as a model for
future cities, violating the author’s rights.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Since the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476, European peoples and leaders have dreamed of unifying
Europe to stop wars and conflicts among European nations and states and to leave in peace and prosperity.
 Great conquerors like Charlemagne and Napoleon, not mentioning Hitler, tried but failed. Two disastrous
world wars in the 20th century almost demolished Europe.
 After World War II, many European leaders sought a new way to prevent war from ever taking place again on
their continent, seeking for the United States of Europe, the European state, the European federation, and
Federal Europe, the unification of Europe as a single sovereign federation of states, similar to the United
States of America.
 Winston Churchill's speech after the Second World War called for "a sort of United States of Europe", a
precursor to the concept of a European superstate, the European integration with a common fiscal policy, a
common debt and a common military, among other things.
 Since World War II, Europe has grown more unified, emerging now as the European Union, a hybrid system of
intergovernmentalism and supranationalism, but not as a truly “United States of Europe.”
 In the EU, the sovereign nation-state has dominated Europe, the key political decisions are made by national
governments and parliaments.
 As a result, there is widespread disagreement today on the future of the European Union: if the European
Union will continue as it is, as it now functions and operates? Should it go backward to an association of
conflicting sovereign nations? Or, should it become a federal union, a “United States of Europe”?
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The European Union is a free association of sovereign states to further their shared aims.
 the Union has no current policy to create either a federation or a confederation if only "ever closer union" as
expressed in the Solemn Declaration on European Union.
 In fact, there are good prospects and geopolitical necessity for real union, political, social and economic.
 The member states of the European Union have many common policies within the European Union (EU):
 a common executive (the European Commission),
 a single High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy,
 a common European Security and Defence Policy,
 a supreme court (European Court of Justice – in matters of European Union law),
 a common euromarket, a common research area,
 a peacekeeping force (Eurofor), etc.
 According to Eurobarometer, 69% of citizens of the EU were in favour of direct elections of the President of
the European Commission; 46% were supporting the creation of a united EU army.
 Two thirds think that the EU should make decisions on foreign policy. More than half of respondents that the
EU should also make decisions on defense.
 Majority of respondents support the future development of the European Union as a federation of nation
states. A large majority of the people support the development of the EU into a federation of nation states
(56% versus 27%).
 The EU stands in need of a single development policy and strategy, a single constitution, a sin
 Sign the petition New Europe:
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Will Europe still be able to conclude trade
deals and shape economic, social and
environmental standards for the world?
 Will Europe's economy finally recover or be
stuck in low growth and low inflation for
the next decade?
 Will Europe still be a world leader when it
comes to the fight for human rights and
fundamental values?
 Will Europe speak up, with one voice,
when territorial integrity is under threat, in
violation of international law?
 Or will Europe disappear from the
international scene and leave it to others
to shape the world?
 European Commission - Speech
 State of the Union Address 2016: Towards a better Europe - a Europe that protects, empowers and defends
 The next twelve months are the
crucial time to deliver a better
 a Europe that protects;
 a Europe that preserves the European
way of life;
 a Europe that empowers our citizens,
 a Europe that defends at home and
abroad; and
 a Europe that takes responsibility.
 It is time we – the institutions, the
governments, the citizens – all took
responsibility for building that Europe.
 Bratislava Declaration and Roadmap
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker has unveiled a five-point federalist roadmap designed to move the EU further towards bec
United States of Europe within nine months, by
June next year at the latest.
 It is proposed
 the Capital Markets Union and the merging
of eurozone economies;
 an EU army; the new European Border and
Coast Guard; European Defence Fund;
 European Travel Information System;
 Investment Plan for Africa and the
 The €315 billion Investment Plan for
Europe, extended to a total of at least
€500 billion of investments by 2020 to
reach €630 billion by 2022.
 His plan includes big investment, a digital single
market, security, European defence and new
schemes to engage youngsters >>>>>>>>>>>
 Sign the petition New Europe:
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Socio-economic innovations and disruptive technologies will fundamentally change the world
and Europe in the next five to ten years,
 To have a global leadership, European Union must become the United States of Europe with
integrated strategic, future-proof, sustainable and innovative policy and investment within the
fields of:
 Central Government, EU Institutions,
 Member States,
 Cities,
 Infrastructure,
 Industry,
 Energy,
 Transportation,
 Telecommunications,
 Future Internet, IoT, and IoE
 Education, Science, Technology, Innovation,
 Safety and Security,
 Defence,
 Healthcare,
 Environment,
 Space. Sign the petition New Europe:
AMERICA XXI Azamat Abdoullaev All Rights Reserved 2013-2017
 The European Union is facing unprecedented challenges, both global and domestic: regional
conflicts, terrorism, growing migratory pressures, protectionism and social and economic
 Together, we are determined to address the challenges of a rapidly changing world and to offer
to our citizens both security and new opportunities.
 We will make the European Union stronger and more resilient, through even greater unity and
solidarity amongst us and the respect of common rules.
 Unity is both a necessity and our free choice. Taken individually, we would be side-lined by
global dynamics.
 Standing together is our best chance to influence them, and to defend our common interests
and values.
 We will act together, at different paces and intensity where necessary, while moving in the same
direction, as we have done in the past, in line with the Treaties and keeping the door open to
those who want to join later. Our Union is undivided and indivisible.
 In the ten years to come we want a Union that is safe and secure, prosperous, competitive,
sustainable and socially responsible, and with the will and capacity of playing a key role in the
world and of shaping globalisation.
 We want a Union where citizens have new opportunities for cultural and social development
and economic growth.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 To be a leading Global Actor in a fast changing world EUROPE XXI has to adopt a holistic model
of sustainable global community development dealing with global challenges in an integrated
way, with new forms of smart society and governance of direct democracies; for the legitimacy
of the European project is defined by the public ownership of the EU.
 Intelligent Industrialization and Eco-Smart Urbanization, Sustainable Development, Smart
Growth, Security, Equity, Inclusiveness, Direct Democracy, Civil Society, Smart Wealth and
Innovative Basic Income System (IBIS), effectively replacing all existing state social security
programs and welfare benefits, with cooperative ownership of enterprises, ending alienation
and capital accumulation, all to constitute the makeup of a world-leading Union as:
 Future Europe, Social Europe, Security Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe, Intelligent Europe,
Knowledge Europe, Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe, Sustainable Europe, and Global Europe
 Future Europe has 3 options:
 the leading world centre,
 dependent part of the “American world”,
 the western periphery of Great Eurasia
 We envision the Future Europe as an
INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER: a Smart , Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable EUROPE (5sEU).
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Rome Declaration of the leaders of 27 member states and of the European Council,Rome Declaration of the leaders of 27 member states and of the European Council,
the European Parliament and the European Commission mainly commits to the 5sEU Vision of Futurethe European Parliament and the European Commission mainly commits to the 5sEU Vision of Future
 We, the Leaders of 27 Member States and of EU institutions, take pride in the achievements of the European Union: the
construction of European unity is a bold, far-sighted endeavour. 
 The European Union is facing unprecedented challenges, both global and domestic: regional conflicts, terrorism, growing
migratory pressures, protectionism and social and economic inequalities.
 In the ten years to come we want a Union that is safe and secure, prosperous, competitive, sustainable and socially
responsible, and with the will and capacity of playing a key role in the world and of shaping globalisation.
 In these times of change, and aware of the concerns of our citizens, we commit to the Rome Agenda, and pledge to work
 1. A safe and secure Europe: a Union where all citizens feel safe and can move freely, where our external borders are secured,
with an efficient, responsible and sustainable migration policy, respecting international norms; a Europe determined to fight
terrorism and organised crime
 2. A prosperous and sustainable Europe: a Union which creates growth and jobs; a Union where a strong, connected and
developing Single Market, embracing technological transformation, and a stable and further strengthened single currency open
avenues for growth, cohesion, competitiveness, innovation and exchange, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises; a
Union promoting sustained and sustainable growth, through investment, structural reforms and working towards completing the
Economic and Monetary Union; a Union where economies converge; a Union where energy is secure and affordable and the
environment clean and safe
 3. A social Europe: a Union which, based on sustainable growth, promotes economic and social progress as well as cohesion
and convergence
 4. A stronger Europe on the global scene, a Union further developing existing partnerships, building new ones and promoting
stability and prosperity in its immediate neighbourhood to the east and south, but also in the Middle East and across Africa and
 We as Leaders, working together within the European Council and among our institutions, will ensure that today's agenda is
implemented, so as to become tomorrow's reality. We have united for the better. Europe is our common future.
 Declaration
of the leaders of 27 member states and of the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 A Innovation Union of
 Smart Public Policy
 Smart Polity and Public Administration
 Smart EU Institutes
 Smart Growth
 Smart Member States
 Smart Cities and Communities
 Smart Infrastructure
 Smart Industry
 Smart Commerce and Business
 Smart Energy
 Smart Transportation
 Smart Telecommunications
 Smart Future Internet, IoT, and IoE
 Smart Education, Science, Technology, Research & Development & Innovation,
 Smart Safety and Security,
 Smart Defense
 Smart Healthcare
 Smart Youth
 Smart Environment
 Smart Space
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 a Union where all citizens feel safe and can move
 where our external borders are secured,
 with an efficient, responsible and sustainable
migration policy,
 respecting international norms;
 a Europe determined to fight terrorism and organised
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 a Union which creates growth and jobs;
 a Union where a strong, connected and developing Single Market,
 embracing technological transformation,
 and a stable and further strengthened single currency open avenues for
 growth,
 cohesion,
 competitiveness,
 innovation
 and exchange, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises;
 a Union promoting sustained and sustainable growth, through investment,
 structural reforms
 and working towards completing the Economic and Monetary Union;
 a Union where economies converge;
 a Union where energy is secure and affordable and the environment clean and safe.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 a Union which, based on sustainable growth,
 promotes economic and social progress,
 cohesion and convergence, while upholding the integrity of the internal market;
 a Union taking into account the diversity of national systems and the key role of
social partners;
 a Union which promotes equality between women and men
 rights and equal opportunities for all;
 a Union which fights unemployment,
 discrimination,
 social exclusion
 and poverty;
 a Union where young people receive the best education and training and can study
and find jobs across the continent;
 a Union which preserves our cultural heritage and promotes cultural diversity.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 a Union further developing existing partnerships, building new ones and promoting stability and
 in its immediate neighbourhood to the east and south,
 in the Middle East and across Africa and globally;
 a Union ready to take more responsibilities and to assist in creating a more competitive and
integrated defence industry;
 a Union committed to strengthening its common security and defence,
 also in cooperation and complementarity with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, taking into
account national circumstances and legal commitments;
 a Union engaged in the United Nations
 and standing for a rules-based multilateral system,
 proud of its values
 and protective of its people,
 promoting free and fair trade
 and a positive global climate policy.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Following the results of the UK referendum, the
heads of state or government of the 27 met in
Bratislava on 16 September 2016 to begin a
political reflection on the future of the EU with
27 member countries.
 Leaders agreed on the Bratislava Roadmap,
which will guide EU action over the next months.
27 leaders met in Malta on 3 February 2017
and conclude the reflection process in Rome on
25 March 2017, on the occasion of the 60th
anniversary of the Rome Treaties.
 “It must be made crystal clear that the
disintegration of the European Union will not
lead to the restoration of some mythical, full
sovereignty of its member states, but to their
real and factual dependence on the great
 the United States, Russia and China.
 Only together can we be fully independent”.
 "United we stand, divided we fall": letter by President Donald Tusk to the 27 EU heads of state or government on the future of the EU before the
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
The European Commission has produced the White Paper on THE FUTURE OF EUROPE to the Rome
It has been presented on 1 March to set out possible paths for the future of Europe. Europe faces a
great many challenges, from globalisation, to the impact of new technologies on society and jobs,
to security concerns and the rise of populism
Europe must ensure it is not overwhelmed but rather seizes the opportunities that the global trends
The white paper offers five scenarios for the Union's evolution, depending on the choices to make.
Together with the European Parliament and Member States, the EC is to host a series of “Future of
Europe Debates” involving Europe’s national Parliaments, cities and regions and civil society at
President Juncker’s 2017 State of the Union speech on the future of Europe will take these ideas
for the December 2017 European Council.
Ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, President of the European Council Donald
Tusk called on the 27 heads of state or government to stay united:
"United we stand, divided we fall"United we stand, divided we fall ““
A global leadership necessitates a nation-wide innovative strategy and investmentA global leadership necessitates a nation-wide innovative strategy and investment
fund EU XXI to Make Europe Smart. Make Europe Inclusive. Make Europe EU XXI to Make Europe Smart. Make Europe Inclusive. Make Europe Resilient.
Make Europe Livable. Make Europe Innovative. Make Europe Integrated.Make Europe Livable. Make Europe Innovative. Make Europe Integrated.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Impact on policies: Single market & trade; Economic & Monetary Union; Schengen, migration & security;
Foreign policy & defence; EU budget Capacity to deliver
 The issues to be reflected:
 developing the social dimension of Europe;
 deepening the Economic and Monetary Union, on the basis of the Five Presidents’
 Report of June 2015;
 harnessing globalisation;
 the future of Europe’s defence;
 the future of EU finances.
 The White Paper process: from Rome Summit to the European Parliament elections in 2019
 The White Paper is the European Commission’s contribution to the Rome Summit, the beginning of a process
for the EU27 to decide together on the future of their Union.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Euro area countries saved €50 billion this year in
interest payments, thanks to the ECB’s monetary policy.,
to be invested into the economy.
 It is proposed to set up €100 billion EU XXI investment
fund with the richest Europeans to share 10% of their
wealth to the Future Europe Projects as key prospective
 Amancio Ortega, Zara
 Bernard Arnault & family, Chairman and CEO,
LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton
 Liliane Bettencourt & family
 Beate Heister & Karl Albrecht Jr.
 Maria Franca Fissolo & family
 Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen & family
 Georg Schaeffler, Entrepreneur
 Susanne Klatten, BMW
 Stefan Persson, Chairman, H&M
 Theo Albrecht, Jr. & family
 Stefan Quandt
 Leonardo Del Vecchio & family
 Serge Dassault & family
 Dieter Schwarz, The Dieter Schwarz Foundation
 Francois Pinault & family
 Pallonji Mistry
 Stefano Pessina
 Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken & family
 Klaus-Michael Kuehne
 Hans Rausing
 Alain Wertheimer
 Gerard Wertheimer
 Hasso Plattner & family
 Udo & Harald Tschira
 John Fredriksen, Investor
 Dietmar Hopp & family
 Ernesto Bertarelli
 Xavier Niel
 Michael Otto & family
 August von Finck
 Silvio Berlusconi & family
 Sandra Ortega Mera
 European royals
 Lichtenstein's Prince Hans-Adam II
 Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis, Germany
 Prince Albert Grimaldi II & family, Monaco
 Queen Elizabeth II, United Kingdom
 Queen Beatrix & family, Netherlands
AMERICA XXI Azamat Abdoullaev All Rights Reserved 2013-2017
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
List by the World Bank (2014)
Rank Country/Region GDP (Millions of US$)
World 77,868,768
European Union 18,460,646
1 United States 17,419,000
2 China 10,360,105
3 Japan 4,601,461
4 Germany 3,852,556
5 United Kingdom 2,941,886
6 France 2,829,192
7 Brazil 2,346,118
8 Italy 2,144,338
9 India 2,066,902
10 Russia 1,860,598
11 Canada 1,786,655
12 Australia 1,453,770
13 South Korea 1,410,383
14 Spain 1,404,307
15 Mexico 1,282,720
16 Indonesia 888,538
17 Netherlands 869,508
18 Turkey 799,535
19 Saudi Arabia 746,249
20 Switzerland 685,434
21 Sweden 570,591
22 Nigeria 568,508
23 Poland 548,003
24 Argentina 540,197
25 Belgium 533,383
26 Venezuela 509,964
27 Norway 500,103
28 Austria 436,344
29 Iran 415,339
30 United Arab Emirates 401,647
31 Colombia 377,740
32 Thailand 373,804
33 South Africa 349,817
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
Rank Country
(millions of Int$)
World 119,097,427
1 China 21,269,331
— European Union 19,748,883
2 United States 18,562,129
3 India 8,720,758
4 Japan 4,932,102
5 Germany 3,979,664
6 Russia 3,745,081
7 Brazil 3,134,247
8 Indonesia 3,027,746
9 United Kingdom 2,787,748
10 France 2,736,378
 GDP (current US$)
 -$18.46 trillion/2014
 Population, total
 508.3 million/ 2014
 GNI per capita
 $35,672 /2014
 Urban population (% of total)
 75%/ 2014
 Economy & Growth
 GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)
 $35,672/ 2014
 Health
 Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
 80/2013
 Environment
 CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
 7.1/ 2011
 Education
 Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)
 97% /2013
 Source:
Austria Italy
Belgium Latvia
Bulgaria Lithuania
Croatia Luxembourg
Cyprus Malta
Czech Republic Netherlands
Denmark Poland
Estonia Portugal
Finland Romania
France Slovak Republic
Germany Slovenia
Greece Spain
Hungary Sweden
Ireland United Kingdom
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 There are the three main challenges facing the European Union today:
  The devastating effects of the financial crisis undermining the European social model, a “highly
 Competitive Social Market Economy” (the Lisbon Treaty), throwing to insecurity, poverty and destitution
citizens and businesses, cities and States. This is leading to severe limitations to invest in technology and
infrastructures, as well as in human resources (healthcare and education, skills and upstarts), affecting the provision of basic
needs and social services. “The level of investment in the EU has fallen by 15% since 2007 (by around €430 billion) and
remains below its historical trend”. “…About €200 billion is needed to complete the trans-European energy networks, €540
billion needs to be invested in the trans-European transport network, and over € 250 billion in ICT for the period 2014-2020”.
  The increasing threats, risks and disruptions brought about by climate change to our regions and
cities. As major floods and droughts become ever more common, the environmental effects of rapid
urbanisation and the lack of adequate polices become extensively harmful.
  The demand for cohesion and inclusion, smart democracy, civic engagement and participation by
using social media and mobile technologies, and effective representation set forth by the constituencies.
The democratic deficit and indirect democracy is a cause for alarm for governance at any level, creating
distrust and alienation of citizens.
 These challenges call for a transformational change in the way we all work, live, play, study, interact, and build our future.
 First of all, a Social Europe Model in need of its essential redevelopment, by innovating a socially sustainable wealth and
income generation and distribution based on equality and equity and social justice, intellectual capital, talent, creativity, and
 Enriching and extending the policy goals of Europe 2020 and similar frameworks, the EU XXI PROJECT stresses that social and
technological innovations can make an invaluable contribution, if European development policies adequately consider citizens
and their innovation capacity the most valuable resource.
 Having the Union’s sustainability at its core, it aims to build on a new top brand and sense of belonging and identity, wellbeing
and community, to shape a better, resilient, interconnected, healthier, and happier dynamic smart society.
 In this crucial time and with the challenges stated, we reach out to our politicians, citizens and enterprises to join us in a broad
endeavor of co-creating the most appropriate strategies for the whole Union, each Member State and each of our cities, as
well as implementing them collectively in the years to come.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The EU is going through a great economic, political and social crisis, and its
confronted by pressures that threaten fundamental change.
 The break-up of the eurozone is still possible, and the EU’s social fabric is
under major stress, resulting from growing inequalities and social
 Europe has become unequal and unbalanced, between people and member
 The concept of “ European Solidarity” as well as the European project itself
are under doubts.
 Unequal Europe. Friends of Europe. Recommendations for a more caring EU, Final Report of the High-Lvel
Group on “Social Union”, Spring 2015
 The Project EU 2020 is marked by the inefficient public governments leading to Poor, Unequal, Weak,
Corrupted, Unfair Europe and Insecure Europe affected by crises and decay, decline and unemployment,
poverty and inequalities, misgovernments and corruption, refugees and terrorists.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 One of the five headline targets of the
Europe 2020 headline indicators is to reduce
poverty by lifting at least 20 million people out of
the risk of poverty or social exclusion (being below
the poverty threshold, in severe material
deprivation, and no work and income) by 2020.
 Main statistical findings show this target is badly
 o 1.1 Children and active-age people more at
risk of poverty or social exclusion than elderly
people in several countries, see the Fig.1
 o 1.2 Income poverty: 17.0 % of the
population in the EU-28 at risk of income poverty
 o 1.3 Work intensity: 10.3 % of the
population in the EU-28 living in households with
very low work intensity
 o 1.4 Material deprivation: 9.9 % of the
population in the EU-28 severely materially
 o 1.5 Unexpected expenses: 40.2 % of the
population in the EU-28 could not afford
unexpected financial expenses
 In 2012, 124.2 million people, or 24.8 % (Figure 1)
of the population, in the EU-28 were
at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE),
compared with 24.3 % in 2011.
 According to Eurostat, about 26 million children
were at risk of poverty and social exclusion in
2014, representing 27.7 per cent of all children in
the EU.
 Poverty or destitution refers to the deprivation of
basic human needs, and having no access to food,
 Figure 1: At-risk-of poverty or social exclusion
rate, 2011 and 2012 (%) - Source: Eurostat
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights
I. Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation (INNOVATION; EDUCATION; DIGITAL SOCIETY).
II. Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy (CLIMATE, ENERGY AND MOBILITY;
III. Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion (EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS; FIGHTING POVERTY).
 The headline targets:
1) 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed.
2) 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D.
3) The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met (including an increase to 30% of emissions reduction if the conditions are right).
4) The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree.
5) 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty
 The flagship initiatives:
1. INNOVATION: "Innovation Union" .
2. EDUCATION: "Youth on the move.
3. DIGITAL SOCIETY: "A digital agenda for Europe" .
4. CLIMATE, ENERGY and MOBILITY: "Resource efficient Europe"
5. COMPETITIVENESS: "An industrial policy for the globalisation era".
6. EMPLOYMENT and SKILLS: "An agenda for new skills and jobs" .
7. FIGHTING POVERTY: "European platform against poverty".
8. EUROPE 2020: A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. Communication from the Commission, European
Commission, 2010, Brussels, EU
SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS: A Budget for Europe 2020; Brussels, 29.6.2011 COM(2011) 500 final
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights
 At its meeting in Brussels on 27 June 2014, the European Council agreed on five priority areas, together with
specific priorities and actions, to guide the EU's work over the next five years. This strategic agenda will be
used to plan the work of the European Council and also acts as a basis for the work programmes of other EU
 1. Jobs, growth and competitiveness: the European Council outlines the need to encourage growth, increase
investments, create more and better jobs, and encourage reform to increase competitiveness.
 2. Empowering and protecting citizens
 The European Council highlights priorities that would unlock opportunities for EU citizens, as well as deal
with issues such as poverty and social exclusion.
 3. Energy and climate policies
 The European Council underlines the need to lower dependency on fuel and gas imports and to build
affordable, secure and sustainable energy within the EU.
 4. Freedom, security and justice
 The European Council emphasises the importance of good EU cooperation on security issues like terrorism
and managing migration flows.
 5. The EU as a strong global actor
 The European Council calls on the EU to ensure its strong engagement in world affairs, ... strengthening the
EU's common security and defence policy.
 Besides, the European Council has a key role to play in the EU's annual the European semester process, the
EU's yearly cycle of economic and fiscal policy coordination.
 Boosting investment is one of Europe's strategic priority areas and economic policy priorities for 2014-2019,
together with structural reforms and fiscal responsibility.
 “Strategic agenda for the Union in times of change”.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Important issues facing Europe now: a global economic crisis; The CBE and States coming to the rescue of bankrupt
banks; mass immigration, unemployment, ageing populations threatening the competitiveness of our economies and the
sustainability of our social models; downward pressure on costs and wages; the climate change and increasing energy
dependence; the Eastward shift in the global distribution of production and savings; organized crime and the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction, and the acts of terrorism in global cities, as in Madrid, London, Moscow and Paris.
 Important issues to face Europe in 2030:
 economic situation, unemployment, crime, pension, the environment, healthcare system, immigration, prices/inflation,
terrorism, taxation, housing, education, defense/foreign affairs
 The EU’s common agenda: ensuring the sustainability of our social and economic model; and developing the means to support
and defend this model, along with our common values and interests, in the global arena.
 The EU must therefore implement without further delay the structural reforms,…
 This will require reforming the new strategy’s implementation mechanisms, by means of a more effective system of incentives,
to ensure that the objectives decided by the European Council and other European institutions are actually met.
 Human capital is the key strategic instrument for ensuring success in the global economy. Europe has lost considerable ground
in the race to a knowledge economy.
 In the coming years, the EU will need to pursue an ambitious agenda. It will need to bring the EU, its Member States and its
citizens closer together; renew Europe’s economic and social model at a time when internal and external forces challenge its
sustainability; strike the right balance between freedom and security; and contribute to shaping the world so that Europe’s
values and interests are safely taken care of.
 Looking to the 2030 horizon, Europeans will need a highly competitive and sustainable social market economy in order to
maintain social cohesion and fight against climate change.
 This will require an ambitious reform programme with clear priorities and much more effective enforcement mechanisms,….
 In this context, we assume that the Commission’s new Europe2020 strategy will form part of this major endeavour.
 PROJECT EUROPE 2030. Challenges and Opportunities. A report to the European Council by the Reflection
 on the Future of the EU 2030, May 2010, EU
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 We need a strong European Union like never before.
 It is what our citizens deserve and what the wider world expects. The European project which has brought
unprecedented peace, prosperity and democracy is being questioned.
 To the East, the European security order has been violated, while terrorism and violence plague North Africa
and the Middle East, as well as Europe itself.
 Yet these are also times of extraordinary opportunity.
 Global Growth, mobility, and technological progress – alongside our deepening partnerships- enable us to
thrive, and allow ever more people to escape poverty and live longer and freer lives.
 We will navigate this difficult, more connected contested and complex world guided by our shared interests
and principles.
 We will stand united in building a stronger Europe.
 The political vision set out in the EUGS will be swiftly translated into concrete policy initiatives and action,
focused on the five priorities for the EU's external action identified in the strategy: strengthening security and
defence; investing in the resilience of states and societies to our East and South; developing an integrated
approach to conflicts and crises; promoting and supporting cooperative regional orders; and reinforcing a
global governance based on international law, including the principles of the UN Charter, and the Helsinki
Final Act.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
A. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
Smart EcoSmart Eco
Physical Capital
Natural Capital
Natural Resources
Eco Technologies
Green Infrastructure
Green Society
Information/Digital Capital
Smart Mobility , Smart Services
ICT Infrastructure, OTN, Optical
Networks , NG Broadband
3DTV, HDTV, CC, Intelligent Clouds
Internet of Things, u-Computation
Digital/Cyber Society
Innovation Ecosystems
Smart Living
Smart Economy
Knowledge Infrastructure
Smart Governance
Equity, Wellbeing, QoL Knowledge
Smart Green Inclusive EUROPE
Wellbeing, Quality of Life and Sustainable Growth
 Integrated Manufacturing Infrastructure
(Renewables, Optical ICT Networks, Intelligent
Transportation, Smart Utilities, Facilities,
Buildings, Industrial Parks, Economic Zones,
 Sustainable Facility Industry (Buildings,
Plants, Fields, Athletic Facilities, Recreational
Facilities, Utilities, Gas System, Grids, Sewage
Works, Transportation Systems, Water Systems)
 Smart City Industry (Intelligent Urbanization
 Future Internet Industry (Internet of
 Smart Additive Manufacturing (Digital
Manufacturing, Machines, Materials,
Technologies, 3D & 4D Printing, The printing
world industry of buildings, aircrafts, ships, cars,
computers, drugs, toys, weapons, etc.)
 Smart Environment Industry: genetic
industries of renewable energy and natural
resources of agriculture, livestock, forestry, and
 Renewables
 Buildings as Power Plants
 Energy Storage Technology
 Smart Grid Technology (Energy
 Plug in, Electric, Hybrid and Fuel
Cell Transportation
 The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Com
 “The Industrial Revolution, powered by oil and other fossil
fuels, is spiraling into a dangerous endgame. The price of
gas and food are climbing, unemployment remains high, the
housing market has tanked, consumer and government
debt is soaring, and the recovery is slowing. Facing the
prospect of a second collapse of the global economy,
humanity is desperate for a sustainable economic game
plan to take us into the future”.
 The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming
Energy, the Economy, and the World
 "RECORDED Conference "Mission Growth - Europe at the Lead of the
. European Commission. Retrieved April 11, 2013.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The Smart Eco Europe Concept is emerging in the quest for sustainable growth and smart economic,
technological and socio-cultural development and intelligent governance for European states, regions and
cities, as well as for enterprises, industries and economies, local, regional and global.
 Smart Green Europe implies Intelligent Nations and Smart Eco Cities, Smart People and Smart Life,
Sustainable Land and Environment, Sustainable Infrastructure and Smart Industry, Smart Grids and Eco
Buildings, Intelligent ICT and Eco Mobility, Big Science and Future Technology, Internet of Everything and
Smart Web, Smart Financing and Intelligent Banking, Smart Health and Education, Smart Security and
Safety, Smart Government, Regulations and Standards.
 “The level of investment in the EU has fallen by 15% since 2007 (by around €430 billion) and remains
below its historical trend” (the EC), living under the conditions of national austerity and fiscal
 To recover, more than 2 trillion euros are at stakes now, one trillion and more as allocated for Europe 2020
and 1.1 trillion euros as allocated for the Quantitative Easing Program of the Central Bank of Europe and
European System of Central Banks.
 The “Smart Green Europe” is to create an attractive investment environment by advancing a smart
inclusive society and a world-leading economy based on knowledge, innovation and future technologies
and integrated sustainable development of regions and Member States, urban and rural areas
 Integrating the current architecture of the Europe 2020 programms and instruments , policy areas, as well
as its large scale projects of common interest, as Galileo, ITER, GMES, etc., the Smart Green Europe makes
the pan-European Strategic Investment Framework implementing the principles of the EU budget 2014-
 Europe 2020 Growth Strategy: EUR 1 trillion MFF & 1.1 trillion Asset Purchase/Bond Buying/QE Program
 SMART Europe 2020: Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
 A Budget for Europe 2020; Brussels, 29.6.2011 COM(2011) 500 final
 European Parliament Resolution of 8 June 2011 on 'Investing in the future: a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for
a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe'.
 i-EUROPE Manifesto:i-EUROPE Manifesto: 
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The “Smart Green Europe” is to contribute into building a smart inclusive society and a world-leading
economy based on knowledge, innovation and future technologies and integrated sustainable urban and
rural development, supporting the sustainable management of natural resources and climate action and
balanced urban-rural territorial development throughout Europe
 The “Smart Green Europe” will directly support the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy by creating
and consolidating the future Union policies, regulations, plans, programs, schemes and services for the
Post-Europe 2020.
 The “Smart Green Europe” is designed as a Strategic Investment of European Significance in Urban and
Natural Environment, Energy, Transport, Broadband, Education, Research and Innovation, Economy and
 The Project is to combine all the key investment areas such as mobility, SME-support, green energy,
resource and energy efficiency, digital infrastructure and Information and Communication Technology in a
systematic, sustainable and inclusive way.
 The “Smart Green Europe” implies the highest economic and societal and environmental return, promising
stable economic recovery, long-term growth, quality jobs and sustainable competitiveness, and involving
the smart nation government bonds and municipal revenue bonds, as under the European Central Bank’s
Assets Purchase Program of EUR 1 trillion.
 The “Smart Eco Union” envisions its Communities of tomorrow as the places of holistic conception,
integrated investment strategies and innovative action plans, of advanced social progress; of green,
ecological or environmental regeneration; of attraction of talents and engines of economic growth, as well
as the platforms for smart governance, democracy, cultural dialogue, diversity and social unity.
 It is to contribute into building the Future Union as the Integrated Territories of the Future: Sustainable
States, Intelligent Eco Cities, Green Communities, Sustainable Future-Proof Infrastructures, Intelligent
Industrial Base and Eco-Smart Natural and Built Environment.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The Project Prospective Stakeholders: Junker Commission, EC Digital Single Market, DG for
Communications Networks, Content and Technology; DG for Mobility and Transport; DG For
Energy; DG For Environment, DG for Regional Policy; 6 Action Clusters,
European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities
 The Project Strategies: The Europe 2020 Strategy; the Post-2015 United Nations
Development Agenda, “Realizing the Future We Want for All”; the Smart Eco Life Strategy
 The Smart Nations Links:
 The Financial Instruments and Funding Sources: The European Projects of Common
Interest; the Connecting Europe Facility, the EC Horizon 2020, the EIB,
the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the European Structural and Investment
Funds, European Central Bank (EUR 1 trillion assets purchase program); Private Economic
 The Initiative Schema: the EU Smart Cities and Communities Initiative;
the Sustainable Nation Global Initiative; the Smart Superpower Global Initiative
 The Project Promoter: Smart World Consortium; Smart Eco Community “X” Consortium/
EIS Ltd (Policy and Regulations and Integrated Planning AC)
 To be proposed for financing under the Juncker Investment Plan underwritten by the
European Investment Bank (EIB), using EU and EIB guarantees.
 ABOUT: The SEC “X” Consortium is committed to transform the nations and states,
metropolises, cities and communities according to the Smart Eco Life Strategy into
integrated sustainable territories of the future.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The key features involved in the postindustrial revolution are:The key features involved in the postindustrial revolution are:
 Technological changes: new basic materials, new renewable energy sources, new smartTechnological changes: new basic materials, new renewable energy sources, new smart
machines and intelligent networks, new organizational relations, smart specialization, newmachines and intelligent networks, new organizational relations, smart specialization, new
transportation and communication, new industrial design, science and engineeringtransportation and communication, new industrial design, science and engineering
 Political changes: smart state policies, new political parties, smart democracy, etc.Political changes: smart state policies, new political parties, smart democracy, etc.
 Economic changes: green agriculture, equal wealth and income distribution, intelligentEconomic changes: green agriculture, equal wealth and income distribution, intelligent
industries, primary industry, genetic industry and extractive industry, intelligent manufacturingindustries, primary industry, genetic industry and extractive industry, intelligent manufacturing
and energy-producing industries, smart service industry, banking, finance, insurance,and energy-producing industries, smart service industry, banking, finance, insurance,
investment, real estate services; intelligent trade, wholesale, retail, resale, smart transportationinvestment, real estate services; intelligent trade, wholesale, retail, resale, smart transportation
and information and communications services, intelligent professional, consulting, legal, andand information and communications services, intelligent professional, consulting, legal, and
personal services, sustainable tourism, hotels, and entertainment, smart education andpersonal services, sustainable tourism, hotels, and entertainment, smart education and
teaching; and smart health, social welfare, administrative, police, safety and security, andteaching; and smart health, social welfare, administrative, police, safety and security, and
defense servicesdefense services
 Social changes: intelligent urbanization, smart social policy, basic social income system, publicSocial changes: intelligent urbanization, smart social policy, basic social income system, public
and cooperative ownership of factors of production, enterprises and means of production,and cooperative ownership of factors of production, enterprises and means of production,
smart incomes policy, expenditure tax, wealth tax, fair distribution of wealth and income, incomes policy, expenditure tax, wealth tax, fair distribution of wealth and income, etc.
 Cultural changes: broad cultural transformations, cultural diversity, mass creativity, etc.Cultural changes: broad cultural transformations, cultural diversity, mass creativity, etc.
 Psychological changes: new human behavior, eco-consciousness, etc.Psychological changes: new human behavior, eco-consciousness, etc.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 “We stand on the brink of a technological revolution
that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work,
and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and
complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything
humankind has experienced before. We do not yet
know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the
response to it must be integrated and comprehensive,
involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the
public and private sectors to academia and civil
 The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam
power to mechanize production.
 The Second Industrial Revolution used electric power
and division of labor to create mass production and
factory cities.
 The Third Industrial Revolution used electronics and
information and communication technology to
automate production and innovate digitization.
 The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a
fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines
between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.
 The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it
means, how to respond; Klaus Schwab,
Founder and Executive Chairman, World
Economic Forum
 the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting
2016, “Mastering the Fourth Industrial
 https://
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Europe has enough strengths and potential to become mostly “innovation-driven” by transforming into a
Smart Union of Member States and sustainable cities of tomorrow, avoiding suffering a “lost decade” (“a
permanent loss in wealth and potential for future growth”) or “sluggish recovery” (“a permanent loss in
wealth and start growing again from this eroded basis”), EUROPE 2020.
 The way to a sustained prosperity is a strategic investment into the regional, national, urban and local
communities of the future, its future-proof infrastructure, eco intelligent industry and smart services.
Enriching and extending the EU2020 Strategy, its key priorities, headline targets, initiatives, and thematic
priorities, such a Union is to emerge as an All-Sustainable Intelligent Europe consolidating:
 – Smart Europe: developing a smart (technology-centric) connected Union and its Member States, cities
and communities based on knowledge, research and innovation and intelligent digital solutions.
 – Green Europe: developing an eco-wise, resource efficient, green Union and its Member States, cities and
 – Inclusive Europe: developing a people-centered, intelligent Union and its Member States, cities and
communities as delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity.
 The Smart Green Europe is aimed to turn the EU into a smart, green and inclusive Union delivering the most
innovative and developed Member States, cities and communities, distinguished with the smart living and
employment, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, sustainable competitiveness and productivity, and
social and territorial cohesion.
 The Smart Europe goal is to make European national communities and cities more sustainable, open,
innovative, smart and inclusive areas, thriving places attracting talents, quality jobs and smart economic
activities, "hubs of research and innovation" and social cohesion and cultural dialogue, social inclusion and
economic growth, and high quality of life while preserving environment and natural resources, cultural and
ecological inheritance for the next generations.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 1,200 economists of different positions called for the US Congress to introduce a system of basic income
guarantees, including Paul Samuelson, John Kenneth Galbraith and the winners of the Nobel Prize in
Economics, Herbert A. Simon, Friedrich Hayek, Robert Solow, Milton Friedman, Jan Tinbergen, James Tobin
and James Meade.
 A basic income guarantee (also, unconditional basic income, universal basic income, universal demogrant,
or citizen’s income) is a system of social security in which all citizens or residents of a country regularly
receive an unconditional sum of money, from a dedicated public institution, irrespective of income or other
eligibility criteria.
 The EU XXI proposes innovative basic income system (IBIS) as financed by the profits of publicly owned
enterprises (as Social dividend or Citizen's dividend) and through various forms of innovative social
investment taxation, ecological taxes, expenditure taxes, wealth taxes, reducing government, or out of
government social spending (< 30% GDP).
 The IBIS is a Universal Stabilization Mechanism marginalizing all existing social welfare and security
programs and welfare benefits, old-age, invalidity or survivor programs, medical care programs,
unemployment benefit programs, family allowance benefits, work-injury benefits, public assistance, etc.,
guaranteed minimum income to secure real economic equity.
 The simple cash transfer BIS pilots have been successfully conducted in United States and Canada,
Namibia, Iran, and India.
 In Europe, France, Netherlands and Finland are to start up some basic income pilots, while Switzerland is
to have a referendum in 2016.
 The IBIS is an innovative form of smart social security to equally protect al l citizens from the economic
risks and insecurities of life as income poverty and asset poverty becoming persistent and prevalent
among self-employed having no rights for most traditional welfare benefits, as unemployment benefits, and
being vulnerable to poverty while creating most jobs in Europe.
 The basic income distributed in three forms: smart securities, bonds, stocks and shares, 33%; cash
payments, 33%; basic needs and services, as education or utility payments, 33%; administrative taxes,
 The proposed equivalent amount could reach 2500 euro for each adult and 1000 euro for each child,
proportionally divided for investment, savings and consumption and administrative expenses.
 Being the next big social innovation, IBIS cures the diseases of social ills once and for all; it makes equal
opportunities; it liberates human energy and potential; it gives respect to all; it includes all; it eliminates
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
i-Europe Cloud Computing Infrastructure and Applications
(Software as a Service, SaaS, Web access Portals, User-driven web-based services for citizens and
businesses, Front end interface to city clouds, applications and services, GESS, Intelligent Web Search
CloudEUROPE, Land Cloud, Transport Cloud, Utilities Cloud, Energy Cloud, Building Cloud, Facility Cloud,
Security Cloud, Health Cloud, Education Cloud, Research & Innovation Cloud Space Cloud, Manufacturing
Cloud, Government Cloud, Business Cloud, Culture Cloud, Environment Cloud, Social Media Cloud, Citizen
Future Digital Europe: Cloud States, Cloud Cities, Cloud Communities, Digital Persons/Avatars
i-Europe Transnational Community Cloud Software Environment (Platform as a Service, PaaS, eg, Google’s App
Engine and Salesforce Customer Relation Management)
i-Europe Transnational Community Software Management Kernel (OS kernel, hypervisor, virtual machine
monitor and/or
clustering middleware; grid and cluster computing applications)
i-Europe Transnational Community Cloud Software Infrastructure
Computational Resources (Virtual Machines, Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS, eg, Amazon’s Elastic Compute
Cloud, EC2 )
Storage (Data as a Service, DaaS, eg, Amazon S3, Urban Service Data Sets and Smart ICT Service Knowledge
Communications (Communication as a Service, CaaS, eg, Broadband Networks, Broadband Networks, Mobile
Networks, Next Generation Intelligent Telecommunications, Future Internet, Communications Internet, Energy
Internet, Logistics Internet, Intelligent Manufacturing Internet, Environment Internet, etc., Optical Network
Infrastructure, as Huawei’s Intelligent Optical Distribution Network (iODN), Cisco’s Smart Connected
Communities, or Microsoft Connected Service Framework (CSF)
i-Europe Transnational Community Firmware / Hardware /Smart Technology Infrastructure
Hardware as a Service, HaaS, eg, IBM Kittyhawk, HW Cloud Data Centers
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 As our world is getting interconnected, intelligent, instrumented, and innovative, we have to integrate our
transnational/national/regional/urban systems and networks, making our localities smarter, greener, intelligent and
 We have to coordinate, monitor and manage the communal spaces, functions, and agencies via centralized community
intelligence, as a single intelligent operations centre, a smart community command and control system, an integrated
intelligent digital community management platform, a core of digital intelligent environments, embedded in the framework of
future Europe communities, transnational, regional, national, urban or rural.
 The I-Europe Community Digital Platform is designed to model, understand, map, monitor, and manage the Pan-European
nexus of economic, environmental, geopolitical, technological, and societal risks: their nature, likelihood, impact, and the
strengths of interconnections, losses and cascading consequences, evolution and control, risk resilience tools, the new
vulnerabilities, as a new demography pattern, and “the trends to watch”, as emerging risks and disruptive technology risks,
smart cities, future internet, synthetic biology, 3-D printing, automated vehicles, etc.
 As a data base, the I-Europe Platform is digitizing the Global Risk 2014 Interconnections Map from the Global Risks reports and
the Global Risks Perceptions Survey systematically performed by the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Councils.
 As a knowledge base, the I-Europe Platform is relying on a Causal Interdependency or Interaction Network (CIN) or a
Causal Flow Network (CFN), in the form of a directed graph, cyclic or acyclic, nonhierarchical or hierarchical.
 As a logical base, the I-Europe Platform is relying on the Encyclopedic Intelligence digital paradigm, modeling the world of
entities and relations, where understanding, establishing or predicting basic relationships make the core of real and virtual
 The I-Europe Digital Platform is an Encyclopedic Intelligence development application, running on a dynamic causal network
interrelating as contextualized global risks in five leading categories, from economic to technological.
 The i-Europe Digital Platform could be cost-effectively deployed as an Intelligent InterCloud System (a Smart MetaCloud Europe,
or a SkyNet Europe), making an all-European Big Data collection and Knowledge Management System of flows of traffic,
energy, materials, information, processes, services, capital, financing, goods, people, and ideas.
 It is designed to operate as a centralized intelligent control and command center for state, region, city and community clouds,
thus enabling a Pan-European Network of intelligent Communities as an All-European Internet/Web of things, services,
knowledge, communities and citizens.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 • 1 Connectivity
 The Connectivity dimension measures the deployment of broadband infrastructure and its quality. Access to fast broadband-
enabled services is a necessary condition for competitiveness.
 • 2 Human Capital
 The Human Capital dimension measures the skills needed to take advantage of the possibilities offered by a digital society.
Such skills go from basic user skills that enable individuals to interact online and consume digital goods and services, to
advanced skills that empower the workforce to take advantage of technology for enhanced productivity and economic growth.
(read more)
 • 3 Use of Internet
 The Use of Internet dimension accounts for the variety of activities performed by citizens already online. Such activities range
from consumption of online content (videos, music, games, etc.) to modern communication activities or online shopping and
banking. (read more)
 • 4 Integration of Digital Technology
 The Integration of Digital Technology dimension measures the digitisation of businesses and their exploitation of the online
sales channel. By adopting digital technology businesses can enhance efficiency, reduce costs and better engage customers,
collaborators and business partners. Furthermore, the Internet as a sales outlet offers access to wider markets and potential
for growth.
 • 5 Digital Public Services
 The Digital Public Services dimension measures the digitisation of public services, focusing on eGovernment. Modernisation
and digitisation of public services can lead to efficiency gains for the public administration, citizens and businesses alike as
well as to the delivery of better services for the citizen. Due to the dynamic nature of the fields considered in the DESI, small
changes are possible in the indicators considered in future editions the index.
 The Digital Single Market strategy aims to open up digital opportunities for people and business and enhance Europe's position
as a world leader in the digital economy. It is built on three pillars: Access; Environment; Economy & Society
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Smart WorldDEM (Digital Elevation Model covering Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model
(DSM), a 3D digital model of socio- and physical-geographical territories (cities, countries, regions,
continents, and Earth) + GNSS, for:
• precise (intelligent, smart) navigation (LBS)
• mobile telecommunication
• space missions, military use
• natural disasters risk management
• semantic integration of spatial data to support the disaster management
• intelligent community maps (smart urban atlas)
• global monitoring for environment and security
 Developing methods for integration of different spatial datasets, including crowdsourced data (for the Earth
and other planets’ applications
 SmartDEM (including DSM and city models) platform + spatial data integration in general, for:
 • mobile systems planning and control
 • mobile satellite service (e.g. for signal coverage)
 • high precision DEM for landing sites selection analysis (e.g. for Moon, Mars etc.)
 • higher quality 3D maps and spatial data bases for planets, asteroids … (more semantics)
 • high quality DEMs for high precession gravimetrical measurements
 • many different kinds of geological, geophysical applications for different planets
 • geomorphologically smart DEM for mining purposes (also for planets)
 • development of technology for automated workflow for DEM, digital imagery and other
information/knowledge integration, for different applications, e.g.
 interpretation/mapping of geomorphological features; interpretation/mapping of soil (Earth);
interpretation/mapping of geological, archaeological, etc., features; for natural disasters management; high
precision DEM (from SmartDEM platform) for vegetation mapping. Inclination and shadows calculation (for
that is needed high precision DEM) to classification of different kinds of forest and therefore potential
biomass; high precision DEM + remote sensing images for floods prediction and simulation; combination of
radar remote sensing data and (Smart)DEM for permafrost classification ; intelligent design and planning of
the infrastructure (roads, railways); climate changing prediction, modelling, simulation; high precision
semantic DEM for integrated critical infrastructure planning as an automated and reliable procedure.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Smart WorldDEM, 3D representations of European territories, terrains or surfaces, — created from terrain elevation data
sets captured with satellites, airplanes or any other flying platforms, like drones.
 It scope and application fields cover:
 Archeology
 Extracting terrain parameters
 Landscape modeling, city modeling and visualization applications
 Flood or drainage modeling, land-use studies, geological applications
 Modeling water flow or mass movement (avalanches and landslides)
 Creation of relief maps
 Rendering of 3D visualizations
 3D flight planning
 Creation of physical models (including raised relief maps)
 Rectification of aerial photography or satellite imagery
 Reduction (terrain correction) of gravity measurements (gravimetry, physical geodesy)
 Terrain analysis in geomorphology and physical geography
 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
 Engineering and infrastructure design
 Global positioning systems (GPS)
 Line-of-sight analysis
 Base mapping
 Flight simulation
 Precision farming and forestry
 Surface analysis
 Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), Auto safety / Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
 Smart Territories and Intelligent Cities Modeling, Integrated Digital Urban Planning, Spatial Planning Analysis
 The Whole Europe Modeling, the Smart Europe Digital Elevation Modeling.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Addressing 21st century security challenges, I-Europe Governance System allows at EU level to
intelligently tackle terrorism and other cross-border security problems:
 Human trafficking, the smuggling of persons and illegal substances, money laundering,
immigration flows,
 The exploitation of women and children, natural and man-made disaster,
 Cyber-crime, intellectual piracy, and corruption.
 Implementing a Sustainable European Security Model, the Secure Europe Management System
is to help:
 Coordinate security agencies and instruments, such as Europol, Eurojust, the Situation Centre,
Frontex and the Counter-Terrorism Coordinator,
 Unified EU strategic communications, preventing, recognising and exposing anti-EU
disinformation, hybrid threats, information, psychological and propaganda warfare
 Remove inconsistencies in Europe’s Asylum System standardising the definition of a refugee,
 Create a unified visa policy and a European consular service within the European External
Action Service (EEAS),
 Digitize cooperation and solidarity between Member States.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 the EC’s Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and
Democratic Change
 Intelligent Industrialization and Eco-Smart
 Sustainable Development and Smart Growth,
 Security and Equity,
 Inclusiveness,
 Direct Democracy,
 Civil Society,
 and Basic Income System,
 all to constitute the makeup of a world-leading
economic system of Smart Social Europe.
 ;
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Europe’s future depends on its Cities and Communities of tomorrow, which are key to the sustainable
development of the European Union as a smart green transnational community.
 European cities should be critical in the Union policies aiming to create growth, jobs and a sustainable
future, being centres of population and economic development, services, knowledge and creativity, as well
as the places of social polarization and inequalities, intercultural confrontations, poverty concentration,
unemployment and environmental problems.
 To secure the sustainable and smart development of cities, the EC launched the Smart Cities and
Communities Initiative in 2012 under the responsibility of the European Innovation Partnership and its 6
Action Clusters.
 The “Smart Green Europe” implies developing European Cities and Communities as being committed to an
overall sustainability, environmental, economic, social, geopolitical and technological, as guided by the
Smart Eco Life Philosophy.
 It will make key part of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities Market Place implementing eco-smart
innovative actions, pilot projects and demonstration projects of EU significance., highlighting the territorial
corehency of urban and rural areas
 The “Smart Eco Europe” cities and communities will be developed/redeveloped as intelligent territorial
ecosystems of people interacting with the circular flows of information, energy, materials, services and
financing to catalyse intelligent sustainable development, resilience, and high quality of life; becoming eco
intelligent through strategic use of advanced information and communications infrastructure and services
in a process of integrated policy, regulations, planning and management as responsive to the ecological,
technological, cultural, social and economic needs of society.
 The i-Europe future cities and communities are to adopt an integrated, coherent and all-comprehensive
growth approach (across sectors, governance levels and territories) in their vision of the future (to strive
for), the foresight strategy (to get their), unified planning and coordinated development (to implement),
embracing the social, economic, environmental and territorial dimensions of urban, national and regional
 The Investment Plan for Europe to support Smart Cities development projects are to involve the
committed municipalities and communities for
integrated smart territorial development of urban areas and rural regions : Italy (369);·Spain (267);·
France (82);·Portugal (65);·Germany (64);·Greece (62);·Romania (42);·Sweden (42);·United Kingdom (32);  
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 To proceed with the “Smart Green Europe” Investment Plan, we managed to select greenfield projects to
build smart green cities of the future ab novo, like prime land of 11.5 million square meters in Greece and
prime land of 400 acres in Cyprus, as the Members States most needing jobs and growth and smart Europe
 As the project’s developers and promoters, we expect administrative, technical and financial support for
the Smart Green City Project in Greece, considering its high socio-economic value, high land value, EUR
575 million, replication capacity, uniqueness and riskiness, as well as for the Smart Green City
Development in Cyprus.
 Specifically, we are looking for EIB or EFSI financing (with the backing of the EU guarantee and/or EIF
guarantee) allowing the EIB to go beyond its usual business and make riskier investments.
 The Project is meeting the key criteria of Juncker’s Investment Plan and the EIB’s for smart cities
investment: 1) economically viable, (2) attractive on a global or local basis, (3) of European added value
and consistent with EU policy priorities, (4) attractive for private sector financing, (5) integrated,
innovative and inclusive.
 The Smart Greece Sustainable Real Estate Development Project is aimed to promote high quality jobs,
sustainable tourism, integrated urban and rural development, social cohesion, or smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth in Greece and beyond.
 The Smart Cyprus Model Development Project is aimed to promote high quality jobs, sustainable tourism,
health tourism, integrated urban and rural development, social cohesion, or smart, sustainable and
inclusive growth in Cyprus and beyond.
 Besides, both could be positioned as the most attractive strategic investment ideas to promote sustainable
development in coastal and marine areas in Europe and beyond.
 To launch the Projects, we are to apply for initial EFSI/EIB/JESSICA financing for its first stage: “smart
green city” feasibility study, master-plan and business plan (for the Greek Project) and for co-financing (up
to Euro 200 million) from Juncker’s Investment Plan.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The Smart and Green Member States Investment Plan is aimed to realize the Union’s Strategy on the
national levels.
 As proposed in the Smart Nation Global Initiative, the Integrated Intelligent Nation Growth Strategy and
Implementation Plan of Sustainable Member State are to be developed, covering the key smart EU
stakeholders as below.
 • EU Member States
 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
 • Associated Countries
 Israel, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic
of Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, and
 As the smart Member States pilots and demonstrators, live test-bed and living labs, it is considered two
largest European economies, as “Smart Germany” and “Smart Britain”, added with the smallest economy of
“Smart Eco Cyprus”.
 The Smart Eco Cyprus is to be as the best practice example for the European Member States under the
Investment Plan for Europe to develop sustainable national communities.
 The Smart Green Union of Member States Investment Idea could be validated by Singapore aiming to
become the world’s first intelligent nation, as reflected in its 2015-2025 Infocomm Media Masterplan.
 The Initiative is in line with the Smart Nations Global Initiative, aiming to apply integrated strategies and
planning, setting uniform standards and policy frameworks for developing sustainable and smart nations,
advancing the Post-2015 UN Global Development Agenda in the European Union.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The EU faces a significant innovation gap lagging behind the US, China, and Japan, while R&D&I deliver quality jobs, prosperity
and quality of life. The i-Europe RIS is to infuse “intelligence” and unity into the EC Horizon 2020 Program by centralized
knowledge management and interconnecting its sections and components, “effecting excellence in the science base, tackling
societal challenges, creating industrial leadership and boosting competitiveness”, and thus securing the European
technological global leadership:
 Excellent Science
 European Research Council
 Future and Emerging Technologies
 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
 European Research Infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures
 Industrial Leadership
 Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies
 Information and Communication Technologies
 Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology
 Space
 Access to risk finance
 Innovation in SMEs
 Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (2015-2016)
 Societal Challenges
 Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
 Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy
 Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy
 Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
 Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials
 Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
 Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
 Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation
 Science with and for Society
 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT),
 Euratom
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 Smart and Inclusive Growth
 1. Smart and Inclusive Growth - Overview
 Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme
 Article 185 Initiatives*
 Cohesion Fund (CF)
 Connecting Europe Facility
 Customs 2020, Fiscalis 2020
 Employment and Social innovation Programme (EaSi)
 Erasmus+
 European Innovation Partnerships - EIP*
 European Metrology Research Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR)
 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
 European Social Fund (ESF)
 Eurostars -2
 Galileo
 Hercule III
 Horizon 2020
 Joint Programming Initiatives*
 Joint Technology Initiatives*
 Knowledge Innovation Communities (EIT KIC)*
 Pericles 2020
 Structural Funds
 Territorial Cooperation
 Youth Employment Initiative
 Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources
 Security and citizenship
 Global Europe
 ESPON Programme
 EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation 2014-2020 (Peace
 TAIEX - Technical Assistance and Information Exchange
 URBACT III Programme
 “We need to work in favour of the real economy, strengthen our SMEs,
as well as our industries’’
 The EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme should be focused on
fewer priorities, with more impact. Low carbon technologies, climate
and the circular economy, as well as new digital and data technologies,
should in my view be prioritised even more strongly than today,”
 Antonio Tajani, the new president of the European Parliament
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 The Project EUROPE XXI is to embrace
 the policy priorities of the Commission of President Jean-Claude Juncker which is to
substantially contribute to the Jobs, Growth and Investment Package, the Digital Single Market, 
Energy Union and Climate change policy, Internal Market with stronger industry and making
Europe a stronger global actor.
 the new Horizon Work Programme 2016-17 to be open to innovation, open to science, and open
to the world to improve the quality of Horizon 2020 funding. Specifically, it is cross-cutting
 “the modernisation of Europe's manufacturing industry (€1 billion); technologies and standards
for automatic driving (over €100 million); the Internet of Things (€139 million) to address
digitalisation of EU industries; Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy (€670 million) to develop
strong and sustainable economies; and Smart and Sustainable Cities (€232 million) to better
integrate environmental, transport, energy and digital networks in EU's urban environments”.
 If Europe is to master the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the key topic of the World Economic
Forum Annual Meeting 2016, it’d prioritize funding the widely integrated solutions, innovation
and technologies that blurring the lines between the physical, digital, biological and socio-
economic spheres.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
 In Europe, the power is divided among the European Council, representing national governments, and the European
Commission, acting as the European Government, as the executive, the European Parliament, the legislative, and the European
Court of Justice, the judiciary.
 The I-Europe Government Digital System is an open government platform coordinating fruitful interactions among the citizens,
civil society, national governments, the Commission, the Council, and the judiciary, as national courts of justice and the
European Court of Justice.
 Specifically, it is designed to monitor how the Commission performs its responsibilities as according the article 17 of the Treaty
on European Union: “develop medium-term strategies; draft legislation and arbitrate in the legislative process; represent the EU
in trade negotiations; make rules and regulations, for example in competition policy; draw up the budget of the European
Union; and to scrutinise the implementation of the treaties and legislation”.
 As a Direct Digital Democracy Open Government Platform, it gives the citizens and civil societies a decisive voice in defining the
EU strategies, policies, rules and regulations, and politically critical appointments:
 the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, the High Representative of the Union for
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and the President of the European Central Bank, virtually electing the MEPs according to a
uniform voting system. In a close future, the national parliaments are to become redundant, while the Smart Union’s
Parliament is to take responsibilities over safety and security, health, education, housing, law & order and defence, as well as
environmental standards, consumer protection, trade, employment law, etc.
 The necessity of the i-Government Digital Systems is caused by a top political risk: “unresponsive, unaccountable, inefficient,
and ineffective bureaucracies seem impossible to change with the current tools in place, requiring a new approach, called
citizen-centered reform model”. The World Bank.
Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™
Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™

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THE FUTURE WE NEED, or Why Today World Should be DisruptedTHE FUTURE WE NEED, or Why Today World Should be Disrupted
THE FUTURE WE NEED, or Why Today World Should be Disrupted
Azamat Abdoullaev
Future Nations Global Initiative: Transforming Political States into Smart Na...
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Azamat Abdoullaev
Smart Revolutions in XXI Century: the Creative Destruction of the World
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
Economic organization of societies
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papefons Fons
Intelligent global government
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Azamat Abdoullaev
Economic systems and economic crises
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Unit 2 the economic organization of society
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THE FUTURE WE NEED, or Why Today World Should be Disrupted
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Future Nations Global Initiative: Transforming Political States into Smart Na...
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Similar to Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™

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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Victor Gridnev
I europe title
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Azamat Abdoullaev
Te summit New European Programmes and funding opportunities under 2020 malta ...
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Azamat Abdoullaev
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Te summit New European Programmes and funding opportunities under 2020 malta ...
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Project EU XXI: Future Europe: Social Europe™, Digital Europe™, Green Europe™, Intelligent Europe™, Knowledge Europe™, Innovative Europe™, Inclusive Europe™, Sustainable Europe™, and Global Europe™

  • 1. Project EU XXI: post-EUROPE 2020: I-EuropeProject EU XXI: post-EUROPE 2020: I-Europe from the EU to a United Europefrom the EU to a United Europe EUROPE - INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER: a Smart, Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable EUROPEEUROPE - INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER: a Smart, Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable EUROPE (5sEU)(5sEU) Future Europe, Social Europe, Security Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe, IntelligentFuture Europe, Social Europe, Security Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe, Intelligent Europe, Knowledge Europe, Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe, Sustainable Europe, andEurope, Knowledge Europe, Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe, Sustainable Europe, and Global EuropeGlobal Europe The EU stands in need of a single development policy and strategy, a single constitution, a singleThe EU stands in need of a single development policy and strategy, a single constitution, a single government, a single foreign policy, a single taxation system, a single military, a single European justicegovernment, a single foreign policy, a single taxation system, a single military, a single European justice system.system. Project EUROPE XXI is proposing the most optimal scenario for the European Project in the new century.Project EUROPE XXI is proposing the most optimal scenario for the European Project in the new century. Sign the petition New Europe:
  • 2.  In 2009, Dr Azamat Abdoullaev, as I-Europe Research Consortium Coordinator, proposed to the then president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, and the European Council president, Herman Van Rompuy, a trans-European strategy “Smart Intelligent Europe” for building smart, intelligent and sustainable European Union:    On 3 March 2010, the European Commission proposed our trans-European strategy “Smart Intelligent Europe” as Europe 2020, a 10-year strategy for advancement of the economy of the European Union as if following the failed Lisbon Strategy, 2000–2010.  On 26 March 2010, the European Council agreed on key elements of the new strategy, chaired by H. Rompuy. The strategy elements were formally adopted on 17 June 2010.  Keeping the key points of "smart, sustainable, inclusive growth“, the strategy was extended with five headline targets originated from the Germany Digital Agenda in 2009 led by Henrik von Scheel for the Federal Minister of Economy & Technology (evolved in 2013 into the Industry 4.0):  To raise the employment rate of the population aged 20–64 from the current 69% to at least 75%.  To achieve the target of investing 3% of GDP in R&D in particular by improving the conditions for R&D investment by the private sector, and develop a new indicator to track innovation.  To reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% compared to 1990 levels or by 30% if the conditions are right, increase the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption to 20%, and achieve a 20% increase in energy efficiency.  To reduce the share of early school leavers to 10% from the current 15% and increase the share of the population aged 30–34 having completed tertiary from 31% to at least 40%.  To reduce the number of Europeans living below national poverty lines by 25%, lifting 20 million people out of poverty.  seven flagship initiatives  It was also added up with seven flagship initiatives, such as Innovation Union and European platform against poverty.  The Horizon 2020 framework programme, with its 80 billion and more euro budget for the years 2014-2020, just one of the implementing tools of the Europe 2020 strategy.  All in all, it is about 1 trillion euro was allocated for the Europe 2020 Strategy, its development and implementation.  The author’s IP for the European strategy for building smart, intelligent and sustainable European Union has never been recognized by the European Commission and the European Council. The author had never financial benefit from what he created, and this certainly makes a high-level case of the author’s right violation by the EU Administration. ; Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 3.  Research and development of smart territories of the future is a stated objective of academia, research institutes and think tanks, as well as many governments and corporations worldwide.  First of all, smart territories meet the dual objectives of sustainability and improvement in the quality of life.  In addition, as the global population increases, the world must also move towards smarter use of available resources, natural, human, financial and material.  Smart is a fundamentally innovative multidisciplinary concept that helps the human communities of any scale and scope by enhancing their overall sustainability, livability and techno-social progress.  As such, it meets the triple goals of fundamental innovations, sustainable future and improvement in the quality of life.  Smart concepts integrate a diverse set of assets and expertise in the areas of natural science, engineering, and innovative technologies, social science, political science, and economics, electronics, informatics, computing, and mathematics, urban planning and city administration, project management and business management.  The concept of Smart Territories is to integrate 21st century fundamental innovations and disruptive technologies to meet territorial, political, economic, environmental, infrastructure, social, cultural and demographic challenges.  Our key goal is to work out techno-social strategies and sustainable community development policies to help the key stakeholder transform the human communities, international or national, regional, urban or local, into eco-sustainable, intelligent, and smart territories.  Smart Territories of the Future described as Cyber-Physical Intelligent Ecosystems. They are to be controlled and managed by Territorial Intelligent Systems, TIS , Integrated Techno-Social Smart Cloud Platforms and Intelligent Operations Systems, to be scaled for local, urban, national and global communities.  The European Union governed by the smart Europe 2020 Strategy is selected as a case of transnational community, while its member state, Smart Cyprus, as a case of national community.  Azamat Abdoullaev (asha)'s blog; Market Place of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities:   Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 4.  “We only had two choices. Either come together around a positive European agenda or each retreat into our own corners.  I proposed a positive agenda to help create – as I said last year – a Europe that protects, empowers and defends.  we should chart the direction for the future. Now is the time to build a more united, stronger and more democratic Europe for 2025”.  Political groups welcomed Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s ambitious vision for a strong and united Europe 2025 in the annual “State of the Union” debate  Mr Juncker announced proposals for a European finance minister, legal migration, cybersecurity, freedom and rights of workers, international trade and the Defence Union, for Parliament and Council to discuss and decide on before the end of term.  To represent a strong Union, he would like to see the European Council and Commission Presidency taken up by the most successful “Spitzenkandidat” to be elected by EU citizens in the next European elections, in June 2019.  KEY PROPOSALS  Roadmap to EU 2025 built on democratic values and efficient decision-making  Complete Defence, Security, Energy, Digital, Monetary and Capital Markets Union  Offer equal opportunities to all citizens and strengthen industrial competitiveness  Create EU agencies for workers’ rights, cybersecurity and counter-terrorism  European Council and Commission Presidency be elected by EU citizens in the next European elections.   Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 5.  Project EUROPE XXI is proposing the most optimal scenario for the European Project in the new century.  INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER: a Smart, Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable EUROPE (5sEU)  Future Europe, Social Europe, Security Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe, Intelligent Europe, Knowledge Europe, Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe, Sustainable Europe, and Global Europe  “EUROPE XXI” Investment Fund is to secure the United States of Europe as the leading transnational community  INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER has little prospects with its current socio-political organization and EU institutions >>>   European Parliament  European Council  Council of the European Union  European Commission  Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)  European Central Bank (ECB)  European Court of Auditors (ECA)  European External Action Service (EEAS)  European Economic and Social Committee (EES  European Committee of the Regions (CoR)  European Investment Bank (EIB)  European Ombudsman  European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)  Interinstitutional bodies  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 6.  We are used to looking at Europe’s problems in a purely financial context, what is a critical mistake missing the real reasons why the EU will fail and if to survive, why it should be rebuild differently.  The European Union was originally a creation of US post-war foreign policy, as a buffer against the Soviet Union.  There was the Marshall Plan, which from 1948 provided funds to help rebuild Europe’s infrastructure.  The establishment of NATO in 1949 ensured American and British troops permanent bases in Germany.  A CIA sponsored American Committee on United Europe to promote European political union.  The EU was in no way a natural European development. The concept of political union, via the European Coal and Steel Community, realized in the Treaty of Paris in 1951 with France, West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy.  The ECSC evolved into the EU as today, with an additional 21 member states, now missing the UK.  With the original founders retaining their national identity, the EU resembles a political mess-up, each retaining its original characteristics. After sixty-five years, a Frenchman is still a French nationalist. Germans are German, the Italians Italian, Belgium is between Walloons and the Flemish, the Greeks are Greek, etc,  As a result, the EU lacks common national identity and therefore political cohesion, like the USA or Russian Federation.  On the top, the poor member states, as Romania, Bulgaria becoming just poorer, the rich, as Luxemburg or Germany, the richer  The EU is really the Franco-German Alliance where real power is in “a small cabal of nation states, paying a lip-service to the Brussels bureaucracy”.  The Eurozone’s banking system, incorporating the national central banks and the ECB, just the means to buy German goods on credit.  Now the Germans want their money back. The debtors cannot pay, and need to borrow more money just to survive. Neither side wishes to face reality. It started with Ireland, then Cyprus, followed by Greece and Portugal, Italy, Spain and France.  The whole Eurozone banking system is in deep trouble, as the German government itself  So, nobody wants such a EU, an artificial Franco-German Alliance; for it is doomed.  The people of Europe is looking for a really United Europe, Inclusive, Social, Safe and Secure. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 7.  Disunion and Political Instability ( Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements)  Youth Unemployment and Structural Unemployment  Disrule of Law, Injustice and Inequality  Insecurity and Mass Migration  Science, Innovation and Technology  Distrust, Public Administration and Government Policy  The EU Institutions  the Brussels bureaucracy are merely disaster, no vision or competency, efficiency or effectiveness. ( Since 2009 Intelligent Europe has been proposed many times with no effects : )  The European Commission is just useless, marked by bureaucracy and destructive government.  The EU parliament is just toothless, marked by 20.000 Euros monthly for each MP.  The European Council of national heads of government, foreign ministers, and representatives of the Commission setting the EU agenda is just acting as a “board of directors.”  Ubiquitous Corruption, Organized Crime, Fraud and Embezzlement, Crime and Offence  Corrupt European countries are costing EU 6.3 per cent of overall EU-28 GDP plus 1% from organized crime.  Corruption also has significant social and political costs. It is associated with more unequal societies, higher levels of organised crime, weaker rule of law, reduced voters turnout in national parliamentary elections and lower trust in EU institutions. (the criminal justice and fundamental rights remains under-represented both in terms of actors involved and substantive considerations)  Organised Crime and Corruption: Cost of Non-Europe Report  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 8.  Corruption, the “abuse of power for private gain” varying from paying bribes to officials abusing their powers to award lucrative procurement contracts, continues to be a challenge for Europe - a phenomenon that cost the European economy around 1 trillion euros per year: corrupt European countries are costing EU 6.3 per cent of overall EU-28 GDP.  Europeans are deeply worried about corruption - Eurobarometer survey results show that three quarters (76%) of Europeans think that corruption is widespread and more than half (56%) think that the level of corruption in their country has increased over the past three years.  Creating a European Public Prosecutors’ Office as part of a crackdown on corrupt practises is merely another corrupted office.  Estimating the costs of organised crime is hard due to the absence of data collected independently from the serious crimes committed.  The size of the illicit markets in the EU is around 1% of EU GDP, representing a value of around 110 billion euro; serious social crimes involve white collar and environmental crimes.  Different types of fraud, as forgery, bank fraud, insurance fraud, mortgage fraud, property fraud, and land investment fraud (it is hard to estimate value lost through fraudulent acts in EU and all the damage inflicted on its social and economic life).  (The author personally became the fraud victim in two separate cases, as the crime against justice on the false documentation and the fake title deed bringing 1.5 m euro financial damages, when the fraud perpetrators had not been prosecuted and imprisoned by governmental authorities).  Not mentioning the intellectual rights property infringement, like as 2bn euro smart eco-development project, Neapolis - Smart EcoCity, presented by its developers, former Cyprus government and European Commission as a model for future cities, violating the author’s rights.  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 9.  Since the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476, European peoples and leaders have dreamed of unifying Europe to stop wars and conflicts among European nations and states and to leave in peace and prosperity.  Great conquerors like Charlemagne and Napoleon, not mentioning Hitler, tried but failed. Two disastrous world wars in the 20th century almost demolished Europe.  After World War II, many European leaders sought a new way to prevent war from ever taking place again on their continent, seeking for the United States of Europe, the European state, the European federation, and Federal Europe, the unification of Europe as a single sovereign federation of states, similar to the United States of America.  Winston Churchill's speech after the Second World War called for "a sort of United States of Europe", a precursor to the concept of a European superstate, the European integration with a common fiscal policy, a common debt and a common military, among other things.  Since World War II, Europe has grown more unified, emerging now as the European Union, a hybrid system of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism, but not as a truly “United States of Europe.”  In the EU, the sovereign nation-state has dominated Europe, the key political decisions are made by national governments and parliaments.  As a result, there is widespread disagreement today on the future of the European Union: if the European Union will continue as it is, as it now functions and operates? Should it go backward to an association of conflicting sovereign nations? Or, should it become a federal union, a “United States of Europe”?  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 10.  The European Union is a free association of sovereign states to further their shared aims.  the Union has no current policy to create either a federation or a confederation if only "ever closer union" as expressed in the Solemn Declaration on European Union.  In fact, there are good prospects and geopolitical necessity for real union, political, social and economic.  The member states of the European Union have many common policies within the European Union (EU):  a common executive (the European Commission),  a single High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy,  a common European Security and Defence Policy,  a supreme court (European Court of Justice – in matters of European Union law),  a common euromarket, a common research area,  a peacekeeping force (Eurofor), etc.  According to Eurobarometer, 69% of citizens of the EU were in favour of direct elections of the President of the European Commission; 46% were supporting the creation of a united EU army.  Two thirds think that the EU should make decisions on foreign policy. More than half of respondents that the EU should also make decisions on defense.  Majority of respondents support the future development of the European Union as a federation of nation states. A large majority of the people support the development of the EU into a federation of nation states (56% versus 27%).  The EU stands in need of a single development policy and strategy, a single constitution, a sin  Sign the petition New Europe: Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 11.  Will Europe still be able to conclude trade deals and shape economic, social and environmental standards for the world?  Will Europe's economy finally recover or be stuck in low growth and low inflation for the next decade?  Will Europe still be a world leader when it comes to the fight for human rights and fundamental values?  Will Europe speak up, with one voice, when territorial integrity is under threat, in violation of international law?  Or will Europe disappear from the international scene and leave it to others to shape the world?  European Commission - Speech  State of the Union Address 2016: Towards a better Europe - a Europe that protects, empowers and defends  The next twelve months are the crucial time to deliver a better Europe:  a Europe that protects;  a Europe that preserves the European way of life;  a Europe that empowers our citizens,  a Europe that defends at home and abroad; and  a Europe that takes responsibility.  It is time we – the institutions, the governments, the citizens – all took responsibility for building that Europe. Together.  Bratislava Declaration and Roadmap Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 12.  JEAN-CLAUDE Juncker has unveiled a five-point federalist roadmap designed to move the EU further towards bec United States of Europe within nine months, by June next year at the latest.  It is proposed  the Capital Markets Union and the merging of eurozone economies;  an EU army; the new European Border and Coast Guard; European Defence Fund;  European Travel Information System;  Investment Plan for Africa and the Neighbourhood;  The €315 billion Investment Plan for Europe, extended to a total of at least €500 billion of investments by 2020 to reach €630 billion by 2022.  His plan includes big investment, a digital single market, security, European defence and new schemes to engage youngsters >>>>>>>>>>>  Sign the petition New Europe: Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 13.  Socio-economic innovations and disruptive technologies will fundamentally change the world and Europe in the next five to ten years,  To have a global leadership, European Union must become the United States of Europe with integrated strategic, future-proof, sustainable and innovative policy and investment within the fields of:  Central Government, EU Institutions,  Member States,  Cities,  Infrastructure,  Industry,  Energy,  Transportation,  Telecommunications,  Future Internet, IoT, and IoE  Education, Science, Technology, Innovation,  Safety and Security,  Defence,  Healthcare,  Environment,  Space. Sign the petition New Europe: AMERICA XXI Azamat Abdoullaev All Rights Reserved 2013-2017
  • 14.  The European Union is facing unprecedented challenges, both global and domestic: regional conflicts, terrorism, growing migratory pressures, protectionism and social and economic inequalities.  Together, we are determined to address the challenges of a rapidly changing world and to offer to our citizens both security and new opportunities.  We will make the European Union stronger and more resilient, through even greater unity and solidarity amongst us and the respect of common rules.  Unity is both a necessity and our free choice. Taken individually, we would be side-lined by global dynamics.  Standing together is our best chance to influence them, and to defend our common interests and values.  We will act together, at different paces and intensity where necessary, while moving in the same direction, as we have done in the past, in line with the Treaties and keeping the door open to those who want to join later. Our Union is undivided and indivisible.  In the ten years to come we want a Union that is safe and secure, prosperous, competitive, sustainable and socially responsible, and with the will and capacity of playing a key role in the world and of shaping globalisation.  We want a Union where citizens have new opportunities for cultural and social development and economic growth.  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 15.  To be a leading Global Actor in a fast changing world EUROPE XXI has to adopt a holistic model of sustainable global community development dealing with global challenges in an integrated way, with new forms of smart society and governance of direct democracies; for the legitimacy of the European project is defined by the public ownership of the EU.  Intelligent Industrialization and Eco-Smart Urbanization, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Security, Equity, Inclusiveness, Direct Democracy, Civil Society, Smart Wealth and Innovative Basic Income System (IBIS), effectively replacing all existing state social security programs and welfare benefits, with cooperative ownership of enterprises, ending alienation and capital accumulation, all to constitute the makeup of a world-leading Union as:  Future Europe, Social Europe, Security Europe, Smart Europe, Green Europe, Intelligent Europe, Knowledge Europe, Quality Europe, Inclusive Europe, Sustainable Europe, and Global Europe  Future Europe has 3 options:  the leading world centre,  dependent part of the “American world”,  the western periphery of Great Eurasia  We envision the Future Europe as an INTELLIGENT SUPERPOWER: a Smart , Secure, Strong, Social, Sustainable EUROPE (5sEU).  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 16.  Rome Declaration of the leaders of 27 member states and of the European Council,Rome Declaration of the leaders of 27 member states and of the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission mainly commits to the 5sEU Vision of Futurethe European Parliament and the European Commission mainly commits to the 5sEU Vision of Future EuropeEurope  We, the Leaders of 27 Member States and of EU institutions, take pride in the achievements of the European Union: the construction of European unity is a bold, far-sighted endeavour.   The European Union is facing unprecedented challenges, both global and domestic: regional conflicts, terrorism, growing migratory pressures, protectionism and social and economic inequalities.  In the ten years to come we want a Union that is safe and secure, prosperous, competitive, sustainable and socially responsible, and with the will and capacity of playing a key role in the world and of shaping globalisation.  In these times of change, and aware of the concerns of our citizens, we commit to the Rome Agenda, and pledge to work towards:  1. A safe and secure Europe: a Union where all citizens feel safe and can move freely, where our external borders are secured, with an efficient, responsible and sustainable migration policy, respecting international norms; a Europe determined to fight terrorism and organised crime  2. A prosperous and sustainable Europe: a Union which creates growth and jobs; a Union where a strong, connected and developing Single Market, embracing technological transformation, and a stable and further strengthened single currency open avenues for growth, cohesion, competitiveness, innovation and exchange, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises; a Union promoting sustained and sustainable growth, through investment, structural reforms and working towards completing the Economic and Monetary Union; a Union where economies converge; a Union where energy is secure and affordable and the environment clean and safe  3. A social Europe: a Union which, based on sustainable growth, promotes economic and social progress as well as cohesion and convergence  4. A stronger Europe on the global scene, a Union further developing existing partnerships, building new ones and promoting stability and prosperity in its immediate neighbourhood to the east and south, but also in the Middle East and across Africa and globally  We as Leaders, working together within the European Council and among our institutions, will ensure that today's agenda is implemented, so as to become tomorrow's reality. We have united for the better. Europe is our common future.  Declaration of the leaders of 27 member states and of the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 17.  A Innovation Union of  Smart Public Policy  Smart Polity and Public Administration  Smart EU Institutes  Smart Growth  Smart Member States  Smart Cities and Communities  Smart Infrastructure  Smart Industry  Smart Commerce and Business  Smart Energy  Smart Transportation  Smart Telecommunications  Smart Future Internet, IoT, and IoE  Smart Education, Science, Technology, Research & Development & Innovation,  Smart Safety and Security,  Smart Defense  Smart Healthcare  Smart Youth  Smart Environment  Smart Space Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 18.  a Union where all citizens feel safe and can move freely,  where our external borders are secured,  with an efficient, responsible and sustainable migration policy,  respecting international norms;  a Europe determined to fight terrorism and organised crime. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 19.  a Union which creates growth and jobs;  a Union where a strong, connected and developing Single Market,  embracing technological transformation,  and a stable and further strengthened single currency open avenues for  growth,  cohesion,  competitiveness,  innovation  and exchange, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises;  a Union promoting sustained and sustainable growth, through investment,  structural reforms  and working towards completing the Economic and Monetary Union;  a Union where economies converge;  a Union where energy is secure and affordable and the environment clean and safe. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 20.  a Union which, based on sustainable growth,  promotes economic and social progress,  cohesion and convergence, while upholding the integrity of the internal market;  a Union taking into account the diversity of national systems and the key role of social partners;  a Union which promotes equality between women and men  rights and equal opportunities for all;  a Union which fights unemployment,  discrimination,  social exclusion  and poverty;  a Union where young people receive the best education and training and can study and find jobs across the continent;  a Union which preserves our cultural heritage and promotes cultural diversity. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 21.  a Union further developing existing partnerships, building new ones and promoting stability and prosperity  in its immediate neighbourhood to the east and south,  in the Middle East and across Africa and globally;  a Union ready to take more responsibilities and to assist in creating a more competitive and integrated defence industry;  a Union committed to strengthening its common security and defence,  also in cooperation and complementarity with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, taking into account national circumstances and legal commitments;  a Union engaged in the United Nations  and standing for a rules-based multilateral system,  proud of its values  and protective of its people,  promoting free and fair trade  and a positive global climate policy. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 22.  Following the results of the UK referendum, the heads of state or government of the 27 met in Bratislava on 16 September 2016 to begin a political reflection on the future of the EU with 27 member countries.  Leaders agreed on the Bratislava Roadmap, which will guide EU action over the next months. 27 leaders met in Malta on 3 February 2017 and conclude the reflection process in Rome on 25 March 2017, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties.  “It must be made crystal clear that the disintegration of the European Union will not lead to the restoration of some mythical, full sovereignty of its member states, but to their real and factual dependence on the great superpowers:  the United States, Russia and China.  Only together can we be fully independent”.  "United we stand, divided we fall": letter by President Donald Tusk to the 27 EU heads of state or government on the future of the EU before the Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 23. The European Commission has produced the White Paper on THE FUTURE OF EUROPE to the Rome Summit. It has been presented on 1 March to set out possible paths for the future of Europe. Europe faces a great many challenges, from globalisation, to the impact of new technologies on society and jobs, to security concerns and the rise of populism Europe must ensure it is not overwhelmed but rather seizes the opportunities that the global trends present. The white paper offers five scenarios for the Union's evolution, depending on the choices to make. Together with the European Parliament and Member States, the EC is to host a series of “Future of Europe Debates” involving Europe’s national Parliaments, cities and regions and civil society at large. President Juncker’s 2017 State of the Union speech on the future of Europe will take these ideas for the December 2017 European Council. Ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, President of the European Council Donald Tusk called on the 27 heads of state or government to stay united: "United we stand, divided we fall"United we stand, divided we fall ““ A global leadership necessitates a nation-wide innovative strategy and investmentA global leadership necessitates a nation-wide innovative strategy and investment fund EU XXI to Make Europe Smart. Make Europe Inclusive. Make Europe EU XXI to Make Europe Smart. Make Europe Inclusive. Make Europe Resilient. Make Europe Livable. Make Europe Innovative. Make Europe Integrated.Make Europe Livable. Make Europe Innovative. Make Europe Integrated. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 24.  FIVE SCENARIOS FOR EUROPE BY 2025  SCENARIO 1: CARRYING ON  SCENARIO 2: NOTHING BUT THE SINGLE MARKET  SCENARIO 3: THOSE WHO WANT MORE DO MORE  SCENARIO 4: DOING LESS MORE EFFICIENTLY  SCENARIO 5: DOING MUCH MORE TOGETHER  Impact on policies: Single market & trade; Economic & Monetary Union; Schengen, migration & security; Foreign policy & defence; EU budget Capacity to deliver  The issues to be reflected:  developing the social dimension of Europe;  deepening the Economic and Monetary Union, on the basis of the Five Presidents’  Report of June 2015;  harnessing globalisation;  the future of Europe’s defence;  the future of EU finances.  The White Paper process: from Rome Summit to the European Parliament elections in 2019  The White Paper is the European Commission’s contribution to the Rome Summit, the beginning of a process for the EU27 to decide together on the future of their Union.  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 25.  Euro area countries saved €50 billion this year in interest payments, thanks to the ECB’s monetary policy., to be invested into the economy.  It is proposed to set up €100 billion EU XXI investment fund with the richest Europeans to share 10% of their wealth to the Future Europe Projects as key prospective investors.  Amancio Ortega, Zara  Bernard Arnault & family, Chairman and CEO, LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton  Liliane Bettencourt & family  Beate Heister & Karl Albrecht Jr.  Maria Franca Fissolo & family  Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen & family  Georg Schaeffler, Entrepreneur  Susanne Klatten, BMW  Stefan Persson, Chairman, H&M  Theo Albrecht, Jr. & family  Stefan Quandt  Leonardo Del Vecchio & family  Serge Dassault & family  Dieter Schwarz, The Dieter Schwarz Foundation  Francois Pinault & family  Pallonji Mistry  Stefano Pessina  Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken & family  Klaus-Michael Kuehne  Hans Rausing  Alain Wertheimer  Gerard Wertheimer  Hasso Plattner & family  Udo & Harald Tschira  John Fredriksen, Investor  Dietmar Hopp & family  Ernesto Bertarelli  Xavier Niel  Michael Otto & family  August von Finck  Silvio Berlusconi & family  Sandra Ortega Mera  European royals  Lichtenstein's Prince Hans-Adam II  Prince Albert von Thurn und Taxis, Germany  Prince Albert Grimaldi II & family, Monaco  Queen Elizabeth II, United Kingdom  Queen Beatrix & family, Netherlands AMERICA XXI Azamat Abdoullaev All Rights Reserved 2013-2017
  • 26. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved List by the World Bank (2014) Rank Country/Region GDP (Millions of US$) World 77,868,768 European Union 18,460,646 1 United States 17,419,000 2 China 10,360,105 3 Japan 4,601,461 4 Germany 3,852,556 5 United Kingdom 2,941,886 6 France 2,829,192 7 Brazil 2,346,118 8 Italy 2,144,338 9 India 2,066,902 10 Russia 1,860,598 11 Canada 1,786,655 12 Australia 1,453,770 13 South Korea 1,410,383 14 Spain 1,404,307 15 Mexico 1,282,720 16 Indonesia 888,538 17 Netherlands 869,508 18 Turkey 799,535 19 Saudi Arabia 746,249 20 Switzerland 685,434 21 Sweden 570,591 22 Nigeria 568,508 23 Poland 548,003 24 Argentina 540,197 25 Belgium 533,383 26 Venezuela 509,964 27 Norway 500,103 28 Austria 436,344 29 Iran 415,339 30 United Arab Emirates 401,647 31 Colombia 377,740 32 Thailand 373,804 33 South Africa 349,817
  • 27. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved Rank Country GDP (millions of Int$) World 119,097,427 1 China 21,269,331 — European Union 19,748,883 2 United States 18,562,129 3 India 8,720,758 4 Japan 4,932,102 5 Germany 3,979,664 6 Russia 3,745,081 7 Brazil 3,134,247 8 Indonesia 3,027,746 9 United Kingdom 2,787,748 10 France 2,736,378
  • 28.  GDP (current US$)  -$18.46 trillion/2014  Population, total  508.3 million/ 2014  GNI per capita  $35,672 /2014  Urban population (% of total)  75%/ 2014  Economy & Growth  GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)  $35,672/ 2014  Health  Life expectancy at birth, total (years)  80/2013  Environment  CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)  7.1/ 2011  Education  Primary completion rate, total (% of relevant age group)  97% /2013  Source: Austria Italy Belgium Latvia Bulgaria Lithuania Croatia Luxembourg Cyprus Malta Czech Republic Netherlands Denmark Poland Estonia Portugal Finland Romania France Slovak Republic Germany Slovenia Greece Spain Hungary Sweden Ireland United Kingdom Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 29.  There are the three main challenges facing the European Union today:   The devastating effects of the financial crisis undermining the European social model, a “highly  Competitive Social Market Economy” (the Lisbon Treaty), throwing to insecurity, poverty and destitution citizens and businesses, cities and States. This is leading to severe limitations to invest in technology and infrastructures, as well as in human resources (healthcare and education, skills and upstarts), affecting the provision of basic needs and social services. “The level of investment in the EU has fallen by 15% since 2007 (by around €430 billion) and remains below its historical trend”. “…About €200 billion is needed to complete the trans-European energy networks, €540 billion needs to be invested in the trans-European transport network, and over € 250 billion in ICT for the period 2014-2020”.   The increasing threats, risks and disruptions brought about by climate change to our regions and cities. As major floods and droughts become ever more common, the environmental effects of rapid urbanisation and the lack of adequate polices become extensively harmful.   The demand for cohesion and inclusion, smart democracy, civic engagement and participation by using social media and mobile technologies, and effective representation set forth by the constituencies. The democratic deficit and indirect democracy is a cause for alarm for governance at any level, creating distrust and alienation of citizens.  These challenges call for a transformational change in the way we all work, live, play, study, interact, and build our future.  First of all, a Social Europe Model in need of its essential redevelopment, by innovating a socially sustainable wealth and income generation and distribution based on equality and equity and social justice, intellectual capital, talent, creativity, and technology.  Enriching and extending the policy goals of Europe 2020 and similar frameworks, the EU XXI PROJECT stresses that social and technological innovations can make an invaluable contribution, if European development policies adequately consider citizens and their innovation capacity the most valuable resource.  Having the Union’s sustainability at its core, it aims to build on a new top brand and sense of belonging and identity, wellbeing and community, to shape a better, resilient, interconnected, healthier, and happier dynamic smart society.  In this crucial time and with the challenges stated, we reach out to our politicians, citizens and enterprises to join us in a broad endeavor of co-creating the most appropriate strategies for the whole Union, each Member State and each of our cities, as well as implementing them collectively in the years to come. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 30.  The EU is going through a great economic, political and social crisis, and its confronted by pressures that threaten fundamental change.  The break-up of the eurozone is still possible, and the EU’s social fabric is under major stress, resulting from growing inequalities and social imbalances.  Europe has become unequal and unbalanced, between people and member states.  The concept of “ European Solidarity” as well as the European project itself are under doubts.  Unequal Europe. Friends of Europe. Recommendations for a more caring EU, Final Report of the High-Lvel Group on “Social Union”, Spring 2015  The Project EU 2020 is marked by the inefficient public governments leading to Poor, Unequal, Weak, Corrupted, Unfair Europe and Insecure Europe affected by crises and decay, decline and unemployment, poverty and inequalities, misgovernments and corruption, refugees and terrorists. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 31.  One of the five headline targets of the Europe 2020 headline indicators is to reduce poverty by lifting at least 20 million people out of the risk of poverty or social exclusion (being below the poverty threshold, in severe material deprivation, and no work and income) by 2020.  Main statistical findings show this target is badly missing  o 1.1 Children and active-age people more at risk of poverty or social exclusion than elderly people in several countries, see the Fig.1  o 1.2 Income poverty: 17.0 % of the population in the EU-28 at risk of income poverty  o 1.3 Work intensity: 10.3 % of the population in the EU-28 living in households with very low work intensity  o 1.4 Material deprivation: 9.9 % of the population in the EU-28 severely materially deprived  o 1.5 Unexpected expenses: 40.2 % of the population in the EU-28 could not afford unexpected financial expenses  In 2012, 124.2 million people, or 24.8 % (Figure 1) of the population, in the EU-28 were at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE), compared with 24.3 % in 2011.  According to Eurostat, about 26 million children were at risk of poverty and social exclusion in 2014, representing 27.7 per cent of all children in the EU.  Poverty or destitution refers to the deprivation of basic human needs, and having no access to food,  Figure 1: At-risk-of poverty or social exclusion rate, 2011 and 2012 (%) - Source: Eurostat (ilc_peps01) Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 32. I. Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation (INNOVATION; EDUCATION; DIGITAL SOCIETY). II. Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy (CLIMATE, ENERGY AND MOBILITY; COMPETITIVENESS). III. Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion (EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS; FIGHTING POVERTY).  The headline targets: 1) 75 % of the population aged 20-64 should be employed. 2) 3% of the EU's GDP should be invested in R&D. 3) The "20/20/20" climate/energy targets should be met (including an increase to 30% of emissions reduction if the conditions are right). 4) The share of early school leavers should be under 10% and at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree. 5) 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty  The flagship initiatives: 1. INNOVATION: "Innovation Union" . 2. EDUCATION: "Youth on the move. 3. DIGITAL SOCIETY: "A digital agenda for Europe" . 4. CLIMATE, ENERGY and MOBILITY: "Resource efficient Europe" 5. COMPETITIVENESS: "An industrial policy for the globalisation era". 6. EMPLOYMENT and SKILLS: "An agenda for new skills and jobs" . 7. FIGHTING POVERTY: "European platform against poverty". 8. EUROPE 2020: A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. Communication from the Commission, European Commission, 2010, Brussels, EU  COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS: A Budget for Europe 2020; Brussels, 29.6.2011 COM(2011) 500 final Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 33.  At its meeting in Brussels on 27 June 2014, the European Council agreed on five priority areas, together with specific priorities and actions, to guide the EU's work over the next five years. This strategic agenda will be used to plan the work of the European Council and also acts as a basis for the work programmes of other EU institutions.  1. Jobs, growth and competitiveness: the European Council outlines the need to encourage growth, increase investments, create more and better jobs, and encourage reform to increase competitiveness.  2. Empowering and protecting citizens  The European Council highlights priorities that would unlock opportunities for EU citizens, as well as deal with issues such as poverty and social exclusion.  3. Energy and climate policies  The European Council underlines the need to lower dependency on fuel and gas imports and to build affordable, secure and sustainable energy within the EU.  4. Freedom, security and justice  The European Council emphasises the importance of good EU cooperation on security issues like terrorism and managing migration flows.  5. The EU as a strong global actor  The European Council calls on the EU to ensure its strong engagement in world affairs, ... strengthening the EU's common security and defence policy.  Besides, the European Council has a key role to play in the EU's annual the European semester process, the EU's yearly cycle of economic and fiscal policy coordination.  Boosting investment is one of Europe's strategic priority areas and economic policy priorities for 2014-2019, together with structural reforms and fiscal responsibility.  “Strategic agenda for the Union in times of change”. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 34.  Important issues facing Europe now: a global economic crisis; The CBE and States coming to the rescue of bankrupt banks; mass immigration, unemployment, ageing populations threatening the competitiveness of our economies and the sustainability of our social models; downward pressure on costs and wages; the climate change and increasing energy dependence; the Eastward shift in the global distribution of production and savings; organized crime and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and the acts of terrorism in global cities, as in Madrid, London, Moscow and Paris.  Important issues to face Europe in 2030:  economic situation, unemployment, crime, pension, the environment, healthcare system, immigration, prices/inflation, terrorism, taxation, housing, education, defense/foreign affairs  The EU’s common agenda: ensuring the sustainability of our social and economic model; and developing the means to support and defend this model, along with our common values and interests, in the global arena.  The EU must therefore implement without further delay the structural reforms,…  This will require reforming the new strategy’s implementation mechanisms, by means of a more effective system of incentives, to ensure that the objectives decided by the European Council and other European institutions are actually met.  Human capital is the key strategic instrument for ensuring success in the global economy. Europe has lost considerable ground in the race to a knowledge economy.  In the coming years, the EU will need to pursue an ambitious agenda. It will need to bring the EU, its Member States and its citizens closer together; renew Europe’s economic and social model at a time when internal and external forces challenge its sustainability; strike the right balance between freedom and security; and contribute to shaping the world so that Europe’s values and interests are safely taken care of.  Looking to the 2030 horizon, Europeans will need a highly competitive and sustainable social market economy in order to maintain social cohesion and fight against climate change.  This will require an ambitious reform programme with clear priorities and much more effective enforcement mechanisms,….  In this context, we assume that the Commission’s new Europe2020 strategy will form part of this major endeavour.  PROJECT EUROPE 2030. Challenges and Opportunities. A report to the European Council by the Reflection Group  on the Future of the EU 2030, May 2010, EU Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 35.  We need a strong European Union like never before.  It is what our citizens deserve and what the wider world expects. The European project which has brought unprecedented peace, prosperity and democracy is being questioned.  To the East, the European security order has been violated, while terrorism and violence plague North Africa and the Middle East, as well as Europe itself.  Yet these are also times of extraordinary opportunity.  Global Growth, mobility, and technological progress – alongside our deepening partnerships- enable us to thrive, and allow ever more people to escape poverty and live longer and freer lives.  We will navigate this difficult, more connected contested and complex world guided by our shared interests and principles.  We will stand united in building a stronger Europe.   The political vision set out in the EUGS will be swiftly translated into concrete policy initiatives and action, focused on the five priorities for the EU's external action identified in the strategy: strengthening security and defence; investing in the resilience of states and societies to our East and South; developing an integrated approach to conflicts and crises; promoting and supporting cooperative regional orders; and reinforcing a global governance based on international law, including the principles of the UN Charter, and the Helsinki Final Act.  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 36. A. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved EUROPE XXI:EUROPE XXI: SMART SUSTAINABLESMART SUSTAINABLE UNIONUNION KnowledgeKnowledge EUROPE/EUROPE/ Country/Country/ City/City/ CommunityCommunity Smart EcoSmart Eco EUROPEEUROPE i-Europei-Europe PlatformPlatform Eco-Eco- EUROPE/EUROPE/ Country/Country/ City/City/ CommunityCommunity DigitalDigital EUROPE/EUROPE/ Country/Country/ City/City/ CommunityCommunity Physical Capital Natural Capital Ecosystems Natural Resources Renewables/RES Eco Technologies Green Infrastructure Eco-Urbanization Green Society ECO-SUSTAINABLE GROWTH Information/Digital Capital Smart Mobility , Smart Services ICT Infrastructure, OTN, Optical Networks , NG Broadband 3DTV, HDTV, CC, Intelligent Clouds Internet of Things, u-Computation Digital/Cyber Society TECHNOLOGICAL/SMART GROWTH Social/Human/I-Capital Innovation Ecosystems Smart Living Smart Economy Knowledge Infrastructure i-Industry Smart Governance Equity, Wellbeing, QoL Knowledge Society SOCIAL/INCLUSIVE GROWTH Smart Green Inclusive EUROPE of Wellbeing, Quality of Life and Sustainable Growth
  • 37.  Integrated Manufacturing Infrastructure (Renewables, Optical ICT Networks, Intelligent Transportation, Smart Utilities, Facilities, Buildings, Industrial Parks, Economic Zones, etc.)  Sustainable Facility Industry (Buildings, Plants, Fields, Athletic Facilities, Recreational Facilities, Utilities, Gas System, Grids, Sewage Works, Transportation Systems, Water Systems)  Smart City Industry (Intelligent Urbanization Industry)  Future Internet Industry (Internet of Everything)  Smart Additive Manufacturing (Digital Manufacturing, Machines, Materials, Technologies, 3D & 4D Printing, The printing world industry of buildings, aircrafts, ships, cars, computers, drugs, toys, weapons, etc.)  Smart Environment Industry: genetic industries of renewable energy and natural resources of agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishing   Renewables  Buildings as Power Plants  Energy Storage Technology  Smart Grid Technology (Energy Internet)  Plug in, Electric, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Transportation  The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Com .  “The Industrial Revolution, powered by oil and other fossil fuels, is spiraling into a dangerous endgame. The price of gas and food are climbing, unemployment remains high, the housing market has tanked, consumer and government debt is soaring, and the recovery is slowing. Facing the prospect of a second collapse of the global economy, humanity is desperate for a sustainable economic game plan to take us into the future”.  The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World  "RECORDED Conference "Mission Growth - Europe at the Lead of the . European Commission. Retrieved April 11, 2013. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 38.  The Smart Eco Europe Concept is emerging in the quest for sustainable growth and smart economic, technological and socio-cultural development and intelligent governance for European states, regions and cities, as well as for enterprises, industries and economies, local, regional and global.  Smart Green Europe implies Intelligent Nations and Smart Eco Cities, Smart People and Smart Life, Sustainable Land and Environment, Sustainable Infrastructure and Smart Industry, Smart Grids and Eco Buildings, Intelligent ICT and Eco Mobility, Big Science and Future Technology, Internet of Everything and Smart Web, Smart Financing and Intelligent Banking, Smart Health and Education, Smart Security and Safety, Smart Government, Regulations and Standards.  “The level of investment in the EU has fallen by 15% since 2007 (by around €430 billion) and remains below its historical trend” (the EC), living under the conditions of national austerity and fiscal consolidation.  To recover, more than 2 trillion euros are at stakes now, one trillion and more as allocated for Europe 2020 and 1.1 trillion euros as allocated for the Quantitative Easing Program of the Central Bank of Europe and European System of Central Banks.  The “Smart Green Europe” is to create an attractive investment environment by advancing a smart inclusive society and a world-leading economy based on knowledge, innovation and future technologies and integrated sustainable development of regions and Member States, urban and rural areas  Integrating the current architecture of the Europe 2020 programms and instruments , policy areas, as well as its large scale projects of common interest, as Galileo, ITER, GMES, etc., the Smart Green Europe makes the pan-European Strategic Investment Framework implementing the principles of the EU budget 2014- 2020  Europe 2020 Growth Strategy: EUR 1 trillion MFF & 1.1 trillion Asset Purchase/Bond Buying/QE Program  SMART Europe 2020: Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth  A Budget for Europe 2020; Brussels, 29.6.2011 COM(2011) 500 final  European Parliament Resolution of 8 June 2011 on 'Investing in the future: a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe'.  i-EUROPE Manifesto:i-EUROPE Manifesto:  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 39.  The “Smart Green Europe” is to contribute into building a smart inclusive society and a world-leading economy based on knowledge, innovation and future technologies and integrated sustainable urban and rural development, supporting the sustainable management of natural resources and climate action and balanced urban-rural territorial development throughout Europe  The “Smart Green Europe” will directly support the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy by creating and consolidating the future Union policies, regulations, plans, programs, schemes and services for the Post-Europe 2020.  The “Smart Green Europe” is designed as a Strategic Investment of European Significance in Urban and Natural Environment, Energy, Transport, Broadband, Education, Research and Innovation, Economy and Business.  The Project is to combine all the key investment areas such as mobility, SME-support, green energy, resource and energy efficiency, digital infrastructure and Information and Communication Technology in a systematic, sustainable and inclusive way.  The “Smart Green Europe” implies the highest economic and societal and environmental return, promising stable economic recovery, long-term growth, quality jobs and sustainable competitiveness, and involving the smart nation government bonds and municipal revenue bonds, as under the European Central Bank’s Assets Purchase Program of EUR 1 trillion.  The “Smart Eco Union” envisions its Communities of tomorrow as the places of holistic conception, integrated investment strategies and innovative action plans, of advanced social progress; of green, ecological or environmental regeneration; of attraction of talents and engines of economic growth, as well as the platforms for smart governance, democracy, cultural dialogue, diversity and social unity.  It is to contribute into building the Future Union as the Integrated Territories of the Future: Sustainable States, Intelligent Eco Cities, Green Communities, Sustainable Future-Proof Infrastructures, Intelligent Industrial Base and Eco-Smart Natural and Built Environment. ;    Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 40.  EIP SCC IP Project: “SMART ECO EUROPE” STRATEGY AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN  The Project Prospective Stakeholders: Junker Commission, EC Digital Single Market, DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology; DG for Mobility and Transport; DG For Energy; DG For Environment, DG for Regional Policy; 6 Action Clusters, European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities  The Project Strategies: The Europe 2020 Strategy; the Post-2015 United Nations Development Agenda, “Realizing the Future We Want for All”; the Smart Eco Life Strategy  The Smart Nations Links:  The Financial Instruments and Funding Sources: The European Projects of Common Interest; the Connecting Europe Facility, the EC Horizon 2020, the EIB, the European Fund for Strategic Investments, the European Structural and Investment Funds, European Central Bank (EUR 1 trillion assets purchase program); Private Economic Investments  The Initiative Schema: the EU Smart Cities and Communities Initiative; the Sustainable Nation Global Initiative; the Smart Superpower Global Initiative  The Project Promoter: Smart World Consortium; Smart Eco Community “X” Consortium/ EIS Ltd (Policy and Regulations and Integrated Planning AC)  To be proposed for financing under the Juncker Investment Plan underwritten by the European Investment Bank (EIB), using EU and EIB guarantees.  ABOUT: The SEC “X” Consortium is committed to transform the nations and states, metropolises, cities and communities according to the Smart Eco Life Strategy into integrated sustainable territories of the future. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 41.  The key features involved in the postindustrial revolution are:The key features involved in the postindustrial revolution are:  Technological changes: new basic materials, new renewable energy sources, new smartTechnological changes: new basic materials, new renewable energy sources, new smart machines and intelligent networks, new organizational relations, smart specialization, newmachines and intelligent networks, new organizational relations, smart specialization, new transportation and communication, new industrial design, science and engineeringtransportation and communication, new industrial design, science and engineering  Political changes: smart state policies, new political parties, smart democracy, etc.Political changes: smart state policies, new political parties, smart democracy, etc.  Economic changes: green agriculture, equal wealth and income distribution, intelligentEconomic changes: green agriculture, equal wealth and income distribution, intelligent industries, primary industry, genetic industry and extractive industry, intelligent manufacturingindustries, primary industry, genetic industry and extractive industry, intelligent manufacturing and energy-producing industries, smart service industry, banking, finance, insurance,and energy-producing industries, smart service industry, banking, finance, insurance, investment, real estate services; intelligent trade, wholesale, retail, resale, smart transportationinvestment, real estate services; intelligent trade, wholesale, retail, resale, smart transportation and information and communications services, intelligent professional, consulting, legal, andand information and communications services, intelligent professional, consulting, legal, and personal services, sustainable tourism, hotels, and entertainment, smart education andpersonal services, sustainable tourism, hotels, and entertainment, smart education and teaching; and smart health, social welfare, administrative, police, safety and security, andteaching; and smart health, social welfare, administrative, police, safety and security, and defense servicesdefense services  Social changes: intelligent urbanization, smart social policy, basic social income system, publicSocial changes: intelligent urbanization, smart social policy, basic social income system, public and cooperative ownership of factors of production, enterprises and means of production,and cooperative ownership of factors of production, enterprises and means of production, smart incomes policy, expenditure tax, wealth tax, fair distribution of wealth and income, incomes policy, expenditure tax, wealth tax, fair distribution of wealth and income, etc.  Cultural changes: broad cultural transformations, cultural diversity, mass creativity, etc.Cultural changes: broad cultural transformations, cultural diversity, mass creativity, etc.  Psychological changes: new human behavior, eco-consciousness, etc.Psychological changes: new human behavior, eco-consciousness, etc. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 42.  “We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society”.  The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production.  The Second Industrial Revolution used electric power and division of labor to create mass production and factory cities.  The Third Industrial Revolution used electronics and information and communication technology to automate production and innovate digitization.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond; Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum  the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016, “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution”  https://  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 43.  Europe has enough strengths and potential to become mostly “innovation-driven” by transforming into a Smart Union of Member States and sustainable cities of tomorrow, avoiding suffering a “lost decade” (“a permanent loss in wealth and potential for future growth”) or “sluggish recovery” (“a permanent loss in wealth and start growing again from this eroded basis”), EUROPE 2020.  The way to a sustained prosperity is a strategic investment into the regional, national, urban and local communities of the future, its future-proof infrastructure, eco intelligent industry and smart services. Enriching and extending the EU2020 Strategy, its key priorities, headline targets, initiatives, and thematic priorities, such a Union is to emerge as an All-Sustainable Intelligent Europe consolidating:  – Smart Europe: developing a smart (technology-centric) connected Union and its Member States, cities and communities based on knowledge, research and innovation and intelligent digital solutions.  – Green Europe: developing an eco-wise, resource efficient, green Union and its Member States, cities and communities.  – Inclusive Europe: developing a people-centered, intelligent Union and its Member States, cities and communities as delivering economic, social and territorial cohesion and solidarity.  The Smart Green Europe is aimed to turn the EU into a smart, green and inclusive Union delivering the most innovative and developed Member States, cities and communities, distinguished with the smart living and employment, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship, sustainable competitiveness and productivity, and social and territorial cohesion.  The Smart Europe goal is to make European national communities and cities more sustainable, open, innovative, smart and inclusive areas, thriving places attracting talents, quality jobs and smart economic activities, "hubs of research and innovation" and social cohesion and cultural dialogue, social inclusion and economic growth, and high quality of life while preserving environment and natural resources, cultural and ecological inheritance for the next generations. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 44.  1,200 economists of different positions called for the US Congress to introduce a system of basic income guarantees, including Paul Samuelson, John Kenneth Galbraith and the winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics, Herbert A. Simon, Friedrich Hayek, Robert Solow, Milton Friedman, Jan Tinbergen, James Tobin and James Meade.  A basic income guarantee (also, unconditional basic income, universal basic income, universal demogrant, or citizen’s income) is a system of social security in which all citizens or residents of a country regularly receive an unconditional sum of money, from a dedicated public institution, irrespective of income or other eligibility criteria.  The EU XXI proposes innovative basic income system (IBIS) as financed by the profits of publicly owned enterprises (as Social dividend or Citizen's dividend) and through various forms of innovative social investment taxation, ecological taxes, expenditure taxes, wealth taxes, reducing government, or out of government social spending (< 30% GDP).  The IBIS is a Universal Stabilization Mechanism marginalizing all existing social welfare and security programs and welfare benefits, old-age, invalidity or survivor programs, medical care programs, unemployment benefit programs, family allowance benefits, work-injury benefits, public assistance, etc., guaranteed minimum income to secure real economic equity.  The simple cash transfer BIS pilots have been successfully conducted in United States and Canada, Namibia, Iran, and India.  In Europe, France, Netherlands and Finland are to start up some basic income pilots, while Switzerland is to have a referendum in 2016.  The IBIS is an innovative form of smart social security to equally protect al l citizens from the economic risks and insecurities of life as income poverty and asset poverty becoming persistent and prevalent among self-employed having no rights for most traditional welfare benefits, as unemployment benefits, and being vulnerable to poverty while creating most jobs in Europe.  The basic income distributed in three forms: smart securities, bonds, stocks and shares, 33%; cash payments, 33%; basic needs and services, as education or utility payments, 33%; administrative taxes, 1%.  The proposed equivalent amount could reach 2500 euro for each adult and 1000 euro for each child, proportionally divided for investment, savings and consumption and administrative expenses.  Being the next big social innovation, IBIS cures the diseases of social ills once and for all; it makes equal opportunities; it liberates human energy and potential; it gives respect to all; it includes all; it eliminates Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 45. i-Europe Cloud Computing Infrastructure and Applications (Software as a Service, SaaS, Web access Portals, User-driven web-based services for citizens and businesses, Front end interface to city clouds, applications and services, GESS, Intelligent Web Search Engine) CloudEUROPE, Land Cloud, Transport Cloud, Utilities Cloud, Energy Cloud, Building Cloud, Facility Cloud, Security Cloud, Health Cloud, Education Cloud, Research & Innovation Cloud Space Cloud, Manufacturing Cloud, Government Cloud, Business Cloud, Culture Cloud, Environment Cloud, Social Media Cloud, Citizen Cloud; Future Digital Europe: Cloud States, Cloud Cities, Cloud Communities, Digital Persons/Avatars i-Europe Transnational Community Cloud Software Environment (Platform as a Service, PaaS, eg, Google’s App Engine and Salesforce Customer Relation Management) SMART COMMUNITY PLATFORM, FUTURE COMMUNITY INTERNET MIDDLEWARE, INTELLIGENT COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT PLATFORM, INTELLIGENT GIS/SMART WDEM, BIG DATA SYSTEMS i-Europe Transnational Community Software Management Kernel (OS kernel, hypervisor, virtual machine monitor and/or clustering middleware; grid and cluster computing applications) SMART (MULTICORE PROCESSOR) VIRTUAL MACHINES i-Europe Transnational Community Cloud Software Infrastructure Computational Resources (Virtual Machines, Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS, eg, Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud, EC2 ) Storage (Data as a Service, DaaS, eg, Amazon S3, Urban Service Data Sets and Smart ICT Service Knowledge Bases) Communications (Communication as a Service, CaaS, eg, Broadband Networks, Broadband Networks, Mobile Networks, Next Generation Intelligent Telecommunications, Future Internet, Communications Internet, Energy Internet, Logistics Internet, Intelligent Manufacturing Internet, Environment Internet, etc., Optical Network Infrastructure, as Huawei’s Intelligent Optical Distribution Network (iODN), Cisco’s Smart Connected Communities, or Microsoft Connected Service Framework (CSF) i-Europe Transnational Community Firmware / Hardware /Smart Technology Infrastructure Hardware as a Service, HaaS, eg, IBM Kittyhawk, HW Cloud Data Centers i-EUROPE KNOWLEDGE CENTER, STATE KNOWLEDGE CENTERS, INTERNET OF THINGS, SENSOR NETWORKS, M2M SYSTEMS, RFID TECHNOLOGIES, EMBEDED SYSTEMS, SCADA, INTERNET OF EVERYTHING (interconnecting Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 46.  As our world is getting interconnected, intelligent, instrumented, and innovative, we have to integrate our transnational/national/regional/urban systems and networks, making our localities smarter, greener, intelligent and sustainable.  We have to coordinate, monitor and manage the communal spaces, functions, and agencies via centralized community intelligence, as a single intelligent operations centre, a smart community command and control system, an integrated intelligent digital community management platform, a core of digital intelligent environments, embedded in the framework of future Europe communities, transnational, regional, national, urban or rural.  The I-Europe Community Digital Platform is designed to model, understand, map, monitor, and manage the Pan-European nexus of economic, environmental, geopolitical, technological, and societal risks: their nature, likelihood, impact, and the strengths of interconnections, losses and cascading consequences, evolution and control, risk resilience tools, the new vulnerabilities, as a new demography pattern, and “the trends to watch”, as emerging risks and disruptive technology risks, smart cities, future internet, synthetic biology, 3-D printing, automated vehicles, etc.  As a data base, the I-Europe Platform is digitizing the Global Risk 2014 Interconnections Map from the Global Risks reports and the Global Risks Perceptions Survey systematically performed by the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Councils.  As a knowledge base, the I-Europe Platform is relying on a Causal Interdependency or Interaction Network (CIN) or a Causal Flow Network (CFN), in the form of a directed graph, cyclic or acyclic, nonhierarchical or hierarchical.  As a logical base, the I-Europe Platform is relying on the Encyclopedic Intelligence digital paradigm, modeling the world of entities and relations, where understanding, establishing or predicting basic relationships make the core of real and virtual intelligence.  The I-Europe Digital Platform is an Encyclopedic Intelligence development application, running on a dynamic causal network interrelating as contextualized global risks in five leading categories, from economic to technological.  The i-Europe Digital Platform could be cost-effectively deployed as an Intelligent InterCloud System (a Smart MetaCloud Europe, or a SkyNet Europe), making an all-European Big Data collection and Knowledge Management System of flows of traffic, energy, materials, information, processes, services, capital, financing, goods, people, and ideas.  It is designed to operate as a centralized intelligent control and command center for state, region, city and community clouds, thus enabling a Pan-European Network of intelligent Communities as an All-European Internet/Web of things, services, knowledge, communities and citizens.  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 47.  • 1 Connectivity  The Connectivity dimension measures the deployment of broadband infrastructure and its quality. Access to fast broadband- enabled services is a necessary condition for competitiveness.  • 2 Human Capital  The Human Capital dimension measures the skills needed to take advantage of the possibilities offered by a digital society. Such skills go from basic user skills that enable individuals to interact online and consume digital goods and services, to advanced skills that empower the workforce to take advantage of technology for enhanced productivity and economic growth. (read more)  • 3 Use of Internet  The Use of Internet dimension accounts for the variety of activities performed by citizens already online. Such activities range from consumption of online content (videos, music, games, etc.) to modern communication activities or online shopping and banking. (read more)  • 4 Integration of Digital Technology  The Integration of Digital Technology dimension measures the digitisation of businesses and their exploitation of the online sales channel. By adopting digital technology businesses can enhance efficiency, reduce costs and better engage customers, collaborators and business partners. Furthermore, the Internet as a sales outlet offers access to wider markets and potential for growth.  • 5 Digital Public Services  The Digital Public Services dimension measures the digitisation of public services, focusing on eGovernment. Modernisation and digitisation of public services can lead to efficiency gains for the public administration, citizens and businesses alike as well as to the delivery of better services for the citizen. Due to the dynamic nature of the fields considered in the DESI, small changes are possible in the indicators considered in future editions the index.  The Digital Single Market strategy aims to open up digital opportunities for people and business and enhance Europe's position as a world leader in the digital economy. It is built on three pillars: Access; Environment; Economy & Society Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 48.  Smart WorldDEM (Digital Elevation Model covering Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM), a 3D digital model of socio- and physical-geographical territories (cities, countries, regions, continents, and Earth) + GNSS, for: • precise (intelligent, smart) navigation (LBS) • mobile telecommunication • space missions, military use • natural disasters risk management • semantic integration of spatial data to support the disaster management • intelligent community maps (smart urban atlas) • global monitoring for environment and security  Developing methods for integration of different spatial datasets, including crowdsourced data (for the Earth and other planets’ applications  SmartDEM (including DSM and city models) platform + spatial data integration in general, for:  • mobile systems planning and control  • mobile satellite service (e.g. for signal coverage)  • high precision DEM for landing sites selection analysis (e.g. for Moon, Mars etc.)  • higher quality 3D maps and spatial data bases for planets, asteroids … (more semantics)  • high quality DEMs for high precession gravimetrical measurements  • many different kinds of geological, geophysical applications for different planets  • geomorphologically smart DEM for mining purposes (also for planets)  • development of technology for automated workflow for DEM, digital imagery and other information/knowledge integration, for different applications, e.g.  interpretation/mapping of geomorphological features; interpretation/mapping of soil (Earth); interpretation/mapping of geological, archaeological, etc., features; for natural disasters management; high precision DEM (from SmartDEM platform) for vegetation mapping. Inclination and shadows calculation (for that is needed high precision DEM) to classification of different kinds of forest and therefore potential biomass; high precision DEM + remote sensing images for floods prediction and simulation; combination of radar remote sensing data and (Smart)DEM for permafrost classification ; intelligent design and planning of the infrastructure (roads, railways); climate changing prediction, modelling, simulation; high precision semantic DEM for integrated critical infrastructure planning as an automated and reliable procedure. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 49.  Smart WorldDEM, 3D representations of European territories, terrains or surfaces, — created from terrain elevation data sets captured with satellites, airplanes or any other flying platforms, like drones.  It scope and application fields cover:  Archeology  Extracting terrain parameters  Landscape modeling, city modeling and visualization applications  Flood or drainage modeling, land-use studies, geological applications  Modeling water flow or mass movement (avalanches and landslides)  Creation of relief maps  Rendering of 3D visualizations  3D flight planning  Creation of physical models (including raised relief maps)  Rectification of aerial photography or satellite imagery  Reduction (terrain correction) of gravity measurements (gravimetry, physical geodesy)  Terrain analysis in geomorphology and physical geography  Geographic Information Systems (GIS)  Engineering and infrastructure design  Global positioning systems (GPS)  Line-of-sight analysis  Base mapping  Flight simulation  Precision farming and forestry  Surface analysis  Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), Auto safety / Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)  Smart Territories and Intelligent Cities Modeling, Integrated Digital Urban Planning, Spatial Planning Analysis  The Whole Europe Modeling, the Smart Europe Digital Elevation Modeling. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 50.  Addressing 21st century security challenges, I-Europe Governance System allows at EU level to intelligently tackle terrorism and other cross-border security problems:  Human trafficking, the smuggling of persons and illegal substances, money laundering, immigration flows,  The exploitation of women and children, natural and man-made disaster,  Cyber-crime, intellectual piracy, and corruption.  Implementing a Sustainable European Security Model, the Secure Europe Management System is to help:  Coordinate security agencies and instruments, such as Europol, Eurojust, the Situation Centre, Frontex and the Counter-Terrorism Coordinator,  Unified EU strategic communications, preventing, recognising and exposing anti-EU disinformation, hybrid threats, information, psychological and propaganda warfare  Remove inconsistencies in Europe’s Asylum System standardising the definition of a refugee,  Create a unified visa policy and a European consular service within the European External Action Service (EEAS),  Digitize cooperation and solidarity between Member States. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 51.  the EC’s Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and Democratic Change  Intelligent Industrialization and Eco-Smart Urbanization,  Sustainable Development and Smart Growth,  Security and Equity,  Inclusiveness,  Direct Democracy,  Civil Society,  and Basic Income System,  all to constitute the makeup of a world-leading economic system of Smart Social Europe.  ;  Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 52.  Europe’s future depends on its Cities and Communities of tomorrow, which are key to the sustainable development of the European Union as a smart green transnational community.  European cities should be critical in the Union policies aiming to create growth, jobs and a sustainable future, being centres of population and economic development, services, knowledge and creativity, as well as the places of social polarization and inequalities, intercultural confrontations, poverty concentration, unemployment and environmental problems.  To secure the sustainable and smart development of cities, the EC launched the Smart Cities and Communities Initiative in 2012 under the responsibility of the European Innovation Partnership and its 6 Action Clusters.  The “Smart Green Europe” implies developing European Cities and Communities as being committed to an overall sustainability, environmental, economic, social, geopolitical and technological, as guided by the Smart Eco Life Philosophy.  It will make key part of the EIP on Smart Cities and Communities Market Place implementing eco-smart innovative actions, pilot projects and demonstration projects of EU significance., highlighting the territorial corehency of urban and rural areas  The “Smart Eco Europe” cities and communities will be developed/redeveloped as intelligent territorial ecosystems of people interacting with the circular flows of information, energy, materials, services and financing to catalyse intelligent sustainable development, resilience, and high quality of life; becoming eco intelligent through strategic use of advanced information and communications infrastructure and services in a process of integrated policy, regulations, planning and management as responsive to the ecological, technological, cultural, social and economic needs of society.  The i-Europe future cities and communities are to adopt an integrated, coherent and all-comprehensive growth approach (across sectors, governance levels and territories) in their vision of the future (to strive for), the foresight strategy (to get their), unified planning and coordinated development (to implement), embracing the social, economic, environmental and territorial dimensions of urban, national and regional development.  The Investment Plan for Europe to support Smart Cities development projects are to involve the committed municipalities and communities for integrated smart territorial development of urban areas and rural regions : Italy (369);·Spain (267);· France (82);·Portugal (65);·Germany (64);·Greece (62);·Romania (42);·Sweden (42);·United Kingdom (32);   Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 53.  To proceed with the “Smart Green Europe” Investment Plan, we managed to select greenfield projects to build smart green cities of the future ab novo, like prime land of 11.5 million square meters in Greece and prime land of 400 acres in Cyprus, as the Members States most needing jobs and growth and smart Europe solutions.  As the project’s developers and promoters, we expect administrative, technical and financial support for the Smart Green City Project in Greece, considering its high socio-economic value, high land value, EUR 575 million, replication capacity, uniqueness and riskiness, as well as for the Smart Green City Development in Cyprus.  Specifically, we are looking for EIB or EFSI financing (with the backing of the EU guarantee and/or EIF guarantee) allowing the EIB to go beyond its usual business and make riskier investments.  The Project is meeting the key criteria of Juncker’s Investment Plan and the EIB’s for smart cities investment: 1) economically viable, (2) attractive on a global or local basis, (3) of European added value and consistent with EU policy priorities, (4) attractive for private sector financing, (5) integrated, innovative and inclusive.  The Smart Greece Sustainable Real Estate Development Project is aimed to promote high quality jobs, sustainable tourism, integrated urban and rural development, social cohesion, or smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Greece and beyond.  The Smart Cyprus Model Development Project is aimed to promote high quality jobs, sustainable tourism, health tourism, integrated urban and rural development, social cohesion, or smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Cyprus and beyond.  Besides, both could be positioned as the most attractive strategic investment ideas to promote sustainable development in coastal and marine areas in Europe and beyond.  To launch the Projects, we are to apply for initial EFSI/EIB/JESSICA financing for its first stage: “smart green city” feasibility study, master-plan and business plan (for the Greek Project) and for co-financing (up to Euro 200 million) from Juncker’s Investment Plan. ; Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 54.  The Smart and Green Member States Investment Plan is aimed to realize the Union’s Strategy on the national levels.  As proposed in the Smart Nation Global Initiative, the Integrated Intelligent Nation Growth Strategy and Implementation Plan of Sustainable Member State are to be developed, covering the key smart EU stakeholders as below.  • EU Member States  Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.  • Associated Countries  Israel, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, and Ukraine.  As the smart Member States pilots and demonstrators, live test-bed and living labs, it is considered two largest European economies, as “Smart Germany” and “Smart Britain”, added with the smallest economy of “Smart Eco Cyprus”.  The Smart Eco Cyprus is to be as the best practice example for the European Member States under the Investment Plan for Europe to develop sustainable national communities.  The Smart Green Union of Member States Investment Idea could be validated by Singapore aiming to become the world’s first intelligent nation, as reflected in its 2015-2025 Infocomm Media Masterplan.  The Initiative is in line with the Smart Nations Global Initiative, aiming to apply integrated strategies and planning, setting uniform standards and policy frameworks for developing sustainable and smart nations, advancing the Post-2015 UN Global Development Agenda in the European Union. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 55.  The EU faces a significant innovation gap lagging behind the US, China, and Japan, while R&D&I deliver quality jobs, prosperity and quality of life. The i-Europe RIS is to infuse “intelligence” and unity into the EC Horizon 2020 Program by centralized knowledge management and interconnecting its sections and components, “effecting excellence in the science base, tackling societal challenges, creating industrial leadership and boosting competitiveness”, and thus securing the European technological global leadership:  Excellent Science  European Research Council  Future and Emerging Technologies  Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions  European Research Infrastructures, including e-Infrastructures  Industrial Leadership  Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies  Information and Communication Technologies  Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, and Biotechnology  Space  Access to risk finance  Innovation in SMEs  Fast Track to Innovation Pilot (2015-2016)  Societal Challenges  Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing  Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy  Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy  Smart, Green and Integrated Transport  Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials  Europe in a changing world - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies  Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens  Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation  Science with and for Society  European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT),  Euratom Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 56.  Smart and Inclusive Growth  1. Smart and Inclusive Growth - Overview  Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme  Article 185 Initiatives*  BONUS  Cohesion Fund (CF)  Connecting Europe Facility  COSME  COST*  Customs 2020, Fiscalis 2020  Employment and Social innovation Programme (EaSi)  ERA-NET*  Erasmus+  European Innovation Partnerships - EIP*  European Metrology Research Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR)  European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)  European Social Fund (ESF)  Eurostars -2  Galileo  Hercule III  Horizon 2020  Joint Programming Initiatives*  Joint Technology Initiatives*  Knowledge Innovation Communities (EIT KIC)*  Pericles 2020  Structural Funds  Territorial Cooperation  Youth Employment Initiative  Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources  Security and citizenship  Global Europe  ESPON Programme  EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation 2014-2020 (Peace  INTERREG EUROPE  TAIEX - Technical Assistance and Information Exchange  TWINNING  URBACT III Programme  “We need to work in favour of the real economy, strengthen our SMEs, as well as our industries’’  The EU’s Horizon 2020 research programme should be focused on fewer priorities, with more impact. Low carbon technologies, climate and the circular economy, as well as new digital and data technologies, should in my view be prioritised even more strongly than today,”  Antonio Tajani, the new president of the European Parliament Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 57.  The Project EUROPE XXI is to embrace  the policy priorities of the Commission of President Jean-Claude Juncker which is to substantially contribute to the Jobs, Growth and Investment Package, the Digital Single Market,  Energy Union and Climate change policy, Internal Market with stronger industry and making Europe a stronger global actor.  the new Horizon Work Programme 2016-17 to be open to innovation, open to science, and open to the world to improve the quality of Horizon 2020 funding. Specifically, it is cross-cutting initiatives:  “the modernisation of Europe's manufacturing industry (€1 billion); technologies and standards for automatic driving (over €100 million); the Internet of Things (€139 million) to address digitalisation of EU industries; Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy (€670 million) to develop strong and sustainable economies; and Smart and Sustainable Cities (€232 million) to better integrate environmental, transport, energy and digital networks in EU's urban environments”.   If Europe is to master the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the key topic of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2016, it’d prioritize funding the widely integrated solutions, innovation and technologies that blurring the lines between the physical, digital, biological and socio- economic spheres. Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved
  • 58.  In Europe, the power is divided among the European Council, representing national governments, and the European Commission, acting as the European Government, as the executive, the European Parliament, the legislative, and the European Court of Justice, the judiciary.  The I-Europe Government Digital System is an open government platform coordinating fruitful interactions among the citizens, civil society, national governments, the Commission, the Council, and the judiciary, as national courts of justice and the European Court of Justice.  Specifically, it is designed to monitor how the Commission performs its responsibilities as according the article 17 of the Treaty on European Union: “develop medium-term strategies; draft legislation and arbitrate in the legislative process; represent the EU in trade negotiations; make rules and regulations, for example in competition policy; draw up the budget of the European Union; and to scrutinise the implementation of the treaties and legislation”.  As a Direct Digital Democracy Open Government Platform, it gives the citizens and civil societies a decisive voice in defining the EU strategies, policies, rules and regulations, and politically critical appointments:  the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and the President of the European Central Bank, virtually electing the MEPs according to a uniform voting system. In a close future, the national parliaments are to become redundant, while the Smart Union’s Parliament is to take responsibilities over safety and security, health, education, housing, law & order and defence, as well as environmental standards, consumer protection, trade, employment law, etc.  The necessity of the i-Government Digital Systems is caused by a top political risk: “unresponsive, unaccountable, inefficient, and ineffective bureaucracies seem impossible to change with the current tools in place, requiring a new approach, called citizen-centered reform model”. The World Bank.    Project EUROPE XXI Azamat Abdoullaev 2009-2017 All Rights Reserved

Editor's Notes

  1. In the coming years, the EU will need to pursue an ambitious agenda. It will need to bring the EU, its Member States and its citizens closer together; renew Europe’s economic and social model at a time when internal and external forces challenge its sustainability; create the knowledge society by empowering the individual; make the most of changing demographic patterns and immigration; turn energy scarcity and climate change into opportunities for societal and economic development; strike the right balance between freedom and security; and contribute to shaping the world so that Europe’s values and interests are safely taken care of.