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Do My Essays
Writing an essay on the topic "Do My Essays" can be quite challenging for several reasons.
Firstly, the topic itself is somewhat ambiguous, and one might struggle to decipher whether it
refers to the act of writing essays on behalf of someone else or if it's a personal reflection on the
process of composing essays. The lack of clarity can make it challenging to structure the essay
and convey a coherent message.
Moreover, if the essay is meant to explore the ethical considerations surrounding the practice of
someone else writing essays on your behalf, one may need to delve into the realms of academic
integrity, plagiarism, and the consequences that such actions might entail. Crafting a balanced
argument that considers different perspectives on the matter requires thoughtful analysis and
critical thinking.
On a more personal note, reflecting on one's own experiences with essay writing and the
challenges faced can add another layer of complexity. Articulating thoughts on the struggles,
breakthroughs, and lessons learned in the essay-writing journey demands a level of introspection
that can be both demanding and rewarding.
Balancing the technical aspects of essay writing, such as structure, grammar, and coherence, with
the need for originality and a unique perspective on the topic can be a delicate task. Additionally,
the writer must maintain a consistent tone throughout the essay, ensuring that it aligns with the
intended message and purpose.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic "Do My Essays" requires a careful navigation
through potential ambiguities, ethical considerations, personal reflections, and technical writing
skills. It demands a writer's ability to think critically, express ideas coherently, and engage the
reader effectively. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic endeavors, there
are platforms like where a variety of essays and related services can be
conveniently ordered.
Do My Essays Do My Essays
Essay about Blake Edwards
1. How do any one of the films screened in weeks 6 12 of the course represent and/or
foreground authorship?
Dating back to the 1920 s, the term auteur was debated over, claiming to describe an
author of script and film maker as one and the same versus the view of scripts being
appointed from authors or scriptwriters (1996, p12).
Over the [course of 50 or so odd] years,. Known for his distinctive brand of comedy,
the work of Blake Edwards, demonstrates the authorial stamp that is often referred to
in theories of the auteur, resulting in a style or approach to cinema that could be
described as Edward ness . [He makes prominent use of his self conscious
manipulation of particular elements of film style and systematically arranges ... Show
more content on ...
Clouseau continues for the hotel room door yet stumbles over a suitcase. While
finally for the topper topper , Clouseau suspiciously checks the door and flings it
wide open while peering out, only to be hit by the door from behind.
Audiences are encouraged to adapt completely to this style in order for the comic
lines and/or events to take on a familiar quality of convention rather than becoming
abstractions to the field of movement or speech (Meisel, 1983). *
Edwards genius at creating a logically evolving chaos and building laughter through
long stretches of farcical sostenuto (1981, p.26) is what sets him apart from other
directors of the time, yet is respected as being apart of the few who were to be
considered apart of the pantheon of directors (1973, p50).
The ideology of Hollywood surrounding S.O.B was Blake Edwards intentions to
assault the motion picture industry as thanks for the excessive disputes between
studio executives and himself in order to maintain Hollywood success (1981, p39).
Within the chapter of Authorship, James Naremore notes that authors are written by
a series of historical, social and cultural determinants (1999, p22), which can be said
to easily differentiate films precisely from one another.
We see a paradoxical linkage to some of these determinants in each of Edwards films.
S.O.B and Sunset (1988) both illustrate the malice and treachery
Taxation of British Virgin Islands
Taxation of British Virgin Islands ( BVI)
As one of the largest part reputable tax havens in the Caribbean the BVI has very
elevated standards. BVI tax havens encompass no taxes in place for BVI offshore
companies who do no commerce in the jurisdiction. International business companies
will disburse zero taxes on the profits, interests, dividends and other types of incomes
earned exterior of the jurisdiction. For this motive the BVI can be regarded as a
unadulterated offshore tax haven. BVI offshore corporations shell out no corporate
tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, withholding tax and income tax. The merely money
that an offshore company pays in the BVI is an annual fee which is salaried to the
significant supervision authorities.
BVI as a tax refuge imposes no taxes on offshore bank account which makes the
British Virgin Islands an ideal jurisdiction to set up offshore bank accounts. Offshore
bank accounts advantage from the tax free surroundings in the British Virgin Islands.
The incomes and capital in offshore bank accounts are not taxed in the BVI.
In the offshore tax haven of the British Virgin Islands an offshore business
corporation can be incorporated using just one shareholder and director. The director
can be another BVI corporation. The financial statements and audits of the British
Virgin Islands offshore corporation are private. These financial statements of these
companies are not to be filed with the government authorities in the British Virgin
Monochromatic s Argument
argument in support of thesis
defend, criticize, Some questions you might consider: does her argument succeed in
getting to the desired conclusion? Which premises are the weakest points of the
argument? What objections might be raised to these premises? Are there any ways
that her argument could be bolstered to defend against such objections?
In addition, the objection about the thought of experiment was stated that a person
who has a monochromatic disease actually knows about visual colour experiences.
The person with monochromatic also able to figure out what coloured things look
like whether in real life or only in a visual kind of things. For example, Mary would
recognize or detect the colours when she first
Black Rook In Rainy Weather And The Darkling Thrush
Birds of Hope: Black Rook in Rainy Weather and The Darkling Thrush
In the two poems, Black Rook in Rainy Weather by Sylvia Plath and The Darkling
Thrush by Thomas Hardy, both speakers share their experiences about an encounter
with a bird
during the winter. In the poems, the speakers share their experiences about a bird that
helps the
speaker come to a realization about their lives.
The thrush in Hardy s The Darkling Thrush is inspiring hope. Even though everything
is looking bleak for the speaker due to the environment he is in, when he sees and
hears the
thrush singing after being beaten up by the winter storm the night before. The
speaker is shocked
to see that even though the thrush has been beaten down ... Show more content on ...
When she sees the black
rook, she realizes that her miracle is coming at an undefined time and even though
she does not
know when it will happen, she is willing to wait as long as it takes to receive her
miracle. The
tone of the poem is sadness and gloom. An example of the tone of this poem is
Although, I
admit, I desire,/Occasionally, some backtalk/ From the mute sky, I can t honestly
(Line 11 13). This quote helps to show the sadness that the speaker is feeling due to
the fact that
she feels like she doesn t have a reason to have hope or to be happy. An example of
the use of
imagery in the poem is In my eye, not seek/Any more in the desultory weather some
design,/But let spotted leaves fall as they fall, (Line 7 9). This quote helps to show
the gloomy
mood that is associated with winter, yet it seems that the speaker is used to the gloomy
environment of winter.
The elements that I found to be similar in the poem is the bleak environment of the
in both of the poems. Both of the poems talk about winter and how the environment
has brought
about and overall gloomy feel to the environment. Also, it showed the winter
helped to influence that speaker s feeling that life has no meaning and there is no
reason to hope.
Another element of the poems that I found to be similar is how the birds represent
some type of
hope to the speakers. In The Darkling
New Wood Fence
Tip For Protecting Your New Wood Fence
Are you going to install a wood fence around your backyard? A wood fence will
help add to your home s aesthetics while giving you some much needed privacy.
However, a wood fence does require more maintenance than materials like vinyl or
metal. Here are some tips for protecting your new wood fence over the years.
Apply a Wood Sealant
Water is the biggest danger to your wood fence, but with the fence being outdoors
you may assume there is not much you can do about it. Thankfully, you can apply a
protective sealant to the wood that will prevent water from seeping into the material.
It is best to apply a sealant immediately after the fence installation. Sealants that are
water or oil based will help create ... Show more content on ...
This often happens with sprinkler systems that continuously spray the fence because
they are not aligned properly. Take the time to adjust the sprinkler heads in your yard
so that they do not spray the fence.
Avoid Hanging Baskets
It can be tempting to beautify your backyard by hanging baskets from the fence.
These heavy baskets run the risk of causing the wood to warp due to the additional
weight. You are better off putting posts into the ground to hang the baskets and leave
the fence free of any heavy decorations.
Keep the Grill Away
Will your BBQ grill located near the fence? Consider moving the grill farther away
to protect the fence. It is not the heat of the grill that is concerning, but the smoke
and greases that come from the grill. These things can cause damage to a fence over
time and cause it to look discolored.
Alta Fence Co. can provide you with more ideas on how to prevent damage after
having your wood fence professionally installed. for maintaining your wood fence panels
Analysis Of The Poem Starry Night By Anna Sexton
What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole of it calles for tears.
The poem, Starry Night , by Anna Sexton, which was interpretation of a personal
view for Van Gogh s artwork, Starry Night . The prophetical nature of Anne Sexton s
spiritual poetry, Starry Night, ensues the melancholy of humanity. The poem depicts
Sexton s interpretation of the immense psychological suffering of a religious human
being. By addressing, Van Gogh s work caught with a deep understanding of an
emptiness of the soul and also the familiar warfare of his mental distresses. Sexton
showcases the shared tiredness of life, by describing religion as an example of
extreme emotional desperation. However, the poem dilutes the attention of many
optimistic people who do not share its attire, instead an interpretation must be attained
by those who can have a glimpse of their own eternal suffering. Although, the poetry
has tragic finishing, it re opens for me personally, the divinity of melancholy.
Everyone is vulnerable and susceptible to the usual heartbreak of life. Anne Sexton
suicide was only one of many who desperately wanted to achieve an unrelenting
wave of relief. For these existences, depression is like a war, you either win or die
trying (Live or Die). This is how I want to die (). Anne Sexton is foretelling her battle
with morbid sadness that continues to slowly consume, until the person drowns into
a sea of burning anguish. ....where one black haired tree slips up
Dominica Essay
Dominica concedes at any rate MFN treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It
has connected the CARICOM Common Outside Tariff (CET) since 1991 and
actualized the fourth and last stage of the CARICOM CET decreases on 1 July
2001. The timetable depends on the Orchestrated Commodity Description what s
more, Coding System 1996 since 1 January 1999. The tax, as connected in 2002,
includes 6,333 levy lines at the eight digit level. 8 Traditions obligations on imports
from nonCARICOM nations extend from 0% to 165%. Items confronting the most
noteworthy rate (165%) incorporate polishes, paints, and varnishes. The most
noteworthy rate connected on agrarian items is 150%, which relates to the last rate
bound in the WTO. On account of modern... Show more content on ...
Dominica takes an interest in various provincial and particular exchange plans, to
be specific: the Caribbean Group (CARICOM) and the IMF (2007), SMEP, p. 42.
Association of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).Through the last it is a some
portion of a completely settled money related union with alternate conditions of the
Eastern Caribbean. Dominica is at present arranging an Economic Partnership
Concurrence with the EU through the CARIFORUM design. It is too associated
with arrangements to shape the hemispheric Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Multilateral Dominica is a establishing WTO Member and applies at slightest MFN
treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It has GATS duties in 20 segments.
Dominica is a recipient of the U.S. Caribbean Basin Initiative that stipends obligation
free passage into the United States for numerous products. Dominica likewise has a
place with the overwhelmingly English talking Caribbean Community and Common
Market (CARICOM), the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), what s
more, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). 11 The legislature of
Dominica does not require exchange licenses for most products and items. The
Supplies Control (Limited Imports and Exports) Order 14 of 2003 be that as it may,
determines a couple things where licenses are essential, contingent upon their
wellspring of starting point. An import permit for these merchandise must be
acquired before the importation of any of these products.
The Great War-The Causes Of The First World War
History Essay The Causes of WWI Wars have immensely contributed to human
history for thousands of years, becoming highly destructive usually for the means
of gain. The First World War, also known as the Great War was a truly global war
centred in Europe. The causes of one of the most destructive wars in human history
are still debated to this day. Some historians have come up with a list of multiple
causes of the war. However, experts have identified some of the primary causes of
the war, including the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, militarism,
alliances, imperialism and nationalism. The causes of the truly deadly war,
sending ripples of shock throughout Europe and the world, can be summarised into
four points, and the start of the war pinpointed to one bullet from a young Serbians
gun. The world war had drawn in all of the world s greatest political and economic
powers of the century as a result of several reasons, as suggested by historians.
Historians have weighed in over the past century, providing examples of causes for
the Great War , for example; previous relationships and tensions, a lack of
international laws, corrupt governments, etc. One cause of the war, as suggested by
historians, was the previous relationships and tensions amongst countries, especially
Serbia and Austro Hungary. The tension between these nations dates back to 1815
when the Serbs successfully rebelled against the Ottoman Empire (to which at this
point, the Serbs were ruled
The Pros And Cons Of Frozen Embryo
Frozen embryo are relatively widespread and common technology nowadays, which
performed not only in western countries, but also in Asian including China. It is
undeniable that frozen embryo technology benefits out society, broaden the
possibility of reproduction. However, there are substantial numbers of frozen
embryos in storage that will not be used by those who produced them for their own
fertility (Frith Blyth, 2013), raising an ethical concern on the frozen embryo
disposition. For the reason that IVF technology is not advanced in China when
comparing to other countries, the management of frozen embryo disposal is
insufficiently planned. Therefore, by discussing the merits and ethical concerns of
frozen embryo technology, some suggestions on frozen embryo disposal are provided
for China s improvement.
Scientific methods of embryo cryopreservation ... Show more content on ...
The development of advanced science and technology to preserve the embryos has
made the cryopreservation of surplus embryos an inevitable part in the procedure of
IVF. According to Fertility Weekly (2014), the length of storage had no noticeable
influence on embryos survival rates, implantation rates, pregnancy rates and live birth
rates for embryos being cryopreserved, therefore, the frozen embryos can be
preserved for a long time. As the excessive preservation is serious in China, the
preservation of frozen embryos would be further discussed in China s case.
Family size is one of the major reasons for owners to preserve the embryos. Owing
to the desire on raising more children, biological parents would decide to preserve
their embryos in order to reduce the costs to conduct the IVF procedure again.
Moreover, in the case of China, the One child policy has restricted the numbers of
children in a family. Thus, parents tend to preserve the frozen embryos for the next
child if once the restriction of One child policy is being
Catcher In The Rye Symbolism
I spent my whole childhood wishing I were older and now I m spending my
adulthood wishing I were younger. Ricky Schroder. Some may want to grow old
and some may want to stay young forever. Holden Caulfield describes his massive
fears of change through symbolizes in his quick break of from school. J.D. Salinger
displays throughout the revolutionary novel, Catcher in the Rye, that the wild that
live in the pond in Central Park, New York, symbolizes multiple fears to Holden
Caulfield. The lake that Holden refers to in the novel symbolizes the the change
from childhood to adulthood. Holden, a very intelligent but cynical boy, has recently
lost his little brother to leukemia. He is a former Pencey Prep student; being kicked
out of school isn t... Show more content on ...
Another thought Holden receives as he is speaking to his old and sick history
teacher pops up: I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got icy
and frozen over. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a
zoo or something. Or if they just flew away (16). If the ducks fly away they have
to find new paths and places to live. Flying away displays their freedom and
unpredictable travel. If some guy came in a truck and took them to the zoo , the
ducks at the zoo s life would be the same day in and day out like a child going to
each class in the same order everyday. As Holden was getting a ride in the cab to a
club called Ernie s, he asked the driver a question: You know the ducks that swim
around in the pond? In the springtime and all? (91) The springtime is when Holden
is home. In the winter, Holden is always starting a new start in a new school, so
naturally Holden wonders about these ducks. The springtime and winter refers to
the cycle of Holden s life. After having a long talk with an old friend, Holden
stopped by the pond again at night time: I figured I d go by that little lake and see
what the hell the ducks were doing, see if they were around or not. I still don t
know if they were around or not. (170). Holden can t picture how the ducks leave so
abruptly once winter starts like he can t see where his own childhood went. He is
Communist Party And Its Muslim Minorities
On September 23rd 2014, China found the prominent Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti
guilty of separatism and sentenced him to life in prison. This ruling came as a shock
to the international community, for he has been the foremost advocate of peacefully
resolving Uyghur ethnic unrest in China. Ilham Tohti is an ethnically Uyghur
economist, professor, writer, and public intellectual who has been spearheading the
vanguard of cultivating mutual understanding and respect amongst Han and Uyghur
Chinese. He has been steadfast on working within the system to finding a solution
that will be mutually beneficial for the Communist Party and the Uyghur ethnic
minorities in Xinjiang, home to many of China s ethnic Turkic Muslims. Even in the
face of adversity, he has been outspoken and quick to criticize the missteps of the
Communist Party s governance and policies towards Xinjiang province and its
Muslim minorities. Due to that, the CCP views him as a threat, rather than a
solution, to the extreme affairs of episodic ethnic and political unrest in Xinjiang.
With the growing resentment from the Uyghur populous towards government s
policies, the tensions in the Xinjiang region between Muslim Uyghur minorities and
Han Chinesehave escalated to waves of terrorist attacks around China, with the recent
stabbing in Kunming, being dubbed as China s 9/11 . In response, the CCP has
imposed a more oppressive campaign to crackdown on the separatists and stabilize
the region. In this plight,
The Tale Of Mario And Luigi s Adventures In The
Does the main game hold up? You bet it does! The tale of Mario Luigi s adventures
in the Beanbean Kingdom is still hilarious and in my eyes was well worth playing
through once again. At a good 8 10 hours depending on your experience and how
much of the side content you wish to partake in, the game is somewhat simpler than
its successors, but less gimmicky as a result.
The most obvious difference compared to the original is the shift from purely 2D
sprites to more textured visuals found in more recent instalments. These are as
appealing as they can be, but the thing that truly impressed me was the use of
shadows and lighting in darker areas to make the visuals pop out. It s a neat effect
that to the best of my knowledge isn t really found ... Show more content on ...
There is also a dedicated button to allow both Mario Bros. to jump normally without
the need to swap back to the standard jump icon. It s an absolute godsend, eliminating
a major gripe I had with the original.
As for new combat features, the timing for pressing buttons for moves has been made
demonstrably clearer, even giving the button combinations on the bottom screen
before selecting the attack, as well as the ability to practice. These were features
present in more modern Mario Luigi games, but are welcome here.
Minion Quest: The Search for Bowser is a brand new storyline added to the
remake that runs concurrently to the main quest, giving us the perspective of a
lowly minion on a search for Bowser. Along the way you ll also encounter
characters from the main story and you ll be treated to what they ve been up to
while off screen. This mode opens up to the player pretty early after hitting a
certain spot in the main game and presents a completely different playstyle. The
goal is to find Bowser, but in order to do so you ll be thrown into battles with
brainwashed minions that have fallen under Fawful s control. There are three types
of minions; ranged, melee, and flying, each with a strength and weakness. Melee is
strong against ranged, ranged is strong against flying, and flying is strong against
melee, which results in a rock, paper, scissors rule set.
Preparing your squad is the most vital part of each battle, but luckily you ll know
what type of enemies
Metaphysical Poems
Metaphysical Poets
John Donne and Andrew Marvell were considered metaphysical poets based on their
use of conceit and wit in depicting similar situations through different metaphors.
They would use original analogies to create fitting and insightful comparisons,
usually to persuade.
John Donne and Andrew Marvell have been called metaphysical poets. This is a,
name given to a group of English lyric poets of the 17th century (Metaphysical
poets) The term metaphysical poets came to be used almost one hundred years after
the death of the two poets. John Donne died John Donne in1631 and Andrew
Marvell died in 1678. The term later became known as metaphysical poetry, (which
was referred to by contemporaries, as strong lived . The ... Show more content on ...
In the second stanza, the speaker argues for the life of the flea, as his lady has
moved to kill it. Almost desperate, the speaker describes the flea as holy. This flea
is you and I, and this/Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is (lines 12 13). He
fails to save the flea, as reflected, [p]urpled thy nail in blood of innocence? She
killed the flea and the speaker s last chance of having relations with her. The speaker
at this point realizes that his chance to have sex with this lady is gone. The speaker
realized her killing the flea was his final rejection.
In To His Coy Mistress, the speaker is attempting to use a Carpe Diem method to
persuade the young lady to make love to him. The speaker attempts to persuade the
lady with seize the day. The speaker continues to tell the woman about how short
time is, and how they must hurry because no one ever knows how much time is
left. This is evident in by how the poem begins, Had we but world enough, and
time, (page 527) As the poem starts to speed up you realize the speaker is
becoming almost desperate. His promises and analogies become so farfetched. ... I
would Love you ten years before the flood (line 8). Marvell uses symbolism,
comparisons and metaphors to show the speaker as this passionate lover and the lady
would be foolish not to give in to his request.
Clearly the two speakers are Metaphysical poets. They have gone in two different
directions to try to
Essay on The Road to Freedom—the Underground
The Road to Freedom the Underground Railroad
Many times I have suffered in the cold, in beating rains pouring in torrents from the
watery clouds, in the midst of the impetuosity of the whirlwinds and wild tornadoes
leading on my company not to the field of...war...but to the land of impartial freedom,
where the bloody lash was not buried in the quivering flesh of a slave.... (7,p.i).
Such were the conditions of the Underground Railroad. It was a fictitous railroad but
served the same purpose: to transport people from one place to another. This
railroad, however, was not sanctioned by any government, in fact if it had been
discovered many would have died. The Underground Railroad was a huge risk. If
you used ... Show more content on ...
If the whites had not enslaved the blacks for two hundred years there wouldn t have
been an underground freedom movement.
Knowing and understanding the characteristics, distribution, and migrations of
people is another key factor. The people who travelled on the underground railroad
were migrants, though not legally. Moving from one area to another defines thema s
migrants. When they got to the desired place, there was an economic interdepence
was set up. Lastly, two more standards that apply are about applying geography.
Using the information we know now about the time of slavery can help us to interpret
the past, however, it can also help us to interpret the future and the present.
History The Underground Railroad developed in a section of the country rid of
slavery, and situated between two regions (6, p.17). The two regions were the
southern half of what was then the United States, and Canada: the land without any
hint of slavery or threat of extradition. The Underground Railroad, therefore,
developed in the land between these two factors, which would be the northern half of
what was then the U.S.
Slavery was outlawed early on in New England, New Jersey, New York and
Pennsylvania. The Ordinance of 1787 that created many of the mid western states
such as Ohio and
Socrates Paper
PHI 150
Socrates Paper
Socrates is believed to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time and he is
credited as being the founder of western philosophy. This paper will explain some of
his views to the most fundamental questions of today s age. These questions will
include topics about morality, the human condition, solution, and death. After Socrates
views on these topics are explained, a critique will be done on his answers. I will
start out by explaining exactly who Socrates is, and the time that he lived in. To start
out, we will first examine Socrates view on morality.
There are many questions that could be asked about the topic of morality. Questions
like, what are the central moral principles, who is the ... Show more content on ...
It interferes and holds back the soul s search for the truth and causes all bad things in
the world. It is not necessarily the physical body itself, as much as it is the desires
that it brings with it.
With the question of human condition being answered, Socrates now can answer
another one of our fundamental questions. This question is Solution. Solution
proposes a way to fix what has gone with the world and mankind. In Socrates eyes,
the world s greatest problem was the attachment to the human body. He proposes that
this can be fixed by detaching oneself from the body. Socrates partially explains
this by saying It seems that so long as we are alive, we shall keep as close as
possible to knowledge if we avoid as much as we can all contact and association
with the body, except when absolutely necessary; and instead of allowing ourselves
to become infected with its nature, purify ourselves from it until God himself gives
us deliverance. In this way, by keeping ourselves uncontaminated by the follies of
the body, we shall probably reach the company of others like ourselves and gain
direct knowledge of all that is pure and uncontaminated that is, presumably, of Truth.
(Phaedo 67a b). Socrates also talks about the importance of purification of the mind
as another solution, which ends up coming back to the separation of the soul from the
body. This can be seen when Socrates
Essay about John-Jin by Rose Tremain
John Jin by Rose Tremain is a short story with two main characters. We have John
Jin himself, who was Chinese and born with a disease that held back his growth.
He would only grow in minute little bursts. When John Jin became older his
adopted parents took him to Manchester to see a specialist who then started him on
treatments of growth hormone shots. Things started to look up but after ten years
when John Jin was 12, the shots took a bad affect on him and he developed
Creutzfeldt and Jacob disease. This disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow
As for the narrator of the story, her name is Susan. She was 10 years old when John
Jin came into her family. She wanted to become a great Spanish dancer. She viewed
John Jin as ... Show more content on ...
Her father would wish at a wishing well there for John Jin. Two years later the
pavilion was rebuilt with help from girders purchased by the locals with a name
engraved on them. Suzan s parents bought one with John Jin s name on it.
In my own view, the pavilion stood for mortality. Meaning that nothing lasts forever
and everything has its end. When the pavilion was there at the beginning of the story,
Susan showed great excitement for going there and described it as a fun place to be.
Toward the end of the story she didn t describe the pavilion as a great place to be
anymore. Instead, she walked to the end of the pier and looked down wondering if
someone was to remove John Jin s girder, would everything fall? I get a since that
the narrator had the same point of view that I did. I think that what she meant by
saying that is, I wonder what would have happened if John Jin never existed
anymore. She s getting a since that no one or anything is immortal.
Susan said toward the end of the story that she knows something important now and
not to wish for anything unless you know precisely what you re going to get and
how. I think what she learnt was that if you wish for something and it comes true, it
may seem great at the time but nothing lasts forever and to be careful because it can
hurt worse after it leaves.
In conclusion, I agree with the
Cuba Juice Essay
Juicing is a great way to integrate fruits and vegetables into your diet, especially if
you do not like to eat whole fruits and vegetables. It can help you meet the daily
recommendations for these foods as well as allow you to consume a wide variety of
fruits and vegetables in a tasty way. Juicing is usually done with a machine which
turns raw fruits and vegetables into liquid and pulp. The machine chops the fruits and
vegetables into tiny pieces and spins them, separating the juice from the pulp.
Even before juicers were invented fruits were mashed. Text from the Dead Sea
Scrolls, A pounded mash of pomegranate and fig resulting in profound strength and
subtle form, indicates that juicing has been around ... Show more content on ...
A centered dual knife and stabilizing knife creates consistent juice flow and stops
clogging within the feed tube which drastically cuts down the time of cleanup
The juice jug capacity is 1 liter and includes a froth separator to save the user an
extra step
This model also comes with a 3 liter pulp collector so the consumer won t have to
empty it numerous times to squeeze enough juice for multiple people
Professional Juicing
The final juicer we reviewed was targeted toward the experienced consumer. Rather
than a high speed centrifugal juicer, our last review consisted of a masticating juicer.
It differs than that of the centrifugal juicer by using a single auger to compact and
squeeze the fruit s juice along a static screen at a slow speed, rather than pushing the
fruit through a central blade at a high operating speed. Although there are many
masticating juicers, we recommend the Omega Vert VRT350 Juicer for these reasons:
The Omega Vert VRT350 has a retail value of $430.00 but can be found online for
around $380.00
This model comes stock with a 2 horsepower motor, runs on 150 watts, and runs at
optimal efficiency at 80 RPM
By running at a lower RPM, low speed juicing prevents oxidation of your juice and
results in more nutrients and enzymes found in the final product of your juice as
opposed to a high speed juicer
Ease of Use:
The VRT350
Examples Of Internal Locus Of Control
Everyone has different ways to control their life, but not everything can be controlled
by you. Some people have separate ways on determining the outcomes of certain
situations by influencing the actions of people and events. One person could depend
and rely on outside influences for their success or they could believe that they control
their own life. I have an internal locus of controlbecause of how independent and
hardworking I am. My everyday life has many examples of my internal locus of
Everyone achieves something in their life, whether it is a good grade or a athletic
award. When I get a good grade in a class I base it off my hard work towards that
grade and how long I studied for the grade. I do not base it on luck
Racism And Its Subsequent Civil Liberty
The esteemed author Mark Twain offered commentary on a hypothetical society
which had unwittingly brought upon its own demise, when he said, But it was
impossible to save the Great Republic. She was rotten to the heart. Lust of
conquest had long ago done its work; trampling upon the helpless abroad had
taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes
who had applauded the crushing of other people s liberties, lived to suffer for their
mistake in their own persons . A common theme of the animated television show
Futurama is the concept of multiculturalism and its subsequent civil liberty.
Futurama is set in the year 3000 and follows the adventures of a pizza delivery boy
who wakes up in the time period after being accidentally cryogenically frozen in the
year 2000. In the world today, relationships between countries and people are
becoming increasingly interconnected and this brings rise to new challenges, as a
result of this, the concept of civil liberty is important. While the world in the time of
Futurama is generally seen as more socially advanced, it still faces some of the same
issues and mistakes that modern society deals with such as social prejudice, national
pride, and foreign intervention. An apathetic attitude when faced with certain issues
can bring unfavorable consequences. Social prejudice is an innate defect in human
society and is a form of control that governs behavior. In Futurama, the largest
minority group is
Greek Chorus in History
Chorus can be traced back to a relatively small time period; from the original
Dithyrambs, to Thespis small, but revolutionizing changes to the system, to
Aeschylus triple entente of tragedies The Oresteia, which included the infamous
Agamemnon. To truly understand the Greek Chorus, and what role it was meant to
play when it was created and thereafter altered, one has to go back to the beginning
of timeВ…which in this case happens to be somewhere around the seventh century,
B.C. During this time, the festival of Dionysus was held annually in Athens to
celebrate and honor the god for which it was named. Dionysus, being the Greek (and
Roman) god of wine and of an... Show more content on ...
When Clytemnestra speaks to the chorus that the Achaeans had taken Troy that
very night, they are skeptical and poke fun at her in their disbelief. Yet how can I
be certain? Is there some evidence?... Is it dream visions, easy to believe, you
credit?... The charm, then, of some rumor, that made rich your hope? (Grene and
Lattimore 13) To be fair, Clytemnestra s not the only one who s been unfaithful;
Agamemnon came home with his new slave, Cassandra, who happens to be the
sister of Paris and Hector. And while Agamemnon hasn t really been true to his
wife, it really wasn t considered a bad thing for a man to have more than one partner
in those timesВ…if anything, it was applauded by all but the original partner(s) of
the promiscuous man and some of the more snobbish common women. It was a bad
thing for a woman to have more than one male partner, however, because women
were allowed very little rights. But more to the topic, the chorus acquired some
sympathy from the audience for, not only their King Agamemnon, but also to his new
lady, Cassandra.
Chapter 2 Basic Aerodynamics
Chapter 2
Basic Aerodynamic
What is aerodynamics?
Aerodynamics is the way air moves around things. The rules of aerodynamics
explain how an airplane is able to fly. Anything that moves through air reacts to
aerodynamics. A rocket blasting off the launch pad and a kite in the sky react to
aerodynamics. Aerodynamics even acts on cars, since air flows around cars.
What Are the Four Forces of Flight?
The four forces of flight are lift, weight, thrust and drag. These forces make an
object move up and down, and faster or slower. How much of each force there is
changes how the object moves through the air. What Is Weight?
Everything on Earth has weight. This force comes from gravity pulling down on
objects. To fly, an aircraft needs something to push it in the opposite direction from
gravity. The weight of an object controls how strong ... Show more content on ...
Lift is the push that lets something move up. It is the force that is the opposite of
weight. Everything that flies must have lift. For an aircraft to move upward, it must
have more lift than weight. A hot air balloon has lift because the hot air inside is
lighter than the air around it. Hot air rises and carries the balloon with it. A
helicopter s lift comes from the rotor blades at the top of the helicopter. Their motion
through the air moves the helicopter upward. Lift for an airplane comes from its
How Do an Airplane s Wings Provide Lift?
The shape of an airplane s wings is what makes it able to fly. Airplanes wings are
curved on top and flatter on the bottom. That shape makes air flow over the top
faster than under the bottom. So, less air pressure is on top of the wing. This
condition makes the wing, and the airplane it s attached to, move up. Using curves
to change air pressure is a trick used on many aircraft. Helicopter rotor blades use
this trick. Lift for kites also comes from a curved shape. Even sailboats use this
concept. A boat s sail is like a wing. That s what makes the sailboat move. What Is
Drafting Note For Recitals ( A )
Drafting Note to RECITALS (a) Confidentiality agreements typically do not describe
the contemplated transaction in detail to avoid the implication that the parties have
come to any agreement on the terms of the transaction. Nonetheless, the definition of
Transaction should be drafted carefully to prevent potential misuse by the Receiving
Party of the Disclosing Party s information. For instance, the Receiving Party may
abandon negotiations and launch a hostile bid for the Disclosing Party using the
Disclosing Party s information in formulating the bid. This form defines Transaction
as a negotiated transaction, and thus the use by the Receiving Party of the Disclosing
Party s information to launch a hostile bid would be a breach of... Show more content
on ...
The definition of Proprietary Information in this form provides that information can
be considered Proprietary Information regardless of whether it is marked
confidential. Including such a provision can help the parties avoid an overly
burdensome diligence process and any accidental failures to mark information as
confidential. Drafting Note to Paragraph 1(a) This provision contains each party s
confidentiality and non disclosure obligations with respect to the Proprietary
Information. It also permits each party to disclose the other party s Proprietary
Information to its Representatives who need to know such information in order to
advise such party in doing the deal. Each party will want to ensure that the other party
s Representatives are also bound not to disclose the Proprietary Information. Note that
some parties may be uncomfortable with explicitly assuming responsibility for any
breach of this agreement by its Representatives. The party may require certain of its
Representatives to enter into a joinder or separate confidentiality agreement with the
Disclosing Party. Alternatively, each party may
Pennies Should Be Eliminated Essay
Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you ll have good luck. This commonly used
saying is being valued less and less as the days progress. On a daily basis,
thousands of people walk down the streets of busy cities. Today the majority of
people state that when they pass by a penny on the ground, they don t stop to pick it
up. Due to this and many other reasons pennyproduction should cease. In society,
other countries have chosen to withdraw their coins, pennies lack circulation, and
they are costly to produce, leading us, as a nation, to lean towards the decision of
stopping their production.
Each day, around the world, countries and governments choose to make changes
daily, leading citizens to believe that the use of the penny could easily be abolished.
Back in the 1800 s, America partook in the use of a half cent. In 1857, the
government decided that it was too much of a nuisance and was not used often
enough. As a nation, we chose to stop its production. After its eradication, there was
no record of the people struggling to adjust to its disappearance. Citizens were able to
continue making ... Show more content on ...
As shoppers peruse the grocery store, they are often met with items that are not
rounded to the exact dollar. In fact, most items you purchase will present you with a
penny or two in change. When people receive these pennies, they often feel that they
will only bring extra weight and clutter into their wallets, leading them to leave these
pennies at the cash register or in a change jar. Furthermore, a penny left in a change
jar is very likely to be left untouched. Items don t cost only one cent! These pennies
will then sit in this change jar for months or even years, until someone decides to
donate or cash them in. As a result, pennies are often lost in circulation and are not
used as often as our other
A Salesperson Essay
It was a beautiful August morning. The sun was brightly shining on my sunglasses
while my mother drove the U haul truck to a warehouse in Santa Ana, California. As
my mother drove down the streets of Santa Ana, I looked out the window and began
to realize that the mixture of people was no longer a mixture; there was only white.
When we arrived at the warehouse, I had to peel my arm off the side of the hot
door like a burnt sausage off a skillet. There were not many cars in the parking lot,
and I could see the heat waves. As we walked up the boiling pavement, it felt like
we were walking through a scorching desert. When we walked into the warehouse,
there was a variety of electronic appliances to choose from, and about three fourths of
... Show more content on ...
Then I figured that maybe something was on my face, but when I looked in the
mirror, I saw nothing. At the time, I had only spent nine years and some months on
this planet. I didn t know racism was still around; I thought that situation had died
along with Dr. King.
Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. We sat there watching people get their
appliances and leave. We seemed invisible to them. As I sat in the car, burning up
and listening to one of the most boring radio stations my mother could possibly
like, I was thinking, We d better leave or else I ll go ballistic! After 30 minutes had
passed, my mother got frustrated and politely asked to have our items loaded. Five
more minutes passed, and she asked again with an attitude. They replied, We ll be
with you in a minute, ma am. I could tell she was beginning to get upset because she
started to get that don t bother me look. Five minutes later they finally packed our
appliances on the truck.
When we left the warehouse, I described to my mother what the other people were
doing. She explained, They were racist. They didn t like us because we have
different skin color.
That was my first encounter with racism. It was just a small slice of reality that
everyone isn t going to be as nice as you, your friends, and your family might be; and
that just because you look nice and politely smile at others, it
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre is a very strong character, true feminist whose behaviour and believes are
only based on social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. She advocates
equal rights for herself, therefore suffered a lot of hardships in her life. She
contains a very strong feminist stance; and explores the dept at which she may act
in the society to figure out her boundaries in a Victorian society. She embodies
passion and does what is right for her. She is a very independent woman who is
educated when women are under the authority of men. She believes that women are
no different from men and believes that marriageis based on lovenot compromising,
which is rarely true in the Victorian society. She has... Show more content on ...
He wants her to ignore her feelings and submit to his powerful conception of
necessary moral duty. But Jane sticks with her decision and doesn t pay attention
to her feelings Forgive me the words, St John: but it is your own fault that I have
been roused to speak unguardedly. You have introduced a topic on which our
natures are at variance a topic we should never discuss: the very name of love is an
apple of discord between us if the reality were required what we should do? How
should we feel? My dear cousin, abondon your scheme of marriage forget it. (pg
416) This shows that being a feminist she will not sacrifice her happiness and
suppress her inner feeling because of a male. Accordingly, she escapes from the
relationship and doesn t let him to compel her to get married. Jane is a woman who
believes in love and thinks that relationships are based on love not being suppressed
by a man. Therefore, she wasn t bothered by the fact that she refused a man who help
her a lot and sticked with her decision.
Secondly, Jane Eyre is a feminist because she believes in egalitarianism and
equality. Being a 19th century young woman,, Jane was judged by class distinction
and wealth. The higher class was superior than the lower class but Jane Eyre didn t
want to be in a relationship which was based on social class and wasn t equal.
Hence, she denies to become Mr. Rochester s mistress and believes that she can break
from the emotional
Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International...
Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International Monetary Fund: Their
Economic and Social Effects on Buenos Aires. Argentina The day is Friday,
December 21, 2001. After three days of massive riots the city of Buenos Aires
looks like an abandoned battlefield. Its grand palm lined avenues are strewn with
burnt out shells of cars, smashed glass, rocks, and twisted furniture. Unemployed
people, pensioners, and women with babies climb through smashed supermarket
windows searching for any food that looters left behind. Most banks and shops are
closed, and dazed people wander the streets, confused and fearful of their nation s
state of affairs (Arie 11).
The battle started on Monday, December 17, with massive food ... Show more content
on ...
This only led to the rest of the population becoming involved, however, as thousands
of middle class citizens joined the fray (Ximenez). Nelli Mai, an unemployed 62
year old psychologist said, the poor people had detonated something, and it was up to
us in the middle class to continue and finish it (Rohter 6).
Almost immediately, residents of middle class neighborhoods in Buenos Aires went to
their windows and began a noise protest by banging pots and pans, a traditional form
of protest throughout Latin America. Before long, their rage still unsatisfied,
protesters spilled into the streets by the thousands and began marching to the Plaza
de Mayo. At the seat of government, known as the Casa Rosada (Pink House), and on
Congress and Los Olivos, the president s residence, protesters chanted the name of
their country (Rohter 6). For many it was the sound of the Argentine Revolution.
Largely middle class demonstrators swarmed key landmarks and blocked main
thoroughfares across Buenos Aires. As protesters demanded the resignation of the
unpopular de la Rua, police were forced to clear the peaceful demonstration (Gardner
9). In the Plaza de Mayo, which has seen some of the bloodiest and most historic
moments in Argentina s rocky political past, officers swung batons, fired rubber
bullets and tear gas, and aimed water cannon (see illustration 1) on the throngs of
demonstrators besieging the Casa Rosada.
The Linux Network Name Space Essay
Linux Network Name Spaces2
Linux Name Spaces2
Linux Network Name Space2
Network Name Space Use Cases2
Network Name Space Example2
Linux Network Name Spaces
In this paper we will discuss the Linux Network Name Space. First, the concept of
namespaces will be described along with an overview of the default name spaces
available in the Linux operating system. The Linux Network Name Space is a key
enabler for some high profile virtualization technologies including OpenStack and
Linux Name Spaces
Linux consists of the following six namespaces:
Network Network Namespace
PID Process Namespace
Mount Filesystem Namespace
User User Namespace
IPC Interprocess Communication Namespace
UTS Host and NIS Namespace
Linux namespaces can be traced back to early UNIX technologies called chroot,
process jails controlled where access is controlled with cgroups. The concept of a
namespace is to isolate processes from other processes on the system. This concept
evolved into namespaces that are created with clone() system call and manipulated
with the setns() and unshare() system calls. The clone() system call is used when
creating child namespace from a parent or root namespace. As the name would
suggest this creates a clone of an existing stack. The setns() system call is used to
join a namespace. The unshare() system call is used for moving processes into a
namespace, as the name suggests the process
Poetry Analysis Robert Frost Essay
POETRY ANALYSIS: DESIGN Robert Frost s poem Design seemingly disputes the
question whether there is a design to life; yet, he is not able to establish an answer.
Despite the comlexity of his poem his implied message is rather simple. Frost s
statement clarified human s eagerness to finding a meaning to life and an essential
background and reason to events, regardless of how small and insignificant they
might be. His work states an advice not to interpret too much into insignificant
conincidences or apportion them too much relevance. During the first stanza, the
speaker of the poem encounters a dimpled whitespider on a white heal all that has
previously caught a white moth. This seemingly coincidental situation is so distinct...
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Furthermore, he proposes two answers on how the conincidence might have
happenend. He suggests that a design of darkness, an evil power, delectated by
conceiling a bad deed in the color of goodness, is to be held responsible. Yet, a
spider killing an insect is a fairly common sight and in no way spectacular. This
would imply, that the designer, God, or whatever you might want to call it,
himself, besides all the beauty on earth, also created destruction. This is a
shocking picture and differs from most peoples image of a creator which is what
makes this poem so powerful and striking. His second idea would be that there is
no order and design to life at all. If this small example of destruction was not the
work of some evil force, then so his argumentation there can be no God or
goodness leading the small things on earth. Consequently, if small things on earth
are not governed by a good force, the possibility of no god or no design at all is
given. But does this form of reasoning not seem a little far fetched, almost satiric?
Even though Robert Frost is known for agnostic poetry, this poem obviously focuses
on humanity. It is a parody of humans everlasting curiosity and their compulsion to
find a proof for a supreme being and a reason for existence on earth. He is describing
a spider killing a moth while sitting on a flower and despite the fact that there is a
perfectly plausible biological
Bus Rapid Transit Service Design
The third article, Bus Rapid Transit Service Design, by American Public
Transportation Association focuses on fare evasion and smart cards on BRT. The
overall objective of BRT is to enhance transit through travel times that are faster than
traditional fixed route bus service. While seen as a premium service, BRT should not
be implemented at the expense of existing fixed route service, but rather in a way that
complements and enhances other transit services (APTA). With buses coming every
ten to fifteen minutes, fare evasions seems to be the big issue. Busoperators do not
have time to inspect fares because that would delay the service.
In addition, transit agencies are likely to implement a smart card system because it
will minimize and reduce fare evasion. BRT routes operate at a high frequency,
which leads to an increased percentage of riders. The majority of transit agencies
use the proof of verification method, which increases the numbers of fare evaders
because fare inspections do not happen very often. Also, bus operators like to keep
their buses on schedule so it is impossible for them to inspect fares without delaying
the bus. As stated in this article Even with inspectors, some revenue loss due to fare
evasion should be expected with off board payment (approximately 4 to 5 percent)
(APTA). Furthermore, if transit agencies implement smart cards, riders will only
need to tap card reader before boarding the bus allowing fast boarding without
defeating the purpose
University Of Hawai пѕ пѕЄ I At Hilo
University of HawaiК»i at Hilo is in the attempt of building a Thirty Meter
telescope on Mauna Kea. To Hawaiians Mauna Kea holds a high value of historical
and sacred context and should not be disturbed. Although, the construction of the
thirty meter telescope (TMT) will result in being the most powerful telescope in the
world, bringing the worlds best researchers to HawaiК»i. The construction of TMT
will also bring an estimated total of 10,000 job opportunities to HawaiК»i (Deneen).
The TMT poses a significant opportunity for astronomy on a worldwide platform;
however, the cultural significance of Mauna Kea, the environmental impact of such a
project (as TMT) and the lack of respect and management shown by the State of
HawaiК»i proved that Mauna Kea is not the appropriate site for this telescope.
In sacred records of the Hawaiian people it is said that the people are all decedents of
WДЃkea Sky Father and PapahДЃnaumoku Goddess of HawaiК»i who gave birth to
the islands. It is said that the intercourse between WДЃkea and PapahДЃnaumoku
produced the mountain child we know today as Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is both
female and male Maunakea s physical features of rock, soil, water and ice are female
attributes; his elevation establishes his maleness, as it brings him closer to his father,
WДЃkea. The equability of the male female distribution establishes Mauna Kea as
sacred and creates piko kapu, or sacred center, of the island (The Edith KanakaК»ole
The second piko is
Being A Child Again
I will think that it is better to be a child because of all the good benefits that comes
with being a child.
The benefits of being a child again is so good. For an example a child is more
likely to have more fun memory then a high school teenager would. Kids do not
have to worry about grades, responsibility, getting in trouble, having to clean up,
ect. Most people will agree to disagree with me about being a child again. the
people that agree with me are probably thinking about all the good times that they
had as a child. I mean who can blame them, as child I got everything that I wanted. If
I did no want to go to school my mother would let me stay home, I did not have to
clean as much as my older sisters did, if my older sisters ere being ... Show more
content on ...
I don t know about some people but for made me left like it was the end of
the world and that everybody was against me. I had a few drawbacks when I was a
child. One of my biggest drawbacks that I wish my mother would allow me to do
was to go spend a night over a friends house. Spending a night over a friends house
was a big N.O for me and all of my sisters. Nobody was allowed to come over or
spend a night as well they were allowed to stand outside the front house. If they
wanted something to drink well they better start walking back home. Another
drawback was that I was no allowed to go with my older sisters when they wanted
to go somewhere with a friend. I m not 100% sure that most people will agree with
me but my mother did not really allow me to do much as a child. I m not sure that
it was because I am the youngest out of four girls o because she did not want me to
grow up.Don t get me wrong being a young adult is okay I mean you do have to
get used to doing things alone. Being a young adult shows you new things that you
may have not really think about doing. you can do so much but then again I am
unable to go have fun as a child. Being a child is more like that little saying, it was
fun while it lasted . Being a child again is so fun because a child has no worries about
Why I Choose Auburn University
Auburn University has always been a dream of mine to attend; it has been my second
home for many years. My reason for selecting Auburn University over any other
surrounding school is the friendly atmosphere along with the ambition and
determination of the staff and students, which will allow any student to succeed. The
friendly atmosphere of students and faculty encourage every studentto go to the
University; with this welcoming feeling every student feels like they fit in despite
any background or racial differences. The helpful campus spirit allows any student
to engage in social groups or clubs to better benefit their educational experiences
along with communication skills. This high atmosphere will allow me as a student
to come out of my comfort zone and blossom socially so that I can succeed in society
as well as in school. I have always been a shy person who has a hard time making
friends, but I am persuaded that Auburn University will help me achieve my goal of
letting go of insecurity. Insecurity has caused me a lot of problems with... Show more
content on ...
The academic classes allows students to feel confident in his or her s degree, while
also having determined committed professional teachers that devote themselves to
helping and building up strong students. I believe I can succeed at the University
with the help of determined professors and ambitious counselors that devote
themselves to the lives of students. The best way for a student to succeed is to
never give up, but with the compassionate staff any student feels welcomed and
driven to continue despite some falls. The loving sympathetic staff and students is
the main reason I chose Auburn University, because I believe I have the best chance
to succeed here than any other school in Alabama. Since this has been my dream
school, i will fight my best to succeed in any way I can whether it be academically or
Perceived Effectiveness Of Influence Tactics Of The United...
Perceived Effectiveness of Influence Tactics in the United States and China is a
quantitative research study written by Ping Ping Fu from Chinese University of
Hong Kong, and Gary Yukl from State University of New York at Albany. This
research study is published in a book named The Leadership Quarterly.
Ping Ping Fu and Gary Yukl believed that people from different cultures deal with the
difficulties of exercising influence differently. According to Smith and Peterson, to
understand cultural differences, international relationship, and various influences in
cross cultural cooperation are necessary for managers under 21st century
globalization. The authors also believed that the managers who have strong cultural
awareness ... Show more content on ...
The dependent variables are the tactics effectiveness for a variety of contexts,
includes the tactics include a variety of relevant tactics, such as rational persuasion,
exchange, coalition, upward appeals, ingratiation, pressure, consultation, inspirational
appeals, and personal appeals, because the tactics effectiveness in these contexts is
influenced by the manager s nationality. This researchpaper does not include any
hypotheses; instead the authors explored seven research questions. 1. Are some
tactics considered more effective by Chinese managers than by American managers?
2. Are some tactics considered less effective by Chinese managers than by American
managers? 3. Are the tactics considered most effective by Chinese managers than by
American managers? 4. Are there any culturally specific influence tactics used by
Chinese managers but not by American managers? 5. How strong is the effect of
national culture on perception of influence tactics (in relation other situational and
individual determinants/)? 6. How well can the nationality of a manager be predicted
from his or her pattern of ratings on tactic effectiveness? 7. How useful are fixed
response scenarios for studying cross cultural differences? The reason why the
authors use the research questions instead of the hypothesis is because research
questions helps to explain the purpose of the research. Additionally, this research is a
descriptive study, which means, the
Gross Domestic Product Changes In The United States
The production of countries is compared to one another based on their gross
domestic product. A country is said to have economic growth if it has an increase
in output. Every quarter of the year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis releases a
GDP estimate on the US. This allows for people to see how the US economy is
doing, how it s changing, and predict how it might change in the future. The reports
for quarter one, two, and three are all out now for 2014 and it is very interesting so
see how the gross domestic productchanges through each quarter. The articles I
picked to summarize and analyze are each about a certain quarter and are in
chronological order. The first article from that is written by Samantha
Sharf is titled U.S.
Polygamist Marriages Internal Memorandum Essay
Internal Memorandum of the Law for Defenses
Of the State of Utah for Polygamist Marriages
PA499: Bachelors Capstone Project in Paralegal Studies
TO:Ted Leopold, ESQ.
FROM:Keith A. Swift
DATE:October 16, 2012
SUBJECT:Deborah Evans Polygamy defenses for state of Utah
Facts: Deborah Evans Met Aaron Conway and his wife Barb Conway five years
ago as part of the religious sect Canyon County Family Society that has existed for
25 years with 120 members, which is part of the Mormon Church which strongly
believes in polygamist marriages. Ms. Evans moved in with the Conway s two years
ago, in which time Mr. Conway and Ms. Evans began dating even though he has
been married to his wife Barb ... Show more content on ...
Conway. This was the first case to weigh in on Utah s anti bigamy laws to state that
they are constitutional. Further when Chief Justice Waite delivered the opinion of
the court in discussion of the opinion further discussed if Mormons or the sects that
are part of the religion practicing polygamy should be exempt from the law. The
state of Utah may use this in our current case to try and show and or justify why Ms.
Evans, Mr. amp; Mrs. Conway should not have the right to be married in a
polygamous marriage, or granted a religious exemption. Lastly in Reynolds Chief
Justice Waite compared polygamy as a criminal act which is also where the state
of Utah will weigh in on this wording as well for the defense. The state of Utah also
relies heavily on Utah Const. art. III, В§ 1, in Utah s Constitution stating First:
Perfect toleration of religious sentiment is guaranteed. No inhabitant of this State
shall ever be molested in person or property on account of his or her mode of
religious worship; but polygamous or plural marriages are forever prohibited , and
Utah s anti polygamy statute, Utah Code Ann. В§ 76 7 101(1)(2)(3) stating (1) A
person is guilty of bigamy when, knowing he has a husband or wife or knowing
the other person has a husband or wife, the person purports to marry another person
or cohabits with another person, (2) Bigamy is a felony of the third degree, and (3)
It shall be a defense to bigamy that the accused reasonably believed he and the
Understanding the Debate Over the Origins of Life Essay...
When addressing the origins of life, an unwavering dedication to the theories behind
creationism evolutionary and abiogenesis theories makes itself present. It is in this
realm of debate, Darwin challenges the dogmatic approach to understanding made by
religious doctrine with science and evolutionary precedent. The ongoing debate
between evolutionary and abiogenesis biologists and religious leaders is the ultimate
contest between science pseudoscience. Evolutionary biology bases its claims behind
the idea that a gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed generation to generation.
Through this change in the genetic composition of a population during successive
generations, natural selectionacts upon the genetic variation of... Show more content
on ...
Often times, a derogatory attitude accompanies the idea of Creationism. The belief in
creation by an almighty being is not a supplemental belief attached only to the Bible;
instead, creation is the definitive deduction of a clear reading and understanding of
Genesis in its intended form as a purely historical narrative. This historical narrative,
given to humanity by a supreme being, is the basis and foundation upon which a
biblical worldview is based. A myriad of interpretations of creationism conclude that
an intelligent, all knowing demiurge, not natural selection or natural influences,
created the universe and all the life found within. Creationism distinguishes those
who reject naturalism as a credible explanation for how the universe and all the life
within it came into existence. However, creationism includes a varying number of
fields, including theology, astronomy, biology, geology, and physics. Creationism is
not a scientific or theological discipline in and of itself, but is instead a theologically
based framework through which empirical and substantial data is interpreted.
We find various forms of creationism throughout ancient history in an innumerable
number of civilizations and antiquated societies. Greek mythology dictates that the
world was created by Erebus and Gaia, Norse mythology points to Ymir as the
almighty creator, and Christian doctrine finds its
Jimmy John Surgery Persuasive Speech
Wouldn t you like to know the wonders of arm injuries?
There are a few pitchers who have to undergo Tommy John surgery. Most of the
time after Tommy John surgery the pitcher is out for a year or two. There is a
growing belief, though, that recovery time isn t sufficient after many Tommy John
procedures, thanks to an erroneous idea that crept into the sport in recent years
that pitchers need only 10 18 months to come back from a UCL replacement,
whereas accepted standard time to return from a Tommy John procedure in
medical circles is 16 20 months. Many pitchers come back before they are
assigned. That is why they have so many arm injuries in the long run. There are
more guys going through this and it s better to err on the side of giving more time.
Even with a first Tommy John, people expect a 100 percent success rate, and while
the odds are very good, it s not 100 percent. They come in expecting to able to be the
way they were before the surgery. Pitchers need to slow down after they ... Show
more content on ...
More pitchers are going through the procedure a second time, and aside from the
mental and physical toll it takes on players. They still try to pitch through the pain
an end up getting hurt again. It s a one percent rate in the literature, one out of 100
Tommy Johns requires a second surgery. Most surgeons do a good job on their
arms. Pitchers have the worst trouble after the first surgery when their arms hurt
bad enough so they have to have a second surgery. Pitchers don t see the struggle
your arm is going through when they keep pitching through it. It really was a battle
every time out. There was a string of games where I had to give some extra effort
late. He was pitching through the pain. As a pitcher in the big leagues you re dealing
with minute aches all the time. Your arm usually hurts when you pitch without a
break. Pitchers should rest when their arms are giving them
Anecdotes And Theme Of Ethos In The PSA
In our PSA my group and I used anecdotes and theme to show ethos in order to
strengthen our message, and to persuade viewers to do their homework.
The PSA uses multiple short anecdotes to demonstrate what happens if you do your
homework or what happens if you don t do your homework. The anecdotes start with
showing people who don t do their homework and what happens to them after words.
This uses ethos to try and make people feel morally inclined to do their homework.
After those videos the PSA shows different facts about what might happen if you
don t do your homework. These facts utilize logos as we try and use logic to
convince the viewer that they need to do their homework. The repetition between
what happens if you do your homework and
Transcendentalism In The Lesson Of The Moth By Don
The poem the lesson of the moth written by Don Marquis, reflects many ideas found
in Transcendentalism and in the story of Chris McCandless. The poem focuses in on
the beauty of life. It suggests that we get bored with the routine (Marquis 18). This
relates to many Transcendentalist beliefs which are represented throughout multiple
of Emerson and Thoreau s pieces. Transcendentalism has many core beliefs such as:
individualism, going into nature, trusting one s self, and living a minimalistic life.
These core beliefs are said to help one find true happinesswithin themselves and
connecting with nature. This relates to many of Chris McCandless s beliefs as well,
because he got bored with the routine life he was living. McCandless wondered...
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This ambition to do something out of the ordinary so different which many people
fear. People fear change, yet some people have an implicit reaction of excitement
and an adrenaline rush. McCandless went out and followed his true aspiration and
showed individualism in doing so. This is a key factor in Transcendentalism, to be
an individual. While McCandless was on his journey, he views people in a similar
light as the moth had in which they are too civilized to enjoy themselves (Marquis
42). This is also shown in some of the Transcendentalist principles written by
Thoreau, believing that people are too involved with other people s lives and
concerns that there is no time for one to release and relax. This principle reveals
how many people are not taking care of themselves and their own well being.
Humans show many signs and are guided to strive for altruism, in practicing a
selfless concern for the well being of others. Yet, this action is contradictory in some
Transcendentalist ideals. From the poem the lesson of the moth , to the
Transcendentalist ideologies, and even Chris McCandless s journey, there is a
pattern of self care and being concerned for one s well being. This is something many
fear, yet are still attracted towards due to the potential excitement and happiness it
could bring them. This, however, would call for that person to abandon
Taking a Look at Inductive Interference
An example of inductive inference would be the assumption that if you meet
someone in public and they are nice, and you have no reason to judge the next
person, then they will be nice as well. Inductive inferences are an unconscious way to
process events in a way that supports positive morality; without inductive inferences,
people would be left to deal with only truths and although the truthis normally a good
thing, it may not be best for everyone to know. With inductive inferences, people can
live their lives making positive assumptions which put the mind at ease versus
knowing negative things that can ultimately lead to overstress.
The previous example of inductive inference relies on SPI because the inference is
based on your perception thus far of the scenario; if your perception of random
people is that they are nice, then per the SPI, you can only assume the next person
will be as well because it is the only information you have.
Based solely on experience, one cannot be justified in accepting the SPI because
they would not be making a real inference; their experiences do not necessarily
entail truth in their conclusion. One would also not be justified on the basis of
deductive inference because that method means that the conclusion is only factual
to the premises it was formed from; in other words, you can only assume everyone
will be nice if there are no mean people to begin with. Lastly, assuming SPI will
always yield a correct conclusion is also not
Nothing Gold Can Stay
With the impending end of every good thing comes a chance for a new beginning
and a chance for a perfect moment. In a world where perfect moments seem scarce,
one is constantly reminded how temporary life truly is. Around every corner,
something always seems to be going wrong war, poverty, famine and yet some
people still manage to find the best in every situation. Robert Frosts Nothing Gold
Can Stay and the film Gladiator externally showcase completely different concepts;
yet relate in a way that allows one to realize how short life can be. A piece about
nature and another about the life of a Roman soldier; One simply cannot fathom
how two pieces as diverse as these can correlate. However, both pieces examine the
idea that life s greatest... Show more content on ...
Regardless of its short length and appearance as a nature poem, Nothing Gold Can
Stay manages to touch the soul of each reader and allow them to fully understand
the mortality of life. The poem narrates the short lived experience of Spring s first
moments and the transient nature of life as described by Frost (Kearney Web).
Lines 1 4 describe gold as nature s first color its most beautiful and the hardest
color to hold. In line 4, Frost analyzes how short lived this moment of pure
happiness is. This line is where the beautiful scene of flourishing nature takes a
turn. Notice that it does so exactly halfway through the poem (Birmingham Web).
The momentary nature of line 4 signifies life s greatest moments slowly beginning
to end. The first half of the poem explains the beginning of nature and its most
beautiful moments, yet a shift occurs in line 5 Then leaf subsides to leaf, showing
how the moment of gold is gone and nature is simply nature once again a different,
more realistic kind of beauty. The reference to Eden in line 6 utilizes a mortality in
the cycle of human life birth, life and then eventually death. Life s golden moments
are temporary, just like the existence of a loved one or even one s self. There are
cycles of greatness and loss throughout life, as well as the poem. The poem
concludes with a rhymed couplet that shows how dawn loses it s luster and soon
turns to day, showing that like the title, nothing gold can truly stay. Frost uses this
poem as a felix culpa metaphor displaying the fact that although temporary, the
greatest moments would have no merit if they were not temporary. There is no good
without bad and, conversely, there is no bad without good. Those golden moments
in life and in the poem would never be appreciated fully if they were eternal, because
there would be no ordinary
Catherine The Great Biography
Catherine the Great, was born on May 2, 1729, in Stettin, Prussia (now Szczecin,
Poland), and became the Russian empress in 1762. During her reign, Russia
expanded its borders, made many political reforms, increased the religious toleration,
and modernized exponentially, earning her the title of Enlightened Despot. She died
on November 17, 1796 in Tsarskoye Selo, or what is now Pushkin.
Catherine, started out as a minor German princess. Her birth name was Sophie
Friederike Auguste, and she grew up in Stettin in a small feudal state called Anhalt
Zebst. Her father, Christian August, was a prince of these insignificant holdings, but
he gained fame for his military service. He served as a general for Frederick William
of Prussia. Princess Johanna ... Show more content on ...
No finalized laws or reforms came out of the commission, but it was the first time
that Russians from across the empire were able to express their thoughts about the
country s needs and problems. Ultimately, the Nakaz became more known for its
ideas and as a point towards Catherine s ideals and progressive thoughts, rather than
its actual influence on the country s standing.
A skeptic religiously, Catherine tried to diminish the power of the Orthodox Church.
She had given them the land peter had taken back, but she soon changed her mind.
Catherine declared that the church s wealth would belong to the state. To that end,
she made the church part of the state, and therefor all of its holdings, including more
than one million serfs.
At the time of Catherine s coup, Russia was viewed as underdeveloped and covered
in rural farms by many in Europe. She tried to change this negative opinion through
expanding and upgrading the country s educational systems and artist export.
Catherine owned a boarding school established for girls from affluent families in St.
Petersburg, and later called for free schools to be an accessible opportunity for
children in towns all across
Aggressive Assimilation In School
In the nineteenth century, the Canadian government arrogated themselves with the
task of educating and caring for aboriginal people in Canada, though their approach to
this was anything but amiable. Instead, they tore 150,000 aboriginal, MГ©tis and
Inuit children from their homes, coerced them into learning English and adopting
Christianity, all while practicing Canadian customs. From the moment these children
stepped across the school s threshold, their identities were stripped from them. Their
lives, subsequently, were over.
Aggressive assimilation
These church run, government funded industrial schools, later called residential
schools, were established following a policy developed by the Canadian
government, referred to as aggressive assimilation. It served one purpose, ethnic
cleansing. Upon arrival of these government sponsored prisons, children were forced
to cut their hair, which often held an ample amount of spiritual significance;
traditional clothing, which had been homemade, were stripped from them and
replaced with school uniforms, and they were later assigned numbers alongside their
new, Euro Canadian names. Oftentimes, students were simply addressed by their
numbers, and if they happened to forget the assigned digits, severe consequences
followed. This also followed suit of them being unable to remember their new
names. One survivor, Peter Nakogee, reports that he had been whipped a second time
because he hadn t known his name, and simply referred to himself
The Role Of Violence In Zlata s Diary 20
The lessons the Freedom Writers absorb in Ms. Gruwell s class motivate them to end
the violence in their communities and around the world, affecting their views on its
mundane presence in their lives. Although they were aware of the injustices
happening around them previously, the implications of those events and what they
could personally do to prevent them, in addition to global similarities, were not
concepts the Writers had divined. Through their newfound experiences, however, this
changed. The author of Diary 20, an individual who had been interned in Cambodia,
met another survivor, Mas Okui; in regard to the effect of war on oneself, the author
illustrates.. Similarly, the author of the subsequent diary recounts related stories from
... Show more content on ...
Through their classroom involvement and meetings with people from diverse
backgrounds who had shared experiences, the implications of injustice and what the
Writers could do to change its prevalence became apparent. Ultimately, it is the
choice to create dialogue and substantiate change one is advocating for that changes
society. Centralizing people s stories to engender understanding is central to justice
in our world and community; alacrity is essential to promoting freedom and safety
for people around the globe, or else malfeasance
Battle Of Horseshoe Bend Strengths And Weaknesses
The Battle of Horseshoe Bend illustrated some important lessons that are as
applicable to today s military operational environments as they were back then These
lessons are timeless. Studying this battle can help leaders and Commanders identify
strengths and weakness that lead to mission success and enemy defeat. General
Andrew Jacksonhad engaged the enemy Creek Indians in previous battles. He was
able to learn valuable lessons and make adjustments to ensure that the Battle of
Horseshoe Bendachieved his operational objectives and had the desired end state for
mission success.
Armies cannot sustain or conduct combat operations without effective logistical
supply lines. Lack of supplies lead to poor morale and capitulation of forces.
Jackson led several campaigns against the Creek Indians prior to the Battle of
Horseshoe Bend but could not accomplish his operational objectives due to a lack
of supplies and long supply lines. In the winter of 1814, Jackson suffered great
losses when he led an Army of inexperienced, undisciplined and under supplied
forces to fight the Red Sticks at Emuckfau and Enotochopco. He barely escaped with
his life and was forced to retreat to Fort Strother.
After winter, in March of 1814, Jackson left Fort Strother with the intent to extend
supply lines by building a new fort which came to be known as Fort Williams. This
fort was closer to Horseshoe bend and General Jackson was determined to achieve
victory and defeat the Red Sticks at the
Straighten Your Hair Research
You bought a straightener and you don t know how to actually straighten your
hair. Well, have no fear, there are five simple steps that will help you get your hair
straight in no time. Straightening your hair is simple and fun once you get the
hang of it. In order to have success in straightening hair follow these five simple
steps. First, find a safe place to set the the flat iron (a flat iron is another name for a
straightener) for it to warm up. Remove all objects that are flammable away from
the flat iron. Warning don t let the iron touch the cord, as it could melt and ruin the
iron and start a fire. Next, plug in the iron and turn it on if it has an on/off switch. Let
the iron warm for about 10 minutes or until the iron is hot to the
Technology And Its Impact On Organizational Change
The sources of organizations are molded and coordinated by technology and its
practices. New advancements in technology may influence changes in business
and society, paying little mind to the likelihood that they are risky changes. In
today s perpetually changing business world, rolling out a reformation is a
hazardous course of action and the innovation is impelling cause for associations
to have the capacity to compete (Gokcen Koc Cavus, 2014). This paper presents
technology s impact on organizational change, and the factors that influence a
company s capacity and need to evolve. Technology Technology is a Greek word
taken from the blend of a couple of words: techne (meaning art) and logos (meaning
logic or science). So approximately deciphered, technology implies the craft of
rationale or the specialty of experimental control. Formally, it has been characterized
by Everett M. Rogers a design for instrumental action that reduces the uncertainty in
the cause effect relationships involved in achieving a desired outcome (as cited in
Mason, n.d). That is, technology includes both unmistakable items, for an example,
the PC, and information about methodologies and strategies, such as the technology
of large scale manufacturing presented by Henry Ford and others (Mason, n.d).
Another definition was advanced by J. Paap, as cited by Michael Bigwood in
Research Technology Management. Paap defined technology as the use of science
based knowledge to meet a need (as cited

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Do My Essays.pdf

  • 1. Do My Essays Writing an essay on the topic "Do My Essays" can be quite challenging for several reasons. Firstly, the topic itself is somewhat ambiguous, and one might struggle to decipher whether it refers to the act of writing essays on behalf of someone else or if it's a personal reflection on the process of composing essays. The lack of clarity can make it challenging to structure the essay and convey a coherent message. Moreover, if the essay is meant to explore the ethical considerations surrounding the practice of someone else writing essays on your behalf, one may need to delve into the realms of academic integrity, plagiarism, and the consequences that such actions might entail. Crafting a balanced argument that considers different perspectives on the matter requires thoughtful analysis and critical thinking. On a more personal note, reflecting on one's own experiences with essay writing and the challenges faced can add another layer of complexity. Articulating thoughts on the struggles, breakthroughs, and lessons learned in the essay-writing journey demands a level of introspection that can be both demanding and rewarding. Balancing the technical aspects of essay writing, such as structure, grammar, and coherence, with the need for originality and a unique perspective on the topic can be a delicate task. Additionally, the writer must maintain a consistent tone throughout the essay, ensuring that it aligns with the intended message and purpose. In conclusion, tackling an essay on the topic "Do My Essays" requires a careful navigation through potential ambiguities, ethical considerations, personal reflections, and technical writing skills. It demands a writer's ability to think critically, express ideas coherently, and engage the reader effectively. For those seeking assistance with essays or similar academic endeavors, there are platforms like where a variety of essays and related services can be conveniently ordered. Do My Essays Do My Essays
  • 2. Essay about Blake Edwards 1. How do any one of the films screened in weeks 6 12 of the course represent and/or foreground authorship? Dating back to the 1920 s, the term auteur was debated over, claiming to describe an author of script and film maker as one and the same versus the view of scripts being appointed from authors or scriptwriters (1996, p12). Over the [course of 50 or so odd] years,. Known for his distinctive brand of comedy, the work of Blake Edwards, demonstrates the authorial stamp that is often referred to in theories of the auteur, resulting in a style or approach to cinema that could be described as Edward ness . [He makes prominent use of his self conscious manipulation of particular elements of film style and systematically arranges ... Show more content on ... Clouseau continues for the hotel room door yet stumbles over a suitcase. While finally for the topper topper , Clouseau suspiciously checks the door and flings it wide open while peering out, only to be hit by the door from behind. Audiences are encouraged to adapt completely to this style in order for the comic lines and/or events to take on a familiar quality of convention rather than becoming abstractions to the field of movement or speech (Meisel, 1983). * Edwards genius at creating a logically evolving chaos and building laughter through long stretches of farcical sostenuto (1981, p.26) is what sets him apart from other directors of the time, yet is respected as being apart of the few who were to be considered apart of the pantheon of directors (1973, p50). The ideology of Hollywood surrounding S.O.B was Blake Edwards intentions to assault the motion picture industry as thanks for the excessive disputes between studio executives and himself in order to maintain Hollywood success (1981, p39). Within the chapter of Authorship, James Naremore notes that authors are written by a series of historical, social and cultural determinants (1999, p22), which can be said to easily differentiate films precisely from one another. We see a paradoxical linkage to some of these determinants in each of Edwards films. S.O.B and Sunset (1988) both illustrate the malice and treachery
  • 3. Taxation of British Virgin Islands Taxation of British Virgin Islands ( BVI) As one of the largest part reputable tax havens in the Caribbean the BVI has very elevated standards. BVI tax havens encompass no taxes in place for BVI offshore companies who do no commerce in the jurisdiction. International business companies will disburse zero taxes on the profits, interests, dividends and other types of incomes earned exterior of the jurisdiction. For this motive the BVI can be regarded as a unadulterated offshore tax haven. BVI offshore corporations shell out no corporate tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, withholding tax and income tax. The merely money that an offshore company pays in the BVI is an annual fee which is salaried to the significant supervision authorities. BVI as a tax refuge imposes no taxes on offshore bank account which makes the British Virgin Islands an ideal jurisdiction to set up offshore bank accounts. Offshore bank accounts advantage from the tax free surroundings in the British Virgin Islands. The incomes and capital in offshore bank accounts are not taxed in the BVI. In the offshore tax haven of the British Virgin Islands an offshore business corporation can be incorporated using just one shareholder and director. The director can be another BVI corporation. The financial statements and audits of the British Virgin Islands offshore corporation are private. These financial statements of these companies are not to be filed with the government authorities in the British Virgin Islands.
  • 4. Monochromatic s Argument EVALUATION argument in support of thesis defend, criticize, Some questions you might consider: does her argument succeed in getting to the desired conclusion? Which premises are the weakest points of the argument? What objections might be raised to these premises? Are there any ways that her argument could be bolstered to defend against such objections? OBJECTIONS In addition, the objection about the thought of experiment was stated that a person who has a monochromatic disease actually knows about visual colour experiences. The person with monochromatic also able to figure out what coloured things look like whether in real life or only in a visual kind of things. For example, Mary would recognize or detect the colours when she first
  • 5. Black Rook In Rainy Weather And The Darkling Thrush Analysis Birds of Hope: Black Rook in Rainy Weather and The Darkling Thrush In the two poems, Black Rook in Rainy Weather by Sylvia Plath and The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy, both speakers share their experiences about an encounter with a bird during the winter. In the poems, the speakers share their experiences about a bird that helps the speaker come to a realization about their lives. The thrush in Hardy s The Darkling Thrush is inspiring hope. Even though everything is looking bleak for the speaker due to the environment he is in, when he sees and hears the thrush singing after being beaten up by the winter storm the night before. The speaker is shocked to see that even though the thrush has been beaten down ... Show more content on ... When she sees the black rook, she realizes that her miracle is coming at an undefined time and even though she does not know when it will happen, she is willing to wait as long as it takes to receive her miracle. The tone of the poem is sadness and gloom. An example of the tone of this poem is Although, I admit, I desire,/Occasionally, some backtalk/ From the mute sky, I can t honestly complain: (Line 11 13). This quote helps to show the sadness that the speaker is feeling due to the fact that she feels like she doesn t have a reason to have hope or to be happy. An example of the use of
  • 6. imagery in the poem is In my eye, not seek/Any more in the desultory weather some design,/But let spotted leaves fall as they fall, (Line 7 9). This quote helps to show the gloomy mood that is associated with winter, yet it seems that the speaker is used to the gloomy environment of winter. The elements that I found to be similar in the poem is the bleak environment of the winter in both of the poems. Both of the poems talk about winter and how the environment has brought about and overall gloomy feel to the environment. Also, it showed the winter environment helped to influence that speaker s feeling that life has no meaning and there is no reason to hope. Another element of the poems that I found to be similar is how the birds represent some type of hope to the speakers. In The Darkling
  • 7. New Wood Fence Tip For Protecting Your New Wood Fence Are you going to install a wood fence around your backyard? A wood fence will help add to your home s aesthetics while giving you some much needed privacy. However, a wood fence does require more maintenance than materials like vinyl or metal. Here are some tips for protecting your new wood fence over the years. Apply a Wood Sealant Water is the biggest danger to your wood fence, but with the fence being outdoors you may assume there is not much you can do about it. Thankfully, you can apply a protective sealant to the wood that will prevent water from seeping into the material. It is best to apply a sealant immediately after the fence installation. Sealants that are water or oil based will help create ... Show more content on ... This often happens with sprinkler systems that continuously spray the fence because they are not aligned properly. Take the time to adjust the sprinkler heads in your yard so that they do not spray the fence. Avoid Hanging Baskets It can be tempting to beautify your backyard by hanging baskets from the fence. These heavy baskets run the risk of causing the wood to warp due to the additional weight. You are better off putting posts into the ground to hang the baskets and leave the fence free of any heavy decorations. Keep the Grill Away Will your BBQ grill located near the fence? Consider moving the grill farther away to protect the fence. It is not the heat of the grill that is concerning, but the smoke and greases that come from the grill. These things can cause damage to a fence over time and cause it to look discolored. Alta Fence Co. can provide you with more ideas on how to prevent damage after having your wood fence professionally installed. for maintaining your wood fence panels
  • 8. Analysis Of The Poem Starry Night By Anna Sexton What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole of it calles for tears. Seneca The poem, Starry Night , by Anna Sexton, which was interpretation of a personal view for Van Gogh s artwork, Starry Night . The prophetical nature of Anne Sexton s spiritual poetry, Starry Night, ensues the melancholy of humanity. The poem depicts Sexton s interpretation of the immense psychological suffering of a religious human being. By addressing, Van Gogh s work caught with a deep understanding of an emptiness of the soul and also the familiar warfare of his mental distresses. Sexton showcases the shared tiredness of life, by describing religion as an example of extreme emotional desperation. However, the poem dilutes the attention of many optimistic people who do not share its attire, instead an interpretation must be attained by those who can have a glimpse of their own eternal suffering. Although, the poetry has tragic finishing, it re opens for me personally, the divinity of melancholy. Everyone is vulnerable and susceptible to the usual heartbreak of life. Anne Sexton suicide was only one of many who desperately wanted to achieve an unrelenting wave of relief. For these existences, depression is like a war, you either win or die trying (Live or Die). This is how I want to die (). Anne Sexton is foretelling her battle with morbid sadness that continues to slowly consume, until the person drowns into a sea of burning anguish. ....where one black haired tree slips up
  • 9. Dominica Essay Dominica concedes at any rate MFN treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It has connected the CARICOM Common Outside Tariff (CET) since 1991 and actualized the fourth and last stage of the CARICOM CET decreases on 1 July 2001. The timetable depends on the Orchestrated Commodity Description what s more, Coding System 1996 since 1 January 1999. The tax, as connected in 2002, includes 6,333 levy lines at the eight digit level. 8 Traditions obligations on imports from nonCARICOM nations extend from 0% to 165%. Items confronting the most noteworthy rate (165%) incorporate polishes, paints, and varnishes. The most noteworthy rate connected on agrarian items is 150%, which relates to the last rate bound in the WTO. On account of modern... Show more content on ... Dominica takes an interest in various provincial and particular exchange plans, to be specific: the Caribbean Group (CARICOM) and the IMF (2007), SMEP, p. 42. Association of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).Through the last it is a some portion of a completely settled money related union with alternate conditions of the Eastern Caribbean. Dominica is at present arranging an Economic Partnership Concurrence with the EU through the CARIFORUM design. It is too associated with arrangements to shape the hemispheric Free Trade Area of the Americas. Multilateral Dominica is a establishing WTO Member and applies at slightest MFN treatment to all its exchanging accomplices. It has GATS duties in 20 segments. Dominica is a recipient of the U.S. Caribbean Basin Initiative that stipends obligation free passage into the United States for numerous products. Dominica likewise has a place with the overwhelmingly English talking Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), what s more, the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). 11 The legislature of Dominica does not require exchange licenses for most products and items. The Supplies Control (Limited Imports and Exports) Order 14 of 2003 be that as it may, determines a couple things where licenses are essential, contingent upon their wellspring of starting point. An import permit for these merchandise must be acquired before the importation of any of these products.
  • 10. The Great War-The Causes Of The First World War History Essay The Causes of WWI Wars have immensely contributed to human history for thousands of years, becoming highly destructive usually for the means of gain. The First World War, also known as the Great War was a truly global war centred in Europe. The causes of one of the most destructive wars in human history are still debated to this day. Some historians have come up with a list of multiple causes of the war. However, experts have identified some of the primary causes of the war, including the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism. The causes of the truly deadly war, sending ripples of shock throughout Europe and the world, can be summarised into four points, and the start of the war pinpointed to one bullet from a young Serbians gun. The world war had drawn in all of the world s greatest political and economic powers of the century as a result of several reasons, as suggested by historians. Historians have weighed in over the past century, providing examples of causes for the Great War , for example; previous relationships and tensions, a lack of international laws, corrupt governments, etc. One cause of the war, as suggested by historians, was the previous relationships and tensions amongst countries, especially Serbia and Austro Hungary. The tension between these nations dates back to 1815 when the Serbs successfully rebelled against the Ottoman Empire (to which at this point, the Serbs were ruled
  • 11. The Pros And Cons Of Frozen Embryo Frozen embryo are relatively widespread and common technology nowadays, which performed not only in western countries, but also in Asian including China. It is undeniable that frozen embryo technology benefits out society, broaden the possibility of reproduction. However, there are substantial numbers of frozen embryos in storage that will not be used by those who produced them for their own fertility (Frith Blyth, 2013), raising an ethical concern on the frozen embryo disposition. For the reason that IVF technology is not advanced in China when comparing to other countries, the management of frozen embryo disposal is insufficiently planned. Therefore, by discussing the merits and ethical concerns of frozen embryo technology, some suggestions on frozen embryo disposal are provided for China s improvement. Scientific methods of embryo cryopreservation ... Show more content on ... The development of advanced science and technology to preserve the embryos has made the cryopreservation of surplus embryos an inevitable part in the procedure of IVF. According to Fertility Weekly (2014), the length of storage had no noticeable influence on embryos survival rates, implantation rates, pregnancy rates and live birth rates for embryos being cryopreserved, therefore, the frozen embryos can be preserved for a long time. As the excessive preservation is serious in China, the preservation of frozen embryos would be further discussed in China s case. Family size is one of the major reasons for owners to preserve the embryos. Owing to the desire on raising more children, biological parents would decide to preserve their embryos in order to reduce the costs to conduct the IVF procedure again. Moreover, in the case of China, the One child policy has restricted the numbers of children in a family. Thus, parents tend to preserve the frozen embryos for the next child if once the restriction of One child policy is being
  • 12. Catcher In The Rye Symbolism I spent my whole childhood wishing I were older and now I m spending my adulthood wishing I were younger. Ricky Schroder. Some may want to grow old and some may want to stay young forever. Holden Caulfield describes his massive fears of change through symbolizes in his quick break of from school. J.D. Salinger displays throughout the revolutionary novel, Catcher in the Rye, that the wild that live in the pond in Central Park, New York, symbolizes multiple fears to Holden Caulfield. The lake that Holden refers to in the novel symbolizes the the change from childhood to adulthood. Holden, a very intelligent but cynical boy, has recently lost his little brother to leukemia. He is a former Pencey Prep student; being kicked out of school isn t... Show more content on ... Another thought Holden receives as he is speaking to his old and sick history teacher pops up: I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got icy and frozen over. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something. Or if they just flew away (16). If the ducks fly away they have to find new paths and places to live. Flying away displays their freedom and unpredictable travel. If some guy came in a truck and took them to the zoo , the ducks at the zoo s life would be the same day in and day out like a child going to each class in the same order everyday. As Holden was getting a ride in the cab to a club called Ernie s, he asked the driver a question: You know the ducks that swim around in the pond? In the springtime and all? (91) The springtime is when Holden is home. In the winter, Holden is always starting a new start in a new school, so naturally Holden wonders about these ducks. The springtime and winter refers to the cycle of Holden s life. After having a long talk with an old friend, Holden stopped by the pond again at night time: I figured I d go by that little lake and see what the hell the ducks were doing, see if they were around or not. I still don t know if they were around or not. (170). Holden can t picture how the ducks leave so abruptly once winter starts like he can t see where his own childhood went. He is
  • 13. Communist Party And Its Muslim Minorities On September 23rd 2014, China found the prominent Uyghur scholar Ilham Tohti guilty of separatism and sentenced him to life in prison. This ruling came as a shock to the international community, for he has been the foremost advocate of peacefully resolving Uyghur ethnic unrest in China. Ilham Tohti is an ethnically Uyghur economist, professor, writer, and public intellectual who has been spearheading the vanguard of cultivating mutual understanding and respect amongst Han and Uyghur Chinese. He has been steadfast on working within the system to finding a solution that will be mutually beneficial for the Communist Party and the Uyghur ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, home to many of China s ethnic Turkic Muslims. Even in the face of adversity, he has been outspoken and quick to criticize the missteps of the Communist Party s governance and policies towards Xinjiang province and its Muslim minorities. Due to that, the CCP views him as a threat, rather than a solution, to the extreme affairs of episodic ethnic and political unrest in Xinjiang. With the growing resentment from the Uyghur populous towards government s policies, the tensions in the Xinjiang region between Muslim Uyghur minorities and Han Chinesehave escalated to waves of terrorist attacks around China, with the recent stabbing in Kunming, being dubbed as China s 9/11 . In response, the CCP has imposed a more oppressive campaign to crackdown on the separatists and stabilize the region. In this plight,
  • 14. The Tale Of Mario And Luigi s Adventures In The Beanbean... Does the main game hold up? You bet it does! The tale of Mario Luigi s adventures in the Beanbean Kingdom is still hilarious and in my eyes was well worth playing through once again. At a good 8 10 hours depending on your experience and how much of the side content you wish to partake in, the game is somewhat simpler than its successors, but less gimmicky as a result. The most obvious difference compared to the original is the shift from purely 2D sprites to more textured visuals found in more recent instalments. These are as appealing as they can be, but the thing that truly impressed me was the use of shadows and lighting in darker areas to make the visuals pop out. It s a neat effect that to the best of my knowledge isn t really found ... Show more content on ... There is also a dedicated button to allow both Mario Bros. to jump normally without the need to swap back to the standard jump icon. It s an absolute godsend, eliminating a major gripe I had with the original. As for new combat features, the timing for pressing buttons for moves has been made demonstrably clearer, even giving the button combinations on the bottom screen before selecting the attack, as well as the ability to practice. These were features present in more modern Mario Luigi games, but are welcome here. Minion Quest: The Search for Bowser is a brand new storyline added to the remake that runs concurrently to the main quest, giving us the perspective of a lowly minion on a search for Bowser. Along the way you ll also encounter characters from the main story and you ll be treated to what they ve been up to while off screen. This mode opens up to the player pretty early after hitting a certain spot in the main game and presents a completely different playstyle. The goal is to find Bowser, but in order to do so you ll be thrown into battles with brainwashed minions that have fallen under Fawful s control. There are three types of minions; ranged, melee, and flying, each with a strength and weakness. Melee is strong against ranged, ranged is strong against flying, and flying is strong against melee, which results in a rock, paper, scissors rule set. Preparing your squad is the most vital part of each battle, but luckily you ll know what type of enemies
  • 15. Metaphysical Poems Metaphysical Poets John Donne and Andrew Marvell were considered metaphysical poets based on their use of conceit and wit in depicting similar situations through different metaphors. They would use original analogies to create fitting and insightful comparisons, usually to persuade. John Donne and Andrew Marvell have been called metaphysical poets. This is a, name given to a group of English lyric poets of the 17th century (Metaphysical poets) The term metaphysical poets came to be used almost one hundred years after the death of the two poets. John Donne died John Donne in1631 and Andrew Marvell died in 1678. The term later became known as metaphysical poetry, (which was referred to by contemporaries, as strong lived . The ... Show more content on ... In the second stanza, the speaker argues for the life of the flea, as his lady has moved to kill it. Almost desperate, the speaker describes the flea as holy. This flea is you and I, and this/Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is (lines 12 13). He fails to save the flea, as reflected, [p]urpled thy nail in blood of innocence? She killed the flea and the speaker s last chance of having relations with her. The speaker at this point realizes that his chance to have sex with this lady is gone. The speaker realized her killing the flea was his final rejection. In To His Coy Mistress, the speaker is attempting to use a Carpe Diem method to persuade the young lady to make love to him. The speaker attempts to persuade the lady with seize the day. The speaker continues to tell the woman about how short time is, and how they must hurry because no one ever knows how much time is left. This is evident in by how the poem begins, Had we but world enough, and time, (page 527) As the poem starts to speed up you realize the speaker is becoming almost desperate. His promises and analogies become so farfetched. ... I would Love you ten years before the flood (line 8). Marvell uses symbolism, comparisons and metaphors to show the speaker as this passionate lover and the lady would be foolish not to give in to his request. Clearly the two speakers are Metaphysical poets. They have gone in two different directions to try to
  • 16. Essay on The Road to Freedom—the Underground Railroad The Road to Freedom the Underground Railroad Introduction Many times I have suffered in the cold, in beating rains pouring in torrents from the watery clouds, in the midst of the impetuosity of the whirlwinds and wild tornadoes leading on my company not to the field of...war...but to the land of impartial freedom, where the bloody lash was not buried in the quivering flesh of a slave.... (7,p.i). Such were the conditions of the Underground Railroad. It was a fictitous railroad but served the same purpose: to transport people from one place to another. This railroad, however, was not sanctioned by any government, in fact if it had been discovered many would have died. The Underground Railroad was a huge risk. If you used ... Show more content on ... If the whites had not enslaved the blacks for two hundred years there wouldn t have been an underground freedom movement. Knowing and understanding the characteristics, distribution, and migrations of people is another key factor. The people who travelled on the underground railroad were migrants, though not legally. Moving from one area to another defines thema s migrants. When they got to the desired place, there was an economic interdepence was set up. Lastly, two more standards that apply are about applying geography. Using the information we know now about the time of slavery can help us to interpret the past, however, it can also help us to interpret the future and the present. History The Underground Railroad developed in a section of the country rid of slavery, and situated between two regions (6, p.17). The two regions were the southern half of what was then the United States, and Canada: the land without any hint of slavery or threat of extradition. The Underground Railroad, therefore, developed in the land between these two factors, which would be the northern half of what was then the U.S. Slavery was outlawed early on in New England, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. The Ordinance of 1787 that created many of the mid western states such as Ohio and
  • 17. Socrates Paper PHI 150 3/11/14 Socrates Paper Socrates is believed to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time and he is credited as being the founder of western philosophy. This paper will explain some of his views to the most fundamental questions of today s age. These questions will include topics about morality, the human condition, solution, and death. After Socrates views on these topics are explained, a critique will be done on his answers. I will start out by explaining exactly who Socrates is, and the time that he lived in. To start out, we will first examine Socrates view on morality. There are many questions that could be asked about the topic of morality. Questions like, what are the central moral principles, who is the ... Show more content on ... It interferes and holds back the soul s search for the truth and causes all bad things in the world. It is not necessarily the physical body itself, as much as it is the desires that it brings with it. With the question of human condition being answered, Socrates now can answer another one of our fundamental questions. This question is Solution. Solution proposes a way to fix what has gone with the world and mankind. In Socrates eyes, the world s greatest problem was the attachment to the human body. He proposes that this can be fixed by detaching oneself from the body. Socrates partially explains this by saying It seems that so long as we are alive, we shall keep as close as possible to knowledge if we avoid as much as we can all contact and association with the body, except when absolutely necessary; and instead of allowing ourselves to become infected with its nature, purify ourselves from it until God himself gives us deliverance. In this way, by keeping ourselves uncontaminated by the follies of the body, we shall probably reach the company of others like ourselves and gain direct knowledge of all that is pure and uncontaminated that is, presumably, of Truth. (Phaedo 67a b). Socrates also talks about the importance of purification of the mind as another solution, which ends up coming back to the separation of the soul from the body. This can be seen when Socrates
  • 18. Essay about John-Jin by Rose Tremain John Jin by Rose Tremain is a short story with two main characters. We have John Jin himself, who was Chinese and born with a disease that held back his growth. He would only grow in minute little bursts. When John Jin became older his adopted parents took him to Manchester to see a specialist who then started him on treatments of growth hormone shots. Things started to look up but after ten years when John Jin was 12, the shots took a bad affect on him and he developed Creutzfeldt and Jacob disease. This disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow disease. As for the narrator of the story, her name is Susan. She was 10 years old when John Jin came into her family. She wanted to become a great Spanish dancer. She viewed John Jin as ... Show more content on ... Her father would wish at a wishing well there for John Jin. Two years later the pavilion was rebuilt with help from girders purchased by the locals with a name engraved on them. Suzan s parents bought one with John Jin s name on it. In my own view, the pavilion stood for mortality. Meaning that nothing lasts forever and everything has its end. When the pavilion was there at the beginning of the story, Susan showed great excitement for going there and described it as a fun place to be. Toward the end of the story she didn t describe the pavilion as a great place to be anymore. Instead, she walked to the end of the pier and looked down wondering if someone was to remove John Jin s girder, would everything fall? I get a since that the narrator had the same point of view that I did. I think that what she meant by saying that is, I wonder what would have happened if John Jin never existed anymore. She s getting a since that no one or anything is immortal. Susan said toward the end of the story that she knows something important now and not to wish for anything unless you know precisely what you re going to get and how. I think what she learnt was that if you wish for something and it comes true, it may seem great at the time but nothing lasts forever and to be careful because it can hurt worse after it leaves. In conclusion, I agree with the
  • 19. Cuba Juice Essay Introduction Juicing is a great way to integrate fruits and vegetables into your diet, especially if you do not like to eat whole fruits and vegetables. It can help you meet the daily recommendations for these foods as well as allow you to consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in a tasty way. Juicing is usually done with a machine which turns raw fruits and vegetables into liquid and pulp. The machine chops the fruits and vegetables into tiny pieces and spins them, separating the juice from the pulp. History Even before juicers were invented fruits were mashed. Text from the Dead Sea Scrolls, A pounded mash of pomegranate and fig resulting in profound strength and subtle form, indicates that juicing has been around ... Show more content on ... A centered dual knife and stabilizing knife creates consistent juice flow and stops clogging within the feed tube which drastically cuts down the time of cleanup The juice jug capacity is 1 liter and includes a froth separator to save the user an extra step This model also comes with a 3 liter pulp collector so the consumer won t have to empty it numerous times to squeeze enough juice for multiple people Professional Juicing The final juicer we reviewed was targeted toward the experienced consumer. Rather than a high speed centrifugal juicer, our last review consisted of a masticating juicer. It differs than that of the centrifugal juicer by using a single auger to compact and squeeze the fruit s juice along a static screen at a slow speed, rather than pushing the fruit through a central blade at a high operating speed. Although there are many masticating juicers, we recommend the Omega Vert VRT350 Juicer for these reasons: Price: The Omega Vert VRT350 has a retail value of $430.00 but can be found online for around $380.00 Power: This model comes stock with a 2 horsepower motor, runs on 150 watts, and runs at optimal efficiency at 80 RPM By running at a lower RPM, low speed juicing prevents oxidation of your juice and results in more nutrients and enzymes found in the final product of your juice as opposed to a high speed juicer Ease of Use: The VRT350
  • 20. Examples Of Internal Locus Of Control Everyone has different ways to control their life, but not everything can be controlled by you. Some people have separate ways on determining the outcomes of certain situations by influencing the actions of people and events. One person could depend and rely on outside influences for their success or they could believe that they control their own life. I have an internal locus of controlbecause of how independent and hardworking I am. My everyday life has many examples of my internal locus of control. Everyone achieves something in their life, whether it is a good grade or a athletic award. When I get a good grade in a class I base it off my hard work towards that grade and how long I studied for the grade. I do not base it on luck
  • 21. Racism And Its Subsequent Civil Liberty The esteemed author Mark Twain offered commentary on a hypothetical society which had unwittingly brought upon its own demise, when he said, But it was impossible to save the Great Republic. She was rotten to the heart. Lust of conquest had long ago done its work; trampling upon the helpless abroad had taught her, by a natural process, to endure with apathy the like at home; multitudes who had applauded the crushing of other people s liberties, lived to suffer for their mistake in their own persons . A common theme of the animated television show Futurama is the concept of multiculturalism and its subsequent civil liberty. Futurama is set in the year 3000 and follows the adventures of a pizza delivery boy who wakes up in the time period after being accidentally cryogenically frozen in the year 2000. In the world today, relationships between countries and people are becoming increasingly interconnected and this brings rise to new challenges, as a result of this, the concept of civil liberty is important. While the world in the time of Futurama is generally seen as more socially advanced, it still faces some of the same issues and mistakes that modern society deals with such as social prejudice, national pride, and foreign intervention. An apathetic attitude when faced with certain issues can bring unfavorable consequences. Social prejudice is an innate defect in human society and is a form of control that governs behavior. In Futurama, the largest minority group is
  • 22. Greek Chorus in History THE GREEK CHORUS SMALL PLACE IN HISTORY The history of the Greek Chorus can be traced back to a relatively small time period; from the original Dithyrambs, to Thespis small, but revolutionizing changes to the system, to Aeschylus triple entente of tragedies The Oresteia, which included the infamous Agamemnon. To truly understand the Greek Chorus, and what role it was meant to play when it was created and thereafter altered, one has to go back to the beginning of timeВ…which in this case happens to be somewhere around the seventh century, B.C. During this time, the festival of Dionysus was held annually in Athens to celebrate and honor the god for which it was named. Dionysus, being the Greek (and Roman) god of wine and of an... Show more content on ... When Clytemnestra speaks to the chorus that the Achaeans had taken Troy that very night, they are skeptical and poke fun at her in their disbelief. Yet how can I be certain? Is there some evidence?... Is it dream visions, easy to believe, you credit?... The charm, then, of some rumor, that made rich your hope? (Grene and Lattimore 13) To be fair, Clytemnestra s not the only one who s been unfaithful; Agamemnon came home with his new slave, Cassandra, who happens to be the sister of Paris and Hector. And while Agamemnon hasn t really been true to his wife, it really wasn t considered a bad thing for a man to have more than one partner in those timesВ…if anything, it was applauded by all but the original partner(s) of the promiscuous man and some of the more snobbish common women. It was a bad thing for a woman to have more than one male partner, however, because women were allowed very little rights. But more to the topic, the chorus acquired some sympathy from the audience for, not only their King Agamemnon, but also to his new lady, Cassandra.
  • 23. Chapter 2 Basic Aerodynamics Chapter 2 Basic Aerodynamic What is aerodynamics? Aerodynamics is the way air moves around things. The rules of aerodynamics explain how an airplane is able to fly. Anything that moves through air reacts to aerodynamics. A rocket blasting off the launch pad and a kite in the sky react to aerodynamics. Aerodynamics even acts on cars, since air flows around cars. What Are the Four Forces of Flight? The four forces of flight are lift, weight, thrust and drag. These forces make an object move up and down, and faster or slower. How much of each force there is changes how the object moves through the air. What Is Weight? Everything on Earth has weight. This force comes from gravity pulling down on objects. To fly, an aircraft needs something to push it in the opposite direction from gravity. The weight of an object controls how strong ... Show more content on ... Lift is the push that lets something move up. It is the force that is the opposite of weight. Everything that flies must have lift. For an aircraft to move upward, it must have more lift than weight. A hot air balloon has lift because the hot air inside is lighter than the air around it. Hot air rises and carries the balloon with it. A helicopter s lift comes from the rotor blades at the top of the helicopter. Their motion through the air moves the helicopter upward. Lift for an airplane comes from its wings. How Do an Airplane s Wings Provide Lift? The shape of an airplane s wings is what makes it able to fly. Airplanes wings are curved on top and flatter on the bottom. That shape makes air flow over the top faster than under the bottom. So, less air pressure is on top of the wing. This condition makes the wing, and the airplane it s attached to, move up. Using curves to change air pressure is a trick used on many aircraft. Helicopter rotor blades use this trick. Lift for kites also comes from a curved shape. Even sailboats use this concept. A boat s sail is like a wing. That s what makes the sailboat move. What Is
  • 24. Drafting Note For Recitals ( A ) Drafting Note to RECITALS (a) Confidentiality agreements typically do not describe the contemplated transaction in detail to avoid the implication that the parties have come to any agreement on the terms of the transaction. Nonetheless, the definition of Transaction should be drafted carefully to prevent potential misuse by the Receiving Party of the Disclosing Party s information. For instance, the Receiving Party may abandon negotiations and launch a hostile bid for the Disclosing Party using the Disclosing Party s information in formulating the bid. This form defines Transaction as a negotiated transaction, and thus the use by the Receiving Party of the Disclosing Party s information to launch a hostile bid would be a breach of... Show more content on ... The definition of Proprietary Information in this form provides that information can be considered Proprietary Information regardless of whether it is marked confidential. Including such a provision can help the parties avoid an overly burdensome diligence process and any accidental failures to mark information as confidential. Drafting Note to Paragraph 1(a) This provision contains each party s confidentiality and non disclosure obligations with respect to the Proprietary Information. It also permits each party to disclose the other party s Proprietary Information to its Representatives who need to know such information in order to advise such party in doing the deal. Each party will want to ensure that the other party s Representatives are also bound not to disclose the Proprietary Information. Note that some parties may be uncomfortable with explicitly assuming responsibility for any breach of this agreement by its Representatives. The party may require certain of its Representatives to enter into a joinder or separate confidentiality agreement with the Disclosing Party. Alternatively, each party may
  • 25. Pennies Should Be Eliminated Essay Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you ll have good luck. This commonly used saying is being valued less and less as the days progress. On a daily basis, thousands of people walk down the streets of busy cities. Today the majority of people state that when they pass by a penny on the ground, they don t stop to pick it up. Due to this and many other reasons pennyproduction should cease. In society, other countries have chosen to withdraw their coins, pennies lack circulation, and they are costly to produce, leading us, as a nation, to lean towards the decision of stopping their production. Each day, around the world, countries and governments choose to make changes daily, leading citizens to believe that the use of the penny could easily be abolished. Back in the 1800 s, America partook in the use of a half cent. In 1857, the government decided that it was too much of a nuisance and was not used often enough. As a nation, we chose to stop its production. After its eradication, there was no record of the people struggling to adjust to its disappearance. Citizens were able to continue making ... Show more content on ... As shoppers peruse the grocery store, they are often met with items that are not rounded to the exact dollar. In fact, most items you purchase will present you with a penny or two in change. When people receive these pennies, they often feel that they will only bring extra weight and clutter into their wallets, leading them to leave these pennies at the cash register or in a change jar. Furthermore, a penny left in a change jar is very likely to be left untouched. Items don t cost only one cent! These pennies will then sit in this change jar for months or even years, until someone decides to donate or cash them in. As a result, pennies are often lost in circulation and are not used as often as our other
  • 26. A Salesperson Essay It was a beautiful August morning. The sun was brightly shining on my sunglasses while my mother drove the U haul truck to a warehouse in Santa Ana, California. As my mother drove down the streets of Santa Ana, I looked out the window and began to realize that the mixture of people was no longer a mixture; there was only white. When we arrived at the warehouse, I had to peel my arm off the side of the hot door like a burnt sausage off a skillet. There were not many cars in the parking lot, and I could see the heat waves. As we walked up the boiling pavement, it felt like we were walking through a scorching desert. When we walked into the warehouse, there was a variety of electronic appliances to choose from, and about three fourths of ... Show more content on ... Then I figured that maybe something was on my face, but when I looked in the mirror, I saw nothing. At the time, I had only spent nine years and some months on this planet. I didn t know racism was still around; I thought that situation had died along with Dr. King. Five minutes passed, then ten, then fifteen. We sat there watching people get their appliances and leave. We seemed invisible to them. As I sat in the car, burning up and listening to one of the most boring radio stations my mother could possibly like, I was thinking, We d better leave or else I ll go ballistic! After 30 minutes had passed, my mother got frustrated and politely asked to have our items loaded. Five more minutes passed, and she asked again with an attitude. They replied, We ll be with you in a minute, ma am. I could tell she was beginning to get upset because she started to get that don t bother me look. Five minutes later they finally packed our appliances on the truck. When we left the warehouse, I described to my mother what the other people were doing. She explained, They were racist. They didn t like us because we have different skin color. That was my first encounter with racism. It was just a small slice of reality that everyone isn t going to be as nice as you, your friends, and your family might be; and that just because you look nice and politely smile at others, it
  • 27. Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre is a very strong character, true feminist whose behaviour and believes are only based on social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. She advocates equal rights for herself, therefore suffered a lot of hardships in her life. She contains a very strong feminist stance; and explores the dept at which she may act in the society to figure out her boundaries in a Victorian society. She embodies passion and does what is right for her. She is a very independent woman who is educated when women are under the authority of men. She believes that women are no different from men and believes that marriageis based on lovenot compromising, which is rarely true in the Victorian society. She has... Show more content on ... He wants her to ignore her feelings and submit to his powerful conception of necessary moral duty. But Jane sticks with her decision and doesn t pay attention to her feelings Forgive me the words, St John: but it is your own fault that I have been roused to speak unguardedly. You have introduced a topic on which our natures are at variance a topic we should never discuss: the very name of love is an apple of discord between us if the reality were required what we should do? How should we feel? My dear cousin, abondon your scheme of marriage forget it. (pg 416) This shows that being a feminist she will not sacrifice her happiness and suppress her inner feeling because of a male. Accordingly, she escapes from the relationship and doesn t let him to compel her to get married. Jane is a woman who believes in love and thinks that relationships are based on love not being suppressed by a man. Therefore, she wasn t bothered by the fact that she refused a man who help her a lot and sticked with her decision. Secondly, Jane Eyre is a feminist because she believes in egalitarianism and equality. Being a 19th century young woman,, Jane was judged by class distinction and wealth. The higher class was superior than the lower class but Jane Eyre didn t want to be in a relationship which was based on social class and wasn t equal. Hence, she denies to become Mr. Rochester s mistress and believes that she can break from the emotional
  • 28. Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International... Unrestricted Capitalist Development and the International Monetary Fund: Their Economic and Social Effects on Buenos Aires. Argentina The day is Friday, December 21, 2001. After three days of massive riots the city of Buenos Aires looks like an abandoned battlefield. Its grand palm lined avenues are strewn with burnt out shells of cars, smashed glass, rocks, and twisted furniture. Unemployed people, pensioners, and women with babies climb through smashed supermarket windows searching for any food that looters left behind. Most banks and shops are closed, and dazed people wander the streets, confused and fearful of their nation s state of affairs (Arie 11). The battle started on Monday, December 17, with massive food ... Show more content on ... This only led to the rest of the population becoming involved, however, as thousands of middle class citizens joined the fray (Ximenez). Nelli Mai, an unemployed 62 year old psychologist said, the poor people had detonated something, and it was up to us in the middle class to continue and finish it (Rohter 6). Almost immediately, residents of middle class neighborhoods in Buenos Aires went to their windows and began a noise protest by banging pots and pans, a traditional form of protest throughout Latin America. Before long, their rage still unsatisfied, protesters spilled into the streets by the thousands and began marching to the Plaza de Mayo. At the seat of government, known as the Casa Rosada (Pink House), and on Congress and Los Olivos, the president s residence, protesters chanted the name of their country (Rohter 6). For many it was the sound of the Argentine Revolution. Largely middle class demonstrators swarmed key landmarks and blocked main thoroughfares across Buenos Aires. As protesters demanded the resignation of the unpopular de la Rua, police were forced to clear the peaceful demonstration (Gardner 9). In the Plaza de Mayo, which has seen some of the bloodiest and most historic moments in Argentina s rocky political past, officers swung batons, fired rubber bullets and tear gas, and aimed water cannon (see illustration 1) on the throngs of demonstrators besieging the Casa Rosada.
  • 29. The Linux Network Name Space Essay Contents Linux Network Name Spaces2 Overview2 Linux Name Spaces2 Linux Network Name Space2 Network Name Space Use Cases2 Network Name Space Example2 Summary2 References3 Linux Network Name Spaces Overview In this paper we will discuss the Linux Network Name Space. First, the concept of namespaces will be described along with an overview of the default name spaces available in the Linux operating system. The Linux Network Name Space is a key enabler for some high profile virtualization technologies including OpenStack and Docker. Linux Name Spaces Linux consists of the following six namespaces: Network Network Namespace PID Process Namespace Mount Filesystem Namespace User User Namespace IPC Interprocess Communication Namespace UTS Host and NIS Namespace Linux namespaces can be traced back to early UNIX technologies called chroot, process jails controlled where access is controlled with cgroups. The concept of a namespace is to isolate processes from other processes on the system. This concept evolved into namespaces that are created with clone() system call and manipulated with the setns() and unshare() system calls. The clone() system call is used when creating child namespace from a parent or root namespace. As the name would suggest this creates a clone of an existing stack. The setns() system call is used to join a namespace. The unshare() system call is used for moving processes into a namespace, as the name suggests the process
  • 30. Poetry Analysis Robert Frost Essay POETRY ANALYSIS: DESIGN Robert Frost s poem Design seemingly disputes the question whether there is a design to life; yet, he is not able to establish an answer. Despite the comlexity of his poem his implied message is rather simple. Frost s statement clarified human s eagerness to finding a meaning to life and an essential background and reason to events, regardless of how small and insignificant they might be. His work states an advice not to interpret too much into insignificant conincidences or apportion them too much relevance. During the first stanza, the speaker of the poem encounters a dimpled whitespider on a white heal all that has previously caught a white moth. This seemingly coincidental situation is so distinct... Show more content on ... Furthermore, he proposes two answers on how the conincidence might have happenend. He suggests that a design of darkness, an evil power, delectated by conceiling a bad deed in the color of goodness, is to be held responsible. Yet, a spider killing an insect is a fairly common sight and in no way spectacular. This would imply, that the designer, God, or whatever you might want to call it, himself, besides all the beauty on earth, also created destruction. This is a shocking picture and differs from most peoples image of a creator which is what makes this poem so powerful and striking. His second idea would be that there is no order and design to life at all. If this small example of destruction was not the work of some evil force, then so his argumentation there can be no God or goodness leading the small things on earth. Consequently, if small things on earth are not governed by a good force, the possibility of no god or no design at all is given. But does this form of reasoning not seem a little far fetched, almost satiric? Even though Robert Frost is known for agnostic poetry, this poem obviously focuses on humanity. It is a parody of humans everlasting curiosity and their compulsion to find a proof for a supreme being and a reason for existence on earth. He is describing a spider killing a moth while sitting on a flower and despite the fact that there is a perfectly plausible biological
  • 31. Bus Rapid Transit Service Design The third article, Bus Rapid Transit Service Design, by American Public Transportation Association focuses on fare evasion and smart cards on BRT. The overall objective of BRT is to enhance transit through travel times that are faster than traditional fixed route bus service. While seen as a premium service, BRT should not be implemented at the expense of existing fixed route service, but rather in a way that complements and enhances other transit services (APTA). With buses coming every ten to fifteen minutes, fare evasions seems to be the big issue. Busoperators do not have time to inspect fares because that would delay the service. In addition, transit agencies are likely to implement a smart card system because it will minimize and reduce fare evasion. BRT routes operate at a high frequency, which leads to an increased percentage of riders. The majority of transit agencies use the proof of verification method, which increases the numbers of fare evaders because fare inspections do not happen very often. Also, bus operators like to keep their buses on schedule so it is impossible for them to inspect fares without delaying the bus. As stated in this article Even with inspectors, some revenue loss due to fare evasion should be expected with off board payment (approximately 4 to 5 percent) (APTA). Furthermore, if transit agencies implement smart cards, riders will only need to tap card reader before boarding the bus allowing fast boarding without defeating the purpose
  • 32. University Of Hawai пѕ пѕЄ I At Hilo University of HawaiК»i at Hilo is in the attempt of building a Thirty Meter telescope on Mauna Kea. To Hawaiians Mauna Kea holds a high value of historical and sacred context and should not be disturbed. Although, the construction of the thirty meter telescope (TMT) will result in being the most powerful telescope in the world, bringing the worlds best researchers to HawaiК»i. The construction of TMT will also bring an estimated total of 10,000 job opportunities to HawaiК»i (Deneen). The TMT poses a significant opportunity for astronomy on a worldwide platform; however, the cultural significance of Mauna Kea, the environmental impact of such a project (as TMT) and the lack of respect and management shown by the State of HawaiК»i proved that Mauna Kea is not the appropriate site for this telescope. In sacred records of the Hawaiian people it is said that the people are all decedents of WДЃkea Sky Father and PapahДЃnaumoku Goddess of HawaiК»i who gave birth to the islands. It is said that the intercourse between WДЃkea and PapahДЃnaumoku produced the mountain child we know today as Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is both female and male Maunakea s physical features of rock, soil, water and ice are female attributes; his elevation establishes his maleness, as it brings him closer to his father, WДЃkea. The equability of the male female distribution establishes Mauna Kea as sacred and creates piko kapu, or sacred center, of the island (The Edith KanakaК»ole Foundation). The second piko is
  • 33. Being A Child Again I will think that it is better to be a child because of all the good benefits that comes with being a child. The benefits of being a child again is so good. For an example a child is more likely to have more fun memory then a high school teenager would. Kids do not have to worry about grades, responsibility, getting in trouble, having to clean up, ect. Most people will agree to disagree with me about being a child again. the people that agree with me are probably thinking about all the good times that they had as a child. I mean who can blame them, as child I got everything that I wanted. If I did no want to go to school my mother would let me stay home, I did not have to clean as much as my older sisters did, if my older sisters ere being ... Show more content on ... I don t know about some people but for made me left like it was the end of the world and that everybody was against me. I had a few drawbacks when I was a child. One of my biggest drawbacks that I wish my mother would allow me to do was to go spend a night over a friends house. Spending a night over a friends house was a big N.O for me and all of my sisters. Nobody was allowed to come over or spend a night as well they were allowed to stand outside the front house. If they wanted something to drink well they better start walking back home. Another drawback was that I was no allowed to go with my older sisters when they wanted to go somewhere with a friend. I m not 100% sure that most people will agree with me but my mother did not really allow me to do much as a child. I m not sure that it was because I am the youngest out of four girls o because she did not want me to grow up.Don t get me wrong being a young adult is okay I mean you do have to get used to doing things alone. Being a young adult shows you new things that you may have not really think about doing. you can do so much but then again I am unable to go have fun as a child. Being a child is more like that little saying, it was fun while it lasted . Being a child again is so fun because a child has no worries about
  • 34. Why I Choose Auburn University Auburn University has always been a dream of mine to attend; it has been my second home for many years. My reason for selecting Auburn University over any other surrounding school is the friendly atmosphere along with the ambition and determination of the staff and students, which will allow any student to succeed. The friendly atmosphere of students and faculty encourage every studentto go to the University; with this welcoming feeling every student feels like they fit in despite any background or racial differences. The helpful campus spirit allows any student to engage in social groups or clubs to better benefit their educational experiences along with communication skills. This high atmosphere will allow me as a student to come out of my comfort zone and blossom socially so that I can succeed in society as well as in school. I have always been a shy person who has a hard time making friends, but I am persuaded that Auburn University will help me achieve my goal of letting go of insecurity. Insecurity has caused me a lot of problems with... Show more content on ... The academic classes allows students to feel confident in his or her s degree, while also having determined committed professional teachers that devote themselves to helping and building up strong students. I believe I can succeed at the University with the help of determined professors and ambitious counselors that devote themselves to the lives of students. The best way for a student to succeed is to never give up, but with the compassionate staff any student feels welcomed and driven to continue despite some falls. The loving sympathetic staff and students is the main reason I chose Auburn University, because I believe I have the best chance to succeed here than any other school in Alabama. Since this has been my dream school, i will fight my best to succeed in any way I can whether it be academically or
  • 35. Perceived Effectiveness Of Influence Tactics Of The United... Perceived Effectiveness of Influence Tactics in the United States and China is a quantitative research study written by Ping Ping Fu from Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Gary Yukl from State University of New York at Albany. This research study is published in a book named The Leadership Quarterly. INTRODUCTION Ping Ping Fu and Gary Yukl believed that people from different cultures deal with the difficulties of exercising influence differently. According to Smith and Peterson, to understand cultural differences, international relationship, and various influences in cross cultural cooperation are necessary for managers under 21st century globalization. The authors also believed that the managers who have strong cultural awareness ... Show more content on ... The dependent variables are the tactics effectiveness for a variety of contexts, includes the tactics include a variety of relevant tactics, such as rational persuasion, exchange, coalition, upward appeals, ingratiation, pressure, consultation, inspirational appeals, and personal appeals, because the tactics effectiveness in these contexts is influenced by the manager s nationality. This researchpaper does not include any hypotheses; instead the authors explored seven research questions. 1. Are some tactics considered more effective by Chinese managers than by American managers? 2. Are some tactics considered less effective by Chinese managers than by American managers? 3. Are the tactics considered most effective by Chinese managers than by American managers? 4. Are there any culturally specific influence tactics used by Chinese managers but not by American managers? 5. How strong is the effect of national culture on perception of influence tactics (in relation other situational and individual determinants/)? 6. How well can the nationality of a manager be predicted from his or her pattern of ratings on tactic effectiveness? 7. How useful are fixed response scenarios for studying cross cultural differences? The reason why the authors use the research questions instead of the hypothesis is because research questions helps to explain the purpose of the research. Additionally, this research is a descriptive study, which means, the
  • 36. Gross Domestic Product Changes In The United States The production of countries is compared to one another based on their gross domestic product. A country is said to have economic growth if it has an increase in output. Every quarter of the year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis releases a GDP estimate on the US. This allows for people to see how the US economy is doing, how it s changing, and predict how it might change in the future. The reports for quarter one, two, and three are all out now for 2014 and it is very interesting so see how the gross domestic productchanges through each quarter. The articles I picked to summarize and analyze are each about a certain quarter and are in chronological order. The first article from that is written by Samantha Sharf is titled U.S.
  • 37. Polygamist Marriages Internal Memorandum Essay Internal Memorandum of the Law for Defenses Of the State of Utah for Polygamist Marriages PA499: Bachelors Capstone Project in Paralegal Studies MEMORANDUM TO:Ted Leopold, ESQ. FROM:Keith A. Swift PARALEGAL DATE:October 16, 2012 SUBJECT:Deborah Evans Polygamy defenses for state of Utah Facts: Deborah Evans Met Aaron Conway and his wife Barb Conway five years ago as part of the religious sect Canyon County Family Society that has existed for 25 years with 120 members, which is part of the Mormon Church which strongly believes in polygamist marriages. Ms. Evans moved in with the Conway s two years ago, in which time Mr. Conway and Ms. Evans began dating even though he has been married to his wife Barb ... Show more content on ... Conway. This was the first case to weigh in on Utah s anti bigamy laws to state that they are constitutional. Further when Chief Justice Waite delivered the opinion of the court in discussion of the opinion further discussed if Mormons or the sects that are part of the religion practicing polygamy should be exempt from the law. The state of Utah may use this in our current case to try and show and or justify why Ms. Evans, Mr. amp; Mrs. Conway should not have the right to be married in a polygamous marriage, or granted a religious exemption. Lastly in Reynolds Chief Justice Waite compared polygamy as a criminal act which is also where the state of Utah will weigh in on this wording as well for the defense. The state of Utah also relies heavily on Utah Const. art. III, В§ 1, in Utah s Constitution stating First: Perfect toleration of religious sentiment is guaranteed. No inhabitant of this State shall ever be molested in person or property on account of his or her mode of religious worship; but polygamous or plural marriages are forever prohibited , and Utah s anti polygamy statute, Utah Code Ann. В§ 76 7 101(1)(2)(3) stating (1) A person is guilty of bigamy when, knowing he has a husband or wife or knowing the other person has a husband or wife, the person purports to marry another person or cohabits with another person, (2) Bigamy is a felony of the third degree, and (3) It shall be a defense to bigamy that the accused reasonably believed he and the
  • 38. Understanding the Debate Over the Origins of Life Essay... When addressing the origins of life, an unwavering dedication to the theories behind creationism evolutionary and abiogenesis theories makes itself present. It is in this realm of debate, Darwin challenges the dogmatic approach to understanding made by religious doctrine with science and evolutionary precedent. The ongoing debate between evolutionary and abiogenesis biologists and religious leaders is the ultimate contest between science pseudoscience. Evolutionary biology bases its claims behind the idea that a gene is a hereditary unit that can be passed generation to generation. Through this change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, natural selectionacts upon the genetic variation of... Show more content on ... Often times, a derogatory attitude accompanies the idea of Creationism. The belief in creation by an almighty being is not a supplemental belief attached only to the Bible; instead, creation is the definitive deduction of a clear reading and understanding of Genesis in its intended form as a purely historical narrative. This historical narrative, given to humanity by a supreme being, is the basis and foundation upon which a biblical worldview is based. A myriad of interpretations of creationism conclude that an intelligent, all knowing demiurge, not natural selection or natural influences, created the universe and all the life found within. Creationism distinguishes those who reject naturalism as a credible explanation for how the universe and all the life within it came into existence. However, creationism includes a varying number of fields, including theology, astronomy, biology, geology, and physics. Creationism is not a scientific or theological discipline in and of itself, but is instead a theologically based framework through which empirical and substantial data is interpreted. We find various forms of creationism throughout ancient history in an innumerable number of civilizations and antiquated societies. Greek mythology dictates that the world was created by Erebus and Gaia, Norse mythology points to Ymir as the almighty creator, and Christian doctrine finds its
  • 39. Jimmy John Surgery Persuasive Speech Wouldn t you like to know the wonders of arm injuries? There are a few pitchers who have to undergo Tommy John surgery. Most of the time after Tommy John surgery the pitcher is out for a year or two. There is a growing belief, though, that recovery time isn t sufficient after many Tommy John procedures, thanks to an erroneous idea that crept into the sport in recent years that pitchers need only 10 18 months to come back from a UCL replacement, whereas accepted standard time to return from a Tommy John procedure in medical circles is 16 20 months. Many pitchers come back before they are assigned. That is why they have so many arm injuries in the long run. There are more guys going through this and it s better to err on the side of giving more time. Even with a first Tommy John, people expect a 100 percent success rate, and while the odds are very good, it s not 100 percent. They come in expecting to able to be the way they were before the surgery. Pitchers need to slow down after they ... Show more content on ... More pitchers are going through the procedure a second time, and aside from the mental and physical toll it takes on players. They still try to pitch through the pain an end up getting hurt again. It s a one percent rate in the literature, one out of 100 Tommy Johns requires a second surgery. Most surgeons do a good job on their arms. Pitchers have the worst trouble after the first surgery when their arms hurt bad enough so they have to have a second surgery. Pitchers don t see the struggle your arm is going through when they keep pitching through it. It really was a battle every time out. There was a string of games where I had to give some extra effort late. He was pitching through the pain. As a pitcher in the big leagues you re dealing with minute aches all the time. Your arm usually hurts when you pitch without a break. Pitchers should rest when their arms are giving them
  • 40. Anecdotes And Theme Of Ethos In The PSA In our PSA my group and I used anecdotes and theme to show ethos in order to strengthen our message, and to persuade viewers to do their homework. The PSA uses multiple short anecdotes to demonstrate what happens if you do your homework or what happens if you don t do your homework. The anecdotes start with showing people who don t do their homework and what happens to them after words. This uses ethos to try and make people feel morally inclined to do their homework. After those videos the PSA shows different facts about what might happen if you don t do your homework. These facts utilize logos as we try and use logic to convince the viewer that they need to do their homework. The repetition between what happens if you do your homework and
  • 41. Transcendentalism In The Lesson Of The Moth By Don Marquis The poem the lesson of the moth written by Don Marquis, reflects many ideas found in Transcendentalism and in the story of Chris McCandless. The poem focuses in on the beauty of life. It suggests that we get bored with the routine (Marquis 18). This relates to many Transcendentalist beliefs which are represented throughout multiple of Emerson and Thoreau s pieces. Transcendentalism has many core beliefs such as: individualism, going into nature, trusting one s self, and living a minimalistic life. These core beliefs are said to help one find true happinesswithin themselves and connecting with nature. This relates to many of Chris McCandless s beliefs as well, because he got bored with the routine life he was living. McCandless wondered... Show more content on ... This ambition to do something out of the ordinary so different which many people fear. People fear change, yet some people have an implicit reaction of excitement and an adrenaline rush. McCandless went out and followed his true aspiration and showed individualism in doing so. This is a key factor in Transcendentalism, to be an individual. While McCandless was on his journey, he views people in a similar light as the moth had in which they are too civilized to enjoy themselves (Marquis 42). This is also shown in some of the Transcendentalist principles written by Thoreau, believing that people are too involved with other people s lives and concerns that there is no time for one to release and relax. This principle reveals how many people are not taking care of themselves and their own well being. Humans show many signs and are guided to strive for altruism, in practicing a selfless concern for the well being of others. Yet, this action is contradictory in some Transcendentalist ideals. From the poem the lesson of the moth , to the Transcendentalist ideologies, and even Chris McCandless s journey, there is a pattern of self care and being concerned for one s well being. This is something many fear, yet are still attracted towards due to the potential excitement and happiness it could bring them. This, however, would call for that person to abandon
  • 42. Taking a Look at Inductive Interference An example of inductive inference would be the assumption that if you meet someone in public and they are nice, and you have no reason to judge the next person, then they will be nice as well. Inductive inferences are an unconscious way to process events in a way that supports positive morality; without inductive inferences, people would be left to deal with only truths and although the truthis normally a good thing, it may not be best for everyone to know. With inductive inferences, people can live their lives making positive assumptions which put the mind at ease versus knowing negative things that can ultimately lead to overstress. The previous example of inductive inference relies on SPI because the inference is based on your perception thus far of the scenario; if your perception of random people is that they are nice, then per the SPI, you can only assume the next person will be as well because it is the only information you have. Based solely on experience, one cannot be justified in accepting the SPI because they would not be making a real inference; their experiences do not necessarily entail truth in their conclusion. One would also not be justified on the basis of deductive inference because that method means that the conclusion is only factual to the premises it was formed from; in other words, you can only assume everyone will be nice if there are no mean people to begin with. Lastly, assuming SPI will always yield a correct conclusion is also not
  • 43. Nothing Gold Can Stay With the impending end of every good thing comes a chance for a new beginning and a chance for a perfect moment. In a world where perfect moments seem scarce, one is constantly reminded how temporary life truly is. Around every corner, something always seems to be going wrong war, poverty, famine and yet some people still manage to find the best in every situation. Robert Frosts Nothing Gold Can Stay and the film Gladiator externally showcase completely different concepts; yet relate in a way that allows one to realize how short life can be. A piece about nature and another about the life of a Roman soldier; One simply cannot fathom how two pieces as diverse as these can correlate. However, both pieces examine the idea that life s greatest... Show more content on ... Regardless of its short length and appearance as a nature poem, Nothing Gold Can Stay manages to touch the soul of each reader and allow them to fully understand the mortality of life. The poem narrates the short lived experience of Spring s first moments and the transient nature of life as described by Frost (Kearney Web). Lines 1 4 describe gold as nature s first color its most beautiful and the hardest color to hold. In line 4, Frost analyzes how short lived this moment of pure happiness is. This line is where the beautiful scene of flourishing nature takes a turn. Notice that it does so exactly halfway through the poem (Birmingham Web). The momentary nature of line 4 signifies life s greatest moments slowly beginning to end. The first half of the poem explains the beginning of nature and its most beautiful moments, yet a shift occurs in line 5 Then leaf subsides to leaf, showing how the moment of gold is gone and nature is simply nature once again a different, more realistic kind of beauty. The reference to Eden in line 6 utilizes a mortality in the cycle of human life birth, life and then eventually death. Life s golden moments are temporary, just like the existence of a loved one or even one s self. There are cycles of greatness and loss throughout life, as well as the poem. The poem concludes with a rhymed couplet that shows how dawn loses it s luster and soon turns to day, showing that like the title, nothing gold can truly stay. Frost uses this poem as a felix culpa metaphor displaying the fact that although temporary, the greatest moments would have no merit if they were not temporary. There is no good without bad and, conversely, there is no bad without good. Those golden moments in life and in the poem would never be appreciated fully if they were eternal, because there would be no ordinary
  • 44. Catherine The Great Biography Catherine the Great, was born on May 2, 1729, in Stettin, Prussia (now Szczecin, Poland), and became the Russian empress in 1762. During her reign, Russia expanded its borders, made many political reforms, increased the religious toleration, and modernized exponentially, earning her the title of Enlightened Despot. She died on November 17, 1796 in Tsarskoye Selo, or what is now Pushkin. Catherine, started out as a minor German princess. Her birth name was Sophie Friederike Auguste, and she grew up in Stettin in a small feudal state called Anhalt Zebst. Her father, Christian August, was a prince of these insignificant holdings, but he gained fame for his military service. He served as a general for Frederick William of Prussia. Princess Johanna ... Show more content on ... No finalized laws or reforms came out of the commission, but it was the first time that Russians from across the empire were able to express their thoughts about the country s needs and problems. Ultimately, the Nakaz became more known for its ideas and as a point towards Catherine s ideals and progressive thoughts, rather than its actual influence on the country s standing. A skeptic religiously, Catherine tried to diminish the power of the Orthodox Church. She had given them the land peter had taken back, but she soon changed her mind. Catherine declared that the church s wealth would belong to the state. To that end, she made the church part of the state, and therefor all of its holdings, including more than one million serfs. At the time of Catherine s coup, Russia was viewed as underdeveloped and covered in rural farms by many in Europe. She tried to change this negative opinion through expanding and upgrading the country s educational systems and artist export. Catherine owned a boarding school established for girls from affluent families in St. Petersburg, and later called for free schools to be an accessible opportunity for children in towns all across
  • 45. Aggressive Assimilation In School In the nineteenth century, the Canadian government arrogated themselves with the task of educating and caring for aboriginal people in Canada, though their approach to this was anything but amiable. Instead, they tore 150,000 aboriginal, MГ©tis and Inuit children from their homes, coerced them into learning English and adopting Christianity, all while practicing Canadian customs. From the moment these children stepped across the school s threshold, their identities were stripped from them. Their lives, subsequently, were over. Aggressive assimilation These church run, government funded industrial schools, later called residential schools, were established following a policy developed by the Canadian government, referred to as aggressive assimilation. It served one purpose, ethnic cleansing. Upon arrival of these government sponsored prisons, children were forced to cut their hair, which often held an ample amount of spiritual significance; traditional clothing, which had been homemade, were stripped from them and replaced with school uniforms, and they were later assigned numbers alongside their new, Euro Canadian names. Oftentimes, students were simply addressed by their numbers, and if they happened to forget the assigned digits, severe consequences followed. This also followed suit of them being unable to remember their new names. One survivor, Peter Nakogee, reports that he had been whipped a second time because he hadn t known his name, and simply referred to himself
  • 46. The Role Of Violence In Zlata s Diary 20 The lessons the Freedom Writers absorb in Ms. Gruwell s class motivate them to end the violence in their communities and around the world, affecting their views on its mundane presence in their lives. Although they were aware of the injustices happening around them previously, the implications of those events and what they could personally do to prevent them, in addition to global similarities, were not concepts the Writers had divined. Through their newfound experiences, however, this changed. The author of Diary 20, an individual who had been interned in Cambodia, met another survivor, Mas Okui; in regard to the effect of war on oneself, the author illustrates.. Similarly, the author of the subsequent diary recounts related stories from ... Show more content on ... Through their classroom involvement and meetings with people from diverse backgrounds who had shared experiences, the implications of injustice and what the Writers could do to change its prevalence became apparent. Ultimately, it is the choice to create dialogue and substantiate change one is advocating for that changes society. Centralizing people s stories to engender understanding is central to justice in our world and community; alacrity is essential to promoting freedom and safety for people around the globe, or else malfeasance
  • 47. Battle Of Horseshoe Bend Strengths And Weaknesses The Battle of Horseshoe Bend illustrated some important lessons that are as applicable to today s military operational environments as they were back then These lessons are timeless. Studying this battle can help leaders and Commanders identify strengths and weakness that lead to mission success and enemy defeat. General Andrew Jacksonhad engaged the enemy Creek Indians in previous battles. He was able to learn valuable lessons and make adjustments to ensure that the Battle of Horseshoe Bendachieved his operational objectives and had the desired end state for mission success. Armies cannot sustain or conduct combat operations without effective logistical supply lines. Lack of supplies lead to poor morale and capitulation of forces. Jackson led several campaigns against the Creek Indians prior to the Battle of Horseshoe Bend but could not accomplish his operational objectives due to a lack of supplies and long supply lines. In the winter of 1814, Jackson suffered great losses when he led an Army of inexperienced, undisciplined and under supplied forces to fight the Red Sticks at Emuckfau and Enotochopco. He barely escaped with his life and was forced to retreat to Fort Strother. After winter, in March of 1814, Jackson left Fort Strother with the intent to extend supply lines by building a new fort which came to be known as Fort Williams. This fort was closer to Horseshoe bend and General Jackson was determined to achieve victory and defeat the Red Sticks at the
  • 48. Straighten Your Hair Research You bought a straightener and you don t know how to actually straighten your hair. Well, have no fear, there are five simple steps that will help you get your hair straight in no time. Straightening your hair is simple and fun once you get the hang of it. In order to have success in straightening hair follow these five simple steps. First, find a safe place to set the the flat iron (a flat iron is another name for a straightener) for it to warm up. Remove all objects that are flammable away from the flat iron. Warning don t let the iron touch the cord, as it could melt and ruin the iron and start a fire. Next, plug in the iron and turn it on if it has an on/off switch. Let the iron warm for about 10 minutes or until the iron is hot to the
  • 49. Technology And Its Impact On Organizational Change The sources of organizations are molded and coordinated by technology and its practices. New advancements in technology may influence changes in business and society, paying little mind to the likelihood that they are risky changes. In today s perpetually changing business world, rolling out a reformation is a hazardous course of action and the innovation is impelling cause for associations to have the capacity to compete (Gokcen Koc Cavus, 2014). This paper presents technology s impact on organizational change, and the factors that influence a company s capacity and need to evolve. Technology Technology is a Greek word taken from the blend of a couple of words: techne (meaning art) and logos (meaning logic or science). So approximately deciphered, technology implies the craft of rationale or the specialty of experimental control. Formally, it has been characterized by Everett M. Rogers a design for instrumental action that reduces the uncertainty in the cause effect relationships involved in achieving a desired outcome (as cited in Mason, n.d). That is, technology includes both unmistakable items, for an example, the PC, and information about methodologies and strategies, such as the technology of large scale manufacturing presented by Henry Ford and others (Mason, n.d). Another definition was advanced by J. Paap, as cited by Michael Bigwood in Research Technology Management. Paap defined technology as the use of science based knowledge to meet a need (as cited