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                              28-30 October 2009, Dhulikel, Nepal

                    Sitting (L-R): Khem Raj, Pratima, Megh, Adriano, Bijay, John, jim, Shyam
 Standing (L-R): Krishnan, Paras, Shaurabh, Swapan, Harjeet, Shakeb, Aloy, Rohitha, Nahakul, Mrinal, Claudia

    Amidst the undulating hills, with majestic Himalays as the backdrop, the Asia IECT team
   comprising DIPECHO managers, DRRS project team and senior IECT members gathered in
Dhulikel, Nepal to share knowledge, learn from each other and chart the way forward to make
DRR intervention stronger and efficient in ActionAid. It was a time for critical reflection, a time
for planning action and a time to engage in strategic dialogue, underlining the commitment of
    the participants to the organization and the values it stands for. It was a time for formal
      meetings and informal parleys… serious discourses and lighthearted banter… critical
   engagements and funny moments… serious discussions and informal chats… meeting old
 friends and making new ones… as always, the DRR team had lots of fun and the results were
more than expected… new ideas, new thoughts, new decisions, renewed commitments… all for
our collective but focused pursuit of propelling DRR work in AAI to newer heights… This report
  captures the process and outcome of this much looked forward meet… HAPPY READING 
                           28-30 October 2009, Dhulikel, Nepal

                                DETAILED REPORT

The second AAI ASIA DIPECHO/DRR meeting was held from 28th to 30th October, 2009 in Dhulikhel,
Nepal. The meeting brought together DRR practitioners from AAI, including DIPECHO/DRRS project
managers and IECT team members to deliberate on key lessons, learning, issues and way forward.
This report essentially tries to capture the fruitful discussions and deliberations during the meet, to
act as future reference document for IECT and different country programs in Asia.


AAI IECT has been involved in DRR initiatives for past few years, particularly in Asia. Since 2001, AAI
has been undertaking different projects in DRR and has gained considerable lateral experience from
various countries, particularly India, Bangladesh and Nepal. In addition, recent forays into DRR in
countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand etc. has given a boost to overall DRR
framework in AAI, helping the organization to realize its overall mission in human security work.

AAI in Asia is involved in DIPECHO projects since 2001. A combination of diligent execution,
efficiency and clarity in conceptual framework coupled by our strong grassroots involvement in
giving shape to the planned objects and anticipated results has gained highest levels of appreciation
not only from the donors, but also different stakeholders involved in DRR work. In addition, AAI has
been implementing the DRRS projects in different countries, including Bangladesh, India and Nepal
in the region. Thus, there are huge investments made in DRR work, strategically complementing the
mission of AAI to ensure safety and security of the most vulnerable people.

With abundant experience, increasing focus and potential donor involvement in scaling up DRR work
in the region, IECT has been proactively involved in promoting efforts to share experiences, bring
cross country clarity and encourage innovative concepts on DRR. Towards this, the first DIPECHO
managers meet was held in New Delhi, India in June 2008 that led to the first ever such meet to
discuss potential areas of sharing, learning as well as challenges. The meeting was a huge success
and resulted in formulating concrete steps and suggestions to make DRR work more meaningful and
efficient in the region.

This second DIPECHO Managers meeting thus brought together not only the DIPECHO/DRRS projects
in Asia, but also other countries programs with DRR initiatives, who also have the potential to be
future ECHO partners on disaster preparedness. Moreover, with increasing DRR initiatives in the
region, it was felt that the time is also ripe for finding avenues to bring synergy into the overall DRR
framework within AA country programs.

Objectives of the DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet

The objective of the meet was to bring together DIPECHO/DRR managers from the region to
deliberate and provide concrete plans to strengthen DRR initiatives within country programs as well
as within the region. The meet intended to exploit the experience and expertise of DIPECHO/DRR
managers from the region to contribute to overall DRR framework of ActionAid human security

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                               Page 1

The DIPECHO/DRR managers meet was highly participatory. The high level of experience, expertise
and skills of the team was exploited during the workshop. The meet gave scope for individual as well
as collective presentations, brining synergy into the creative thoughts and ideas generated during
the meet. There was a country-specific, project-specific and regional specific discussion in addition
to deliberations within the larger human security theme framework of ActionAid International.

A panel discussion on Climate Change and DRR was organized to inform participants and bring clarity
into the thoughts of participants in developing appropriate action plans within RBA framework for
integrating CC within DRR initiatives at various levels.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for the participants to get to know each other, develop
rapport and camaraderie, considered crucial by IECT to improve understanding, quality and overall
efficiency through mutual sharing and learning.

The agenda of the meeting is attached in Annex 1.


The meeting was participated by Action Aids’ Asia regional DIPECHO and DRR managers as well as
representatives from IECT, AAI, project staffs. There were 21 participants in the 3-day meet in which
Ramesh Singh, AAI CEO, was present briefly. The senior Human Security team members included
Bijay Kumar, International Thematic Head (Human Security) and John Abuya, International DRS
Project Manager. The panel discussion on 29th of October 2009 had increased audience with over 45
people listening to the experts’ views on climate change and DRR. The invited guests included AA
team members from Nepal as well as representatives of other key stakeholders from the country.
The participants list is attached in Annex 2.

  Proceedings of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet - DAY One, 28 October 2009

Inaugural Session, 28 October 2009, 90 min
Facilitator: P. V. Krishnan, DIPECHO Project Manager, Nepal

The meeting started with Mr. PV Krishnan, DIPECHO Manager in Nepal welcoming the participants
and wishing a fruitful meeting. He also briefly recapitulated the key outcome of the first
DIPECHO/DRR Meet held in New Delhi in June 2008, which came out with some interesting
suggestions for furthering DRR work in AAI.

Mr. Khem Raj Upadhyaya, welcomed the participants on behalf of the Country Director and senior
management team of ActionAid Nepal, who were hosting the meet. During his introductory remarks,
he underlined the strategic processes and revision of country strategy paper of ActionAid Nepal,
mentioning the organizational priority to disaster risk reduction as a cross cutting theme. He
emphasized that AAN has gone a step
ahead in incorporating the key learning
from DRR projects in the country into the
long term development initiatives
supported by AAN.

During his opening remarks, John Abuya,
the International DRRS Project Manager,
AAI shared his experiences in
mainstreaming DRR through the school
based approach. He mentioned that

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                            Page 2
ActionAid has gained huge experience through DRR through School Projects and there are exciting
opportunities ahead to scale up such approaches. He further shared that Action Aid has been
involved in many global networks influencing global policy framework and decisions on DRR. He
underlined the importance of incorporating climate change messages into DRR. John mentioned that
DRR and CCA work has good potential not just in terms of operational opportunities but also in
terms of streamlining the entire development work in AAI.

Mr. Paras Mani Tamang, IECT Asia Advisor introduced the participants to the ongoing DRR initiatives
in the region. He underlined the key objectives of IECT team, who are providing technical and
managerial support, including fund raising, to human security work in AAI that involves three strands
of operations, responding to emergencies, responding to conflicts and engagement in DRR.

This was followed by introduction of participants, who introduced themselves with their name,
affiliation and the work they are undertaking in DRR front.

Introducing the objective of the workshop and the expected outcomes, Krishnan underlined the
increasing investments in DRR that AAI has been making in Asia and the various appreciations and
acknowledgements that we have received over the years on the quality of work we do with the
people. Mr. Shaurabh Sharma, Finance and Administration Officer for AAN DIPECHO project briefed
on administrative and logistics arrangements.

While the workshop objective is listed above, the objective of the day 1 was to:

a) To learn from different country programs and identify key good DRR practices that has potential
   for global replication
b) To understand the DRR policy praxis and identify potential policy interventions to be taken
   forward by DIPECHO/DRR projects at national, regional and global levels

Session 2, Key Learning Session I: 28 October 2009, 120 minutes
Replicable DRR good practices and innovations from AAI
Session Facilitator: Adriano B. Nava, Jr, DIPECHO Project Manager, ActionAid Afganistan

The session started with Adriano underlining the objective of the
session, which was to draw out some of the innovations, good
practices and processes that have transcended local context and
have a potential for global learning and replication.

There were eight presentations in this session, drawing upon the
experiences from the field on practices that have potential for
global replication. The presentations included field experiences
from different countries. The presentations (maximum 10
minutes duration, on one or two practices) were as follows.

 Country/Project           Who Presented       Content of Presentation in a nutshell
 Bangladesh, DIPECHO       Shakeb Nabi          Preparedness in institutions with high concentration
                                                 of population – experience of working with garment
                                                 workers in Dhaka
                                                Hospital Safety and Mass Casualty Management:
                                                 working with government and hospitals in
                                                 improving safety and preparedness
 Vietnam, DIPECHO          Rajindra Rohitha     Media Advocacy on DRR, harnessing strength and
                                                 influence of media to strengthen DRR policy and
                                                 action at government levels, case study of JANI
                                                 network in Vietnam/SE Asia

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                            Page 3
 Institutional capacity building at grassroots,
                                               empowering the community through mobilizing and
                                               awareness on DRR
 Thailand,                 Rungtip            Tsunami response program in Thailand, with
 Tsunami Response          Imrungruang         emphasis on psycho-social care among students,
                                               children and other vulnerable groups
 Cambodia, DIPECHO         Aloysius James     Strengthening DRR plan and action at district levels:
                                               Application of PVA in higher administrative units
 Afghanistan, DIPECHO      Adriano.       B.  Small Scale mitigation efforts in flood zones and
                           Nava, Jr            sand dune zones in Afganistan: Environmental
                                               protection measures
 International, DRRSP      Nahakul Thapa      Development of DRR School Curriculum: processes
                                               and outcomes that resulted in inclusion of DRR
                                               within mainstream curricula in Nepal
                                              Child to parent approach in disaster preparedness:
                                               Innovative approach to risk reduction
 India, DIPECHO            Gohain Mrinal      School centric approach to disaster risk reduction,
                                               school safety in high vulnerable zones
 Nepal, DIPECHO            Shyam Sunder  Taking DRR to development route by linking
                           Jnavaly             REFLECT and PVA
                                              Multi-stakeholder coordination, linking people to
                                               policies for strengthening DRR framework in Nepal

Session 3, Key Learning Session II: 28 October 2009, 90 minutes
Identified good practices for documentation and international dissemination
Session Facilitator: Shakeb Nabi, DIPECHO Project Manager, ActionAid Bangladesh

In this session, the case studies, good practices and
lessons learned were taken for further detailed analysis,          Five Good Practices for global
so as to identity five cases that will be converted into                    replication
technical papers for potential replication within and         1.   Using PVA at district/higher level,
outside AAI. The participants were divided into separate           Cambodia
groups and asked to prioritize the case studies keeping in    2.   Media and DRR Common Tools,
mind a) potential for global replication b) viable practice        Vietnam
                                                              3.   Hospital Safety initiative,
that will have direct relevance to the objective of DRR
work we are doing and c) AAI has gathered sufficient
                                                              4.   DRR curriculum in schools, Nepal &
expertise in that matter. The groups were also asked to            India
identify potential challenges in taking forward the good      5.   Linking DRR discourse into REFLEFT
practices from the field.                                          and PVA process, Nepal

                                                      Participants debated on the various case
                                                      studies that were presented. Subsequently, it
                                                      was decided to identify the top five cases for
                                                      follow up and taken up for publication at IECT
                                                      level. Country programs and managers were
                                                      encouraged to identify and document all the
                                                      good practices and lessons learned from their
                                                      own countries and projects. Participants later
                                                      took each of the cases and tried to address
                                                      various processes and challenges.

                                                      The summary of the group presentation is
                                                      given below:

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                               Page 4
Points of     Practice 1               Practice 2             Practice 3                Practice 4              Practice 5
Discussions   (Aloy, Harjeet,          (Rohitha, Krish,       (Shakeb, Ashok,           (Nahakul, Adriano,      ( Shyam, Khem,
              Pratima)                 Megh)                  John, Jim)                Swapan, Paras)          Mrinal)

Why this      Bottom up process        Expanded outreach      Main important            Reach out to many       Space for integration
case is       Government               and coverage to        institution in disaster   Training at childhood   in all programmatic
universally   commitment/various       affected populations   response                  Transferring            sectors
              declaration              and stakeholders       Saving lives              knowledge               Opportunities for
              KL declaration,          Media is a powerful    Reducing causality        Preparing next          mass
              UNISDR global plat       advocacy tool          and disability            generations             conscientization
              form                     Rapid dissemination    Dignity in post           Establishing culture    Opportunity for using
              RCC declaration          of DRR messages        mortem perspective        of preparedness         HFA3 as an
                                                              First institution that    Transfer of             opportunity-driving
                                                              relates to everybody:     knowledge               vehicle for popular
                                                              poor or rich, women                               education in DRR
                                                              and men                                           (applying REFLECT &
                                                              Not many                                          PVA)
                                                              development actors
                                                              are working on it
Processes     Working with             Using Media            Orientation of            Sensitization of key    Infusing DRR content
that we       government               fellowship as entry    stakeholders on           stakeholders            across the sectors in
have          Joint initiative with    point                  hospital safety           Making Government       Education whether
              others                   DRR orientation for    Participatory gap         accountable on DRR      Non-
               coaching and            journalists            analysis                  Advocacy at different   formal/Alternative/A
              nurturing                Exposure to DRR        Formal agreement          level                   dult literacy and
              Developed tools and      initiatives            with stakeholders:        Formation of task       Formal
              methods                  Technical support      government                force comprises of
              Larger involvement       from PC                Orienting different       DRR experts,
              of commune leaders       Prioritizing and       key personals who         educationist, CSO,
              besides the              adapting DRR           work in hospital on       people’s
              departments              messages               disaster response         representative,
                                       Facilitating           Guideline on              Government etc.
                                       publications of        simulation and            Development of
                                       articles in various    conducting periodic       curriculum
                                       media                  exercise                  frameworks by the
                                                              Dynamic contingency       Task Force in
                                                              planning                  consultation with key
                                                                                        stakeholders at all
Challenges    New experience for       Creating space and     How do we involve         Politics                Limitations in
we have       ActionAid                interest on DRR with   community with            Developing an           availability of
faced, that   skills and capacity      Popular media          hospital safety?          alliance itself a       reference
              with in organization     Directing the          Equal treatment for       challenge               materials/literature
can crop up
              Mind set and attitude    initiative towards a   disaster effected and     Training of             on DRR, skilled
              in working with          larger policy group    non-effected              teachers/facilitators   persons, even
              government systems       Assessing impact on    Governance:               Ethnic diversity (how   adequate knowledge
                                       audience               enabling policy and       to bring together       (policy and practice)
                                       Limited expertise      implementation            experiences of all
                                       within media on DRR                              ethnic groups)

How to        Document the             Develop case study     Concept/Strategy/Op       Mobilizing funding      Engaging with
move          experiences              as position paper      erational guideline       Developing              existing community
ahead…        Involve DA to take it    Set up a working       on hospital safety        strategy/road map       based government
              forward                  group developing a     Link with school          Building alliance       and civil society
              Sensitize the internal   communication and      curriculum                                        structures
e… scaling    team and ActionAid       media strategy         Documentation of                                  Engaging with mass
up…           family                   Involve                good practice on                                  movements
              Sell the idea in         Communication Focal    hospital safety                                   Compilation of
              various forums           person from IECT to                                                      reference materials
              Use it as annex in       take lead              Cross-learning and                                and best practices for
              the PVA guide the        Publication and mass   information                                       taking popular
              experience of            dissemination by       dissemination                                     education on DRR
              working with district    IECT Communication                                                       forward (REFLECT
              with PVA                 Advocacy to be taken                                                     and PVA inclusive)
              Raise resources with     up by the proponent
              ECHO, AUSAID and         (DIPECHO )
              other donors

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                                                           Page 5
Key Decisions Taken in Lessons Learned/Good Practices session
The identified five good practices will be taken further for elaborate documentation as a technical
paper and subsequent publication for sharing. Focal points to gather information and develop
technical papers based on experience were decided, including the deadline for finalizing the article.
The key decisions and process are given in the following table:

 Topic                                       Lead person           Process and deadline
 Application of PVA in higher                                      Overall focal point:
 administrative and demographic levels –                           Paras Mani Tamang
                                             Aloysius James
 experience of PVA field application in
 Cambodia                                                          Deadline for submission to Paras:
 Engaging media in DRR work towards                                7th December 2009
 influencing advocacy – experience of        Rohitha Rajendra
 working with media on DRR in Vietnam                              Review by IECT team, submission
 Hospital safety and mass casualty                                 to IECT communication in charge,
 management, experience from                 Shakeb Nabi           Airlie Taylor: 15 Dec 2009
                                                                   Editing, fine tuning the case
 School safety and curriculum
                                                                   studies: 7 Jan 2010
 development, experience from Nepal and      Nahakul Thapa
                                                                   Publication, both electronic and
 Mainstreaming DRR into development,                               hard copies by IECT:
                                             Shyam Jnavaly         15 Jan 2010
 REFLECT and PVA process from Nepal

Session 4, Key Learning Session III: 28 October 2009, 90 minutes
DRR Policy Framework
Session Facilitator: Mrinal Gohain, DIPECHO Project Manager, ActionAid India
Key Presenter: Megh Ranjini Rai, DRR Policy Advisor

This session started with Megh making a presentation on DRR policy framework in
ActionAid, following up on the draft policy that was developed in the Nairobi meeting in
June 2009.

Megh mentioned that one of the key aims of
the IECT is for developing policies and practices
that enable poor people to reduce their
vulnerabilities. She gave a presentation on the
proposed DRR/CCA policy guidelines for AAI,
underlining the importance for AAI role in
reaching people’s voices to policy makers. She
explained the scope to undertake policy
advocacy work within countries as well as at
regional/global levels. She also shared some
upcoming directions in 2009 at local, national
and international level followed by the ISDR report on Global and European perspectives on
reducing disaster risk.

Following Megh’s presentation John Abuya talked about the current international
perspective on DRR and climate change. He mentioned that disaster is becoming more
frequent and uncertain and disaster risk reduction cannot be addressed unless we address

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                            Page 6
climate change. John shared about the model (Annex III) of linking Climate change adaptation and
Disaster Risk Reduction. He emphasized the need to fully understand the CC / DRR issues at local,
district, national and international levels. At local level, DDRSP and DIPECHO is working at grassroots
level addressing the underlying causes of disasters through a people centric initiative, linking techno-
managerial solutions, political initiatives as well as prevention and mitigation measures at various
levels, linking them to appropriate policy levels while ensuring knowledge generation to further
collective learning. DRR and climate change cannot be addressed in isolation. The information
generated will help to contribute to NAPA and must link with national disaster management strategy
and act. These must be discussed in global platforms of UNISDR and UNFCC for mitigation and
adaptation of climate change contributing to climate change for ecosystem justice. He also
addressed about Global Network which is a key institution, there is need for pushing national
platforms so as to bring up voices and perspectives of grassroots level on disaster and CCA.

The presentations were followed by open discussion on how AAI DRR/DIPECHO projects can
effectively engage in policy discourses at various levels. This led to some very critical suggestion to
improve the quality of our DRR policy work.

Key suggestions on DRR policy Framework
a. Participants will contribute to the draft policy framework developed in Nairobi in June 2009,
   towards making it the final draft to be adopted by IECT. Megh will follow up with others and
   ensure that the policy is placed to IECT management for adoption
b. DIPECHO/DRRS project will continue to engage in policy work, with principal aim of reaching
   people’s voices to policy makers and ensuring that grassroots community are a part of policy
   formulation process at various levels
c. IECT should involve managers, who understand the ground realties and are better prepared to
   represent community voice, in various policy discourses at various levels
d. IECT should ensure that DIPECHO/DRR managers are kept in the policy discourse loop within AAI

The first day of the workshop ended with Nahakul drawing key lessons from the various
presentations in the day. This was done by asking participants one key thing they learned during the
day, which included the following topics. The evaluation for the day was also conducted in the form
of filling up evaluation sheet that was presented to all participants.

 Proceedings of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet - DAY TWO, 29 October 2009

Day 2 started with Pratima giving a brief recap of the
previous day discussions. underlining Krishnan
welcomed the participants to the second day of the
workshop and iterated the key objective of the day as
a) To conceptualize and arrive at working agreements
     on scaling up DRR work through a regional
     approach, and
b) Learn from the Climate Change and DRR discourse
     to gain ideas on how to incorporate climate change
     discourses within the ongoing DIPECHO and DRRS

Claudia Amaral, DIPECHO focal point for DG ECHO, from SA Regional office in New Delhi, joined the
team. While she was a keen observer to the proceedings, she also gave time to individual DIPECHO
managers from SA to discuss project related issues.

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                               Page 7
Session 5, Key Planning Session: 28 October 2009, 300 minutes
Regional DRR initiatives by AAI
Session Facilitators: Paras Mani Tamang and Harjeet Singh, IECT Advisors

The second day was about key planning session/technical session of regional DRR
deliberations integrating DIPECHO and DRR within IECT and finding ways forward. The
session was facilitated by Mr. Paras and Mr. Harjeet. The facilitators shared the objectives of
this session as to come up with concrete plan/concept/framework towards developing
regional DRR/DIPECHO project and informed that the sessions should overcome differences,
                                                      arrive at consensus, seek commitment
                                                      and develop a blue print for moving
                                                      ahead with responsibilities and tasks
                                                      clearly identified, marked and assigned

                                                     It was also suggested to think about
                                                     tapping resources as it is extremely
                                                     important to move forward. Paras also
                                                     shared some potential funding
                                                     organization like ECHO and AusAID
which needs to be explored through IPD. The facilitators formed guidelines for regional/sub-
regional initiatives on DRR/CCA, and also the participants were divided according to region
i.e. South Asia (SA) region and South East Asia (SEA) Region, for discussions. The guidelines
are listed in text box 2.

After more than an hour of discussions in the morning, mapping issues and way to move
forward in multi-country level projects, presentations were made by the two groups on their
respective regions. The findings of the groups, for regional level engagements are as follows:

 South Asia Region                                      South East Asia Region
 Whereas South Asia is a hot spot for disasters,        The common issues of South East Asia region are
 there are issues like rivers and water sharing that    disaster induced poverty and lack of coping
 have become politically sensitive issues. In           capacity of people and institutions. In all four
 addition, seismic vulnerability is one cross cutting   working country of ActionAid in SEA, there is low
 issue across South Asian countries, which can          awareness on DRR / Climate Change, inactive
 perhaps form the basis for our regional approach       CBDRM, inadequate grounding of HFA and
 to DRR. There is a need to engage with regional        insufficient ASEAN engagement.
 actors like SAARC.
                                                        The key objective of regional initiatives will be
 Based on the group discussions, the following          capacity building of key stakeholders at regional
 areas could be explored to the regional approach,      and national levels, strengthening institutional
 which will draw experiences from country               frameworks, building awareness on DRR / CC at
 programs but will have wider relevance. The five       all levels, integration of DRR / Climate Change in
 point agenda recommended for South Asia region         the development planning and strengthening
 are:                                                   national policies. Six strategies has been
                                                        highlighted which are as follows:
  Mass casualty management: Mapping existing            Engagement with ASEAN DRR Secretariat to
   gaps, policies and resources on mass casualty            strengthen regional policy and guidelines on
   management,        development     appropriate           DRR
   guidelines. This will also include school and         Alliance building at national and regional
   hospital safety, more on awareness/advocacy              levels, supporting in-country coordination as
   levels across the countries                              well as regional coordination systems

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                                  Page 8
 Build Human Resource base: Based on the            Strengthening national platforms on DRR/CC,
   previous DIPECHO funding to develop CBDRR           helping nations to adhere HFA priorities
   manual,       develop      a      pool       of    Engagement with ASEAN People’s Forum, to
   trainer/professionals on CBDRR in various           reach people’s voices to decision makers in
   countries                                           the region
  Lab to Land – make case studies into practical     Mobilization of Media Forums, linking DRR
   guidelines from different DRR projects in the       issues to popular media towards advocacy
   region                                              efforts
  DRR Media Professionals: Develop a pool of         Networking / Linkage with South Asian
   media professionals on DRR across the               platforms / forum on DRR / CC. Promote active
   countries – promote media to influence policy       platforms and forum at national and regional
   decisions on cross-country issues, particularly     level for shared ideas and designs
   on mass casualty management

The presentation was followed by detailed analytical discussions by the participants. It was
also decided that Krishnan and Aloysius will fine tune the conceptual framework for SA and
SEA respectively by the end of November for SEA and end of December for SA. This is to be
circulated to all participants for their comments and suggsstions and then submitted to
IECT. Key points generated from the discussions included:

Ms. Claudia Borges Alvares Amaral, DRR TA of ECHO, India shared her views in this forum.
She highlighted ECHO’s perspectives working on DRR. DIPECHO has grown over the years
and is considered one of the important investments by ECHO. DIPECHO is no more just
piloting, but strengthening overall DRR work through lessons learned, scaling up and
engagement in policy strengthening initiatives in different countries.

She expressed excitement in listening to the presentations made on regional directives in
scaling up of DRR projects. She said that it was necessary to scale up to bring new
dimensions and ECHO’s perspective at the macro level. She felt that the issues identified in
the presentations were very interesting and relevant to scaling up to regional levels. She
also provided food for thought in terms of DRR advocacy/policy work at the regional level
concerning experiences of CBDRM. Existing examples, experiences and learning such as
School and hospital Safety are
international DRR issues that have
relevance in different countries and
could be replicated.

The regional DIPECHO TL underlined
the core essence of DIPECHO is to
work with the communities to
enhance their coping skills. So, the
works planned at country or multi -
country level should have direct                      Shyam, Claudia and Aloysius…
relevance to enhancing community’s                 deeply engrossed in the presentation
resilience to disasters.     She also
mentioned that It is necessary to look at log frame indicators and see where school safety,
hospital safety, and mass casualty management can stand up and add value to scale up
these experiences in the countries that we work in. She also talked about working with
stakeholders and building their capacities as well as our own and brings in elements of
coordination. She added that ECHO is looking forward to seeing ActionAid regional projects
in the future and develop the opportunity to add value in DRR work in the region.

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                            Page 9
Points to Keep in Mind for Multi-Country DRR Projects

   The multi-country/regional project should be strategic in nature, adding value to
    regional efforts in DRR. It should not be a sum of different country programs.
   The project should have direct community relevance. Anything that we do should
    ultimately reflect in building community resilience to disasters
   Policy Advocacy at regional level should have concrete components that would have
    direct impact on the disaster vulnerable people, not just in terms of policy formulation
    but also in terms of policy implementation
   Enough piloting has been done. It is time to enlarge the scope through appropriate scale
    up measures
   Any regional project should be based on our strengths, drawing from years of
    implementing DRR projects in Asia
   Any regional effort should strengthen and add value to overall DRR work in the region,
    not just for ActionAid. We should think in global terms and involve all stakeholders to
    make it a true regional project
   Do not be ambitious to start with. Take up only winning issues and interventions that
    can be justified.

Key decisions taken on regional proposals
   Concept papers will be developed based on the key recommendations from the
    DIPECHO/DRR managers, as mentioned earlier.
   Aloysius will lead the South East Asia concept development. The first draft of concept
    should be submitted to IECT by 30 Nov 2009
   Krishnan will lead the South Asia concept development. The first draft of concept should
    be submitted to IECT by 31 Dec 2009
   IECT will start discussthe concept/project with potential donors. IECT will fine tune the
    proposal for serious considerations by donors like ECHO.

Session 6, Key Learning Session: 29 October 2009, 120 minutes
Panel Discussion on “Climate Change and DRR”
Moderator: Khem Raj Upadhyaya, Head of Programs, ActionAid Nepal
Panelists: Bhusan Tuladhar, Ajay Dixit and Harjeet Singh

Impact of Climate Change is having an adverse effect on people. Climate induced disasters
have made lives and conditions even more uncertain, adding on the misery of the already
vulnerable community. Naturally, disaster risk reduction has to invariably embrace climate
change impact, so as to prepare the
community against possible uncertainties
in lives through climate induced disasters.

As a part of the ongoing debate on CC, the
AAI DIPEHCO/DRR managers meet
organized a panel discussion on Climate
Change and DRR, primarily to engage DRR
practitioners on climate change adaptation
and discussing ways and means for
practical application of CC adaptation into

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                   Page 10
ongoing DRR work. The organizers also invited practitioners and managers from other
international organizations and stakeholders to participate in the panel discussion, with twin
purpose of contributing to the debate as well as interacting with the AAI DRR team.

The panelists included Bhusan Tuladhar, Executive Director of ENPHA, Ajaya Dixit, Director
of ISET Nepal and Harjeet Singh, IECT Advisor for AAI. The panel discussion was moderated
by Khem Raj Upadhyaya, Head of Programs, AA Nepal.

                                                The discussion started with Khem Raj
 Panelists (L-R):                               introducing the topic. In his opening
 Harjeet Singh, Bhusan Tuladhar and Ajaya Dixit remarks, he underlined the increasing
                                                significance of Climate Change related
                                                issues in DRR and the need for DRR to
                                                comprehensively address adverse impact
                                                of climate change on the most vulnerable
                                                populations we work for. He touched
                                                upon the ongoing debate of ‘Adaptation’
                                                and ‘Mitigation’ and the need for
                                                international agencies to address both
                                                concerns at various levels. Khem Raj also
                                                introduced the panelists and facilitated a
quick round of introduction from the nearly 40 participants who came to listen to and
engage in the discussions.

The experts’ presentation was started by Bhusan, who informed the audience about the
science of climate change, how the natural and manmade causes are responsible to raise
the green house gases (GHGs), the cause of global warming and climate change and its
impact on health, agriculture, water resources, forest and species. He talked about technical
as well as political point of view of climate change and updated on the process leading to
Copenhagen for COP 15. He shared the three ways of responding to climate change i.e.
mitigation, adaptation and carbon market
and negotiation processes. He emphasized
that mitigation may not be a problem, but
adaptation is an issue.

Harjeet, the second panelist, presented
ideas on how disaster risk reduction (DRR)
can be integrated with Climate change
adaptation (CCA). He mentioned that
climate change as an environmental issue
has been making impact in community and
shared the international commitments made over climate change and DRR and five
priorities of HFA. He mentioned that is necessary to look at how CC community link with
DRR and the linkages between DRR and CC? He further shared similarities and dissimilarities
of CCA and DRR. He emphasized that DRR is first line to defense against climate change and
HFA has been well advocated in supporting developing countries (particularly vulnerable) in
building resilience, providing compensation and ensuring rehabilitation for loss and damage.
He added that increasing threat of climate change is recognized as a source of great risk but
at the same time offers the potential for a ‘triple win’ – adaptation, DRR and poverty
reduction. He also shared the things to do in upcoming years.

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                    Page 11
The third expert in the panel, Ajaya Dixit gave some reflections on climate change and DRR
on the basis of eagle eye perspective (views of science) and toad’s eye perspective (people).
He started with history of fossil fuels and shared the changing pattern of temperature and
precipitation from the view of General Circulation Models. He noted that scientific
limitations need to be recognized as the scientific tools and models are inconsistencies
among themselves. He also shared the need of shared learning dialogue for CCA and DRR.

After the presentations from the experts, the moderator threw the floor open to the
audience. The discussions were very encouraging, prompting and thought provoking,
ranging from ongoing policy level initiatives in Nepal to direct implication of the climate
change debates like COP on the actual sufferers on ground. Over 30 questions were directed
to the panelists, who have to dwell deep into their experience and knowledge to satisfy the
curiosity of the participants, most of whom were managers and practioners of DRR.

The climate change and DRR panel discussion ended with Krishnan offering vote of thanks to
the panelists, moderator as well as the audience to make it a lively and enriching event.
Ramesh Singh, Chief Executive of AAI offered token mementos to the panelists and the
moderator. The panel discussion was followed by the Meet Dinner, joined by all workshop
participants and invited guests.

The second day of the DIPECHO/DRR managers meet was eventful in terms of participation
also. Ramesh Singh, Chief Executive of AAI graced the occasion with his presence, taking
time out of extremely busy schedule in Nepal. He also interacted exclusively with the
DRR/DIPECHO managers and IECT members, listening to the proceedings of the meeting and
                                                         responding immediately to
  The team meeting Ramesh, CEO, AAI
                                                         some of the issues raised by
                                                         the participants aimed at
                                                         strengthening the entire DRR
                                                         fraternity within AAI. The
                                                         organizers of the event and
                                                         participants are grateful to
                                                         Ramesh Singh for spending
                                                         quality time with the team
                                                         members. Encouraging words
                                                         from the Chief Executive were
                                                         of immense motivation to the

The day also witnessed arrival of Bijay Kumar, International Thematic Head for Human
Security in AAI, who had plans to spend two days with the DIPECHO/DRR managers meet
and with Nepal team as a part of his planned field visit.

Claudia Amaral, DIPECHO Focal Point for South Asia from ECHO New Delhi office managed
to find time from her busy schedule to attend the DIPECHO/DRR managers meet on 29 Oct.
She appreciated this kind of internal sharing events by AAI and encouraged more such
sharing and cross learning between various country programs. She also shared her views on
DIPECHO programs, what lies ahead and possible future directions for projects.

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                   Page 12
                               Smiles All Around… A Moment to cherish…
    …participants with the Ramesh Singh, CEO, AAI after a highly encouraging meeting on 29 Oct 2009

Proceedings of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet - DAY THREE, 30 October 2009

The day started with a short introduction to the various sessions by Krishnan, followed by a
quick recap by Pratima on the key outcome and learning from previous day. The importance
of the day 3 is towards making plans for integration of climate change initiatives into DRR
work of AAI, drawing key lessons from the panel discussion held previous evening. Also, the
day will also look into irritants and challenges that affect DIPECHO projects, discussions on
ways and means to forge stronger partnerships for future and closing of the workshop.
Thus, the objective of Day 3 will be:

   a) To identify practical and immediate action points on Climate Change Adaptation that
      can be incorporated into ongoing DIPECHO/DRRS projects
   b) To discuss organizational and operational difficulties and issues and arrive at
      practical solutions to overcome problem areas

Session 7, Key Planning Session: 30 October 2009, 120 minutes
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation to ongoing DRR projects
Session Facilitators: Shyam Sunder Jnavaly, Asst. Project Manager, DIPECHO, AA Nepal

On invitation by the facilitator, Harjeet shared the
key learning from panel discussion on Climate
Change and DRR that has relevance to the ongoing
projects in AAI. He gave pointers to practical ideas
and methods that can be incorporated
immediately within DIPECHO and DRRS projects.
Harjeet highlighted some key future directions for
DRR and climate change at local, national and
international level. He added that identification of
vulnerable areas like costal, urban, mountainous,

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                             Page 13
lowland is necessary for climate change mapping and information dissemination is
necessary at levels below nationals. Orientation of community in CC and DRR has to be done
and community has to be asked the various changes they have been facing over the years.
We need to ask people why such changes are happening and the implications of such
environmental changes in the lives and livelihood of people. It is also essential to integrate
climate change into the PVA processes we are already undertaking, giving importance to
tools like seasonality to inform the changes in climate patterns at local levels. He suggested
that the best way we can move ahead is to bring the climate change realization from an
unconscious level to a conscious level within the community mindset, thereby engaging
them in the climate change DRR discourse and seeking solutions from the community itself
towards possible adaptation measures.

This was followed by group discussions on how to take forward climate change discourse
through the ongoing projects like DIPECHO and DRRS:

     Shared learning and dialogue with DRR stakeholders on climate change – Linking grassroots
      community people, CSO, I/NGO and social movements in the discourse
     Climate change session on CBDRM/PVA/REFLECT and other training workshop curriculum for
      staff, communities and other stakeholders
     Minor mitigation to address climate change adaptation through people centric initiatives
     Incorporate CC in project proposal design on awareness and adaptation
     Keep Climate change on thematic strategies for policy analysis

                Group work: Ideas on how to integrate CC work into ongoing DRR work
     Engaging with the key policy makers at various     Build capacities in CPs on DRR and CC to create
      levels: Enhance the awareness level of              an environment to mainstream DRR and CCA in
      practitioners on DRR                                CPs
                                                         Molding designs of PVA tools to assess climate
     Constant dialogue and discourse with the
                                                          change impact
      community to develop better understanding
                                                         Developing understanding of the impact of CC
      from community’s perspective                        on communities and linking it with
     Unconscious awareness to conscious awareness        technical/scientific knowledge
      stage: Community                                   Building capacities of the communities through
     Time dimension into PVA keeping CCA into            awareness and training programmes
      mind: traditional + Scientific knowledge           Advocate integrating CC in DRR School
                                                          programmes and the Education thematic works
     CC Education through schools Capacity building
                                                          of AA.
      of the local governance systems
                                                         Integrating CC in all thematic works of
     Developing monitoring indicators of DRR and
      CCA in ActionAid
                                                         Developing IEC materials
     HFA Audit
                                                         Ensuring the voices of people are heard at
                                                          national level CC discourses

                    Group work: Ideas on how to integrate CC work into ongoing CPs
     See where we stand in terms of integrating DRR and climate change with country programs
     Address CCA and DRR in MOU with partners, ensure that CCA is mentioned across all thematic
     Build more capacity within country programs and mainstream CC work within country program
     Identify DRR and CC indicators from Action Aid’s monitoring and evaluation system.
     Capacity building of own staff, partner staff and community leaders on climate change issues, build
      institutional awareness on climate change
     Map timeline within the country program strategy also, integrate DRR into other thematic areas
     Find ways of linking climate change and DRR, as related policies are linked to HFA and UNFCCC
     Taking knowledge from environmentalist, and experts to incorporate with community works

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                                 Page 14
Harjeet dictated some policy areas that DRR and DIEPCHO can
focus on, supplementing previous presentation made by Megh.
He focused on taking two key things; a) local level planning and
policy making and b) strong local governance. He addressed that
local level must need to do on policy, for this the community has
to be empowered, participate and negotiate themselves in local
level planning. There must be reflection of poor people in policy
making processes and right institutional mechanism to enhance
resilience to vulnerable people to disaster and climate change
impacts must be developed at national level. He further added
that at international level, right use of the funding for the poor
community is necessary and strong pressure groups are
necessary for accountable governments and donors.

Suggestions from the Meet - Integrating CC into DRR immediately

   The foremost thing to do is to make issues related to climate change into the
    consciousness of the vulnerable community, allowing them to plan for future
   Bring in climate change discussions into the PVA process, utilizing tools like seasonality
    chart to make people aware of the changing climate patterns and associated
   Bring in element of climate change awareness into the regular DRR awareness initiatives
   Draw the experiences of people, document them and insist on people’s voices to be
    weighed at highest levels of policy making

Session 8, Key Learning Session: 30 October 2009, 90 minutes
Critical engagements between CPs on DRR
Session Facilitators: Rohitha Rajendra, DIPECHO Manager, AA Vietnam

It was agreed that this meeting provided
opportunity to work and learn together
on various issues and there is
tremendous potential for country level
engagements within and across regions.
Rajendra summarized the key learning
so far, which included identification of
replicable good practices, understanding
of DRR policy framework and scope for
deepening and widening our policy
work, initiatives for multi country
programs on DRR and integration of
climate change work into ongoing DRR
initiatives. This was done through a group work, seeking ideas on how country programs can
work together in bilateral and multilateral ways to strengthen collective mission.

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                    Page 15
Suggestions:                                 Suggestion:
 Standardize IEC materials across the  Share the periodic update and reports
  region, with options for contextualization    within IECT team including reports to
 Ensure increased and efficient sharing of     the      DRRSP        Manager,    IECT
  information between CPs, particularly         communication (Airlie), IECT Advisors
  within the region                             (Paras, Harjeet), DRRSP Policy Advisor
 Encourage higher critical engagements         (Megh)     and     the    DIPECHO/DRR
  between DIPECHO/DRR projects in the           Managers (DIPECHO).
  region                                       Upload the DIPECHO/DRR project
 Keep IECT advisors in the loop as an          learning documents resource materials
  integral part of the communication            in ActionAid main web sites/hive;
  channel                                       involve communication people on
 Develop capacities of country staff,          building good case studies/write ups
  project staff and communication team          (DIPECHO).
 Take community facilitators/leaders/  Include/expand emergency roster of
  frontline workers in the policy dialogues     experts to include DIPECHO team
  on climate change and DRR                     members, the team to find out from
                                                their own CPs on this

Session 9, Key Planning Session: 30 October 2009, 60 minutes
Overcoming challenges, irritants to DIPECHO/DRR projects
Session Facilitators: Alolysius James, DIPECHO Manager, AA Cambodia

The last session of the three days meet was about the troubleshooting session which
focused on overcoming obstacles/irritants and recommendations. Aloy, facilitator for this
session, proposed discussion on two accounts –

      organizational (representing DRR among the senior management team and
      Human resource (Retention of team, human resource development, recruitment
       time gaps and gaps hr-pay rolls).

                                                  Three different groups discussed issues
                                                  related to the following:
                                                   Human Resources
                                                   Capacity Building
                                                   Programmatic Integration
                                                   What lies ahead for IECT
                                                   creative ideas and opportunities to
                                                      strengthen overall DRR work within

                                                  The following is the summary of the group

Human Resources Issues

Retaining DIPECHO team, particularly local team members: With DIPECHO becoming more
institutional with repeated contracts over the years, the 3-4 months gap from one project to

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                  Page 16
another, results in good team members with considerable experience and skills joining
elsewhere is an issue. CPs should strategise to retain DIPECHO team members and poritively
capitalize their skills and experience to enhance DRR work in countries.

Building capacities and skills of DIPECHO staff: DIPECHO is considered a project and not a
core program, country programs do not invest in the capacity enhancement of the project
staff. Whereas DIPECHO project team members are expected to deliver, ensure highest
quality results and often work under pressure to deliver without capacity development
opportunities. AAI should ensure that DIPECHO team members are also a part of the
organizational capacity building measure.

Project Team vs. Core Team: In most of AA CPs, project teams are considered separate from
core teams and are not often included in the organizational discourses due to their short
term ‘project’ nature. Uniformity is required in this case as some CPs compensated project
staff more than core staff due to their short term nature and special skill they bring and
some CP’s don’t. This needs review and uniformity is desired for project staff to be
integrated to the core function of AAI CPs as an overall AA team.

Retaining Talents: AAI should consider engaging the professional staff of DIPECHO/DRRS
projects by providing them professional opportunities during lean period. Usually, there is a
3-4 month gap between the new and old project cycle and AAI should ensure that DIPECHO
managers with proven skills and competence are utilized within the organization.
Suggestions for possible involvement could be in project assessments, proposal and report
writing, conducting training events etc. This will lead to retention of the available
professional talents within the organization.

Institutional Issues

Utilizing Professional Expertise: DIPECHO
managers come with diverse skills,
knowledge, expertise and experience but
CP’s hardly utilize it though the managers
are willing to contribute. It would be
beneficial for CP’s to utilize the expertise
of the managers despite their short term

Contributing to Strategic Management:
DIPECHO managers are seldom a part of
the senior management team in country
programs despite their maturity, experience and expertise. As an integral part of AA staff
member, DIPECHO managers, will be able to contribute meaningfully in SMTs as a
professional brining in internal / external perspectives and analysis.

DIPECHO Managers in IECT Network: DIPECHO managers are not yet a part of wider IECT
network and thus are not in the information sharing loop. IECT should provide scope and
opportunities to DIPECHO managers in relevant communication and information sharing

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                   Page 17
Role Clarity among Advisors: Field managers are often in a spot with often conflicting and
confusing mails on the roles of IECT / DRRS advisors. IECT should ensure clarity of roles in
this case. It is also suggested that IECT designate a particular person with particular
project/plan/program, to ensure that there is uniformity in communication and strategic
involvement with the donor.

Use in-house resources: With so much expertise available in DRRS/DIPECHO team IECT
could utilize this resource rather than hiring external consultants. This could reduce costs
while providing opportunity for team members of DRR projects.

Programmatic Issues

Integrating Projects within Programs: While AA as a whole has been strengthening
integration of projects as key program components, there is scope to make projects
strategic in nature than funding opportunities alone. Projects should in fact contribute to
and strengthen the core development inputs by AAI, ensuring that outcome of the projects
contribute to overall development impact in the area. This will also require more concerted
effort by AAI management and the respective CPs, including investment in building project
management capacities of the organization and team members. In this aspect,
DIPECHO/DRR projects with their strong and proven credentials as efficient managers could
be utilized to develop the necessary skill and capacity for the CPs to build their own project
management portfolio.

Integrating DRR into the development plans: It has become increasingly evident that DRR is
not just an option but viable solutions to protect longer terms investments. Country
programs should use DRR as insurance to the development plans and investments. DIPECHO
and DRRS project can play a vital role in helping the country programs to integrate DRR into
their core development initiatives.

Need for Human Security Focal Point: With DRR becoming a prominent initiative in most of
the CPs in Asia, CPs have not yet given impetus to build adequate human resources to deal
with human security issues and some CPs do not have HS focal point too. The team urges
AAI to ensure that all CPs have dedicated HS focal point to streamline and integrate HS and
DRR initiatives into the longer term perspective of AA CPs.

Ideas for Future

IECT Consultants: With a large number of top professionals with varied expertise and
experience, why not develop a crack team of professional consultants within IECT, offering
services to other organizations. This increases our overall reach, visibility and will surely
generate some income too.

DRR as the central AAI theme: IECT should focus itself to promote DRR as the central theme
around which other themes function. Risk Reduction makes business sense and is
understood to act as an insurance to protect long term development investment. Thus, DRR
should be central to all other initiatives of AAN. IECT should engage in internal advocacy
with the board to make DRR the central theme

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                    Page 18
IECT USP is DRR in development: Oxfam for public health and hygiene, UNICEF for WATSAN,
SCF for Child Rights, CARE for food and nutrition Why not develop IECT USP in DRR, offering
our expertise, models and plans for worldwide replication, engage in advocacy with
governments and donors.

Session 10, Closing Session: 30 October 2009, 60 minutes
Session Facilitators: PV Krishnan, DIPECHO Manager, AA Nepal

The final session started with Krishnan doing a quick recap of the key outcomes of the three
day workshop. He noted that it has been a remarkable three days, with high level of
energies among participants that led to analytical inputs, key decisions, strategic directions
and relevant suggestions to take the DRR mission forward. He underlined the key outcomes
as follows:

   a) identification of global replication models in DRR work
   b) clear guidelines towards regional proposals in South Asia and South East Asia,
   c) clear understanding of policy engagements by the team members, ensuring voices of
      people are reaching the highest policy making bodies at every level,
   d) understanding of Climate Change issues, its relation to DRR and immediate
      integration of climate change adaptation to ongoing DRR work in CPs,
   e) Key considerations towards country level engagements and cooperation in DRR, and
   f) Key suggestions to find solutions to some of the issues that are considered irritants
      to DRR projects like DIPECHO

                                 John Abuya remarked that this meeting has been a very
                                 good effort, to bring together DRR professionals as well
                                 as key IECT members. He expressed satisfaction and
                                 underlined the need to bring in climate change
                                 component into the DRR work. We cannot afford to
                                 neglect or feign ignorance over this anymore. It is not
                                 only imperative for us to take forward CCA through our
                                 DRR work, it also makes sense because there is lots of
                                 opportunities to engage ourselves in CC related work.
He concluded his remarks by wishing all the best to the participants in their ensuing work
and programs.

Bijay Kumar, International Thematic Head for Human Security, during his address to the
participants, thanked the organizers and IECT team to invite him to this purposeful meet,
which he found very productive and useful to IECT in particular and AAI in general. He
expressed high level of satisfaction over the
outcome of the meetings and congratulated
all the team members for doing exceptional
work with the communities.

Bijay used this unique opportunity stress
three aspects on the DRR theme, which
forms the core of ActionAid thinking. Bijay
talked about three things, critical to any
DRR/human security work worldwide. He
stressed on:

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                    Page 19
   the need to balance people-political and techno-managerial solutions to humanitarian
    and DRR issues: All crises and its impact on poor has a high level of political dimension
    and AAI work at various levels to understand this aspect and take up political discourse
    on DRR
   the need to link climate change with DRR: Our direct work with the community gives us
    the legitimacy to take their issues to worldwide forums. We should thus realize our
    strengths and go for negotiations armed with people’s perspective ground realties.
   the issue of governance as a key ingredient of risk reduction: DRR can become effective
    and can reduce risks only if the governance is just, equitable, accountable, transparent
    and efficient. This means that DRR work cannot be a stand alone entity. It should be an
    integral and core component of all our thematic works including education, food
    security and governance.

Touching upon some of the key issues raised during this meet, Bijay assured the participants
to do whatever possible to address all the concerns, both within the organization as well as
with other stakeholders wherever necessary.

Following Bijay was Paras, who was invited to
offer vote of thanks and close the three day
workshop. Paras expressed his gra titude to the
participants for taking time off to participate
and contribute handsomely to this wonderful
meet that obviously achieved its planned
objective and exceeded anticipated outcomes.
He profusely acknowledged and appreciated
the DIPECHO Nepal team and the senior
management of AAN for ensuring high level of
professional efficiency in organizing this meet,
including providing all logistics and administration support to participants from other
countries. He wished a fruitful travel to the field for people who are proceeding to planned
field visit. With his closing remarks, the three days eventful and remarkable workshop came
to an end.

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                   Page 20
Evaluation of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet

The organizing team from AAN conducted evaluation of the three days team, including daily
feedback forms and end-of-event evaluation with an aim of understanding participants
perception on the content and organization as well as to find scope for improving similar
events of future. The findings from the evaluation are given below in a nutshell:

Evaluation was done on a 5-point scale, where 5 denoted excellent and 1 denoted poor. The scores given are
the average taken from all the participants, 18 respondents on Day 1 and 12 on Day 2 and 3.

                                          I. Lessons & Good

                                                                               III. Regional DRR

                                                                                                   IV. Integrating

                                                                                                   CCA into DRR
                                                              II. DRR Policy

                                                                                                                     between CPs
 Evaluation Criteria/Sessions

                                                                                                                                    VI. Overall


                                                                                                                     V. DRR
 Session structure                           3.6                3.4                 3.1                3.3              3.6         3.4

 Achievement of Objective                    3.4                2.9                 3.9                3.5              3.8         3.5

 Relevance of topic                          3.7                3.6                 3.8                3.7              3.9         3.8

 Facilitation of session                     3.8                3.4                 3.9                3.8              3.8         3.8

 Appropriateness of contents                 3.5                3.4                 3.8                3.6              3.8         3.6

 Time allotted                               3.0                2.6                 3.4                3.5              3.8         3.5

 Participation/group work                    3.8                3.2                 3.7                3.7              3.6         3.6

 Did the workshop meet the set objective                                                                                            3.8
 Was the investment to attend this workshop justified                                                                               3.8
 Are similar learning and dialogues required for future                                                                             3.9
 Did the issues and concerns come out for discussion and were addressed                                                             3.8
 Administration, logistics, food, refreshments etc.                                                                                 4.0

 What did you like MOST in this meet?
  It gave an opportunity to meet DIPECHO/DRR people
  Cross learning that happened between the team members
  Professional approach to organize meet and achieve set objectives
  Sharing of experiences, specifically the good practices we identified or replication (3)
  Participation of senior leaders in the meet
  Quality of overall discussion and debates
  All sessions were very useful, wonderfully done… open session after each session was
  Panel discussion on CCA and DRR
  Ajaya Dixit Presentation during Panel Discussion
  The way we came out with Action Plans and decisions

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                                                                Page 21
What did you like LEAST in this meet?
  Time management…
  Discussions tended to drag because of one person who came out with topics which
   were not a part of that session and taking away too much time
  DRR/CCA policy framework session

 What are your suggestions for next meeting? Comments are welcome…
  Make the meet twice in a year
  Make materials and documents ready, in hardcopy in advance
  More time to be given for experience sharing, invite AAI senior management and ECHO
  DIPECHO PMs should meet once in a quarter
  Include a session on socio-economic and political analysis, forte of AAI
  Make the meet for 4-days, more relaxing…

Overall, the workshop was perceived to be a huge success. The workshop achieved its set objectives
and outcomes were more than encouraging to move into the next level of DRR discourse within

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                        Page 22
                                   28 Oct – 30 Oct 2009, Nepal

                              AGENDA & SCHEDULE
         Day I                          Day II                         Day III
         Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009         Thursday, 29 Oct 2009          Friday, 30 Oct 2009
0830 hrs Welcome, Introduction of       Recap, Day II objectives
                                                                       Recap, Day III Objectives
to       participants, Introduction
1030 hrs to the Meet, Address by        Regional     DIPECHO       –
                                                                       Integrating Climate Change
         AAN CD,                        Deliberations
                                                                       into DIPECHO/DRR initiatives
         AAN Overview, IECT Asia
                                                                       Key Planning Session II
         Overview, Ground rules         Key Planning Session I
         Refreshment break
1100 hrs Innovations and Good
                                                                     Working together, critical
to       Practice – Country-wise
                                        Regional     DIPECHO       – engagements between CPs
1230 hrs presentations
                                                                       Key Learning Session V
          Key Learning Session I
1400 hrs                                                         Overcoming obstacles and
         Lessons from programs and
to                                                               irritants, Recommendations
         process – What worked Regional DIPECHO – Final
1530 hrs                                                         for future
         well? What did not?          plans and road map
         Key Learning Session II
                                                                 Key Planning Session III
         Refreshment Break
1600 hrs DRR Policy Framework –
to       Critical engagements at
1730 hrs country,     region      and Panel     Discussion    on
                                                                 Overall recap
         international level          Climate Change Adaptation
                                      and DRR
                                                                 Address by Head of IECT
         Key Learning Session III
                                                                 Concluding remarks
1730 hrs                              Key Learning Session IV
to       Recap of the Day
1800 hrs

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                          Page 23
                                       28 Oct – 30 Oct 2009, Nepal

                                    PARTICIPANTS' LIST

SN   Name                          Office Name & Address        Email                            Photographs

1    ADRIANO B. NAVA, JR.          ActionAid International
     DIPECHO Project Manager       House No. 705, Taimani,
                                   Street      9,      Kabul,

2    ALOYSIUS JAMES                ActionAid Cambodia,
     DIPECHO Project Manager       #69, Street 242, Sangkat
                                   P O Box 66, Khan
                                   Daun Penh, Phnom Penh,
                                   Cambodia 12200

3    CLAUDIA AMARAL                Regional Support Office
     DRR TA                        South Asia, ECHO
                                   C384 Defense Colony,
                                   New Delhi, India

4    HARJEET SINGH                 International Emergencies
     Emergencies and Conflict      and Conflict Team (IECT)
     Advisor – Asia and Americas   E-88, Saket, New Delhi-
                                   110 017, India

5    MEGH RANJANI RAI              International Emergencies
     DRR Policy Adviser( DRR and   and Conflict Team (IECT)
     DIPECHO PROJECTS)             E-88, Saket, New Delhi-
                                   110 017, India

6    GOHAIN MRINAL                 ActionAid India,   
     Regional Manager              R-7, Hauz Khas Enclave,
                                   New Delhi-110 016

8    WELIHINDAGE       RAJINDRA    ActionAid Vietnam, Room
     ROHITHA                       No. 502A, HEAC Building,
     DIPECHO Project Manager       14-16, Ham Long Street,
                                   Hanoi, Vietnam

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                                   Page 24
9    RUNGTIP IMRUNGRUANG             60/1, Monririn Building
     Program Officer                 Tower A, 2 Floor, Unit
                                     A201, Soi Phaholyothin
                                     Rd., Samsennai, Phyathai,
                                     Bangkok 10400

10   SHAKEB NABI                     House CES (E) 19   ;
     DIPECHO Project Manager         Road 128           
                                     Gulshan 1
                                     Dhaka 1212

11   Ashagbam Swapan       Kumar     ActionAid Regional office,
     Singha                          Guwahati, Assam, India
     Program Officer

12   PARAS MANI TAMANG               House CES (E) 19   
     IECT Asia Advisor               Road 128
                                     Gulshan 1
                                     Dhaka 1212

13   JOHN ABUYA                      ActionAid Kenya    
     International Project Manager
     (DRRS project)

14   KHEMRAJ UPADHYAYA               ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box     Khemraj.upadhyaya@actionaid.
     Program Head                    No.    6252,   Lazimpat,     org
                                     Kathmandu Nepal

15   NAHAKUL THAPA                   ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box;
     National Coordinator (DRRS      No.    6252,   Lazimpat,
     Project)                        Kathmandu Nepal

16   PV KRISHNAN                     ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box
     DIPECHO Project Manager         No.    6252,   Lazimpat,
                                     Kathmandu Nepal

17   SHYAM SUNDARY JNAVALY           ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box
     DIPECHO   Asst.   Project       No.    6252,   Lazimpat,
     Manager                         Kathmandu Nepal

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                              Page 25
18   ASHOK RAJ POKHAREL        ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box   Ashokraj.pokharel@actionaid.or
     DIPECHO Project Officer   No.    6252,   Lazimpat,   g
                               Kathmandu Nepal

19   PRATIMA SHRESTHA          ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box
     DIPECHO Project Officer   No.    6252,   Lazimpat,
                               Kathmandu Nepal

20   SHAURABH SHARMA           ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box   Shaurabh.sharma@actionaid.or
     DIPECHO Finance & Admin   No.    6252,   Lazimpat,   g
     Officer                   Kathmandu Nepal

AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009                                                        Page 26

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Dipecho drr managers meet 2009 report

  • 1. ASIA DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET REPORT 28-30 October 2009, Dhulikel, Nepal Sitting (L-R): Khem Raj, Pratima, Megh, Adriano, Bijay, John, jim, Shyam Standing (L-R): Krishnan, Paras, Shaurabh, Swapan, Harjeet, Shakeb, Aloy, Rohitha, Nahakul, Mrinal, Claudia Amidst the undulating hills, with majestic Himalays as the backdrop, the Asia IECT team comprising DIPECHO managers, DRRS project team and senior IECT members gathered in Dhulikel, Nepal to share knowledge, learn from each other and chart the way forward to make DRR intervention stronger and efficient in ActionAid. It was a time for critical reflection, a time for planning action and a time to engage in strategic dialogue, underlining the commitment of the participants to the organization and the values it stands for. It was a time for formal meetings and informal parleys… serious discourses and lighthearted banter… critical engagements and funny moments… serious discussions and informal chats… meeting old friends and making new ones… as always, the DRR team had lots of fun and the results were more than expected… new ideas, new thoughts, new decisions, renewed commitments… all for our collective but focused pursuit of propelling DRR work in AAI to newer heights… This report captures the process and outcome of this much looked forward meet… HAPPY READING 
  • 2. ASIA REGIONAL DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET 28-30 October 2009, Dhulikel, Nepal DETAILED REPORT Introduction The second AAI ASIA DIPECHO/DRR meeting was held from 28th to 30th October, 2009 in Dhulikhel, Nepal. The meeting brought together DRR practitioners from AAI, including DIPECHO/DRRS project managers and IECT team members to deliberate on key lessons, learning, issues and way forward. This report essentially tries to capture the fruitful discussions and deliberations during the meet, to act as future reference document for IECT and different country programs in Asia. Background AAI IECT has been involved in DRR initiatives for past few years, particularly in Asia. Since 2001, AAI has been undertaking different projects in DRR and has gained considerable lateral experience from various countries, particularly India, Bangladesh and Nepal. In addition, recent forays into DRR in countries like Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand etc. has given a boost to overall DRR framework in AAI, helping the organization to realize its overall mission in human security work. AAI in Asia is involved in DIPECHO projects since 2001. A combination of diligent execution, efficiency and clarity in conceptual framework coupled by our strong grassroots involvement in giving shape to the planned objects and anticipated results has gained highest levels of appreciation not only from the donors, but also different stakeholders involved in DRR work. In addition, AAI has been implementing the DRRS projects in different countries, including Bangladesh, India and Nepal in the region. Thus, there are huge investments made in DRR work, strategically complementing the mission of AAI to ensure safety and security of the most vulnerable people. With abundant experience, increasing focus and potential donor involvement in scaling up DRR work in the region, IECT has been proactively involved in promoting efforts to share experiences, bring cross country clarity and encourage innovative concepts on DRR. Towards this, the first DIPECHO managers meet was held in New Delhi, India in June 2008 that led to the first ever such meet to discuss potential areas of sharing, learning as well as challenges. The meeting was a huge success and resulted in formulating concrete steps and suggestions to make DRR work more meaningful and efficient in the region. This second DIPECHO Managers meeting thus brought together not only the DIPECHO/DRRS projects in Asia, but also other countries programs with DRR initiatives, who also have the potential to be future ECHO partners on disaster preparedness. Moreover, with increasing DRR initiatives in the region, it was felt that the time is also ripe for finding avenues to bring synergy into the overall DRR framework within AA country programs. Objectives of the DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet The objective of the meet was to bring together DIPECHO/DRR managers from the region to deliberate and provide concrete plans to strengthen DRR initiatives within country programs as well as within the region. The meet intended to exploit the experience and expertise of DIPECHO/DRR managers from the region to contribute to overall DRR framework of ActionAid human security theme. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 1
  • 3. Methodology The DIPECHO/DRR managers meet was highly participatory. The high level of experience, expertise and skills of the team was exploited during the workshop. The meet gave scope for individual as well as collective presentations, brining synergy into the creative thoughts and ideas generated during the meet. There was a country-specific, project-specific and regional specific discussion in addition to deliberations within the larger human security theme framework of ActionAid International. A panel discussion on Climate Change and DRR was organized to inform participants and bring clarity into the thoughts of participants in developing appropriate action plans within RBA framework for integrating CC within DRR initiatives at various levels. The meeting also provided an opportunity for the participants to get to know each other, develop rapport and camaraderie, considered crucial by IECT to improve understanding, quality and overall efficiency through mutual sharing and learning. The agenda of the meeting is attached in Annex 1. Participants The meeting was participated by Action Aids’ Asia regional DIPECHO and DRR managers as well as representatives from IECT, AAI, project staffs. There were 21 participants in the 3-day meet in which Ramesh Singh, AAI CEO, was present briefly. The senior Human Security team members included Bijay Kumar, International Thematic Head (Human Security) and John Abuya, International DRS Project Manager. The panel discussion on 29th of October 2009 had increased audience with over 45 people listening to the experts’ views on climate change and DRR. The invited guests included AA team members from Nepal as well as representatives of other key stakeholders from the country. The participants list is attached in Annex 2. Proceedings of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet - DAY One, 28 October 2009 Inaugural Session, 28 October 2009, 90 min Facilitator: P. V. Krishnan, DIPECHO Project Manager, Nepal The meeting started with Mr. PV Krishnan, DIPECHO Manager in Nepal welcoming the participants and wishing a fruitful meeting. He also briefly recapitulated the key outcome of the first DIPECHO/DRR Meet held in New Delhi in June 2008, which came out with some interesting suggestions for furthering DRR work in AAI. Mr. Khem Raj Upadhyaya, welcomed the participants on behalf of the Country Director and senior management team of ActionAid Nepal, who were hosting the meet. During his introductory remarks, he underlined the strategic processes and revision of country strategy paper of ActionAid Nepal, mentioning the organizational priority to disaster risk reduction as a cross cutting theme. He emphasized that AAN has gone a step ahead in incorporating the key learning from DRR projects in the country into the long term development initiatives supported by AAN. During his opening remarks, John Abuya, the International DRRS Project Manager, AAI shared his experiences in mainstreaming DRR through the school based approach. He mentioned that AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 2
  • 4. ActionAid has gained huge experience through DRR through School Projects and there are exciting opportunities ahead to scale up such approaches. He further shared that Action Aid has been involved in many global networks influencing global policy framework and decisions on DRR. He underlined the importance of incorporating climate change messages into DRR. John mentioned that DRR and CCA work has good potential not just in terms of operational opportunities but also in terms of streamlining the entire development work in AAI. Mr. Paras Mani Tamang, IECT Asia Advisor introduced the participants to the ongoing DRR initiatives in the region. He underlined the key objectives of IECT team, who are providing technical and managerial support, including fund raising, to human security work in AAI that involves three strands of operations, responding to emergencies, responding to conflicts and engagement in DRR. This was followed by introduction of participants, who introduced themselves with their name, affiliation and the work they are undertaking in DRR front. Introducing the objective of the workshop and the expected outcomes, Krishnan underlined the increasing investments in DRR that AAI has been making in Asia and the various appreciations and acknowledgements that we have received over the years on the quality of work we do with the people. Mr. Shaurabh Sharma, Finance and Administration Officer for AAN DIPECHO project briefed on administrative and logistics arrangements. While the workshop objective is listed above, the objective of the day 1 was to: a) To learn from different country programs and identify key good DRR practices that has potential for global replication b) To understand the DRR policy praxis and identify potential policy interventions to be taken forward by DIPECHO/DRR projects at national, regional and global levels Session 2, Key Learning Session I: 28 October 2009, 120 minutes Replicable DRR good practices and innovations from AAI Session Facilitator: Adriano B. Nava, Jr, DIPECHO Project Manager, ActionAid Afganistan The session started with Adriano underlining the objective of the session, which was to draw out some of the innovations, good practices and processes that have transcended local context and have a potential for global learning and replication. There were eight presentations in this session, drawing upon the experiences from the field on practices that have potential for global replication. The presentations included field experiences from different countries. The presentations (maximum 10 minutes duration, on one or two practices) were as follows. Country/Project Who Presented Content of Presentation in a nutshell Bangladesh, DIPECHO Shakeb Nabi  Preparedness in institutions with high concentration of population – experience of working with garment workers in Dhaka  Hospital Safety and Mass Casualty Management: working with government and hospitals in improving safety and preparedness Vietnam, DIPECHO Rajindra Rohitha  Media Advocacy on DRR, harnessing strength and influence of media to strengthen DRR policy and action at government levels, case study of JANI network in Vietnam/SE Asia AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 3
  • 5.  Institutional capacity building at grassroots, empowering the community through mobilizing and awareness on DRR Thailand, Rungtip  Tsunami response program in Thailand, with Tsunami Response Imrungruang emphasis on psycho-social care among students, children and other vulnerable groups Cambodia, DIPECHO Aloysius James  Strengthening DRR plan and action at district levels: Application of PVA in higher administrative units Afghanistan, DIPECHO Adriano. B.  Small Scale mitigation efforts in flood zones and Nava, Jr sand dune zones in Afganistan: Environmental protection measures International, DRRSP Nahakul Thapa  Development of DRR School Curriculum: processes and outcomes that resulted in inclusion of DRR within mainstream curricula in Nepal  Child to parent approach in disaster preparedness: Innovative approach to risk reduction India, DIPECHO Gohain Mrinal  School centric approach to disaster risk reduction, school safety in high vulnerable zones Nepal, DIPECHO Shyam Sunder  Taking DRR to development route by linking Jnavaly REFLECT and PVA  Multi-stakeholder coordination, linking people to policies for strengthening DRR framework in Nepal Session 3, Key Learning Session II: 28 October 2009, 90 minutes Identified good practices for documentation and international dissemination Session Facilitator: Shakeb Nabi, DIPECHO Project Manager, ActionAid Bangladesh In this session, the case studies, good practices and lessons learned were taken for further detailed analysis, Five Good Practices for global so as to identity five cases that will be converted into replication technical papers for potential replication within and 1. Using PVA at district/higher level, outside AAI. The participants were divided into separate Cambodia groups and asked to prioritize the case studies keeping in 2. Media and DRR Common Tools, mind a) potential for global replication b) viable practice Vietnam 3. Hospital Safety initiative, that will have direct relevance to the objective of DRR Bangladesh work we are doing and c) AAI has gathered sufficient 4. DRR curriculum in schools, Nepal & expertise in that matter. The groups were also asked to India identify potential challenges in taking forward the good 5. Linking DRR discourse into REFLEFT practices from the field. and PVA process, Nepal Participants debated on the various case studies that were presented. Subsequently, it was decided to identify the top five cases for follow up and taken up for publication at IECT level. Country programs and managers were encouraged to identify and document all the good practices and lessons learned from their own countries and projects. Participants later took each of the cases and tried to address various processes and challenges. The summary of the group presentation is given below: AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 4
  • 6. Points of Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 3 Practice 4 Practice 5 Discussions (Aloy, Harjeet, (Rohitha, Krish, (Shakeb, Ashok, (Nahakul, Adriano, ( Shyam, Khem, Pratima) Megh) John, Jim) Swapan, Paras) Mrinal) Why this Bottom up process Expanded outreach Main important Reach out to many Space for integration case is Government and coverage to institution in disaster Training at childhood in all programmatic universally commitment/various affected populations response Transferring sectors declaration and stakeholders Saving lives knowledge Opportunities for important KL declaration, Media is a powerful Reducing causality Preparing next mass UNISDR global plat advocacy tool and disability generations conscientization form Rapid dissemination Dignity in post Establishing culture Opportunity for using RCC declaration of DRR messages mortem perspective of preparedness HFA3 as an First institution that Transfer of opportunity-driving relates to everybody: knowledge vehicle for popular poor or rich, women education in DRR and men (applying REFLECT & Not many PVA) development actors are working on it Processes Working with Using Media Orientation of Sensitization of key Infusing DRR content that we government fellowship as entry stakeholders on stakeholders across the sectors in have Joint initiative with point hospital safety Making Government Education whether others DRR orientation for Participatory gap accountable on DRR Non- followed coaching and journalists analysis Advocacy at different formal/Alternative/A nurturing Exposure to DRR Formal agreement level dult literacy and Developed tools and initiatives with stakeholders: Formation of task Formal methods Technical support government force comprises of Larger involvement from PC Orienting different DRR experts, of commune leaders Prioritizing and key personals who educationist, CSO, besides the adapting DRR work in hospital on people’s departments messages disaster response representative, Facilitating Guideline on Government etc. publications of simulation and Development of articles in various conducting periodic curriculum media exercise frameworks by the Dynamic contingency Task Force in planning consultation with key stakeholders at all levels Challenges New experience for Creating space and How do we involve Politics Limitations in we have ActionAid interest on DRR with community with Developing an availability of faced, that skills and capacity Popular media hospital safety? alliance itself a reference with in organization Directing the Equal treatment for challenge materials/literature can crop up Mind set and attitude initiative towards a disaster effected and Training of on DRR, skilled in working with larger policy group non-effected teachers/facilitators persons, even government systems Assessing impact on Governance: Ethnic diversity (how adequate knowledge audience enabling policy and to bring together (policy and practice) Limited expertise implementation experiences of all within media on DRR ethnic groups) How to Document the Develop case study Concept/Strategy/Op Mobilizing funding Engaging with move experiences as position paper erational guideline Developing existing community ahead… Involve DA to take it Set up a working on hospital safety strategy/road map based government forward group developing a Link with school Building alliance and civil society disseminat Sensitize the internal communication and curriculum structures e… scaling team and ActionAid media strategy Documentation of Engaging with mass up… family Involve good practice on movements Sell the idea in Communication Focal hospital safety Compilation of various forums person from IECT to reference materials Use it as annex in take lead Cross-learning and and best practices for the PVA guide the Publication and mass information taking popular experience of dissemination by dissemination education on DRR working with district IECT Communication forward (REFLECT with PVA Advocacy to be taken and PVA inclusive) Raise resources with up by the proponent ECHO, AUSAID and (DIPECHO ) other donors AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 5
  • 7. Key Decisions Taken in Lessons Learned/Good Practices session The identified five good practices will be taken further for elaborate documentation as a technical paper and subsequent publication for sharing. Focal points to gather information and develop technical papers based on experience were decided, including the deadline for finalizing the article. The key decisions and process are given in the following table: Topic Lead person Process and deadline Application of PVA in higher Overall focal point: administrative and demographic levels – Paras Mani Tamang Aloysius James experience of PVA field application in Cambodia Deadline for submission to Paras: Engaging media in DRR work towards 7th December 2009 influencing advocacy – experience of Rohitha Rajendra working with media on DRR in Vietnam Review by IECT team, submission Hospital safety and mass casualty to IECT communication in charge, management, experience from Shakeb Nabi Airlie Taylor: 15 Dec 2009 Bangladesh Editing, fine tuning the case School safety and curriculum studies: 7 Jan 2010 development, experience from Nepal and Nahakul Thapa India Publication, both electronic and Mainstreaming DRR into development, hard copies by IECT: Shyam Jnavaly 15 Jan 2010 REFLECT and PVA process from Nepal Session 4, Key Learning Session III: 28 October 2009, 90 minutes DRR Policy Framework Session Facilitator: Mrinal Gohain, DIPECHO Project Manager, ActionAid India Key Presenter: Megh Ranjini Rai, DRR Policy Advisor This session started with Megh making a presentation on DRR policy framework in ActionAid, following up on the draft policy that was developed in the Nairobi meeting in June 2009. Megh mentioned that one of the key aims of the IECT is for developing policies and practices that enable poor people to reduce their vulnerabilities. She gave a presentation on the proposed DRR/CCA policy guidelines for AAI, underlining the importance for AAI role in reaching people’s voices to policy makers. She explained the scope to undertake policy advocacy work within countries as well as at regional/global levels. She also shared some upcoming directions in 2009 at local, national and international level followed by the ISDR report on Global and European perspectives on reducing disaster risk. Following Megh’s presentation John Abuya talked about the current international perspective on DRR and climate change. He mentioned that disaster is becoming more frequent and uncertain and disaster risk reduction cannot be addressed unless we address AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 6
  • 8. climate change. John shared about the model (Annex III) of linking Climate change adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction. He emphasized the need to fully understand the CC / DRR issues at local, district, national and international levels. At local level, DDRSP and DIPECHO is working at grassroots level addressing the underlying causes of disasters through a people centric initiative, linking techno- managerial solutions, political initiatives as well as prevention and mitigation measures at various levels, linking them to appropriate policy levels while ensuring knowledge generation to further collective learning. DRR and climate change cannot be addressed in isolation. The information generated will help to contribute to NAPA and must link with national disaster management strategy and act. These must be discussed in global platforms of UNISDR and UNFCC for mitigation and adaptation of climate change contributing to climate change for ecosystem justice. He also addressed about Global Network which is a key institution, there is need for pushing national platforms so as to bring up voices and perspectives of grassroots level on disaster and CCA. The presentations were followed by open discussion on how AAI DRR/DIPECHO projects can effectively engage in policy discourses at various levels. This led to some very critical suggestion to improve the quality of our DRR policy work. Key suggestions on DRR policy Framework a. Participants will contribute to the draft policy framework developed in Nairobi in June 2009, towards making it the final draft to be adopted by IECT. Megh will follow up with others and ensure that the policy is placed to IECT management for adoption b. DIPECHO/DRRS project will continue to engage in policy work, with principal aim of reaching people’s voices to policy makers and ensuring that grassroots community are a part of policy formulation process at various levels c. IECT should involve managers, who understand the ground realties and are better prepared to represent community voice, in various policy discourses at various levels d. IECT should ensure that DIPECHO/DRR managers are kept in the policy discourse loop within AAI The first day of the workshop ended with Nahakul drawing key lessons from the various presentations in the day. This was done by asking participants one key thing they learned during the day, which included the following topics. The evaluation for the day was also conducted in the form of filling up evaluation sheet that was presented to all participants. Proceedings of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet - DAY TWO, 29 October 2009 Day 2 started with Pratima giving a brief recap of the previous day discussions. underlining Krishnan welcomed the participants to the second day of the workshop and iterated the key objective of the day as follows: a) To conceptualize and arrive at working agreements on scaling up DRR work through a regional approach, and b) Learn from the Climate Change and DRR discourse to gain ideas on how to incorporate climate change discourses within the ongoing DIPECHO and DRRS projects. Claudia Amaral, DIPECHO focal point for DG ECHO, from SA Regional office in New Delhi, joined the team. While she was a keen observer to the proceedings, she also gave time to individual DIPECHO managers from SA to discuss project related issues. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 7
  • 9. Session 5, Key Planning Session: 28 October 2009, 300 minutes Regional DRR initiatives by AAI Session Facilitators: Paras Mani Tamang and Harjeet Singh, IECT Advisors The second day was about key planning session/technical session of regional DRR deliberations integrating DIPECHO and DRR within IECT and finding ways forward. The session was facilitated by Mr. Paras and Mr. Harjeet. The facilitators shared the objectives of this session as to come up with concrete plan/concept/framework towards developing regional DRR/DIPECHO project and informed that the sessions should overcome differences, arrive at consensus, seek commitment and develop a blue print for moving ahead with responsibilities and tasks clearly identified, marked and assigned to. It was also suggested to think about tapping resources as it is extremely important to move forward. Paras also shared some potential funding organization like ECHO and AusAID which needs to be explored through IPD. The facilitators formed guidelines for regional/sub- regional initiatives on DRR/CCA, and also the participants were divided according to region i.e. South Asia (SA) region and South East Asia (SEA) Region, for discussions. The guidelines are listed in text box 2. After more than an hour of discussions in the morning, mapping issues and way to move forward in multi-country level projects, presentations were made by the two groups on their respective regions. The findings of the groups, for regional level engagements are as follows: South Asia Region South East Asia Region Whereas South Asia is a hot spot for disasters, The common issues of South East Asia region are there are issues like rivers and water sharing that disaster induced poverty and lack of coping have become politically sensitive issues. In capacity of people and institutions. In all four addition, seismic vulnerability is one cross cutting working country of ActionAid in SEA, there is low issue across South Asian countries, which can awareness on DRR / Climate Change, inactive perhaps form the basis for our regional approach CBDRM, inadequate grounding of HFA and to DRR. There is a need to engage with regional insufficient ASEAN engagement. actors like SAARC. The key objective of regional initiatives will be Based on the group discussions, the following capacity building of key stakeholders at regional areas could be explored to the regional approach, and national levels, strengthening institutional which will draw experiences from country frameworks, building awareness on DRR / CC at programs but will have wider relevance. The five all levels, integration of DRR / Climate Change in point agenda recommended for South Asia region the development planning and strengthening are: national policies. Six strategies has been highlighted which are as follows:  Mass casualty management: Mapping existing  Engagement with ASEAN DRR Secretariat to gaps, policies and resources on mass casualty strengthen regional policy and guidelines on management, development appropriate DRR guidelines. This will also include school and  Alliance building at national and regional hospital safety, more on awareness/advocacy levels, supporting in-country coordination as levels across the countries well as regional coordination systems AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 8
  • 10.  Build Human Resource base: Based on the  Strengthening national platforms on DRR/CC, previous DIPECHO funding to develop CBDRR helping nations to adhere HFA priorities manual, develop a pool of  Engagement with ASEAN People’s Forum, to trainer/professionals on CBDRR in various reach people’s voices to decision makers in countries the region  Lab to Land – make case studies into practical  Mobilization of Media Forums, linking DRR guidelines from different DRR projects in the issues to popular media towards advocacy region efforts  DRR Media Professionals: Develop a pool of  Networking / Linkage with South Asian media professionals on DRR across the platforms / forum on DRR / CC. Promote active countries – promote media to influence policy platforms and forum at national and regional decisions on cross-country issues, particularly level for shared ideas and designs on mass casualty management The presentation was followed by detailed analytical discussions by the participants. It was also decided that Krishnan and Aloysius will fine tune the conceptual framework for SA and SEA respectively by the end of November for SEA and end of December for SA. This is to be circulated to all participants for their comments and suggsstions and then submitted to IECT. Key points generated from the discussions included: Ms. Claudia Borges Alvares Amaral, DRR TA of ECHO, India shared her views in this forum. She highlighted ECHO’s perspectives working on DRR. DIPECHO has grown over the years and is considered one of the important investments by ECHO. DIPECHO is no more just piloting, but strengthening overall DRR work through lessons learned, scaling up and engagement in policy strengthening initiatives in different countries. She expressed excitement in listening to the presentations made on regional directives in scaling up of DRR projects. She said that it was necessary to scale up to bring new dimensions and ECHO’s perspective at the macro level. She felt that the issues identified in the presentations were very interesting and relevant to scaling up to regional levels. She also provided food for thought in terms of DRR advocacy/policy work at the regional level concerning experiences of CBDRM. Existing examples, experiences and learning such as School and hospital Safety are international DRR issues that have relevance in different countries and could be replicated. The regional DIPECHO TL underlined the core essence of DIPECHO is to work with the communities to enhance their coping skills. So, the works planned at country or multi - country level should have direct Shyam, Claudia and Aloysius… relevance to enhancing community’s deeply engrossed in the presentation resilience to disasters. She also mentioned that It is necessary to look at log frame indicators and see where school safety, hospital safety, and mass casualty management can stand up and add value to scale up these experiences in the countries that we work in. She also talked about working with stakeholders and building their capacities as well as our own and brings in elements of coordination. She added that ECHO is looking forward to seeing ActionAid regional projects in the future and develop the opportunity to add value in DRR work in the region. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 9
  • 11. Points to Keep in Mind for Multi-Country DRR Projects  The multi-country/regional project should be strategic in nature, adding value to regional efforts in DRR. It should not be a sum of different country programs.  The project should have direct community relevance. Anything that we do should ultimately reflect in building community resilience to disasters  Policy Advocacy at regional level should have concrete components that would have direct impact on the disaster vulnerable people, not just in terms of policy formulation but also in terms of policy implementation  Enough piloting has been done. It is time to enlarge the scope through appropriate scale up measures  Any regional project should be based on our strengths, drawing from years of implementing DRR projects in Asia  Any regional effort should strengthen and add value to overall DRR work in the region, not just for ActionAid. We should think in global terms and involve all stakeholders to make it a true regional project  Do not be ambitious to start with. Take up only winning issues and interventions that can be justified. Key decisions taken on regional proposals  Concept papers will be developed based on the key recommendations from the DIPECHO/DRR managers, as mentioned earlier.  Aloysius will lead the South East Asia concept development. The first draft of concept should be submitted to IECT by 30 Nov 2009  Krishnan will lead the South Asia concept development. The first draft of concept should be submitted to IECT by 31 Dec 2009  IECT will start discussthe concept/project with potential donors. IECT will fine tune the proposal for serious considerations by donors like ECHO. Session 6, Key Learning Session: 29 October 2009, 120 minutes Panel Discussion on “Climate Change and DRR” Moderator: Khem Raj Upadhyaya, Head of Programs, ActionAid Nepal Panelists: Bhusan Tuladhar, Ajay Dixit and Harjeet Singh Impact of Climate Change is having an adverse effect on people. Climate induced disasters have made lives and conditions even more uncertain, adding on the misery of the already vulnerable community. Naturally, disaster risk reduction has to invariably embrace climate change impact, so as to prepare the community against possible uncertainties in lives through climate induced disasters. As a part of the ongoing debate on CC, the AAI DIPEHCO/DRR managers meet organized a panel discussion on Climate Change and DRR, primarily to engage DRR practitioners on climate change adaptation and discussing ways and means for practical application of CC adaptation into AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 10
  • 12. ongoing DRR work. The organizers also invited practitioners and managers from other international organizations and stakeholders to participate in the panel discussion, with twin purpose of contributing to the debate as well as interacting with the AAI DRR team. The panelists included Bhusan Tuladhar, Executive Director of ENPHA, Ajaya Dixit, Director of ISET Nepal and Harjeet Singh, IECT Advisor for AAI. The panel discussion was moderated by Khem Raj Upadhyaya, Head of Programs, AA Nepal. The discussion started with Khem Raj Panelists (L-R): introducing the topic. In his opening Harjeet Singh, Bhusan Tuladhar and Ajaya Dixit remarks, he underlined the increasing significance of Climate Change related issues in DRR and the need for DRR to comprehensively address adverse impact of climate change on the most vulnerable populations we work for. He touched upon the ongoing debate of ‘Adaptation’ and ‘Mitigation’ and the need for international agencies to address both concerns at various levels. Khem Raj also introduced the panelists and facilitated a quick round of introduction from the nearly 40 participants who came to listen to and engage in the discussions. The experts’ presentation was started by Bhusan, who informed the audience about the science of climate change, how the natural and manmade causes are responsible to raise the green house gases (GHGs), the cause of global warming and climate change and its impact on health, agriculture, water resources, forest and species. He talked about technical as well as political point of view of climate change and updated on the process leading to Copenhagen for COP 15. He shared the three ways of responding to climate change i.e. mitigation, adaptation and carbon market and negotiation processes. He emphasized that mitigation may not be a problem, but adaptation is an issue. Harjeet, the second panelist, presented ideas on how disaster risk reduction (DRR) can be integrated with Climate change adaptation (CCA). He mentioned that climate change as an environmental issue has been making impact in community and shared the international commitments made over climate change and DRR and five priorities of HFA. He mentioned that is necessary to look at how CC community link with DRR and the linkages between DRR and CC? He further shared similarities and dissimilarities of CCA and DRR. He emphasized that DRR is first line to defense against climate change and HFA has been well advocated in supporting developing countries (particularly vulnerable) in building resilience, providing compensation and ensuring rehabilitation for loss and damage. He added that increasing threat of climate change is recognized as a source of great risk but at the same time offers the potential for a ‘triple win’ – adaptation, DRR and poverty reduction. He also shared the things to do in upcoming years. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 11
  • 13. The third expert in the panel, Ajaya Dixit gave some reflections on climate change and DRR on the basis of eagle eye perspective (views of science) and toad’s eye perspective (people). He started with history of fossil fuels and shared the changing pattern of temperature and precipitation from the view of General Circulation Models. He noted that scientific limitations need to be recognized as the scientific tools and models are inconsistencies among themselves. He also shared the need of shared learning dialogue for CCA and DRR. After the presentations from the experts, the moderator threw the floor open to the audience. The discussions were very encouraging, prompting and thought provoking, ranging from ongoing policy level initiatives in Nepal to direct implication of the climate change debates like COP on the actual sufferers on ground. Over 30 questions were directed to the panelists, who have to dwell deep into their experience and knowledge to satisfy the curiosity of the participants, most of whom were managers and practioners of DRR. The climate change and DRR panel discussion ended with Krishnan offering vote of thanks to the panelists, moderator as well as the audience to make it a lively and enriching event. Ramesh Singh, Chief Executive of AAI offered token mementos to the panelists and the moderator. The panel discussion was followed by the Meet Dinner, joined by all workshop participants and invited guests. The second day of the DIPECHO/DRR managers meet was eventful in terms of participation also. Ramesh Singh, Chief Executive of AAI graced the occasion with his presence, taking time out of extremely busy schedule in Nepal. He also interacted exclusively with the DRR/DIPECHO managers and IECT members, listening to the proceedings of the meeting and responding immediately to The team meeting Ramesh, CEO, AAI some of the issues raised by the participants aimed at strengthening the entire DRR fraternity within AAI. The organizers of the event and participants are grateful to Ramesh Singh for spending quality time with the team members. Encouraging words from the Chief Executive were of immense motivation to the participants. The day also witnessed arrival of Bijay Kumar, International Thematic Head for Human Security in AAI, who had plans to spend two days with the DIPECHO/DRR managers meet and with Nepal team as a part of his planned field visit. Claudia Amaral, DIPECHO Focal Point for South Asia from ECHO New Delhi office managed to find time from her busy schedule to attend the DIPECHO/DRR managers meet on 29 Oct. She appreciated this kind of internal sharing events by AAI and encouraged more such sharing and cross learning between various country programs. She also shared her views on DIPECHO programs, what lies ahead and possible future directions for projects. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 12
  • 14. THANK YOU BOSS! Smiles All Around… A Moment to cherish… th …participants with the Ramesh Singh, CEO, AAI after a highly encouraging meeting on 29 Oct 2009 Proceedings of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet - DAY THREE, 30 October 2009 The day started with a short introduction to the various sessions by Krishnan, followed by a quick recap by Pratima on the key outcome and learning from previous day. The importance of the day 3 is towards making plans for integration of climate change initiatives into DRR work of AAI, drawing key lessons from the panel discussion held previous evening. Also, the day will also look into irritants and challenges that affect DIPECHO projects, discussions on ways and means to forge stronger partnerships for future and closing of the workshop. Thus, the objective of Day 3 will be: a) To identify practical and immediate action points on Climate Change Adaptation that can be incorporated into ongoing DIPECHO/DRRS projects b) To discuss organizational and operational difficulties and issues and arrive at practical solutions to overcome problem areas Session 7, Key Planning Session: 30 October 2009, 120 minutes Integrating Climate Change Adaptation to ongoing DRR projects Session Facilitators: Shyam Sunder Jnavaly, Asst. Project Manager, DIPECHO, AA Nepal On invitation by the facilitator, Harjeet shared the key learning from panel discussion on Climate Change and DRR that has relevance to the ongoing projects in AAI. He gave pointers to practical ideas and methods that can be incorporated immediately within DIPECHO and DRRS projects. Harjeet highlighted some key future directions for DRR and climate change at local, national and international level. He added that identification of vulnerable areas like costal, urban, mountainous, AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 13
  • 15. lowland is necessary for climate change mapping and information dissemination is necessary at levels below nationals. Orientation of community in CC and DRR has to be done and community has to be asked the various changes they have been facing over the years. We need to ask people why such changes are happening and the implications of such environmental changes in the lives and livelihood of people. It is also essential to integrate climate change into the PVA processes we are already undertaking, giving importance to tools like seasonality to inform the changes in climate patterns at local levels. He suggested that the best way we can move ahead is to bring the climate change realization from an unconscious level to a conscious level within the community mindset, thereby engaging them in the climate change DRR discourse and seeking solutions from the community itself towards possible adaptation measures. This was followed by group discussions on how to take forward climate change discourse through the ongoing projects like DIPECHO and DRRS:  Shared learning and dialogue with DRR stakeholders on climate change – Linking grassroots community people, CSO, I/NGO and social movements in the discourse  Climate change session on CBDRM/PVA/REFLECT and other training workshop curriculum for staff, communities and other stakeholders  Minor mitigation to address climate change adaptation through people centric initiatives  Incorporate CC in project proposal design on awareness and adaptation  Keep Climate change on thematic strategies for policy analysis Group work: Ideas on how to integrate CC work into ongoing DRR work  Engaging with the key policy makers at various  Build capacities in CPs on DRR and CC to create levels: Enhance the awareness level of an environment to mainstream DRR and CCA in practitioners on DRR CPs  Molding designs of PVA tools to assess climate  Constant dialogue and discourse with the change impact community to develop better understanding  Developing understanding of the impact of CC from community’s perspective on communities and linking it with  Unconscious awareness to conscious awareness technical/scientific knowledge stage: Community  Building capacities of the communities through  Time dimension into PVA keeping CCA into awareness and training programmes mind: traditional + Scientific knowledge  Advocate integrating CC in DRR School programmes and the Education thematic works  CC Education through schools Capacity building of AA. of the local governance systems  Integrating CC in all thematic works of  Developing monitoring indicators of DRR and ActionAid CCA in ActionAid  Developing IEC materials  HFA Audit  Ensuring the voices of people are heard at national level CC discourses Group work: Ideas on how to integrate CC work into ongoing CPs  See where we stand in terms of integrating DRR and climate change with country programs  Address CCA and DRR in MOU with partners, ensure that CCA is mentioned across all thematic functions  Build more capacity within country programs and mainstream CC work within country program  Identify DRR and CC indicators from Action Aid’s monitoring and evaluation system.  Capacity building of own staff, partner staff and community leaders on climate change issues, build institutional awareness on climate change  Map timeline within the country program strategy also, integrate DRR into other thematic areas  Find ways of linking climate change and DRR, as related policies are linked to HFA and UNFCCC  Taking knowledge from environmentalist, and experts to incorporate with community works AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 14
  • 16. Harjeet dictated some policy areas that DRR and DIEPCHO can focus on, supplementing previous presentation made by Megh. He focused on taking two key things; a) local level planning and policy making and b) strong local governance. He addressed that local level must need to do on policy, for this the community has to be empowered, participate and negotiate themselves in local level planning. There must be reflection of poor people in policy making processes and right institutional mechanism to enhance resilience to vulnerable people to disaster and climate change impacts must be developed at national level. He further added that at international level, right use of the funding for the poor community is necessary and strong pressure groups are necessary for accountable governments and donors. Suggestions from the Meet - Integrating CC into DRR immediately  The foremost thing to do is to make issues related to climate change into the consciousness of the vulnerable community, allowing them to plan for future uncertainties  Bring in climate change discussions into the PVA process, utilizing tools like seasonality chart to make people aware of the changing climate patterns and associated uncertainties  Bring in element of climate change awareness into the regular DRR awareness initiatives  Draw the experiences of people, document them and insist on people’s voices to be weighed at highest levels of policy making Session 8, Key Learning Session: 30 October 2009, 90 minutes Critical engagements between CPs on DRR Session Facilitators: Rohitha Rajendra, DIPECHO Manager, AA Vietnam It was agreed that this meeting provided opportunity to work and learn together on various issues and there is tremendous potential for country level engagements within and across regions. Rajendra summarized the key learning so far, which included identification of replicable good practices, understanding of DRR policy framework and scope for deepening and widening our policy work, initiatives for multi country programs on DRR and integration of climate change work into ongoing DRR initiatives. This was done through a group work, seeking ideas on how country programs can work together in bilateral and multilateral ways to strengthen collective mission. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 15
  • 17. Suggestions: Suggestion:  Standardize IEC materials across the  Share the periodic update and reports region, with options for contextualization within IECT team including reports to  Ensure increased and efficient sharing of the DRRSP Manager, IECT information between CPs, particularly communication (Airlie), IECT Advisors within the region (Paras, Harjeet), DRRSP Policy Advisor  Encourage higher critical engagements (Megh) and the DIPECHO/DRR between DIPECHO/DRR projects in the Managers (DIPECHO). region  Upload the DIPECHO/DRR project  Keep IECT advisors in the loop as an learning documents resource materials integral part of the communication in ActionAid main web sites/hive; channel involve communication people on  Develop capacities of country staff, building good case studies/write ups project staff and communication team (DIPECHO).  Take community facilitators/leaders/  Include/expand emergency roster of frontline workers in the policy dialogues experts to include DIPECHO team on climate change and DRR members, the team to find out from their own CPs on this Session 9, Key Planning Session: 30 October 2009, 60 minutes Overcoming challenges, irritants to DIPECHO/DRR projects Session Facilitators: Alolysius James, DIPECHO Manager, AA Cambodia The last session of the three days meet was about the troubleshooting session which focused on overcoming obstacles/irritants and recommendations. Aloy, facilitator for this session, proposed discussion on two accounts –  organizational (representing DRR among the senior management team and engagement)  Human resource (Retention of team, human resource development, recruitment time gaps and gaps hr-pay rolls). Three different groups discussed issues related to the following:  Human Resources  Capacity Building  Programmatic Integration  What lies ahead for IECT  creative ideas and opportunities to strengthen overall DRR work within AAI. The following is the summary of the group presentations: Human Resources Issues Retaining DIPECHO team, particularly local team members: With DIPECHO becoming more institutional with repeated contracts over the years, the 3-4 months gap from one project to AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 16
  • 18. another, results in good team members with considerable experience and skills joining elsewhere is an issue. CPs should strategise to retain DIPECHO team members and poritively capitalize their skills and experience to enhance DRR work in countries. Building capacities and skills of DIPECHO staff: DIPECHO is considered a project and not a core program, country programs do not invest in the capacity enhancement of the project staff. Whereas DIPECHO project team members are expected to deliver, ensure highest quality results and often work under pressure to deliver without capacity development opportunities. AAI should ensure that DIPECHO team members are also a part of the organizational capacity building measure. Project Team vs. Core Team: In most of AA CPs, project teams are considered separate from core teams and are not often included in the organizational discourses due to their short term ‘project’ nature. Uniformity is required in this case as some CPs compensated project staff more than core staff due to their short term nature and special skill they bring and some CP’s don’t. This needs review and uniformity is desired for project staff to be integrated to the core function of AAI CPs as an overall AA team. Retaining Talents: AAI should consider engaging the professional staff of DIPECHO/DRRS projects by providing them professional opportunities during lean period. Usually, there is a 3-4 month gap between the new and old project cycle and AAI should ensure that DIPECHO managers with proven skills and competence are utilized within the organization. Suggestions for possible involvement could be in project assessments, proposal and report writing, conducting training events etc. This will lead to retention of the available professional talents within the organization. Institutional Issues Utilizing Professional Expertise: DIPECHO managers come with diverse skills, knowledge, expertise and experience but CP’s hardly utilize it though the managers are willing to contribute. It would be beneficial for CP’s to utilize the expertise of the managers despite their short term positions. Contributing to Strategic Management: DIPECHO managers are seldom a part of the senior management team in country programs despite their maturity, experience and expertise. As an integral part of AA staff member, DIPECHO managers, will be able to contribute meaningfully in SMTs as a professional brining in internal / external perspectives and analysis. DIPECHO Managers in IECT Network: DIPECHO managers are not yet a part of wider IECT network and thus are not in the information sharing loop. IECT should provide scope and opportunities to DIPECHO managers in relevant communication and information sharing systems. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 17
  • 19. Role Clarity among Advisors: Field managers are often in a spot with often conflicting and confusing mails on the roles of IECT / DRRS advisors. IECT should ensure clarity of roles in this case. It is also suggested that IECT designate a particular person with particular project/plan/program, to ensure that there is uniformity in communication and strategic involvement with the donor. Use in-house resources: With so much expertise available in DRRS/DIPECHO team IECT could utilize this resource rather than hiring external consultants. This could reduce costs while providing opportunity for team members of DRR projects. Programmatic Issues Integrating Projects within Programs: While AA as a whole has been strengthening integration of projects as key program components, there is scope to make projects strategic in nature than funding opportunities alone. Projects should in fact contribute to and strengthen the core development inputs by AAI, ensuring that outcome of the projects contribute to overall development impact in the area. This will also require more concerted effort by AAI management and the respective CPs, including investment in building project management capacities of the organization and team members. In this aspect, DIPECHO/DRR projects with their strong and proven credentials as efficient managers could be utilized to develop the necessary skill and capacity for the CPs to build their own project management portfolio. Integrating DRR into the development plans: It has become increasingly evident that DRR is not just an option but viable solutions to protect longer terms investments. Country programs should use DRR as insurance to the development plans and investments. DIPECHO and DRRS project can play a vital role in helping the country programs to integrate DRR into their core development initiatives. Need for Human Security Focal Point: With DRR becoming a prominent initiative in most of the CPs in Asia, CPs have not yet given impetus to build adequate human resources to deal with human security issues and some CPs do not have HS focal point too. The team urges AAI to ensure that all CPs have dedicated HS focal point to streamline and integrate HS and DRR initiatives into the longer term perspective of AA CPs. Ideas for Future IECT Consultants: With a large number of top professionals with varied expertise and experience, why not develop a crack team of professional consultants within IECT, offering services to other organizations. This increases our overall reach, visibility and will surely generate some income too. DRR as the central AAI theme: IECT should focus itself to promote DRR as the central theme around which other themes function. Risk Reduction makes business sense and is understood to act as an insurance to protect long term development investment. Thus, DRR should be central to all other initiatives of AAN. IECT should engage in internal advocacy with the board to make DRR the central theme AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 18
  • 20. IECT USP is DRR in development: Oxfam for public health and hygiene, UNICEF for WATSAN, SCF for Child Rights, CARE for food and nutrition Why not develop IECT USP in DRR, offering our expertise, models and plans for worldwide replication, engage in advocacy with governments and donors. Session 10, Closing Session: 30 October 2009, 60 minutes Session Facilitators: PV Krishnan, DIPECHO Manager, AA Nepal The final session started with Krishnan doing a quick recap of the key outcomes of the three day workshop. He noted that it has been a remarkable three days, with high level of energies among participants that led to analytical inputs, key decisions, strategic directions and relevant suggestions to take the DRR mission forward. He underlined the key outcomes as follows: a) identification of global replication models in DRR work b) clear guidelines towards regional proposals in South Asia and South East Asia, c) clear understanding of policy engagements by the team members, ensuring voices of people are reaching the highest policy making bodies at every level, d) understanding of Climate Change issues, its relation to DRR and immediate integration of climate change adaptation to ongoing DRR work in CPs, e) Key considerations towards country level engagements and cooperation in DRR, and f) Key suggestions to find solutions to some of the issues that are considered irritants to DRR projects like DIPECHO John Abuya remarked that this meeting has been a very good effort, to bring together DRR professionals as well as key IECT members. He expressed satisfaction and underlined the need to bring in climate change component into the DRR work. We cannot afford to neglect or feign ignorance over this anymore. It is not only imperative for us to take forward CCA through our DRR work, it also makes sense because there is lots of opportunities to engage ourselves in CC related work. He concluded his remarks by wishing all the best to the participants in their ensuing work and programs. Bijay Kumar, International Thematic Head for Human Security, during his address to the participants, thanked the organizers and IECT team to invite him to this purposeful meet, which he found very productive and useful to IECT in particular and AAI in general. He expressed high level of satisfaction over the outcome of the meetings and congratulated all the team members for doing exceptional work with the communities. Bijay used this unique opportunity stress three aspects on the DRR theme, which forms the core of ActionAid thinking. Bijay talked about three things, critical to any DRR/human security work worldwide. He stressed on: AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 19
  • 21. the need to balance people-political and techno-managerial solutions to humanitarian and DRR issues: All crises and its impact on poor has a high level of political dimension and AAI work at various levels to understand this aspect and take up political discourse on DRR  the need to link climate change with DRR: Our direct work with the community gives us the legitimacy to take their issues to worldwide forums. We should thus realize our strengths and go for negotiations armed with people’s perspective ground realties.  the issue of governance as a key ingredient of risk reduction: DRR can become effective and can reduce risks only if the governance is just, equitable, accountable, transparent and efficient. This means that DRR work cannot be a stand alone entity. It should be an integral and core component of all our thematic works including education, food security and governance. Touching upon some of the key issues raised during this meet, Bijay assured the participants to do whatever possible to address all the concerns, both within the organization as well as with other stakeholders wherever necessary. Following Bijay was Paras, who was invited to offer vote of thanks and close the three day workshop. Paras expressed his gra titude to the participants for taking time off to participate and contribute handsomely to this wonderful meet that obviously achieved its planned objective and exceeded anticipated outcomes. He profusely acknowledged and appreciated the DIPECHO Nepal team and the senior management of AAN for ensuring high level of professional efficiency in organizing this meet, including providing all logistics and administration support to participants from other countries. He wished a fruitful travel to the field for people who are proceeding to planned field visit. With his closing remarks, the three days eventful and remarkable workshop came to an end. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 20
  • 22. Evaluation of DIPECHO/DRR Managers Meet The organizing team from AAN conducted evaluation of the three days team, including daily feedback forms and end-of-event evaluation with an aim of understanding participants perception on the content and organization as well as to find scope for improving similar events of future. The findings from the evaluation are given below in a nutshell: Evaluation was done on a 5-point scale, where 5 denoted excellent and 1 denoted poor. The scores given are the average taken from all the participants, 18 respondents on Day 1 and 12 on Day 2 and 3. I. Lessons & Good III. Regional DRR IV. Integrating Engagements CCA into DRR II. DRR Policy between CPs Framework Evaluation Criteria/Sessions VI. Overall initiatives Practices planning V. DRR work Session structure 3.6 3.4 3.1 3.3 3.6 3.4 Achievement of Objective 3.4 2.9 3.9 3.5 3.8 3.5 Relevance of topic 3.7 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.9 3.8 Facilitation of session 3.8 3.4 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 Appropriateness of contents 3.5 3.4 3.8 3.6 3.8 3.6 Time allotted 3.0 2.6 3.4 3.5 3.8 3.5 Participation/group work 3.8 3.2 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 Did the workshop meet the set objective 3.8 Was the investment to attend this workshop justified 3.8 Are similar learning and dialogues required for future 3.9 Did the issues and concerns come out for discussion and were addressed 3.8 Administration, logistics, food, refreshments etc. 4.0 What did you like MOST in this meet?  It gave an opportunity to meet DIPECHO/DRR people  Cross learning that happened between the team members  Professional approach to organize meet and achieve set objectives  Sharing of experiences, specifically the good practices we identified or replication (3)  Participation of senior leaders in the meet  Quality of overall discussion and debates  All sessions were very useful, wonderfully done… open session after each session was good  Panel discussion on CCA and DRR  Ajaya Dixit Presentation during Panel Discussion  The way we came out with Action Plans and decisions AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 21
  • 23. What did you like LEAST in this meet?  Time management…  Discussions tended to drag because of one person who came out with topics which were not a part of that session and taking away too much time  DRR/CCA policy framework session What are your suggestions for next meeting? Comments are welcome…  Make the meet twice in a year  Make materials and documents ready, in hardcopy in advance  More time to be given for experience sharing, invite AAI senior management and ECHO  DIPECHO PMs should meet once in a quarter  Include a session on socio-economic and political analysis, forte of AAI  Make the meet for 4-days, more relaxing… Overall, the workshop was perceived to be a huge success. The workshop achieved its set objectives and outcomes were more than encouraging to move into the next level of DRR discourse within AAI/IECT. AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 22
  • 24. ASIA DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET 28 Oct – 30 Oct 2009, Nepal AGENDA & SCHEDULE Day I Day II Day III Wednesday, 28 Oct 2009 Thursday, 29 Oct 2009 Friday, 30 Oct 2009 0830 hrs Welcome, Introduction of Recap, Day II objectives Recap, Day III Objectives to participants, Introduction 1030 hrs to the Meet, Address by Regional DIPECHO – Integrating Climate Change AAN CD, Deliberations into DIPECHO/DRR initiatives AAN Overview, IECT Asia Key Planning Session II Overview, Ground rules Key Planning Session I Refreshment break 1100 hrs Innovations and Good Working together, critical to Practice – Country-wise Regional DIPECHO – engagements between CPs 1230 hrs presentations Deliberations Key Learning Session V Key Learning Session I Lunch 1400 hrs Overcoming obstacles and Lessons from programs and to irritants, Recommendations process – What worked Regional DIPECHO – Final 1530 hrs for future well? What did not? plans and road map Key Learning Session II Key Planning Session III Refreshment Break 1600 hrs DRR Policy Framework – to Critical engagements at 1730 hrs country, region and Panel Discussion on Overall recap international level Climate Change Adaptation and DRR Address by Head of IECT Key Learning Session III Concluding remarks 1730 hrs Key Learning Session IV to Recap of the Day 1800 hrs AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 23
  • 25. ASIA DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET 28 Oct – 30 Oct 2009, Nepal PARTICIPANTS' LIST SN Name Office Name & Address Email Photographs Designation 1 ADRIANO B. NAVA, JR. ActionAid International DIPECHO Project Manager House No. 705, Taimani, Street 9, Kabul, Afghanistan 2 ALOYSIUS JAMES ActionAid Cambodia, DIPECHO Project Manager #69, Street 242, Sangkat Chaktomuk, P O Box 66, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 12200 3 CLAUDIA AMARAL Regional Support Office DRR TA South Asia, ECHO C384 Defense Colony, New Delhi, India 4 HARJEET SINGH International Emergencies Emergencies and Conflict and Conflict Team (IECT) Advisor – Asia and Americas E-88, Saket, New Delhi- 110 017, India 5 MEGH RANJANI RAI International Emergencies DRR Policy Adviser( DRR and and Conflict Team (IECT) DIPECHO PROJECTS) E-88, Saket, New Delhi- 110 017, India 6 GOHAIN MRINAL ActionAid India, Regional Manager R-7, Hauz Khas Enclave, New Delhi-110 016 8 WELIHINDAGE RAJINDRA ActionAid Vietnam, Room ROHITHA No. 502A, HEAC Building, DIPECHO Project Manager 14-16, Ham Long Street, Hanoi, Vietnam AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 24
  • 26. 9 RUNGTIP IMRUNGRUANG 60/1, Monririn Building nd Program Officer Tower A, 2 Floor, Unit A201, Soi Phaholyothin Rd., Samsennai, Phyathai, Bangkok 10400 10 SHAKEB NABI House CES (E) 19; DIPECHO Project Manager Road 128 Gulshan 1 Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh 11 Ashagbam Swapan Kumar ActionAid Regional office, Singha Guwahati, Assam, India Program Officer 12 PARAS MANI TAMANG House CES (E) 19 IECT Asia Advisor Road 128 Gulshan 1 Dhaka 1212 Bangladesh 13 JOHN ABUYA ActionAid Kenya International Project Manager (DRRS project) 14 KHEMRAJ UPADHYAYA ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box Khemraj.upadhyaya@actionaid. Program Head No. 6252, Lazimpat, org Kathmandu Nepal 15 NAHAKUL THAPA ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box; National Coordinator (DRRS No. 6252, Lazimpat, Project) Kathmandu Nepal 16 PV KRISHNAN ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box DIPECHO Project Manager No. 6252, Lazimpat, Kathmandu Nepal 17 SHYAM SUNDARY JNAVALY ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box DIPECHO Asst. Project No. 6252, Lazimpat, Manager Kathmandu Nepal AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 25
  • 27. 18 ASHOK RAJ POKHAREL ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box Ashokraj.pokharel@actionaid.or DIPECHO Project Officer No. 6252, Lazimpat, g Kathmandu Nepal 19 PRATIMA SHRESTHA ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box DIPECHO Project Officer No. 6252, Lazimpat, Kathmandu Nepal 20 SHAURABH SHARMA ActionAid Nepal, P.O.Box Shaurabh.sharma@actionaid.or DIPECHO Finance & Admin No. 6252, Lazimpat, g Officer Kathmandu Nepal AAI DIPECHO/DRR MANAGERS MEET, 2009 Page 26