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Digital Marketing Strategy
      MSc in Digital Marketing
      UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School

By Anastasia Almiasheva, Eamonn Hurley, Grainne Flanagan, Marina Nitoumbi, Soyeon Shin
Table of Contents

        Executive Summary                      5   Channel & Promotion Strategy

    1   Situation Analysis & Brand Audit       6   Content Strategy

    2   Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning   7   Implementation Strategy

    3   Objectives                             8   Measurements

    4   Offerings                                  References

Executive Summary

Introduction                                                          results for UCD Smurfit Business School. To increase awareness of
                                                                      Digital Marketing importance for business, increase awareness of
As this is the first year of the part-time MSc in Digital Marketing   the MSc course, position and differentiate UCD offering and
program in UCD Smurfit Business School, we intend to build and        engage with potential and current students through use of the
raise the courses profile through the schools existing reputation.    Website, Blog, Social Media, Online and Offline PR, Events and
The MSc offers potential students high quality digital marketing      Career Fairs. To drive requests for information and maximize
knowledge, an internationally recognised accreditation, and           application completion by making these mediums more user
internal networking opportunities combined with external              friendly. To develop an MSc Alumni community (Group on
industry links (e.g. Google). Marketing online is now essential for   Linkedin) to promote MSc and to keep in touch with Alumni to
business and both marketers and business owners need to learn         assess MSc value overtime. Leveraging both inbound and
the tools and techniques in order to achieve business success.        outbound marketing channels and promoting these channels too.

Aims and Objectives                                                   Goods and Services

The objective for UCD Smurfit Business School is to provide a         The course offers both practical and theoretical aspects to digital
degree on completion that is recognised at European level, to         marketing knowledge, unlike other courses which focus mainly on
build a valued reputation for the course and increase awareness       the digital marketing communications element. Alliances include
both online and offline. As this is a new course, we intend to        AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA giving UCD Smurfit Business School a
broaden our offerings and include a Full-time MSc program in the      triple crown accreditation. The school is also ranked in the top
coming year 2013. The major goal is to drive revenue by               100 European Universities. Course partners include Google who
increasing the number of suitable individuals applying for the        lecture and tutor in relevant modules.
                                                                      Market Research
Business Idea
                                                                      It is estimated that Digital Marketing has become a €50 billion
Through intensive marketing research and comparison we                global industry and is growing at a compound annual growth rate
propose the following in order to generate the highest capable        of 20 percent. The target audience for the MSc in Digital
Marketing is both males and females between the age of 30 - 40
with a 30K to 40K annual salary and a primary degree. These
results were generated through a survey based on our current
class along with further research outlined in our proposal.

Executive Team

Eamonn Hurley is the marketing and sales director of Vermillion
Design, a company that has been an industry leader for thirteen
years and has witnessed the change and impact of digital on the
design sector through its explosive growth. He has recognised the
importance to adapt with Digital. Grainne Flanagan is a Digital
Media graduate that has recently opened her own Video
Production Company recognising a key feature element in her
future being the importance of online video and video marketing.

Situation Analysis                                                   Culture
                                                                     UCD Smurfit’s reputation and culture is one of high achievement
    Company                                                          from both lecturers and students. This will apply to the MSc and
                                                                     though realising the need to at all times to keep the course
Product Line                                                         relevant and current it will adhere to the same recognised
UCD Smurfit offers post-graduate students an internationally         standards and models of other degree offerings.
recognised MSc in Digital Marketing taught by leading academics      Goals
and practitioners. Strategic partnerships have been built with       UCD Smurfits’s goal is to build reputational value, to increase
company’s such as Google, Facebook and Linkedin creating an          awareness of the course (online/offline) and to create a full time
industry relevant part-time course enhancing the knowledge and       and online module. “Our goal is to provide a masters that will be
skill set of Digital Marketing.                                      renowned at a European level at least.” - Dr. Laurent Muzellec

Image in the Market
This is the first year of UCD Smurfit’s MSc in Digital Marketing,
consequently the course will be trading on the school’s reputation       Collaborators
(UCD Smurfit is the only Irish Business School to be ranked in the
European Business School rankings 2011). Given the growing           Distributors
demand in Digital Marketing there are immense benefits from a        The distributors for the MSc in Digital Marketing include UCD
school such as UCD Smurfit offering a degree in this area.           Smurift, industry practitioners, industry partners and academic
Technology and Experience
Understanding that Digital Marketing is a €50 billion global
                                                                     The suppliers for the MSc in Digital Marketing include UCD Smurfit,
industry, there is now demand for education in this area. With
                                                                     lecturers, guest speakers (Greg Fry, Oisin Tobin),including also
such fluid technology a key component of the course will be the
                                                                     industry professionals participating in the course and sharing
involvement of Digital Marketing practitioners
Alliances                                                           people from any discipline may apply.
Qualifications from: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA.
                                                                    Market Size and Growth
AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business    Currently the online consumer spending is €3.7 billion and there’s
International is the USA-based body, which awards accreditation     a projected increase to €5.7 billion by 2016. See Appendix
following a review of the quality of Degree programs delivered by
each Management School.
EQUIS: This is the quality improvement system administered by
the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development)           Benefits Customer is seeking
throughout Europe. EQUIS is awarded on the basis of quality         The benefits for the student is high grade digital marketing
controls on the entire range of activities within an institution.   knowledge, improvement in employment prospects (including in-
                                                                    house promotions), higher educational status, relevant skill set to
AMBA: The Association of MBAs is a British-based organisation       compete in the online marketing world and worldwide
which concentrates specifically on MBA programs and accredits       accreditation.
those which reach its standards.
                                                                    Decision Making Unit
John Herlihy, the CEO of Google, and Trevor Madigan, global sales   Individual supported by their company:
director of Facebook are on the SBS’s advisory boards.              Networking/Business connections from course, employee
                                                                    knowledge (practical and theoretical) of up to date strategies and
Market Segments                                                     practices.
Market segments include international graduates (Many EU /          Individual:
Global Internet Company Headquarters are based in Dublin), Irish    Higher career position in the workplace, potential wage increase,
graduates, Industry professionals, business owners, employers       geographical- Ireland is a host to many IT company headquarters
and all of the above mentioned with prior education, three years    (We are placed second to the U.S.A.), UCD Smurfit graduates are
minimum of management/work experience, ability to pay fees,         seen as industry leaders.

Retail Channel
On the UCD Smurfit website after application has been approved.    Quantity Purchased at a time
                                                                   The customer/their company makes one payment for the MSc in
Consumer Information Sources                                       Digital Marketing. Currently there are 40 students for part time
Consumers can obtain information on the UCD Smurfit Website        course.
(Homepage Advertising - New MSc course in Digital Marketing),
Online web search (Google), guest speakers and lecturers (WOM)     Trends
and media promotion: radio advertisement.                          Significant increase in online searches, and marketing time spent
                                                                   on-line. Customer needs and preferences change over time,
Buying Process                                                     especially online.
Careful comparison (consumer likely to breakdown, analyze and
compare to other available courses/masters),
Cost of course encourages the buyer to be careful €13,000.00
European fee and €15,600.00 Non-European (significant              Actual or Potential
investment)                                                        Digital Marketing Institute, Dublin Business School, Dublin City
                                                                   University. Given the increasing demand in digital marketing,
Exclusivity - persons must apply to attend the course, not every   more courses are bound to appear. The choice difference will be
candidate is accepted/selected, perceived high ROI for graduate    the quality of the course itself and it accreditation and recognition
with a UCD Smurfit qualification/accreditation.                    in the business world.

Frequency of Purchases                                             Direct or Indirect
Seasonal purchase (September annually) once per consumer.          Direct competition - Part-time masters offered from recognised
However targeting needs to continue throughout the year in         third level Irish institutions (E.g. DCU and DMI)
order to attract consumer’s attention to the availability of the   Indirect competition - Full-time and online masters course
course in the college.

a triple crown accreditation (AACSB, EQUIS & AMBA) and they
                                                                        rank as Number 1 Business School in Ireland), they also have a
                                                                        reputation for selecting the brightest people.
Competing: How you learn:
                                                                        DIT offers Ms In Digital Marketing
- Part-time
- Full-time
                                                                        Market Shares
- Online courses
                                                                        Degrees at a masters level in Digital Marketing are new to the
                                                                        Irish educational sector. Currently the DMI holds the majority
Competing: What you get at the end:
                                                                        market share, due to their offering and positioning and time in the
- Diploma
                                                                        market, securing perhaps 80 percent. Traditional marketing
- Post-graduate masters
                                                                        courses with a digital content secure the next highest percentage.
- Post-graduate certification
                                                                        UCD Smurfit (similar to DCU) having only recently created a
- Accreditation
                                                                        masters, would be next.

                                                                        SWOT of Competitors
DMI is an established Institute in this field. It offers Professional
Diploma in Digital Marketing, Postgraduate Diploma in Digital
                                                                        UCD Smurfit - Triple Crown Accreditation, Global Recognition,
Marketing, MSc in Digital Marketing (Online). It has a FETAC
                                                                        Google Partnership
recognition in Scotland.
                                                                        DCU - Cheaper than UCD Smurfit, offer Graduate Certificate over
                                                                        8 months, High University Accreditation
DCU offer MSc in Management (Digital Marketing) & Graduate
                                                                        DMI - FETAC Accreditation in Scotland/Accredited in Ireland,
Certificate in Digital Marketing
                                                                        Variety of Course Choice, Established Course, currently Industry
                                                                        Leader, Cheaper Course Fees, Online Course Programme, Wide
DBS offer MSc in Marketing with Digital Media
                                                                        variety of Information available on their courses (Good Blog,
                                                                        Website & Social Media Pages)
UCD Smurfit offer a Part Time MSc in Digital Marketing. They have
higher accreditation and taking their consumers.

Weaknesses                                                               Climate - Macro- Environmental Factors
UCD Smurfit - Doesn’t offer Full Time/Online Courses, Expensive,
New Course (Not established), Information isn’t vastly available      Political and Regulatory Environment
on the course, no blog or social media platforms.                     Recognising the economic and strategic value of ICT in Ireland, the
DCU – new o area, still to build reputation.                          Government have published 2 significant reports stating their
DMI - Valid Certification if individual is Ireland based, Need to     objectives.
build global recognition
                                                                      The first, Report of the Next Generation Broadband Taskforce
Opportunity                                                           May 2012 deals with government policy in providing the
UCD Smurfit - To grow partnerships (already partnered with            framework to allow for growth in ICT and digital. Economic, social
Google), To be industry leader, to offer full time courses,           and legal benefits of such a policy are all put forward.
Eventually to offer online courses, to build up course knowledge
to consumers by expanding marketing to social media                   The second, A Review of the ICT Skills Demand in Ireland October
platforms/blogs.                                                      2012 highlights the fact that 74,000 people are directly employed
DCU - To offer online course, to gain partnerships like competitors   in ICT with 200,000 indirectly employed. The ICT industry is
DMI - To grow more partnerships, have the foundations to be           currently seeking workers, and there are 4,500 vacancies. How to
Irelands number one Digital Marketing Course provider                 bridge the gap-essentially education and training.

Threats                                                               Fig.3 ICT Level 8 Projected Graduate Demand vs Projected Grad
UCD Smurfit - Not having enough online presence to survive as a       Gap 2010- 2014 Page 14-use this
Digital Marketing Course provider,
DCU - Same as above
DMI - Other providers rising their online profiles and offering

Government recognises the current limitations on ICT and states      Business Cycle
its intention to support it. The reports are admirable-though how    Inflation Rate 1.2% October 2012
much in fact can be achieved given the current severe economic
crises remains to be seen.

Economic Environment
Ireland is currently in recession, and has been since 2008. Please
see the graphs below:

Unemployment Rate: 14.8% October 2012


                                                                     Interest Rate 0.75% October



                                                                                                                         10 | P a g e
Social/Cultural Environment                                                UK levels, there is the prospect of creating 18,000 jobs.
UPC’s Report on Ireland’s Digital Future November 2012
( shows growth in      
online consumer spending, jobs and GDP to 2016.

Internet to contribute an additional €6 Billion to Irish economy by
2016 – UPC Report Recession aside, Irish people are forward
looking ‘Digital Optimists’ 2.6 million Irish shoppers will spend
€5.7 Billion online in 2016.                                               strate

    1. 8 out of 10 people use internet

    2. users spend 2.6 hours on average on-line                            New knowledge that makes possible new ways of satisfying
                                                                           needs; the impact of technology on the demand for existing
    3. sharing and social networks most popular (Facebook etc)             products

    4. a third of people use the internet at home for work

    5. 6 out of 10 workers expect to work from home to some
       level by 2016

Technological Environment
If Ireland’s is the same as other developed countries, digital will
grow from 3% to 6% of GDP by 2016, representing an increase
from €5 to €11 billion. Also, if by raising the level of digitisation to

                                                                                                                                       11 | P a g e
Source: UPC Report, Ireland’s Digital Future,
Brand Audit
UCD Smurfit Business School is viewed as Ireland’s leading business     UCD Smurfit is often the first port of call for media when seeking
school, with its qualifications (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA) recognised      direction on new business initiatives or directives, be it
internationally. It is the only Irish business school to make the       governmental or corporate, as it has strong links with both built up
Financial Times Global Executive MBA ranking. This year (2012) it       over the years. As such, it’s authority on such matters is well
ranked 88th in the world. At the forefront of Irish business            regarded, given the proven standard of it lecturers and graduates.
leadership for two generations, the recently created MSc in Digital     The MSc should take this ‘space’ in regard to Digital Marketing
Marketing is a new pillar to the UCD Smurfit structure.                 reportage in the media-a space very successfully identified and
                                                                        occupied by the Direct Marketing Institute at present.
How best then do we leverage the School’s authority and position
to the benefit of the MSc in Digital Marketing?                          The MSc should be seen within a relatively short space of time to
                                                                        be, in the words of course director Dr Laurent Muzellac, “a master’s
The Smurfit Business School has placed itself within Ireland as the
                                                                        that will be renowned at a European level at least”.
premier postgraduate institute. It states that it is a progressive
organisation, embracing diversity and innovation. They believe that      As a new course, the MSc should leverage the connections and
their success is down to an unwavering commitment to excellence,        contacts of the scholl. It’s impressive reputational background
attracting high achievers in postgraduate studies and research from     should be used at every opportunity. An emphasis should be placed
Ireland and abroad. It trains and talks to industry leaders, Decision   on relevancy and value, especially so considering the ‘newness’ of
Makers and Entrepreneurs. These are the people who wish to be           the field, and the course offering. We will be speaking to people
informed of the challenges, direction and development of digital        (prospective students and companies) who realise the potential of
and it impact on business. Consequently, there would be a natural       Digital Marketing, that is both vital and valuable, but need to learn
expectation that a graduate from the MSc in Digital Marketing           and understand how to apply it. UCD Smurfit is trusted-it behoves
would be seen a senior player in management and decision making         the MSc to deliver to the standard required.
at the highest level in any company with a digital strategy.

                                                                                                                                   13 | P a g e
Our tone of voice should be direct, authoritative and                    Dublin City University offers a one year MSc in Mangement (Digital
knowledgeable. Though this is the first year of the course, there are   Marketing). DCU promises a “management resource pool for the
few such programmes here in Ireland or abroad. There will be no         next generation marketing companies already operating in Ireland
graduates until 2014. Consequently, the best way to speak to our        (eg Facebook, Google, LinkedIn etc) as well as the evolving
‘audience’ would be through our lecturers with perhaps a student        requirements of the incumbent marketing industry. Graduates from
blog. UCD Smurfit is seen as an industry expert, leader and             this programme will have highly developed competencies in
innovator. Our lecturers are-use them to promote the Digital            communicating and marketing using social media, on-line media
Marketing brand. It should follow that graduates from the course        and other digital and mobile technologies.” DCU appear to be
will be experts, leaders and innovators too.                            positioning themselves as providers of management for the
                                                                        growing requirements in the digital marketing field.

                                                                          The very ‘newness’ of the course and it’s position within UCD
The Competition                                                         Smurfit might be a point of difficulty. There are no Certificate or
                                                                        Diploma courses available.. It follows then that there will be no
 Both the Digital Marketing Institute and Dublin City University
                                                                        graduates out there in the field. Also, UCD Smurfit’s position as a
offer masters level courses in Digital Marketing.
                                                                        leader in traditional business, may go against it. The competition
The Digital Marketing Institute offers a two year part time Masters     (Direct Marketing Institute and Dublin City University) might seek
in Digital Marketing. On its website, the DMI states its intention as   to position themselves as more relevant to the industry, to some
helping marketers improve their business through digital                extent being radical-new, fluid and unencumbered by ‘old’ business
marketing. The functions of digital marketing are explained and at      models. Once again this is a place that the DMI have chosen to put
every stage the skills of its lecturers are graduates are promoted.     themselves, dismissive of how Ireland has traditionally done
We are told that graduates will be in the top 5% of global marketers    business and education-formulaic outdated and irrelevant to the
and employment prospects high. They don’t position themselves as        21st century and the new digital world. Being new, young and hip is
producing leaders in the field, but rather highly skilled employees.    very much how they see and sell their organisation. UCD Smurfit of
Qualifications awarded are Fetac and European Qualifications            course, is in no position to do this. Rather it should be a strategic
Framework.                                                              partner, a future pillar of the Digital Industry (in Ireland and

                                                                                                                                   14 | P a g e
globally) and a trustworthy and professional source of information.
If we can use our undoubted strengths-the UCD Smurfit brand, the
ability and reputation of our lecturers and the quality of our
students, we can create an environment where the MSc is seen as
best in class.

UCD Smurfit has for two generations provided business leaders to
industry. With an international reputation, it should seek to build a
partnership with government (through the relevant departments)
in an advisory capacity re ICT/Digital. With the whole area relatively
new, and the school’s links with industry and high academic
standards, who better to work on future frameworks and
requirements with government agencies and institutions.

                                                                         15 | P a g e
 Globally, there is an increasing demand for digital marketing               year-long work visa upon graduation as currently offered by
degrees/graduates due to the shift in recent years in the                    Trinity College Dublin.
marketing strategies of major companies moving from traditional
media towards online. It is estimated that digital marketing has                   Demographic
become a €50 billion global industry and is growing at a                     Age                   30-40 years old
compound annual growth rate of 20 per cent. Therefore it is
estimated that demand for this course will only be growing. Let’s            Sex                   Both females and males
look into different segmentation for this course:
                                                                             Education             People with primary degree and/or
                                                                             Work experience       3-5 years, and people newly graduated
1) People working and living in Ireland - both international people
who work in Ireland and Irish citizens. We are looking to attract            Industry of work      Sales, marketing, IT company/online
workers from Blue Chip Irish companies, business owners, and                                       specialist, business owners
graduates.                                                                   Salary                30k-40k a year

2) International people - who are looking to work and live in                Social Media          Medium level. Majority of people had
Ireland. We are looking to attract people from EU countries and              knowledge             interactions business/personal at social
from Asia (e.g. Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, others1). Additionally,                               level and want to bring it to a higher
MSc in digital marketing can become part of the ‘UCD Smurfit                                       standard.
School – Irish Aid IDEAS Scholarship Programme’ and of issuing a
                                                                             Level of engagement   High
                                                                             with Internet


                                                                                                                                      16 | P a g e

          Marketing/Business/Sales Professionals in Ireland                        Marketing/Business Graduates Abroad

          People who are interested in digital marketing due to their              Professionals or graduates who are looking to receive a
          career development or people who are looking to change                   recognized international degree, live and study abroad,
T1                                                                            T4
          career to the digital industry. Their main objective is to get           improve their English, and eventually use the knowledge
          the practical knowledge required to get a job in Ireland and             gained from the course to find a good job.
          abroad, and receive a recognized degree.

          Marketing/Business Graduates in Ireland                                  Marketing Professionals & SMB Owners Abroad

          These are our potential targets as around 50% 2 want to                  This last group is targeted once the Online program is
          continue education further either after when they finish their           provided. For them it is important that everything is online,
T2                                                                            T5
          primary degree or later in their life. Their main objective is to        very interactive, taking less time and less money but bringing
          get the practical knowledge required to get job in Ireland and           very good value.
          abroad, and receive a recognized degree.

          SMB Owners in Ireland
          They wish to understand digital marketing and bring their
T3        businesses online. Their main objective is to receive practical
          knowledge that will help to improve their business and
          receive a recognized international degree.

 With Ireland positioning itself as Europe’s Silicon Valley 3                         World class MSc in digital marketing
attracting more and more leading IT companies to set up their
                                                                                      - Provides international and the best quality class with the industry’s
offices/HQ in Ireland, the requirement for people qualified as
                                                                                      renowned faculty and outstanding students
Digital Marketers can only increase. According to the research of                     - The only business school in Ireland to hold the ‘triple crown’ of
the Digital Hub in Ireland, in spite of the recession – the digital                   accreditation
media sector has a very positive outlook, with companies
predicting economic growth and employment this year of 44 per                         Professional and Practical
cent and 43 per cent respectively4. Such companies as Google,                         - Partnership with leading internet and technology companies like Google.
Yahoo, Yelp, Facebook and others who have their HQ in Dublin                          - Having guest speakers who are experts in their fields
operate in digital industry employing the brightest people                            Customized and Convenient
preferably with relevant experience, and a UCD Smurfit master’s
degree in digital marketing can provide those people.                                 - Courses run in full time, part time and online to suit all professionals
                                                                                      - Students can customize their course by choosing modules from selection
 However, from the other hand we can see from situational                             of digital marketing, marketing and business ones to fit their individual
analysis that there are a lot of competition in Ireland and                           needs and level
internationally. Some of the top ranking universities offer                           Positioning Statement
diploma/courses in digital marketing, in Dublin alone there are 4                     “For marketing professionals and students who are ready for professional
competing universities that offer Ms in digital marketing, and on                     growth, the MSc in Digital Marketing at UCD Smurfit School provides a
top of that there are lots of online course that can be accessible                    world class program with strategic, analytical and practical elements of
around the world.                                                                     digital marketing creating successful marketing leaders.”


                                                                                                                                                 18 | P a g e
UCD Smurfit set up the MSc Digital Marketing in order to leverage      Target market      International                 Domestic
the arising opportunity that Digital Marketing is bringing to the      segment
                                                                                            Students              Students, Marketers,
Marketing sector. Marketing online is essential for business
                                                                                                                    Business Owners
nowadays and both marketers and business owners need to
command these techniques to drive their company or business            Strategic       Increase Awareness of UCD MSc Digital Marketing
success.                                                               Objective 1                         offering
The major goal of the digital marketing strategy is to drive
                                                                       Measurement           Number of requests for information
revenue by increasing the number of suitable individuals applying
for the course across the market segments. In order to achieve           Strategic       Convince target audience that the MSc Digital
this, the digital marketing plan should meet the following strategic    Objective 2       Marketing is the most suited to their needs
objectives; increase awareness, and generate the maximum
                                                                       Measurement                 Number of registrations
number of registrations across the market segments and for each

                                                                                                                               19 | P a g e
The main operational objective is to accept the optimum number of applicants based on the market size and resources to deliver the

 Offering    Target Segment                                      Operational Objectives: Number of Students admissions

                                                       Short-Term             Medium-Term                     Long-Term

                                                       1 to 2 years              5 years                         10 years

 Part-Time   Marketers                                     30                      40                              xx

             Business Owners                                7                      10                              xx

 Full-Time   Students - Domestic                           30                      45                              xx

             Students - International                      10                      15                              xx

 Online      Students                                                  Depending on demand and system capacity
             Domestic & International

             Domestic & International

             Business Owners
             Domestic & International

                                                                                                                              20 | P a g e
The positioning of the MSc as a best-in-class international
programme implies that the selection process focuses on high-
quality admissions. This would lead to top students being
accepted and small promotions which would participate in
                                                                       X % of requests for
enabling the delivery of a first-class education.
                                                                       information leading to
In order to deliver on the operational objectives above, the digital
                                                                       application start
marketing plan should drive the required number of applicants
                                                                       X % of application
through a funnel as per below.
                                                                       leading to
                                                                       application finish
Offering                                                              3) Organising participation in different professional
The main differentiating factor (value proposition) of this
                                                                      4) Delivering practical knowledge on ‘how to’ and/or ‘why’
particular programme is a combination of solid academic and up-
to-date industry knowledge, extensive professional network, and       5) Will consist on numerous assignments/projects group and
a recognised degree. It offers expertise which is based on UCD        individual
Smurfit’s international accreditation and practical knowledge of
industry received from case studies, projects, discussions,           6) Cooperation with key IT Companies in Ireland (like Google,
speakers, and lectures. At the end of this course, students would     Facebook, etc.)
be able to find not only a job but a better job on a domestic or
international                                                level.
In order to properly appeal to our target audience few changes            Full time programme
need to be made to the offering. Overall, three types of
                                                                      This offering is mainly to target international and domestic
programme will be offered to students:
                                                                      students who live and work in Ireland and/or come from abroad,
    Part time evening programme                                       and people who are looking for improved employment prospects.

This offering is to target domestic and international professionals   Key points:
who are based in Ireland, business owners, and international
                                                                      1) 1 year - allows flexibility in combining traditional marketing
students who moved in to Ireland for work.
                                                                      knowledge with digital marketing

Key points:                                                           2) Concentrated around receiving practical knowledge

1) 2 years - with greater choice of subject options that are run in   3) Possibility of offering internship programs and/or guest
the evenings                                                          speaking from the top Irish/international companies

2) Engaging guest speakers who are leaders in the industry

                                                                                                                              22 | P a g e
Online programme                                                   1) Providing more course choices

This offering is mainly to target professionals, SMB, and graduates    This MSc is offered to working professionals, whose backgrounds
worldwide who want to receive a world class recognized diploma         may be in different fields/discilplines. Therefore, course choices
from home, allowing for more flexibility (financial and time-wise.)    should be able to accommodate courses from different aspects of
                                                                       marketing. In addition, it is absolutely essential that for part time
Key points:                                                            students more course options would be offered during evening
1) Online video course + presentations/readings with possibility to    time.
comment and receive answers from teacher and/or other                  2) Flexibility for extra elective modules
students in the programme.
                                                                       UCD should accommodate student’s specialization in one or
2) Live web conferences-web streaming of the key lectures with         another area of Marketing/DM to ensure higher ROI for students
possibility for students to engage into conversation, ask questions,   and easier job search. In order to facilitate this UCD should offer
etc.                                                                   possibility of extra courses that can be taken for extra charge on
3) Individual assignments/case studies                                 top of minimum required courses.

                                                                       3) Partnership of UCD with other extra programs such as Google,
4) Group projects (2-3) people that will be all conducted online
                                                                       Hubspot, etc.
5) Access to the library and study material online
                                                                       This will ensure that course receives needed level of
6) Once per semester participants live meetings (either for exams      recognition/accreditation. Additionally, inviting leaders from
and/or for social networking)                                          different DM related companies will ensure that most important
                                                                       practical knowledge is shared with students. This is not limited to
Our times are marked by the increasing prevalence of one-fits-one
                                                                       introducing short semesters/courses with top international
over the one-fits-all approach. The offering proposal aims at
                                                                       industry leaders.
meeting contemporary standards as well as the students’ high
expectations from the programme. This requires some                    4) Constant feedback
adjustments to be made to the current offering:
                                                                                                                                23 | P a g e
Channel & Promotion Strategy
Our channel and promotion strategy must be contemporary and allow us to increase awareness, reach our target audience, convince
potential students to apply and provide a seamless customer experience.

The table below details the strategy objectives and the channels we propose to leverage in order to succeed;

                     Objectives                                                             Channels
Increase awareness of Digital Marketing Importance
for Businesses                                                  Website
                                                                Blog
Increase awareness about the MSc                                Social Media
                                                                Online and Offline PR
Position and differentiate UCD Smurfit offering                 Events
                                                                Career Fairs
Engage with potential and current students
                                                                website with user-friendly features and contemporary look & feel
Drive requests for information                                  communities on social media to foster conversations with students and
                                                                website with user-friendly features and contemporary look & feel
Maximise application completion
                                                                mailing list built-in thanks to enquiries and send follow-up emails
Develop a MSc Alumni community to promote MSc
and keep in touch with Alumni to assess MSc value               Group on LinkedIn

As outlined above we recommend leveraging both inbound and outbound marketing channels. The table below explains the reasons behind
these choices and how we will promote these channels;

                                                                                                                              24 | P a g e
Inbound Marketing Channels

      Channel              Reasons behind choice                   Target                   Value Proposition                         Promotion
Website               Nowadays it is essential to have All target                 The website offers prospective            Search Engine Optimisation
                      a presence online to help        segments                   students a seamless and user-             Search Engine Marketing
                      consumers who are looking for                               friendly platform to make a well-         Blog
                      one’s products and services                                 informed decision to take up the          Social Media
                                                                                  course, apply for the MSc and pay         Online advertising (Google
                                                                                  fees.                                     AdWords, LinkedIn Ads)
                                                                                                                            Online and offline PR
Blog                  “Blogging is a powerful way to          All target          We offer marketing professionals,         Website
                      drive the right people to your          segments            students & business owners a              Search Engine Optimisation
                      business online.”5                                          unique platform to access                 Social Media
                                                                                  strategic insights into DM and            Online PR
                      Plus, companies that blog                                   upcoming trends.                          Directories such as
                      usually have “55% more                                                                                networkedblogs Content
                      visitors, 97% more inbound                                  Foreign students will also be             discovery sites like StumbleUpon
                      links and 434% more indexed                                 provided with insights into life in       Bookmarking sites such as
                      pages”.6                                                    UCD.                                      Delicious

                      Our blog content will allow us
                      to efficiently demonstrate the
                      expertise offered / acquired,
                      reinforce our positioning and
                      differentiate ourselves from the

    The Essential Guide To Internet Marketing”, HubSpot
                                                                                                                                                  25 | P a g e
In addition, this will provide a
                platform to share additional
                information about the MSc and
                the life in UCD.

LinkedIn        LinkedIn has become an              Marketing       We provide a unique platform for     Website
Group           unconditional hub for               (Digital        marketing professionals and          Search Engine Optimisation
UCD Digital     professionals. We believe that      marketing)      business owners to access            LinkedIn
Marketing       it is essential to be present on    professionals   compelling and strategic insights    Blog
Professionals   this platform in order to attract   and business    into digital marketing.              LinkedIn direct mailing
                marketing professionals,            owners                                               marketers in Ireland/Worldwide
                business owners and                                 In addition, this group will be a    to invite people to the group
                increasingly students.              UCD MSc         meeting point to discuss digital
                This will allow us to increase      Digital         marketing strategy, share opinions
                awareness, drive engagement         Marketing       and ask questions to the
                and promote various contents        Alumni          programme teachers.
                such as blog posts or thought
                leadership.                         UCD graduates

Facebook        Increasingly Facebook users         Marketing /     We provide a unique hub where        Website
Page            connect with brands that they       Business        students interested in marketing     Blog
                like and wish to follow or          Students        can get more insights into the       Facebook Ads Sponsored Stories
                engage with.                                        sector (trends, careers) and where   to to increase awareness via
                Beside the fact that the Digital    (Prospective    prospective students can get/ask     friends’ network.
                Marketing Institute has             and current)    for course related info and
                established a presence on the                       communicate with the current
                social network, we believe that                     students
                setting a page would allow to
                capture students across our

                                                                                                                              26 | P a g e
geographic market and, as /
               before, they are to choose a
               MSc programme.

               This would enable us to attract
               prospective students, promote
               the blog content and influence
               students’ decision-making.
Google+ Page   Improve ranking in search           We can target   We offer professionals and             Website
               results, increase awareness,        separately      students with an interest in digital Blog
               engagement, promote blog,           market          marketing interests additional
               possibility to use guest speaker.   professionals   knowledge and course info, as
               Google+ has more followers          and students    well as insights into the course
               than Facebook. ‘Sparks’ feature                     itself (i.e. lecturers, events, other)
               that allows users to choose
               Google+ pages based on their
               interests thereby increasing the
YouTube        As the 2nd biggest search           All target      We invite prospective students to    Website
               engine and as consumers are         segments        learn more about the programme       Search Engine Optimisation
               getting accustomed to                               teachers, the benefits of the        LinkedIn
               searching companies and                             programme by accessing alumni        Blog
               products via the site, YouTube                      testimonials.
               is also the site where to be.
                                                                   We share our access to Digital
               In addition, we recommend                           Marketing Experts via video
               developing a number of videos                       interviews on specific related
               including teachers / alumni                         topics.
               /guest speakers videos, and a
               YouTube channel would the                           Interview with lecturers

                                                                                                                             27 | P a g e
ideal place to publish those.
Twitter   To be in line with our              Marketing/Bus    VP: streamline of industry news,   Website
          positioning statement and           iness Students   short ‘take aways’ from classes,   Blog
          become world class master           (Prospective     teacher’s comments                 Hashtag
          degree - Twitter is ideal tool to   and current)
          create buzz and build brand
          awareness. To be able to
          interact with students
          worldwide and frame credibility

                                                                                                            28 | P a g e
Outbound Marketing Channels

     Channel              Reasons behind choice                         Value Proposition                           Promotion
Seminars/Meetings To raise brand awareness and engage      Ensure presence where potential students       This can be used both to ensure
                  directly with target audience            are. 1) Marketing seminars in Ireland to       up-to-date lecturers knowledge
                                                           engage with marketers and target them          of the industry and to promote
                                                           with Ms in digital marketing to improve        the course. Information about
                                                           their knowledge. 2) Irish education fairs to   seminars interactions will be
                                                           target people for full time programme          posted on UCD social media
                                                           3) Online seminars to promote online           platforms with reviews and
                                                           programme                                      recommendations
PR/Printed Media   UCD Smurfit needs it PR company to      Lecturers from the course should really be
                   actively push the MSc in Digital        seen as authoritative commentators on
                   Marketing in to Radio, participating in ICT/Digital and any developments
                   TV programmes, and Printed Media.       activities in the sector. More media
                   These ‘traditional’areas should be      presence by the course commenting on
                   exploited to raise the courses profile  Government policy, the opening of new
                   to a wider audience outside those       ICT companies, future of ICT on business,
                   interested in Digital. Why? To allow    growth, employment etc.
                   the UCD Smurfit to occupy the           Given the relationship between Irish
                   position as an educational leader in    industry and the UCD Smurfit, the school’s
                   this area of business as it is          voice will be welcomed.
                   recognised in so many others. The       Further promotion at high profile
                   DMI are proving expert in this          seminars and conferences also.
                   approach. They have featured in the     High profile guest lecturers can be invited
                   the Irish Times, The Sunday Business    by the school to speak and invitations
                   Post, Newstalk radio and RTE 1. They given at CEO level-all to position the
                   have adopted the position of Ireland’s course as one of the most connected and
                   digital educators.                      innovative MSc’s delivered (globally).

                                                                                                                               29 | P a g e
White papers, and any success by current
                                                     students stemming from course
                                                     participation should be highlighted.
Google AdWords                                       Professionals/Students who plan to take a
                                                     course in digital marketing
LinkedIn Ads     The people who use LI are receptive Professionals/Students with digital         Objective: Increase quality of
                 to information about professional   marketing interest, who care about their    inbound leads, boost conversion
                 growth, which make them the perfect careers                                     rates for student enrolment
                 fit for the education development
                 market. With LI Ads, we can get our
                 message and brand in front of the
                 right people even before they start
                 looking for a professional
                 development program.

                                                                                                                     30 | P a g e
Content Strategy
    Inbound Marketing Channels
Content will be mainly created on the website and the blog. Since     Therefore, the dedicated web pages structure should reflect the
each channel has different audience and requires a unique             flexibility offered and feature an Overview Page with the different
approach in order to grab the specific audience’s mindset, we will    options i.e. full-time, part-time and online and an “A la Carte”
strategically distribute content from the website and the blog into   modules page listing all the modules and including a link to each
its best fit channels.                                                detailed module page. In order to help potential applicants
                                                                      understand the value of this programme and attract foreign
                                                                      students, a page should be included with programme / teacher
Details of content to be created or added to the website and the      introductions and alumni videos.
blog are outlined in a table below.

The Website
                                                                      We also propose to simplify the structure of the pages which
At present there is a web page that hosts diverse contact tabs        currently display redundant options leading to different pages. It
including Overview, Features, Curriculum, Careers and Admissions.     appears that there are too many links altogether which can be
On the curriculum page, clicking on the details of the module         somewhat confusing, notably compared to the sites of other
triggers the display of a pop-up window which seems not to be         players in the market.
indexed by Google.

                                                                      Mainly, the site is one of the sales argument for the MSc and as
Going forward, we would recommend designing pages that can be         such should reflect the institution’s expertise.
trawled and indexed by search engines for all content. As outlined
                                                                      Likewise, the site must be optimised for mobile devices. There are
in our Offering section, we have stressed that to meet the needs
                                                                      now more mobile devices shipped than PCs and an increasing
of our target segments, the curriculum should be tailorable.
                                                                      number of individuals use their smartphones or tablets to search
                                                                                                                             31 | P a g e
online and purchase. It is essential for businesses to develop a      The call-to-actions should be clear and functionalities user-
mobile-friendly site or a mobile site in order to remain              friendly i.e. request more information, registration process and
competitive in today’s marketplace. The UCD mobile site should        payment.
not simply replicate the desktop site but must embrace the
                                                                      It can be assumed that the programme brochure will be
devices’ specificities to deliver the best customer experience and
                                                                      requested by potentially successful applicants. Therefore, we
reinforce the MSc positioning.
                                                                      suggest developing a feature that would enable to collect these
Below are screenshot of the Digital Marketing Institute and UCD       applicants’ email addresses in order to follow-up on their site visit
Michael Smurfit Business School MSc Digital Marketing “home”          in a personalised manner. A brochure could be downloaded after
web pages.                                                            filling a form and entering contact details and email address.


                                                                      Contents from the blog are then divided into two groups based on
                                                                      their characteristics and likely key audiences. The first group
                                                                      targets prospective students and aims to promote the course
                                                                      itself with insight into student life, lecture, lecturers’ profile and
                                                                      so on. Therefore, we believe that it best fits into more casual
                                                                      channels such as Facebook and Twitter. The second group
                                                                      contents aim to provide professional and in-depth insights and
In order to streamline modules organisations, manage applicants’      information regarding digital marketing. Hence, they will be
expectations and control teaching resources costs, we suggest         distributed to professional channels, LinkedIn Group. Since
enabling a curriculum builder. This tool would make it possible for   Google+ seems to be both professional and casual depending on
students to plan their studies based on preferences and modules       each audience and their use of it, we will distribute both groups
availability. This will allow students to apply and enrol in the      contents to it.
programme with confidence.
                                                                                                                                32 | P a g e
Education & Life @UCD

    About us: Brief description of the course, purpose of the blog,        UCD Strategic Digital Marketing Hub
     Lecturers’ profile and interview videos, and Teaser lecture
                                                                            - Blogs posts: Topics covering Digital marketing trend, Digital
                                                                            marketing Strategy, Digital marketing tools
    Student Life: Students’ essay on general experiences in the
                                                                            - Infographic: Same as above
     school. Students’ interview videos
                                                                            - Videos: Interview of guest speakers, partnership companies’
    News & Events
                                                                            presenters and industry leaders in digital marketing

                                                                            - Newsletter of the blog focusing on the above contents in group 2.

In addition, there will be specific types of content published on each social media platform as well as the mentioned blog contents above.
Please see the table below.

Social Media                                                            Unique Contents
  Google+        Overall posts should be formal. Use visual images, videos. Allows more close cooperation between lecturers and students.
                 Post shortcuts to the blogplosts, allow for students/followers to post interesting/engaging content, create calendar for
                 events. Provide QA sessions and expertise live sessions via hangouts with lecturers, students, and/or guest speakers. Provide
                 information about top lecturers of the course add them to the circles. Main feature is that Google+ provides possibility to
                 post different content to different people by adding them in different circles. Use advanced Google+ notification feature.
                 Create industry/MS related memegens. Usage of applications to generate +1s and social interaction (i.e. Google + Super
                 Circles +1 Exchange)
    LinkedIn     An important ambition of the group is to differentiate the programme from other offerings. Thus we propose to share some
     Group       high level insights and drive high-level conversations on strategic trends. Post brain teasers to generate discussions (i.e. “Do
                 you think that the Skyfall video ad was a success?”, etc.) Additionally, post any information about career openings and career

                                                                                                                                     33 | P a g e
opportunities for students.
 Facebook      In order to engage students in a dynamic and fun manner, we suggest posting; Questions on marketing related video being
   Page        simply whether the audience like it or what type of marketing techniques is used. The content should be 50% text, 50% rich
               media (pictures, infographics, and videos) to keep the audience engaged.
               We suggest leveraging Facebook Applications to personalise, customise the interface and deliver a professional experience.
               (i.e. Facebook social news app
  Twitter      Overall posts should not be semi-formal. Post short links for the blog posts of MSc digital marketing blog, announce guest
               speakers and topic they covered with direct link to their posts, talk about case studies/Facebook marketing questions and
               look for people’s feedback. Tweet about students’ life (i.e. parties, exams, presentations, meetings). Follow top marketers +
               lecturers on twitter and retweet or comment on their remarks. Provide updates to the main digital industry news. Announce
               career fairs, marketing events for all alumni to come and participate. Look for market influencers in Twitter and get their
               attention, focus on engaging with target audience. Talk about any offline presence (government advisors), combined
               programmes with Google, LinkedIn, etc. Engage new visitors/followers by posting on the news/marketing events worldwide

   Outbound Offline Marketing Channels

     Channel                                                                 Contents

Careers Fair/Course    Ensure that MSc in digital marketing is present in all major fairs to spread brand awareness, provide information
        Fair           about lecturers, course content, etc. Distribute printed copy of the UCD Smurfit course brochure with direct links to
                       blog and website.
Seminars/Meetings      1/ Participation in top marketing seminars, meeting with presentation or even just being there would positively
                       influence brand image as professional and export in the industry. For some of the seminars lecturers have to
                       prepare and present talks in areas of their expertise.
                       2/ Ensure presence on ‘get Irish business online’, FAS start business programme and like
PR/Printed Media       1/ Ads in such magazines as Irish Times, Sunday Times, etc. to increase brand awareness among professionals
                       2/ Provide interviews with MSc coordinators, comments on major digital industry events, and talks about strategy
                       for start-ups.
                       3/ Be seen as valuable advisory to the government, Irish start-ups, companies.

                                                                                                                                 34 | P a g e
Implementation Strategy
USERNAME: ucdsmurfitdigitalmarketing /PASSWORD: UCD2013

                                                          35 | P a g e
Content publishing

    Menu             Who                                                         How often

About us        Laurent         N/A
                                1/ Full time: As part of individual assignments, each student should submit 1 post per semester, which will
Digital         Faculty         make about 3 posts a week taking the number of students in our objective into consideration. In the
Marketing       Students        beginning of the semester, roster is scheduled with order of posters and subjects. Before publishing, a
Trends          Guest writers   post will be reviewed by Laurent
                                2/ Part time: As part of group assignment, interview guest speakers/partner company presenters/industry
                                leaders. (this can be integrated with the case study)
Digital         Faculty
                                (Guest speakers) Prior to the seminar, they are asked to write a post related to the subject of the seminar
Marketing       Students
                                and this post will be published on the blog right after the seminar.
Strategy        Guest writers
Digital         Faculty
Marketing       Students        Once a week
Tools           Guest writers
                                Full time students ‘group assignment under the supervision of professors. This could be done in
                Faculty and
                                integration with MSc in Marketing Practice.
Case Studies    full time
                                Reflection on digital marketing strategic points, integrated communication, etc. This could consist in a
                                brief summary and an elaborate answer crossing with own knowledge and resources.
                                1/ Once a year for interviews with students, career prospects, etc.
                Faculty and
Student Life                    2/ When applicable about Alumni upcoming events, students social life, life on campus, etc.
                                3/ Once a year information about lecturers background, their expertise, etc.
News &          Faculty and     1/ News and upcoming events in digital marketing industry (Faculty and students)
Events          Students        2/ News and events in the school (Faculty)

                                                                                                                                36 | P a g e
Social Media Platforms

 Social Media
                                                   Who                                                         How often
Google+          Idea 1/ A voluntary group of editors/administrators will be formed          When relevant new contents are published on
                 Idea 2/ Students divided in small groups take responsibility in turn on a   the blog or the website.
                 weekly basis.
                 Lecturers/guest speakers - organizing QA live session
LinkedIn Group   1/ Partially content will be taken from the blog (part that talks about     Posts from the blog will be updated regularly
                 UCD Strategic Digital Marketing Hub)
                 2/ Faculty will need to update bring updates about career                   Brain teasers and career updates will be posted
                 news/possibilities                                                          by lecturers once in month
                 3/ Faculty will be responsible for putting brain teasers
Facebook Page    1/ Partially content will be taken from the blog (part that talks about     Around 3 times a week
                 Education & Life @UCD)
                 2/ Either appointed staff member from UCD Smurfit or student
Twitter          Digital marketing and marketing lectures, students, guest speakers,         Everyday
                 twitter responsible person

                                                                                                                                37 | P a g e
Search Engine Optimisation & Online Advertising

According to a recent study by ClearSaleing, “Paid search drives an    Based on our value proposition and positioning strategy we
8.8% order lift [...], while natural search had a 10.91% lift”. This   believe that 5 main keywords for SEO would be:
shows the importance of investing resources in both Search
                                                                       Masters in Marketing
Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
                                                                       MSc in Digital Marketing
SEO covers the techniques that enable you to impact a page or
website ranking in the search engines organic results while SEM        Digital marketing courses
refers to paid advertising on search engines.
                                                                       Masters marketing europe
Considering that Google possesses 85% of search engine market
share, we propose to focus our efforts on this major player.           Masters digital marketing Europe

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

      Keyword Research & Analysis                                     Based on competitors’ site and using the Google Keyword Tool
                                                                       to identify keywords that are used and the trends, we
All the keywords that relates to Digital Marketing and relevant        recommend that the keywords list include:
education programme terms should be included in the website
and into website pages meta descriptions, wherever possible and        Digital marketing courses
relevant.                                                              Masters digital marketing

                                                                       Masters in Digital Marketing

                                                                       Part-time Masters digital marketing

                                                                       Online Masters digital marketing

                                                                                                                        38 | P a g e
Distance Masters digital marketing                             E-commerce

MSc digital marketing                                          M-commerce

Postgraduate courses                                           e-CRM systems

Postgraduate degree                                            Data analytics

Careers in digital marketing                                   Digital marketing strategy

Online marketing                                               What is digital marketing strategy

Online advertising                                             ‘How to’

Digital advertising

Social media marketing                                                    On-Page Optimisation

Master degree in                                               On-page optimisation refers to “how well the website’s content is
                                                               presented to search engines”7. It includes Title, Meta Description,
                                                               Keywords, H1, Content Density, Position, Internal Links and Stop
Additional Keywords on top of already mentioned will be used   Words 8 . The person in charge of the website building and
for blog:                                                      management should liaise with the programme or marketing
                                                               team to ensure this is optimised.
Social networking sites


                                                                   “The essential guide to internet marketing”, HubSpot
Video sharing sites                                            8
                                                                Search Engine Optimisation, How to Manage your Rankings in Search Engines, Eamonn
                                                               O'Raghallaigh 2012
                                                                                                                                   39 | P a g e
    Side-Page Optimisation                                               There are a number of techniques to create and generate inbound
                                                                                 links. They can be used for both the website and the blog and
Side-page optimisation refers to the network layer and includes;
                                                                                 offers different degrees of scalability and quality.
the server location, content submission to search engines,
redirects and site loading time. Again, this must be optimised by                Directory submission, preferably industry specific for the
both the person in charge of the website performance and the IT                  relevance;
           Off-Page Optimisation                                                abroad/search/masters-degree/degree-abroad-1,
Off-page optimisation refers “to your site’s overall “authority” on    ,
the web, which is determined by what other websites say about          ,,
your site”9. It includes, inbound links, SEO press releases and blog   
posts, articles which focus on the website keywords as relevant,                 Content creation; when great content is created, people are more
social media accounts description10.                                             likely to share it and link back to it.

                                                                                 In-content marketing; this consists in inserting links to own
           Inbound links11                                                      content at the top of articles via an anchor text of relevant

                                                                                 Shareable content; by making it easy to share content via good
                                                                                 quality widgets such as Share on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
    “The essential guide to internet marketing”, HubSpot                         Social engagement; by being present on all relevant sites
  Search Engine Optimisation, How to Manage your Rankings in Search Engines,
Eamonn O'Raghallaigh 2012
   “Link Building” – Evan Fischkin of Slingshot SEO Delivered April 16th 2012,
                                                                                                                                        40 | P a g e
Link reclamation; which consists in redirecting any website page    However, the volume of leads that can be generated through
that shows errors to relevant new pages using the Google            keyword search engine advertising is limited to the number of
Webmaster tool for instance                                         people actively searching. Therefore, as well as running ads in
                                                                    Google, we suggest advertise the course in LinkedIn. The people
Comment marketing; this techniques must be used with caution;
                                                                    who use LinkedIn are professionals who care about their careers
the comments should always be relevant so as to not look
                                                                    and are ready for growth. We can proactively reach the right
spammy, and ideally complement the content on a given page
                                                                    audience early in their decision-making process and precisely
Manual link submissions to relevant sites                           target them by industry, job function, location and group.

Competitive link research and acquisitions; to be visible on the
sites where our competitors are. Various SEO tools that can be
                                                                    We propose to leverage Google AdWords and LinkedIn Ads in this
used such as Seomoz tools
                                                                    digital marketing plan in order to drive the maximum of
                                                                    prospective applicants to the MSc Digital Marketing “homepage”.

    Online Advertising                                              To start with, it is critical to set clear goals. In the context of our
                                                                    digital marketing strategy, our campaign objectives are
Firstly, paid advertising on Google refers essentially to Google
AdWords. The benefits of using Google AdWords are that it offers       1. To generate registration (purchase) (Conversation 1)
precise targeting and measurability and are based on relevance.        2. To generate requests for information (Conversation 2)
Google AdWords campaigns maximise the reach by targeting
Google Search and the Display Network, the relevance as ads are        3. To increase awareness by driving traffic to the web pages
targeted based on specific keywords, site topics or interests and         (Unique                                           Visitors)
return on investment thanks to the extensive data provided
overtime which allow to monitor and optimise campaigns based
                                                                    Due to the seasonality of the business, much more aggressive
on conversions generation notably.
                                                                    budgeting and bids strategy will be conducted on the period from

                                                                                                                               41 | P a g e
January until June when students are most active and looking for
study opportunities.

Google Adwords Set-up

Our objectives encompass direct response and brand awareness,
thus our campaigns will leverage both the Google Search and
Display Network (GDN). In addition, we will be targeting several
geographies as per our targeting strategy and promote our
different offerings. Furthermore, campaigns success and value are
mostly dependent on the “Quality Score” (QS) which impacts both
the Ad Rank and the Cost per Click (CPM). QS refers to the
relevance of the keywords vs. Ad vs. Landing Page. QS also
evolves depending on Click-through-rate (CTR) and history hence
the importance to get it right from the start in order not to
accumulate a negative legacy.

In order to maximise our QS, we propose the below high level

                                                                    42 | P a g e
The campaign would include remarketing to target those                   to view the details of these campaigns, log in Google Adwords
individuals who would have visited the website but wouldn’t have         using;
completed their application. Also, we recommend leveraging
extensions in the future so that when the ads appear at the top,
additional links can be displayed such as links E-CRM Module or          Password: Su1*c5c$e*s
About UCD Smurfit Business School.
                                                                         shows those over underperforming versions. Therefore, we have
                                                                         created 3 variations for each campaign as below.
LinkedIn Ads Set up
                                                                         Bid price is chosen based on LinkedIn’s suggested bid range for
In addition to the advantage of using LinkedIn’s precise targeting
                                                                         each campaign and daily budget is decided considering the
options, we can also select the optimized strategy in the ads
                                                                         number of clicks or impressions we feel that it’s reasonable to
dashboard once various ads in our campaigns start to run.
                                                                         receive in order to effectively achieve our campaign targets.
LinkedIn automatically selects the best performing versions and

                                                                                                                       Daily budget/Bid
    Campaigns                            Targeting                                    Ad copy variations
Marketing/sales                                                                                                       CPC Bid: €2.50
professionals in                                                                                                      (2.01-2.45)
Ireland (job
function)                                                                                                             Daily budget:
                                                                                                                      €250 (€2.50*100

Marketing/sales             CPC Bid: €2.40
professionals in            (2.01-2.35)
Ireland (Group)
                            Daily budget:
                            €240 (€2.40*100

Small Business              CPC Bid: €2.40
owners in Ireland           (2.01-2.39)

                            Daily budget:
                            €240 (€2.40*100


                                   44 | P a g e
Marketing/business        CPC Bid: €2.40
students in Ireland       (2.01-2.35)
and UK
                          Daily budget:
                      *   €240 (€2.40*100

Marketing/business        CPC Bid: €2.40
professionals and         (2.01-2.35)
graduates in Europe
(France, Spain,           Daily budget:
Germany)              *   €240 (€2.40*100

                                 45 | P a g e
Currently one of the main weaknesses of MSc in digital marketing is lack of awareness among the Irish professional community and it is
even more true for international students/professionals. Our focus will be first on ‘spreading the word’ about the programme via online and
offline resources in order to bring suitable individuals to apply for the MSc Digital Marketing and secondly engaging in conversations with
prospective clients to guarantee the high-quality quality of our offering. Therefore, there are a number of main indicators to measure our

           Channel                      Short term goal 1-2 years                              Long term goal 2-5 years                       Means to measure

                           - 5000 impressions, 200 clicks per year              - in 10 top landing pages for UCD Smurfit website
                           80% of which is domestic search                      80% of which is domestic search
Website, Ms digital
                           20% international visitors                           20% international visitors                                  Google Analytics
marketing page
                           - 50 inquiry form or email per year per year         - 100 inquiry form or email per year
                           - 30 people going for ‘apply now’ per year           - 50 people going for ‘apply now’ per year
                           - 50 unique visitors a day
                                                                                - 200 unique visitors a day
Blog                       - 30% of the visitors should visit ‘about course                                                                 Google Analytics
                                                                                - 30% of the visitors should visit ‘about course section’
                           - Page likes 100                                     - Page likes 800
Facebook                   - Likes, comments on, or shares your Page post -     - Likes, comments on, or shares your Page post -            Facebook
                           interaction rate 0.05%                               interaction rate 0.15%
                           - 200 followers                                      - 3000 followers
                                                                                                                                            Twitter, Klout,
Twitter                    - retweet rate 5%                                    - retweet rate 15%
                           - influence measurement 40                           - influence measurement 60
                                                                                                                                            Google+, Google+ Page
                           - 90 +1s                                             - 750 +1s
Google+                                                                                                                                     Report
                           - Page engagement 10                                 - Page engagement 40
                                                                                                                                            by Simply measured
                           - 30 followers                                       100 followers
LinkedIn Group                                                                                                                              LinkedIn
                           - introducing new followers via direct emailing 20   - introducing new followers via direct emailing 60
                           - Total 4000 views, 300 likes                        - Total 8000 views, 400 likes
                                                                                                                                            Youtube, Google
YouTube channel            - Subscribers 10                                     - Subscribers 50
                           - Channel View Rate 0.5%                             - Channel View Rate 1%

                                                                                                                                                       46 | P a g e
Digital Marketing Strategy for an MSc at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School
Digital Marketing Strategy for an MSc at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School

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Digital Marketing Strategy for an MSc at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School

  • 1. Digital Marketing Strategy MSc in Digital Marketing UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School By Anastasia Almiasheva, Eamonn Hurley, Grainne Flanagan, Marina Nitoumbi, Soyeon Shin
  • 2. Table of Contents Executive Summary 5 Channel & Promotion Strategy 1 Situation Analysis & Brand Audit 6 Content Strategy 2 Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning 7 Implementation Strategy 3 Objectives 8 Measurements 4 Offerings References 2|Page
  • 3. Executive Summary Introduction results for UCD Smurfit Business School. To increase awareness of Digital Marketing importance for business, increase awareness of As this is the first year of the part-time MSc in Digital Marketing the MSc course, position and differentiate UCD offering and program in UCD Smurfit Business School, we intend to build and engage with potential and current students through use of the raise the courses profile through the schools existing reputation. Website, Blog, Social Media, Online and Offline PR, Events and The MSc offers potential students high quality digital marketing Career Fairs. To drive requests for information and maximize knowledge, an internationally recognised accreditation, and application completion by making these mediums more user internal networking opportunities combined with external friendly. To develop an MSc Alumni community (Group on industry links (e.g. Google). Marketing online is now essential for Linkedin) to promote MSc and to keep in touch with Alumni to business and both marketers and business owners need to learn assess MSc value overtime. Leveraging both inbound and the tools and techniques in order to achieve business success. outbound marketing channels and promoting these channels too. Aims and Objectives Goods and Services The objective for UCD Smurfit Business School is to provide a The course offers both practical and theoretical aspects to digital degree on completion that is recognised at European level, to marketing knowledge, unlike other courses which focus mainly on build a valued reputation for the course and increase awareness the digital marketing communications element. Alliances include both online and offline. As this is a new course, we intend to AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA giving UCD Smurfit Business School a broaden our offerings and include a Full-time MSc program in the triple crown accreditation. The school is also ranked in the top coming year 2013. The major goal is to drive revenue by 100 European Universities. Course partners include Google who increasing the number of suitable individuals applying for the lecture and tutor in relevant modules. course. Market Research Business Idea It is estimated that Digital Marketing has become a €50 billion Through intensive marketing research and comparison we global industry and is growing at a compound annual growth rate propose the following in order to generate the highest capable of 20 percent. The target audience for the MSc in Digital 3|Page
  • 4. Marketing is both males and females between the age of 30 - 40 with a 30K to 40K annual salary and a primary degree. These results were generated through a survey based on our current class along with further research outlined in our proposal. Executive Team Eamonn Hurley is the marketing and sales director of Vermillion Design, a company that has been an industry leader for thirteen years and has witnessed the change and impact of digital on the design sector through its explosive growth. He has recognised the importance to adapt with Digital. Grainne Flanagan is a Digital Media graduate that has recently opened her own Video Production Company recognising a key feature element in her future being the importance of online video and video marketing. 4|Page
  • 5. Situation Analysis Culture UCD Smurfit’s reputation and culture is one of high achievement Company from both lecturers and students. This will apply to the MSc and though realising the need to at all times to keep the course Product Line relevant and current it will adhere to the same recognised UCD Smurfit offers post-graduate students an internationally standards and models of other degree offerings. recognised MSc in Digital Marketing taught by leading academics Goals and practitioners. Strategic partnerships have been built with UCD Smurfits’s goal is to build reputational value, to increase company’s such as Google, Facebook and Linkedin creating an awareness of the course (online/offline) and to create a full time industry relevant part-time course enhancing the knowledge and and online module. “Our goal is to provide a masters that will be skill set of Digital Marketing. renowned at a European level at least.” - Dr. Laurent Muzellec Image in the Market This is the first year of UCD Smurfit’s MSc in Digital Marketing, consequently the course will be trading on the school’s reputation Collaborators (UCD Smurfit is the only Irish Business School to be ranked in the European Business School rankings 2011). Given the growing Distributors demand in Digital Marketing there are immense benefits from a The distributors for the MSc in Digital Marketing include UCD school such as UCD Smurfit offering a degree in this area. Smurift, industry practitioners, industry partners and academic staff. Technology and Experience Suppliers Understanding that Digital Marketing is a €50 billion global The suppliers for the MSc in Digital Marketing include UCD Smurfit, industry, there is now demand for education in this area. With lecturers, guest speakers (Greg Fry, Oisin Tobin),including also such fluid technology a key component of the course will be the industry professionals participating in the course and sharing involvement of Digital Marketing practitioners knowledge.
  • 6. Alliances people from any discipline may apply. Qualifications from: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. Market Size and Growth AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Currently the online consumer spending is €3.7 billion and there’s International is the USA-based body, which awards accreditation a projected increase to €5.7 billion by 2016. See Appendix following a review of the quality of Degree programs delivered by each Management School. Customers EQUIS: This is the quality improvement system administered by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) Benefits Customer is seeking throughout Europe. EQUIS is awarded on the basis of quality The benefits for the student is high grade digital marketing controls on the entire range of activities within an institution. knowledge, improvement in employment prospects (including in- house promotions), higher educational status, relevant skill set to AMBA: The Association of MBAs is a British-based organisation compete in the online marketing world and worldwide which concentrates specifically on MBA programs and accredits accreditation. those which reach its standards. Decision Making Unit John Herlihy, the CEO of Google, and Trevor Madigan, global sales Individual supported by their company: director of Facebook are on the SBS’s advisory boards. Networking/Business connections from course, employee knowledge (practical and theoretical) of up to date strategies and Market Segments practices. Market segments include international graduates (Many EU / Individual: Global Internet Company Headquarters are based in Dublin), Irish Higher career position in the workplace, potential wage increase, graduates, Industry professionals, business owners, employers geographical- Ireland is a host to many IT company headquarters and all of the above mentioned with prior education, three years (We are placed second to the U.S.A.), UCD Smurfit graduates are minimum of management/work experience, ability to pay fees, seen as industry leaders. 6|Page
  • 7. Retail Channel On the UCD Smurfit website after application has been approved. Quantity Purchased at a time The customer/their company makes one payment for the MSc in Consumer Information Sources Digital Marketing. Currently there are 40 students for part time Consumers can obtain information on the UCD Smurfit Website course. (Homepage Advertising - New MSc course in Digital Marketing), Online web search (Google), guest speakers and lecturers (WOM) Trends and media promotion: radio advertisement. Significant increase in online searches, and marketing time spent on-line. Customer needs and preferences change over time, Buying Process especially online. Careful comparison (consumer likely to breakdown, analyze and compare to other available courses/masters), Competitors Cost of course encourages the buyer to be careful €13,000.00 European fee and €15,600.00 Non-European (significant Actual or Potential investment) Digital Marketing Institute, Dublin Business School, Dublin City University. Given the increasing demand in digital marketing, Exclusivity - persons must apply to attend the course, not every more courses are bound to appear. The choice difference will be candidate is accepted/selected, perceived high ROI for graduate the quality of the course itself and it accreditation and recognition with a UCD Smurfit qualification/accreditation. in the business world. Frequency of Purchases Direct or Indirect Seasonal purchase (September annually) once per consumer. Direct competition - Part-time masters offered from recognised However targeting needs to continue throughout the year in third level Irish institutions (E.g. DCU and DMI) order to attract consumer’s attention to the availability of the Indirect competition - Full-time and online masters course course in the college. 7|Page
  • 8. a triple crown accreditation (AACSB, EQUIS & AMBA) and they rank as Number 1 Business School in Ireland), they also have a reputation for selecting the brightest people. Products Competing: How you learn: DIT offers Ms In Digital Marketing - Part-time - Full-time Market Shares - Online courses Degrees at a masters level in Digital Marketing are new to the Irish educational sector. Currently the DMI holds the majority Competing: What you get at the end: market share, due to their offering and positioning and time in the - Diploma market, securing perhaps 80 percent. Traditional marketing - Post-graduate masters courses with a digital content secure the next highest percentage. - Post-graduate certification UCD Smurfit (similar to DCU) having only recently created a - Accreditation masters, would be next. Positioning SWOT of Competitors DMI is an established Institute in this field. It offers Professional Strengths Diploma in Digital Marketing, Postgraduate Diploma in Digital UCD Smurfit - Triple Crown Accreditation, Global Recognition, Marketing, MSc in Digital Marketing (Online). It has a FETAC Google Partnership recognition in Scotland. DCU - Cheaper than UCD Smurfit, offer Graduate Certificate over 8 months, High University Accreditation DCU offer MSc in Management (Digital Marketing) & Graduate DMI - FETAC Accreditation in Scotland/Accredited in Ireland, Certificate in Digital Marketing Variety of Course Choice, Established Course, currently Industry Leader, Cheaper Course Fees, Online Course Programme, Wide DBS offer MSc in Marketing with Digital Media variety of Information available on their courses (Good Blog, Website & Social Media Pages) UCD Smurfit offer a Part Time MSc in Digital Marketing. They have 8|Page
  • 9. higher accreditation and taking their consumers. Weaknesses Climate - Macro- Environmental Factors UCD Smurfit - Doesn’t offer Full Time/Online Courses, Expensive, New Course (Not established), Information isn’t vastly available Political and Regulatory Environment on the course, no blog or social media platforms. Recognising the economic and strategic value of ICT in Ireland, the DCU – new o area, still to build reputation. Government have published 2 significant reports stating their DMI - Valid Certification if individual is Ireland based, Need to objectives. build global recognition The first, Report of the Next Generation Broadband Taskforce Opportunity May 2012 deals with government policy in providing the UCD Smurfit - To grow partnerships (already partnered with framework to allow for growth in ICT and digital. Economic, social Google), To be industry leader, to offer full time courses, and legal benefits of such a policy are all put forward. Eventually to offer online courses, to build up course knowledge to consumers by expanding marketing to social media The second, A Review of the ICT Skills Demand in Ireland October platforms/blogs. 2012 highlights the fact that 74,000 people are directly employed DCU - To offer online course, to gain partnerships like competitors in ICT with 200,000 indirectly employed. The ICT industry is DMI - To grow more partnerships, have the foundations to be currently seeking workers, and there are 4,500 vacancies. How to Irelands number one Digital Marketing Course provider bridge the gap-essentially education and training. Threats Fig.3 ICT Level 8 Projected Graduate Demand vs Projected Grad UCD Smurfit - Not having enough online presence to survive as a Gap 2010- 2014 Page 14-use this Digital Marketing Course provider, DCU - Same as above DMI - Other providers rising their online profiles and offering 9|Page
  • 10. Government recognises the current limitations on ICT and states Business Cycle its intention to support it. The reports are admirable-though how Inflation Rate 1.2% October 2012 much in fact can be achieved given the current severe economic crises remains to be seen. Economic Environment Ireland is currently in recession, and has been since 2008. Please see the graphs below: Unemployment Rate: 14.8% October 2012 Source: Interest Rate 0.75% October 2012 Source: Source: 10 | P a g e
  • 11. Social/Cultural Environment UK levels, there is the prospect of creating 18,000 jobs. UPC’s Report on Ireland’s Digital Future November 2012 ( shows growth in online consumer spending, jobs and GDP to 2016. Internet to contribute an additional €6 Billion to Irish economy by 2016 – UPC Report Recession aside, Irish people are forward looking ‘Digital Optimists’ 2.6 million Irish shoppers will spend €5.7 Billion online in 2016. strate 1. 8 out of 10 people use internet 2. users spend 2.6 hours on average on-line New knowledge that makes possible new ways of satisfying needs; the impact of technology on the demand for existing 3. sharing and social networks most popular (Facebook etc) products 4. a third of people use the internet at home for work 5. 6 out of 10 workers expect to work from home to some level by 2016 Technological Environment If Ireland’s is the same as other developed countries, digital will grow from 3% to 6% of GDP by 2016, representing an increase from €5 to €11 billion. Also, if by raising the level of digitisation to 11 | P a g e
  • 12. Source: UPC Report, Ireland’s Digital Future,
  • 13. Brand Audit UCD Smurfit Business School is viewed as Ireland’s leading business UCD Smurfit is often the first port of call for media when seeking school, with its qualifications (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA) recognised direction on new business initiatives or directives, be it internationally. It is the only Irish business school to make the governmental or corporate, as it has strong links with both built up Financial Times Global Executive MBA ranking. This year (2012) it over the years. As such, it’s authority on such matters is well ranked 88th in the world. At the forefront of Irish business regarded, given the proven standard of it lecturers and graduates. leadership for two generations, the recently created MSc in Digital The MSc should take this ‘space’ in regard to Digital Marketing Marketing is a new pillar to the UCD Smurfit structure. reportage in the media-a space very successfully identified and occupied by the Direct Marketing Institute at present. How best then do we leverage the School’s authority and position to the benefit of the MSc in Digital Marketing? The MSc should be seen within a relatively short space of time to be, in the words of course director Dr Laurent Muzellac, “a master’s The Smurfit Business School has placed itself within Ireland as the that will be renowned at a European level at least”. premier postgraduate institute. It states that it is a progressive organisation, embracing diversity and innovation. They believe that As a new course, the MSc should leverage the connections and their success is down to an unwavering commitment to excellence, contacts of the scholl. It’s impressive reputational background attracting high achievers in postgraduate studies and research from should be used at every opportunity. An emphasis should be placed Ireland and abroad. It trains and talks to industry leaders, Decision on relevancy and value, especially so considering the ‘newness’ of Makers and Entrepreneurs. These are the people who wish to be the field, and the course offering. We will be speaking to people informed of the challenges, direction and development of digital (prospective students and companies) who realise the potential of and it impact on business. Consequently, there would be a natural Digital Marketing, that is both vital and valuable, but need to learn expectation that a graduate from the MSc in Digital Marketing and understand how to apply it. UCD Smurfit is trusted-it behoves would be seen a senior player in management and decision making the MSc to deliver to the standard required. at the highest level in any company with a digital strategy. 13 | P a g e
  • 14. Our tone of voice should be direct, authoritative and Dublin City University offers a one year MSc in Mangement (Digital knowledgeable. Though this is the first year of the course, there are Marketing). DCU promises a “management resource pool for the few such programmes here in Ireland or abroad. There will be no next generation marketing companies already operating in Ireland graduates until 2014. Consequently, the best way to speak to our (eg Facebook, Google, LinkedIn etc) as well as the evolving ‘audience’ would be through our lecturers with perhaps a student requirements of the incumbent marketing industry. Graduates from blog. UCD Smurfit is seen as an industry expert, leader and this programme will have highly developed competencies in innovator. Our lecturers are-use them to promote the Digital communicating and marketing using social media, on-line media Marketing brand. It should follow that graduates from the course and other digital and mobile technologies.” DCU appear to be will be experts, leaders and innovators too. positioning themselves as providers of management for the growing requirements in the digital marketing field. The very ‘newness’ of the course and it’s position within UCD The Competition Smurfit might be a point of difficulty. There are no Certificate or Diploma courses available.. It follows then that there will be no Both the Digital Marketing Institute and Dublin City University graduates out there in the field. Also, UCD Smurfit’s position as a offer masters level courses in Digital Marketing. leader in traditional business, may go against it. The competition The Digital Marketing Institute offers a two year part time Masters (Direct Marketing Institute and Dublin City University) might seek in Digital Marketing. On its website, the DMI states its intention as to position themselves as more relevant to the industry, to some helping marketers improve their business through digital extent being radical-new, fluid and unencumbered by ‘old’ business marketing. The functions of digital marketing are explained and at models. Once again this is a place that the DMI have chosen to put every stage the skills of its lecturers are graduates are promoted. themselves, dismissive of how Ireland has traditionally done We are told that graduates will be in the top 5% of global marketers business and education-formulaic outdated and irrelevant to the and employment prospects high. They don’t position themselves as 21st century and the new digital world. Being new, young and hip is producing leaders in the field, but rather highly skilled employees. very much how they see and sell their organisation. UCD Smurfit of Qualifications awarded are Fetac and European Qualifications course, is in no position to do this. Rather it should be a strategic Framework. partner, a future pillar of the Digital Industry (in Ireland and 14 | P a g e
  • 15. globally) and a trustworthy and professional source of information. If we can use our undoubted strengths-the UCD Smurfit brand, the ability and reputation of our lecturers and the quality of our students, we can create an environment where the MSc is seen as best in class. UCD Smurfit has for two generations provided business leaders to industry. With an international reputation, it should seek to build a partnership with government (through the relevant departments) in an advisory capacity re ICT/Digital. With the whole area relatively new, and the school’s links with industry and high academic standards, who better to work on future frameworks and requirements with government agencies and institutions. 15 | P a g e
  • 16. Segmentation Globally, there is an increasing demand for digital marketing year-long work visa upon graduation as currently offered by degrees/graduates due to the shift in recent years in the Trinity College Dublin. marketing strategies of major companies moving from traditional media towards online. It is estimated that digital marketing has Demographic become a €50 billion global industry and is growing at a Age 30-40 years old compound annual growth rate of 20 per cent. Therefore it is estimated that demand for this course will only be growing. Let’s Sex Both females and males look into different segmentation for this course: Education People with primary degree and/or higher Geographic Work experience 3-5 years, and people newly graduated 1) People working and living in Ireland - both international people who work in Ireland and Irish citizens. We are looking to attract Industry of work Sales, marketing, IT company/online workers from Blue Chip Irish companies, business owners, and specialist, business owners graduates. Salary 30k-40k a year 2) International people - who are looking to work and live in Social Media Medium level. Majority of people had Ireland. We are looking to attract people from EU countries and knowledge interactions business/personal at social from Asia (e.g. Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, others1). Additionally, level and want to bring it to a higher MSc in digital marketing can become part of the ‘UCD Smurfit standard. School – Irish Aid IDEAS Scholarship Programme’ and of issuing a Level of engagement High with Internet 1 EEA%20Students 16 | P a g e
  • 17. Targeting Marketing/Business/Sales Professionals in Ireland Marketing/Business Graduates Abroad People who are interested in digital marketing due to their Professionals or graduates who are looking to receive a career development or people who are looking to change recognized international degree, live and study abroad, T1 T4 career to the digital industry. Their main objective is to get improve their English, and eventually use the knowledge the practical knowledge required to get a job in Ireland and gained from the course to find a good job. abroad, and receive a recognized degree. Marketing/Business Graduates in Ireland Marketing Professionals & SMB Owners Abroad These are our potential targets as around 50% 2 want to This last group is targeted once the Online program is continue education further either after when they finish their provided. For them it is important that everything is online, T2 T5 primary degree or later in their life. Their main objective is to very interactive, taking less time and less money but bringing get the practical knowledge required to get job in Ireland and very good value. abroad, and receive a recognized degree. SMB Owners in Ireland They wish to understand digital marketing and bring their T3 businesses online. Their main objective is to receive practical knowledge that will help to improve their business and receive a recognized international degree. 2
  • 18. Positioning With Ireland positioning itself as Europe’s Silicon Valley 3 World class MSc in digital marketing attracting more and more leading IT companies to set up their - Provides international and the best quality class with the industry’s offices/HQ in Ireland, the requirement for people qualified as renowned faculty and outstanding students Digital Marketers can only increase. According to the research of - The only business school in Ireland to hold the ‘triple crown’ of the Digital Hub in Ireland, in spite of the recession – the digital accreditation media sector has a very positive outlook, with companies predicting economic growth and employment this year of 44 per Professional and Practical cent and 43 per cent respectively4. Such companies as Google, - Partnership with leading internet and technology companies like Google. Yahoo, Yelp, Facebook and others who have their HQ in Dublin - Having guest speakers who are experts in their fields operate in digital industry employing the brightest people Customized and Convenient preferably with relevant experience, and a UCD Smurfit master’s degree in digital marketing can provide those people. - Courses run in full time, part time and online to suit all professionals - Students can customize their course by choosing modules from selection However, from the other hand we can see from situational of digital marketing, marketing and business ones to fit their individual analysis that there are a lot of competition in Ireland and needs and level internationally. Some of the top ranking universities offer Positioning Statement diploma/courses in digital marketing, in Dublin alone there are 4 “For marketing professionals and students who are ready for professional competing universities that offer Ms in digital marketing, and on growth, the MSc in Digital Marketing at UCD Smurfit School provides a top of that there are lots of online course that can be accessible world class program with strategic, analytical and practical elements of around the world. digital marketing creating successful marketing leaders.” 3 4 18 | P a g e
  • 19. Objectives UCD Smurfit set up the MSc Digital Marketing in order to leverage Target market International Domestic the arising opportunity that Digital Marketing is bringing to the segment Students Students, Marketers, Marketing sector. Marketing online is essential for business Business Owners nowadays and both marketers and business owners need to command these techniques to drive their company or business Strategic Increase Awareness of UCD MSc Digital Marketing success. Objective 1 offering The major goal of the digital marketing strategy is to drive Measurement Number of requests for information revenue by increasing the number of suitable individuals applying for the course across the market segments. In order to achieve Strategic Convince target audience that the MSc Digital this, the digital marketing plan should meet the following strategic Objective 2 Marketing is the most suited to their needs objectives; increase awareness, and generate the maximum Measurement Number of registrations number of registrations across the market segments and for each offering. 19 | P a g e
  • 20. The main operational objective is to accept the optimum number of applicants based on the market size and resources to deliver the programme; Offering Target Segment Operational Objectives: Number of Students admissions Short-Term Medium-Term Long-Term 1 to 2 years 5 years 10 years Part-Time Marketers 30 40 xx Business Owners 7 10 xx Full-Time Students - Domestic 30 45 xx Students - International 10 15 xx Online Students Depending on demand and system capacity Domestic & International Marketers Domestic & International Business Owners Domestic & International 20 | P a g e
  • 21. The positioning of the MSc as a best-in-class international programme implies that the selection process focuses on high- quality admissions. This would lead to top students being accepted and small promotions which would participate in X % of requests for enabling the delivery of a first-class education. information leading to In order to deliver on the operational objectives above, the digital application start marketing plan should drive the required number of applicants X % of application through a funnel as per below. leading to application finish
  • 22. Offering 3) Organising participation in different professional conferences/meetings The main differentiating factor (value proposition) of this 4) Delivering practical knowledge on ‘how to’ and/or ‘why’ particular programme is a combination of solid academic and up- to-date industry knowledge, extensive professional network, and 5) Will consist on numerous assignments/projects group and a recognised degree. It offers expertise which is based on UCD individual Smurfit’s international accreditation and practical knowledge of industry received from case studies, projects, discussions, 6) Cooperation with key IT Companies in Ireland (like Google, speakers, and lectures. At the end of this course, students would Facebook, etc.) be able to find not only a job but a better job on a domestic or international level. In order to properly appeal to our target audience few changes Full time programme need to be made to the offering. Overall, three types of This offering is mainly to target international and domestic programme will be offered to students: students who live and work in Ireland and/or come from abroad, Part time evening programme and people who are looking for improved employment prospects. This offering is to target domestic and international professionals Key points: who are based in Ireland, business owners, and international 1) 1 year - allows flexibility in combining traditional marketing students who moved in to Ireland for work. knowledge with digital marketing Key points: 2) Concentrated around receiving practical knowledge 1) 2 years - with greater choice of subject options that are run in 3) Possibility of offering internship programs and/or guest the evenings speaking from the top Irish/international companies 2) Engaging guest speakers who are leaders in the industry 22 | P a g e
  • 23. Online programme 1) Providing more course choices This offering is mainly to target professionals, SMB, and graduates This MSc is offered to working professionals, whose backgrounds worldwide who want to receive a world class recognized diploma may be in different fields/discilplines. Therefore, course choices from home, allowing for more flexibility (financial and time-wise.) should be able to accommodate courses from different aspects of marketing. In addition, it is absolutely essential that for part time Key points: students more course options would be offered during evening 1) Online video course + presentations/readings with possibility to time. comment and receive answers from teacher and/or other 2) Flexibility for extra elective modules students in the programme. UCD should accommodate student’s specialization in one or 2) Live web conferences-web streaming of the key lectures with another area of Marketing/DM to ensure higher ROI for students possibility for students to engage into conversation, ask questions, and easier job search. In order to facilitate this UCD should offer etc. possibility of extra courses that can be taken for extra charge on 3) Individual assignments/case studies top of minimum required courses. 3) Partnership of UCD with other extra programs such as Google, 4) Group projects (2-3) people that will be all conducted online Hubspot, etc. 5) Access to the library and study material online This will ensure that course receives needed level of 6) Once per semester participants live meetings (either for exams recognition/accreditation. Additionally, inviting leaders from and/or for social networking) different DM related companies will ensure that most important practical knowledge is shared with students. This is not limited to Our times are marked by the increasing prevalence of one-fits-one introducing short semesters/courses with top international over the one-fits-all approach. The offering proposal aims at industry leaders. meeting contemporary standards as well as the students’ high expectations from the programme. This requires some 4) Constant feedback adjustments to be made to the current offering: 23 | P a g e
  • 24. Channel & Promotion Strategy Our channel and promotion strategy must be contemporary and allow us to increase awareness, reach our target audience, convince potential students to apply and provide a seamless customer experience. The table below details the strategy objectives and the channels we propose to leverage in order to succeed; Objectives Channels Increase awareness of Digital Marketing Importance for Businesses  Website  Blog Increase awareness about the MSc  Social Media  Online and Offline PR Position and differentiate UCD Smurfit offering  Events  Career Fairs Engage with potential and current students  website with user-friendly features and contemporary look & feel Drive requests for information  communities on social media to foster conversations with students and teachers  website with user-friendly features and contemporary look & feel Maximise application completion  mailing list built-in thanks to enquiries and send follow-up emails Develop a MSc Alumni community to promote MSc and keep in touch with Alumni to assess MSc value  Group on LinkedIn overtime As outlined above we recommend leveraging both inbound and outbound marketing channels. The table below explains the reasons behind these choices and how we will promote these channels; 24 | P a g e
  • 25. Inbound Marketing Channels Channel Reasons behind choice Target Value Proposition Promotion Website Nowadays it is essential to have All target The website offers prospective Search Engine Optimisation a presence online to help segments students a seamless and user- Search Engine Marketing consumers who are looking for friendly platform to make a well- Blog one’s products and services informed decision to take up the Social Media course, apply for the MSc and pay Online advertising (Google fees. AdWords, LinkedIn Ads) Online and offline PR Blog “Blogging is a powerful way to All target We offer marketing professionals, Website drive the right people to your segments students & business owners a Search Engine Optimisation business online.”5 unique platform to access Social Media strategic insights into DM and Online PR Plus, companies that blog upcoming trends. Directories such as usually have “55% more networkedblogs Content visitors, 97% more inbound Foreign students will also be discovery sites like StumbleUpon links and 434% more indexed provided with insights into life in Bookmarking sites such as pages”.6 UCD. Delicious Our blog content will allow us to efficiently demonstrate the expertise offered / acquired, reinforce our positioning and differentiate ourselves from the competitors. 5 The Essential Guide To Internet Marketing”, HubSpot 6 25 | P a g e
  • 26. In addition, this will provide a platform to share additional information about the MSc and the life in UCD. LinkedIn LinkedIn has become an Marketing We provide a unique platform for Website Group unconditional hub for (Digital marketing professionals and Search Engine Optimisation UCD Digital professionals. We believe that marketing) business owners to access LinkedIn Marketing it is essential to be present on professionals compelling and strategic insights Blog Professionals this platform in order to attract and business into digital marketing. LinkedIn direct mailing marketing professionals, owners marketers in Ireland/Worldwide business owners and In addition, this group will be a to invite people to the group increasingly students. UCD MSc meeting point to discuss digital This will allow us to increase Digital marketing strategy, share opinions awareness, drive engagement Marketing and ask questions to the and promote various contents Alumni programme teachers. such as blog posts or thought leadership. UCD graduates Facebook Increasingly Facebook users Marketing / We provide a unique hub where Website Page connect with brands that they Business students interested in marketing Blog like and wish to follow or Students can get more insights into the Facebook Ads Sponsored Stories engage with. sector (trends, careers) and where to to increase awareness via Beside the fact that the Digital (Prospective prospective students can get/ask friends’ network. Marketing Institute has and current) for course related info and established a presence on the communicate with the current social network, we believe that students setting a page would allow to capture students across our 26 | P a g e
  • 27. geographic market and, as / before, they are to choose a MSc programme. This would enable us to attract prospective students, promote the blog content and influence students’ decision-making. Google+ Page Improve ranking in search We can target We offer professionals and Website results, increase awareness, separately students with an interest in digital Blog engagement, promote blog, market marketing interests additional possibility to use guest speaker. professionals knowledge and course info, as Google+ has more followers and students well as insights into the course than Facebook. ‘Sparks’ feature itself (i.e. lecturers, events, other) that allows users to choose Google+ pages based on their interests thereby increasing the reach. YouTube As the 2nd biggest search All target We invite prospective students to Website engine and as consumers are segments learn more about the programme Search Engine Optimisation getting accustomed to teachers, the benefits of the LinkedIn searching companies and programme by accessing alumni Blog products via the site, YouTube testimonials. is also the site where to be. We share our access to Digital In addition, we recommend Marketing Experts via video developing a number of videos interviews on specific related including teachers / alumni topics. /guest speakers videos, and a YouTube channel would the Interview with lecturers 27 | P a g e
  • 28. ideal place to publish those. Twitter To be in line with our Marketing/Bus VP: streamline of industry news, Website positioning statement and iness Students short ‘take aways’ from classes, Blog become world class master (Prospective teacher’s comments Hashtag degree - Twitter is ideal tool to and current) create buzz and build brand awareness. To be able to interact with students worldwide and frame credibility 28 | P a g e
  • 29. Outbound Marketing Channels Channel Reasons behind choice Value Proposition Promotion Seminars/Meetings To raise brand awareness and engage Ensure presence where potential students This can be used both to ensure directly with target audience are. 1) Marketing seminars in Ireland to up-to-date lecturers knowledge engage with marketers and target them of the industry and to promote with Ms in digital marketing to improve the course. Information about their knowledge. 2) Irish education fairs to seminars interactions will be target people for full time programme posted on UCD social media 3) Online seminars to promote online platforms with reviews and programme recommendations PR/Printed Media UCD Smurfit needs it PR company to Lecturers from the course should really be actively push the MSc in Digital seen as authoritative commentators on Marketing in to Radio, participating in ICT/Digital and any developments TV programmes, and Printed Media. activities in the sector. More media These ‘traditional’areas should be presence by the course commenting on exploited to raise the courses profile Government policy, the opening of new to a wider audience outside those ICT companies, future of ICT on business, interested in Digital. Why? To allow growth, employment etc. the UCD Smurfit to occupy the Given the relationship between Irish position as an educational leader in industry and the UCD Smurfit, the school’s this area of business as it is voice will be welcomed. recognised in so many others. The Further promotion at high profile DMI are proving expert in this seminars and conferences also. approach. They have featured in the High profile guest lecturers can be invited the Irish Times, The Sunday Business by the school to speak and invitations Post, Newstalk radio and RTE 1. They given at CEO level-all to position the have adopted the position of Ireland’s course as one of the most connected and digital educators. innovative MSc’s delivered (globally). 29 | P a g e
  • 30. White papers, and any success by current students stemming from course participation should be highlighted. Google AdWords Professionals/Students who plan to take a course in digital marketing LinkedIn Ads The people who use LI are receptive Professionals/Students with digital Objective: Increase quality of to information about professional marketing interest, who care about their inbound leads, boost conversion growth, which make them the perfect careers rates for student enrolment fit for the education development market. With LI Ads, we can get our message and brand in front of the right people even before they start looking for a professional development program. 30 | P a g e
  • 31. Content Strategy Inbound Marketing Channels Content will be mainly created on the website and the blog. Since Therefore, the dedicated web pages structure should reflect the each channel has different audience and requires a unique flexibility offered and feature an Overview Page with the different approach in order to grab the specific audience’s mindset, we will options i.e. full-time, part-time and online and an “A la Carte” strategically distribute content from the website and the blog into modules page listing all the modules and including a link to each its best fit channels. detailed module page. In order to help potential applicants understand the value of this programme and attract foreign students, a page should be included with programme / teacher Details of content to be created or added to the website and the introductions and alumni videos. blog are outlined in a table below. The Website We also propose to simplify the structure of the pages which At present there is a web page that hosts diverse contact tabs currently display redundant options leading to different pages. It including Overview, Features, Curriculum, Careers and Admissions. appears that there are too many links altogether which can be On the curriculum page, clicking on the details of the module somewhat confusing, notably compared to the sites of other triggers the display of a pop-up window which seems not to be players in the market. indexed by Google. Mainly, the site is one of the sales argument for the MSc and as Going forward, we would recommend designing pages that can be such should reflect the institution’s expertise. trawled and indexed by search engines for all content. As outlined Likewise, the site must be optimised for mobile devices. There are in our Offering section, we have stressed that to meet the needs now more mobile devices shipped than PCs and an increasing of our target segments, the curriculum should be tailorable. number of individuals use their smartphones or tablets to search 31 | P a g e
  • 32. online and purchase. It is essential for businesses to develop a The call-to-actions should be clear and functionalities user- mobile-friendly site or a mobile site in order to remain friendly i.e. request more information, registration process and competitive in today’s marketplace. The UCD mobile site should payment. not simply replicate the desktop site but must embrace the It can be assumed that the programme brochure will be devices’ specificities to deliver the best customer experience and requested by potentially successful applicants. Therefore, we reinforce the MSc positioning. suggest developing a feature that would enable to collect these Below are screenshot of the Digital Marketing Institute and UCD applicants’ email addresses in order to follow-up on their site visit Michael Smurfit Business School MSc Digital Marketing “home” in a personalised manner. A brochure could be downloaded after web pages. filling a form and entering contact details and email address. Blog Contents from the blog are then divided into two groups based on their characteristics and likely key audiences. The first group targets prospective students and aims to promote the course itself with insight into student life, lecture, lecturers’ profile and so on. Therefore, we believe that it best fits into more casual channels such as Facebook and Twitter. The second group contents aim to provide professional and in-depth insights and In order to streamline modules organisations, manage applicants’ information regarding digital marketing. Hence, they will be expectations and control teaching resources costs, we suggest distributed to professional channels, LinkedIn Group. Since enabling a curriculum builder. This tool would make it possible for Google+ seems to be both professional and casual depending on students to plan their studies based on preferences and modules each audience and their use of it, we will distribute both groups availability. This will allow students to apply and enrol in the contents to it. programme with confidence. 32 | P a g e
  • 33. Education & Life @UCD  About us: Brief description of the course, purpose of the blog, UCD Strategic Digital Marketing Hub Lecturers’ profile and interview videos, and Teaser lecture - Blogs posts: Topics covering Digital marketing trend, Digital video/PPT marketing Strategy, Digital marketing tools  Student Life: Students’ essay on general experiences in the - Infographic: Same as above school. Students’ interview videos - Videos: Interview of guest speakers, partnership companies’  News & Events presenters and industry leaders in digital marketing - Newsletter of the blog focusing on the above contents in group 2. In addition, there will be specific types of content published on each social media platform as well as the mentioned blog contents above. Please see the table below. Social Media Unique Contents Platform Google+ Overall posts should be formal. Use visual images, videos. Allows more close cooperation between lecturers and students. Post shortcuts to the blogplosts, allow for students/followers to post interesting/engaging content, create calendar for events. Provide QA sessions and expertise live sessions via hangouts with lecturers, students, and/or guest speakers. Provide information about top lecturers of the course add them to the circles. Main feature is that Google+ provides possibility to post different content to different people by adding them in different circles. Use advanced Google+ notification feature. Create industry/MS related memegens. Usage of applications to generate +1s and social interaction (i.e. Google + Super Circles +1 Exchange) LinkedIn An important ambition of the group is to differentiate the programme from other offerings. Thus we propose to share some Group high level insights and drive high-level conversations on strategic trends. Post brain teasers to generate discussions (i.e. “Do you think that the Skyfall video ad was a success?”, etc.) Additionally, post any information about career openings and career 33 | P a g e
  • 34. opportunities for students. Facebook In order to engage students in a dynamic and fun manner, we suggest posting; Questions on marketing related video being Page simply whether the audience like it or what type of marketing techniques is used. The content should be 50% text, 50% rich media (pictures, infographics, and videos) to keep the audience engaged. We suggest leveraging Facebook Applications to personalise, customise the interface and deliver a professional experience. (i.e. Facebook social news app Twitter Overall posts should not be semi-formal. Post short links for the blog posts of MSc digital marketing blog, announce guest speakers and topic they covered with direct link to their posts, talk about case studies/Facebook marketing questions and look for people’s feedback. Tweet about students’ life (i.e. parties, exams, presentations, meetings). Follow top marketers + lecturers on twitter and retweet or comment on their remarks. Provide updates to the main digital industry news. Announce career fairs, marketing events for all alumni to come and participate. Look for market influencers in Twitter and get their attention, focus on engaging with target audience. Talk about any offline presence (government advisors), combined programmes with Google, LinkedIn, etc. Engage new visitors/followers by posting on the news/marketing events worldwide Outbound Offline Marketing Channels Channel Contents Careers Fair/Course Ensure that MSc in digital marketing is present in all major fairs to spread brand awareness, provide information Fair about lecturers, course content, etc. Distribute printed copy of the UCD Smurfit course brochure with direct links to blog and website. Seminars/Meetings 1/ Participation in top marketing seminars, meeting with presentation or even just being there would positively influence brand image as professional and export in the industry. For some of the seminars lecturers have to prepare and present talks in areas of their expertise. 2/ Ensure presence on ‘get Irish business online’, FAS start business programme and like PR/Printed Media 1/ Ads in such magazines as Irish Times, Sunday Times, etc. to increase brand awareness among professionals 2/ Provide interviews with MSc coordinators, comments on major digital industry events, and talks about strategy for start-ups. 3/ Be seen as valuable advisory to the government, Irish start-ups, companies. 34 | P a g e
  • 35. Implementation Strategy Blog USERNAME: ucdsmurfitdigitalmarketing /PASSWORD: UCD2013 35 | P a g e
  • 36. Content publishing Menu Who How often About us Laurent N/A (Students) 1/ Full time: As part of individual assignments, each student should submit 1 post per semester, which will Digital Faculty make about 3 posts a week taking the number of students in our objective into consideration. In the Marketing Students beginning of the semester, roster is scheduled with order of posters and subjects. Before publishing, a Trends Guest writers post will be reviewed by Laurent 2/ Part time: As part of group assignment, interview guest speakers/partner company presenters/industry leaders. (this can be integrated with the case study) Digital Faculty (Guest speakers) Prior to the seminar, they are asked to write a post related to the subject of the seminar Marketing Students and this post will be published on the blog right after the seminar. Strategy Guest writers Digital Faculty Marketing Students Once a week Tools Guest writers Full time students ‘group assignment under the supervision of professors. This could be done in Faculty and integration with MSc in Marketing Practice. Case Studies full time Reflection on digital marketing strategic points, integrated communication, etc. This could consist in a students brief summary and an elaborate answer crossing with own knowledge and resources. 1/ Once a year for interviews with students, career prospects, etc. Faculty and Student Life 2/ When applicable about Alumni upcoming events, students social life, life on campus, etc. Students 3/ Once a year information about lecturers background, their expertise, etc. News & Faculty and 1/ News and upcoming events in digital marketing industry (Faculty and students) Events Students 2/ News and events in the school (Faculty) 36 | P a g e
  • 37. Social Media Platforms Social Media Who How often Platform Google+ Idea 1/ A voluntary group of editors/administrators will be formed When relevant new contents are published on Idea 2/ Students divided in small groups take responsibility in turn on a the blog or the website. weekly basis. Lecturers/guest speakers - organizing QA live session LinkedIn Group 1/ Partially content will be taken from the blog (part that talks about Posts from the blog will be updated regularly UCD Strategic Digital Marketing Hub) 2/ Faculty will need to update bring updates about career Brain teasers and career updates will be posted news/possibilities by lecturers once in month 3/ Faculty will be responsible for putting brain teasers Facebook Page 1/ Partially content will be taken from the blog (part that talks about Around 3 times a week Education & Life @UCD) 2/ Either appointed staff member from UCD Smurfit or student volunteer Twitter Digital marketing and marketing lectures, students, guest speakers, Everyday twitter responsible person 37 | P a g e
  • 38. Search Engine Optimisation & Online Advertising According to a recent study by ClearSaleing, “Paid search drives an Based on our value proposition and positioning strategy we 8.8% order lift [...], while natural search had a 10.91% lift”. This believe that 5 main keywords for SEO would be: shows the importance of investing resources in both Search Masters in Marketing Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). MSc in Digital Marketing SEO covers the techniques that enable you to impact a page or website ranking in the search engines organic results while SEM Digital marketing courses refers to paid advertising on search engines. Masters marketing europe Considering that Google possesses 85% of search engine market share, we propose to focus our efforts on this major player. Masters digital marketing Europe Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)  Keyword Research & Analysis Based on competitors’ site and using the Google Keyword Tool to identify keywords that are used and the trends, we All the keywords that relates to Digital Marketing and relevant recommend that the keywords list include: education programme terms should be included in the website and into website pages meta descriptions, wherever possible and Digital marketing courses relevant. Masters digital marketing Masters in Digital Marketing Part-time Masters digital marketing Online Masters digital marketing 38 | P a g e
  • 39. Distance Masters digital marketing E-commerce MSc digital marketing M-commerce Postgraduate courses e-CRM systems Postgraduate degree Data analytics Careers in digital marketing Digital marketing strategy Online marketing What is digital marketing strategy Online advertising ‘How to’ Digital advertising Social media marketing  On-Page Optimisation Master degree in On-page optimisation refers to “how well the website’s content is presented to search engines”7. It includes Title, Meta Description, Keywords, H1, Content Density, Position, Internal Links and Stop Additional Keywords on top of already mentioned will be used Words 8 . The person in charge of the website building and for blog: management should liaise with the programme or marketing team to ensure this is optimised. Social networking sites Websites Blogs 7 “The essential guide to internet marketing”, HubSpot Video sharing sites 8 Search Engine Optimisation, How to Manage your Rankings in Search Engines, Eamonn O'Raghallaigh 2012 39 | P a g e
  • 40. Side-Page Optimisation There are a number of techniques to create and generate inbound links. They can be used for both the website and the blog and Side-page optimisation refers to the network layer and includes; offers different degrees of scalability and quality. the server location, content submission to search engines, redirects and site loading time. Again, this must be optimised by Directory submission, preferably industry specific for the both the person in charge of the website performance and the IT relevance; Team. Suggestions;,,,,,  Off-Page Optimisation abroad/search/masters-degree/degree-abroad-1, Off-page optimisation refers “to your site’s overall “authority” on, the web, which is determined by what other websites say about,, your site”9. It includes, inbound links, SEO press releases and blog posts, articles which focus on the website keywords as relevant, Content creation; when great content is created, people are more social media accounts description10. likely to share it and link back to it. In-content marketing; this consists in inserting links to own  Inbound links11 content at the top of articles via an anchor text of relevant keywords. Shareable content; by making it easy to share content via good quality widgets such as Share on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. 9 “The essential guide to internet marketing”, HubSpot Social engagement; by being present on all relevant sites 10 Search Engine Optimisation, How to Manage your Rankings in Search Engines, Eamonn O'Raghallaigh 2012 11 “Link Building” – Evan Fischkin of Slingshot SEO Delivered April 16th 2012, 40 | P a g e
  • 41. Link reclamation; which consists in redirecting any website page However, the volume of leads that can be generated through that shows errors to relevant new pages using the Google keyword search engine advertising is limited to the number of Webmaster tool for instance people actively searching. Therefore, as well as running ads in Google, we suggest advertise the course in LinkedIn. The people Comment marketing; this techniques must be used with caution; who use LinkedIn are professionals who care about their careers the comments should always be relevant so as to not look and are ready for growth. We can proactively reach the right spammy, and ideally complement the content on a given page audience early in their decision-making process and precisely Manual link submissions to relevant sites target them by industry, job function, location and group. Competitive link research and acquisitions; to be visible on the sites where our competitors are. Various SEO tools that can be We propose to leverage Google AdWords and LinkedIn Ads in this used such as Seomoz tools digital marketing plan in order to drive the maximum of prospective applicants to the MSc Digital Marketing “homepage”. Online Advertising To start with, it is critical to set clear goals. In the context of our digital marketing strategy, our campaign objectives are Firstly, paid advertising on Google refers essentially to Google AdWords. The benefits of using Google AdWords are that it offers 1. To generate registration (purchase) (Conversation 1) precise targeting and measurability and are based on relevance. 2. To generate requests for information (Conversation 2) Google AdWords campaigns maximise the reach by targeting Google Search and the Display Network, the relevance as ads are 3. To increase awareness by driving traffic to the web pages targeted based on specific keywords, site topics or interests and (Unique Visitors) return on investment thanks to the extensive data provided overtime which allow to monitor and optimise campaigns based Due to the seasonality of the business, much more aggressive on conversions generation notably. budgeting and bids strategy will be conducted on the period from 41 | P a g e
  • 42. January until June when students are most active and looking for study opportunities. Google Adwords Set-up Our objectives encompass direct response and brand awareness, thus our campaigns will leverage both the Google Search and Display Network (GDN). In addition, we will be targeting several geographies as per our targeting strategy and promote our different offerings. Furthermore, campaigns success and value are mostly dependent on the “Quality Score” (QS) which impacts both the Ad Rank and the Cost per Click (CPM). QS refers to the relevance of the keywords vs. Ad vs. Landing Page. QS also evolves depending on Click-through-rate (CTR) and history hence the importance to get it right from the start in order not to accumulate a negative legacy. In order to maximise our QS, we propose the below high level structure; 42 | P a g e
  • 43. The campaign would include remarketing to target those to view the details of these campaigns, log in Google Adwords individuals who would have visited the website but wouldn’t have using; completed their application. Also, we recommend leveraging Username: extensions in the future so that when the ads appear at the top, additional links can be displayed such as links E-CRM Module or Password: Su1*c5c$e*s About UCD Smurfit Business School. shows those over underperforming versions. Therefore, we have created 3 variations for each campaign as below. LinkedIn Ads Set up Bid price is chosen based on LinkedIn’s suggested bid range for In addition to the advantage of using LinkedIn’s precise targeting each campaign and daily budget is decided considering the options, we can also select the optimized strategy in the ads number of clicks or impressions we feel that it’s reasonable to dashboard once various ads in our campaigns start to run. receive in order to effectively achieve our campaign targets. LinkedIn automatically selects the best performing versions and Daily budget/Bid Campaigns Targeting Ad copy variations price Marketing/sales CPC Bid: €2.50 professionals in (2.01-2.45) Ireland (job function) Daily budget: €250 (€2.50*100 Clicks) *
  • 44. Marketing/sales CPC Bid: €2.40 professionals in (2.01-2.35) Ireland (Group) Daily budget: €240 (€2.40*100 Clicks) * Small Business CPC Bid: €2.40 owners in Ireland (2.01-2.39) Daily budget: €240 (€2.40*100 Clicks) * 44 | P a g e
  • 45. Marketing/business CPC Bid: €2.40 students in Ireland (2.01-2.35) and UK Daily budget: * €240 (€2.40*100 Clicks) Marketing/business CPC Bid: €2.40 professionals and (2.01-2.35) graduates in Europe (France, Spain, Daily budget: Germany) * €240 (€2.40*100 Clicks) 45 | P a g e
  • 46. Measurements Currently one of the main weaknesses of MSc in digital marketing is lack of awareness among the Irish professional community and it is even more true for international students/professionals. Our focus will be first on ‘spreading the word’ about the programme via online and offline resources in order to bring suitable individuals to apply for the MSc Digital Marketing and secondly engaging in conversations with prospective clients to guarantee the high-quality quality of our offering. Therefore, there are a number of main indicators to measure our performance: Channel Short term goal 1-2 years Long term goal 2-5 years Means to measure - 5000 impressions, 200 clicks per year - in 10 top landing pages for UCD Smurfit website 80% of which is domestic search 80% of which is domestic search Website, Ms digital 20% international visitors 20% international visitors Google Analytics marketing page - 50 inquiry form or email per year per year - 100 inquiry form or email per year - 30 people going for ‘apply now’ per year - 50 people going for ‘apply now’ per year - 50 unique visitors a day - 200 unique visitors a day Blog - 30% of the visitors should visit ‘about course Google Analytics - 30% of the visitors should visit ‘about course section’ section’ - Page likes 100 - Page likes 800 Facebook - Likes, comments on, or shares your Page post - - Likes, comments on, or shares your Page post - Facebook interaction rate 0.05% interaction rate 0.15% - 200 followers - 3000 followers Twitter, Klout, Twitter - retweet rate 5% - retweet rate 15% Crowdbooster - influence measurement 40 - influence measurement 60 Google+, Google+ Page - 90 +1s - 750 +1s Google+ Report - Page engagement 10 - Page engagement 40 by Simply measured - 30 followers 100 followers LinkedIn Group LinkedIn - introducing new followers via direct emailing 20 - introducing new followers via direct emailing 60 - Total 4000 views, 300 likes - Total 8000 views, 400 likes Youtube, Google YouTube channel - Subscribers 10 - Subscribers 50 Analytics - Channel View Rate 0.5% - Channel View Rate 1% 46 | P a g e