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Digital Graphics
Alan Smith
File Formats
Raster Graphics
• Give a definition of Raster Graphics
Raster graphics are one of two file formats in
digital graphics. They are made up of bitmaps,
which are made up of resoluted pixels. The 3
main raster formats are JPEG, TIFF and PSD.
Vector Graphics
• Give a definition of Vector Graphics
Vector graphics is the second of the two file
formats in digital graphics. They are made up of
vectors/path. Unlike raster's, they are defined by
a start and end point, which include curves,
points and angles between them. In comparison
to Raster graphics, Vectors can be scaled big and
small and never lose any definition. The 2 types
of vector formats are AI and 3DS.
Stands For
Used For


Joint Photographic Expert group
Photographs and web formats. Also used on photos on social
network sites, including facebook. Due to the JPEG file been
almost universal, it is the format that is used if you upload a
picture to the internet. Digital cameras and most phone cameras
use the JPEG format because it takes little space on the device.
A small file that uses up less space
Can be uploaded to the internet in a short space of time.

The JPEG format is almost universal
JPEG is compatible with most printers and editing software

JPEGs loses quality with multiple edits because of compression
and recompression.
The JPEG format doesn’t support layers
Taking black and White photos in JPEG format causes all colour
information to be lost.
Stands For

Tagged image File format

Used For

Desktop publishing (popular with graphic designers),
magazine layout, advertisement due to it’s lossless
compression, scanners and fax machines


Lossless compression – It doesn’t lose any of it’s
definition by been edited many times like JPEG, this is
because it doesn’t go through compression and
It is a flexible format of Raster graphic
It is a lossless format, this is why it’s used for digital


Unlike JPEG, the files are big and take up a lot of space.
Stands For
Used For



Photoshop document
Image manipulation and also front cover
images for magazines
Supports transparency, unlike JPEG

Big files and the graphics can only be used
on Photoshop format
Stands For
Used For



Adobe Illustrator
Logos creation and can also be used for
graphics to represent a company
Can be scaled big or small because Vectors
have no loss in definition

Limited with software used, can only be
used on the Adobe Illustrator format
Stands For
Used For



3D studio
3D modelling,animation and rendering. It
can also be used for creation of 3D
characters and environments.
More advanced and powerful

Hard to learn and big files
Digital Graphics
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
I liked how you could manipulate the shapes
into how you wanted and that the image was
well covered by layers delicately.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would of spent more time on the detail, such
as the feet and face.
What did you like about your image?
I liked the attention the detail on many parts
such as the hair with the combination of two
colours adding to the effect.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would of like to spent more time on the T-Shirt
of the chosen character as it would of made it
look more professional.
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
The way how symbols and colours were used to
make the words stand out more aswell as having
pictures behind the words which made the
image look better.
What would you improve if you did it again?
Chosen a text which was a little shorter as it
would of allowed more time to concentrate on
other aspects such as the font and size.
Logo Creation
What did you like about your image?
I liked how simple yet effective it was, also the
use of 3 pictures behind the words was used in a
very clever way such as the keyboard behind the
word Print.
What would you improve if you did it again?
Spent time on the colour association, and
maybe picked colours suited to the York college
T-Shirt Designs
Mood board of designs you like
Idea Generation
Mood board of final design
2400 by 3200 pixels

Export Format
Advantages; Compatible with Red bubble, can save transparency and lowered opacity.
Disadvantages; Larger file size than similar formats such as JPEG
I am going to make that of a sporting T-shirt. I am aiming to make a T-shirt
with Footballer Mesut Özil on, however using the Umlaut as two googly on
the players shirt. Having looked on Red Bubble for similar ideas I have not
found any looking like my idea. My idea consists of having the player stood
with the ball. And using the style of Rotoscoping to make the player look
more of a comic version, this will go with the comic font used for the name.
This printed on a white T-Shirt. Also I will have the German flag behind the
player as it is his nationality and goes with the picture very well.
My second idea is that of forming Thomas Vermaelen head ( The Arsenal
Captain)With Captain Americas body forming one person and calling him
captain fantastic, this will be ideally uploaded on Red bubble as a second
design and to be on posters and Birthday cards. This is to back up for the
ideas involving the First idea and expanding the theme.
I want to target football fans, mainly the ones who support arsenal. People of all
ages and both genders. The second idea is targeting both cartoon fans as well as
arsenal fans targeting younger generation.
Friday 4th October
Research Existing ideas
Create spider diagram
Mood board

Digital Flat plan
Complete final design.
Complete Pro forma

Final design
Export as PNG file
Upload to Redbubble
Add tag on York college
Send all work to blog
Email Http address of blog
to Guy
Digital Flat Plan (1) - Initial idea
Font to be used for final design

The googly eyes representing the umlaut in the footballers name
as he is from Germany. This also adds to the ideas of being
cartoony and the German idea with the flag. The font is used in a
bold way so it grabs the attention and makes the eyes stand out
better. This will be on the T-shirt itself to replace the badge to
prevent copy write issues.
Idea 2.
• Arsenal captain Thomas Vermaelen on captain
Americas body. 2 captains formed in one. TO
make a poster
Digital flat plan (2)- Forming the flag
and captain America
Developing the idea.
Also including the Belgium flag as
that is where the football player
is from.
Second idea- Finished piece
This is a design that relates to the cartoon theme and
also sticking to the chosen football club one. This is
mainly designed as a poster to follow up on ideas
from the initial design. This can be used on Birthday
Cards aswell.
Final idea
This is the final design of the T-Shirt task, this was made solely for
printing on T-Shirts and targeting the Sporting community aswell as the
fans of the chosen club and country.
T-Shirt Evaluation
Does your final product reflect your
original intentions?
• Compare your planning/digital flat plans/
storyboards to your final product
In comparison the digital flat plan was almost
identical to the final piece. However the spider
diagram with the original ideas was not quite as
similar, as it was going more down the gaming route.
On the other hand the main idea of having the
certain player on the T-Shirt has stayed the same only
for the text and background to be changed
The Flat plan (Left) is clearly a similar product to the final image and gives a better
insight to what the image will look like. Compared to the spider diagram here this
actually gives a spring board to the visualisation of the final piece and the other
methods were more of a distraction as they started looking at other ideas. This
would be good should the idea not have ben chosen already.
Here it is clear that the idea chosen was on the right hand side however the ideas
were leaning to the gaming route and I believed this to be too common on t-shirt
Is your product suitable for your
• Reference your proposal
• Give an audience profile and describe suitability in
reference to content
• I do believe that this Design I have made will reach out
to the original target audience, that being of Sporting
fans of a younger generation between 8-15 which I was
targeting in my Proposal before making the designs.
The product will be targeted at fans of Arsenal the
football team or that from a German background and
the design itself will be very suitable as is it not over
the top but very appropriate for the buyer as it relates
to their interests.
What do you like/dislike about the
techniques you have used?
• Reference specific tools
you used with images
I have liked the way in which
I used Rotoscoping to make
the player look more life like
by making the facial aspect
of the body detailed and
therefore make the T-Shirt
look more professional.
However I disliked the
outline of the players shirt
and this could have had
more time spent on to make
sure it looked good.
What do you like/dislike about how
your final product looks?
• I liked how the background complements the
image and makes it stand out more. Also the
detail on some of the face I found very
precise. On the other hand the T-Shirt on the
player could have been dealt with better
should more time have been given, however I
am very happy with the overall product and
feel it could make a few sales on
Why did you include the content you
• Images, fonts, effects, colours
The image was used as it was a very popular image with the target
audience I was aiming at, plus I found it was the appropriate image size
to fit the template given before hand.
The colours I used were very effective in showing what the final image
was such as the German flag in the background as well as the Arsenal
Colours on the player that of red and white.
The font I used was to try and come across as more of a cartoony type
T-Shirt to partner the Googly eye balls also next to the text.
Zooming into the text on t-shirt here it is clear that
eye balls used makes the t-shirt become more
appropriate for younger generations of the
targeted demographic. Here again it is clear the
colours are effective as the black stands out very
well from the popular red.
What style have you employed in your
• Discuss influences/ existing products
• What visual style does your work have and why
did you choose it?
The style my products have is that of a not over the
top method and using pictures rather than text to
explain what I want to get across. I chose this way
of using more picture than text as I feel it appeals
more to the audience I was aiming at and generally
T-Shirt buyers as they find it more interesting to
look at.
What were the strengths and weaknesses
of the pre-production and planning
• How did the planning and research help
• Reference specific examples
The Planning and Researching was very effective in deciding what image I was
wanted to do but even more important if it was already taken.
One example being, I liked the way in which the game GTA was linked
together with Breaking bad the Television show, but it was sadly taken and I
developed on the idea of this footballing one with a cartoony twist. This was a
very good strength of the Researching stage as it saved time in the long run
and helped me establish what Idea I wanted to do without going into making
an idea that was already taken. One Weakness I felt was that of in the
Planning stage as I found the mood boards did not add to any ideas I had
previously from the spider diagram and the idea generation was not needed
as the idea was already found. This I found only took more time away from
the production side of the project.
Strengths and weaknesses of the final
Design (Main Product)

If I was to do this T-shirt design again I would
consider allowing more time on the final piece
and less on researching the idea, this would be
to make the design look more professional and
could be sold on

The strengths with this Product I feel is
that of how much time has been spent
on making sure the person looks identical
to the real one and that effort is shown
through the detailed t-shirt and facial
features such as the mouth, eyes and
outline of the nose. The shades of colour
is used particularly well as the shirt
stands out from the background yet still
keeps the simplistic look which is good.
The weaknesses I feel with the product is
the text not being checked thoroughly
and the colour showing over the ‘O’ on
the second word. This as well as may be
adjustments to the hair by adding more
strokes of different tones.
The picture itself was taken off the internet and
altered on Adobe Photoshop. The picture looks
very detailed and a well chosen image as this
allows you to see the body and shirt and does
not need to lose its size to fit in any other
sections of the body
The text was off and I used it
as it was a cartoony
theme like my idea. The
text stands out in
contrast to the body not
due only to the size but
the font and colour
chosen has made it clear
and easy to look at for
people which is
The eye balls were off the internet and
cropped on Microsoft Word before being
inserted onto Photoshop

The German flag in the background
was found on the internet and
moved behind the main body on
Photoshop. The contrast of the
colours makes the image look clear
and to a professional standard
I rotoscoped the
body and shirt
using the lasso
tool on the side
bar. Zooming in
on parts of the
face made it
easier to
rotoscope and
also when
dealing with the
amount of layers
that I had on that
Strengths and Weaknesses of
design (Product 2)
Strengths I feel are that of the way in
which not only have two Captains been
included in one but the way in which the
players nationality of Belgium has
replaced the American theme of the
original captain America theme. Also the
way in which the people have been
formed together in a short period of time
was good and that the use of colours
really stands out to the person looking at
it. The Weaknesses I feel are the lack of
detail in facial parts of the person as well
as the body not looking 3D.If this was to
be done again I would allocate more time
to this design and spent that time given
making the design look presentable.
Comparing work with existing designs.

The use of the same colours is evident and the
way it is presented, thus meaning the target
audience chosen will see this as a good
The use if the text is also clear on the Right
image as this shares the same name. As a
popular player for the targeted demographic
of supporters of arsenal this t-shirt may
become popular when considering the context
of the design. The contrast of the colours is
almost identical as the white and red is the
colours of the targeted people to sell towards.

It is clear the theme of having the umlaut in the
players name on the shirts is popular however
when looking on redbubble the eye ball
technique on the t-shirt was not taken meaning
the idea shows originality and some creativity.
Peer Evaluation
What are the strengths of the final image?
I like the placement of the German flag behind the player. What is particularly
interesting is the fact the image is placed vertically opposed to horizontally, and as a
result of this, makes gives the player more height in the way their stood.
The colours that are used are bold, and when looking at specific details, and the arm
and neck pieces have a smaller stroke, which gives the clothing that the player is
wearing a much realistic look.
What could be developed if the image was repeated?
One thing I noticed was how the “Ozil” on the shirt is slightly faded on the left. This
was something in particular I noticed when you were working on the image. To
prevent this happening in future, I would recommend using a lasso tool to get better
selections. Otherwise, the image is strong, it has great detail and composition. Well
Peer Feedback
Summarise peer feedback and discuss
– Responses you agree with: The responses I agree
with are that of the way in which the German flag
is presented as it was how I intended it. I also
agree with the criticism and will take them on
board in future should this design be repeated.

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Digital graphics pro forma alan smith

  • 3. Raster Graphics • Give a definition of Raster Graphics Raster graphics are one of two file formats in digital graphics. They are made up of bitmaps, which are made up of resoluted pixels. The 3 main raster formats are JPEG, TIFF and PSD.
  • 4. Vector Graphics • Give a definition of Vector Graphics Vector graphics is the second of the two file formats in digital graphics. They are made up of vectors/path. Unlike raster's, they are defined by a start and end point, which include curves, points and angles between them. In comparison to Raster graphics, Vectors can be scaled big and small and never lose any definition. The 2 types of vector formats are AI and 3DS.
  • 5. JPEG Stands For Used For Advantage Joint Photographic Expert group Photographs and web formats. Also used on photos on social network sites, including facebook. Due to the JPEG file been almost universal, it is the format that is used if you upload a picture to the internet. Digital cameras and most phone cameras use the JPEG format because it takes little space on the device. A small file that uses up less space Can be uploaded to the internet in a short space of time. The JPEG format is almost universal JPEG is compatible with most printers and editing software Disadvantage JPEGs loses quality with multiple edits because of compression and recompression. The JPEG format doesn’t support layers Taking black and White photos in JPEG format causes all colour information to be lost.
  • 6. TIFF Stands For Tagged image File format Used For Desktop publishing (popular with graphic designers), magazine layout, advertisement due to it’s lossless compression, scanners and fax machines Advantage Lossless compression – It doesn’t lose any of it’s definition by been edited many times like JPEG, this is because it doesn’t go through compression and recompression. It is a flexible format of Raster graphic It is a lossless format, this is why it’s used for digital cameras Disadvantage Unlike JPEG, the files are big and take up a lot of space.
  • 7. PSD Stands For Used For Advantage Disadvantage Photoshop document Image manipulation and also front cover images for magazines Supports transparency, unlike JPEG Big files and the graphics can only be used on Photoshop format
  • 8. AI Stands For Used For Advantage Disadvantage Adobe Illustrator Logos creation and can also be used for graphics to represent a company Can be scaled big or small because Vectors have no loss in definition Limited with software used, can only be used on the Adobe Illustrator format
  • 9. 3DS Stands For Used For Advantage Disadvantage 3D studio 3D modelling,animation and rendering. It can also be used for creation of 3D characters and environments. More advanced and powerful Hard to learn and big files
  • 12. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked how you could manipulate the shapes into how you wanted and that the image was well covered by layers delicately. What would you improve if you did it again? I would of spent more time on the detail, such as the feet and face.
  • 14. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked the attention the detail on many parts such as the hair with the combination of two colours adding to the effect. What would you improve if you did it again? I would of like to spent more time on the T-Shirt of the chosen character as it would of made it look more professional.
  • 16. Evaluation What did you like about your image? The way how symbols and colours were used to make the words stand out more aswell as having pictures behind the words which made the image look better. What would you improve if you did it again? Chosen a text which was a little shorter as it would of allowed more time to concentrate on other aspects such as the font and size.
  • 18. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked how simple yet effective it was, also the use of 3 pictures behind the words was used in a very clever way such as the keyboard behind the word Print. What would you improve if you did it again? Spent time on the colour association, and maybe picked colours suited to the York college colours.
  • 20. Mood board of designs you like
  • 22. Mood board of final design
  • 23. Proposal Dimensions 2400 by 3200 pixels Export Format PNG Advantages; Compatible with Red bubble, can save transparency and lowered opacity. Disadvantages; Larger file size than similar formats such as JPEG
  • 24. Content I am going to make that of a sporting T-shirt. I am aiming to make a T-shirt with Footballer Mesut Özil on, however using the Umlaut as two googly on the players shirt. Having looked on Red Bubble for similar ideas I have not found any looking like my idea. My idea consists of having the player stood with the ball. And using the style of Rotoscoping to make the player look more of a comic version, this will go with the comic font used for the name. This printed on a white T-Shirt. Also I will have the German flag behind the player as it is his nationality and goes with the picture very well. My second idea is that of forming Thomas Vermaelen head ( The Arsenal Captain)With Captain Americas body forming one person and calling him captain fantastic, this will be ideally uploaded on Red bubble as a second design and to be on posters and Birthday cards. This is to back up for the ideas involving the First idea and expanding the theme.
  • 25. Proposal Audience I want to target football fans, mainly the ones who support arsenal. People of all ages and both genders. The second idea is targeting both cartoon fans as well as arsenal fans targeting younger generation. Deadline Friday 4th October Schedule Monday Research Existing ideas Create spider diagram Proposal Mood board Wednesday Digital Flat plan Complete final design. Complete Pro forma Friday Final design Export as PNG file Upload to Redbubble Add tag on York college PBM Send all work to blog Email Http address of blog to Guy
  • 26. Digital Flat Plan (1) - Initial idea
  • 27. Font to be used for final design The googly eyes representing the umlaut in the footballers name as he is from Germany. This also adds to the ideas of being cartoony and the German idea with the flag. The font is used in a bold way so it grabs the attention and makes the eyes stand out better. This will be on the T-shirt itself to replace the badge to prevent copy write issues.
  • 28. Idea 2. • Arsenal captain Thomas Vermaelen on captain Americas body. 2 captains formed in one. TO make a poster
  • 29. Digital flat plan (2)- Forming the flag and captain America
  • 30. Developing the idea. Also including the Belgium flag as that is where the football player is from.
  • 31. Second idea- Finished piece This is a design that relates to the cartoon theme and also sticking to the chosen football club one. This is mainly designed as a poster to follow up on ideas from the initial design. This can be used on Birthday Cards aswell.
  • 32. Final idea This is the final design of the T-Shirt task, this was made solely for printing on T-Shirts and targeting the Sporting community aswell as the fans of the chosen club and country.
  • 34. Does your final product reflect your original intentions? • Compare your planning/digital flat plans/ storyboards to your final product In comparison the digital flat plan was almost identical to the final piece. However the spider diagram with the original ideas was not quite as similar, as it was going more down the gaming route. On the other hand the main idea of having the certain player on the T-Shirt has stayed the same only for the text and background to be changed
  • 35. The Flat plan (Left) is clearly a similar product to the final image and gives a better insight to what the image will look like. Compared to the spider diagram here this actually gives a spring board to the visualisation of the final piece and the other methods were more of a distraction as they started looking at other ideas. This would be good should the idea not have ben chosen already.
  • 36. Here it is clear that the idea chosen was on the right hand side however the ideas were leaning to the gaming route and I believed this to be too common on t-shirt designs.
  • 37. Is your product suitable for your audience? • Reference your proposal • Give an audience profile and describe suitability in reference to content • I do believe that this Design I have made will reach out to the original target audience, that being of Sporting fans of a younger generation between 8-15 which I was targeting in my Proposal before making the designs. The product will be targeted at fans of Arsenal the football team or that from a German background and the design itself will be very suitable as is it not over the top but very appropriate for the buyer as it relates to their interests.
  • 38. What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used? • Reference specific tools you used with images I have liked the way in which I used Rotoscoping to make the player look more life like by making the facial aspect of the body detailed and therefore make the T-Shirt look more professional. However I disliked the outline of the players shirt and this could have had more time spent on to make sure it looked good.
  • 39. What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks? • I liked how the background complements the image and makes it stand out more. Also the detail on some of the face I found very precise. On the other hand the T-Shirt on the player could have been dealt with better should more time have been given, however I am very happy with the overall product and feel it could make a few sales on
  • 40. Why did you include the content you used? • Images, fonts, effects, colours The image was used as it was a very popular image with the target audience I was aiming at, plus I found it was the appropriate image size to fit the template given before hand. The colours I used were very effective in showing what the final image was such as the German flag in the background as well as the Arsenal Colours on the player that of red and white. The font I used was to try and come across as more of a cartoony type T-Shirt to partner the Googly eye balls also next to the text. Zooming into the text on t-shirt here it is clear that eye balls used makes the t-shirt become more appropriate for younger generations of the targeted demographic. Here again it is clear the colours are effective as the black stands out very well from the popular red.
  • 41. What style have you employed in your products? • Discuss influences/ existing products • What visual style does your work have and why did you choose it? The style my products have is that of a not over the top method and using pictures rather than text to explain what I want to get across. I chose this way of using more picture than text as I feel it appeals more to the audience I was aiming at and generally T-Shirt buyers as they find it more interesting to look at.
  • 42. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning • How did the planning and research help • Reference specific examples The Planning and Researching was very effective in deciding what image I was wanted to do but even more important if it was already taken. One example being, I liked the way in which the game GTA was linked together with Breaking bad the Television show, but it was sadly taken and I developed on the idea of this footballing one with a cartoony twist. This was a very good strength of the Researching stage as it saved time in the long run and helped me establish what Idea I wanted to do without going into making an idea that was already taken. One Weakness I felt was that of in the Planning stage as I found the mood boards did not add to any ideas I had previously from the spider diagram and the idea generation was not needed as the idea was already found. This I found only took more time away from the production side of the project.
  • 43. Strengths and weaknesses of the final Design (Main Product) If I was to do this T-shirt design again I would consider allowing more time on the final piece and less on researching the idea, this would be to make the design look more professional and could be sold on The strengths with this Product I feel is that of how much time has been spent on making sure the person looks identical to the real one and that effort is shown through the detailed t-shirt and facial features such as the mouth, eyes and outline of the nose. The shades of colour is used particularly well as the shirt stands out from the background yet still keeps the simplistic look which is good. The weaknesses I feel with the product is the text not being checked thoroughly and the colour showing over the ‘O’ on the second word. This as well as may be adjustments to the hair by adding more strokes of different tones.
  • 44. The picture itself was taken off the internet and altered on Adobe Photoshop. The picture looks very detailed and a well chosen image as this allows you to see the body and shirt and does not need to lose its size to fit in any other sections of the body The text was off and I used it as it was a cartoony theme like my idea. The text stands out in contrast to the body not due only to the size but the font and colour chosen has made it clear and easy to look at for people which is important. The eye balls were off the internet and cropped on Microsoft Word before being inserted onto Photoshop The German flag in the background was found on the internet and moved behind the main body on Photoshop. The contrast of the colours makes the image look clear and to a professional standard I rotoscoped the body and shirt using the lasso tool on the side bar. Zooming in on parts of the face made it easier to rotoscope and also when dealing with the amount of layers that I had on that PSD
  • 45. Strengths and Weaknesses of design (Product 2) Strengths I feel are that of the way in which not only have two Captains been included in one but the way in which the players nationality of Belgium has replaced the American theme of the original captain America theme. Also the way in which the people have been formed together in a short period of time was good and that the use of colours really stands out to the person looking at it. The Weaknesses I feel are the lack of detail in facial parts of the person as well as the body not looking 3D.If this was to be done again I would allocate more time to this design and spent that time given making the design look presentable.
  • 46. Comparing work with existing designs. The use of the same colours is evident and the way it is presented, thus meaning the target audience chosen will see this as a good product. The use if the text is also clear on the Right image as this shares the same name. As a popular player for the targeted demographic of supporters of arsenal this t-shirt may become popular when considering the context of the design. The contrast of the colours is almost identical as the white and red is the colours of the targeted people to sell towards. It is clear the theme of having the umlaut in the players name on the shirts is popular however when looking on redbubble the eye ball technique on the t-shirt was not taken meaning the idea shows originality and some creativity.
  • 47. Peer Evaluation What are the strengths of the final image? I like the placement of the German flag behind the player. What is particularly interesting is the fact the image is placed vertically opposed to horizontally, and as a result of this, makes gives the player more height in the way their stood. The colours that are used are bold, and when looking at specific details, and the arm and neck pieces have a smaller stroke, which gives the clothing that the player is wearing a much realistic look. What could be developed if the image was repeated? One thing I noticed was how the “Ozil” on the shirt is slightly faded on the left. This was something in particular I noticed when you were working on the image. To prevent this happening in future, I would recommend using a lasso tool to get better selections. Otherwise, the image is strong, it has great detail and composition. Well done!
  • 48. Peer Feedback Summarise peer feedback and discuss – Responses you agree with: The responses I agree with are that of the way in which the German flag is presented as it was how I intended it. I also agree with the criticism and will take them on board in future should this design be repeated.