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Graphic Narrative
Use this template to help you evaluate your project.
You should give specific details about your work.
You should provide both written and visual examples to explain your project.
You should find areas to praise in your work. Be specific about why you think they are
good or why you are proud of them.
You should also find areas that could be improved. Look for areas that you could make
better if you went back to them. Be specific about what you would improve.
Add additional slides as you need to. Don’t be restricted by what is here.
Any blank slides should be deleted before submission.
Does your final product reflect your
original intentions?
• Compare your planning/digital flat plans/
storyboards to your final product
For my flat plan I did it without colour and just
did a brief outline of what is going to happen in
the scenes. This made it quite hard for me to
decide what backgrounds I would need and
therefor it was quite hard for me to keep the
pages to the same style and this makes the book
a bit unprofessional. I looked at some other
books of little red riding hood and they all are
extremely consistent in what the pages look like
and also what the people look like. All of the
people in my book are the same but in mine they
are all from the same angle and from others
there are a lot from different angels and there is
still the same feel to the people in the books.
For my digital flat plans I made the pages with things that I
would like the book to look like and where it would be on
the page. This was fine but it did make it so it was hard to
make the pages different as a lot of them used the same
background. Another thing that I did In the digital flat plans
was use real life images for things like backgrounds and this
also made it hard to make the thing I was after in Photoshop
after had done it on my flat plan. This can be seen from the
two photos on the right as the plan on the top has the
whole background as an actual forest and this made it so I
needed to re-think the whole thing as a digital image.
another thing that I didn't think about until I was actually
making the book was that I needed to have the characters
facing different ways or the book would be extremely similar
on all of the pages and this made it boring to read. To
combat this I needed to change it in the making of the book
where it should have been on the planning and flat plans.
This is the same with the text but this was a lot easier to do
as I had done al of my pages before I needed to add the text
so I had some more time to think about this.
How well have you constructed your
• How well have you constructed your images?
You could talk about the overall visual
appearance and well as the use of texture and
I think my pages are ok but the first page looks like it is from a
different book this is because it has some real things in it and all
of the others are digital. This needs to be changes I think because
it is not the style of the book. I think to change it I need to
change the background. I like how the pages 2 and 3 look as they
are the same style and also are both different but of the same
thing. i also like the 2 pages after but it would be nice to have it
so that I can change a part on one of them so they are not the
exact same. I think I have used colours well but i need to again
work on the constancy of the colours used as they often differed
from page to page.
I think for the textures I have used I need to add some more as
there are not that many but I think that I have things that I will
do before I add some more texture to some of the pages.
Having looked at some other books there are often not much
colour difference between the pages. They also have a lot of
texture in the backgrounds and also the clothing of the
characters and also the wolfs fur.
for making my images I used shaping and I also used the pencil
tool to make some changes to the shape as well as the warp tool
to change the shapes. I also used the pencil tool to draw things
like hands and feet as it would have taken so long to use all of
the shapes I decided it would be faster to draw them. In actual
books I also think drawing is common.
I could have used other things one being rotscoping for my book
but when I did this I found it hard to do any of the shading as I
am colour blind and it is often hard to see the difference
between the shades.
How well have you used text to anchor
your images
• You should talk about the combination of
words, images and text.
I think I have used text to anchor my images well but I had
a lot of text on some pages and not much on others and
this. This was not that much of a problem but some of the
things that I put in the book where related to two pages
therefor I needed to decide on what page they need to be
In my book I tried to have it so that my text was a part of
each page. An example of this is having my text on the
path on page 3. I also looked at other book that where
actually published and there are not many that have the
text as part of the page and there are a lot of them that
are at the same point on every page.
Is your product suitable for your
• Reference your proposal
• Give an audience profile and describe
suitability in reference to content
For my audience I had decided to make my book aiming it at 5-6
year olds. As the audience where at this age I would also have to
aim my book to appeal to parents as well as they would be the ones
buying the book. To make it so that the people of this age wanted
to buy my book I would have to make it fun and also have some
pictures in it as well. As for the style of pictures I looked at other
books that are aimed at 5 year olds and a large majority of them
are cartoon books and are very simple.
As for the story they are mostly singe-strand books and they are
also often short and closed at the end. As for the size of the books
they are often large and this is for the pictures in them.
For my audience profile I will be talking about children aged from 5
to 6 from the uk. They like to pick the books for them self's and
they are more likely to read the books that they chose themselves.
They also look for books that are funny this is the main think they
look for. Things they are not interested in are love story's and
things that make them forget what there doing. I also need to have
it so that there are a lot of parents that like the books as well. They
like the books to be funny as well. For the buying of the books
there are a lot of parents that let the children's get the books
themselves but there are also parents buy books for there
children. They are mainly buying for presents or thy will
recommend books that they want the child to read. Another thing
to think about with a book is new ways to read it with e-books
now becoming more popular and children are getting e-books now
as well. This may be a way for children to read my book but it is
mainly older children who are reading through e-books.
What do you like/dislike about the
techniques you have used?
• Reference specific tools you used with images
I used the shapes tools and also the pencil tools to make my
pages. I also used the warp tool to make my shapes fit into the
places that I wanted. I could have also used rotscoping or even a
photo story. For the way that I made my book I think it was a good
way to do it as it was a fast way to do it and also it was easy to
change anything if I needed to after I had made the page and I
could also outline the shapes for things like trees or a house. I
think also that the way that I did it made is so that I could draw
things that where very hard to shape an example of this being
hands. I could also look at examples from real books an they look
draw for a lot of them. This is one of the reasons that I decided to
use this to make my book.
What do you like/dislike about how
your final product looks?
• I like the middle pages in my book especially pages 2 and 3. I like this because they
are different scenes but have the same style. I think I need to improve page 1. this
is because it is different style and also It has a lot of things like the wall and floor
that are just real wood photos when I need to draw them to have the same style
for all of them. I also think I need to change the angles or the backgrounds for the
last pages to make them look different. This will make my overall product look
better and be of a higher quality.
• I like the characters I made but I would have liked to have be able to have them in
a scene where they where from a different angle for example on page 3 it would
have been nice to have the wolf facing the other way and just have him from the
back but I didn't have time to do this as I had to focus on getting my scenes done
in time. I also would have changed the characters arms or something to make
them different on every page.
• I think my props where good like the picnic basket and also the bed. I would have
liked to add some more things but overall I was happy with the. If I did it again I
would have spent less time on them as it took me a while to do them.
Why did you include the content you
• Images, fonts, effects, colours
I used the same font for all of the pages. I used the font Helvetica. I
chose this font because it was easy to read and it was a simple font.
for my colours I chose a lot of different colours for the scenes
mainly trying to base it on what's happening on the scene. An
example of this is in the first page where I chose to have light
colours to make it look like a positive scene. I also tried to do this
with same of the things in the scenes. An example of this is is with
the axe on the tree trunk at the bottom of page 3. I did this to let
the reader know that there is a bad moment coming or a change.
For the images this I used some of the same images but just with
different people in the scenes and this I think worked for some of
them but I would have liked to have the last image different as t
makes the book look quite unprofessional as all of the books I
looked at had different pictures for all of the pages.
As well as always being different pages they where all very constant
with the style and what colours they use in all of the pages and they
often are very closely related to what's happening on the page and
also matched what characters are in the scene as well. An example of
this is around the wolf there are dark trees In the woods and also
around little red riding hood there are bright things like the sun out
when she is alone in the woods or out of the window at there home.
What signs, symbols or codes have
your used in your work?
• Choices of colour, style, locations, character
design and tone all give additional meaning to
your work.
• The first one that I used was big teeth for the bad wolf that she meets in the
woods. This implies she is in danger and he is dangerous. This is different to the
grandparent wolf that has normal teeth so she looks safer and less dangerous.
Another thing that I added was the axe in the page 3 this was added to show that
the wolf is a danger and I did this because this was the first place that the wolf was
seen in the book. I also had the wolf have big claws this was to show that he is a
danger again.
• In actual books of little red riding hood the wolf is often shown as a danger by
being big, having sharp claws or big teeth. This is also shown at the end of the
book when little red riding hood says about the big fetchers the wolf has when he
is dressed as the grandmother.
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
Media texts require us to have a certain level of cultural understanding to
be able to interpret them.
At a basic level, this could mean being able to read the language that a
magazine is written in.
At a deeper level, it means being able to interpret signs and symbols that
we use a visual shorthand to communicate ideas.
We recognise these signs in our own culture but find it harder to
understand when looking at others.
We create and attach meaning to signs and symbols in many different
16Creative Media Production 2012
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
What is this?
This is a Norwegian Pine tree, covered in
snow and with a red ribbon on.
Our cultural understanding allows us to
interpret its meaning.
To us, in British society, it means
Christmas, presents and family.
This is because we share a cultural
17Creative Media Production 2012
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
There are many other signs and symbols
that we attach meaning to.
A leather jacket can imply rebellion.
A sports car can imply wealth and power.
A cross can represent religion.
18Creative Media Production 2012
Audience Responses
Cultural competence:
Visual representations of everyday objects are often the same the world
over. A car appears as a car, no matter what country it appears in.
What that car means however, can be very different depending on your
cultural background.
19Creative Media Production 2012
For the places that the book Is set I made it so that the forest felt
very closed and that there was no one there to save her. This was
also shown from the text in page 1 when the mother was very
warning of the girl before she went on her walk through the woods.
for the house I tried to make it also isolated from other people to
show the grandmother in danger when the wolf knocks on the door.
I did this because it will get the people who read my book will then
get emotionally invested with my characters and this makes the
book harder to put down and therefor they will keep on reading the
What representations can be found in
your work?
• How are men, women or children shown in your
work? Does your work feature different ages,
races, social groups or religions? Does a lack of
any variety of character types create its own
• There are no representations of religion in my book. This is the case because there is no
need for it t be in the book. The main things that people are of different ages and also
they are mainly women in the book the only male being the bad wolf.
• For the age of the people in my book I have younger and older people in my book this
works well as the classic book also has this age gap as well. The only thing that old story
has is that It normally has a wood cutter in it who is middle aged. Therefor it has all
ages in it. I also don’t have any men in it but as people know the little red riding hood it
is hard for me to change the people in the story. I think the social groups in the book
are middle class this can be shown where they are in the houses as there are nice
houses. Also you can see the clothing that they are a middle class family.
For the age of the people in the book I have a all ages of people all
ages can therefor relate to someone in my book and therefor the
people will like the book and feel attached to the book.
What style have you employed in your
• Discuss influences/ existing products
• What visual style does your work have
and why did you choose it?
• I made my book very simple and this is because when I'm just using
shapes it makes it look better in my opinion. Compared to real books
have a style that is old and looks like it has been hand drawn. They also
have the font that is the same and often has a lot of posh letters. I tried
to also make some of the things that I have in my book look like actual
things from other books. I mainly did it for props as the are quite head to
make and it was a lot of shapes. When I tried to make them myself but it
didn't look good so I made it so that I based it on existing books.
• For the font that I used I chose the font that was easy to read and also it
was not to modern to make it not look old as it is a fairy tale.
I didn't have many influences for my book other than
some of the props from other books. This was because I
am not good at drawing so It was easier for me to make it
by having someone else's work in front of me to get some
ideas of what they should look like. I also did this with
some of the house insides to make them look realistic.
What were the strengths and weaknesses
of the pre-production and planning
• How did the planning and research help
• How well did you manage your time
• Reference specific examples
One thing that was wrong with the panning is that I
overestimated my time and this ment that I started by making my
pages to fast but they didn't look very good so I had to slow
down and this ment that the pages looked better but took longer
overall and therefor I ran out of time and this ment that I was
behind at then end and I had to spend more time doing it not at
college. I also needed to make it so that I put more detail in my
photos that I made to replicate the pages in my book this made it
harder to make the pages look like the images by drawing them
this is because it is not like the images and the texture Is hard to
get across by drawing them.
As well as being slower than I was thinking I would be I was I
did not manage my time well and this ment that I had some
things finished that I didn't need to finish and some of the main
things like the backgrounds in the final few pages and also the
grandmother. This made it so that when I tried to put the book
together It was a lot harder as I couldn't’t see a finished
product so things like inconsistent pages where less clear. But
after when I could make the pages and therefor I can change
any if I don’t think they fit. I can also make all of the people that
I need in my book like a grandmother and an old wolf to be in
the bed.
Historical and cultural context
• How does your work compare to
what has come before? What other
similar products have existed in the
past? What current products exist?
• For my book I did the story unlike the normal book and I took one
of the characters out and added a different one. The character I
took out was the wood cutter and I added another wolf who was
a good character. I did this because it made the book more
interesting and different to other little red riding hood books and
it teaches different lessons to children who read it. I think this
book is not very close to any other books in the story of the book
but it is in the style of the book is close to some of the ones that
are out there. I think this is because I looked at some of the one
that are out there already and I got some ideas from this.
As the book is a classic I think that it has a lot of people who
know it and therefor have a certain expectation from it. This is
why my book is different because it will not be what people
Peer Feedback
• Summarise peer feedback and discuss
– Responses you agree with
– Responses you disagree with

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  • 2. Use this template to help you evaluate your project. You should give specific details about your work. You should provide both written and visual examples to explain your project. You should find areas to praise in your work. Be specific about why you think they are good or why you are proud of them. You should also find areas that could be improved. Look for areas that you could make better if you went back to them. Be specific about what you would improve. Add additional slides as you need to. Don’t be restricted by what is here. Any blank slides should be deleted before submission.
  • 3. Does your final product reflect your original intentions? • Compare your planning/digital flat plans/ storyboards to your final product For my flat plan I did it without colour and just did a brief outline of what is going to happen in the scenes. This made it quite hard for me to decide what backgrounds I would need and therefor it was quite hard for me to keep the pages to the same style and this makes the book a bit unprofessional. I looked at some other books of little red riding hood and they all are extremely consistent in what the pages look like and also what the people look like. All of the people in my book are the same but in mine they are all from the same angle and from others there are a lot from different angels and there is still the same feel to the people in the books.
  • 4. For my digital flat plans I made the pages with things that I would like the book to look like and where it would be on the page. This was fine but it did make it so it was hard to make the pages different as a lot of them used the same background. Another thing that I did In the digital flat plans was use real life images for things like backgrounds and this also made it hard to make the thing I was after in Photoshop after had done it on my flat plan. This can be seen from the two photos on the right as the plan on the top has the whole background as an actual forest and this made it so I needed to re-think the whole thing as a digital image. another thing that I didn't think about until I was actually making the book was that I needed to have the characters facing different ways or the book would be extremely similar on all of the pages and this made it boring to read. To combat this I needed to change it in the making of the book where it should have been on the planning and flat plans. This is the same with the text but this was a lot easier to do as I had done al of my pages before I needed to add the text so I had some more time to think about this.
  • 5. How well have you constructed your images? • How well have you constructed your images? You could talk about the overall visual appearance and well as the use of texture and colour. I think my pages are ok but the first page looks like it is from a different book this is because it has some real things in it and all of the others are digital. This needs to be changes I think because it is not the style of the book. I think to change it I need to change the background. I like how the pages 2 and 3 look as they are the same style and also are both different but of the same thing. i also like the 2 pages after but it would be nice to have it so that I can change a part on one of them so they are not the exact same. I think I have used colours well but i need to again work on the constancy of the colours used as they often differed from page to page.
  • 6. I think for the textures I have used I need to add some more as there are not that many but I think that I have things that I will do before I add some more texture to some of the pages. Having looked at some other books there are often not much colour difference between the pages. They also have a lot of texture in the backgrounds and also the clothing of the characters and also the wolfs fur. for making my images I used shaping and I also used the pencil tool to make some changes to the shape as well as the warp tool to change the shapes. I also used the pencil tool to draw things like hands and feet as it would have taken so long to use all of the shapes I decided it would be faster to draw them. In actual books I also think drawing is common. I could have used other things one being rotscoping for my book but when I did this I found it hard to do any of the shading as I am colour blind and it is often hard to see the difference between the shades.
  • 7. How well have you used text to anchor your images • You should talk about the combination of words, images and text. I think I have used text to anchor my images well but I had a lot of text on some pages and not much on others and this. This was not that much of a problem but some of the things that I put in the book where related to two pages therefor I needed to decide on what page they need to be on. In my book I tried to have it so that my text was a part of each page. An example of this is having my text on the path on page 3. I also looked at other book that where actually published and there are not many that have the text as part of the page and there are a lot of them that are at the same point on every page.
  • 8. Is your product suitable for your audience? • Reference your proposal • Give an audience profile and describe suitability in reference to content For my audience I had decided to make my book aiming it at 5-6 year olds. As the audience where at this age I would also have to aim my book to appeal to parents as well as they would be the ones buying the book. To make it so that the people of this age wanted to buy my book I would have to make it fun and also have some pictures in it as well. As for the style of pictures I looked at other books that are aimed at 5 year olds and a large majority of them are cartoon books and are very simple. As for the story they are mostly singe-strand books and they are also often short and closed at the end. As for the size of the books they are often large and this is for the pictures in them.
  • 9. For my audience profile I will be talking about children aged from 5 to 6 from the uk. They like to pick the books for them self's and they are more likely to read the books that they chose themselves. They also look for books that are funny this is the main think they look for. Things they are not interested in are love story's and things that make them forget what there doing. I also need to have it so that there are a lot of parents that like the books as well. They like the books to be funny as well. For the buying of the books there are a lot of parents that let the children's get the books themselves but there are also parents buy books for there children. They are mainly buying for presents or thy will recommend books that they want the child to read. Another thing to think about with a book is new ways to read it with e-books now becoming more popular and children are getting e-books now as well. This may be a way for children to read my book but it is mainly older children who are reading through e-books.
  • 10. What do you like/dislike about the techniques you have used? • Reference specific tools you used with images I used the shapes tools and also the pencil tools to make my pages. I also used the warp tool to make my shapes fit into the places that I wanted. I could have also used rotscoping or even a photo story. For the way that I made my book I think it was a good way to do it as it was a fast way to do it and also it was easy to change anything if I needed to after I had made the page and I could also outline the shapes for things like trees or a house. I think also that the way that I did it made is so that I could draw things that where very hard to shape an example of this being hands. I could also look at examples from real books an they look draw for a lot of them. This is one of the reasons that I decided to use this to make my book.
  • 11. What do you like/dislike about how your final product looks? • I like the middle pages in my book especially pages 2 and 3. I like this because they are different scenes but have the same style. I think I need to improve page 1. this is because it is different style and also It has a lot of things like the wall and floor that are just real wood photos when I need to draw them to have the same style for all of them. I also think I need to change the angles or the backgrounds for the last pages to make them look different. This will make my overall product look better and be of a higher quality. • I like the characters I made but I would have liked to have be able to have them in a scene where they where from a different angle for example on page 3 it would have been nice to have the wolf facing the other way and just have him from the back but I didn't have time to do this as I had to focus on getting my scenes done in time. I also would have changed the characters arms or something to make them different on every page. • I think my props where good like the picnic basket and also the bed. I would have liked to add some more things but overall I was happy with the. If I did it again I would have spent less time on them as it took me a while to do them.
  • 12.
  • 13. Why did you include the content you used? • Images, fonts, effects, colours I used the same font for all of the pages. I used the font Helvetica. I chose this font because it was easy to read and it was a simple font. for my colours I chose a lot of different colours for the scenes mainly trying to base it on what's happening on the scene. An example of this is in the first page where I chose to have light colours to make it look like a positive scene. I also tried to do this with same of the things in the scenes. An example of this is is with the axe on the tree trunk at the bottom of page 3. I did this to let the reader know that there is a bad moment coming or a change. For the images this I used some of the same images but just with different people in the scenes and this I think worked for some of them but I would have liked to have the last image different as t makes the book look quite unprofessional as all of the books I looked at had different pictures for all of the pages.
  • 14. As well as always being different pages they where all very constant with the style and what colours they use in all of the pages and they often are very closely related to what's happening on the page and also matched what characters are in the scene as well. An example of this is around the wolf there are dark trees In the woods and also around little red riding hood there are bright things like the sun out when she is alone in the woods or out of the window at there home.
  • 15. What signs, symbols or codes have your used in your work? • Choices of colour, style, locations, character design and tone all give additional meaning to your work. • The first one that I used was big teeth for the bad wolf that she meets in the woods. This implies she is in danger and he is dangerous. This is different to the grandparent wolf that has normal teeth so she looks safer and less dangerous. Another thing that I added was the axe in the page 3 this was added to show that the wolf is a danger and I did this because this was the first place that the wolf was seen in the book. I also had the wolf have big claws this was to show that he is a danger again. • In actual books of little red riding hood the wolf is often shown as a danger by being big, having sharp claws or big teeth. This is also shown at the end of the book when little red riding hood says about the big fetchers the wolf has when he is dressed as the grandmother.
  • 16. Audience Responses Cultural competence: Media texts require us to have a certain level of cultural understanding to be able to interpret them. At a basic level, this could mean being able to read the language that a magazine is written in. At a deeper level, it means being able to interpret signs and symbols that we use a visual shorthand to communicate ideas. We recognise these signs in our own culture but find it harder to understand when looking at others. We create and attach meaning to signs and symbols in many different forms. 16Creative Media Production 2012
  • 17. Audience Responses Cultural competence: What is this? This is a Norwegian Pine tree, covered in snow and with a red ribbon on. Our cultural understanding allows us to interpret its meaning. To us, in British society, it means Christmas, presents and family. This is because we share a cultural knowledge. 17Creative Media Production 2012
  • 18. Audience Responses Cultural competence: There are many other signs and symbols that we attach meaning to. A leather jacket can imply rebellion. A sports car can imply wealth and power. A cross can represent religion. 18Creative Media Production 2012
  • 19. Audience Responses Cultural competence: Visual representations of everyday objects are often the same the world over. A car appears as a car, no matter what country it appears in. What that car means however, can be very different depending on your cultural background. 19Creative Media Production 2012
  • 20. For the places that the book Is set I made it so that the forest felt very closed and that there was no one there to save her. This was also shown from the text in page 1 when the mother was very warning of the girl before she went on her walk through the woods. for the house I tried to make it also isolated from other people to show the grandmother in danger when the wolf knocks on the door. I did this because it will get the people who read my book will then get emotionally invested with my characters and this makes the book harder to put down and therefor they will keep on reading the book.
  • 21. What representations can be found in your work? • How are men, women or children shown in your work? Does your work feature different ages, races, social groups or religions? Does a lack of any variety of character types create its own representation? • There are no representations of religion in my book. This is the case because there is no need for it t be in the book. The main things that people are of different ages and also they are mainly women in the book the only male being the bad wolf. • For the age of the people in my book I have younger and older people in my book this works well as the classic book also has this age gap as well. The only thing that old story has is that It normally has a wood cutter in it who is middle aged. Therefor it has all ages in it. I also don’t have any men in it but as people know the little red riding hood it is hard for me to change the people in the story. I think the social groups in the book are middle class this can be shown where they are in the houses as there are nice houses. Also you can see the clothing that they are a middle class family.
  • 22. For the age of the people in the book I have a all ages of people all ages can therefor relate to someone in my book and therefor the people will like the book and feel attached to the book.
  • 23. What style have you employed in your products? • Discuss influences/ existing products • What visual style does your work have and why did you choose it? • I made my book very simple and this is because when I'm just using shapes it makes it look better in my opinion. Compared to real books have a style that is old and looks like it has been hand drawn. They also have the font that is the same and often has a lot of posh letters. I tried to also make some of the things that I have in my book look like actual things from other books. I mainly did it for props as the are quite head to make and it was a lot of shapes. When I tried to make them myself but it didn't look good so I made it so that I based it on existing books. • For the font that I used I chose the font that was easy to read and also it was not to modern to make it not look old as it is a fairy tale.
  • 24. I didn't have many influences for my book other than some of the props from other books. This was because I am not good at drawing so It was easier for me to make it by having someone else's work in front of me to get some ideas of what they should look like. I also did this with some of the house insides to make them look realistic.
  • 25. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the pre-production and planning • How did the planning and research help • How well did you manage your time • Reference specific examples One thing that was wrong with the panning is that I overestimated my time and this ment that I started by making my pages to fast but they didn't look very good so I had to slow down and this ment that the pages looked better but took longer overall and therefor I ran out of time and this ment that I was behind at then end and I had to spend more time doing it not at college. I also needed to make it so that I put more detail in my photos that I made to replicate the pages in my book this made it harder to make the pages look like the images by drawing them this is because it is not like the images and the texture Is hard to get across by drawing them.
  • 26. As well as being slower than I was thinking I would be I was I did not manage my time well and this ment that I had some things finished that I didn't need to finish and some of the main things like the backgrounds in the final few pages and also the grandmother. This made it so that when I tried to put the book together It was a lot harder as I couldn't’t see a finished product so things like inconsistent pages where less clear. But after when I could make the pages and therefor I can change any if I don’t think they fit. I can also make all of the people that I need in my book like a grandmother and an old wolf to be in the bed.
  • 27. Historical and cultural context • How does your work compare to what has come before? What other similar products have existed in the past? What current products exist? • For my book I did the story unlike the normal book and I took one of the characters out and added a different one. The character I took out was the wood cutter and I added another wolf who was a good character. I did this because it made the book more interesting and different to other little red riding hood books and it teaches different lessons to children who read it. I think this book is not very close to any other books in the story of the book but it is in the style of the book is close to some of the ones that are out there. I think this is because I looked at some of the one that are out there already and I got some ideas from this.
  • 28. As the book is a classic I think that it has a lot of people who know it and therefor have a certain expectation from it. This is why my book is different because it will not be what people expect.
  • 29. Peer Feedback • Summarise peer feedback and discuss – Responses you agree with – Responses you disagree with