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Vimacel Blogs
Vimacel Research | Using Whole Plants Rather Than Drugs
Why is it that often it is better to use plants rather than drugs to help heal? It’s largely to do with the
complex nature of plants compared to the isolated constituents of drugs. Many of the drugs found in
your local chemist shop are based on plants. Herbs are found to be effective in healing a particular
condition and then the hunt is on to find the so called “active ingredients”. These are then isolated,
synthesised and developed as drugs. According to Dr. Andrew Weil of the Arizona Centre for Integrative
Medicine, this is done to provide for ease of production and research, and to make production profitable
for drug companies. It’s hard to patent a plant that has been around for millennia and used medicinally
for nearly as long.
Because plants contain an array of complex constituents the body can selectively utilise those that will
work best for it, and many constituents in the herb act in balance with each other. This leads to two
benefits in particular for the patient.
Firstly, it means that many of the side effects experienced by those using pharmaceutical drugs are
avoided. An example of this is White Willow or Saileach (Salix alba). Willow contains the constituent
salicin, which changes to salicylic acid in the body. This is the basis of the common drug aspirin. Now, it
is well known that aspirin causes stomach problems, increasing risk of ulcers and gastritis. No such
problems occur with Willow, it eases pain without the attendant problems. And the herb, Meadowsweet,
with similar constituents is actually used by herbalists to help with digestive problems!
The second benefit we receive from the complexity of herbs is that they can have what herbalists call an
amphoteric effect. That is to say that herbs can have different effects on a condition depending on the
needs of the body. The body takes from the herb in question that which is needed. Examples of this
action in herbs include Ginseng and the Indian or Ayurvedic herb Gotu kola. Ginseng both stimulates and
relaxes neurones in the central nervous system, depending on the state of the body. This is why it is
important not to use the herb in a standardised form or take products containing extracts of the herb.
Whilst drugs may be needed in emergencies and where there is little time for the body to fight a particular
condition, Dr. Weil asserts that ”in many cases, particularly with the chronic, degenerative diseases of
modern civilization, there is time to allow the body to participate, to choose just what it needs. As it slowly
heals, it can develop a new balance; a dynamic equilibrium that helps it cope with stress in the future.”
We have been using plants, with all their balanced complexity for many the long year now and for most
people, for most of the time they work and work well.
This article was originally printed on February 27, 2012 on the Wexford Herbal Medicine Clinic Blog
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine
combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine.
Vimacel Research | Plant’s Survival Instincts Helping
While doing research for Vimacel, I came across this chapter of a book on rainforest herbs.
The following has been reprinted from Chapter 2 of the book The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, by
Dr. Leslie Taylor, ND.
It’s also very important to note that all living things have inbred survival instincts. It is literally part of the
cellular makeup of all species on earth. In highly mobile species like humans and other animals, the main
survival instinct and mechanism is “flee, fight, or hide.” Even bacteria and virus species have learned to
flee or hide from immune cells and chemical agents attacking them, as well as to fight them by mutating
or changing their own physical structure to defend against them. With stationary plants rooted to the
ground and incapable of physically fleeing from danger, their survival instinct is controlled by wonderfully
complex and rich chemical defense mechanisms that have evolved over eons. Plants have either created
a defense mechanism against what might harm them, or they have succumbed and become extinct.
In the species-rich rainforest, there are many species of fungi, mold, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and
insects that attack and kill plants. It is of little wonder that rainforest plants contain so many potent and
active chemicals: the plants are in a constant battle for survival in an environment literally teeming with
life that is constantly evolving. From soil-borne root rot (a virus) that attacks tender herbaceous plants, to
the fungi and mold smothering the life out of huge canopy trees, or to the incredible number of insects
devouring any defenseless leaf in the forest, rainforest plants have learned to adapt, create chemical
defenses against attack, and survive. Within this rich arsenal of defensive chemicals are antibacterial,
antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-mold, and insecticidal chemicals with tested potent actions. This is
the mechanism the plants use to survive, grow, and flourish as well as to fight the many disease-causing
organisms that attack them. It is likely that within these diverse chemicals created to protect the plants
from disease, at least a handful or more will be harvested and put to use protecting humans and animals
from the same types of disease-causing organisms.
This is yet another reason to respect and value rainforest plants as very active potent herbal remedies
and to protect them against humankind’s destruction (against which the plants have no defense
mechanism). Please respect them—and please help to protect them.
More is Not Always Better: Be Careful About Dosage Amounts
Too many Americans today buy into the idea that herbal products and medicinal plants are like food and
are more or less benign and/or safe at any dosage. This is partly a result of legal restrictions stating that
these products must be sold as “food supplements” in the United States. Also at play is that old American
philosophy of excess: “if some is good, more is better.” This idea is also somewhat prevalent in the food
and dietary supplements market. While this may be true for some foods and dietary supplements, it is
certainly not true for many of the biologically active medicinal plants that are sold here as herbal
supplements. It is also not true for many of the rainforest plants discussed in this book. Traditional dosage
amounts for herbal remedies have been included in the plant information provided in Part Three of this
book for a reason. These dosage amounts are based on the long history of the plant’s use and should be
followed within reason. They have been calculated for an average-weight adult person of 120 to 150
pounds and should be generally adjusted up or down based on body weight. Take less if you weigh under
120 pounds, and more if you weigh more than 150 pounds (up to double the recommended dosage if you
weigh 300 pounds or more). If you plan on taking more than one and one-half times the dosage that is
indicated for your weight, it is best to check with a qualified herbalist, naturopath, or physician who has
experience with the particular plant you are choosing to take at higher dosages.
While many drugs have originated from biologically active plant chemicals, and many plants’ medicinal
uses can be attributed to various active chemicals found in them, there is a distinct difference between
using a medicinal plant and a chemical drug. The difference is one that scares most conventionally
trained doctors with no training in plants. Drugs usually consist of a single chemical, whereas medicinal
plants can contain 400 or more chemicals. It’s relatively easy to figure out the activity and side effects of a
single chemical, but there is just no way scientists can map all the complex interactions and synergies
that might be taking place between all the various chemicals found in a plant, or a traditionally prepared
crude plant extract, containing all these chemicals. It is not unusual for a plant to contain a single
documented cancer-causing chemical and also maybe five other chemicals that are anticancerous and
which may counteract the one “bad” chemical. Overall, the plant extract may even provide some type of
anticancerous effect.
In some instances, a particular plant chemical’s activity is enhanced or increased when it is combined
with another chemical or chemicals that occur naturally in the plant. An example of this is the rainforest
plant cat’s claw. First, the crude extract of cat’s claw was shown to boost immune function. Then, specific
alkaloid chemicals in the plant were scientifically documented (and patented) to be the “active
constituents” that provided this effect. However, scientists discovered much later that if they extracted just
the alkaloids, these alkaloids were less potent at stimulating immune cells than they were when combined
with other chemicals (called catechin tannins) that the plant contains. Adding the tannin chemicals to the
alkaloids increased the immune-stimulating effect of the alkaloids by almost 40 percent. In this instance, a
drug made using only the alkaloids would probably be less effective than a crude extract of the plant that
contained both alkaloids and tannins.
The drug industry often misses the boat in this regard. However, their motivations are different. Crude
plant extracts cannot be patented or approved as drugs. The drug researcher’s goal is to come up with a
single chemical with good biological activity—one that can be changed in some way (without losing
activity) so that it can be patented as a novel chemical and then be synthetically manufactured into a new
patented drug (like adding a salt molecule to the plant chemical coumarin and patenting it as coumadin).
Sometimes the isolated chemical might not be quite as effective as the crude extract in which it was
found, but the researchers have the ability to deliver more of the chemical therapeutically by increasing
the dosage of the single chemical. Sometimes, they can even improve on the activity of the plant
chemical by modifying it in some way, which also makes it patentable. Even if patents were not an issue,
the drug company still would not be able to provide enough scientific data on how so many naturally
occurring plant chemicals work individually, much less in combination with one another, to get a crude
plant extract approved as a drug under our current drug regulations.
The quinine tree and its quinine alkaloid are again a wonderful example of some of the limitations in this
regard. Scientists selected just one single alkaloid from the crude bark extract, the chemical that
evidenced the highest antimalarial effect, to turn into a drug. But the crude extract actually had at least
fifteen unique chemicals which were individually found to be antimalarial. The crude extract also
contained other chemicals that had a different activity: they reduced fever (one of the main symptoms of
malaria). Yet even other chemicals were found to be effective regulators of the heart and could be used to
treat arrhythmia. (Sometimes very high fevers cause irregular heartbeat or increase the heart rate.) No
wonder the crude bark extract was used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years by the indigenous people
to treat malaria. It killed the bug that caused the disease, and in the meantime, it treated the symptoms
the disease was causing! But similar to the guaco vine, the content of the active chemicals in the quinine
tree can fluctuate. Some species of quinine trees can have 1 percent of the main antimalarial alkaloids,
while others have up to 7 percent. How would a doctor know if a crude extract contained enough of these
main chemicals to be therapeutic or how to prescribe proper dosages if these chemicals varied from
extract to extract? For years, this alone has justified the use of the synthesized drug over the natural
crude bark extract.
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative
Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to
Vimacel Research | More than just a pretty flower
MIT chemists engineer the periwinkle plant to produce compounds that could
become more effective cancer drugs.
Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article. It was originally printed on
November 4, 2010 by Anne Trafton, MIT News Office.
Humans have long taken advantage of the huge variety of medicinal compounds produced by plants.
Now MIT chemists have found a new way to expand plants’ pharmaceutical repertoire by genetically
engineering them to produce unnatural variants of their usual products.
The researchers, led by Associate Professor Sarah O’Connor, have added bacterial genes to the
periwinkle plant, enabling it to attach halogens such as chlorine or bromine to a class of compounds
called alkaloids that the plant normally produces. Many alkaloids have pharmaceutical properties, and
halogens, which are often added to antibiotics and other drugs, can make medicines more effective or
last longer in the body.
The team’s primary target, an alkaloid called vinblastine, is commonly used to treat cancers such as
Hodgkin’s lymphoma. O’Connor sees vinblastine and other drugs made by plants as scaffolds that she
can modify in a variety of ways to enhance their effectiveness.
“We’re trying to use plant biosynthetic mechanisms to easily make a whole range of different iterations of
natural products,” she said. “If you tweak the structure of natural products, very often you get different or
improved biological and pharmacological activity.”
O’Connor, graduate student Weerawat Runguphan and former postdoctoral associate Xudong Qu
describe their engineered periwinkle plants in the Nov. 3 online edition ofNature. The research was funded
by the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society.
Swapping genes
Engineering new genes into plants has been done before: In the 1990s, scientists developed corn that
could produce an insecticide called Bt, which comes from a bacterial gene. However, O’Connor’s
approach, known as metabolic engineering, goes beyond simply adding a gene that codes for a novel
protein. Metabolic engineers tinker with the series of reactions that the host organisms use to build new
molecules, adding genes for new enzymes that reshape these natural synthetic pathways. This can lead
to a huge variety of end products.
Most metabolic engineers use bacteria as their host organism, in part because their genes are easier to
manipulate. O’Connor’s work with plants makes her a rare exception. Though humans have long
recognized the value of medicinal plants, “there has been a lot less effort to engineer plants to produce
things that could be of even more value,” says Edward Eisenstein, associate professor at the University of
Maryland Biotechnology Institute. “One reason for that is that plants tend to be complicated. They’re not
as simple to manipulate as bacteria or yeast or even simple fungi.”
On the other hand, the complexity of plant synthetic pathways means that in many cases, it may be
easier to modify the plant rather than try to reconstitute the entire plant pathway in a different organism
such as bacteria. “This is a very nice study that might get more people to think about engineering plants
rather than using them as a source of genes,” says Eisenstein, who was not involved with the research.
In previous experiments, O’Connor and her students induced periwinkle root cells to create novel
compounds by feeding them slightly altered versions of their usual starting materials. In the new study,
they engineered the cells to express genes that code for enzymes that attach chlorine or bromine to
vinblastine precursors and other alkaloids.
The two new genes came from bacteria that naturally produce halogenated compounds. It’s much more
rare for plants to generate such compounds on their own, said O’Connor. It is also possible, though very
difficult, to synthesize halogenated alkaloids in a laboratory.
To make alkaloids, plants first convert an amino acid called tryptophan into tryptamine. After that initial
step, about a dozen more reactions are required, and the plants can produce hundreds of different final
products. In the new genetically engineered plants, a bacterial enzyme called halogenase attaches a
chlorine (or bromine) atom to tryptamine. That halogen stays on the molecule throughout the synthesis.
In future work, the researchers hope to engineer full periwinkle plants to produce the novel compounds.
They are also working on improving the overall yield of the synthesis, which is about 15 fold lower than
the plant’s yield of naturally occurring alkaloids. One way to do that is to introduce the halogen further
along in the process, said O’Connor.
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative
Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to
Science Confirms That One Plant is as Effective as 14 Drugs
Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Tumeric. It is titled Science
Confirms That One Plant is as Effective as 14 Drugs and was originally printed on May 15, 2013 by Sayer
Ji on the IntelliHub Website.
Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and
components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published
biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600
potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects.
This entire database of 1,585 ncbi-hyperlinked turmeric abstracts can be downloaded as a PDF at our
Downloadable Turmeric Document page, and acquired either as a retail item or with 200 GMI-tokens, for
those of you who are already are members and receive them automatically each month.
Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it is no wonder that a growing
number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications,
 Lipitor/Atorvastatin(cholesterol medication): A 2008 study published in the journal Drugs in R &
D found that a standardized preparation of curcuminoids from Turmeric compared favorably to the drug
atorvastatin (trade name Lipitor) on endothelial dysfunction, the underlying pathology of the blood vessels
that drives atherosclerosis, in association with reductions in inflammation and oxidative stress in type 2
diabetic patients.
 Corticosteroids (steroid medications): A 1999 study published in the journal Phytotherapy
Research found that the primary polyphenol in turmeric, the saffron colored pigment known as curcumin,
compared favorably to steroids in the management of chronic anterior uveitis, an inflammatory eye
disease. A 2008 study published in Critical Care Medicine found that curcumin compared favorably to the
corticosteroid drug dexamethasone in the animal model as an alternative therapy for protecting lung
transplantation-associated injury by down-regulating inflammatory genes.[iii] An earlier 2003 study
published in Cancer Letters found the same drug also compared favorably to dexamethasone in a lung
ischaemia-repurfusion injury model.
 Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants): A 2011 study published in the journal Acta
Poloniae Pharmaceutica found that curcumin compared favorably to both drugs in reducing depressive
behavior in an animal model.
 Aspirin (blood thinner): A 1986 in vitro and ex vivo study published in the
journalArzneimittelforschung found that curcumin has anti-platelet and prostacyclin modulating effects
compared to aspirin, indicating it may have value in patients prone to vascular thrombosis and requiring
anti-arthritis therapy.
 Anti-inflammatory Drugs: A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene found that curcumin (as well
as resveratrol) were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone,
naproxen, indomethacin, diclofenac, dexamethasone, celecoxib, and tamoxifen in exerting anti-
inflammatory and anti-proliferative activity against tumor cells.
 Oxaliplatin (chemotherapy drug): A 2007 study published in the International Journal of Cancer found
that curcumin compares favorably with oxaliplatin as an antiproliferative agenet in colorectal cell lines.
 Metformin (diabetes drug): A 2009 study published in the journal Biochemitry and Biophysical Research
Community explored how curcumin might be valuable in treating diabetes, finding that it activates AMPK
(which increases glucose uptake) and suppresses gluconeogenic gene expression (which suppresses
glucose production in the liver) in hepatoma cells. Interestingly, they found curcumin to be 500 times to
100,000 times (in the form known as tetrahydrocurcuminoids(THC)) more potent than metformin in
activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC).
Another way in which turmeric and its components reveal their remarkable therapeutic properties is in
research on drug resistant- and multi-drug resistant cancers. We have two sections on our site dedicated
to researching natural and integrative therapies on these topics, and while there are dozens of
substances with demonstrable efficacy against these chemotherapy- and radiation-resistant cancers,
curcumin tops both lists:
 Cancers: Drug Resistant
 Cancers: Multi-Drug Resistant
We have found no less than 54 studies indicating that curcumin can induce cell death or sensitize drug-
resistant cancer cell lines to conventional treatment.
We have identified 27 studies on curcumin’s ability to either induce cell death or sensitize multi-drug
resistant cancer cell lines to conventional treatment.
Considering how strong a track record turmeric (curcumin) has, having been used as both food and
medicine in a wide range of cultures, for thousands of years, a strong argument can be made for using
curcumin as a drug alternative or adjuvant in cancer treatment.
Or, better yet, use certified organic (non-irradiated) turmeric in lower culinary doses on a daily basis so
that heroic doses won’t be necessary later in life after a serious disease sets in. Nourishing yourself,
rather than self-medicating with ‘nutraceuticals,’ should be the goal of a healthy diet.
Vimacel | Papaya Leaf
Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Papaya Leaf. It is titled ‘The
Health Benefits of Papaya And It's Role In Fighting Cancer and the Immune System’ and was printed on
September 27, 2012 on I found it very compelling and wanted to share
this article with my readers.
Papaya (Paw Paw) is a sweet and succulent fruit found in tropical climates around the world. Its health
benefits are many; it is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, lycopene, beta-carotene and other vital
nutrients. Many cultures successfully use the leaf, seeds, skin and pulp of this miraculous fruit for various
diseases, infections and skin conditions. Today, researchers and scientists throughout the medical
community are stepping up the investigation into the health benefits of papaya leaf (pawpaw twig) and the
role it plays in fighting cancer, wound care, its anti-inflammatory benefits and how it helps to strengthen
the immune system. Groundbreaking studies are showing that the enzymes and other compounds found
in the leaves, skin, pulp and seeds of the have a variety of medicinal uses.
The Parts of Papaya That Are Effective
One of the reasons that papaya or paw paw is so unique is that all parts of this fruit, including the leaves,
flesh, skin and seeds have nutritional and health benefits. In the tropical areas of the world where papaya
is readily available, the consumption and use of papaya for enjoyment and medicinal cures are part of
everyday life.
Papaya Leaf Tea: Papaya Leaf Tea reduces inflammation, activates immune system response, and
inhibits tumor cell growth through the strengthening of the immune system and increasing the natural anti-
tumor effects that occur in immune response. The tea is ideal for individuals that enjoy drinking herbal
teas and many find that it has a similar taste to green tea; but it is packed with more nutritional and health
Papaya Leaf Extract: Papaya leaves are successfully used for Dengue Fever, digestive upset and for
treatments of serious illnesses including cancer. Scientific research indicates that papaya leaf extract
regulates T-cells and increase the immune system response to cancer. Papaya leaves are not readily
available in stores in the United States; a concentrated extract of the leaf is available in both capsules
and liquid formulas from the company Herbal Papaya.
Papaya Seeds: Papaya seeds are proven effective for eliminating human intestinal parasites without
significant side effects. Papaya seed extract capsules have antihelminthic and anti-amoebic properties
that kill parasites and intestinal worms throughout the digestive system.
Fermented Papaya: A current clinical trial at Ohio State University is evaluating the benefits of using
fermented papaya in diabetic wound healing. Known for its antioxidant properties and protection from
oxidative damage; the study centers on determining the angiogenic response of wound sites.
Papaya Flesh: The nutritional benefits gained from the regular consumption of papaya are extraordinary.
This nutrient rich fruit aids in digestion, helps to strengthen immune systems, and lessens inflammation in
joints and throughout the body. Papain, which is concentrated in papaya, breaks down proteins and aids
in digestion. Organic papaya fruit and leaf juice is ideal for individuals that do not have regular access to
fresh organic papayas in their area.
Papaya Skin: The skin of the papaya has been used for generations to assist in burns and wound healing
by placing it directly on infections and other skin maladies. Additionally, when making smoothies with the
papaya flesh, the fruit does not need to be skinned.
Understanding The Immune System
The immune system is a network of organs and cells in the human body that defends against toxins,
foreign invaders, and infections. When an invader is detected, the immune system launches a fighting
response by producing antibodies. The immune system is made of white blood cells including T-cells and
B-cells. T-cells are responsible for coordinating the immune response to destroy infected cells. B-cells on
the other hand make the antibodies that bind to invaders to allow the other cells to destroy the invaders.
When the T-cells do not send signals to the B-cells, the B-cell is not able to make the antibodies
necessary for an attack.
Autoimmune Diseases
When the immune system is not working properly, it can become unable to detect the difference between
healthy and unhealthy cells and attack normal healthy cells in error. This results in a variety of
autoimmune diseases where the body actually turns against itself causing damage to healthy cells and
tissues. It is estimated that nearly 24 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases including Celiac
Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Graves Disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis,
Rheumatoid Arthritis and many others. Prescription medications for autoimmune diseases often focus on
suppressing the immune system's response thereby limiting the natural ability of the immune system to
fight off critical invaders including those that fight cancer.
How T-Cells Are Related To Cancer Treatment & Immunotherapy
T-cells cells help our bodies fight infection and attack and destroy invading infectious agents. They are
produced in bone marrow and are further developed and matured in the thymus gland. After they become
mature, they are found in blood and the lymphatic system. Essentially, T-cells directly influence the
natural immune response in suppressing tumors and cancerous cells. A healthy immune system
produces T-cells regularly to help fight diseases, infections and cancer causing toxins. The immune
system is central to protecting against AIDS, cancer and other diseases of the autoimmune system.
Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the natural immune response to wage a war against cancer and
other diseases. Today, this is a growing area of cancer treatment that focuses on boosting the immune
system so that it can effectively combat foreign invaders including those responsible for cancer.
Researchers and scientists at Stanford University's Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy Research
Program are working on new strategies to exploit the human body's natural immune response to destroy
tumors. These include therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, and cell-based therapies to increase the
patient's immune response to attack cancer in their body.
Papaya Increases Regulatory T-Cells
Activated platelets help the immune system's response in inflammatory diseases. Platelets are an integral
part of the body's natural inflammatory process and are currently being researched to determine their role
in fighting inflammation and improveming T-cell responses. Recent studies in mice show the role of
platelets can enhance the antigen presentation, improve T-cell responses and play a critical function in
normal immunity. Carica papaya leaf (paw paw twig) extracts can be used to enhance the production of
selected blood parameters aiding in tumor cell regulation, according to the Department of Genetics and
Biotechnology at the University of Calabar in Nigeria. In addition, researchers have found evidence to
support that Carica papaya (paw paw leaf) extracts increase T-cells and help to mediate the body's
inflammatory response and potentially alleviate inflammation throughout the body.
Inflammation can occur anywhere in the human body. It is a process caused when the immune system
triggers a response to an outside invader or foreign substances. In autoimmune diseases, the system
triggers the response when there are no substances to fight off. Symptoms of inflammation include
swollen joints, pain, stiffness, and general flu symptoms. Inflammation also can affect internal organs.
Ethanolic extract of Carica papaya leaves have been shown to reduce anti-inflammatory activities in the
body. By reducing inflammation and increasing T-cell activity, the body is more apt to fight foreign
invaders that cause disease.
The Relationship Between Papaya And Cancer
Cancer causing toxins, tumors and other outside invaders are fought off by the immune system. A healthy
immune system that has active and healthy T-cells is more able to fight off foreign substances that can
lead to cancer and other serious health problems. Additionally, inflammation in the body can cause the
immune system to function inadequately thereby increasing the risk for cancer. Carica papaya helps to
reduce inflammation, increase healthy T-cell activity thereby encouraging a healthy and active response
to cancerous cells in the body. The link between the consumption of papaya leaf extract, papaya leaf tea,
and papaya and cancer in general will continue to be researched.
Papaya and Pregnancy
Grown in tropical areas throughout the world, papaya is a luscious and healthful fruit. As mentioned
above, the seeds, leaves, flesh and skin all have medicinal qualities. Ripe papaya has not been found to
be dangerous to pregnant women or their baby, however, unripe or green papaya early in a pregnancy
can cause a miscarriage. In some parts of the world, unripe papaya is used to induce labor. Papain in
high amounts from green papayas is believed to jumpstart and strengthens labor contractions, thereby
hurrying along the process of labor. There currently is no scientific evidence to support this theory,
however, thousands of women across the world standby this practice. It is important to note that medical
practitioners recommend that pregnant women during the first two terms of pregnancy avoid unripe or
green papaya as the same naturally occurring chemical reactions that can encourage labor can cause a
spontaneous miscarriage.
Papaya Products & Better Health
Scientific research indicates that there is a positive relationship between papaya and cancer. Paw paw
cell regulation is being researched throughout the world as a potential cure for autoimmune and other
serious disorders. Papaya helps to increase the immune system so that the body is able to fight foreign
invaders. Unfortunately, most people in North America do not have access to fresh papaya. Pure papaya
products available include papaya leaf extract, papaya leaf tea and papaya seed extract in capsule form
for individuals that do not have access to the fruit. Papaya leaves are not available in stores; therefore, to
receive the health benefits of mentioned above, the extract from the leaves is the only way to receive its
benefits. In the United States, you can purchase papaya leaf and juice products manufactured by Herbal
Papaya online. Their organic seed extract is also available.
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative
Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to
Vimacel | Benefits of Papaya Leaves
Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Papaya Leaves. It is titled
‘Benefits of Papaya Leaves’ and was printed on I found it very
compelling and wanted to share this article with my readers.
Benefits of Papaya Leaves
Papaya Leaves turn out to have a myriad of benefits to the body. Do not misunderstand behind the sense
of bitterness turns to save properties so much. And what are they? We know that papaya is also good for
the body, but the leaves are also not to be underestimated.
Here are some of the benefits of papaya leaves that you must know:
1. Benefits of Papaya Leaves as an Acne Medicine
For those of you who do not feel confident to have facial acne. Especially for women who always
pay attention to beauty. Papaya leaves can treat it is to make a mask.
How to make a mask: take 2-3 papaya leaves are already old. Then drying and mash until
smooth. Add about half a tablespoon of water, new can be utilized to advance the full face.
2. Benefits Digestion Streamlining
The leaves of the papaya plant contain a chemical compound karpain. Substances that can kill
microorganisms that often interfere with digestion.
3. Increase Appetite
This benefit is especially for kids that are difficult to eat. Take fresh papaya leaves, and the size
of the palm of the hand. If you have found a little salt and half a cup of warm water. Mix and
blend. Then strain the water, well water that can be used to increase appetite.
4. Scarlet Fever
Who would have thought that papaya is also able to cure dengue fever. Try to take five leaves.
Add half liter of water and boil. Take water if it has been left behind 3/4 only. Stars had never
prove it, so if things do not improve immediately to the doctor immediately (even if the patient feel
better suggest him to the doctor). Consider it for first aid!
5. Benefits of Papaya Leaf to Reduce Menstrual Pain
Women often make use of the ancient Javanese papaya to treat menstrual pain. Simply Take 1
sheet of leaf only, add tamarind and salt. Then mix with a glass of water and boil. Let cool before
drinking the potion papaya.
6. Anti Cancer
It is still uncertain, but from several studies that the benefits of papaya leaves can also be
developed as anti-cancer. Actually, not only the leaves but also stems papaya can be used. Since
both have milky latex (a milky white sap).
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative
Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to
Vimacel | Papaya Leaves – A Cure For Low Platelet Count?
Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Papaya Leaves. It is titled
‘Papaya Leaves – A Cure For Low Platelet Count?’ and was posted on December 27, 2012 on the website. I found it very compelling and wanted to share this article with my readers.
Papaya. Just the right fruit if you are looking for a glowing, clear skin, a healthy bowel and a strong
immune system. However, few of us know that Papaya leaves are packed with health benefits that may
help save many lives by supporting platelet production.
Papaya leaf extract has recently become the subject of several studies owing to its therapeutic value and
scientists are intrigued by its potential benefit in supporting blood platelet count.
What Does Reduced Platelet Count Mean?
Platelets are tiny blood cells that have a very important job in your body. Whenever you get a cut or a
bruise, platelets rush to the area, club together and form a clot that stops bleeding from the damaged
blood vessel.
Thrombocytopenia or a reduced platelet count can decrease the body’s ability to clot blood in case of an
injury and can lead to excessive bleeding. Certain viral infections, dengue, vitamin B12 and folic acid
deficiencies and chemotherapy can cause a dip in platelets. Some painkillers and anti-inflammatory
medicines can also affect platelet production. A platelet count of less than 150,000 platelets per microlitre
of blood is considered lower than normal.
Conventional treatment includes blood transfusion and medicines to improve platelet count, however
recent research has shown promise in the use of papaya leaves in treating this condition.
Have We Found A Cure For Dengue-induced Low Platelet Count?
The Dengue virus affects the bone marrow, the flexible, soft tissue that fills up the hollow insides of our
bones. Since platelets are produced in the bone marrow, dengue leads to a decrease in platelet count.
Recent studies have shown that papaya leaves contain complex substances that may support the release
and production of platelets by the bone marrow. A breakthrough study by Dr. Sanath Hettige of Srilanka
indicates that papaya leaf extract helps to "normalize clotting and repair liver damage caused by dengue".
Dr Hettige’s controlled clinical trials of about 70 dengue patients found that the patients who were given
papaya leaf extract recovered fully within two days without hospital admission. In an interview to
Srilanka's leading newspaper, The Sunday Observer, Dr. Hettige added that it is important to take papaya
leaf juice at the early stages of dengue, before the disease progresses and damages vital organs.
Dr. Hettige is said to have submitted an application for patent rights for the use of papaya leaf extract as a
cure for dengue.
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative
Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to
Vimacel | The Story
I am often asked why not just have one or two Vimacel™ products to cover the full spectrum of medical
The answer is simply…receptors. Membrane receptors are specialized protein molecules in the
membranes of cells, to which external molecules (hormones, neurotransmitters, drugs) attach, triggering
changes in the function of the cell. This process is called transduction: the external signal is transduced
into action. Hundreds of receptors are known and there are undoubtedly many more yet to be discovered.
Many drugs exert their therapeutic effects by activating or blocking membrane receptors.
With that said, every medical condition has a variety of receptors. Pharmaceutical companies attempt to
make new drugs as selective as possible, producing drugs that bind strongly to their target receptors.
These drugs tell the cell to divide, die, or allow an open transportation system so substance(s) can freely
enter and exit. For example, depression drugs target specific receptors, while neurological drugs, cancer
drugs, and others target other specific receptors.
Clearly, if a receptor is to receive an external chemical signal, part of the protein molecule must be
outside the cell. This is the recognition site, which binds specifically with the messenger molecule. In my
years working for a pharmaceutical company, our research department spent hundreds of millions of
dollars on experimental compounds with specific receptors in mind.
For these reasons, I started to extensively review various plants, their chemical structure, and clinical
research papers to formulate the perfect combination that could really help people looking to improve
their overall health. I have spent 10 years working for major pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
During this time, I gained extensive knowledge on the immune system in clinical applications.
With my knowledge and expertise in the pharmaceutical business, along with my personal passion for
health and wellness, I set out to develop, Vimacel™ formulas, a product that focuses on precise plant
ingredients and their effect on certain receptors. We take the power of nature, the power of plants, in an
attempt to transform the way we look at medicine.
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative
Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. Vimacel™ uses ONLY vegetable
capsules and glass bottles. NO plastic containers. NO Gelatin capsules. To learn more go to
Vimacel | The Story Continues
Vimacel™ takes the power of nature and the power of plants, in an attempt to transform the way we look
at medicine.
With my vast knowledge working in the cancer field, we focused on elements that have a large negative
effect on the immune system when we developed Vimacel™. Microbes were one of the biggest culprits.
We researched clinical studies and found an amazing treasure trove of natural plants that may improve
one’s overall cellular health.
I then called on past colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry. These scientists developed some
interesting early stage cancer compounds over the years that then blossomed into commercialization.
With their help, together we took several different plants, examined their activity, and then started our ‘In
Vitro’ clinical design process.
We took detailed notes, examined tissue culture, and experienced phases of trial and error. As our
clinical work elevated, we started to see signs of progress in the activity of these plants across tissue
cultures. After years of formulations, measuring the exact milligrams needed of each plant in combination
with other plants to make the most powerful and effective plant formulas, we found the right combination
of plants for each Vimacel™ product. We were so precise with our formulas that even a difference of
25mg had a dramatic effect in our ‘In Vitro’ studies.
Vimacel™ products are natural formulas that are effective in supporting the immune system and the cells
within our bodies. We believe Vimacel™ is unlike any other product on the market.
We were excited to introduce Vimacel™ formulas to the world in January 2013. Vimacel™ products are
sold through Exican Life Sciences.
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative
Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. Vimacel™ uses ONLY vegetable
capsules and glass bottles. NO plastic containers. NO Gelatin capsules. To learn more go to
Vimacel | Abnormal Cell Growth
One of Vimacel’s key attributes is to help control abnormal and atypical cell growth. Cellular changes
affect the organs and our entire system.
Atypical cells appear to be abnormal. However, this is not necessarily the case as many factors can lead
a cell to appear to by atypical, including inflammation and infection. The great thing about atypical cells is
that they can be transformed, if you will, back to a normal cell. This can be done by resolving the
underlying problem or from therapy. Many times, your physician will simply keep a close eye on the
situation to make certain they do not become abnormal. Other times, appropriate action will be taken to
reverse the process that is causing the atypical cell growth.
Vimacel™ helps minimize both abnormal and atypical cell growth. We all have abnormal and atypical
cells in our body. The key is to keep these potentially devastating cells under control. This can be done
by proper nutrition and with the help of Vimacel™. By allowing our body’s internal system naturally to
control, conquer, and minimize proliferation of abnormal cells is the way to keep healthy. We are not
talking about an overnight process. It takes time, effort, and consistent behaviors. Committing to a
Vimacel™ program for the long term will help one take control of their health.
It’s truly amazing the amount of clinical data that has been hidden over the years on plants that have
incredible abilities to improve the overall health of a person. Plants have become a focus of many health
companies due to their unique abilities. Currently Vimacel™ has developed 16 different plant-based
formulas for health and wellness, with more in the development stage. We are also poised to grow into
other fields of health such as Neurological, Autoimmune, Cardiovascular, and Joint Health.
Vimacel™ products are natural formulas that are effective in supporting the immune system and the cells
within our bodies. We believe Vimacel™ is unlike any other product on the market.
Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine
combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. Vimacel™ uses ONLY vegetable capsules
and glass bottles. NO plastic containers. NO Gelatin capsules. To learn more go to
Vimacel | Black Cohosh
As the founder of Vimacel, whose philosophy is taking the power of nature and the power of plants, in an
attempt to transform the way we look at medicine, I find it extremely interesting talking to people and
finding out what natural remedies that they use for various symptoms and medical conditions. Recently, I
met a woman named Mary who was going through menopause and suffering from the typical menopausal
symptoms—hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, sleep disturbances, hair loss, just to name a
few. While I can’t relate to menopause, I can understand the frustration and exhaustion that comes with
lack of sleep and how it can affect all aspects of your life.
Mary mentioned that she had gone to a medical doctor and had received hormone therapy to help with
menopausal symptoms. She thought that it would be the answer. Much to her disappointment the
hormone therapy caused side effects, such as bleeding, bloating, headaches, mood changes, and
nausea. She said she ended up feeling worse, instead of better.
A few months ago, her friend suggested that she may want to consider alternatives therapies, mentioning
that she had heard of an herb called black cohosh. Black cohosh (known as both Actaea
racemosa and Cimicifuga racemosa), is a member of the buttercup family, and is a perennial plant that is
native to North America. It is an herb sold as a dietary supplement in the United States.
What I found when I did my research on Black Cohosh is that it has been the subject of study for many
decades throughout Europe and has been found effective time and again in reducing frequency and
severity of hot flashes, irregular periods, and vaginal dryness. Though researchers in America continue to
hotly debate this matter, in Europe women have rarely resorted to the conventional HRT American
women spend millions on, largely because they prefer over-the-counter herbal preparations to
pharmaceutical solutions.
Several studies have reported black cohosh to improve menopausal symptoms for up to six months,
although the current evidence is mixed. In Mary’s case, she found black cohosh to be an extremely
useful form of natural, plant-based endocrine support that boosted her hormonal transition.
Vimacel provides this information solely for informational purposes. It is not intended to provide medical
Vimacel | Benefits and Uses of Aromatherapy
Some people love running, others love music, we here at Vimacel love researching alternative forms of
medicine. The latest we have been reading about is aromatherapy which is a form of alternative
medicine that uses plant-derived materials, known as essential oils (EOs), or other aromatic natural
botanical oils for the purpose of altering a person’s mind, mood, and cognitive function to promote
physical and psychological well-being. They have been used for centuries not just as a pleasing
fragrance, but also for the healing powers of the oils. The essential oils are extracted from flowers,
leaves, shrubs, stems, seeds, bark, roots, and fruits of different plants. These essential oils are highly
concentrated natural plant extracts. The oils are believed to bring therapeutic effects when inhaled or
applied to the skin.
Some of the more popularly used essential oils are lavender, rose, eucalyptus, peppermint, and
sandalwood. Each has its own health fighting properties. Lavender is one of the most versatile essential
oils because it can be used to treat many physical and mental complaints such as headaches, insomnia,
eczema, acne and dandruff. It can be added to grape seed and almond oil to make massage oil for
relaxation. Like lavender, rosemary is reputed to have many physical and mental benefits and can be
added to grape seed and almond oil to make a calming massage oil. Eucalyptus or peppermint are said
to make you feel energized. Eucalyptus can be used for the treatment of respiratory ailments such as
bronchitis, coughs, colds, and sore throats. Peppermint can be use to decrease fatigue. Eucalyptus and
peppermint can also be helpful for relieving muscle aches and pains as well. Sandlewood essential oil
has a calming and earthy aroma, and is commonly used in incense and perfumes. It can be used to
relieve itching and inflammation and also decrease the symptoms of depression when used in massage.
Aromatherapy is sometimes used in combination with massage and other therapeutic techniques as part
of a holistic treatment approach. Aromatherapy works by either inhaling or applying the essential oils to
the skin. Once the inhaled scent reaches the part of the brain that influences the mental and physical we
can feel its effects – brightening our mood, helping a stuffy nose or reducing inflammation. Essential oils
enhance our health and well-being with their cleansing and soothing properties.
Vimacel provides this information solely for informational purposes. It is not intended to provide medical
Vimacel | Acupuncture for Allergies
Vimacel loves doing research into alternative forms of health and wellness. For those not familiar with
what an allergy is, it is when the body’s immune system misidentifies a normally harmless substance as a
threat to the body. A substance that causes a reaction is called an allergen. These reactions are
acquired, predictable, and rapid. Allergic reactions are distinctive because of excessive activation of
certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by a type of antibody called Immunoglobulin E
Common allergens are pollen, animal dander, some foods, mold, drugs, and dust mites, just to name a
few. The inflammatory reaction that occurs is an attempt to get rid of the substance from your system.
This reaction results in an inflammatory response which can range from uncomfortable to dangerous.
Symptoms of allergies are sneezing, running nose, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, hives, breathing
difficulties, and much more.
Many people choose to take over-the-counter (OTC) allergy pharmaceuticals when they have allergies.
The problem is that while many over-the-counter remedies promise symptomatic relief, they rely on
inhibiting the allergic response; antihistamines (Chlor-trimetron, Benadryl, etc.) are a good example.
Other types of drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis or asthma include ones which act on the nervous
system (Albuterol, epinephrine), cortico-steroids (prednisone), and decongestants.
The problem is that they only make you feel dull and groggy and mask the symptoms instead of
addressing the cause of allergies. If you are looking for an all natural alternative method acupuncture is
an excellent treatment option for seasonal allergies. Acupuncture treats the whole person, and focuses
on balancing the immune system which leads to substantial long-term health benefits in managing
Recently there was an article published in February in the Annals of Internal Medicine, it found
acupuncture led to significant improvement in quality of life and antihistamine use. If you are suffering
from fall allergies Vimacel encourages you to look into acupuncture as a treatment plan to restore your
health and breathe easy again.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Storing Vegetables for
Maximum Nutrients
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division research recently read a new study from Rice
University that suggests that the refrigerator may not be the best place to store your vegetables
for optimal nutrients. Just like boiling your vegetable to long takes out valuable nutrients the
Rice University study found refrigerator your vegetables do the same. Taking your vegetables
out of the refrigerator and exposing them to light for 12 hours a day helps boost their anti-cancer
The researchers’ rationale is that vegetables are alive even after picking them and that circadian
rhythms influence vitamins and antioxidants in plants so the cycles of light and dark that produce
is exposed to influences the different amounts of health-boosting chemicals for your immune
system and its nutritional content.
In nature they are subjected to light and dark with night following day. So essentially, staying in
a dark refrigerator or staying in the constant light of a supermarket is not optimal for the
vegetables. As a result of storing vegetables in this manner, researchers found that your immune
system may not be getting the full health benefits. They surmised that we should store our
vegetables and fruits under light-dark cycles to enhance their health and anti-cancer fighting
While Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division research on immune system finds this
information interesting, we are not sure how practical this strategy would be for the average
consumer to alternative their fruits and vegetables between light and dark.
What if future appliances could alter how much light and dark your broccoli was receives prior
to your consuming it? That may be more practical than leaving it up to the consumer to
remember. It will be interesting for Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division to follow
future research as they develop what pattern of light and dark maximizes the production of
healthy chemicals in our fruits and vegetables.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Lifestyle and Breast
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division wants you to know that we take womens health
issues extremely serious. Did you know that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in
women? Based on current incidence rates, 12.4 percent of women born in the United States
today will develop breast cancer at some time during their lives. This estimate means that a
woman born today has about a 1 in 8 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some time
during her life.
The strongest risk factor for breast cancer is age—a woman’s risk of developing this disease
increases as she gets older. Most (8 out of 10) women diagnosed with breast cancer are over the
age of 50. Other factors can also increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer, including
inherited changes in certain genes, a personal or family history of breast cancer, having dense
breasts, beginning to menstruate before age 12, and starting menopause after age 55.
While those are all risks factors beyond our control, new studies are highlighting the large role
that lifestyle plays when it comes to breast cancer risk. Figures from the International Agency
on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization), indicate that the chance of getting breast
cancer is higher in women who are overweight or obese. They estimate that 25 to 30 percent of
breast cancer cases could be avoided if women were a healthy body weight and exercised more
According to the research, "Many breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in
fat tissue. So experts suspect that the fatter a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce,
which could in turn fuel breast cancer. Even in slim women, experts believe exercise can help
reduce the cancer risk by converting more fat into muscle."
The seasons are changing and so are your priorities. Take a good look at your schedule and add
in some time for yourself. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to
take control of your health and transform your life with regular exercise and eating a balanced
and healthy diet.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | PMS
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division recently read a study on womens health
conducted by Harvard Medical School. It stated that 75% of all menstruating women experience
premenstrual discomfort in some form, though only about 3% to 8% of those women have
symptoms that are severe enough to disrupt their lives.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that premenstrual syndrome with the
cramping, bloating, fatigue, cravings, and mood swings can make a sane women feel like she is
going crazy. Although there is no real "cure" for PMS, many treatments and lifestyle changes
are available to help you cut down on the discomfort.
Improve your diet—limit your consumption of salty foods and sodium to reduce fluid retention
and bloating. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains the week before your period.
Limit your intake of highly refined and processed carbohydrates such as chips, crackers, and
snack foods. These foods can trigger overeating and upset your digestive system.
Limit the amount of sweets (candy, cake, cookies, breakfast pastries, pie, jams, jellies, and soda)
in your diet. These can cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar that contribute to moodiness and
irritability. Avoid or limit caffeine consumption to decrease feelings of tension, anxiety, and
irritability prevent breast tenderness.
In addition to dietary changes, the following lifestyle habits can help as well. Exercise more it
can help with both physical and emotional PMS symptoms. You may also find some benefits
from checking out herbal remedies such as black cohosh, chasteberry, evening primrose oil,
ginger, raspberry leaf, dandelion, or natural progesterone creams. Get adequate rest and plenty
of sleep. Then make a conscious effort to reduce your stress level.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division doesn’t want you to suffer with PMS every
month if you don't have to. Try to incorporate these habits into your life throughout the month to
improve your overall health and well-being and feel your best.
Vimacel Womens Health | Osteoporosis Prevention Measures
The Vimacel Womens Health Division has been reading recent research on Osteoporosis
prevention measures. Osteoporosis, which means porous bone, is characterized by a decrease in
the calcium content of the bones, leaving the bones thin, weak and susceptible to fractures. The
National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) estimates that 10 million people currently have
osteoporosis, while 34 million are thought to have low bone mass; which places them at
significantly increased risk for the condition. Of this, 80 percent are women.
This number is expected to rise as people are living longer and leading more sedentary lives.
The chances of developing this condition increase dramatically with age, especially with women.
Womens Health issues such as Menopause is thought to contribute to osteoporosis because of the
loss of the female hormone estrogen, which effects the amount of calcium in the bones.
There are often no warning signs for osteoporosis until a person experiences a fracture, often
after a minor fall. It is important that people at risk of osteoporosis take steps to help keep bones
healthy and reduce their risk of developing the condition. The following are osteoporosis
treatment and prevention measures:
 Regular exercise will strengthen the muscles surrounding weakened bone
 Healthy eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and
vitamin D
 Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake
 Limit caffeinated drinks – excessive caffeine can affect the amount of calcium that our
body absorbs.
The Womens Health Division of Vimacel knows that Osteoporosis can significantly impact
quality of life. Help mitigate osteoporosis complication by starting early with proper preventive
care and treatment.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Strong Core
Exican Life Science Womens Health Division knows that it is important to stay healthy at every
age. Part of staying healthy and living a life gilled with vitality is making sure you get the
exercise you need. However, when it comes to exercise most people are unaware of the
importance of strengthening the core muscles. Maintaining a strong body core is important at
any age for balance, posture and back health.
So what is considered your core? In all, the core is comprised of an incredible 29 muscles that
wrap around your mid section that connect and support the pelvis and spine. These include large
muscle like the rectus abdominis (you may know this as the six-pack or abs), glutes and lats as
well as many more muscles.
The core muscles around your trunk and pelvis work as stabilizers for the entire body and help
your lower back, hips, and abdominal muscles work together to increase balance and stability.
They are the essential foundation of all your body’s movements, whether you are running,
lifting, bending to pick something up, lifting a package, swinging a baseball bat, or tying your
Therefore, core training is not just about abdominal muscles, it’s also consists of working
muscles that are found at the obliques, abdominals, lower back, glutes and the entire area that
connects to your spinal cord that helps your body support your spine. Working your core helps
so that the load of supporting your body weight isn’t just placed on your bones. Having strong
core muscles can reduce lower back pain and make everyday activities easier.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that those with solid cores have a lower
risk for future injury. If you take care of the muscles of your core they will inevitably take care
of you.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Sleep Issues
Exican Life Sciences Womens Division knows that millions of people suffer from insomnia issues.
Insomnia is a common problem that takes a toll on your mood, health, and energy. For many people
they choose to use sleep medication, which in most cases only makes the problem worse, or creates a
dependency on the drug that is near impossible to break.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Division recognizes that a sleep deficit can have serious on your health by
impairing your performance on physical or mental tasks, and decrease your problem solving ability.
Over time, lack of sleep and sleep disorders can contribute to the symptoms of depression.
Sleep deprivation can also dramatically weaken your immune system putting you at risk for heart
disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and many more ailments.
Don’t despair if you suffer from insomnia. There are techniques that you can learn to help get a restful
night sleep. Keeping your bedroom cool and dark, your body needs to cool down in order to sleep while
any light will disrupt your internal clock. Vigorous exercise will help exhaust your body and allow you to
sleep more soundly. So exercise regularly and thoroughly.
Remove the computer, television, telephone and any other electronics from your bedroom. These items
do not belong in the bedroom. Keep the bedroom reserved for sleep and sex only.
Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Caffeine, sugar, and alcohol will hinder sleep.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Division Clinic knows that sleep is an essential ingredient of a healthy
lifestyle. By improving your sleep, you can improve your physical and mental health.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Simplify Your Life
We here at Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division know that for many of us, there is a
time in our lives as we are venturing off on our own, where we yearn for a life of luxury. The
nice house, expensive car, you know the story. And then you begin to try to keep up with the
‘Joneses’. Does this sound familiar to any of you?
Many people think that having ‘stuff’ equates to having a great life, yet for many of these people
happiness is elusive. When you have to work so hard and make so much money just to pay your
bills to maintain your lifestyle, it generates a lot of pressure and worry. It truly takes the joy out
of life.
For friends of ours at Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division, it took a financial and
medical crisis for change…after years of being unable to keep up with everything they felt they
had to do, with little time and money left over to do the things that they actually wanted to
do…life started unraveling. Health and immune system issues in the form of cancer and
financial issues had finally taken their toll.
But then an interesting thing started to happen. Their reality began to change and they started to
see things in a new light. A light that clearly said, ‘simplify your life’.
They began to learn to live simply and discovered what they truly valued. Realizing that
meaningful experiences were more important than owning the latest and greatest house, vehicle,
gadget, the list could go on and on. Having options took precedent over having possessions and
personal growth was chosen over bragging rights. No longer did they burden themselves with
social expectations and useless possessions. They cleaned house literally and figuratively.
Now they are living the kind of lifestyle that is truly fulfilling. Exican Life Sciences Womens
Division wants to remind you that it is much easier to attain life’s pleasure when we take control
of our lives. Don’t wait until things are out of control to start living a more simple life.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Fall Foods
The Womens Health Division at Exican Lifes Sciences loves the fact that fall is coming. We
realize that each season has its perks, but for us there is something invigorating about turning off
the air conditioning and feeling crisp cool weather (sans humidity), experiencing the crunch of
leaves beneath our feet and beautiful foliage all around us, making s’mores by the bonfire, and
partaking in the abundant and healthy fruits and vegetables that the fall harvest provides.
Ahhh, the delicious fruits and vegetables of fall…we all know that nutrition is fundamental to
health and well-being, so the Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division would like share
some with you.
Apples are probably the most popular fall fruit—there are thousands of apple varieties, with a
range of colors including red, russet, yellow, and green. Textures and flavors vary from tart and
crisp to soft and sweet. Not only are apples delicious eaten raw, juiced, or baked in your favorite
pie they are also packed with potassium, calcium. Folic acid, and vitamin C.
Another yearly fall favorite are pumpkins…no they are not just for carving. Pumpkins contain
carotenoids, which help prevent cancer and heart disease. They are great in pies, pasta, and
Other fruits that peak in the fall are root vegetables, such as beets, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas
and turnips. They add a hearty flavor to stews or roasted meats. Greens like cabbage, collards,
brussels sprouts and spinach are rich in vitamins and nutrients and readily available during cooler
months. Winter squash and broccoli are other delicious, fiber-rich options for vegetable
enthusiasts to roast or tuck into creamy casseroles for a healthful boost.
There’s no denying that the weather is perhaps the most anticipated part of the fall, but honestly
with the great fruits and vegetables of the fall harvest our mouths can’t stop watering. Exican
Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to add some healthy fall fruits and
vegetables to your diet and enjoy the health benefits.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Drink Water
Do you want better health then Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to
put the sugary stuff away and start drinking more water. One of the benefits of drinking water is
that adequate hydration has a huge impact on your immune system. Approximately 60 percent
of the body is made of water. Drinking water is essential for survival for both womens health
and mens health, every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to function correctly. Our
bloodstream cannot maintain the body’s fluid balance to transport nutrients effectively, digest
food, or regulate body temperature unless we drink enough water.
Drinking plenty of water is crucial for your body’s ability to flush toxins and ensures that your
cells get all of the oxygen they need to function properly. Drinking water is crucial to the health
of your immune system. Water allows your kidneys to remove toxins from your body. It allows
your cells to take in nutrients, and it also allows them to expel waste products. If you don't drink
enough water, toxins will build up, weakening your immune system.
Water not only cleans your body, it helps create new cells, it safeguards the heart, cures
headaches, boosts metabolism, and boosts brain power. It also helps prevents common chronic
ailments such as arthritis and joint problems since drinking water helps lubricate the joints.
Drinking water can help with depression, without sufficient amounts of water your brain will not
produce enough serotonin.
If you want to increase your immune system's ability to fight off colds and flus drink water.
Water helps flush out the immune system and keeps you well hydrated and healthy.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that true health cannot occur without
proper hydration of the body. When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and
be happy.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Life With Arthritis
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division read an article about Carrie Ann Inaba, a
longtime dancer and “Dancing with the Stars,” celebrity judge, has been suffering from a painful
arthritic condition called spinal stenosis. Arthritis includes more than 100 different rheumatic
diseases and conditions, the most common of which is osteoarthritis. Other forms of arthritis that
occur often are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and gout. Some forms of arthritis are
autoimmune diseases, which make the body's immune system attack itself.
Arthritis is the nation’s most common cause of disability. It limits the activities of millions of
Americans—for example, severely limiting an individual's mobility or use of their hands. For 1
of 3 adults of working age (18–65 years) with arthritis, it can limit the type or amount of work
they do or whether they can work at all. Symptoms of arthritis include pain, swelling, stiffnes,
and aching, in or around the joints. Some forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and
lupus, can affect multiple organs and cause widespread symptoms.
Carrie Ann Inaba wants people to know that although arthritis is more common among adults
that are 65 years or older, people of all ages (including children) can be affected. Of the 50
million Americans who suffer with it, two-thirds are under the age of 65.
Arthritis is more common among women (24.3%) than men (18.7%) in every age group, and it
affects members of all racial and ethnic groups. Arthritis is also more common among adults
who are obese than among those who are normal weight or underweight.
The Womens Health Division of Exican Life Sciences recommends the following to help
manage and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
You can reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis by controlling your weight. If you have
osteoarthritis you can reduce the symptoms by losing weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can
protect your joints.
For womens health and mens health with arthritis, physical activities such as walking,
swimming, and bicycling can have many benefits. Regular exercise can actually reduce overall
pain from rheumatoid arthritis. Exercise can keep your bones strong. Thinning of the bones can
be a problem with rheumatoid arthritis, especially if you need to take steroids. Exercise helps
bones keep their strength. By exercising regularly, your joints will soon realize the benefits.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Migraines
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that migraines affect 30 million
Americans each year. Migraines are painful headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting,
and sensitivity to light. Studies have found that being severely overweight may almost double a
person’s chances of suffering from migraines, according to a study published online in the
edition of Neurology, where researchers surveyed 3,862 people who provided information on
their height, weight and frequency of migraines.
According to this research study, which was conducted out of John Hopkins University School
of Medicine, obese people are 81 per cent more likely to suffer from episodic migraines
compared to people of normal weight. The research also emphasizes on weight loss and exercise,
along with healthy eating, suggesting that it could help those who suffer from migraines, as it is
obese people who are more likely to suffer from migraines. The findings also point out that the
link between obesity and migraines is higher for those under the age of 50.
‘Previous studies have shown a link between people with chronic migraines and obesity, but the
research has been conflicting on whether that link existed for those with less frequent attacks,’
said researcher Dr Barbara Lee Peterlin, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in
Womens Health and Mens Health
This latest study builds on previous research published in 2011 which found that exercise and
weight loss can be just as effective at preventing migraines as medication. In that study
researchers examined the way people's body fat distribution can affect their risk of migraine
attacks. What they found in the earlier research was that women in the study with a larger
waistline had an 8% increase in reported migraine headaches. Men with an increased waistline
had a 4% increase in reported migraines. Women over the age of 55 with increased belly fat
actually showed lower numbers of migraines.
The 2011 study author Dr. B. Lee Peterlin, of Drexel University College of Medicine in
Philadelphia, said, "suggests losing weight in the stomach area may be beneficial for
younger people".. "especially for women." "For some diseases, including heart disease and
diabetes, excess fat around the waistline appears to be a stronger risk factor than total body
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to listen to your body.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Drink Up Campaign
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division has been reading about Michelle Obama’s new
‘Drink Up’ water campaign. At an event last week in Watertown Wisconsin, the first lady
announced a “Drink Up” campaign to encourage adults and children to grab a bottle or glass of
water and drink up.
Womens Health and Mens Health
Research indicates that about 40 percent of Americans drink less than half of recommended
amounts of water each day, and about 25 percent of kids under 19 drink no water at all,
according to government statistics cited by campaign officials. “I’ve come to realize that if we
were going to take just one step to make ourselves and our families healthier, probably the single
best thing we could do is to simply drink more water. It’s as simple as that,” Obama said.
“Water is the first and best energy drink,” she said. “I drink a ton of water.”
Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body
weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of
vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and
throat tissues.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water
in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and
make you tired.
There is no universal requirement for water intake, and your needs will vary widely based on
age, gender, body size, health status, and physical activity levels. Numerous environmental
factors, such as high temperature and humidity levels, also influence water needs. It is difficult to
estimate an exact amount of water needed for an individual, so thirst should be used as a general
guideline for most individuals. In other words, if you are thirsty, drink, and if you’re not thirsty,
don’t force yourself to drink simply because you believe it to be a healthy practice.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to join Michelle Obama and
drink up for your health.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Dietary Supplements
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division has been researching dietary supplements.
According to the CDC, more than one-half of U.S. adults are taking one or more dietary
supplements a day in an effort to stay healthy. In today’s fast-paced world many of us are not
getting the nutrients we need from the food choices that we are making. Depending on your
situation dietary supplements may be helpful if you're not getting all the nutrients you need.
Walking into a health food store can be an overwhelming experience. Which way to turn to
work your way through the maze of shelves stocked with hundreds and hundreds of dietary
supplements, multivitamins, calcium supplements, protein powders, the list can go on and on is
often times a daunting task at best.
Dietary supplements also may be appropriate if you:
 Have had surgery on your digestive tract and are not able to digest and absorb nutrients
 Don't eat well balanced meals or if you consume less than 1,600 calories a day
 If you are a vegetarian or vegan who eats a limited variety of foods
 Have a medical condition that affects how your body absorbs or uses nutrients, such as
chronic diarrhea, food allergies, food intolerance or a disease of the liver, gallbladder,
intestines or pancreas
Womens Health Division Considerations for Taking Dietary Supplements
 Know whether the dietary supplement you are taking should be taken on an empty
 Eat a healthy diet. Taking supplements is not a viable excuse for eating an unhealthy
 Make sure you tell your doctor if you taking dietary supplements.
 Follow the dosage instructions that are printed on the package label.
 Supplements taken in large amounts for an extended period of time can have side effects.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to talk to your doctor or a
dietitian before taking dietary supplements about which supplements and what doses might be
appropriate for you.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Benefits of Vitamin C
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division has been following the benefits of Vitamin C.
Experts report that Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective dietary supplement
nutrients. Scientifically controlled studies using vitamin C for colds show that it can reduce the
severity of cold symptoms, acting as a natural antihistamine. Giving the immune system vitamin
C can often shorten the duration of the cold.
Womens Health Research
Vitamin C is an important factor in producing collagen, therefore, useful in wound healing. For
cuts, burns, and surgical wounds, vitamin C taken orally helps wounds to heal faster and better.
Applied to the skin, vitamin C may protect the skin from free radical damage after exposure to
ultraviolet (UV) rays.
Dietary supplements of vitamin C also act as an antioxidant, helping to prevent eye disease such
as cataracts. The use of IV (intravenous) vitamin C to treat cancer is growing in popularity
around the world as positive research continues to accumulate and build a strong case for its
effectiveness. A study that took place in Germany showed that IV vitamin c notably improved
the quality of life for breast cancer patients. Its antioxidant properties protect cells and their
DNA from damage and mutation. It supports the body's immune system, the first line of defense
against cancer, and prevents certain cancer-causing compounds from forming in the body.
New research indicates that dietary supplements of vitamin C may improve your mood. In a
recent study, researchers found that people who have vitamin C deficiency often feel fatigued or
depressed. Studies show that vitamin C can have mood-elevating effects. So it makes sense that
vitamin C levels could affect mood — but more research is needed.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Division wants you to know that if you if you also take a
supplement, try not to exceed the upper limit of 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day. As always,
talk to your doctor first before taking any supplement.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Are You Getting
Enough Calcium
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division wants to know if you are getting enough calcium
in your diet. While we all know that calcium is vital for optimal bone health, nearly 80% of
American women do not consume the amount of calcium recommended to help maintain healthy
bones. Taking dietary supplements such as a calcium supplement of up to 1,000 mg per day can
help women live longer, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine
Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).
Womens Health Benefits of Calcium Dietary Supplements
Making sure you are getting an adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D can significantly
increase bone mass in both growing children and young adults, and it can decrease bone loss
during aging and for post menopausal women.
Research suggests that consuming calcium may also ward off colorectal, ovarian and breast
cancers. Promising research supports an adequate calcium intake as a way to reduce the risk of
cardiovascular disease and hypertension.
Before you consider dietary supplements or calcium supplements, be sure you understand how
much calcium you need. How much calcium you need depends on your sex and your age. The
following chart is what the Mayo Clinic recommends.
Calcium: Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults
Men Daily RDA Daily upper limit
19-50 years 1,000 mg 2,500 mg
51-70 years 1,000 mg 2,000 mg
71 and older 1,200 mg 2,000 mg
19-50 years 1,000 mg 2,500 mg
51 and older 1,200 mg 2,000 mg
As you can see from the chart, calcium is important at all ages. And whiles diet and good
nutrition is the best way to get calcium, calcium supplements are an option when your diet
doesn’t contain enough calcium.
In order for your body to absorb calcium you need vitamin D. For this reason, many calcium
supplements contain vitamin D. The RDA for vitamin D is 600 international units (15
micrograms) a day for most adults.
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division wants you to maintain good bone health.
Exican Life Sciences Dietary Supplements | Your Health
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that the reality of our fast-paced world
means more fast-food and eating meals out which in most cases equates to eating less than
perfect diets. Many people are finding themselves skipping meals because their busy schedules
don’t allow for time. For those who are not getting the vitamins and minerals that their bodies
need, dietary supplements may give you a boost. Adding dietary supplements to your diet can
improve your energy levels, help keep your skin and hair healthy, and help with digestive issues
among other things.
So what is exactly is a dietary supplement? A dietary supplement is intended to provide
nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities. Supplements as generally
understood include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, among other substances.
U.S. authorities define dietary supplements as foods, while elsewhere they may be classified as
drugs or other products.
There are more than 50,000 dietary supplements available. More than half of the U.S. adult
population (53% - 55%) consumes dietary supplements with most common ones being
multivitamins. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division understands that it's important to
remember that dietary supplements are designed to supplement your diet, not to replace
nutritious foods. However, some people may need dietary supplements because the vitamins and
minerals they need are hard to get in the quantity they require.
Dietary Supplements Are Recommended For
 Pregnant women
 Nursing mothers
 Strict vegetarians
 People with food allergies or intolerances
 Senior citizens
Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division believes that in addition to eating well,
exercising, and reducing stress in your life, dietary supplements are key to creating optimal
Background Information on Dietary Supplements
As defined by Congress in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which became law
in 1994, a dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) that:
• is intended to supplement the diet;
• contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other
botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents;
• is intended to be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid; and
• is labeled on the front panel as being a dietary supplement.
A new dietary ingredient is a dietary ingredient that was not sold in the United States in a dietary
supplement before October 15, 1994. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires
specific safety information from a manufacturer intending to market a dietary supplement
containing a new dietary ingredient. This information is not required for older dietary
supplement ingredients.
Are dietary supplements different from foods and drugs
Although dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA as foods, they are regulated differently
from other foods and from drugs. Whether a product is classified as a dietary supplement,
conventional food, or drug is based on its intended use. Most often, classification as a dietary
supplement is determined by the information that the manufacturer provides on the product label
or in accompanying literature, although many food and dietary supplement product labels do not
include this information.
What claims can manufacturers make for dietary supplements and drugs?
The types of claims that can be made on the labels of dietary supplements and drugs differ. Drug
manufacturers may claim that their product will diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a
disease. Such claims may not legally be made for dietary supplements.
The label of a dietary supplement or food product may contain one of three types of claims: a
health claim, nutrient content claim, or structure/function claim. Health claims describe a
relationship between a food, food component, or dietary supplement ingredient, and reducing
risk of a disease or health-related condition. Nutrient content claims describe the relative amount
of a nutrient or dietary substance in a product. A structure/function claim is a statement
describing how a product may affect the organs or systems of the body and it can not mention
any specific disease.
Information on Dietary Supplements
In addition to regulating label claims, FDA regulates dietary supplements in other ways.
Supplement ingredients sold in the United States before October 15, 1994, are not required to be
reviewed by FDA for their safety before they are marketed because they are presumed to be safe
based on their history of use by humans.
For a new dietary ingredient (one not sold as a dietary supplement before 1994) the manufacturer
must notify FDA of its intent to market a dietary supplement containing the new dietary
ingredient and provide information on how it determined that reasonable evidence exists for safe
human use of the product. FDA can either refuse to allow new ingredients into or remove
existing ingredients from the marketplace for safety reasons.
Unlike drug products, there are no provisions in the law for FDA to "approve" dietary
supplements for safety or effectiveness before they reach the consumer. Once a dietary
supplement is marketed, FDA has to prove that the product is not safe in order to restrict its use
or remove it from the market. In contrast, before being allowed to market a drug product,
manufacturers must obtain FDA approval by providing convincing evidence that it is both safe
and effective.
The label of a dietary supplement product is required to be truthful and not misleading. If the
label does not meet this requirement, FDA may remove the product from the marketplace or take
other appropriate actions.
What are some additional sources of information on dietary supplements?
Medical libraries are one source of information about dietary supplements. Others include Web-
based resources such as PubMed and FDA. For general information on botanicals and their use
as dietary supplements please see Background Information About Botanical Dietary
Dietary Supplements Vitamin A
What is vitamin A and what does it do and do I need to take a vitamin A supplement? Vitamin
A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Vitamin A is important for
normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction. Vitamin A also helps the heart, lungs,
kidneys, and other organs work properly.
There are two different types of vitamin A. The first type, preformed vitamin A, is found in
meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. The second type, provitamin A, is found in fruits,
vegetables, and other plant-based products. The most common type of provitamin A in foods and
dietary supplements is beta-carotene.
How much vitamin A do I need
The amount of vitamin A you need depends on your age and reproductive status. Recommended
intakes for vitamin A for people aged 14 years and older range between 700 and 900 micrograms
(mcg) of retinol activity equivalents (RAE) per day. Recommended intakes for women who are
nursing range between 1,200 and 1,300 RAE. Lower values are recommended for infants and
children younger than 14.
However, the vitamin A content of foods and dietary supplements is given on product labels in
international units (IU), not mcg RAE. Converting between IU and mcg RAE is not easy. A
varied diet with 900 mcg RAE of vitamin A, for example, provides between 3,000 and 36,000 IU
of vitamin A depending on the foods consumed.
For adults and children aged 4 years and older, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has
established a vitamin A Daily Value (DV) of 5,000 IU from a varied diet of both plant and
animal foods. DVs are not recommended intakes; they don't vary by age and sex, for example.
But trying to reach 100% of the DV each day, on average, is useful to help you get enough
vitamin A.
What foods provide Dietary Supplements More on Vitamin A
vitamin A and do I need to take dietary supplements?
Vitamin A is found naturally in many foods and is added to some foods, such as milk and cereal.
You can get recommended amounts of vitamin A by eating a variety of foods, including the
 Beef liver and other organ meats (but these foods are also high in cholesterol, so limit the
amount you eat).
 Some types of fish, such as salmon.
 Green leafy vegetables and other green, orange, and yellow vegetables, such as broccoli,
carrots, and squash.
 Fruits, including cantaloupe, apricots, and mangos.
 Dairy products, which are among the major sources of vitamin A for Americans.
 Fortified breakfast cereals.
What kinds of vitamin A dietary supplements are available?
Vitamin A is available in dietary supplements, usually in the form of retinyl acetate or retinyl
palmitate (preformed vitamin A), beta-carotene (provitamin A), or a combination of preformed
and provitamin A. Most multivitamin-mineral supplements contain vitamin A. Dietary
supplements that contain only vitamin A are also available.
Am I getting enough vitamin A?
Most people in the United States get enough vitamin A from the foods they eat, and vitamin A
deficiency is rare. However, certain groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble
getting enough vitamin A:
 Premature infants, who often have low levels of vitamin A in their first year.
 Infants, young children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women in developing countries.
 People with cystic fibrosis.
What happens if I don't get enough vitamin A?
Vitamin A deficiency is rare in the United States, although it is common in many developing
countries. The most common symptom of vitamin A deficiency in young children and pregnant
women is an eye condition called xerophthalmia. Xerophthalmia is the inability to see in low
light, and it can lead to blindness if it isn't treated.
Dietary Supplement Calcium
What is calcium, what does it do and do I need to take a calcium dietary supplement?
Calcium is a mineral found in many foods. The body needs calcium to maintain strong bones and
to carry out many important functions. Almost all calcium is stored in bones and teeth, where it
supports their structure and hardness.
The body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the
brain and every body part. In addition, calcium is used to help blood vessels move blood
throughout the body and to help release hormones and enzymes that affect almost every function
in the human body.
How much calcium do I need or do I need to take a calcium dietary supplement?
The amount of calcium you need each day depends on your age. Average daily recommended
amounts are listed below in milligrams (mg):
Life Stage Recommended Amount
Birth to 6 months 200 mg
Infants 7–12 months 260 mg
Children 1–3 years 700 mg
Life Stage Recommended Amount
Children 4–8 years 1,000 mg
Children 9–13 years 1,300 mg
Teens 14–18 years 1,300 mg
Adults 19–50 years 1,000 mg
Adult men 51–70 years 1,000 mg
Adult women 51–70 years 1,200 mg
Adults 71 years and older 1,200 mg
Pregnant and breastfeeding teens 1,300 mg
Pregnant and breastfeeding adults 1,000 mg
What foods provide calcium?
Calcium is found in many foods. You can get recommended amounts of calcium by eating a
variety of foods, including the following:
 Milk, yogurt, and cheese are the main food sources of calcium for the majority of people in the
United States.
 Kale, broccoli, and Chinese cabbage are fine vegetable sources of calcium.
 Fish with soft bones that you eat, such as canned sardines and salmon, are fine animal sources
of calcium.
 Most grains (such as breads, pastas, and unfortified cereals), while not rich in calcium, add
significant amounts of calcium to the diet because people eat them often or in large amounts.
 Calcium is added to some breakfast cereals, fruit juices, soy and rice beverages, and tofu. To find
out whether these foods have calcium, check the product labels.
Dietary Supplements More on Calcium
What kinds of calcium dietary supplement are available?
Calcium is found in many multivitamin-mineral supplements, though the amount varies by
product. Dietary supplements that contain only calcium or calcium with other nutrients such as
vitamin D are also available. Check the Supplement Facts label to determine the amount of
calcium provided.
The two main forms of calcium dietary supplements are carbonate and citrate. Calcium carbonate
is inexpensive, but is absorbed best when taken with food. Some over-the-counter antacid
products, such as Tums® and Rolaids®, contain calcium carbonate. Each pill or chew provides
200–400 mg of calcium. Calcium citrate, a more expensive form of the supplement, is absorbed
well on an empty or a full stomach. In addition, people with low levels of stomach acid (a
condition more common in people older than 50) absorb calcium citrate more easily than calcium
carbonate. Other forms of calcium in supplements and fortified foods include gluconate, lactate,
and phosphate.
Calcium absorption is best when a person consumes no more than 500 mg at one time. So a
person who takes 1,000 mg/day of calcium from supplements, for example, should split the dose
rather than take it all at once.
Calcium supplements may cause gas, bloating, and constipation in some people. If any of these
symptoms occur, try spreading out the calcium dose throughout the day, taking the supplement
with meals, or changing the supplement brand or calcium form you take.
Am I getting enough calcium or do I need a calcium dietary supplement?
Many people don't get recommended amounts of calcium from the foods they eat, including:
 Boys aged 9 to 13 years,
 Girls aged 9 to 18 years,
 Women older than 50 years,
 Men older than 70 years.
When total intakes from both food and dietary supplement are considered, many people—
particularly adolescent girls—still fall short of getting enough calcium, while some older women
likely get more than the safe upper limit. See our Health Professional Fact Sheet on Calcium for
more details.
Do You Need To Take a Calcium Dietary Supplement
Certain groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough calcium and
may need to take a calcium dietary supplement.
 Postmenopausal women because they experience greater bone loss and do not absorb calcium
as well. Sufficient calcium intake from food, and supplements if needed, can slow the rate of
bone loss.
 Women of childbearing age whose menstrual periods stop (amenorrhea) because they exercise
heavily, eat too little, or both. They need sufficient calcium to cope with the resulting decreased
calcium absorption, increased calcium losses in the urine, and slowdown in the formation of
new bone.
 People with lactose intolerance cannot digest this natural sugar found in milk and experience
symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea when they drink more than small amounts at a time.
They usually can eat other calcium-rich dairy products that are low in lactose, such as yogurt and
many cheeses, and drink lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk.
 Vegans (vegetarians who eat no animal products) and ovo-vegetarians (vegetarians who eat
eggs but no dairy products), because they avoid the dairy products that are a major source of
calcium in other people's diets.
Many factors can affect the amount of calcium absorbed from the digestive tract, including:
 Age. Efficiency of calcium absorption decreases as people age. Recommended calcium intakes
are higher for people over age 70.
 Vitamin D intake. This vitamin, present in some foods and produced in the body when skin is
exposed to sunlight, increases calcium absorption.
 Other components in food. Both oxalic acid (in some vegetables and beans) and phytic acid (in
whole grains) can reduce calcium absorption. People who eat a variety of foods don't have to
consider these factors. They are accounted for in the calcium recommended intakes, which take
absorption into account.
Many factors can also affect how much calcium the body eliminates in urine, feces, and sweat.
These include consumption of alcohol- and caffeine-containing beverages as well as intake of
other nutrients (protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus). In most people, these factors have
little effect on calcium status.
Dietary supplements magnesium and health
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Dietary supplements magnesium and health

  • 1. Vimacel Blogs Vimacel Research | Using Whole Plants Rather Than Drugs Why is it that often it is better to use plants rather than drugs to help heal? It’s largely to do with the complex nature of plants compared to the isolated constituents of drugs. Many of the drugs found in your local chemist shop are based on plants. Herbs are found to be effective in healing a particular condition and then the hunt is on to find the so called “active ingredients”. These are then isolated, synthesised and developed as drugs. According to Dr. Andrew Weil of the Arizona Centre for Integrative Medicine, this is done to provide for ease of production and research, and to make production profitable for drug companies. It’s hard to patent a plant that has been around for millennia and used medicinally for nearly as long. Because plants contain an array of complex constituents the body can selectively utilise those that will work best for it, and many constituents in the herb act in balance with each other. This leads to two benefits in particular for the patient. Firstly, it means that many of the side effects experienced by those using pharmaceutical drugs are avoided. An example of this is White Willow or Saileach (Salix alba). Willow contains the constituent salicin, which changes to salicylic acid in the body. This is the basis of the common drug aspirin. Now, it is well known that aspirin causes stomach problems, increasing risk of ulcers and gastritis. No such problems occur with Willow, it eases pain without the attendant problems. And the herb, Meadowsweet, with similar constituents is actually used by herbalists to help with digestive problems! The second benefit we receive from the complexity of herbs is that they can have what herbalists call an amphoteric effect. That is to say that herbs can have different effects on a condition depending on the needs of the body. The body takes from the herb in question that which is needed. Examples of this action in herbs include Ginseng and the Indian or Ayurvedic herb Gotu kola. Ginseng both stimulates and relaxes neurones in the central nervous system, depending on the state of the body. This is why it is important not to use the herb in a standardised form or take products containing extracts of the herb. Whilst drugs may be needed in emergencies and where there is little time for the body to fight a particular condition, Dr. Weil asserts that ”in many cases, particularly with the chronic, degenerative diseases of modern civilization, there is time to allow the body to participate, to choose just what it needs. As it slowly heals, it can develop a new balance; a dynamic equilibrium that helps it cope with stress in the future.” We have been using plants, with all their balanced complexity for many the long year now and for most people, for most of the time they work and work well. This article was originally printed on February 27, 2012 on the Wexford Herbal Medicine Clinic Blog Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine.
  • 2. Vimacel Research | Plant’s Survival Instincts Helping Humankind While doing research for Vimacel, I came across this chapter of a book on rainforest herbs. The following has been reprinted from Chapter 2 of the book The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, by Dr. Leslie Taylor, ND. It’s also very important to note that all living things have inbred survival instincts. It is literally part of the cellular makeup of all species on earth. In highly mobile species like humans and other animals, the main survival instinct and mechanism is “flee, fight, or hide.” Even bacteria and virus species have learned to flee or hide from immune cells and chemical agents attacking them, as well as to fight them by mutating or changing their own physical structure to defend against them. With stationary plants rooted to the ground and incapable of physically fleeing from danger, their survival instinct is controlled by wonderfully complex and rich chemical defense mechanisms that have evolved over eons. Plants have either created a defense mechanism against what might harm them, or they have succumbed and become extinct. In the species-rich rainforest, there are many species of fungi, mold, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and insects that attack and kill plants. It is of little wonder that rainforest plants contain so many potent and active chemicals: the plants are in a constant battle for survival in an environment literally teeming with life that is constantly evolving. From soil-borne root rot (a virus) that attacks tender herbaceous plants, to the fungi and mold smothering the life out of huge canopy trees, or to the incredible number of insects devouring any defenseless leaf in the forest, rainforest plants have learned to adapt, create chemical defenses against attack, and survive. Within this rich arsenal of defensive chemicals are antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-mold, and insecticidal chemicals with tested potent actions. This is the mechanism the plants use to survive, grow, and flourish as well as to fight the many disease-causing organisms that attack them. It is likely that within these diverse chemicals created to protect the plants from disease, at least a handful or more will be harvested and put to use protecting humans and animals from the same types of disease-causing organisms. This is yet another reason to respect and value rainforest plants as very active potent herbal remedies and to protect them against humankind’s destruction (against which the plants have no defense mechanism). Please respect them—and please help to protect them. More is Not Always Better: Be Careful About Dosage Amounts Too many Americans today buy into the idea that herbal products and medicinal plants are like food and are more or less benign and/or safe at any dosage. This is partly a result of legal restrictions stating that these products must be sold as “food supplements” in the United States. Also at play is that old American philosophy of excess: “if some is good, more is better.” This idea is also somewhat prevalent in the food and dietary supplements market. While this may be true for some foods and dietary supplements, it is certainly not true for many of the biologically active medicinal plants that are sold here as herbal supplements. It is also not true for many of the rainforest plants discussed in this book. Traditional dosage amounts for herbal remedies have been included in the plant information provided in Part Three of this book for a reason. These dosage amounts are based on the long history of the plant’s use and should be followed within reason. They have been calculated for an average-weight adult person of 120 to 150 pounds and should be generally adjusted up or down based on body weight. Take less if you weigh under 120 pounds, and more if you weigh more than 150 pounds (up to double the recommended dosage if you weigh 300 pounds or more). If you plan on taking more than one and one-half times the dosage that is
  • 3. indicated for your weight, it is best to check with a qualified herbalist, naturopath, or physician who has experience with the particular plant you are choosing to take at higher dosages. PROBLEM OF ONE VS SEVERAL CHEMICALS While many drugs have originated from biologically active plant chemicals, and many plants’ medicinal uses can be attributed to various active chemicals found in them, there is a distinct difference between using a medicinal plant and a chemical drug. The difference is one that scares most conventionally trained doctors with no training in plants. Drugs usually consist of a single chemical, whereas medicinal plants can contain 400 or more chemicals. It’s relatively easy to figure out the activity and side effects of a single chemical, but there is just no way scientists can map all the complex interactions and synergies that might be taking place between all the various chemicals found in a plant, or a traditionally prepared crude plant extract, containing all these chemicals. It is not unusual for a plant to contain a single documented cancer-causing chemical and also maybe five other chemicals that are anticancerous and which may counteract the one “bad” chemical. Overall, the plant extract may even provide some type of anticancerous effect. In some instances, a particular plant chemical’s activity is enhanced or increased when it is combined with another chemical or chemicals that occur naturally in the plant. An example of this is the rainforest plant cat’s claw. First, the crude extract of cat’s claw was shown to boost immune function. Then, specific alkaloid chemicals in the plant were scientifically documented (and patented) to be the “active constituents” that provided this effect. However, scientists discovered much later that if they extracted just the alkaloids, these alkaloids were less potent at stimulating immune cells than they were when combined with other chemicals (called catechin tannins) that the plant contains. Adding the tannin chemicals to the alkaloids increased the immune-stimulating effect of the alkaloids by almost 40 percent. In this instance, a drug made using only the alkaloids would probably be less effective than a crude extract of the plant that contained both alkaloids and tannins. The drug industry often misses the boat in this regard. However, their motivations are different. Crude plant extracts cannot be patented or approved as drugs. The drug researcher’s goal is to come up with a single chemical with good biological activity—one that can be changed in some way (without losing activity) so that it can be patented as a novel chemical and then be synthetically manufactured into a new patented drug (like adding a salt molecule to the plant chemical coumarin and patenting it as coumadin). Sometimes the isolated chemical might not be quite as effective as the crude extract in which it was found, but the researchers have the ability to deliver more of the chemical therapeutically by increasing the dosage of the single chemical. Sometimes, they can even improve on the activity of the plant chemical by modifying it in some way, which also makes it patentable. Even if patents were not an issue, the drug company still would not be able to provide enough scientific data on how so many naturally occurring plant chemicals work individually, much less in combination with one another, to get a crude plant extract approved as a drug under our current drug regulations. The quinine tree and its quinine alkaloid are again a wonderful example of some of the limitations in this regard. Scientists selected just one single alkaloid from the crude bark extract, the chemical that evidenced the highest antimalarial effect, to turn into a drug. But the crude extract actually had at least fifteen unique chemicals which were individually found to be antimalarial. The crude extract also contained other chemicals that had a different activity: they reduced fever (one of the main symptoms of malaria). Yet even other chemicals were found to be effective regulators of the heart and could be used to treat arrhythmia. (Sometimes very high fevers cause irregular heartbeat or increase the heart rate.) No wonder the crude bark extract was used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years by the indigenous people to treat malaria. It killed the bug that caused the disease, and in the meantime, it treated the symptoms
  • 4. the disease was causing! But similar to the guaco vine, the content of the active chemicals in the quinine tree can fluctuate. Some species of quinine trees can have 1 percent of the main antimalarial alkaloids, while others have up to 7 percent. How would a doctor know if a crude extract contained enough of these main chemicals to be therapeutic or how to prescribe proper dosages if these chemicals varied from extract to extract? For years, this alone has justified the use of the synthesized drug over the natural crude bark extract. Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to Vimacel Research | More than just a pretty flower MIT chemists engineer the periwinkle plant to produce compounds that could become more effective cancer drugs. Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article. It was originally printed on November 4, 2010 by Anne Trafton, MIT News Office. Humans have long taken advantage of the huge variety of medicinal compounds produced by plants. Now MIT chemists have found a new way to expand plants’ pharmaceutical repertoire by genetically engineering them to produce unnatural variants of their usual products. The researchers, led by Associate Professor Sarah O’Connor, have added bacterial genes to the periwinkle plant, enabling it to attach halogens such as chlorine or bromine to a class of compounds called alkaloids that the plant normally produces. Many alkaloids have pharmaceutical properties, and halogens, which are often added to antibiotics and other drugs, can make medicines more effective or last longer in the body. The team’s primary target, an alkaloid called vinblastine, is commonly used to treat cancers such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma. O’Connor sees vinblastine and other drugs made by plants as scaffolds that she can modify in a variety of ways to enhance their effectiveness. “We’re trying to use plant biosynthetic mechanisms to easily make a whole range of different iterations of natural products,” she said. “If you tweak the structure of natural products, very often you get different or improved biological and pharmacological activity.” O’Connor, graduate student Weerawat Runguphan and former postdoctoral associate Xudong Qu describe their engineered periwinkle plants in the Nov. 3 online edition ofNature. The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society.
  • 5. Swapping genes Engineering new genes into plants has been done before: In the 1990s, scientists developed corn that could produce an insecticide called Bt, which comes from a bacterial gene. However, O’Connor’s approach, known as metabolic engineering, goes beyond simply adding a gene that codes for a novel protein. Metabolic engineers tinker with the series of reactions that the host organisms use to build new molecules, adding genes for new enzymes that reshape these natural synthetic pathways. This can lead to a huge variety of end products. Most metabolic engineers use bacteria as their host organism, in part because their genes are easier to manipulate. O’Connor’s work with plants makes her a rare exception. Though humans have long recognized the value of medicinal plants, “there has been a lot less effort to engineer plants to produce things that could be of even more value,” says Edward Eisenstein, associate professor at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute. “One reason for that is that plants tend to be complicated. They’re not as simple to manipulate as bacteria or yeast or even simple fungi.” On the other hand, the complexity of plant synthetic pathways means that in many cases, it may be easier to modify the plant rather than try to reconstitute the entire plant pathway in a different organism such as bacteria. “This is a very nice study that might get more people to think about engineering plants rather than using them as a source of genes,” says Eisenstein, who was not involved with the research. In previous experiments, O’Connor and her students induced periwinkle root cells to create novel compounds by feeding them slightly altered versions of their usual starting materials. In the new study, they engineered the cells to express genes that code for enzymes that attach chlorine or bromine to vinblastine precursors and other alkaloids. The two new genes came from bacteria that naturally produce halogenated compounds. It’s much more rare for plants to generate such compounds on their own, said O’Connor. It is also possible, though very difficult, to synthesize halogenated alkaloids in a laboratory. To make alkaloids, plants first convert an amino acid called tryptophan into tryptamine. After that initial step, about a dozen more reactions are required, and the plants can produce hundreds of different final products. In the new genetically engineered plants, a bacterial enzyme called halogenase attaches a chlorine (or bromine) atom to tryptamine. That halogen stays on the molecule throughout the synthesis. In future work, the researchers hope to engineer full periwinkle plants to produce the novel compounds. They are also working on improving the overall yield of the synthesis, which is about 15 fold lower than the plant’s yield of naturally occurring alkaloids. One way to do that is to introduce the halogen further along in the process, said O’Connor.
  • 6. Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to Science Confirms That One Plant is as Effective as 14 Drugs Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Tumeric. It is titled Science Confirms That One Plant is as Effective as 14 Drugs and was originally printed on May 15, 2013 by Sayer Ji on the IntelliHub Website. Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies. In fact, our five-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 distinct beneficial physiological effects. This entire database of 1,585 ncbi-hyperlinked turmeric abstracts can be downloaded as a PDF at our Downloadable Turmeric Document page, and acquired either as a retail item or with 200 GMI-tokens, for those of you who are already are members and receive them automatically each month. Given the sheer density of research performed on this remarkable spice, it is no wonder that a growing number of studies have concluded that it compares favorably to a variety of conventional medications, including:  Lipitor/Atorvastatin(cholesterol medication): A 2008 study published in the journal Drugs in R & D found that a standardized preparation of curcuminoids from Turmeric compared favorably to the drug atorvastatin (trade name Lipitor) on endothelial dysfunction, the underlying pathology of the blood vessels that drives atherosclerosis, in association with reductions in inflammation and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients.  Corticosteroids (steroid medications): A 1999 study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research found that the primary polyphenol in turmeric, the saffron colored pigment known as curcumin, compared favorably to steroids in the management of chronic anterior uveitis, an inflammatory eye disease. A 2008 study published in Critical Care Medicine found that curcumin compared favorably to the corticosteroid drug dexamethasone in the animal model as an alternative therapy for protecting lung transplantation-associated injury by down-regulating inflammatory genes.[iii] An earlier 2003 study published in Cancer Letters found the same drug also compared favorably to dexamethasone in a lung ischaemia-repurfusion injury model.  Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants): A 2011 study published in the journal Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica found that curcumin compared favorably to both drugs in reducing depressive behavior in an animal model.  Aspirin (blood thinner): A 1986 in vitro and ex vivo study published in the journalArzneimittelforschung found that curcumin has anti-platelet and prostacyclin modulating effects compared to aspirin, indicating it may have value in patients prone to vascular thrombosis and requiring anti-arthritis therapy.  Anti-inflammatory Drugs: A 2004 study published in the journal Oncogene found that curcumin (as well as resveratrol) were effective alternatives to the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac, phenylbutazone,
  • 7. naproxen, indomethacin, diclofenac, dexamethasone, celecoxib, and tamoxifen in exerting anti- inflammatory and anti-proliferative activity against tumor cells.  Oxaliplatin (chemotherapy drug): A 2007 study published in the International Journal of Cancer found that curcumin compares favorably with oxaliplatin as an antiproliferative agenet in colorectal cell lines.  Metformin (diabetes drug): A 2009 study published in the journal Biochemitry and Biophysical Research Community explored how curcumin might be valuable in treating diabetes, finding that it activates AMPK (which increases glucose uptake) and suppresses gluconeogenic gene expression (which suppresses glucose production in the liver) in hepatoma cells. Interestingly, they found curcumin to be 500 times to 100,000 times (in the form known as tetrahydrocurcuminoids(THC)) more potent than metformin in activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). Another way in which turmeric and its components reveal their remarkable therapeutic properties is in research on drug resistant- and multi-drug resistant cancers. We have two sections on our site dedicated to researching natural and integrative therapies on these topics, and while there are dozens of substances with demonstrable efficacy against these chemotherapy- and radiation-resistant cancers, curcumin tops both lists:  Cancers: Drug Resistant  Cancers: Multi-Drug Resistant We have found no less than 54 studies indicating that curcumin can induce cell death or sensitize drug- resistant cancer cell lines to conventional treatment. We have identified 27 studies on curcumin’s ability to either induce cell death or sensitize multi-drug resistant cancer cell lines to conventional treatment. Considering how strong a track record turmeric (curcumin) has, having been used as both food and medicine in a wide range of cultures, for thousands of years, a strong argument can be made for using curcumin as a drug alternative or adjuvant in cancer treatment. Or, better yet, use certified organic (non-irradiated) turmeric in lower culinary doses on a daily basis so that heroic doses won’t be necessary later in life after a serious disease sets in. Nourishing yourself, rather than self-medicating with ‘nutraceuticals,’ should be the goal of a healthy diet. Vimacel | Papaya Leaf Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Papaya Leaf. It is titled ‘The Health Benefits of Papaya And It's Role In Fighting Cancer and the Immune System’ and was printed on September 27, 2012 on I found it very compelling and wanted to share this article with my readers. Papaya (Paw Paw) is a sweet and succulent fruit found in tropical climates around the world. Its health benefits are many; it is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, lycopene, beta-carotene and other vital nutrients. Many cultures successfully use the leaf, seeds, skin and pulp of this miraculous fruit for various diseases, infections and skin conditions. Today, researchers and scientists throughout the medical community are stepping up the investigation into the health benefits of papaya leaf (pawpaw twig) and the role it plays in fighting cancer, wound care, its anti-inflammatory benefits and how it helps to strengthen the immune system. Groundbreaking studies are showing that the enzymes and other compounds found in the leaves, skin, pulp and seeds of the have a variety of medicinal uses.
  • 8. The Parts of Papaya That Are Effective One of the reasons that papaya or paw paw is so unique is that all parts of this fruit, including the leaves, flesh, skin and seeds have nutritional and health benefits. In the tropical areas of the world where papaya is readily available, the consumption and use of papaya for enjoyment and medicinal cures are part of everyday life. Papaya Leaf Tea: Papaya Leaf Tea reduces inflammation, activates immune system response, and inhibits tumor cell growth through the strengthening of the immune system and increasing the natural anti- tumor effects that occur in immune response. The tea is ideal for individuals that enjoy drinking herbal teas and many find that it has a similar taste to green tea; but it is packed with more nutritional and health benefits. Papaya Leaf Extract: Papaya leaves are successfully used for Dengue Fever, digestive upset and for treatments of serious illnesses including cancer. Scientific research indicates that papaya leaf extract regulates T-cells and increase the immune system response to cancer. Papaya leaves are not readily available in stores in the United States; a concentrated extract of the leaf is available in both capsules and liquid formulas from the company Herbal Papaya. Papaya Seeds: Papaya seeds are proven effective for eliminating human intestinal parasites without significant side effects. Papaya seed extract capsules have antihelminthic and anti-amoebic properties that kill parasites and intestinal worms throughout the digestive system. Fermented Papaya: A current clinical trial at Ohio State University is evaluating the benefits of using fermented papaya in diabetic wound healing. Known for its antioxidant properties and protection from oxidative damage; the study centers on determining the angiogenic response of wound sites. Papaya Flesh: The nutritional benefits gained from the regular consumption of papaya are extraordinary. This nutrient rich fruit aids in digestion, helps to strengthen immune systems, and lessens inflammation in joints and throughout the body. Papain, which is concentrated in papaya, breaks down proteins and aids in digestion. Organic papaya fruit and leaf juice is ideal for individuals that do not have regular access to fresh organic papayas in their area. Papaya Skin: The skin of the papaya has been used for generations to assist in burns and wound healing by placing it directly on infections and other skin maladies. Additionally, when making smoothies with the papaya flesh, the fruit does not need to be skinned. Understanding The Immune System The immune system is a network of organs and cells in the human body that defends against toxins, foreign invaders, and infections. When an invader is detected, the immune system launches a fighting response by producing antibodies. The immune system is made of white blood cells including T-cells and B-cells. T-cells are responsible for coordinating the immune response to destroy infected cells. B-cells on the other hand make the antibodies that bind to invaders to allow the other cells to destroy the invaders. When the T-cells do not send signals to the B-cells, the B-cell is not able to make the antibodies necessary for an attack. Autoimmune Diseases When the immune system is not working properly, it can become unable to detect the difference between healthy and unhealthy cells and attack normal healthy cells in error. This results in a variety of autoimmune diseases where the body actually turns against itself causing damage to healthy cells and tissues. It is estimated that nearly 24 million Americans suffer from autoimmune diseases including Celiac
  • 9. Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Graves Disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and many others. Prescription medications for autoimmune diseases often focus on suppressing the immune system's response thereby limiting the natural ability of the immune system to fight off critical invaders including those that fight cancer. How T-Cells Are Related To Cancer Treatment & Immunotherapy T-cells cells help our bodies fight infection and attack and destroy invading infectious agents. They are produced in bone marrow and are further developed and matured in the thymus gland. After they become mature, they are found in blood and the lymphatic system. Essentially, T-cells directly influence the natural immune response in suppressing tumors and cancerous cells. A healthy immune system produces T-cells regularly to help fight diseases, infections and cancer causing toxins. The immune system is central to protecting against AIDS, cancer and other diseases of the autoimmune system. Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the natural immune response to wage a war against cancer and other diseases. Today, this is a growing area of cancer treatment that focuses on boosting the immune system so that it can effectively combat foreign invaders including those responsible for cancer. Researchers and scientists at Stanford University's Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy Research Program are working on new strategies to exploit the human body's natural immune response to destroy tumors. These include therapeutic monoclonal antibodies, and cell-based therapies to increase the patient's immune response to attack cancer in their body. Papaya Increases Regulatory T-Cells Activated platelets help the immune system's response in inflammatory diseases. Platelets are an integral part of the body's natural inflammatory process and are currently being researched to determine their role in fighting inflammation and improveming T-cell responses. Recent studies in mice show the role of platelets can enhance the antigen presentation, improve T-cell responses and play a critical function in normal immunity. Carica papaya leaf (paw paw twig) extracts can be used to enhance the production of selected blood parameters aiding in tumor cell regulation, according to the Department of Genetics and Biotechnology at the University of Calabar in Nigeria. In addition, researchers have found evidence to support that Carica papaya (paw paw leaf) extracts increase T-cells and help to mediate the body's inflammatory response and potentially alleviate inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation Inflammation can occur anywhere in the human body. It is a process caused when the immune system triggers a response to an outside invader or foreign substances. In autoimmune diseases, the system triggers the response when there are no substances to fight off. Symptoms of inflammation include swollen joints, pain, stiffness, and general flu symptoms. Inflammation also can affect internal organs. Ethanolic extract of Carica papaya leaves have been shown to reduce anti-inflammatory activities in the body. By reducing inflammation and increasing T-cell activity, the body is more apt to fight foreign invaders that cause disease. The Relationship Between Papaya And Cancer Cancer causing toxins, tumors and other outside invaders are fought off by the immune system. A healthy immune system that has active and healthy T-cells is more able to fight off foreign substances that can lead to cancer and other serious health problems. Additionally, inflammation in the body can cause the immune system to function inadequately thereby increasing the risk for cancer. Carica papaya helps to reduce inflammation, increase healthy T-cell activity thereby encouraging a healthy and active response to cancerous cells in the body. The link between the consumption of papaya leaf extract, papaya leaf tea, and papaya and cancer in general will continue to be researched. Papaya and Pregnancy
  • 10. Grown in tropical areas throughout the world, papaya is a luscious and healthful fruit. As mentioned above, the seeds, leaves, flesh and skin all have medicinal qualities. Ripe papaya has not been found to be dangerous to pregnant women or their baby, however, unripe or green papaya early in a pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. In some parts of the world, unripe papaya is used to induce labor. Papain in high amounts from green papayas is believed to jumpstart and strengthens labor contractions, thereby hurrying along the process of labor. There currently is no scientific evidence to support this theory, however, thousands of women across the world standby this practice. It is important to note that medical practitioners recommend that pregnant women during the first two terms of pregnancy avoid unripe or green papaya as the same naturally occurring chemical reactions that can encourage labor can cause a spontaneous miscarriage. Papaya Products & Better Health Scientific research indicates that there is a positive relationship between papaya and cancer. Paw paw cell regulation is being researched throughout the world as a potential cure for autoimmune and other serious disorders. Papaya helps to increase the immune system so that the body is able to fight foreign invaders. Unfortunately, most people in North America do not have access to fresh papaya. Pure papaya products available include papaya leaf extract, papaya leaf tea and papaya seed extract in capsule form for individuals that do not have access to the fruit. Papaya leaves are not available in stores; therefore, to receive the health benefits of mentioned above, the extract from the leaves is the only way to receive its benefits. In the United States, you can purchase papaya leaf and juice products manufactured by Herbal Papaya online. Their organic seed extract is also available. Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to ------ Vimacel | Benefits of Papaya Leaves Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Papaya Leaves. It is titled ‘Benefits of Papaya Leaves’ and was printed on I found it very compelling and wanted to share this article with my readers. Benefits of Papaya Leaves Papaya Leaves turn out to have a myriad of benefits to the body. Do not misunderstand behind the sense of bitterness turns to save properties so much. And what are they? We know that papaya is also good for the body, but the leaves are also not to be underestimated. Here are some of the benefits of papaya leaves that you must know: 1. Benefits of Papaya Leaves as an Acne Medicine For those of you who do not feel confident to have facial acne. Especially for women who always pay attention to beauty. Papaya leaves can treat it is to make a mask. How to make a mask: take 2-3 papaya leaves are already old. Then drying and mash until smooth. Add about half a tablespoon of water, new can be utilized to advance the full face.
  • 11. 2. Benefits Digestion Streamlining The leaves of the papaya plant contain a chemical compound karpain. Substances that can kill microorganisms that often interfere with digestion. 3. Increase Appetite This benefit is especially for kids that are difficult to eat. Take fresh papaya leaves, and the size of the palm of the hand. If you have found a little salt and half a cup of warm water. Mix and blend. Then strain the water, well water that can be used to increase appetite. 4. Scarlet Fever Who would have thought that papaya is also able to cure dengue fever. Try to take five leaves. Add half liter of water and boil. Take water if it has been left behind 3/4 only. Stars had never prove it, so if things do not improve immediately to the doctor immediately (even if the patient feel better suggest him to the doctor). Consider it for first aid! 5. Benefits of Papaya Leaf to Reduce Menstrual Pain Women often make use of the ancient Javanese papaya to treat menstrual pain. Simply Take 1 sheet of leaf only, add tamarind and salt. Then mix with a glass of water and boil. Let cool before drinking the potion papaya. 6. Anti Cancer It is still uncertain, but from several studies that the benefits of papaya leaves can also be developed as anti-cancer. Actually, not only the leaves but also stems papaya can be used. Since both have milky latex (a milky white sap). Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to -------- Vimacel | Papaya Leaves – A Cure For Low Platelet Count? Recently I was doing research for Vimacel and came across this article on Papaya Leaves. It is titled ‘Papaya Leaves – A Cure For Low Platelet Count?’ and was posted on December 27, 2012 on the website. I found it very compelling and wanted to share this article with my readers. Papaya. Just the right fruit if you are looking for a glowing, clear skin, a healthy bowel and a strong immune system. However, few of us know that Papaya leaves are packed with health benefits that may help save many lives by supporting platelet production. Papaya leaf extract has recently become the subject of several studies owing to its therapeutic value and scientists are intrigued by its potential benefit in supporting blood platelet count.
  • 12. What Does Reduced Platelet Count Mean? Platelets are tiny blood cells that have a very important job in your body. Whenever you get a cut or a bruise, platelets rush to the area, club together and form a clot that stops bleeding from the damaged blood vessel. Thrombocytopenia or a reduced platelet count can decrease the body’s ability to clot blood in case of an injury and can lead to excessive bleeding. Certain viral infections, dengue, vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiencies and chemotherapy can cause a dip in platelets. Some painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines can also affect platelet production. A platelet count of less than 150,000 platelets per microlitre of blood is considered lower than normal. Conventional treatment includes blood transfusion and medicines to improve platelet count, however recent research has shown promise in the use of papaya leaves in treating this condition. Have We Found A Cure For Dengue-induced Low Platelet Count? The Dengue virus affects the bone marrow, the flexible, soft tissue that fills up the hollow insides of our bones. Since platelets are produced in the bone marrow, dengue leads to a decrease in platelet count. Recent studies have shown that papaya leaves contain complex substances that may support the release and production of platelets by the bone marrow. A breakthrough study by Dr. Sanath Hettige of Srilanka indicates that papaya leaf extract helps to "normalize clotting and repair liver damage caused by dengue". Dr Hettige’s controlled clinical trials of about 70 dengue patients found that the patients who were given papaya leaf extract recovered fully within two days without hospital admission. In an interview to Srilanka's leading newspaper, The Sunday Observer, Dr. Hettige added that it is important to take papaya leaf juice at the early stages of dengue, before the disease progresses and damages vital organs. Dr. Hettige is said to have submitted an application for patent rights for the use of papaya leaf extract as a cure for dengue. Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. To learn more go to -----
  • 13. Vimacel | The Story I am often asked why not just have one or two Vimacel™ products to cover the full spectrum of medical disorders. The answer is simply…receptors. Membrane receptors are specialized protein molecules in the membranes of cells, to which external molecules (hormones, neurotransmitters, drugs) attach, triggering changes in the function of the cell. This process is called transduction: the external signal is transduced into action. Hundreds of receptors are known and there are undoubtedly many more yet to be discovered. Many drugs exert their therapeutic effects by activating or blocking membrane receptors. With that said, every medical condition has a variety of receptors. Pharmaceutical companies attempt to make new drugs as selective as possible, producing drugs that bind strongly to their target receptors. These drugs tell the cell to divide, die, or allow an open transportation system so substance(s) can freely enter and exit. For example, depression drugs target specific receptors, while neurological drugs, cancer drugs, and others target other specific receptors. Clearly, if a receptor is to receive an external chemical signal, part of the protein molecule must be outside the cell. This is the recognition site, which binds specifically with the messenger molecule. In my years working for a pharmaceutical company, our research department spent hundreds of millions of dollars on experimental compounds with specific receptors in mind. For these reasons, I started to extensively review various plants, their chemical structure, and clinical research papers to formulate the perfect combination that could really help people looking to improve their overall health. I have spent 10 years working for major pharmaceutical and biotech companies. During this time, I gained extensive knowledge on the immune system in clinical applications. With my knowledge and expertise in the pharmaceutical business, along with my personal passion for health and wellness, I set out to develop, Vimacel™ formulas, a product that focuses on precise plant ingredients and their effect on certain receptors. We take the power of nature, the power of plants, in an attempt to transform the way we look at medicine. Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. Vimacel™ uses ONLY vegetable capsules and glass bottles. NO plastic containers. NO Gelatin capsules. To learn more go to -------------
  • 14. Vimacel | The Story Continues Vimacel™ takes the power of nature and the power of plants, in an attempt to transform the way we look at medicine. With my vast knowledge working in the cancer field, we focused on elements that have a large negative effect on the immune system when we developed Vimacel™. Microbes were one of the biggest culprits. We researched clinical studies and found an amazing treasure trove of natural plants that may improve one’s overall cellular health. I then called on past colleagues in the pharmaceutical industry. These scientists developed some interesting early stage cancer compounds over the years that then blossomed into commercialization. With their help, together we took several different plants, examined their activity, and then started our ‘In Vitro’ clinical design process. We took detailed notes, examined tissue culture, and experienced phases of trial and error. As our clinical work elevated, we started to see signs of progress in the activity of these plants across tissue cultures. After years of formulations, measuring the exact milligrams needed of each plant in combination with other plants to make the most powerful and effective plant formulas, we found the right combination of plants for each Vimacel™ product. We were so precise with our formulas that even a difference of 25mg had a dramatic effect in our ‘In Vitro’ studies. Vimacel™ products are natural formulas that are effective in supporting the immune system and the cells within our bodies. We believe Vimacel™ is unlike any other product on the market. We were excited to introduce Vimacel™ formulas to the world in January 2013. Vimacel™ products are sold through Exican Life Sciences. Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. Vimacel™ uses ONLY vegetable capsules and glass bottles. NO plastic containers. NO Gelatin capsules. To learn more go to ----- Vimacel | Abnormal Cell Growth One of Vimacel’s key attributes is to help control abnormal and atypical cell growth. Cellular changes affect the organs and our entire system. Atypical cells appear to be abnormal. However, this is not necessarily the case as many factors can lead a cell to appear to by atypical, including inflammation and infection. The great thing about atypical cells is that they can be transformed, if you will, back to a normal cell. This can be done by resolving the underlying problem or from therapy. Many times, your physician will simply keep a close eye on the
  • 15. situation to make certain they do not become abnormal. Other times, appropriate action will be taken to reverse the process that is causing the atypical cell growth. Vimacel™ helps minimize both abnormal and atypical cell growth. We all have abnormal and atypical cells in our body. The key is to keep these potentially devastating cells under control. This can be done by proper nutrition and with the help of Vimacel™. By allowing our body’s internal system naturally to control, conquer, and minimize proliferation of abnormal cells is the way to keep healthy. We are not talking about an overnight process. It takes time, effort, and consistent behaviors. Committing to a Vimacel™ program for the long term will help one take control of their health. It’s truly amazing the amount of clinical data that has been hidden over the years on plants that have incredible abilities to improve the overall health of a person. Plants have become a focus of many health companies due to their unique abilities. Currently Vimacel™ has developed 16 different plant-based formulas for health and wellness, with more in the development stage. We are also poised to grow into other fields of health such as Neurological, Autoimmune, Cardiovascular, and Joint Health. Vimacel™ products are natural formulas that are effective in supporting the immune system and the cells within our bodies. We believe Vimacel™ is unlike any other product on the market. Vimacel™ is part of an Integrative Medicine approach to treating people naturally. Integrative Medicine combines alternative medicine with evidence based medicine. Vimacel™ uses ONLY vegetable capsules and glass bottles. NO plastic containers. NO Gelatin capsules. To learn more go to ------ Vimacel | Black Cohosh As the founder of Vimacel, whose philosophy is taking the power of nature and the power of plants, in an attempt to transform the way we look at medicine, I find it extremely interesting talking to people and finding out what natural remedies that they use for various symptoms and medical conditions. Recently, I met a woman named Mary who was going through menopause and suffering from the typical menopausal symptoms—hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, sleep disturbances, hair loss, just to name a few. While I can’t relate to menopause, I can understand the frustration and exhaustion that comes with lack of sleep and how it can affect all aspects of your life. Mary mentioned that she had gone to a medical doctor and had received hormone therapy to help with menopausal symptoms. She thought that it would be the answer. Much to her disappointment the hormone therapy caused side effects, such as bleeding, bloating, headaches, mood changes, and nausea. She said she ended up feeling worse, instead of better. A few months ago, her friend suggested that she may want to consider alternatives therapies, mentioning that she had heard of an herb called black cohosh. Black cohosh (known as both Actaea racemosa and Cimicifuga racemosa), is a member of the buttercup family, and is a perennial plant that is native to North America. It is an herb sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. What I found when I did my research on Black Cohosh is that it has been the subject of study for many decades throughout Europe and has been found effective time and again in reducing frequency and severity of hot flashes, irregular periods, and vaginal dryness. Though researchers in America continue to hotly debate this matter, in Europe women have rarely resorted to the conventional HRT American women spend millions on, largely because they prefer over-the-counter herbal preparations to pharmaceutical solutions.
  • 16. Several studies have reported black cohosh to improve menopausal symptoms for up to six months, although the current evidence is mixed. In Mary’s case, she found black cohosh to be an extremely useful form of natural, plant-based endocrine support that boosted her hormonal transition. Vimacel provides this information solely for informational purposes. It is not intended to provide medical advice. ------ Vimacel | Benefits and Uses of Aromatherapy Some people love running, others love music, we here at Vimacel love researching alternative forms of medicine. The latest we have been reading about is aromatherapy which is a form of alternative medicine that uses plant-derived materials, known as essential oils (EOs), or other aromatic natural botanical oils for the purpose of altering a person’s mind, mood, and cognitive function to promote physical and psychological well-being. They have been used for centuries not just as a pleasing fragrance, but also for the healing powers of the oils. The essential oils are extracted from flowers, leaves, shrubs, stems, seeds, bark, roots, and fruits of different plants. These essential oils are highly concentrated natural plant extracts. The oils are believed to bring therapeutic effects when inhaled or applied to the skin. Some of the more popularly used essential oils are lavender, rose, eucalyptus, peppermint, and sandalwood. Each has its own health fighting properties. Lavender is one of the most versatile essential oils because it can be used to treat many physical and mental complaints such as headaches, insomnia, eczema, acne and dandruff. It can be added to grape seed and almond oil to make massage oil for relaxation. Like lavender, rosemary is reputed to have many physical and mental benefits and can be added to grape seed and almond oil to make a calming massage oil. Eucalyptus or peppermint are said to make you feel energized. Eucalyptus can be used for the treatment of respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, coughs, colds, and sore throats. Peppermint can be use to decrease fatigue. Eucalyptus and peppermint can also be helpful for relieving muscle aches and pains as well. Sandlewood essential oil has a calming and earthy aroma, and is commonly used in incense and perfumes. It can be used to relieve itching and inflammation and also decrease the symptoms of depression when used in massage. Aromatherapy is sometimes used in combination with massage and other therapeutic techniques as part of a holistic treatment approach. Aromatherapy works by either inhaling or applying the essential oils to the skin. Once the inhaled scent reaches the part of the brain that influences the mental and physical we can feel its effects – brightening our mood, helping a stuffy nose or reducing inflammation. Essential oils enhance our health and well-being with their cleansing and soothing properties. Vimacel provides this information solely for informational purposes. It is not intended to provide medical advice. ------ Vimacel | Acupuncture for Allergies Vimacel loves doing research into alternative forms of health and wellness. For those not familiar with what an allergy is, it is when the body’s immune system misidentifies a normally harmless substance as a
  • 17. threat to the body. A substance that causes a reaction is called an allergen. These reactions are acquired, predictable, and rapid. Allergic reactions are distinctive because of excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by a type of antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Common allergens are pollen, animal dander, some foods, mold, drugs, and dust mites, just to name a few. The inflammatory reaction that occurs is an attempt to get rid of the substance from your system. This reaction results in an inflammatory response which can range from uncomfortable to dangerous. Symptoms of allergies are sneezing, running nose, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, hives, breathing difficulties, and much more. Many people choose to take over-the-counter (OTC) allergy pharmaceuticals when they have allergies. The problem is that while many over-the-counter remedies promise symptomatic relief, they rely on inhibiting the allergic response; antihistamines (Chlor-trimetron, Benadryl, etc.) are a good example. Other types of drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis or asthma include ones which act on the nervous system (Albuterol, epinephrine), cortico-steroids (prednisone), and decongestants. The problem is that they only make you feel dull and groggy and mask the symptoms instead of addressing the cause of allergies. If you are looking for an all natural alternative method acupuncture is an excellent treatment option for seasonal allergies. Acupuncture treats the whole person, and focuses on balancing the immune system which leads to substantial long-term health benefits in managing allergies. Recently there was an article published in February in the Annals of Internal Medicine, it found acupuncture led to significant improvement in quality of life and antihistamine use. If you are suffering from fall allergies Vimacel encourages you to look into acupuncture as a treatment plan to restore your health and breathe easy again. ------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Storing Vegetables for Maximum Nutrients Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division research recently read a new study from Rice University that suggests that the refrigerator may not be the best place to store your vegetables for optimal nutrients. Just like boiling your vegetable to long takes out valuable nutrients the Rice University study found refrigerator your vegetables do the same. Taking your vegetables out of the refrigerator and exposing them to light for 12 hours a day helps boost their anti-cancer effects. The researchers’ rationale is that vegetables are alive even after picking them and that circadian rhythms influence vitamins and antioxidants in plants so the cycles of light and dark that produce is exposed to influences the different amounts of health-boosting chemicals for your immune system and its nutritional content. In nature they are subjected to light and dark with night following day. So essentially, staying in a dark refrigerator or staying in the constant light of a supermarket is not optimal for the vegetables. As a result of storing vegetables in this manner, researchers found that your immune system may not be getting the full health benefits. They surmised that we should store our
  • 18. vegetables and fruits under light-dark cycles to enhance their health and anti-cancer fighting compounds. While Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division research on immune system finds this information interesting, we are not sure how practical this strategy would be for the average consumer to alternative their fruits and vegetables between light and dark. What if future appliances could alter how much light and dark your broccoli was receives prior to your consuming it? That may be more practical than leaving it up to the consumer to remember. It will be interesting for Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division to follow future research as they develop what pattern of light and dark maximizes the production of healthy chemicals in our fruits and vegetables. -------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Lifestyle and Breast Cancer Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division wants you to know that we take womens health issues extremely serious. Did you know that breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women? Based on current incidence rates, 12.4 percent of women born in the United States today will develop breast cancer at some time during their lives. This estimate means that a woman born today has about a 1 in 8 chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer at some time during her life. The strongest risk factor for breast cancer is age—a woman’s risk of developing this disease increases as she gets older. Most (8 out of 10) women diagnosed with breast cancer are over the age of 50. Other factors can also increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer, including inherited changes in certain genes, a personal or family history of breast cancer, having dense breasts, beginning to menstruate before age 12, and starting menopause after age 55. While those are all risks factors beyond our control, new studies are highlighting the large role that lifestyle plays when it comes to breast cancer risk. Figures from the International Agency on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization), indicate that the chance of getting breast cancer is higher in women who are overweight or obese. They estimate that 25 to 30 percent of breast cancer cases could be avoided if women were a healthy body weight and exercised more regularly. According to the research, "Many breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in fat tissue. So experts suspect that the fatter a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce, which could in turn fuel breast cancer. Even in slim women, experts believe exercise can help reduce the cancer risk by converting more fat into muscle."
  • 19. The seasons are changing and so are your priorities. Take a good look at your schedule and add in some time for yourself. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to take control of your health and transform your life with regular exercise and eating a balanced and healthy diet. --------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | PMS Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division recently read a study on womens health conducted by Harvard Medical School. It stated that 75% of all menstruating women experience premenstrual discomfort in some form, though only about 3% to 8% of those women have symptoms that are severe enough to disrupt their lives. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that premenstrual syndrome with the cramping, bloating, fatigue, cravings, and mood swings can make a sane women feel like she is going crazy. Although there is no real "cure" for PMS, many treatments and lifestyle changes are available to help you cut down on the discomfort. Improve your diet—limit your consumption of salty foods and sodium to reduce fluid retention and bloating. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains the week before your period. Limit your intake of highly refined and processed carbohydrates such as chips, crackers, and snack foods. These foods can trigger overeating and upset your digestive system. Limit the amount of sweets (candy, cake, cookies, breakfast pastries, pie, jams, jellies, and soda) in your diet. These can cause rapid fluctuations in blood sugar that contribute to moodiness and irritability. Avoid or limit caffeine consumption to decrease feelings of tension, anxiety, and irritability prevent breast tenderness. In addition to dietary changes, the following lifestyle habits can help as well. Exercise more it can help with both physical and emotional PMS symptoms. You may also find some benefits from checking out herbal remedies such as black cohosh, chasteberry, evening primrose oil, ginger, raspberry leaf, dandelion, or natural progesterone creams. Get adequate rest and plenty of sleep. Then make a conscious effort to reduce your stress level. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division doesn’t want you to suffer with PMS every month if you don't have to. Try to incorporate these habits into your life throughout the month to improve your overall health and well-being and feel your best. ------
  • 20. Vimacel Womens Health | Osteoporosis Prevention Measures The Vimacel Womens Health Division has been reading recent research on Osteoporosis prevention measures. Osteoporosis, which means porous bone, is characterized by a decrease in the calcium content of the bones, leaving the bones thin, weak and susceptible to fractures. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) estimates that 10 million people currently have osteoporosis, while 34 million are thought to have low bone mass; which places them at significantly increased risk for the condition. Of this, 80 percent are women. This number is expected to rise as people are living longer and leading more sedentary lives. The chances of developing this condition increase dramatically with age, especially with women. Womens Health issues such as Menopause is thought to contribute to osteoporosis because of the loss of the female hormone estrogen, which effects the amount of calcium in the bones. There are often no warning signs for osteoporosis until a person experiences a fracture, often after a minor fall. It is important that people at risk of osteoporosis take steps to help keep bones healthy and reduce their risk of developing the condition. The following are osteoporosis treatment and prevention measures:  Regular exercise will strengthen the muscles surrounding weakened bone  Healthy eating foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and vitamin D  Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake  Limit caffeinated drinks – excessive caffeine can affect the amount of calcium that our body absorbs. The Womens Health Division of Vimacel knows that Osteoporosis can significantly impact quality of life. Help mitigate osteoporosis complication by starting early with proper preventive care and treatment. -------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Strong Core Exican Life Science Womens Health Division knows that it is important to stay healthy at every age. Part of staying healthy and living a life gilled with vitality is making sure you get the exercise you need. However, when it comes to exercise most people are unaware of the importance of strengthening the core muscles. Maintaining a strong body core is important at any age for balance, posture and back health.
  • 21. So what is considered your core? In all, the core is comprised of an incredible 29 muscles that wrap around your mid section that connect and support the pelvis and spine. These include large muscle like the rectus abdominis (you may know this as the six-pack or abs), glutes and lats as well as many more muscles. The core muscles around your trunk and pelvis work as stabilizers for the entire body and help your lower back, hips, and abdominal muscles work together to increase balance and stability. They are the essential foundation of all your body’s movements, whether you are running, lifting, bending to pick something up, lifting a package, swinging a baseball bat, or tying your shoes. Therefore, core training is not just about abdominal muscles, it’s also consists of working muscles that are found at the obliques, abdominals, lower back, glutes and the entire area that connects to your spinal cord that helps your body support your spine. Working your core helps so that the load of supporting your body weight isn’t just placed on your bones. Having strong core muscles can reduce lower back pain and make everyday activities easier. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that those with solid cores have a lower risk for future injury. If you take care of the muscles of your core they will inevitably take care of you. ------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Sleep Issues Exican Life Sciences Womens Division knows that millions of people suffer from insomnia issues. Insomnia is a common problem that takes a toll on your mood, health, and energy. For many people they choose to use sleep medication, which in most cases only makes the problem worse, or creates a dependency on the drug that is near impossible to break. Exican Life Sciences Womens Division recognizes that a sleep deficit can have serious on your health by impairing your performance on physical or mental tasks, and decrease your problem solving ability. Over time, lack of sleep and sleep disorders can contribute to the symptoms of depression. Sleep deprivation can also dramatically weaken your immune system putting you at risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and many more ailments. Don’t despair if you suffer from insomnia. There are techniques that you can learn to help get a restful night sleep. Keeping your bedroom cool and dark, your body needs to cool down in order to sleep while any light will disrupt your internal clock. Vigorous exercise will help exhaust your body and allow you to sleep more soundly. So exercise regularly and thoroughly. Remove the computer, television, telephone and any other electronics from your bedroom. These items do not belong in the bedroom. Keep the bedroom reserved for sleep and sex only.
  • 22. Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Caffeine, sugar, and alcohol will hinder sleep. Exican Life Sciences Womens Division Clinic knows that sleep is an essential ingredient of a healthy lifestyle. By improving your sleep, you can improve your physical and mental health. ------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Simplify Your Life We here at Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division know that for many of us, there is a time in our lives as we are venturing off on our own, where we yearn for a life of luxury. The nice house, expensive car, you know the story. And then you begin to try to keep up with the ‘Joneses’. Does this sound familiar to any of you? Many people think that having ‘stuff’ equates to having a great life, yet for many of these people happiness is elusive. When you have to work so hard and make so much money just to pay your bills to maintain your lifestyle, it generates a lot of pressure and worry. It truly takes the joy out of life. For friends of ours at Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division, it took a financial and medical crisis for change…after years of being unable to keep up with everything they felt they had to do, with little time and money left over to do the things that they actually wanted to do…life started unraveling. Health and immune system issues in the form of cancer and financial issues had finally taken their toll. But then an interesting thing started to happen. Their reality began to change and they started to see things in a new light. A light that clearly said, ‘simplify your life’. They began to learn to live simply and discovered what they truly valued. Realizing that meaningful experiences were more important than owning the latest and greatest house, vehicle, gadget, the list could go on and on. Having options took precedent over having possessions and personal growth was chosen over bragging rights. No longer did they burden themselves with social expectations and useless possessions. They cleaned house literally and figuratively. Now they are living the kind of lifestyle that is truly fulfilling. Exican Life Sciences Womens Division wants to remind you that it is much easier to attain life’s pleasure when we take control of our lives. Don’t wait until things are out of control to start living a more simple life. -------
  • 23. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Fall Foods The Womens Health Division at Exican Lifes Sciences loves the fact that fall is coming. We realize that each season has its perks, but for us there is something invigorating about turning off the air conditioning and feeling crisp cool weather (sans humidity), experiencing the crunch of leaves beneath our feet and beautiful foliage all around us, making s’mores by the bonfire, and partaking in the abundant and healthy fruits and vegetables that the fall harvest provides. Ahhh, the delicious fruits and vegetables of fall…we all know that nutrition is fundamental to health and well-being, so the Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division would like share some with you. Apples are probably the most popular fall fruit—there are thousands of apple varieties, with a range of colors including red, russet, yellow, and green. Textures and flavors vary from tart and crisp to soft and sweet. Not only are apples delicious eaten raw, juiced, or baked in your favorite pie they are also packed with potassium, calcium. Folic acid, and vitamin C. Another yearly fall favorite are pumpkins…no they are not just for carving. Pumpkins contain carotenoids, which help prevent cancer and heart disease. They are great in pies, pasta, and mashed. Other fruits that peak in the fall are root vegetables, such as beets, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas and turnips. They add a hearty flavor to stews or roasted meats. Greens like cabbage, collards, brussels sprouts and spinach are rich in vitamins and nutrients and readily available during cooler months. Winter squash and broccoli are other delicious, fiber-rich options for vegetable enthusiasts to roast or tuck into creamy casseroles for a healthful boost. There’s no denying that the weather is perhaps the most anticipated part of the fall, but honestly with the great fruits and vegetables of the fall harvest our mouths can’t stop watering. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to add some healthy fall fruits and vegetables to your diet and enjoy the health benefits. ---------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Drink Water Do you want better health then Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to put the sugary stuff away and start drinking more water. One of the benefits of drinking water is that adequate hydration has a huge impact on your immune system. Approximately 60 percent of the body is made of water. Drinking water is essential for survival for both womens health and mens health, every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to function correctly. Our
  • 24. bloodstream cannot maintain the body’s fluid balance to transport nutrients effectively, digest food, or regulate body temperature unless we drink enough water. Drinking plenty of water is crucial for your body’s ability to flush toxins and ensures that your cells get all of the oxygen they need to function properly. Drinking water is crucial to the health of your immune system. Water allows your kidneys to remove toxins from your body. It allows your cells to take in nutrients, and it also allows them to expel waste products. If you don't drink enough water, toxins will build up, weakening your immune system. Water not only cleans your body, it helps create new cells, it safeguards the heart, cures headaches, boosts metabolism, and boosts brain power. It also helps prevents common chronic ailments such as arthritis and joint problems since drinking water helps lubricate the joints. Drinking water can help with depression, without sufficient amounts of water your brain will not produce enough serotonin. If you want to increase your immune system's ability to fight off colds and flus drink water. Water helps flush out the immune system and keeps you well hydrated and healthy. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that true health cannot occur without proper hydration of the body. When the body is functioning at its best, you will feel great and be happy. -------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Life With Arthritis Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division read an article about Carrie Ann Inaba, a longtime dancer and “Dancing with the Stars,” celebrity judge, has been suffering from a painful arthritic condition called spinal stenosis. Arthritis includes more than 100 different rheumatic diseases and conditions, the most common of which is osteoarthritis. Other forms of arthritis that occur often are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and gout. Some forms of arthritis are autoimmune diseases, which make the body's immune system attack itself. Arthritis is the nation’s most common cause of disability. It limits the activities of millions of Americans—for example, severely limiting an individual's mobility or use of their hands. For 1 of 3 adults of working age (18–65 years) with arthritis, it can limit the type or amount of work they do or whether they can work at all. Symptoms of arthritis include pain, swelling, stiffnes, and aching, in or around the joints. Some forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, can affect multiple organs and cause widespread symptoms. Carrie Ann Inaba wants people to know that although arthritis is more common among adults that are 65 years or older, people of all ages (including children) can be affected. Of the 50 million Americans who suffer with it, two-thirds are under the age of 65.
  • 25. Arthritis is more common among women (24.3%) than men (18.7%) in every age group, and it affects members of all racial and ethnic groups. Arthritis is also more common among adults who are obese than among those who are normal weight or underweight. The Womens Health Division of Exican Life Sciences recommends the following to help manage and reduce the symptoms of arthritis. You can reduce the risk of developing osteoarthritis by controlling your weight. If you have osteoarthritis you can reduce the symptoms by losing weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can protect your joints. For womens health and mens health with arthritis, physical activities such as walking, swimming, and bicycling can have many benefits. Regular exercise can actually reduce overall pain from rheumatoid arthritis. Exercise can keep your bones strong. Thinning of the bones can be a problem with rheumatoid arthritis, especially if you need to take steroids. Exercise helps bones keep their strength. By exercising regularly, your joints will soon realize the benefits. --------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Migraines Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that migraines affect 30 million Americans each year. Migraines are painful headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Studies have found that being severely overweight may almost double a person’s chances of suffering from migraines, according to a study published online in the edition of Neurology, where researchers surveyed 3,862 people who provided information on their height, weight and frequency of migraines. According to this research study, which was conducted out of John Hopkins University School of Medicine, obese people are 81 per cent more likely to suffer from episodic migraines compared to people of normal weight. The research also emphasizes on weight loss and exercise, along with healthy eating, suggesting that it could help those who suffer from migraines, as it is obese people who are more likely to suffer from migraines. The findings also point out that the link between obesity and migraines is higher for those under the age of 50. ‘Previous studies have shown a link between people with chronic migraines and obesity, but the research has been conflicting on whether that link existed for those with less frequent attacks,’ said researcher Dr Barbara Lee Peterlin, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Womens Health and Mens Health This latest study builds on previous research published in 2011 which found that exercise and weight loss can be just as effective at preventing migraines as medication. In that study researchers examined the way people's body fat distribution can affect their risk of migraine attacks. What they found in the earlier research was that women in the study with a larger
  • 26. waistline had an 8% increase in reported migraine headaches. Men with an increased waistline had a 4% increase in reported migraines. Women over the age of 55 with increased belly fat actually showed lower numbers of migraines. The 2011 study author Dr. B. Lee Peterlin, of Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, said, "suggests losing weight in the stomach area may be beneficial for younger people".. "especially for women." "For some diseases, including heart disease and diabetes, excess fat around the waistline appears to be a stronger risk factor than total body obesity." Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to listen to your body. ----------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Drink Up Campaign Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division has been reading about Michelle Obama’s new ‘Drink Up’ water campaign. At an event last week in Watertown Wisconsin, the first lady announced a “Drink Up” campaign to encourage adults and children to grab a bottle or glass of water and drink up. Womens Health and Mens Health Research indicates that about 40 percent of Americans drink less than half of recommended amounts of water each day, and about 25 percent of kids under 19 drink no water at all, according to government statistics cited by campaign officials. “I’ve come to realize that if we were going to take just one step to make ourselves and our families healthier, probably the single best thing we could do is to simply drink more water. It’s as simple as that,” Obama said. “Water is the first and best energy drink,” she said. “I drink a ton of water.” Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues. Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired. There is no universal requirement for water intake, and your needs will vary widely based on age, gender, body size, health status, and physical activity levels. Numerous environmental factors, such as high temperature and humidity levels, also influence water needs. It is difficult to estimate an exact amount of water needed for an individual, so thirst should be used as a general
  • 27. guideline for most individuals. In other words, if you are thirsty, drink, and if you’re not thirsty, don’t force yourself to drink simply because you believe it to be a healthy practice. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to join Michelle Obama and drink up for your health. --------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Dietary Supplements Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division has been researching dietary supplements. According to the CDC, more than one-half of U.S. adults are taking one or more dietary supplements a day in an effort to stay healthy. In today’s fast-paced world many of us are not getting the nutrients we need from the food choices that we are making. Depending on your situation dietary supplements may be helpful if you're not getting all the nutrients you need. Walking into a health food store can be an overwhelming experience. Which way to turn to work your way through the maze of shelves stocked with hundreds and hundreds of dietary supplements, multivitamins, calcium supplements, protein powders, the list can go on and on is often times a daunting task at best. Dietary supplements also may be appropriate if you:  Have had surgery on your digestive tract and are not able to digest and absorb nutrients properly  Don't eat well balanced meals or if you consume less than 1,600 calories a day  If you are a vegetarian or vegan who eats a limited variety of foods  Have a medical condition that affects how your body absorbs or uses nutrients, such as chronic diarrhea, food allergies, food intolerance or a disease of the liver, gallbladder, intestines or pancreas Womens Health Division Considerations for Taking Dietary Supplements  Know whether the dietary supplement you are taking should be taken on an empty stomach  Eat a healthy diet. Taking supplements is not a viable excuse for eating an unhealthy diet.  Make sure you tell your doctor if you taking dietary supplements.  Follow the dosage instructions that are printed on the package label.  Supplements taken in large amounts for an extended period of time can have side effects. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division encourages you to talk to your doctor or a dietitian before taking dietary supplements about which supplements and what doses might be appropriate for you.
  • 28. ---------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Benefits of Vitamin C Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division has been following the benefits of Vitamin C. Experts report that Vitamin C is one of the safest and most effective dietary supplement nutrients. Scientifically controlled studies using vitamin C for colds show that it can reduce the severity of cold symptoms, acting as a natural antihistamine. Giving the immune system vitamin C can often shorten the duration of the cold. Womens Health Research Vitamin C is an important factor in producing collagen, therefore, useful in wound healing. For cuts, burns, and surgical wounds, vitamin C taken orally helps wounds to heal faster and better. Applied to the skin, vitamin C may protect the skin from free radical damage after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. Dietary supplements of vitamin C also act as an antioxidant, helping to prevent eye disease such as cataracts. The use of IV (intravenous) vitamin C to treat cancer is growing in popularity around the world as positive research continues to accumulate and build a strong case for its effectiveness. A study that took place in Germany showed that IV vitamin c notably improved the quality of life for breast cancer patients. Its antioxidant properties protect cells and their DNA from damage and mutation. It supports the body's immune system, the first line of defense against cancer, and prevents certain cancer-causing compounds from forming in the body. New research indicates that dietary supplements of vitamin C may improve your mood. In a recent study, researchers found that people who have vitamin C deficiency often feel fatigued or depressed. Studies show that vitamin C can have mood-elevating effects. So it makes sense that vitamin C levels could affect mood — but more research is needed. Exican Life Sciences Womens Division wants you to know that if you if you also take a supplement, try not to exceed the upper limit of 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day. As always, talk to your doctor first before taking any supplement. -------- Exican Life Sciences Womens Health | Are You Getting Enough Calcium Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division wants to know if you are getting enough calcium in your diet. While we all know that calcium is vital for optimal bone health, nearly 80% of American women do not consume the amount of calcium recommended to help maintain healthy bones. Taking dietary supplements such as a calcium supplement of up to 1,000 mg per day can help women live longer, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).
  • 29. Womens Health Benefits of Calcium Dietary Supplements Making sure you are getting an adequate amount of calcium and vitamin D can significantly increase bone mass in both growing children and young adults, and it can decrease bone loss during aging and for post menopausal women. Research suggests that consuming calcium may also ward off colorectal, ovarian and breast cancers. Promising research supports an adequate calcium intake as a way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension. Before you consider dietary supplements or calcium supplements, be sure you understand how much calcium you need. How much calcium you need depends on your sex and your age. The following chart is what the Mayo Clinic recommends. Calcium: Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults Men Daily RDA Daily upper limit 19-50 years 1,000 mg 2,500 mg 51-70 years 1,000 mg 2,000 mg 71 and older 1,200 mg 2,000 mg Women 19-50 years 1,000 mg 2,500 mg 51 and older 1,200 mg 2,000 mg As you can see from the chart, calcium is important at all ages. And whiles diet and good nutrition is the best way to get calcium, calcium supplements are an option when your diet doesn’t contain enough calcium. In order for your body to absorb calcium you need vitamin D. For this reason, many calcium supplements contain vitamin D. The RDA for vitamin D is 600 international units (15 micrograms) a day for most adults. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division wants you to maintain good bone health. ---------
  • 30. Exican Life Sciences Dietary Supplements | Your Health Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division knows that the reality of our fast-paced world means more fast-food and eating meals out which in most cases equates to eating less than perfect diets. Many people are finding themselves skipping meals because their busy schedules don’t allow for time. For those who are not getting the vitamins and minerals that their bodies need, dietary supplements may give you a boost. Adding dietary supplements to your diet can improve your energy levels, help keep your skin and hair healthy, and help with digestive issues among other things. So what is exactly is a dietary supplement? A dietary supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities. Supplements as generally understood include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, among other substances. U.S. authorities define dietary supplements as foods, while elsewhere they may be classified as drugs or other products. There are more than 50,000 dietary supplements available. More than half of the U.S. adult population (53% - 55%) consumes dietary supplements with most common ones being multivitamins. Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division understands that it's important to remember that dietary supplements are designed to supplement your diet, not to replace nutritious foods. However, some people may need dietary supplements because the vitamins and minerals they need are hard to get in the quantity they require. Dietary Supplements Are Recommended For  Pregnant women  Nursing mothers  Strict vegetarians  People with food allergies or intolerances  Senior citizens Exican Life Sciences Womens Health Division believes that in addition to eating well, exercising, and reducing stress in your life, dietary supplements are key to creating optimal health. -------
  • 31. Background Information on Dietary Supplements As defined by Congress in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which became law in 1994, a dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) that: • is intended to supplement the diet; • contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents; • is intended to be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid; and • is labeled on the front panel as being a dietary supplement. A new dietary ingredient is a dietary ingredient that was not sold in the United States in a dietary supplement before October 15, 1994. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires specific safety information from a manufacturer intending to market a dietary supplement containing a new dietary ingredient. This information is not required for older dietary supplement ingredients. Are dietary supplements different from foods and drugs Although dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA as foods, they are regulated differently from other foods and from drugs. Whether a product is classified as a dietary supplement, conventional food, or drug is based on its intended use. Most often, classification as a dietary supplement is determined by the information that the manufacturer provides on the product label or in accompanying literature, although many food and dietary supplement product labels do not include this information. What claims can manufacturers make for dietary supplements and drugs? The types of claims that can be made on the labels of dietary supplements and drugs differ. Drug manufacturers may claim that their product will diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent a disease. Such claims may not legally be made for dietary supplements. The label of a dietary supplement or food product may contain one of three types of claims: a health claim, nutrient content claim, or structure/function claim. Health claims describe a relationship between a food, food component, or dietary supplement ingredient, and reducing risk of a disease or health-related condition. Nutrient content claims describe the relative amount of a nutrient or dietary substance in a product. A structure/function claim is a statement describing how a product may affect the organs or systems of the body and it can not mention any specific disease. ----- Information on Dietary Supplements
  • 32. In addition to regulating label claims, FDA regulates dietary supplements in other ways. Supplement ingredients sold in the United States before October 15, 1994, are not required to be reviewed by FDA for their safety before they are marketed because they are presumed to be safe based on their history of use by humans. For a new dietary ingredient (one not sold as a dietary supplement before 1994) the manufacturer must notify FDA of its intent to market a dietary supplement containing the new dietary ingredient and provide information on how it determined that reasonable evidence exists for safe human use of the product. FDA can either refuse to allow new ingredients into or remove existing ingredients from the marketplace for safety reasons. Unlike drug products, there are no provisions in the law for FDA to "approve" dietary supplements for safety or effectiveness before they reach the consumer. Once a dietary supplement is marketed, FDA has to prove that the product is not safe in order to restrict its use or remove it from the market. In contrast, before being allowed to market a drug product, manufacturers must obtain FDA approval by providing convincing evidence that it is both safe and effective. The label of a dietary supplement product is required to be truthful and not misleading. If the label does not meet this requirement, FDA may remove the product from the marketplace or take other appropriate actions. What are some additional sources of information on dietary supplements? Medical libraries are one source of information about dietary supplements. Others include Web- based resources such as PubMed and FDA. For general information on botanicals and their use as dietary supplements please see Background Information About Botanical Dietary Supplements. -------- Dietary Supplements Vitamin A What is vitamin A and what does it do and do I need to take a vitamin A supplement? Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in many foods. Vitamin A is important for normal vision, the immune system, and reproduction. Vitamin A also helps the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs work properly. There are two different types of vitamin A. The first type, preformed vitamin A, is found in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. The second type, provitamin A, is found in fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based products. The most common type of provitamin A in foods and dietary supplements is beta-carotene.
  • 33. How much vitamin A do I need The amount of vitamin A you need depends on your age and reproductive status. Recommended intakes for vitamin A for people aged 14 years and older range between 700 and 900 micrograms (mcg) of retinol activity equivalents (RAE) per day. Recommended intakes for women who are nursing range between 1,200 and 1,300 RAE. Lower values are recommended for infants and children younger than 14. However, the vitamin A content of foods and dietary supplements is given on product labels in international units (IU), not mcg RAE. Converting between IU and mcg RAE is not easy. A varied diet with 900 mcg RAE of vitamin A, for example, provides between 3,000 and 36,000 IU of vitamin A depending on the foods consumed. For adults and children aged 4 years and older, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has established a vitamin A Daily Value (DV) of 5,000 IU from a varied diet of both plant and animal foods. DVs are not recommended intakes; they don't vary by age and sex, for example. But trying to reach 100% of the DV each day, on average, is useful to help you get enough vitamin A. What foods provide Dietary Supplements More on Vitamin A vitamin A and do I need to take dietary supplements? Vitamin A is found naturally in many foods and is added to some foods, such as milk and cereal. You can get recommended amounts of vitamin A by eating a variety of foods, including the following:  Beef liver and other organ meats (but these foods are also high in cholesterol, so limit the amount you eat).  Some types of fish, such as salmon.  Green leafy vegetables and other green, orange, and yellow vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, and squash.  Fruits, including cantaloupe, apricots, and mangos.  Dairy products, which are among the major sources of vitamin A for Americans.  Fortified breakfast cereals. What kinds of vitamin A dietary supplements are available? Vitamin A is available in dietary supplements, usually in the form of retinyl acetate or retinyl palmitate (preformed vitamin A), beta-carotene (provitamin A), or a combination of preformed and provitamin A. Most multivitamin-mineral supplements contain vitamin A. Dietary supplements that contain only vitamin A are also available.
  • 34. Am I getting enough vitamin A? Most people in the United States get enough vitamin A from the foods they eat, and vitamin A deficiency is rare. However, certain groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough vitamin A:  Premature infants, who often have low levels of vitamin A in their first year.  Infants, young children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women in developing countries.  People with cystic fibrosis. What happens if I don't get enough vitamin A? Vitamin A deficiency is rare in the United States, although it is common in many developing countries. The most common symptom of vitamin A deficiency in young children and pregnant women is an eye condition called xerophthalmia. Xerophthalmia is the inability to see in low light, and it can lead to blindness if it isn't treated. Dietary Supplement Calcium What is calcium, what does it do and do I need to take a calcium dietary supplement? Calcium is a mineral found in many foods. The body needs calcium to maintain strong bones and to carry out many important functions. Almost all calcium is stored in bones and teeth, where it supports their structure and hardness. The body also needs calcium for muscles to move and for nerves to carry messages between the brain and every body part. In addition, calcium is used to help blood vessels move blood throughout the body and to help release hormones and enzymes that affect almost every function in the human body. How much calcium do I need or do I need to take a calcium dietary supplement? The amount of calcium you need each day depends on your age. Average daily recommended amounts are listed below in milligrams (mg): Life Stage Recommended Amount Birth to 6 months 200 mg Infants 7–12 months 260 mg Children 1–3 years 700 mg
  • 35. Life Stage Recommended Amount Children 4–8 years 1,000 mg Children 9–13 years 1,300 mg Teens 14–18 years 1,300 mg Adults 19–50 years 1,000 mg Adult men 51–70 years 1,000 mg Adult women 51–70 years 1,200 mg Adults 71 years and older 1,200 mg Pregnant and breastfeeding teens 1,300 mg Pregnant and breastfeeding adults 1,000 mg What foods provide calcium? Calcium is found in many foods. You can get recommended amounts of calcium by eating a variety of foods, including the following:  Milk, yogurt, and cheese are the main food sources of calcium for the majority of people in the United States.  Kale, broccoli, and Chinese cabbage are fine vegetable sources of calcium.  Fish with soft bones that you eat, such as canned sardines and salmon, are fine animal sources of calcium.  Most grains (such as breads, pastas, and unfortified cereals), while not rich in calcium, add significant amounts of calcium to the diet because people eat them often or in large amounts.  Calcium is added to some breakfast cereals, fruit juices, soy and rice beverages, and tofu. To find out whether these foods have calcium, check the product labels.
  • 36. Dietary Supplements More on Calcium What kinds of calcium dietary supplement are available? Calcium is found in many multivitamin-mineral supplements, though the amount varies by product. Dietary supplements that contain only calcium or calcium with other nutrients such as vitamin D are also available. Check the Supplement Facts label to determine the amount of calcium provided. The two main forms of calcium dietary supplements are carbonate and citrate. Calcium carbonate is inexpensive, but is absorbed best when taken with food. Some over-the-counter antacid products, such as Tums® and Rolaids®, contain calcium carbonate. Each pill or chew provides 200–400 mg of calcium. Calcium citrate, a more expensive form of the supplement, is absorbed well on an empty or a full stomach. In addition, people with low levels of stomach acid (a condition more common in people older than 50) absorb calcium citrate more easily than calcium carbonate. Other forms of calcium in supplements and fortified foods include gluconate, lactate, and phosphate. Calcium absorption is best when a person consumes no more than 500 mg at one time. So a person who takes 1,000 mg/day of calcium from supplements, for example, should split the dose rather than take it all at once. Calcium supplements may cause gas, bloating, and constipation in some people. If any of these symptoms occur, try spreading out the calcium dose throughout the day, taking the supplement with meals, or changing the supplement brand or calcium form you take. Am I getting enough calcium or do I need a calcium dietary supplement? Many people don't get recommended amounts of calcium from the foods they eat, including:  Boys aged 9 to 13 years,  Girls aged 9 to 18 years,  Women older than 50 years,  Men older than 70 years. When total intakes from both food and dietary supplement are considered, many people— particularly adolescent girls—still fall short of getting enough calcium, while some older women likely get more than the safe upper limit. See our Health Professional Fact Sheet on Calcium for more details. -------- Do You Need To Take a Calcium Dietary Supplement Certain groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough calcium and may need to take a calcium dietary supplement.
  • 37.  Postmenopausal women because they experience greater bone loss and do not absorb calcium as well. Sufficient calcium intake from food, and supplements if needed, can slow the rate of bone loss.  Women of childbearing age whose menstrual periods stop (amenorrhea) because they exercise heavily, eat too little, or both. They need sufficient calcium to cope with the resulting decreased calcium absorption, increased calcium losses in the urine, and slowdown in the formation of new bone.  People with lactose intolerance cannot digest this natural sugar found in milk and experience symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea when they drink more than small amounts at a time. They usually can eat other calcium-rich dairy products that are low in lactose, such as yogurt and many cheeses, and drink lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk.  Vegans (vegetarians who eat no animal products) and ovo-vegetarians (vegetarians who eat eggs but no dairy products), because they avoid the dairy products that are a major source of calcium in other people's diets. Many factors can affect the amount of calcium absorbed from the digestive tract, including:  Age. Efficiency of calcium absorption decreases as people age. Recommended calcium intakes are higher for people over age 70.  Vitamin D intake. This vitamin, present in some foods and produced in the body when skin is exposed to sunlight, increases calcium absorption.  Other components in food. Both oxalic acid (in some vegetables and beans) and phytic acid (in whole grains) can reduce calcium absorption. People who eat a variety of foods don't have to consider these factors. They are accounted for in the calcium recommended intakes, which take absorption into account. Many factors can also affect how much calcium the body eliminates in urine, feces, and sweat. These include consumption of alcohol- and caffeine-containing beverages as well as intake of other nutrients (protein, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus). In most people, these factors have little effect on calcium status.