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Digital Graphic Narrative
Niamh Darby
Shape Task - Cat
Shape Task – Panda
What did you like about your image?
My favourite image from the two shape cartoons I have
completed is the panda as it looks more cartoon like, unlike the
cat, in my opinion. It was easier to create the panda as I had
already attempted the cat before. I like the vibrant colours used
for the cat, if I were to use it in my final product, I think that it
would attract the attention of young children. I added shadowing
to trees to give the appearance of depth to my image.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I wouldn’t improve anything on my panda cartoon but I would
improve the whiskers on my cat. I think they don’t look realistic,
so I would use the warp tool to create a curve in them.
Rotoscope – Peggy Carter
Rotoscope – Calum Hood
Rotoscope – Chris Evans
What did you like about your images?
I am happy all three of my rotoscopes look very similar to the
original photograph I chose. I enjoyed the rotoscoping tasks
more than the shape tasks as you get a more accurate
representation of what you are trying to create, even though
with the shaping task, there is more freedom to create a
shape which is similar to the original whereas with
rotoscoping, it is very accurate to the original.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve my Peggy Carter rotoscope I would focus on the
highlights in her hair to make it look more realistic. Also I
would attempt to recreate my Chris Evans rotoscope as I feel it
doesn’t represent the original image.
Narrative Environment – London Underground
What did you like about your image?
I really like this image. I used the Magic Wand Tool (ctrl/cmd +
W) to select various parts of the image which were similar
colours to create outlines of the windows and buildings and
rotoscoped them. I think this has made my finished product
look realistic and different to any other image I have created
so far, which was my intention.
What would you improve if you did it again?
To improve my image next time, I would make sure I have the
correct and even skin tone for the people in the bottom left of
the image. In my finished image, I can see one of the women
has a different colour tone on her face compared to her arm
so I would solve that problem when I improve my image.
Text Based
What did you like about your images?
I like the various fonts Photoshop offers as it gives me a
wide choice to choose from when I make my final
product. I enjoyed creating the text with the photo
inserted behind it, it really catches my attention the most
out of the three examples. I like the different techniques
with the Transform tool, it gives the text and font a
different edge compared to the standard Serif font.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did improve the examples shown, I would take full
advantage of the colours as well as the fonts and the
manipulation techniques as well.
Comic Book – Sebastian Stan as the Winter Soldier (Captain
America 2: The Winter Soldier)
Evaluation – Sebastian Stan as the
Winter Soldier
What did you like about your image?
I really enjoyed this task of making our own movie quote images. From
the three images I have produced, I like this one the most. I edited the
original image and put a “cutout” filter on my image which make the
image look like it was in a comic book. I also moved the Threshold layer to
create an offset look which I think is the best feature in the image. I also
added my favourite line from that specific scene “Who the hell is Bucky?”
as I felt the image reflected what the scene is about.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did this image again, I would focus on the text more as I feel I could
make it stand out more and grab the viewer’s attention along with the
main focus point. Also I would make the background layer lighter so it
contrasts with the darker threshold layer.
Comic Book – Chris Evans as Captain America (Captain America
2: The Winter Soldier)
Evaluation – Chris Evans as Captain
What did you like about your image?
Again like my previous image, I edited the original image and put a “cutout” filter
on my image which make the image look like it was in a comic book, I cropped the
image to make it less rectangular. I also created a threshold layer to create a
darker edge to my image. This image is my second favourite out of the three I
have produced because the quote I have chosen “Before we start…does anybody
want to get out?”, again reflects the scene in the movie, also you can see from the
image itself, the main character is in a crowded room and knows something will
happen if he doesn’t act fast.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did this image again, I would attempt to rotoscope the shield in the centre of
the image, so it stands out from the image and when the viewer glances at the
image, they will know straight away who the character is. I would also lighten the
image as I feel it is a bit dark so the viewer might struggle to see all the important
features of the image, such as, the colour of the main character’s hair, I think it
should be lighter than his suit.
Comic Book – Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones’s
Evaluation – Renée Zellweger as
Bridget Jones
What did you like about your image?
Again like my previous images, I edited the original image
and put a “cutout” filter on my image which make the
image look like it was in a comic book. I also created a
threshold layer to create a darker edge to my image, like
the previous two images I have produced. This is my least
favourite image out of the three images, I don’t like how
simple I have made the image and the speech.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I did this image again, I would make the image less simple
and edit the text to make it look more like a comic book.
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
I like the simplicity of the story, it is easy to follow
and isn’t too complicated. The narrative is shown in
short sentences as I wanted to focus more on the
images featured. I enjoyed adding filters and
elements to the images to make them more
What would you improve if you did it again?
Again, I would make sure to put all the features and
tools to full use as I only used a select few that I was
familiar with for this photo story.
What did you like about your images?
I liked being able to have control over specific
features in my illustrations but it took longer than
using a computer and I don’t think this technique is
ideal when we have a time limit as it can be very
time consuming. My favourite illustration is the
outline of my hand as I tried to put as much detail
as I could onto my knuckles and nails as well.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would take less time doing the basic outline and
focus more on detail.
Image Quote - Deliverance
Image Quote – Stand By Me
What did you like about your images?
I liked the quotes I was given as I found it easy to
find images to link to the quotes and I was able to
edit the images to fit in with the quotes as well. Out
of the two examples, I like the Stand By Me quote
the most as I was torn between two ideas, whereas
with my first quote I felt restricted.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I would analyse the quote to find a different
meaning than the obvious one and find images to
match the meaning.
Initial Ideas
Children’s Book:
All Possible Ideas
• Animals
• Cat
• Dog
• People
• Main female role
• Main male role
• Image on one page, text
on the other.
• Image filling the entire
double page with text
embedded into the
image, such as speech.
• Rooms
• Houses
• Woodland (Forests)
• Castles
• Meadows
• Mountains
• Serif
• San serif
• Easy to read
• Quite large for younger
• Black throughout the
book, unless necessary to
• Chronological order
• Clocks on top of
the pages like The
Bad Tempered
Ladybird by Eric
• One or two sentences of
text per page so it
doesn’t overwhelm
younger children
• Primary colours used
• Not too many colours on
one page
• Simple colour choice for
younger children
• Image filling the whole
• The background being
the scenery of the book
• Primary colours such as
blue, white and red
Children’s Book:
Jack and the Beanstalk
• Jack
• Mother
• Giant
• Giant’s Wife
• Cow
• Images on one page, text
on the other.
• Multiple images set out
as a storyboard which are
synced with the text.
• One or two sentences for
each page of text.
• House
• Village Market
• Castle
• Beanstalk
• Serif
• Easy to read
• Quite large for younger
• Black throughout the
book, unless necessary to
change the colour of the
• Chronological order
• One or two sentences of
text per page so it
doesn’t overwhelm
younger children
• Colourful, comic book like
storyboards on the image
side when a lot is going
on during pages.
• Primary colours used
• Not too many colours on
one page
• Simple colour choice for
younger children
• Primary colours such as
blue, white and red will
be used
Giant’s Castle
Giant’s Wife
Five Magic
Jack’s Mother
Character Analysis
I would like Jack’s character look like the pantomime version of the character. I feel like it is a realistic
interpretation of the character’s clothes and personality. Also, I like the way this interpretation makes
the character look innocent, when in fact in the story, we are told that Jack steals various things from
the Giant and ends up ending the Giant’s life.
Jack’s Mother
Even though Jack’s mother is a minor character in the story, I would like to make her character’s
presence known even if she isn’t featured in the images. I would do this by adding little details to Jack’s
clothes to show his mother has had input into his outfit choices, just to show how much “motherly
love” she is giving Jack and also to show, she is still mourning from her husband’s death, as it is
mentioned that she is a widow, I will feature pictures of a unnamed and unmentioned man, which will
be the husband she lost, in the kitchen images featured in my book.
I think my Giant character will be the stereotypical, bulky and boisterous man who shouts for no reason
about anything. The Giant is the second main character in this story and in some versions of this story
the Giant is intended to scare the children reading. In my book, I will intend for the Giant to overpower
Jack at some points but not enough to scare my audience.
Giant’s Wife
I would like to make the Giant’s Wife and Jack’s mother characters similar as I feel the Giant’s wife has
an identical personality to his mother and I think she is somewhat trapped in the castle with the Giant,
but has to live there with him until someone comes and rescues her, Jack is that person when he chops
down the beanstalk and kills the Giant, meaning the Giant’s now widow can be free.
10 pages (21cm x 21.5cm)
Story Overview
There is a boy named Jack who lives with his poor, widowed mother. Jack’s mother tells him to sell their cow at the village market.
Jack sells the cow to a man who gives him five magic beans. Jack’s mother is not impressed with him and throws the beans out of
the window. A beanstalk grows overnight. Jack climbs up the beanstalk and meets a giant’s wife, who gives him some bread and
milk. The giant roars the famous words; “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!”. Jack takes a sack of the giant’s gold
coins and gives them to his mother, who is very happy. Jack visits the giant’s wife again but this time he gets caught by the giant as
he steals his golden egg laying hen. He races down the beanstalk with the giant hot on his tracks and manages to save the giant’s
wife and chops down the beanstalk, killing the giant in the process…and they all lived happily ever after!
Export Format
Advantages: JPEGs are adaptable, they have a low resolution for a small file so they are downloaded quickly when on websites and
Disadvantages: JPEGs can lose quality if edited multiple times, due to the compression and recompression of the file.
Friday 15th January 2015 – need a finished set of pages for this date
My age target group is 6 to 8 year olds as there will be a few sentences on each text
page and I think a younger audience will struggle to read and understand the story,
but this age range was my initial target audience. Even though the story I have
chosen has two leading character who are male, I will not be gender specifying my
book as any gender can enjoy reading stories. The geodemographic of my audience
will mainly be English speaking countries, which can be expanded to North America
and Australia. Also, my book can translated into various languages.
Production Methods
I will be using Photoshop to create my final product. I will be using the shape tools
to create rooms and little features in my book. As well as the shape tool, I will be
rotoscoping my characters to create a realistic and natural feel to my book. For the
text in my book, I will be using the Free Transform tool to make my text big and
small in the speech bubbles featured in my images.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
I think your proposal is very strong and has barely
any weaknesses. Examples of the strengths would
be your mind maps as you have got a lot of
information and ideas of what you could do, and
then in your second mind map you have narrowed
it down to specific things you are going to include.
The main strength to your proposal is the Character
Analysis as you have written a lot about each
character and how you want them.
Throughout your proposal there are no mistakes or
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
I think the proposal is good, it has lots of detail to
each part and gives out lots of information for the
creation of a good story. The strengths of the
proposal are that it includes the techniques used to
create the detail in the book.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
The strengths of the idea generation is that it has
lots of information regarding the scene and
characters. It also has a list of all possible text fonts
and layout of the book.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
There is a plenty of detail given meaning that you
are able to get a clear grasp as to what is going to
happen in and with the book.
Perhaps give slightly more information on why you
chose to use a jpeg as the export format.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Additional written information has been given for
each of the character which is useful to gain a
better understanding of what you are planning to
A few more pictures could be added such as of the
setting/ background and the font to help give a
better idea of what you plan to for these.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
From my feedback, the main thing standing out for me is the praise I have got for my
character analysis slide. Also, the fact I have plenty of detail has been mentioned too.
The improvements include a mood board for the setting or background and the font of
my story which I will include when I improve my proposal.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
I agree with the feedback of adding a slide of setting, background and font mood board
as it will give me a better idea of how I want my story to look, just like my characters, I
could add an analysis slide like I have done for my characters.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I would disagree with adding more information to my JPEG format section. I feel I have
explained it in enough detail for people to understand why I have chosen this format.
Original Script
Unknown. (2015).
Jack and the Beanstalk | Short Story.
Last accessed 9th – 10th December 2015.
Simplified Version of the Story
Jack is told to sell his cow.
Goes to the market and meets a man.
Man gives him five magic beans.
Jack’s mother is not happy, and throws the magic beans out of the window.
Beanstalk grows overnight.
Jack climbs up the beanstalk and meets the giant’s wife.
Jack steals one of the giant’s sacks of gold.
Jack and his Mother live well for a while.
He visits the giant’s castle again.
He steals the giant’s golden egg laying hen.
Chops down beanstalk and saves the giant’s wife.
Live Happily ever after.
Final Script
First Draft
Page 1
Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jack, who lived with his poor widowed mother.
One day, Jack’s mother told him to go to the village market and sell their cow.
Page 2
Jack went to the village market, like his mother had asked, along with his cow. Jack met a
man who wanted to buy his cow. “What will you give me to buy my cow?” Jack asked. “I
will give you FIVE MAGIC BEANS!” The man replied, and Jack gladly accepted the man’s
offer and walked home with the magic beans.
Page 3
When Jack returned home, he told his mother he had sold the cow for five magic beans.
Jack’s mother was furious. “Jack, you are a fool! You gave away our cow for five magic
beans!” She shouted, as she threw the magic beans out of the window. That night, Jack
went to bed without any dinner.
Page 4
The next day, Jack woke up and ran outside to find a GIANT beanstalk in front of his
house! Jack climbed up the beanstalk until he reached a magic kingdom, where a giant
and his wife lived. Jack heard noises coming from the kitchen, and walked into find the
Giant’s Wife cooking. Jack politely asked the kind lady for some food and drink, because
he was really hungry. The very kind woman gave him some bread and milk.
Page 5
Jack heard the giant’s footsteps and jumped up in fear, hiding underneath a table. “Fee-
fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!” The giant roared. “You must be wrong! There
is no Englishman here!” His wife replied.
Final Script
First Draft
Page 6
The giant sat down and ate his meal and counted his sacks of gold coins. The Giant then
went to sleep. During the night, while the Giant was sleeping, Jack stole one of the gold
coin sacks and climbed back down the beanstalk.
Page 7
When Jack arrived home, he gave his mother the sack of gold coins. His mother was
delighted. Jack and his mother lived well for a long time. On one of Jack’s daily trips to visit
the Giant’s Wife, he heard the Giant roar, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an
Englishman!”. “Don’t be silly! There is no one else in here!” The Giant’s Wife cried.
Page 8
While Jack and the Giant’s Wife were running out of the Giant’s castle, he noticed a hen,
which laid golden eggs. Jack scooped up the hen and ran down the beanstalk; not knowing
the Giant was right behind them!
Page 9
Jack noticed the Giant climbing down after him along with the Giant’s Wife. Jack ran into
his house and grabbed an axe. He helped the Giant’s Wife down the beanstalk before
chopping it down. The Giant landed with a THUD. “He’s gone! You are now free!” Jack
exclaimed to the Giant’s Widow.
Page 10
Finally Jack was free from the beanstalk and most importantly the Giant! Jack, his mother
and the Giant’s Widow all lived happily ever after.
Final Script
Second Draft – only selected pages have changed
Page 3
When Jack returned home, Jack’s mother was furious. “Jack, you are a fool! You
gave away our cow for five magic beans!” She shouted, as she threw the magic
beans out of the window. That night, Jack went to bed without any dinner.
Page 4
The next day, Jack woke up and ran outside to find a GIANT beanstalk in front of
his house! Jack climbed up the beanstalk until he reached a magic kingdom,
where a giant and his wife lived. Jack politely asked the kind lady in the kitchen
for some food and drink, because he was really hungry. The very kind wife gave
him some bread and milk.
Page 7
When Jack arrived home, he gave his mother the sack of gold coins. His mother
was delighted. Jack and his mother lived well for a long time.
On one of Jack’s daily trips to visit the Giant’s Wife, he heard the Giant roar,
“Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!”. “Don’t be silly! There is no
one else in here!” The Giant’s Wife cried.
Image Descriptions
Page 1: Jack and his mother in their kitchen.
Page 2: Jack with his cow in the village market, with a speech bubble from the
right side of the space saying, “I will give you FIVE MAGIC BEANS!”
Page 3: Jack and his mother in the kitchen again, with a speech bubble coming
from Jack’s mother saying, “Jack, you are a fool!”
Page 4: Three separate images: a window with a beanstalk outside, Jack
climbing up the beanstalk and the wife in the kitchen.
Page 5: The Giant’s foot next to the table Jack is under, with a speech bubble
from the middle top of the space saying, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an
Page 6: The sacks of gold coins sitting on the table and Jack’s hand reaching for
Page 7: Two images showing Jack’s mother’s delight and the giant’s foot again,
with a speech bubble saying, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!”
Page 8: Two images showing The Giant’s hen with some golden eggs and the
Giant’s hand reaching up the beanstalk.
Page 9: The Giant’s outline showing “THUD!” in a spikey bubble.
Page 10: Jack, his mother and the Giant’s widow all happy.
Digital Flat Plans
Page 8 will have
this image layout.
The text will appear
here in this font
style and colour.
Pages 1, 6 and 10
will have this image
layout. The text will
appear here in this
font style and
Pages 2, 3, 5 and 7
will have this image
The text will appear
here in this font
style and colour.
Page 4 will have
this image layout.
The text will appear
here in this font
style and colour.
Page 9 will have
this image layout.
The text will appear
here in this font
style and colour.

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Development Pro - Forma

  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? My favourite image from the two shape cartoons I have completed is the panda as it looks more cartoon like, unlike the cat, in my opinion. It was easier to create the panda as I had already attempted the cat before. I like the vibrant colours used for the cat, if I were to use it in my final product, I think that it would attract the attention of young children. I added shadowing to trees to give the appearance of depth to my image. What would you improve if you did it again? I wouldn’t improve anything on my panda cartoon but I would improve the whiskers on my cat. I think they don’t look realistic, so I would use the warp tool to create a curve in them.
  • 8. Evaluation What did you like about your images? I am happy all three of my rotoscopes look very similar to the original photograph I chose. I enjoyed the rotoscoping tasks more than the shape tasks as you get a more accurate representation of what you are trying to create, even though with the shaping task, there is more freedom to create a shape which is similar to the original whereas with rotoscoping, it is very accurate to the original. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve my Peggy Carter rotoscope I would focus on the highlights in her hair to make it look more realistic. Also I would attempt to recreate my Chris Evans rotoscope as I feel it doesn’t represent the original image.
  • 9. Narrative Environment – London Underground
  • 10. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I really like this image. I used the Magic Wand Tool (ctrl/cmd + W) to select various parts of the image which were similar colours to create outlines of the windows and buildings and rotoscoped them. I think this has made my finished product look realistic and different to any other image I have created so far, which was my intention. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve my image next time, I would make sure I have the correct and even skin tone for the people in the bottom left of the image. In my finished image, I can see one of the women has a different colour tone on her face compared to her arm so I would solve that problem when I improve my image.
  • 12. Evaluation What did you like about your images? I like the various fonts Photoshop offers as it gives me a wide choice to choose from when I make my final product. I enjoyed creating the text with the photo inserted behind it, it really catches my attention the most out of the three examples. I like the different techniques with the Transform tool, it gives the text and font a different edge compared to the standard Serif font. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did improve the examples shown, I would take full advantage of the colours as well as the fonts and the manipulation techniques as well.
  • 13. Comic Book – Sebastian Stan as the Winter Soldier (Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier)
  • 14. Evaluation – Sebastian Stan as the Winter Soldier What did you like about your image? I really enjoyed this task of making our own movie quote images. From the three images I have produced, I like this one the most. I edited the original image and put a “cutout” filter on my image which make the image look like it was in a comic book. I also moved the Threshold layer to create an offset look which I think is the best feature in the image. I also added my favourite line from that specific scene “Who the hell is Bucky?” as I felt the image reflected what the scene is about. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did this image again, I would focus on the text more as I feel I could make it stand out more and grab the viewer’s attention along with the main focus point. Also I would make the background layer lighter so it contrasts with the darker threshold layer.
  • 15. Comic Book – Chris Evans as Captain America (Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier)
  • 16. Evaluation – Chris Evans as Captain America What did you like about your image? Again like my previous image, I edited the original image and put a “cutout” filter on my image which make the image look like it was in a comic book, I cropped the image to make it less rectangular. I also created a threshold layer to create a darker edge to my image. This image is my second favourite out of the three I have produced because the quote I have chosen “Before we start…does anybody want to get out?”, again reflects the scene in the movie, also you can see from the image itself, the main character is in a crowded room and knows something will happen if he doesn’t act fast. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did this image again, I would attempt to rotoscope the shield in the centre of the image, so it stands out from the image and when the viewer glances at the image, they will know straight away who the character is. I would also lighten the image as I feel it is a bit dark so the viewer might struggle to see all the important features of the image, such as, the colour of the main character’s hair, I think it should be lighter than his suit.
  • 17. Comic Book – Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones’s Diary)
  • 18. Evaluation – Renée Zellweger as Bridget Jones What did you like about your image? Again like my previous images, I edited the original image and put a “cutout” filter on my image which make the image look like it was in a comic book. I also created a threshold layer to create a darker edge to my image, like the previous two images I have produced. This is my least favourite image out of the three images, I don’t like how simple I have made the image and the speech. What would you improve if you did it again? If I did this image again, I would make the image less simple and edit the text to make it look more like a comic book.
  • 20. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the simplicity of the story, it is easy to follow and isn’t too complicated. The narrative is shown in short sentences as I wanted to focus more on the images featured. I enjoyed adding filters and elements to the images to make them more appealing. What would you improve if you did it again? Again, I would make sure to put all the features and tools to full use as I only used a select few that I was familiar with for this photo story.
  • 22. Evaluation What did you like about your images? I liked being able to have control over specific features in my illustrations but it took longer than using a computer and I don’t think this technique is ideal when we have a time limit as it can be very time consuming. My favourite illustration is the outline of my hand as I tried to put as much detail as I could onto my knuckles and nails as well. What would you improve if you did it again? I would take less time doing the basic outline and focus more on detail.
  • 23. Image Quote - Deliverance
  • 24. Image Quote – Stand By Me
  • 25. Evaluation What did you like about your images? I liked the quotes I was given as I found it easy to find images to link to the quotes and I was able to edit the images to fit in with the quotes as well. Out of the two examples, I like the Stand By Me quote the most as I was torn between two ideas, whereas with my first quote I felt restricted. What would you improve if you did it again? I would analyse the quote to find a different meaning than the obvious one and find images to match the meaning.
  • 27. Children’s Book: All Possible Ideas Characters • Animals • Cat • Dog • People • Main female role • Main male role Layout • Image on one page, text on the other. • Image filling the entire double page with text embedded into the image, such as speech. Scenery • Rooms • Houses • Woodland (Forests) • Castles • Meadows • Mountains Font • Serif • San serif • Easy to read • Quite large for younger children • Black throughout the book, unless necessary to change Structure • Chronological order • Clocks on top of the pages like The Bad Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle • One or two sentences of text per page so it doesn’t overwhelm younger children Colours • Primary colours used • Not too many colours on one page • Simple colour choice for younger children Background • Image filling the whole space • The background being the scenery of the book • Primary colours such as blue, white and red
  • 28. Children’s Book: Jack and the Beanstalk Characters • Jack • Mother • Giant • Giant’s Wife • Cow Layout • Images on one page, text on the other. • Multiple images set out as a storyboard which are synced with the text. • One or two sentences for each page of text. Scenery • House • Village Market • Castle • Beanstalk Font • Serif • Easy to read • Quite large for younger children • Black throughout the book, unless necessary to change the colour of the text. Structure • Chronological order • One or two sentences of text per page so it doesn’t overwhelm younger children • Colourful, comic book like storyboards on the image side when a lot is going on during pages. Colours • Primary colours used • Not too many colours on one page • Simple colour choice for younger children Background • Primary colours such as blue, white and red will be used
  • 29. Giant’s Castle Jack Beanstalk Giant’s Wife Five Magic Beans Giant Jack’s Mother
  • 30. Character Analysis Jack I would like Jack’s character look like the pantomime version of the character. I feel like it is a realistic interpretation of the character’s clothes and personality. Also, I like the way this interpretation makes the character look innocent, when in fact in the story, we are told that Jack steals various things from the Giant and ends up ending the Giant’s life. Jack’s Mother Even though Jack’s mother is a minor character in the story, I would like to make her character’s presence known even if she isn’t featured in the images. I would do this by adding little details to Jack’s clothes to show his mother has had input into his outfit choices, just to show how much “motherly love” she is giving Jack and also to show, she is still mourning from her husband’s death, as it is mentioned that she is a widow, I will feature pictures of a unnamed and unmentioned man, which will be the husband she lost, in the kitchen images featured in my book. Giant I think my Giant character will be the stereotypical, bulky and boisterous man who shouts for no reason about anything. The Giant is the second main character in this story and in some versions of this story the Giant is intended to scare the children reading. In my book, I will intend for the Giant to overpower Jack at some points but not enough to scare my audience. Giant’s Wife I would like to make the Giant’s Wife and Jack’s mother characters similar as I feel the Giant’s wife has an identical personality to his mother and I think she is somewhat trapped in the castle with the Giant, but has to live there with him until someone comes and rescues her, Jack is that person when he chops down the beanstalk and kills the Giant, meaning the Giant’s now widow can be free.
  • 31. Proposal Dimensions 10 pages (21cm x 21.5cm) Story Overview There is a boy named Jack who lives with his poor, widowed mother. Jack’s mother tells him to sell their cow at the village market. Jack sells the cow to a man who gives him five magic beans. Jack’s mother is not impressed with him and throws the beans out of the window. A beanstalk grows overnight. Jack climbs up the beanstalk and meets a giant’s wife, who gives him some bread and milk. The giant roars the famous words; “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!”. Jack takes a sack of the giant’s gold coins and gives them to his mother, who is very happy. Jack visits the giant’s wife again but this time he gets caught by the giant as he steals his golden egg laying hen. He races down the beanstalk with the giant hot on his tracks and manages to save the giant’s wife and chops down the beanstalk, killing the giant in the process…and they all lived happily ever after! Export Format JPEG Advantages: JPEGs are adaptable, they have a low resolution for a small file so they are downloaded quickly when on websites and computers. Disadvantages: JPEGs can lose quality if edited multiple times, due to the compression and recompression of the file.
  • 32. Deadline Friday 15th January 2015 – need a finished set of pages for this date Audience My age target group is 6 to 8 year olds as there will be a few sentences on each text page and I think a younger audience will struggle to read and understand the story, but this age range was my initial target audience. Even though the story I have chosen has two leading character who are male, I will not be gender specifying my book as any gender can enjoy reading stories. The geodemographic of my audience will mainly be English speaking countries, which can be expanded to North America and Australia. Also, my book can translated into various languages. Production Methods I will be using Photoshop to create my final product. I will be using the shape tools to create rooms and little features in my book. As well as the shape tool, I will be rotoscoping my characters to create a realistic and natural feel to my book. For the text in my book, I will be using the Free Transform tool to make my text big and small in the speech bubbles featured in my images.
  • 33. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I think your proposal is very strong and has barely any weaknesses. Examples of the strengths would be your mind maps as you have got a lot of information and ideas of what you could do, and then in your second mind map you have narrowed it down to specific things you are going to include. The main strength to your proposal is the Character Analysis as you have written a lot about each character and how you want them. Throughout your proposal there are no mistakes or mishaps. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed?
  • 34. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I think the proposal is good, it has lots of detail to each part and gives out lots of information for the creation of a good story. The strengths of the proposal are that it includes the techniques used to create the detail in the book. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? The strengths of the idea generation is that it has lots of information regarding the scene and characters. It also has a list of all possible text fonts and layout of the book.
  • 35. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? There is a plenty of detail given meaning that you are able to get a clear grasp as to what is going to happen in and with the book. Perhaps give slightly more information on why you chose to use a jpeg as the export format. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Additional written information has been given for each of the character which is useful to gain a better understanding of what you are planning to do. A few more pictures could be added such as of the setting/ background and the font to help give a better idea of what you plan to for these.
  • 36. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. From my feedback, the main thing standing out for me is the praise I have got for my character analysis slide. Also, the fact I have plenty of detail has been mentioned too. The improvements include a mood board for the setting or background and the font of my story which I will include when I improve my proposal. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with the feedback of adding a slide of setting, background and font mood board as it will give me a better idea of how I want my story to look, just like my characters, I could add an analysis slide like I have done for my characters. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I would disagree with adding more information to my JPEG format section. I feel I have explained it in enough detail for people to understand why I have chosen this format.
  • 37. Original Script Unknown. (2015). Jack and the Beanstalk | Short Story. Available: Last accessed 9th – 10th December 2015.
  • 38. Simplified Version of the Story Jack is told to sell his cow. Goes to the market and meets a man. Man gives him five magic beans. Jack’s mother is not happy, and throws the magic beans out of the window. Beanstalk grows overnight. Jack climbs up the beanstalk and meets the giant’s wife. Jack steals one of the giant’s sacks of gold. Jack and his Mother live well for a while. He visits the giant’s castle again. He steals the giant’s golden egg laying hen. Chops down beanstalk and saves the giant’s wife. Live Happily ever after.
  • 39. Final Script First Draft Page 1 Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jack, who lived with his poor widowed mother. One day, Jack’s mother told him to go to the village market and sell their cow. Page 2 Jack went to the village market, like his mother had asked, along with his cow. Jack met a man who wanted to buy his cow. “What will you give me to buy my cow?” Jack asked. “I will give you FIVE MAGIC BEANS!” The man replied, and Jack gladly accepted the man’s offer and walked home with the magic beans. Page 3 When Jack returned home, he told his mother he had sold the cow for five magic beans. Jack’s mother was furious. “Jack, you are a fool! You gave away our cow for five magic beans!” She shouted, as she threw the magic beans out of the window. That night, Jack went to bed without any dinner. Page 4 The next day, Jack woke up and ran outside to find a GIANT beanstalk in front of his house! Jack climbed up the beanstalk until he reached a magic kingdom, where a giant and his wife lived. Jack heard noises coming from the kitchen, and walked into find the Giant’s Wife cooking. Jack politely asked the kind lady for some food and drink, because he was really hungry. The very kind woman gave him some bread and milk. Page 5 Jack heard the giant’s footsteps and jumped up in fear, hiding underneath a table. “Fee- fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!” The giant roared. “You must be wrong! There is no Englishman here!” His wife replied.
  • 40. Final Script First Draft Page 6 The giant sat down and ate his meal and counted his sacks of gold coins. The Giant then went to sleep. During the night, while the Giant was sleeping, Jack stole one of the gold coin sacks and climbed back down the beanstalk. Page 7 When Jack arrived home, he gave his mother the sack of gold coins. His mother was delighted. Jack and his mother lived well for a long time. On one of Jack’s daily trips to visit the Giant’s Wife, he heard the Giant roar, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!”. “Don’t be silly! There is no one else in here!” The Giant’s Wife cried. Page 8 While Jack and the Giant’s Wife were running out of the Giant’s castle, he noticed a hen, which laid golden eggs. Jack scooped up the hen and ran down the beanstalk; not knowing the Giant was right behind them! Page 9 Jack noticed the Giant climbing down after him along with the Giant’s Wife. Jack ran into his house and grabbed an axe. He helped the Giant’s Wife down the beanstalk before chopping it down. The Giant landed with a THUD. “He’s gone! You are now free!” Jack exclaimed to the Giant’s Widow. Page 10 Finally Jack was free from the beanstalk and most importantly the Giant! Jack, his mother and the Giant’s Widow all lived happily ever after.
  • 41. Final Script Second Draft – only selected pages have changed Page 3 When Jack returned home, Jack’s mother was furious. “Jack, you are a fool! You gave away our cow for five magic beans!” She shouted, as she threw the magic beans out of the window. That night, Jack went to bed without any dinner. Page 4 The next day, Jack woke up and ran outside to find a GIANT beanstalk in front of his house! Jack climbed up the beanstalk until he reached a magic kingdom, where a giant and his wife lived. Jack politely asked the kind lady in the kitchen for some food and drink, because he was really hungry. The very kind wife gave him some bread and milk. Page 7 When Jack arrived home, he gave his mother the sack of gold coins. His mother was delighted. Jack and his mother lived well for a long time. On one of Jack’s daily trips to visit the Giant’s Wife, he heard the Giant roar, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!”. “Don’t be silly! There is no one else in here!” The Giant’s Wife cried.
  • 42. Image Descriptions Page 1: Jack and his mother in their kitchen. Page 2: Jack with his cow in the village market, with a speech bubble from the right side of the space saying, “I will give you FIVE MAGIC BEANS!” Page 3: Jack and his mother in the kitchen again, with a speech bubble coming from Jack’s mother saying, “Jack, you are a fool!” Page 4: Three separate images: a window with a beanstalk outside, Jack climbing up the beanstalk and the wife in the kitchen. Page 5: The Giant’s foot next to the table Jack is under, with a speech bubble from the middle top of the space saying, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!” Page 6: The sacks of gold coins sitting on the table and Jack’s hand reaching for one. Page 7: Two images showing Jack’s mother’s delight and the giant’s foot again, with a speech bubble saying, “Fee-fifo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman!” Page 8: Two images showing The Giant’s hen with some golden eggs and the Giant’s hand reaching up the beanstalk. Page 9: The Giant’s outline showing “THUD!” in a spikey bubble. Page 10: Jack, his mother and the Giant’s widow all happy.
  • 43. Digital Flat Plans Page 8 will have this image layout. The text will appear here in this font style and colour. Pages 1, 6 and 10 will have this image layout. The text will appear here in this font style and colour. Pages 2, 3, 5 and 7 will have this image layout. The text will appear here in this font style and colour. Page 4 will have this image layout. The text will appear here in this font style and colour. Page 9 will have this image layout. The text will appear here in this font style and colour. THUD!