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Digital Graphic Narrative
Kelly Rodgers
Shape Task
Shape Task
What did you like about your image?
The first image was created with just the shape tool, I like how this made the edges neater and straighter.
The image looked more organised and symmetrical because I was able to line up the straight lines. I used the
colour overlay which let me create shapes which were one full solid colour but then I also used the gradient
overlay which let me add gradients and patterns still using colours. I think my favourite part about the first
image is the gradients, I think this makes the house more interesting and more eye catching which is visually
better for a children's books. The second image was harder to complete because I customized the original
shapes. I used the shape tool again but I then also used the transform adjustments such as distort and warp. I
think my favourite part about this image is the background. I used the warp tool to create the different
curved shapes to give an effect of layered grass. I also like the more unusual shapes. I think that using this
method would be good for creating animals shapes such as the fox.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I was to improve the first image I would add detail to it possibly, by adding different shapes and more
shapes. I think adding a gradient to the sky would also be better as realistically the sky has different tones. If
I was to improve the second image I would try and create more detail within the eyes, at the minute the eyes
don’t look very similar to the original picture. I could also add more detail into the background such as plants
etc. if I added more shapes onto of this image to create shadows and highlights I could add more tones and
different colours. I tried to get this image to look as close to the original picture as possible, which I think I
could have done better.
What did you like about your image?
I think my favourite part about this image is the amount of detail that I’ve put into it. I added the highlights
and shadows which are on the school uniform and added some extra skin tones. I also like how the image is
very close to the original image and you can easily tell that the character is Harry Potter. To create a realistic
effect to the image I had to use my own colours rather than taking the colours straight from the original
image as it created to much of a difference in tones when using the colour select. My favourite part about
this image is the school badge, the badge is really detail and has a lot of small shapes. It was that hardest
part of the image to create but I think it’s the most effective part of the image.
What would you improve if you did it again?
I think if I was to make any improvements to this image I would change the colour of the skin tones to see if I
can make the skin look more real rather than being quite dull. I might have to do this by also adding some
more highlights and shadows to bring out the eyes and other facial features. I could also add some more
shades of black to the school uniform to make the clothing look more 3D. I could also spend more time on
the image and add a background which is relevant and suits the character. To improve the image I could
spend more time on it to create a background. I could also spend more time on the school book, maybe add a
front cover. Shadows and highlights is something which I could also add to create more detail.
Film Quotes
Film Quotes
What did you like about your image?
The first film quotes image is my favourite out of the two. I think the background on this image makes the
image look loads better. For those people that know the Harry Potter films quite well would be able to
understand what the quote relates to. I also like the layout of the text. I made the text so it was all the same
size and font but carried on underneath each other, I think this makes it fit on the page better. The second
image is more simple and has less colour. I worked with silhouettes so the image would be minimalistic but
yes meaningful. I used more than one different font on this one which I like and think works well. I also like
the idea of using animals to match the characters, which would be understood by anyone who watched Harry
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I was to improve the first image I would probably change the text font so that its slightly bolder, I could do
this by adding a stroke. I think making the font bolder would help to make the text stand out a little more,
I've found that the colour of the background is quite distracting. For the second image I would improve the
text, I could change the font and change the size so that all the text has only slight differences. I would keep
the silhouettes of the characters but maybe change the silhouettes of animals and try and arrange the
animals better so they fit into the characters heads better.
Text Based
What did you like about your image?
The first set of fonts which are the most minimalistic ones would be better for text in a children’s book, this is
because they are easier to read and aren’t distracting. I like these fonts I think that the wider spacing
between the letters makes the words seemed neater so the letters aren’t sat on top of each other. I then
went on the experiment with the transforming adjustments on the text, I used the perspective adjustments
which meant I could change the angle of the letters. I also used some of the effects such as strokes and
gradients which I think would be interesting for children's book because it makes it more fun and interesting.
My favourite style of font is the use of the clipping mask method, I used images of a sunset and space to
overlap the letters. I found that this gave a unique style to the text. This clipping mask method could also be
used for shapes.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I was to make any improvements to the text I would use a different font to test out what the effects look
like on bolder and more thicker fonts rather than think ones. There are some other effects which I could have
used that I could try out and see what results I get. I think the text which have a clipping mask over them
would be better if the image that’s over them was better quality or had more meaning. I’ve noticed that the
size proportion between the text and the picture has to be the same to make the text look better. I can do
this by changing the settings on the google search to find an image which is already big enough to go over the
text so I don’t have to change the size and make the image more blurry.
Comic Book
Comic Book
What did you like about your image?
I like the first image because the threshold adjustments are higher so it has an effect which gives more lines, I
think this has made the image look more detailed. I also like how the background is dark on the images so
that the shades on the skin tones stands out more. I think these effects would be good to represent the
traditional style of comics. The second image is my favourite, because the threshold is lower there shapes are
bolder and there isn't as much if a sketch effect. When creating these images I used the eyes as reference
when deciding how much detail I should add.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I was to make any improvements to the images I would try and make the background brighter. I can do this
by changing the original image by using the brightness adjustment settings or I could find a different image to
use which has a brighter image. I think that the images would look better with a background because that is
how they are produced in the comic books. I would also choose to change the first image so there isn't as
much detail, when I experimented with this I noticed that I needed to keep the details that were in the
persons eye so that the image was noticeable.
Photo Story
What did you like about your image?
I like the how the image is basic even though the thought went behind creating the image. I also like how the
layout of all the different image are different shapes which works well like the layout you normally see in
comic books. I think that the part where I needed to break down the story into just the important bits was
successful I manged to include all the important parts of the story into a set of nine different images. I also
think that the images that I produced in the end were exactly how I had shown them in the planning.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I was to improve this image I would spend more time on it to shoot some images which were more
interesting, maybe in a different location. I would also re-shot the images so that I have a key already
prepared, I had to edit the key into the images which made it look less as realistic. I would also spend more
time on the sketches so that I could add more detail and put more thought into the story and how I could
show it through images.
What did you like about your image?
My favourite thing about this image in the use of colour, when I was looking at images of underwater scenes I
noticed the different colours and textures that were in the corals and animals so I wanted to show this as
much as I could in the drawings. I like the size proportions between the corals and the fish, it helps to show
the cartoon style that I was going for. I used images of real fish that already exist as a reference to what I
wanted to draw, I was surprised by how close my version was of the original.
What would you improve if you did it again?
if I was to improve this image I would possibly add more detail. I could make the subjects in the image
smaller so that I could fit more on. Then I could draw more fish/characters and add some more details to the
environment, doing this would make the image more interesting. The image would also look better if I was
digital rather than drawn.
Narrative Environment
Narrative Environment
What did you like about your image?
I prefer the second image to the first image because not all the image has got some sort of texture and I think
this make the image look neater and more organised. I also like how the second image has textures which are
really obvious and stand out compared to the blank colours. I also think that the texture work well with the
image and suggest a nice design and theme. The first image has a nice layout and the textures go really well
with the theme of the image.
What would you improve if you did it again?
If I was to make any improvement I would change the first so that everything doesn’t have a texture because
e think this makes the image look to busy and crowded.
Initial Ideas
Idea Generation
The colour schemes that I have looked at
are neutral and pastel colours. I chose
these types of colours because the
storyline and the characters all seem
very innocent, the colours can represent
this. The style of the illustrations would
also be detailed and old fashioned so
these colours will also work well with the
old fashioned style.
I looked at versions of the main character which already exist. I looked at modern styles,
sketch styles and the different takes on the characters. Whether the main character is
made to look innocent or a warrior. I think I would prefer the character to be the same
the whole way through the book, making her look more innocent and young.
I then looked at illustrations which aren't particularly
aimed at the Thumbelina story. I prefer the style which
isn't a sketch form but isn't bold and matches the
colours which are in the background etc.
I looked at illustrations of different versions of
the book. Some have brighter and bolder details
and some are faint and subtle. There us also a
different perspective one size between the
characters as we know the Thumbelina is
extremely small.
The fonts towards to top would be
suitable to use for titles or subheadings,
the style is likely to be used in a
traditional fairytale book. The fonts
towards the bottom would be good for
the text within the book because it is
simple and easy to read but still suggests
the theme.
I looked at some more illustration designs that
have been used for the Thumbelina story. The top
two illustrations aren’t as bright and vibrant as the
bottom ones but they are more traditional. The
layout is also different. Some of the illustrations fill
a shape such as a circle or a square and some of
the illustrations fill a whole page.
I would like to add some textures to the
children's whether its for clothing or details
in the locations. I have looked at a selection
of different textures from vintage patterns to
rugs. I think that adding some textures to
things like the water and grass would make
the illustrations more interesting and
detailed. I then went on to look at home
textures have already been used in children's
books and the effect that it gives.
I looked at cartoon characters
which would match all the
other characters in the story.
I wanted to find some
examples which were to the
same style. I looked at
brighter colours and simple
versions of the animals as
well as subtle colours and
more complex details of the
animals. When looking I also
thought about the
background and locations
that the cartoon would be
seen in and whether that
would match the story that I
am doing.
10 Pages A4 148mm x 210mm
Story Overview
(Provide an outline of your story)
At the beginning of the story Thumbelina’s mother goes to a witch and asks for a daughter, the witch then gives her a flower to
plant. The mother plants the flower and it grows. Once the flower opens Thumbelina is there. She sleeps in a match box and uses a
rose petal as a blanket. When Thumbelina is sleeping a mother frog comes through the window and takes Thumbelina away to
marry her son (who's not very nice). We see Thumbelina and the frogs together at the end of the garden and they are planning the
wedding until a butterfly over hears and helps Thumbelina escape. The butterfly pulls Thumbelina down the river on a lily pad and
leaves her further up stream where she is safe, Thumbelina is lost and doesn’t know what to do. A mouse then finds Thumbelina
and invites her into his home, offering to help her and give her a place to live. We see Thumbelina in the house with the mouse
and they are talking about what's happened. Thumbelina realises that the mouse wants to marry her and decides to run away
because she doesn’t want to marry him. Thumbelina then ends up in another garden which isn't her own, she meets a prince who
wishes to marry her. We see other people like her, the atmosphere is nice and Thumbelina is happy. At the end of the story we see
a huge wedding where Thumbelina marries the Price and becomes the princess.
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9th June 2017
(Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class,
location and other characteristics which could define your audience.)
I am planning on making my book for children between the ages of 3-6. The Thumbelina story is based on a little girl and
includes fairies, because of this I would say that the book will be mostly aimed at females. However the book does include
some characters that would appeal to males such as the King, a Mouse and Frogs. The style of book that I wish to create is old
fashioned and traditional. Therefore I think that my audience would mostly be a higher class as they don’t tend to stick to
common branded products. The book will have been made in Britain, is based of a British story and will be written in English
so I would say that most of my audience will be from Britain. However other countries that also speak English and have
English products may also be interested in buy the product.
Production Methods
(Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the
thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response)
I am going to use sketches as references for when making the book digitally. I will use a selection of the shape tool and the
rotoscoping method. I will be able to warp shapes to the shape they need to be. Using this method will mean that my book is
completely original and I can create the characters and locations with the same style and appropriate size proportion. I would
also like to add some textures into the book so I can do this by creating a clipping mask on those layers that need textures. I
can also use colour overlays to create the colours schemes. Because I want to create a book which is traditional and detailed I
might not be able to use the rotoscope methods for the smaller details so I will need to use the shape tool. I could also use
some other tool such as the burn tool and the dodge to which will create shading where appropriate. This is a better method
rather than using the gradient effect to create shading because it wont be as controlled. I could also use the paint brush tool
where needed to create a mix of colour, I can change the hardness and opacity depending on the use.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
The proposal Is very detailed and outlines how the
pages of the book will be made. The targeted
audience is also very clearly outlined as well as the
story overview.
You could describe why you think other English
speaking countries might like it and think about
what could be universally appealing to your book.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
The idea generation goes over every possibility in
detail, giving oversight into the thought process.
The illustration part of your mood board could be
developed so it’s clear why you like it over the other
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
I think all of the things in the proposal are very
detailed and also have a lot photos to go along with
the text. This gives us a very clear image of what
we are going to get with the book and also how it
will be made. You have used images and the mind
map to make it more clear and this works well
You could add another alternate idea to the
proposal. This could be useful if you run out of
pages and you can then use the ideas in the
second idea to lengthen the first. You could also
use different colours for the mind map to make it
more clear about the sections.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
Everything had been planned for and also the idea
is a good one as it has an audience that will want to
read the book. There are a lot of photos in the
proposal and they are all explained and have a
reason to be there I like this as it makes it clear to
You could think about other twists in the story for
example turning the girl bad for a part of the story
or making there one animal who is trying to get
through out the whole story.
What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work?
-Everything is done to a high level of detail which is
-It is very clear what you wat to do with the book.
-Try and narrow down your audience a bit more, as
the intellectual difference between a 3 and a 6 year
old is vast.
What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been
further developed?
-The idea that you have come up with is clear and
told in a lot of detail.
-The explanation of the images on the mood board
is good.
-In the mood bard, you have thought about every
aspect of the book.
-You have only really shown this one idea, so
maybe in the mind map you can explore some
more ideas or show that you have.
Feedback Summary
Sum up your feedback.
The most common thing that was mentioned in my feedback was the idea of suggesting a different storyline so
there is more than one option or creating a storyline which has a twist in it rather than having the story very
similar to the original. Most people like the use of pictures I included in the mood board and how I had explained
the image about why they are good and relevant to the story. On my feedback it also states that I could the
amount of detail that I added shows that I have a clear idea of what the storyline is and the visual styles of the
illustrations that I am going to produce.
Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why?
On the second page of feedback I noticed that they mentioned including more than one idea on the proposal, I
agree with this. I did look at different visual styles but I could look at different options for the storyline and the
characters to make the book a more unique version of the Thumbelina story. This was also mentioned on the third
page of feedback. I also agree with the positive feedback, I think that the the amount of detail that I went into
thinking about layout and the fonts has given me a clearer visual idea and helped myself to understand what
colours and fonts go with what style of illustration and how I can create this in my book.
Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why?
I disagree with the feedback on the first page, they talked about how I could talk about how the audience from
other countries would also be interested in the book. This would be because of the same reason why British
people would read the book, it will be traditional. I also disagree with them when they say that I could go into
more detail on why I have chosen to use the illustrations that I talked about in the mood board. The reason I
chose to use that style was because it was traditional and this relates back to what I said about the middle class
audience and the theme of the story that I mentioned in the mind map.
Original Script
Once upon a time . . . there lived a woman who had no children. She dreamed of having a little girl, but time went by, and her dream
never came true. She then went to visit a witch, who gave her a magic grain of barley. She planted it in a flower pot. And the very next
day, the grain had turned into a lovely flower, rather like a tulip. The woman softly kissed its half-shut petals. And as though by magic,
the flower opened in full blossom. Inside sat a tiny girl, no bigger than a thumb. The woman called her Thumbelina. For a bed she had a
walnut shell, violet petals for her mattress and a rose petal blanket. In the daytime, she played in a tulip petal boat, floating on a plate of
water. Using two horse hairs as oars, Thumbelina sailed around her little lake, singing and singing in a gentle sweet voice.
Then one night, as she lay fast asleep in her walnut shell, a large frog hopped through a hole in the window pane. As she gazed down at
Thumbelina, she said to herself: "How pretty she is! She'd make the perfect bride for my own dear son!"
She picked up Thumbelina, walnut shell and all, and hopped into the garden. Nobody saw her go. Back at the pond, her fat ugly son, who
always did as mother told him, was pleased with her choice. But mother frog was afraid that her pretty prisoner might run away. So she
carried Thumbelina out to a water lily leaf in the middle of the pond.
"She can never escape us now," said the frog to her son.
"And we have plenty of time to prepare a new home for you and your bride." Thumbelina was left all alone. She felt so desperate. She
knew she would never be able to escape the fate that awaited her with the two horrid fat frogs. All she could do was cry her eyes out.
However, one or two minnows who had been enjoying the shade below the water lily leaf, had overheard the two frogs talking, and the
little girl's bitter sobs. They decided to do something about it. So they nibbled away at the lily stem till it broke and drifted away in the
weak current. A dancing butterfly had an idea: "Throw me the end of your belt! I'll help you to move a little faster!" Thumbelina
gratefully did so, and the leaf soon floated away from the frog pond.
But other dangers lay ahead. A large beetle snatched Thumbelina with his strong feet and took her away to his home at the top of a leafy
"Isn't she pretty?" he said to his friends. But they pointed out that she was far too different. So the beetle took her down the tree and
set her free.
It was summertime, and Thumbelina wandered all by herself amongst the flowers and through the long grass. She had pollen for her
meals and drank the dew. Then the rainy season came, bringing nasty weather. The poor child found it hard to find food and shelter.
When winter set in, she suffered from the cold and felt terrible pangs of hunger.
Original Script
It was summertime, and Thumbelina wandered all by herself amongst the flowers and through the long grass. She had pollen for her
meals and drank the dew. Then the rainy season came, bringing nasty weather. The poor child found it hard to find food and shelter.
When winter set in, she suffered from the cold and felt terrible pangs of hunger.
One day, as Thumbelina roamed helplessly over the bare meadows, she met a large spider who promised to help her. He took her to a
hollow tree and guarded the door with a stout web. Then he brought her some dried chestnuts and called his friends to come and
admire her beauty. But just like the beetles, all the other spiders persuaded Thumbelina's rescuer to let her go. Crying her heart out,
and quite certain that nobody wanted her because she was ugly, Thumbelina left the spider's house.
As she wandered, shivering with the cold, suddenly she came across a solid little cottage, made of twigs and dead leaves. Hopefully,
she knocked on the door. It was opened by a field mouse.
"What are you doing outside in this weather?" he asked. "Come in and warm yourself." Comfortable and cozy, the field mouse's home
was stocked with food. For her keep, Thumbelina did the housework and told the mouse stories. One day, the field mouse said a
friend was coming to visit them.
"He's a very rich mole, and has a lovely house. He wears a splendid black fur coat, but he's dreadfully shortsighted. He needs company
and he'd like to marry you!" Thumbelina did not relish the idea. However, when the mole came, she sang sweetly to him and he fell
head over heels in love. The mole invited Thumbelina and the field mouse to visit him, but . . . to their surprise and horror, they came
upon a swallow in the tunnel. It looked dead. Mole nudged it with his foot, saying: "That'll teach her! She should have come
underground instead of darting about the sky all summer!" Thumbelina was so shocked by such cruel words that later, she crept back
unseen to the tunnel.
And every day, the little girl went to nurse the swallow and tenderly give it food.
In the meantime, the swallow told Thumbelina its tale. Jagged by a thorn, it had been unable to follow its companions to a warmer
"It's kind of you to nurse me," it told Thumbelina. But, in spring, the swallow flew away, after offering to take the little girl with it. All
summer, Thumbelina did her best to avoid marrying the mole. The little girl thought fearfully of how she'd have to live underground
forever. On the eve of her wedding, she asked to spend a day in the open air. As she gently fingered a flower, she heard a familiar song:
"Winter's on its way and I'll be off to warmer lands. Come with me!" Thumbelina quickly clung to her swallow friend, and the bird
soared into the sky. They flew over plains and hills till they reached a country of flowers. The swallow gently laid Thumbelina in a
blossom. There she met a tiny, white-winged fairy: the King of the Flower Fairies. Instantly, he asked her to marry him. Thumbelina
eagerly said "yes", and sprouting tiny white wings, she became the Flower Queen!
Story Breakdown
Page 1: The mother visits the witch and asks for a daughter, the witch hands her a flower and tells her to plant this and she’ll get the
daughter she has always wished for.
Page 2: The flower grows and once ready it opens up to reveal Thumbelina sat in the middle.
Page 3: Thumbelina is sleeping when the Mother for finds her and decides to take her away for her son to marry.
Page 4: Thumbelina is in the garden with the Mother frog and her son when a butterfly over hears their conversation of them planning
to force Thumbelina into marriage.
Page 5: The butterfly helps Thumbelina escape by pulling her down a riven on a lily pad and then leaving her down stream near the edge
of the bank.
Page 6: Thumbelina finds the house of a field mouse and gets invited inside where the mouse offers her something to drink and eat.
Page 7: Thumbelina discovers that the mouse isn't as nice as he originally seemed and decides to run away again (she hears the mouse
talking about how he is planning on marrying her, just like the frogs) .
Page 8: Thumbelina then finds another garden which is very beautiful and meets the King Fairy, he asks to marry her and she says yes.
Page 9: Thumbelina and the King Fairy get married and live happily ever after. Loads of people are there and Thumbelina looks happy
and content.
Draft Script
Page 1: Once upon a time, an old woman had been living alone for as long as she could remember. Her only desire was to have a
daughter who she could love. The woman decided to speak to the Witch and ask for help. The witch gave the old woman a seed which
she said to plant and leave it to grow into a plant.
Page 2: As the days went by the plant started to slowly grow into something even more bigger every day. As the flower started to
bloom the mother started to notice something inside, this was Thumbelina. Thumbelina was a very tiny girl with blonde hair and was
wearing bright green dress.
Page 3: Thumbelina was wrapped up in her rose petal blanket, sleeping in the small box her mother had given her the day she has
arrived. A frog had climbed into the house and what a horrible frog it was. The frog muttering away to herself ‘What a beautiful young
girl. She would do great for my son.’ The frog took Thumbelina and climbed back out of the window and into the garden.
Page 4: Thumbelina woke up in the garden, she was very scared and confused. Thumbelina heard the frogs making plans for the
wedding even though she hadn't agreed to it. ’We must make her a big green dress from the fungi in the river’ said the mother frog in
excitement. Thankfully for Thumbelina a butterfly was also listening from nearby the river.
Page 5: The butterfly was worried about Thumbelina and what was going to happen. Observing the situation the butterfly whispered
to her ‘Do you want me to pull you down river so you don’t have to marry the frog?’. Thumbelina realized that this could be her only
plan and had no choice but to agreed to the idea.
Page 6: Thumbelina finds herself walking around not knowing what to do, she doesn’t know what she was looking for but knew she
couldn’t stay there at the side of the river. She came across a little house made from twigs and leafs.
Page 7: The mouse invites Thumbelina into his home for tea and cake. Thumbelina here's the mouse mumbling down the corridor,
planning how he is going to marry her when she didn’t want to marry him. She needed to get out of there so it wouldn’t happen.
Page 8: Thumbelina finds the most beautiful garden she has ever come across. With bluebells, daisies, daffodil, lilies and even tulips.
Other fairies are there and Thumbelina feels safe and happy for the first time in what feels like forever. Then they got married.
Final Script
Page 1: Once upon a time, an old woman had been living alone for as long as she could remember. Her only desire was to have a
daughter who she could love and cherish. One day the woman decided to speak to the Witch and ask for help. The witch, a very odd
but sweet lady, gave the old woman a seed which she said to plant and leave it to grow into a beautiful flower.
Page 2: As the days went by the flower started to slowly and slowly grow into something even more beautiful every day. As the flower
started to bloom it was visible that something was living inside of it, this was Thumbelina. Thumbelina was a very tiny girl with soft
blonde locks of hair and was wearing a dress any girl would love.
Page 3: One morning Thumbelina was wrapped up in her rose petal blanket, sleeping in the match box her mother had given her. A
frog had climbed into the house through the kitchen window. And what a horrible frog it was. Warts and Blisters in areas Thumbelina
didn’t even know you could get warts and blisters. The frog muttering way to herself ‘What a beautiful young lady. Oh how she would
do lovely for my son.’ The frog took Thumbelina, put her on her back and climbed back out of the window.
Page 4: Thumbelina woke up in the garden, she had never been here before but noticed how many different flowers and colours there
was. Thumbelina scared and confused heard the frogs making their plans for the wedding. ’We must make her a big green dress from
the fungi in the river’ said the mother frog in excitement. Thankfully for Thumbelina a butterfly was also listening from nearby the
Page 5: The butterfly swopped down to take a look at Thumbelina. Observing the situation the butterfly whispered to ‘Jump on this lily
pad and ill pull you down river’. Thumbelina realizing that this could be her only hope agreed to the idea. The butterfly pulls
Thumbelina down river on a lily pad and leaves her down stream where she is safe.
Page 6: Thumbelina finds herself wandering around the river bank, she doesn’t know what she was looking for but knew she couldn’t
stay there. She came across a lovely little house made from twigs and leafs.
Page 7: The mouse offers to let Thumbelina stay and welcomes her into his home. Thumbelina here's the mouse mumbling down the
corridor, planning how he is going to marry her. She needed to get out of there as soon as she could.
Page 8: Thumbelina finds the most beautiful garden she has ever come across. With bluebells, daisies, daffodil, lilies and even tulips.
Other fairies are there and Thumbelina feels safe and happy for the first time in what feels like forever.
Page 9: A very handsome prince approach's Thumbelina and instantly asks her to marry him. In excitement Thumbelina replies with
‘Yes’. And what a gorgeous wedding it was.
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Development pro forma(3)

  • 4. Evaluation What did you like about your image? The first image was created with just the shape tool, I like how this made the edges neater and straighter. The image looked more organised and symmetrical because I was able to line up the straight lines. I used the colour overlay which let me create shapes which were one full solid colour but then I also used the gradient overlay which let me add gradients and patterns still using colours. I think my favourite part about the first image is the gradients, I think this makes the house more interesting and more eye catching which is visually better for a children's books. The second image was harder to complete because I customized the original shapes. I used the shape tool again but I then also used the transform adjustments such as distort and warp. I think my favourite part about this image is the background. I used the warp tool to create the different curved shapes to give an effect of layered grass. I also like the more unusual shapes. I think that using this method would be good for creating animals shapes such as the fox. What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to improve the first image I would add detail to it possibly, by adding different shapes and more shapes. I think adding a gradient to the sky would also be better as realistically the sky has different tones. If I was to improve the second image I would try and create more detail within the eyes, at the minute the eyes don’t look very similar to the original picture. I could also add more detail into the background such as plants etc. if I added more shapes onto of this image to create shadows and highlights I could add more tones and different colours. I tried to get this image to look as close to the original picture as possible, which I think I could have done better.
  • 6. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I think my favourite part about this image is the amount of detail that I’ve put into it. I added the highlights and shadows which are on the school uniform and added some extra skin tones. I also like how the image is very close to the original image and you can easily tell that the character is Harry Potter. To create a realistic effect to the image I had to use my own colours rather than taking the colours straight from the original image as it created to much of a difference in tones when using the colour select. My favourite part about this image is the school badge, the badge is really detail and has a lot of small shapes. It was that hardest part of the image to create but I think it’s the most effective part of the image. What would you improve if you did it again? I think if I was to make any improvements to this image I would change the colour of the skin tones to see if I can make the skin look more real rather than being quite dull. I might have to do this by also adding some more highlights and shadows to bring out the eyes and other facial features. I could also add some more shades of black to the school uniform to make the clothing look more 3D. I could also spend more time on the image and add a background which is relevant and suits the character. To improve the image I could spend more time on it to create a background. I could also spend more time on the school book, maybe add a front cover. Shadows and highlights is something which I could also add to create more detail.
  • 9. Evaluation What did you like about your image? The first film quotes image is my favourite out of the two. I think the background on this image makes the image look loads better. For those people that know the Harry Potter films quite well would be able to understand what the quote relates to. I also like the layout of the text. I made the text so it was all the same size and font but carried on underneath each other, I think this makes it fit on the page better. The second image is more simple and has less colour. I worked with silhouettes so the image would be minimalistic but yes meaningful. I used more than one different font on this one which I like and think works well. I also like the idea of using animals to match the characters, which would be understood by anyone who watched Harry Potter. What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to improve the first image I would probably change the text font so that its slightly bolder, I could do this by adding a stroke. I think making the font bolder would help to make the text stand out a little more, I've found that the colour of the background is quite distracting. For the second image I would improve the text, I could change the font and change the size so that all the text has only slight differences. I would keep the silhouettes of the characters but maybe change the silhouettes of animals and try and arrange the animals better so they fit into the characters heads better.
  • 11. Evaluation What did you like about your image? The first set of fonts which are the most minimalistic ones would be better for text in a children’s book, this is because they are easier to read and aren’t distracting. I like these fonts I think that the wider spacing between the letters makes the words seemed neater so the letters aren’t sat on top of each other. I then went on the experiment with the transforming adjustments on the text, I used the perspective adjustments which meant I could change the angle of the letters. I also used some of the effects such as strokes and gradients which I think would be interesting for children's book because it makes it more fun and interesting. My favourite style of font is the use of the clipping mask method, I used images of a sunset and space to overlap the letters. I found that this gave a unique style to the text. This clipping mask method could also be used for shapes. What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to make any improvements to the text I would use a different font to test out what the effects look like on bolder and more thicker fonts rather than think ones. There are some other effects which I could have used that I could try out and see what results I get. I think the text which have a clipping mask over them would be better if the image that’s over them was better quality or had more meaning. I’ve noticed that the size proportion between the text and the picture has to be the same to make the text look better. I can do this by changing the settings on the google search to find an image which is already big enough to go over the text so I don’t have to change the size and make the image more blurry.
  • 14. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the first image because the threshold adjustments are higher so it has an effect which gives more lines, I think this has made the image look more detailed. I also like how the background is dark on the images so that the shades on the skin tones stands out more. I think these effects would be good to represent the traditional style of comics. The second image is my favourite, because the threshold is lower there shapes are bolder and there isn't as much if a sketch effect. When creating these images I used the eyes as reference when deciding how much detail I should add. What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to make any improvements to the images I would try and make the background brighter. I can do this by changing the original image by using the brightness adjustment settings or I could find a different image to use which has a brighter image. I think that the images would look better with a background because that is how they are produced in the comic books. I would also choose to change the first image so there isn't as much detail, when I experimented with this I noticed that I needed to keep the details that were in the persons eye so that the image was noticeable.
  • 16. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the how the image is basic even though the thought went behind creating the image. I also like how the layout of all the different image are different shapes which works well like the layout you normally see in comic books. I think that the part where I needed to break down the story into just the important bits was successful I manged to include all the important parts of the story into a set of nine different images. I also think that the images that I produced in the end were exactly how I had shown them in the planning. What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to improve this image I would spend more time on it to shoot some images which were more interesting, maybe in a different location. I would also re-shot the images so that I have a key already prepared, I had to edit the key into the images which made it look less as realistic. I would also spend more time on the sketches so that I could add more detail and put more thought into the story and how I could show it through images.
  • 18. Evaluation What did you like about your image? My favourite thing about this image in the use of colour, when I was looking at images of underwater scenes I noticed the different colours and textures that were in the corals and animals so I wanted to show this as much as I could in the drawings. I like the size proportions between the corals and the fish, it helps to show the cartoon style that I was going for. I used images of real fish that already exist as a reference to what I wanted to draw, I was surprised by how close my version was of the original. What would you improve if you did it again? if I was to improve this image I would possibly add more detail. I could make the subjects in the image smaller so that I could fit more on. Then I could draw more fish/characters and add some more details to the environment, doing this would make the image more interesting. The image would also look better if I was digital rather than drawn.
  • 21. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I prefer the second image to the first image because not all the image has got some sort of texture and I think this make the image look neater and more organised. I also like how the second image has textures which are really obvious and stand out compared to the blank colours. I also think that the texture work well with the image and suggest a nice design and theme. The first image has a nice layout and the textures go really well with the theme of the image. What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to make any improvement I would change the first so that everything doesn’t have a texture because e think this makes the image look to busy and crowded.
  • 24. The colour schemes that I have looked at are neutral and pastel colours. I chose these types of colours because the storyline and the characters all seem very innocent, the colours can represent this. The style of the illustrations would also be detailed and old fashioned so these colours will also work well with the old fashioned style. I looked at versions of the main character which already exist. I looked at modern styles, sketch styles and the different takes on the characters. Whether the main character is made to look innocent or a warrior. I think I would prefer the character to be the same the whole way through the book, making her look more innocent and young. I then looked at illustrations which aren't particularly aimed at the Thumbelina story. I prefer the style which isn't a sketch form but isn't bold and matches the colours which are in the background etc. I looked at illustrations of different versions of the book. Some have brighter and bolder details and some are faint and subtle. There us also a different perspective one size between the characters as we know the Thumbelina is extremely small. The fonts towards to top would be suitable to use for titles or subheadings, the style is likely to be used in a traditional fairytale book. The fonts towards the bottom would be good for the text within the book because it is simple and easy to read but still suggests the theme.
  • 25. I looked at some more illustration designs that have been used for the Thumbelina story. The top two illustrations aren’t as bright and vibrant as the bottom ones but they are more traditional. The layout is also different. Some of the illustrations fill a shape such as a circle or a square and some of the illustrations fill a whole page. I would like to add some textures to the children's whether its for clothing or details in the locations. I have looked at a selection of different textures from vintage patterns to rugs. I think that adding some textures to things like the water and grass would make the illustrations more interesting and detailed. I then went on to look at home textures have already been used in children's books and the effect that it gives. I looked at cartoon characters which would match all the other characters in the story. I wanted to find some examples which were to the same style. I looked at brighter colours and simple versions of the animals as well as subtle colours and more complex details of the animals. When looking I also thought about the background and locations that the cartoon would be seen in and whether that would match the story that I am doing.
  • 26. Proposal Dimensions 10 Pages A4 148mm x 210mm Story Overview (Provide an outline of your story) At the beginning of the story Thumbelina’s mother goes to a witch and asks for a daughter, the witch then gives her a flower to plant. The mother plants the flower and it grows. Once the flower opens Thumbelina is there. She sleeps in a match box and uses a rose petal as a blanket. When Thumbelina is sleeping a mother frog comes through the window and takes Thumbelina away to marry her son (who's not very nice). We see Thumbelina and the frogs together at the end of the garden and they are planning the wedding until a butterfly over hears and helps Thumbelina escape. The butterfly pulls Thumbelina down the river on a lily pad and leaves her further up stream where she is safe, Thumbelina is lost and doesn’t know what to do. A mouse then finds Thumbelina and invites her into his home, offering to help her and give her a place to live. We see Thumbelina in the house with the mouse and they are talking about what's happened. Thumbelina realises that the mouse wants to marry her and decides to run away because she doesn’t want to marry him. Thumbelina then ends up in another garden which isn't her own, she meets a prince who wishes to marry her. We see other people like her, the atmosphere is nice and Thumbelina is happy. At the end of the story we see a huge wedding where Thumbelina marries the Price and becomes the princess. Export Format PDF Advantages: It has a small file size compared to other formats and the quality will stay the same after being saved. Disadvantages: PDF files can be more difficult to edit and it isn’t the best option if the file is being sent to someone else for them to edit in case of compression.
  • 27. Deadline 9th June 2017 Audience (Think about who you are targeting as your audience. Consider age, gender, class, location and other characteristics which could define your audience.) I am planning on making my book for children between the ages of 3-6. The Thumbelina story is based on a little girl and includes fairies, because of this I would say that the book will be mostly aimed at females. However the book does include some characters that would appeal to males such as the King, a Mouse and Frogs. The style of book that I wish to create is old fashioned and traditional. Therefore I think that my audience would mostly be a higher class as they don’t tend to stick to common branded products. The book will have been made in Britain, is based of a British story and will be written in English so I would say that most of my audience will be from Britain. However other countries that also speak English and have English products may also be interested in buy the product. Production Methods (Explain the methods you are going to use to produce your pages. Show us the thinking behind your decisions for a more detail response) I am going to use sketches as references for when making the book digitally. I will use a selection of the shape tool and the rotoscoping method. I will be able to warp shapes to the shape they need to be. Using this method will mean that my book is completely original and I can create the characters and locations with the same style and appropriate size proportion. I would also like to add some textures into the book so I can do this by creating a clipping mask on those layers that need textures. I can also use colour overlays to create the colours schemes. Because I want to create a book which is traditional and detailed I might not be able to use the rotoscope methods for the smaller details so I will need to use the shape tool. I could also use some other tool such as the burn tool and the dodge to which will create shading where appropriate. This is a better method rather than using the gradient effect to create shading because it wont be as controlled. I could also use the paint brush tool where needed to create a mix of colour, I can change the hardness and opacity depending on the use.
  • 28. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? The proposal Is very detailed and outlines how the pages of the book will be made. The targeted audience is also very clearly outlined as well as the story overview. You could describe why you think other English speaking countries might like it and think about what could be universally appealing to your book. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? The idea generation goes over every possibility in detail, giving oversight into the thought process. The illustration part of your mood board could be developed so it’s clear why you like it over the other styles.
  • 29. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I think all of the things in the proposal are very detailed and also have a lot photos to go along with the text. This gives us a very clear image of what we are going to get with the book and also how it will be made. You have used images and the mind map to make it more clear and this works well You could add another alternate idea to the proposal. This could be useful if you run out of pages and you can then use the ideas in the second idea to lengthen the first. You could also use different colours for the mind map to make it more clear about the sections. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Everything had been planned for and also the idea is a good one as it has an audience that will want to read the book. There are a lot of photos in the proposal and they are all explained and have a reason to be there I like this as it makes it clear to follow. You could think about other twists in the story for example turning the girl bad for a part of the story or making there one animal who is trying to get through out the whole story.
  • 30. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? -Everything is done to a high level of detail which is good. -It is very clear what you wat to do with the book. -Try and narrow down your audience a bit more, as the intellectual difference between a 3 and a 6 year old is vast. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? -The idea that you have come up with is clear and told in a lot of detail. -The explanation of the images on the mood board is good. -In the mood bard, you have thought about every aspect of the book. -You have only really shown this one idea, so maybe in the mind map you can explore some more ideas or show that you have.
  • 31. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. The most common thing that was mentioned in my feedback was the idea of suggesting a different storyline so there is more than one option or creating a storyline which has a twist in it rather than having the story very similar to the original. Most people like the use of pictures I included in the mood board and how I had explained the image about why they are good and relevant to the story. On my feedback it also states that I could the amount of detail that I added shows that I have a clear idea of what the storyline is and the visual styles of the illustrations that I am going to produce. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? On the second page of feedback I noticed that they mentioned including more than one idea on the proposal, I agree with this. I did look at different visual styles but I could look at different options for the storyline and the characters to make the book a more unique version of the Thumbelina story. This was also mentioned on the third page of feedback. I also agree with the positive feedback, I think that the the amount of detail that I went into thinking about layout and the fonts has given me a clearer visual idea and helped myself to understand what colours and fonts go with what style of illustration and how I can create this in my book. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I disagree with the feedback on the first page, they talked about how I could talk about how the audience from other countries would also be interested in the book. This would be because of the same reason why British people would read the book, it will be traditional. I also disagree with them when they say that I could go into more detail on why I have chosen to use the illustrations that I talked about in the mood board. The reason I chose to use that style was because it was traditional and this relates back to what I said about the middle class audience and the theme of the story that I mentioned in the mind map.
  • 32. Original Script Once upon a time . . . there lived a woman who had no children. She dreamed of having a little girl, but time went by, and her dream never came true. She then went to visit a witch, who gave her a magic grain of barley. She planted it in a flower pot. And the very next day, the grain had turned into a lovely flower, rather like a tulip. The woman softly kissed its half-shut petals. And as though by magic, the flower opened in full blossom. Inside sat a tiny girl, no bigger than a thumb. The woman called her Thumbelina. For a bed she had a walnut shell, violet petals for her mattress and a rose petal blanket. In the daytime, she played in a tulip petal boat, floating on a plate of water. Using two horse hairs as oars, Thumbelina sailed around her little lake, singing and singing in a gentle sweet voice. Then one night, as she lay fast asleep in her walnut shell, a large frog hopped through a hole in the window pane. As she gazed down at Thumbelina, she said to herself: "How pretty she is! She'd make the perfect bride for my own dear son!" She picked up Thumbelina, walnut shell and all, and hopped into the garden. Nobody saw her go. Back at the pond, her fat ugly son, who always did as mother told him, was pleased with her choice. But mother frog was afraid that her pretty prisoner might run away. So she carried Thumbelina out to a water lily leaf in the middle of the pond. "She can never escape us now," said the frog to her son. "And we have plenty of time to prepare a new home for you and your bride." Thumbelina was left all alone. She felt so desperate. She knew she would never be able to escape the fate that awaited her with the two horrid fat frogs. All she could do was cry her eyes out. However, one or two minnows who had been enjoying the shade below the water lily leaf, had overheard the two frogs talking, and the little girl's bitter sobs. They decided to do something about it. So they nibbled away at the lily stem till it broke and drifted away in the weak current. A dancing butterfly had an idea: "Throw me the end of your belt! I'll help you to move a little faster!" Thumbelina gratefully did so, and the leaf soon floated away from the frog pond. But other dangers lay ahead. A large beetle snatched Thumbelina with his strong feet and took her away to his home at the top of a leafy tree. "Isn't she pretty?" he said to his friends. But they pointed out that she was far too different. So the beetle took her down the tree and set her free. It was summertime, and Thumbelina wandered all by herself amongst the flowers and through the long grass. She had pollen for her meals and drank the dew. Then the rainy season came, bringing nasty weather. The poor child found it hard to find food and shelter. When winter set in, she suffered from the cold and felt terrible pangs of hunger.
  • 33. Original Script It was summertime, and Thumbelina wandered all by herself amongst the flowers and through the long grass. She had pollen for her meals and drank the dew. Then the rainy season came, bringing nasty weather. The poor child found it hard to find food and shelter. When winter set in, she suffered from the cold and felt terrible pangs of hunger. One day, as Thumbelina roamed helplessly over the bare meadows, she met a large spider who promised to help her. He took her to a hollow tree and guarded the door with a stout web. Then he brought her some dried chestnuts and called his friends to come and admire her beauty. But just like the beetles, all the other spiders persuaded Thumbelina's rescuer to let her go. Crying her heart out, and quite certain that nobody wanted her because she was ugly, Thumbelina left the spider's house. As she wandered, shivering with the cold, suddenly she came across a solid little cottage, made of twigs and dead leaves. Hopefully, she knocked on the door. It was opened by a field mouse. "What are you doing outside in this weather?" he asked. "Come in and warm yourself." Comfortable and cozy, the field mouse's home was stocked with food. For her keep, Thumbelina did the housework and told the mouse stories. One day, the field mouse said a friend was coming to visit them. "He's a very rich mole, and has a lovely house. He wears a splendid black fur coat, but he's dreadfully shortsighted. He needs company and he'd like to marry you!" Thumbelina did not relish the idea. However, when the mole came, she sang sweetly to him and he fell head over heels in love. The mole invited Thumbelina and the field mouse to visit him, but . . . to their surprise and horror, they came upon a swallow in the tunnel. It looked dead. Mole nudged it with his foot, saying: "That'll teach her! She should have come underground instead of darting about the sky all summer!" Thumbelina was so shocked by such cruel words that later, she crept back unseen to the tunnel. And every day, the little girl went to nurse the swallow and tenderly give it food. In the meantime, the swallow told Thumbelina its tale. Jagged by a thorn, it had been unable to follow its companions to a warmer climate. "It's kind of you to nurse me," it told Thumbelina. But, in spring, the swallow flew away, after offering to take the little girl with it. All summer, Thumbelina did her best to avoid marrying the mole. The little girl thought fearfully of how she'd have to live underground forever. On the eve of her wedding, she asked to spend a day in the open air. As she gently fingered a flower, she heard a familiar song: "Winter's on its way and I'll be off to warmer lands. Come with me!" Thumbelina quickly clung to her swallow friend, and the bird soared into the sky. They flew over plains and hills till they reached a country of flowers. The swallow gently laid Thumbelina in a blossom. There she met a tiny, white-winged fairy: the King of the Flower Fairies. Instantly, he asked her to marry him. Thumbelina eagerly said "yes", and sprouting tiny white wings, she became the Flower Queen!
  • 34. Story Breakdown Page 1: The mother visits the witch and asks for a daughter, the witch hands her a flower and tells her to plant this and she’ll get the daughter she has always wished for. Page 2: The flower grows and once ready it opens up to reveal Thumbelina sat in the middle. Page 3: Thumbelina is sleeping when the Mother for finds her and decides to take her away for her son to marry. Page 4: Thumbelina is in the garden with the Mother frog and her son when a butterfly over hears their conversation of them planning to force Thumbelina into marriage. Page 5: The butterfly helps Thumbelina escape by pulling her down a riven on a lily pad and then leaving her down stream near the edge of the bank. Page 6: Thumbelina finds the house of a field mouse and gets invited inside where the mouse offers her something to drink and eat. Page 7: Thumbelina discovers that the mouse isn't as nice as he originally seemed and decides to run away again (she hears the mouse talking about how he is planning on marrying her, just like the frogs) . Page 8: Thumbelina then finds another garden which is very beautiful and meets the King Fairy, he asks to marry her and she says yes. Page 9: Thumbelina and the King Fairy get married and live happily ever after. Loads of people are there and Thumbelina looks happy and content.
  • 35. Draft Script Page 1: Once upon a time, an old woman had been living alone for as long as she could remember. Her only desire was to have a daughter who she could love. The woman decided to speak to the Witch and ask for help. The witch gave the old woman a seed which she said to plant and leave it to grow into a plant. Page 2: As the days went by the plant started to slowly grow into something even more bigger every day. As the flower started to bloom the mother started to notice something inside, this was Thumbelina. Thumbelina was a very tiny girl with blonde hair and was wearing bright green dress. Page 3: Thumbelina was wrapped up in her rose petal blanket, sleeping in the small box her mother had given her the day she has arrived. A frog had climbed into the house and what a horrible frog it was. The frog muttering away to herself ‘What a beautiful young girl. She would do great for my son.’ The frog took Thumbelina and climbed back out of the window and into the garden. Page 4: Thumbelina woke up in the garden, she was very scared and confused. Thumbelina heard the frogs making plans for the wedding even though she hadn't agreed to it. ’We must make her a big green dress from the fungi in the river’ said the mother frog in excitement. Thankfully for Thumbelina a butterfly was also listening from nearby the river. Page 5: The butterfly was worried about Thumbelina and what was going to happen. Observing the situation the butterfly whispered to her ‘Do you want me to pull you down river so you don’t have to marry the frog?’. Thumbelina realized that this could be her only plan and had no choice but to agreed to the idea. Page 6: Thumbelina finds herself walking around not knowing what to do, she doesn’t know what she was looking for but knew she couldn’t stay there at the side of the river. She came across a little house made from twigs and leafs. Page 7: The mouse invites Thumbelina into his home for tea and cake. Thumbelina here's the mouse mumbling down the corridor, planning how he is going to marry her when she didn’t want to marry him. She needed to get out of there so it wouldn’t happen. Page 8: Thumbelina finds the most beautiful garden she has ever come across. With bluebells, daisies, daffodil, lilies and even tulips. Other fairies are there and Thumbelina feels safe and happy for the first time in what feels like forever. Then they got married.
  • 36. Final Script Page 1: Once upon a time, an old woman had been living alone for as long as she could remember. Her only desire was to have a daughter who she could love and cherish. One day the woman decided to speak to the Witch and ask for help. The witch, a very odd but sweet lady, gave the old woman a seed which she said to plant and leave it to grow into a beautiful flower. Page 2: As the days went by the flower started to slowly and slowly grow into something even more beautiful every day. As the flower started to bloom it was visible that something was living inside of it, this was Thumbelina. Thumbelina was a very tiny girl with soft blonde locks of hair and was wearing a dress any girl would love. Page 3: One morning Thumbelina was wrapped up in her rose petal blanket, sleeping in the match box her mother had given her. A frog had climbed into the house through the kitchen window. And what a horrible frog it was. Warts and Blisters in areas Thumbelina didn’t even know you could get warts and blisters. The frog muttering way to herself ‘What a beautiful young lady. Oh how she would do lovely for my son.’ The frog took Thumbelina, put her on her back and climbed back out of the window. Page 4: Thumbelina woke up in the garden, she had never been here before but noticed how many different flowers and colours there was. Thumbelina scared and confused heard the frogs making their plans for the wedding. ’We must make her a big green dress from the fungi in the river’ said the mother frog in excitement. Thankfully for Thumbelina a butterfly was also listening from nearby the river. Page 5: The butterfly swopped down to take a look at Thumbelina. Observing the situation the butterfly whispered to ‘Jump on this lily pad and ill pull you down river’. Thumbelina realizing that this could be her only hope agreed to the idea. The butterfly pulls Thumbelina down river on a lily pad and leaves her down stream where she is safe. Page 6: Thumbelina finds herself wandering around the river bank, she doesn’t know what she was looking for but knew she couldn’t stay there. She came across a lovely little house made from twigs and leafs. Page 7: The mouse offers to let Thumbelina stay and welcomes her into his home. Thumbelina here's the mouse mumbling down the corridor, planning how he is going to marry her. She needed to get out of there as soon as she could. Page 8: Thumbelina finds the most beautiful garden she has ever come across. With bluebells, daisies, daffodil, lilies and even tulips. Other fairies are there and Thumbelina feels safe and happy for the first time in what feels like forever. Page 9: A very handsome prince approach's Thumbelina and instantly asks her to marry him. In excitement Thumbelina replies with ‘Yes’. And what a gorgeous wedding it was.