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Product Development

“Successful Product Development Workshop” 25th & 26th May 2011
Locus Research, Tompkins Wake, Motovated Design & Analysis
Presenter: Timothy Allan - Locus Research Ltd
Product Development

“Successful Product Development Workshop” 25th & 26th May 2011
Locus Research, Tompkins Wake, Motovated Design & Analysis
Presenter: Timothy Allan - Locus Research Ltd
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
Ingredients of Success
 Research Platform & Product Embodiment;

 Testing, Standards & Compliance;

 Product Brand & Marketing;

 Sales, Marketing & Distribution;

 Business Potential & IP;

 Sustainability & Environmental Risk.
Product Development Process

research                                        idea                                            prototype                          production                      to market                                         in market
seed                                            developed seed                                  seedling                           sapling                         ricker                                            mature kauri
The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed     If the seed finds itself in dry but cool         As a seedling they will develop    The young sapling bristles      After 50 years or more the trees will reach the   The final size of a Kauri is often
after pollination by the wind travelling a      conditions and isn’t deposited too              oblong shaped green or reddish     up a and grows a spiky          forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward     determined by it’s conditions, but can
distance of up to 1.5 km before settling        deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it       borwn leaves quickly dependnig     coat developing at a rate of    streak and start to broaden and develop           grow upwards of
ideally in the cool moist foliage under the     will germinate and shed it’s coat after         on how much direct sunlight they   approximately 10-25cm a year.   the iconic crown it is well known for. During     30-40 metres high and several metres
Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special            35 days. Kauri seeds have bee known             are exposed too.                                                   this time it will also start to shed the lower    wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of
wing like form helps to carry it far from the   to develop on fallen trees or even in the                                                                          branches in a process called abscission           years the oldest in New Zealand being
parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and   litter at the base of the parent tree, a very                                                                      leaving the trunk free of knots to become         estimated at between
broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008)     hardy habitat.                                                                                                     what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’.             1200-1500 years.
The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed
after pollination by the wind travelling a
distance of up to 1.5 km before settling
ideally in the cool moist foliage under the
Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special
wing like form helps to carry it far from the
parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and
broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008)
Navigator - Define & Validate your Product Development Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010


                Planning                                            Research                                                                                                                                    Communicate
                PLAN & CLARIFY                                      RESEARCH                                         SPECIFY                                            SCOPE                                   COMMUNICATE

                Into the industry product context and market        Technical                                        Should define the following:                        Plan                                    Present
                conditions that drive sales in the product
                                                                    Define technical performance requirements
                category. This is deliberately broad to establish                                                    Goals                                              Cost                                    Discuss
                                                                    and other technical factors such as Standards.
                connections between the consumer, the
                product, the market and the distribution and                                                         Range
                sale of the product.
                                                                    Consumer                                                                                            Resource                                Assess
                                                                    Define the consumer and market trends to
                The Project                                         understand where the product category is         Performance                                        Risk                                    Review
                                                                    moving and identify design opportunities.
                The Product                                                                                          Programme                                          Payback                                 Conclusions
                The Company                                         Define the price points and margins along with    Product Strategy                                                                           Decision
                                                                    other economic factors.

                The Market                                                                                           Market Strategy
                                                                    Define product sustainability in the context of
                The Consumer                                        the product category using initial tool sets.

                CLARIFICATION                                       RESEARCH                                         DEFINITION                                         SCOPE                                   COMMUNICATION

                Defined Project and its Objectives.                  Define Customer Requirements.                     Set Design Goals/Objectives.                       Project plan.                           Present the Documented PDS for review.
                Define and outline the Product, Service, or          Define Technical Requirements.                    Define intended product item/range.                 Risk Assessment and Management.         Management review and clarification.
                System.                                             Define Intended markets, investigate drivers      Set Performance Goals.                             Financial Assessment (ROI, IRR, NPV).   Assessment of the project viability. v
                Detail Company Specific Information.                 and product positioning.                         Set Technical Targets.                             Resource Requirements.                  Decision to proceed, request further
                Define the Markets.                                  Investigate competing product price points,      Define testing & development programme.             Provisional Costing.                    information or to stop.
                Identify the primary consumers/users.               performance levels and general attributes.       Define Product Life Cycle/Product System in
                                                                    Document Resource and/or material and            relation to user groups.
                                                                    production factors.                              Define Product Functional Unit.
                                                                    Investigate Intellectual Property landscape.     Define Product implementation strategy.
                                                                    Investigate distribution and Supply Chain        Define the proposed market entry strategy.
                                                                    aspects.                                         Establish enviornmental characteristics/targets.
                                                                    Investigate Environmental Aspects and
                                                                    Research relevant standards and compliance
                                                                    issues for target markets.
Pioneer - Create New Products & Improve Existing Products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010


                Plan                     Research & Generate                                        Concept                            Embody                                                           Commercialise
                PLAN & CLARIFY           RESEARCH                      CREATE                       DEVELOP CONCEPTS                   EMBODY & TEST                 DEFINE & RESOLVE                   DOCUMENT & PRODUCTIONISE

                Clarify                  Research                      Generate                     Isolate & Identify                 Develop                       Test                               Specifications
                Company                  Technical                     A wide variety of possible   Opportunities with the product     The product system &          Test system & technology,          Develop detailed specifications for manufacture
                Industry Sector          Consumer                      system solutions             system. Identify key streams for   technology. Embody ideas      through external ‘Method of
                Product & Service        Economic                                                   downstream development             functionally & structurally   Limits’ trial with end consumers   Transfer
                Target Markets           Environmental                 Communicate                                                                                                                      System & Technology into the supply chain
                                                                       The ideas in a coherent      Search & Combine                   Select & Make                 Evaluate
                Define                    Specify                       manner to all key            Across all streams for dominant    Prototype system &            Results & establish final           Troubleshoot
                Goals & Vision           Vision & Objectives           stakeholders                 themes and ideas. Review           technology with effective     amendments                         Areas where specifications and assemblies
                Reporting                Structure & Scope                                          key ideas and where possible       function for testing &
                Key Stakeholders         Outline & Deliverables        Assess                       combine critical streams           evaluation                    Resolve                            Sign Off
                Funding Mechanism        Users & Stakeholders          The ideas and stakeholder                                                                     Final design specifications         All pre-production samples against specifications
                Project Champion         Customer Requirements         feedback and document        Evaluate                           Refine                         Documents for final costing
                                         Technical Requirements        for approval to proceed      Each potential solution against    And improve system &
                                         Materials & Processes                                      established criteria and scope     technology for consumer       Approve
                                         Manufacturing & Suppliers                                  outlined in the PDS document       evaluation and testing.
                                         Supply Chain & Distribution                                                                                                 Final system & technology and
                                                                                                                                       Evaluate against criteria     specifications to proceed to
                                         Sales & Marekting                                                                             established in the PDS
                                          Product offer                                                                                                              commercialisation
                                          Commuication Strategy
                                          Pricing Structure
                                         Std’s,Compliance & Testing
                                         Life Cycle Management
                                         Risk & Management


                PROJECT                  PDS PROCESS &                 GENERATE &
                                                                                                    KEY IDEAS DEFINED                  IDEAS REALISED & TESTED                                          PRODUCTION
                CLARIFICATION            DOCUMENT                      COMMUNICATE

                Prepare PDS propsal      Project Development           Capture all ideas            Concept Development                Embodiment Design             Full system testing.               Pre-Production Trials.
                to scope first stage      Specification.                 generated.                   Exploration.                       Specification.                 Full validated costing &           All technical specifications released to supply
                of project research to    Project Plans & Outlines.    Document full range of       Document the critical solution     Functional prototypes.        Breakdowns.                        chain.
                validation.               Detailed Cost Projections.   ideas covered.               streams for consideration.         Preliminary Performance       Final Approved Design &            QC and Approve all masters and approve all final
                Approve the Project       Defined Project Structure.    Assess Ideas Objectively.    Evaluate and select the key        Testing.                      Specification.                      Pre-Production for product.
                Development and           Risk Assessment.             Communicate to key           idea(s) to enter embodiment.       Consumer Evaluation &         Approve final supply chain.
                Validation phase.        Review project & approve,     stakeholders.                                                   Testing.
                                         amend or reject proposed
developed seed
If the seed finds itself in dry but cool
conditions and isn’t deposited too
deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it
will germinate and shed it’s coat after
35 days. Kauri seeds have been known
to develop on fallen trees or even in the
litter at the base of the parent tree, a very
hardy habitat.
As a seedling they will develop
oblong shaped green or reddish
borwn leaves quickly dependnig
on how much direct sunlight they
are exposed too.
The young sapling bristles
up a and grows a spiky
coat developing at a rate of
approximately 10-25cm a year.
to market
After 50 years or more the trees will reach the
forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward
streak and start to broaden and develop
the iconic crown it is well known for. During
this time it will also start to shed the lower
branches in a process called abscission
leaving the trunk free of knots to become
what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’.
in market
mature kauri
The final size of a Kauri is often determined
by it’s conditions, but can grow upwards of
30-40 metres high and several metres
wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of
years the oldest in New Zealand being
estimated at between
1200-1500 years.
Speed is of the essence

                          Document everything

                          Research is ‘the’ risk management tool

                          Research creates the platform for great ideas

                          Start marketing when you start the project
research                                        idea                                            prototype                          production                      to market                                         in market
seed                                            developed seed                                  seedling                           sapling                         ricker                                            mature kauri
The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed     If the seed finds itself in dry but cool         As a seedling they will develop    The young sapling bristles      After 50 years or more the trees will reach the   The final size of a Kauri is often
after pollination by the wind travelling a      conditions and isn’t deposited too              oblong shaped green or reddish     up a and grows a spiky          forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward     determined by it’s conditions, but can
distance of up to 1.5 km before settling        deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it       borwn leaves quickly dependnig     coat developing at a rate of    streak and start to broaden and develop           grow upwards of
ideally in the cool moist foliage under the     will germinate and shed it’s coat after         on how much direct sunlight they   approximately 10-25cm a year.   the iconic crown it is well known for. During     30-40 metres high and several metres
Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special            35 days. Kauri seeds have bee known             are exposed too.                                                   this time it will also start to shed the lower    wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of
wing like form helps to carry it far from the   to develop on fallen trees or even in the                                                                          branches in a process called abscission           years the oldest in New Zealand being
parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and   litter at the base of the parent tree, a very                                                                      leaving the trunk free of knots to become         estimated at between
broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008)     hardy habitat.                                                                                                     what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’.             1200-1500 years.
Spend the whole process ‘getting to market’

                            Features are not benefits

                            You need to be the Expert

                            Digital is critical.

research                                        idea                                            prototype                          production                      to market                                         in market
seed                                            developed seed                                  seedling                           sapling                         ricker                                            mature kauri
The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed     If the seed finds itself in dry but cool         As a seedling they will develop    The young sapling bristles      After 50 years or more the trees will reach the   The final size of a Kauri is often
after pollination by the wind travelling a      conditions and isn’t deposited too              oblong shaped green or reddish     up a and grows a spiky          forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward     determined by it’s conditions, but can
distance of up to 1.5 km before settling        deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it       borwn leaves quickly dependnig     coat developing at a rate of    streak and start to broaden and develop           grow upwards of
ideally in the cool moist foliage under the     will germinate and shed it’s coat after         on how much direct sunlight they   approximately 10-25cm a year.   the iconic crown it is well known for. During     30-40 metres high and several metres
Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special            35 days. Kauri seeds have bee known             are exposed too.                                                   this time it will also start to shed the lower    wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of
wing like form helps to carry it far from the   to develop on fallen trees or even in the                                                                          branches in a process called abscission           years the oldest in New Zealand being
parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and   litter at the base of the parent tree, a very                                                                      leaving the trunk free of knots to become         estimated at between
broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008)     hardy habitat.                                                                                                     what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’.             1200-1500 years.
Original Product Development
Our core business is creating products and
delivering them to market.
Developing new products and services is critical to driving your company’s revenue
growth, its competitive advantage and reducing its cost and risk. But often there are
impediments such as; the lack of management time, the right personnel and expertise,
and the sheer up-front cost of development.

Partnering with Locus Research can reduce the up-front cost of development, and help
you to improve the performance and resilience of your business in by creating innovative
products and services.
Common Skills we apply through the delivery of all of our work

               Research                                                                 Develop                                                          Manage

           Product & Service                               Brand & Graphic                               Life CycleThinking                     Business/Commercial

                                                                    The areas we actively integrate in our workflow

A genuinely integrated team is hard to find and silos are           The diagram illustrates the common skills of:                    Product development is increasingly complex and requires
hard to avoid. Our team has retained an overriding focus on                                                                         an interconnected approach to be effective, and to deliver
remaining vertically integrated with most of our staff skilled         Research: discovery & understanding                          original and insightful solutions.
in multiple domains. More than a generic statement, our                Development: growth & progress
work embodies this approach in a structural manner from                                                                             In business there are no lines neatly separating the delivery
research through to market execution.                                  Management: control & direction                              of a successful programme to market. It takes commitment
                                                                                                                                    across all areas to succeed. Our team will often augment a
We view integrated product/service development as our              These are shared across the four key domains of services         company’s internal capability during the commercialisation
core competency.                                                   we deliver.                                                      process, assisting to drive the process and ensure
                                                                                                                                    milestones are met, and deliverables achieved.

                        Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave,
                        Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland.
                                                                                                                        Project - Internal Process
                                                                                                                            Author: Timothy Allan                     Locus Research Processes
                        Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email:                                Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0             Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated
The Simple Research Loop                                        The word ‘Research’ means ‘a systematic investigation in           Applied research can incorporate anything from:
                                                                order to establish facts or reach new conclusions’ (Oxford
Our research driven approach is under pinned by a simple                                                                               The structured application of scientific investigation
                                                                University Press, 1985). Our work differs from fundamental
research loop. This applies to quantitative research                                                                                   toward achieving commercial goals
                                                                research, as it is always ‘Applied’.
through idea generation and development through to                                                                                     User Centred Design
productionisation.                                              The word ‘Applied’ refers to the fact that our research is
                                                                always used in a real world application. It is not undertaken          Design Research; Investigation of business models
                                                                to generate conference papers (although it seems to do                 Engineering analysis
                                                                this on an alarmingly frequent basis).

                     Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave,
                     Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland.
                                                                                                                       Project - Internal Process
                                                                                                                           Author: Timothy Allan                      Locus Research Processes
                     Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email:                                  Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0              Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated


                                                            GN                                                            NE


                                                       D ES
                          Design                                                                                                                      Business

The Design/Business/Science matrix.                              The combination of these three important domains has the                Design is defined as being the art of creating
                                                                 ability to generate significant lasting value for both industry          something as well as a process (to plan).
We work with the intersection of science, business, and          and community alike.
design and have the strong belief that these domains                                                                                     Science is the systematic knowledge of the
working together produce compelling results.                     Locus Research has built a unique, collaborative approach               physical or material world gained through observation
                                                                 and extensive networks within the science community                     and experimentation (and use thereof).
Science, business and design are very different areas,           ensuring we are able to access leading specialists in a
each having a special role to play in the development of         wide variety of areas.                                                  Business is defined as commercial activity with
sustainable products and services. Or for that matter any                                                                                the goal of making a profit (perhaps not just in
products and services.                                                                                                                   financial terms).

                      Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave,
                      Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland.
                                                                                                                         Project - Internal Process
                                                                                                                             Author: Timothy Allan                    Locus Research Processes
                      Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email:                                   Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0            Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated
The Environment                                                                       Raw materials & energy

SYSTEM UNDER ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                                ag

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Waste Man
                                                                                   Emissions to air, land & water

 Life Cycle Inputs and Outputs                                                      Distribution and Transportation – shipment of the final product to the end            Locus Research has pioneered the constructive and proactive use of life cycle
                                                                                    user.                                                                                thinking in product development firstly in New Zealand and then further afield.
 ‘Life cycle thinking’ is an extension to our product development process and is                                                                                         This has been achieved by adopting and adapting life cycle thinking to design,
 a part of all development projects undertaken at Locus Research.                   Use, Reuse, and Maintenance – utilization of the finished product over its
                                                                                                                                                                         making it work for us in the real world.
                                                                                    service life.
 The life cycle of a generic industrial product was defined by SETAC (1991) as                                                                                            This has migrated toward the creation and use of more design driven
 being composed of the following stages:                                            Recycle – begins after the product has served its initial intended function and is
                                                                                                                                                                         techniques for Life Cycle Thinking. Which have been explored in the Life Cycle
                                                                                    subsequently recycled within the same product system (closed-loop recycle) or
 Raw Material Acquisition – all activities necessary to extract raw material                                                                                             Thinking workshop series.
                                                                                    enters a new product system (open-loop recycle).
 and energy inputs from the environment, including the transportation prior to                                                                                           Our involvement with science has enabled the development of strong
 processing.                                                                        Waste Management – begins after the product has served its intended function
                                                                                                                                                                         relationships within the Life Cycle Assessment, Management and Accounting
                                                                                    and is returned to the environment as waste.
 Processing and Manufacturing – activities needed to convert the raw material                                                                                            fields. We are an active member of the Sustainable Design Group of New
 and energy inputs into the desired product. In practice this stage is often        Life Cycle Thinking encourages a wider view during the development of                Zealand and the Life Cycle Association of New Zealand.
 composed of a series of sub-stages with intermediate products being formed         products and services; moving beyond considerate material selection and into
 along the processing chain.                                                        consumer behaviour and end of life scenarios.

                                Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave,
                                Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland.
                                                                                                                                                            Project - Internal Process
                                                                                                                                                                Author: Timothy Allan                                 Locus Research Processes
                                Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email:                                                            Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0                      Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated
The Services we provide our clients & partners
                                                                                                                                                                                                             © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010


                           Product                                                                 Brand                                     Sustainability                                         Business
                           SERVICES                                                                SERVICES                                  SERVICES                                               SERVICES

                           Applied Research                     Research & Development             Applied Research                          Introduction to Life         Implementation            Business Case
                           Customer Experience                  Idea Generation                    Company & Product context                 Cycle Thinking               Define Key Environmental   Business Model Investigation
                           User Needs Analysis                  Product Design & Development       Product Attributes & Benefits                                           Performance Indicators    Supply Chain & Distribution
                                                                Service Design & Development                                                 Life Cycle Thinking - A
                           Competing Product Assessment                                            Product/Service Offer                     Design Mindset               Guidance on EMS           Economic & Market Factors
                           Market analysis                      Project Management                                                                                        implementation            Sales & Revenue Projections
                                                                Research Aggregation & Reporting                                             Life Cycle Management -
                           Product Stds & Compliance                                               Strategy & Direction                      From product to Company
                           Product Life Cycle                                                      Brand Architecture                        Tools & Approaches -                                   Investment
                                                                Productionisation                                                                                         Marketing
                                                                                                   Core Competency                           Implementing Change                                    Developing Investment Prospectus
                           Strategy & Direction                 Production Documentation           Brand Experience                                                       Product EcoLabels &       Procuring/preparing for Investment
                           Project Team & Reporting Definition   Production Oversight                                                         Applied Research             Appraisals
                           Design Targets & Specifications                                          Identity Development                      Supply Chain Assessment      Market Requirements       Production Implications
                           Project Structure & Scope            Supplier Development
                                                                                                   Nomenclature (Naming System)              Compliance & Stds Review                               Production Impacts on Product Design
                           Project Costing & Planning           Research & Assess New Supply       Identity design & Development             Input/Output Investigation                             Production Strategy
                           Intellectual Property                Chains                                                                       Product Life Cycle           Life Cycle Design
                                                                Quality control                                                              Competitor Benchmarking      Core Function             Sales & Marketing
                           Risk Assessment and                  Supply Contract Development        Brand Implementation                                                   Life Cycle Scenarion      Pitch Presentions
                           Management                                                              Print & Advertising                       Data & Quantatative          Development               Definition of Product/Service Offer
                           Auditing Existing development                                           Web Development & Ecommerce               Assessment                   Product Service System    Sales & Marketing Plan
                           process                                                                 Technical Documentation                                                Development               Product Launch Strategy
                                                                                                                                             Goal & Scope
                           Assessing project risk profile                                           Installation and Assembly Instructions    Inventory Analysis
                           ROI                                                                     Audio Visual Material                     Impact Assessment                                      In Market
                                                                                                   Web 2.0 & Social Networking               Product Visual Summary                                 Point of Sale design & development
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Packaging design & development
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Support Material
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Trade Show design and development

                           FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES                                                  FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES                    FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES                                 FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES

                           Navigator - Define and Validate your Product                             Discover -    Market & Communicate        Horizon - Take your product sustainability             Realise - Turn your product into a
                           Development                                                             your product effectively                  to the next level                                      business.

                           Pioneer - Create New Products and Improve Existing                      Foundation - Create a
                           Products.                                                               commercially effective and robust brand

Visit:                                                                                                                                                                                    locus
Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland
Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email:                                                                                                        research
Awards:                                                                                                                                                                   Clients:
    Awards are not a great predictor of commercial success (particularly in design).                                                                                          Our clients have included the following:
    But when our team and clients have worked hard on a project it is great to stop and reflect.

                                MDEA Awards                                                   Programmes awarded include:
                                The Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA)                   Encircle - Medical Devices
                                competition is the premier awards program for the
                                medical technology community, recognizing the
                                achievements of medical product manufacturers and
                                the many people behind the scenes worldwide.

                                Dupont Innovations Awards                                     Programmes awarded include:
                                In the Australasian context these awards are the              Encircle - Medical Devices
                                heavyweight. Held bi-annually, the appeal of the              Circadian - Sleep System
                                DuPont awards is they recognise real research and
                                development at a structural level and include in depth
                                discussion of sustainability within the Awards.

                                Best Awards                                                   Programmes awarded include:
                                The best awards are the key Design Awards in                  Encircle - Medical Devices            Drybase - Tiled Shower System
                                New Zealand. They are organised by the Designers              Cortex - Exterior Cladding System     Littl’ Juey - Weedcutter
                                Institute of New Zealand (DINZ). Locus Research               Curve Surf - Surfing accessories       Cayo & The Outdoor Room
                                Managing Director Timothy Allan helped to institute           Hold - Furniture Range                Forester - Chainsaw Protection Clothing
                                the ‘Sustainable Product Design’ Award and was the
                                inaugural judge in 2004.

                                Sustainable 60                                                Five categories entered to be eligible for award:
                                The award was created by Fairfax media and Price              Strategy and Governance - Our internal ‘Evolve’ project;

                                Waterhouse Coopers in 2009. It provided the                   Workplace - Our Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme;

                                perfect opportunity to recognise the wider areas of           Marketplace - The innovative Transform initiatives for Textiles New Zealand;

                                sustainability within a business. Locus Research was          Environment - Life Cycle Thinking Workshops;

                                the recipient of the Overall Exemplar for Small business.     Community - Our contribution to forming the Sustainable Design Group of NZ.

                                This recognised the work we have done in a range of
                                business areas.

                                Sustainable Design & Innovation Awards                        Programmes awarded include:
                                The Sustainable Business Challenge is held each year          Cortex - Exterior Cladding System
                                by The Sustainable Business Network. They recognise
                                leading businesses sustainability initiatives. Locus
                                Research has been involved regionally (Bay of Plenty)
                                as a Judge and an advocate for the awards and also
                                won the central and southern award in 2009 against
                                stiff competition and proceeded to the national finals.

                                ISPO Brand New                                                Programmes awarded include:
                                The new entrant award which is a part of the global           Curve Surf - Travel System
                                sporting and equipment show; ISPO This award has
                                feature some great New Zealand innovators such as
                                Blo-Kart. The innovative Curve Surf Travel system was
                                a finalist in 2008 and featured in their exhibition.

                                Focus on Health                                               Programmes awarded include:
                                Focus on health was an innovation challenge that              Encircle - Medical Devices
                                sought to assist NZ companies commercialising
                                healthcare products and services into the US market.
                                We were fortunate to be selected from over 100 entries
                                to be a semi-finalist and were able to take part in
                                pitching to top US healthcare experts and Investors.

                                Interior Design Awards                                        Programmes awarded include:
                                The Australian Interior Design Awards is a partnership        Thermowood - A Material Investigation
                                event of the Design Institute of Australia, DesignEX and
                                ARTICHOKE magazine. It the premier Design event in
                                Australasia that is held alternately between Melbourne
                                and Sydney. An important calendar event for key
                                furniture and household goods manufacturers.

4                                                                                        For more info please visit:                                    For more info please visit:   5
Eco-System Eco-System
                                                                                                                                                                                               © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH L

 Locus Research

        LCT Leadership and                                       Conference Papers/                      Industry Collaboration          Active Involvement In
        Education                                                Presentations                           and Exchanges                   Design-related Events
        (educational leadership,                                 (research/science                       (collaborative/business         (industry leadership, design
        enlightening, guiding,                                   leadership, cutting edge                leadership, strategic,          commitment/relevance, raising
        empowering, enabling)                                    research, expertise)                    cross-domain,                   awareness, spectacular)
                                                                                                         knowledge sharing)

  METHODS OF GROWTH Branches And Leaves Individual Specialties, Leading Projects

                                                                                    Integration through diversity
  OFFERING Main Trunk

                                                                                   PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                            Systems focused

                                                                          Working with businesses from different sectors and sizes

                                                            Product                   Brand         Business            Sustainability
                                                           specialists                aware          savvy                 experts

  FOUNDATION Roots Company Ethos

                                                              The belief that accountability does not inhibit creativity

           Applied Research                                     Tranparent and                         Established Commitment            Originality
           (empathy and                                         Evidential Processes                   To Sustainability                 (Creativity, independance,
           perceptiveness,                                      (authenticity, analytics,              (integrity, experience,           insight)
           understanding                                        process, rigour,                       focus)
           method)                                              benchmarking)

                                                                                                                                                         © Copyright Locus Research Ltd 2011

Visit:                                                                                                                                                                     locus
Discover - Market & Communicate Your Product Effectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010


                 Planning                      Foundation                                                    Identity                                                     Experience
                 CLARIFYING                    RESEARCH                       STRATEGY                       AURAL                          VISUAL                        MESSAGES                      CONTENT                         COLLATERAL

                 Project Plan                  Company                        Architecture                   Names                          Logo Device                   Key Messages                  Copy                            Stationery
                                               Business history, Present      Company, Product families,     Company & Products             Standard & Reversed                                         Promotional & Technical         Business cards, Letterhead,
                                               situation, Long-term           Products, Partners,                                                                         The Story                                                     Faxhead, Envelopes
                                               vision, Near-term mission,     Ingredient brands              Taglines                       Typefaces                                                   Imagery
                                               Business goals, Company                                       Company & Products             Display & Text                                              Photography, Diagrams,          Templates
                                               values, Strengths &            The Filter                                                                                                                Renderings, Line-art
                                               Weaknesses                     Attributes & Benefits                                          Colours                                                                                     Environment
                                                                                                                                            CMYK, RGB, Hexidecimal                                      Logos                           Buildings, Signage, Vehicles
                                               Products & Services            Position                                                                                                                  EPS, PNG, TIFF GIF
                                               Offerings & Attributes         Industry context, Product                                     Design System                                                                               Promotional
                                                                              category, Category                                            Lines, Spacing, Framing                                                                     Website, Sales
                                               Market                         segment, Point of difference                                                                                                                              presentation, Brochures,
                                               Supply chain & distribution,                                                                                                                                                             Company profile
                                               Market trends & dynamics,
                                               Marketplace, Traditional                                                                                                                                                                 Technical
                                               competitors, Non-traditional
                                               competitors, Opportunities                                                                                                                                                               Product manuals,
                                               & Threats                                                                                                                                                                                Specifications

                                               Customer groups,
                                               What customers want,
                                               Current customer
                                               perception, Demographics,
                                               Psychographics, Customer

                 PROJECT PLAN                  FOUNDATION REPORT              STRATEGY DIAGRAMS              IDENTITY PRESENTATION                                        BRAND BOOK                    ASSETS GUIDE                    FINAL OUTPUTS

                 All preliminary project       An A4 report including all     Diagrams of the company        A presentation of the brand concepts showing the             This is the distillation of   A document explaining the       The agreed final media
                 management work &             gathered research data.        & product architecture, and    messages and visual identity presented as a complete         the product attributes, and   use of all brand assets.        outputs which will present
                 collection of company &       Also a diagram which           its unique position in the     brand story. All visual components specified including logo   customer benefits, resulting   Accompanied by all assets       and sell the product, service
                 product info which the        hilights and summarises        market.                        device, typefaces, colours and the design system which       in strong succinct key        supplied to client in useable   or company in the best light
                 company may already have.     the key findings from each                                     ties it all together.                                        messages.                     formats on disc.                to the customer.

                Visit:                                                                                                                                                                                       locus
                Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland
                Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email:                                                                                                           research
Horizon - Sustainability for the Real World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010


                 Educate & Clarify                                                                      Investigate & Define                                                                Analyse & Assess
                 INTRODUCTION TO LIFE CYCLE THINKING                                                    RESEARCH & QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT                                                  DATA ASSESSMENT & QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS

                 Workshop Session                                                                       SUPPLY CHAIN ASSESSMENT                                                            LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT
                                                                                                        Develop and visual view of your supply chain and evaluate options for reducing
                 A critical part of starting down the road of sustainability is introducing your team
                                                                                                        your footprint                                                                         GOALS & SCOPE
                 and your company to life cycle thinking.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Define the goal and scope of your Quantitative study.
                      Life Cycle Thinking                                                               COMPLIANCE, LABELING & STANDARDS INVESTIGATION                                         Define what your company wants to achieve and get out of the study.
                                                                                                        Create a clear view of the market your in, and ensure that your environmental          Evaluate the scope and ensure there is available inventory data, or the
                      A design mindset: Investigate and define yuour core product function,
                                                                                                        assessments can clearly position your product with the key standards in the            ability to research data.
                      document the existing product life cycle, identifying problems and
                                                                                                        markets you operate.
                      opportunities. Then redefine the product system - designing a new life
                                                                                                                                                                                               Define the boundary of your study, and any key considerations for the
                                                                                                        INPUT OUTPUT INVESTIGATION                                                             study.
                                                                                                        Understand in clear terms the inputs and outputs of your processes before              Define the impact categories you will use during assessment and you
                      Life Cycle management                                                             you undertake a full assessment, review areas that are opportunities for               will focus on.
                      From product to company: Explore the application of LCM within your               improvement and problems that can be practically dealt with.
                      company, creating an environmental policy, a set of strategic priorities,                                                                                                INVENTORY ANALYSIS
                      objectives and targets that you can apply to your company.                                                                                                               Either find a relative database or create new Life cycle inventory data
                                                                                                        COMPETITOR REVIEWS
                                                                                                        Benchmark and learn from the leaders in your industry and sector, identify areas       for detailed assessment.
                      Tools & Approaches                                                                where they have focussed and why.
                      Implementing change: Understand environmental tools and approaches and                                                                                                   IMPACT ASSESSMENT
                      where in the development process they can best be used.                                                                                                                  Undertake the assessment based on the LCI data and report.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Evaluate scenarios for different product alternates

                                                                                                                                                                                           PRODUCT VISUAL SUMMARY
                                                                                                                                                                                           Use impact assessment data to create visual assessments to be used for
                                                                                                                                                                                           internal teams and decision makers

                                                                                                                                                                                           DEFINE KEY ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
                                                                                                                                                                                           Translate results into simple usable KEPI’s for design and development

                 WORKSHOP WITH KEY MANAGEMENT                                                           COMPILED RESEARCH REPORT                                                           DETAILED ASSESSMENT, RESULTS & KEPI’S

                 Define your key products Core function                                                  An visual map of your supply chain,and assessment of key areas for                 A developed Life Cycle Inventory for your product
                 Document your future life cycles                                                       improvement relative to product structure                                          The environmental impacts assessed and reported
                 Create a map of your environmental issues now, and into the future                     Select the key compliance and standards that need to be met and exceeded.          Defined Key Environmental Performance Indicators (KEPI) for ongoing
                 Develop an effective Environmental Policy                                              Identify gaps in existing product information                                      product improvement and development teams.
                 Prioritise the key environmental goals of your company                                 A detailed input/ouput assessment
                 Determine Objectives and Targets                                                       A detailed review of industry leading products and brands.
                 Understand and determine what tools are best for your company

                Visit:                                                                                                                                                                                               locus
                Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland
                Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email:                                                                                                                   research
Realise - Turn your Product Into a Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010


                 Opportunity                                      Business                                            Technology                                     Structure                                   Capital
                 DEFINING THE NEED                                DEVELOPING THE BUSINESS                             DEFINING THE FEATURES                          DEFINE MANAGEMENT                           OUTLINE THE INVESTMENT

                 The Problem or Need                              Product Structure                                   Product/technology                             Company Vision                              The Offering
                 Clearly define and support the problem /need      Define the structure of the product system           Clearly define the product or the technology    Lay out an aspirational achievable target   Outline the required level of investment
                 associate with the product or technology.        and schematically how it operates at a market/      Outlining all key points of difference.        for your team to subscribe to and focus     and what is being offered for the investor.
                                                                  consumer level.                                                                                    on.
                 The Market                                                                                           Evidence                                                                                   Investor profile
                 Clearly define the market for the product or      Market Introduction/Mechanism                       Demonstrate product efficacy objectively.       Management & Team                           What type of investor are you looking for
                 service in a focussed manner.                    Create a credible strategy for entering the                                                        Define the team that will deliver the        and how would they ideally interface and
                                                                  market. Outline product structure rollout into      Standards & Compliance                         programme and identify new resources        contribute to the business.
                 The customer/target market                       specified markets.                                   What compliance and standards factors are      that may be required to deliver the
                 As specifically as possible, define who the                                                            important in the specified markets for this     business milestones.                        Capital Requirements
                 product is being sold too and how they           Product Development Schedule                        product.                                                                                   Define the capital requirements against the
                 purchase.                                        What is the strategy to consolidate, develop and                                                   Governance                                  milestones.
                                                                  refine the product further post market launch.       Intellectual Property                          Specify the organisational structure.
                 The Product Opportunity                                                                              Define the trademark,design and patent                                                      Capital Structure
                 Outline how your solution directly addresses     Market Introduction/Mechanism                       protection and/or outline any trade secrets    Financials                                  What will the shareholding and structure
                 the problem or need from the customers           How will the product be launched through the        which protect the product from easy            Projected Unit Sales and Sales              look like?
                 perspective. What is your value proposition.     selected channel to market. A clear outline here    replication.
                                                                  will assist to drive sales projections accurately                                                  Sales Rationale                             Projected Growth
                 Channel to Market                                with a clear rationale.                             Future technologies                            Projected 5 Year P&L Statement              In revenue and company value
                 What channel to market works the most                                                                What future technologies have been
                 effectively with the product category, outline   Business Milestones                                                                                                                            Proposed Exit Strategy
                 options and define preferred option.              What are the key milestones for the business        Competitor Analysis                                                                        How will investors enter and exit the
                                                                  during and post launch. Set measurable goals                                                                                                   business, are there logical points or targets
                 Marketing Approach                               and actions.                                        Competitive Advantage                                                                      for this.
                 What marketing approach work best in the
                 market to the specified consumers. Where do       Partnerships/Alliances
                 they go to access information on purchase.       Outline any key alliances or partnerships.

                 SECTION ONE                                      SECTION TWO                                         SECTION THREE                                  SECTION FOUR                                SECTION FIVE

                 The first section of the business development     How does the business intend to take advantage      A chance for the features and the product      Who are the key people for the business     What investment is being sought, and how
                 focusses on what the opportunity is and          of the opportunity. What are the key milestones     and technology to get fully described.         and how will the business be operated       will the capital be used.
                 presents it from the customers perspective.      for the business to deliver on the potential        Prove the product is effective and and         and governed.                               What returns are projected for the investor
                 It defines how the products are purhased          opportunity.                                        describe what intellectal property exists to   What are the sales projectsions and what    and how can they effectively enter and exit
                 and the key channels to market, and the key                                                          protect the investment and the businesses      are these based on?                         the business.
                 approach to marketing.                                                                               competitiveness                                How is the company projected to

                Visit:                                                                                                                                                                                       locus
                Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland
                Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email:                                                                                                           research
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Developing Products Successfully

  • 1. Product Development “Successful Product Development Workshop” 25th & 26th May 2011 Locus Research, Tompkins Wake, Motovated Design & Analysis Presenter: Timothy Allan - Locus Research Ltd
  • 2. Product Development “Successful Product Development Workshop” 25th & 26th May 2011 Locus Research, Tompkins Wake, Motovated Design & Analysis Presenter: Timothy Allan - Locus Research Ltd
  • 12. Ingredients of Success Research Platform & Product Embodiment; Testing, Standards & Compliance; Product Brand & Marketing; Sales, Marketing & Distribution; Business Potential & IP; Sustainability & Environmental Risk.
  • 13. Product Development Process research idea prototype production to market in market seed developed seed seedling sapling ricker mature kauri The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed If the seed finds itself in dry but cool As a seedling they will develop The young sapling bristles After 50 years or more the trees will reach the The final size of a Kauri is often after pollination by the wind travelling a conditions and isn’t deposited too oblong shaped green or reddish up a and grows a spiky forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward determined by it’s conditions, but can distance of up to 1.5 km before settling deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it borwn leaves quickly dependnig coat developing at a rate of streak and start to broaden and develop grow upwards of ideally in the cool moist foliage under the will germinate and shed it’s coat after on how much direct sunlight they approximately 10-25cm a year. the iconic crown it is well known for. During 30-40 metres high and several metres Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special 35 days. Kauri seeds have bee known are exposed too. this time it will also start to shed the lower wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of wing like form helps to carry it far from the to develop on fallen trees or even in the branches in a process called abscission years the oldest in New Zealand being parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and litter at the base of the parent tree, a very leaving the trunk free of knots to become estimated at between broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008) hardy habitat. what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’. 1200-1500 years.
  • 14. research seed The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed after pollination by the wind travelling a distance of up to 1.5 km before settling ideally in the cool moist foliage under the Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special wing like form helps to carry it far from the parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008)
  • 15. Navigator - Define & Validate your Product Development Project © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010 TASK SEQUENCE Planning Research Communicate PLAN & CLARIFY RESEARCH SPECIFY SCOPE COMMUNICATE Into the industry product context and market Technical Should define the following: Plan Present conditions that drive sales in the product Define technical performance requirements category. This is deliberately broad to establish Goals Cost Discuss and other technical factors such as Standards. connections between the consumer, the product, the market and the distribution and Range sale of the product. Consumer Resource Assess Define the consumer and market trends to The Project understand where the product category is Performance Risk Review moving and identify design opportunities. The Product Programme Payback Conclusions Economic The Company Define the price points and margins along with Product Strategy Decision other economic factors. The Market Market Strategy Environmental Define product sustainability in the context of The Consumer the product category using initial tool sets. DELIVERABLES CLARIFICATION RESEARCH DEFINITION SCOPE COMMUNICATION Defined Project and its Objectives. Define Customer Requirements. Set Design Goals/Objectives. Project plan. Present the Documented PDS for review. Define and outline the Product, Service, or Define Technical Requirements. Define intended product item/range. Risk Assessment and Management. Management review and clarification. System. Define Intended markets, investigate drivers Set Performance Goals. Financial Assessment (ROI, IRR, NPV). Assessment of the project viability. v Detail Company Specific Information. and product positioning. Set Technical Targets. Resource Requirements. Decision to proceed, request further Define the Markets. Investigate competing product price points, Define testing & development programme. Provisional Costing. information or to stop. Identify the primary consumers/users. performance levels and general attributes. Define Product Life Cycle/Product System in Document Resource and/or material and relation to user groups. production factors. Define Product Functional Unit. Investigate Intellectual Property landscape. Define Product implementation strategy. Investigate distribution and Supply Chain Define the proposed market entry strategy. aspects. Establish enviornmental characteristics/targets. Investigate Environmental Aspects and Impacts. Research relevant standards and compliance issues for target markets.
  • 16. Pioneer - Create New Products & Improve Existing Products © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010 TASK SEQUENCE Plan Research & Generate Concept Embody Commercialise PLAN & CLARIFY RESEARCH CREATE DEVELOP CONCEPTS EMBODY & TEST DEFINE & RESOLVE DOCUMENT & PRODUCTIONISE Clarify Research Generate Isolate & Identify Develop Test Specifications Company Technical A wide variety of possible Opportunities with the product The product system & Test system & technology, Develop detailed specifications for manufacture Industry Sector Consumer system solutions system. Identify key streams for technology. Embody ideas through external ‘Method of Product & Service Economic downstream development functionally & structurally Limits’ trial with end consumers Transfer Target Markets Environmental Communicate System & Technology into the supply chain The ideas in a coherent Search & Combine Select & Make Evaluate Define Specify manner to all key Across all streams for dominant Prototype system & Results & establish final Troubleshoot Goals & Vision Vision & Objectives stakeholders themes and ideas. Review technology with effective amendments Areas where specifications and assemblies Reporting Structure & Scope key ideas and where possible function for testing & Key Stakeholders Outline & Deliverables Assess combine critical streams evaluation Resolve Sign Off Funding Mechanism Users & Stakeholders The ideas and stakeholder Final design specifications All pre-production samples against specifications Project Champion Customer Requirements feedback and document Evaluate Refine Documents for final costing Technical Requirements for approval to proceed Each potential solution against And improve system & Materials & Processes established criteria and scope technology for consumer Approve Manufacturing & Suppliers outlined in the PDS document evaluation and testing. Supply Chain & Distribution Final system & technology and Evaluate against criteria specifications to proceed to Sales & Marekting established in the PDS Product offer commercialisation document Commuication Strategy Pricing Structure Std’s,Compliance & Testing Life Cycle Management Risk & Management Scope Plan Estimate Resource Return DELIVERABLES PROJECT PDS PROCESS & GENERATE & KEY IDEAS DEFINED IDEAS REALISED & TESTED PRODUCTION CLARIFICATION DOCUMENT COMMUNICATE Prepare PDS propsal Project Development Capture all ideas Concept Development Embodiment Design Full system testing. Pre-Production Trials. to scope first stage Specification. generated. Exploration. Specification. Full validated costing & All technical specifications released to supply of project research to Project Plans & Outlines. Document full range of Document the critical solution Functional prototypes. Breakdowns. chain. validation. Detailed Cost Projections. ideas covered. streams for consideration. Preliminary Performance Final Approved Design & QC and Approve all masters and approve all final Approve the Project Defined Project Structure. Assess Ideas Objectively. Evaluate and select the key Testing. Specification. Pre-Production for product. Development and Risk Assessment. Communicate to key idea(s) to enter embodiment. Consumer Evaluation & Approve final supply chain. Validation phase. Review project & approve, stakeholders. Testing. amend or reject proposed outline.
  • 17. idea developed seed If the seed finds itself in dry but cool conditions and isn’t deposited too deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it will germinate and shed it’s coat after 35 days. Kauri seeds have been known to develop on fallen trees or even in the litter at the base of the parent tree, a very hardy habitat.
  • 18. prototype seedling As a seedling they will develop oblong shaped green or reddish borwn leaves quickly dependnig on how much direct sunlight they are exposed too.
  • 19. production sapling The young sapling bristles up a and grows a spiky coat developing at a rate of approximately 10-25cm a year.
  • 20. to market ricker After 50 years or more the trees will reach the forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward streak and start to broaden and develop the iconic crown it is well known for. During this time it will also start to shed the lower branches in a process called abscission leaving the trunk free of knots to become what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’.
  • 21. in market mature kauri The final size of a Kauri is often determined by it’s conditions, but can grow upwards of 30-40 metres high and several metres wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of years the oldest in New Zealand being estimated at between 1200-1500 years.
  • 22. Speed is of the essence Document everything Research is ‘the’ risk management tool Research creates the platform for great ideas Start marketing when you start the project research idea prototype production to market in market seed developed seed seedling sapling ricker mature kauri The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed If the seed finds itself in dry but cool As a seedling they will develop The young sapling bristles After 50 years or more the trees will reach the The final size of a Kauri is often after pollination by the wind travelling a conditions and isn’t deposited too oblong shaped green or reddish up a and grows a spiky forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward determined by it’s conditions, but can distance of up to 1.5 km before settling deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it borwn leaves quickly dependnig coat developing at a rate of streak and start to broaden and develop grow upwards of ideally in the cool moist foliage under the will germinate and shed it’s coat after on how much direct sunlight they approximately 10-25cm a year. the iconic crown it is well known for. During 30-40 metres high and several metres Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special 35 days. Kauri seeds have bee known are exposed too. this time it will also start to shed the lower wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of wing like form helps to carry it far from the to develop on fallen trees or even in the branches in a process called abscission years the oldest in New Zealand being parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and litter at the base of the parent tree, a very leaving the trunk free of knots to become estimated at between broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008) hardy habitat. what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’. 1200-1500 years.
  • 23. Spend the whole process ‘getting to market’ Features are not benefits You need to be the Expert Digital is critical. research idea prototype production to market in market seed developed seed seedling sapling ricker mature kauri The seed of the magestic Kauri is dispersed If the seed finds itself in dry but cool As a seedling they will develop The young sapling bristles After 50 years or more the trees will reach the The final size of a Kauri is often after pollination by the wind travelling a conditions and isn’t deposited too oblong shaped green or reddish up a and grows a spiky forest canopy. The tree will slow it’s upward determined by it’s conditions, but can distance of up to 1.5 km before settling deeply or eaten by insects or birdlife it borwn leaves quickly dependnig coat developing at a rate of streak and start to broaden and develop grow upwards of ideally in the cool moist foliage under the will germinate and shed it’s coat after on how much direct sunlight they approximately 10-25cm a year. the iconic crown it is well known for. During 30-40 metres high and several metres Manuka tree. The Kauri seeds special 35 days. Kauri seeds have bee known are exposed too. this time it will also start to shed the lower wide. Kauri can survive for thousands of wing like form helps to carry it far from the to develop on fallen trees or even in the branches in a process called abscission years the oldest in New Zealand being parent tree allowing it to grow gradually and litter at the base of the parent tree, a very leaving the trunk free of knots to become estimated at between broaden over decades.(Stewart, Kauri, 2008) hardy habitat. what’s known as ‘poles’ or ‘rickers’. 1200-1500 years.
  • 24. Original Product Development Our core business is creating products and delivering them to market. Developing new products and services is critical to driving your company’s revenue growth, its competitive advantage and reducing its cost and risk. But often there are impediments such as; the lack of management time, the right personnel and expertise, and the sheer up-front cost of development. Partnering with Locus Research can reduce the up-front cost of development, and help you to improve the performance and resilience of your business in by creating innovative products and services.
  • 25. Common Skills we apply through the delivery of all of our work Research Develop Manage Product & Service Brand & Graphic Life CycleThinking Business/Commercial The areas we actively integrate in our workflow A genuinely integrated team is hard to find and silos are The diagram illustrates the common skills of: Product development is increasingly complex and requires hard to avoid. Our team has retained an overriding focus on an interconnected approach to be effective, and to deliver remaining vertically integrated with most of our staff skilled Research: discovery & understanding original and insightful solutions. in multiple domains. More than a generic statement, our Development: growth & progress work embodies this approach in a structural manner from In business there are no lines neatly separating the delivery research through to market execution. Management: control & direction of a successful programme to market. It takes commitment across all areas to succeed. Our team will often augment a We view integrated product/service development as our These are shared across the four key domains of services company’s internal capability during the commercialisation core competency. we deliver. process, assisting to drive the process and ensure milestones are met, and deliverables achieved. Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland. Project - Internal Process Author: Timothy Allan Locus Research Processes Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email: Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0 Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated
  • 26. The Simple Research Loop The word ‘Research’ means ‘a systematic investigation in Applied research can incorporate anything from: order to establish facts or reach new conclusions’ (Oxford Our research driven approach is under pinned by a simple The structured application of scientific investigation University Press, 1985). Our work differs from fundamental research loop. This applies to quantitative research toward achieving commercial goals research, as it is always ‘Applied’. through idea generation and development through to User Centred Design productionisation. The word ‘Applied’ refers to the fact that our research is always used in a real world application. It is not undertaken Design Research; Investigation of business models to generate conference papers (although it seems to do Engineering analysis this on an alarmingly frequent basis). Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland. Project - Internal Process Author: Timothy Allan Locus Research Processes Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email: Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0 Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated
  • 27. Science E NC SCIE SS GN NE I I BUS D ES Design Business The Design/Business/Science matrix. The combination of these three important domains has the Design is defined as being the art of creating ability to generate significant lasting value for both industry something as well as a process (to plan). We work with the intersection of science, business, and and community alike. design and have the strong belief that these domains Science is the systematic knowledge of the working together produce compelling results. Locus Research has built a unique, collaborative approach physical or material world gained through observation and extensive networks within the science community and experimentation (and use thereof). Science, business and design are very different areas, ensuring we are able to access leading specialists in a each having a special role to play in the development of wide variety of areas. Business is defined as commercial activity with sustainable products and services. Or for that matter any the goal of making a profit (perhaps not just in products and services. financial terms). Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland. Project - Internal Process Author: Timothy Allan Locus Research Processes Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email: Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0 Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated
  • 28. The Environment Raw materials & energy SYSTEM UNDER ANALYSIS ag ement Waste Man Emissions to air, land & water Life Cycle Inputs and Outputs Distribution and Transportation – shipment of the final product to the end Locus Research has pioneered the constructive and proactive use of life cycle user. thinking in product development firstly in New Zealand and then further afield. ‘Life cycle thinking’ is an extension to our product development process and is This has been achieved by adopting and adapting life cycle thinking to design, a part of all development projects undertaken at Locus Research. Use, Reuse, and Maintenance – utilization of the finished product over its making it work for us in the real world. service life. The life cycle of a generic industrial product was defined by SETAC (1991) as This has migrated toward the creation and use of more design driven being composed of the following stages: Recycle – begins after the product has served its initial intended function and is techniques for Life Cycle Thinking. Which have been explored in the Life Cycle subsequently recycled within the same product system (closed-loop recycle) or Raw Material Acquisition – all activities necessary to extract raw material Thinking workshop series. enters a new product system (open-loop recycle). and energy inputs from the environment, including the transportation prior to Our involvement with science has enabled the development of strong processing. Waste Management – begins after the product has served its intended function relationships within the Life Cycle Assessment, Management and Accounting and is returned to the environment as waste. Processing and Manufacturing – activities needed to convert the raw material fields. We are an active member of the Sustainable Design Group of New and energy inputs into the desired product. In practice this stage is often Life Cycle Thinking encourages a wider view during the development of Zealand and the Life Cycle Association of New Zealand. composed of a series of sub-stages with intermediate products being formed products and services; moving beyond considerate material selection and into along the processing chain. consumer behaviour and end of life scenarios. Visit: Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland. Project - Internal Process Author: Timothy Allan Locus Research Processes Ph: +64 7 5715 007 Email: Date Issued: 07/03/10 Revision: 1.0 Keywords: LocusResearch,Integration, Vertically Integrated
  • 29. The Services we provide our clients & partners © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010 SERVICE OFFER Product Brand Sustainability Business SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES Applied Research Research & Development Applied Research Introduction to Life Implementation Business Case Customer Experience Idea Generation Company & Product context Cycle Thinking Define Key Environmental Business Model Investigation User Needs Analysis Product Design & Development Product Attributes & Benefits Performance Indicators Supply Chain & Distribution Service Design & Development Life Cycle Thinking - A Competing Product Assessment Product/Service Offer Design Mindset Guidance on EMS Economic & Market Factors Market analysis Project Management implementation Sales & Revenue Projections Research Aggregation & Reporting Life Cycle Management - Product Stds & Compliance Strategy & Direction From product to Company Product Life Cycle Brand Architecture Tools & Approaches - Investment Productionisation Marketing Core Competency Implementing Change Developing Investment Prospectus Strategy & Direction Production Documentation Brand Experience Product EcoLabels & Procuring/preparing for Investment Project Team & Reporting Definition Production Oversight Applied Research Appraisals Design Targets & Specifications Identity Development Supply Chain Assessment Market Requirements Production Implications Project Structure & Scope Supplier Development Nomenclature (Naming System) Compliance & Stds Review Production Impacts on Product Design Project Costing & Planning Research & Assess New Supply Identity design & Development Input/Output Investigation Production Strategy Intellectual Property Chains Product Life Cycle Life Cycle Design Quality control Competitor Benchmarking Core Function Sales & Marketing Risk Assessment and Supply Contract Development Brand Implementation Life Cycle Scenarion Pitch Presentions Management Print & Advertising Data & Quantatative Development Definition of Product/Service Offer Auditing Existing development Web Development & Ecommerce Assessment Product Service System Sales & Marketing Plan process Technical Documentation Development Product Launch Strategy Goal & Scope Assessing project risk profile Installation and Assembly Instructions Inventory Analysis ROI Audio Visual Material Impact Assessment In Market Web 2.0 & Social Networking Product Visual Summary Point of Sale design & development Packaging design & development Support Material Trade Show design and development MECHANISMS FOR DELIVERY FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES FRAMEWORKS & PROCESSES Navigator - Define and Validate your Product Discover - Market & Communicate Horizon - Take your product sustainability Realise - Turn your product into a Development your product effectively to the next level business. Pioneer - Create New Products and Improve Existing Foundation - Create a Products. commercially effective and robust brand platform Visit: locus Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email: research
  • 30. Awards: Clients: Awards are not a great predictor of commercial success (particularly in design). Our clients have included the following: But when our team and clients have worked hard on a project it is great to stop and reflect. MDEA Awards Programmes awarded include: The Medical Design Excellence Awards (MDEA) Encircle - Medical Devices competition is the premier awards program for the medical technology community, recognizing the achievements of medical product manufacturers and the many people behind the scenes worldwide. Dupont Innovations Awards Programmes awarded include: In the Australasian context these awards are the Encircle - Medical Devices heavyweight. Held bi-annually, the appeal of the Circadian - Sleep System DuPont awards is they recognise real research and development at a structural level and include in depth discussion of sustainability within the Awards. Best Awards Programmes awarded include: The best awards are the key Design Awards in Encircle - Medical Devices Drybase - Tiled Shower System New Zealand. They are organised by the Designers Cortex - Exterior Cladding System Littl’ Juey - Weedcutter Institute of New Zealand (DINZ). Locus Research Curve Surf - Surfing accessories Cayo & The Outdoor Room Managing Director Timothy Allan helped to institute Hold - Furniture Range Forester - Chainsaw Protection Clothing the ‘Sustainable Product Design’ Award and was the inaugural judge in 2004. Sustainable 60 Five categories entered to be eligible for award: The award was created by Fairfax media and Price Strategy and Governance - Our internal ‘Evolve’ project; Waterhouse Coopers in 2009. It provided the Workplace - Our Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme; perfect opportunity to recognise the wider areas of Marketplace - The innovative Transform initiatives for Textiles New Zealand; sustainability within a business. Locus Research was Environment - Life Cycle Thinking Workshops; the recipient of the Overall Exemplar for Small business. Community - Our contribution to forming the Sustainable Design Group of NZ. This recognised the work we have done in a range of business areas. Sustainable Design & Innovation Awards Programmes awarded include: The Sustainable Business Challenge is held each year Cortex - Exterior Cladding System by The Sustainable Business Network. They recognise leading businesses sustainability initiatives. Locus Research has been involved regionally (Bay of Plenty) as a Judge and an advocate for the awards and also won the central and southern award in 2009 against stiff competition and proceeded to the national finals. ISPO Brand New Programmes awarded include: The new entrant award which is a part of the global Curve Surf - Travel System sporting and equipment show; ISPO This award has feature some great New Zealand innovators such as Blo-Kart. The innovative Curve Surf Travel system was a finalist in 2008 and featured in their exhibition. Focus on Health Programmes awarded include: Focus on health was an innovation challenge that Encircle - Medical Devices sought to assist NZ companies commercialising healthcare products and services into the US market. We were fortunate to be selected from over 100 entries to be a semi-finalist and were able to take part in pitching to top US healthcare experts and Investors. Interior Design Awards Programmes awarded include: The Australian Interior Design Awards is a partnership Thermowood - A Material Investigation event of the Design Institute of Australia, DesignEX and ARTICHOKE magazine. It the premier Design event in Australasia that is held alternately between Melbourne and Sydney. An important calendar event for key furniture and household goods manufacturers. 4 For more info please visit: For more info please visit: 5
  • 31. Eco-System Eco-System © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH L Locus Research LCT Leadership and Conference Papers/ Industry Collaboration Active Involvement In Education Presentations and Exchanges Design-related Events (educational leadership, (research/science (collaborative/business (industry leadership, design enlightening, guiding, leadership, cutting edge leadership, strategic, commitment/relevance, raising empowering, enabling) research, expertise) cross-domain, awareness, spectacular) knowledge sharing) METHODS OF GROWTH Branches And Leaves Individual Specialties, Leading Projects Integration through diversity OFFERING Main Trunk PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Systems focused Working with businesses from different sectors and sizes Product Brand Business Sustainability specialists aware savvy experts FOUNDATI FOUNDATION Roots Company Ethos Root The belief that accountability does not inhibit creativity Applied Research Tranparent and Established Commitment Originality (empathy and Evidential Processes To Sustainability (Creativity, independance, perceptiveness, (authenticity, analytics, (integrity, experience, insight) understanding process, rigour, focus) method) benchmarking) © Copyright Locus Research Ltd 2011 Visit: locus
  • 32. Discover - Market & Communicate Your Product Effectively © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010 TASK SEQUENCE Planning Foundation Identity Experience CLARIFYING RESEARCH STRATEGY AURAL VISUAL MESSAGES CONTENT COLLATERAL Project Plan Company Architecture Names Logo Device Key Messages Copy Stationery Business history, Present Company, Product families, Company & Products Standard & Reversed Promotional & Technical Business cards, Letterhead, situation, Long-term Products, Partners, The Story Faxhead, Envelopes vision, Near-term mission, Ingredient brands Taglines Typefaces Imagery Business goals, Company Company & Products Display & Text Photography, Diagrams, Templates values, Strengths & The Filter Renderings, Line-art Weaknesses Attributes & Benefits Colours Environment CMYK, RGB, Hexidecimal Logos Buildings, Signage, Vehicles Products & Services Position EPS, PNG, TIFF GIF , Offerings & Attributes Industry context, Product Design System Promotional category, Category Lines, Spacing, Framing Website, Sales Market segment, Point of difference presentation, Brochures, Supply chain & distribution, Company profile Market trends & dynamics, Marketplace, Traditional Technical competitors, Non-traditional competitors, Opportunities Product manuals, & Threats Specifications Customers Customer groups, What customers want, Current customer perception, Demographics, Psychographics, Customer profile DELIVERABLES PROJECT PLAN FOUNDATION REPORT STRATEGY DIAGRAMS IDENTITY PRESENTATION BRAND BOOK ASSETS GUIDE FINAL OUTPUTS All preliminary project An A4 report including all Diagrams of the company A presentation of the brand concepts showing the This is the distillation of A document explaining the The agreed final media management work & gathered research data. & product architecture, and messages and visual identity presented as a complete the product attributes, and use of all brand assets. outputs which will present collection of company & Also a diagram which its unique position in the brand story. All visual components specified including logo customer benefits, resulting Accompanied by all assets and sell the product, service product info which the hilights and summarises market. device, typefaces, colours and the design system which in strong succinct key supplied to client in useable or company in the best light company may already have. the key findings from each ties it all together. messages. formats on disc. to the customer. sector. Visit: locus Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email: research
  • 33. Horizon - Sustainability for the Real World © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010 TASK SEQUENCE Educate & Clarify Investigate & Define Analyse & Assess INTRODUCTION TO LIFE CYCLE THINKING RESEARCH & QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT DATA ASSESSMENT & QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Workshop Session SUPPLY CHAIN ASSESSMENT LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT Develop and visual view of your supply chain and evaluate options for reducing A critical part of starting down the road of sustainability is introducing your team your footprint GOALS & SCOPE and your company to life cycle thinking. Define the goal and scope of your Quantitative study. Life Cycle Thinking COMPLIANCE, LABELING & STANDARDS INVESTIGATION Define what your company wants to achieve and get out of the study. Create a clear view of the market your in, and ensure that your environmental Evaluate the scope and ensure there is available inventory data, or the A design mindset: Investigate and define yuour core product function, assessments can clearly position your product with the key standards in the ability to research data. document the existing product life cycle, identifying problems and markets you operate. opportunities. Then redefine the product system - designing a new life Define the boundary of your study, and any key considerations for the cycle. INPUT OUTPUT INVESTIGATION study. Understand in clear terms the inputs and outputs of your processes before Define the impact categories you will use during assessment and you Life Cycle management you undertake a full assessment, review areas that are opportunities for will focus on. From product to company: Explore the application of LCM within your improvement and problems that can be practically dealt with. company, creating an environmental policy, a set of strategic priorities, INVENTORY ANALYSIS objectives and targets that you can apply to your company. Either find a relative database or create new Life cycle inventory data COMPETITOR REVIEWS Benchmark and learn from the leaders in your industry and sector, identify areas for detailed assessment. Tools & Approaches where they have focussed and why. Implementing change: Understand environmental tools and approaches and IMPACT ASSESSMENT where in the development process they can best be used. Undertake the assessment based on the LCI data and report. Evaluate scenarios for different product alternates PRODUCT VISUAL SUMMARY Use impact assessment data to create visual assessments to be used for internal teams and decision makers DEFINE KEY ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KEPIS) Translate results into simple usable KEPI’s for design and development teams. DELIVERABLES WORKSHOP WITH KEY MANAGEMENT COMPILED RESEARCH REPORT DETAILED ASSESSMENT, RESULTS & KEPI’S Define your key products Core function An visual map of your supply chain,and assessment of key areas for A developed Life Cycle Inventory for your product Document your future life cycles improvement relative to product structure The environmental impacts assessed and reported Create a map of your environmental issues now, and into the future Select the key compliance and standards that need to be met and exceeded. Defined Key Environmental Performance Indicators (KEPI) for ongoing Develop an effective Environmental Policy Identify gaps in existing product information product improvement and development teams. Prioritise the key environmental goals of your company A detailed input/ouput assessment Determine Objectives and Targets A detailed review of industry leading products and brands. Understand and determine what tools are best for your company Visit: locus Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email: research
  • 34. Realise - Turn your Product Into a Business © COPYRIGHT LOCUS RESEARCH LTD 2010 TASK SEQUENCE Opportunity Business Technology Structure Capital DEFINING THE NEED DEVELOPING THE BUSINESS DEFINING THE FEATURES DEFINE MANAGEMENT OUTLINE THE INVESTMENT The Problem or Need Product Structure Product/technology Company Vision The Offering Clearly define and support the problem /need Define the structure of the product system Clearly define the product or the technology Lay out an aspirational achievable target Outline the required level of investment associate with the product or technology. and schematically how it operates at a market/ Outlining all key points of difference. for your team to subscribe to and focus and what is being offered for the investor. consumer level. on. The Market Evidence Investor profile Clearly define the market for the product or Market Introduction/Mechanism Demonstrate product efficacy objectively. Management & Team What type of investor are you looking for service in a focussed manner. Create a credible strategy for entering the Define the team that will deliver the and how would they ideally interface and market. Outline product structure rollout into Standards & Compliance programme and identify new resources contribute to the business. The customer/target market specified markets. What compliance and standards factors are that may be required to deliver the As specifically as possible, define who the important in the specified markets for this business milestones. Capital Requirements product is being sold too and how they Product Development Schedule product. Define the capital requirements against the purchase. What is the strategy to consolidate, develop and Governance milestones. refine the product further post market launch. Intellectual Property Specify the organisational structure. The Product Opportunity Define the trademark,design and patent Capital Structure Outline how your solution directly addresses Market Introduction/Mechanism protection and/or outline any trade secrets Financials What will the shareholding and structure the problem or need from the customers How will the product be launched through the which protect the product from easy Projected Unit Sales and Sales look like? perspective. What is your value proposition. selected channel to market. A clear outline here replication. will assist to drive sales projections accurately Sales Rationale Projected Growth Channel to Market with a clear rationale. Future technologies Projected 5 Year P&L Statement In revenue and company value What channel to market works the most What future technologies have been effectively with the product category, outline Business Milestones Proposed Exit Strategy options and define preferred option. What are the key milestones for the business Competitor Analysis How will investors enter and exit the during and post launch. Set measurable goals business, are there logical points or targets Marketing Approach and actions. Competitive Advantage for this. What marketing approach work best in the market to the specified consumers. Where do Partnerships/Alliances they go to access information on purchase. Outline any key alliances or partnerships. DELIVERABLES SECTION ONE SECTION TWO SECTION THREE SECTION FOUR SECTION FIVE The first section of the business development How does the business intend to take advantage A chance for the features and the product Who are the key people for the business What investment is being sought, and how focusses on what the opportunity is and of the opportunity. What are the key milestones and technology to get fully described. and how will the business be operated will the capital be used. presents it from the customers perspective. for the business to deliver on the potential Prove the product is effective and and and governed. What returns are projected for the investor It defines how the products are purhased opportunity. describe what intellectal property exists to What are the sales projectsions and what and how can they effectively enter and exit and the key channels to market, and the key protect the investment and the businesses are these based on? the business. approach to marketing. competitiveness How is the company projected to perform. Visit: locus Our Locations: Studio Mauao, 4a Grove Ave, Mt Maunganui, Tauranga 3116 | Studio Six Bee, 6b Ponsonby Road Auckland Our Contact Details: Ph: +64 7 5715 007 (Tauranga) +64 9 360 0821(Auckland) email: research

Editor's Notes

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  12. Research - Seed\n\nA tree will drop a number of seeds which will be dispersed over a wide area with only a few germinating and producing seedlings. At the start of a project there are always a range of opportunities. The Research phase should investigate these opportunities thoroughly to objectively assess their potential.\n\nResearch for product development is ‘Applied’ which means all components of what we do are applied directly to the creation and commercialization of a product. All research should meet this threshold.\n\nAll projects benefit directly from research, even small projects it is related to the project scale.\n\nResearch is ‘The’ Risk Management tool. It can isolate risks related to the market, technology, IP, through to potential distribution hurdles. One of the reasons we are so focussed on it is through direct experience.\n\nResearch in the context of a product development needs to be broad and encompasses setting:\n\nThe project vision, key high level objectives (as opposed to tasks);\nDefining the Product Strategy (how are we going to approach this);\nDefining the Team, Roles and reporting (Reporting is very important);\nThe programme structure & scope;\n Technical Objectives & Deliverables;\n Milestones (when we know we have achieved something)\n Product System - Customers, PLC, Specific Requirements, Production, Distribution & Use.\n\nThe IP focus generally in an initial research programme will usually be trying to understand what IP exists so would be ‘Freedom to Operate’.\n\nThe research enables us to accurately understand what it will take in reality.\nResearch provides the platform for creating great ideas.\n\nDevelop a 1 page summary of your timelines, milestones, deliverables, and risks. Have beside your desk as an easy reference.\n
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  15. Idea - Germinated Seed\n\nMost ‘ideas’ that are bought to us are directions: like I was to develop a new type of matchbox. Ideas are concepts that have the ability to physically realise the direction creating a new way of doing something or providing a functional benefit or improved performance.\n\nIdea Generation should be deliberately broad and challenge the incumbent ideas and pre-existing perceptions. Ideas should be exploratory but not wasteful a single good idea is worth a 1000 poor ones.\n\nIdeation should be rapid and should avoid getting into excessive detail. use tools which enable flexibility and speed over accuracy. Ideally concepts should be identifiably different and keep within the compass bearing you have set yourself and your team. Creativity actually thrives with borders and is more likely to deliver your intended results if there is a clearly defined opportunity and scope.\n\nAll idea generation work should be clearly documented, dated and presented in a manner which enables good communication and objective assessment within your team. \n\nIdeas should be assessed in a provisional manner against the requirements that you have established and an initial assessment of the novelty of the IP should be investigated if possible.\n\n
  16. Prototype - Seedling\n\nOnce an idea has been germinated it is iteratively developed through a range of mechanisms both digital and physical. There are many contexts where digital tools and techniques encroach strongly into areas that may have traditionally required prototyping.\n\nDuring the most iterative part of the development cycle there should remain a strong connection between the development team and the intended users and stakeholders and the market. The project should remain in a dynamic state for as long as possible before all aspects are locked down. \n\nMarket and platform changes happen very quickly now and the team needs to be able to respond to these adequately ahead of time. (Developing a product now can mean thinking several years down the track).\n\nOften we are developing the brand and packaging concurrently to the product to enable early discussions with market partners. This gets their buy in and excites them with new ideas and is a great way of staying engaged with customers (as you have something to talk about).\n\nTesting and performance validation are an important part of the iterative prototyping cycle. We generally want to know that we are going to pass a test before we sit it. \n\nDisclosure of IP is managed to a late stage through NDA’s with Patent, Trademark and other expenditure delayed as long as possible within the programme to defer costs and increase the lodging timeframes. However you may be confronted with situations where a larger disclosure is necessary.\n\n
  17. Production - Sapling\n\nOnce a kauri tree hits sapling stage it is growing fast. Once a product development hits the productionisation stage all the different elements collide and create a resource and cost peak in the project that generally needs careful management and thought in advance.\n\nThe performance is well understood (and internally proven) we often move to external testing and validation. This provides alot of benefit to partners and can often provide the endorsement and certification that is required to get new partners over the line. If it can be aligned with established standards, that is better.\n\nThe change created by a new product can often be wide ranging and needs careful management and planning. This is the period where capital costs can be incurred, although we generally advocate running pre-production as long as it can meet the performance standards required to delay capital cost.\n\n\n
  18. To Market - Ricker\n\nIn reality we spend the whole process ‘getting to market’ and use every available opportunity talking and presenting to people in the market.\n\nOften we will create a full prototype of packaging and collateral to provide a clear idea to marketing and distribution partners. This allows them to visualise how the product will look on their shelves or within their organisation.\n\nThis can often be very early and we adopt a ‘Fake it until we Make it’ approach where we are often even presenting the proposition before full validation (although always based on credible facts).\n\nIt is important when taking products to market to ‘Know the market’ and ‘Own the Problem’ you are trying to solve. ‘You need to be the expert’.\n\nWhen presenting the product remember that ‘a feature is not a benefit’. You need to clearly articulate the benefit the features provide and then work out an effective way to communicate this message.\n\nIn product brands our core focus is the naming system, and ensuring we have freedom to operate in the markets that we need to operated in. This will generally include public domain searches such as URL’s and other items which are of use in commerce.\n\n
  19. In Market - Mature Kauri\n\nOnce they are established products have the ability to generate or seed other products like a mature Kauri disperses its seeds. Creating another product within the same family is easier than taking a first generation new product to market.\n\nOn all products we expect that it will take time to reach maturity and full resolution, so establishing feedback loops where information from customers and retailers can be captured and used is important.\n\nPoint of Sale is an area where the rubber meets the road with the customer so is a point of focus at or shortly after market entry. Communicating effectively within the retail context is vital to a products market success. Monitor how products are presented in-store and enforce standards of display. It should be no surprise that some of the best brands have established retail in order to control their own brand and more effectively tell their brand story. Think about an apple store vs dick smith or natuzzi vs farmers.\n\nCustomer Experience is now a common term used not just in services but for products. POS can directly affect how a customer feels about a product. This includes the primary, secondary and tertiary packaging.\n\n
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