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Developing a Comprehensive 
Safe-Driving Program for Teens 
To create a “win-win-win” proposition for insurers, teens and their parents, the industry needs a technology-driven, safety-focused solution that addresses the requirements of all parties, monitors teen driving and reduces losses — in real time. 
Executive Summary 
Teen driving is a major concern for both families and the insurance industry, and the catalyst behind numerous awareness programs and corrective steps. While it is encouraging to know that since 2005, deaths from automobile accidents involving teens have dropped 47% (from 5,889 to 3,150 in 2011),1 errors traced to teenage drivers were identified as the cause of 75%-plus of the 3,150 deaths reported in 2011 — the last year reliable data was available. This is a troubling statistic that calls for the development of a more comprehensive solution to help safeguard young drivers and their passengers. 
With the evolution of the SMAC StackTM (social, mobile, analytics and cloud), insurers have the opportunity and the ability to devise a more compelling solution focused on safe driving for teens. In this paper, we examine the needs of teen drivers, their parents and their insurers — those who have the most to gain from a value-centered and highly effective safe-driving program. 
We will also detail a SMAC-based solution tailored to this group of stakeholders. Key elements of the solution include: 
A smart mobile app that appeals to teens; provides driver scores that can be compared with those of peers; monitors driving; and offers safe-driving tips for young people. 
Software that sends real-time alerts to parents concerning their teen’s faulty driving 
or breach of any governing rules (speeding, driving outside pre-defined geographic areas and roads, etc.). 
Capabilities that help insurers reduce losses by utilizing meaningful data from telematics devices across networks. 
We will also introduce GeoLocus, Cognizant’s advanced telematics solution, that insurers can use to build an all-inclusive safe-driving program for young people and their families. 
• Cognizant 20-20 Insights 
cognizant 20-20 insights | september 2014
cognizant 20-20 insights 2 
The Need for Teen Safety 
Sounding the Alarm 
Young men and women (ages 16 through 19) con-stitute 
one in 20 motorists; yet they cause one 
in seven vehicle accidents. These statistics under-score 
the importance of designing safe-driving 
programs tailored to teens. Additional research 
reinforces this critical need: 
• Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause 
of death for U.S. teens; in 2010, seven teens 
ages 16 to 19 died every day from motor vehicle 
• Per mile driven, teen drivers are three times 
more likely than drivers 20 and older to be 
involved in a fatal crash.3 
• In 2010, 22% of drivers between 15 and 20 
years old who were involved in fatal motor 
vehicle crashes were drinking.4 
• In 2011, only 54% of high-school students 
reported that they always wear seat belts when 
riding with someone else.4 
• More than 1,000 young drivers lose their lives 
each year in vehicle crashes because of an 
impaired driver (i.e., either from their own 
driving or someone else’s).5 
• Teens are involved in vehicle accidents 
primarily because they are inexperienced — not 
necessarily because they take more risks than 
older drivers. 
Leading Causes of Teen-Driver Accidents 
The findings we have cited demonstrate the mag-nitude 
of the problem: The majority of teens’ lives 
are at risk due to their driving behavior. This is 
especially true when it comes to newly licensed 
drivers, teens driving with teen passengers, 
and male teens (accident rates are almost double 
those of female teens) who are more prone to 
risk-taking. Year over year, numbers show that 
teen safety is a clear and serious societal con-cern. 
Research confirms that the leading cause of 
accidents involving young drivers can be traced 
to one or a combination of the following factors: 
• Lack of awareness of the consequences of risky 
• Inexperience with the complexities of driving. 
• Peers in the vehicle with the teen driver. 
• Distraction caused by cell phones. 
• Viewing driving as a social activity. 
• Impaired driving due to road conditions, 
including driving at night. 
• Reckless driving, including speeding. 
• Driving under the influence of alcohol or other 
T he Ineffectiveness of Existing Programs 
While there are many methods and programs 
for improving teens’ driving behavior, most have 
proven ineffective. The reasons? 
Most involve one-time/shorter periods of train-ing 
— either before a license is granted or after 
a driving incident occurs. Also, teens’ participa-tion 
in this type of program is focused on granting 
them a driver’s license, not at motivating them to 
become and remain a safe driver. 
Moreover, the effectiveness and reach of a pro-gram 
depends on the stringency and application 
of specific laws in the area where incidents take 
place and where the teen lives. 
Most teens tend to drive older 
vehicles, which lack sophisti-cated 
safety features. And last, 
but not least, young peoples’ 
decision-making capabilities 
do not fully develop until they 
reach their mid-twenties. 
These facts send a clear mes-sage 
that new approaches and 
techniques are required to facilitate safer teen 
driving. These should include: 
• A broader view, from multiple dimensions (not 
just teens alone). 
• Advanced technology to support/extend safety 
• Provisions for continually monitoring the 
success of the solution. 
• The use of psychological techniques to help 
improve the effectiveness of the program. 
Teens are well 
aware of the risks 
and consequences 
of unsafe driving. 
However, they 
tend to overlook 
the consequences.
cognizant 20-20 insights 3 
A Better Approach to Teen 
Safety Programs 
Ideally, a successful safety program for teen 
driving should motivate teens to participate; 
be sensitive to parents’/guardians’ needs; and 
apply precise data-collection tools and deep-dive 
analytics for insurers to prevent losses and 
achieve higher profit margins. 
Enabling Teen Participation 
Studies have revealed that simple peer pressure 
can encourage teens to develop risky driving 
habits. Furthermore, research shows that the 
presence of other teens in a car being driven 
by a teen significantly increases the chances of 
a motor-vehicle accident — whether or not the 
passengers are explicitly urging the driver to 
make unsafe driving decisions/traffic maneuvers. 
Additional findings confirm that a teen’s abil-ity 
to react to a situation may be lacking when 
compared to adult drivers. Teens are well aware 
of the risks and consequences of unsafe driving. 
However, they tend to overlook the consequences. 
Many existing programs provide teens with infor-mation 
and instructions about safe driving, but 
fall short when it comes to addressing the under-lying 
attitudes that influence how they drive. 
Moreover, many programs do not offer a way to 
gauge teen driving habits. A comprehensive pro-gram 
• Encourage teens to enroll. 
• Sustain continuous adoption. 
• Support/reward safe driving. 
• Measure driving behavior. 
For teens, social factors — from 
peer pressure to showing off 
behind the wheel, to racing 
and speeding — are major con-tributors 
to unsafe driving. We 
believe that employing social 
media to encourage safe driv-ing 
can be a more familiar 
and acceptable way to reach 
out to teen drivers. 
Also, teens’ use of smartphones 
is on the rise; statistics suggest 
that about 70% of individuals 
between the ages of 16 and 19 
use these devices,6 which have become an indis-pensable 
part of their day-to-day lives. 
Keeping this in mind, smart-phones 
are ideal for helping 
teens adopt and stick with a 
driving safety program. 
Complementing the pro-gram 
with gamification 
techniques that motivate 
teens to win can keep them 
interested and engaged in 
learning safe driving habits. 
A leaderboard that tracks 
individuals’ driving skills is 
a good way to inspire young 
drivers to do their best. 
In our view, a smart mobile app that appeals to 
teens, provides driver scores, compares driving 
scores with those of other participating teens, 
gives safe-driving tips and provides real-time 
alerts during dangerous driving offers a compel-ling 
Involving Parents 
Parents are naturally concerned when their teen 
is behind the wheel of a vehicle. They want to 
know where they are and how they are driving. 
Nonetheless, parents can be a distraction. In fact, 
recent research findings confirm that approxi-mately 
53% of teens who said they spoke on the 
phone when behind the wheel were actually com-municating 
with a parent; 46% said they typically 
spoke with a friend.7 
A good driver-safety program for teens should 
provide parents with: 
• Ubiquitous access to information. 
• Boundaries and limits to govern teen driving. 
• Real-time monitoring while the teen is behind 
the wheel. 
With the advent of SMAC technology, these three 
objectives can be met — all via a device with a 
smart app installed in the car or carried by the 
individual. The device transmits real-time infor-mation 
about the driver’s location, the speed at 
which they are driving and other vital information 
related to their behavior behind the wheel. Big-data 
analytics tools, such as those from Espertech, 
a provider of complex event processing (CEP) and 
analysis, can process this information in real time 
and disseminate it to relevant stakeholders. 
Working together, these technologies can create 
a comprehensive monitoring mechanism that 
checks how a teen is driving at any given time 
or place. A parent or other designated party can 
A smart mobile app 
that appeals to 
teens, provides driver 
scores, compares 
driving scores 
with those of other 
participating teens, 
gives safe-driving tips 
and provides real-time 
alerts offers a 
compelling proposition. 
A solution that 
informs a parent 
about how their teen 
is driving and sends 
alerts if they are 
driving recklessly 
and/or breaking 
rules can offer peace 
of mind and keep 
their child out of 
harm’s way.
cognizant 20-20 insights 4 
set up a “geo fence” and specify the areas in 
which their teen is allowed to drive. They can also 
establish speed limits. Once this configuration is 
completed, the data coming from the teen’s car or 
mobile device can be monitored and parents noti-fied 
of nonconformance. All in real time. 
For instance, assume that a mother has set up a 
geo fence that limits her son’s driving to a 15-mile 
radius around their home. If her son drives beyond 
that area, she will immediately receive a text mes-sage 
or e-mail notification. 
A solution that informs a parent how their teen is 
driving and sends alerts if they are driving poorly 
and/or breaking rules can offer peace of mind and 
help keep their child out of harm’s way. 
Supporting the Insurer 
Apart from parents and teens, teen safety is a 
major concern for states, many of which have had 
success with graduate driving-license programs 
(GDLs). Numerous non-profit organizations, such 
as Brakes for Brett, Lives Interrupted and Drivers 
Edge have also taken up the cause, as have auto-motive 
manufacturers and insurers. 
Insurers stand to benefit 
by offering teen safety pro-grams 
that can: 
• Prevent and reduce loss. 
• Corroborate circumstan-tial 
• Leverage telematics data 
for predictive analytics. 
• Improve customer satis-faction. 
Such a program should be 
end-to-end, providing the 
insurer with the amount 
and type of data that can be 
corroborated for the actuarial process, pricing 
and claims processing. The program must also 
satisfy customers and garner their loyalty, which 
can translate into higher profit margins. 
The data it collects will be the biggest asset for 
the insurance company. It provides the optics to 
prevent loss, predict loss frequency, identify risky 
driving behavior, and segment dangerous driving 
zones. Figure 1 below shows how telematics and 
big data can help insurers prevent losses. 
The data collected 
will be the biggest 
asset for the 
insurance company. 
It provides the optics 
to prevent loss, 
predict loss frequency, 
identify riskier 
driving behavior, and 
segment dangerous 
driving zones. 
How Telematics Data Can Enhance the Bottom Line 
• Cameras 
• Satellite Data 
• Weather Report 
• Traffic Patterns 
• Biometric Sensors 
• Internal Data 
• Telematics 
Mobile Apps 
• Telematics 
Devices in Car 
• Reward for 
Preemptive Action 
• Satisfied Customer 
BIG ! 
External Big 
Analytics Cloud 
Lower Losses 
(Predict & Prevent) 
Figure 1
cognizant 20-20 insights 5 
A Teen Safety Program 
That Benefits All 
A successful teen-safety insurance program 
should be viewed as a winning proposition by 
teens, their parents and insurers. 
Insurance is meant to indemnify, or compensate, 
for the financial loss of the insured. On the other 
hand, insurance means business to carriers; they 
must earn a profit to sustain and grow their com-pany. 
In personal insurance lines, teen driving is 
inevitable. At the same time, statistics tell us that 
teens are very vulnerable to vehicle crashes, and 
are considered immature drivers. It is a real chal-lenge 
for the insurer to reduce and prevent loss 
and still make a profit. 
In general, there are many ways to reduce or pre-vent 
the risks posed by teen driving. Introducing 
safety programs, offering discounts for imple-menting 
risk-control programs and stipulating 
conditions during the issuance of a policy are 
among them. However, offering a teen-safety 
program as an addendum to a carrier’s personal 
insurance policy is one of the best ways to reduce/ 
prevent loss. 
To do this, carriers should offer parents and 
teens a solution that helps them set the driving 
agreement, make teen enrollment provisions and 
enable monitoring of teen driving behavior by 
parents. As a catalyst to gradually improve teen 
driving behavior, the carrier can also monitor 
teen driving, provide unbiased feedback to teens 
and their parents, and reward above-average 
driver performance. 
Figure 2 illustrates the “win-win-win” value prop-osition 
for parents, teens and insurers. 
Enrolls teen. 
Sets up geofence 
& speed limits for 
safe driving. 
notification rules. 
Views the portal, 
compares driving 
Is encouraged to 
use the mobile app. 
Benefits from 
real-time alerts and 
driving tips. 
Strives to be 
on top of 
Earns badges 
& redeems rewards 
for safe driving. 
Provides teen with 
safety portal 
& mobile apps. 
Collects driving 
behavior data. 
id t ith 
Launches teen 
safety program. 
Benefits from 
safe driving & 
reduced losses. 
Figure 2 
A Win-Win-Win Proposition for Insurers, Parents and Teens
cognizant 20-20 insights 6 
The Cognizant Approach 
Cognizant’s GeoLocus is a cost-effective, highly 
scalable hosted telematics solution designed to 
help insurers provide more value and increase their 
ROI. This all-in-one system encompasses devices, 
software, data management, analytics, portals 
and mobile apps (see Figure 3). Furthermore, 
GeoLocus covers the entire telematics spectrum, 
including telemetry data collection; a machine-to-machine 
(M2M) gateway; a telematics platform, 
and a sophisticated event-processing engine that 
provides real-time analytics. These features can 
be leveraged to build specific solutions in areas 
such as teen safety or user-based insurance (UBI) 
programs for insurers and the insured. 
The GeoLocus mobile app for data collection, 
along with the insurer portal, complement a teen 
safety program with capabilities that include: 
• Out-of-the box integration with core insurance 
systems (i.e., ACORD-based message and data 
models, and interfaces to other COTs products). 
• Comprehensive features for addressing end-to- 
end needs, starting with data collection 
through analytics. 
• Smartphone apps that provide a cost-effective 
option for delivering value-added services such 
as teen-safety solutions. 
• A scalable architecture 
that meets time-to-market 
challenges; for 
example, telematics initia-tives 
like teen safety can 
be launched within six 
Looking Forward 
Safe driving reduces the pos-sibility 
of accidents — thereby 
reducing the number of 
injuries and losses they 
inflict. This is especially rel-evant 
when it comes to teen drivers — making 
it prudent for an insurance company to support 
a highly effective, technology-supported teen-safety 
Today, using disruptive, market-changing tech-nologies 
such as telematics, mobility, big-data 
analytics and cloud, insurers are better posi-tioned 
to offer all-inclusive programs that help 
predict and prevent teen-related accidents. 
By leveraging the SMAC Stack in conjunction with 
a knowledgeable telematics consulting partner 
such as Cognizant, insurers can devise a scal-able 
and flexible teen safety program designed 
to prevent accidents, save lives and strengthen 
their position in the marketplace. 
* We have partnerships to provide In-Car Device options. 
Figure 3 
GeoLocus At a Glance 
GeoLocus covers the 
entire telematics 
spectrum, including 
telemetry data 
collection; a machine-to- 
machine (M2M) 
gateway; a telematics 
platform; and a 
sophisticated event-processing 
Telematics UW Inputs Policy Data 
• Complex Events Processing 
for Real-Time Alerts 
• Business Rules & Services 
for Portals 
• Driver Risk Score 
• Driving Behavior 
• Teen Safety Features 
(GeoFence, Leaderboard… ) 
Telemetry Data Collection 
GeoLocus Smartphone App 
OR In-Car Device* 
• Insights & Analytics 
• Vehicle Monitoring 
M2M Communication Gateway
cognizant 20-20 insights 7 
1 Miles to Go – A national teen driver safety report. 
2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System 
(WISQARS. 2012. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention (producer). [Cited Sept. 28, 2012.]. 
3 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Fatality Facts: Teenagers 2010. Arlington (VA): The Institute. 
2012. [cited Sept. 28, 2012]. 
4 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Dept. of Transportation (US). Traffic Safety Facts 
2010: Young Drivers. Washington, D.C.: NHTSA; May, 2012 [cited 2012 Sept. 28]. 
5 Dept. of Transportation (U.S.), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Traffic Safety 
Facts 2010: Alcohol-Impaired Driving. Washington (DC): NHTSA; 2012 [cited 2012 Sept. 28]. Available at 
6 The Mobile Consumer. 
7 Parents Drive Kids to Distraction. 
About the Authors 
Arul Aaron Rajamony is an Associate Director of Projects within Cognizant’s BusinessCloudTM Insurance 
Solutions team. He leads the product development team for insurance telematics and P&C claims. Arul 
has nearly 15 years of experience in application development, design, architecture and consulting. He 
has focused on insurance product development for the past three years. In that time, he and his team 
have built a comprehensive claims analytics platform, an insurance telematics platform and a claims 
adjuster platform. Arul received his bachelor’s degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (B.E. EEE) 
from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India and his master’s degree in e-Business (M.S. e-Biz) from 
Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani, India. He can be reached at 
Murali Kandan is a Manager of Projects within Cognizant’s BusinessCloudTM Insurance Solutions team, 
where he is responsible for product development in insurance telematics and P&C claims. He focuses 
on product roadmaps and release management and leads the mobile development team. Murali has 
14 years of experience in application development, with a strong background in various development 
methodologies – waterfall, IIDM, Scrum Agile and product development. Murali received his Bachelor of 
Engineering (BE), Mechanical Engineering degree from SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India. He can be 
reached at
About Cognizant 
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process outsourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 75 development and delivery centers worldwide and approximately 187,400 employees as of June 30, 2014, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant. 
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Developing a Comprehensive Safe-Driving Program for Teens

  • 1. Developing a Comprehensive Safe-Driving Program for Teens To create a “win-win-win” proposition for insurers, teens and their parents, the industry needs a technology-driven, safety-focused solution that addresses the requirements of all parties, monitors teen driving and reduces losses — in real time. Executive Summary Teen driving is a major concern for both families and the insurance industry, and the catalyst behind numerous awareness programs and corrective steps. While it is encouraging to know that since 2005, deaths from automobile accidents involving teens have dropped 47% (from 5,889 to 3,150 in 2011),1 errors traced to teenage drivers were identified as the cause of 75%-plus of the 3,150 deaths reported in 2011 — the last year reliable data was available. This is a troubling statistic that calls for the development of a more comprehensive solution to help safeguard young drivers and their passengers. With the evolution of the SMAC StackTM (social, mobile, analytics and cloud), insurers have the opportunity and the ability to devise a more compelling solution focused on safe driving for teens. In this paper, we examine the needs of teen drivers, their parents and their insurers — those who have the most to gain from a value-centered and highly effective safe-driving program. We will also detail a SMAC-based solution tailored to this group of stakeholders. Key elements of the solution include: • A smart mobile app that appeals to teens; provides driver scores that can be compared with those of peers; monitors driving; and offers safe-driving tips for young people. • Software that sends real-time alerts to parents concerning their teen’s faulty driving or breach of any governing rules (speeding, driving outside pre-defined geographic areas and roads, etc.). • Capabilities that help insurers reduce losses by utilizing meaningful data from telematics devices across networks. We will also introduce GeoLocus, Cognizant’s advanced telematics solution, that insurers can use to build an all-inclusive safe-driving program for young people and their families. • Cognizant 20-20 Insights cognizant 20-20 insights | september 2014
  • 2. cognizant 20-20 insights 2 The Need for Teen Safety Sounding the Alarm Young men and women (ages 16 through 19) con-stitute one in 20 motorists; yet they cause one in seven vehicle accidents. These statistics under-score the importance of designing safe-driving programs tailored to teens. Additional research reinforces this critical need: • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teens; in 2010, seven teens ages 16 to 19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries.2 • Per mile driven, teen drivers are three times more likely than drivers 20 and older to be involved in a fatal crash.3 • In 2010, 22% of drivers between 15 and 20 years old who were involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes were drinking.4 • In 2011, only 54% of high-school students reported that they always wear seat belts when riding with someone else.4 • More than 1,000 young drivers lose their lives each year in vehicle crashes because of an impaired driver (i.e., either from their own driving or someone else’s).5 • Teens are involved in vehicle accidents primarily because they are inexperienced — not necessarily because they take more risks than older drivers. Leading Causes of Teen-Driver Accidents The findings we have cited demonstrate the mag-nitude of the problem: The majority of teens’ lives are at risk due to their driving behavior. This is especially true when it comes to newly licensed drivers, teens driving with teen passengers, and male teens (accident rates are almost double those of female teens) who are more prone to risk-taking. Year over year, numbers show that teen safety is a clear and serious societal con-cern. Research confirms that the leading cause of accidents involving young drivers can be traced to one or a combination of the following factors: • Lack of awareness of the consequences of risky behavior. • Inexperience with the complexities of driving. • Peers in the vehicle with the teen driver. • Distraction caused by cell phones. • Viewing driving as a social activity. • Impaired driving due to road conditions, including driving at night. • Reckless driving, including speeding. • Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. T he Ineffectiveness of Existing Programs While there are many methods and programs for improving teens’ driving behavior, most have proven ineffective. The reasons? Most involve one-time/shorter periods of train-ing — either before a license is granted or after a driving incident occurs. Also, teens’ participa-tion in this type of program is focused on granting them a driver’s license, not at motivating them to become and remain a safe driver. Moreover, the effectiveness and reach of a pro-gram depends on the stringency and application of specific laws in the area where incidents take place and where the teen lives. Most teens tend to drive older vehicles, which lack sophisti-cated safety features. And last, but not least, young peoples’ decision-making capabilities do not fully develop until they reach their mid-twenties. These facts send a clear mes-sage that new approaches and techniques are required to facilitate safer teen driving. These should include: • A broader view, from multiple dimensions (not just teens alone). • Advanced technology to support/extend safety coverage. • Provisions for continually monitoring the success of the solution. • The use of psychological techniques to help improve the effectiveness of the program. Teens are well aware of the risks and consequences of unsafe driving. However, they tend to overlook the consequences.
  • 3. cognizant 20-20 insights 3 A Better Approach to Teen Safety Programs Ideally, a successful safety program for teen driving should motivate teens to participate; be sensitive to parents’/guardians’ needs; and apply precise data-collection tools and deep-dive analytics for insurers to prevent losses and achieve higher profit margins. Enabling Teen Participation Studies have revealed that simple peer pressure can encourage teens to develop risky driving habits. Furthermore, research shows that the presence of other teens in a car being driven by a teen significantly increases the chances of a motor-vehicle accident — whether or not the passengers are explicitly urging the driver to make unsafe driving decisions/traffic maneuvers. Additional findings confirm that a teen’s abil-ity to react to a situation may be lacking when compared to adult drivers. Teens are well aware of the risks and consequences of unsafe driving. However, they tend to overlook the consequences. Many existing programs provide teens with infor-mation and instructions about safe driving, but fall short when it comes to addressing the under-lying attitudes that influence how they drive. Moreover, many programs do not offer a way to gauge teen driving habits. A comprehensive pro-gram should: • Encourage teens to enroll. • Sustain continuous adoption. • Support/reward safe driving. • Measure driving behavior. For teens, social factors — from peer pressure to showing off behind the wheel, to racing and speeding — are major con-tributors to unsafe driving. We believe that employing social media to encourage safe driv-ing can be a more familiar and acceptable way to reach out to teen drivers. Also, teens’ use of smartphones is on the rise; statistics suggest that about 70% of individuals between the ages of 16 and 19 use these devices,6 which have become an indis-pensable part of their day-to-day lives. Keeping this in mind, smart-phones are ideal for helping teens adopt and stick with a driving safety program. Complementing the pro-gram with gamification techniques that motivate teens to win can keep them interested and engaged in learning safe driving habits. A leaderboard that tracks individuals’ driving skills is a good way to inspire young drivers to do their best. In our view, a smart mobile app that appeals to teens, provides driver scores, compares driving scores with those of other participating teens, gives safe-driving tips and provides real-time alerts during dangerous driving offers a compel-ling proposition. Involving Parents Parents are naturally concerned when their teen is behind the wheel of a vehicle. They want to know where they are and how they are driving. Nonetheless, parents can be a distraction. In fact, recent research findings confirm that approxi-mately 53% of teens who said they spoke on the phone when behind the wheel were actually com-municating with a parent; 46% said they typically spoke with a friend.7 A good driver-safety program for teens should provide parents with: • Ubiquitous access to information. • Boundaries and limits to govern teen driving. • Real-time monitoring while the teen is behind the wheel. With the advent of SMAC technology, these three objectives can be met — all via a device with a smart app installed in the car or carried by the individual. The device transmits real-time infor-mation about the driver’s location, the speed at which they are driving and other vital information related to their behavior behind the wheel. Big-data analytics tools, such as those from Espertech, a provider of complex event processing (CEP) and analysis, can process this information in real time and disseminate it to relevant stakeholders. Working together, these technologies can create a comprehensive monitoring mechanism that checks how a teen is driving at any given time or place. A parent or other designated party can A smart mobile app that appeals to teens, provides driver scores, compares driving scores with those of other participating teens, gives safe-driving tips and provides real-time alerts offers a compelling proposition. A solution that informs a parent about how their teen is driving and sends alerts if they are driving recklessly and/or breaking rules can offer peace of mind and keep their child out of harm’s way.
  • 4. cognizant 20-20 insights 4 set up a “geo fence” and specify the areas in which their teen is allowed to drive. They can also establish speed limits. Once this configuration is completed, the data coming from the teen’s car or mobile device can be monitored and parents noti-fied of nonconformance. All in real time. For instance, assume that a mother has set up a geo fence that limits her son’s driving to a 15-mile radius around their home. If her son drives beyond that area, she will immediately receive a text mes-sage or e-mail notification. A solution that informs a parent how their teen is driving and sends alerts if they are driving poorly and/or breaking rules can offer peace of mind and help keep their child out of harm’s way. Supporting the Insurer Apart from parents and teens, teen safety is a major concern for states, many of which have had success with graduate driving-license programs (GDLs). Numerous non-profit organizations, such as Brakes for Brett, Lives Interrupted and Drivers Edge have also taken up the cause, as have auto-motive manufacturers and insurers. Insurers stand to benefit by offering teen safety pro-grams that can: • Prevent and reduce loss. • Corroborate circumstan-tial data. • Leverage telematics data for predictive analytics. • Improve customer satis-faction. Such a program should be end-to-end, providing the insurer with the amount and type of data that can be corroborated for the actuarial process, pricing and claims processing. The program must also satisfy customers and garner their loyalty, which can translate into higher profit margins. The data it collects will be the biggest asset for the insurance company. It provides the optics to prevent loss, predict loss frequency, identify risky driving behavior, and segment dangerous driving zones. Figure 1 below shows how telematics and big data can help insurers prevent losses. The data collected will be the biggest asset for the insurance company. It provides the optics to prevent loss, predict loss frequency, identify riskier driving behavior, and segment dangerous driving zones. How Telematics Data Can Enhance the Bottom Line • Cameras • Satellite Data • Weather Report • Traffic Patterns • Biometric Sensors • Internal Data • Telematics Mobile Apps • Telematics Devices in Car • Reward for Preemptive Action • Satisfied Customer PREVENT EVENTS BIG ! AGGREGATE DATA $ Telematics Internal, External Big Data Analytics Cloud Personalized Policyholder Services Lower Losses Incurred (Predict & Prevent) Figure 1
  • 5. cognizant 20-20 insights 5 A Teen Safety Program That Benefits All A successful teen-safety insurance program should be viewed as a winning proposition by teens, their parents and insurers. Insurance is meant to indemnify, or compensate, for the financial loss of the insured. On the other hand, insurance means business to carriers; they must earn a profit to sustain and grow their com-pany. In personal insurance lines, teen driving is inevitable. At the same time, statistics tell us that teens are very vulnerable to vehicle crashes, and are considered immature drivers. It is a real chal-lenge for the insurer to reduce and prevent loss and still make a profit. In general, there are many ways to reduce or pre-vent the risks posed by teen driving. Introducing safety programs, offering discounts for imple-menting risk-control programs and stipulating conditions during the issuance of a policy are among them. However, offering a teen-safety program as an addendum to a carrier’s personal insurance policy is one of the best ways to reduce/ prevent loss. To do this, carriers should offer parents and teens a solution that helps them set the driving agreement, make teen enrollment provisions and enable monitoring of teen driving behavior by parents. As a catalyst to gradually improve teen driving behavior, the carrier can also monitor teen driving, provide unbiased feedback to teens and their parents, and reward above-average driver performance. Figure 2 illustrates the “win-win-win” value prop-osition for parents, teens and insurers. PARENT TEEN Enrolls teen. Sets up geofence & speed limits for safe driving. Creates notification rules. Views the portal, compares driving behavior. Is encouraged to use the mobile app. Benefits from real-time alerts and driving tips. Strives to be on top of leaderboard. Earns badges & redeems rewards for safe driving. Provides teen with safety portal & mobile apps. Collects driving behavior data. id t ith Launches teen safety program. INSURER Benefits from safe driving & reduced losses. Figure 2 A Win-Win-Win Proposition for Insurers, Parents and Teens
  • 6. cognizant 20-20 insights 6 The Cognizant Approach Cognizant’s GeoLocus is a cost-effective, highly scalable hosted telematics solution designed to help insurers provide more value and increase their ROI. This all-in-one system encompasses devices, software, data management, analytics, portals and mobile apps (see Figure 3). Furthermore, GeoLocus covers the entire telematics spectrum, including telemetry data collection; a machine-to-machine (M2M) gateway; a telematics platform, and a sophisticated event-processing engine that provides real-time analytics. These features can be leveraged to build specific solutions in areas such as teen safety or user-based insurance (UBI) programs for insurers and the insured. The GeoLocus mobile app for data collection, along with the insurer portal, complement a teen safety program with capabilities that include: • Out-of-the box integration with core insurance systems (i.e., ACORD-based message and data models, and interfaces to other COTs products). • Comprehensive features for addressing end-to- end needs, starting with data collection through analytics. • Smartphone apps that provide a cost-effective option for delivering value-added services such as teen-safety solutions. • A scalable architecture that meets time-to-market challenges; for example, telematics initia-tives like teen safety can be launched within six months. Looking Forward Safe driving reduces the pos-sibility of accidents — thereby reducing the number of injuries and losses they inflict. This is especially rel-evant when it comes to teen drivers — making it prudent for an insurance company to support a highly effective, technology-supported teen-safety program. Today, using disruptive, market-changing tech-nologies such as telematics, mobility, big-data analytics and cloud, insurers are better posi-tioned to offer all-inclusive programs that help predict and prevent teen-related accidents. By leveraging the SMAC Stack in conjunction with a knowledgeable telematics consulting partner such as Cognizant, insurers can devise a scal-able and flexible teen safety program designed to prevent accidents, save lives and strengthen their position in the marketplace. * We have partnerships to provide In-Car Device options. Figure 3 GeoLocus At a Glance GeoLocus covers the entire telematics spectrum, including telemetry data collection; a machine-to- machine (M2M) gateway; a telematics platform; and a sophisticated event-processing engine. INSURER’S CORE APPLICATIONS Telematics UW Inputs Policy Data BIG DATA & TELEMATICS DATA • Complex Events Processing for Real-Time Alerts • Business Rules & Services for Portals • Driver Risk Score • Driving Behavior • Teen Safety Features (GeoFence, Leaderboard… ) DRIVER PORTAL UNDERWRITING SYSTEM POLICY ADMIN SYSTEM CLAIMS SYSTEM Telemetry Data Collection GeoLocus Smartphone App OR In-Car Device* • Insights & Analytics • Vehicle Monitoring INSURER PORTAL GEOLOCUS M2M Communication Gateway
  • 7. cognizant 20-20 insights 7 References • pdf • 13740087/ • teen_drivers_passenger_safety_15-19_years.htm • • • Footnotes 1 Miles to Go – A national teen driver safety report. 2013_miles_to_go_report.pdf 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS. 2012. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (producer). [Cited Sept. 28, 2012.]. 3 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Fatality Facts: Teenagers 2010. Arlington (VA): The Institute. 2012. [cited Sept. 28, 2012]. 4 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Dept. of Transportation (US). Traffic Safety Facts 2010: Young Drivers. Washington, D.C.: NHTSA; May, 2012 [cited 2012 Sept. 28]. 5 Dept. of Transportation (U.S.), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Traffic Safety Facts 2010: Alcohol-Impaired Driving. Washington (DC): NHTSA; 2012 [cited 2012 Sept. 28]. Available at URL: 6 The Mobile Consumer. Consumer-Report-2013.pdf 7 Parents Drive Kids to Distraction. parents-phones/13740087/ About the Authors Arul Aaron Rajamony is an Associate Director of Projects within Cognizant’s BusinessCloudTM Insurance Solutions team. He leads the product development team for insurance telematics and P&C claims. Arul has nearly 15 years of experience in application development, design, architecture and consulting. He has focused on insurance product development for the past three years. In that time, he and his team have built a comprehensive claims analytics platform, an insurance telematics platform and a claims adjuster platform. Arul received his bachelor’s degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (B.E. EEE) from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India and his master’s degree in e-Business (M.S. e-Biz) from Birla Institute of Technology, Pilani, India. He can be reached at Murali Kandan is a Manager of Projects within Cognizant’s BusinessCloudTM Insurance Solutions team, where he is responsible for product development in insurance telematics and P&C claims. He focuses on product roadmaps and release management and leads the mobile development team. Murali has 14 years of experience in application development, with a strong background in various development methodologies – waterfall, IIDM, Scrum Agile and product development. Murali received his Bachelor of Engineering (BE), Mechanical Engineering degree from SASTRA University, Thanjavur, India. He can be reached at
  • 8. About Cognizant Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process outsourcing services, dedicated to helping the world’s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 75 development and delivery centers worldwide and approximately 187,400 employees as of June 30, 2014, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant. World Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA Phone: +1 201 801 0233 Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 Email: European Headquarters 1 Kingdom Street Paddington Central London W2 6BD Phone: +44 (0) 20 7297 7600 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7121 0102 Email: India Operations Headquarters #5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Chennai, 600 096 India Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 Email: © Copyright 2014, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.