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Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 1	
Designing	for	an	Aging	Popula1on:	
Toward	Universal	Design	
Jeff	Johnson	&	Kate	Finn	
Wiser	Usability,	Inc.	
Source:	hGp://
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 2	
Making	the	Case	for	Age-Friendly	Design	
Design	for	older	adults,	and	you	design	for	almost	
everyone	else.		[Alan	Newell]	
PopulaJons	with	similar	usability	issues:	
•  Those	with	low	vision	or	other	impairments	
•  Those	with	low	literacy	
•  Those	with	liGle	technical	experience	
•  Those	with	obsolete	technical	experience	
•  Second	language	learners	
•  Those	with	certain	cogniJve	impairments	
Hearing	 Visual	 Motor	
The	Case	for	Age-Friendly	Design:	
Many	Adults,	Not	Just	OAs,	Have	Hearing,	Visual,	or	Motor	Impairments	
Source:		Summary	Health	StaJsJcs	for	U.S.	Adults:		
NaJonal	Health	Interview	Survey,	2012	
(Published	2014)		
US	adults	with	self-reported	impairments,	by	age	group.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 3	
Individual	VariaJon	
Studies on aging are particularly subject to
confounding effects. [Reddy, 2012]
Individual	VariaJon	
•  Aging	is	a	conJnuous	process	
•  Change	is	not	linear,	or	uniform	
•  Effects	of	aging	are	highly	idiosyncraJc	
•  As	group’s	average	age	increases:	
•  Rates	of	change	in	abiliJes	increase	
•  Ranges	of	abiliJes	increase
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 4	
Source:	United	NaJons,	Department	of	Economic	and	Social	Affairs,	
PopulaJon	Division	(2015).	World	PopulaJon	Prospects:	The	2015	Revision.	
Countries	with	greatest	50+	popula1on,	2015	(in	Millions)		
The	Case	for	Age-Friendly	Design:	
Older	Adults	Comprise	Growing	#s	in	NaJons’	PopulaJons	
			100	 								200																					300																					400	
The	Case	for	Age-Friendly	Design:	
Older	Adults	Comprise	Growing	%	of	NaJons’	PopulaJons	
2015	 2025	 2035	
%	of	Popula1on	Aged	50+	
Least	developed	countries	
Less	developed	regions	
More	developed	regions	
Source:	United	NaJons,	Department	of	Economic	and	Social	Affairs,	
PopulaJon	Division	(2015).	World	PopulaJon	Prospects:	The	2015	Revision.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 5	
%	US	PopulaJon	Online,	by	Age	Group	
The	Case	for	Age-Friendly	Design	
Increasingly,	Older	Adults	Are	Going	Online	
2000	 2002	 2004	 2006	 2008	 2010	 2012	 2014	
Tech	Can	Be	TransformaJve…		
A	Mac	laptop	opened	up	the	world	to	me,	right	
here,	from	my	kitchen	table.	This	is	a	blessing	
because	my	mobility	is	now	extremely	limited	
due	to	my	physical	disability.	
Technology has helped me move 19
times in the past 9 years, taking
‘everything’ with me.
I can keep in touch with
people all over the world.
I feel so connected to so
much of the world: art,
music, nature, comedy,
I	can’t	imagine	going	back	to	a	
life	without	a	computer.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 6	
...but	All	Is	Not	Well	
So	much	to	remember!	
I	wish	they	would	stop	
changing	things	for	no	
good	reason.	
What	happened	to	the	
How	can	I	make	the	font	
bigger?	I	can’t	see	it!	
We	Know	How	to	Do	Design	Right…	
So	Why	Don't	We?	
•  Aging	is	not	a	“sexy”	topic	
•  Designers	tend	to	design	for	people	like	
•  Engineers	and	designers	osen	have	liGle	
personal	experience	with	OAs	
•  Designers	tend	to	discount	pure	data	on	OAs	
•  OAs	seldom	included	in	design,	evaluaJon	
•  Designers	tend	to	over-esJmate	OA	tech	ability
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 7	
Need	for	Universal	Design	
Won’t	Just	Fade	Away	
“Digital	NaJves”	vs.	“Digital	Immigrants”?	
•  Not	all	young	adults	are	techno-whizzes.	
•  Technology	will	conJnue	to	develop.	
•  People	have	trouble	with	technology	
they	didn’t	grow	up	with.	
•  Most	of	us	will	experience	age-related		
[Photo	Source:	
Age-Related	Changes	&	CharacterisJcs	
•  Vision	
•  Motor	Control	
•  Speech	&	Hearing	
•  CogniJon:	AGenJon,	Learning,	Memory	
•  Knowledge	
•  Awtude	&	Affect	
•  Working	with	Older	Adults
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 8	
Age-Related	Changes:	Vision	
•  Decreased	ability	to	focus	close	
(farsightedness,	or	presbyopia)	
•  Lower	sensiJvity	to	light	
•  Heightened	sensiJvity	to	glare	
•  Reduced	sensiJvity	to	color	&	contrast	
•  Lens	yellowing	
•  Narrowed	field	of	vision	
•  Slower	adaptaJon	to	changes	in	lighJng	
•  Slower	re-focusing	with	changes	in	distance	
Vision	Changes	
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 9	
Vision	Changes	
Normal	 Reduced	Light	SensiJvity	
Visual-CogniJve	Deficits	
• 		More	difficulty	reading	moving	text	
• 		Less	likely	to	detect	small,	subtle	screen	
• 		Slower	on	visual	search	tasks	
• 		Increased	sensiJvity	to	visual	distracJons.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 10	
Visual	Search	Slows	with	Age	
Visual	Design	Guidelines		
1.  Maximize	legibility	of	essenJal	text.	
2.  Use	color	judiciously.	
3.  Simplify.	
4.  Indicate	any	need	for	verJcal	scrolling.	
5.  Avoid	long	lists	of	opJons.	
6.  Create	(and	use)	a	consistent	graphical	
7.  Provide	text	alternaJves	for	non-text	content.	
8.  Make	important	content	noJceable	and	easy	to	
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 11	
Visual	Design	Guidelines		
1.		Maximize	legibility	of	essenJal	text.	
•  Plain,	large,	fonts:	sans-serif,	14+	point	(5mm)	
•  Mixed	case	
•  StaJc	text	
•  Ample	line	&	paragraph	spacing:	1.5	line	spacing	
•  Plain	background	
•  Easily	enlargeable	text	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Avoid	Jny	text;	make	resizing	easy
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 12	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Avoid	Jny	text;	make	resizing	easy;	good	spacing	
Visual	Design	Guidelines		
2.  Use	color	judiciously.	
•  Use	color	sparingly	
•  Be	cauJous	with	blue	vs.	green,	and	with	
blue	and	yellow	close	to	each	other	
•  If	using	color	to	mark	links	“visited”	vs.	“not”,	
make	sure	users	can	disJnguish	the	colors	
•  Avoid	using	color	as	the	sole	indicator	
•  Avoid	saturated	colors	
•  Ensure	high	color	contrast,	e.g.,	raJo	of	6.5+	
•  Provide	easy	way	to	adjust	contrast
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 13	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Display	text	in	high	contrast,	with	plain	background	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Display	text	in	high	contrast;	make	it	easily	enlargeable
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 14	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Display	text	in	high	contrast;	make	it	easily	enlargeable	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Display	text	in	high	contrast	
Two	Dots	game	app,	Color	Contrast	opJons:	
																													off																												on
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 15	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Display	text	in	high	contrast	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Display	text	with	high	contrast	to	background
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 16	
Visual	Design	Guidelines	
3.  Simplify.	
•  Help	users	focus	
•  Make	sure	graphics	are	relevant	
•  Don’t	distract	
•  Use	staJc	content	and	images	
•  Keep	space	uncluGered	
Visual	Design	Guidelines:	
Help	users	focus;	make	sure	graphics	are	relevant.	
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 17	
Age-Related	Changes:	Motor	Control
•  Reduced	hand-eye	coordinaJon	
•  Reduced	fine-motor	control	
•  Reduced	strength,	stamina	
•  Slower	movements	
•  SJffness	
•  Difficulty	grasping/manipulaJng	small	objects	
-  Stylus	or	other	poinJng	devices;	small	controls	
•  Difficulty	with	conJnuous	movements	
-  Click-drag,	tap-drag,	or	tap-hold	gestures	
-  Pinch,	spread,	double-tap	gestures	
•  Problems	execuJng	coordinated	gestures	
•  Increased	variance	in	movements	
-  Decreased	reliability	in	recogniJon	of	gestures	
•  Increase	in	hand	tremor	and	in	risk	of	unintenJonal	
click	or	touch	
-  Accidental	selecJon	of	object,	navigaJon	to	locaJon,	etc.	
Impacts	of	Motor	Control	Changes
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 18	
Motor	Control:		
Drawing	a	Spiral	with	Hand	Tremor	
Neurological	DiagnosJc	Test	
A:		Spiral	drawn	by	person	with	tremor	
B:		Spiral	drawn	by	person	without	tremor	
Motor	Control:	
Struggling	to	Select	“Kenya”	from	Pull-Right	Menus
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 19	
Motor	Control:		
Road	Scholar	Old	vs.	New	Menus	
Motor	Control	Guidelines	
1.  Promote	accurate,	precise	selecJon	of	targets.	
2.  Keep	input	gestures	simple.	
3.  Allow	plenty	of	Jme	to	complete	operaJons.	
4.  Make	it	obvious	that	target	is	selected.	
5.  Minimize	need	to	use	keyboard	(especially	on	
small	screens,	mobile	apps).	
6.  Avoid	causing	physical	strain.	
7.  Provide	in-app	training	(touchscreen	devices).
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 20	
Motor	Control	Guidelines	
1.  Promote	accurate,	precise	selecJon	of	targets.	
•  Make	click	&	tap	targets	big	
•  Text	link’s	clickable	area	includes	graphical	parts	
•  Make	swipe	targets	larger	than	tap	targets	
•  Provide	blank	space	around	clickable	targets	
•  Place	tap	targets	in	center	or	boGom	of	screen	
•  Place	horizontal	swipe	targets	near	screen	boGom;	
and	verJcal	swipe	targets	on	right	side		
Motor	Control	Guidelines:	
Sizes	of	click	and	tap	targets	
Desktop/laptop	devices:	click	targets	should	
accept	clicks	in	an	area	at	least	11mm	
Touch-screen	devices:	tap	targets	should	be	16.5	
mm	diagonally	(11.7mm	square)
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 21	
Motor	Control	Guidelines:	Make	click-targets	
large;	make	controls	accept	clicks	anywhere	
Motor	Control	Guidelines:	Make	click-targets	
large;	make	controls	accept	clicks	anywhere
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 22	
2.  Keep	input	gestures	simple.	
•  Don’t	require	double-click	
•  No	drag	
•  Avoid	mulJ-level	menus,	especially	with	narrow	
•  Menus	should	stay	open	long	enough	for	people	
with	low	motor	skills	
•  Avoid	mulJ-finger	gestures	
Motor	Control	Guidelines	
Age-Related	Changes:	Speech	&	Hearing	
•  Slower	rate	of	speech		
•  Reduced	arJculaJon	
Hearing	-	harder	to:	
•  Filter	out	background	sounds	
•  Localize	sounds	
•  Understand	fast	speech	
•  Hear	low	volume	sounds	
•  Detect	high-pitched	sounds
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 23	
8 kHz
Under 20:
16 kHz
Under 50:
12 kHz
Speech	&	Hearing		
Speech	&	Hearing	Guidelines		
1.  Make	audible	signals	in	a	range	most	people	
can	hear.	
2.  Minimize	background	noise.	
3.  Convey	important	info	in	mulJple	ways.	
4.  Make	speech	output	natural	sounding.	
5.  Allow	users	to	adjust	device	output.	
6.  Provide	speech-to-text	capability.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 24	
Speech	&	Hearing	Guidelines	
1.  Make	audible	signals	in	a	range	most	people	
can	hear.	
•  Use	alerts,	tones	in	500-1000	Hz	range	
•  Use	lower	frequency	voices	
•  Set	default	volume	“loud	enough”	to	be	heard	by	
•  Avoid	short	chirps/beeps	(to	help	localizaJon)	
Speech	&	Hearing	Guidelines		
2.  Minimize	background	noise:	Avoid	presenJng	
sounds	unrelated	to	user’s	task
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 25	
Speech	&	Hearing	Guidelines	
3.  Convey	important	info	in	mulJple	ways.	
•  Add	capJons,	ALT	text	to	images	
•  Add	cc,	transcripts	to	videos	
•  Use	video	to	supplement	text,		
not	replace	it	
•  Provide	alert	signals	in		
mulJple	forms	
•  Provide	text-to-speech	funcJon	
Age-Related	Changes:	
CogniJon:	AGenJon,	Learning,	Memory	
•  Reduced	short-term	memory/aGenJon	span	
-  Difficulty	keeping	track	of	task	status	
-  Harder	to	concentrate;	more	distracJble	
•  Longer	learning	Jmes;	more	repeJJon	required	
•  Less	generalizaJon	between	situaJons	
•  More	difficulty	retrieving	words	
•  Reduced	ability	to	mulJ-task	
•  More	suscepJble	to	change	blindness	
•  More	easily	overwhelmed
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 26	
CogniJon:	AGenJon,	Learning,	Memory	
“At	this	point…I	would	call	them.	This	is	so	overwhelming!...Help!”	
CogniJon:	AGenJon,	Learning,	Memory
Change	and	InaGenJonal	Blindness
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 27	
CogniJve	Guidelines:		
AGenJon,	Learning,	Memory	
1.  Design	for	conceptual	&	visual	simplicity.	
2.  Help	users	maintain	focus.		
3.  Use	terms	consistently.	
4.  Help	users	with	input.	
5.  Simplify	navigaJon	structures.	
6.  Clearly	indicate	operaJon’s	status	&	progress.	
7.  Avoid	burdening	users’	memory.	
8.  Help	users	avoid	&	recover	from	errors.	
CogniJve	Guidelines	
1.  Design	for	conceptual	&	visual	simplicity.	
•  	Minimize	sJmuli	
•  	Minimize	decoraJon	
2.  Help	users	maintain	focus.		
•  	Present	one	task	at	a	Jme	
•  	Eliminate	distracJons	
•  	Show	current	task
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 28	
CogniJve	Guidelines:	
Focus	AGenJon	on	Important	Info	&	Calls	to	AcJon	
CogniJve	Guidelines:	
Focus	AGenJon	on	Important	Info	&	Calls	to	AcJon
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 29	
CogniJve	Guidelines:		
Focus	AGenJon	on	Important	Info	&	Calls	to	AcJon	
Knowledge	Differences	
•  Unfamiliar	with	digital	tech	jargon	&	icons	
•  Don’t	know	control	gestures	
•  AnJquated	mental	models	
•  Greater	domain	knowledge	
•  Skills	
•  Vocabulary
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 30	
Knowledge	Guidelines	
1.  Clearly	indicate	current	locaJon	in	app	or	website	
2.  Use	vocabulary	familiar	to	your	audience	
3.  Don’t	assume	users	have	a	correct	mental	model	
4.  Help	users	predict	what	buGons/links	do,	and	where	
they	go	
5.  Use	wriJng	style	that	is	concise,	plain,	and	familiar	to	
6.  Follow	standards	and	convenJons	
7.  Minimize	the	negaJve	impact	on	users	of	new	
8.  Clearly	label	interacJve	elements	
Knowledge	Guidelines:		
Use	vocabulary	familiar	to	your	audience.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 31	
Knowledge	Guidelines:	
Use	vocabulary	familiar	to	your	audience.	
Knowledge	Guidelines:		
Use	vocabulary	familiar	to	your	audience.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 32	
Knowledge	Guidelines:		
Use	vocabulary	familiar	to	your	audience.	
Age-Related	Changes:	Awtude	&	Affect	
•  Less	comfortable	with	technology	
•  More	risk	averse	
-  Strongly	prefer	familiar	paths	over	efficiency	
-  Afraid	of	“breaking	something”	
-  Tend	to	read	everything	on	screen	before	acJng	
-  Afraid	of	embarrassment	
•  Osen	get	frustrated,	give	up	
•  Tendency	to	assign	blame	(to	self	or	app)	
•  Reluctance	to	give	personal	info
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 33	
FrustraJon:	“It’s	extremely	frustraJng.		I	
didn’t	grow	up	with	computers	in	my	life.”	
FrustraJon	(wants	to	quit):	
“I	would	screw	this.”
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 34	
Awtude	&	Affect	Guidelines	
1.  Be	flexible	in	how	users	can	enter,	save,	and	
view	data	
2.  Inspire	trust	
3.  Make	design	appealing	to	all,	including	older	
4.  Provide	easy	access	to	info	users	will	want	
5.  Facilitate	easy	privacy,	security,	and	safety	
Awtude	&	Affect	Guidelines	
1.  Be	flexible	in	how	users	can	enter,	save,	and	
view	data.	
•  	Make	data	entry	fields	“smart”	
•  	Allow	users	to	save	and	return	to	forms	
•  	Give	users	sense	of	control	over	input	methods
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 35	
Awtude	&	Affect:	
Be	flexible	in	how	users	can	enter,	save,	and	view	data	
Awtude	&	Affect:	
Be	flexible	in	how	users	can	enter,	save,	and	view	data
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 36	
Awtude	&	Affect:	
Be	flexible	in	how	users	can	enter,	save,	and	view	data	
Awtude	&	Affect	Guidelines	
2.  Inspire	trust.	
•  Request	only	necessary	info	
•  Make	it	easy	to	disJnguish	content	from	ads
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 37	
Awtude	&	Affect	Guidelines:	
Request	only	necessary	info	
Online	donaJon	via	
credit	card	or	Paypal	
should	not	require	
address,	phone	#	
Awtude	&	Affect	Guidelines:	
Make	it	easy	to	disJnguish	content	from	adverJsing
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 38	
Working	with	Older	Adults	Guidelines	
1.  Refer	to	recent	resources	for	ideas	about:	
•  including	OAs	in	parJcipatory	design	
•  adapJng	study	protocols	to	include	OAs	
•  recruitment,	retenJon,	compensaJon	
2.  Be	sensiJve	in	communicaJons:	
•  Avoid	both	tech	jargon	and	ElderSpeak	
•  Make	wriGen	and	oral	material	accessible	
•  Be	respec}ul,	paJent,	supporJve,	grateful	
3.  ConducJng	sessions:	
•  Make	sure	meeJng	site	is	easy	to	access	and	comfortable	
•  Minimize	distracJons	
•  Keep	sessions	short,	or	build	in	breaks	
•  Allow	extra	Jme	for	everything	
•  %	and	#	of	OAs	are	increasing	globally	
•  Age-related	characterisJcs	can	contribute	to	
many	usability	issues	
•  Usability	issues	can	exclude	people	from	benefits	
of	today’s	digital	culture	
•  Other	populaJons	face	similar	usability	issues	
and	exclusions	
•  Designing	interfaces	with,	and	for,	OAs	can	
improve	usability	for	everyone	
•  Recent	research	idenJfies	design	guidelines.
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 39	
Top	RecommendaJons	
•  Legibility	
•  Visual	Simplicity	
•  Conceptual	Simplicity	
•  Consistency	
•  Salience	
•  Redundancy	
•  Support	
Top	References	(of	over	400!)	
•  Hawthorn	(2006)	Designing	Effec>ve	Interfaces	for	Older	Users	
•  Fisk	et	al	(2009)	Designing	for	Older	Adults	
•  Pak	&	McLaughlin	(2011)	Designing	Displays	for	Older	Adults	
•  Newell	(2011)	Design	and	the	Digital	Divide	
•  Leung	(2009)	Improving	Mobile	Device	Apps	for	Older	Adults	
•  Leitão	&	Silva	(2012)	PaGerns	for	Mobile	UIs	for	Older	Adults	
•  Pernice	et	al	(2013)	Senior	Ci>zens	on	the	Web	
•  Chisnell	et	al	(2006)	New	Heuris>cs	for	Understanding	Older	
Adults	as	Web	Users
Finn	&	Johnson,	Wiser	Usability,	UXPA	2016	 40	
Thank	you!!	
Johnson	&	Finn:			
Designing	for	an	Aging	World*		*(Final	Title	TBA)	
Morgan	Kaufmann,	early	2017	

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Designing for an Aging Population