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Table Of Contents
 Demand Generation Waterfall
 How to:
o Start a Marketing Campaign
o Build Workflows
o Nurture Leads with targeted Message
o Analyze and Refine Strategies
o Measure Campaign Performance (KPI)
• Website & Landing pages
• Call-to-action & Email Marketing
• Lead Nurturing & Marketing Automation
• SEO & Paid Search
• Blogging & Social Media
Demand Generation Waterfall
Inquiry (Inbound & Outbound)
Marketing Qualification
 Inquiries are entered the funnel through
Inbound and Outbound sources.
 Leads are qualified through Marketing
Automation tool to become Automation
Qualified Lead (AQL) and they are sent to
sales to become Sales Accepted Lead (SAL).
 If those early leads are not scored, then they
need to be qualified via teleprospecting. First
they are Teleprospecting Accepted Lead
(TAL), then a Teleprospecting Qualified Lead
(TQL) determining BANT via telephone.
 Besides inbound marketing leads, leads are
also generated by direct calling and they are
named Teleprospecting Generated Lead
 Sales qualification begins with the Sales
Accepted Leads (SALs) that are accepted from
inbound marketing and telemarketing. If
sales people generate the leads themselves,
those leads are called Sales Generated Lead
 SALs and SGLs, once accepted, are now
further qualified as opportunities, and are
called Sales Qualified Lead (SQL).
 Finally, at the bottom of the funnel is Close &
Win – Opportunity becomes Customer.
Demand Generation Process is not
changed, only the sources from where the
leads have been derived has changed. The
role of Marketing has been expanded to
leverage both Automation and
The Way Of Business Is Changed
 The internet has changed the way we communicate, interact
and purchase both in B2B and B2C.
 Today people start their purchasing decision by searching the
internet (primarily Google Search).
 To be competitive, company website needs to be found by
search engine and the content in the site has to address our
target’s need.
 Today, We must:
o Drive more quality traffic to company website
o Capture visitors as Leads
o Nurture the leads into relationships
o Covert those leads into customers
o Analyze the activity on your site in order to optimize all that you
are doing online 4
How Does Inbound Marketing Work?
Website Visitors
Call To Actions
Landing Pages
Customer 5
 Once a potential customer visits your
website they enter the top of the
sales funnel. The entire sales funnel
process is completely automated. This
provides an opportunity to develop a
relationship and turn them into a
 The steps of the sales funnel:
o Call To Action: Graphic with an
appealing offer - FREE white
paper, eBook, video
o Landing Page: Automatically
generates leads, allows you to
collect information about your
prospects - Sign up, download,
register, watch
o Lead Nurturing: Automated sales
process - Email campaign,
invitation to webinar, product
o Analysing Results: Monitor your
visitors and leads, Optimize your
website – Web Analytics
How To Start Marketing Campaign
Develop a
Place Offer
on your
Market to
your email
Blog and
the Impact
of all
Develop A Marketing Offer
 Constantly coming up with new content ideas. Inbound marketers
must have a detailed picture of their target audience in order to
create optimal content for them.
 In order to find what content topics capture the attention of your
target audience, you should look at past data that you have access
 Create content in different formats, from text-based content like
whitepapers, reports and eBooks to media content like webinars,
videos and audio interviews.
 Use landing Page Analytics to explore how successful different types
of content are in converting visitors to leads.
 Create a team of Content creators. Get your co-workers to
contribute by writing a whitepaper or an eBook. Inviting them to
give presentations or answer questions in webinars.
 Distribute the same information in different formats - turn videos or
webinars into blog posts and eBooks, post the company
presentation slides on SlideShare, upload the video on YouTube.
Place Offer On Your Website
 In order to start generating new leads from your offer you need to
place it on your website, create a landing page (web page) that
features a description and an image of the offer and a lead form for
visitors to fill out in order to receive the resource.
Free eBook
Download Free
Your Call-to-Action
Landing Page
Convert Website Traffic Into Leads
 Decide on a compelling offer for your prospects, create a call-to-
action to promote your offer, and launch a landing page with a form
for visitors to submit their information.
 Typical content offers include research reports, how-to ebooks, slide
downloads, and webinars. Product-focused offers can include a
custom consultation, free trial or demo of your product.
 Create a few compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs). A call-to-action is a
button or a link that grabs a user’s attention and directs that user to
a landing page. calls-to-action are located everywhere - on website
pages, in emails and blog posts, within offers, etc. they are the key
trigger behind lead generation.
 On the landing page, a visitor is prompted to complete the form by
entering their contact information and other details in order to
receive what’s being offered. Through this information exchange the
visitor converts into a lead.
Making More Effective Landing Page
 There are several key components that make a landing page effective
for converting a higher percentage of visitors into leads - headline, the
content of the page, and the form.
 Goal should be to collect enough information through your form.
Fields such as name and email address gather contact information of
leads, allowing you to put them in a workflow and nurture them in the
future. Fields like number of employees and role at company allow
you to qualify the lead and find how likely they are to become a
 The length of your form predictably leads to a balance between the
quantity and quality of the leads you generate. A shorter form usually
means more people will be willing to fill it out. But the quality of the
leads will be higher when visitors are willing to fill out more form’s
fields. Therefore, shorter forms usually result in more leads, but
longer forms will result in fewer, but higher quality leads.
 Your landing page needs to feature an image of the offer you are
presenting. you could feature an image of the cover page of an
whitepaper or eBook, or headshots of webinar presenters
Goal Of A Call-to-Action
 Call-to-Action (CTA) is a hyperlinked image or text that direct visitors
to landing pages. In order to increase visitor-to-lead conversion
opportunities, you need to create a lot of calls-to-action, distribute
them across your web presence and optimize them.
 Calls-to-Action should be spread across the web pages in company
website. The homepage should have a call-to-action,
Product/Service pages, About Us page and Contact Us page all need
to have calls-to-action.
 While calls-to-action are usually thought of as images and text
placed on a website, the concept of a call-to-action can be found
across all types of marketing.
 In all of your marketing assets you should be trying to drive people
to get further engaged with your company. If the goal of a call-to-
action is to drive traffic to your landing page, you can use marketing
emails and social media updates to drive traffic to your landing
Build Workflows
 Before you start driving traffic to your website, you need to consider
how you are going to nurture the new leads that you will create. You
will need to use workflows to educate them further about your
company and product or service.
 Workflow is an automated series of emails that pre-qualifies early-
stage leads before handing them over to sales.
 Once you set up workflows, emails are sent out automatically
according to your schedule as new leads come in. It will help you
qualify leads and push them down to the sales funnel faster.
 You need to break your contact database up into smaller groups or
segments based on
o company name, state, size, industry, lead grade or lifecycle stage etc.
o ebook download, a webinar registration, a demo request, etc.
o presence in an existing marketing list
 Once you have created your segments, you need to create nurturing
campaigns and make sure that your lists of lead are updating in real-
time to include new leads who need to be nurtured
Example Of Workflow
Person visits company
Visitor download an
Lead receives an follow
up email with the
requested eBook
Lead is assigned for
nurturing campaigns
Lead receives a custom
invitation for a free
consultation with sales
Promote Offers Through Channels
 Blog and Social Media can support lead generation efforts by a call-
o A link to your landing pages with the marketing offer. Take quotations
from the content in your offer and feature it as blog articles or
advertise it through social media and ask your followers for
comments and shares.
 Include an image that conveys what the blog post is about. Some
type of infographic typically plays a little better than merely text.
Write an eye-catching subject line - Headlines are the most
important element of your blog posts.
 In blogging, it is important to break text up in chunks. The online
reader needs to be able to immediately scroll through content to get
to the sub headers and the bolded content and even bullet points.
 In the blog content include social sharing buttons (e.g. “like,” “share
on LinkedIn,” “tweet,” etc.) on every post. This will encourage
readers to share you content with their personal networks and
expand its reach beyond your own connections.
 When promoting your offer on Twitter and/or Google+, consider
using hashtag (#) for keyword phrase.
Nurture Leads With Targeted Messages
 Lead nurturing is the process of developing that relationship with
your potential customer by sending targeted, relevant, and valuable
messages to them in a timely manner.
 Lead nurturing is a system that allows you to send an automated
series of email messages to an early stage lead in order to pre-
qualify them before handing them over to your sales team.
 Email Marketing Best Practices
o Make sure your lead forms allow your website visitors to enter their
email address and opt-in to receive your messages.
o Use a real email sender name and add a personal signature. Use images
as add-on (clickable) content in your email. Send your messages daily,
weekly, or monthly, pick a schedule and stick to it. Include a call-to-
action that links to a landing page on which the recipient can reconvert.
o Define metrics: Open Rate, Click Through Rate, Conversion Rate
(measure how many of those clicks turned into reconversions on landing
o Follow up with your leads via social media and other platforms on-going
basis to push them down the sales funnel
Analyse And Refine Strategies
 In order to track the performance of your efforts, we need to have analytics
program in place.
 Set a Metric for Success in almost all cases. Your metric should be proven
and involve a set time frame.
 Analyze how your programs performed and make changes with the
intention of achieving your marketing goals by doing less of what doesn’t
work and more of what works.
 Run A/B testing to learn how to drive more traffic to your website and
generate more leads from the visits you’re getting. It improves the
conversion rates of your landing pages and the click through rates of your
website, calls-to-action and email campaigns.
 Grow your email database through an opt-in policy and valuable marketing
 Create an effective Lead Scoring strategy to understand all of the criteria
that comprise your ideal customer.
 Segment your leads based on Lead Profile (e.g. Job Title, Industry), Content-
based (e.g. eBook downloads), Interest in your Company (e.g. Signed up for
free trial).
Measure Website And Landing Pages
 Website & Landing Page Analytics
o The total number of individual (unique) visitors to your site during a
specific period of time, not counting repeat visits by the same individual
o A comparison of your unique visitors vs. the number of visitors who
came back more than once
o A breakdown of the specific sources of traffic to your website, such as
direct, organic (comes from a link found on a search engine results page),
or referral (comes from a link on another website)
o A comparison of the pages on your site that receive the most and least
o Indexed Pages – The number of pages on your site that have received at
least one visit from organic search
o Conversion Rate of Landing Page – The percentage of visitors to your site
who take a desired action, such as purchasing a product or filling out a
lead generation form
o Number of new leads generated by submission of offer
o Bounce Rate – The percentage of new visitors who leave your site almost
immediately after arriving
MeasureCalls-to-ActionAnd EmailMarketing
 Calls-to-Action Analytics
o View-to-Click rate
o Click-to-submission rate
 Email Analytics
o List Growth Rate – Calculate your growth rate by subtracting opt-outs
and hard bounces from the number of new email subscribers gained in a
given month. Then, divide that number by the original list size.
o Email Sharing and Forwarding Rate – The percentage of recipients who
clicked on a “share this” button to post email content to a social network
and/or who clicked on the “forward to a friend” button.
o Conversion Rate – The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link
within an email and filling out a lead generation form
o ROI of a particular email campaign, calculated by dividing the total
revenue generated from the campaign by the number of emails sent
o Delivery & Bounce rate
o Open & Click Through rate
o Unsubscribe rate 19
 Segmentation Intelligence
o Behaviours, personas, demographics, etc. that can be used to segment
your audience in order to send more targeted content and offers based
on their individual wants and needs at a given point in the sales process
 Click-through rates
o The proportion of the audience who clicked on one more links contained
in a lead nurturing email message. calculate CTR either by dividing
unique clicks by the number of emails delivered, or by dividing total
clicks by the number of emails delivered.
 Conversion rates
o The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within an email and
completed a desired action such as filling out an offer form or purchasing
a product.
 Amount, Timing & Frequency of Email Sends
o The length of time between one lead nurturing email and another, and
how many emails to include in a given campaign
 Time to Customer conversion
o The length of time it takes for a lead to become a customer
Measure SEO And Paid Search
 SEO Analytics
o How well your website and web pages rank in search engines for your
desired keywords and search terms (Keyword performance and ranking)
o The percentage of unique visitors (traffic) who arrive at your site from a
link on a search engine results page
o A measure of the number of links back to your site from other sites on
the web (inbound link)
o Conversion rate from organic search
 Paid Search Analytics
o Click-through Rate – The percentage of the audience that viewed your ad
and actually clicked on the link provided
o Average CPC (Cost Per Click) – The amount you are paying for each click
on a specific search ad, calculated by dividing the total cost of your clicks
by the total number of clicks
o Conversion Rate after clicking on one of your PPC (Pay Per Click) ads
o Cost per Acquisition – Measurement of how much you are spending on
PPC advertising for each conversion
o Return on your PPC advertising investment, calculated by dividing your
total ad spend by the total revenue generated from those PPC
conversions (ROAS)
Measure Blogging And Social Media Marketing
 Blog Post Analytics
o How much traffic you are generating to your blog and where that traffic
is coming from (e.g. social media, referrals, direct traffic, organic search,
o How many views each blog post receives.
o Visitor-to-Lead Conversion Rate – The rate at which your blog is
converting visitors into leads
o How effective your blog’s individual calls-to-action (CTAs) are at
converting blog visitors into leads
 Social Media Analytics
o Audience Growth – The total number of people engaging with your
brand, such as Facebook ‘likes’, Twitter followers, LinkedIn group
members, blog subscribers, YouTube channel subscribers, etc.
o Social Media engagement – Blog comments, Facebook page comments,
YouTube video views etc.
o The percentage of unique visitors (traffic) to your website that comes
from social media channels.
o The percentage of visitors from social media that convert into lead or
Thank You
Somidh Das I @somidhdas
Email: I

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Demand - Lead Generation Best Practices

  • 2. Table Of Contents  Demand Generation Waterfall  How to: o Start a Marketing Campaign o Build Workflows o Nurture Leads with targeted Message o Analyze and Refine Strategies o Measure Campaign Performance (KPI) • Website & Landing pages • Call-to-action & Email Marketing • Lead Nurturing & Marketing Automation • SEO & Paid Search • Blogging & Social Media 2 @somidhdas
  • 3. Demand Generation Waterfall Inquiry (Inbound & Outbound) Marketing Qualification (AQL, TAL, TGL & TQL) Sales Qualification (SAL, SGL & SQL) Close & Win 3  Inquiries are entered the funnel through Inbound and Outbound sources.  Leads are qualified through Marketing Automation tool to become Automation Qualified Lead (AQL) and they are sent to sales to become Sales Accepted Lead (SAL).  If those early leads are not scored, then they need to be qualified via teleprospecting. First they are Teleprospecting Accepted Lead (TAL), then a Teleprospecting Qualified Lead (TQL) determining BANT via telephone.  Besides inbound marketing leads, leads are also generated by direct calling and they are named Teleprospecting Generated Lead (TGL).  Sales qualification begins with the Sales Accepted Leads (SALs) that are accepted from inbound marketing and telemarketing. If sales people generate the leads themselves, those leads are called Sales Generated Lead (SGL).  SALs and SGLs, once accepted, are now further qualified as opportunities, and are called Sales Qualified Lead (SQL).  Finally, at the bottom of the funnel is Close & Win – Opportunity becomes Customer. Demand Generation Process is not changed, only the sources from where the leads have been derived has changed. The role of Marketing has been expanded to leverage both Automation and Teleprospecting @somidhdas
  • 4. The Way Of Business Is Changed  The internet has changed the way we communicate, interact and purchase both in B2B and B2C.  Today people start their purchasing decision by searching the internet (primarily Google Search).  To be competitive, company website needs to be found by search engine and the content in the site has to address our target’s need.  Today, We must: o Drive more quality traffic to company website o Capture visitors as Leads o Nurture the leads into relationships o Covert those leads into customers o Analyze the activity on your site in order to optimize all that you are doing online 4 @somidhdas
  • 5. How Does Inbound Marketing Work? Website Visitors Call To Actions Landing Pages Leads Lead Nurturing Customer 5  Once a potential customer visits your website they enter the top of the sales funnel. The entire sales funnel process is completely automated. This provides an opportunity to develop a relationship and turn them into a customer.  The steps of the sales funnel: o Call To Action: Graphic with an appealing offer - FREE white paper, eBook, video o Landing Page: Automatically generates leads, allows you to collect information about your prospects - Sign up, download, register, watch o Lead Nurturing: Automated sales process - Email campaign, invitation to webinar, product demo o Analysing Results: Monitor your visitors and leads, Optimize your website – Web Analytics @somidhdas
  • 6. How To Start Marketing Campaign 6 Develop a Marketing Offer Place Offer on your Website Build Automated Workflows Market to your email contacts Promote through Blog and Social Measure the Impact of all elements 2 3 4 5 6 1 @somidhdas
  • 7. Develop A Marketing Offer  Constantly coming up with new content ideas. Inbound marketers must have a detailed picture of their target audience in order to create optimal content for them.  In order to find what content topics capture the attention of your target audience, you should look at past data that you have access to.  Create content in different formats, from text-based content like whitepapers, reports and eBooks to media content like webinars, videos and audio interviews.  Use landing Page Analytics to explore how successful different types of content are in converting visitors to leads.  Create a team of Content creators. Get your co-workers to contribute by writing a whitepaper or an eBook. Inviting them to give presentations or answer questions in webinars.  Distribute the same information in different formats - turn videos or webinars into blog posts and eBooks, post the company presentation slides on SlideShare, upload the video on YouTube. 7 @somidhdas
  • 8. Place Offer On Your Website  In order to start generating new leads from your offer you need to place it on your website, create a landing page (web page) that features a description and an image of the offer and a lead form for visitors to fill out in order to receive the resource. 8 Visitor Download Free eBook Download Free eBook Website Your Call-to-Action Landing Page Submit Lead @somidhdas
  • 9. Convert Website Traffic Into Leads  Decide on a compelling offer for your prospects, create a call-to- action to promote your offer, and launch a landing page with a form for visitors to submit their information.  Typical content offers include research reports, how-to ebooks, slide downloads, and webinars. Product-focused offers can include a custom consultation, free trial or demo of your product.  Create a few compelling Calls-to-Action (CTAs). A call-to-action is a button or a link that grabs a user’s attention and directs that user to a landing page. calls-to-action are located everywhere - on website pages, in emails and blog posts, within offers, etc. they are the key trigger behind lead generation.  On the landing page, a visitor is prompted to complete the form by entering their contact information and other details in order to receive what’s being offered. Through this information exchange the visitor converts into a lead. 9 @somidhdas
  • 10. Making More Effective Landing Page  There are several key components that make a landing page effective for converting a higher percentage of visitors into leads - headline, the content of the page, and the form.  Goal should be to collect enough information through your form. Fields such as name and email address gather contact information of leads, allowing you to put them in a workflow and nurture them in the future. Fields like number of employees and role at company allow you to qualify the lead and find how likely they are to become a customer.  The length of your form predictably leads to a balance between the quantity and quality of the leads you generate. A shorter form usually means more people will be willing to fill it out. But the quality of the leads will be higher when visitors are willing to fill out more form’s fields. Therefore, shorter forms usually result in more leads, but longer forms will result in fewer, but higher quality leads.  Your landing page needs to feature an image of the offer you are presenting. you could feature an image of the cover page of an whitepaper or eBook, or headshots of webinar presenters 10 @somidhdas
  • 11. Goal Of A Call-to-Action  Call-to-Action (CTA) is a hyperlinked image or text that direct visitors to landing pages. In order to increase visitor-to-lead conversion opportunities, you need to create a lot of calls-to-action, distribute them across your web presence and optimize them.  Calls-to-Action should be spread across the web pages in company website. The homepage should have a call-to-action, Product/Service pages, About Us page and Contact Us page all need to have calls-to-action.  While calls-to-action are usually thought of as images and text placed on a website, the concept of a call-to-action can be found across all types of marketing.  In all of your marketing assets you should be trying to drive people to get further engaged with your company. If the goal of a call-to- action is to drive traffic to your landing page, you can use marketing emails and social media updates to drive traffic to your landing page. 11 @somidhdas
  • 12. Build Workflows  Before you start driving traffic to your website, you need to consider how you are going to nurture the new leads that you will create. You will need to use workflows to educate them further about your company and product or service.  Workflow is an automated series of emails that pre-qualifies early- stage leads before handing them over to sales.  Once you set up workflows, emails are sent out automatically according to your schedule as new leads come in. It will help you qualify leads and push them down to the sales funnel faster.  You need to break your contact database up into smaller groups or segments based on o company name, state, size, industry, lead grade or lifecycle stage etc. o ebook download, a webinar registration, a demo request, etc. o presence in an existing marketing list  Once you have created your segments, you need to create nurturing campaigns and make sure that your lists of lead are updating in real- time to include new leads who need to be nurtured 12 @somidhdas
  • 13. Example Of Workflow 13 Person visits company website Visitor download an eBook Lead receives an follow up email with the requested eBook Lead is assigned for nurturing campaigns Lead receives a custom invitation for a free consultation with sales 1 2 34 5 @somidhdas
  • 14. Promote Offers Through Channels  Blog and Social Media can support lead generation efforts by a call- to-action o A link to your landing pages with the marketing offer. Take quotations from the content in your offer and feature it as blog articles or advertise it through social media and ask your followers for comments and shares.  Include an image that conveys what the blog post is about. Some type of infographic typically plays a little better than merely text. Write an eye-catching subject line - Headlines are the most important element of your blog posts.  In blogging, it is important to break text up in chunks. The online reader needs to be able to immediately scroll through content to get to the sub headers and the bolded content and even bullet points.  In the blog content include social sharing buttons (e.g. “like,” “share on LinkedIn,” “tweet,” etc.) on every post. This will encourage readers to share you content with their personal networks and expand its reach beyond your own connections.  When promoting your offer on Twitter and/or Google+, consider using hashtag (#) for keyword phrase. 14 @somidhdas
  • 15. Nurture Leads With Targeted Messages  Lead nurturing is the process of developing that relationship with your potential customer by sending targeted, relevant, and valuable messages to them in a timely manner.  Lead nurturing is a system that allows you to send an automated series of email messages to an early stage lead in order to pre- qualify them before handing them over to your sales team.  Email Marketing Best Practices o Make sure your lead forms allow your website visitors to enter their email address and opt-in to receive your messages. o Use a real email sender name and add a personal signature. Use images as add-on (clickable) content in your email. Send your messages daily, weekly, or monthly, pick a schedule and stick to it. Include a call-to- action that links to a landing page on which the recipient can reconvert. o Define metrics: Open Rate, Click Through Rate, Conversion Rate (measure how many of those clicks turned into reconversions on landing page) o Follow up with your leads via social media and other platforms on-going basis to push them down the sales funnel 15 @somidhdas
  • 16. Analyse And Refine Strategies  In order to track the performance of your efforts, we need to have analytics program in place.  Set a Metric for Success in almost all cases. Your metric should be proven and involve a set time frame.  Analyze how your programs performed and make changes with the intention of achieving your marketing goals by doing less of what doesn’t work and more of what works.  Run A/B testing to learn how to drive more traffic to your website and generate more leads from the visits you’re getting. It improves the conversion rates of your landing pages and the click through rates of your website, calls-to-action and email campaigns.  Grow your email database through an opt-in policy and valuable marketing contents.  Create an effective Lead Scoring strategy to understand all of the criteria that comprise your ideal customer.  Segment your leads based on Lead Profile (e.g. Job Title, Industry), Content- based (e.g. eBook downloads), Interest in your Company (e.g. Signed up for free trial). 16 @somidhdas
  • 18. Measure Website And Landing Pages  Website & Landing Page Analytics o The total number of individual (unique) visitors to your site during a specific period of time, not counting repeat visits by the same individual o A comparison of your unique visitors vs. the number of visitors who came back more than once o A breakdown of the specific sources of traffic to your website, such as direct, organic (comes from a link found on a search engine results page), or referral (comes from a link on another website) o A comparison of the pages on your site that receive the most and least traffic o Indexed Pages – The number of pages on your site that have received at least one visit from organic search o Conversion Rate of Landing Page – The percentage of visitors to your site who take a desired action, such as purchasing a product or filling out a lead generation form o Number of new leads generated by submission of offer o Bounce Rate – The percentage of new visitors who leave your site almost immediately after arriving 18 @somidhdas
  • 19. MeasureCalls-to-ActionAnd EmailMarketing  Calls-to-Action Analytics o View-to-Click rate o Click-to-submission rate  Email Analytics o List Growth Rate – Calculate your growth rate by subtracting opt-outs and hard bounces from the number of new email subscribers gained in a given month. Then, divide that number by the original list size. o Email Sharing and Forwarding Rate – The percentage of recipients who clicked on a “share this” button to post email content to a social network and/or who clicked on the “forward to a friend” button. o Conversion Rate – The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within an email and filling out a lead generation form o ROI of a particular email campaign, calculated by dividing the total revenue generated from the campaign by the number of emails sent o Delivery & Bounce rate o Open & Click Through rate o Unsubscribe rate 19 @somidhdas
  • 20. MeasureLeadNurturingAndMarketingAutomation  Segmentation Intelligence o Behaviours, personas, demographics, etc. that can be used to segment your audience in order to send more targeted content and offers based on their individual wants and needs at a given point in the sales process  Click-through rates o The proportion of the audience who clicked on one more links contained in a lead nurturing email message. calculate CTR either by dividing unique clicks by the number of emails delivered, or by dividing total clicks by the number of emails delivered.  Conversion rates o The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within an email and completed a desired action such as filling out an offer form or purchasing a product.  Amount, Timing & Frequency of Email Sends o The length of time between one lead nurturing email and another, and how many emails to include in a given campaign  Time to Customer conversion o The length of time it takes for a lead to become a customer 20 @somidhdas
  • 21. Measure SEO And Paid Search  SEO Analytics o How well your website and web pages rank in search engines for your desired keywords and search terms (Keyword performance and ranking) o The percentage of unique visitors (traffic) who arrive at your site from a link on a search engine results page o A measure of the number of links back to your site from other sites on the web (inbound link) o Conversion rate from organic search  Paid Search Analytics o Click-through Rate – The percentage of the audience that viewed your ad and actually clicked on the link provided o Average CPC (Cost Per Click) – The amount you are paying for each click on a specific search ad, calculated by dividing the total cost of your clicks by the total number of clicks o Conversion Rate after clicking on one of your PPC (Pay Per Click) ads o Cost per Acquisition – Measurement of how much you are spending on PPC advertising for each conversion o Return on your PPC advertising investment, calculated by dividing your total ad spend by the total revenue generated from those PPC conversions (ROAS) 21 @somidhdas
  • 22. Measure Blogging And Social Media Marketing  Blog Post Analytics o How much traffic you are generating to your blog and where that traffic is coming from (e.g. social media, referrals, direct traffic, organic search, etc.) o How many views each blog post receives. o Visitor-to-Lead Conversion Rate – The rate at which your blog is converting visitors into leads o How effective your blog’s individual calls-to-action (CTAs) are at converting blog visitors into leads  Social Media Analytics o Audience Growth – The total number of people engaging with your brand, such as Facebook ‘likes’, Twitter followers, LinkedIn group members, blog subscribers, YouTube channel subscribers, etc. o Social Media engagement – Blog comments, Facebook page comments, YouTube video views etc. o The percentage of unique visitors (traffic) to your website that comes from social media channels. o The percentage of visitors from social media that convert into lead or customers 22 @somidhdas
  • 23. Thank You Somidh Das I @somidhdas Email: I