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Types of
Digital Ads
Google Adwords
• Google Adwords is a platform operated by Google which helps businesses reach the proper customers at the
proper time once they are trying to find the products or services associated with their Business on Google search
• Google has made it easy for any particular business to reach millions of potential customers worldwide or locally.
• Any business owner can reach to his customers using this platform by spending some amount of money on the
advertisement unlike the traditional forms of advertising.
• Google AdWords has many more possibilities regarding the reach and budget Optimization.
• We have the option to choose how many people we want to reach and how much amount we want to spend on any
particular ad.
• This platform gives us an option to target a specific locality in your region or a whole country. We can segregate the
audience to which we want to reach by their interest, professions, age, and many more similar factors.
• This helps an advertiser to utilize the amount he is spending on the advertisement more efficiently. Google
AdWords platform helps us to reach the customer who is looking forward to similar products or services we have to
• So Google helps the business operators to reach the customers as well as the customers to achieve the right product
or service which they are looking for.
Types of Google Ads
• Standard Text Ads.
• Responsive Search Ads.
• Dynamic Search Ads.
• Image Ads.
• App Promotional Ads.
• Video Ads.
• Product Shopping Ads.
• Showcase Shopping Ads.
• Call Only Ads.
Standard Text Ads
Standard text ads used to be very basic, with a strict character limit and not much room to get creative with copywriting or
include top keywords for higher rankings. A few years ago, Google expanded these ads into what are now called expanded text
ads (ETAs). ETAs offer room for up to three headlines and two descriptions, along with “extensions” that allow you to add things
like phone numbers and opportunities to link to different pages of your website. ETAs are a tried-and-true paid search tactic that
all marketers should consider.
Responsive Search Ads
RSAs are like ETAs on steroids. They offer more options for headlines (14) and descriptions (5) to allow greater
reach and allow A/B testing without having to create separate ads. Google will try different combinations of your
headlines and descriptions until it identifies the most effective combination, effectively reaching potential
customers with the most engaging copy at the right time. These ad types have a drawback in that each headline
must work well with all the others, delivering a clear message no matter what order they appear. You can pin
some headlines – say, if you want to always show the brand name in Headline 1 – but these options are
limited. Ultimately, Google recommends including one RSA in a standard ad group along with two ETAs.
Dynamic Search Ads
Dynamic search ads offer an automated ad type in that they populate search ads automatically with content
from your website. These ads are meant to be used with well-developed websites that have clear categories
of content and a large inventory of products. DSAs use the content housed on your website to target your
ads to users searching for similar products or services. This saves you a lot of time in setup and ensures
you are using keywords you may otherwise have missed. However, the automation factor means you have
little control over what exactly your ad will say. Google does its best to keep the content relevant to the
pages you specify. If you’re selling different product lines or even just one range of products, you can upload
a product feed for Google to create these ad types.
Image Ads
Image ads run on the Google Display Network, which means they can show on websites that partner with Google to provide ad
space; Google will choose to show them on websites your target audience visits often. Also known as display ads, image ads
can be static or interactive graphics and are recommended for brand awareness campaigns, whereas text ads are geared more
toward users further down the marketing funnel.
App Promotion Ads
App promotion ads do exactly what they sound like: promote app downloads. These ads are mostly run on mobile devices, like
smart phones and tablets, but can also run on platforms with the Google Search and Display Networks, including Google Play,
YouTube and Google Discover.
Video Ads
Several different video ad formats allow you to deliver a more engaging experience to users, reaching customers on Google
Partner sites and platforms including YouTube. Video advertising is a lucrative ad format with high ROI, highly recommended for
companies who have the budget to invest in video assets.
Product Shopping Ads
Product shopping ads show items for sale with a product image, title, price and a link to the store. All this information is pulled
from your Google Merchant Center account through the product feed you provide. Your product shopping ad campaign will
show on Google Shopping, Images, search partner websites – and at the very top of the search engine results page (SERP).
Showcase Shopping Ads
Showcase shopping ads differ from product shopping ads in that they group a specified range of products together, allowing you
to promote a variety of products. These ad types show less often than product shopping ads, but allow users to browse
products before clicking and have a greater reach because they will be shown to users who search for more general things,
such as “phone cases.”
Call-Only Ads
Call-only ads run on mobile devices and allow you to promote phone calls. These can be set to run only during
operating hours or at all times. When a user clicks the ad, the ad places a call to you directly from the SERP. These
ad types still offer headlines and descriptions and will resemble regular text ads. However, these ad types are different
than call extensions in that they run as their own ad, prompting a user to call your business directly, whereas text ads
send the user to a landing page.
Standard Text Ads
• Headline:
There are two required headline fields, and one optional, each with a 30 character limit. All headlines appear next to
each other, separated by a vertical pipe (“|”).
• Description:
Google Ads allows two 90-character description fields, giving advertisers plenty of control over their ad’s messaging.
• Display URL:
The domain of your final URL is shown as your ad’s display URL. Display URLs are not active links, but they give
search users an idea of where they’ll end after clicking the ad.
Google Ads – Responsive Ads
Google Ads – Image Ads
Google Ads – Video Ads
Social Media Advertising
• Social media advertising, or social media targeting, are advertisements served to users on social media platforms.
Social networks utilize user information to serve highly relevant advertisements based on interactions within a specific
platform. In many instances, when target market aligns with the user demographics of a social platform, social
advertising can provide huge increases in conversions and sales with lower cost of acquisition.
Benefits of Social Media Advertising:
• Most channels require significant lead time to yield an ROI. For example, content marketing works best over time after
it has been able to yield backlinks and SEO traction.
• Some channels yield quick results but not day in and day out. For example, influencer marketing can earn you quick
results in terms of sales for low effort (though high cost). But those results don’t continue occurring over time. Instead,
you earn sales on a per post basis, and often less each time it is posted.
• Some channels are consistent but time consuming to dial in. For example, AdWords can produce consistent results for
your brand, but it takes a while to master and earn specific placement.
• With social media advertising, you can have consistent sales coming in from the first day your website is live.
• For modern ecommerce sites, the ability to immediately and consistently bring in new customers is a HUGE deal. Even
if you can’t achieve net positive revenue on the initial sale, referrals, email marketing and customer retention can pay
off extensively with every marginal customer.
• Facebook Ads.
• Instagram Ads.
• Twitter Ads.
• LinkedIn Ads.
Types of Social Media Advertising
• Lead Ads.
• Video Ads.
• Multi-Product Ads (Carousel Ads).
• Boosted Page Ads.
• Link Click Ads.
• Canvas Ads.
• Dynamic Ads.
• Collection Ads.
Facebook Ads
• Facebook created lead ads to give people a more natural way to connect with businesses, wherever they are. So
instead of sending users to a landing page where they fill out a lead form on your website, Facebook lead ads allows
customers to access your offers without ever leaving the Facebook app.
• Facebook lead ads are also designed with the user in mind and will automatically fill in any information it can, including
a user’s name, email address, or phone number, so the user doesn’t have to.
• When potential customers see your ad on Facebook, they can sign up for your offers or request something from your
business - like product demos, free trials or pricing guides all without ever having to leave the Facebook, which
skyrockets conversion rates.
Lead Ads
• When it comes to finding the right platform to promote your video, Facebook is a reliable option.
• In fact, earlier in the year it was announced that Facebook has 100 million hours of video watched daily! And did you
know that 85% of users on Facebook watch videos with the sound off?
• Video ads allow you to show off product features, draw people in with sound and motion, make a connection and move
people toward sales.
• On mobile devices, people prefer shorter video ads, like 15 seconds or less! With video ads, businesses can capture
short bursts of attention and remind people of your brand.
Video Ads
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Aspect ratios supported: 16:9 to 9:16
File size: up to 4 GB max
Continuous looping available
Video can be as long as 120 minutes, but most
top-performing videos are 15-30 seconds
• Carousel ads perform 10 times better than regular Facebook ads. Multi-Product Ads were designed to do three things:
generate more website visitors, drive better conversion rates and improve overall marketing results.
• The multi-product ad works best when combined with Custom Audiences from your website.
• Make sure to showcase your top three best sellers, which could increase your click through rates.
• The functionality is extraordinarily robust when an advertiser generates audiences based on site visits on a product
page and then displays the product that was viewed alongside two related products in the multi-product ads.
Multi-Product Ads (Carousel Ads)
Recommended image size: 1080 x 1080 or
600 x 600 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters
• Every time you post something on your Facebook Page, Facebook offers you the chance to amplify the post’s reach
with a Boosted Post.
• Boosting a post from your business Page is a quick and easy way to show your content to people who might be
interested and grow your Page audience.
• Regardless of your advertising experience boosting posts can help any business reach their business goals.
• Boosted posts can also help you get more people to like, share and comment on your posts or content.
• Promoted posts can also help you reach new people or audiences who are likely interested in your content but don't
follow you on Facebook
Boosted Page Ads
Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Ad copy text: unlimited
Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters
• Link clicks are a great way to measure how much interest your ad generates among your audience, on or off
• They can help promote your website and send your ideal target audience to your landing pages or blog posts.
• The great thing about Link ads is that it doesn’t matter where they click! The whole ad from the picture down is one
giant button which will send your viewers straight to your landing page, which helps a get better click-through rate.
Link Click Ads
Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters
• Canvas ads help you shorten the distance between your message and the customer.
• They're helping businesses tell compelling brand and product stories in ways that are enjoyable and effective for both
the customer and the business.
• With Facebook Canvas, people can watch engaging videos and photos, swipe through carousels, tilt to pan, and
explore lifestyle images with tagged products.
• Canvas ads are easy to create making them an excellent way for businesses to achieve their goals and strengthen
their brand or promote their products.
Canvas Ads
Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 45 characters
• Facebook’s Dynamic Product Ads provides a way to show a single or multi-product ads to potential customers or
people who have visited your website. Based on the visitor’s behavior, you can serve different ads to different groups of
people based on their interests. Facebook dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed
interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the internet.
With dynamic ads, businesses can do the following:
• Promote all of your products with unique creative without having to configure each individual ad.
• Set up your campaigns once and continually reach people with the right product at the right time.
• Reach people with ads on any device they use.
• Show people ads for products they are interested in to increase their likelihood to purchase.
Dynamic Ads
Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels or
600 x 600 pixels
Ad copy text: 90 characters
Headline: 25 characters
Link Description: 30 characters
• Collection ads make it easier for people to discover, browse and purchase products and services from their mobile
• With collection, people who click on your ad can then browse more products or find more details about your products or
services, in a fast-loading experience, without leaving the Facebook app.
• They are also great for increasing engagement.
• Collection ads are ideal for eCommerce businesses, especially those who take advantage of dynamic ads.
• You can use collection ads to promote your inventory, get new customers and also drive awareness, increase traffic
and get better conversions for your business.
Collection Ads
Image Specs:
Aspect Ratio: 1.9:1
Image Size: 1,200 x 628 pixels
For Instagram: Square (1:1), full landscape /
horizontal (16:9) and slideshow. Aspect
Ratios higher than 1:1 isn't supported on
Video Specs:
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 or 1:1
Video: H.264 video compression, high
profile preferred, square pixels, fixed frame
rate, progressive scan
Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128
• Image Ads.
• Video Ads.
• Stories Ads.
• Carousel Ads.
Instagram Ads
• These are obviously the most common type of ads on Instagram since photo sharing is the most prominent feature of
the platform. The photo sharing option was once only a means for Instagram account holders to share pictures of their
choice with people that they had followed or connected with through Instagram. Today, of course, the scenario has
changed, and people are using photos to promote products, services, brands, events, and much more.
Image Ads
Text recommendations:
Primary text: 125 characters
Headline: 40 characters
Maximum number of hashtags: 30
Instagram image ad dimensions and guidelines
Recommended resolution: 1080×1080
Recommended aspect ratio: 1:1.
All file formats should be either JPG or PNG.
All image files are 30MB max.
• Many brands today create video ads especially for digital media because the viewer rate is much higher than other
mediums. Instagram typically allows 30-60 second videos to be posted, so brands alter their video content accordingly
and either post full-fledged ads or teasers to the actual ad (which then takes them to another video platform like
Video Ads
Text recommendations:
Primary text: 125 characters
Maximum number of hashtags: 30
Instagram video ad specs
Recommended resolution: 1080×1080.
Aspect ratio: 4:5.
Recommended video formats include MP4 and
Max video size for all formats is 30GB.
Max video length for all formats is 2 minutes.
• Instagram stories are a hit feature on Instagram and nearly 80% of the active users on Instagram posts stories at least
2-3 times a week. There is also a major chunk of users who post stories on a regular basis, which mean there’s a lot of
traffic being generated through stories. Hence, story ads are all about clever targeting and placement.
Stories Ads
Instagram Stories video ad specs
Recommended resolution: 1080×1080 pixels.
Aspect ratio: 9:16.
All formats should be either MP4 or MOV.
Maximum duration 2 minutes.
Max video size is 4MB.
Video sound and captions are optional, but highly
Instagram Stories ad image dimensions and
Recommended resolution: 1080x1080pixels.
Aspect ratio: 9:16.
All formats should be either JPG or PNG.
Max image size is 30MB.
• If posting just one photo or video isn’t effective enough, then carousel ads are a pretty effective alternative. These types
of Instagram ads allow a user to swipe through 3-4 images promoting the same ad but keeping them engaged on the
same post for a longer time. Carousel ads can also be sponsored ads if a multiple photo post is promoted.
Carousel Ads
Carousel video ad specs
Minimum resolution: 600 x 600 pixels.
Maximum resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels.
Aspect ratio is 1:1.
All formats should be MP4.
Max video size is 4GB per video/card.
Max video length is 60 seconds.
Instagram allows 2-10 videos/cards per ad.
Carousel ad image dimensions and guidelines
Recommended resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels.
Aspect ratio: 1:1.
All formats should be either JPG or PNG.
Max image size is 30MB per image/card.
Instagram allows 2-10 images/cards per ad.
1. Promoted Trends
Promoted Trends put a sponsored topic and hashtag at the top of Twitter’s “trending topics” box.
Trending topics on Twitter indicate the most talked-about subjects. Trending topics appear on
users’ timelines, in the Explore tab, and on the Twitter app. Promoted Trends allow you to promote
a hashtag at the top of that list.
Promoted Trends are visible to all users on Twitter during the 24 hours that they are promoted.
Promoted Trends are one of the most expensive ways to advertise on Twitter.
2. Promoted Accounts
Promoted Accounts are accounts that Twitter suggests to users who don’t currently follow the
account and might find it interesting. Twitter regularly suggests accounts for people to follow;
Promoted Accounts show up at the top of these suggestion lists.
To set up Promoted Accounts, advertisers need to create a Followers campaign. These campaign
impressions are displayed in multiple locations across Twitter, including users’ main timelines,
“who to follow” lists, and search results.
Twitter Ads
3. Promoted Tweets
This is the most common and versatile form of Twitter ads. Promoted Tweets are tweets that
advertisers put money behind in order to reach a wider audience or spark more engagement with
existing followers.
Like regular Tweets, Promoted Tweets can be retweeted, replied to, liked, and shared. You can also
choose whether or not a Promoted Tweet shows up on your Twitter profile page — advertisers have
the option to show Promoted Tweets to a specific audience only, rather than to all followers.
If you want to encourage users to take a particular action, Promoted Tweets should contain engaging
content and include a call to action. With Promoted Tweets, you can:
•Drive website traffic by asking users to click on your best content
•Offer coupons and deals in the copy of your Tweets
•Drive leads using Lead Generation Cards
•Promote sales and giveaways
If your goal is to drive awareness for your business, Promoted Tweets can:
•Expand the reach of your content like blog posts, white papers, and more
•Connect with influencers and brand advocates by ensuring they see your content
•Promote awareness around events and product launches
Twitter Ads
Image Ads:
Twitter Ads Formats
Stand Alone Image Ads:
Tweet copy: 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257
characters for Twitter copy.)
Image width/height: We recommend a minimum width of 600 pixels, although larger images (for example 1200
pixel images) will be better optimized for when users click to expand images. Any height is acceptable, although
if the height exceeds the width, we will crop to 1:1 (see aspect ratio details).
Aspect ratio:
Desktop: Any aspect between 2:1 and 1:1 is acceptable. For example, 1200 X 600 (2:1), 1200 X 800 (3:2) or
1200 X 1200 (1:1). After 16:9 aspect ratio (for example, 1200 X 1400) we’ll crop to a 16:9 aspect ratio.
Mobile: 16:9
Image Ads for Website Clicks Campaign:
Tweet copy: 280 characters. 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters,
electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.)
Website title length: 70 characters. Please note — depending on device and app settings this description may
truncate. Up to two lines of text are rendered on the card title; any text beyond that is truncated with an ellipsis.
Although not guaranteed, limiting the description to 50 characters should ensure that truncation won’t occur
across most devices.
Image size: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio, 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 aspect ratio (max 3MB)
Aspect ratio: 1.91:1 or 1:1
File size: Max 20MB
File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files
Image Ads for App Installing Campaign:
Tweet copy: 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.)
Image ratio
1.91:1 Image App Card: 800 x 418px (max 3MB)
1:1 Image App Card: 800x800px (max 3MB)
Image file type: PNG and JPEG are recommended. Twitter does not accept BMP or TIFF files. GIFs uploaded will render as a static image.
Call-to-Action: Install (default if app is not installed), Open (default if app is installed), Play, Shop, Book, Connect, and Order.
Image Ads with conversation Buttons:
Conversation Card
(original Tweet in timeline)
Tweet copy: 280 characters
Hashtag: 21 characters, including the hashtag character
Pre-populated user Tweet
(once user clicks on the CTA)
Tweet copy: 256 characters
Headline: 23 characters
Thank you Tweet
(after user has Tweeted out the Tweet)
Thank you text: 23 characters
Thank you URL (optional): 23 characters
Media specifications
File size: 3MB
Image width / height: 800 x 418PX
Aspect ratio: 1.91:1 File formats: JPEG, PNG
Image Ads with Polls:
Image specs:
1:91 ratio for images
1:1 ratio images will be auto-cropped to the above ratios
GIFs are not supported at this time
Tweet copy: Polls can include up to 280 characters of Tweet copy that appear
above the image.
Poll options: 2-4 custom poll options
Once you’ve written your copy and added your image or video, you can add two to
four custom poll responses to create your poll.
Poll copy: 25 characters each
Each poll option can include up to a maximum of 25 characters of text (which do
not count against the 280 you can include in Tweet copy).
Poll duration: Select a time between a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7
Twitter Ads
Standalone Video Ads with:
Tweet copy: 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.)
Title length: 70 characters. Please note — depending on device and app settings this description may truncate. Although not guaranteed, limiting the description to 50
characters should ensure that truncation won’t occur across most devices.
Video ratio for app install campaigns: (16x9: 640 x 360 px)(1x1: 600 x 600 px)
Description length for app install campaigns: Truncated at 200 characters. Included from app store.
File size: Twitter recommends files under 1GB. For optimal performance we strongly recommend to keep files under 30 MB.
Video length: 15 seconds or less. Up to 2:20 supported for website click campaigns.
Select advertisers are eligible to request an increase up to 10 minutes; however, we advise videos to be 9:55 or less to account for a range of video files. Please contact
your Twitter Account Manager for more information.
Branding: Highly recommended throughout; if using a logo, it should be persistent in the upper left hand corner. Prominent product placement is highly recommended
for driving product consideration.
Captions: Closed captioning or text overlays are mandatory
File types: MP4 or MOV
Video bitrate: 6,000 - 10,000k (recommended 6,000k) for 1080p. 5,000k - 8,000k (recommended 5,000k) for 720p)
Frame rate: 29.97FPS or 30FPS. Higher is acceptable (support up to 60FPS). If the available video has a lower frame rate don’t try to “upsample” it.
Audio codec: AAC LC (low complexity)
Video codec recommendation: h264, baseline, main or high profile with a 4:2:0 color space.
Aspect ratio: 1:1 is recommended as it will always render as square on desktop and mobile, timeline and profile. This and 9:16 (vertical) will take up the same amount
of real estate - which is more than 16:9. Upon tap, full screen will open and fill with black bars.
Any aspect between 2:1 and 1:1 is acceptable, but after 1:1, platform will crop to 1:1 aspect ratio.
9:16 (vertical) will always render in a 1:1 space on desktop and mobile, timeline and profile. Desktop will have black bars on the sides once the video begins playing.
Mobile will crop the top and bottom of the video, center, and autoplay without bars.
Recommended size: 1200 x 1200 (minimum for 1:1 is 600 x 600) Any height is acceptable, but if height exceeds the width, the video will be cropped to 1:1 in the feed.
If not a 1:1 aspect ratio: 640x360 minimum
Supported files: PNG or JPEG
Aspect ratio: recommend matching sizing of the video
Max size: 5MB
Image width/height for GIFs: We recommend a minimum width of 600 pixels, although larger images (for example 1200 pixel images) will be better optimized for
when users click to expand images. Any height is acceptable, although if the height exceeds the width, we will crop to 1:1 (see aspect ratio details above).
Looping: Videos will loop if the video length is under 60 seconds
Resolution: 1280x720 for landscape 720x720 for square
Twitter Ads
Video Ads with conversation Buttons: :
Tweet copy: 280 characters
Hashtag: 21 characters
Pre-populated user Tweet
(once user clicks on the CTA)
Tweet copy: 256 characters
Headline: 23 characters
Thank you Tweet
(after user has Tweeted out the Tweet)
Thank you text: 23 characters
Thank you URL (optional): 23 characters
Media specifications
File types: MP4 or MOV
Video ratio: 16:9
Video length: up to 10 minutes however we recommend advertisers keep their videos to a shorter length (6-15 seconds is best)
Video codec recommendation: H264, Baseline, Main, or High profile with a 4:2:0 color space
Audio codec recommendation: AAC LC (low complexity)
Looping: Videos will loop if the video length is under 60 seconds
Video Ads with Poll:
Video options: You can add Polls to a single Promoted Video
Video specs:
16:9 ratio for videos
1:1 ratio videos will be auto-cropped to the above ratio
GIFs are not supported at this time
Tweet copy: Polls can include up to 280 characters of Tweet copy that appear above the video.
Poll options: 2-4 custom poll options
Once you’ve written your copy and added your video, you can add two to four custom poll responses to create your poll.
Poll copy: 25 characters each
Each poll option can include up to a maximum of 25 characters of text (which do not count against the 280 you can include in Tweet copy).
Poll duration: Select a time between a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7 days.
Supported objectives: Engagement, Video View, Awareness
Looping: Videos will loop if the video length is under 60 seconds
Twitter Ads
• Single Image Ads.
• Carousel Image Ads.
• Video Ads.
• Text Ads.
• Spotlight Ads.
• Message Ads.
LinkedIn Ads
• Single image ads are a Sponsored Content ad format. The ads include one image and appear directly in the LinkedIn
feed of professionals you want to reach, whether on desktop or mobile devices.
Single Image Ads
Name is optional, but remember that you have only
255 characters to name this ads.
Image — only PNG and JPG formats are accepted
with the maximum size of 5MB.
Headline can have no more than 200 characters,
but it is recommended to use 70 characters to avoid
the truncation.
Description — no more than 300 characters, but it
is recommended to use 100 characters to avoid the
• Carousel ads on LinkedIn allow you to tell an interactive story to inspire your target audience to take action. Make the
most of your campaigns with these tips for identifying your objective, creating effective content, and proving the value
of your carousel ads.
Carousel Image Ads
Name is optional, but remember that you have only
255 characters to name this ad.
Introductory text can be no more than 255
characters, but it is better to use no more than 150.
Cards number can be various: from 2 to 10.
Image — PNG, JPG, or GIF (non-animated only)
formats are accepted with the maximum size of
10MB. The recommended aspect ratio is 1:1.
• Video ads are one form of Sponsored Content on LinkedIn. Make the most of your campaigns with tips for creating
effective ads.
Video Ads
Introductory text can be no more than 600
Length — from 3 seconds up to 30
minutes. But it is considered that the most
successful video ads do not last longer than
15 seconds.
Size — from 75 KB up to 200 MB.
Format — MP4
Pixel and aspect ratio requirements:
360px (480 x 360; wide 640 x 360)
480px (640 x 480)
720px (960 x 720; wide 1280 x 720)
1080px (1440 x 1080; wide 1920 x 1080)
minimum: 600 x 600px
maximum: 1080 x 1080px
minimum: 500 x 625px
maximum: 1080 x 1920px
• These ads are usually shorter than others and can be both placed on the right side of the screen or at the top. Text Ads
include a headline, brief text, and an image.
Text Ads
Image — only PNG and JPG formats are accepted
with the maximum size of 2MB. The aspect ratio is
Headline — no more than 25 characters, including
Description — no more than 75 characters,
including spaces.
Possible sizes:
300 x 250
17 x 700
160 x 600
728 x 90
496 x 80
• Spotlight ads are a Dynamic Ad format that are personalized to each LinkedIn member and take them to your website
or landing page. The ads are seen on desktop and are tailored to individual members based on their LinkedIn profile
data, like profile photo, company name, or job title.
Spotlight Ads
Description: Use up to 70 characters,
including spaces. Your text is not
automatically translated.
Headline: Use up to 50 characters, including
spaces. Your text is not automatically
Company name: Use up to 25 characters,
including spaces. Your organization’s name
is displayed when a member moves their
cursor over your logo.
Company image: Minimum image size: 100
x 100px for JPG or PNG
Call-to-action (CTA) button text: Use up to 18
characters, including spaces.
Landing page: Supports third-party click
tracking destination URLs (via tracking
parameters or redirects)
Custom background image : The image
must be exactly 300 x 250px and 2MB or
• Message Ads, also known as Sponsored InMails, are ads that are delivered directly to your target audience’s inbox.
Message Ads
Sender — you have an opportunity to select from
available senders.
Message Subject — you can’t use more than 60
characters, including spaces.
Message text — can contain up to 1,500
characters, including spaces.
You can also use up to 3 clickable links in one
sponsored message.
It is also possible to use the banner creative:
file type: JPG, GIF (non-animated), or PNG (no
maximum file size: 40kb.
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Types of digital ads

  • 3. Google Adwords • Google Adwords is a platform operated by Google which helps businesses reach the proper customers at the proper time once they are trying to find the products or services associated with their Business on Google search engine. • Google has made it easy for any particular business to reach millions of potential customers worldwide or locally. • Any business owner can reach to his customers using this platform by spending some amount of money on the advertisement unlike the traditional forms of advertising. • Google AdWords has many more possibilities regarding the reach and budget Optimization. • We have the option to choose how many people we want to reach and how much amount we want to spend on any particular ad. • This platform gives us an option to target a specific locality in your region or a whole country. We can segregate the audience to which we want to reach by their interest, professions, age, and many more similar factors. • This helps an advertiser to utilize the amount he is spending on the advertisement more efficiently. Google AdWords platform helps us to reach the customer who is looking forward to similar products or services we have to offer. • So Google helps the business operators to reach the customers as well as the customers to achieve the right product or service which they are looking for.
  • 4. Types of Google Ads • Standard Text Ads. • Responsive Search Ads. • Dynamic Search Ads. • Image Ads. • App Promotional Ads. • Video Ads. • Product Shopping Ads. • Showcase Shopping Ads. • Call Only Ads.
  • 5. Standard Text Ads Standard text ads used to be very basic, with a strict character limit and not much room to get creative with copywriting or include top keywords for higher rankings. A few years ago, Google expanded these ads into what are now called expanded text ads (ETAs). ETAs offer room for up to three headlines and two descriptions, along with “extensions” that allow you to add things like phone numbers and opportunities to link to different pages of your website. ETAs are a tried-and-true paid search tactic that all marketers should consider.
  • 6. Responsive Search Ads RSAs are like ETAs on steroids. They offer more options for headlines (14) and descriptions (5) to allow greater reach and allow A/B testing without having to create separate ads. Google will try different combinations of your headlines and descriptions until it identifies the most effective combination, effectively reaching potential customers with the most engaging copy at the right time. These ad types have a drawback in that each headline must work well with all the others, delivering a clear message no matter what order they appear. You can pin some headlines – say, if you want to always show the brand name in Headline 1 – but these options are limited. Ultimately, Google recommends including one RSA in a standard ad group along with two ETAs.
  • 7. Dynamic Search Ads Dynamic search ads offer an automated ad type in that they populate search ads automatically with content from your website. These ads are meant to be used with well-developed websites that have clear categories of content and a large inventory of products. DSAs use the content housed on your website to target your ads to users searching for similar products or services. This saves you a lot of time in setup and ensures you are using keywords you may otherwise have missed. However, the automation factor means you have little control over what exactly your ad will say. Google does its best to keep the content relevant to the pages you specify. If you’re selling different product lines or even just one range of products, you can upload a product feed for Google to create these ad types.
  • 8. Image Ads Image ads run on the Google Display Network, which means they can show on websites that partner with Google to provide ad space; Google will choose to show them on websites your target audience visits often. Also known as display ads, image ads can be static or interactive graphics and are recommended for brand awareness campaigns, whereas text ads are geared more toward users further down the marketing funnel.
  • 9. App Promotion Ads App promotion ads do exactly what they sound like: promote app downloads. These ads are mostly run on mobile devices, like smart phones and tablets, but can also run on platforms with the Google Search and Display Networks, including Google Play, YouTube and Google Discover.
  • 10. Video Ads Several different video ad formats allow you to deliver a more engaging experience to users, reaching customers on Google Partner sites and platforms including YouTube. Video advertising is a lucrative ad format with high ROI, highly recommended for companies who have the budget to invest in video assets.
  • 11. Product Shopping Ads Product shopping ads show items for sale with a product image, title, price and a link to the store. All this information is pulled from your Google Merchant Center account through the product feed you provide. Your product shopping ad campaign will show on Google Shopping, Images, search partner websites – and at the very top of the search engine results page (SERP).
  • 12. Showcase Shopping Ads Showcase shopping ads differ from product shopping ads in that they group a specified range of products together, allowing you to promote a variety of products. These ad types show less often than product shopping ads, but allow users to browse products before clicking and have a greater reach because they will be shown to users who search for more general things, such as “phone cases.”
  • 13. Call-Only Ads Call-only ads run on mobile devices and allow you to promote phone calls. These can be set to run only during operating hours or at all times. When a user clicks the ad, the ad places a call to you directly from the SERP. These ad types still offer headlines and descriptions and will resemble regular text ads. However, these ad types are different than call extensions in that they run as their own ad, prompting a user to call your business directly, whereas text ads send the user to a landing page.
  • 14. Standard Text Ads • Headline: There are two required headline fields, and one optional, each with a 30 character limit. All headlines appear next to each other, separated by a vertical pipe (“|”). • Description: Google Ads allows two 90-character description fields, giving advertisers plenty of control over their ad’s messaging. • Display URL: The domain of your final URL is shown as your ad’s display URL. Display URLs are not active links, but they give search users an idea of where they’ll end after clicking the ad.
  • 15. Google Ads – Responsive Ads
  • 16. Google Ads – Image Ads
  • 17. Google Ads – Video Ads
  • 18. Social Media Advertising • Social media advertising, or social media targeting, are advertisements served to users on social media platforms. Social networks utilize user information to serve highly relevant advertisements based on interactions within a specific platform. In many instances, when target market aligns with the user demographics of a social platform, social advertising can provide huge increases in conversions and sales with lower cost of acquisition. Benefits of Social Media Advertising: • Most channels require significant lead time to yield an ROI. For example, content marketing works best over time after it has been able to yield backlinks and SEO traction. • Some channels yield quick results but not day in and day out. For example, influencer marketing can earn you quick results in terms of sales for low effort (though high cost). But those results don’t continue occurring over time. Instead, you earn sales on a per post basis, and often less each time it is posted. • Some channels are consistent but time consuming to dial in. For example, AdWords can produce consistent results for your brand, but it takes a while to master and earn specific placement. • With social media advertising, you can have consistent sales coming in from the first day your website is live. • For modern ecommerce sites, the ability to immediately and consistently bring in new customers is a HUGE deal. Even if you can’t achieve net positive revenue on the initial sale, referrals, email marketing and customer retention can pay off extensively with every marginal customer.
  • 19. • Facebook Ads. • Instagram Ads. • Twitter Ads. • LinkedIn Ads. Types of Social Media Advertising
  • 20. • Lead Ads. • Video Ads. • Multi-Product Ads (Carousel Ads). • Boosted Page Ads. • Link Click Ads. • Canvas Ads. • Dynamic Ads. • Collection Ads. Facebook Ads
  • 21. • Facebook created lead ads to give people a more natural way to connect with businesses, wherever they are. So instead of sending users to a landing page where they fill out a lead form on your website, Facebook lead ads allows customers to access your offers without ever leaving the Facebook app. • Facebook lead ads are also designed with the user in mind and will automatically fill in any information it can, including a user’s name, email address, or phone number, so the user doesn’t have to. • When potential customers see your ad on Facebook, they can sign up for your offers or request something from your business - like product demos, free trials or pricing guides all without ever having to leave the Facebook, which skyrockets conversion rates. Lead Ads
  • 22. • When it comes to finding the right platform to promote your video, Facebook is a reliable option. • In fact, earlier in the year it was announced that Facebook has 100 million hours of video watched daily! And did you know that 85% of users on Facebook watch videos with the sound off? • Video ads allow you to show off product features, draw people in with sound and motion, make a connection and move people toward sales. • On mobile devices, people prefer shorter video ads, like 15 seconds or less! With video ads, businesses can capture short bursts of attention and remind people of your brand. Video Ads Specs: Ad copy text: 90 characters Aspect ratios supported: 16:9 to 9:16 File size: up to 4 GB max Continuous looping available Video can be as long as 120 minutes, but most top-performing videos are 15-30 seconds
  • 23. • Carousel ads perform 10 times better than regular Facebook ads. Multi-Product Ads were designed to do three things: generate more website visitors, drive better conversion rates and improve overall marketing results. • The multi-product ad works best when combined with Custom Audiences from your website. • Make sure to showcase your top three best sellers, which could increase your click through rates. • The functionality is extraordinarily robust when an advertiser generates audiences based on site visits on a product page and then displays the product that was viewed alongside two related products in the multi-product ads. Multi-Product Ads (Carousel Ads) Specs: Recommended image size: 1080 x 1080 or 600 x 600 pixels Ad copy text: 90 characters Headline: 25 characters Link Description: 30 characters
  • 24. • Every time you post something on your Facebook Page, Facebook offers you the chance to amplify the post’s reach with a Boosted Post. • Boosting a post from your business Page is a quick and easy way to show your content to people who might be interested and grow your Page audience. • Regardless of your advertising experience boosting posts can help any business reach their business goals. • Boosted posts can also help you get more people to like, share and comment on your posts or content. • Promoted posts can also help you reach new people or audiences who are likely interested in your content but don't follow you on Facebook Boosted Page Ads Specs: Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels Ad copy text: unlimited Headline: 25 characters Link Description: 30 characters
  • 25. • Link clicks are a great way to measure how much interest your ad generates among your audience, on or off Facebook. • They can help promote your website and send your ideal target audience to your landing pages or blog posts. • The great thing about Link ads is that it doesn’t matter where they click! The whole ad from the picture down is one giant button which will send your viewers straight to your landing page, which helps a get better click-through rate. Link Click Ads Specs: Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels Ad copy text: 90 characters Headline: 25 characters Link Description: 30 characters
  • 26. • Canvas ads help you shorten the distance between your message and the customer. • They're helping businesses tell compelling brand and product stories in ways that are enjoyable and effective for both the customer and the business. • With Facebook Canvas, people can watch engaging videos and photos, swipe through carousels, tilt to pan, and explore lifestyle images with tagged products. • Canvas ads are easy to create making them an excellent way for businesses to achieve their goals and strengthen their brand or promote their products. Canvas Ads Specs: Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels Ad copy text: 90 characters Headline: 45 characters
  • 27. • Facebook’s Dynamic Product Ads provides a way to show a single or multi-product ads to potential customers or people who have visited your website. Based on the visitor’s behavior, you can serve different ads to different groups of people based on their interests. Facebook dynamic ads automatically promote products to people who have expressed interest on your website, in your app or elsewhere on the internet. With dynamic ads, businesses can do the following: • Promote all of your products with unique creative without having to configure each individual ad. • Set up your campaigns once and continually reach people with the right product at the right time. • Reach people with ads on any device they use. • Show people ads for products they are interested in to increase their likelihood to purchase. Dynamic Ads Specs: Recommended image size: 1,200 x 628 pixels or 600 x 600 pixels Ad copy text: 90 characters Headline: 25 characters Link Description: 30 characters
  • 28. • Collection ads make it easier for people to discover, browse and purchase products and services from their mobile devices. • With collection, people who click on your ad can then browse more products or find more details about your products or services, in a fast-loading experience, without leaving the Facebook app. • They are also great for increasing engagement. • Collection ads are ideal for eCommerce businesses, especially those who take advantage of dynamic ads. • You can use collection ads to promote your inventory, get new customers and also drive awareness, increase traffic and get better conversions for your business. Collection Ads Image Specs: Aspect Ratio: 1.9:1 Image Size: 1,200 x 628 pixels recommended For Instagram: Square (1:1), full landscape / horizontal (16:9) and slideshow. Aspect Ratios higher than 1:1 isn't supported on Instagram. Video Specs: Aspect Ratio: 16:9 or 1:1 Video: H.264 video compression, high profile preferred, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan Audio: Stereo AAC audio compression, 128 kbps
  • 29. • Image Ads. • Video Ads. • Stories Ads. • Carousel Ads. Instagram Ads
  • 30. • These are obviously the most common type of ads on Instagram since photo sharing is the most prominent feature of the platform. The photo sharing option was once only a means for Instagram account holders to share pictures of their choice with people that they had followed or connected with through Instagram. Today, of course, the scenario has changed, and people are using photos to promote products, services, brands, events, and much more. Image Ads Text recommendations: Primary text: 125 characters Headline: 40 characters Maximum number of hashtags: 30 Instagram image ad dimensions and guidelines Recommended resolution: 1080×1080 Recommended aspect ratio: 1:1. All file formats should be either JPG or PNG. All image files are 30MB max.
  • 31. • Many brands today create video ads especially for digital media because the viewer rate is much higher than other mediums. Instagram typically allows 30-60 second videos to be posted, so brands alter their video content accordingly and either post full-fledged ads or teasers to the actual ad (which then takes them to another video platform like YouTube) Video Ads Text recommendations: Primary text: 125 characters Maximum number of hashtags: 30 Instagram video ad specs Recommended resolution: 1080×1080. Aspect ratio: 4:5. Recommended video formats include MP4 and MOV. Max video size for all formats is 30GB. Max video length for all formats is 2 minutes.
  • 32. • Instagram stories are a hit feature on Instagram and nearly 80% of the active users on Instagram posts stories at least 2-3 times a week. There is also a major chunk of users who post stories on a regular basis, which mean there’s a lot of traffic being generated through stories. Hence, story ads are all about clever targeting and placement. Stories Ads Instagram Stories video ad specs Recommended resolution: 1080×1080 pixels. Aspect ratio: 9:16. All formats should be either MP4 or MOV. Maximum duration 2 minutes. Max video size is 4MB. Video sound and captions are optional, but highly recommended Instagram Stories ad image dimensions and guidelines Recommended resolution: 1080x1080pixels. Aspect ratio: 9:16. All formats should be either JPG or PNG. Max image size is 30MB.
  • 33. • If posting just one photo or video isn’t effective enough, then carousel ads are a pretty effective alternative. These types of Instagram ads allow a user to swipe through 3-4 images promoting the same ad but keeping them engaged on the same post for a longer time. Carousel ads can also be sponsored ads if a multiple photo post is promoted. Carousel Ads Carousel video ad specs Minimum resolution: 600 x 600 pixels. Maximum resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels. Aspect ratio is 1:1. All formats should be MP4. Max video size is 4GB per video/card. Max video length is 60 seconds. Instagram allows 2-10 videos/cards per ad. Carousel ad image dimensions and guidelines Recommended resolution: 1080 x 1080 pixels. Aspect ratio: 1:1. All formats should be either JPG or PNG. Max image size is 30MB per image/card. Instagram allows 2-10 images/cards per ad.
  • 34. 1. Promoted Trends Promoted Trends put a sponsored topic and hashtag at the top of Twitter’s “trending topics” box. Trending topics on Twitter indicate the most talked-about subjects. Trending topics appear on users’ timelines, in the Explore tab, and on the Twitter app. Promoted Trends allow you to promote a hashtag at the top of that list. Promoted Trends are visible to all users on Twitter during the 24 hours that they are promoted. Promoted Trends are one of the most expensive ways to advertise on Twitter. 2. Promoted Accounts Promoted Accounts are accounts that Twitter suggests to users who don’t currently follow the account and might find it interesting. Twitter regularly suggests accounts for people to follow; Promoted Accounts show up at the top of these suggestion lists. To set up Promoted Accounts, advertisers need to create a Followers campaign. These campaign impressions are displayed in multiple locations across Twitter, including users’ main timelines, “who to follow” lists, and search results. Twitter Ads
  • 35. 3. Promoted Tweets This is the most common and versatile form of Twitter ads. Promoted Tweets are tweets that advertisers put money behind in order to reach a wider audience or spark more engagement with existing followers. Like regular Tweets, Promoted Tweets can be retweeted, replied to, liked, and shared. You can also choose whether or not a Promoted Tweet shows up on your Twitter profile page — advertisers have the option to show Promoted Tweets to a specific audience only, rather than to all followers. If you want to encourage users to take a particular action, Promoted Tweets should contain engaging content and include a call to action. With Promoted Tweets, you can: •Drive website traffic by asking users to click on your best content •Offer coupons and deals in the copy of your Tweets •Drive leads using Lead Generation Cards •Promote sales and giveaways If your goal is to drive awareness for your business, Promoted Tweets can: •Expand the reach of your content like blog posts, white papers, and more •Connect with influencers and brand advocates by ensuring they see your content •Promote awareness around events and product launches Twitter Ads
  • 36. Image Ads: Twitter Ads Formats Stand Alone Image Ads: Tweet copy: 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.) Image width/height: We recommend a minimum width of 600 pixels, although larger images (for example 1200 pixel images) will be better optimized for when users click to expand images. Any height is acceptable, although if the height exceeds the width, we will crop to 1:1 (see aspect ratio details). Aspect ratio: Desktop: Any aspect between 2:1 and 1:1 is acceptable. For example, 1200 X 600 (2:1), 1200 X 800 (3:2) or 1200 X 1200 (1:1). After 16:9 aspect ratio (for example, 1200 X 1400) we’ll crop to a 16:9 aspect ratio. Mobile: 16:9 Image Ads for Website Clicks Campaign: Tweet copy: 280 characters. 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.) Website title length: 70 characters. Please note — depending on device and app settings this description may truncate. Up to two lines of text are rendered on the card title; any text beyond that is truncated with an ellipsis. Although not guaranteed, limiting the description to 50 characters should ensure that truncation won’t occur across most devices. Image size: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio, 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 aspect ratio (max 3MB) Aspect ratio: 1.91:1 or 1:1 File size: Max 20MB File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files
  • 37. Image Ads for App Installing Campaign: Tweet copy: 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.) Image ratio 1.91:1 Image App Card: 800 x 418px (max 3MB) 1:1 Image App Card: 800x800px (max 3MB) Image file type: PNG and JPEG are recommended. Twitter does not accept BMP or TIFF files. GIFs uploaded will render as a static image. Call-to-Action: Install (default if app is not installed), Open (default if app is installed), Play, Shop, Book, Connect, and Order. Image Ads with conversation Buttons: Conversation Card (original Tweet in timeline) Tweet copy: 280 characters Hashtag: 21 characters, including the hashtag character Pre-populated user Tweet (once user clicks on the CTA) Tweet copy: 256 characters Headline: 23 characters Thank you Tweet (after user has Tweeted out the Tweet) Thank you text: 23 characters Thank you URL (optional): 23 characters Media specifications File size: 3MB Image width / height: 800 x 418PX Aspect ratio: 1.91:1 File formats: JPEG, PNG Image Ads with Polls: Image specs: 1:91 ratio for images 1:1 ratio images will be auto-cropped to the above ratios GIFs are not supported at this time Tweet copy: Polls can include up to 280 characters of Tweet copy that appear above the image. Poll options: 2-4 custom poll options Once you’ve written your copy and added your image or video, you can add two to four custom poll responses to create your poll. Poll copy: 25 characters each Each poll option can include up to a maximum of 25 characters of text (which do not count against the 280 you can include in Tweet copy). Poll duration: Select a time between a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7 days. Twitter Ads
  • 38. Standalone Video Ads with: Tweet copy: 280 characters. (Note: each link used reduces character county by 23 characters, electing 257 characters for Twitter copy.) Title length: 70 characters. Please note — depending on device and app settings this description may truncate. Although not guaranteed, limiting the description to 50 characters should ensure that truncation won’t occur across most devices. Video ratio for app install campaigns: (16x9: 640 x 360 px)(1x1: 600 x 600 px) Description length for app install campaigns: Truncated at 200 characters. Included from app store. File size: Twitter recommends files under 1GB. For optimal performance we strongly recommend to keep files under 30 MB. Video length: 15 seconds or less. Up to 2:20 supported for website click campaigns. Select advertisers are eligible to request an increase up to 10 minutes; however, we advise videos to be 9:55 or less to account for a range of video files. Please contact your Twitter Account Manager for more information. Branding: Highly recommended throughout; if using a logo, it should be persistent in the upper left hand corner. Prominent product placement is highly recommended for driving product consideration. Captions: Closed captioning or text overlays are mandatory File types: MP4 or MOV Video bitrate: 6,000 - 10,000k (recommended 6,000k) for 1080p. 5,000k - 8,000k (recommended 5,000k) for 720p) Frame rate: 29.97FPS or 30FPS. Higher is acceptable (support up to 60FPS). If the available video has a lower frame rate don’t try to “upsample” it. Audio codec: AAC LC (low complexity) Video codec recommendation: h264, baseline, main or high profile with a 4:2:0 color space. Aspect ratio: 1:1 is recommended as it will always render as square on desktop and mobile, timeline and profile. This and 9:16 (vertical) will take up the same amount of real estate - which is more than 16:9. Upon tap, full screen will open and fill with black bars. Any aspect between 2:1 and 1:1 is acceptable, but after 1:1, platform will crop to 1:1 aspect ratio. 9:16 (vertical) will always render in a 1:1 space on desktop and mobile, timeline and profile. Desktop will have black bars on the sides once the video begins playing. Mobile will crop the top and bottom of the video, center, and autoplay without bars. Recommended size: 1200 x 1200 (minimum for 1:1 is 600 x 600) Any height is acceptable, but if height exceeds the width, the video will be cropped to 1:1 in the feed. If not a 1:1 aspect ratio: 640x360 minimum Thumbnail: Supported files: PNG or JPEG Aspect ratio: recommend matching sizing of the video Max size: 5MB Image width/height for GIFs: We recommend a minimum width of 600 pixels, although larger images (for example 1200 pixel images) will be better optimized for when users click to expand images. Any height is acceptable, although if the height exceeds the width, we will crop to 1:1 (see aspect ratio details above). Looping: Videos will loop if the video length is under 60 seconds Resolution: 1280x720 for landscape 720x720 for square Twitter Ads
  • 39. Video Ads with conversation Buttons: : Tweet copy: 280 characters Hashtag: 21 characters Pre-populated user Tweet (once user clicks on the CTA) Tweet copy: 256 characters Headline: 23 characters Thank you Tweet (after user has Tweeted out the Tweet) Thank you text: 23 characters Thank you URL (optional): 23 characters Media specifications File types: MP4 or MOV Video ratio: 16:9 Video length: up to 10 minutes however we recommend advertisers keep their videos to a shorter length (6-15 seconds is best) Video codec recommendation: H264, Baseline, Main, or High profile with a 4:2:0 color space Audio codec recommendation: AAC LC (low complexity) Looping: Videos will loop if the video length is under 60 seconds Video Ads with Poll: Video options: You can add Polls to a single Promoted Video Video specs: 16:9 ratio for videos 1:1 ratio videos will be auto-cropped to the above ratio GIFs are not supported at this time Tweet copy: Polls can include up to 280 characters of Tweet copy that appear above the video. Poll options: 2-4 custom poll options Once you’ve written your copy and added your video, you can add two to four custom poll responses to create your poll. Poll copy: 25 characters each Each poll option can include up to a maximum of 25 characters of text (which do not count against the 280 you can include in Tweet copy). Poll duration: Select a time between a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 7 days. Supported objectives: Engagement, Video View, Awareness Looping: Videos will loop if the video length is under 60 seconds Twitter Ads
  • 40. • Single Image Ads. • Carousel Image Ads. • Video Ads. • Text Ads. • Spotlight Ads. • Message Ads. LinkedIn Ads
  • 41. • Single image ads are a Sponsored Content ad format. The ads include one image and appear directly in the LinkedIn feed of professionals you want to reach, whether on desktop or mobile devices. Single Image Ads Name is optional, but remember that you have only 255 characters to name this ads. Image — only PNG and JPG formats are accepted with the maximum size of 5MB. Headline can have no more than 200 characters, but it is recommended to use 70 characters to avoid the truncation. Description — no more than 300 characters, but it is recommended to use 100 characters to avoid the truncation.
  • 42. • Carousel ads on LinkedIn allow you to tell an interactive story to inspire your target audience to take action. Make the most of your campaigns with these tips for identifying your objective, creating effective content, and proving the value of your carousel ads. Carousel Image Ads Name is optional, but remember that you have only 255 characters to name this ad. Introductory text can be no more than 255 characters, but it is better to use no more than 150. Cards number can be various: from 2 to 10. Image — PNG, JPG, or GIF (non-animated only) formats are accepted with the maximum size of 10MB. The recommended aspect ratio is 1:1.
  • 43. • Video ads are one form of Sponsored Content on LinkedIn. Make the most of your campaigns with tips for creating effective ads. Video Ads Introductory text can be no more than 600 characters. Length — from 3 seconds up to 30 minutes. But it is considered that the most successful video ads do not last longer than 15 seconds. Size — from 75 KB up to 200 MB. Format — MP4 Pixel and aspect ratio requirements: Landscape: 360px (480 x 360; wide 640 x 360) 480px (640 x 480) 720px (960 x 720; wide 1280 x 720) 1080px (1440 x 1080; wide 1920 x 1080) Square: minimum: 600 x 600px maximum: 1080 x 1080px Vertical: minimum: 500 x 625px maximum: 1080 x 1920px
  • 44. • These ads are usually shorter than others and can be both placed on the right side of the screen or at the top. Text Ads include a headline, brief text, and an image. Text Ads Image — only PNG and JPG formats are accepted with the maximum size of 2MB. The aspect ratio is 1:1. Headline — no more than 25 characters, including spaces. Description — no more than 75 characters, including spaces. Possible sizes: 300 x 250 17 x 700 160 x 600 728 x 90 496 x 80
  • 45. • Spotlight ads are a Dynamic Ad format that are personalized to each LinkedIn member and take them to your website or landing page. The ads are seen on desktop and are tailored to individual members based on their LinkedIn profile data, like profile photo, company name, or job title. Spotlight Ads Description: Use up to 70 characters, including spaces. Your text is not automatically translated. Headline: Use up to 50 characters, including spaces. Your text is not automatically translated. Company name: Use up to 25 characters, including spaces. Your organization’s name is displayed when a member moves their cursor over your logo. Company image: Minimum image size: 100 x 100px for JPG or PNG Call-to-action (CTA) button text: Use up to 18 characters, including spaces. Landing page: Supports third-party click tracking destination URLs (via tracking parameters or redirects) Custom background image : The image must be exactly 300 x 250px and 2MB or less.
  • 46. • Message Ads, also known as Sponsored InMails, are ads that are delivered directly to your target audience’s inbox. Message Ads Sender — you have an opportunity to select from available senders. Message Subject — you can’t use more than 60 characters, including spaces. Message text — can contain up to 1,500 characters, including spaces. You can also use up to 3 clickable links in one sponsored message. It is also possible to use the banner creative: file type: JPG, GIF (non-animated), or PNG (no flash); maximum file size: 40kb.
  • 47. Stay tuned for more updates on DIGITAL KIRAN MANDRAWADKAR | DIRECTOR – DIGITAL | DISHA COMMUNICATIONS | +91 9886733833