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Presented By:
Dr. Pratistha Ghimire
PG Resident, 1st Year
Dpt. Of Prosthodontics And Crown-Bridge
CODS, BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal1
Chewing (Mastication)
 Introduction
 Significance
 Chewing cycle
 Control of Mastication
 Mastication: Process of chewing food to prepare for
swallowing and digestion
 It is a complex process involving activities of masticatory
muscles along with tongue, cheeks, lips, palate, etc.
 These activities result in rhythmic mandibular movements,
food manipulation and crushing of food between the teeth
Significance Of Chewing
 Large pieces are broken down into small pieces, resulting in
a increase in surface area, where digestive enzymes work
 Softening of food and transformation into a size which can
easily be swallowed
 Grinding the food to a very fine particulate consistency
which prevents excoriation of the gastrointestinal tract
 Mixes food with saliva, initiating digestion by the activity of
salivary amylase
It involves:
 Action of teeth: incising, tearing and grinding
 Co-ordinated movements of tongue (positioning the food
between occlusal surfaces of teeth) and muscles of
 Saliva (softens & lubricates the food and forms bolus
and its enzymatic activities help in digestion)
 Structural components of Temporomandibular Joint
Muscles of mastication
 Masseter
 Temporalis
 Lateral pterygoid
 Medial pterygoid
Actions of muscles during masticatory
 Closing/ Elevator jaw muscles
Medial pterygoid
 Opening/ depressor jaw muscles
Lateral pterygoid
Components of TMJ
 Temporomandibular joint is formed by articulation
between condylar head of mandible and anterior part of
glenoid fossa of squamous part of temporal bone
 All the mandibular movements occurs along this joint
 Consists of:-
a. Articular surface
b. Ligaments
c. Articular disc
Protrusion of mandible Articular disc glides forward over the upper
articular surface, the head of mandible moving
with it.
Retraction of mandible Articular disc glides backward over upper
articular surface with head of mandible with it.
Slight opening of mouth or
Depression of mandible
The head of the mandible moves on the surface
of disc like a hinge.
Wide opening of mouth or
Elevation of mandible
Hinge like movement is followed by gliding of
disc and mandible movements are reversed in
closing the mouth or elevator of mandible.
Several features provide protection for
the adjacent gingiva during chewing
 Marginal ridges- deflect most of the food, potentially
driven between adjacent teeth by their opponents, onto
the occlusal surfaces
 Contact points- abut firmly to prevent food being wedged
between the teeth and above the interdental papillae
 The buccal cusps of the mandibular teeth bite between
the buccal and palatal cusps of the maxillary teeth
 Food trapped between them is forced up over the palatal
sides of the maxillary teeth and down over the buccal
sides of the mandibular teeth
Forces of mastication
 The maximal biting force that can be applied to the
teeth varies from individual to individual
 Males > females
 Maximal biting load in females ranges from 79 to 99 lb
(35.8-44.9 kg)
 In males, 118 to 142 lb (53.6-64.4 kg)
• All the jaw muscles working together can close the
teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds on the incisors
and 200 pounds on the molars
• The bite force exerted during routine mastication of
food is of the order of 5-15kg (11-33 lb) (70-150 N)
Mastication with complete denture
 60 N - 80 N in denture wearers
 Patient comfort and mastication may be impaired due to
excess flow of the saliva for few days after placement of
new complete denture
1/4th of forces in subjects
with natural dentition
 Patient should begin chewing relatively soft food (requires
less mastication) and also ready for swallowing with a
simple push of tongue against the palate
 When biting with the denture, patients should be
instructed to place the food between their teeth towards
the corner of mouth - then the food should be pushed
inward and upwards as this will tend to seat the denture
 Learning with new denture requires at least 6-8 weeks
as memory patterns are established for muscle of
Mastication with complete denture
Chewing cycle
 Is highly complex process
 The jaw moves in a series of cyclic movements
 There occurs rhythmic and well-controlled separation and
closure of the maxillary and mandibular teeth
 The mean of the vertical dimension of the chewing cycle
are 16-20 mm and 3-5 mm for lateral movements
 The duration varies between 0.6s and 1s
 The average length of time for tooth contact is 194 ms
 Most of the chewing process is caused by a chewing
Chewing cycle
Chewing Reflex
Automatically raises the
jaw to close the mouth
Presence of bolus of
food in the mouth
reflex inhibition of the
muscles of mastication
Allows lower jaw
to drop
Initiates stretch reflex
of the jaw muscles
Leads to
Mouth is closed
Buccal receptors get
stimulated by food
Reflex inhibition of muscles of
mastication and reflex contraction
of digastric and lateral pterygoid
Opening of mouth
Allows lower jaw
to drop
Leads to Rebound
Chewing strokes
 Each opening and closing movement of the mandible
represents a chewing stroke
 The complete chewing stroke has a movement
pattern described as tear-shaped
Chewing strokes…
 Chewing cycle consist of 3 basic phases:
1. Closing stroke
2. Power stroke
3. Opening stroke
1. Closing stroke
 Brings the teeth into initial contact with the food
 The work done in this phase is against the gravity
 The closing movement has been further subdivided into the
crushing phase and the grinding phase
2. Power stroke
 The food undergoes reduction
 The movement of mandible in this phase is slower than in
the closing stroke because of the resistance caused by the
 Greater masseter and temporalis muscle activity
3. Opening stroke
 When the mandible is lowered, with an initial
slower stage followed by a faster stage
Food texture modifies-
 Masticatory forces (Yurkstas and curby, 1953; gibbs et al.,
1981; horio and kawamura, 1989; bishop et al., 1990),
 Mandibular jaw movements (Thexton et al., 1980;
proèschel and hofmann, 1988),
 The duration of mastication cycle (Pierson and le magnen,
1970; luschei and goodwin, 1974)
 The number of cycles preceding the swallow (Hiiemae et
al., 1996)
Oral physiology and mastication
Mastication is a sensory-motor activity aimed at the preparation of food for swallowing. It is a
complex process involving activities of the facial, the elevator and suprahyoidal muscles, and the
tongue. These activities result in patterns of rhythmic mandibular movements, food manipulation
and the crushing of food between the teeth. Saliva facilitates mastication, moistens the food
particles, makes a bolus, and assists swallowing. The movement of the jaw, and thus the
neuromuscular control of chewing, plays an important role in the comminution of the food.
Characteristics of the food, e.g. water and fat percentage and hardness, are known to influence the
masticatory process. Food hardness is sensed during mastication and affects masticatory force, jaw
muscle activity, and mandibular jaw movements. When we chew for instance a crispy food, the jaw
decelerates and accelerates as a result of resistance and breakage of food particles. The
characteristic breakage behavior of food is essential for the sensory sensation. This study presents a
short review of the influence of oral physiology characteristics and food characteristics on the
masticatory process.
Department of Oral–Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics and Special Dental Care, Oral
Physiology Group, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Food hardness is sensed during mastication and affects
masticatory force, jaw muscle activity and mandibular jaw
movements. When we chew for instance a crispy food, the
jaw decelerates and accelerates as a result of resistance
and breakage of food particles. The characteristic breakage
behavior of food is essential for the sensory sensation
Van der Bilt A, Engelen L, Pereira LJ, Van der Glas HW, Abbink JH. Oral physiology and
mastication. Physiology & behavior. 2006 Aug 30;89(1):22-7.
The influence of product and oral
characteristics on swallowing
The urge to swallow food could be triggered by a threshold level in both food particle size and
lubrication of the food bolus. Thus, both oral physiology and product characteristics may
influence the swallowing threshold.
Hard and dry products require more chewing cycles and longer time in mouth until swallowing
for sufficient breakdown to take place and for enough saliva to be added to form a coherent
bolus safe for swallowing.
In conclusion, product characteristics and to a lesser extent oral physiology significantly
affect swallowing threshold.
Department of Oral–Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics and Special Dental Care, Oral
Physiology Group, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Hard and dry products require more chewing cycles
and longer time in mouth until swallowing for
sufficient breakdown to take place and for enough
saliva to be added to form a coherent bolus safe for
Engelen L, Fontijn-Tekamp A, van der Bilt A. The influence of product and oral
characteristics on swallowing. Archives of Oral Biology. 2005 Aug 1;50(8):739-46.
Occlusal relationship of the tooth during
Occlusal relationship of the tooth
during chewing…
 From an open position the mandible is moved upwards
and outwards, bringing the buccal cusps of the maxillary
and mandibular teeth on the working ( left) side in
contact. Buccal phase (fig a)
 • In power stroke the mandibular teeth then slide
upwards and medially against the maxillary teeth to
momentarily attain intercuspal position. Intercuspal
phase (Fig b)
 • The mandibular teeth continue downwards and inwards
against the maxillary teeth. Lingual phase (Fig c)
Masticatory Sequence
 Consists of numerous chewing cycles
 Extend from ingestion to swallowing
 Divided into 3 consecutive periods:
Lips • Guide And Control Intake
• Seals off the oral cavity
Role of the soft tissues in mastication
• Maneuvering the food within the oral cavity for
sufficient chewing
• Initiates the breaking up process by pressing it
against the hard palate
• Pushes the food onto occlusal surfaces of teeth,
where it can be crushed during chewing stroke
• During opening phase, repositions the partially
crushed food onto teeth for further breakdown
• Divides food into portions that require more chewing
and portions that are ready to be swallowed
• After eating, it sweeps the teeth to remove any food
residue that has been trapped in oral cavity
Role of the soft tissues in mastication….
Role of the soft tissues in mastication….
Buccinator m.
• Repositioning the food from the buccal side
• The food is thus continuously replaced on the
occlusal surfaces of the teeth until the
particles are small enough to be swallowed
Control of Mastication
Cerebral Hemispheres Theory:
Mastication is a conscious act, a patterned set of instructions
originating in the higher centers of the CNS
(particular the motor cortex) and descending to directly drive
the motor neurons within the brainstem (trigeminal, facial,
hypoglossal motor neurons)
Reflex Chain Theory: C.S. Sherrington in 1917
Mastication involved a series of interacting chains of
reflexes, accordingly sensory input from the region of the
mouth (e.g. pressure on the teeth) triggered the motor
neurons in the brainstem to elicit a jaw opening movement
In turn, this movement produced another sensory input
(E.g. from stretch receptors in the jaw muscles), which
resulted in a jaw closing reflex, such a theory could explain
the rhythmic jaw movements seen in decerebrate animals
Biting on a piece of food initiated the jaw opening
reflex, which resulted in opening of the stretched
closing muscles and initiated jaw closing response
The alteration of these processes then maintained the
rhythmic pattern, and produced the movements of
Rhythm (pattern) generation theory
 Most accepted theory
 Is based upon the proposition that there are central
pattern generators (CPGs) within the brainstem, which,
on being stimulated from either higher centers or
sensory input in the region of the mouth, are driven on
rhythmic activity
Deglutition (Swallowing)
 Introduction
 Phases of deglutition
 Neural control
 Role of muscles in deglutition
 Comparison between infantile and adult swallow
 Applied aspects
 Swallowing is a series of coordinated muscular
contractions that move a bolus of food from the oral cavity
through the esophagus to the stomach
 Over a period of 24 hours, swallowing occurs as many as 1000
 Swallowing frequency:
 Highest during eating
 Least during sleep
 Occurs at a rate of about once per minute at other times
The total time during which the teeth are
subjected to functional forces of mastication and
deglutition during an entire day= 17.5 minutes
 Involves coordinated activity of muscles of oral cavity,
pharynx, larynx and esophagus
Swallowing is a complicated mechanism, principally
because the pharynx subserves respiration and
Deglutition – phases
1. ORAL (Voluntary)
I. Oral Phase
 This phase is divided into:
A. Oral preparatory phase
B. Oral phase proper
A. Oral Preparatory Phase
 Involves breaking down of food
in oral cavity
 During this phase, food is
chewed and mixed with saliva
making it into bolus which can
easily be swallowed
 Extrinsic muscles changes its position within oral cavity
there by helping in chewing (Elevates the tongue)
 Tongue plays a vital role in bolus formation by action of
its intrinsic muscles which alters its shape (forms a
central trough)
 Lips close and help in creating an effective seal
preventing the bolus from dribbling out of oral cavity
 Buccinator muscle helps in pushing the bolus out of
vestibule into oral cavity
B. Oral Phase Proper
 During this phase, bolus is passed into the pharynx by
upward and backward movement of tongue against palate
 This stimulates the touch receptors that initiate
swallowing reflex
 Transmit of bolus from mouth to oropharynx takes place
in a short time (0.5 sec)
 The bolus passes through the pharynx into esophagus
 This stimulates epithelial swallowing receptor areas all
around the opening of the pharynx, especially on the
tonsillar pillars
 Impulses from these areas pass to the brain stem to
initiate a series of automatic pharyngeal muscle
II. Pharyngeal Phase
 Trigger points are present on the mucosa of the posterior
pharyngeal wall
 Stimulation of trigger points present in the oropharynx
starts off the pharyngeal reflexive stage of swallowing
 The initiation of swallowing involves contact of the food
with the faucial arches or with the mucosa overlying the
posterior pharynx in the region, innervated by
glossopharyngeal nerve
Functions of trigger points in oro - pharynx
Protective reflex during pharyngeal phase
Protective reflex during pharyngeal phase
 Elevation of soft palate
 Adduction of vocal cords
 Temporary apnea
 Retroversion of epiglottis
 Elevation of larynx against epiglottis
 Entire process occurs: 0.6-1 sec
Doty RW. Neural organization of deglutition.Handbook of Physiology. The Alimentary Canal.1968Am Physiol SocWashington,
DC, sect. VI, vol. IV, p. 1861–1902.
 Elevation of soft palate
1) CN X stimulates and contracts uvula---elevation of soft
palate -- prevents the entry of bolus into nasopharynx
(prevents nasal regurgitation)
2) CN X also stimulates levator veli palatine m. that elevates
the soft palate and hence prevent entry of bolus into
3) CN V stimulates tensor veli palatine m.---that tenses the
soft palate----accentuates the axn of levator veli palatine m.-
---elevation of soft palate
Vocal cords of larynx are strongly
approximated and larynx is pulled
upward and anteriorly by neck
These actions, combined with the
presence of ligaments that
prevent upward movement of the
epiglottis cause the epiglottis to
swing backward over the
opening of the larynx
Prevents passage of food into
trachea 59
 Adduction of vocal cords
 Temporary apnea
• Interruption of respiration occurs for only a fraction of a
usual respiratory cycle
• The swallowing center specifically inhibits the
respiratory center of the medulla during this time
• Halts the respiration at any point in its cycle to allow
swallowing to proceed
• Also known as Deglutition apnea
 The epiglottis move from vertical – horizontal position
 The upper third of epiglottis moves below the
horizontal to cover the narrowed laryngeal inlet
 This in turn, prevents the bolus from going into the
 Retroversion of epiglottis
 Upward movement of the larynx also elevates and
enlarges the opening to the esophagus
 Supra hyoid muscles contract and pull up hyoid
bone---Moves larynx upwards and anteriorly
 At the same time, the upper 3-4 cm of the
esophageal muscular wall i.e. upper esophageal
sphincter (Crico-pharyngeus) relaxes
 Elevation of larynx against epiglottis
To summarize the mechanics of the pharyngeal stage of
 The trachea/ larynx is closed
 The esophagus is opened
 A fast peristaltic wave initiated by the nervous system of
the pharynx forces the bolus of food into the upper
 The entire process occurring in less than 2 seconds
Nervous Initiation of Pharyngeal Stage
of Swallowing
 Food comes in contact with certain trigger areas in the
mucosa of posterior pharyngeal wall (Greatest sensitivity in
tonsillar pillars)
 Impulses are transmitted through sensory portion of
trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves
 Medulla oblongata (either into/closely associated with
tractus solitarius)
 The successive stages of swallowing are then automatically
initiated in orderly sequence by neuronal areas of reticular
substance of medulla and lower portion of pons 65
Deglutition/ swallowing center
 Motor impulses from swallowing center to the pharynx and
upper esophagus are transmitted successively by :
 5th, 9th, 10th and 12th cranial nerves and
 even by few superior cervical nerves
 Involuntary passage of bolus of food from esophagus to
 The esophagus normally exhibits two types of
peristaltic movements:
 Primary peristalsis and Secondary peristalsis
III. Esophageal Stage
Primary peristalsis
Simply continuation of the peristaltic wave that begins in the
pharynx and spreads into the esophagus during the pharyngeal
This wave passes all the way from pharynx to stomach in
about 8 - 10 sec
Secondary peristalsis
Results from distention of the esophagus due to the presence
of the bolus
Any food that has not passed into the stomach by the primary
peristalsis will continue until all the food has emptied into the
Factors responsible for passage of food
through esophagus
 Force generated due to contraction of constrictors of
 Gravity
Food swallowed by a person in upright position is usually
transmitted to the lower end of esophagus even more
rapidly than the peristaltic wave itself: 5- 8 secs
 Peristaltic wave (Primary, Secondary)
Function of lower esophageal sphincter
(Gastroesophageal sphincter)
 At the lower end of the esophagus, the esophageal
circular muscle functions as a broad lower esophageal
 Normally remains tonically constricted
 When a peristaltic swallowing wave passes down the
esophagus, there is receptive relaxation of the lower
esophageal sphincter which allows easy propulsion of
swallowed food into the stomach
Receptive relaxation of stomach:
When the esophageal peristaltic wave approaches towards
the stomach, a wave of relaxation precedes the peristalsis,
causing the relaxation of entire stomach to receive the food
Neural control of swallowing
Neuronal control - Cortex
 Oral phase of swallowing
 Pharyngeal and esophageal
phases of swallowing
Neuronal control – Brain Stem
 The nuclei receiving afferent input from the trigger
zones : nucleus tractus solitarius and spinal trigeminal
 Efferent pathways from the medulla and pons to the
muscles involved in swallowing involve several cranial
motor nuclei. Most important are:
 Nucleus ambigus
 Hypoglossal nucleus
 Motor nuclei of the trigeminal and facial nerves and
 Motor neurons within the cervical spinal cord
Muscle Innervation
Site of motor
Function in deglutition
Masticatory Temporalis
branch (CN V)
CN V nucleus
Raise mandible; chewing,
closing oral cavity
branch CN V nucleus
Raise mandible; chewing,
closing oral cavity
branch (CN V)
CN V nucleus
Raise mandible; chewing,
closing oral cavity
branch (CN V)
CN V nucleus
Lower/protrude mandible;
Facial nerve (CN
Facial nucleus
Seal lips/mouth
Facial nerve (CN
Facial nucleus
Push food toward teeth
during mastication, help close
Role of muscles in deglutition
Muscle Innervation
Site of
Function in deglutition
nerve (CN XII)
Shorten/tip deflect; bolus
preparation, formation,
positioning, transport
nerve (CN XII)
Shorten/tip deflect; bolus
preparation, formation,
positioning, transport
nerve (CN XII)
Narrow/lengthen tongue; bolus
preparation, formation,
positioning, transport
Broaden/flatten tongue, bolus
preparation, formation,
positioning, transport
nerve (CN XII)
Lower/retract tongue; bolus preparation,
formation, positioning, transport
nerve (CN XII)
Protrude/retract tongue; bolus preparation,
formation, positioning, transport
nerve (CN XII)
Raise/retract tongue; bolus preparation,
formation, positioning, transport; seal oral
Muscles Innervation
Site of motor
Function in deglutition
Suprahyoid Mylohyoid
Mylohyoid n.
(CN V3)
nucleus (V),
Raise/stabilize hyoid; stabilize
tongue, mouth floor
Hypoglossal n.
Raise/protract/stabilize hyoid
branch, facial
nerve (CN VII)
Facial nucleus
(VII), pons
Raise/retract/stabilize hyoid;
elongate mouth floor
Anterior belly
of digastric
nerve (CN V3)
nucleus (V),
Raise/stabilize hyoid; lower
belly of
branch, facial
n. (CN VII)
Facial nucleus
(VII), pons
Raise/retract/stabilize hyoid;
lower mandible
Infrahyoid Omohyoid Ansa cervicalis C1-C2 Lower/stabilize hyoid
Sternohyoid Ansa cervicalis C1-C2 Lower/stabilize hyoid
glossal n.
Lower/stabilize hyoid; raise larynx to
Sternothyroid Ansa cervicalis C1-C2 Lower/stabilize larynx
Muscle Innervation
Site of
Function in
Tensor veli
nucleus (V),
Tense soft palate
Levator veli
CN XI via pharyngeal
branch of CN X
(pharyngeal plexus)
ambiguus (X),
Raise soft palate; widen
entrance to oropharynx;
seal nasopharynx
CN XI via pharyngeal
branch of CN X
(pharyngeal plexus)
ambiguus (X),
Raise posterior tongue;
lower soft palate; seal
back of oral cavity from
CN XI via pharyngeal
branch of CN X
(pharyngeal plexus)
ambiguus (X),
Raise uvula; brace soft
Muscle Innervation
Site of motor
Function in deglutition
Pharyngeal Stylo-pharyngeus CN IX
ambiguus (X),
Raise/shorten pharynx; raise
CN XI via
branch, CN X
ambiguus (X),
raise/shorten pharynx; raise
larynx; seal oral cavity
CN XI via
branch, CN X
ambiguus (X),
Raise/shorten pharynx; raise
CN XI via
branch, CN X
ambiguus (X),
Narrow pharyngeal lumen;
seal nasopharynx; bolus
branch, CN X
ambiguus (X),
Narrow pharyngeal lumen;
bolus transport
CN XI via
branch, CN X
ambiguus (X),
Narrow pharyngeal lumen;
bolus transport; distal most
component of upper
esophageal sphincter
Laryngeal Thyroarytenoid
laryngeal (X)
Nucleus ambiguus
(X), medulla
Adduct vocal folds
laryngeal (X)
Nucleus ambiguus
(X), medulla
Adduct vocal folds
laryngeal (X)
Nucleus ambiguus
(X), medulla
Adduct vocal folds
laryngeal (X)
Nucleus ambiguus
(X), medulla
Adduct vocal folds
laryngeal (X)
Nucleus ambiguus
(X), medulla
Open vocal folds (end of
(not universally
laryngeal (X)
Nucleus ambiguus
(X), medulla
Approximate arytenoids
cartilages to epiglottis
laryngeal (X)
Nucleus ambiguus
(X), medulla
Lower epiglottis
Brain Stem Control of Swallowing: Neuronal
Network and Cellular Mechanisms
 Swallowing movements are produced by a central pattern generator located
in the medulla oblongata.
 Swallowing network includes two main groups of neurons.
 One group is located within the dorsal medulla and contains the generator
neurons involved in triggering, shaping and timing the sequential or rhythmic
swallowing pattern.
 The second group is located in the ventrolateral medulla and contains
switching neurons, which distribute the swallowing drive to the various pools
of motoneurons involved in swallowing.
Jean A. Brain stem control of swallowing: neuronal network and cellular mechanisms.
Physiological reviews. 2001 Apr 1;81(2):929-69.
 Swallowing movements are produced by a central pattern generator
located in the medulla oblongata
 Two main groups of neurons:
One group is located within the dorsal medulla
Second group is located in the ventrolateral medulla
Infant vs Adult mouth
Adult mouth and pharynxInfantile mouth and pharynx
Parameter Infant Adult
Relative size of the
oral cavity
Small size, retruded
position of the mandible
Tongue position Entirely within the oral
Oral and pharyngeal
Epiglottis position C2 level C3 level
Hyoid and larynx Higher level Lower level
Buccal fat pad Highly developed Less developed
Auditory tube Floor of the nose -
junction of the hard and
soft palate
Superior and posterior in
the nasopharynx
Infantile swallow
 Infants swallow food by suckling
 This is an autonomic reflex
 Lips are sealed and appear stiff
 Tongue is abnormally large and is caught between maxillary
and mandibular gum pads
 There is no harmonious relationship between the maxilla
and the mandible
 There is no harmonious relationship between cranial and
facial structures
Mature swallow
 Mature swallow develops around 4-5 years
 Maturation of swallow pattern occurs with the addition
of semisolid and solid food to the diet
 Cessation of lip activity, i.e. lips relaxed
 Placement of tongue tip against the palate and behind upper
 Posterior teeth into occlusion during swallow
 Downward and forward mandibular growth increases; intraoral
volume and vertical growth of the alveolar process changes
tongue posture
 Mandible stabilized by contraction of muscles of mastication
Applied aspects
 Abolition of deglutition reflex: Causes regurgitation of
food into nose/ aspiration into larynx and trachea
 Dysphagia : Difficulty in swallowing
 Cardiac achalasia: Neuromuscular disorder of the lower
2/3rd of esophagus, characterized by absence of
esophageal peristalsis and failure of LES to relax during
Structural abnormalities
 CLP : Hampers the control for feeding, decreases oral
suction and causes nasal regurgitation
 Strictures : Are common in the body of the esophagus
which can obstruct the passage of bolus leading to GERD
Structural abnormalities
Cervical osteophytes Zenker diverticulum
Cervical osteophytes : Bony outgrowths from cervical vertebrae narrows the food pathway
and direct the bolus towards the airway
Zenker diverticulum : It is a diverticulum of the hypopharynx, that acts as a weak spot in
the muscular wall. The bolus can enter into it and be regurgitated to the pharynx, resulting in
coughing or aspiration
Functional abnormalities
 Drooling: Reduced closing pressure of lips
 Premature leakage of bolus into pharynx: Weak
contraction of tongue and soft palate
 Tongue dysfunction: Impaired mastication, bolus formation
and bolus transport
 Loss of teeth
 Xerostomia
 Impaired opening of UES: Weakness of anterior suprahyoid
The paper reviews human mastication, focusing on its age-related changes. The
first part describes mastication adaptation in young healthy individuals.
Adaptation to obtain a food bolus ready to be swallowed relies on variations in
number of cycles, muscle strength and volume of emitted saliva. As a result, the
food bolus displays granulometric and rheological properties, the values of
which are maintained within the adaptive range of deglutition. The second part
concerns healthy aging. Some mastication parameters are slightly modified by
age, but aging itself does not impair mastication, as the adaptation possibilities
remain operant. The third part reports on very aged subjects, who display
frequent systemic or local diseases. Local and/or general diseases such as tooth
loss, salivary defect, or motor impairment are then indistinguishably
superimposed on the effects of very old age. The resulting impaired function
increases the risk of aspiration and choking. Lastly, the consequences for eating
behavior and nutrition are evoked.
Age – related changes in mastication
Peyron MA, Woda A, Bourdiol P, Hennequin M. Age‐related changes in mastication.
Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2017 Apr;44(4):299-312.
In the orofacial region, the cross-sectional areas of the masseter and
medial pterygoid muscles diminish in the elderly, along with bite force
and tongue activity. These changes are accompanied by a reduction in
salivation flow rate, and a decrease in the number of orosensory
receptors leading to a rise in sensory thresholds, perhaps affecting
reflex responsiveness and perception of food texture
In sum, it appears that only minor adaptations are needed to
compensate for the physiological changes induced by aging in subjects
in good health. The main adaptation of the masticatory process to
healthy aging is an increased number of masticatory cycles
Three factors have a major impact on masticatory function in elderly persons:
Dental state, Salivation, Motor impairment
 Masticatory efficiency was decreased by 50–85% in full denture wearers compared with
subjects with intact dentition
 Denture wearers make a much coarser bolus than dentate subjects
 An increase in the number of chewing cycles, duration of mastication sequence and EMG
activity per sequence is found in studies with denture wearers chewing various foods
No. of posterior
teeth was a key
factor in predicting
chewing efficiency
Xerostomia and other dysfunctions
related to saliva supply may influence
the masticatory process negatively by
making it impossible to gather food into
a bolus before swallowing
It is assumed that older adults compensate for their loss of muscular force and/or teeth by
chewing for a longer sequence, as this increases their salivary output
Dysfunction of tongue motor skills
and lack of tonicity of muscles
involved in masticatory
movements also reduce
masticatory efficiency
Parkinson, stroke, Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases are good examples. Edentate
subjects with insufficiently trained masticatory muscles are another common example
Age – related changes in swallowing
The pharyngeal stage of deglutition is apparently delayed and shortened, with a short
opening duration of the pharyngo-esophageal sphincter, a slowing down of the
pharyngeal peristalsis movements (amplitude and speed), hypotony of the vocal cords,
and a weakened cough reflex
Aging brings a deterioration of tactile sensations, and significant decrease in
perceptions of bolus viscosity, because of either an age-related loss in the density of
sensory receptors involved in viscosity perception, or a higher sensory threshold of
these receptors. Bolus viscosity may influence the timing of deglutition
The esophageal stage of the swallowing function is apparently not modified by aging.
Few modifications are noticeable at the upper esophageal sphincter, which takes
longer to relax after swallowing, and undergoes a modification of its contraction
Peyron MA, Woda A, Bourdiol P, Hennequin M. Age‐related changes in mastication.
Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2017 Apr;44(4):299-312.
Grigoriadis J, Trulsson M, Svensson KG. Motor behavior during the first chewing cycle in subjects with
fixed tooth‐or implant‐supported prostheses. Clinical oral implants research. 2016 Apr;27(4):473-80.
Motor behavior during the first chewing cycle in subjects
with fixed tooth- or implant-supported prosthesis
With fixed tooth-supported prostheses, connection of several teeth in rigid
constructions reduce the movement of individual teeth and, consequently, the
stimulation of PMRs when forces are applied to these teeth. Edentulous individuals
with fixed implant supported prostheses in both jaws lack PMRs and thus also the
sensory information they supply
(Weinberg 1957a,b; Picton 1990; Nyman & Lang 1994; Svensson et al. 2013)
Inappropriate regulation of mandibular movement can result in suboptimal occlusal
contact and difficulty in splitting food when chewing. Subjects with implant-supported
prostheses find it difficult to fragment gelatinous food
(Grigoriadis et al. 2011)
Dental status (e.g., the number of teeth remaining, the presence of removable
prostheses), along with several other factors (e.g., temporomandibular disorders, age,
size of the food, etc.) may influence the adaptation of mastication to the hardness of
(Peyron et al. 2002; Woda et al. 2006)
Only the first chewing cycle, from the start of jaw opening until the nut was initially
fractured, was analyzed. Several noteworthy differences indicating impaired motor
control were exhibited by individuals with fixed tooth- or implant-supported
The occurrence of slips differed significantly between the groups (P = 0.031). 30% of
subjects with natural teeth exhibited slips in at least one of their five trials than
those with tooth- 82%, P = 0.038 or implant-supported 70%, P = 0.006) prostheses
The time that elapsed from the start of jaw opening until fracture of the hazelnut
differed between the groups (P = 0.049), with subjects with natural teeth requiring
0.44 s, those with tooth-supported prostheses 0.57 s and with implant-supported
prostheses 0.58 s
(due to the impairment or the absence of
sensory input from the PMRs)
In 66% of the subjects with natural dentition, the largest part of the lateral
displacement of the mandible occurred during jaw closure, whereas this
occurred during jaw opening in most of the subjects in the TSP (67%) and ISP
(78%) groups
Visual analysis of the range of motion of the mandible during the first chewing
cycle revealed a narrower pattern of movement for the TSP and ISP groups
The trajectory of the mandibular movement was obviously smoother for the
subjects with natural dentition, while more sluttering and probing behavior
(regardless of the presence or absence of slips) for those with prostheses
In such cases, other types of mechanoreceptors in the oro-facial tissues, with
different sensitivities (e.g., possibly those located in muscle, joint, mucosal,
cutaneous and/or periosteal tissues) must provide information about the magnitude
and direction of forces employed during biting and chewing
(Dellow & Lund 1971; Lund 1991; Trulsson & Johansson 2002; Luraschi et al. 2012)
Reduced occlusal area of their posterior teeth. Narrower posterior teeth (in the
buccolingual direction) are often included in implant-supported prosthesis to reduce
the area that transmits the bite force and thereby the load on the implants; and the
pontics of tooth-supported prosthesis are sometimes narrow for a similar reason, that
is, to reduce the load on abutment teeth (Douglas 2003; Klineberg et al. 2007)
 Deglutition and chewing cycle are important
physiological processes which are important for proper
development and growth of an individual
 There occurs various changes in these processes with age
 So, clinicians should have thorough knowledge about
these processes
1. Textbook of Medical Physiology, Guyton and Hall 12th edition
2. Essentials of Oral Physiology, Robert M Bradley 1st edition
3. Textbook of Dental and Oral Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion- Satish Chandra, Shaleen Chandra, Sourabh
4. Management of TMJ disorders and Occlussion- Jeffrey P. Okesson- 7th edition
5. Van der Bilt A, Engelen L, Pereira LJ, Van der Glas HW, Abbink JH. Oral physiology and mastication.
Physiology & behavior. 2006 Aug 30;89(1):22-7.
6. Engelen L, Fontijn-Tekamp A, van der Bilt A. The influence of product and oral characteristics on swallowing.
Archives of Oral Biology. 2005 Aug 1;50(8):739-46.
7. Miller AJ. Neurophysiological basis of swallowing. Dysphagia. 1986 Jun 1;1(2):91.
8. Doty RWNeural organization of deglutition.Handbook of Physiology. The Alimentary Canal.1968Am Physiol
SocWashington, DC, sect. VI, vol. IV, p. 1861–1902.
9. Jean A. Brain stem control of swallowing: neuronal network and cellular mechanisms. Physiological reviews.
2001 Apr 1;81(2):929-69.
10. Peyron MA, Woda A, Bourdiol P, Hennequin M. Age‐related changes in mastication. Journal of oral
rehabilitation. 2017 Apr;44(4):299-312.
11. Grigoriadis J, Trulsson M, Svensson KG. Motor behavior during the first chewing cycle in subjects with fixed
tooth‐or implant‐supported prostheses. Clinical oral implants research. 2016 Apr;27(4):473-80.

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Deglutition and Chewing cycle _Dr. Pratistha

  • 1. DEGLUTITION AND CHEWING CYCLE Presented By: Dr. Pratistha Ghimire PG Resident, 1st Year Dpt. Of Prosthodontics And Crown-Bridge CODS, BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal1
  • 2. Contents Chewing (Mastication)  Introduction  Significance  Chewing cycle  Control of Mastication 2
  • 3. Introduction  Mastication: Process of chewing food to prepare for swallowing and digestion  It is a complex process involving activities of masticatory muscles along with tongue, cheeks, lips, palate, etc.  These activities result in rhythmic mandibular movements, food manipulation and crushing of food between the teeth 3
  • 4. Significance Of Chewing  Large pieces are broken down into small pieces, resulting in a increase in surface area, where digestive enzymes work  Softening of food and transformation into a size which can easily be swallowed  Grinding the food to a very fine particulate consistency which prevents excoriation of the gastrointestinal tract  Mixes food with saliva, initiating digestion by the activity of salivary amylase 4
  • 5. It involves:  Action of teeth: incising, tearing and grinding  Co-ordinated movements of tongue (positioning the food between occlusal surfaces of teeth) and muscles of mastication  Saliva (softens & lubricates the food and forms bolus and its enzymatic activities help in digestion)  Structural components of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) 5
  • 6. Muscles of mastication  Masseter  Temporalis  Lateral pterygoid  Medial pterygoid 6
  • 7. Actions of muscles during masticatory movements  Closing/ Elevator jaw muscles Medial pterygoid Masseter Temporalis  Opening/ depressor jaw muscles Lateral pterygoid Mylohyoid Digastric Geniohyoid 7
  • 8. Components of TMJ  Temporomandibular joint is formed by articulation between condylar head of mandible and anterior part of glenoid fossa of squamous part of temporal bone  All the mandibular movements occurs along this joint  Consists of:- a. Articular surface b. Ligaments c. Articular disc 8
  • 9. MOVEMENT ACTION Protrusion of mandible Articular disc glides forward over the upper articular surface, the head of mandible moving with it. Retraction of mandible Articular disc glides backward over upper articular surface with head of mandible with it. Slight opening of mouth or Depression of mandible The head of the mandible moves on the surface of disc like a hinge. Wide opening of mouth or Elevation of mandible Hinge like movement is followed by gliding of disc and mandible movements are reversed in closing the mouth or elevator of mandible. 9
  • 10. Several features provide protection for the adjacent gingiva during chewing 10
  • 11.  Marginal ridges- deflect most of the food, potentially driven between adjacent teeth by their opponents, onto the occlusal surfaces  Contact points- abut firmly to prevent food being wedged between the teeth and above the interdental papillae  The buccal cusps of the mandibular teeth bite between the buccal and palatal cusps of the maxillary teeth  Food trapped between them is forced up over the palatal sides of the maxillary teeth and down over the buccal sides of the mandibular teeth
  • 12. Forces of mastication  The maximal biting force that can be applied to the teeth varies from individual to individual  Males > females  Maximal biting load in females ranges from 79 to 99 lb (35.8-44.9 kg)  In males, 118 to 142 lb (53.6-64.4 kg) 12
  • 13. 13 • All the jaw muscles working together can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds on the incisors and 200 pounds on the molars • The bite force exerted during routine mastication of food is of the order of 5-15kg (11-33 lb) (70-150 N)
  • 14. Mastication with complete denture  60 N - 80 N in denture wearers  Patient comfort and mastication may be impaired due to excess flow of the saliva for few days after placement of new complete denture 14 1/4th of forces in subjects with natural dentition
  • 15.  Patient should begin chewing relatively soft food (requires less mastication) and also ready for swallowing with a simple push of tongue against the palate  When biting with the denture, patients should be instructed to place the food between their teeth towards the corner of mouth - then the food should be pushed inward and upwards as this will tend to seat the denture  Learning with new denture requires at least 6-8 weeks as memory patterns are established for muscle of mastication 15 Mastication with complete denture
  • 16. Chewing cycle  Is highly complex process  The jaw moves in a series of cyclic movements  There occurs rhythmic and well-controlled separation and closure of the maxillary and mandibular teeth 16
  • 17.  The mean of the vertical dimension of the chewing cycle are 16-20 mm and 3-5 mm for lateral movements  The duration varies between 0.6s and 1s  The average length of time for tooth contact is 194 ms  Most of the chewing process is caused by a chewing reflex 17 Chewing cycle
  • 18. Chewing Reflex 18 Automatically raises the jaw to close the mouth Presence of bolus of food in the mouth reflex inhibition of the muscles of mastication Allows lower jaw to drop Initiates stretch reflex of the jaw muscles Leads to Rebound contraction
  • 19. 19 Mouth is closed Buccal receptors get stimulated by food Reflex inhibition of muscles of mastication and reflex contraction of digastric and lateral pterygoid muscle Opening of mouth Allows lower jaw to drop Leads to Rebound contraction
  • 20. Chewing strokes  Each opening and closing movement of the mandible represents a chewing stroke  The complete chewing stroke has a movement pattern described as tear-shaped 20
  • 21. Chewing strokes…  Chewing cycle consist of 3 basic phases: 1. Closing stroke 2. Power stroke 3. Opening stroke 21
  • 22. 1. Closing stroke  Brings the teeth into initial contact with the food  The work done in this phase is against the gravity  The closing movement has been further subdivided into the crushing phase and the grinding phase 22
  • 23. 2. Power stroke  The food undergoes reduction  The movement of mandible in this phase is slower than in the closing stroke because of the resistance caused by the food  Greater masseter and temporalis muscle activity 23
  • 24. 3. Opening stroke  When the mandible is lowered, with an initial slower stage followed by a faster stage 24
  • 25. 25
  • 26. 26
  • 27. 27
  • 28. 28
  • 29. 29
  • 30. Food texture modifies-  Masticatory forces (Yurkstas and curby, 1953; gibbs et al., 1981; horio and kawamura, 1989; bishop et al., 1990),  Mandibular jaw movements (Thexton et al., 1980; proèschel and hofmann, 1988),  The duration of mastication cycle (Pierson and le magnen, 1970; luschei and goodwin, 1974)  The number of cycles preceding the swallow (Hiiemae et al., 1996) 30
  • 31. Oral physiology and mastication Mastication is a sensory-motor activity aimed at the preparation of food for swallowing. It is a complex process involving activities of the facial, the elevator and suprahyoidal muscles, and the tongue. These activities result in patterns of rhythmic mandibular movements, food manipulation and the crushing of food between the teeth. Saliva facilitates mastication, moistens the food particles, makes a bolus, and assists swallowing. The movement of the jaw, and thus the neuromuscular control of chewing, plays an important role in the comminution of the food. Characteristics of the food, e.g. water and fat percentage and hardness, are known to influence the masticatory process. Food hardness is sensed during mastication and affects masticatory force, jaw muscle activity, and mandibular jaw movements. When we chew for instance a crispy food, the jaw decelerates and accelerates as a result of resistance and breakage of food particles. The characteristic breakage behavior of food is essential for the sensory sensation. This study presents a short review of the influence of oral physiology characteristics and food characteristics on the masticatory process. 31 Department of Oral–Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics and Special Dental Care, Oral Physiology Group, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Food hardness is sensed during mastication and affects masticatory force, jaw muscle activity and mandibular jaw movements. When we chew for instance a crispy food, the jaw decelerates and accelerates as a result of resistance and breakage of food particles. The characteristic breakage behavior of food is essential for the sensory sensation Van der Bilt A, Engelen L, Pereira LJ, Van der Glas HW, Abbink JH. Oral physiology and mastication. Physiology & behavior. 2006 Aug 30;89(1):22-7.
  • 32. The influence of product and oral characteristics on swallowing The urge to swallow food could be triggered by a threshold level in both food particle size and lubrication of the food bolus. Thus, both oral physiology and product characteristics may influence the swallowing threshold. Hard and dry products require more chewing cycles and longer time in mouth until swallowing for sufficient breakdown to take place and for enough saliva to be added to form a coherent bolus safe for swallowing. In conclusion, product characteristics and to a lesser extent oral physiology significantly affect swallowing threshold. 32 Department of Oral–Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics and Special Dental Care, Oral Physiology Group, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands Hard and dry products require more chewing cycles and longer time in mouth until swallowing for sufficient breakdown to take place and for enough saliva to be added to form a coherent bolus safe for swallowing Engelen L, Fontijn-Tekamp A, van der Bilt A. The influence of product and oral characteristics on swallowing. Archives of Oral Biology. 2005 Aug 1;50(8):739-46.
  • 33. Occlusal relationship of the tooth during chewing 33
  • 34. Occlusal relationship of the tooth during chewing…  From an open position the mandible is moved upwards and outwards, bringing the buccal cusps of the maxillary and mandibular teeth on the working ( left) side in contact. Buccal phase (fig a)  • In power stroke the mandibular teeth then slide upwards and medially against the maxillary teeth to momentarily attain intercuspal position. Intercuspal phase (Fig b)  • The mandibular teeth continue downwards and inwards against the maxillary teeth. Lingual phase (Fig c)
  • 35. Masticatory Sequence  Consists of numerous chewing cycles  Extend from ingestion to swallowing  Divided into 3 consecutive periods: 35
  • 36. 36 Lips • Guide And Control Intake • Seals off the oral cavity Role of the soft tissues in mastication • Maneuvering the food within the oral cavity for sufficient chewing • Initiates the breaking up process by pressing it against the hard palate • Pushes the food onto occlusal surfaces of teeth, where it can be crushed during chewing stroke Tongue
  • 37. 37 • During opening phase, repositions the partially crushed food onto teeth for further breakdown • Divides food into portions that require more chewing and portions that are ready to be swallowed • After eating, it sweeps the teeth to remove any food residue that has been trapped in oral cavity Tongue Role of the soft tissues in mastication….
  • 38. Role of the soft tissues in mastication…. 38 Buccinator m. • Repositioning the food from the buccal side • The food is thus continuously replaced on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth until the particles are small enough to be swallowed efficiently
  • 39. Control of Mastication Cerebral Hemispheres Theory: Mastication is a conscious act, a patterned set of instructions originating in the higher centers of the CNS (particular the motor cortex) and descending to directly drive the motor neurons within the brainstem (trigeminal, facial, hypoglossal motor neurons) 39
  • 40. Reflex Chain Theory: C.S. Sherrington in 1917 Mastication involved a series of interacting chains of reflexes, accordingly sensory input from the region of the mouth (e.g. pressure on the teeth) triggered the motor neurons in the brainstem to elicit a jaw opening movement In turn, this movement produced another sensory input (E.g. from stretch receptors in the jaw muscles), which resulted in a jaw closing reflex, such a theory could explain the rhythmic jaw movements seen in decerebrate animals 40
  • 41. Biting on a piece of food initiated the jaw opening reflex, which resulted in opening of the stretched closing muscles and initiated jaw closing response The alteration of these processes then maintained the rhythmic pattern, and produced the movements of mastication 41
  • 42. Rhythm (pattern) generation theory  Most accepted theory  Is based upon the proposition that there are central pattern generators (CPGs) within the brainstem, which, on being stimulated from either higher centers or sensory input in the region of the mouth, are driven on rhythmic activity 42
  • 43. 43
  • 44. Deglutition (Swallowing)  Introduction  Phases of deglutition  Neural control  Role of muscles in deglutition  Comparison between infantile and adult swallow  Applied aspects 44
  • 45.  Swallowing is a series of coordinated muscular contractions that move a bolus of food from the oral cavity through the esophagus to the stomach 45 Introduction  Over a period of 24 hours, swallowing occurs as many as 1000 times  Swallowing frequency:  Highest during eating  Least during sleep  Occurs at a rate of about once per minute at other times The total time during which the teeth are subjected to functional forces of mastication and deglutition during an entire day= 17.5 minutes
  • 46. 46  Involves coordinated activity of muscles of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and esophagus Swallowing is a complicated mechanism, principally because the pharynx subserves respiration and swallowing
  • 47. 47 Deglutition – phases 1. ORAL (Voluntary) 2. PHARYNGEAL (Involuntary) 3. ESOPHAGEAL (Involuntary) 47
  • 48. 48 I. Oral Phase  This phase is divided into: A. Oral preparatory phase B. Oral phase proper 48
  • 49. 49 A. Oral Preparatory Phase  Involves breaking down of food in oral cavity BOLUS FORMATION  During this phase, food is chewed and mixed with saliva making it into bolus which can easily be swallowed 49
  • 50.  Extrinsic muscles changes its position within oral cavity there by helping in chewing (Elevates the tongue)  Tongue plays a vital role in bolus formation by action of its intrinsic muscles which alters its shape (forms a central trough)  Lips close and help in creating an effective seal preventing the bolus from dribbling out of oral cavity  Buccinator muscle helps in pushing the bolus out of vestibule into oral cavity 50
  • 51. B. Oral Phase Proper  During this phase, bolus is passed into the pharynx by upward and backward movement of tongue against palate  This stimulates the touch receptors that initiate swallowing reflex  Transmit of bolus from mouth to oropharynx takes place in a short time (0.5 sec) 51
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 53  The bolus passes through the pharynx into esophagus  This stimulates epithelial swallowing receptor areas all around the opening of the pharynx, especially on the tonsillar pillars  Impulses from these areas pass to the brain stem to initiate a series of automatic pharyngeal muscle contractions II. Pharyngeal Phase
  • 54. 54  Trigger points are present on the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall  Stimulation of trigger points present in the oropharynx starts off the pharyngeal reflexive stage of swallowing  The initiation of swallowing involves contact of the food with the faucial arches or with the mucosa overlying the posterior pharynx in the region, innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve Functions of trigger points in oro - pharynx
  • 55. 55
  • 56. Protective reflex during pharyngeal phase 56
  • 57. Protective reflex during pharyngeal phase  Elevation of soft palate  Adduction of vocal cords  Temporary apnea  Retroversion of epiglottis  Elevation of larynx against epiglottis  Entire process occurs: 0.6-1 sec 57 Doty RW. Neural organization of deglutition.Handbook of Physiology. The Alimentary Canal.1968Am Physiol SocWashington, DC, sect. VI, vol. IV, p. 1861–1902.
  • 58.  Elevation of soft palate 1) CN X stimulates and contracts uvula---elevation of soft palate -- prevents the entry of bolus into nasopharynx (prevents nasal regurgitation) 2) CN X also stimulates levator veli palatine m. that elevates the soft palate and hence prevent entry of bolus into nasopharynx 3) CN V stimulates tensor veli palatine m.---that tenses the soft palate----accentuates the axn of levator veli palatine m.- ---elevation of soft palate 58
  • 59. Vocal cords of larynx are strongly approximated and larynx is pulled upward and anteriorly by neck muscles These actions, combined with the presence of ligaments that prevent upward movement of the epiglottis cause the epiglottis to swing backward over the opening of the larynx Prevents passage of food into trachea 59  Adduction of vocal cords
  • 60. 60  Temporary apnea • Interruption of respiration occurs for only a fraction of a usual respiratory cycle • The swallowing center specifically inhibits the respiratory center of the medulla during this time • Halts the respiration at any point in its cycle to allow swallowing to proceed • Also known as Deglutition apnea
  • 61. 61  The epiglottis move from vertical – horizontal position  The upper third of epiglottis moves below the horizontal to cover the narrowed laryngeal inlet  This in turn, prevents the bolus from going into the larynx  Retroversion of epiglottis
  • 62. 62  Upward movement of the larynx also elevates and enlarges the opening to the esophagus  Supra hyoid muscles contract and pull up hyoid bone---Moves larynx upwards and anteriorly  At the same time, the upper 3-4 cm of the esophageal muscular wall i.e. upper esophageal sphincter (Crico-pharyngeus) relaxes  Elevation of larynx against epiglottis
  • 63. To summarize the mechanics of the pharyngeal stage of swallowing:  The trachea/ larynx is closed  The esophagus is opened  A fast peristaltic wave initiated by the nervous system of the pharynx forces the bolus of food into the upper esophagus  The entire process occurring in less than 2 seconds 63
  • 64. 64
  • 65. Nervous Initiation of Pharyngeal Stage of Swallowing  Food comes in contact with certain trigger areas in the mucosa of posterior pharyngeal wall (Greatest sensitivity in tonsillar pillars)  Impulses are transmitted through sensory portion of trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves  Medulla oblongata (either into/closely associated with tractus solitarius)  The successive stages of swallowing are then automatically initiated in orderly sequence by neuronal areas of reticular substance of medulla and lower portion of pons 65 Deglutition/ swallowing center
  • 66.  Motor impulses from swallowing center to the pharynx and upper esophagus are transmitted successively by :  5th, 9th, 10th and 12th cranial nerves and  even by few superior cervical nerves 66
  • 67. 67  Involuntary passage of bolus of food from esophagus to stomach  The esophagus normally exhibits two types of peristaltic movements:  Primary peristalsis and Secondary peristalsis III. Esophageal Stage
  • 68. Primary peristalsis Simply continuation of the peristaltic wave that begins in the pharynx and spreads into the esophagus during the pharyngeal stage This wave passes all the way from pharynx to stomach in about 8 - 10 sec 68 Secondary peristalsis Results from distention of the esophagus due to the presence of the bolus Any food that has not passed into the stomach by the primary peristalsis will continue until all the food has emptied into the stomach
  • 69. Factors responsible for passage of food through esophagus  Force generated due to contraction of constrictors of pharynx  Gravity Food swallowed by a person in upright position is usually transmitted to the lower end of esophagus even more rapidly than the peristaltic wave itself: 5- 8 secs  Peristaltic wave (Primary, Secondary) 69
  • 70. Function of lower esophageal sphincter (Gastroesophageal sphincter)  At the lower end of the esophagus, the esophageal circular muscle functions as a broad lower esophageal sphincter  Normally remains tonically constricted  When a peristaltic swallowing wave passes down the esophagus, there is receptive relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter which allows easy propulsion of swallowed food into the stomach 70
  • 71. Receptive relaxation of stomach: When the esophageal peristaltic wave approaches towards the stomach, a wave of relaxation precedes the peristalsis, causing the relaxation of entire stomach to receive the food 71
  • 72. 72
  • 73. Neural control of swallowing 73
  • 74. Neuronal control - Cortex  Oral phase of swallowing  Pharyngeal and esophageal phases of swallowing 74
  • 75. Neuronal control – Brain Stem 7075
  • 76. 76
  • 77.  The nuclei receiving afferent input from the trigger zones : nucleus tractus solitarius and spinal trigeminal nucleus  Efferent pathways from the medulla and pons to the muscles involved in swallowing involve several cranial motor nuclei. Most important are:  Nucleus ambigus  Hypoglossal nucleus  Motor nuclei of the trigeminal and facial nerves and  Motor neurons within the cervical spinal cord 77
  • 78. Functional Group Muscle Innervation Site of motor neurons Function in deglutition Masticatory Temporalis Mandibular branch (CN V) CN V nucleus (pons) Raise mandible; chewing, closing oral cavity Masseter Mandibular branch CN V nucleus (pons) Raise mandible; chewing, closing oral cavity Medial pterygoid Mandibular branch (CN V) CN V nucleus (pons) Raise mandible; chewing, closing oral cavity Lateral pterygoid Mandibular branch (CN V) CN V nucleus (pons) Lower/protrude mandible; chewing Facial Orbicularis oris Facial nerve (CN VII) Facial nucleus (pons) Seal lips/mouth Buccinator Facial nerve (CN VII) Facial nucleus (pons) Push food toward teeth during mastication, help close mouth Role of muscles in deglutition 78
  • 79. Functional Group Muscle Innervation Site of motor neurons Function in deglutition Intrinsic: tongue Superior longitudinal Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Hypoglossal nucleus (medulla) Shorten/tip deflect; bolus preparation, formation, positioning, transport Inferior longitudinal Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Hypoglossal nucleus (medulla) Shorten/tip deflect; bolus preparation, formation, positioning, transport Transverse Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Hypoglossal nucleus (medulla) Narrow/lengthen tongue; bolus preparation, formation, positioning, transport Verticalis Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Hypoglossal nucleus (medulla) Broaden/flatten tongue, bolus preparation, formation, positioning, transport 79
  • 80. Extrinsic: tongue Hyoglossus Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Lower/retract tongue; bolus preparation, formation, positioning, transport Genioglossus Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Protrude/retract tongue; bolus preparation, formation, positioning, transport Styloglossus Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) Raise/retract tongue; bolus preparation, formation, positioning, transport; seal oral cavity 80
  • 81. Functional Group Muscles Innervation Site of motor neurons Function in deglutition Suprahyoid Mylohyoid Mylohyoid n. (CN V3) Trigeminal nucleus (V), pons Raise/stabilize hyoid; stabilize tongue, mouth floor Geniohyoid Hypoglossal n. (CN XII) C1 Raise/protract/stabilize hyoid bone Stylohyoid Mandibular branch, facial nerve (CN VII) Facial nucleus (VII), pons Raise/retract/stabilize hyoid; elongate mouth floor Anterior belly of digastric Mylohyoid nerve (CN V3) Trigeminal nucleus (V), pons Raise/stabilize hyoid; lower mandible Posterior belly of digastric Auricular branch, facial n. (CN VII) Facial nucleus (VII), pons Raise/retract/stabilize hyoid; lower mandible 81
  • 82. Infrahyoid Omohyoid Ansa cervicalis C1-C2 Lower/stabilize hyoid Sternohyoid Ansa cervicalis C1-C2 Lower/stabilize hyoid Thyrohyoid Ansa cervicalis/hypo glossal n. C1-C2 Lower/stabilize hyoid; raise larynx to hyoid Sternothyroid Ansa cervicalis C1-C2 Lower/stabilize larynx 82
  • 83. Functional Group Muscle Innervation Site of motor neurons Function in deglutition Palatal Tensor veli palatini CN V3 Trigeminal nucleus (V), pons Tense soft palate Levator veli palatini CN XI via pharyngeal branch of CN X (pharyngeal plexus) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Raise soft palate; widen entrance to oropharynx; seal nasopharynx Palatoglossus CN XI via pharyngeal branch of CN X (pharyngeal plexus) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Raise posterior tongue; lower soft palate; seal back of oral cavity from oropharynx Uvular CN XI via pharyngeal branch of CN X (pharyngeal plexus) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Raise uvula; brace soft palate 83
  • 84. Functional group Muscle Innervation Site of motor neurons Function in deglutition Pharyngeal Stylo-pharyngeus CN IX Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Raise/shorten pharynx; raise larynx Palato- pharyngeus CN XI via pharyngeal branch, CN X Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla raise/shorten pharynx; raise larynx; seal oral cavity Salpingo- pharyngeus CN XI via pharyngeal branch, CN X Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Raise/shorten pharynx; raise larynx Superior pharyngeal constrictor CN XI via pharyngeal branch, CN X Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Narrow pharyngeal lumen; seal nasopharynx; bolus transport Middle pharyngeal constrictor Pharyngeal branch, CN X Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Narrow pharyngeal lumen; bolus transport Inferior pharyngeal constrictor CN XI via pharyngeal branch, CN X Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Narrow pharyngeal lumen; bolus transport; distal most component of upper esophageal sphincter 84
  • 85. Laryngeal Thyroarytenoid Recurrent laryngeal (X) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Adduct vocal folds Transverse arytenoid Recurrent laryngeal (X) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Adduct vocal folds Oblique arytenoid Recurrent laryngeal (X) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Adduct vocal folds Lateral cricoarytenoid Recurrent laryngeal (X) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Adduct vocal folds Posterior cricoarytenoid Recurrent laryngeal (X) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Open vocal folds (end of swallow) Aryepiglottic (not universally present) Recurrent laryngeal (X) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Approximate arytenoids cartilages to epiglottis Thyroepiglottic Recurrent laryngeal (X) Nucleus ambiguus (X), medulla Lower epiglottis 85
  • 86. Brain Stem Control of Swallowing: Neuronal Network and Cellular Mechanisms  Swallowing movements are produced by a central pattern generator located in the medulla oblongata.  Swallowing network includes two main groups of neurons.  One group is located within the dorsal medulla and contains the generator neurons involved in triggering, shaping and timing the sequential or rhythmic swallowing pattern.  The second group is located in the ventrolateral medulla and contains switching neurons, which distribute the swallowing drive to the various pools of motoneurons involved in swallowing. 86 Jean A. Brain stem control of swallowing: neuronal network and cellular mechanisms. Physiological reviews. 2001 Apr 1;81(2):929-69.  Swallowing movements are produced by a central pattern generator located in the medulla oblongata  Two main groups of neurons: One group is located within the dorsal medulla Second group is located in the ventrolateral medulla
  • 87. Infant vs Adult mouth 87
  • 88. Adult mouth and pharynxInfantile mouth and pharynx 88
  • 89. Parameter Infant Adult Relative size of the oral cavity Small size, retruded position of the mandible Larger Tongue position Entirely within the oral cavity Oral and pharyngeal Epiglottis position C2 level C3 level Hyoid and larynx Higher level Lower level Buccal fat pad Highly developed Less developed Auditory tube Floor of the nose - junction of the hard and soft palate Superior and posterior in the nasopharynx
  • 90. Infantile swallow  Infants swallow food by suckling  This is an autonomic reflex 90
  • 91. Characteristics  Lips are sealed and appear stiff  Tongue is abnormally large and is caught between maxillary and mandibular gum pads  There is no harmonious relationship between the maxilla and the mandible  There is no harmonious relationship between cranial and facial structures 91
  • 92. Mature swallow  Mature swallow develops around 4-5 years  Maturation of swallow pattern occurs with the addition of semisolid and solid food to the diet 92
  • 93. Characteristics  Cessation of lip activity, i.e. lips relaxed  Placement of tongue tip against the palate and behind upper incisors  Posterior teeth into occlusion during swallow  Downward and forward mandibular growth increases; intraoral volume and vertical growth of the alveolar process changes tongue posture  Mandible stabilized by contraction of muscles of mastication 93
  • 95. Applied aspects  Abolition of deglutition reflex: Causes regurgitation of food into nose/ aspiration into larynx and trachea  Dysphagia : Difficulty in swallowing  Cardiac achalasia: Neuromuscular disorder of the lower 2/3rd of esophagus, characterized by absence of esophageal peristalsis and failure of LES to relax during swallowing 95
  • 96. Structural abnormalities  CLP : Hampers the control for feeding, decreases oral suction and causes nasal regurgitation  Strictures : Are common in the body of the esophagus which can obstruct the passage of bolus leading to GERD 96
  • 97. Structural abnormalities 97 Cervical osteophytes Zenker diverticulum Cervical osteophytes : Bony outgrowths from cervical vertebrae narrows the food pathway and direct the bolus towards the airway Zenker diverticulum : It is a diverticulum of the hypopharynx, that acts as a weak spot in the muscular wall. The bolus can enter into it and be regurgitated to the pharynx, resulting in coughing or aspiration
  • 98. Functional abnormalities  Drooling: Reduced closing pressure of lips  Premature leakage of bolus into pharynx: Weak contraction of tongue and soft palate  Tongue dysfunction: Impaired mastication, bolus formation and bolus transport  Loss of teeth  Xerostomia  Impaired opening of UES: Weakness of anterior suprahyoid muscles 98
  • 99. 99 The paper reviews human mastication, focusing on its age-related changes. The first part describes mastication adaptation in young healthy individuals. Adaptation to obtain a food bolus ready to be swallowed relies on variations in number of cycles, muscle strength and volume of emitted saliva. As a result, the food bolus displays granulometric and rheological properties, the values of which are maintained within the adaptive range of deglutition. The second part concerns healthy aging. Some mastication parameters are slightly modified by age, but aging itself does not impair mastication, as the adaptation possibilities remain operant. The third part reports on very aged subjects, who display frequent systemic or local diseases. Local and/or general diseases such as tooth loss, salivary defect, or motor impairment are then indistinguishably superimposed on the effects of very old age. The resulting impaired function increases the risk of aspiration and choking. Lastly, the consequences for eating behavior and nutrition are evoked. Age – related changes in mastication Peyron MA, Woda A, Bourdiol P, Hennequin M. Age‐related changes in mastication. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2017 Apr;44(4):299-312. In the orofacial region, the cross-sectional areas of the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles diminish in the elderly, along with bite force and tongue activity. These changes are accompanied by a reduction in salivation flow rate, and a decrease in the number of orosensory receptors leading to a rise in sensory thresholds, perhaps affecting reflex responsiveness and perception of food texture In sum, it appears that only minor adaptations are needed to compensate for the physiological changes induced by aging in subjects in good health. The main adaptation of the masticatory process to healthy aging is an increased number of masticatory cycles
  • 100. 100 Three factors have a major impact on masticatory function in elderly persons: Dental state, Salivation, Motor impairment  Masticatory efficiency was decreased by 50–85% in full denture wearers compared with subjects with intact dentition  Denture wearers make a much coarser bolus than dentate subjects  An increase in the number of chewing cycles, duration of mastication sequence and EMG activity per sequence is found in studies with denture wearers chewing various foods No. of posterior teeth was a key factor in predicting chewing efficiency Xerostomia and other dysfunctions related to saliva supply may influence the masticatory process negatively by making it impossible to gather food into a bolus before swallowing It is assumed that older adults compensate for their loss of muscular force and/or teeth by chewing for a longer sequence, as this increases their salivary output Dysfunction of tongue motor skills and lack of tonicity of muscles involved in masticatory movements also reduce masticatory efficiency Parkinson, stroke, Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases are good examples. Edentate subjects with insufficiently trained masticatory muscles are another common example
  • 101. Age – related changes in swallowing 101 The pharyngeal stage of deglutition is apparently delayed and shortened, with a short opening duration of the pharyngo-esophageal sphincter, a slowing down of the pharyngeal peristalsis movements (amplitude and speed), hypotony of the vocal cords, and a weakened cough reflex Aging brings a deterioration of tactile sensations, and significant decrease in perceptions of bolus viscosity, because of either an age-related loss in the density of sensory receptors involved in viscosity perception, or a higher sensory threshold of these receptors. Bolus viscosity may influence the timing of deglutition The esophageal stage of the swallowing function is apparently not modified by aging. Few modifications are noticeable at the upper esophageal sphincter, which takes longer to relax after swallowing, and undergoes a modification of its contraction pressure Peyron MA, Woda A, Bourdiol P, Hennequin M. Age‐related changes in mastication. Journal of oral rehabilitation. 2017 Apr;44(4):299-312.
  • 102. 102 Grigoriadis J, Trulsson M, Svensson KG. Motor behavior during the first chewing cycle in subjects with fixed tooth‐or implant‐supported prostheses. Clinical oral implants research. 2016 Apr;27(4):473-80. Motor behavior during the first chewing cycle in subjects with fixed tooth- or implant-supported prosthesis With fixed tooth-supported prostheses, connection of several teeth in rigid constructions reduce the movement of individual teeth and, consequently, the stimulation of PMRs when forces are applied to these teeth. Edentulous individuals with fixed implant supported prostheses in both jaws lack PMRs and thus also the sensory information they supply (Weinberg 1957a,b; Picton 1990; Nyman & Lang 1994; Svensson et al. 2013) Inappropriate regulation of mandibular movement can result in suboptimal occlusal contact and difficulty in splitting food when chewing. Subjects with implant-supported prostheses find it difficult to fragment gelatinous food (Grigoriadis et al. 2011) Dental status (e.g., the number of teeth remaining, the presence of removable prostheses), along with several other factors (e.g., temporomandibular disorders, age, size of the food, etc.) may influence the adaptation of mastication to the hardness of food (Peyron et al. 2002; Woda et al. 2006)
  • 103. 103 Only the first chewing cycle, from the start of jaw opening until the nut was initially fractured, was analyzed. Several noteworthy differences indicating impaired motor control were exhibited by individuals with fixed tooth- or implant-supported prostheses The occurrence of slips differed significantly between the groups (P = 0.031). 30% of subjects with natural teeth exhibited slips in at least one of their five trials than those with tooth- 82%, P = 0.038 or implant-supported 70%, P = 0.006) prostheses The time that elapsed from the start of jaw opening until fracture of the hazelnut differed between the groups (P = 0.049), with subjects with natural teeth requiring 0.44 s, those with tooth-supported prostheses 0.57 s and with implant-supported prostheses 0.58 s (due to the impairment or the absence of sensory input from the PMRs)
  • 104. 104 In 66% of the subjects with natural dentition, the largest part of the lateral displacement of the mandible occurred during jaw closure, whereas this occurred during jaw opening in most of the subjects in the TSP (67%) and ISP (78%) groups Visual analysis of the range of motion of the mandible during the first chewing cycle revealed a narrower pattern of movement for the TSP and ISP groups The trajectory of the mandibular movement was obviously smoother for the subjects with natural dentition, while more sluttering and probing behavior (regardless of the presence or absence of slips) for those with prostheses
  • 105. 105 In such cases, other types of mechanoreceptors in the oro-facial tissues, with different sensitivities (e.g., possibly those located in muscle, joint, mucosal, cutaneous and/or periosteal tissues) must provide information about the magnitude and direction of forces employed during biting and chewing (Dellow & Lund 1971; Lund 1991; Trulsson & Johansson 2002; Luraschi et al. 2012) Reduced occlusal area of their posterior teeth. Narrower posterior teeth (in the buccolingual direction) are often included in implant-supported prosthesis to reduce the area that transmits the bite force and thereby the load on the implants; and the pontics of tooth-supported prosthesis are sometimes narrow for a similar reason, that is, to reduce the load on abutment teeth (Douglas 2003; Klineberg et al. 2007)
  • 106. Conclusion  Deglutition and chewing cycle are important physiological processes which are important for proper development and growth of an individual  There occurs various changes in these processes with age  So, clinicians should have thorough knowledge about these processes 106
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