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Urbanization Of Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt And The Indus...
Urbanization can be defined as a rapid shift in population of a group living in a specific area. This
typically happens when the society decides that it is more advantageous to settle, rather than
migrate. Throughout ancient history, we have seen various groups of civilization to adept different
forms of urbanization near river valleys. These cities include the regions near Mesopotamia, Egypt
and the Indus valley. Even though their lifestyle might have revolved the valley as a main source of
development, their cultures and beliefs differed greatly from each other. Through the archeological
discoveries, we can infer some details into the lives of the people who originated in the cities of
Mesopotamia. The root word of Mesopotamia refers to 'between rivers', this infers to the region
between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, figure 1. Because the environment influenced people to
settle, we can see a change in their political, social, and economic structure as they begin to form a
complex society. This is the period where we see a complex engineering system as people started to
develop canals and other technologies for a more efficient agricultural development. An early
culture to settle in the lowlands of Mesopotamia were the Hassuna culture, their civilization were
characterized by "small settlements with a few hundred inhabitants, who lived in rectangular houses
with several rooms" (Feuerbach, 2015). Another culture to settle in this area were the Samarran
culture; even
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Indus Valley Polytheism
The early river valley civilizations are different and similar in many ways. The one and
big similarity of Sumer, Egypt, and the Indus Valley would have is that they were all
worshipping more than one god as of which we call it "polytheism." First off, since Egypt,
Sumer, and the Indus Valley were all polytheistic in their own ways, those places also had
"empires." This shows the thing about Egypt, Sumer, and the Indus Valley is that they can be
similar in things that they do but except they can do their own ways differently than the others, as
an example, since Egypt has their slaves as to also have jobs as warriors, then it would be
different if Sumer or the Indus Valley civilization has the potential for protecting their slaves, ...
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First off, we definitely know
that Egypt is a country(or a region) in northeastern Egypt. Second, to combine, we already know
that Egypt has more than 2,000 temples and each temple, there is a god for each Egyptian to
worship. Third and finally, Egypt has developed something interesting called "hieroglyphics,"
which is to, to make it real short and interesting, worshipping all types of different civilization
idols. Since we are done with Egypt, we move on to the Indus Valley civilization. As we said
Egypt, Sumer and the Indus Valley were different in many ways, it can still relate to the other
two civilizations in many ways. First, The Indus Valley can be located in about 4 countries of
Southern Asia which are Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the biggest country of them all, India.
The second and final thing about the Indus Valley is that they were the first ever known
civilization in the Southern asia country, India. We move on to the Indus Valley, and we are
finally are on Sumer. One thing that was independent in Sumer was that they only worshipped "4
Gods." This shows that Egypt could not worship as many gods as Egypt because Sumer
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Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to...
Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Hinduism was a
defining religion of the Indus valley culture and remained a key political entity until emperor
Ashoka came. He established Buddhism and spread it throughout Asia. The Mauryas rejuvenated
Hinduism and Islam even came in the eighth century. The Mughal Empire allowed India to become
united despite all the different religions and cultures. However, this did not last long because the
Europeans had decided to make claims in India.
Europeans wanted to control the Indian trade and they were not afraid of making these claims
violently. Loyola University of Chicago wrote, "It was Europeans use of force that enabled them to
penetrate ... Show more content on ...
2). The Indians would remain under the control of the Europeans, which mostly included the
English. It was not until the late 19th century and early 20th century that a man named Mohandas
Gandhi appeared. Gandhi was helpful in driving the British away from India, but it took a long time
for him to succeed and it cost him his life. India wanted freedom and their ideals remained mostly
the same even through European control for hundreds of years.
The Caste System has been a part of India's culture for a long time and it has caused many social
controversies between the higher and lower castes. UCLA wrote, "The greater majority of the Indian
people have no assurance of two nutritious meals a day, safety of employment, safe and clean
housing, or such level of education as would make it possible for them to understand their
constitutional rights and obligations" ("UCLA" para. 1). The higher castes believed that lower castes
were bad and that association with them was unlucky. They also wanted to conserve their power and
that is the reasoning behind the social division. The lower castes lived unhealthy lives and many of
them died at young ages, and they wanted to have more equal rights. This controversy is old but it
still continues today and it has
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The Indus Valley Civilization
The Indus valley civilizations was an intriguing and sophisticated ancient culture and also a major
contributor in the development of what later came to be known as "Hinduism" . The civilization was
founded "accidentally" in the 19th century when the British engineers were searching for ballast for
a railway line in north–western India (which is now modern day Pakistan) and found the remains of
what seemed to be an ancient city which was only known only to locals until then. In the early 20th
century, when other similar sites were uncovered, archaeologists realized the significance of the
discovery, which turned out to be one of the most prospering civilizations of the ancient world. It is
called The Indus Valley Civilization because most of its settlements are situated along the banks of
the Indus River .The largest and most important of this civilization were its two prospering cities
known as Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa. These names are of post–Indus origin as they were given
with reference to the towns built much later on the ruins of these ancient cities. During their
prosperous period,, Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa had a population of around 40–50 thousand, which
was a lot by ancient standards. Both of these cities were highly organized and strategically planned,
and displayed remarkably similar features during their excavation. Given the structure of the cities,
archaeologists suggest that there may have been a central authority for code enforcement and the
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The Major Causes Of The Indus Valley Civilizations
Tryphena Jeyakumar
Mr. Salba, 6th period
Long Essay Question
August 18, 2017 The development of complex societies in the early days impacted many of the
surrounding regions. One of the civilizations that arose with two major complex cities was the Indus
Valley civilization. There were many causes that created the first cities of the Indus Valley. They
could have been shared cultures or religious similarities that brought the great cities of Mohenjo–
Daro and Harappa to life. But the main cause that impacted these cities was because of agricultural
purposes. The cause of the successful civilization of the Indus Valley was because of the
Agricultural Revolutions, a time in which the early peoples turned to food production and
cultivation. As ... Show more content on ...
The Indus Valley is an area with widespread cultivation lands, and that is why many farmers and
other people decided to permanently set their roots here. And because they relied on agriculture, the
effect was the development of culture, new technology and even religion. The people of the Indus
Valley needed more efficient ways to plant crops, so they developed new technology, and also
invented ways to build a strong central community. And since they needed to rely on good weather
for the crops, they developed a religion, centering perhaps on an earth mother or a nature deity. Even
though the single main cause was because of the expansion of agriculture, the effects are bigger and
all stemmed from agricultural
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Comparison of Mesopotamia and the Indus Civilization
Mesopotamia and Harappan societies have long been compared throughout the history of
archaeology. Mesopotamia, also known as, 'the land between the rivers,' was named for the
triangular area between the Tigris and the Euphrates river, (Nov. 7 lecture). In recent use, it covers a
broader area referring to most of what is now Iraq. This adds ancient Assyria and Babylonia to the
scope of Mesopotamia (Schultz and Lavenda 1995:310). Parts of Mesopotamia were not inhabited at
all until approximately 8000 BC when plants and animals were domesticated, bringing about an
agricultural revolution. This allowed nomads and cave dwellers to become farmers and herders.
(Whitehouse 1977:129).)
The Indus civilization is often referred to as Harappan ... Show more content on ...
(Hawkes 1973:275). The level of grain present would have represented the level of public credit.
(Hawkes 1973:275). In Mesopotamia there were state and temple grain stores, but because of the
size and architectural importance of those at the Indus sights, they are believed to have a greater
importance. (Hawkes 1973:275).
The state in Indus civilization was governed by a centralized government. (Hawkes 1973:263). The
regular planning of Indus towns and cities could only mean that each was built as a whole by an
authority with absolute control (Hawkes 1973:273). Because of the uniformity over such a large
area, it is almost guarunteed that the entire Indus area was a unified state. (Hawkes 1973:273). The
two main sights were Harappa and Mohenjo–Daro, and they were the commercial and
administrative centers. It is unlikely that there were two equal rulers, however. (Hawkes 1973:2730).
The citadels suggest a combination of a combined military and religious power. There weren't
temples that dominated the area like at Mesopotamia, only a few shrines have been found in the
Indus territory. (Hawkes 1973:276). We don't know the nature of the authority there, whether it was
ruling priests or kings,(Whitehouse 1977:122) but we know the ruling elite had religious practices of
ritual cleaning through bathing. (Whitehouse 1977:278).
In Mesopotamia we have a clearer picture of the ruling powers which were
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Indus River Valley Civilization
The Indus River Valley civilization was an ancient civilization located on a subcontinent called
India. The Indus River Valley civilization was naturally isolated by the Himalayas and the east and
west Ghat mountains. The ancient civilization was located near a river, like most of the ancient
civilizations of their time. Because India was surrounded by mountains on all sides, the subcontinent
was very prone to attacks. A major problem for the Indus River Valley civilization was the constant
monsoons it had. India had two different types of monsoons, the winter monsoon and the summer
monsoon. The Indus River Valley civilization depended on the summer monsoon, because that is
when they got most of their rain. When the winter monsoon hit the ... Show more content on ...
It is also believed they participated in the maritime trade network. The ancient civilization would
trade many different types of things, for example they traded silver, gold, seashells, flint, and
gemstones. Cotton was one of the most important items the ancient civilization traded. The Indus
River Valley civilization had one of the largest trade routes of their time, which expanded from
Mesopotamia to China.
The Indus River Valley civilization society was based around a social hierarchy, which was divided
into groups based upon occupations. The highest group of the social hierarchy was the Brahmins, or
also known as priests. The second highest group of the hierarchy was the Kshatriyas, or warriors.
The third group were called the Vaisyas, which consisted of the herders, farmers, artisans, and
merchants. The fourth group consisted of people who had little or no Aryan heritage called the
Sudras, they consisted of farm workers, servants, and other laborers. The lowest group of the social
hierarchy was the dalits, they did work no one else wanted to do. Their social class determined who
they could marry, what kind of education they could get, where they could live, and what jobs they
could get.
The Indus River Valley religion was polytheistic, which meant they believed in many god. The
ancient civilization worshipped god and goddesses who embodied natural forces. The main god the
civilization worshiped was Indra, the god of war. Indra´s was weapon
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The Harappan Civilization Of Indus River Valley
The Indus River Valley, located in present day Pakistan was a full–fledged civilization that emerged
in 3300 B.C.E. The Harappan Civilization, stretching from present day Afghanistan to Pakistan
contained vast amounts of small communities. The society was very technologically advanced and
somewhat modeled the fundamentals of the society we live in today. The Harappan society was one
of the earliest to have a system of writing; however historians have still not interpreted them today.
Nevertheless, the society left us numerous archaeological and architectural ruins that provide much
information. Harappa, an Indus River Valley that left us no written records, but only some remains
helped us understand the society's urban planning, trade, lifestyle and mortality rate.
From the remains that were left by the Harappan society; today archaeologists can understand the
civilization's urban planning. In the last few years, archaeologists discovered major structures that
belonged to the time period of 2600 B.C.E. These structures were made from baked bricks. These
structures gave us clues about the material that was used from the planning of the city. From such
remains, archaeologists were able to learn that house sand streets were laid out in a certain pattern,
which was from North to South and East to West. There were multistoried houses that were found,
giving us information that houses were present in the Harappan Civilization many like the ones
today. There were also parts of
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The On The Indus Valley Society
John Peters
AAS 347
Part I The Indus Valley Society has left many mysteries for our historian to discover, those treasures
are enormous. There is a few key characteristic I would like to mention such as, they have
developed the sewage system, which it was a very big deal, and they have created what is like the
modern road system. These are some of the most famous developments during the era. The Vedic
people have master the skill making perfect brick. There many other groups name continent the
name of Veda, these are the people who lived after the die down of the Indus Valley Society, but
there only one major group, the Rig Veda. This group focuses the lot more on how to worship their
goddess, there are many parts in the book of "The Hindus," explain the way to worship their gods,
and what is the need to be sacrifice during their worship. Brahmanism is actually an early religion in
Indian sub–continent, this religion was based on Vedic writing, which is considering a young form
of Hinduism. According to " The Hindus" written by Doniger, " Hinduism, is like all cultures, is a
bricoleur, a rag– and bones man, building new things out of the scraps of other things." This is also
how the early Indian civilization was set up. I firmly believe there is sort of connection between
these two societies. I actually believe that the language of these Vedic people is using is past down
from the Indus Valley period. In fact, according to the text, " The Vedic people has master
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Comparing The Indus And The Shang Dynasty
The Indus and Shang Dynasty are one of the many civilizations/empires we study and learn about
today. As time progresses, they became more advanced in terms of inscriptions, agriculture,
government, science and technology, etc. The Indus and the Shang are harmonic to each other; they
share similarities. But, there's also a distinction between the two. Agriculture was essentially part of
their economic system in both empires. Although the Indus used irrigated agriculture, it's the same
concept; the cultivation of soil for growing crops and rearing animals to provide food, wool , and
other products. They both cultivated many crops and herded animals. With agriculture being a
immense accord, trading flourished throughout the city to other neighboring cities. Despite both
having religions, it was practiced in different ways. The Indus had ritual bathings; religious
ceremony involving the use of water to immerse or anoint the body. The Shang Dynasty on the other
hand used human sacrifices to worship their gods. Their various ways of offering the body includes,
beheading the person, splitting the body in half, dismembering the bodies, etc. These offerings were
often made to bless houses or to ensure their god of happiness. The Indus however, weren't as brutal.
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The Indus and The Shang's are no exception, but there was also buried differences. The Indus had no
king or warrior classes. It is suggested that all was divided equally among the people although the
answer is still unknown. The idea of an early caste system is looked upon during its reign.
Nonetheless, The Shang's were very distinctive. Their social class was extremely uneven. It can be
inferred that it was based upon family and wealth, making the slaves take the bottom of the pyramid.
The extremely wealthy were treated as if they were descendants of gods, while the slaves were
deemed as
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Compare And Contrast Mesopotamia And Indus River Valley...
Ishaan Sarfani The two ancient river valley civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Indus River valley
civilization, prior to 600 BCE had many things that remained stagnant in terms of their cultures but
also they had just as many changes. Due to New advances and by influence from other civilizations
such as the Indus over Mesopotamia and vice versa this increased the amount of change a lot. As
these river valley civilizations grew and developed they began to gain influence from other
surrounding ones. In both societies religion played a crucial role in politics. Although there is no
solid evidence to state that there was a formal style of governance in the ancient Indus civilization it
is theorized that there was because of the mass amounts of public works that there are present which
are found in the ruins of their civilization. So it is believed that the Brahmins is had some role to
play in government. As the story goes in India there was a god named purusha who sacrificed
himself in order to cease the caste system. Purusha's mouth became the people of the top caste called
the Brahmins. These people were the priests. Next came the warriors known as Kshatriyas. They
made up purusha's arms. This system followed and continued as such all the way down to purushas
legs where the artisans and craftsman were. In Mesopotamia there was a similar system to that of the
Indus civilization's the code of Hammurabi which shows us a glimpse into the Mesopotamians
version of the case
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Why Did The Indus Valley Have An Advanced Civilization
The people in the Indus Valley had an advanced civilization. They had an efficient working sewer
system. It showed they were an advanced civilization because most people at that time did not have
that sort of innovation. It carried waste away from houses so that the city will be clean and diseases
free. They also had a grid system for their roads and pathways. It showed they have an advanced
civilization because other civilizations did not have such an organized government system that could
organize, construct and plan a grid system for the roads and pathways for the city. It shows that they
had good architectural knowledge. Another reason why the people of the Indus Valley civilization
were part of an advanced civilization is that of their
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Indus Valley Religion
Religion and culture in Indus valley Religion and culture shapes the lives of many humans in the
past civilizations to now. The Indus valley has many connections between religion and culture, and
due to many events, it led a decline in the civilization. The civilization worshiped many gods,
goddesses, and animals. Religion and culture are connected to the Indus Valley Civilization, by
having a polytheistic belief system and it being made up of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The
Hindu religious practices, were mainly based off the Indus valley. The Indus valley has and believes
in many gods, and there are numerous seals to confirm it. They worshipped a father god, animals,
and a main mother goddess. Also, there are some seals that symbolize
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Indus Valley Civilization Essay
The Indus Valley civilization is located in India along the Indus River. India is a subcontinent in a
region known as South Asia. Two capital cities in this area are Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa. To this
day it includes three out of ten of the world's most populous countries, two mountain nations, and an
island nation. Which includes India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh(countries), Nepal and
Bhutan(mountains), and Sri Lanka(island). The Indus civilization lasted from 2600 to 1900 B.C. and
was known as the Harappan civilization. The Early Harappan phase 3300–2600 B.C., Mature
Harappan phase 2600–1900 B.C., and the Late Harappan phase 1900–1300 B.C. are the three time
phases that separated the Indus Valley civilization. In 1865 constructors where ... Show more
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Another economic trait is that India is divided into three major zones: the dry Deccan plateau, the
coastal plains on either side of the Deccan, and the Gangetic Plain in the north. The Deccan juts into
the Indian Ocean as a plateau, which lacks much of melting snow that leads into rivers and causes
unproductive agriculture, arid parts, and populated sparsely. The Gangetic Plain is watered by
mighty rivers such as the Indus River, Ganges, and Brahmaputra which carried melting snow from
the mountains. The coastal plains are below Deccan because its separation from low–lying mountain
ranges, which contains the Eastern and Western Ghats and because of the low–lying mountains,
farmers receive lots of rain water. In the Indus Valley there is not many records to state how their
society actually but artifacts such as pottery, seals, weights, and bricks. Archeologists suggest that
they show some type of authority and governance, though it is not clear. Various theories have
developed over time such as that a single state surrounded all of the communities of the civilization.
It is supported by artifacts, standardized ratio of brick size, the evidence of planned settlements, and
the apparent establishment of sources near sources of raw material. Also that there was no single
ruler, but a number of rulers representing different communities. Clues from statues and images on
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Compare And Contrast Indus River Valley Civilization
Although the Indus River Valley and Yellow River civilizations emerged close to the same time, and
upon the same continent, they didn't advance in the same way. While there are many similarities that
should have caused for relatable civilizations, the Indus River Valley civilization quickly advanced
with written records, ceramics, copper, an advanced sewer system, highly populated cities, and their
city was built in a grid like pattern. However, the Yellow River civilization had some advancements
like clay pottery, bronze and wooden tools, and silk clothing, but it doesn't appear to have made
fierce progress like the Indus River. This likely had to do with the rivers they developed by and
In continuation, a possible factor of the
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Huang He And Indus River Valley Comparison
The Huang He and Indus River Valley Comparison Early societies such as East Asia and Southern
Asia, began to emerge around rivers that later turned these societies into Civilizations. A number of
people learned to use the rivers as natural resources and used river water for crops that needed
irrigation, built complex irrigation systems that made villages grow and flourish. The earliest
societies in Asia, was South Asia, where Dravidian cultivators decided to build a neolithic society
west of the Indus River Valley, which by 7000 B.C.E agriculture spread rapidly and so did the
population. Aryan peoples interfered with the Dravidian,
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Indus Valley Disappearance
It is believed that the disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization is a mystery. To this day
unknown; yet, there are many opinions that could not be proven. It's been said, that invasion took
place, and most of the ancient people were captured, taken away or murdered. This proved to be
false; archeologist found that the people of Indus Valley were peaceful for thousands of years. The
human bones found showed no proof of brutality or injury. To this day neither war nor records of
confrontation has been found in the land, and no evidence of an army. Once decline was thought the
cause of drought and claimant change; due to floods, change of river course and the removal of
forest, it was believed that the people abandoned Indus Valley
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Mesopotamia vs. Indus River Valley Essay
Mesopotamia vs. Indus River Valley 9/26/12
Ancient Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley civilization were two incredibly productive and
successful empires. While Mesopotamian politics were slightly less focused on religion and more on
other aspects, the two societies shared many social characteristics. They both had defined social
hierarchies, as well as similar views on gender roles. These traits are helpful in explaining the
similarities and differences between the two cultures. One of the key aspects of both Mesopotamia
and the Indus River Valley is their distinct social hierarchies. In the Indus River Valley, beginning
with the Aryans, a caste social system was used to keep citizens in their ... Show more content on ...
They did not have the right to divorce their husbands, and almost all women were uneducated. In
Mesopotamia, women were also treated very poorly. They were taught to attend to all of their
husband's needs, and could be punished severely if they did not do as their husband said. In
Babylonia, during Hammurabi's rule, there was even a law that stated that if a woman did not obey
her husband or was unfaithful to him in any way, he was legally allowed to throw her in the river,
ultimately drowning her. While Mesopotamian and the Indus River Valley were alike in their social
characteristics, their political views differed slightly. Records from the Indus civilizations have yet
to fully been translated, and therefore not much is known in the way of Indus political structure.
What most historians assume is that it was broken into city–states with a common ruler, which is the
way that Mesopotamia was governed as well. Despite this similarity, the Indus government was
more focused on religious aspects than Mesopotamian government was. This can be deduced by the
fact that Indus rulers were always priest–kings, while the highest status in Mesopotamia was
achieved first by the king, and then by the priests. These kings were also usually the head of the
military, while the priests ran schools, distributed land, were considered doctors, and were in charge
of religion. Kings and
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Indus And Assyrians Similarities
The Assyrians and the Indus are like hot and cold, two completely different early civilizations. The
Indus were around about 2300 B.C and the Assyrians were around about 1200 B.C. The Assyrians
had some of the first rulers to regulate laws within a household. Also, the Indus had a huge
warehouse for every city they had to store items away. The Assyrians used money from trade to pay
for expansive palaces as well. The Assyrians and the Indus are more different than similar because
while they had well planned cities in common, they differed in government decisions and
occupations. These two civilizations had very different points of view on how things should be done
as a whole. Although the Assyrians and the Indus differed, each civilization had well planned cities.
The Assyrians encourages a well ordered society and used riches from trade and war loot to pay for
great palaces. They planned and mapped out all of their cities as well. Meanwhile, the Indus had at
least five large cities that were built in their time. There ... Show more content on ...
The Assyrians were very aggressive and were know as the most fierce warriors of their time. Also,
Assyrian rulers often lied and boasted greatly about their conquests. On the other hand, the Indus
tried to be less violent as a whole. Their cities rivaled those of Ancient Sumer but for the most part
they kept to themselves(Charles Scribner's Sons 1988). The Assyrians also had many military forts
built to keep troops in(Ronald Johnson 1993). Overall, it is said that the Assyrians were so
aggressive because earlier in their civilization they were often attacked which probably caused them
to strengthen and build their defense system(Ronald Johnson 1993). The Indus were always
inventing new things like complex pluming systems which helped them greatly. Clearly, the
Assyrians and the Indus had two very different ways of governing their
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The Indus Valley Civilization
Indus Valley Civilization:
In the region of South Asia, Indus Valley civilization is acknowledged as the oldest civilization
which is situated in the region of India's western drift and Indus River (Hirst, 2017). This
civilization performed central government and delivered well developed cities and towns along with
compositions and controlled food productions. This civilization is different from those of
Mesopotamia and Egypt, and hence was not overwhelmed by intense figures of religion (Green,
2016). No sanctuaries were manufactured and no pictures of state divine beings or lords have been
found. Deforestation, environmental change and a progression of intrusions all added to the decline
of the Indus civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization is also acknowledged as Indus civilization
which was situated in a zone of somewhere in the range of 1.6 million square kilometers in what is
today eastern Pakistan and northeastern India between around 2500–1900 BC (Hirst, 2017).
Indus Valley Seals:
Alexander Cunningham, in 1870, distributed a few discoveries uncover at Harappa under the
establishment of the Archeological Survey of India. That demonstrate some inquisitive protest
among them, a 1*1 inch of smooth engraved mud, covered in the vestiges (Rao et al., 2009). The
piece was not cleaned and appeared to engrave the sculpture of a bull. It was at first suspected that
the seal was a not a local possession rather a foreign object. Later on numerous such revelations
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Indus Valley Seals
The large and under appreciated civilization of the Indus Valley reveals treasures and achievements
of ancestors from our past. A seal from the Indus Valley has left historians and archeologists puzzled
about its possible meanings. Archeologists believe the seal could represent a particular business, or
even a prominent individual. The seals found could signify trade and commerce amongst villages,
representing their leaders, a sacrificial ritual, or protection and procreation. In some ancient societies
seals were used for printing an image on a document or product. In the Indus Valley the seals often
have images of animals and some kind of title or inscription. Unfortunately the language written on
these seals is still undeciphered. The specific ... Show more content on ...
To illustrate, the Indus civilization flourished a thousand years later than the Middle– East and North
Africa. So these huge civilizations were already dominating the area, leaving the Indus Valley in the
shadows. Then Indian or South Asian civilizations moved toward the plains of the Ganges River,
which archeologists believed covered all that remained of the Indus (p.103). The Indus Valley began
to decline around 1700 B.C.E and was not rediscovered until the twentieth century. Therefore
decades passed before any recognition of the Indus Valley, causing erosion and wear on the artifacts
and history of the valley. All scholars have really uncovered are the advanced cities and
neighborhoods they made. This leaves a lot of room for potential explanations about the civilization
and their lives. Moreover, the script written on the seals found are unrecognizable and archeologists
cannot decode the language. The language written on these seals is unlike any other dialect. In
addition, our mindset compared to the people of the Indus Valley is worlds apart. A plausible reason
why people cannot decipher these intricate seals is our mind are overcomplicating their meanings. I
think we perplex, or over simplify, their dialect. We are so in the dark about the interpretations of
this ancient civilization and their seals because the Indus Valley is foreign to us. Limited
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The Indus Valley Civilization
The peaceful, wealthy and structured Indus Valley Civilisation fell apart between the time of
1900BC and 1700BC. The combination of floods in some areas, drought, anarchy and supposedly
natural disasters brought the Civilisation that was once flourishing between 2600BC and 1900BC to
the ground. Some historians speculate the Indus Valley Civilisation was devastated by a great war.
Hindu poems titled the Rig Veda (1500BC) explain northern invaders conquering the Indus Valley
cities. But, despite the physical annihilation of the Indus Civilisation, only the cities fell into ruins.
Farmers in the Indus Valley continued living in their villages, and the monsoons "de–urbanized"
them. The Indian Religion Hinduism appears to have close connections with the ancient Indus
religion. Some of the Hindu gods are very similar to the gods shown on Indus Valley seals. The
Indus Valley people considered water as being Holy, and the Hindus believe they are 'purified' in a
religious way when they bathe in the sanctified Ganges River. The Indus Valley Civilisation was
destroyed from the outside, but many features of the Civilisation and people lived on.
Distinct from most major religions, Hinduism doesn't have a central person who claims they are the
founder of it. In its place, there is an intricate origin which dates back five thousand years to the
people that lived in the Indus Valley Civilisation. When the Aryan communities of Persia attacked
the Indus Valley around the time of 1700 BC, the
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The Collapse Of The Indus Valley
The New Kingdom
New Kingdom resumed after Ahmose came to power in Thebe and lasted from 1540 BC to 1075
BC. Pharaohs such as Thutmose 1, Amenhotep 2 and Ramesses 2 held the state together. It became
wealthier due to access to Nubian gold as their kingdom expanded. An army was created as well as
priests taking a more important role; tombs along the valley of kings became normal.
Mummification and religious practiced were stratified and important for lesser people as well as
kings and rulers. The new kingdom was prosperous and full of successful leaders; the fall came at
the end of the New Kingdom seeing a considerable shrink of Egypt's control (Shaw 208–214). This
leads into the third intermediate period and repaired by the reunification of ... Show more content on ...
Egypt started off slowly they were hunter–gatherers turned farmers of cattle by 7000 BC and other
domesticates by 5000 BC. Pottery was established at about the same time with permeant settlements
developing in 4000 BC leading to new technologies and new cultures such as the Badari, Naqada
one, two and three and the Merimde culture. They developed into cities such as Heirankopolis,
Abydos, Koptos and Naqada with social stratification found in Upper Egypt with the focus on
wealth and social status and a more minimalistic approach in Lower Egypt. The city–states started to
form an administration with government and rulers and unified Upper and Lower Egypt and
developed Memphis the capital city. Soon after king's rules and the kings developed into Pharaohs,
and although Egypt faced some hardships along the way to a great civilization it did not fall as its
neighbours in the Indus Valley did. The Indus valley much like Egypt full of eager hunter–gatherers
developing into small farming settlements which quickly developed into a full–blown civilization
with the domestication of cattle, wheat, and barley. The Indus valley underwent extreme culture
change from 2600– 2500 BC, from small settlements to a civilization with two main cities
Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa. Both cities were technologically advanced with complex grid city
plans, sanitation drains, and bath
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Indus River Valley Research Paper
The Indus River Valley is the best civilization out of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and of course the
Indus River Valley. I think this and believe this for many reasons. One reason is that the Indus River
Valley created a sewer system. Also, they build a big grain bin that held all of their grain. There are
some other things that the Indus River Valley created.
The Indus River Valley created a sewer system. They were the first civilization to have a system like
this. This helped keep their city a lot cleaner than it was without one. It really helped because their
system was underground. This is one of the reasons I think the Indus River Valley is the best.
I also think the Indus River Valley is the most outstanding because they had a huge grain
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The Indus Valley Civilizations
Ancient Economy Indus Valley Report The Indus Valley civilization, which lasted from 5,500 B.C.E
to 1,500 B.C.E, was one of the most advanced ancient civilizations of all time and it had an
economy which was extremely dependent on trade, agriculture, hunting, and pottery. Through trade,
the Indus Valley Civilizations exchanged many technologies with other major civilizations and this
allowed them to become one of the most successful civilizations of all time. Although their cities,
which had buildings with multiple stories and were air conditioned, were made out of mud bricks as
compared to the tall metal skyscrapers of today, Indus Valley was one of the first large human
settlements on Earth. This coupled with inventions such as buttons, irrigation, the seal, and the ruler,
helped Indus Valley to go down in history as a civilization which was ahead of its time. The
economy of Indus Valley was very diverse. It specialized in producing dates, grapes and melons;
cotton for cotton cloths; and other crops such as wheat and peas. Indus Valley is known to be the
first place that cotton was cultivated and used to weave cloths. This was a revolutionary
advancement since cotton is one of the most used resources today. This proves that Indus Valley was
a really valuable ancient civilization which was way ahead of its time. The use of cotton allowed
them to step up as a unique and valuable trading partner since they provided a product which was
scarcely found. This along with the
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Mohenjo-Daro : The City Of The Indus Valley Civilization
Mohenjo–Daro was one of the most important cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. It is the largest
and best preserved city of the Indus Valley Civilization. It is located on the right of the Indus River
and it's in southern Pakistan. It was built around 2500 BC and has a surface land area of 500 acres.
This is such a large area that archaeologists believed it served as the main source of power for the
civilization. One monument that was found that was important in that area was "The Great Bath."
This was a 900 sq foot tank that had water from the Indus River. It had an elaborate sewage system.
Mohenjo–Daro also has remains of another ancient Indus Civilization called Harrappa. (The Editors
of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Mohenjo–Daro.") The name Mohenjo Daro means "Mound of the
dead." It is called the "Mound of the Dead" because after the disappearance of this ancient
civilization, things such as people, remains of pottery, remains of buildings got buried in the soil and
with time, created a mound. (John Roach. "Mohenjo–Daro.") Mohenjo–Daro has also been called
"The City of Wells" because the city had been estimated to have over 700 wells that had fresh water
in the area. There was evidence of pottery, seals, and tools of copper that was used and traded.
Mohenjo–Daro also had no places of worship or governance which shows that class structure was
equal. The lower–town of Mohenjo– Daro housed 20,000–40,000 people and had a grid system
similar to modern day blocks. After 600
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Women And Men In The Indus Valley Civilization
The Indus valley civilization was an ancient civilization that lasted/height was 700 years and their
location was Pakistan, Afghanistan and India meaning north west.
Jewelry was wored by the women and men in the Indus valley civilization. I am making a bangle
form soft clay for making the round shape.
The stone type of material use in the Indus valley civilization were silver, gold, copper, ivory,
pottery and beads these were the most common materials to make jewelry. Both Women and Men
wore jewelry.
The Indus Valley Civilization had also used beads and had painted them as well. Most websites
aren't giving any information about this but most of them are saying that there is evidence that there
was a city "Lothal" in the INC where people use to make jewelry and paint/ design beads. ... Show
more content on ...
Thread was the most commonly used.
The Indus valley civilization was an ancient civilization that lasted/height was 700 years and their
location was Pakistan, Afghanistan and India meaning north west.
Jewelry was wored by the women and men in the Indus valley civilization. I am making a bangle
form soft clay for making the round shape.
The stone type of material use in the Indus valley civilization were silver, gold, copper, ivory,
pottery and beads these were the most common materials to make jewelry. Both Women and Men
wore jewelry.
The Indus Valley Civilization had also used beads and had painted them as well. Most websites
aren't giving any information about this but most of them are saying that there is evidence that there
was a city "Lothal" in the INC where people use to make jewelry and paint/ design beads. They used
threads not chains because they were no chains at that time except threads (thick threads). Thread
was the most commonly
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Mesopotamia, Egypt, And The Indus River Valley
Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley were all civilizations situated near rivers. In
Mesopotamia, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers rose annually but were prone to flooding. In Egypt, on
the other hand, the Nile River had predictable flooding and was and still is the longest river in the
world. It was also easy to traverse due to southern wind patterns and northern currents. In the Indus
Valley, people lived near the Indus River, hence the name. Also, they were isolated, surrounded by
the Himalayas, just as Egypt was isolated, surrounded by deserts, mountains, seas, and cataracts. On
the other hand, Mesopotamia was more open and vulnerable to invasion. In all three cradles,
agriculture began independently. As a result of the ... Show more content on ...
In Egypt, the pharaoh served as God and king. The Sun God was the "main" God, leading to
discussion today over whether Egyptians technically practiced monotheism before the Hebrews.
However, King Tut later reverted back to polytheism. They had a main focus on the afterlife, which
explains why they mummified their dead. The people of the Indus Valley were polytheistic and
worshipped some female deities. Divisions in the land took place in each of these three early
civilizations. Mesopotamia was a loose confederation of walled–off city–states each ruled by a king.
Rivalry over land and water amongst these city–states often led to violent conflict. In fact, under the
rule of the Assyrians, these walls were 5 to 7 stories high and a hundred feet thick in some places.
Egypt was not as divided as Mesopotamia and was ruled by a pharaoh who served as God and king.
The Indus Valley people were the first to use zoning, or when certain areas are designated as
residential, commercial, and for manufacturing. Unlike in the Fertile Crescent, there was little
indication of political hierarchy or centralized states. The Ziggurat, the largest structure in many of
the Mesopotamian city–states, served as a temple or pyramid, while many of the around 70 cities of
the Indus Valley had citadels, or two–story buildings with a "bath" on top that represented a
centralized authority. In contrast, the pyramids of Egypt showed job
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Did The Indus Valley People Live Like Us Essay
Did the Indus people live like us?
For this assignment I researched if the Indus valley people lived like us. I investigated about how the
social, economic and political life of the people of the Indus Valley was. I think that they did in fact
live like us in some ways but not in all ways. The Indus valley nation was a well organized, efficient
and peaceful nation. From the evidence we have found so far the Indus valley people were very
The Indus Valley people lived in Asia in what is now India and Pakistan. Water was very important
to the Indus valley people so they started digging wells and putting drains. Most Indus valley people
lived in small villages. Their houses were built out of mud stones and had very few windows
because of the dust and noise that would escape into their house. Their houses also had very thick
walls to ... Show more content on ...
One of the things they believed in was the worship of mother goddess. They believed that their
mother goddess was the source of all creation. Another thing they believed in is the worship of lord
Pashupati or lord Shiva. They believed that Lord Shiva was the lord of the beast and the male
version of creation. They also believed in the worship of trees, they believed that trees were sacred.
The Papal tree was considered the most sacred to them, the same as some Hindu think. They also
worshipped real animals, for example the bull, buffalo and tiger but mythical animals were also
worshipped. Another thing they believed in was the sun, water and fire. The faith in magic, charms
and sacrifices was also practiced by the Indus valley people. The Indus valley people also believed
in life after death. Dead bodies were either buried or burned, the dead bodies were buried with
everyday things for example pottery, this shows that they believed in life after death. The religion
that the Indus valley practiced is the religion that modern day Hinduism came
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The Indus Valley Civilization ( 3300-1300 Bce ) Essay
The Indus Valley Civilization (3300–1300 BCE) was the one among the greatest early civilzation of
the Old World alongside the ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (Wright 2009, Wright 2010), which
developed in South Asia along perennially flowing Indus and Ghaggar–Hakra ( also called as
Saraswati) river in northwest India and eastern Pakistan (Wright 2010, Giosan 2012, Maemoku
2013). Though least studies so far, emerging archeological studies suggest that the Indus Valley
(oftenly called Harappa) might have been most wide spread, extending across today's northwest
Pakistan deep into western India and carried probably more than five million people at its peak
(Kahn 2005, McIntosh 2008). Reduced water supply has possibly caused the civilization's demise
and eastward movement of its population (Madella 2006, MacDonald 2011, Brooke 2014) towards
the Gangetic plain after its decline (Possehl 1999; McIntosh 2002:11) giving rise to many
succeeding Vedic tradition linked cultures reinforced by reports of many religious artefacts of Hindu
practices from Indus Valley locations (Mishra 2001). The northwestern region of pre–partition India
was the centre for Indus Valley civilization and for the shift from hunting–gathering to the societies
with settled agriculture and domesticated animals (Allchin and Allchin 1997) well supported by
archeological discoveries of first agricultural occupation in the Indus basin near Mehrgarh (now in
Pakistan) and surrounding areas
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The Indus Valley Civilization
The Indian society adopted a class or caste system from the Indus Valley people. Just like the Indus
society had priest rulers, the Indian society has the high class Indian Brahmins, which are seen as
the priestly class. Trade was a very big part of the Indus Valley society, everything that they did,
everything that they made was to ensure that they were able to create and trade more effectively. The
class system during the Indus Valley civilization is extremely similar to the class system seen in
Pakistan and India today. There were farmers, who grew crops, mustard, sesame, grapes, dates,
melons, and khan. There were traders, these people were extremely good at what they did, and this
is one of the reasons why the Indus Valley Civilization was able to prosper for so long. There were
craftsmen, these people made things for people to use in everyday life. Just like today, they would
be people that would make things and other people who would buy them. This contributed to the
stability of the Indus civilization. Just like most ancient civilizations, priests played an important
part in ruling the civilization. They were seen as the closest to God, and that is why they were given
such authority and power. For people who follow religions, the religious leaders are very important
because they are seen as all knowing & are respected by the people of the religious community.
Just like the present, people in the Indus Valley Civilization loved fashion and some of these
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Compare And Contrast Mesopotamia And Indus Valley...
In the duration of these two civilizations, the people of Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley
innovated their world, and in turn, changed ours. Mesopotamia spanned from 5000–3500 B.C.E.
between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, while the Indus Valley's main time period was 3300–1300
B.C.E, in what is now Pakistan and Northwest India. These civilizations left a mark on the world
through the way they ran their cities, how they worshipped, and the legacy that came out of
Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley. One of the chief characteristics of both Mesopotamia and
the Indus River Valley were their political systems. At first in Mesopotamia, there were just
individual cities, such as Sumer and Babylon. Eventually these turned into a mainly central
government with two branches. The first was a counsel made up of religious authorities, and the
second was the lugal. The lugal was the name for the monarch of Mesopotamia, basically like a
king. Possibly the most famous lugal, Hammurabi was the lugal of Babylon. He is most easily
known with the code of laws that he created, the code of Hammurabi. It was one of the first writings
of its kind, detailing everything from trading procedures to punishments for every type of crime.
Even with these two branches of government connecting all of the cities in Mesopotamia, they were
mainly independent cities. Each city collected their own taxes, and had power enough to battle with
each other. Mesopotamia was a patriarchal society, with most,
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The Indus River Civilization
In the year 3000 BCE the Indus River civilization was formed in the northwest of India (Indus
River). This was the beginning of the long reign of Hinduism over the Indian peninsula. They were
an advanced civilization having many artifacts architecturally especially bathhouses but the biggest
thing they left behind was religious symbols and religious figures; They also set a precedent by
having a mother goddess. Around 1800 BCE the Aryans a militant tribe from central Asia came into
India and took over the Indus River civilization (Indus Valley Civilization). Also according to many
scholars the belief of the collapse of the Indus River Valley Civilization wasn't from an invasion by
the Aryans but a decline in trade with Egypt and Mesopotamia along with a drought (Indus Valley
Since the beginning of the civilization they've had many religious texts starting with the Vedic
scripture of the Rig Veda (Hinduism). There were many Hindu writings including the Upanishads,
Brahmanas, and Vedantas. These writings are Indo–Aryan writings as the Aryan occupation had
some influence on the text (Hinduism). The year 300 BCE brought along a new and one of the most
important Hindu books The Bhagavad Gita. The Hindu religion is a polytheistic religion meaning
that it has many gods split into three different sections being Celestial, Atmospheric, and Terrestrial.
Gods have their own specific reason of being in this structured universe. The main gods worshiped
in Vedic Hinduism
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A Brief Note On The Civilization And The Indus Valley...
1. Norte Chico/Caral: Norte Chico is a series of s twenty–five urban centers emerged in an area. The
largest of the urban centers is known as Caral. Platform mounds were found in this area, as well as
large public ceremonial structures, stone buildings with residential apartment, and also other signs of
urban life.
2. Indus Valley civilization: The Indus Valley civilization is located in present day Pakistan. This
civilization had evidence to provide little indications of no political hierarchy or centralized.
3. Central Asian/ Oxus civilization: A civilization that was economically based on irrigation
agriculture and stock raising. This civilization was a focal point of a "Eurasian–wide system of
intellectual and commercial exchange." This civilization started to fade away by 1700 B.C.E.
4. Olmec cilviazation: The Olmec Civilization was a final First Civilization that formed around 1200
B.C.E. This civilization arose from a series of competing chiefdoms. These chiefdoms turned into
ceremonial centers filled with decorated temples, altars, pyramids, and tombs. This civilization may
have even created the first written language in the Americas. Olmec civilization also influenced
civilizations that came later on such as the Maya and Telihuacan.
5. Uruk: Uruk is an ancient Mesopotamia city, and is also the largest city. This city had walls over
20 feet and also a population of around 50,000 people. There were temples inside Uruk that were
served as a center for ritual
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Comparing The Nile, Mesopotamia, And Indus Civilizations
Comparing the Nile, Mesopotamia, and Indus Civilizations The civilizations of the Nile River
valley, the Mesopotamia valley, and Indus Valley marked human progress toward fixed settlements
and the development of a rich culture. These civilizations shared many characteristics that
contributed to their success. What made these civilizations unique were the contributions that each
one gave to the world. They contributed their own ideas and accomplishments in the areas of
religion, science, and mathematics. These contributions defined each civilization and how they
would be remembered, as well as, their importance to the world. These three civilizations created
cultures that built societies and people for future generations. Starting around 3100 BC they began.
The rule of King Menes began the Egyptian civilization by unifying the Upper and Lower Egypt
into one kingdom (Duiker and Speilvogel 17). The Mesopotamian civilization located between the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, began with the Sumerians people (Duiker and Speilvogel 9). Also, in
now what is modern day India, another civilization began. It was located in the Indus River Valley
with the Harappan people (Duiker and Speilvogel 38). Three early civilizations laid the foundation
for what would be the progression of future civilizations, all of which would greatly influenced the
world. All of these places had consecutive civilizations that eventually collapsed, even though each
preceding civilization influenced
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The Indus Valley Civilization
Indus Valley Civilization:
In the region of South Asia, Indus Valley civilization is acknowledged as the oldest civilization
which is situated in the region of India's western drift and Indus River (Hirst, 2017). This
civilization performed central government and delivered well developed cities and towns along with
compositions and controlled food productions. This civilization is different from those of
Mesopotamia and Egypt, and hence was not overwhelmed by intense figures of religion (Green,
2016). No sanctuaries were manufactured and no pictures of state divine beings or lords have been
found. Deforestation, environmental change and a progression of intrusions all added to the decline
of the Indus civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization is also acknowledged as Indus civilization
which was situated in a zone of somewhere in the range of 1.6 million square kilometers in what is
today eastern Pakistan and northeastern India between around 2500–1900 BC (Hirst, 2017).
Indus Valley Seals:
Alexander Cunningham, in 1870, distributed a few discoveries uncover at Harappa under the
establishment of the Archeological Survey of India. That demonstrate some inquisitive protest
among them, a 1*1 inch of smooth engraved mud, covered in the vestiges (Rao et al., 2009). The
piece was not cleaned and appeared to engrave the sculpture of a bull. It was at first suspected that
the seal was a not a local possession rather a foreign object. Later on numerous such revelations
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Comparison and contrast of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley
Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilizations have long been compared throughout history and
were both some of the earliest civilizations in the world. Mesopotamia, also known as, 'the land
between the rivers,' was named for the triangular area between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers.
This area has been extended and now covers modern day Iraq, adding ancient Assyria and Babylonia
to that land. The Indus civilization is often referred to as the Harappan civilization from the first city
discovered called Harappa. The Indus civilization existed in the vast river plains of what are now
Pakistan and northwestern India between the Indus and Ganges rivers from about 2800 BC to 1800
BC. Though these two territories had many things in common ... Show more content on ...
You stay into the class you were born into. This ties in with the religious belief of reincarnation and
that you must lead a good life in order to have good Karma and be born into a better caste. Each
class lived a different lifestyle. They had certain occupations that other classes don't follow, they ate
different types of food, they had different family customs, and so forth. The Brahmin were the
judges and priests who held important positions in government and had the most wealth and power.
In Mesopotamia the ruling powers were both divine and royal. The Sumerians had a belief that
people were created by gods to labor for them. The temple and its land belonged to the god Ningirsu
and his wife Baba, and their family. The land owning upper classes included ruling princes and their
families, leading priests, and palace officials. The political function was not separated from the
religious function for much of Mesopotamia's history. In old Babylonian times a town or a precinct
mayor led a group or council of elders. Nobility formed the upper house of elders, and also land–
owning commoners met in a popular assembly to make important decisions. Together they managed
dealings such as appointing governors, and choosing kings to be temporary military commanders in
times of crisis. Eventually there was a separation of the kings from the temple, and the soldiers were
kept in the king's palace. The king with his increasing
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Geography Of The Indus River
Barrett, Emily Period 6 4/30/15
The Indus River is located on the northwestern part of the sub–continent with other rivers draining
into it. Another river called the Ganges River was east of the Indus River. The climate was tropical
and contained seasonal winds called monsoons. Monsoons during the winter were dry and went
from land to the sea, letting little rain fall on the land. During summer monsoons wet winds go from
ocean to land bringing rain with it. The mountain ranges, the Himalayas and Hindu Kush, were
located near the north.
The first civilization in the sub–continent grew around the Indus River; later another civilization
grew around the Ganges River. The rivers would flood and this leaves behind rich soils which makes
plentiful crops that fed the civilization. Agriculture depends on the summer monsoon. If rain comes,
there are no problems, but if it comes late or not at all crops die and people starve. Since they could
not always depend on the monsoons they made irrigation channels that led to their crops. The
Himalayas and Hindu Kush separated the sub–continent from the rest of Asia. Culture
India was the first place that made and used cotton in a piece of clothing called a sari, which was
worn by women. This piece of clothing was long and could be worn in different ways. Rich women
wore saris made of silk. Men wore a long piece of clothing called a dhoti. Since dhotis were shorter
they only covered men's lower
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Indus Valley Civilization And The Coming Of The Aryans
The Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of the Aryans is the start of ancient India. The Indus
Valley Civilization had flourished from around 2500 B.C. to about 1500 B.C. The Indus Valley has a
larger geographical reach than Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Indus civilization's economy was based
on a very well organized agriculture. At first, farming settlements began around 4000 BCE, and
around 3000 BCE there appeared the first signs of urbanization. By around 2600 BCE, many of the
towns and cities had been established. Between around 2500–2000 BCE the civilization had reached
its peak. Ancient India is also known for many of its inventions and accomplishments that it
achieved. Ancient India is home to the two religious beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism. It has many
contributions in math that include square roots, decimals, numbers 0–9, and even algebra. The
ancient civilization was also the creator of many games. These games include playing cards, polo,
chess, checkers, judo, karate, and snakes and ladders. The list of India's accomplishments include of
over one–thousand cures for diseases. India's inventions and accomplishments are a major part of its
history. Ancient India was also very dependent on its government and economy. The two very
important things that they focused on were farming and trade. Farming gave the people food so they
could eat and they could trade. They would usually trade for anything that they had needed at the
time which included cotton, gold,
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Urbanization Of Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt And The Indus...

  • 1. Urbanization Of Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt And The Indus... Urbanization can be defined as a rapid shift in population of a group living in a specific area. This typically happens when the society decides that it is more advantageous to settle, rather than migrate. Throughout ancient history, we have seen various groups of civilization to adept different forms of urbanization near river valleys. These cities include the regions near Mesopotamia, Egypt and the Indus valley. Even though their lifestyle might have revolved the valley as a main source of development, their cultures and beliefs differed greatly from each other. Through the archeological discoveries, we can infer some details into the lives of the people who originated in the cities of Mesopotamia. The root word of Mesopotamia refers to 'between rivers', this infers to the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, figure 1. Because the environment influenced people to settle, we can see a change in their political, social, and economic structure as they begin to form a complex society. This is the period where we see a complex engineering system as people started to develop canals and other technologies for a more efficient agricultural development. An early culture to settle in the lowlands of Mesopotamia were the Hassuna culture, their civilization were characterized by "small settlements with a few hundred inhabitants, who lived in rectangular houses with several rooms" (Feuerbach, 2015). Another culture to settle in this area were the Samarran culture; even ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Indus Valley Polytheism The early river valley civilizations are different and similar in many ways. The one and big similarity of Sumer, Egypt, and the Indus Valley would have is that they were all worshipping more than one god as of which we call it "polytheism." First off, since Egypt, Sumer, and the Indus Valley were all polytheistic in their own ways, those places also had "empires." This shows the thing about Egypt, Sumer, and the Indus Valley is that they can be similar in things that they do but except they can do their own ways differently than the others, as an example, since Egypt has their slaves as to also have jobs as warriors, then it would be different if Sumer or the Indus Valley civilization has the potential for protecting their slaves, ... Show more content on ... First off, we definitely know that Egypt is a country(or a region) in northeastern Egypt. Second, to combine, we already know that Egypt has more than 2,000 temples and each temple, there is a god for each Egyptian to worship. Third and finally, Egypt has developed something interesting called "hieroglyphics," which is to, to make it real short and interesting, worshipping all types of different civilization idols. Since we are done with Egypt, we move on to the Indus Valley civilization. As we said Egypt, Sumer and the Indus Valley were different in many ways, it can still relate to the other two civilizations in many ways. First, The Indus Valley can be located in about 4 countries of Southern Asia which are Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the biggest country of them all, India. The second and final thing about the Indus Valley is that they were the first ever known
  • 4. civilization in the Southern asia country, India. We move on to the Indus Valley, and we are finally are on Sumer. One thing that was independent in Sumer was that they only worshipped "4 Gods." This shows that Egypt could not worship as many gods as Egypt because Sumer ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to... Indian social and political ideas can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. Hinduism was a defining religion of the Indus valley culture and remained a key political entity until emperor Ashoka came. He established Buddhism and spread it throughout Asia. The Mauryas rejuvenated Hinduism and Islam even came in the eighth century. The Mughal Empire allowed India to become united despite all the different religions and cultures. However, this did not last long because the Europeans had decided to make claims in India. Europeans wanted to control the Indian trade and they were not afraid of making these claims violently. Loyola University of Chicago wrote, "It was Europeans use of force that enabled them to penetrate ... Show more content on ... 2). The Indians would remain under the control of the Europeans, which mostly included the English. It was not until the late 19th century and early 20th century that a man named Mohandas Gandhi appeared. Gandhi was helpful in driving the British away from India, but it took a long time for him to succeed and it cost him his life. India wanted freedom and their ideals remained mostly the same even through European control for hundreds of years. The Caste System has been a part of India's culture for a long time and it has caused many social controversies between the higher and lower castes. UCLA wrote, "The greater majority of the Indian people have no assurance of two nutritious meals a day, safety of employment, safe and clean housing, or such level of education as would make it possible for them to understand their constitutional rights and obligations" ("UCLA" para. 1). The higher castes believed that lower castes were bad and that association with them was unlucky. They also wanted to conserve their power and that is the reasoning behind the social division. The lower castes lived unhealthy lives and many of them died at young ages, and they wanted to have more equal rights. This controversy is old but it still continues today and it has ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. The Indus Valley Civilization The Indus valley civilizations was an intriguing and sophisticated ancient culture and also a major contributor in the development of what later came to be known as "Hinduism" . The civilization was founded "accidentally" in the 19th century when the British engineers were searching for ballast for a railway line in north–western India (which is now modern day Pakistan) and found the remains of what seemed to be an ancient city which was only known only to locals until then. In the early 20th century, when other similar sites were uncovered, archaeologists realized the significance of the discovery, which turned out to be one of the most prospering civilizations of the ancient world. It is called The Indus Valley Civilization because most of its settlements are situated along the banks of the Indus River .The largest and most important of this civilization were its two prospering cities known as Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa. These names are of post–Indus origin as they were given with reference to the towns built much later on the ruins of these ancient cities. During their prosperous period,, Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa had a population of around 40–50 thousand, which was a lot by ancient standards. Both of these cities were highly organized and strategically planned, and displayed remarkably similar features during their excavation. Given the structure of the cities, archaeologists suggest that there may have been a central authority for code enforcement and the Harappan ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. The Major Causes Of The Indus Valley Civilizations Tryphena Jeyakumar Mr. Salba, 6th period Long Essay Question August 18, 2017 The development of complex societies in the early days impacted many of the surrounding regions. One of the civilizations that arose with two major complex cities was the Indus Valley civilization. There were many causes that created the first cities of the Indus Valley. They could have been shared cultures or religious similarities that brought the great cities of Mohenjo– Daro and Harappa to life. But the main cause that impacted these cities was because of agricultural purposes. The cause of the successful civilization of the Indus Valley was because of the Agricultural Revolutions, a time in which the early peoples turned to food production and cultivation. As ... Show more content on ... The Indus Valley is an area with widespread cultivation lands, and that is why many farmers and other people decided to permanently set their roots here. And because they relied on agriculture, the effect was the development of culture, new technology and even religion. The people of the Indus Valley needed more efficient ways to plant crops, so they developed new technology, and also invented ways to build a strong central community. And since they needed to rely on good weather for the crops, they developed a religion, centering perhaps on an earth mother or a nature deity. Even though the single main cause was because of the expansion of agriculture, the effects are bigger and all stemmed from agricultural ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Comparison of Mesopotamia and the Indus Civilization Mesopotamia and Harappan societies have long been compared throughout the history of archaeology. Mesopotamia, also known as, 'the land between the rivers,' was named for the triangular area between the Tigris and the Euphrates river, (Nov. 7 lecture). In recent use, it covers a broader area referring to most of what is now Iraq. This adds ancient Assyria and Babylonia to the scope of Mesopotamia (Schultz and Lavenda 1995:310). Parts of Mesopotamia were not inhabited at all until approximately 8000 BC when plants and animals were domesticated, bringing about an agricultural revolution. This allowed nomads and cave dwellers to become farmers and herders. (Whitehouse 1977:129).) The Indus civilization is often referred to as Harappan ... Show more content on ... (Hawkes 1973:275). The level of grain present would have represented the level of public credit. (Hawkes 1973:275). In Mesopotamia there were state and temple grain stores, but because of the size and architectural importance of those at the Indus sights, they are believed to have a greater importance. (Hawkes 1973:275). GOVERNMENT The state in Indus civilization was governed by a centralized government. (Hawkes 1973:263). The regular planning of Indus towns and cities could only mean that each was built as a whole by an authority with absolute control (Hawkes 1973:273). Because of the uniformity over such a large area, it is almost guarunteed that the entire Indus area was a unified state. (Hawkes 1973:273). The two main sights were Harappa and Mohenjo–Daro, and they were the commercial and administrative centers. It is unlikely that there were two equal rulers, however. (Hawkes 1973:2730). The citadels suggest a combination of a combined military and religious power. There weren't temples that dominated the area like at Mesopotamia, only a few shrines have been found in the Indus territory. (Hawkes 1973:276). We don't know the nature of the authority there, whether it was ruling priests or kings,(Whitehouse 1977:122) but we know the ruling elite had religious practices of ritual cleaning through bathing. (Whitehouse 1977:278). In Mesopotamia we have a clearer picture of the ruling powers which were ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Indus River Valley Civilization The Indus River Valley civilization was an ancient civilization located on a subcontinent called India. The Indus River Valley civilization was naturally isolated by the Himalayas and the east and west Ghat mountains. The ancient civilization was located near a river, like most of the ancient civilizations of their time. Because India was surrounded by mountains on all sides, the subcontinent was very prone to attacks. A major problem for the Indus River Valley civilization was the constant monsoons it had. India had two different types of monsoons, the winter monsoon and the summer monsoon. The Indus River Valley civilization depended on the summer monsoon, because that is when they got most of their rain. When the winter monsoon hit the ... Show more content on ... It is also believed they participated in the maritime trade network. The ancient civilization would trade many different types of things, for example they traded silver, gold, seashells, flint, and gemstones. Cotton was one of the most important items the ancient civilization traded. The Indus River Valley civilization had one of the largest trade routes of their time, which expanded from Mesopotamia to China. The Indus River Valley civilization society was based around a social hierarchy, which was divided into groups based upon occupations. The highest group of the social hierarchy was the Brahmins, or also known as priests. The second highest group of the hierarchy was the Kshatriyas, or warriors. The third group were called the Vaisyas, which consisted of the herders, farmers, artisans, and merchants. The fourth group consisted of people who had little or no Aryan heritage called the Sudras, they consisted of farm workers, servants, and other laborers. The lowest group of the social hierarchy was the dalits, they did work no one else wanted to do. Their social class determined who they could marry, what kind of education they could get, where they could live, and what jobs they could get. The Indus River Valley religion was polytheistic, which meant they believed in many god. The ancient civilization worshipped god and goddesses who embodied natural forces. The main god the civilization worshiped was Indra, the god of war. Indra´s was weapon ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Harappan Civilization Of Indus River Valley The Indus River Valley, located in present day Pakistan was a full–fledged civilization that emerged in 3300 B.C.E. The Harappan Civilization, stretching from present day Afghanistan to Pakistan contained vast amounts of small communities. The society was very technologically advanced and somewhat modeled the fundamentals of the society we live in today. The Harappan society was one of the earliest to have a system of writing; however historians have still not interpreted them today. Nevertheless, the society left us numerous archaeological and architectural ruins that provide much information. Harappa, an Indus River Valley that left us no written records, but only some remains helped us understand the society's urban planning, trade, lifestyle and mortality rate. From the remains that were left by the Harappan society; today archaeologists can understand the civilization's urban planning. In the last few years, archaeologists discovered major structures that belonged to the time period of 2600 B.C.E. These structures were made from baked bricks. These structures gave us clues about the material that was used from the planning of the city. From such remains, archaeologists were able to learn that house sand streets were laid out in a certain pattern, which was from North to South and East to West. There were multistoried houses that were found, giving us information that houses were present in the Harappan Civilization many like the ones today. There were also parts of ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. The On The Indus Valley Society John Peters AAS 347 Midterm Part I The Indus Valley Society has left many mysteries for our historian to discover, those treasures are enormous. There is a few key characteristic I would like to mention such as, they have developed the sewage system, which it was a very big deal, and they have created what is like the modern road system. These are some of the most famous developments during the era. The Vedic people have master the skill making perfect brick. There many other groups name continent the name of Veda, these are the people who lived after the die down of the Indus Valley Society, but there only one major group, the Rig Veda. This group focuses the lot more on how to worship their goddess, there are many parts in the book of "The Hindus," explain the way to worship their gods, and what is the need to be sacrifice during their worship. Brahmanism is actually an early religion in Indian sub–continent, this religion was based on Vedic writing, which is considering a young form of Hinduism. According to " The Hindus" written by Doniger, " Hinduism, is like all cultures, is a bricoleur, a rag– and bones man, building new things out of the scraps of other things." This is also how the early Indian civilization was set up. I firmly believe there is sort of connection between these two societies. I actually believe that the language of these Vedic people is using is past down from the Indus Valley period. In fact, according to the text, " The Vedic people has master ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Comparing The Indus And The Shang Dynasty The Indus and Shang Dynasty are one of the many civilizations/empires we study and learn about today. As time progresses, they became more advanced in terms of inscriptions, agriculture, government, science and technology, etc. The Indus and the Shang are harmonic to each other; they share similarities. But, there's also a distinction between the two. Agriculture was essentially part of their economic system in both empires. Although the Indus used irrigated agriculture, it's the same concept; the cultivation of soil for growing crops and rearing animals to provide food, wool , and other products. They both cultivated many crops and herded animals. With agriculture being a immense accord, trading flourished throughout the city to other neighboring cities. Despite both having religions, it was practiced in different ways. The Indus had ritual bathings; religious ceremony involving the use of water to immerse or anoint the body. The Shang Dynasty on the other hand used human sacrifices to worship their gods. Their various ways of offering the body includes, beheading the person, splitting the body in half, dismembering the bodies, etc. These offerings were often made to bless houses or to ensure their god of happiness. The Indus however, weren't as brutal. ... Show more content on ... The Indus and The Shang's are no exception, but there was also buried differences. The Indus had no king or warrior classes. It is suggested that all was divided equally among the people although the answer is still unknown. The idea of an early caste system is looked upon during its reign. Nonetheless, The Shang's were very distinctive. Their social class was extremely uneven. It can be inferred that it was based upon family and wealth, making the slaves take the bottom of the pyramid. The extremely wealthy were treated as if they were descendants of gods, while the slaves were deemed as ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Compare And Contrast Mesopotamia And Indus River Valley... Ishaan Sarfani The two ancient river valley civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Indus River valley civilization, prior to 600 BCE had many things that remained stagnant in terms of their cultures but also they had just as many changes. Due to New advances and by influence from other civilizations such as the Indus over Mesopotamia and vice versa this increased the amount of change a lot. As these river valley civilizations grew and developed they began to gain influence from other surrounding ones. In both societies religion played a crucial role in politics. Although there is no solid evidence to state that there was a formal style of governance in the ancient Indus civilization it is theorized that there was because of the mass amounts of public works that there are present which are found in the ruins of their civilization. So it is believed that the Brahmins is had some role to play in government. As the story goes in India there was a god named purusha who sacrificed himself in order to cease the caste system. Purusha's mouth became the people of the top caste called the Brahmins. These people were the priests. Next came the warriors known as Kshatriyas. They made up purusha's arms. This system followed and continued as such all the way down to purushas legs where the artisans and craftsman were. In Mesopotamia there was a similar system to that of the Indus civilization's the code of Hammurabi which shows us a glimpse into the Mesopotamians version of the case ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Why Did The Indus Valley Have An Advanced Civilization The people in the Indus Valley had an advanced civilization. They had an efficient working sewer system. It showed they were an advanced civilization because most people at that time did not have that sort of innovation. It carried waste away from houses so that the city will be clean and diseases free. They also had a grid system for their roads and pathways. It showed they have an advanced civilization because other civilizations did not have such an organized government system that could organize, construct and plan a grid system for the roads and pathways for the city. It shows that they had good architectural knowledge. Another reason why the people of the Indus Valley civilization were part of an advanced civilization is that of their ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. Indus Valley Religion Religion and culture in Indus valley Religion and culture shapes the lives of many humans in the past civilizations to now. The Indus valley has many connections between religion and culture, and due to many events, it led a decline in the civilization. The civilization worshiped many gods, goddesses, and animals. Religion and culture are connected to the Indus Valley Civilization, by having a polytheistic belief system and it being made up of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. The Hindu religious practices, were mainly based off the Indus valley. The Indus valley has and believes in many gods, and there are numerous seals to confirm it. They worshipped a father god, animals, and a main mother goddess. Also, there are some seals that symbolize ... Get more on ...
  • 27.
  • 28. Indus Valley Civilization Essay The Indus Valley civilization is located in India along the Indus River. India is a subcontinent in a region known as South Asia. Two capital cities in this area are Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa. To this day it includes three out of ten of the world's most populous countries, two mountain nations, and an island nation. Which includes India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh(countries), Nepal and Bhutan(mountains), and Sri Lanka(island). The Indus civilization lasted from 2600 to 1900 B.C. and was known as the Harappan civilization. The Early Harappan phase 3300–2600 B.C., Mature Harappan phase 2600–1900 B.C., and the Late Harappan phase 1900–1300 B.C. are the three time phases that separated the Indus Valley civilization. In 1865 constructors where ... Show more content on ... Another economic trait is that India is divided into three major zones: the dry Deccan plateau, the coastal plains on either side of the Deccan, and the Gangetic Plain in the north. The Deccan juts into the Indian Ocean as a plateau, which lacks much of melting snow that leads into rivers and causes unproductive agriculture, arid parts, and populated sparsely. The Gangetic Plain is watered by mighty rivers such as the Indus River, Ganges, and Brahmaputra which carried melting snow from the mountains. The coastal plains are below Deccan because its separation from low–lying mountain ranges, which contains the Eastern and Western Ghats and because of the low–lying mountains, farmers receive lots of rain water. In the Indus Valley there is not many records to state how their society actually but artifacts such as pottery, seals, weights, and bricks. Archeologists suggest that they show some type of authority and governance, though it is not clear. Various theories have developed over time such as that a single state surrounded all of the communities of the civilization. It is supported by artifacts, standardized ratio of brick size, the evidence of planned settlements, and the apparent establishment of sources near sources of raw material. Also that there was no single ruler, but a number of rulers representing different communities. Clues from statues and images on ... Get more on ...
  • 29.
  • 30. Compare And Contrast Indus River Valley Civilization Although the Indus River Valley and Yellow River civilizations emerged close to the same time, and upon the same continent, they didn't advance in the same way. While there are many similarities that should have caused for relatable civilizations, the Indus River Valley civilization quickly advanced with written records, ceramics, copper, an advanced sewer system, highly populated cities, and their city was built in a grid like pattern. However, the Yellow River civilization had some advancements like clay pottery, bronze and wooden tools, and silk clothing, but it doesn't appear to have made fierce progress like the Indus River. This likely had to do with the rivers they developed by and trade. In continuation, a possible factor of the ... Get more on ...
  • 31.
  • 32. Huang He And Indus River Valley Comparison The Huang He and Indus River Valley Comparison Early societies such as East Asia and Southern Asia, began to emerge around rivers that later turned these societies into Civilizations. A number of people learned to use the rivers as natural resources and used river water for crops that needed irrigation, built complex irrigation systems that made villages grow and flourish. The earliest societies in Asia, was South Asia, where Dravidian cultivators decided to build a neolithic society west of the Indus River Valley, which by 7000 B.C.E agriculture spread rapidly and so did the population. Aryan peoples interfered with the Dravidian, ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Indus Valley Disappearance It is believed that the disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization is a mystery. To this day unknown; yet, there are many opinions that could not be proven. It's been said, that invasion took place, and most of the ancient people were captured, taken away or murdered. This proved to be false; archeologist found that the people of Indus Valley were peaceful for thousands of years. The human bones found showed no proof of brutality or injury. To this day neither war nor records of confrontation has been found in the land, and no evidence of an army. Once decline was thought the cause of drought and claimant change; due to floods, change of river course and the removal of forest, it was believed that the people abandoned Indus Valley ... Get more on ...
  • 35.
  • 36. Mesopotamia vs. Indus River Valley Essay Mesopotamia vs. Indus River Valley 9/26/12 Ancient Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley civilization were two incredibly productive and successful empires. While Mesopotamian politics were slightly less focused on religion and more on other aspects, the two societies shared many social characteristics. They both had defined social hierarchies, as well as similar views on gender roles. These traits are helpful in explaining the similarities and differences between the two cultures. One of the key aspects of both Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley is their distinct social hierarchies. In the Indus River Valley, beginning with the Aryans, a caste social system was used to keep citizens in their ... Show more content on ... They did not have the right to divorce their husbands, and almost all women were uneducated. In Mesopotamia, women were also treated very poorly. They were taught to attend to all of their husband's needs, and could be punished severely if they did not do as their husband said. In Babylonia, during Hammurabi's rule, there was even a law that stated that if a woman did not obey her husband or was unfaithful to him in any way, he was legally allowed to throw her in the river, ultimately drowning her. While Mesopotamian and the Indus River Valley were alike in their social characteristics, their political views differed slightly. Records from the Indus civilizations have yet to fully been translated, and therefore not much is known in the way of Indus political structure. What most historians assume is that it was broken into city–states with a common ruler, which is the way that Mesopotamia was governed as well. Despite this similarity, the Indus government was more focused on religious aspects than Mesopotamian government was. This can be deduced by the fact that Indus rulers were always priest–kings, while the highest status in Mesopotamia was achieved first by the king, and then by the priests. These kings were also usually the head of the military, while the priests ran schools, distributed land, were considered doctors, and were in charge of religion. Kings and ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Indus And Assyrians Similarities The Assyrians and the Indus are like hot and cold, two completely different early civilizations. The Indus were around about 2300 B.C and the Assyrians were around about 1200 B.C. The Assyrians had some of the first rulers to regulate laws within a household. Also, the Indus had a huge warehouse for every city they had to store items away. The Assyrians used money from trade to pay for expansive palaces as well. The Assyrians and the Indus are more different than similar because while they had well planned cities in common, they differed in government decisions and occupations. These two civilizations had very different points of view on how things should be done as a whole. Although the Assyrians and the Indus differed, each civilization had well planned cities. The Assyrians encourages a well ordered society and used riches from trade and war loot to pay for great palaces. They planned and mapped out all of their cities as well. Meanwhile, the Indus had at least five large cities that were built in their time. There ... Show more content on ... The Assyrians were very aggressive and were know as the most fierce warriors of their time. Also, Assyrian rulers often lied and boasted greatly about their conquests. On the other hand, the Indus tried to be less violent as a whole. Their cities rivaled those of Ancient Sumer but for the most part they kept to themselves(Charles Scribner's Sons 1988). The Assyrians also had many military forts built to keep troops in(Ronald Johnson 1993). Overall, it is said that the Assyrians were so aggressive because earlier in their civilization they were often attacked which probably caused them to strengthen and build their defense system(Ronald Johnson 1993). The Indus were always inventing new things like complex pluming systems which helped them greatly. Clearly, the Assyrians and the Indus had two very different ways of governing their ... Get more on ...
  • 39.
  • 40. The Indus Valley Civilization Indus Valley Civilization: In the region of South Asia, Indus Valley civilization is acknowledged as the oldest civilization which is situated in the region of India's western drift and Indus River (Hirst, 2017). This civilization performed central government and delivered well developed cities and towns along with compositions and controlled food productions. This civilization is different from those of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and hence was not overwhelmed by intense figures of religion (Green, 2016). No sanctuaries were manufactured and no pictures of state divine beings or lords have been found. Deforestation, environmental change and a progression of intrusions all added to the decline of the Indus civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization is also acknowledged as Indus civilization which was situated in a zone of somewhere in the range of 1.6 million square kilometers in what is today eastern Pakistan and northeastern India between around 2500–1900 BC (Hirst, 2017). Indus Valley Seals: Alexander Cunningham, in 1870, distributed a few discoveries uncover at Harappa under the establishment of the Archeological Survey of India. That demonstrate some inquisitive protest among them, a 1*1 inch of smooth engraved mud, covered in the vestiges (Rao et al., 2009). The piece was not cleaned and appeared to engrave the sculpture of a bull. It was at first suspected that the seal was a not a local possession rather a foreign object. Later on numerous such revelations were ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Indus Valley Seals The large and under appreciated civilization of the Indus Valley reveals treasures and achievements of ancestors from our past. A seal from the Indus Valley has left historians and archeologists puzzled about its possible meanings. Archeologists believe the seal could represent a particular business, or even a prominent individual. The seals found could signify trade and commerce amongst villages, representing their leaders, a sacrificial ritual, or protection and procreation. In some ancient societies seals were used for printing an image on a document or product. In the Indus Valley the seals often have images of animals and some kind of title or inscription. Unfortunately the language written on these seals is still undeciphered. The specific ... Show more content on ... To illustrate, the Indus civilization flourished a thousand years later than the Middle– East and North Africa. So these huge civilizations were already dominating the area, leaving the Indus Valley in the shadows. Then Indian or South Asian civilizations moved toward the plains of the Ganges River, which archeologists believed covered all that remained of the Indus (p.103). The Indus Valley began to decline around 1700 B.C.E and was not rediscovered until the twentieth century. Therefore decades passed before any recognition of the Indus Valley, causing erosion and wear on the artifacts and history of the valley. All scholars have really uncovered are the advanced cities and neighborhoods they made. This leaves a lot of room for potential explanations about the civilization and their lives. Moreover, the script written on the seals found are unrecognizable and archeologists cannot decode the language. The language written on these seals is unlike any other dialect. In addition, our mindset compared to the people of the Indus Valley is worlds apart. A plausible reason why people cannot decipher these intricate seals is our mind are overcomplicating their meanings. I think we perplex, or over simplify, their dialect. We are so in the dark about the interpretations of this ancient civilization and their seals because the Indus Valley is foreign to us. Limited archeologist ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. The Indus Valley Civilization The peaceful, wealthy and structured Indus Valley Civilisation fell apart between the time of 1900BC and 1700BC. The combination of floods in some areas, drought, anarchy and supposedly natural disasters brought the Civilisation that was once flourishing between 2600BC and 1900BC to the ground. Some historians speculate the Indus Valley Civilisation was devastated by a great war. Hindu poems titled the Rig Veda (1500BC) explain northern invaders conquering the Indus Valley cities. But, despite the physical annihilation of the Indus Civilisation, only the cities fell into ruins. Farmers in the Indus Valley continued living in their villages, and the monsoons "de–urbanized" them. The Indian Religion Hinduism appears to have close connections with the ancient Indus religion. Some of the Hindu gods are very similar to the gods shown on Indus Valley seals. The Indus Valley people considered water as being Holy, and the Hindus believe they are 'purified' in a religious way when they bathe in the sanctified Ganges River. The Indus Valley Civilisation was destroyed from the outside, but many features of the Civilisation and people lived on. Distinct from most major religions, Hinduism doesn't have a central person who claims they are the founder of it. In its place, there is an intricate origin which dates back five thousand years to the people that lived in the Indus Valley Civilisation. When the Aryan communities of Persia attacked the Indus Valley around the time of 1700 BC, the ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. The Collapse Of The Indus Valley The New Kingdom New Kingdom resumed after Ahmose came to power in Thebe and lasted from 1540 BC to 1075 BC. Pharaohs such as Thutmose 1, Amenhotep 2 and Ramesses 2 held the state together. It became wealthier due to access to Nubian gold as their kingdom expanded. An army was created as well as priests taking a more important role; tombs along the valley of kings became normal. Mummification and religious practiced were stratified and important for lesser people as well as kings and rulers. The new kingdom was prosperous and full of successful leaders; the fall came at the end of the New Kingdom seeing a considerable shrink of Egypt's control (Shaw 208–214). This leads into the third intermediate period and repaired by the reunification of ... Show more content on ... Egypt started off slowly they were hunter–gatherers turned farmers of cattle by 7000 BC and other domesticates by 5000 BC. Pottery was established at about the same time with permeant settlements developing in 4000 BC leading to new technologies and new cultures such as the Badari, Naqada one, two and three and the Merimde culture. They developed into cities such as Heirankopolis, Abydos, Koptos and Naqada with social stratification found in Upper Egypt with the focus on wealth and social status and a more minimalistic approach in Lower Egypt. The city–states started to form an administration with government and rulers and unified Upper and Lower Egypt and developed Memphis the capital city. Soon after king's rules and the kings developed into Pharaohs, and although Egypt faced some hardships along the way to a great civilization it did not fall as its neighbours in the Indus Valley did. The Indus valley much like Egypt full of eager hunter–gatherers developing into small farming settlements which quickly developed into a full–blown civilization with the domestication of cattle, wheat, and barley. The Indus valley underwent extreme culture change from 2600– 2500 BC, from small settlements to a civilization with two main cities Mohenjo–Daro and Harappa. Both cities were technologically advanced with complex grid city plans, sanitation drains, and bath ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Indus River Valley Research Paper The Indus River Valley is the best civilization out of Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and of course the Indus River Valley. I think this and believe this for many reasons. One reason is that the Indus River Valley created a sewer system. Also, they build a big grain bin that held all of their grain. There are some other things that the Indus River Valley created. The Indus River Valley created a sewer system. They were the first civilization to have a system like this. This helped keep their city a lot cleaner than it was without one. It really helped because their system was underground. This is one of the reasons I think the Indus River Valley is the best. I also think the Indus River Valley is the most outstanding because they had a huge grain ... Get more on ...
  • 49.
  • 50. The Indus Valley Civilizations Ancient Economy Indus Valley Report The Indus Valley civilization, which lasted from 5,500 B.C.E to 1,500 B.C.E, was one of the most advanced ancient civilizations of all time and it had an economy which was extremely dependent on trade, agriculture, hunting, and pottery. Through trade, the Indus Valley Civilizations exchanged many technologies with other major civilizations and this allowed them to become one of the most successful civilizations of all time. Although their cities, which had buildings with multiple stories and were air conditioned, were made out of mud bricks as compared to the tall metal skyscrapers of today, Indus Valley was one of the first large human settlements on Earth. This coupled with inventions such as buttons, irrigation, the seal, and the ruler, helped Indus Valley to go down in history as a civilization which was ahead of its time. The economy of Indus Valley was very diverse. It specialized in producing dates, grapes and melons; cotton for cotton cloths; and other crops such as wheat and peas. Indus Valley is known to be the first place that cotton was cultivated and used to weave cloths. This was a revolutionary advancement since cotton is one of the most used resources today. This proves that Indus Valley was a really valuable ancient civilization which was way ahead of its time. The use of cotton allowed them to step up as a unique and valuable trading partner since they provided a product which was scarcely found. This along with the ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Mohenjo-Daro : The City Of The Indus Valley Civilization Mohenjo–Daro was one of the most important cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. It is the largest and best preserved city of the Indus Valley Civilization. It is located on the right of the Indus River and it's in southern Pakistan. It was built around 2500 BC and has a surface land area of 500 acres. This is such a large area that archaeologists believed it served as the main source of power for the civilization. One monument that was found that was important in that area was "The Great Bath." This was a 900 sq foot tank that had water from the Indus River. It had an elaborate sewage system. Mohenjo–Daro also has remains of another ancient Indus Civilization called Harrappa. (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Mohenjo–Daro.") The name Mohenjo Daro means "Mound of the dead." It is called the "Mound of the Dead" because after the disappearance of this ancient civilization, things such as people, remains of pottery, remains of buildings got buried in the soil and with time, created a mound. (John Roach. "Mohenjo–Daro.") Mohenjo–Daro has also been called "The City of Wells" because the city had been estimated to have over 700 wells that had fresh water in the area. There was evidence of pottery, seals, and tools of copper that was used and traded. Mohenjo–Daro also had no places of worship or governance which shows that class structure was equal. The lower–town of Mohenjo– Daro housed 20,000–40,000 people and had a grid system similar to modern day blocks. After 600 ... Get more on ...
  • 53.
  • 54. Women And Men In The Indus Valley Civilization The Indus valley civilization was an ancient civilization that lasted/height was 700 years and their location was Pakistan, Afghanistan and India meaning north west. Jewelry was wored by the women and men in the Indus valley civilization. I am making a bangle form soft clay for making the round shape. The stone type of material use in the Indus valley civilization were silver, gold, copper, ivory, pottery and beads these were the most common materials to make jewelry. Both Women and Men wore jewelry. The Indus Valley Civilization had also used beads and had painted them as well. Most websites aren't giving any information about this but most of them are saying that there is evidence that there was a city "Lothal" in the INC where people use to make jewelry and paint/ design beads. ... Show more content on ... Thread was the most commonly used. The Indus valley civilization was an ancient civilization that lasted/height was 700 years and their location was Pakistan, Afghanistan and India meaning north west. Jewelry was wored by the women and men in the Indus valley civilization. I am making a bangle form soft clay for making the round shape. The stone type of material use in the Indus valley civilization were silver, gold, copper, ivory, pottery and beads these were the most common materials to make jewelry. Both Women and Men wore jewelry. The Indus Valley Civilization had also used beads and had painted them as well. Most websites aren't giving any information about this but most of them are saying that there is evidence that there was a city "Lothal" in the INC where people use to make jewelry and paint/ design beads. They used threads not chains because they were no chains at that time except threads (thick threads). Thread was the most commonly ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Mesopotamia, Egypt, And The Indus River Valley Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley were all civilizations situated near rivers. In Mesopotamia, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers rose annually but were prone to flooding. In Egypt, on the other hand, the Nile River had predictable flooding and was and still is the longest river in the world. It was also easy to traverse due to southern wind patterns and northern currents. In the Indus Valley, people lived near the Indus River, hence the name. Also, they were isolated, surrounded by the Himalayas, just as Egypt was isolated, surrounded by deserts, mountains, seas, and cataracts. On the other hand, Mesopotamia was more open and vulnerable to invasion. In all three cradles, agriculture began independently. As a result of the ... Show more content on ... In Egypt, the pharaoh served as God and king. The Sun God was the "main" God, leading to discussion today over whether Egyptians technically practiced monotheism before the Hebrews. However, King Tut later reverted back to polytheism. They had a main focus on the afterlife, which explains why they mummified their dead. The people of the Indus Valley were polytheistic and worshipped some female deities. Divisions in the land took place in each of these three early civilizations. Mesopotamia was a loose confederation of walled–off city–states each ruled by a king. Rivalry over land and water amongst these city–states often led to violent conflict. In fact, under the rule of the Assyrians, these walls were 5 to 7 stories high and a hundred feet thick in some places. Egypt was not as divided as Mesopotamia and was ruled by a pharaoh who served as God and king. The Indus Valley people were the first to use zoning, or when certain areas are designated as residential, commercial, and for manufacturing. Unlike in the Fertile Crescent, there was little indication of political hierarchy or centralized states. The Ziggurat, the largest structure in many of the Mesopotamian city–states, served as a temple or pyramid, while many of the around 70 cities of the Indus Valley had citadels, or two–story buildings with a "bath" on top that represented a centralized authority. In contrast, the pyramids of Egypt showed job ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. Did The Indus Valley People Live Like Us Essay Did the Indus people live like us? For this assignment I researched if the Indus valley people lived like us. I investigated about how the social, economic and political life of the people of the Indus Valley was. I think that they did in fact live like us in some ways but not in all ways. The Indus valley nation was a well organized, efficient and peaceful nation. From the evidence we have found so far the Indus valley people were very smart. The Indus Valley people lived in Asia in what is now India and Pakistan. Water was very important to the Indus valley people so they started digging wells and putting drains. Most Indus valley people lived in small villages. Their houses were built out of mud stones and had very few windows because of the dust and noise that would escape into their house. Their houses also had very thick walls to ... Show more content on ... One of the things they believed in was the worship of mother goddess. They believed that their mother goddess was the source of all creation. Another thing they believed in is the worship of lord Pashupati or lord Shiva. They believed that Lord Shiva was the lord of the beast and the male version of creation. They also believed in the worship of trees, they believed that trees were sacred. The Papal tree was considered the most sacred to them, the same as some Hindu think. They also worshipped real animals, for example the bull, buffalo and tiger but mythical animals were also worshipped. Another thing they believed in was the sun, water and fire. The faith in magic, charms and sacrifices was also practiced by the Indus valley people. The Indus valley people also believed in life after death. Dead bodies were either buried or burned, the dead bodies were buried with everyday things for example pottery, this shows that they believed in life after death. The religion that the Indus valley practiced is the religion that modern day Hinduism came ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. The Indus Valley Civilization ( 3300-1300 Bce ) Essay Abstract Introduction The Indus Valley Civilization (3300–1300 BCE) was the one among the greatest early civilzation of the Old World alongside the ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia (Wright 2009, Wright 2010), which developed in South Asia along perennially flowing Indus and Ghaggar–Hakra ( also called as Saraswati) river in northwest India and eastern Pakistan (Wright 2010, Giosan 2012, Maemoku 2013). Though least studies so far, emerging archeological studies suggest that the Indus Valley (oftenly called Harappa) might have been most wide spread, extending across today's northwest Pakistan deep into western India and carried probably more than five million people at its peak (Kahn 2005, McIntosh 2008). Reduced water supply has possibly caused the civilization's demise and eastward movement of its population (Madella 2006, MacDonald 2011, Brooke 2014) towards the Gangetic plain after its decline (Possehl 1999; McIntosh 2002:11) giving rise to many succeeding Vedic tradition linked cultures reinforced by reports of many religious artefacts of Hindu practices from Indus Valley locations (Mishra 2001). The northwestern region of pre–partition India was the centre for Indus Valley civilization and for the shift from hunting–gathering to the societies with settled agriculture and domesticated animals (Allchin and Allchin 1997) well supported by archeological discoveries of first agricultural occupation in the Indus basin near Mehrgarh (now in Pakistan) and surrounding areas ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Indus Valley Civilization The Indian society adopted a class or caste system from the Indus Valley people. Just like the Indus society had priest rulers, the Indian society has the high class Indian Brahmins, which are seen as the priestly class. Trade was a very big part of the Indus Valley society, everything that they did, everything that they made was to ensure that they were able to create and trade more effectively. The class system during the Indus Valley civilization is extremely similar to the class system seen in Pakistan and India today. There were farmers, who grew crops, mustard, sesame, grapes, dates, melons, and khan. There were traders, these people were extremely good at what they did, and this is one of the reasons why the Indus Valley Civilization was able to prosper for so long. There were craftsmen, these people made things for people to use in everyday life. Just like today, they would be people that would make things and other people who would buy them. This contributed to the stability of the Indus civilization. Just like most ancient civilizations, priests played an important part in ruling the civilization. They were seen as the closest to God, and that is why they were given such authority and power. For people who follow religions, the religious leaders are very important because they are seen as all knowing & are respected by the people of the religious community. Just like the present, people in the Indus Valley Civilization loved fashion and some of these fashions ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Compare And Contrast Mesopotamia And Indus Valley... In the duration of these two civilizations, the people of Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley innovated their world, and in turn, changed ours. Mesopotamia spanned from 5000–3500 B.C.E. between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, while the Indus Valley's main time period was 3300–1300 B.C.E, in what is now Pakistan and Northwest India. These civilizations left a mark on the world through the way they ran their cities, how they worshipped, and the legacy that came out of Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley. One of the chief characteristics of both Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley were their political systems. At first in Mesopotamia, there were just individual cities, such as Sumer and Babylon. Eventually these turned into a mainly central government with two branches. The first was a counsel made up of religious authorities, and the second was the lugal. The lugal was the name for the monarch of Mesopotamia, basically like a king. Possibly the most famous lugal, Hammurabi was the lugal of Babylon. He is most easily known with the code of laws that he created, the code of Hammurabi. It was one of the first writings of its kind, detailing everything from trading procedures to punishments for every type of crime. Even with these two branches of government connecting all of the cities in Mesopotamia, they were mainly independent cities. Each city collected their own taxes, and had power enough to battle with each other. Mesopotamia was a patriarchal society, with most, ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. The Indus River Civilization In the year 3000 BCE the Indus River civilization was formed in the northwest of India (Indus River). This was the beginning of the long reign of Hinduism over the Indian peninsula. They were an advanced civilization having many artifacts architecturally especially bathhouses but the biggest thing they left behind was religious symbols and religious figures; They also set a precedent by having a mother goddess. Around 1800 BCE the Aryans a militant tribe from central Asia came into India and took over the Indus River civilization (Indus Valley Civilization). Also according to many scholars the belief of the collapse of the Indus River Valley Civilization wasn't from an invasion by the Aryans but a decline in trade with Egypt and Mesopotamia along with a drought (Indus Valley Civilization). Since the beginning of the civilization they've had many religious texts starting with the Vedic scripture of the Rig Veda (Hinduism). There were many Hindu writings including the Upanishads, Brahmanas, and Vedantas. These writings are Indo–Aryan writings as the Aryan occupation had some influence on the text (Hinduism). The year 300 BCE brought along a new and one of the most important Hindu books The Bhagavad Gita. The Hindu religion is a polytheistic religion meaning that it has many gods split into three different sections being Celestial, Atmospheric, and Terrestrial. Gods have their own specific reason of being in this structured universe. The main gods worshiped in Vedic Hinduism ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. A Brief Note On The Civilization And The Indus Valley... 1. Norte Chico/Caral: Norte Chico is a series of s twenty–five urban centers emerged in an area. The largest of the urban centers is known as Caral. Platform mounds were found in this area, as well as large public ceremonial structures, stone buildings with residential apartment, and also other signs of urban life. 2. Indus Valley civilization: The Indus Valley civilization is located in present day Pakistan. This civilization had evidence to provide little indications of no political hierarchy or centralized. 3. Central Asian/ Oxus civilization: A civilization that was economically based on irrigation agriculture and stock raising. This civilization was a focal point of a "Eurasian–wide system of intellectual and commercial exchange." This civilization started to fade away by 1700 B.C.E. 4. Olmec cilviazation: The Olmec Civilization was a final First Civilization that formed around 1200 B.C.E. This civilization arose from a series of competing chiefdoms. These chiefdoms turned into ceremonial centers filled with decorated temples, altars, pyramids, and tombs. This civilization may have even created the first written language in the Americas. Olmec civilization also influenced civilizations that came later on such as the Maya and Telihuacan. 5. Uruk: Uruk is an ancient Mesopotamia city, and is also the largest city. This city had walls over 20 feet and also a population of around 50,000 people. There were temples inside Uruk that were served as a center for ritual ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Comparing The Nile, Mesopotamia, And Indus Civilizations Comparing the Nile, Mesopotamia, and Indus Civilizations The civilizations of the Nile River valley, the Mesopotamia valley, and Indus Valley marked human progress toward fixed settlements and the development of a rich culture. These civilizations shared many characteristics that contributed to their success. What made these civilizations unique were the contributions that each one gave to the world. They contributed their own ideas and accomplishments in the areas of religion, science, and mathematics. These contributions defined each civilization and how they would be remembered, as well as, their importance to the world. These three civilizations created cultures that built societies and people for future generations. Starting around 3100 BC they began. The rule of King Menes began the Egyptian civilization by unifying the Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom (Duiker and Speilvogel 17). The Mesopotamian civilization located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, began with the Sumerians people (Duiker and Speilvogel 9). Also, in now what is modern day India, another civilization began. It was located in the Indus River Valley with the Harappan people (Duiker and Speilvogel 38). Three early civilizations laid the foundation for what would be the progression of future civilizations, all of which would greatly influenced the world. All of these places had consecutive civilizations that eventually collapsed, even though each preceding civilization influenced ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Indus Valley Civilization Indus Valley Civilization: In the region of South Asia, Indus Valley civilization is acknowledged as the oldest civilization which is situated in the region of India's western drift and Indus River (Hirst, 2017). This civilization performed central government and delivered well developed cities and towns along with compositions and controlled food productions. This civilization is different from those of Mesopotamia and Egypt, and hence was not overwhelmed by intense figures of religion (Green, 2016). No sanctuaries were manufactured and no pictures of state divine beings or lords have been found. Deforestation, environmental change and a progression of intrusions all added to the decline of the Indus civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization is also acknowledged as Indus civilization which was situated in a zone of somewhere in the range of 1.6 million square kilometers in what is today eastern Pakistan and northeastern India between around 2500–1900 BC (Hirst, 2017). Indus Valley Seals: Alexander Cunningham, in 1870, distributed a few discoveries uncover at Harappa under the establishment of the Archeological Survey of India. That demonstrate some inquisitive protest among them, a 1*1 inch of smooth engraved mud, covered in the vestiges (Rao et al., 2009). The piece was not cleaned and appeared to engrave the sculpture of a bull. It was at first suspected that the seal was a not a local possession rather a foreign object. Later on numerous such revelations were ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Comparison and contrast of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilizations have long been compared throughout history and were both some of the earliest civilizations in the world. Mesopotamia, also known as, 'the land between the rivers,' was named for the triangular area between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. This area has been extended and now covers modern day Iraq, adding ancient Assyria and Babylonia to that land. The Indus civilization is often referred to as the Harappan civilization from the first city discovered called Harappa. The Indus civilization existed in the vast river plains of what are now Pakistan and northwestern India between the Indus and Ganges rivers from about 2800 BC to 1800 BC. Though these two territories had many things in common ... Show more content on ... You stay into the class you were born into. This ties in with the religious belief of reincarnation and that you must lead a good life in order to have good Karma and be born into a better caste. Each class lived a different lifestyle. They had certain occupations that other classes don't follow, they ate different types of food, they had different family customs, and so forth. The Brahmin were the judges and priests who held important positions in government and had the most wealth and power. In Mesopotamia the ruling powers were both divine and royal. The Sumerians had a belief that people were created by gods to labor for them. The temple and its land belonged to the god Ningirsu and his wife Baba, and their family. The land owning upper classes included ruling princes and their families, leading priests, and palace officials. The political function was not separated from the religious function for much of Mesopotamia's history. In old Babylonian times a town or a precinct mayor led a group or council of elders. Nobility formed the upper house of elders, and also land– owning commoners met in a popular assembly to make important decisions. Together they managed dealings such as appointing governors, and choosing kings to be temporary military commanders in times of crisis. Eventually there was a separation of the kings from the temple, and the soldiers were kept in the king's palace. The king with his increasing ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Geography Of The Indus River Barrett, Emily Period 6 4/30/15 Geography The Indus River is located on the northwestern part of the sub–continent with other rivers draining into it. Another river called the Ganges River was east of the Indus River. The climate was tropical and contained seasonal winds called monsoons. Monsoons during the winter were dry and went from land to the sea, letting little rain fall on the land. During summer monsoons wet winds go from ocean to land bringing rain with it. The mountain ranges, the Himalayas and Hindu Kush, were located near the north. The first civilization in the sub–continent grew around the Indus River; later another civilization grew around the Ganges River. The rivers would flood and this leaves behind rich soils which makes plentiful crops that fed the civilization. Agriculture depends on the summer monsoon. If rain comes, there are no problems, but if it comes late or not at all crops die and people starve. Since they could not always depend on the monsoons they made irrigation channels that led to their crops. The Himalayas and Hindu Kush separated the sub–continent from the rest of Asia. Culture Clothing India was the first place that made and used cotton in a piece of clothing called a sari, which was worn by women. This piece of clothing was long and could be worn in different ways. Rich women wore saris made of silk. Men wore a long piece of clothing called a dhoti. Since dhotis were shorter they only covered men's lower ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Indus Valley Civilization And The Coming Of The Aryans The Indus Valley Civilization and the coming of the Aryans is the start of ancient India. The Indus Valley Civilization had flourished from around 2500 B.C. to about 1500 B.C. The Indus Valley has a larger geographical reach than Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Indus civilization's economy was based on a very well organized agriculture. At first, farming settlements began around 4000 BCE, and around 3000 BCE there appeared the first signs of urbanization. By around 2600 BCE, many of the towns and cities had been established. Between around 2500–2000 BCE the civilization had reached its peak. Ancient India is also known for many of its inventions and accomplishments that it achieved. Ancient India is home to the two religious beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism. It has many contributions in math that include square roots, decimals, numbers 0–9, and even algebra. The ancient civilization was also the creator of many games. These games include playing cards, polo, chess, checkers, judo, karate, and snakes and ladders. The list of India's accomplishments include of over one–thousand cures for diseases. India's inventions and accomplishments are a major part of its history. Ancient India was also very dependent on its government and economy. The two very important things that they focused on were farming and trade. Farming gave the people food so they could eat and they could trade. They would usually trade for anything that they had needed at the time which included cotton, gold, ... Get more on ...