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Becoming A Networked NGO
             Using Social Media Effectively
      Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit

June 11-14, 2012
Day One: Welcome from Packard Foundation
Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit

Welcome                                                    Understand program
Orientation                                                   expectations

The Networked NGO: How                                Understand how to apply
Does It Translate?                                      the Networked NGO
Networked NGOs in India
                                                          Map your online/offline
and Beyond                                                      networks

Change from the Inside Out
Mapping and Weaving Your
Network                      Balance of peer learning &
                              expert sharing
Practicum: Twitter           Interactive
Reflection                   Fun! Don’t Be Shy!
                             Tell Us To Slow Down or Repeat
                             Laptops up/Laptops Down

• Materials – Print/USB
• Online:
• Wifi
• Hashtag #netngoin
• Restrooms
• Breaks
• Other
Day One: Trainer Introduction – Beth Kanter
Day One: Trainer Introduction – Stephanie Rudat
Day One: Program Orientation
                What does success look like?

• NGOs research and write a formal social media strategy that links
  social media outcomes to institutional goals around population
  and reproductive health.

• NGOs discuss and write a formal social media policy for their
  institutions use of social media.

• NGOs are able to design and implement a small action-learning
  project on Facebook or other appropriate social channel that
  helps them implement a small social media pilot, measure it, and
  reflect on learning with peers.
Grantees communications
strategies have more impact on
    policy and social change
                                                           Theory of Change

                    Grantees have better
                      relationships with
                 influencers , partners, and

                                     Grantees amplify
                                     each others social
                                      media activities
                                     with better results

                                                           Grantees get better
                                                              at social media
                                                           integration strategy
                                                            and measurement
                                                               and learning
                                                                           Grantees implement
                                                                           action learning pilots
                                                                            and share learning
                                                                              with each other
Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit

   Participant Assessment

      Curriculum Development

       Training Delivery In-Country: June, 2012

      Action Learning Projects: Facebook

   Monthly Conference Calls: July– December, 2012

        HAVE                              DO
                                          USE                          DON’T USE
                                                 DO       DON’T
                              DON’T              USE      USE

Communications Plan         Brand
55% formal, written

                              DON’T HAVE                   BEGINNER

   Staffing for Social     Social Media Policy   Social Media Skills
   Interns or volunteers
Survey Snapshot
What is the greatest challenge your organization faces in
using social media?

                               Organizational culture issues – skepticism or
                               connectivity issues were not selected, although
              SKILLS           they may pose challenges to some


     A successful workshop on social media would include...
     • Better understanding of the tools, practical tips, and confidence
     • Strategy
     • Build staff knowledge and capacity to use
Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit
Day    Content

1      Introducing the Networked NGO
       •   Program Overview
       •   Networked NGO: Definition and Examples
       •   Network Mapping and Weaving with Social Media
       •   Working As A Networked NGO
       •   Twitter: The Networked NGO Professional
       •   Reflection

2      Social Media Strategy Development
       •   Social Media Overview
       •   Principles of Effective Social Media Practice
       •   Creating your Social Media Strategy
       •   Integrated Content Strategy and Strategic Web Presence
       •   Strategies for Information Overload and Privacy

3      Social Media Tools and Practicum
       •   Brand Monitoring
       •   Content Discovery and Curation
       •   Facebook
       •   Twitter

4      Designing an Action Learning Project
       Using the Wiki
       •   Action Learning Project
       •   Work Flow and Being Efficient
       •   How to Use Wiki, Facebook Group, Conference Platform
Day One: Program Hopes and Fears

• Series of Share Pairs
   • Pair #1: Work with person from your NGO
   • Pair #2: Find another person to pair up with

• Reflect on:
   • What is your greatest
     hope for this program?
     What do you see
     as success?
   • What are your concerns?

• Report Out
Day One: From Me To We
Creating A Social Network Based on Our Individual


               • Think about: What skills or knowledge do
                 you have that are valuable to share for this
                 project? What skills or knowledge do you

               • Write one skill per sticky note

               • We will introduce ourselves using our sticky
                 notes and post the notes on the wall

    What points of connection or
    common interests did you
    hear or see?

    What opportunities for

    How can we mutually support
    one another in our social
    media learning journey?
Day One: The Power of Networks

                                         We have now created a social
                                         network around our shared
                                         interests. This is what
                                         happens when we use online
                                         social networks like
                                         Facebook. The glue that
                                         holds them together is
                                         relationships: connections
                                         and reciprocity. If NGOs
                                         understand the basic building
                                         blocks of social networks and
                                         apply to their work, they can
                                         achieve better results
Image Source: Innonet
Day One: The Networked NGO
    How Does It Translate?
Social Change is Increasingly Network-Centric
Definition: Networked Nonprofits

      Networked Nonprofits are
 simple, agile, and transparent NGOs.
 They are experts at using social media
tools to make the world a better place.
Networked Nonprofits first must “be”
       before they can “do.”
For some NGOS, it means changing the
          way they work.
Others naturally work in a networked
   way so change isn’t as difficult.
NGO: Not Networked

         Modified illustration by David Armano
         The Micro-Sociology of Networks
With apologies to David Armano for hacking his visual!
Source: The Micro-Sociology of Networks
Networked Ngo


With apologies to David Armano for hacking his visual!
Source: The Micro-Sociology of Networks
In the three years since the film has been out
there, there are still 10K views a day and 12 million
views online.

People in 220 countries have viewed the film in an
unknown number of group settings.

Translated into dozens of languages, inspired
curriculum for high school, inspired a ballet in
Boston, a puppet show in Palestine.
To Be Successful You Need both A Network Mindset and
Networking Tools

Information and Connections Flow in Many Directions

Building Relationships

Inspiring Others To Take Action: Credit Free Zone
Agree          I like naan without butter                             Disagree

    Online social networks can help us achieve results that support our social
                         change goals (agree/disagree)

                          Human Spectragram
Day One: Networked NGOs in India
          Reflect During the Break

• How does the concept translate?
• Can you think of an example of Networked NGO in
• How would you introduce this concept to others in
  your NGO?
15 minutes to enjoy coffee, tea & snacks
Day One: Networked NGOs
       Kuch Khaas
Day One: Networked NGOs in India
Not all NGOs are born
 as Networked NGOs
     or can easily

 Some take a longer
Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit
             Change from the Inside Out

              BE                          DO
Understand Networks          Work with Free Agents

Create Social Culture        Work with Crowds

Listen, Engage, and Build    Learning Loops
Trust Through Transparency   Friending or Funding

Simplicity                   Govern through Networks
Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit
           Definition: Social Culture

Many people in the NGO use social media to engage
  people inside and outside the organization to
      improve programs, services, or reach
             communications goals.

Organizational Concerns
Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit
          Share Pair: Concerns

  Loss of control over your branding & marketing messages
               Dealing with negative comments
     Addressing personality versus organizational voice
                        Make mistakes
         Perception of wasted of time and resources
                 Safety and security concerns
Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit
                   Share Pair: Concerns

• Review the list of concerns and identify which ones you think may be
  relevant for your NGO
• What are they?
• Are there other concerns that might arise?
Social Culture: Step 1 – Talk About the Issues
Step 2: Write Down the Rules – Social Media Policy

  • Encouragement and support              • Best practices
                                                • Tone
  • Why policy is needed                        • Expertise
      • Cases when it will be used,             • Respect
      distributed                               • Quality
      • Oversight, notifications, and
      legal implications                   • Additional resources
                                               • Training
  • Guidelines                                 • Press referrals
      • Identity and transparency              • Escalation
      • Responsibility
      • Confidentiality                    • Policy examples available at
      • Judgment and common      

                                        Source: Charlene Li, Altimeter Group
Discussion: Debrief

   How would you lead a discussion within your
       organization about the concerns?
    If you had a basic template for a social media
policy, how would you ensure that it is discussed and
            adapted for your organization?
Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit

  Simplicity clarifies organizations and helps
them focus their energy on what they do best,
    while leveraging the resources of their
             networks for the rest.
It is important to make sure that social media
        isn’t just one more thing to do.
You want me
   to start
Tweeting too?
Leverage Your Networks
 Social Culture
Leverage Your Networks
 Social Culture
Who will do the work?

Free                 Integrated       Staff
•   Intern           • Tasks in Job   • Full-Time
•   Volunteer                         • Part-Time
•    Board Members
•    Fans
• 3 person staff
• Social media
  responsibilities in all
  three job descriptions
• Weekly 20 minute
  meeting to coordinate
• Three initiatives to
  support SMART
• Weekly video
• Blogger outreach
• Facebook
Wendy Harman
                               Director, Social Media

                              • Create ROI Measurements
                                Develop Internal Education
                                and Training
                              • Apply Social Insights to the
                                Strategic Plan
                              • Get Buy-In from Stakeholders
                              • Develops Listening and
                                Monitoring Strategy
                              • Gets Tools and Technologies
                                in place
                              • Facilitate policy and
                              • Community manager
Two Full-Time Staff Members
Department Structure
Tracking Staff Time Investment
800,000               Uniques                                                180,000

                      Twitter Referring Traffic                              160,000

                      Facebook Referring Traffic                             140,000





100,000                                                                      20,000

     0                                                                       0
            January                               February   March   April

          Jan-Feb: Integrated social media into all staff job tasks
          March:              Hired social media coordinator
Change from the Inside Out
     Simplicity: Share Pair

What could your organization do less of
   to make time for social media?
Change from the Inside Out
   Mistakes As Teachers
Momsrising: Joyful Funerals….

                                1. Fail
                                2. Incremental Success
                                3. Dramatic Success
Why did it fail?
What did we learn?
What insights can
use next time

                   DoSomething.Org’s Fail Fest
This “MisTweet” by a Red Cross employee was
out for an hour before Wendy Harman got a call
           in the middle of the night.
Disaster recovery on the tweet
Apologized and shared on their blog
Employee confessed on Twitter
Got picked up by mainstream media and blogs

Admit the mistake, stakeholders are forgiving

        If the mistake had been damaging to the organization, a social
        media policy would have been critical if taking appropriate action
Day One: Change from the Inside Out
  Mistakes As Teachers – Share Pair

                         What is the worst
                          thing that could
                         possibly go wrong
                         with social media?

                           How can you
                           minimize the
404 error: file not found
                  Does this look familiar?

Play Video

Oops! Nobody wants to see the 404: Page Not Found. But as
Renny Gleeson shows us, while he runs through a slideshow of
creative and funny 404 pages, every error is really a chance to
build a better relationship.
Lunch Break
  One Hour

            Play Video
Day One: Change from Inside Out
Transparency is important to building networks

    Networked Nonprofits consider
      everyone inside and outside
   of the organization resources for
  helping them to achieve their goals.
Day One: Change from Inside Out
Transparency is important to building networks
Day One: Shades of Gray
          A Space for Private Conversations

         Substantial:                     Accountable:
                                       Forthcoming with bad
 Providing information that is
                                     news, admits mistakes, and
  truthful, complete, easy to
                                      provides both sides of a
     understand & reliable

    Absence of Secrecy:
Doesn’t leave out important but
potentially damaging details, the   Asks for feedback, involves
 org doesn’t obfuscate its data      others, takes the time to
 with jargon or confusion & the        listen & is prompt in
 org is slow to provide data or     responding to requests for
    only discloses data when                information
Day One: Change from Inside Out
Transparency is important to building networks
Day One: Transparency Reflection

Is your organization a fortress or a transparent or something
in between?
What are the benefits and challenges of embracing
transparency in your local context?       Jack Dorsey, Cover of Fast Company
Day One: Network Primer Presentation

What: Social networks are collections of people and
organizations who are connected to each other in different
ways through common interests or affiliations. A network
map visualize these connections.

Why: If we understand the basic building blocks of social
networks, and visually map them, we can leverage them for
our work and NGOs can leverage them for their campaigns.
We bring in new people and resources and save time.
Day One: Network Analysis

Cluster            Periphery


                                                Hubs or

            Ties                       Node
                               Source: Working Wikily
How NGOs Visualize Their Networks:
       Activism Strategy

                National Wildlife Federation
              Brought together team that is
              working on advocacy strategy to
              support a law that encourages
              children to play outside.
              Team mapped their 5 “go to
              people” about this issue
              Look at connections and strategic
              value of relationships, gaps
How NGOs Visualize Their Networks: Ecosystem
How NGOs Visualize Their Networks: Ecosystem
NGOs Use Network Mapping
To Strengthen Strategy: Find Hubs
Exercise: Map Your Network

Visualize, develop, and weave relationships with others to help
support your program or communications goals.

                                        Who is in your network?

                                        How are you connected?

                                        Who should be in your

                                        In what ways do you
                                        connect with your

1. Work together in organizational pairs.
2. Use sticky notes, markers and poster paper. Pick an
   area that you work in (family planning, women’s
   empowerment, maternal health, etc)
3. Brainstorm a list of “go to” people, organizations, and
   online resources (bloggers, etc)
4. Decide on different colors to distinguish between
   different types, write the names on the sticky notes
5. Put them on the poster paper on the wall and as a
   group identify influencers, discuss specific ties and
   connections. Draw the connections.
6. Reflection questions
15 minutes to enjoy coffee & tea while you Tweet!
Exercise Debrief: Walk About To View Maps

Visualize, develop, and weave relationships with others to help
support your program or communications goals.

                                 How does this idea translate?

                                 What insights did you learn from
                                 mapping your network?

                                 How can you each use your
                                 professional networks to support
                                 one another’s social media
                                 strategy work?
The Networked NGO Professional
 Open and accessible to the world and building relationships
Making interests, hobbies, passions visible creates authenticity
The Networked NGO Professional
Small Talks Creates Trust, Trust Lubricates Transaction
            Pay it forward and Connecting
Day One: How Networked NGO Professionals Use Twitter

                           Twitter as a

                               • Twitter 101
                               • Profile Set up: Elevator
                               • What makes a good Tweet
                               • Set up lists w/everyone’s ID
                               • #netngoindia hashtag
                               • Tweet your learnings today
Examples of Profile Descriptions

Grab screen captures of some of the folks in the notes –
tried to find professionals from NGOs and others using
Twitter w/decent profile.
Day Three: Effective Social Media Practice
Twitter Best Practices and Practicing – Personal Profile

                                       Craft Your
      Five Minute Exercise:          Twitter Elevator

 1. Why should someone care about your? When
 possible, leverage an emotional connection.
 2. Be distinctive. For example were you the first or only one to
 do something? Perhaps you are the largest or oldest. These
 distinctions help set you apart and provide credibility.
 3. Don’t forget the basics. Who does your
 organization/endeavor benefit? How does your organization
 benefit someone?
 4. Finish with an ‘ask’ to follow.
Create Your Profile on Twitter


Include your personal elevator speech and a photo so people know
who you are and why they want to follow you
Examples of Great Tweets

Why are these considered ‘Great Tweets’?
Twitter Glossary
@Reply – A direct reply to someone referencing an earlier tweet he had posted. This also can be
used to initiate a conversation.
Direct message – Private messages that only the senders and the recipients can see. A direct
message also may be called a “DM.”
Follower – Someone who receives updates from other users on Twitter by subscribing to
(following) their feeds.
Follow Friday – A tradition where users recommend other tweeters by listing their handles on
Fridays. Follow Friday tweets include one or both of these hashtags: #FollowFriday and #FF.
Handle – Twitter usernames, which begin with the @ sign (i.e., @kanter and @srudat).
Hashtag – The basic form of categorizing, organizing and tagging updates on Twitter.
Hashtags, which begin with the # sign, are used to find pertinent information regarding specific
topics. Listed – A tool that enables tweeters to organize their favorite fellow tweeters by subject
matter, location, company or other identifiers.
Modified tweet – A tweet that a user changes or adds commentary to before retweeting it to
followers. A modified tweet is preceded by “MT” rather than “RT.”
Retweet – An exact copy of another Twitter user’s tweets that you repost on your profile so your
followers can read it.
Trending topics – This feature ranks in real time the subjects that are being discussed most on
Tweet – A message one posts to Twitter. Each tweet must be 140 characters or less.
Twitterverse – A broad term describing all people who use Twitter, short for Twitter universe.
Unfollow – The action of ceasing to follow a user.
Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit
                End of Day Reflection
What questions do you
     still have?

  What is clear?
         Have a wonderful evening.
We look forward to seeing you in the morning.

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Day 1 India Networked NGO Training

  • 1. Becoming A Networked NGO Using Social Media Effectively Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit June 11-14, 2012 India
  • 3. Day One: Welcome from Packard Foundation
  • 4. Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit AGENDA OUTCOMES Welcome Understand program Orientation expectations The Networked NGO: How Understand how to apply Does It Translate? the Networked NGO concept Networked NGOs in India Map your online/offline and Beyond networks Change from the Inside Out FRAMING Mapping and Weaving Your Network Balance of peer learning & expert sharing Practicum: Twitter Interactive Reflection Fun! Don’t Be Shy! Tell Us To Slow Down or Repeat Laptops up/Laptops Down
  • 5. Logistics • Materials – Print/USB • Online: • Wifi • Hashtag #netngoin • Restrooms • Breaks • Other
  • 6. Day One: Trainer Introduction – Beth Kanter
  • 7. Day One: Trainer Introduction – Stephanie Rudat
  • 8. Day One: Program Orientation What does success look like? • NGOs research and write a formal social media strategy that links social media outcomes to institutional goals around population and reproductive health. • NGOs discuss and write a formal social media policy for their institutions use of social media. • NGOs are able to design and implement a small action-learning project on Facebook or other appropriate social channel that helps them implement a small social media pilot, measure it, and reflect on learning with peers.
  • 9. Grantees communications strategies have more impact on policy and social change outcomes Theory of Change Grantees have better relationships with influencers , partners, and stakeholders Grantees amplify each others social media activities with better results Grantees get better at social media integration strategy and measurement and learning discipline Grantees implement action learning pilots and share learning with each other
  • 10. Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit Participant Assessment Curriculum Development Training Delivery In-Country: June, 2012 Action Learning Projects: Facebook Monthly Conference Calls: July– December, 2012
  • 11. SURVEY SNAPSHOT DON’T HAVE DO USE DON’T USE DO DON’T DON’T USE USE HAVE USE Communications Plan Brand 55% formal, written Monitoring E-questionnaire HAVE NOVICE DON’T HAVE BEGINNER DON’T HAVE Staffing for Social Social Media Policy Social Media Skills Media Interns or volunteers
  • 12. Survey Snapshot What is the greatest challenge your organization faces in using social media? HAVE TIME Organizational culture issues – skepticism or connectivity issues were not selected, although SKILLS they may pose challenges to some BEGINNER A successful workshop on social media would include... • Better understanding of the tools, practical tips, and confidence • Strategy • Build staff knowledge and capacity to use
  • 13. Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit Day Content 1 Introducing the Networked NGO • Program Overview • Networked NGO: Definition and Examples • Network Mapping and Weaving with Social Media • Working As A Networked NGO • Twitter: The Networked NGO Professional • Reflection 2 Social Media Strategy Development • Social Media Overview • Principles of Effective Social Media Practice • Creating your Social Media Strategy • Integrated Content Strategy and Strategic Web Presence • Strategies for Information Overload and Privacy 3 Social Media Tools and Practicum • Brand Monitoring • Content Discovery and Curation • Facebook • Twitter 4 Designing an Action Learning Project Using the Wiki • Action Learning Project • Work Flow and Being Efficient • How to Use Wiki, Facebook Group, Conference Platform
  • 14. Day One: Program Hopes and Fears • Series of Share Pairs • Pair #1: Work with person from your NGO • Pair #2: Find another person to pair up with • Reflect on: • What is your greatest hope for this program? What do you see as success? • What are your concerns? • Report Out
  • 15. Day One: From Me To We Creating A Social Network Based on Our Individual Knowledge Instructions • Think about: What skills or knowledge do you have that are valuable to share for this project? What skills or knowledge do you need? • Write one skill per sticky note • We will introduce ourselves using our sticky notes and post the notes on the wall
  • 16. Reflection What points of connection or common interests did you hear or see? What opportunities for reciprocity? How can we mutually support one another in our social media learning journey?
  • 17. Day One: The Power of Networks We have now created a social network around our shared interests. This is what happens when we use online social networks like Facebook. The glue that holds them together is relationships: connections and reciprocity. If NGOs understand the basic building blocks of social networks and apply to their work, they can achieve better results Image Source: Innonet
  • 18. Day One: The Networked NGO How Does It Translate?
  • 19. Social Change is Increasingly Network-Centric
  • 20. Definition: Networked Nonprofits Networked Nonprofits are simple, agile, and transparent NGOs. They are experts at using social media tools to make the world a better place. Networked Nonprofits first must “be” before they can “do.” For some NGOS, it means changing the way they work. Others naturally work in a networked way so change isn’t as difficult.
  • 21. NGO: Not Networked NGO Modified illustration by David Armano The Micro-Sociology of Networks With apologies to David Armano for hacking his visual! Source: The Micro-Sociology of Networks
  • 22. Networked Ngo Networks NGO Staff With apologies to David Armano for hacking his visual! Source: The Micro-Sociology of Networks
  • 23.
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. In the three years since the film has been out there, there are still 10K views a day and 12 million views online. People in 220 countries have viewed the film in an unknown number of group settings. Translated into dozens of languages, inspired curriculum for high school, inspired a ballet in Boston, a puppet show in Palestine.
  • 27. To Be Successful You Need both A Network Mindset and Networking Tools Information and Connections Flow in Many Directions Building Relationships Inspiring Others To Take Action: Credit Free Zone
  • 28. Agree I like naan without butter Disagree Online social networks can help us achieve results that support our social change goals (agree/disagree) Human Spectragram
  • 29. Day One: Networked NGOs in India Reflect During the Break Questions: • How does the concept translate? • Can you think of an example of Networked NGO in India? • How would you introduce this concept to others in your NGO?
  • 30. BREAK! 15 minutes to enjoy coffee, tea & snacks
  • 31. Day One: Networked NGOs Kuch Khaas
  • 32. Day One: Networked NGOs in India Fight-Back
  • 33. Not all NGOs are born as Networked NGOs or can easily transform. Some take a longer time…
  • 34. Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit Change from the Inside Out BE DO Understand Networks Work with Free Agents Create Social Culture Work with Crowds Listen, Engage, and Build Learning Loops Relationships Trust Through Transparency Friending or Funding Simplicity Govern through Networks
  • 35. Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit Definition: Social Culture Many people in the NGO use social media to engage people inside and outside the organization to improve programs, services, or reach communications goals. Barrier: Organizational Concerns
  • 36. Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit Share Pair: Concerns Loss of control over your branding & marketing messages Dealing with negative comments Addressing personality versus organizational voice Make mistakes Perception of wasted of time and resources Safety and security concerns
  • 37. Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit Share Pair: Concerns Questions: • Review the list of concerns and identify which ones you think may be relevant for your NGO • What are they? • Are there other concerns that might arise?
  • 38. Social Culture: Step 1 – Talk About the Issues
  • 39. Step 2: Write Down the Rules – Social Media Policy • Encouragement and support • Best practices • Tone • Why policy is needed • Expertise • Cases when it will be used, • Respect distributed • Quality • Oversight, notifications, and legal implications • Additional resources • Training • Guidelines • Press referrals • Identity and transparency • Escalation • Responsibility • Confidentiality • Policy examples available at • Judgment and common sense Source: Charlene Li, Altimeter Group
  • 40.
  • 42.
  • 43. Discussion: Debrief How would you lead a discussion within your organization about the concerns? If you had a basic template for a social media policy, how would you ensure that it is discussed and adapted for your organization?
  • 44. Day One: Becoming A Networked Nonprofit Simplicity Simplicity clarifies organizations and helps them focus their energy on what they do best, while leveraging the resources of their networks for the rest. It is important to make sure that social media isn’t just one more thing to do.
  • 45. You want me to start Tweeting too?
  • 46. Leverage Your Networks Social Culture
  • 47. Leverage Your Networks Social Culture
  • 48. Who will do the work? Free Integrated Staff • Intern • Tasks in Job • Full-Time • Volunteer • Part-Time • Board Members • Fans
  • 49. • 3 person staff • Social media responsibilities in all three job descriptions • Weekly 20 minute meeting to coordinate • Three initiatives to support SMART objectives • Weekly video • Blogger outreach • Facebook engagement/contests
  • 50. Wendy Harman Director, Social Media • Create ROI Measurements Develop Internal Education and Training • Apply Social Insights to the Strategic Plan • Get Buy-In from Stakeholders • Develops Listening and Monitoring Strategy • Gets Tools and Technologies in place • Facilitate policy and procedures • Community manager Two Full-Time Staff Members
  • 52. Tracking Staff Time Investment 800,000 Uniques 180,000 700,000 Twitter Referring Traffic 160,000 Facebook Referring Traffic 140,000 600,000 120,000 500,000 100,000 400,000 80,000 300,000 60,000 200,000 40,000 100,000 20,000 0 0 January February March April Jan-Feb: Integrated social media into all staff job tasks March: Hired social media coordinator
  • 53. Change from the Inside Out Simplicity: Share Pair What could your organization do less of to make time for social media?
  • 54. Change from the Inside Out Mistakes As Teachers
  • 55. Momsrising: Joyful Funerals…. 1. Fail 2. Incremental Success 3. Dramatic Success
  • 56. Why did it fail? What did we learn? What insights can use next time around? DoSomething.Org’s Fail Fest
  • 57. This “MisTweet” by a Red Cross employee was out for an hour before Wendy Harman got a call in the middle of the night.
  • 58.
  • 59. Disaster recovery on the tweet
  • 60. Apologized and shared on their blog
  • 62. Got picked up by mainstream media and blogs
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68. Takeaways Admit the mistake, stakeholders are forgiving If the mistake had been damaging to the organization, a social media policy would have been critical if taking appropriate action
  • 69. Day One: Change from the Inside Out Mistakes As Teachers – Share Pair What is the worst thing that could possibly go wrong with social media? How can you minimize the impact?
  • 70. 404 error: file not found Does this look familiar? Play Video Oops! Nobody wants to see the 404: Page Not Found. But as Renny Gleeson shows us, while he runs through a slideshow of creative and funny 404 pages, every error is really a chance to build a better relationship.
  • 71. Lunch Break One Hour
  • 72. Energizer Play Video
  • 73. Day One: Change from Inside Out Transparency is important to building networks Networked Nonprofits consider everyone inside and outside of the organization resources for helping them to achieve their goals.
  • 74. Day One: Change from Inside Out Transparency is important to building networks
  • 75. Day One: Shades of Gray A Space for Private Conversations Substantial: Accountable: Forthcoming with bad Providing information that is news, admits mistakes, and truthful, complete, easy to provides both sides of a understand & reliable controversy Absence of Secrecy: Participation: Doesn’t leave out important but potentially damaging details, the Asks for feedback, involves org doesn’t obfuscate its data others, takes the time to with jargon or confusion & the listen & is prompt in org is slow to provide data or responding to requests for only discloses data when information required
  • 76. Day One: Change from Inside Out Transparency is important to building networks
  • 77. Day One: Transparency Reflection Reflection: Is your organization a fortress or a transparent or something in between? What are the benefits and challenges of embracing transparency in your local context? Jack Dorsey, Cover of Fast Company
  • 78. Day One: Network Primer Presentation Definition What: Social networks are collections of people and organizations who are connected to each other in different ways through common interests or affiliations. A network map visualize these connections. Why: If we understand the basic building blocks of social networks, and visually map them, we can leverage them for our work and NGOs can leverage them for their campaigns. We bring in new people and resources and save time.
  • 79. Day One: Network Analysis Cluster Periphery Core Hubs or Influencers Ties Node Source: Working Wikily
  • 80. How NGOs Visualize Their Networks: Activism Strategy National Wildlife Federation Brought together team that is working on advocacy strategy to support a law that encourages children to play outside. Team mapped their 5 “go to people” about this issue Look at connections and strategic value of relationships, gaps
  • 81. How NGOs Visualize Their Networks: Ecosystem
  • 82. How NGOs Visualize Their Networks: Ecosystem
  • 83. NGOs Use Network Mapping To Strengthen Strategy: Find Hubs
  • 84.
  • 85.
  • 86. Exercise: Map Your Network Visualize, develop, and weave relationships with others to help support your program or communications goals. Who is in your network? How are you connected? Who should be in your network? In what ways do you connect with your network?
  • 87. Steps 1. Work together in organizational pairs. 2. Use sticky notes, markers and poster paper. Pick an area that you work in (family planning, women’s empowerment, maternal health, etc) 3. Brainstorm a list of “go to” people, organizations, and online resources (bloggers, etc) 4. Decide on different colors to distinguish between different types, write the names on the sticky notes 5. Put them on the poster paper on the wall and as a group identify influencers, discuss specific ties and connections. Draw the connections. 6. Reflection questions
  • 88. BREAK! 15 minutes to enjoy coffee & tea while you Tweet!
  • 89. Exercise Debrief: Walk About To View Maps Visualize, develop, and weave relationships with others to help support your program or communications goals. How does this idea translate? What insights did you learn from mapping your network? How can you each use your professional networks to support one another’s social media strategy work?
  • 90. The Networked NGO Professional Open and accessible to the world and building relationships Making interests, hobbies, passions visible creates authenticity
  • 91. The Networked NGO Professional Small Talks Creates Trust, Trust Lubricates Transaction Pay it forward and Connecting
  • 92. Day One: How Networked NGO Professionals Use Twitter Twitter as a professional networking tool! • Twitter 101 • Profile Set up: Elevator Speech/Photo • What makes a good Tweet • Set up lists w/everyone’s ID • #netngoindia hashtag • Tweet your learnings today
  • 93. Examples of Profile Descriptions Grab screen captures of some of the folks in the notes – tried to find professionals from NGOs and others using Twitter w/decent profile.
  • 94. Day Three: Effective Social Media Practice Twitter Best Practices and Practicing – Personal Profile Craft Your Five Minute Exercise: Twitter Elevator Speech 1. Why should someone care about your? When possible, leverage an emotional connection. 2. Be distinctive. For example were you the first or only one to do something? Perhaps you are the largest or oldest. These distinctions help set you apart and provide credibility. 3. Don’t forget the basics. Who does your organization/endeavor benefit? How does your organization benefit someone? 4. Finish with an ‘ask’ to follow.
  • 95. Create Your Profile on Twitter Visit: Include your personal elevator speech and a photo so people know who you are and why they want to follow you
  • 96. Examples of Great Tweets Why are these considered ‘Great Tweets’?
  • 97. Twitter Glossary @Reply – A direct reply to someone referencing an earlier tweet he had posted. This also can be used to initiate a conversation. Direct message – Private messages that only the senders and the recipients can see. A direct message also may be called a “DM.” Follower – Someone who receives updates from other users on Twitter by subscribing to (following) their feeds. Follow Friday – A tradition where users recommend other tweeters by listing their handles on Fridays. Follow Friday tweets include one or both of these hashtags: #FollowFriday and #FF. Handle – Twitter usernames, which begin with the @ sign (i.e., @kanter and @srudat). Hashtag – The basic form of categorizing, organizing and tagging updates on Twitter. Hashtags, which begin with the # sign, are used to find pertinent information regarding specific topics. Listed – A tool that enables tweeters to organize their favorite fellow tweeters by subject matter, location, company or other identifiers. Modified tweet – A tweet that a user changes or adds commentary to before retweeting it to followers. A modified tweet is preceded by “MT” rather than “RT.” Retweet – An exact copy of another Twitter user’s tweets that you repost on your profile so your followers can read it. Trending topics – This feature ranks in real time the subjects that are being discussed most on Twitter. Tweet – A message one posts to Twitter. Each tweet must be 140 characters or less. Twitterverse – A broad term describing all people who use Twitter, short for Twitter universe. Unfollow – The action of ceasing to follow a user.
  • 98. Day One: Introducing the Networked Nonprofit End of Day Reflection What questions do you still have? What is clear?
  • 99. ADJOURNED! Have a wonderful evening. We look forward to seeing you in the morning.

Editor's Notes

  1. Official Welcome (10 minutes)Participants introduce themselves by name, title, and organizationStrategy or tactics? 
  2. Official Welcome (10 minutes) Program Overview: Orient participants to the four days and overall program, including expectations (10 minutes)  Exercise (25 minutes)Facilitator asks the group to form 4 groups of 4 people each – social media implementers in two groups, and senior leaders in two groups. Each group will meet over the next 10 minutes. Their task is to reflect together on the following question: What are your hopes for this program and any fears or concerns you have for it as well? After the discussion period, each group will have 3 minutes to share their group's hopes and fears. At the conclusion, facilitator asks the group for their comments, observations and reflections on the whole to debrief.
  3. Official Welcome (10 minutes) Program Overview: Orient participants to the four days and overall program, including expectations (10 minutes)  Exercise (25 minutes)Facilitator asks the group to form 4 groups of 4 people each – social media implementers in two groups, and senior leaders in two groups. Each group will meet over the next 10 minutes. Their task is to reflect together on the following question: What are your hopes for this program and any fears or concerns you have for it as well? After the discussion period, each group will have 3 minutes to share their group's hopes and fears. At the conclusion, facilitator asks the group for their comments, observations and reflections on the whole to debrief.
  4. Official Welcome (10 minutes) Program Overview: Orient participants to the four days and overall program, including expectations (10 minutes)  Exercise (25 minutes)Facilitator asks the group to form 4 groups of 4 people each – social media implementers in two groups, and senior leaders in two groups. Each group will meet over the next 10 minutes. Their task is to reflect together on the following question: What are your hopes for this program and any fears or concerns you have for it as well? After the discussion period, each group will have 3 minutes to share their group's hopes and fears. At the conclusion, facilitator asks the group for their comments, observations and reflections on the whole to debrief.
  5. Official Welcome (10 minutes) Program Overview: Orient participants to the four days and overall program, including expectations (10 minutes)  Exercise (25 minutes)Facilitator asks the group to form 4 groups of 4 people each – social media implementers in two groups, and senior leaders in two groups. Each group will meet over the next 10 minutes. Their task is to reflect together on the following question: What are your hopes for this program and any fears or concerns you have for it as well? After the discussion period, each group will have 3 minutes to share their group's hopes and fears. At the conclusion, facilitator asks the group for their comments, observations and reflections on the whole to debrief.
  6. Official Welcome (10 minutes) Program Overview: Orient participants to the four days and overall program, including expectations (10 minutes)  Exercise (25 minutes)Facilitator asks the group to form 4 groups of 4 people each – social media implementers in two groups, and senior leaders in two groups. Each group will meet over the next 10 minutes. Their task is to reflect together on the following question: What are your hopes for this program and any fears or concerns you have for it as well? After the discussion period, each group will have 3 minutes to share their group's hopes and fears. At the conclusion, facilitator asks the group for their comments, observations and reflections on the whole to debrief.
  7. Exercise (25 minutes)Facilitator asks the group to form 4 groups of 4 people each – social media implementers in two groups, and senior leaders in two groups. Each group will meet over the next 10 minutes. Their task is to reflect together on the following question: What are your hopes for this program and any fears or concerns you have for it as well? After the discussion period, each group will have 3 minutes to share their group's hopes and fears. At the conclusion, facilitator asks the group for their comments, observations and reflections on the whole to debrief.
  8. From Me To We: Creating A Social Network Based On Our Individual KnowledgeConcept: Networked Nonprofits under networks. Networks are collections of people and organizations who are connected to each other in different ways through common interests or affiliations. Social networks have different patterns and structures to them and the glue that holds networks together and makes them effective is relationships If NGOs understand and apply the basic building blocks of social networks, their social media campaigns and activities will get more impactful results. Three Things About Me: This is the icebreaker allows individuals to introduce themselves and share something about their experience, expertise, or knowledge related to the project. By the end, we will have created a social network on the wall that allows us to visualize our shared points of connection and reciprocity. The trainers will document the activity to post to project wiki.  Preparation Step: Tape poster sheets to the wall and label with “Three Things About Me Network.”Hand out the sticky notes to participants. Give a different color sticky note to senior leaders and a different color for social media implementer’s. Ask each person to write down one word or phrase on a sticky note that describes their knowledge, skill, expertise, or something important that they’d like to group to know about them. Participants should share three sticky notes per person. Participants should include their name and Twitter ID (if they have one) on the sticky note. Have each participant stand in front of the group and introduce share their “Three Things About Me” and put the sticky notes on the poster sheet.Co-Trainer will type in words and phrases and create a WordleDebrief: As a group, reflect on these questions and summarize connections/reciprocity poster paper:What points of connection (common interests) did you hear or see?What opportunities for reciprocity?We have a created a social network and found connections based on our mutual interests. This is one of the key benefits of social media, especially for NGOs. Tools like Twitter and Facebook allow NGOs to easily connect with people and other organizations based on mutual interest. How might we leverage this network for the benefit of the project and your NGOs work?
  9. Credit InnonetImageSource: Wikipedia/Map of Six Degrees Theory of Social Connectivity Chapter 2: Understanding Networks – The Networked Nonprofit by Beth Kanter and Allison Fine
  10. The Networked NGO: How Does It Translate? Introducing Networked NGOWhat is a Networked NGO?Examples of Networked NGOsExercise 
  11. The leading edge of social change is increasingly network-centric. Collaboration, coordination, and working in networks are becoming the new normal, as leaders across sectors work to move the needle on today’s most pressing problems. Individuals and groups are taking increasing advantage of technology’s ability to facilitate and expand their impact through connection, coordination, and collaboration. What does this look like in action? Grassroots mobilization has achieved a step change in speed and power, as witnessed by the Twitter-enabled Arab Spring, the KONY 2012 campaign that put a long-invisible crisis in Africa on the public radar, and the swift backlash against the Susan G. Komen Foundation for withdrawing support from Planned Parenthood. Collective knowledge production on sites like Wikipedia, Galaxy Zoo, Instructables, or the Polymath Project continues to grow and is redefining how we access expertise. We can also see the power of networks playing out in field-level collaboratives such as Strive and RE-AMP, where large groups of organizations are aligning their strategies to enable individual efforts to add up to systemic change.
  12. The transition from working like this to this – doesn’t happen over night, can’t flip a switch
  13. SHABAKAT youth integrate information and communication technologies in the day-to-day lives of their communities to positively transform our families, education, businesses, environment and community. Rami Al-Karmi will share a few words.Founder and CEO of Shabakat, Al Ordon (JordanNet) and is serving as the E-Mediat Strategic Adviser for the Jordan In-Country Team shared some lessons about working as networked ngo. His organization’s name, Shabakat, translates into the word “network.”Shabakat Al Ordon trains young people in technical, professional and facilitation skills who then go out and create programs to train people in their communities. Rami shared how his organization works in a transparent way, open sourcing its program materials and processes. They also work many different partners to spread the program so that his organization isn’t doing everything. They’ve simplified and focused on what they do best.
  14. and CEO of Shabakat, Al Ordon (JordanNet) and is serving as the E-Mediat Strategic Adviser for the Jordan In-Country Team shared some lessons about working as networked ngo. His organization’s name, Shabakat, translates into the word “network.”Shabakat Al Ordon trains young people in technical, professional and facilitation skills who then go out and create programs to train people in their communities. Rami shared how his organization works in a transparent way, open sourcing its program materials and processes. They also work many different partners to spread the program so that his organization isn’t doing everything. They’ve simplified and focused on what they do best.
  15. -----------If you are on a good Internet connection, clicking the link will take you to the YouTube Video, but make sure you play it before you present so you don’t have to wait for it.Another option is to embed the video in the slide, but you must have an Internet connection – Instructions Internet connection?You can download YouTube Videos and play them offline using one of these programs: in mind, that KeepVid uses a Java applet that you have to allow to run, there's a possibility it doesn't work well in some browsers but on Chrome it's fine.  You can save the file in mp4 (and link to it from your ppt) or save as a .flv and open it in your browser (as long as you have the right plugin/player - on my computer I'm using Real Player and QuickTime. I put a link “Play Video Offline” and link to the video file on the hard drive in the same folder as the ppt. Then you click it and it will ask you confirm the player and it will play.  Story of Electronics, an environmental-themed short film, as a case study and jumping off point for a workshop exercise to create a digital campaign. The Story of Electronics is part of a series of short films created and released by the Story of Stuff project since 2007.  The first film, The Story of Stuff, shows the devastating consequences of our (American) consumerism in the environment, developing countries, personal health and happiness.     The Story of Stuff site was created to leverage and extend the film’s impact by creating a network of people who are discussing the issue and hope to build a more sustainable and just world.   Their online network includes over 250,000 activists and they partner with hundreds of environmental and social justice organizations around the world to create and distribute the film, curricula, and other content.Last week at the TechSoup Global Summit, I had an opportunity to meet Annie Leonard and do a quick interview about their lessons learned working as a networked.  As I listened to her speak about their experience,   I knew this would be a terrific case study to share in Beirut as an example of working in a networked way.    Annie was kind enough to give me her notes so I could write this case study and hopefully, I’ve captured it correctly.The first thing to point out is that Story of Stuff project is not an independent nonprofit (as far as I could tell) and is fiscally-sponsored by the Tides Center.  This organization is one that was born as networked nonprofit, in part, because of the experience and vision of its leader, Annie Leonard.Here’s some basic points she made about working effectively in a networked way compared to working in a traditional organization.Source: Leadership for a New EraTo Be Successful You Need both A Network Mindset and Networking ToolsA Networked organization is more than just the electronic infrastructure and tools that facilitate communication.   It isn’t a matter of a Facebook profile or using Twitter.   It is a collaborative way of working.   It is about  sharing.   When you have a group of people working together in a network-culture and are facile with the tools, it can be unstoppable.She described the networked mindset as different from working in a conventional nonprofit institution.      These conventional nonprofits, what we label “Fortresses” in our book, The Networked Nonprofit,  are all about command and top down control.   Annie pointed out that these organizations have many rigid rules.   It means that no one on staff or the outside can do anything without permission and had to be done a prescribed way.  For example, everyone had to use the same font.What’s more she described how difficult this way of working is and makes it almost impossible to collaborate with other organizations working on similar issues.     In traditional organizations,  they approach activism as   “It is our issue.”   These traditional organizations feel that power comes for their expertise and their institution.In Networks, Information and Connections Flow in Many DirectionsAnnie talked about how networks focus on collaboration and action, rather than institution building.   She noted,  “In networks, the goal isn’t a big staff, but inspiring lots of people to do the good work through making connections and taking action.”    She also observed that in networks, power and decision-making propagates outwards – rather than being consolidated in the center.How and Why The Story of Stuff  Is Successful As A NetworkAnnie credits the above ways of working as the secret to their success.    She made the film because she was frustrated that the mainstream media and culture had ignored the underside of the American consumer economy.     When she posted the short film online in 2007, it exploded.   It turned up the volume on this important conversation.In the three years since the film has been out there, there are still 10K views a day and 12 million views online.  There are more than 220 countries have viewed the film in an unknown number of group settings.  It’s been translated into dozens of languages, inspired curriculum for high school, inspired a ballet in Boston, a puppet show in Palestine, floats in parades and the list goes on.  People have spray painted the URL on bus stops.Building RelationshipsAnnie suggests that one reason they were successful is that the film wasn’t just hers.  It was conceived and created in a network context.      Instead of doing everything herself, she engaged other people.   She spent an entire decade building relationships with groups all over the world and building a network of organizations to address the issues in the film.  She also got lots of feedback about the film while it was being created.When the film launched, it was already on the web site of hundreds of groups all over the world.    Hundreds of advocates and allies helped create it and had a stake in it.     She says it was “network-held” resource.Inspiring Others To Take Action: Credit Free ZoneAnnie also mentioned that their focus was to inspire new thinking and conversations, rather than getting credit or making money.    They used a creative commons license – allowing anyone to use their films, put them on their sites, and do anything they wanted except sell it.While Annie isn’t suggesting that we bury the old-school, centralized,  command and control model of organizing, she feels that different times demand evolving models.       Annie says working as network offers these advantages:(1)  Networks are more resilient and flexible and can bigger risks because they don’t have to worry about the longevity of a big institution.(2)  Networks are participatory.  They can get millions of people to help, not just paid staff.(3)  Networks offer many different ways to get involved.   It’s a buffet of ways to engage people that fits them.   Networks value people on whatever terms they want to participate.(4)  Networks are a reflection of where the world is going.    There’s a big paradigm shift in everything from our relationship to material goods to organizational models.   We’re moving from a “mine” to “ours” environment.(5) Networks make us all smarter.   By sharing information freely and welcoming input and feedback, learning is accelerated.    Networks evolve faster because of this.(6)  Networks are more fun.     Annie said that she had spent many years trying to get people to talk about the issues that she cared about, thinking her experience and expertise were enough.   It wasn’t until she learned to let go of control and shift from lecturing people to inviting them in that conversation exploded.As Annie said in her closing remarks,   the Story of Stuff is about building a better world.    In the story, the network is the hero.
  16. To Be Successful You Need both A Network Mindset and Networking ToolsA Networked organization is more than just the electronic infrastructure and tools that facilitate communication.   It isn’t a matter of a Facebook profile or using Twitter.   It is a collaborative way of working.   It is about  sharing.   When you have a group of people working together in a network-culture and are facile with the tools, it can be unstoppable.She described the networked mindset as different from working in a conventional nonprofit institution.      These conventional nonprofits, what we label “Fortresses” in our book, The Networked Nonprofit,  are all about command and top down control.   Annie pointed out that these organizations have many rigid rules.   It means that no one on staff or the outside can do anything without permission and had to be done a prescribed way.  For example, everyone had to use the same font.What’s more she described how difficult this way of working is and makes it almost impossible to collaborate with other organizations working on similar issues.     In traditional organizations,  they approach activism as   “It is our issue.”   These traditional organizations feel that power comes for their expertise and their institution.In Networks, Information and Connections Flow in Many DirectionsAnnie talked about how networks focus on collaboration and action, rather than institution building.   She noted,  “In networks, the goal isn’t a big staff, but inspiring lots of people to do the good work through making connections and taking action.”    She also observed that in networks, power and decision-making propagates outwards – rather than being consolidated in the center.How and Why The Story of Stuff  Is Successful As A NetworkAnnie credits the above ways of working as the secret to their success.    She made the film because she was frustrated that the mainstream media and culture had ignored the underside of the American consumer economy.     When she posted the short film online in 2007, it exploded.   It turned up the volume on this important conversation.In the three years since the film has been out there, there are still 10K views a day and 12 million views online.  There are more than 220 countries have viewed the film in an unknown number of group settings.  It’s been translated into dozens of languages, inspired curriculum for high school, inspired a ballet in Boston, a puppet show in Palestine, floats in parades and the list goes on.  People have spray painted the URL on bus stops.Building RelationshipsAnnie suggests that one reason they were successful is that the film wasn’t just hers.  It was conceived and created in a network context.      Instead of doing everything herself, she engaged other people.   She spent an entire decade building relationships with groups all over the world and building a network of organizations to address the issues in the film.  She also got lots of feedback about the film while it was being created.When the film launched, it was already on the web site of hundreds of groups all over the world.    Hundreds of advocates and allies helped create it and had a stake in it.     She says it was “network-held” resource.Inspiring Others To Take Action: Credit Free ZoneAnnie also mentioned that their focus was to inspire new thinking and conversations, rather than getting credit or making money.    They used a creative commons license – allowing anyone to use their films, put them on their sites, and do anything they wanted except sell it.While Annie isn’t suggesting that we bury the old-school, centralized,  command and control model of organizing, she feels that different times demand evolving models.       Annie says working as network offers these advantages:(1)  Networks are more resilient and flexible and can bigger risks because they don’t have to worry about the longevity of a big institution.(2)  Networks are participatory.  They can get millions of people to help, not just paid staff.(3)  Networks offer many different ways to get involved.   It’s a buffet of ways to engage people that fits them.   Networks value people on whatever terms they want to participate.(4)  Networks are a reflection of where the world is going.    There’s a big paradigm shift in everything from our relationship to material goods to organizational models.   We’re moving from a “mine” to “ours” environment.(5) Networks make us all smarter.   By sharing information freely and welcoming input and feedback, learning is accelerated.    Networks evolve faster because of this.(6)  Networks are more fun.     Annie said that she had spent many years trying to get people to talk about the issues that she cared about, thinking her experience and expertise were enough.   It wasn’t until she learned to let go of control and shift from lecturing people to inviting them in that conversation exploded.As Annie said in her closing remarks,   the Story of Stuff is about building a better world.    In the story, the network is the hero.
  17. To Be Successful You Need both A Network Mindset and Networking ToolsA Networked organization is more than just the electronic infrastructure and tools that facilitate communication.   It isn’t a matter of a Facebook profile or using Twitter.   It is a collaborative way of working.   It is about  sharing.   When you have a group of people working together in a network-culture and are facile with the tools, it can be unstoppable.She described the networked mindset as different from working in a conventional nonprofit institution.      These conventional nonprofits, what we label “Fortresses” in our book, The Networked Nonprofit,  are all about command and top down control.   Annie pointed out that these organizations have many rigid rules.   It means that no one on staff or the outside can do anything without permission and had to be done a prescribed way.  For example, everyone had to use the same font.What’s more she described how difficult this way of working is and makes it almost impossible to collaborate with other organizations working on similar issues.     In traditional organizations,  they approach activism as   “It is our issue.”   These traditional organizations feel that power comes for their expertise and their institution.In Networks, Information and Connections Flow in Many DirectionsAnnie talked about how networks focus on collaboration and action, rather than institution building.   She noted,  “In networks, the goal isn’t a big staff, but inspiring lots of people to do the good work through making connections and taking action.”    She also observed that in networks, power and decision-making propagates outwards – rather than being consolidated in the center.How and Why The Story of Stuff  Is Successful As A NetworkAnnie credits the above ways of working as the secret to their success.    She made the film because she was frustrated that the mainstream media and culture had ignored the underside of the American consumer economy.     When she posted the short film online in 2007, it exploded.   It turned up the volume on this important conversation.In the three years since the film has been out there, there are still 10K views a day and 12 million views online.  There are more than 220 countries have viewed the film in an unknown number of group settings.  It’s been translated into dozens of languages, inspired curriculum for high school, inspired a ballet in Boston, a puppet show in Palestine, floats in parades and the list goes on.  People have spray painted the URL on bus stops.Building RelationshipsAnnie suggests that one reason they were successful is that the film wasn’t just hers.  It was conceived and created in a network context.      Instead of doing everything herself, she engaged other people.   She spent an entire decade building relationships with groups all over the world and building a network of organizations to address the issues in the film.  She also got lots of feedback about the film while it was being created.When the film launched, it was already on the web site of hundreds of groups all over the world.    Hundreds of advocates and allies helped create it and had a stake in it.     She says it was “network-held” resource.Inspiring Others To Take Action: Credit Free ZoneAnnie also mentioned that their focus was to inspire new thinking and conversations, rather than getting credit or making money.    They used a creative commons license – allowing anyone to use their films, put them on their sites, and do anything they wanted except sell it.While Annie isn’t suggesting that we bury the old-school, centralized,  command and control model of organizing, she feels that different times demand evolving models.       Annie says working as network offers these advantages:(1)  Networks are more resilient and flexible and can bigger risks because they don’t have to worry about the longevity of a big institution.(2)  Networks are participatory.  They can get millions of people to help, not just paid staff.(3)  Networks offer many different ways to get involved.   It’s a buffet of ways to engage people that fits them.   Networks value people on whatever terms they want to participate.(4)  Networks are a reflection of where the world is going.    There’s a big paradigm shift in everything from our relationship to material goods to organizational models.   We’re moving from a “mine” to “ours” environment.(5) Networks make us all smarter.   By sharing information freely and welcoming input and feedback, learning is accelerated.    Networks evolve faster because of this.(6)  Networks are more fun.     Annie said that she had spent many years trying to get people to talk about the issues that she cared about, thinking her experience and expertise were enough.   It wasn’t until she learned to let go of control and shift from lecturing people to inviting them in that conversation exploded.As Annie said in her closing remarks,   the Story of Stuff is about building a better world.    In the story, the network is the hero.
  18. SpectrogramThis is a group face to face exercise to help surface similarities and differences in a group, help people to get to know each other and to do something together that is active. The Networked NGO concept is relevant to NGOs in my country (agree/disagree)My NGO is in the process of transforming into a Networked NGO (agree/disagree)Becoming a Networked NGO can help us achieve great impact (agree/disagree)Morning Break after this … 
  19. image:
  20. Networked NGOs Pick one of the case studies that illustrates organizational change and succes:KuchKhaas is a community space for interaction, public discourse, cultural and intellectual pursuits, and civic engagement. Their Facebook page was spammed heavily at the beginning of having a Facebook Page. They blocked others from posting and failed at engaging. By simply posting rules and actively enforcing them, the spam stopped. They are now using social media heavily. Especially YouTube
  21. Notes: Petition, viral materials, events, related news, hall of shame, sarcasm, brutal honesty“Every day men and women all over the world face gender violence in some form. In fact, violence has become part of the fabric of life. Every one of us is exposed to physical or psychological violence in some form or the other, as perpetrators, mute spectators or victims. At FIGHT-BACK, we hope to engage with this phenomenon from as many different angles as possible. Our premise is that the idea that you can ‘FIGHT-BACK’ needs to be implanted in people’s heads.Fight violence within and without. From a Gandhi led non-violent nation to a violent, badly behaved and rowdy country, the journey into modern India is a downward slide into civil chaos, where eve teasing, raping minors, and molestation is practiced with the same enthusiasm as destroying public and private property to justify 'protest'. We are a society that now thinks it’s easier to gang up and beat people up rather than explain why or engage in a dialogue.FIGHT-BACK is finally your movement. It will take the shape that you give it. Use it like a tool box, a rallying cry or a shield against violence. Woman, man or child, gender violence has to end.”
  22. Networked Nonprofits have a social culture. They use social media to engage people inside and outside the organization to improve programs, services, or reach communications goals. Before this can happen, they need leadership buy-in, address concerns head on, and codify the organizational rules around using social media. Reverse mentoringBarrier: Organizational ConcernsLoss of control over their branding and marketing messagesDealing with negative commentsAddressing personality versus organizational voicePrivacy and securityPerception of wasted of time and resources
  23. Kushti/Pehlwani is a martial art that is popular in Pakistan, India & Bangladesh. This is in Lahore, Pakistan in 2010. photo: Ed KashiExercise: Share Pair: Look over the list of concerns; identify which ones you think may be relevant for NGO? What are they? Are there other concerns that might arise?
  25. Will hand out worksheets
  26. culture of acompany directly influences how they develop their organizational formation. Weidentified five models for how companies organize for social media, and asked SocialStrategists how they’re currently formed. Nearly 60% of surveyed Social Strategistsclassified their organizational model as “Hub and Spoke” or “Multiple Hub and Spoke”(also known as “Dandelion”), in which a central hub provides guidance, resources andcoordination to business units (See Figure 5). We found that 82% of those in theseorganizational models had reached sophistication, self-identifying their programs asFormalized, Mature, or Advanced. Expect more companies to model in either “Hub andSpoke” or “Multiple Hub and Spoke,” as these formations are best equipped to scale tomeet demands from both internal and external stakeholders4
  27. This is an example I heard the other idea from GristThey are online news site for environmental issues – anyone familiarGetting to running
  28. SimplicityA big concern that often comes up is “We don’t have the time to do social media.” Part of the problem is that many organizations do too much and don’t let go of tasks or programs that aren’t working. Simplicity clarifies health organizations and forces them to focus their energy on what they do best, while leveraging their networks for the rest. It is important to discuss and identify find ways that social media use is not an add-on, but can be incorporate into existing work flow. Finally, social media does take time and it is important to figure who will do the work.Share Pair: What could your organization do less of to make time for social media?image:
  29. Content: Mistakes are our best teachers. With social media, learning from failure is a best practice.Lessons Learned from A Big Social Media Mistake by Red Cross Funerals: This is a term I first heard from MomsRising about how they give themselves permission to fail and stop doing something that doesn’t work with social media.  And, that through this comes learning and insight. Pair: What is the worst thing that could possibly go wrong with social media? How can you minimize the impact?
  30. in Ghana are an event - up there with weddings in terms of planning, cost, and level of celebration. They can take months, even up to a year, to plan and save for. Obituaries are made into color posters and put up around town. There is music, drumming, dancing and singing as they parade through town. These processions, which occur on Friday afternoons, kick off the 3-day affairs.Momsrising also understands that learning leads to success.Fail: Some experiments bomb.    Momrising staff gives themselves permission to kill each other’s projects  or tactical ideas that were brilliant at the time but simply don’t work.  They do this with humor to remove the failure stigma and call it a “Joyful Funeral”  Before they bury the body, they reflect on why it didn’t work. Any staff person can call a Joyful Funeral on anyone else’s idea.Incremental Success Is Not A Failure: They do a lot of experiments and set realistic expectations for success.   Many times victories happen in baby steps.   They know from experience that many of their campaigns that incorporate social media lead to incremental successes, small wins or small improvements.Soaring Success:     Some experiments, actions, or issues will see dramatic results – beyond the organization’s wildest dreams.   For example, an interactive educational video ended up garnering over 12 million views and hundreds of comments and lead to thousands of new members signing up or taking action. Kristen says, “That type of success does not happen every day, but we need to try for that kind of success every day. We can only do it if we kill things that don’t work.”  They also analyze game changing successes to make sure it can be replicated or wasn’t an accident
  31. Indian Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachchan and AishwaryaRaiPhoto source:!/image/1466140794.jpg
  32. Song/vid:
  33. Transparency and Learning in PublicFor a nonprofit to be transparent means that it is open, accountable, and honest with its stakeholders and the public. Transparency exists to a lesser or greater extent in all organizations. Greater transparency is a good thing, not just because it is morally correct, but because it can provide measurable benefits. "Disclosure" is a component of transparency, and means releasing the information you have to and want to. "Transparency," on the other hand, can often mean releasing information that you don't have to. When organizations work in a transparent way, they consider staff, board, and the people in their networks as resources for helping them to achieve their goals. This is not about being transparent for transparency sake; working transparently is an opportunity to improve the results of organizations’ programs. Transparent and open organizations are clear about what they do, and they know what they are trying to accomplish. They are enriched by outside feedback.Substantial – The organization provides information that is truthful, complete, easy to understand, and reliable. Accountable – The organization is forthcoming with bad news, admits mistakes, and provides both sides of a controversy. Absence of secrecy – The organization doesn’t leave out important but potentially damaging details, the organization doesn’t obfuscate its data with jargon or confusion, and the organization is slow to provide data or only discloses data when required.
  34. work hard to keep their communities and constituents at a distance, pushing out messages and dictating strategy rather than listening or building relationships. Fortress organizations are losing ground today because they spend an extraordinary amount of energy fearing what might happen if they open themselves up to the world. These organizations are floundering in this set-me-free world powered by social media and free agents.This trajectory changes when organizations learn to use social media and actually become their own social networks. The opposite of Fortresses, transparents can be considered as glass houses, with the organizations presumably sitting behind glass walls. However, this isn’t really transparency because a wall still exists. True transparency happens when the walls are taken down, when the distinction between inside and outside becomes blurred, and when people are let in and staffers are let out.University of California Museum of Paleontology, “Introduction to Porifera,” (accessed on May 21, 2009). Opening the Kimono in Beth’s Blog: A Day in the Life of Nonprofit Social Media Strategists and Transparency,” Beth’s Blog, posted August 3, 2009, (accessed September 30, 2009). 
  35. Lesson & questionnaire, then reflectionThese four components of transparency are tested by the following questionnaire Participation – The organization asks for feedback, involves others, takes the time to listen, and is prompt in responding to requests for information.It is this participation where public learning takes place ….Reflection: What are the benefits and challenges of embracing transparency in your local context?
  36. Group leaders with leadersSocial media implementors
  37. Network Primer Presentation: Networks are more than random gatherings of people and organizations online. Social networks have specific structures and patterns to them. In order to engage them well, NGOS need to understand the fundamental building blocks of social networks. Shifting focus from organizational to engaging with social networks that exist is the first step. The networks are filled with people who want to help with a cause. NGOs that build social capital and weave their networks can achieve more impactful results.   
  38. Image from Working WikilyA portfolio of both strong and weak ties is useful to individuals a network society.  Social media can help maintain larger networks of weak ties, but only a limited number of strong-tie relationships can be maintained irrespective of media.One’s position in social networks matters.  Centrality – how many people and networks go through you to connect with each other – can be more important than the number of connections.Diverse networks are collectively smarter and provide a richer variety of resources to participating nodes.
  39. Social network mapping tools help you visual your network. Use to draw your network because it helps you see the connections and identify strategy. There is a range from simple to complex, free to expensive, and low-tech to high-tech.
  40. Social network mapping tools help you visual your network. Use to draw your network because it helps you see the connections and identify strategy. There is a range from simple to complex, free to expensive, and low-tech to high-tech.
  41. Social network mapping tools help you visual your network. Use to draw your network because it helps you see the connections and identify strategy. There is a range from simple to complex, free to expensive, and low-tech to high-tech.
  43. Mapping Your Network ExerciseGoal: This exercise will provide an opportunity for each individual to use a low-tech method (sticky notes and poster paper) to map their NGO’s network. Staff at NGOs don’t all need to become experts everything in social media. They can use an understanding of networks to develop and weave relationships with others to help them learn how to use social media and make connections for the NGOs they working with.  Description: Organizations will work together. They will use sticky notes to create network. We will debrief standing up as group and looking at each team’s map. One person from each team should be prepared to explain the map to the whole group and share insights.  Some reflection questions to generate insights once maps are createdWhat people, resources, and organizations are in your ecosystem?What are the different roles?Are you connected or not connected?If connected, how are you connected?Think about the touch points in your network? How do you appreciate, thank, and celebrate important people in your network?Think about reciprocity: What have you given people in your network before they have asked? Debrief: Gather everyone together as a full group standing. Walk as a group to each map and have each team debrief their map. Walk to the next map as a group. Once every team has reported, then ask everyone to sit down and reflect on these questions:How does this idea translate? How can you use your professional network to support your work on this project?
  44. image:
  45. M Debrief: Gather everyone together as a full group standing. Walk as a group to each map and have each team debrief their map. Walk to the next map as a group. Once every team has reported, then ask everyone to sit down and reflect on these questions:How does this idea translate? How can you use your professional network to support your work on this project?
  46. Here is an example using online tool for network weaving. We hope to do a lot of network weaving with our online community site. If you’re going to use Day 3 to get people set up with Facebook or Twitter, this might be a good way for you to communicate between sessions.
  47. Twitter can be an excellent tool for network weaving and professional learning about any topic, but especially social media. The tools make it easy to get “just in time support,” network, connect with different people who have different expertise.  Presentation – 1-2-3 get on Twitter (15 minutes) Have each participant set up a Twitter personal accountUpload photo/fill out profileUnderstand the basic vocabulary of Twitter (@, DM, #hashtags)Tweeting 101Set up lists of everyone’s ID Enlist the help of the social media people – they would work in pairs by organization #netnonpk – first tweet – project Work in small groups, with social media pairing with leaders. (30 minutes) Up a Rowfeeder in the backgroundAsk people to tweet with the hashtag – their reflection about using TwitterTweet the answer to this: How could Twitter be useful in network weaving and connecting for this group as you learn social media?
  48. CEO of Nascomm!/ritansoni!/dhruv_lakra!/rashmibansalEditor of a popular Youth Magazine called I'm the Editor nd Publisher of a popular youth magazine called JAM - Just Another Magazine. In print and online (!/RNTata2000Chairman of Tata Group. Personal interests : - aviation, automobiles, scuba diving and architectural design.Mumbai ·I write about money, markets, and management, for Wall Street Journal in India. Reach me at shefali(dot)anand(at)!/shefalianandFounder/Chief Motivation Officer of @miraklecouriers. Probably the best last mile #courier service provider in #Mumbai that hires #deaf adults only.Mumbai ·
  49. 1.  Why should someone care about your? When possible, leverage an emotional connection.2.  Be distinctive. For example were you the first or only one to do something? Perhaps you are the largest or oldest. These distinctives help set you apart and provide credibility.3. Don’t forget the basics. Who does your organization/endeavor benefit? How does your  organization benefit someone?4. Finish with an ‘ask’ to follow.