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Peer Learning Group 1:

                       Measuring the Networked
                        Action Learning Project

                       Orientation Call: Jan. 22, 2013

                  Beth Kanter,
Visiting Scholar, Social Media and Nonprofits
 The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
    Organizational Effectiveness Program

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          by Malinki
Peer Learning Group 1:

                       Measuring the Networked
                        Action Learning Project

                       Orientation Call: Jan. 22, 2013

                  Beth Kanter,
Visiting Scholar, Social Media and Nonprofits
 The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
    Organizational Effectiveness Program
    • Intros
    • Program Overview
    • Maturity of Practice
      Next Session
    • Reflection

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Beth Kanter
Stephanie Rudat
Participants: Roll Call
             American Civil Liberties Union
      American Leadership Forum - Silicon Valley
               Arts Council Silicon Valley
      Community Foundation Santa Cruz County            *7 unmute
                                                         * 6 mute
       Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
                Ibis Reproductive Health
        International Women's Health Coalition
                      Kuumbwa Jazz
            Leadership Learning Community
              Leopold Leadership Program
                Marine Science Institute
            Population Action International
                     Roots of Change
           Stanford Social Innovation Review
The Encore Fellowships Network (hosted by
                United Way Silicon Valley
       Upwell, incubated by Ocean Conservancy
                    Young Invincibles
Notifications Sign Up

   More than one person per organization can
   participate and tag team the work, but
   whoever joins the call must be prepared

  I will also be sending out calendar invitations for the
  rest of the calls so you can add it to your calendars.
  Note, for some folks, it might not work depending what
  you use for your calendar system and your IT set up.

Participation Expectations
2-8 hours per month
Letter of Agreement:

• More than one person per organization can participate and tag team the
work, but whoever joins the call must be prepared

• Attend conference calls and participate in Facebook Group

• Participants will self-define their “homework” related to the topic of the call
and their action learning projects

• Each organization will have a “wiki” journal for notes during the program and
“look over the shoulder learning” is encouraged (and important part of my
measurement plan)

• Beth will publish a regular blog post summarizing the best practices or a case

• Beth will hold regular offices for small groups or one-on-one remedial
assistance for action learning project, prep presentations, or case study
Conference Call Schedule and Topics
 Date/Time     Topic
 January 22    Orientation
               Maturity of Practice Assessment
               Action Learning Project
 February 4    Basic Measurement Steps
               Becoming Data Informed
               Action Learning Projects - Questions
 February 25   Measuring Engagement
               Action Learning Projects Identified
 March 18      Measuring Influence
 April 15      Measurement Tools and Dashboards
 * May 29      Making Sense of Your Data
 ** June 24    Culmination

 • All calls at 1 PM PST – except for 1/22
 • All calls one hour – except for 6/24
 • All calls on Mondays except 5/29 due to holiday
Peer Learning Conference Calls: Structure

                    Check In



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The Wiki

Office Hours: Optional

    •   Coaching for Action Learning Projects
    •   Coaching for Presenting on Call
    •   30 minute sessions
Action Learning: Project

  • Apply the 7 steps of measurement
  • Project should focus on smaller, doable
    activity or campaign to measure
  • Project should ideally start and finish by
    June, 2013
  • Don’t need to measure everything about it
  • Go for the easy win
  • Priority in work plan
  • Keeps ED up at night
  • Area of practice to improve
Action Learning
 Project Types

 Single Program/Event/Channel
 Formal Ladder of Engagement Model
 Brand Monitoring
 Influencer Researcher
 Evaluation and Selection of Tools
 Improve Internal System – Dashboard, Reporting, Sense-Making
 Prelude Project: Benchmark or Research

         Identifying An Action Learning Project

         • Design complete by March 1st or sooner
         • Implementation – March 1- June 1st
         • Presentation – June 24th
Peer Learning Program: My Use of Measurement

I’m eating my own dog food so I have empathy for you!
Grantees communications
strategies have more impact on
    policy and social change
                                                    Theory of Change

                    Grantees have better
                      relationships with
                 influencers , partners, and

                                       Grantees learn
                                     from each other’s
                                    experiences, saving
                                      time and getting
                                        better results
                                                          Grantees get better
                                                             at social media
                                                          integration strategy
                                                           and measurement
                                                              and learning
                                                                          Grantees implement
                                                                          action learning pilots
                                                                           and share learning
                                                                             with each other
Peer Learning Program Outcomes

  • 50% (12) of participants design, implement, and
  document an action learning project that improve results
  of social media strategy through measurement

  • Participants generate six case studies of how
  nonprofits can measure social media effectively that are
  published on Beth’s Blog and/or presented during a call

  • 50% (12) of participants improve baseline level of
  maturity for one or more CWRF Measurement Indicators
  and average for group increases by .5 point
Ladder of Engagement: Action Learning Projects

                                Case Study       25% (6)

                              Project Finished   50% (12)

                             Implementing, Not
                                  Finished           POLL
                               Designed, Not

                                Not Started

   Measurement Plan: Webinar Polls
Maturity of Practice: Crawl-Walk-Run-Fly
                                                 CRAWL -1   WALK-2   RUN-3   FLY-4
Categories  Practices                  Average
CULTURE     Networked Mindset          2.17
            Institutional Support      2.21
CAPACITY    Staffing                   2.13
            Communications Strategy    2.21
MEASUREMENT Analysis                   1.67
            Tools                      2.21
            Adjustment                 2.38
LISTENING   Brand Monitoring           1.58
            Influencer Research        1.46
 ENGAGEMENT Ladder of Engagement       1.46
 CONTENT    Integration/Optimization   1.50
 NETWORK    Champions                  1.08
            Relationship Mapping       1.54

             All Indicators for the Entire Group Average:

Measurement Indicators: 50% improve at least one by .5

 Score: 1.67
                        Score: 2.21

                                          Score: 2.38
Measurement Indicators: Data Informed
        Crawl: Lacks consistent data collection or formal reporting. Draws conclusions
        from incomplete data or “drive by” analysis.

        Walk: Data collection is consistent, but not shared between departments. Not all
        data is linked to decision-making for better results.

        Run: Data is from multiple sources and shared across departments through a
        dashboard. Does not collect data it doesn’t use. Measurable objectives are based
        on benchmarking.

        Fly: Establishes organizational KPIs and tracks in organizational dashboard with
        different views for departments or levels. May have data analyst on staff.

                                              Score: 1.67
Measurement Indicators: Data Collection Tools
       Crawl: Using free or low cost analytics tools to collect metrics and analyze
       further in spreadsheets if required for actionable insights.

       Walk: Using free/low cost analytics tools to collect metrics and analyze
       further in spreadsheets if required for actionable insights.

       Run: Uses social media management/metrics professional tool and free
       tools to collect data and analyze further in spreadsheets if required for
       further actionable insights

       Fly: Uses professional measurement and analytics tools. Provides
       training or uses expert consultants to assist in data/analysis.

                                                     Score: 2.21
Measurement Indicators: Sense-Making

        Crawl: Does not use data to make planning decisions.

        Walk: Uses data for decision-making but not a formal organizational

        Run: Reports are discussed at staff meetings and used to make decisions
        that improve results.

        Fly: Formal process for analyzing, discussing, and applying results. Data
        visualization and formal reflection processes.

                                       Score: 2.38
Maturity of Practice: Crawl-Walk-Run-Fly
                                                 CRAWL -1   WALK-2   RUN-3   FLY-4
Categories  Practices                  Average
CULTURE     Networked Mindset          2.17
            Institutional Support      2.21
CAPACITY    Staffing                   2.13
            Communications Strategy    2.21
MEASUREMENT Analysis                   1.67
            Tools                      2.21
            Adjustment                 2.38
LISTENING   Brand Monitoring           1.58
            Influencer Research        1.46
 ENGAGEMENT Ladder of Engagement       1.46
 CONTENT    Integration/Optimization   1.50
 NETWORK    Champions                  1.08
            Relationship Mapping       1.54

             Quick Fly Over ……
Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Culture
            CRAWL                WALK                 RUN                FLY                   Score

Networked   Understanding of     Listening to and     Comfort level with Leadership is           2.17
Mindset     networks that are    cultivating          greater             comfortable using
            connected to         relationships with   organizational      decentralized
            organization         networks based on    openness and        decision-making and
                                 mapping networks.    transparency.       collective action with
                                                      Leadership is using networks. Considers
                                                      social networks and people inside and
                                                      comfortable with outside of the
                                                      showing             organizations as
                                                      personality.        assets in strategy.
Institutional Social media policy Social media policy Social media staff All staff use social    2.21
Support       is drafted and      has been discussed position includes media effectively to
              gaining support     and approved by facilitating training support organization
              through “road       leadership.         other staff to use objectives.
              shows” with                             social networks.
Maturity of Practice: CWRF -Capacity
               CRAWL                 WALK                     RUN             FLY                       Score

Communications Consideration of      Strategic plan with   Strategic plan with Strategic plan with      2.13
Strategy       communications        SMART objectives      SMART objectives SMART objectives and
               strategy with SMART   and audiences for     and audience        audience definition.
               objectives and        branding and web      definition.         Includes integrated
               audiences and         presence, include     Includes integrated content, engagement
               strategies for        strategy points to    content,            strategy, and formal
               branding and web      align social media forengagement          champions/influencer
               presence. Social      one or two social     strategy, and       program and working
               Media is not fully    media channels.       formal              with aligned partners.
               aligned.                                    champions/influen Uses more than three
                                                           cer program and social media channels.
                                                           working with        Formal process for
                                                           aligned partners. testing and adopting
                                                           Uses more than      social media channels.
                                                           two social media
Hours          5 hours or less per   5-19 hours per week 20-29 hours per 30-40 hours of staff           2.21
               week of staff time is of staff time is      week of staff time time is invested in a
               invested              invested in one       in a dedicated      dedicated social media
                                     position. Other staff social media        position with support
                                     or intentions         position. Other     staff. Other staff or
                                     implement social      staff or interns or interns or influencers
                                     media.                influencers         implement social
                                                           implement social media.
                                                           media strategy.
Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Measurement
                 CRAWL                   WALK                   RUN                     FLY                        Score
    Analysis     Lacks consistent data   Data collection is     Data is from multiple Establishes
                 collection or formal    consistent, but not    sources and shared       organizational KPIs and
                 reporting. Draws        shared between         across departments tracks in organizational
                 conclusions from        departments. Not all   through a dashboard. dashboard with
                 incomplete data or      data is linked to      Does not collect data it different views for
                 “drive by” analysis.    decision-making for    doesn’t use.             departments or levels.
                                         better results.        Measurable objectives May have data analyst
                                                                are based on             on staff.
    Tools        Not using or not using Using free or low cost Using free/low cost       Uses professional
                 fully.                 analytics tools to      analytics tools to       measurement and
                                        collect metrics and     collect metrics and      analytics tools.
                                        analyze further in      analyze further in       Provides training or
                                        spreadsheets if         spreadsheets if          uses expert
                                        required for actionable required for actionable consultants to assist in
                                        insights.               insights. Uses social data/analysis.
                                                                professional tool to
                                                                collect data.
    Adjustment   Does not use data to Uses data for decision- Reports are discussed Formal process for
                 make planning          making but not a        at staff meetings and analyzing, discussing,
                 decisions.             formal organizational used to make               and applying results.
                                        process.                decisions that improve Data visualization and
                                                                results.                 formal reflection
Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Listening
              CRAWL                WALK                    RUN                   FLY          Score

 Brand        Observing             Tracking keywords,     Tracking keywords,Tracking keywords, 1.58
 Monitoring   conversations and influencers, or            influencers, and  influencers, and
              receiving Google conversations using         conversations using
                                                                             conversations using
              Alerts, but not doing free tools, but does   free tools and    free and paid tools
              analysis              not have a formal      weekly/monthly    and weekly/monthly
                                    organizational         reporting and     reporting and
                                    process for            synthesis.        synthesis. Capacity
                                    synthesis and                            to use “real-time”
                                    reporting.                               information to
                                                                             respond. Uses both
                                                                             to make decisions,
                                                                             avoid social media
                                                                             crisis before
 Influencer   Not using            Uses online systems Uses online systems Uses online systems 1.46
 Research                          and “desk research” and “desk research” and “desk research”
                                   to identify, but is to identify, monitor, to identify, monitor,
                                   not monitoring.     and cultivate.        and cultivate and to
                                                                             build an influencer
Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Content

                CRAWL               WALK                RUN                 FLY                 Score

   Integration Shares content       Uses an editorial   Uses an editorial   Uses an editorial   1.46
   and          that may be         calendar to align   calendar to align   calendar to align
   Optimization relevant to         content with        content with        content with
                audience, but not   objectives and      objectives and      objectives and
                consistently and    audiences to        audiences to        audiences to
                not measuring       publish across      publish across      publish across
                                    channels            channels            channels
                                    consistently        consistently and    consistently,
                                                        measures            measures
                                                        performance         performance, and
                                                                            uses data to plan
Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Engagement

             CRAWL       WALK                RUN                    FLY               Score

  Ladder of  Not using   Informal             Formal description    Formal description 1.50
  Engagement             description of       of different levels   of different levels
                         different levels of of engagement          of engagement
                         engagement on        based on survey or    based on survey or
                         different platforms qualitative            qualitative
                         or across platforms, research. Aligns      research. Aligns
                         but doesn’t align with strategy, but       with strategy and
                         with strategy or     does not              collects data and
                         measurement.         measurement           reports organized
                                              process for all       by engagement and
                                              steps.                conversion levels.
Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Networking
                 CRAWL                                                                        Score
                                    WALK                  RUN             FLY

  Champions      Has partners but   Connects and       Consistent          Consistent           1.08
                 is not             collaborates with  conversations and collaborations with
                 collaborating on   aligned partners inconnections with aligned partners on
                 social networks.   a haphazard way,   aligned partners on social channels
                                    not consistent or  social media        with activities that
                                    strategic.         platform(s) and     are mutually
                                                       implements small aligned with
                                                       pilots.             objectives.
  Relationship   Lists             Uses low tech       Uses low tech       Uses low tech        1.54
  Mapping        organizations or methods (drawings methods and free methods and free
                 partners but has and sticky notes) to social network      and paid social
                 not visualized or visualize networks analysis tools to    network analysis
                 identified new    of individuals and visualize networks tools and uses
                 ones.             organizations       of individuals and resulting
                                                       organizations. Uses visualizations to
                                                       data to inform      inform strategy
                                                       strategy and        and/or measure
                                                       tactics.            results.
Maturity of Practice: Reflection

    • What is unclear? Questions?

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Next Session
 Next Session:
 Feb 4: 1:00 pm PST

 Measuring Networked Nonprofit – Finish Reading Chapters 1-4

 Use Assessment and Action Learning Checklist:

 • What area of your social media practice do you want to measure
   and improve?
 • What small measurement pilot might help your organization the

 Email me if you want do get some peer coaching on the next call
 about your project design:

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Packard Foundation OE Peer Learning Group

  • 1. Peer Learning Group 1: Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Action Learning Project Orientation Call: Jan. 22, 2013 Beth Kanter, Visiting Scholar, Social Media and Nonprofits The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Organizational Effectiveness Program
  • 2. Welcome! If you experience any technical difficulties logging into the system, please contact Ready/Talk Customer support: 800.843.9166 Please use *6 to Mute your conference line While we are waiting, play with the chat: Type in your Only the name, organization, and location. moderator What are greatest hopes for can see you participating in this program? chats Greatest concerns?
  • 3. This call is being recorded *2 Flickr Photo by Malinki
  • 4. Peer Learning Group 1: Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Action Learning Project Orientation Call: Jan. 22, 2013 Beth Kanter, Visiting Scholar, Social Media and Nonprofits The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Organizational Effectiveness Program
  • 5. Agenda • Intros • Program Overview • Maturity of Practice Next Session • Reflection Tweet your Only the insights moderator can #netnon see you chats
  • 8. Participants: Roll Call AAPIP American Civil Liberties Union American Leadership Forum - Silicon Valley Arts Council Silicon Valley Community Foundation Santa Cruz County *7 unmute COMPASS * 6 mute Exhale GlobalGiving Grantmakers for Effective Organizations Ibis Reproductive Health International Women's Health Coalition Kuumbwa Jazz Leadership Learning Community Leopold Leadership Program Marine Science Institute PACT Population Action International Roots of Change Stanford Social Innovation Review The Encore Fellowships Network (hosted by United Way Silicon Valley Upwell, incubated by Ocean Conservancy WildAid Young Invincibles
  • 9. Notifications Sign Up More than one person per organization can participate and tag team the work, but whoever joins the call must be prepared I will also be sending out calendar invitations for the rest of the calls so you can add it to your calendars. Note, for some folks, it might not work depending what you use for your calendar system and your IT set up. Auditors
  • 10. Participation Expectations 2-8 hours per month Letter of Agreement: • More than one person per organization can participate and tag team the work, but whoever joins the call must be prepared • Attend conference calls and participate in Facebook Group • Participants will self-define their “homework” related to the topic of the call and their action learning projects • Each organization will have a “wiki” journal for notes during the program and “look over the shoulder learning” is encouraged (and important part of my measurement plan) • Beth will publish a regular blog post summarizing the best practices or a case study • Beth will hold regular offices for small groups or one-on-one remedial assistance for action learning project, prep presentations, or case study
  • 11. Conference Call Schedule and Topics Date/Time Topic January 22 Orientation Maturity of Practice Assessment Action Learning Project February 4 Basic Measurement Steps Becoming Data Informed Action Learning Projects - Questions February 25 Measuring Engagement Action Learning Projects Identified March 18 Measuring Influence April 15 Measurement Tools and Dashboards * May 29 Making Sense of Your Data ** June 24 Culmination • All calls at 1 PM PST – except for 1/22 • All calls one hour – except for 6/24 • All calls on Mondays except 5/29 due to holiday
  • 12. Peer Learning Conference Calls: Structure Check In Next Topic Action Discussion Call-In: 866-740-1260 passcode: 740-5939 passcode: 740-5939
  • 13. The Wiki
  • 14. Office Hours: Optional • Coaching for Action Learning Projects • Coaching for Presenting on Call • 30 minute sessions •
  • 15. Stealth Measurement Closed Facebook Group
  • 16. Action Learning: Project • Apply the 7 steps of measurement • Project should focus on smaller, doable activity or campaign to measure • Project should ideally start and finish by June, 2013 • Don’t need to measure everything about it • Go for the easy win • Priority in work plan • Keeps ED up at night • Area of practice to improve
  • 17. Action Learning Project Types Single Program/Event/Channel Formal Ladder of Engagement Model Brand Monitoring Influencer Researcher Evaluation and Selection of Tools Improve Internal System – Dashboard, Reporting, Sense-Making Prelude Project: Benchmark or Research Identifying An Action Learning Project Deliverable • Design complete by March 1st or sooner • Implementation – March 1- June 1st • Presentation – June 24th
  • 18. Peer Learning Program: My Use of Measurement I’m eating my own dog food so I have empathy for you!
  • 19. Grantees communications strategies have more impact on policy and social change Theory of Change outcomes Grantees have better relationships with influencers , partners, and stakeholders Grantees learn from each other’s experiences, saving time and getting better results Grantees get better at social media integration strategy and measurement and learning discipline Grantees implement action learning pilots and share learning with each other
  • 20. Peer Learning Program Outcomes • 50% (12) of participants design, implement, and document an action learning project that improve results of social media strategy through measurement • Participants generate six case studies of how nonprofits can measure social media effectively that are published on Beth’s Blog and/or presented during a call • 50% (12) of participants improve baseline level of maturity for one or more CWRF Measurement Indicators and average for group increases by .5 point
  • 21. Ladder of Engagement: Action Learning Projects Case Study 25% (6) Project Finished 50% (12) Implementing, Not Finished POLL Example Designed, Not Implementing Not Started Measurement Plan: Webinar Polls
  • 22. Maturity of Practice: Crawl-Walk-Run-Fly CRAWL -1 WALK-2 RUN-3 FLY-4 Categories Practices Average CULTURE Networked Mindset 2.17 Institutional Support 2.21 CAPACITY Staffing 2.13 Communications Strategy 2.21 MEASUREMENT Analysis 1.67 Tools 2.21 Adjustment 2.38 LISTENING Brand Monitoring 1.58 Influencer Research 1.46 ENGAGEMENT Ladder of Engagement 1.46 CONTENT Integration/Optimization 1.50 NETWORK Champions 1.08 Relationship Mapping 1.54 All Indicators for the Entire Group Average: 1.81 Spreadsheet:
  • 23. Measurement Indicators: 50% improve at least one by .5 Score: 1.67 Score: 2.21 Score: 2.38
  • 24. Measurement Indicators: Data Informed Crawl: Lacks consistent data collection or formal reporting. Draws conclusions from incomplete data or “drive by” analysis. Walk: Data collection is consistent, but not shared between departments. Not all data is linked to decision-making for better results. Run: Data is from multiple sources and shared across departments through a dashboard. Does not collect data it doesn’t use. Measurable objectives are based on benchmarking. Fly: Establishes organizational KPIs and tracks in organizational dashboard with different views for departments or levels. May have data analyst on staff. Score: 1.67
  • 25. Measurement Indicators: Data Collection Tools Crawl: Using free or low cost analytics tools to collect metrics and analyze further in spreadsheets if required for actionable insights. Walk: Using free/low cost analytics tools to collect metrics and analyze further in spreadsheets if required for actionable insights. Run: Uses social media management/metrics professional tool and free tools to collect data and analyze further in spreadsheets if required for further actionable insights Fly: Uses professional measurement and analytics tools. Provides training or uses expert consultants to assist in data/analysis. Score: 2.21
  • 26. Measurement Indicators: Sense-Making Crawl: Does not use data to make planning decisions. Walk: Uses data for decision-making but not a formal organizational process. Run: Reports are discussed at staff meetings and used to make decisions that improve results. Fly: Formal process for analyzing, discussing, and applying results. Data visualization and formal reflection processes. Score: 2.38
  • 27. Maturity of Practice: Crawl-Walk-Run-Fly CRAWL -1 WALK-2 RUN-3 FLY-4 Categories Practices Average CULTURE Networked Mindset 2.17 Institutional Support 2.21 CAPACITY Staffing 2.13 Communications Strategy 2.21 MEASUREMENT Analysis 1.67 Tools 2.21 Adjustment 2.38 LISTENING Brand Monitoring 1.58 Influencer Research 1.46 ENGAGEMENT Ladder of Engagement 1.46 CONTENT Integration/Optimization 1.50 NETWORK Champions 1.08 Relationship Mapping 1.54 Quick Fly Over ……
  • 28. Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Culture CRAWL WALK RUN FLY Score Networked Understanding of Listening to and Comfort level with Leadership is 2.17 Mindset networks that are cultivating greater comfortable using connected to relationships with organizational decentralized organization networks based on openness and decision-making and mapping networks. transparency. collective action with Leadership is using networks. Considers social networks and people inside and comfortable with outside of the showing organizations as personality. assets in strategy. Institutional Social media policy Social media policy Social media staff All staff use social 2.21 Support is drafted and has been discussed position includes media effectively to gaining support and approved by facilitating training support organization through “road leadership. other staff to use objectives. shows” with social networks. departments
  • 29. Maturity of Practice: CWRF -Capacity CRAWL WALK RUN FLY Score Communications Consideration of Strategic plan with Strategic plan with Strategic plan with 2.13 Strategy communications SMART objectives SMART objectives SMART objectives and strategy with SMART and audiences for and audience audience definition. objectives and branding and web definition. Includes integrated audiences and presence, include Includes integrated content, engagement strategies for strategy points to content, strategy, and formal branding and web align social media forengagement champions/influencer presence. Social one or two social strategy, and program and working Media is not fully media channels. formal with aligned partners. aligned. champions/influen Uses more than three cer program and social media channels. working with Formal process for aligned partners. testing and adopting Uses more than social media channels. two social media channels. Hours 5 hours or less per 5-19 hours per week 20-29 hours per 30-40 hours of staff 2.21 week of staff time is of staff time is week of staff time time is invested in a invested invested in one in a dedicated dedicated social media position. Other staff social media position with support or intentions position. Other staff. Other staff or implement social staff or interns or interns or influencers media. influencers implement social implement social media. media strategy.
  • 30. Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Measurement CRAWL WALK RUN FLY Score Analysis Lacks consistent data Data collection is Data is from multiple Establishes collection or formal consistent, but not sources and shared organizational KPIs and 1.67 reporting. Draws shared between across departments tracks in organizational conclusions from departments. Not all through a dashboard. dashboard with incomplete data or data is linked to Does not collect data it different views for “drive by” analysis. decision-making for doesn’t use. departments or levels. better results. Measurable objectives May have data analyst are based on on staff. benchmarking. Tools Not using or not using Using free or low cost Using free/low cost Uses professional fully. analytics tools to analytics tools to measurement and 2.21 collect metrics and collect metrics and analytics tools. analyze further in analyze further in Provides training or spreadsheets if spreadsheets if uses expert required for actionable required for actionable consultants to assist in insights. insights. Uses social data/analysis. media management/metrics professional tool to collect data. Adjustment Does not use data to Uses data for decision- Reports are discussed Formal process for make planning making but not a at staff meetings and analyzing, discussing, 2.38 decisions. formal organizational used to make and applying results. process. decisions that improve Data visualization and results. formal reflection processes.
  • 31. Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Listening CRAWL WALK RUN FLY Score Brand Observing Tracking keywords, Tracking keywords,Tracking keywords, 1.58 Monitoring conversations and influencers, or influencers, and influencers, and receiving Google conversations using conversations using conversations using Alerts, but not doing free tools, but does free tools and free and paid tools analysis not have a formal weekly/monthly and weekly/monthly organizational reporting and reporting and process for synthesis. synthesis. Capacity synthesis and to use “real-time” reporting. information to respond. Uses both to make decisions, avoid social media crisis before escalating. Influencer Not using Uses online systems Uses online systems Uses online systems 1.46 Research and “desk research” and “desk research” and “desk research” to identify, but is to identify, monitor, to identify, monitor, not monitoring. and cultivate. and cultivate and to build an influencer strategy.
  • 32. Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Content CRAWL WALK RUN FLY Score Integration Shares content Uses an editorial Uses an editorial Uses an editorial 1.46 and that may be calendar to align calendar to align calendar to align Optimization relevant to content with content with content with audience, but not objectives and objectives and objectives and consistently and audiences to audiences to audiences to not measuring publish across publish across publish across channels channels channels consistently consistently and consistently, measures measures performance performance, and uses data to plan content
  • 33. Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Engagement CRAWL WALK RUN FLY Score Ladder of Not using Informal Formal description Formal description 1.50 Engagement description of of different levels of different levels different levels of of engagement of engagement engagement on based on survey or based on survey or different platforms qualitative qualitative or across platforms, research. Aligns research. Aligns but doesn’t align with strategy, but with strategy and with strategy or does not collects data and measurement. measurement reports organized process for all by engagement and steps. conversion levels.
  • 34. Maturity of Practice: CWRF - Networking CRAWL Score WALK RUN FLY Champions Has partners but Connects and Consistent Consistent 1.08 is not collaborates with conversations and collaborations with collaborating on aligned partners inconnections with aligned partners on social networks. a haphazard way, aligned partners on social channels not consistent or social media with activities that strategic. platform(s) and are mutually implements small aligned with pilots. objectives. Relationship Lists Uses low tech Uses low tech Uses low tech 1.54 Mapping organizations or methods (drawings methods and free methods and free partners but has and sticky notes) to social network and paid social not visualized or visualize networks analysis tools to network analysis identified new of individuals and visualize networks tools and uses ones. organizations of individuals and resulting organizations. Uses visualizations to data to inform inform strategy strategy and and/or measure tactics. results.
  • 35. Maturity of Practice: Reflection • What is unclear? Questions? *6 mute Type into Chat * 7 unmute Only the moderator can see you chats
  • 36. Next Session Next Session: Feb 4: 1:00 pm PST Measuring Networked Nonprofit – Finish Reading Chapters 1-4 Use Assessment and Action Learning Checklist: • What area of your social media practice do you want to measure and improve? • What small measurement pilot might help your organization the most? Email me if you want do get some peer coaching on the next call about your project design:

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome. This is the very session for this project and I’m thrilled that you have decided to participate in this learning journey. I look forward to learning a lot from you. Today’s call is an orientation to the program and an opportunity for you to ask questions.Give my gratitude the The David and Lucile Packard Foundation for supporting this project and my work …
  2. Every few minutes as we get started, tech support reminder, type into the chat, roll call
  3. recording about 2 minutes late to let people join *2
  4. Welcome. This is the very session for this project and I’m thrilled that you have decided to participate in this learning journey. I look forward to learning a lot from you. Today’s call is an orientation to the program and an opportunity for you to ask questions.Give my gratitude the The David and Lucile Packard Foundation OE program for supporting this project and my work …Every project I do with the Packard Foundation is filled with learning. Last year’s group produced the book “Measuring the Networked Nonprofit” -- and some of you were a part of those sessions.This year, I am refining the curriculum, but more to the point a measurement system for improving this program. I am going to be very transparent about measurement – it isn’t about grades or anything scary – it is about making this peer learning program better, improving my skills designing and delivering – and more importantly being able to understand any transformational changes in your practice in a more scientific way.These sessions will help develop a more science tific approach to the CWRF framework – and I will explain that later on.
  5. This is our agenda – we’ll pause along the way for questions.
  6. Here’s a little bit about me – blogger, author, trainer.A lot of my work lately has been designing and facilitating peer learning networks about becoming networked nonprofits and social media– the photo there is a cluster of Packard Fdn. Grantees that focus on family planning … I was in Delhi in June for the start up – an intensive boot camp, followed by remote assistance. There’s were great lunches there, so to avoid people falling asleep … I made them move. The hotel had beautiful three story staircase and they had do laps … so if you do training – incorporating movement and interaction helps people learn and we’re going to do a lot of that today!
  7. Official Welcome (10 minutes) Program Overview: Orient participants to the four days and overall program, including expectations (10 minutes)  Exercise (25 minutes)Facilitator asks the group to form 4 groups of 4 people each – social media implementers in two groups, and senior leaders in two groups. Each group will meet over the next 10 minutes. Their task is to reflect together on the following question: What are your hopes for this program and any fears or concerns you have for it as well? After the discussion period, each group will have 3 minutes to share their group's hopes and fears. At the conclusion, facilitator asks the group for their comments, observations and reflections on the whole to debrief.
  8. Because this is our first call, I’m going to run down the names of the organizations and have everyone say their name – so we can hear each other’s voices. I won’t be doing this for every call – we will get into grove where you should arrive 5-10 minutes early and announcement yourself. If you arrive after the call is underway, let us know you are hear by using the chat.
  10. I’ve learned that it is important that everyone understand that these sessions aren’t just about content-deliveryWe are using a “Ready Set Go” model … with an emphasis on the “GO”That means you all will be doing action learning projects and sharing what you put into practice.I feel strongly that this method is what builds capacity - -not for all – but for manyYou will be part of the content – I will deliver some content on the calls – and Stephanie and I will be sharing content/links/resources in the Facebook Group – but all of you have the capacity to do develop your measurement skills.
  11. Each session will include the following related to each best practice: Framework Examples Additional How To Resource Wiki will have links and resources as well as links to notes from call Hub for Journals and Over the Shoulder Learning Wiki will be updated with resources suggested or used by participants during the calls or office hours
  12. My first step was to follow the instructions in Chapter 5 about coming up with a theory of change …. This is a process of saying so what who what ….I originally said, Grantees will get more likes on Facebook, but pushed my self to say – so what so what …Anyway, the ultimate goal is .. But you see this is a six months program … read the slide
  13. I was lucky enough to discuss this with the Packard Foundation evaluation team … the advice I got was that this was reasonable measurement …The first outcome is more of an activity – I’ve found that if participants do the work, they improve their skillsBased on my experience 50% is a reasonable completion rateI am also hoping to capture 6 case studies – that illustrate the work we’ve done that can be shared on my blog and presenting during our learning culmination call or along the way. This is where the office hours come in …I’m using a process called “Baseline” – so I establish where you all are at the beginning and then I do the same survey at the end and compare. This is not necessarily a beginner approach …. The baseline is based on the CWRF and I’ve been working on over several years, testing and reiterating – many thanks to Packard Foundation’ s support to do this .. This year trying to quantify the transformation in skills or knowledge.The measures need to further validating, so we’re still testing.One thing I should note, is that measures are not a report card for you .. If you got 1.2 on something and ended up with 1.5 – that’s progress … it doesn’t matter that someone else got a 2.1 .. So the numbers are not value judgements.What this does give me a benchmark for the group, helps me customize the content, etc.
  14. The action learning projects are very critical to the success of the program .. So I will be measuring
  15. The maturing of practice framework includes looking at 7 best practice areas for networked approaches and social media – and some specific indicators – and looking at what they look at the different maturity levels. If you remember the application form, it asked you questions and that’s how I came up with the scoring system. If you were “crawl” you got 1, Walk 2, Run 3, and Fly 4 – and then I average the scores for the group. I also could come up with a score for your organization overall.So, if you got a 1.5, it means that you are on your way to walking.
  16. These are the measurement indicators that were on the baseline survey and have been used to guide the content of the peer learning groupsBut since the focus is on improving your measurement skills, I’m only go to measure and report on the three measurement indicators …….
  17. For your action learning projects, it will be important for crawlers – to set up a regular system and discipline – don’t take on too big a project .. Make it small winFor those walking, important to get everyone’s input …. I know this can be tricky – but we are here to support you.
  18. This might require a leap in terms of your budget – if necessary …… one of our sessions will be professional tools – and I’m going to survey you all = and find out what you’re using and then have you share your knowledge about it ….
  19. This is really important – how you make sense and apply the data …….
  20. The maturing of practice framework includes looking at 7 best practice areas for networked approaches and social media – and some specific indicators – and looking at what they look at the different maturity levels. If you remember the application form, it asked you questions and that’s how I came up with the scoring system. If you were “crawl” you got 1, Walk 2, Run 3, and Fly 4 – and then I average the scores for the group. I also could come up with a score for your organization overall.So, if you got a 1.5, it means that you are on your way to walking.