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Culture And Its Effects On Our Culture
It's a given that culture powerfully influences thoughts, emotions and behaviors.In fact, culture
operates at primary cognitive, perceptual and motivational levels. Culture is an important part of our
blueprint for operation within our physical and social worlds. We are an insecure species and culture
offers us a reduction of anxiety through its standard rules of thought, emotion and behavior. Culture
offers predictability in an often unpredictable world. We see things through a cultural lens that tints,
magnifies, shrinks and otherwise shapes our perceptions.Our culture is a mindset that we developed
during childhood socialization. The structural integrity, coherency and stability of our personalities
are rooted in our culture. ... Show more content on ...
Culture is designed to allow people a piece of sanity and balance within their lifestyle. When it
comes to culture many people have rules and customs that they have been around all their lives.
Which means that the effects of human behavior may vary from person to person. Due to the fact
that there are different cultures and diversity in communities, we are able to learn different
languages, interact with other people and learn different things about people who are different.
Verbal communications is one of the most important skills that are needed when it comes to verbally
expressing themselves. When we talking about culture, verbal communication is very important
because it allows people to socialize with one another. Sometimes culture can have barriers when it
comes to communicating with other people. For example, some people culture consist of them
hugging or kissing one another when they greet someone. In another culture they might find that
offensive. It can mean one thing to us and in another culture it might mean something totally
different. Cultures could take things as an insult therefore causing issues between the two. But not
only are greetings different, any type of verbal interaction could be as well. For instance, one culture
may find it abnormal to approach a person at a party spontaneously whereas another culture may
find it in their morals to approach whoever they meet eyes with and ask them to join the festivities.
You can see where this would
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Latino Culture, Culture And Culture In The Latino Community
The Latino community is not just a group of people with the same heritage, but a family who works
together to give others a better life and success. Being a Latina in such a world where minorities do
not have as many opportunities as the privileged majority is very difficult. Especially in these times
where minorities aren't able to have a say in their government and are attacked for their heritage.
However, standing together as a community against oppression can be just as powerful as a united
whole. It is our responsibility to bring a voice to the people of our community and join together.
Making friends in the Latino(a) community is the best part. Helping each other with problems
within our understanding about the minority issues we all face as a whole and individually is
emotionally and physically draining. It is great to know others feel the same way you do and want to
make just as much as a difference, in representing ourselves with pride as the latino(a) community.
Many of us gathered to form a class in our school designed to educate about the culture, history, and
origins of the Mexican–American, Latino(a), hispanic, Mexican, chicano(a), and however other
minorities identify themselves as. Many have joined hoping to learn about the civilizations,
societies, traditions, cultures, and heritage this course has to offer to enlighten their minds of the
Latino(a) community.
My heritage has shaped my life completely, had it not been for the hispanic culture, my mind would
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Culture And Its Influence On Culture
Every country will have a background in religion and culture that the people are living in has always
been followed under the threshold of this generation to another generation. What is a culture? Why
everyone should live the same culture and that culture has one? What are people thinking about the
culture in which they are under? However, culture is what can connect with people and over time it
became a habit in person 's life.
Culture is the concept of the inner bearing wide jaw with a lot of different interpretations, related to
all aspects of the material and spiritual life of the people. In daily life, culture is often understood as
a literary, poetry, art, cinema, theatre, etc. In anthropology and sociology, the concept of culture is
mentioned in a broad sense. Culture consists of everything which is a part of human life. It is not
only what relates to the spirit that including material. The culture is to include all the products of the
human, and thus, culture to include two aspects: non–material aspects of society such as language,
thought, values and the physical aspects such as housing, clothing, vehicles, and etc. For example
about symbols and language the people are speaking and symbols of worship. In the book
"Introduction to Sociology", "Symbols such as gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words help
people who understand that the world," (pg. 65). Not only that, symbols are "... highly functional,
stop signs, for instance, provide useful instruction, also
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Appropriation Of Culture And Culture
Appropriation of culture
A culture is where a group of people develop common ideas, common ways of doing things and
common interpretation of certain things. Culture has great influence on foreign countries. People
often from other countries get attracted to cultural aspects of other countries. Culture has great
influence on media, politics and people's everyday life. I experienced a pop culture moment where a
group of white women was wearing a sari, a cloth that is draped around the woman 's body; it is
mostly seen in South Asia. I saw how culture could be imported instead of being exported. However,
those women didn 't wear the sari correctly, which raised a question in my mind. Do people wear,
ethnic cloth because they respect it, or do they mock the culture by not wearing the clothes
correctly? This question is about appreciation and appropriation of culture. This topic is very
important to me because I was being bullied in middle school because of my cultural clothes and
food. Adopting another culture is natural because of interaction between a group of people and it 's
also because everyone is so diverse now. However when does appropriation or offending other
culture comes up? Appropriation can be viewed positively and negatively. Culture appropriation can
be viewed positively if it 's being portrayed correctly and it also can be viewed negatively if it 's
being portrayed wrong. We often see cultural appropriation is being discussed in the media such as
the sound,
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Culture : Culture And Anarchy
Culture is one hard concept to define because it encompasses a number of fields, such as
anthropology, sociology, history, literature, philosophy, psychology and linguistics, that's why it is
difficult to find out one valid definition that covers all the aspects of culture.
As exemplified in Arnolds' Culture and Anarchy (1867), cited in Spencer–Oatey, (2012) the term
culture refers to products that have artistic or literary value, which are particularly approved of by
elites and the upper–middle class. This usage of the term culture was criticized for excluding a large
portion of people from the society, by considering only a small portion having culture.
As a reaction to the first usage, Tylor, (1870), believes that all members of the society should have
culture. He considers culture as a complex entity that contain knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired when living within a society.
Cognitive theories of culture.
From the cognitivist point of view, culture is seen as the knowledge people have to acquire to
function in a specific society. Goodenough, one of the main pioneers of this principle gives this
definition of culture from a cognitive perspective.
A society's culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a
manner acceptable to its members... Culture being what people have to learn as distinct from their
biological heritage, must consist of the end product of learning:
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Culture And Its Influence On Culture
Raymond Williams (Hutchison, 2011) said "culture is one of the two or three most complicated
words in the English language" (p. 247). When I thought of culture, I used to picture food,
festivities, clothes and country. Just like the nurse, I thought that if learned about one culture, I
understood everybody in that culture. But as I started expanding my knowledge the meaning of
culture started becoming harder to define. Different subjects seemed to have different definitions of
what culture is. The idea expanded until it was not just a check list but "a set of common
understandings, manifest in act and artifact. It is in two places at once: inside somebody's head as
understandings and in the external environment as act and artifact" (Hutchison, 2011, p. 246). The
definition above explains why social workers need to learn cultural humility. It clarifies that because
culture is both behavior and act, it is interpreted differently by different people. In other words, two
people can be from the same exact place and still have different cultures.
In the "Cultural Humility: People, Principles, and Practices" (2012) documentary, an example of an
African American nurse who thought of herself as culturally competent was given. The nurse was
taking care of a Latino patient who recently had surgery. The patient's doctor commented to the
nurse that the patient seems to be in considerable pain but the nurse discounted his comment. She
told the doctor, in her Cross Cultural Medicine
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Cross Culture : Cross-Culture And International Culture
The term cross–culture means a company's efforts in understanding of different groups in terms of
caste, culture, ethnicity, etc. Among its employees, customers, or clients to develop effective
communication or marketing efforts to sustain successfully in the globalized market. In today's
globalized business environment cultural differences often make any organization unable to operate
properly. Cross cultural leadership is becoming increasingly important for success of international
trade or business.
Carlos Ghosn presently is chairman and chief executive officer of the Renault–Nissan Alliance. He
started his career in a manufacturing company named Michelin, which was a Europe's renowned tire
maker company. During this job, he was rapidly promoted and was transferred to many places like
in Le Puy, France, South America, North America. While working in this company and while
attaining rapid promotions he started acquiring great cultural leadership skills as well as his skill in
transforming a troubled business into successful business started catching the eyes of many
Carlos Ghosn has a family background in entrepreneurship and leadership by the means of his
grandfather Bichara Ghosn, who was involved in heading several trade operations. Mr. Ghosn also
boasts a diverse multi–cultural ancestry himself, and as a result be very sensitive to managing and
dealing with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Ghosn, despite being a non–Japanese COO was able to
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Culture And African Culture: The Three Levels Of Culture
Culture is the characteristics of a group of people defined by language, cuisine, religion social habits
music and art. There are many different types of culture including western culture, eastern culture,
African culture and many more. Culture is influenced by the groups of people that make up the
country (Zimmermann, 2012). The term culture was first used by an English Anthropologist named
Edward B. Tyler. It was first mentioned in 1871 in his book named 'Primitive Culture'. He stated that
culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any
other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society". Since then culture is the
main focus of anthropology. There are three levels of culture. The first level is cultural traditions.
These are the traditions that make up a society and differentiate it from other societies. The cultural
traditions include language ... Show more content on ...
One can argue that having "unbranded space" would be ideal but nearly impossible. As stated at the
start of this paper, adults consume 52,500 advertisements per year. That's 52,500 brands! When
people are at work, home or on the street they see brands through billboards, newspapers,
magazines, posters and clothing. It is nearly impossible to live a life without brands. Once a brand is
positioned in a consumers mind it will be hard for them to forget it. Consumers would also reject a
brand free life because brands now have value and meaning. Consumers are brand loyal and will not
entertain the idea of cutting out the brands that they rely on. Brands are now becoming more
innovative when gaining consumers trust. They have techniques such as giving money to charity
when an individual makes a purchase. The individual feels like they are doing a good deed by
purchasing the product. This can be seen as manipulation but it is very
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Cultures And Values Of Culture, Culture And Culture
Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic background shared in a
region by a population of people. Development and discipline can be influenced by culture. Culture
contains values, norms, prejudice, social influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high
importance. An example would be religion, in" many cultures religion is of high value"(Kerfoot).
Norms set an expectation to what is socially acceptable. Prejudice is formed in culture. This bias can
be "generalized ideas formed off popular belief" and tolerance (Wilson 2008). Social influence
comes from media outlets and world leaders. Culture guides human activity. Being culturally aware
of Russian culture, history and region ... Show more content on ...
This is under atmospheric diffusion through Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho calculation. Russia has
measured to have 25% error of complex diffusion while the United States has 15% error. The
European plain takes up a large portion of Russian territory this is the most populated and active
area in the country. There are many important places located in the European plain. The Federation
Tower located in Moscow, Russia is an international business center. Sheremetyevo International is
the most active airport in Russia and Novorossiysk is the major ship port. The airport and port are
fine representations of urban terrain Russia dominates. A final example would the 275–foot length
Subway located in Moscow. Upgrades in this country spread beyond the national limits; changes
globally have been in effect. Within the last ten years, Russia has attracted foreign direct investment
at 3.3%. In the past 20 years, Russia has fallen behind dropping to "93rd globally in quality of
overall" infrastructure (Eitelhuber, 2009). Russia's Railway infrastructure is ranked 31st, this
placement is relatively high. Over 300 projects have surfaced in the past five years. Estimated
funding at 969.4 B dollars. The benefits from operating at a lower global rate include lowered
production cost and increased net output for national economy. A stable economic home front
improves a nation and even
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Organizational Culture And Its Cultural Culture
To greet each other in Tibet, you stick out your tongue and put your hands together in front of your
chest. In Japan, it is only polite if you bow to each other when greeting. There are hundreds of
different ethnic groups in the world and they all have their own customs and traditions that stemmed
out from their underlying culture. Similar to these ethnic groups, each organization also have their
own unique culture that guides how people behave and what people believe in within the
In formal terms, organizational culture is "the set of values, norms, guiding beliefs, and
understandings that is shared by members of an organization and is taught to new members." [p.332;
Organization theory & Design; Daft, Armstrong] Put it in simple terms, it is basically how the
employees in a company are expected to behave and go about their daily business. Organizational
culture can be observed in visible artifacts and employee behaviors such as symbols, slogan, the
way people talk, the way people dress, and even the atmosphere at the workplace. These visible
artifacts and observable behaviors reflects the deeper values and beliefs of each member of the
organization which in turn represents the true culture. I have the privilege to be working for TD
Canada Trust for the past two years and this is an organization that oozes the word "culture". First
thing you learn at training (rite of passage) is the logo (green armchair) and the slogan (Banking can
be this comfortable) of
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Culture And Japanese Culture
Culture. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
The dictionary definition seems a little harsh, so let's fix that. Culture. Something that we are all
born into, one that we can't escape, but it doesn't define who we are as a person most of the time.
You can't just look at somebody, somebody who might be Japanese for example, and just blatantly
expect that person to become the next doctor or lawyer. Just because a culture is well known or
stereotypically seen to be something, doesn't mean the individual bearing that culture has to live up
to those standards. That Japanese person could want to be the next New York Best Selling author or
just a mere teacher because that's what interests them. Nobody's future is set in stone the second
they come into the world, nor does it come easy as their lives go on. Sure, culture has some helping
guidelines to what they should do in their lives, maybe it be the habits or nature of Japanese parents
always pushing you to do your best, or it's just the different cultures of a family. Sometimes there
are people born into two or more cultures, and they have to come to the conclusion that they can be
any amount of any culture they want. Just because you're born in America but come from a long line
of Mexicans doesn't mean you can't be both. Ok yes, sometimes it's hard to fit in with both cultures
because both cultures see you as the other, but it's not their choice to define who you are and what
you believe in. It's your job to come to that conclusion on your own and you must make that
decision that you are proud of. Sometimes people can be cruel, judging you based on looks rather
than personality or morals, but it's just the way of life. How you choose to handle that as time goes
on is the only thing that matters. No matter what the case, culture still plays a minor role in the
scripting of your life but remember, you're the author with the pen. You are in charge of writing your
life story. Nobody else.
In the novel exert, "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, there's a clear boundary between the perspectives both
mother and daughter have on what the daughter should be. The mother, an immigrant from China,
believes her daughter should be
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The Culture And Concept Of Culture
One of the most influential and central concepts of anthropology is the nature and concept of
culture. The concept and idea of culture dominated 20th century thought, and can be used as an
explanation as well as an object of fascination for many anthropologists today. While there are
various theories and approaches to culture and the interpretation of it, I would solely like to examine
the Cultural Relativist approach, and the Boasian thinkers associated with this particular approach. I
would also like to examine how the current time period in which the cultural relativist approach
emerged truly conflicts with the dominant politics. In specifics, I would like to examine Franz Boas
himself, but most notably Ruth Benedict, and the paradoxes that have occurred within the period
after her publications.
Franz Boas (1858–1942) was a famous anthropologist credited with the founding of the cultural
relativist approach, which is a major theory within the discipline of anthropology. What is important
for many involved in the study of anthropology is that Franz Boas cultivated a foundation that many
other thinkers and theorist built their own ideas upon, especially associated thinkers like Margaret
Mead and Ruth Benedict (which will be mentioned in greater detail later). What Franz Boas is also
credited with, is his efforts of using his academic and scientific background in the effort to combat
racism (Liro, 2003). During his lifetime, Boas often cited the difference between the
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The Culture Of The Mexican Culture
The world around us is surrounded by many diverse cultural groups. Each culture is unique and
systematically made different, and cultures have their own beliefs and ways of life. Many cultures
have their own language, values, set their own rules, and mores. Each culture has a group of people
with the same beliefs, and they join organizations and institutions. Each culture is distinguishable
from one another because each has different customs and beliefs. Although I was born in Mexico
and brought to the United States at 6 months, I grew up in a Mexican culture. The Korowai and
Mursi are cultures that have their own set of beliefs and values. In some instances family members
have different cultures because they either move away or become separated. My culture is the
Mexican culture. My family and I follow the traditions and even superstitions that have been passed
on from generation to generation. I believe in my Mexican culture because it is all I know and have
been taught ever since I was born. I was raised in this culture and plan on raising my family with the
same beliefs and values. The language we speak at home is Spanish especially to the elderly. Our
religion is catholic and most of our culture is centered on religion and church. We spend our
Sundays at church, and we spend the afternoon as a family. The values I grew up are quite simple.
We have high respect for our parents and elders. Usually the family is a large family with four or
more children and
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The Culture Of National Culture
What is Culture?
Essentially, culture is the set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a group of people
(Wild and Wild 2016, p.70). Oftentimes, culture is thought of in terms of National Culture. National
Culture is sustained and encouraged by nation states through the construction of monuments,
museums and other buildings, which protect the heritages of significant events and people (Wild and
Wild 2016, p.70). They also play a role in ensuring business decisions preserve cultural treasures,
such as in the case of heritage listed sites or buildings (Wild and Wild 2016, p.70). National Culture
consists of six dimensions, which represent independent preferences that distinguish countries from
each other ("Dimensions – Geert ... Show more content on ...
Culture is made up of a number of building blocks, which provide a much fuller understanding than
what is distinctly national (Wild and Wild 2016, p.73). These components are: aesthetics, values and
attitudes, manners and customs, social structure, religion, personal communication, education and,
physical and material environments (Wild and Wild 2016, p.73). Values are ideas and beliefs to
which people have an emotional attachment; they affect work ethic and materialism (Wild and Wild
2016, p.74). Attitudes are influenced by underlying values and are positive or negative reactions
towards ideas or objects (Wild and Wild 2016, p.74). Attitudes are more flexible than values and
often change over time as people mature and have different experiences. Aesthetics are what a
culture considers good taste in the arts. It includes the use of colour, symbols and materials (Wild
and Wild 2016, p.74). Manners involve what are considered appropriate ways of dressing, speaking,
and behaving in a certain culture (Wild and Wild 2016, p.75). It is of particular importance when
conducting international business. Customs are specific patterns of behaviour in particular
circumstances, which have been passed down through the generations of a culture (Wild and Wild
2016, p.75). Customs may either be from folk culture or from popular culture (Wild and Wild 2016,
p.75). Social Structure represents the primary organisational system of a culture, encompassing
social groups, social status, and
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Culture Of North Korean Culture
North Korean Culture The United States of America is truly a melting pot. People of different
cultures and ethnic groups flee to America to experience a piece of the 'American Pie'. The culture
of foreigners is different from the cultures of American's. This has caused a lot of preventable tragic
events over the years. Due to a lack of communication, individuals of different cultural groups and
ethnicity can easily be evaluated as dangerous, rude, and even extremist because of the cultural
barriers. With the world moving at such a fast pace, people don't tend to consider the culture beliefs
and behaviors of their new neighbors. Ultimately leaving people of different beliefs in fear that
Americans opinions and perception of their culture will put them in harm, leaving them prisoner in a
free country. I broke the cultural barrier and interview a citizen of North Korea. In the following I
will speak of North Korean values, religion, and the role of women. In applying the communication
concepts, I found that they are prisoners in their own land and come to American just to be rude by
their ethnicity. Beginning the interview, I choose to define myself to Daniella, a born citizen of
Pyongyang. I explained my cultural background and valves that are important. "I belong to the
African American culture. I also have deep roots in the Jamaican culture which is a mixture of
Spanish and British traditions. The languages that are mainly spoken is English and Spanish. We
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The Culture Of The Mexican Culture
How many different types of cultures are there? Here's the answer there are many cultures. My story
starts like this; both of my parents are from Guadalajara well most of my family is from that part of
México. Being part of the Mexican culture is very different from other cultures, but every culture is
unique of its own way. Many Mexican people have preserved and still do many of their ancestors'
traditions. Tradition plays a big role in my family for example: the food we eat, the music we listen
to, what we dance to and what we celebrate to. I wanted a sweet sixteen but of course being
Mexican my parents said no. Being in the Mexican culture tradition is that when you turn 15 you're
supposed to have a Quinceanera it symbolizes that you are no longer a kid but you are now a young
women. Many people think a Quinceanera is just a party but the real tradition is to have a church
mass. Since I am catholic that consists of me going to church and thanking God. Social behaviors
impact your life in many ways. You have roles and rules in your cultures. When you're with your
friends you act a different way. When it has to do with family or church groups you have a role and
rules and your behavior is different. Women and Males have different rules and roles. Mother is
supposed to stay home and Father is supposed to work to help his family. Women are not supposed
to do yard work their job is inside. That has changed with the year's most
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Culture And Its Influence On Culture
It is hard to have a single definition of the term culture. Different people have their understanding of
culture. According to my understanding, culture can be defined as people 's way of life. This
includes their values, customs, beliefs, languages as well as traditions. In general, the concept of
culture is well reflected in the history of people, their heritage and how they express their ideas as
well as their creativity. The culture of a particular group of people can be used to assess the quality
of their life, their vitality and the health of that society. Through culture, people can develop their
sense of belonging, their personal and cognitive growth and their ability to empathize and relate to
one another (Smith, P. 2001, 25).
According to one of the postings, culture is a system of skills that is shared by a large group of
people. It refers to the cumulative deposit of beliefs, knowledge, values, experience, attitudes,
religion, meanings, material objects among other things (Myers, F. 2002, 217). From another
posting, culture has been defined to be the collective patterns of behaviors and interactions, the
cognitive constructs, as well as the affective understanding, which are learned through the
socialization process. These patterns are used to identify and distinguish members of different
cultural groups from others.
Despite the definitions, culture plays an important part in our daily lives. There are many benefits of
vibrant and strong culture.
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Culture And Its Impact On Culture
When it comes to culture there are many factors that come into place like where you were born, how
you were raised and the list goes on. Through out the course of your life you are experienced to
other peoples cultures and it opens your eyes to a lot of things you might not have understood
before. Some of the most important parts of culture is the fact that it is a way of life and it classifies
where people come from. Culture is what we have to show for our greatest successes. It is also
interesting that culture isn 't something we have but something we learn along the course of our lives
and are completely unaware of the process we go through. Anthropologists have studied small
societies outside of the united states to get a better understanding of culture by collecting stories that
show how certain cultures existed. Its an insightful look into how cultures are formed and can even
be used as a window to look into how cultures are formed in modern times. The most surprising
thing is that people argue that religions are cultures with in themselves. Even though religion has big
impact on someones life, it isn 't the only thing that people are exposed to through out the course of
someones life. Just because you have a specific faith doesn 't mean your not going to be exposed or
influenced by people of other beliefs. Faith can be a big part of your culture but it doesn 't
necessarily mean it makes up all of it. There are a lot of religions that differ from each other, some
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Culture And Drinking Culture
Going to bars, clubs, and drinking alcohol are parts of various cultures and societies, especially in
America. It is a common theme to go drinking on the weekends, such as on Fridays, Saturdays, and
Sundays. It may seem like going out to drinking, may be a waste of time and/or money to buy
expensive alcohol, party in dirty clubs and to listen to bad music. However, it is an important part of
the social lives for adults.
Going out to clubs and bars and drinking is a way to get together with groups of friends in your life
through communication, making memories, for stress relief, and sharing values and norms though a
common guide. These common values and social norms allow us to help through what is consider
appropriate behaviors in the subculture we are participating in. A subculture is known as a group
within a large culture, that has values, beliefs, and interests that vary apart from the larger culture.
This subculture can be known as the "alcohol drinking culture."
Occasionally, my boyfriend, six close friends (including, one designated sober driver) and I go
downtown to go to bars, and clubs to drink, party, and dance to badly mixed music. We went
downtown for my boyfriend's birthday on November 24th, all set to drink, to have fun, tell stories,
and to party the night away. It had been some time, since our last get together and wanted to make
memories and drink the night away. We arrived at Humpin' Hannah's in Boise, got a table, started
drinking and playing pool.
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Culture Is The Meaning Of Culture
Culture is defined as "the behaviors and beliefs characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age
group" (, n.d.). Why has society seen this clearly defined word brought up in many
media disputes as of late? People are crossing the line. For years, people have been in heated
debates about cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. Arguments have arisen in art,
clothing, and literature and whether their meanings are being exploited or celebrated. Society must
find common ground before culture loses its essence. To choose an accurate position in the
argument, one must return to the basics of culture. Culture is mixed, it connotes the mixing from
other sources. Instead of shaming those inadvertently skewing customs, a collective consensus must
be met to rid society of stereotypes and initiate a blend of cultures. Speaking up for one's culture
will prevent a world constantly at battle and speaking up will promote one abounding in
appreciation for unconventional style. After all, diversity is far more commended than conformity. If
everyone was the same, traveling would be a lot less adventurous and exotic. Every country is proud
of its culture because it has shaped the population. The world needs a mutual understanding of each
nation's customs to keep culture divine. The act of taking or using things from a culture that is not
your own, especially without showing that one understands or respects this culture is cultural
appropriation (Cambridge
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Culture : Culture And Identity
When we think about culture, we think about where we come from and our families and our
ancestors and so forth. So when we say what is culture, the quality in a person or society that arises
from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits. It varies
from person to person. Culture can however be broken into two small parts which consist of
material culture and nonmaterial culture. The non material aspect of it consists things such as
attitudes, beliefs, ideas, norms, and values that influence behavior and way of communicating and
material culture is basically what the word itself means items that are materialistic abided by our
ancestors like paintings (art), artifacts, hand gestures and jewelry. Similarly our identity is what
makes us, who we are, how we present ourselves, our social class and gives us our so called
"location" in this world of social indifferences. When you merge culture and identity, it comes down
to being where culture is our identity or feeling that runs through our veins where we as humans feel
the social belonging or loyalty to a group and usually tends to relate to a human's self conception
and self perception.
Growing up in a mixed background culture as a whole meant a lot to me. Growing up in a set of
Indian family and a set of Egyptian family might to some people be a cool mix but it's much
complicated as it seemed. The Indian culture was something I felt more connected to because
perhaps I grew up
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Culture In Mexican Culture
Culture has been defined in many ways. Hofstede for an example stated that culture is defined at a
national level and has a set of values and beliefs within the culture. He also states that people of the
Mexican community belong to the collectivistic group, they also rank high in the power distance,
uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity groups as well. The collectivistic group refers to a group of
people that means that they are committed to their relationships, regarding their family, extended
family, and friends. This is also applied on a daily basis and in business related conversations as
well. Mexican people like to get to know a person before doing business with you. They love the
socialization and conversation that comes with it. Mexicans also get along with others quite easily,
they are interested in meeting new people. In our country, the roles between a man and a woman are
still very different. When it comes to the working environment, the majority of the high ranking
position is still held mostly by men. As well as in the household, where women are supposed to have
a better chance and taking care of the children, men are still head of the house. Even though there
are women in the world that are highly educated and hold a high position in the work force, the
journey getting it is not easy. Statistically, it was shown to be easier for women to hold a position in
fields such as education, services, and politics than in other fields. This is probably because of the
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Culture And Culture : Culture Is Defined As The Tool Of...
Culture can be defined in many ways due to the fact that everyone can have their own distinct and
traditional beliefs and values. " Culture is fluid, it is not a static entity which one takes out of the
box on occasion. It is with us daily" (Cultural Handout). Someone's culture is set as the
characteristics of the group practices in language, religion, types of food, social traits and habits, and
the distinct arts and music. There are a variety of different cultures for example, Western Culture,
Eastern Culture, Latin Culture, Middle Eastern Culture, and African Culture. All of these different
cultures have their own ideas, values, and individualism, laws that are implied, civil rights, and even
technology. In our, " Culture Handout" culture is defined as the tool of the mind, " it is an
individual's way seeing and interacting within the world. It encompasses one's values systems,
beliefs, and perceptions of the world around them. Race, socio–economic class gender, sexual
orientation, ability, geographic location, age, religion language, etc. all impact the formation of
culture, but these various context are not culture" (Cultural Handout). The way that I see my cultural
starts from the cultural traits that I have been passed down my parents. Coming from a background
of a Latin Mexican culture, my parents and family have had a great influence on how I culturally
identify myself giving me the opportunity to acquire my own cultural identity. I see myself
classified as a
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A Comparison Of American Culture With The Culture
A Comparison of American Culture with the Culture of the Kung People in Kalahari Desert in South
Culture is defined as the way of life that a particular group of people practice because such practices
determine vast aspects of their lives. Culture is fostered by social and environmental aspects. Thus,
different people in the world respond to their surrounding environment in vast ways and such
responses inflict the cultural aspects. The most amazing fact about culture is that everyone in the
entire world practices certain cultures or adheres to a particular social activity. This happens
irrespective of the advancement or exposure one has because culture is simply determined by what
such an individual value as part of their day–to–day life.
American Culture
The world is full of different cultures that deal with spiritual and social aspects in vast ways. This
means that different people handle different spirituality, cosmology and culture in different ways,
which eventually determine the way they respond to community gatherings, religion and medicine.
The American culture is not known to many because people perceive that the culture is completely
eroded by the diverse ethnicities that dwell in the nation. Nevertheless, this could be true because
everyone in America came from somewhere and each ethnic group brought in their cultures. These
cultures have been mixed up and the citizens of America have embraced specific cultures. Thee
cultures differ with those that are
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Culture And Culture: The Three Levels Of Culture
Culture is the characteristics of a group of people defined by language, cuisine, religion social habits
music and art. There are many different types of culture including western culture, eastern culture,
African culture and many more. Culture is influenced by the groups of people that make up the
country (Zimmermann, 2012). The term culture was first used by an English Anthropologist named
Edward B. Tyler. It was first mentioned in 1871 in his book named 'Primitive Culture'. He stated that
culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any
other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society". Since then culture is the
main focus of anthropology. There are three levels of culture. The first level is cultural traditions.
These are the ... Show more content on ...
A consumerist society is a group of people who put a lot of time, energy and thought into consuming
material goods. The media plays an essential role in this. In America, people are constantly
consuming advertisements persuading them to consume materialistic goods. Children aged 2–11
consumes 25,000 advertisements on television annually while an adult consumes 52,500
advertisements annually. These advertisements promote a vision of a 'good lifestyle' that people
should have in order to be happy. These advertisements include materialistic goods such as big
houses, large televisions, latest cars and much more.
A new medium sized American house in 1983 was approximately 1,500 square feet and 25% of
houses were less than 1,200 square feet. In 2002 a new medium sized house was over 2,200 square
feet and less than 3% of houses were less than 1,200 square feet. This shows that persuasive
advertisements to buy a bigger house are working. Consumers want the great lifestyle that is
advertised on the television and they will pay more to get
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The Culture Of The Japanese Culture
The Japanese Culture Cultural awareness is fundamental in implementing sound communication;
you must possess the ability to step back and realize the differences in beliefs, values, and social
norms amongst cultures. Different cultures have different thought processes that cause them to react
in different ways dependent upon situation. Knowing the culture before you attempt to interact with
a person or persons of a foreign background will mitigate any untactful reprisals and help you better
communicate your position. Raising Cultural awareness through geography, economy, social norms,
and government to enhance our understanding of different cultures will help us start off on a
positive note and could divert us from misunderstandings. My country of interest is Japan because
this country's background once consisted of warlords, ninjas, samurai, and emperors and has always
caught my interest; furthermore, they are one of the most advanced countries in the terms of
technology and efficiency Japan does not consist of one single mass of land, but rather, it is made up
of thousands of smaller islands. The four main islands are Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Honshu and are
the largest islands in Japan. Considering that Japan is mainly made up of islands you would think
that transportation through all of Japan requires a ship or boat of some kind; but if you knew the
culture of Japan today, you would find that Japan is the leading country in technology and has one
of the most advanced
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The Culture Of The Word Culture
There are many laity use of the word culture that gets thrown around in day–to–day conversation
amongst our peers. Culture is used to define certain aspects of our lives and how we live on a daily
basis. There are some that believe that they do not possess a culture. There are others who feel that
we all live our own individual unique culture in our lives. However, being that culture is such a
broad subject, the only way to define it is to operationalize its context and attempt to try and
understand it based on a universal definition. Sergiovanni and Corbally's (1986) definition of culture
includes a system of values, symbols, and shared meanings in a group that includes embodying
these values, symbols, and shared meanings in ritualize practice. Using this particular definition of
culture, the small island of Okinawa is enriched with it. Their way of day–to–day lifestyle,
geographical terrain, as well as their military history can all be analyzed through their culture as
well as provide information in terms of our current military jargon for the benefit of the United
States Army.
Culturally, Okinawans separate themselves from the association of the Japanese culture, even
though they are still considered a territory of Japan. The differences in their landscape, their way of
life, language, and even their societal infrastructure are the basis of their adamant separation from
Japan. Its geographical complexities are also what make Okinawa unique from its neighboring
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Culture, Culture And Non Material Culture
Culture refers to any kind of morals, habits, norms, practices, beliefs, laws or customs acquired by
man in a particular society. Culture is the set of knowledge, skills, traditions, customs, unique to a
human group, to a civilization. It is transmitted socially from generation to generation and not by
genetic inheritance, and largely determines individual behavior. (Arendt) Culture encompasses a
very broad aspect of social life: techniques, manners, morals, lifestyle, system of values, beliefs,
religious rituals, organization of the family and village communities, clothing, etc. Culture can
simply be known as the way of life of certain people or area. Culture is a representation of a society
with their thinking, norms, values and symbols. Culture is divided into two aspects; material culture
and non–material culture.
Material culture mentions and depicts the tangible objects, material or physical aspects or objects of
a culture which can include types of houses, cities, areas, praying places, architecture, factories,
offices, and means of productions, tools used for workings or neighborhoods. (Material and Non‐
Material Culture) For example people from Pakistan wear Shalwar Kameez, they use bullocks to
plough their fields, eat spicy food, and pray in diverse type of mosques. The entire geography
surrounding a city like buildings, homes and architecture are included in material culture. Even
dance and other physical rituals like dance and worshipping are also part of
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Cultural Relativism : Culture And Culture
Nowadays, we live in a fast changing world society, in which it is making people of different
cultures interact closely to each other. This contact may be a good one or a bad one. It all depends
on how open mind we are and how respectful we are with the different cultures. As curious persons,
almost everyone wants to know about others cultures, which are its tradition, religion, costume, and
how that culture works. However, people make judgment about the things they may think are
wrong, disgusting, or even inhuman from other cultures. Because they think that their culture is
better than the other ones. Cultural relativism explains to us why it does not exist a major culture we
should follow or think it is the best one.
The theory of cultural relativism explains that there is not a universal right or wrong because
morality differs culture by culture. Politics, religions, traditions, laws, foods, and cloths–are just
some things in which every culture has in differences. Cultural relativism says, that not matters how
much someone agrees or disagrees in any of those, there is not a superior culture. Whatever the
majority of that society says is right, it is, and whatever the majority of that society say is wrong, it
is. For example, if I were born in China or India, it would be normal and even right for me to see
female infanticide. In spite of the fact that morality differs and depends on each culture, I would not
be allowed to make a judgment against this practice because I am
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Culture, Culture And Cultural Diversity In The American...
I come from a small community, where there is not much diversity. Most people in my community
share the same cultural beliefs. I have not traveled anywhere outside of the United States to even
experience any other cultural customs. My only source of knowing about diverse cultures is through
the news media. There is really no place to even meet someone with a diverse culture in my
community. In my small community the majority of the residents are the same, except for the Amish
that live throughout the community. I work at a hospital and often care for these individuals. I have
learned some of their cultural beliefs and have found them to be very different than the mainstream
Northeast Ohio cultures.
Some of the differences between the mainstream Northeast Ohio cultures and the Amish include
their language, food, values, and beliefs. The Amish are originally from Germany and their main
language that is spoken is Pennsylvania Dutch, a mixture of English and German. The Amish is
raised to know both English and German. The Amish need to know German due to the fact that their
church services are preached in German. When the Amish starts school, they are taught English
("The Power of, 2011, para. 3).
In Northeast Ohio, our official language is strictly English. English is taught in the schools and is
spoken in the majority of homes. Parents can choose to teach their children a different language, but
it is not expected of them.
The Amish wardrobe is different from the wardrobe of Northeast Ohio. The Amish have a strict
belief when it comes to what they wear. The women and girls are expected to wear dresses "made
from solid–colored fabrics" ("The Power of", 2011, para. 5). An apron is worn over the dress and
fastened with pins. No skin is allowed to be shown. Men and boys wear dark solid shirts. They are
not allowed to wear buttons. The Amish symbolize buttons with war, because of military uniforms
having buttons on them ("The Power of", 2011, para. 5).
In Northeast Ohio, we use clothing to make a statement. There are no rules to follow when it comes
to your wardrobe. Sometimes I wish we did have rules, when it comes to the wardrobe in the
schools. Some Catholic schools follow a dress code, but
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The Culture Of The Mexican Culture
The Culture A cultural analysis is a combination of many elements. Cultures have traditions,
customs, habits, beliefs, practices, and values. Each culture can have different traditions in their own
essence. These traditions can come from their ancestors ' and passed down the generations.
However, some people don't like to continue their ancestors traditions and adapt others customs
from another culture. The culture change depending on the time and place. The enrichment of
cultures consists of adaptation and acceptance of another culture 's beliefs. Not all of the people can
tolerate other cultures, traditions, languages or stereotypes. Cultures attack or support other cultural
values The Mexican culture is hard–working and are strict in their values and traditions. The power
and oppression of the cultures are current; social and economic conditions in the people in cultures.
The Mexican culture has social and economic conditions oppressed by the power of its Government.
In the play "Los Vendidos" Luis Valdez, talks about the multiple accent and background of Mexican
The language accent in Mexican people has a particular significance. The accent comes with stress.
The Mexican Citizens put effort to learn English as a second language. However, it's understandable
that the accent of an American won't be the same. As another person who comes from outside of the
United States, An Example; in the play "Los Vendidos" Valdez talks about the multiple stereotypes
of Mexican
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The Culture Of Egyptian Culture
Egyptian Culture
Egyptian Culture
Egypt has is one of the most historical rich countries in the world. This nation of ancient nation of
pharaohs has caught the attention of many travelers coming to the region to experience everything
Egypt has to offer. During this paper we will go over and define what culture is and what all makes
up the country's culture. I will also go into what culture means to me and have I view it. I will go
into the five major characteristics of culture which includes religions/beliefs, climate, agriculture,
politics, and education. I will also describe the culture characteristics of the region surrounding
Egypt. Then I will conclude with an overview of Egypt and go into depth about the country's
military conflict history, significant past military conflicts, and how they shaped the culture of today.
Now let's begin with the meaning of culture. The Simple definition of culture is the customary
beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. You can find multiple
definitions for cultures and I believe that's because I think everyone views culture in a slightly
different way. To me culture is something that is always living and changing. The way I look at it is
that if you look back at your grandfather's generation you can see how different things were back
then and that's because the culture was different. Now look back at your father's generation and you
can also tell that his era
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The Relationship Between Culture And Culture
Tóhaŋni waŋžíla iyápi iyóhi šni! In Lakota translation means "one language is never enough."
Language can be viewed as a verbal expression of culture. It is used to support and carry culture and
cultural ties. Language provides us with many of the categories we use for expression of our
thoughts, so it is natural to assume that our thinking is influenced by the language. The principles
and levies in the country we grow up in shape the way we think to a certain extent. Culture is
indistinguishable allied to language. Without language, culture cannot be completely assimilated nor
cannot be efficiently expressed and transmitted. Both language and culture are unified that it is
difficult to define the limitations of language and culture, and whether language influences culture
or vice–versa. Exploring the relationship between language and culture, we can generally agree that
language and culture are meticulously related.
"To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture." (Frantz Fanon) Efforts to keep resources on
cultural heritage have gained new momentum throughout the world today. Different themes of
culture: shared, learned, symbolic, nature reciprocity, an integrated system, plays an adaptive role in
human survival, and dynamic and changeable. Culture is shared by its links us to groups both in the
present and in the past. In culture, there are many sides, which and all of them influence what is
personally known and the way one makes decisions. And these sides or
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Notes On Culture And Culture
Chapter 2: Bee Larvae and Onion Soup: Culture [34] What is Culture? [35]
Culture is what is unique to human beings because of our capacity to conceptualize the world and to
communicate those conceptions symbolically. [34] Eight definitions:
1. Edward Tylor (1871): Culture as accumulated human accomplishment
Culture or civilization is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.
At the same time, a prominent Victorian attitude was that culture or civilization was something that
one could possess to differing degrees a wine taster is more cultured than a Bud aficionado. 2. Franz
Boas (1930): Kulturbrille cultural glasses
Culture embraces all the manifestations of social behavior of a community, the reactions of the
individual as affected by the habits of the group in which he lives, and the product of human
activities as determined by these habits.
The Bee Larva/Onion Soup incidents [38–9]: Mixtecs think of bee larvae as a delicacy and Onions
as, at best, a condiment, and one that makes you stupid if you eat it to excess. Monaghan
experienced disgust eating larvae, the Mixtec in eating onion soup. This demonstrates the
Kulturbrille phenomenon, that is, that experience is not simply given to us not even experiences like
nausea that we normally take to be completely natural. Instead these are controlled by culturally
determined categories. The
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Culture, Culture And Culture Essay
Many times we hear concepts like 'Oriental culture', 'Italian culture' or 'Gothic Culture'. So we can
understand and verify that it is an important concept related to the idea of the society where we live
in. Culture, in Sociology, is a concept developed during XVIII and XIX centuries that has had
various definitions.
One exhaustive definition is in Browne (2015, p. 31):
"Culture refers to the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, dress, diet, roles, knowledge and
skills, and all the other things that people learn that make up the 'way of life' of any society"
So when we use the expression 'Italian culture' we know that we are talking about the entire set of
believes, knowledge and the whole way of life that characterise Italian people. Something connected
to their country but that is with them wherever they go. If they are born in Italy or within an Italian
group of people they will speak Italian, they will eat traditional Italian food when they are home,
they will be probably Catholic etc.
While many concepts inside Browne definition are familiar and easy to identify like language and
diet, three of them need a proper explanation for a better understanding of them.
Values, Norms, Roles
What are 'values'?
The word 'values' is often used in our daily language. When we listen to someone that is talking
about her or his values we understand that that person is talking about something that marks out
what characterize her/his own concept of 'what is important,
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Technology, Culture, And Culture
One by one as the pieces come together they are placed intentionally, the intent is to primarily rid
ourselves of problems of time, energy and space along with whatever we may have deemed a
hindrance or ailment. In the implementation of every new technology it embodies many factors such
as cultural, political, economic and scientific parallels. In the insert written by Arnold Pacey titled
Technology; Practice and Culture, Arnold Pacey conveys the significance of attending to the cultural
and organization facets of technology in its design and application, but most importantly that
technology is a valued neutral implementation that is embedded with inadvertent cultural values
from conception to delivery. First starting with the questions of just how neutral technology can be
Arnold Pacey starts with conveying the conceptual value that brought about snowmobiles, a
technology originally developed due to a specific culture. Although the snowmobile was
intentionally design to assist with traversing across snow it progressively made its way into a vast
many societies introducing redefined devices for recreation and a means for a livelihood, reasons
which may have never been intended. As snowmobiles became introduced globally progressively
the shared technology had become used for alternative reasons which deprived this technology from
having one specific value. If this application solely served its intended facet then it would have
solely embodied a specific value, time. The
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Culture In Japanese Culture
Culture is a significant theme in this film. One important factor to point out is throughout
Stevenson's trip in Japan, he is hit with culture shock and the same can be said for the Japanese
executives. Stevenson mocks how the Japanese exchange business cards during the presentation,
how they eat with chopsticks and how rigid and structured Japanese culture is. This culture clash not
only affected the characters' personal lives, but also impacted the business. "Research has clearly
established that culture affects the application of management theories and practices. Work values,
in particular, are an important part of cross–cultural understanding in that they are themselves
measures of cultural dimensions, and also have strong implications for many areas of management,
from employee motivation to organizational communication" (Matić, 2008). Almost immediately
after opening up the doors to the plant, there were problems. The Japanese people had a very strict
and rigid way of running their businesses and doing their work as compared to the lackadaisical
American work ethic. The plant workers are expected to perform calisthenics in the morning, are
denied basic privileges like sick leave, paid overtime and a union. The town and these workers are in
such a desperate situation that they decide to withstand the abuse and impossible demands set by the
Japanese plant owners. It is difficult enough to manage a business with workers and executives that
have a common culture and
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Culture And Removal Of Culture
Since the time of colonisation and European contact in North America, indigenous peoples have
been faced with racism, the exclusion from rights and privileges, and the acts of cultural genocide
while be forced to assimilate into western culture. The process of civilization and removal of culture
has had impact in many different aspects of life. Krieken (1999) explained civilization to be "...the
transformation of human habitus so that violence of all sorts is gradually subjected to greater and
more sophisticated forms of management and control..." (pp.297) It was seen as the Europeans were
implanting positive regulations since they believed that 'full–blooded natives' were not capable of
meeting up to the expectations of their society and culture (Schimmel, 2005) Schimmel also speaks
towards the act of ethnocide (meaning the intention to kill a culture in other ways then murdering
members) when addressing the forceful removal of identity, religion, language, family, culture and
so many more aspects of life (2005). The sixties scoop (a term created by Johnston, 2005) is a prime
example of the stripping of culture from the rising generation, involving the forceful removal of
children from homes with no permission or need to inform guardians, resulting in 70% of children
being adopted into 'white' class society families (Sinclair, 2007). Long lasting effects such as
destruction of behaviour, acts of violence, grief and trauma that goes unsolved, and issues mentally
and emotionally
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Culture Is The Meaning Of Culture
Culture is defined as "the behaviors and beliefs characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age
group" (, n.d.). Why has society seen this clearly defined word brought up in many
media disputes as of late? People are crossing the line. For years, people have been in heated
debates about cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. Arguments have arisen in art,
clothing, and literature and whether their meanings are being exploited or celebrated. Society must
find common ground before culture loses its essence. To choose an accurate position in the
argument, one must return to the basics of culture. Culture is mixed, it connotes the mixing from
other sources. Instead of shaming those inadvertently skewing customs, a collective consensus must
be met to rid society of stereotypes and initiate a blend of cultures. Speaking up for one's culture
will prevent a world constantly at battle and speaking up will promote one abounding in
appreciation for unconventional style. After all, diversity is far more commended than conformity. If
everyone was the same, traveling would be a lot less adventurous and exotic. Every country is proud
of its culture because it has shaped the population. The world needs a mutual understanding of each
nation's customs to keep culture divine. The act of taking or using things from a culture that is not
your own, especially without showing that one understands or respects this culture is cultural
appropriation (Cambridge
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Culture And Its Effects On Our Culture

  • 1. Culture And Its Effects On Our Culture Abstract It's a given that culture powerfully influences thoughts, emotions and behaviors.In fact, culture operates at primary cognitive, perceptual and motivational levels. Culture is an important part of our blueprint for operation within our physical and social worlds. We are an insecure species and culture offers us a reduction of anxiety through its standard rules of thought, emotion and behavior. Culture offers predictability in an often unpredictable world. We see things through a cultural lens that tints, magnifies, shrinks and otherwise shapes our perceptions.Our culture is a mindset that we developed during childhood socialization. The structural integrity, coherency and stability of our personalities are rooted in our culture. ... Show more content on ... Culture is designed to allow people a piece of sanity and balance within their lifestyle. When it comes to culture many people have rules and customs that they have been around all their lives. Which means that the effects of human behavior may vary from person to person. Due to the fact that there are different cultures and diversity in communities, we are able to learn different languages, interact with other people and learn different things about people who are different. Verbal communications is one of the most important skills that are needed when it comes to verbally expressing themselves. When we talking about culture, verbal communication is very important because it allows people to socialize with one another. Sometimes culture can have barriers when it comes to communicating with other people. For example, some people culture consist of them hugging or kissing one another when they greet someone. In another culture they might find that offensive. It can mean one thing to us and in another culture it might mean something totally different. Cultures could take things as an insult therefore causing issues between the two. But not only are greetings different, any type of verbal interaction could be as well. For instance, one culture may find it abnormal to approach a person at a party spontaneously whereas another culture may find it in their morals to approach whoever they meet eyes with and ask them to join the festivities. You can see where this would ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Latino Culture, Culture And Culture In The Latino Community The Latino community is not just a group of people with the same heritage, but a family who works together to give others a better life and success. Being a Latina in such a world where minorities do not have as many opportunities as the privileged majority is very difficult. Especially in these times where minorities aren't able to have a say in their government and are attacked for their heritage. However, standing together as a community against oppression can be just as powerful as a united whole. It is our responsibility to bring a voice to the people of our community and join together. Making friends in the Latino(a) community is the best part. Helping each other with problems within our understanding about the minority issues we all face as a whole and individually is emotionally and physically draining. It is great to know others feel the same way you do and want to make just as much as a difference, in representing ourselves with pride as the latino(a) community. Many of us gathered to form a class in our school designed to educate about the culture, history, and origins of the Mexican–American, Latino(a), hispanic, Mexican, chicano(a), and however other minorities identify themselves as. Many have joined hoping to learn about the civilizations, societies, traditions, cultures, and heritage this course has to offer to enlighten their minds of the Latino(a) community. My heritage has shaped my life completely, had it not been for the hispanic culture, my mind would ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Culture And Its Influence On Culture Every country will have a background in religion and culture that the people are living in has always been followed under the threshold of this generation to another generation. What is a culture? Why everyone should live the same culture and that culture has one? What are people thinking about the culture in which they are under? However, culture is what can connect with people and over time it became a habit in person 's life. Culture is the concept of the inner bearing wide jaw with a lot of different interpretations, related to all aspects of the material and spiritual life of the people. In daily life, culture is often understood as a literary, poetry, art, cinema, theatre, etc. In anthropology and sociology, the concept of culture is mentioned in a broad sense. Culture consists of everything which is a part of human life. It is not only what relates to the spirit that including material. The culture is to include all the products of the human, and thus, culture to include two aspects: non–material aspects of society such as language, thought, values and the physical aspects such as housing, clothing, vehicles, and etc. For example about symbols and language the people are speaking and symbols of worship. In the book "Introduction to Sociology", "Symbols such as gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words help people who understand that the world," (pg. 65). Not only that, symbols are "... highly functional, stop signs, for instance, provide useful instruction, also ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Appropriation Of Culture And Culture Appropriation of culture A culture is where a group of people develop common ideas, common ways of doing things and common interpretation of certain things. Culture has great influence on foreign countries. People often from other countries get attracted to cultural aspects of other countries. Culture has great influence on media, politics and people's everyday life. I experienced a pop culture moment where a group of white women was wearing a sari, a cloth that is draped around the woman 's body; it is mostly seen in South Asia. I saw how culture could be imported instead of being exported. However, those women didn 't wear the sari correctly, which raised a question in my mind. Do people wear, ethnic cloth because they respect it, or do they mock the culture by not wearing the clothes correctly? This question is about appreciation and appropriation of culture. This topic is very important to me because I was being bullied in middle school because of my cultural clothes and food. Adopting another culture is natural because of interaction between a group of people and it 's also because everyone is so diverse now. However when does appropriation or offending other culture comes up? Appropriation can be viewed positively and negatively. Culture appropriation can be viewed positively if it 's being portrayed correctly and it also can be viewed negatively if it 's being portrayed wrong. We often see cultural appropriation is being discussed in the media such as the sound, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Culture : Culture And Anarchy Culture is one hard concept to define because it encompasses a number of fields, such as anthropology, sociology, history, literature, philosophy, psychology and linguistics, that's why it is difficult to find out one valid definition that covers all the aspects of culture. As exemplified in Arnolds' Culture and Anarchy (1867), cited in Spencer–Oatey, (2012) the term culture refers to products that have artistic or literary value, which are particularly approved of by elites and the upper–middle class. This usage of the term culture was criticized for excluding a large portion of people from the society, by considering only a small portion having culture. As a reaction to the first usage, Tylor, (1870), believes that all members of the society should have culture. He considers culture as a complex entity that contain knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired when living within a society. Cognitive theories of culture. From the cognitivist point of view, culture is seen as the knowledge people have to acquire to function in a specific society. Goodenough, one of the main pioneers of this principle gives this definition of culture from a cognitive perspective. A society's culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members... Culture being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must consist of the end product of learning: ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Culture And Its Influence On Culture Raymond Williams (Hutchison, 2011) said "culture is one of the two or three most complicated words in the English language" (p. 247). When I thought of culture, I used to picture food, festivities, clothes and country. Just like the nurse, I thought that if learned about one culture, I understood everybody in that culture. But as I started expanding my knowledge the meaning of culture started becoming harder to define. Different subjects seemed to have different definitions of what culture is. The idea expanded until it was not just a check list but "a set of common understandings, manifest in act and artifact. It is in two places at once: inside somebody's head as understandings and in the external environment as act and artifact" (Hutchison, 2011, p. 246). The definition above explains why social workers need to learn cultural humility. It clarifies that because culture is both behavior and act, it is interpreted differently by different people. In other words, two people can be from the same exact place and still have different cultures. In the "Cultural Humility: People, Principles, and Practices" (2012) documentary, an example of an African American nurse who thought of herself as culturally competent was given. The nurse was taking care of a Latino patient who recently had surgery. The patient's doctor commented to the nurse that the patient seems to be in considerable pain but the nurse discounted his comment. She told the doctor, in her Cross Cultural Medicine ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Cross Culture : Cross-Culture And International Culture The term cross–culture means a company's efforts in understanding of different groups in terms of caste, culture, ethnicity, etc. Among its employees, customers, or clients to develop effective communication or marketing efforts to sustain successfully in the globalized market. In today's globalized business environment cultural differences often make any organization unable to operate properly. Cross cultural leadership is becoming increasingly important for success of international trade or business. Carlos Ghosn presently is chairman and chief executive officer of the Renault–Nissan Alliance. He started his career in a manufacturing company named Michelin, which was a Europe's renowned tire maker company. During this job, he was rapidly promoted and was transferred to many places like in Le Puy, France, South America, North America. While working in this company and while attaining rapid promotions he started acquiring great cultural leadership skills as well as his skill in transforming a troubled business into successful business started catching the eyes of many organizations. Carlos Ghosn has a family background in entrepreneurship and leadership by the means of his grandfather Bichara Ghosn, who was involved in heading several trade operations. Mr. Ghosn also boasts a diverse multi–cultural ancestry himself, and as a result be very sensitive to managing and dealing with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Ghosn, despite being a non–Japanese COO was able to ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Culture And African Culture: The Three Levels Of Culture Culture is the characteristics of a group of people defined by language, cuisine, religion social habits music and art. There are many different types of culture including western culture, eastern culture, African culture and many more. Culture is influenced by the groups of people that make up the country (Zimmermann, 2012). The term culture was first used by an English Anthropologist named Edward B. Tyler. It was first mentioned in 1871 in his book named 'Primitive Culture'. He stated that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society". Since then culture is the main focus of anthropology. There are three levels of culture. The first level is cultural traditions. These are the traditions that make up a society and differentiate it from other societies. The cultural traditions include language ... Show more content on ... One can argue that having "unbranded space" would be ideal but nearly impossible. As stated at the start of this paper, adults consume 52,500 advertisements per year. That's 52,500 brands! When people are at work, home or on the street they see brands through billboards, newspapers, magazines, posters and clothing. It is nearly impossible to live a life without brands. Once a brand is positioned in a consumers mind it will be hard for them to forget it. Consumers would also reject a brand free life because brands now have value and meaning. Consumers are brand loyal and will not entertain the idea of cutting out the brands that they rely on. Brands are now becoming more innovative when gaining consumers trust. They have techniques such as giving money to charity when an individual makes a purchase. The individual feels like they are doing a good deed by purchasing the product. This can be seen as manipulation but it is very ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Cultures And Values Of Culture, Culture And Culture Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic background shared in a region by a population of people. Development and discipline can be influenced by culture. Culture contains values, norms, prejudice, social influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high importance. An example would be religion, in" many cultures religion is of high value"(Kerfoot). Norms set an expectation to what is socially acceptable. Prejudice is formed in culture. This bias can be "generalized ideas formed off popular belief" and tolerance (Wilson 2008). Social influence comes from media outlets and world leaders. Culture guides human activity. Being culturally aware of Russian culture, history and region ... Show more content on ... This is under atmospheric diffusion through Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho calculation. Russia has measured to have 25% error of complex diffusion while the United States has 15% error. The European plain takes up a large portion of Russian territory this is the most populated and active area in the country. There are many important places located in the European plain. The Federation Tower located in Moscow, Russia is an international business center. Sheremetyevo International is the most active airport in Russia and Novorossiysk is the major ship port. The airport and port are fine representations of urban terrain Russia dominates. A final example would the 275–foot length Subway located in Moscow. Upgrades in this country spread beyond the national limits; changes globally have been in effect. Within the last ten years, Russia has attracted foreign direct investment at 3.3%. In the past 20 years, Russia has fallen behind dropping to "93rd globally in quality of overall" infrastructure (Eitelhuber, 2009). Russia's Railway infrastructure is ranked 31st, this placement is relatively high. Over 300 projects have surfaced in the past five years. Estimated funding at 969.4 B dollars. The benefits from operating at a lower global rate include lowered production cost and increased net output for national economy. A stable economic home front improves a nation and even ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Organizational Culture And Its Cultural Culture To greet each other in Tibet, you stick out your tongue and put your hands together in front of your chest. In Japan, it is only polite if you bow to each other when greeting. There are hundreds of different ethnic groups in the world and they all have their own customs and traditions that stemmed out from their underlying culture. Similar to these ethnic groups, each organization also have their own unique culture that guides how people behave and what people believe in within the organization. In formal terms, organizational culture is "the set of values, norms, guiding beliefs, and understandings that is shared by members of an organization and is taught to new members." [p.332; Organization theory & Design; Daft, Armstrong] Put it in simple terms, it is basically how the employees in a company are expected to behave and go about their daily business. Organizational culture can be observed in visible artifacts and employee behaviors such as symbols, slogan, the way people talk, the way people dress, and even the atmosphere at the workplace. These visible artifacts and observable behaviors reflects the deeper values and beliefs of each member of the organization which in turn represents the true culture. I have the privilege to be working for TD Canada Trust for the past two years and this is an organization that oozes the word "culture". First thing you learn at training (rite of passage) is the logo (green armchair) and the slogan (Banking can be this comfortable) of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Culture And Japanese Culture Culture. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. The dictionary definition seems a little harsh, so let's fix that. Culture. Something that we are all born into, one that we can't escape, but it doesn't define who we are as a person most of the time. You can't just look at somebody, somebody who might be Japanese for example, and just blatantly expect that person to become the next doctor or lawyer. Just because a culture is well known or stereotypically seen to be something, doesn't mean the individual bearing that culture has to live up to those standards. That Japanese person could want to be the next New York Best Selling author or just a mere teacher because that's what interests them. Nobody's future is set in stone the second they come into the world, nor does it come easy as their lives go on. Sure, culture has some helping guidelines to what they should do in their lives, maybe it be the habits or nature of Japanese parents always pushing you to do your best, or it's just the different cultures of a family. Sometimes there are people born into two or more cultures, and they have to come to the conclusion that they can be any amount of any culture they want. Just because you're born in America but come from a long line of Mexicans doesn't mean you can't be both. Ok yes, sometimes it's hard to fit in with both cultures because both cultures see you as the other, but it's not their choice to define who you are and what you believe in. It's your job to come to that conclusion on your own and you must make that decision that you are proud of. Sometimes people can be cruel, judging you based on looks rather than personality or morals, but it's just the way of life. How you choose to handle that as time goes on is the only thing that matters. No matter what the case, culture still plays a minor role in the scripting of your life but remember, you're the author with the pen. You are in charge of writing your life story. Nobody else. In the novel exert, "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, there's a clear boundary between the perspectives both mother and daughter have on what the daughter should be. The mother, an immigrant from China, believes her daughter should be ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The Culture And Concept Of Culture One of the most influential and central concepts of anthropology is the nature and concept of culture. The concept and idea of culture dominated 20th century thought, and can be used as an explanation as well as an object of fascination for many anthropologists today. While there are various theories and approaches to culture and the interpretation of it, I would solely like to examine the Cultural Relativist approach, and the Boasian thinkers associated with this particular approach. I would also like to examine how the current time period in which the cultural relativist approach emerged truly conflicts with the dominant politics. In specifics, I would like to examine Franz Boas himself, but most notably Ruth Benedict, and the paradoxes that have occurred within the period after her publications. Franz Boas (1858–1942) was a famous anthropologist credited with the founding of the cultural relativist approach, which is a major theory within the discipline of anthropology. What is important for many involved in the study of anthropology is that Franz Boas cultivated a foundation that many other thinkers and theorist built their own ideas upon, especially associated thinkers like Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict (which will be mentioned in greater detail later). What Franz Boas is also credited with, is his efforts of using his academic and scientific background in the effort to combat racism (Liro, 2003). During his lifetime, Boas often cited the difference between the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Culture Of The Mexican Culture The world around us is surrounded by many diverse cultural groups. Each culture is unique and systematically made different, and cultures have their own beliefs and ways of life. Many cultures have their own language, values, set their own rules, and mores. Each culture has a group of people with the same beliefs, and they join organizations and institutions. Each culture is distinguishable from one another because each has different customs and beliefs. Although I was born in Mexico and brought to the United States at 6 months, I grew up in a Mexican culture. The Korowai and Mursi are cultures that have their own set of beliefs and values. In some instances family members have different cultures because they either move away or become separated. My culture is the Mexican culture. My family and I follow the traditions and even superstitions that have been passed on from generation to generation. I believe in my Mexican culture because it is all I know and have been taught ever since I was born. I was raised in this culture and plan on raising my family with the same beliefs and values. The language we speak at home is Spanish especially to the elderly. Our religion is catholic and most of our culture is centered on religion and church. We spend our Sundays at church, and we spend the afternoon as a family. The values I grew up are quite simple. We have high respect for our parents and elders. Usually the family is a large family with four or more children and ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. The Culture Of National Culture What is Culture? Essentially, culture is the set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a group of people (Wild and Wild 2016, p.70). Oftentimes, culture is thought of in terms of National Culture. National Culture is sustained and encouraged by nation states through the construction of monuments, museums and other buildings, which protect the heritages of significant events and people (Wild and Wild 2016, p.70). They also play a role in ensuring business decisions preserve cultural treasures, such as in the case of heritage listed sites or buildings (Wild and Wild 2016, p.70). National Culture consists of six dimensions, which represent independent preferences that distinguish countries from each other ("Dimensions – Geert ... Show more content on ... Culture is made up of a number of building blocks, which provide a much fuller understanding than what is distinctly national (Wild and Wild 2016, p.73). These components are: aesthetics, values and attitudes, manners and customs, social structure, religion, personal communication, education and, physical and material environments (Wild and Wild 2016, p.73). Values are ideas and beliefs to which people have an emotional attachment; they affect work ethic and materialism (Wild and Wild 2016, p.74). Attitudes are influenced by underlying values and are positive or negative reactions towards ideas or objects (Wild and Wild 2016, p.74). Attitudes are more flexible than values and often change over time as people mature and have different experiences. Aesthetics are what a culture considers good taste in the arts. It includes the use of colour, symbols and materials (Wild and Wild 2016, p.74). Manners involve what are considered appropriate ways of dressing, speaking, and behaving in a certain culture (Wild and Wild 2016, p.75). It is of particular importance when conducting international business. Customs are specific patterns of behaviour in particular circumstances, which have been passed down through the generations of a culture (Wild and Wild 2016, p.75). Customs may either be from folk culture or from popular culture (Wild and Wild 2016, p.75). Social Structure represents the primary organisational system of a culture, encompassing social groups, social status, and ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Culture Of North Korean Culture North Korean Culture The United States of America is truly a melting pot. People of different cultures and ethnic groups flee to America to experience a piece of the 'American Pie'. The culture of foreigners is different from the cultures of American's. This has caused a lot of preventable tragic events over the years. Due to a lack of communication, individuals of different cultural groups and ethnicity can easily be evaluated as dangerous, rude, and even extremist because of the cultural barriers. With the world moving at such a fast pace, people don't tend to consider the culture beliefs and behaviors of their new neighbors. Ultimately leaving people of different beliefs in fear that Americans opinions and perception of their culture will put them in harm, leaving them prisoner in a free country. I broke the cultural barrier and interview a citizen of North Korea. In the following I will speak of North Korean values, religion, and the role of women. In applying the communication concepts, I found that they are prisoners in their own land and come to American just to be rude by their ethnicity. Beginning the interview, I choose to define myself to Daniella, a born citizen of Pyongyang. I explained my cultural background and valves that are important. "I belong to the African American culture. I also have deep roots in the Jamaican culture which is a mixture of Spanish and British traditions. The languages that are mainly spoken is English and Spanish. We value ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Culture Of The Mexican Culture How many different types of cultures are there? Here's the answer there are many cultures. My story starts like this; both of my parents are from Guadalajara well most of my family is from that part of México. Being part of the Mexican culture is very different from other cultures, but every culture is unique of its own way. Many Mexican people have preserved and still do many of their ancestors' traditions. Tradition plays a big role in my family for example: the food we eat, the music we listen to, what we dance to and what we celebrate to. I wanted a sweet sixteen but of course being Mexican my parents said no. Being in the Mexican culture tradition is that when you turn 15 you're supposed to have a Quinceanera it symbolizes that you are no longer a kid but you are now a young women. Many people think a Quinceanera is just a party but the real tradition is to have a church mass. Since I am catholic that consists of me going to church and thanking God. Social behaviors impact your life in many ways. You have roles and rules in your cultures. When you're with your friends you act a different way. When it has to do with family or church groups you have a role and rules and your behavior is different. Women and Males have different rules and roles. Mother is supposed to stay home and Father is supposed to work to help his family. Women are not supposed to do yard work their job is inside. That has changed with the year's most ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Culture And Its Influence On Culture Introduction It is hard to have a single definition of the term culture. Different people have their understanding of culture. According to my understanding, culture can be defined as people 's way of life. This includes their values, customs, beliefs, languages as well as traditions. In general, the concept of culture is well reflected in the history of people, their heritage and how they express their ideas as well as their creativity. The culture of a particular group of people can be used to assess the quality of their life, their vitality and the health of that society. Through culture, people can develop their sense of belonging, their personal and cognitive growth and their ability to empathize and relate to one another (Smith, P. 2001, 25). According to one of the postings, culture is a system of skills that is shared by a large group of people. It refers to the cumulative deposit of beliefs, knowledge, values, experience, attitudes, religion, meanings, material objects among other things (Myers, F. 2002, 217). From another posting, culture has been defined to be the collective patterns of behaviors and interactions, the cognitive constructs, as well as the affective understanding, which are learned through the socialization process. These patterns are used to identify and distinguish members of different cultural groups from others. Despite the definitions, culture plays an important part in our daily lives. There are many benefits of vibrant and strong culture. ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Culture And Its Impact On Culture When it comes to culture there are many factors that come into place like where you were born, how you were raised and the list goes on. Through out the course of your life you are experienced to other peoples cultures and it opens your eyes to a lot of things you might not have understood before. Some of the most important parts of culture is the fact that it is a way of life and it classifies where people come from. Culture is what we have to show for our greatest successes. It is also interesting that culture isn 't something we have but something we learn along the course of our lives and are completely unaware of the process we go through. Anthropologists have studied small societies outside of the united states to get a better understanding of culture by collecting stories that show how certain cultures existed. Its an insightful look into how cultures are formed and can even be used as a window to look into how cultures are formed in modern times. The most surprising thing is that people argue that religions are cultures with in themselves. Even though religion has big impact on someones life, it isn 't the only thing that people are exposed to through out the course of someones life. Just because you have a specific faith doesn 't mean your not going to be exposed or influenced by people of other beliefs. Faith can be a big part of your culture but it doesn 't necessarily mean it makes up all of it. There are a lot of religions that differ from each other, some ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Culture And Drinking Culture Going to bars, clubs, and drinking alcohol are parts of various cultures and societies, especially in America. It is a common theme to go drinking on the weekends, such as on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. It may seem like going out to drinking, may be a waste of time and/or money to buy expensive alcohol, party in dirty clubs and to listen to bad music. However, it is an important part of the social lives for adults. Going out to clubs and bars and drinking is a way to get together with groups of friends in your life through communication, making memories, for stress relief, and sharing values and norms though a common guide. These common values and social norms allow us to help through what is consider appropriate behaviors in the subculture we are participating in. A subculture is known as a group within a large culture, that has values, beliefs, and interests that vary apart from the larger culture. This subculture can be known as the "alcohol drinking culture." Occasionally, my boyfriend, six close friends (including, one designated sober driver) and I go downtown to go to bars, and clubs to drink, party, and dance to badly mixed music. We went downtown for my boyfriend's birthday on November 24th, all set to drink, to have fun, tell stories, and to party the night away. It had been some time, since our last get together and wanted to make memories and drink the night away. We arrived at Humpin' Hannah's in Boise, got a table, started drinking and playing pool. ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Culture Is The Meaning Of Culture Culture is defined as "the behaviors and beliefs characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group" (, n.d.). Why has society seen this clearly defined word brought up in many media disputes as of late? People are crossing the line. For years, people have been in heated debates about cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. Arguments have arisen in art, clothing, and literature and whether their meanings are being exploited or celebrated. Society must find common ground before culture loses its essence. To choose an accurate position in the argument, one must return to the basics of culture. Culture is mixed, it connotes the mixing from other sources. Instead of shaming those inadvertently skewing customs, a collective consensus must be met to rid society of stereotypes and initiate a blend of cultures. Speaking up for one's culture will prevent a world constantly at battle and speaking up will promote one abounding in appreciation for unconventional style. After all, diversity is far more commended than conformity. If everyone was the same, traveling would be a lot less adventurous and exotic. Every country is proud of its culture because it has shaped the population. The world needs a mutual understanding of each nation's customs to keep culture divine. The act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that one understands or respects this culture is cultural appropriation (Cambridge ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Culture : Culture And Identity When we think about culture, we think about where we come from and our families and our ancestors and so forth. So when we say what is culture, the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits. It varies from person to person. Culture can however be broken into two small parts which consist of material culture and nonmaterial culture. The non material aspect of it consists things such as attitudes, beliefs, ideas, norms, and values that influence behavior and way of communicating and material culture is basically what the word itself means items that are materialistic abided by our ancestors like paintings (art), artifacts, hand gestures and jewelry. Similarly our identity is what makes us, who we are, how we present ourselves, our social class and gives us our so called "location" in this world of social indifferences. When you merge culture and identity, it comes down to being where culture is our identity or feeling that runs through our veins where we as humans feel the social belonging or loyalty to a group and usually tends to relate to a human's self conception and self perception. Growing up in a mixed background culture as a whole meant a lot to me. Growing up in a set of Indian family and a set of Egyptian family might to some people be a cool mix but it's much complicated as it seemed. The Indian culture was something I felt more connected to because perhaps I grew up ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Culture In Mexican Culture Culture has been defined in many ways. Hofstede for an example stated that culture is defined at a national level and has a set of values and beliefs within the culture. He also states that people of the Mexican community belong to the collectivistic group, they also rank high in the power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity groups as well. The collectivistic group refers to a group of people that means that they are committed to their relationships, regarding their family, extended family, and friends. This is also applied on a daily basis and in business related conversations as well. Mexican people like to get to know a person before doing business with you. They love the socialization and conversation that comes with it. Mexicans also get along with others quite easily, they are interested in meeting new people. In our country, the roles between a man and a woman are still very different. When it comes to the working environment, the majority of the high ranking position is still held mostly by men. As well as in the household, where women are supposed to have a better chance and taking care of the children, men are still head of the house. Even though there are women in the world that are highly educated and hold a high position in the work force, the journey getting it is not easy. Statistically, it was shown to be easier for women to hold a position in fields such as education, services, and politics than in other fields. This is probably because of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Culture And Culture : Culture Is Defined As The Tool Of... Culture can be defined in many ways due to the fact that everyone can have their own distinct and traditional beliefs and values. " Culture is fluid, it is not a static entity which one takes out of the box on occasion. It is with us daily" (Cultural Handout). Someone's culture is set as the characteristics of the group practices in language, religion, types of food, social traits and habits, and the distinct arts and music. There are a variety of different cultures for example, Western Culture, Eastern Culture, Latin Culture, Middle Eastern Culture, and African Culture. All of these different cultures have their own ideas, values, and individualism, laws that are implied, civil rights, and even technology. In our, " Culture Handout" culture is defined as the tool of the mind, " it is an individual's way seeing and interacting within the world. It encompasses one's values systems, beliefs, and perceptions of the world around them. Race, socio–economic class gender, sexual orientation, ability, geographic location, age, religion language, etc. all impact the formation of culture, but these various context are not culture" (Cultural Handout). The way that I see my cultural starts from the cultural traits that I have been passed down my parents. Coming from a background of a Latin Mexican culture, my parents and family have had a great influence on how I culturally identify myself giving me the opportunity to acquire my own cultural identity. I see myself classified as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. A Comparison Of American Culture With The Culture A Comparison of American Culture with the Culture of the Kung People in Kalahari Desert in South Africa Culture is defined as the way of life that a particular group of people practice because such practices determine vast aspects of their lives. Culture is fostered by social and environmental aspects. Thus, different people in the world respond to their surrounding environment in vast ways and such responses inflict the cultural aspects. The most amazing fact about culture is that everyone in the entire world practices certain cultures or adheres to a particular social activity. This happens irrespective of the advancement or exposure one has because culture is simply determined by what such an individual value as part of their day–to–day life. American Culture The world is full of different cultures that deal with spiritual and social aspects in vast ways. This means that different people handle different spirituality, cosmology and culture in different ways, which eventually determine the way they respond to community gatherings, religion and medicine. The American culture is not known to many because people perceive that the culture is completely eroded by the diverse ethnicities that dwell in the nation. Nevertheless, this could be true because everyone in America came from somewhere and each ethnic group brought in their cultures. These cultures have been mixed up and the citizens of America have embraced specific cultures. Thee cultures differ with those that are ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Culture And Culture: The Three Levels Of Culture Culture is the characteristics of a group of people defined by language, cuisine, religion social habits music and art. There are many different types of culture including western culture, eastern culture, African culture and many more. Culture is influenced by the groups of people that make up the country (Zimmermann, 2012). The term culture was first used by an English Anthropologist named Edward B. Tyler. It was first mentioned in 1871 in his book named 'Primitive Culture'. He stated that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society". Since then culture is the main focus of anthropology. There are three levels of culture. The first level is cultural traditions. These are the ... Show more content on ... A consumerist society is a group of people who put a lot of time, energy and thought into consuming material goods. The media plays an essential role in this. In America, people are constantly consuming advertisements persuading them to consume materialistic goods. Children aged 2–11 consumes 25,000 advertisements on television annually while an adult consumes 52,500 advertisements annually. These advertisements promote a vision of a 'good lifestyle' that people should have in order to be happy. These advertisements include materialistic goods such as big houses, large televisions, latest cars and much more. A new medium sized American house in 1983 was approximately 1,500 square feet and 25% of houses were less than 1,200 square feet. In 2002 a new medium sized house was over 2,200 square feet and less than 3% of houses were less than 1,200 square feet. This shows that persuasive advertisements to buy a bigger house are working. Consumers want the great lifestyle that is advertised on the television and they will pay more to get ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Culture Of The Japanese Culture The Japanese Culture Cultural awareness is fundamental in implementing sound communication; you must possess the ability to step back and realize the differences in beliefs, values, and social norms amongst cultures. Different cultures have different thought processes that cause them to react in different ways dependent upon situation. Knowing the culture before you attempt to interact with a person or persons of a foreign background will mitigate any untactful reprisals and help you better communicate your position. Raising Cultural awareness through geography, economy, social norms, and government to enhance our understanding of different cultures will help us start off on a positive note and could divert us from misunderstandings. My country of interest is Japan because this country's background once consisted of warlords, ninjas, samurai, and emperors and has always caught my interest; furthermore, they are one of the most advanced countries in the terms of technology and efficiency Japan does not consist of one single mass of land, but rather, it is made up of thousands of smaller islands. The four main islands are Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Honshu and are the largest islands in Japan. Considering that Japan is mainly made up of islands you would think that transportation through all of Japan requires a ship or boat of some kind; but if you knew the culture of Japan today, you would find that Japan is the leading country in technology and has one of the most advanced ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Culture Of The Word Culture There are many laity use of the word culture that gets thrown around in day–to–day conversation amongst our peers. Culture is used to define certain aspects of our lives and how we live on a daily basis. There are some that believe that they do not possess a culture. There are others who feel that we all live our own individual unique culture in our lives. However, being that culture is such a broad subject, the only way to define it is to operationalize its context and attempt to try and understand it based on a universal definition. Sergiovanni and Corbally's (1986) definition of culture includes a system of values, symbols, and shared meanings in a group that includes embodying these values, symbols, and shared meanings in ritualize practice. Using this particular definition of culture, the small island of Okinawa is enriched with it. Their way of day–to–day lifestyle, geographical terrain, as well as their military history can all be analyzed through their culture as well as provide information in terms of our current military jargon for the benefit of the United States Army. Culturally, Okinawans separate themselves from the association of the Japanese culture, even though they are still considered a territory of Japan. The differences in their landscape, their way of life, language, and even their societal infrastructure are the basis of their adamant separation from Japan. Its geographical complexities are also what make Okinawa unique from its neighboring ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Culture, Culture And Non Material Culture Culture Culture refers to any kind of morals, habits, norms, practices, beliefs, laws or customs acquired by man in a particular society. Culture is the set of knowledge, skills, traditions, customs, unique to a human group, to a civilization. It is transmitted socially from generation to generation and not by genetic inheritance, and largely determines individual behavior. (Arendt) Culture encompasses a very broad aspect of social life: techniques, manners, morals, lifestyle, system of values, beliefs, religious rituals, organization of the family and village communities, clothing, etc. Culture can simply be known as the way of life of certain people or area. Culture is a representation of a society with their thinking, norms, values and symbols. Culture is divided into two aspects; material culture and non–material culture. Material culture mentions and depicts the tangible objects, material or physical aspects or objects of a culture which can include types of houses, cities, areas, praying places, architecture, factories, offices, and means of productions, tools used for workings or neighborhoods. (Material and Non‐ Material Culture) For example people from Pakistan wear Shalwar Kameez, they use bullocks to plough their fields, eat spicy food, and pray in diverse type of mosques. The entire geography surrounding a city like buildings, homes and architecture are included in material culture. Even dance and other physical rituals like dance and worshipping are also part of ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Cultural Relativism : Culture And Culture Nowadays, we live in a fast changing world society, in which it is making people of different cultures interact closely to each other. This contact may be a good one or a bad one. It all depends on how open mind we are and how respectful we are with the different cultures. As curious persons, almost everyone wants to know about others cultures, which are its tradition, religion, costume, and how that culture works. However, people make judgment about the things they may think are wrong, disgusting, or even inhuman from other cultures. Because they think that their culture is better than the other ones. Cultural relativism explains to us why it does not exist a major culture we should follow or think it is the best one. The theory of cultural relativism explains that there is not a universal right or wrong because morality differs culture by culture. Politics, religions, traditions, laws, foods, and cloths–are just some things in which every culture has in differences. Cultural relativism says, that not matters how much someone agrees or disagrees in any of those, there is not a superior culture. Whatever the majority of that society says is right, it is, and whatever the majority of that society say is wrong, it is. For example, if I were born in China or India, it would be normal and even right for me to see female infanticide. In spite of the fact that morality differs and depends on each culture, I would not be allowed to make a judgment against this practice because I am ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Culture, Culture And Cultural Diversity In The American... I come from a small community, where there is not much diversity. Most people in my community share the same cultural beliefs. I have not traveled anywhere outside of the United States to even experience any other cultural customs. My only source of knowing about diverse cultures is through the news media. There is really no place to even meet someone with a diverse culture in my community. In my small community the majority of the residents are the same, except for the Amish that live throughout the community. I work at a hospital and often care for these individuals. I have learned some of their cultural beliefs and have found them to be very different than the mainstream Northeast Ohio cultures. Some of the differences between the mainstream Northeast Ohio cultures and the Amish include their language, food, values, and beliefs. The Amish are originally from Germany and their main language that is spoken is Pennsylvania Dutch, a mixture of English and German. The Amish is raised to know both English and German. The Amish need to know German due to the fact that their church services are preached in German. When the Amish starts school, they are taught English ("The Power of, 2011, para. 3). In Northeast Ohio, our official language is strictly English. English is taught in the schools and is spoken in the majority of homes. Parents can choose to teach their children a different language, but it is not expected of them. The Amish wardrobe is different from the wardrobe of Northeast Ohio. The Amish have a strict belief when it comes to what they wear. The women and girls are expected to wear dresses "made from solid–colored fabrics" ("The Power of", 2011, para. 5). An apron is worn over the dress and fastened with pins. No skin is allowed to be shown. Men and boys wear dark solid shirts. They are not allowed to wear buttons. The Amish symbolize buttons with war, because of military uniforms having buttons on them ("The Power of", 2011, para. 5). In Northeast Ohio, we use clothing to make a statement. There are no rules to follow when it comes to your wardrobe. Sometimes I wish we did have rules, when it comes to the wardrobe in the schools. Some Catholic schools follow a dress code, but ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Culture Of The Mexican Culture The Culture A cultural analysis is a combination of many elements. Cultures have traditions, customs, habits, beliefs, practices, and values. Each culture can have different traditions in their own essence. These traditions can come from their ancestors ' and passed down the generations. However, some people don't like to continue their ancestors traditions and adapt others customs from another culture. The culture change depending on the time and place. The enrichment of cultures consists of adaptation and acceptance of another culture 's beliefs. Not all of the people can tolerate other cultures, traditions, languages or stereotypes. Cultures attack or support other cultural values The Mexican culture is hard–working and are strict in their values and traditions. The power and oppression of the cultures are current; social and economic conditions in the people in cultures. The Mexican culture has social and economic conditions oppressed by the power of its Government. In the play "Los Vendidos" Luis Valdez, talks about the multiple accent and background of Mexican people. The language accent in Mexican people has a particular significance. The accent comes with stress. The Mexican Citizens put effort to learn English as a second language. However, it's understandable that the accent of an American won't be the same. As another person who comes from outside of the United States, An Example; in the play "Los Vendidos" Valdez talks about the multiple stereotypes of Mexican ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Culture Of Egyptian Culture Egyptian Culture Egyptian Culture Egypt has is one of the most historical rich countries in the world. This nation of ancient nation of pharaohs has caught the attention of many travelers coming to the region to experience everything Egypt has to offer. During this paper we will go over and define what culture is and what all makes up the country's culture. I will also go into what culture means to me and have I view it. I will go into the five major characteristics of culture which includes religions/beliefs, climate, agriculture, politics, and education. I will also describe the culture characteristics of the region surrounding Egypt. Then I will conclude with an overview of Egypt and go into depth about the country's military conflict history, significant past military conflicts, and how they shaped the culture of today. Now let's begin with the meaning of culture. The Simple definition of culture is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. You can find multiple definitions for cultures and I believe that's because I think everyone views culture in a slightly different way. To me culture is something that is always living and changing. The way I look at it is that if you look back at your grandfather's generation you can see how different things were back then and that's because the culture was different. Now look back at your father's generation and you can also tell that his era ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Relationship Between Culture And Culture Tóhaŋni waŋžíla iyápi iyóhi šni! In Lakota translation means "one language is never enough." Language can be viewed as a verbal expression of culture. It is used to support and carry culture and cultural ties. Language provides us with many of the categories we use for expression of our thoughts, so it is natural to assume that our thinking is influenced by the language. The principles and levies in the country we grow up in shape the way we think to a certain extent. Culture is indistinguishable allied to language. Without language, culture cannot be completely assimilated nor cannot be efficiently expressed and transmitted. Both language and culture are unified that it is difficult to define the limitations of language and culture, and whether language influences culture or vice–versa. Exploring the relationship between language and culture, we can generally agree that language and culture are meticulously related. "To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture." (Frantz Fanon) Efforts to keep resources on cultural heritage have gained new momentum throughout the world today. Different themes of culture: shared, learned, symbolic, nature reciprocity, an integrated system, plays an adaptive role in human survival, and dynamic and changeable. Culture is shared by its links us to groups both in the present and in the past. In culture, there are many sides, which and all of them influence what is personally known and the way one makes decisions. And these sides or ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Notes On Culture And Culture Chapter 2: Bee Larvae and Onion Soup: Culture [34] What is Culture? [35] Culture is what is unique to human beings because of our capacity to conceptualize the world and to communicate those conceptions symbolically. [34] Eight definitions: 1. Edward Tylor (1871): Culture as accumulated human accomplishment Culture or civilization is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. At the same time, a prominent Victorian attitude was that culture or civilization was something that one could possess to differing degrees a wine taster is more cultured than a Bud aficionado. 2. Franz Boas (1930): Kulturbrille cultural glasses Culture embraces all the manifestations of social behavior of a community, the reactions of the individual as affected by the habits of the group in which he lives, and the product of human activities as determined by these habits. The Bee Larva/Onion Soup incidents [38–9]: Mixtecs think of bee larvae as a delicacy and Onions as, at best, a condiment, and one that makes you stupid if you eat it to excess. Monaghan experienced disgust eating larvae, the Mixtec in eating onion soup. This demonstrates the Kulturbrille phenomenon, that is, that experience is not simply given to us not even experiences like nausea that we normally take to be completely natural. Instead these are controlled by culturally determined categories. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Culture, Culture And Culture Essay Culture Many times we hear concepts like 'Oriental culture', 'Italian culture' or 'Gothic Culture'. So we can understand and verify that it is an important concept related to the idea of the society where we live in. Culture, in Sociology, is a concept developed during XVIII and XIX centuries that has had various definitions. One exhaustive definition is in Browne (2015, p. 31): "Culture refers to the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, dress, diet, roles, knowledge and skills, and all the other things that people learn that make up the 'way of life' of any society" So when we use the expression 'Italian culture' we know that we are talking about the entire set of believes, knowledge and the whole way of life that characterise Italian people. Something connected to their country but that is with them wherever they go. If they are born in Italy or within an Italian group of people they will speak Italian, they will eat traditional Italian food when they are home, they will be probably Catholic etc. While many concepts inside Browne definition are familiar and easy to identify like language and diet, three of them need a proper explanation for a better understanding of them. Values, Norms, Roles What are 'values'? The word 'values' is often used in our daily language. When we listen to someone that is talking about her or his values we understand that that person is talking about something that marks out what characterize her/his own concept of 'what is important, ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Technology, Culture, And Culture One by one as the pieces come together they are placed intentionally, the intent is to primarily rid ourselves of problems of time, energy and space along with whatever we may have deemed a hindrance or ailment. In the implementation of every new technology it embodies many factors such as cultural, political, economic and scientific parallels. In the insert written by Arnold Pacey titled Technology; Practice and Culture, Arnold Pacey conveys the significance of attending to the cultural and organization facets of technology in its design and application, but most importantly that technology is a valued neutral implementation that is embedded with inadvertent cultural values from conception to delivery. First starting with the questions of just how neutral technology can be Arnold Pacey starts with conveying the conceptual value that brought about snowmobiles, a technology originally developed due to a specific culture. Although the snowmobile was intentionally design to assist with traversing across snow it progressively made its way into a vast many societies introducing redefined devices for recreation and a means for a livelihood, reasons which may have never been intended. As snowmobiles became introduced globally progressively the shared technology had become used for alternative reasons which deprived this technology from having one specific value. If this application solely served its intended facet then it would have solely embodied a specific value, time. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Culture In Japanese Culture Culture is a significant theme in this film. One important factor to point out is throughout Stevenson's trip in Japan, he is hit with culture shock and the same can be said for the Japanese executives. Stevenson mocks how the Japanese exchange business cards during the presentation, how they eat with chopsticks and how rigid and structured Japanese culture is. This culture clash not only affected the characters' personal lives, but also impacted the business. "Research has clearly established that culture affects the application of management theories and practices. Work values, in particular, are an important part of cross–cultural understanding in that they are themselves measures of cultural dimensions, and also have strong implications for many areas of management, from employee motivation to organizational communication" (Matić, 2008). Almost immediately after opening up the doors to the plant, there were problems. The Japanese people had a very strict and rigid way of running their businesses and doing their work as compared to the lackadaisical American work ethic. The plant workers are expected to perform calisthenics in the morning, are denied basic privileges like sick leave, paid overtime and a union. The town and these workers are in such a desperate situation that they decide to withstand the abuse and impossible demands set by the Japanese plant owners. It is difficult enough to manage a business with workers and executives that have a common culture and ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Culture And Removal Of Culture Since the time of colonisation and European contact in North America, indigenous peoples have been faced with racism, the exclusion from rights and privileges, and the acts of cultural genocide while be forced to assimilate into western culture. The process of civilization and removal of culture has had impact in many different aspects of life. Krieken (1999) explained civilization to be "...the transformation of human habitus so that violence of all sorts is gradually subjected to greater and more sophisticated forms of management and control..." (pp.297) It was seen as the Europeans were implanting positive regulations since they believed that 'full–blooded natives' were not capable of meeting up to the expectations of their society and culture (Schimmel, 2005) Schimmel also speaks towards the act of ethnocide (meaning the intention to kill a culture in other ways then murdering members) when addressing the forceful removal of identity, religion, language, family, culture and so many more aspects of life (2005). The sixties scoop (a term created by Johnston, 2005) is a prime example of the stripping of culture from the rising generation, involving the forceful removal of children from homes with no permission or need to inform guardians, resulting in 70% of children being adopted into 'white' class society families (Sinclair, 2007). Long lasting effects such as destruction of behaviour, acts of violence, grief and trauma that goes unsolved, and issues mentally and emotionally ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Culture Is The Meaning Of Culture Culture is defined as "the behaviors and beliefs characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group" (, n.d.). Why has society seen this clearly defined word brought up in many media disputes as of late? People are crossing the line. For years, people have been in heated debates about cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. Arguments have arisen in art, clothing, and literature and whether their meanings are being exploited or celebrated. Society must find common ground before culture loses its essence. To choose an accurate position in the argument, one must return to the basics of culture. Culture is mixed, it connotes the mixing from other sources. Instead of shaming those inadvertently skewing customs, a collective consensus must be met to rid society of stereotypes and initiate a blend of cultures. Speaking up for one's culture will prevent a world constantly at battle and speaking up will promote one abounding in appreciation for unconventional style. After all, diversity is far more commended than conformity. If everyone was the same, traveling would be a lot less adventurous and exotic. Every country is proud of its culture because it has shaped the population. The world needs a mutual understanding of each nation's customs to keep culture divine. The act of taking or using things from a culture that is not your own, especially without showing that one understands or respects this culture is cultural appropriation (Cambridge ... Get more on ...