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Class Diagram
 A class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language
(UML) is a type of static structure diagram that
describes the structure of a system by showing the
system's classes, their attributes, operations (or
methods), and the relationships among objects.
UML Representation of Class
Class Name
Attributes of Class
of Class
 Relates to the level of information hiding to be
Types of visibility:
Class Relationships
 A class may be involved in one or more relationships with
other classes.
1.Inheritance (or Generalization)
5. Dependency
Inheritance (or Generalization)
 Represents an "is-a"
 An abstract class name or
 SubClass1 and SubClass2 are
specializations of Super Class.
 A solid line with a hollow
arrowhead that point from the
child to the parent class
Simple Association
 A structural link between
two peer classes.
 There is an association
between Class1 and Class2
 A solid line connecting two
Class2 is part of Class1.
Many instances (denoted by the
*) of Class2 can be associated
with Class1.
Objects of Class1 and Class2
have separate lifetimes.
A solid line with a unfilled
diamond at the association end
connected to the class of
 A special type of aggregation where
parts are destroyed when the whole is
 Objects of Class2 live and die with
 Class2 cannot stand by itself.
 A solid line with a filled diamond at
the association connected to the class
of composite
 Exists between two classes if changes to the definition
of one may cause changes to the other (but not the
other way around).
 Class1 depends on Class2
 A dashed line with an open arrow
Relationship Names
 Names of relationships are written in the middle of the
association line.
 How many objects of each class take part in the
relationships and multiplicity can be expressed as:
 Exactly one - 1
 Zero or one - 0..1
 Many - 0..* or *
 One or more - 1..*
 Exact Number - e.g. 3..4 or 6
 Or a complex relationship - e.g. 0..1, 3..4, 6.* would
mean any number of objects other than 2 or 5
Multiplicity Example
Example of a Class Diagram
Video Rental System
class name
-CID: int
-name: String
+authenticateCustomer ()
-cassetteID : int
-cassetteVolumeNo: int
Aggregation Example- Computer
and parts
Inheritance Example- Cell
Class Diagram
Example of UML Class Diagram
 ATMs system is very simple as customers need
to press some buttons to receive cash.
However, there are multiple security layers
that any ATM system needs to pass. This helps
to prevent fraud and provide cash or need
details to banking customers.
 The primary purpose of this phase is to complete the
most essential parts of the project that are high risk
and plan the construction phase.
Steps to take during this phase:
 1.Complete project plan with construction iterations
planned with requirements for each iteration.
 2. 80% of use cases are completed.
 3. The project domain model is defined.
 4. Rank use cases by priority and risk.
• 5. Begin design and development of the riskiest and
highest priority use cases.
• 6. Plan the iterations for the construction phase.
Requirements to be completed for
this phase include
 Description of the software architecture.
 A prototype that overcomes the greatest project
technical risk and has minimal high priority
 Complete project plan.
 Development plan
Domain model is called as a
"Visual Dictionary"
Domain Models
 It illustrates noteworthy concepts in a domain.
 The model influence operation contracts, glossary
and the design in the domain layer of the design
 Applying the UML class diagram notation for a
domain model yields a conceptual perspective.
 "A domain model is a representation of real-world conceptual
classes, not of software components.“
 Domain modeling is a technique used to understand the project
problem description and to translate the requirements of that
project into software components of a solution.
 The software components are commonly implemented in an
object oriented programming language.
 A domain model contains conceptual classes, associations
between conceptual classes, and attributes of a conceptual class.
 "Informally, a conceptual class is an idea, thing, or object".
Grade Report model is shown as a class
Partial Domain Model for a visual dictionary using UML
Class Diagram
What is a Domain Model
 A domain model is a visual representation of
conceptual classes or real situation objects in a
 Domain models are also called as conceptual
models, domain object models and analysis
object models.
 Applying UML notation, a domain model is illustrated
with a set of class diagrams in which no
operations(method signatures) are defined.
 It provides a conceptual perspective.
 Domain objects or conceptual classes
 Associations between conceptual classes
 Attributes of conceptual classes
Domain model is a visual
 Domain model visualizes and relates words or
concepts in the domain.
 It shows an abstraction of the conceptual classes and
communicate with other classes.
 The information is expressed in plain text (glossary).
 It is easy to understand the terms and especially their
relationships in a visual language.
 Therefore, the domain model is a visual dictionary of
the noteworthy abstractions, domain vocabulary and
information content of the domain.
Domain model is a picture of
software business objects
 It is a visualization of things in a real situation domain
of interest.
 It is not of software objects such as Java or C# classes or
software objects with responsibilities.
Two traditional meanings of
Domain Model
 Domain model is a conceptual perspective of objects
in a real situation of the world.
 It is a domain layer of software objects.
 The layer of software objects below the presentation or
UI layer that is composed of domain objects.
 Software objects that represent things in the problem
domain space with related business logic or domain
logic methods.
 Domain layer is to indicate the second software
oriented meaning of domain model.
Conceptual classes
 The domain model illustrates conceptual classes or
vocabulary in the domain.
 It is an idea, thing or object.
 It is considered in terms of its symbol, intension and
 Symbol- words or images representing a conceptual
 Intension- The definition of a conceptual class.
 Extension- The set to which the conceptual class
Example for event of a purchase
 Symbol-sale
 Intension- The event of a purchase transaction and has
a date and time.
 Extension- The set of all sale instances.
A Domain Model is not a
Software Artifact
Sales Database
A Conceptual class: Software Artifacts:
Domain models are the initial artifacts created in Object-Oriented-
An object has:
 identity,
 state, and
 behaviour.
An object can be
 related to other objects and
 complex (with sub-objects).
A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes,
operations/responsibilities, relationships and semantics.
Identifying objects in the problem domain is used to identify conceptual classes
in the problem domain. Conceptual classes model entities in the problem
domain, not in the software domain.
 Making a domain model
 Identify conceptual classes
 Draw the class diagram
 Add any associations between classes
 Add attributes (properties) to the classes
Larman suggest that domain modeling should be similar to
map making.
 use existing names (do not invent your own)
 exclude irrelevant features (that is the basis of modeling)
 do not add things that are not there.
Domain Modeling Practice
 Use Case Name: create marking scheme
 Actor: Instructor
 Precondition: None
 Flow of events: Basic Path
 The instructor has selected create marking scheme.
 The system prompts the instructor to enter the course name and the semester that
the course will be offered.
 The instructor enters the information.
 The system then prompts the instructor to add a work item name, its maximum
score, and its weight.
 The instructor provides the information.
 The system prompts the instructor to continue adding work items.
 If the instructor agrees, step 4 is started again.
 The instructor is then prompted for the late submission policy.
 The instructor enters the policy.
 The system saves the marking scheme and the use case ends.
Post condition: A marking scheme has been created for a course
in the specified semester
 A list of possible nouns or none phrases are:
scheme, marking scheme, course, name, instructor, semester,
work item, value, weight, policy, submission policy, system
 Which nouns are conceptual classes, which are attributes to the classes?
We can try using a conceptual class category list.
 Some of the category list items are: physical objects, transactions, things in
a container, rules and policies, and records.
Domain model for create marking scheme
Domain model and data model
 A domain model is not a data model.
 The conceptual class has no attributes.
 It is valid to have attributeless conceptual classes .
How to create a Domain Model
 Find the conceptual classes.
 Draw them as classes in a UML class diagram.
 Add associations and attributes.
It is used to satisfy the information requirements.
An association is a relationship between classes that
indicate some meaningful and interesting connection.
In the UML, associations are defined as “ the semantic
relationship between two or more classifiers that
involve connections among their instances.
Register Sale
1 1
Fig 1.Associations
When to show an Association?
 Associations for which knowledge of the relationship
needs to be preserved for some duration such as
milliseconds or years.
 Associations derived from the Common Associations
 Need some memory of a relationship?
Applying UML: Association
 An association is represented as a line between
classes with a capitalized association name.
 The ends of an association may contain
multiplicity that indicates the numerical
relationship between instances of the classes.
 Associations are inherently bidirectional.
 Optional reading direction arrow indicates the
direction to read the association name.
UML Notation for Association
- “reading direction arrow”
- it has no meaning except to
indicate direction of reading the
association label
- often excluded
Register Sale
1 1
multiplicityassociation name
Guidelines: How to name an
Association in UML
Name an association based on a class name-verb phrase-
class name format.
 Legal formats are:
 Paid-by
 PaidBy
 Verb phrase creates a sequence that is readable and
Association name should start with a capital letter.
Classifier helps to link instances.
Applying UML: Roles
 Each end of an association is called a role.
 Roles may have
 multiplicity expression
 name
 navigability
 Multiplicity defines how many instances of a class A
can be associated with one instance of class B.
 Eg:A single instance of a store can be associated with
many (zero or more) indicated by * item instances.
multiplicity of the
Store Item
1 *
Fig 3 Multiplicity on an association.
Fig 4. Multiplicity values.
zero or more;
one or more;
one to 40
exactly 5
exactly 3,5 or 8
Applying UML: Multiple Associations between two
 Two classes may have multiple associations between
Multiple Associations
Flight Airport
Fig 6. Multiple associations.
How to Find Associations with
a Common Associations List
The common categories that are worth considering are:
NextGen POS partial
domain model
1 1
1..* 1
Store ItemSales
Register ManagerSale
0..1 *
Monopoly partial Domain model
Generalization and Specialization
 Conceptual class hierarchies are the basis for software
class hierarchies that exploit inheritance
 Association classes capture information about the
 Time intervals capture the idea that some objects are
valid for a limited time
 CashPayment, CreditPayment, and CheckPayment are
 Identify commonality among concepts and define a
 Separate and shared arrow notations in UML
When to make generalization hierarchies?
superclass - more general
subclass - more
specialized concept
these are conceptual
classes, not software
Conceptual Super classes and
Conceptual super class is more general than subclass
 All members of subclass must be members of the
super class
 100% of super class definition shall apply to the
Subclass “is-a” super class
 Woman “is-a” human
 Man “is-a” human
 Anything else that is a human?
 All humans have a heart and a brain
When to Define a Subclass?
 The subclass has additional attributes
 The subclass has additional associations
 The subclass is operated on differently from the
superclass or other subclasses
 The subclass represents an animated thing that
behaves differently from the superclass
What about this hierarchy?
Customer Correct subclasses.
But useful?
Fig. 31.6
Guidelines for creating conceptual subclasses:
• Subclass has additional attributes or associations of interest
• Subclass behaves or is operated on, or handled or
manipulated differently than superclass or other subclasses
When to Define a Superclass?
 Possible subclasses represent variations of a similar
 Subclasses will conform to the 100% and is-a rules
 All subclasses have the same attribute that can be
factored out and put in the superclass
 All subclasses have the same association that can be
related to the superclass
Abstract Conceptual Classes
 If every member of a class C must also be a member of
a subclass, then C is called an abstract class
 That is, if C is never used by itself, but only derived
classes are used, C is abstract
 UML uses italics for abstract classes
amount : Money
abstract class
indicated by italics
Association, Aggregation and
 Association is a simple structural connection or
channel between classes and is a relationship where all
objects have their own lifecycle and there is no owner.
 Aggregation is a specialize form of Association where all
object have their own lifecycle but there is a ownership like
parent and child.
 Child object can not belong to another parent object at the
same time. ( "has-a" relationship).
Implementation details:
1. Typically we use pointer variables that point to an object
that lives outside the scope of the aggregate class
2. Can use reference values that point to an object that
lives outside the scope of the aggregate class
3. Not responsible for creating/destroying subclasses
 Composition is again specialize form of Aggregation. It
is a strong type of Aggregation. Here the Parent and
Child objects have coincident lifetimes.
 Child object does not have it's own lifecycle and if
parent object gets deleted, then all of it's child objects
will also be deleted.
Implementation details:
1. Typically we use normal member variables
2. Can use pointer values if the composition class
automatically handles allocation/de-allocation
3. Responsible for creation/destruction of subclasses
 When the domain model gets too large, factor it into
packages of strongly related concepts
 A UML package is shown as a tabbed folder, with
subordinate packages in it. For example, a domain
may have a Sales and Core elements package.
Store RegisterHas
package: Core Elements
Packages: Dependency
 If a model’s elements are dependent upon another,
show the dependency with an arrowed line. For
example, Sales is dependent upon Core Elements.
Import package
 <<import>> - one package imports the functionality
of other package
Access Package
 <<access>> - one package requires help from
functions of other package.
Packages can be represented by
the notations
Some major elements of the package diagram are shown on the drawing below.
Web Shopping, Mobile Shopping, Phone Shopping, and Mail
Shopping packages merge Shopping Cart package. The same 4
packages use Payment package. Both Payment and Shopping Cart
packages import other packages.
Sequence Diagram
 Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that
detail how operations are carried out.
 They illustrate how the different parts of a system
interact with each other to carry out a function, and
the order in which the interactions occur when a
particular use case is executed.
Sequence Diagram Notations
Lifeline Notation
 A sequence diagram is made up of several of
these lifeline notations
 No two lifeline notations should overlap each
 They represent the different objects that
interact with each other in the system
 A lifeline notation with an actor element
symbol is used when the sequence diagram is
owned by a use case
Activation Bars
 Activation bar is the box placed
on the lifeline
 It indicates that an object is
active (or instantiated) during
an interaction between two
 The length of the rectangle
indicates the duration of the
Message Arrows
 An arrow from the Message Caller to the Message
Receiver specifies a message
 The message can flow in any direction; from left to
right, right to left and back to the caller itself
 The description of the message should go on the arrow
 Arrow heads may change according to different
message types
Different message types
 Synchronous message
 Asynchronous message
 Return message
 Reflexive message
 Participant creation message
 Participant destruction message
 A synchronous message is used
when the sender waits for the
receiver to process the message
and return before carrying on
with another message
 An asynchronous message is
used when the message caller
does not wait for the receiver to
process the message and return
before sending other messages to
other objects within the system
Synchronous and Asynchronous message
Synchronous and Asynchronous
Return and Reflexive message
 A return message is used to indicate that the message
receiver is done processing the message and is
returning control over to the message caller.
 When an object sends a message to itself, it is called a
reflexive message. It is indicated with a message
arrow that starts and ends at the same lifeline
Return and Reflexive message
Creation and destruction message
 Participant creation message; objects can be created
in the middle of a sequence. The dropped participant
box notation is used when you need to show that the
particular participant did not exist until the create call
was sent.
 Participant destruction message; participants,
when no longer needed, can also be deleted from a
sequence diagram. This is done by adding an ‘X’ at the
end of the lifeline of the said participant.
Creation and destruction message
 UML generally permits the annotation of comments in
all UML diagram types.
 The comment object is a rectangle with a folded-over
corner as shown below. The comment can be linked to
the related object with a dashed line.
How to Draw a Sequence Diagram
 A sequence diagram represents the scenario or flow of
events in one single use case. The message flow of the
sequence diagram is based on the narrative of the
particular use case.
 Before you start drawing the sequence diagram or
decide what interactions should be included in it, you
need to ready a comprehensive description of the
particular use case.
Use case example - Create
new online library account
 From the use case diagram example of ‘Create New
Online Library Account’, we will focus on the use case
named ‘Create New User Account’ to draw our
sequence diagram.
Step 1:
Identify the objects or participants in the use case
‘Create New User Account’
 Librarian
 Online Library Management system
 User credentials data base
 Email system
Step 2:
List down the steps involved in the execution of the
use case
 The librarian requires the system to create a new online
library account
 The librarian selects the library user account type
 The librarian enters the user’s details
 The user’s details are checked using the user
Credentials Database
 The new library user account is created
 A summary of the new account’s details is emailed to
the user
Step 3:
Identify which messages should be passed between
the objects we identified earlier as the system
executes these steps. Then draw the sequence

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  • 2. Class Diagram  A class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects. 2
  • 3. UML Representation of Class Class Name Attributes of Class Operations/methods of Class 3
  • 5. visibility  Relates to the level of information hiding to be enforced Types of visibility: 1.Public(+) 2.Protected(#) 3.Private(-) 4.Package(~) 5
  • 6. Class Relationships  A class may be involved in one or more relationships with other classes. 1.Inheritance (or Generalization) 2.Association 3.Aggregation 4.Composition 5. Dependency 6
  • 7. Inheritance (or Generalization)  Represents an "is-a" relationship.  An abstract class name or superclass  SubClass1 and SubClass2 are specializations of Super Class.  A solid line with a hollow arrowhead that point from the child to the parent class 7
  • 9. Simple Association  A structural link between two peer classes.  There is an association between Class1 and Class2  A solid line connecting two classes 9
  • 11. Aggregation Class2 is part of Class1. Many instances (denoted by the *) of Class2 can be associated with Class1. Objects of Class1 and Class2 have separate lifetimes. A solid line with a unfilled diamond at the association end connected to the class of aggregation 11
  • 13. Composition  A special type of aggregation where parts are destroyed when the whole is destroyed.  Objects of Class2 live and die with Class1.  Class2 cannot stand by itself.  A solid line with a filled diamond at the association connected to the class of composite 13
  • 15. Dependency  Exists between two classes if changes to the definition of one may cause changes to the other (but not the other way around).  Class1 depends on Class2  A dashed line with an open arrow 15
  • 17. Relationship Names  Names of relationships are written in the middle of the association line. 17
  • 18. Multiplicity  How many objects of each class take part in the relationships and multiplicity can be expressed as:  Exactly one - 1  Zero or one - 0..1  Many - 0..* or *  One or more - 1..*  Exact Number - e.g. 3..4 or 6  Or a complex relationship - e.g. 0..1, 3..4, 6.* would mean any number of objects other than 2 or 5 18
  • 20. Example of a Class Diagram Video Rental System methods class name Video +rentMovie() Customer -CID: int -name: String +authenticateCustomer () relationship rents 1..*1..* multiplicityvisibility attributes -cassetteID : int -cassetteVolumeNo: int 20
  • 24. Example of UML Class Diagram  ATMs system is very simple as customers need to press some buttons to receive cash. However, there are multiple security layers that any ATM system needs to pass. This helps to prevent fraud and provide cash or need details to banking customers. 24
  • 25. 25
  • 26. Elaboration  The primary purpose of this phase is to complete the most essential parts of the project that are high risk and plan the construction phase. 26
  • 27. Steps to take during this phase:  1.Complete project plan with construction iterations planned with requirements for each iteration.  2. 80% of use cases are completed.  3. The project domain model is defined.  4. Rank use cases by priority and risk. • 5. Begin design and development of the riskiest and highest priority use cases. • 6. Plan the iterations for the construction phase. 27
  • 28. Requirements to be completed for this phase include  Description of the software architecture.  A prototype that overcomes the greatest project technical risk and has minimal high priority functionality.  Complete project plan.  Development plan 28
  • 29. Domain model is called as a "Visual Dictionary" 29
  • 30.
  • 31. 31 Domain Models  It illustrates noteworthy concepts in a domain.  The model influence operation contracts, glossary and the design in the domain layer of the design model.  Applying the UML class diagram notation for a domain model yields a conceptual perspective.
  • 32. 32  "A domain model is a representation of real-world conceptual classes, not of software components.“  Domain modeling is a technique used to understand the project problem description and to translate the requirements of that project into software components of a solution.  The software components are commonly implemented in an object oriented programming language.  A domain model contains conceptual classes, associations between conceptual classes, and attributes of a conceptual class.  "Informally, a conceptual class is an idea, thing, or object".
  • 33. Grade Report model is shown as a class diagram. 33
  • 34. Partial Domain Model for a visual dictionary using UML Class Diagram 34
  • 35. What is a Domain Model  A domain model is a visual representation of conceptual classes or real situation objects in a domain.  Domain models are also called as conceptual models, domain object models and analysis object models. 35
  • 36.  Applying UML notation, a domain model is illustrated with a set of class diagrams in which no operations(method signatures) are defined.  It provides a conceptual perspective.  Domain objects or conceptual classes  Associations between conceptual classes  Attributes of conceptual classes 36
  • 37. Domain model is a visual Dictionary  Domain model visualizes and relates words or concepts in the domain.  It shows an abstraction of the conceptual classes and communicate with other classes.  The information is expressed in plain text (glossary). 37
  • 38.  It is easy to understand the terms and especially their relationships in a visual language.  Therefore, the domain model is a visual dictionary of the noteworthy abstractions, domain vocabulary and information content of the domain. 38
  • 39. Domain model is a picture of software business objects  It is a visualization of things in a real situation domain of interest.  It is not of software objects such as Java or C# classes or software objects with responsibilities. 39
  • 40. Two traditional meanings of Domain Model  Domain model is a conceptual perspective of objects in a real situation of the world.  It is a domain layer of software objects.  The layer of software objects below the presentation or UI layer that is composed of domain objects. 40
  • 41.  Software objects that represent things in the problem domain space with related business logic or domain logic methods.  Domain layer is to indicate the second software oriented meaning of domain model. 41
  • 42. Conceptual classes  The domain model illustrates conceptual classes or vocabulary in the domain.  It is an idea, thing or object.  It is considered in terms of its symbol, intension and extension. 42
  • 43.  Symbol- words or images representing a conceptual class.  Intension- The definition of a conceptual class.  Extension- The set to which the conceptual class applies. 43
  • 44. Example for event of a purchase transaction  Symbol-sale  Intension- The event of a purchase transaction and has a date and time.  Extension- The set of all sale instances. 44
  • 45. 45
  • 46. 46 A Domain Model is not a Software Artifact Sale Date Time Sales Database Sale Date Time Print() A Conceptual class: Software Artifacts: vs.
  • 47. Domain models are the initial artifacts created in Object-Oriented- Analysis. An object has:  identity,  state, and  behaviour. An object can be  related to other objects and  complex (with sub-objects). A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations/responsibilities, relationships and semantics. Identifying objects in the problem domain is used to identify conceptual classes in the problem domain. Conceptual classes model entities in the problem domain, not in the software domain.  47
  • 48.  Making a domain model  Identify conceptual classes  Draw the class diagram  Add any associations between classes  Add attributes (properties) to the classes Larman suggest that domain modeling should be similar to map making.  use existing names (do not invent your own)  exclude irrelevant features (that is the basis of modeling)  do not add things that are not there. 48
  • 49. Domain Modeling Practice  Use Case Name: create marking scheme  Actor: Instructor  Precondition: None  Flow of events: Basic Path  The instructor has selected create marking scheme.  The system prompts the instructor to enter the course name and the semester that the course will be offered.  The instructor enters the information.  The system then prompts the instructor to add a work item name, its maximum score, and its weight.  The instructor provides the information.  The system prompts the instructor to continue adding work items.  If the instructor agrees, step 4 is started again.  The instructor is then prompted for the late submission policy.  The instructor enters the policy.  The system saves the marking scheme and the use case ends. 49
  • 50. Post condition: A marking scheme has been created for a course in the specified semester  A list of possible nouns or none phrases are: scheme, marking scheme, course, name, instructor, semester, work item, value, weight, policy, submission policy, system  Which nouns are conceptual classes, which are attributes to the classes? We can try using a conceptual class category list.  Some of the category list items are: physical objects, transactions, things in a container, rules and policies, and records. 50
  • 51. Domain model for create marking scheme 51
  • 52. Domain model and data model  A domain model is not a data model.  The conceptual class has no attributes.  It is valid to have attributeless conceptual classes . 52
  • 53. How to create a Domain Model  Find the conceptual classes.  Draw them as classes in a UML class diagram.  Add associations and attributes. 53
  • 54.
  • 55. 55 Association It is used to satisfy the information requirements. An association is a relationship between classes that indicate some meaningful and interesting connection. In the UML, associations are defined as “ the semantic relationship between two or more classifiers that involve connections among their instances.
  • 57. 57 When to show an Association?  Associations for which knowledge of the relationship needs to be preserved for some duration such as milliseconds or years.  Associations derived from the Common Associations List.  Need some memory of a relationship?
  • 58. 58 Applying UML: Association Notation  An association is represented as a line between classes with a capitalized association name.  The ends of an association may contain multiplicity that indicates the numerical relationship between instances of the classes.  Associations are inherently bidirectional.  Optional reading direction arrow indicates the direction to read the association name.
  • 59. 59 UML Notation for Association - “reading direction arrow” - it has no meaning except to indicate direction of reading the association label - often excluded Register Sale Records-current 1 1 multiplicityassociation name
  • 60. 60 Guidelines: How to name an Association in UML Name an association based on a class name-verb phrase- class name format.  Legal formats are:  Paid-by  PaidBy  Verb phrase creates a sequence that is readable and meaningful. Association name should start with a capital letter. Classifier helps to link instances.
  • 61. 61 Applying UML: Roles  Each end of an association is called a role.  Roles may have  multiplicity expression  name  navigability
  • 62. 62 Multiplicity  Multiplicity defines how many instances of a class A can be associated with one instance of class B.  Eg:A single instance of a store can be associated with many (zero or more) indicated by * item instances.
  • 63. 63 Multiplicity multiplicity of the role Store Item Stocks 1 * Fig 3 Multiplicity on an association.
  • 64. 64 Multiplicity Fig 4. Multiplicity values. T * zero or more; “many” T 1..* one or more; T 1..40 one to 40 T 5 exactly 5 T 3,5,8 exactly 3,5 or 8
  • 65. 65 Applying UML: Multiple Associations between two classes  Two classes may have multiple associations between them.
  • 67. 67 How to Find Associations with a Common Associations List The common categories that are worth considering are:
  • 68. 68
  • 69. 69
  • 70. 70 NextGen POS partial domain model Initiated-by Paid-by Captured-on Records-sales-on Logs- completed 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 * 1 Describes 1..* 1 Records-sale-of Described-by * 1 1..* 1 11 1 Stocks *1 Contains 1..*1 Product Catalog Product Specfication Store ItemSales LineItem Register ManagerSale Cashier CustomerPayment Used-by * Started-by Houses 1..* Contained-in 0..1 * Initiated-by
  • 72.
  • 73. Generalization and Specialization  Conceptual class hierarchies are the basis for software class hierarchies that exploit inheritance  Association classes capture information about the association  Time intervals capture the idea that some objects are valid for a limited time 73
  • 74. Generalization  CashPayment, CreditPayment, and CheckPayment are similar  Identify commonality among concepts and define a superclass  Separate and shared arrow notations in UML 74
  • 75. When to make generalization hierarchies? Cash Payment Credit Payment Check Payment Payment superclass - more general concept subclass - more specialized concept these are conceptual classes, not software classes
  • 76. Conceptual Super classes and Subclasses Conceptual super class is more general than subclass  All members of subclass must be members of the super class  100% of super class definition shall apply to the subclass Subclass “is-a” super class  Woman “is-a” human  Man “is-a” human  Anything else that is a human?  All humans have a heart and a brain 76
  • 77. When to Define a Subclass?  The subclass has additional attributes  The subclass has additional associations  The subclass is operated on differently from the superclass or other subclasses  The subclass represents an animated thing that behaves differently from the superclass 77
  • 78. What about this hierarchy? Male Customer Female Customer Customer Correct subclasses. But useful? Fig. 31.6 Guidelines for creating conceptual subclasses: • Subclass has additional attributes or associations of interest • Subclass behaves or is operated on, or handled or manipulated differently than superclass or other subclasses
  • 79. When to Define a Superclass?  Possible subclasses represent variations of a similar concept  Subclasses will conform to the 100% and is-a rules  All subclasses have the same attribute that can be factored out and put in the superclass  All subclasses have the same association that can be related to the superclass 79
  • 80. Abstract Conceptual Classes  If every member of a class C must also be a member of a subclass, then C is called an abstract class  That is, if C is never used by itself, but only derived classes are used, C is abstract  UML uses italics for abstract classes 80 Cash Payment Credit Payment Check Payment Payment amount : Money abstract class indicated by italics
  • 81. Association, Aggregation and Composition  Association is a simple structural connection or channel between classes and is a relationship where all objects have their own lifecycle and there is no owner. 81
  • 83. Aggregation  Aggregation is a specialize form of Association where all object have their own lifecycle but there is a ownership like parent and child.  Child object can not belong to another parent object at the same time. ( "has-a" relationship). Implementation details: 1. Typically we use pointer variables that point to an object that lives outside the scope of the aggregate class 2. Can use reference values that point to an object that lives outside the scope of the aggregate class 3. Not responsible for creating/destroying subclasses 83
  • 85. Composition  Composition is again specialize form of Aggregation. It is a strong type of Aggregation. Here the Parent and Child objects have coincident lifetimes.  Child object does not have it's own lifecycle and if parent object gets deleted, then all of it's child objects will also be deleted. Implementation details: 1. Typically we use normal member variables 2. Can use pointer values if the composition class automatically handles allocation/de-allocation 3. Responsible for creation/destruction of subclasses 85
  • 87. Packages  When the domain model gets too large, factor it into packages of strongly related concepts  A UML package is shown as a tabbed folder, with subordinate packages in it. For example, a domain may have a Sales and Core elements package. 87 Store RegisterHas 1..* package: Core Elements 1
  • 88. Packages: Dependency  If a model’s elements are dependent upon another, show the dependency with an arrowed line. For example, Sales is dependent upon Core Elements. 88
  • 89. Import package  <<import>> - one package imports the functionality of other package 89
  • 90. Access Package 90  <<access>> - one package requires help from functions of other package.
  • 91. Packages can be represented by the notations 91
  • 92. 92 Some major elements of the package diagram are shown on the drawing below. Web Shopping, Mobile Shopping, Phone Shopping, and Mail Shopping packages merge Shopping Cart package. The same 4 packages use Payment package. Both Payment and Shopping Cart packages import other packages.
  • 93. Sequence Diagram  Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how operations are carried out.  They illustrate how the different parts of a system interact with each other to carry out a function, and the order in which the interactions occur when a particular use case is executed. 93
  • 95. Lifeline Notation  A sequence diagram is made up of several of these lifeline notations  No two lifeline notations should overlap each other  They represent the different objects that interact with each other in the system  A lifeline notation with an actor element symbol is used when the sequence diagram is owned by a use case 95
  • 96. Activation Bars  Activation bar is the box placed on the lifeline  It indicates that an object is active (or instantiated) during an interaction between two objects  The length of the rectangle indicates the duration of the interaction 96
  • 97. Message Arrows  An arrow from the Message Caller to the Message Receiver specifies a message  The message can flow in any direction; from left to right, right to left and back to the caller itself  The description of the message should go on the arrow  Arrow heads may change according to different message types 97
  • 98. Different message types  Synchronous message  Asynchronous message  Return message  Reflexive message  Participant creation message  Participant destruction message 98
  • 99.  A synchronous message is used when the sender waits for the receiver to process the message and return before carrying on with another message  An asynchronous message is used when the message caller does not wait for the receiver to process the message and return before sending other messages to other objects within the system 99 Synchronous and Asynchronous message
  • 101. Return and Reflexive message  A return message is used to indicate that the message receiver is done processing the message and is returning control over to the message caller.  When an object sends a message to itself, it is called a reflexive message. It is indicated with a message arrow that starts and ends at the same lifeline 101
  • 102. Return and Reflexive message 102
  • 103. Creation and destruction message  Participant creation message; objects can be created in the middle of a sequence. The dropped participant box notation is used when you need to show that the particular participant did not exist until the create call was sent.  Participant destruction message; participants, when no longer needed, can also be deleted from a sequence diagram. This is done by adding an ‘X’ at the end of the lifeline of the said participant. 103
  • 104. Creation and destruction message 104
  • 105. Comments  UML generally permits the annotation of comments in all UML diagram types.  The comment object is a rectangle with a folded-over corner as shown below. The comment can be linked to the related object with a dashed line. 105
  • 106. How to Draw a Sequence Diagram  A sequence diagram represents the scenario or flow of events in one single use case. The message flow of the sequence diagram is based on the narrative of the particular use case.  Before you start drawing the sequence diagram or decide what interactions should be included in it, you need to ready a comprehensive description of the particular use case. 106
  • 107. Use case example - Create new online library account 107
  • 108.  From the use case diagram example of ‘Create New Online Library Account’, we will focus on the use case named ‘Create New User Account’ to draw our sequence diagram. Step 1: Identify the objects or participants in the use case ‘Create New User Account’  Librarian  Online Library Management system  User credentials data base  Email system 108
  • 109. Step 2: List down the steps involved in the execution of the use case  The librarian requires the system to create a new online library account  The librarian selects the library user account type  The librarian enters the user’s details  The user’s details are checked using the user Credentials Database  The new library user account is created  A summary of the new account’s details is emailed to the user 109
  • 110. Step 3: Identify which messages should be passed between the objects we identified earlier as the system executes these steps. Then draw the sequence diagram. 110
  • 111. 111