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      in apps development using


Alessio Ricco

Software Quality characteristics
By the user point of view

Adaptability: is the app able to run in different
environments ?

Accuracy: how well your app does the job ?

Correctness: your app does the job ?

Efficiency: minimizing system resources

Integrity: your app is secure ? 

Reliability: does it crash ?

Robustness: your app handle invalid inputs ?

Usability: it's easy to learn how to use it ?


Software Quality characteristics
By the developer point of view

Flexibility: can you adapt the app for other uses ?

Maintanability: debug, improve, modify the app

Portability: adapting the app for other platforms

Readability: source code is easy to understand

Reusability: using parts of your code in other apps

Testability: the degree to which you can test the app

Understandability: can you understand what the app does
and how it does it ?


A good software project must be
User side:

 (applications must have a predictive behaviour)

PERFORMANT (speed must approach the speed of native
code applications)

Developer side:

 (development must be fast)

 (code must be easy to understand)


The software works in a reliable way, and the output is


The software runs consistently without a crash


If the platform is stable, writing stable software is easier.

(also our libraries are part of the platform)


The app must complete the assigned task within a given
(short) time. User must receive feedback.


Apps must be approaching the native platform speed


Apps must avoid memory leaks and release the resources

Rapid development

Don't design twice the same piece of software.

Don't write twice the same routine. 


Known problems always have known solutions. 

Google them!


Writing good, correct, tested and smart code is faster than
writing quick and dirty spaghetti code to debug later


Comment your code. Comments are tools for saving time


Write code you can read and understand at different level
of granularity (from 'big picture' to 'statement' level)


Use meaningful names for your variables and functions.

Appcelerator Best Practices

Avoid the global scope

In the global scope not null objects cannot be collected 


app.js is not accessible within CommonJS modules

app.js is not accessible within other contexts (windows)

- Always declare variables

- Always declare variables inside modules or functions

- Assign global objects to null after the use

Nulling out object references

// create ui objects
var window = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var myView = myLibrary.createMyView();

// remove objects and release memory
myView = null;
// the view could be removed by the GC

Keep local your temp vars

// immediate functions help us to avoid 

// global scope pollution
var sum = (function() {
    var tmpValue = 0; // local scope
    for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        tmpValue += i;
    return tmpValue; 

// i, tmpValue are ready for GC !

use self-calling functions
// self calling function
   var priv = 'I'm local!';

//undefined in the global scope 

Don't Re-use your temp vars
    Javascript is loosely typed.

    You can repurpose objects any time via assignment


    don't do it!


    var i = 5;


    i = “let me change my type”; // BAD!

Use namespaces
    Enclose your application's API functions and properties into
    a single variable (namespace).


    - this prevent the global scope pollution

    - this protect your code from colliding with other code or



    // declare it in the global scope

    var mynamespace = {}; 

    mynamespace.myvar = “hello”;

    mynamespace.myfunction = function(param) {}


Namespaces are extendable
 // extend and encapsulate by using self-calling functions
 (function() {
      function helper() {
          // this is a private function not directly accessible 

   // from the global scope
      } = function(msg) {

         // added to the app's namespace, so a public function


 // you could then call your function with'Hello World');



Understanding the closures
A closure is a function together with a referencing
environment for the non local variables of that function

// Return a function that approximates the derivative of f
// using an interval of dx, which should be appropriately small.
function derivative(f, dx) {
   return function (x) {
     return (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx;

the variable f, dx lives after the function derivative returns.

Variables must continue to exist as long as any existing
closures have references to them

Avoid memory leaks in global event listeners
function badLocal() {
    // local variables
    var table = Ti.UI.createTableView();
    var view = Ti.UI.createView();

      // global event listener
      Ti.App.addEventListener('myevent', function(e) {
           // table is local but not locally scoped 

      return view;

- consider to use callback functions instead of custom
global events

- place global event handlers in app.js

rule : global events handle global objects

Lazy script loading

JavaScript evaluation is slow. 
Avoid loading scripts if they are not necessary

// load immediately
var _window1 = require('lib/window1').getWindow;
var win1 = new _window1();
win1.addEventListener('click', function(){

    // load when needed

    var _window2 = require('lib/window2').getWindow;

    var win2 = new _window2();

BE AWARE: Some bugs could not be discovered until you load the script...

D.R.Y. (don't repeat yourself)
Don't repeat the same code

code repeated N times could be buggy in N different places

Reuse your code

if your code was correct until now, probably it will be correct in future

Instantiate your code using the factory pattern

hiding the class details to make future improvements easier 

Create libraries

functions called in N different places could be improved in just one

Test your code and Reuse it
Coding is about Testing and Trusting

“I test my code and I trust several other things:

- the platform correctness

- the compiler correctness

- the 3th party libraries

- the samples I copied from forums

… etc...”


if you write correct code you can trust YOUR code 

and re-use it !!!!

Test your code and Reuse it

function foo (param)
...statement #1
...statement #2
...statement #3
myfunctioncall(); // 3 years old function tested several times

foo() is correct when statements are correct 


myfunctioncall() is correct

short code and high level of trust in tested libraries make coding and
debugging easier


Meaningful Wrapping

Wrap your general-pourpose library functions and make them

exports.getLeaderBoard = function(callbackSuccess, callbackError)

    var headers = null;

kind=STANDARD',headers,callbackSuccess, callbackError);

exports.submitScore = function(playerGuid, score, contest, callbackSuccess,

    var headers = [

   {key : 'guid', value : exports.getPlayer().guid},

   {key : 'codeID', value : contest}


lastScore=' + score,headers,callbackSuccess, callbackError);

exports.beintooREST is a specialized REST query function 

if they change something i should change just one function 

Multiplatform programming

useful when your code is mostly the same across platforms
but vary in some points

// Query the platform just once
var osname = Ti.Platform.osname;

var isAndroid = (osname == 'android') ? true : false;

var isIPhone = (osname == 'iphone') ? true : false;

// branch the code
if (isAndroid) {
            // do Android code
} else {
            // do code for other platforms (iOS not guaranteed)

// branch the values
var myValue = (isAndroid) ? 100 : 150;

Multiplatform programming

Slower but elegant method 

// Query the platform just once
var osname = (Ti.Platform.osname == 'ipod') ? 'iphone' : Ti.Platform.osname;
os = function(/*Object*/ map) {
    var def = map.def||null; //default function or value
    if (map[osname]) {
        if (typeof map[osname] == 'function') { return map[osname](); }
        else { return map[osname]; }
      else {
          if (typeof def == 'function') { return def(); }
          else { return def; }

// better than if statement and ternary operator. easily support more platforms
var myValue = os({ android: 100, ipad: 90, iphone: 50 });

Multiplatform programming

JSS separate presentation and code.

var myLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({

    text:'this is the text',


#myLabel {




for platform specific stylesheets you can use and module.iphone.jss,
but module.jss have the precedence.

Using CommonJS

Titanium Appcelerator adopted the CommonJS module
specification as the way in which end users of the platform
structure their JS code

sample usage:

// load the module “Resources/myModule.js” and return a Javascript object
var myModule = require('myModule');
// good practice: always test if objects are null
if (myModule != null)

Using CommonJS: exports

the exports variable exposes public methods and variables

exports.myProperty = 123;
exports.myMethod = function (message) { (message );

Using CommonJS: module.exports

the module.exports object could be used for functions
which act as object constructors


function Employee(name, surname, title)
{ = name;
this.surname = surname;
this.title = title;
{ + ' ' + + ' ' + this.surname);

module.exports = Employee;


var Employee = require('Employee');
var myEmployee = new Employee('john','doe');

Using Images
Minimize memory footprint

Image files are decompressed in memory to be converted
in bitmap when they are displayed. 

No matter the .png or .JPG original file size

                        (bit)        (KB)

     320      480        24           450

      640      960        24          1800

     1024      768        24          2304

     2048     1536        24          9216

Image Optimization

- use JPG for displaying photos

- use PNG for displaying icons, line-art, text

- use remove() when the image is not visible on screen
- set image views to null once no longer need those objs
- resize and crops images to the dimensions you need
- resize images to minimize file storage and network usage

- cache remote images ( 

Release the resultsets as soon as you can

exports.getScore = function (level) {

    var rows = null; 

    var score= 0;

    try { 

     rows = db.execute( "select max(score) as maxscore from score where level=?",
level ); 

     if( rows.isValidRow( )) { 

 "SCORE: (score,level) " + rows.field( 0 ) + ' ' + level ); 

    score= rows.field( 0 ) 

     } else {

 "SCORE: error retrieving score [1]" ); 



    catch (e) {

 "SCORE: error retrieving score [2]" ); 


    finally { 

     rows.close( ); 


    return score;

Database best practices

Close the database connection after insert and update

var db ='myDatabase');


     db.execute('BEGIN'); // begin the transaction

     for(var i=0, var j=playlist.length; i < j; i++) {

    var item = playlist[i];

    db.execute('INSERT INTO albums (disc, artist, rating) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', 

    item.disc, item.artist, item.comment);


catch (e){ "SCORE: error retrieving score [2]" ); 
finally {


Database best practices

Minimize your database size

- Big Databases increases your app package file size

- The database is duplicated on your device because is
copied to the ApplicationDataDirectory
- On some Android releases the installer cannot
uncompress assets over 1MB (if you have a 2MB database
you need some workarounds)

Keep your db small and populate it on the 1st run !

Style and conventions
Learn and follow language rules, styles and paradigms

 javascript isn't c# or java or php

 titanium appcelerator is not just javascript

Follow coding style best practices

 Naming Conventions


 Comments Style

Follow language related communities and forums

 don't reinvent the wheel

 learn community best practices

Language Rules

Always declare the variables

When you fail to specify var, the variable gets placed in the
global context, potentially clobbering existing values. Also,
if there's no declaration, it's hard to tell in what scope a
variable lives. 

So always declare with var.


Language Rules

Always use semicolons to terminate statements

you can cause hard to debug problems in your code.... 

var THINGS_TO_EAT = [apples, oysters, sprayOnCheese]   // ;
// conditional execution a la bash
-1 == resultOfOperation() || die();


Language Best Practices: === operator

Use the Exactly Equal operator (===)

comparing two operands of the same type is, most of the
time, what we need


Language Best Practices : === operator

Use === instead of == , use !== instead of !=

var testme = '1';
if(testme == 1) // '1' is converted to 1

   // this will be executed 

var testme = '1';
if(testme === 1) {

   // this will not be executed


Language Best Practices : optimizing loops

Make your loops more efficient

var names = ['Jeff','Nolan','Marshall','Don'];
for(var i=0;i<names.length;i++){

// I can check the array length only once
var names = ['Jeff','Nolan','Marshall','Don'];
for(var i=0,j=names.length;i<j;i++){

Language Best Practices : parenthesis

Is better wrap self functions with parenthesis 

var myValue = function() {
      //do stuff
      return someValue;

// the same code, but it's clear that myValue is not a function
var myValue = (function() {
     //do stuff
     return someValue;


Language Best Practices : a better if
How to avoid assignment bugs in your if statements 

var test = 1;
// classic boolean expression style (left side is a variable)
if (test == 1)

    test++;'test = ' + test); // test = 2
// classic boolean expression bug (is not a test, is an assignment)
if (test=1)
{'test = ' + test); // test = 1
// safe boolean expression style (left side is a constant)
if (1 == test)
{'test = ' + test); // test = 1
// compiler or interpreter will raise an exception: good !
if (1 = test) // error: Left side of assignment is not a reference
{'test = ' + test); // test = 1

Coding Style
Variable names start with a category noun (lowercase)








Coding Style
Function names start with a category verb (lowercase) and
(if possible) are followed by an associated variable name








Coding Style
Major Objects and constructors follow a capitalized words





Same rule is applied for namespaces




Coding Style: Indentation

K&R Style Example

if (x < 10) {

 if (y > 10) {

 // do this

} else {

 // do this

Coding Style: Indentation
Allman Style Example

if (x < 10)

 if (y > 10) 


 // do this


 // do this


Coding Style: Comments

// Single line comments are required

// for code documentation

var personAge = calculatePersonAge(person); //-10; avoid this! 

          // this line of code is disabled using block comment

          var personAge = calculatePersonAge(person)-10;


 * @param {String} customerName Customer's full Name

function getCustomer(customerName) {}

comments could be a great code/debug/documentation tool


Titanium Appcelerator online documentation

Code Complete 2nd Edition – Steven C. McConnell -   Microsoft Press

SQLite Optimization FAQ

Douglas Crockford

Google Javascript Style Guide





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 in apps development using
 @alessioricco !1
  • 2. Software Quality characteristics By the user point of view
 Adaptability: is the app able to run in different environments ?
 Accuracy: how well your app does the job ?
 Correctness: your app does the job ?
 Efficiency: minimizing system resources
 Integrity: your app is secure ? 
 Reliability: does it crash ?
 Robustness: your app handle invalid inputs ?
 Usability: it's easy to learn how to use it ? USERS notice STABILITY and PERFORMANCE !2
  • 3. Software Quality characteristics By the developer point of view
 Flexibility: can you adapt the app for other uses ?
 Maintanability: debug, improve, modify the app
 Portability: adapting the app for other platforms
 Readability: source code is easy to understand
 Reusability: using parts of your code in other apps
 Testability: the degree to which you can test the app
 Understandability: can you understand what the app does and how it does it ? DEVELOPERS needs RAPIDITY and READABILITY !3
  • 4. A good software project must be User side:
 STABLE (applications must have a predictive behaviour)
 PERFORMANT (speed must approach the speed of native code applications)
 Developer side:
 RAPID (development must be fast)
 READABLE (code must be easy to understand) !4
 The software works in a reliable way, and the output is deterministic
 The software runs consistently without a crash
 If the platform is stable, writing stable software is easier.
 (also our libraries are part of the platform)
  • 6. Performance RESPONSIVENESS
 The app must complete the assigned task within a given (short) time. User must receive feedback.
 Apps must be approaching the native platform speed
 Apps must avoid memory leaks and release the resources ASAP !6
  • 7. Rapid development REUSABILITY
 Don't design twice the same piece of software.
 Don't write twice the same routine. 
 Known problems always have known solutions. 
 Google them!
 Writing good, correct, tested and smart code is faster than writing quick and dirty spaghetti code to debug later !7
  • 8. Readability MEANINGFUL COMMENTS
 Comment your code. Comments are tools for saving time
 Write code you can read and understand at different level of granularity (from 'big picture' to 'statement' level)
 Use meaningful names for your variables and functions. !8
  • 10. Avoid the global scope NO GARBAGE COLLECTION
 In the global scope not null objects cannot be collected 
 app.js is not accessible within CommonJS modules
 app.js is not accessible within other contexts (windows) 
 - Always declare variables
 - Always declare variables inside modules or functions
 - Assign global objects to null after the use
  • 11. Nulling out object references // create ui objects var window = Ti.UI.createWindow(); var myView = myLibrary.createMyView(); win.add(myView);; // remove objects and release memory win.remove(myView); myView = null; // the view could be removed by the GC !11
  • 12. Keep local your temp vars // immediate functions help us to avoid 
 // global scope pollution var sum = (function() { var tmpValue = 0; // local scope for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { tmpValue += i; } return tmpValue; })(); 
 // i, tmpValue are ready for GC ! !12
  • 13. use self-calling functions // self calling function ( function() { var priv = 'I'm local!'; } )(); //undefined in the global scope alert(priv); !13
  • 14. Don't Re-use your temp vars Javascript is loosely typed.
 You can repurpose objects any time via assignment
 don't do it!
 var i = 5;
 i = “let me change my type”; // BAD! !14
  • 15. Use namespaces Enclose your application's API functions and properties into a single variable (namespace).
 - this prevent the global scope pollution
 - this protect your code from colliding with other code or libraries
 // declare it in the global scope
 var mynamespace = {}; 
 mynamespace.myvar = “hello”;
 mynamespace.myfunction = function(param) {}
  • 16. Namespaces are extendable // extend and encapsulate by using self-calling functions (function() { function helper() { // this is a private function not directly accessible 
 // from the global scope } = function(msg) { // added to the app's namespace, so a public function helper(msg); }; })();
 // you could then call your function with'Hello World');
  • 17. Understanding the closures A closure is a function together with a referencing environment for the non local variables of that function // Return a function that approximates the derivative of f // using an interval of dx, which should be appropriately small. function derivative(f, dx) { return function (x) { return (f(x + dx) - f(x)) / dx; }; } the variable f, dx lives after the function derivative returns.
 Variables must continue to exist as long as any existing closures have references to them !17
  • 18. Avoid memory leaks in global event listeners function badLocal() { // local variables var table = Ti.UI.createTableView(); var view = Ti.UI.createView(); // global event listener Ti.App.addEventListener('myevent', function(e) { // table is local but not locally scoped table.setData(; }); view.add(table); return view; };
 - consider to use callback functions instead of custom global events
 - place global event handlers in app.js 
 rule : global events handle global objects !18
  • 19. Lazy script loading LOAD SCRIPTS ONLY WHEN THEY ARE NEEDED
 JavaScript evaluation is slow. Avoid loading scripts if they are not necessary // load immediately var _window1 = require('lib/window1').getWindow; var win1 = new _window1(); win1.addEventListener('click', function(){ // load when needed var _window2 = require('lib/window2').getWindow; var win2 = new _window2(); }) BE AWARE: Some bugs could not be discovered until you load the script... !19
  • 20. D.R.Y. (don't repeat yourself) Don't repeat the same code
 code repeated N times could be buggy in N different places 
 Reuse your code
 if your code was correct until now, probably it will be correct in future
 Instantiate your code using the factory pattern
 hiding the class details to make future improvements easier 
 Create libraries
 functions called in N different places could be improved in just one place
  • 21. Test your code and Reuse it Coding is about Testing and Trusting
 “I test my code and I trust several other things:
 - the platform correctness
 - the compiler correctness
 - the 3th party libraries
 - the samples I copied from forums
 … etc...” but if you write correct code you can trust YOUR code 
 and re-use it !!!!
  • 22. Test your code and Reuse it function foo (param) { ...statement #1 ...statement #2 ...statement #3 myfunctioncall(); // 3 years old function tested several times } foo() is correct when statements are correct 
 myfunctioncall() is correct
 short code and high level of trust in tested libraries make coding and debugging easier
  • 23. Meaningful Wrapping Wrap your general-pourpose library functions and make them specialized. exports.getLeaderBoard = function(callbackSuccess, callbackError) { var headers = null; exports.beintooREST('GET',' kind=STANDARD',headers,callbackSuccess, callbackError); } exports.submitScore = function(playerGuid, score, contest, callbackSuccess, callbackError) { var headers = [ {key : 'guid', value : exports.getPlayer().guid}, {key : 'codeID', value : contest} ]; exports.beintooREST('GET',' lastScore=' + score,headers,callbackSuccess, callbackError); } 
 exports.beintooREST is a specialized REST query function 
 if they change something i should change just one function 
  • 24. Multiplatform programming BRANCHING useful when your code is mostly the same across platforms but vary in some points
 // Query the platform just once var osname = Ti.Platform.osname;
 var isAndroid = (osname == 'android') ? true : false;
 var isIPhone = (osname == 'iphone') ? true : false; // branch the code if (isAndroid) { // do Android code ... } else { // do code for other platforms (iOS not guaranteed) ... }; // branch the values var myValue = (isAndroid) ? 100 : 150; !24
  • 25. Multiplatform programming BRANCHING Slower but elegant method 
 // Query the platform just once var osname = (Ti.Platform.osname == 'ipod') ? 'iphone' : Ti.Platform.osname; os = function(/*Object*/ map) { var def = map.def||null; //default function or value if (map[osname]) { if (typeof map[osname] == 'function') { return map[osname](); } else { return map[osname]; } } else { if (typeof def == 'function') { return def(); } else { return def; } } }; // better than if statement and ternary operator. easily support more platforms var myValue = os({ android: 100, ipad: 90, iphone: 50 }); !25
  • 26. Multiplatform programming PLATFORM-SPECIFIC JS STYLE SHEETS (JSS) JSS separate presentation and code.
 module.js var myLabel = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text:'this is the text', id:'myLabel' }); module.jss #myLabel { width:149; text-align:'right'; color:'#909'; } for platform specific stylesheets you can use and module.iphone.jss, but module.jss have the precedence. 
  • 27. Using CommonJS Titanium Appcelerator adopted the CommonJS module specification as the way in which end users of the platform structure their JS code sample usage: // load the module “Resources/myModule.js” and return a Javascript object var myModule = require('myModule'); // good practice: always test if objects are null if (myModule != null) { myModule.myMethod(“twinsmatcher”); } 
  • 28. Using CommonJS: exports the exports variable exposes public methods and variables exports.myProperty = 123; exports.myMethod = function (message) { (message ); }; 
  • 29. Using CommonJS: module.exports the module.exports object could be used for functions which act as object constructors Employee.js function Employee(name, surname, title) { = name; this.surname = surname; this.title = title; } Employee.prototype.fullName() { + ' ' + + ' ' + this.surname); }
 module.exports = Employee; usage: var Employee = require('Employee'); var myEmployee = new Employee('john','doe'); myEmployee.fullName(); !29
  • 30. Using Images Minimize memory footprint
 Image files are decompressed in memory to be converted in bitmap when they are displayed. 
 No matter the .png or .JPG original file size WIDTH HEIGHT COLORS FOOTPRINT (bit) (KB) 
 320 480 24 450 640 960 24 1800 1024 768 24 2304 2048 1536 24 9216 !30
  • 31. Image Optimization - use JPG for displaying photos
 - use PNG for displaying icons, line-art, text - use remove() when the image is not visible on screen - set image views to null once no longer need those objs - resize and crops images to the dimensions you need - resize images to minimize file storage and network usage
 - cache remote images ( !31
  • 32. Database Release the resultsets as soon as you can exports.getScore = function (level) { var rows = null; var score= 0; try { rows = db.execute( "select max(score) as maxscore from score where level=?", level ); if( rows.isValidRow( )) { "SCORE: (score,level) " + rows.field( 0 ) + ' ' + level ); score= rows.field( 0 ) } else { "SCORE: error retrieving score [1]" ); } } catch (e) { "SCORE: error retrieving score [2]" ); } finally { rows.close( ); } return score; } !32
  • 33. Database best practices Close the database connection after insert and update
 var db ='myDatabase'); try{ db.execute('BEGIN'); // begin the transaction for(var i=0, var j=playlist.length; i < j; i++) { var item = playlist[i]; db.execute('INSERT INTO albums (disc, artist, rating) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', item.disc, item.artist, item.comment); } db.execute('COMMIT'); } catch (e){ "SCORE: error retrieving score [2]" ); } finally { db.close(); } !33
  • 34. Database best practices Minimize your database size - Big Databases increases your app package file size
 - The database is duplicated on your device because is copied to the ApplicationDataDirectory - On some Android releases the installer cannot uncompress assets over 1MB (if you have a 2MB database you need some workarounds) Keep your db small and populate it on the 1st run ! 
  • 35. Style and conventions Learn and follow language rules, styles and paradigms
 javascript isn't c# or java or php
 titanium appcelerator is not just javascript
 Follow coding style best practices
 Naming Conventions
 Comments Style
 Follow language related communities and forums
 don't reinvent the wheel
 learn community best practices
  • 36. Language Rules Always declare the variables When you fail to specify var, the variable gets placed in the global context, potentially clobbering existing values. Also, if there's no declaration, it's hard to tell in what scope a variable lives. So always declare with var.
  • 37. Language Rules Always use semicolons to terminate statements you can cause hard to debug problems in your code.... var THINGS_TO_EAT = [apples, oysters, sprayOnCheese] // ; // conditional execution a la bash -1 == resultOfOperation() || die();
  • 38. Language Best Practices: === operator Use the Exactly Equal operator (===) comparing two operands of the same type is, most of the time, what we need 
  • 39. Language Best Practices : === operator Use === instead of == , use !== instead of != var testme = '1'; if(testme == 1) // '1' is converted to 1 { // this will be executed }
 var testme = '1'; if(testme === 1) { // this will not be executed } 
  • 40. Language Best Practices : optimizing loops Make your loops more efficient var names = ['Jeff','Nolan','Marshall','Don']; for(var i=0;i<names.length;i++){ process(names[i]); }
 // I can check the array length only once var names = ['Jeff','Nolan','Marshall','Don']; for(var i=0,j=names.length;i<j;i++){ process(names[i]); } 
  • 41. Language Best Practices : parenthesis Is better wrap self functions with parenthesis var myValue = function() { //do stuff return someValue; }();
 // the same code, but it's clear that myValue is not a function var myValue = (function() { //do stuff return someValue; })(); 
  • 42. Language Best Practices : a better if How to avoid assignment bugs in your if statements var test = 1; // classic boolean expression style (left side is a variable) if (test == 1) { test++;'test = ' + test); // test = 2 } // classic boolean expression bug (is not a test, is an assignment) if (test=1) {'test = ' + test); // test = 1 } // safe boolean expression style (left side is a constant) if (1 == test) {'test = ' + test); // test = 1 } // compiler or interpreter will raise an exception: good ! if (1 = test) // error: Left side of assignment is not a reference {'test = ' + test); // test = 1 } 
  • 43. Coding Style Variable names start with a category noun (lowercase) Examples: personName
  • 44. Coding Style Function names start with a category verb (lowercase) and (if possible) are followed by an associated variable name Examples: getPersonName
  • 45. Coding Style Major Objects and constructors follow a capitalized words pattern Examples: Person
 Same rule is applied for namespaces
  • 46. Coding Style: Indentation K&R Style Example if (x < 10) { if (y > 10) { // do this } } else { // do this } 
  • 47. Coding Style: Indentation Allman Style Example if (x < 10) { if (y > 10) { // do this } } else { // do this } 
  • 48. Coding Style: Comments // Single line comments are required
 // for code documentation
 var personAge = calculatePersonAge(person); //-10; avoid this! 
 /* // this line of code is disabled using block comment
 var personAge = calculatePersonAge(person)-10; */ 
 * @param {String} customerName Customer's full Name **/
 function getCustomer(customerName) {} comments could be a great code/debug/documentation tool 
  • 49. References Titanium Appcelerator online documentation Code Complete 2nd Edition – Steven C. McConnell - Microsoft Press SQLite Optimization FAQ Douglas Crockford Google Javascript Style Guide TwinsMatcher 