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Word of Mouth Marketing:  Creating Buzz and Engaging Influencers October  2011Social Media Masters Toronto @wikibrands #smm2011 Sean Moffitt   @seanmoffitt
Who is Sean Moffitt…. Just A Blonde Guy With a Cause Bad  US Soccer Perception Bad Chefs Bad  Spies Bad  Marketing and Digital Practice Bad British Cuisine Bad  Bay Area Hoods Bad  Defensive Secondaries
Agent Wildfire – Canada’s Word of Mouth People
We Word of Mouth (WoM)  with these Influencers…
Wikibrands - 2011 Booklist  Business Book of the Year  Published by McGraw-Hill 	(2011 Launch)  Twitter: @wikibrands Website: Richard Florida, Best Selling Author, “A must read for business leaders” Don Tapscott,  Digital pioneer and author, Wikinomics “This is an important, perhaps seminal book”
A Premium Brand is Now a Mark of Participation Wikibrands - There’s a new currency on how brands build business… “Something you Want” 1950 “Something you Trust” 1910 “Something you Buy” 1850 “Something you  Participate In” 2011 “Something you Prefer” 1980 “Something you Love” 2000
Wikibrands - Exploring The Ten Continents of the Wikibrand World ,[object Object]
Grassroots marketing
 Social influence
Customer participation
 Digital engagement
Online community
 Connected media
 Member collaboration
 Awesome customer experience
 Distributed ContentEquals success in business
Forget Marketing’s 4Ps… Embrace the Wikibrand 13Es Mission Drivers Would you recommend my brand to a friend or colleague? Well would you? Advanced Drivers Effiliation Experience Premium Drivers Equity Ennovative Entimate Entertainment Basic  Drivers Education Entegrity Exposed Exchange Esthetics Company-driven User-driven
Web WoM leads the way Believe word of mouth is credible 63% 56% 55% 39% 58% 50% 49% 35% Likely to pass along brand conversations to others Likely to purchase based on brand conversations Likely to seek out information based on brand conversations Word of Mouth Social Media  Social Business Source: Keller Fay, 2010
“Facebook is Ringo, Social Media is George,  Word of Mouth is Paul, but Social Business is John” Social Business 105M Word of Mouth 55M Social Media 14M  11M
Big Caveat: Technology and tools are less than 20% of the deal “The diffusion of innovation is based more on sociology and psychology than on technology.” Everett Rogers, 1962- The Diffusion of Innovations
The 4 Laws of the Social ‘Net and WoM Socialness Authenticity Customer-ness Awesomeness
The 1st Law of the Social Net - Awesomeness “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”         Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey #939 Hot cream and a straight razor on your neck at the barber shop #983 That pile of assorted beers left in your fridge after a party
The 1% Fact  - The World is Not Created Equal… Whether its business, products, services,  motives, TV …. There is the “AWESOME”  -  1% There is the “GOOD”          - 20% There is the “MEH”		  -  about 60% There is the “BAD”             - 20% There is the “UGLY”	     -   0.5%
What’s awesome in Your World? October WoM
Who were #1, #2 and #3 people to fly across the Atlantic?
The Law of Awesomeness Online Only 0.9% of Facebook Users have… More than 500 friends Only 1.5% of Tweet conversations… Are three levels  (replies) deep
In a Wikibrand World -  Act different, be different, think different Top 7 Things That People Talk About YOUR Brand  Unique  Dynamic  Different  Distinctive  Innovative  Visionary  Daring Source: Y&R Brand Asset valuator
The 2nd Law of the Social Net - Socialness "Prosocial behavior is an essential component of health and happiness in human beings” Robert Kloninger. Professor of Psychiatry , Author of Feeling Good, The Science of Well-Being 19
Six Core Human Instincts on Why We Talk ,[object Object]
 To Connect (Facebook)
 To Make Sense of the World (Wikipedia)
 To Reduce Risk & Uncertainty (Amazon)
 To Benefit Economically (eBay)
 To Relieve Tension (YouTube),[object Object]
Me in 1992 Me in  2011 150 4000 150 X 12 X 170 X 12 5000 20000 X 500 X 170 5000 5000 X 170 X 190 900 X 40 1800 People Strength 8.4 Million People Strength
Only in Canada, Pity! Ranked #1  Online penetration–79%/26.7 million Canadians online Online usage–average 43.5 hours online per month Online video– 251 videos/17.2 viewing hours per month LinkedIn  usage - 15% of online Canadians use Gaming – spend 4.5 hours each week Ranked in Top 10  Social  media Use– 70% use social media; ½ everyday Facebook usage–#4 worldwide/82% of online Can. Twitter usage–#6 worldwide/18% of online Can. Smartphone usage – 33% of mobile users Social media age breakdown – usage is younger-skewed but broad spread, 18-34 {86%}, 35-54 {64%}, 55+ {43%} Mobile Usage – there are 24+ million Canadian mobile subscribers . -   Source: comScoreeMarketer/Ipsos Reid/Nielsen
The 3rd Law of the Social Net - Authenticity  “In a world of incressingly paid-for experiences, authenticity is what we increasingly crave from each other and our brands.  Joe Pine, Author of Authenticity and The Experience Economy
You don’t “Do, Kill, Buy, Trade in Social, YOU BETTER BE AND LIVE IT”
A Genuine Culture Change is Required MASS  MARKETING DIRECT  MARKETING SOCIAL INFLUENCE MARKETING Control Hype Decisions Features Collaboration Transparency Dialogue Purpose
Top Reasons – Social Media  Why Now Business Executives? #1 The Need for Authenticity and Transparency -42% #2 The rise of social networks - 38% #3 Increasing role of wireless/mobile - 35% #4 Customers/people waning attention spans - 25% #5 Media fragmentation - 22% #6 Change in mass marketing effectiveness - 20% Agent Wildfire -The Buzz Report 2010
Successful or Not?
The 4th Law of The Social ‘Net  – Customer-Ness The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. Socrates
This is What Today’s Customer Wants
Customer Experience Reigns - Who Knows Better Than Your Customer - Executives who believe the Customer Experience is the new battleground  - 95% Executives who believe they are delivering a positive customer experience - 80% CUSTOMERS WHO AGREE - 8%
Great Brands Are Like  Great Sports Teams…
Sports teams put their fans to work…
The best brands treat customers like valued fans Scout/ Mystery Shopper Thinktank/ Sounding Board Turning Users, Customers and Consumers  User Customer Consumer Into Authors, Producers, Scouts, Testers and Collaborators & Broadcasters  Collaborator/Producer Community Member/ VIP Insider Brand Fan Evangelist/ Ambassador/ Advocate Seeded Adopter/ Beta Tester Into  True Fans, Community Members, Advocates, Ambassadors  and Evangelists AdvisoryCouncil/ Cause Torchbearer
Do Brands Belong in Social? You betcha… ,[object Object],- Twitterers are three times more likely to embrace brands than average population Visual : The Atlantic
Where to Start with WoM and Buzz?
Elwood:Er.. what kind of music do you usually have here? Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got Country, and Western.
WOM Comes in More Than a Few Flavours… ,[object Object]
 Brand Community
 Collaboration / Co-Creation
 Social Media
 Influencer Marketing
 Social Network Badging ,[object Object]
 Grassroots/ cause marketing
Pass along Referrals
Recommend-ations- Social Influence Visual- Intersection Consulting
What are the biggest elements to WoM? Tools used /platforms built? Customer Experience? Audience who participates? Incentives for referral? Great Product/Brand? Conversation Worthy Idea/Concept? Strong process? Culture/employees of a company? Creative/design used? Method of interaction?
Top 10 Ranked WoM Elements Great ideas that spread are rare and valuable #1 Conversation Worthy Idea/Concept*                                        36 triggers #2 Great Product/Brand #3 Customer Experience provided #4 The Audience who Participates*                                  6 types #5 Culture/employees of a Company #6 Method in which it interacts w/ its audience 30 tips #7 Incentives for referral #8 Strong process*                  	         8 steps #9 Creative/design used #10 Tools/platforms built*      15 tools
W  F I I L R D E Process Agent Wildfire – an 8-step WILDFIRE playbook WOM OVERVIEW: WILDFIRE Fan the Flames Rebroadcast content, expand  referral, share testimonials What the Big Idea? Buzzworthy, Spreadable,  Repeatable, Visual, Online/Offline Incubate the Conversation Ongoing dialogue, moderation,  content and incentives Influencer Recruitment Find, connect and invite the connected, savvy opinion leaders Research and Insight  Monitoring, feedback, analysis,  adjustment and action Lay the Foundation Develop the platform,  forum and tentacles for content and activity Expansion Fuel larger geography, portfolio,  activity, features and/or scope Deliver an Experience Online, cause-related, event,  incentive or VIP experience
7 Owned WoM Tools – Your Home Game WOM OVERVIEW: WILDFIRE Monitoring Tools Social  Dashboard Online Community Wiki/ Collaboration Blogs Apps Email Awareness Perception Targeting Traffic/SEO User Content Engagement Purchase Referral Evangelism Thought Leadership Measurement 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3
8 Shared WoMTools – Your Away Game WOM OVERVIEW: WILDFIRE Social Bookmarks Location based Ratings/ Forums Photo Sharing Awareness Perception Targeting Traffic/SEO User Content Engagement Purchase Referral Evangelism Thought Leadership Measurement 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 3
Some of these people are not like the others….The Influencer Matters
1690 – John Locke "We are like chameleons, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us.”
1844 – Ralph Waldo Emerson "Who shall set a limit to the influence of a human being?" "The best efforts of a fine person is felt after we have left their presence.”
1991 – Geoffrey Moore “This consumer is part of the herd. They're word-of-mouth creatures  ... They're asking their friends and colleagues, 'Are you using that camera yet? Me, neither.'  But if they ask around and people say, 'Yeah, I use it all the time,' then they'll rethink and try it out.”
2002 – Malcolm Gladwell The Law of The Few:  “The answer is that the success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts.”
2008 – Seth Godin “The new opportunity is that it's easier than ever to find, organize, and lead a tribe.  The Web has enabled an explosion of all kinds of tribes -- and  …created a shortage of people to lead them. This is the growth industry of our time.”
The open web has not reduced, but instead, exposed the importance of influencers….
Influencers Answer Questions 0.7% of Wikipedia users edit… 50% of the articles 1.7% of Wikipedia users author… 70% of the articles
Influencers Stay on Top of What’s Current 2.2% of Twitter users account for… 58% of the tweets 1.7% of Twitter users have … More than 1,000 followers
Influencers Fan, Poke, Pic, Share… 0.7% of Facebook pages have… More than 100k fans 8.7% of Facebook Users … Update their status daily
Influencers Hire and Network 0.8% LinkedIn members … Visit each day 1% of LinkedIn members… …are responsible for 34% of the site’s traffic
Influencers Generate Lots of Content High authority bloggers post … 300x more frequently than low authority bloggers  Only 9% of top blogs… Get over 10,000 visitors per month
Influencers are Big Online 13.8% of online  population… …create 80% of the online influence posts 6.2% of online population…  …create 80% of the online influence impressions
Influence ≠ Followers
Influence ≠ Popularity
Influence Can’t Be Peddled
Influence is Interest Specific
And now we can provide the raw evidence
Should we care?  Why do we care?
Influence Benefits - “Helping Grow Stuff…” Brand Advocacy - as a marketer, Influencers are your “people market” multipliers Brand Buzz- as a media person, Influencers are a grassroots complement and amplifier  Brand Perception – as a PR person, Influencers are game-changing allies   
Influence Benefits- “Helping Build Stuff” Brand Content – as an agency or innovator, Influencers are potential creative partners and crowdsourced sources of solutions and ideas Brand Insight - as a researcher or innovator, Influencers are a savvy alchemy of outsider wisdom and feedback Brand Support- as an organization, committed Influencersare extraordinarily effective and valuable brand ambassadors and customer service agents  
The marketing influence model is being turned upside down
Influence is not Distributed Equally…
Spreading messages effectively on the social web happens in two steps … The  Crowd The  Influencers
You can’t chase everybody… “The suggestion that a firm merely needs to participate in a conversation is a little naive.  Microsoft was mentioned 2.5 million times in the blogosphere the previous year, and we have eighty-nine thousand employees.  How can you realistically be expected to operationalize a response to all of them?”
Why are they so damn valuable?
E C S R Four sources of Influencer power x x x = Reach Exposure Credibility Suasion
E C S R Reach – deep and wide circles of influence x x x = Reach Exposure Credibility Suasion ,[object Object]
 More colleagues and associates
 More affiliations to groups of interest
 More links to other influencers
More amplification channels of connection,[object Object]
Adopt earlier/pay more attention to trends
Make sense of the world more easily
 More prolific content production
Receive and pass along more recommendations,[object Object]
More authoritative
 Honest and care
 Relevant and Timely
Accreditized by trusted others,[object Object]
Reciprocation and involvement
Expressiveness/strong communication
 Confidence in messenger,[object Object]
The Influencers –  Word of Mouth Powerbrokers
The front of the influence curve… “The Message Creators” – 1.1% of the population - Creators, The Vanguard, Prosumers, Innovators, Activists, Trailblazers, The Edge, Mavericks “The Message Radar” – 0.7% of the population - Conversations Starters, Alphas, Coolhunters, In-the-know, Early Adopters, Style hounds, Culture savvy, “The Message Sellers” – 1.9% of the population ,[object Object], 
…the back of the Influence Curve “The Message Credibility” – 3.6% of population - Gatekeepers, Databanks, Authorities, Filters, Gurus, Torture Testers,  Filters   “The Message Magnets”  0.8% of the population - Endorsers, Mega Hubs, High Priests, Fame Magnets, A-Listers “The Message Spreaders” - 1.8% of population - Organizers, Sneezers, Bees, Social Glue, Converters, Chatterers, Promiscuous, Connectors
Get your influencers in the right sequence…
Find Your Real Hardcore Fans Invite them into The Front Row or On Stage
Why We Word of Mouth?  36 Reasons
The Short Version - The Three Basic Reasons Why Ideas Spread through Word of Mouth “It’s Who THEY Are” “It’s WHAT You Do” “It’s Who YOU Are” 10 Audience Attributes 15 Buzz Firestarters 11 Inescapable Traits
THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF WORD OF MOUTH  – THE 36 REASONS WHY PEOPLE BUZZ - The Brand/Product The Experience The Person Intrinsic-ally Motivated Passionate About the Topic Rallying Cry Authentic Altruistic Intimacy Likable Influence Involved/ Committed Brand Experience Trustworthy Logo Lovers Tight Boundaries Extrinsic-ally Motivated Ritualistic Social Currency Edgy Social Brokers Network Effects Innovative Feedback Seekers The Best At What You Do Memes Self-Expressives Easy to Talk About Visibility Remarkable/ Outrageous Ego-Driven Scarcity Explicitly Motivated Fame Expertise Knowledge Seekers Sensory Bite-Sized Participation ReciprocityDealers Liberating/ Problem Solving VIP treatment/ Customization Rewards $$
The  Who
# 1 – Passionate about The Topic # 2 – Logo Lovers # 2 – Logo Lovers "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. – p.s. just survived an intentional parachute failure at 10,000ft” Tactic: Publish Manifesto (Naked Pizza) /Employee Blog (Graco)
# 2 – Logo Lovers “D’OH! The Simpsons’ effect on TV is like the Beatle’s effect on music. We will buy them until they have nothing left to do.” Tactic: Build Community (JetBlue TrueBlue)/  Use video sharing/Host user-generated video contest (Nike The Chosen)
# 3 – Knowledge Seekers “Just another day of blowing something up” Tactic: Topic-based blogs/Aggregated Advice  ( Amex Open Business Forum)
# 4 – Social Brokers “You wanna hug it out?” Tactic: Host events/organize groups/tiered membership and roles/team wearables (Canadian Breast Cancer)

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Creating Buzz/Engaging Influencers -Social Media Masters - Toronto

  • 1. Word of Mouth Marketing: Creating Buzz and Engaging Influencers October 2011Social Media Masters Toronto @wikibrands #smm2011 Sean Moffitt @seanmoffitt
  • 2. Who is Sean Moffitt…. Just A Blonde Guy With a Cause Bad US Soccer Perception Bad Chefs Bad Spies Bad Marketing and Digital Practice Bad British Cuisine Bad Bay Area Hoods Bad Defensive Secondaries
  • 3. Agent Wildfire – Canada’s Word of Mouth People
  • 4. We Word of Mouth (WoM) with these Influencers…
  • 5. Wikibrands - 2011 Booklist Business Book of the Year Published by McGraw-Hill (2011 Launch) Twitter: @wikibrands Website: Richard Florida, Best Selling Author, “A must read for business leaders” Don Tapscott, Digital pioneer and author, Wikinomics “This is an important, perhaps seminal book”
  • 6. A Premium Brand is Now a Mark of Participation Wikibrands - There’s a new currency on how brands build business… “Something you Want” 1950 “Something you Trust” 1910 “Something you Buy” 1850 “Something you Participate In” 2011 “Something you Prefer” 1980 “Something you Love” 2000
  • 7.
  • 15. Awesome customer experience
  • 16. Distributed ContentEquals success in business
  • 17. Forget Marketing’s 4Ps… Embrace the Wikibrand 13Es Mission Drivers Would you recommend my brand to a friend or colleague? Well would you? Advanced Drivers Effiliation Experience Premium Drivers Equity Ennovative Entimate Entertainment Basic Drivers Education Entegrity Exposed Exchange Esthetics Company-driven User-driven
  • 18. Web WoM leads the way Believe word of mouth is credible 63% 56% 55% 39% 58% 50% 49% 35% Likely to pass along brand conversations to others Likely to purchase based on brand conversations Likely to seek out information based on brand conversations Word of Mouth Social Media Social Business Source: Keller Fay, 2010
  • 19. “Facebook is Ringo, Social Media is George, Word of Mouth is Paul, but Social Business is John” Social Business 105M Word of Mouth 55M Social Media 14M 11M
  • 20. Big Caveat: Technology and tools are less than 20% of the deal “The diffusion of innovation is based more on sociology and psychology than on technology.” Everett Rogers, 1962- The Diffusion of Innovations
  • 21. The 4 Laws of the Social ‘Net and WoM Socialness Authenticity Customer-ness Awesomeness
  • 22. The 1st Law of the Social Net - Awesomeness “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey #939 Hot cream and a straight razor on your neck at the barber shop #983 That pile of assorted beers left in your fridge after a party
  • 23. The 1% Fact - The World is Not Created Equal… Whether its business, products, services, motives, TV …. There is the “AWESOME” - 1% There is the “GOOD” - 20% There is the “MEH” - about 60% There is the “BAD” - 20% There is the “UGLY” - 0.5%
  • 24. What’s awesome in Your World? October WoM
  • 25. Who were #1, #2 and #3 people to fly across the Atlantic?
  • 26. The Law of Awesomeness Online Only 0.9% of Facebook Users have… More than 500 friends Only 1.5% of Tweet conversations… Are three levels (replies) deep
  • 27. In a Wikibrand World - Act different, be different, think different Top 7 Things That People Talk About YOUR Brand Unique Dynamic Different Distinctive Innovative Visionary Daring Source: Y&R Brand Asset valuator
  • 28. The 2nd Law of the Social Net - Socialness "Prosocial behavior is an essential component of health and happiness in human beings” Robert Kloninger. Professor of Psychiatry , Author of Feeling Good, The Science of Well-Being 19
  • 29.
  • 30. To Connect (Facebook)
  • 31. To Make Sense of the World (Wikipedia)
  • 32. To Reduce Risk & Uncertainty (Amazon)
  • 33. To Benefit Economically (eBay)
  • 34.
  • 35. Me in 1992 Me in 2011 150 4000 150 X 12 X 170 X 12 5000 20000 X 500 X 170 5000 5000 X 170 X 190 900 X 40 1800 People Strength 8.4 Million People Strength
  • 36. Only in Canada, Pity! Ranked #1 Online penetration–79%/26.7 million Canadians online Online usage–average 43.5 hours online per month Online video– 251 videos/17.2 viewing hours per month LinkedIn usage - 15% of online Canadians use Gaming – spend 4.5 hours each week Ranked in Top 10 Social media Use– 70% use social media; ½ everyday Facebook usage–#4 worldwide/82% of online Can. Twitter usage–#6 worldwide/18% of online Can. Smartphone usage – 33% of mobile users Social media age breakdown – usage is younger-skewed but broad spread, 18-34 {86%}, 35-54 {64%}, 55+ {43%} Mobile Usage – there are 24+ million Canadian mobile subscribers . -   Source: comScoreeMarketer/Ipsos Reid/Nielsen
  • 37. The 3rd Law of the Social Net - Authenticity “In a world of incressingly paid-for experiences, authenticity is what we increasingly crave from each other and our brands. Joe Pine, Author of Authenticity and The Experience Economy
  • 38. You don’t “Do, Kill, Buy, Trade in Social, YOU BETTER BE AND LIVE IT”
  • 39. A Genuine Culture Change is Required MASS MARKETING DIRECT MARKETING SOCIAL INFLUENCE MARKETING Control Hype Decisions Features Collaboration Transparency Dialogue Purpose
  • 40. Top Reasons – Social Media Why Now Business Executives? #1 The Need for Authenticity and Transparency -42% #2 The rise of social networks - 38% #3 Increasing role of wireless/mobile - 35% #4 Customers/people waning attention spans - 25% #5 Media fragmentation - 22% #6 Change in mass marketing effectiveness - 20% Agent Wildfire -The Buzz Report 2010
  • 42. The 4th Law of The Social ‘Net – Customer-Ness The way to gain a good reputation, is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear. Socrates
  • 43. This is What Today’s Customer Wants
  • 44. Customer Experience Reigns - Who Knows Better Than Your Customer - Executives who believe the Customer Experience is the new battleground - 95% Executives who believe they are delivering a positive customer experience - 80% CUSTOMERS WHO AGREE - 8%
  • 45. Great Brands Are Like Great Sports Teams…
  • 46. Sports teams put their fans to work…
  • 47. The best brands treat customers like valued fans Scout/ Mystery Shopper Thinktank/ Sounding Board Turning Users, Customers and Consumers User Customer Consumer Into Authors, Producers, Scouts, Testers and Collaborators & Broadcasters Collaborator/Producer Community Member/ VIP Insider Brand Fan Evangelist/ Ambassador/ Advocate Seeded Adopter/ Beta Tester Into True Fans, Community Members, Advocates, Ambassadors and Evangelists AdvisoryCouncil/ Cause Torchbearer
  • 48.
  • 49. Where to Start with WoM and Buzz?
  • 50. Elwood:Er.. what kind of music do you usually have here? Claire: Oh, we got both kinds. We got Country, and Western.
  • 51.
  • 53. Collaboration / Co-Creation
  • 58.
  • 62. Recommend-ations- Social Influence Visual- Intersection Consulting
  • 63.
  • 64. What are the biggest elements to WoM? Tools used /platforms built? Customer Experience? Audience who participates? Incentives for referral? Great Product/Brand? Conversation Worthy Idea/Concept? Strong process? Culture/employees of a company? Creative/design used? Method of interaction?
  • 65. Top 10 Ranked WoM Elements Great ideas that spread are rare and valuable #1 Conversation Worthy Idea/Concept* 36 triggers #2 Great Product/Brand #3 Customer Experience provided #4 The Audience who Participates* 6 types #5 Culture/employees of a Company #6 Method in which it interacts w/ its audience 30 tips #7 Incentives for referral #8 Strong process* 8 steps #9 Creative/design used #10 Tools/platforms built* 15 tools
  • 66. W F I I L R D E Process Agent Wildfire – an 8-step WILDFIRE playbook WOM OVERVIEW: WILDFIRE Fan the Flames Rebroadcast content, expand referral, share testimonials What the Big Idea? Buzzworthy, Spreadable, Repeatable, Visual, Online/Offline Incubate the Conversation Ongoing dialogue, moderation, content and incentives Influencer Recruitment Find, connect and invite the connected, savvy opinion leaders Research and Insight Monitoring, feedback, analysis, adjustment and action Lay the Foundation Develop the platform, forum and tentacles for content and activity Expansion Fuel larger geography, portfolio, activity, features and/or scope Deliver an Experience Online, cause-related, event, incentive or VIP experience
  • 67. 7 Owned WoM Tools – Your Home Game WOM OVERVIEW: WILDFIRE Monitoring Tools Social Dashboard Online Community Wiki/ Collaboration Blogs Apps Email Awareness Perception Targeting Traffic/SEO User Content Engagement Purchase Referral Evangelism Thought Leadership Measurement 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3
  • 68. 8 Shared WoMTools – Your Away Game WOM OVERVIEW: WILDFIRE Social Bookmarks Location based Ratings/ Forums Photo Sharing Awareness Perception Targeting Traffic/SEO User Content Engagement Purchase Referral Evangelism Thought Leadership Measurement 1 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 3
  • 69. Some of these people are not like the others….The Influencer Matters
  • 70. 1690 – John Locke "We are like chameleons, we take our hue and the color of our moral character, from those who are around us.”
  • 71. 1844 – Ralph Waldo Emerson "Who shall set a limit to the influence of a human being?" "The best efforts of a fine person is felt after we have left their presence.”
  • 72. 1991 – Geoffrey Moore “This consumer is part of the herd. They're word-of-mouth creatures ... They're asking their friends and colleagues, 'Are you using that camera yet? Me, neither.' But if they ask around and people say, 'Yeah, I use it all the time,' then they'll rethink and try it out.”
  • 73. 2002 – Malcolm Gladwell The Law of The Few: “The answer is that the success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts.”
  • 74. 2008 – Seth Godin “The new opportunity is that it's easier than ever to find, organize, and lead a tribe. The Web has enabled an explosion of all kinds of tribes -- and …created a shortage of people to lead them. This is the growth industry of our time.”
  • 75. The open web has not reduced, but instead, exposed the importance of influencers….
  • 76. Influencers Answer Questions 0.7% of Wikipedia users edit… 50% of the articles 1.7% of Wikipedia users author… 70% of the articles
  • 77. Influencers Stay on Top of What’s Current 2.2% of Twitter users account for… 58% of the tweets 1.7% of Twitter users have … More than 1,000 followers
  • 78. Influencers Fan, Poke, Pic, Share… 0.7% of Facebook pages have… More than 100k fans 8.7% of Facebook Users … Update their status daily
  • 79. Influencers Hire and Network 0.8% LinkedIn members … Visit each day 1% of LinkedIn members… …are responsible for 34% of the site’s traffic
  • 80. Influencers Generate Lots of Content High authority bloggers post … 300x more frequently than low authority bloggers Only 9% of top blogs… Get over 10,000 visitors per month
  • 81. Influencers are Big Online 13.8% of online population… …create 80% of the online influence posts 6.2% of online population… …create 80% of the online influence impressions
  • 82.
  • 87. And now we can provide the raw evidence
  • 88.
  • 89. Should we care? Why do we care?
  • 90. Influence Benefits - “Helping Grow Stuff…” Brand Advocacy - as a marketer, Influencers are your “people market” multipliers Brand Buzz- as a media person, Influencers are a grassroots complement and amplifier Brand Perception – as a PR person, Influencers are game-changing allies  
  • 91. Influence Benefits- “Helping Build Stuff” Brand Content – as an agency or innovator, Influencers are potential creative partners and crowdsourced sources of solutions and ideas Brand Insight - as a researcher or innovator, Influencers are a savvy alchemy of outsider wisdom and feedback Brand Support- as an organization, committed Influencersare extraordinarily effective and valuable brand ambassadors and customer service agents  
  • 92. The marketing influence model is being turned upside down
  • 93. Influence is not Distributed Equally…
  • 94. Spreading messages effectively on the social web happens in two steps … The Crowd The Influencers
  • 95. You can’t chase everybody… “The suggestion that a firm merely needs to participate in a conversation is a little naive. Microsoft was mentioned 2.5 million times in the blogosphere the previous year, and we have eighty-nine thousand employees. How can you realistically be expected to operationalize a response to all of them?”
  • 96. Why are they so damn valuable?
  • 97. E C S R Four sources of Influencer power x x x = Reach Exposure Credibility Suasion
  • 98.
  • 99. More colleagues and associates
  • 100. More affiliations to groups of interest
  • 101. More links to other influencers
  • 102.
  • 103. Adopt earlier/pay more attention to trends
  • 104. Make sense of the world more easily
  • 105. More prolific content production
  • 106.
  • 108. Honest and care
  • 109. Relevant and Timely
  • 110.
  • 114.
  • 115. The Influencers – Word of Mouth Powerbrokers
  • 116.
  • 117. …the back of the Influence Curve “The Message Credibility” – 3.6% of population - Gatekeepers, Databanks, Authorities, Filters, Gurus, Torture Testers, Filters   “The Message Magnets” 0.8% of the population - Endorsers, Mega Hubs, High Priests, Fame Magnets, A-Listers “The Message Spreaders” - 1.8% of population - Organizers, Sneezers, Bees, Social Glue, Converters, Chatterers, Promiscuous, Connectors
  • 118. Get your influencers in the right sequence…
  • 119. Find Your Real Hardcore Fans Invite them into The Front Row or On Stage
  • 120. Why We Word of Mouth? 36 Reasons
  • 121. The Short Version - The Three Basic Reasons Why Ideas Spread through Word of Mouth “It’s Who THEY Are” “It’s WHAT You Do” “It’s Who YOU Are” 10 Audience Attributes 15 Buzz Firestarters 11 Inescapable Traits
  • 122. THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF WORD OF MOUTH – THE 36 REASONS WHY PEOPLE BUZZ - The Brand/Product The Experience The Person Intrinsic-ally Motivated Passionate About the Topic Rallying Cry Authentic Altruistic Intimacy Likable Influence Involved/ Committed Brand Experience Trustworthy Logo Lovers Tight Boundaries Extrinsic-ally Motivated Ritualistic Social Currency Edgy Social Brokers Network Effects Innovative Feedback Seekers The Best At What You Do Memes Self-Expressives Easy to Talk About Visibility Remarkable/ Outrageous Ego-Driven Scarcity Explicitly Motivated Fame Expertise Knowledge Seekers Sensory Bite-Sized Participation ReciprocityDealers Liberating/ Problem Solving VIP treatment/ Customization Rewards $$
  • 124. # 1 – Passionate about The Topic # 2 – Logo Lovers # 2 – Logo Lovers "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. – p.s. just survived an intentional parachute failure at 10,000ft” Tactic: Publish Manifesto (Naked Pizza) /Employee Blog (Graco)
  • 125. # 2 – Logo Lovers “D’OH! The Simpsons’ effect on TV is like the Beatle’s effect on music. We will buy them until they have nothing left to do.” Tactic: Build Community (JetBlue TrueBlue)/ Use video sharing/Host user-generated video contest (Nike The Chosen)
  • 126. # 3 – Knowledge Seekers “Just another day of blowing something up” Tactic: Topic-based blogs/Aggregated Advice ( Amex Open Business Forum)
  • 127. # 4 – Social Brokers “You wanna hug it out?” Tactic: Host events/organize groups/tiered membership and roles/team wearables (Canadian Breast Cancer)
  • 128. # 5 – Altruistic “Move that bus!” Tactic: Personal Appeal /Meetups (Wikipedia fundraising /Wiknics)
  • 129. # 6 – Involved / Committed “We're not the only people on this island and we alllllll know it!" Tactic: Meritocratic communities/Challenges/Milestone Celebrations (Mozilla Firefox)
  • 130. # 7 – Seeking Feedback "What does that mean when the fitness instructors are ahead of the mayors?" Tactic: Beta test Influencers (Lululemon)
  • 131. # 8 – Ego Driven “Show me someone without an ego, and I`ll show you a loser.You’re Fired.” Tactic: Social dashboards/leaderboards/gaming (Empire Avenue)
  • 132. # 9 – Reciprocity Dealers “But we can only offer this level of programming with your help.” Tactic: Affiliate/crowdsourcing revenue sharing (Amazon)
  • 133. # 10 – Self – Expression “SOME PEOPLE THINK BEAUTY IS SOMETHING YOU'RE BORN WITH......AND NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN CREATE......HOW NAIVE!!!!” Tactic: Crowd designing platform/challenges/themes/profiles (Threadless)
  • 135. # 11- Social Currency Tactic: First to know/Top Stories/Trendwatch (Gawker/Gawker Stalker)
  • 136. # 12- Brand Experience(s) “I think it’s really down to the wire, and we’re afraid we’re last.” Tactic: Testimonials/Employee Flipcam Profiles/CEO blogs/Publish Core Values (Zappos)
  • 137. # 13 – Fame “I genuinely believe with all my heart that we have found (a worldwide star) with you.” Tactic: Customer competition/Performance stage (Squad 6) 15 Minutes of Fame (Maynards)
  • 138. # 14 – VIP Treatment / Customization “Sophie gets what Sophie wants and Sophie is always right” Tactic: Front of the line Incentives/exclusive access/updates (American Express)
  • 139. # 15 – Scarcity ” Watch out—I’m coming to town and I can’t bring all my friends, so I’ve decided to look for a new BFF. I need a best friend who is hot, who can keep up with me, and most of all, who is real and won’t be a backstabber.” Tactic: Restricted access/gifting (Google Gmail / +1)
  • 140. # 16 – Influence “You can only vote for him, you can't actually adopt him. Call now." Tactic: Collaborative innovation/fan clubs/meet employees (Lego)
  • 141. # 17 – Intimacy “Will you accept this rose?” Tactic: Twitter time response/local venue and interest-specific social hubs (Whole Foods)
  • 142. # 18 – Visibility “The top 10 CNN heroes -- remarkable everyday people changing the world -- were revealed by CNN's Anderson Cooper. All were nominated by CNN viewers inspired by their hard work and commitment.” Tactic: Identity embeds itself into product/packaging (Maynards)
  • 143. # 19 – Tight Boundaries “Yeah, I'm obnoxious, yeah, I cut people off, yeah, I'm rude. You know why? Because you're busy. “ Tactic: Vetted member only access/Launch parties/Special deals/niche labels (The Gilt Groupe)
  • 144. # 20 – Rallying Cause “And remember you can make a difference” Tactic: Matching Incentives/Partnerships/Product Badging/Bold Targets/Red Friends (Join Red)
  • 145. # 21- Rewards “DEAL OR NO DEAL” Tactic: Group-based deals /Countdown clocks /real-time feedback/Social Integration/referral incentives (GroupOn)
  • 146. # 22 – Expertise “So now America, with an open heart and an empty stomach, I say unto you in the words of my uncle: Allez cuisine!” Tactic: Well-curated forums /multiple communities /answered vs. unanswered questions/Grant compeitions (Intuit)
  • 147. # 23 – Bite-Sized Participation “There’s no such thing as 110%. It stops at 100.” Tactic: Petition wall /matching donation wall (Sharpie)
  • 148. # 24 – Network Effects “Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi.” Tactic: Recently joined lists/ best members/interest-specific groups/live chat (Facebook)
  • 149. # 25 – Memes “No soup for you! There was shrinkage! Man hands Vanderlet Industries! The bro and manziere. Happy Festivus. Yada, yada, yada.” Tactic: Label members, activities, objects, Chirp Conference, 85 word, Twitter Glossary (Twitter)
  • 150.
  • 151. # 26 – Innovative "The following takes place between ??:?? and ??:?? pm" Tactic: Augmented reality, partner integration , local mapping, training routine, mixes (Nike Plus)
  • 152. # 27 – Remarkable/Outrageous “What's the quickest you've ever knocked anyone out? 18 seconds including the ten-count. I think you're gonna break that today. “
  • 153. # 28 – The Best At What You Do “That was unbelievable.” Tactic: Provocative demonstration/contextually relevant tests (Will It Blend)
  • 154. # 29 – Authentic “This is NOT fashion camp!” Tactic: Authentic collaborators/product centric multimedia (Burberry – The Art of Trench)
  • 155. # 30 – Liberating / Problem Solving “Dead body, Bonus!” Tactic: User generated uses/Advisory Council/Lists (Wd-40)
  • 156. # 31 – Edgy “Move forward. This never happened. It will shock you how much it never happened” Tactic: Underground evangelism/targeted sponsorship (Pabst Blue Ribbon)
  • 157. # 32 – Trustworthy “I understand that you want to make finance entertaining, but it's not a f***king game” Tactic: Link a cause/movement to your brand – link to purchase (Tom’s Shoes)
  • 158. # 33 – Likeable “Just go up to somebody on the street and say "You're it!" and then run away.” Tactic: Don’t charge for extras/respond to people in real-time (Porter Airlines)
  • 159. # 34 – Easy To Talk About “You’re engaged ?” Tactic: Making the invisible, visible and talkable online and offline (Movember)
  • 160. # 35 – Ritualistic “The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.” Tactic: Fake history, strategy guide, faux rules, personality profiler (World Rock Paper Scissors)
  • 161. # 36 – Sensory “Who will speak for Planet Earth?” Tactic: 3D Tours of Region (Nimmo Bay Lodge)
  • 162. Summary - The 36 Reasons Why People Word of Mouth
  • 163. 30 Hard-Won Tips to WoM The best preparation? The top ideas? The right squad? The golden touch? Avoiding the potholes? Building relationships?
  • 164. #1-5 Live in the tribe …. - Find your lifestyle target, read their content, listen to their exchanges - Make a scouting report about their likes, dislikes and interest - Know who they hang with - Link to their content, credit their work - Go easy - Make a friendly first connection
  • 165.
  • 169. E-mail
  • 172. TweetAre you listening to me? Highest engagement Lowest reach Lowest engagement Greatest reach
  • 173.
  • 174.
  • 175. Does it combine your brand traits, with motivating activities and a primed audience?
  • 176. Does it max out on a few of the 36 reasons why people word of mouth?
  • 177. Does the experience and follow up match the promise that’s been set up? Does your buzz have longevity?
  • 178.
  • 179. Are you grabbing the right type and combination of influencer (tastemaker, trendspotter, opinion leader, expert, social ringleader, celebrity) at the right time and motivation?
  • 180. Do they feel connected to your brand or mission for reasons beyond the freebie – social connection, shared values, ability to express?
  • 181.
  • 182. Celebrate their talents and the new tribe they’re in
  • 183. Let them know “why” they’ve been chosen
  • 184. Involve them in what you’re doing, before you do it
  • 185.
  • 186. Give them tools and forums to make their participation easy
  • 187. Set up content so that is easily shareable and customizable
  • 188. Thank them, regardless of outcome
  • 189.
  • 190. Provide unexpected surprises along the way
  • 191. Create milestones, celebrate upon achievement
  • 192. Expand/tier/refresh circle of influencers over time
  • 193.
  • 194. Let’s Start The Conversation… Inquire: sean (at) smoffitt(at) Phone: 416-458-2818 URL: Blogs: Explore: The Buzz Report (e-newsletter) Signup at Learn: Executive Seminars

Editor's Notes

  1. Happy to be in hometown recognized as master – whereas my last 2 years have been talking about the socialization of business and Wikibrands – my real roots are brands and word of mouthFor those following at home – the relevant hashtags are below
  2. Whereas some of my fellow members of the blonde guild society have their cuases cleaning up their own neck of the woods – I am focused on my little postage stamp in the world
  3. Ran over 100 engagements over last 7 years as Canada’s – we live, breathe and sleep this stuff – with Facebook less than 8 years old, YouTube less than 7 and Twitter less than 6, the notion that people talk to each other is not new
  4. Over 30 different categories – top three categories for word of mouth – child acre, restuarnants and cars
  5. We wrote a book – some smart people liked it, we’ve been travelling the last 9 months evangelising our business manifesto – would love for you to join us
  6. Get through 17 chapters, the real core idea is that as brand owners, managers, agencies and stakeholders, we are in the middle of the poarticpation age – whereas brands represented important distinctions in the past based on ownership, equity, aspiration, preference or affinity, now the real limus test is are you providing forums for people to engage and particiapte more deeply with your brandThe stats prove it – according to Forrrester, those that engage deeply grow their value by 18% and those that don’t 6% - chicken or egg argument
  7. So we interviewed the top 100 brands doing great work and asked them how they put their social pants on the morningToday we’ll focus on one of their core success factors – word of mouth
  8. I think we’ve all been trained on marketing’s 4Psa for the last 50 years it is has been a marketing stapleWhenever I talk to my colleague Don Tapscott, he believes brands are a much more complicated construct shared between company and users nowadays – we prefer the 13Es as a new model of wikibranding – with the key driver being Evangelism – a true litmus test of a healthy business and brand – would you recommend me to others?
  9. Tretaed as a media, word of mouth in nearly every study you see, is the most trusted, referred, action driving, information seeking vehicle
  10. I loved this morning’s chats about Social Business – from strategy by Chris to infrastructure by Sam – this is no longer excused as a tacticCertainly if you look at a Beatle’s metaphor and their popularity below in terms of Google searches, social business might not be everybody’s favourite topic like John Lennon but it is the high ground for effective use of social media and new technology
  11. If you thought I would expound on the nittygritties of usingKlout vs. peerIndex, hosting communities on Salesforce vs. Lithium , measuring on Radian vs. Sysomos, sorry to upset but think again….it’s really the sociology and psychology of business and its customers that is the main gap
  12. So before we go on a pretty heady WoM trip, I wanted to profeer to you that in a social tech, word of mouth world there really are 4 overriding laws, the Hammuraboi code, the 10 commandments of the social net so to speak
  13. The first law is awesomeness – we truly don’t notice or talk about stuff that is above average or even good anymore, we are deluged with that – what we talk about is the 1% of stuff that we find fascinating and relevant (and maybe the 0.5% of stuff that really really offends us) – loved our fellow friend and canadian author neilpasricha who wrote a best seller on the topic Loved some of his 1000 acts of awesome from his blog – out of last 100, here are two of my faves , although personally hated #1000 Broccolflower
  14. Three things I’ve been word of mouthing about in Toronto – Prvada Vodka bar, NuitBlache all night festival from alst week and Roncesvalles new restaurnat scene including new smkehouseBarque and authentic pizzeria Pizza Defina
  15. I’ll prove the law of awesomeness, who was first person to fly across Atlantic
  16. Of 50 attrubytesSpice Route - It makes peeing feeel like a religious experience
  17. We are pre-wired to talk – what social media has done is make it easy for usThe average person has 2 really close friends, 8 close friends and 33 social friends, if you are on facebook/Twitter/LinkediN you now have 385 friends
  18. My colleague Emanuel Rosen wrote a two great bnooks on the subject of buzz and he nails it – we have 6 basic reasons why we like to talk…and they mimic some of the key social networks/websites we like to useEvery brand owner should ask why their users fundamentally want to buy and spend time with them
  19. Contrary to fly by night, coupon clippers and deal hunters, the real core of your brand social squad will join your community for fundamentally social reasons
  20. If I look at myself vs. the me from 20 years ago – my social network has feasibly expanded by a factor of 5,000 through my links to social networks
  21. And it is deplorable that as a nation, our businesses are dragging their feet when our customers are the most primed for engagement in social media – we are at the top of the ranks of all key usage points online and in social media
  22. We need to be real at this stuff, there is a new higher order benfit customers are seeking out and it is a sense of realness and soul behind the business, brands, people and causes we support – part of more scrutiny and part if there are less of them, brands that know themselves and are perceived by their customers as the realk thing – social media elevates authenticty
  23. More than TV, radio, print or any other medium, word of mouth and social media is an experiential medium – whereas the others you might be able to create and particpate without a rich understanding of each medium, this one is different
  24. Shocking, but buisness is coming around
  25. In a world of great noise and consumer overburden, where customers can increaisngly filter the branded message out, word of mouth is the great enabler, we rely more than ever on our friends and people like me
  26. This is what your NEWcustomers’s basic needs are – it’s not quality or relaiability anymore – they want to be involved, they have a high standard, low tolerrance for slowness and will exact a tool when you don’t meet it now publicly
  27. The sad reality is that we all think its important and many think we deliver a good one, only a small fraction of customers ageree
  28. I am a Seahawks fan – sadly only 4 of us in town – but you noticed the best sports teams have communities around their brands even in different cities – Red Sox Nation, Yankee Pride, The Mnchester United red Devils