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Ethics and Social Responsibility:
                   Corporate Ethics
                     Lecture by:

1-Apr-11              IMT MM Corporate Ethic   1


           Sustainability Philosophy

             Sustainability Effort

           Sustainability Case Study

1-Apr-11       IMT MM Corporate Ethic   2
Corporate Ethics:
                   Lecture by:

                    THE CORPORATION

1-Apr-11          IMT MM Corporate Ethic   3
Guidelines for Ethical Behavior

    Is the consensually accepted standards of behavior
    for an occupation, trade, or profession
    Is the precepts of personal behavior based on
    religious or philosophical grounds
    Formal codes that permit or forbid certain behavior
    May of may not enforce Ethics or morality

1-Apr-11              IMT MM Corporate Ethic              4
Encouraging Ethical Behavior

   Code of Ethics:
   Specifies how an organization expects its
   employees to behave while on the job

            Reasons for Unethical Behavior:
                  Moral Relativism

   Morality is relative to some personal, social or cultural standard and

      that there is no method for deciding whether one decision is better

1-Apr-11                     IMT MM Corporate Ethic                         5
Approaches to Ethical Behavior
         Actions and plans should be judged by
      Individual Rights
         People have fundamental rights to be respected
         Decision makes need to be equitable, fair, and
      Therefore, ethical problems should be solved by
      asking 3 questions:
         Does it optimize the satisfaction of all
         Does it respect the rights of individuals involved?
         Is it consistent with the canons of justice?

1-Apr-11               IMT MM Corporate Ethic             6
Strategy and Ethics
•The purpose of business ethics
  – To provide the tools for dealing with moral complexity in strategic
•Shaping the organization’s ethical climate
  – Emphasizing the importance of strong ethical values by top
  – Including the values in the organization’s mission statement
 A model of ethical decision making

1-Apr-11                     IMT MM Corporate Ethic                   7
Social Responsibility

    Private corporation has responsibilities to society
             that extend beyond making a profit

                Friedman’s Traditional View
              “There is one and only one social
           responsibility of business – to use its
             resources and engage in activities
             designed to increase its profits ”

1-Apr-11               IMT MM Corporate Ethic             8
Carroll’s Four Responsibilities

1-Apr-11            IMT MM Corporate Ethic   9
Potential Benefits of Social Responsibility
    Environmental concerns may enable
    the firm to charge premium prices and
    gain brand loyalty (Ben & Jerry’s)
    Trustworthiness may help generate
    enduring relationships with suppliers
    and distributors without spending
    time and money policing contracts
    Can attract outstanding employees
    who prefer working for a responsible
    firm (P&G)
    More likely to attract capital from
    investors who view reputable
    companies as desirable (Rubbermaid)
1-Apr-11         IMT MM Corporate Ethic   10
Corporate Ethics:
                   Lecture by:

                        Jutaan Ulat
                       Bulu Serang
                      Tujuh Desa-2m

1-Apr-11          IMT MM Corporate Ethic   11
History of Sustainability

    1962: Rachel Carson publishes “Silent Spring”
           First Earth Day celebration – April 22nd
           Nixon establishes EPA
       • Fueled by industrialization and overpopulation
    1972: First UN conference on the Human
    Environment in Stockholm, Sweden

1-Apr-11                IMT MM Corporate Ethic        12
History of Sustainability

   1983 – UN establishes World Commission
   on Environment and Development
           Purpose: examine world’s critical environment
           and development problems and formulate
   1987: Brundtland Commission Report
           3 components of Sustainable Development:
           Environmental protection, Economic growth,
           and Social equity
           Defined Sustainable Development as…

              “Development that meets the needs of the present
                without compromising the ability of future
                generations to meet their own needs.”
1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic                 13
History of Sustainability
    1992: Rio Earth Summit
           Over 178 governments adopted…
           • Agenda 21: a global blueprint and plan of action
             for sustainable development in the 21st century
           • The Rio Declaration on Environment and
               – 27 principles that express the rights and
                 responsibilities of nations as they pursue human
                 development and well-being
           • The Forest Principles
               – A guide for the management, conservation, and
                 sustainable development of all types of forests
    2002: Third UN conference on
    Environment and Development,
    Johannesburg, South Africa
1-Apr-11                   IMT MM Corporate Ethic                   14
The Triple Bottom Line

   People, planet, and profits
   Equity, environment, economy
   TBL coined by John Elkington of
   “SustainAbility” (UK) in 1995
           Cannibals With Forks: The Triple Bottom Line
           of 21st Century Business (1997)
           The Chrysalis Economy: How Citizen CEOs
           and their Corporations Can Fuse Values and
           Value Creation (2001)

1-Apr-11                    IMT MM Corporate Ethic        15
Metafora Elkington (1)

           Salah satu konsep strategi lingkungan
           korporasi (corporate environmental
           strategy) yang menarik adalah gagasan
           John Elkington, pakar CD dan pendiri
           lembaga SustainAbility yang bermarkas
           di London dan New York.

           Elkington (2001, 2002) mengelompokkan
           korporasi berdasarkan kesamaan sifatnya
           dengan empat jenis serangga yang
           memiliki karakter berbeda-beda, yaitu
1-Apr-11           IMT MM Corporate Ethic       16
Metafora Elkington (2)

   Elkington mengajak       Serangga secara
    para pelaku dunia
                          khusus dipilih sebagai   Ssudah eksis di Bumi
   usaha untuk belajar
                           "role model" karena      sejak 400 juta tahun
   dari kehidupan alam
                         jenis makhluk hidup ini   yang lalu (bandingkan
        yang telah
                           telah menunjukkan       dengan manusia yang
                           keberlanjutannya di     "baru" sejuta tahun).
     (sustainability).            Bumi,

1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic                           17

 Elkington (2001,                               Seperti ulat,
2002) menyatakan                             sistem ekonomi-
 bahwa ekonomi                               yang didominasi
   dunia adalah                              korporasi "ulat"-
  "ekonomi ulat"                             melahap kapital
    (caterpillar                                 alam dan
     economy)                                      sosial.

1-Apr-11            IMT MM Corporate Ethic                   18
                       Korporasi "belalang"
                        (corporate locusts)
                       dan korporasi "ulat"
                      (corporate caterpillar)
                       merupakan korporasi
                      yang bersifat merusak

       Melampaui daya                                Korporasi "belalang"
        dukung sistem                                 umumnya memiliki
     ekologi, sosial, dan                             model bisnis yang
    ekonomi, serta secara                              tidak sustainable,
    kolektif menghasilkan                             berkecenderungan
    dampak regional dan                               untuk meruyak (to
        bahkan global.                                      swarm)

1-Apr-11                    IMT MM Corporate Ethic                          19

Korporasi "kupu-kupu"
                                                   Korporasi "kupu-kupu"
(corporate butterflies)
                                                   memiliki model bisnis
 dan korporasi "lebah
                                                     sustainable tetapi
  madu“ merupakan
                                                   berisiko menyimpang
korporasi yang bersifat
                                                    seiring pertumbuhan
                                                        dan ekspansi.

1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic                      20
Lebah Madu (Honey Bee)
                                 Korporasi jenis ini
                                 memiliki jaringan
                                    kerja sama
                                  (symbiotic) dan
                                   ramah secara

           Saat ini korporasi                              menetralisasi
             "lebah madu"                                  dampak yang
              masih amat                                 ditimbulkan oleh
                langka.                                  korporasi "ulat"
                                                          dan "belalang

                                 Serta mendorong
                                 korporasi "kupu-
                                    kupu" untuk
                                 menjadi korporasi
                                   "lebah madu".
1-Apr-11                        IMT MM Corporate Ethic                      21
MetaforaSerangga Pelaku Usaha

    Metafora serangga ini                     Keberlanjutan ekosistem
   merupakan panduan etis                        dunia hanya dapat
   bagi para pelaku usaha                       terwujud jika semua
   dalam membangun dan                        aktivitas ekonomi secara
        mengarahkan                           sadar diarahkan menuju
   engembangan korporasi                       sebuah "konser" ramah
          mereka.                                    lingkungan.

     Destruksi kapital alam                        Korporasi yang
    dan sosial oleh operasi                  tidak segera berevolusi ke
   korporasi "belalang" dan                     arah korporasi "lebah
     korporasi "ulat" akan                     madu", atau setidaknya
   menimbulkan gangguan                        korporasi "kupu-kupu",
    terhadap keberlanjutan                       hanya akan menjadi
   ekosistem dan sekaligus                      beban bagi kosistem
       disharmoni sosial.                          danmasyarakat.
1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic                          22
Corporate Ethics:
              Sustainability Effort
                   Lecture by:


1-Apr-11           IMT MM Corporate Ethic   23
Models for Sustainability

   The Natural Step                      
           4 system conditions
   McDonough Principles                  
           Cradle-to-cradle design
           Waste = Food
   Natural Capitalism                    
           Radically increase resource productivity
           Redesign industry on biological models with
           closed loops and zero waste
           Shift from products to services
           Reinvest in natural capital

1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic                         24
The Business Case

           Short-term cost reduction
             Energy efficiency and waste
           Longer-term return on investment
             Investment in building
           Value creation - Existing markets
           Value creation - New markets

1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic   25
Sustainability Ladder

    1.     Products and services
    2.     Processes
    3.     Business model
    4.     Company focus
    5.     Brand identity of company
    6.     Supplier web and value chain
    7.     Industry leadership and advocacy role

1-Apr-11                IMT MM Corporate Ethic     26

   Coalition for Environmentally Responsible
   Economies (1989)
           10 principles for environmental
           Endorsing companies
      • American Airlines, B of A, Ben & Jerry's,
        Coca-Cola, Fleet Boston Financial, Ford,
        GM, Interface, Nike, Polaroid, The
        Timberland Co., and others
   Launched Global Reporting Initiative (1997)


1-Apr-11                   IMT MM Corporate Ethic   27
The CERES Principles

1. Protection of the Biosphere
2. Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
3. Reduction and Disposal of Wastes
4. Energy Conservation
5. Risk Reduction
6. Safe Products and Services
7. Environmental Restoration
8. Informing the Public
9. Management Commitment
10.Audits and Reports

 1-Apr-11        IMT MM Corporate Ethic   28

 Global Reporting Initiative (1997)
      Voluntary globally applicable sustainability
      reporting guidelines
      341 organizations in 31 countries
      Europe vs. US

1-Apr-11                IMT MM Corporate Ethic   29
Case Examples

 Dupont               Interface
 BP                   Nike
 Shell                Chaparral Steel
 Agilent              Company
 HP                   Johnson & Johnson
                      IdleAire Technology
                      Lighting Components
                      and Design Inc.

1-Apr-11     IMT MM Corporate Ethic         30
An international corporation that manufactures healthcare
  products, electronics and other goods
  Developed a “sustainable growth” mission
  Reduced consumption of raw materials and energy
  Used scientific and technical knowledge to create more
  environmentally-friendly products
  Engaged stakeholders of the corporation
  Created a “Carpet Reclamation Program” where they have
  reclaimed and recycled 90 million pounds of carpet
  By combining the recycling and sorting process in one location,
  Dupont has vastly reduced both energy consumption and costs

Source: The BSD Global website

 1-Apr-11                IMT MM Corporate Ethic               31
   Packaging Initiative
           Lighter paperboard sleeve for ink
           • Reduced packaging weight by 34%, reducing
             costs by more than $700,000 a year
           Reusable transit packaging for
           inkjet cartridges
           • Reduced waste by 2,400 tonnes in 2002,
             saving $1.5M
           Bulk packaging for desktop
           • Reduced waste by 86%, saving $1.1M in
           • Expected savings of $4M in 2003
1-Apr-11                IMT MM Corporate Ethic        32
Interface Corporation

  The largest commercial carpet manufacturer in the
      To be the first company that, by its deeds,
       shows the entire industrial world what
       sustainability is in all its dimensions: People,
       process, product, place and profits — by 2020
       — and in doing so we will become restorative
       through the power of influence.

 1-Apr-11            IMT MM Corporate Ethic          33
Interface Corporation

The   Seven Steps
1.    Eliminate Waste — QUEST program
2.    Benign Emissions —Elimination of molecular waste
3.    Renewable Energy —Reducing overall usage; transitioning
      to renewables
4.    Closing the Loop — Creating cyclical material flows.
5.    Resource Efficient Transportation — Reducing movement
      of products/people in favor of data, e.g. plant location,
      video-conferencing, telecommuting
6.    Sensitivity Hookup — A community within and around
      Interface that understands natural systems and our
      impact on them.
7.    Redesign Commerce — Providing services rather than

1-Apr-11                 IMT MM Corporate Ethic              34
  Created a “Transparency 101” Program, which ensures public
  awareness of Nike’s business practices
  Transparency 101 also monitors its factories in each country to
  make sure its practices follow Nike’s code of conduct
  Nike is phasing out the use of PVC and other harmful
  chemicals in its products through work with William
  Created the “Reuse a Shoe”, a program that recycles shoes
  Uses organic cotton in some of their clothing
  Has certified its Oregon buildings in an effort to decrease
  energy use

Source: The BSD Global website.

 1-Apr-11               IMT MM Corporate Ethic                35
Chaparral Steel Company
Produces bar and structural steel products by recycling scrap
   Created Systems and Technology for Advanced Recycling
   Collaborated with neighboring cement plant
           Business opportunities for this technology in emission credit
   Built advanced Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR) system
           Plastics can be used as a clean, efficient fuel source.
           Sale of clean plastics alone generates up to $500,000 a year.
   Looking to market ASR for mining and selling of clean
   plastics (waste) rather than sending them to landfills

Source: The BSD Global website

1-Apr-11                       IMT MM Corporate Ethic                      36
Chaparral Recycling Facility

1-Apr-11            IMT MM Corporate Ethic   37
Johnson & Johnson
  Has made a major effort to be more energy efficient
  by reviewing the usage of all aspects of its buildings
  (lights, fans, motors, etc.)
  Received 1995 Green Lights Partner of the Year
  Award for large corporations
  Received 1996 Sustained Excellence Award for
  completing and maintaining lighting upgrades for
  more than 94% of its workspace
  Involved in a variety of different programs,
  including “ClimateWise”, “Energy Star Buildings”,
  and “Energy Star Computers”
Source: The BSD Global website

 1-Apr-11             IMT MM Corporate Ethic         38
IdleAire Technology Corp.
    1.3 million long-haul trucks in US waste 4.4B
    gals. of diesel annually when drivers leave
    engines idling when resting.
           Represents 2.6 % of all imported oil
  IdleAire created a technology that allows trucks
  to heat and cool their cabs without idling their
  engines, thereby reducing the amount of fuel
  used and emissions released
  IdleAire installs individual heat and air units
  above parking spaces at truck stops, charging
  $10 for 8 hours of service
  Truck owners also save as much as 40% on fuel
Source: Green Gazelles website
1-Apr-11                     IMT MM Corporate Ethic   39
Lighting Components and Design Inc.
Engineering company that manufactures miniature lighting
  Created cross-functional team to create a template of energy
  efficiency improvements
  Improved insulation of its facilities
  Upgraded lighting to fluorescent lamps, including electronic
  Upgraded HVAC system to reduce energy
  Installed low-flow toilets and water-saving taps
  Upgraded over 24 pieces of motorized manufacturing equipment
  with energy-efficient motors
  Winner of the EnergyStar 2002 Small Business and
  Congregations Award
  Result? Prevented over 300,000 pounds of CO2 emissions and
  saved $10,300 on utility bills per year

Source: EnergyStar website
1-Apr-11                IMT MM Corporate Ethic                   40
Corporate Ethics:
       Case Study of Grameen Telecom
           Corporate Sustainability
                   Lecture by:

                        Phone ladies

1-Apr-11          IMT MM Corporate Ethic   41
Peranan ICT terhadap Ekonomi

   Telematika mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dan strategis
sebagai komponen infrastruktur untuk perkembangan ekonomi termasuk
      Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (Hitt, Ireland&Hoskisson ,2005).

Pelayanan Telematika dapat menggantikan bentuk komunikasi lain dan
seringkali lebih efektif penggunaannya baik dari segi biaya, waktu dan
            rantai distribusinya (Hamel and Prahalad, 1995).

    Bukti lain   Telematika yang andal akan memunculkan bentuk
komunikasi baru yang lebih kuat, kompleks, dan produktif dari pola-pola
                    komunikasi lain (Harris, 2001).

  Peningkatan produktifitas komunikasi ini pada akhirnya mendorong
       pertumbuhan ekonomi di tempat tersebut (Porter, 1985).

 1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic                  42
ICT as “BIG PART” of Economic Development

                         inputs                        Communication

                         Tech enabling
                        sync interaction/
                      Info seeking/publ’n

Capital                 Tech

                                            IMT MM Corporate Ethic                      43
ICT :Tool to Overcome Poverty

   The experiences of Grameen Telecom and
   its partners have clearly demonstrated
   that ICT could be designed and developed
   to cater to the need of the poor. It could
   directly raise the income and social status
   of the poor in rural Bangladesh and help
   them overcome poverty.

1-Apr-11          IMT MM Corporate Ethic     44
Microcredit and ICT
    Microcredit and ICT have a common capacity - capacity to
 empower the poor.
    They reinforce each other when it comes to addressing the issue
 of poverty.
    They lead to a path of self-employment as well as to social and
 economic emancipation.
   Grameen Telecom and Grameen Bank have designed a package
 together primarily to connect people in remote rural areas through
 mobile phones.
   Grameen Bank borrowers (Village Phone Operators) who buy a
 cell phone with a bank loan, can substantially earn bigger income.
   ICT and Micro Credit are complementing each other, to change
 the lives of the poor in Bangladesh.

1-Apr-11                  IMT MM Corporate Ethic                      45
Grameen Telecom at a glance

   • Incorporated in 1995
   • Not - for- profit company
   • Owns 38% share in GrameenPhone
   • Dedicated to Development ICT in Rural
   • Introduced Unique Village Phone
     System, Providing GSM Cellular Phone
     Services in Rural Bangladesh
1-Apr-11         IMT MM Corporate Ethic      46
Village Phone The Basic Concept

• Phone service for the rural population
• Bridging the information gap between rural and
  urban areas
• New weapon against poverty
• Gateway for IT based services for rural areas
• Empowering poor rural women, who are
  borrowers of Grameen Bank
• A mobile community Phone/Public Call Office
1-Apr-11           IMT MM Corporate Ethic          47
Village Phone Objectives

   • Provide easy access to telephone
     services, all over rural Bangladesh.
   • A new technology based income
     generating option to fight rural poverty.
   • Bring the potential of information
     revolution to the doorsteps of villagers.

1-Apr-11           IMT MM Corporate Ethic        48
Village Phone: The basic structure

   • Grameen Bank members obtain ownership of
     the phones under basic loan programme.
   • S/he provides services to the people in the
     adjoining rural area, for both outgoing and
     incoming calls
   • Phone bills along with other dues are
     collected by Grameen Bank field staff
   • Grameen Telecom Unit Offices provide
     training and required technical services
 1-Apr-11           IMT MM Corporate Ethic         49
Model Bisnis Grameen Telecom

1-Apr-11   IMT MM Corporate Ethic   50
Temuan Utama Program
    Telematika Pedesaan Grameen
           • Program Village Phone    solusi teknis terbaik yang tersedia untuk akses
 1           telematika universal pedesaan sesuai dengan keadaan Regulasi Telematika
             dan kondisi ekonomi Bangladesh saat itu.

 2         • Dari sudut pandang pendapatan dan laba     “Village Phone” secara penuh
             dapat diakses oleh seluruh populasi desa demi keberlangsungan usaha.

           • Village Phone    instrumen atau alat bantu yang tangguh untuk
 3           mengurangi resiko dalam pengiriman uang dari para anggota keluarga
             para pekerja di Dhaka City dan yang bekerja di luar negeri.

           • Keluarga dan kolega sering melibatkan pertukaran informasi tentang harga
 4           komoditi pasar, daftar biaya pengiriman barang-barang, tren pasar dan
             pertukaran informasi valuta.

           • Pelayanan telematika pedesaan di Bangladesh sangat menguntungkan
 5           karena ketiadaan interkoneksi menjadi penghalang yang paling besar
             untuk mengimbangi permintaan jasa telematika.

 6         • Teknologi telematika genggam GSM adalah suatu solusi yang mahal untuk
             akses universal di daerah pedesaan.

1-Apr-11                       IMT MM Corporate Ethic                              51
See you on the next lecture
        Key Traits of Social

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  • 7. Strategy and Ethics •The purpose of business ethics – To provide the tools for dealing with moral complexity in strategic decisions •Shaping the organization’s ethical climate – Emphasizing the importance of strong ethical values by top management – Including the values in the organization’s mission statement A model of ethical decision making 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 7
  • 8. Social Responsibility Private corporation has responsibilities to society that extend beyond making a profit Friedman’s Traditional View “There is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits ” 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 8
  • 10. Potential Benefits of Social Responsibility Environmental concerns may enable the firm to charge premium prices and gain brand loyalty (Ben & Jerry’s) Trustworthiness may help generate enduring relationships with suppliers and distributors without spending time and money policing contracts (Maytag) Can attract outstanding employees who prefer working for a responsible firm (P&G) More likely to attract capital from investors who view reputable companies as desirable (Rubbermaid) 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 10
  • 11. Corporate Ethics: Sustainability Lecture by: Jutaan Ulat Bulu Serang Tujuh Desa-2m 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 11
  • 12. History of Sustainability 1962: Rachel Carson publishes “Silent Spring” 1970: First Earth Day celebration – April 22nd Nixon establishes EPA • Fueled by industrialization and overpopulation impacts 1972: First UN conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 12
  • 13. History of Sustainability 1983 – UN establishes World Commission on Environment and Development Purpose: examine world’s critical environment and development problems and formulate solutions 1987: Brundtland Commission Report 3 components of Sustainable Development: Environmental protection, Economic growth, and Social equity Defined Sustainable Development as… “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 13
  • 14. History of Sustainability 1992: Rio Earth Summit Over 178 governments adopted… • Agenda 21: a global blueprint and plan of action for sustainable development in the 21st century • The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development – 27 principles that express the rights and responsibilities of nations as they pursue human development and well-being • The Forest Principles – A guide for the management, conservation, and sustainable development of all types of forests 2002: Third UN conference on Environment and Development, Johannesburg, South Africa 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 14
  • 15. The Triple Bottom Line People, planet, and profits Equity, environment, economy TBL coined by John Elkington of “SustainAbility” (UK) in 1995 Cannibals With Forks: The Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business (1997) The Chrysalis Economy: How Citizen CEOs and their Corporations Can Fuse Values and Value Creation (2001) 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 15
  • 16. Metafora Elkington (1) Salah satu konsep strategi lingkungan korporasi (corporate environmental strategy) yang menarik adalah gagasan John Elkington, pakar CD dan pendiri lembaga SustainAbility yang bermarkas di London dan New York. Elkington (2001, 2002) mengelompokkan korporasi berdasarkan kesamaan sifatnya dengan empat jenis serangga yang memiliki karakter berbeda-beda, yaitu ULAT (CATERPILLAR), BELALANG (LOCUST), KUPU-KUPU (BUTTERFLY), DAN LEBAH MADU (HONEYBEE). 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 16
  • 17. Metafora Elkington (2) Elkington mengajak Serangga secara para pelaku dunia khusus dipilih sebagai Ssudah eksis di Bumi usaha untuk belajar "role model" karena sejak 400 juta tahun dari kehidupan alam jenis makhluk hidup ini yang lalu (bandingkan yang telah telah menunjukkan dengan manusia yang membuktikan keberlanjutannya di "baru" sejuta tahun). keberlanjutannya (sustainability). Bumi, 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 17
  • 18. ULAT (CATERPILLAR) Elkington (2001, Seperti ulat, 2002) menyatakan sistem ekonomi- bahwa ekonomi yang didominasi dunia adalah korporasi "ulat"- "ekonomi ulat" melahap kapital (caterpillar alam dan economy) sosial. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 18
  • 19. BELALANG (LOCUST) Korporasi "belalang" (corporate locusts) dan korporasi "ulat" (corporate caterpillar) merupakan korporasi yang bersifat merusak (degeneratif). Melampaui daya Korporasi "belalang" dukung sistem umumnya memiliki ekologi, sosial, dan model bisnis yang ekonomi, serta secara tidak sustainable, kolektif menghasilkan berkecenderungan dampak regional dan untuk meruyak (to bahkan global. swarm) 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 19
  • 20. KUPU-KUPU (BUTTERFLY) Korporasi "kupu-kupu" Korporasi "kupu-kupu" (corporate butterflies) memiliki model bisnis dan korporasi "lebah sustainable tetapi madu“ merupakan berisiko menyimpang korporasi yang bersifat seiring pertumbuhan menumbuhkan dan ekspansi. (regeneratif). 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 20
  • 21. Lebah Madu (Honey Bee) Korporasi jenis ini memiliki jaringan kerja sama (symbiotic) dan ramah secara sosial Mampu Saat ini korporasi menetralisasi "lebah madu" dampak yang masih amat ditimbulkan oleh langka. korporasi "ulat" dan "belalang Serta mendorong korporasi "kupu- kupu" untuk bertransformasi menjadi korporasi "lebah madu". 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 21
  • 22. MetaforaSerangga Pelaku Usaha Metafora serangga ini Keberlanjutan ekosistem merupakan panduan etis dunia hanya dapat bagi para pelaku usaha terwujud jika semua dalam membangun dan aktivitas ekonomi secara mengarahkan sadar diarahkan menuju engembangan korporasi sebuah "konser" ramah mereka. lingkungan. Destruksi kapital alam Korporasi yang dan sosial oleh operasi tidak segera berevolusi ke korporasi "belalang" dan arah korporasi "lebah korporasi "ulat" akan madu", atau setidaknya menimbulkan gangguan korporasi "kupu-kupu", terhadap keberlanjutan hanya akan menjadi ekosistem dan sekaligus beban bagi kosistem disharmoni sosial. danmasyarakat. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 22
  • 23. Corporate Ethics: Sustainability Effort Lecture by: Rethink Sustainability 2m40 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 23
  • 24. Models for Sustainability The Natural Step 4 system conditions McDonough Principles Cradle-to-cradle design Waste = Food Natural Capitalism Radically increase resource productivity Redesign industry on biological models with closed loops and zero waste Shift from products to services Reinvest in natural capital 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 24
  • 25. The Business Case Short-term cost reduction Energy efficiency and waste reduction Longer-term return on investment Investment in building improvements Value creation - Existing markets Value creation - New markets 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 25
  • 26. Sustainability Ladder 1. Products and services 2. Processes 3. Business model 4. Company focus 5. Brand identity of company 6. Supplier web and value chain 7. Industry leadership and advocacy role 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 26
  • 27. CERES Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (1989) 10 principles for environmental management Endorsing companies • American Airlines, B of A, Ben & Jerry's, Coca-Cola, Fleet Boston Financial, Ford, GM, Interface, Nike, Polaroid, The Timberland Co., and others Launched Global Reporting Initiative (1997) 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 27
  • 28. The CERES Principles 1. Protection of the Biosphere 2. Sustainable Use of Natural Resources 3. Reduction and Disposal of Wastes 4. Energy Conservation 5. Risk Reduction 6. Safe Products and Services 7. Environmental Restoration 8. Informing the Public 9. Management Commitment 10.Audits and Reports 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 28
  • 29. GRI Global Reporting Initiative (1997) Voluntary globally applicable sustainability reporting guidelines 341 organizations in 31 countries Europe vs. US 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 29
  • 30. Case Examples Dupont Interface BP Nike Shell Chaparral Steel Agilent Company HP Johnson & Johnson IdleAire Technology Corp. Lighting Components and Design Inc. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 30
  • 31. Dupont An international corporation that manufactures healthcare products, electronics and other goods Developed a “sustainable growth” mission Reduced consumption of raw materials and energy Used scientific and technical knowledge to create more environmentally-friendly products Engaged stakeholders of the corporation Created a “Carpet Reclamation Program” where they have reclaimed and recycled 90 million pounds of carpet By combining the recycling and sorting process in one location, Dupont has vastly reduced both energy consumption and costs Source: The BSD Global website 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 31
  • 32. HP Packaging Initiative Lighter paperboard sleeve for ink cartridges • Reduced packaging weight by 34%, reducing costs by more than $700,000 a year Reusable transit packaging for inkjet cartridges • Reduced waste by 2,400 tonnes in 2002, saving $1.5M Bulk packaging for desktop computers • Reduced waste by 86%, saving $1.1M in 2002 • Expected savings of $4M in 2003 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 32
  • 33. Interface Corporation The largest commercial carpet manufacturer in the world Vision: To be the first company that, by its deeds, shows the entire industrial world what sustainability is in all its dimensions: People, process, product, place and profits — by 2020 — and in doing so we will become restorative through the power of influence. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 33
  • 34. Interface Corporation The Seven Steps 1. Eliminate Waste — QUEST program 2. Benign Emissions —Elimination of molecular waste 3. Renewable Energy —Reducing overall usage; transitioning to renewables 4. Closing the Loop — Creating cyclical material flows. 5. Resource Efficient Transportation — Reducing movement of products/people in favor of data, e.g. plant location, video-conferencing, telecommuting 6. Sensitivity Hookup — A community within and around Interface that understands natural systems and our impact on them. 7. Redesign Commerce — Providing services rather than products 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 34
  • 35. Nike Created a “Transparency 101” Program, which ensures public awareness of Nike’s business practices Transparency 101 also monitors its factories in each country to make sure its practices follow Nike’s code of conduct Nike is phasing out the use of PVC and other harmful chemicals in its products through work with William McDonough Created the “Reuse a Shoe”, a program that recycles shoes Uses organic cotton in some of their clothing Has certified its Oregon buildings in an effort to decrease energy use Source: The BSD Global website. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 35
  • 36. Chaparral Steel Company Produces bar and structural steel products by recycling scrap steel Created Systems and Technology for Advanced Recycling (STAR) Collaborated with neighboring cement plant Business opportunities for this technology in emission credit trading Built advanced Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR) system Plastics can be used as a clean, efficient fuel source. Sale of clean plastics alone generates up to $500,000 a year. Looking to market ASR for mining and selling of clean plastics (waste) rather than sending them to landfills Source: The BSD Global website 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 36
  • 37. Chaparral Recycling Facility 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 37
  • 38. Johnson & Johnson Has made a major effort to be more energy efficient by reviewing the usage of all aspects of its buildings (lights, fans, motors, etc.) Received 1995 Green Lights Partner of the Year Award for large corporations Received 1996 Sustained Excellence Award for completing and maintaining lighting upgrades for more than 94% of its workspace Involved in a variety of different programs, including “ClimateWise”, “Energy Star Buildings”, and “Energy Star Computers” Source: The BSD Global website 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 38
  • 39. IdleAire Technology Corp. 1.3 million long-haul trucks in US waste 4.4B gals. of diesel annually when drivers leave engines idling when resting. Represents 2.6 % of all imported oil IdleAire created a technology that allows trucks to heat and cool their cabs without idling their engines, thereby reducing the amount of fuel used and emissions released IdleAire installs individual heat and air units above parking spaces at truck stops, charging $10 for 8 hours of service Truck owners also save as much as 40% on fuel costs Source: Green Gazelles website 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 39
  • 40. Lighting Components and Design Inc. Engineering company that manufactures miniature lighting components Created cross-functional team to create a template of energy efficiency improvements Improved insulation of its facilities Upgraded lighting to fluorescent lamps, including electronic ballasts Upgraded HVAC system to reduce energy Installed low-flow toilets and water-saving taps Upgraded over 24 pieces of motorized manufacturing equipment with energy-efficient motors Winner of the EnergyStar 2002 Small Business and Congregations Award Result? Prevented over 300,000 pounds of CO2 emissions and saved $10,300 on utility bills per year Source: EnergyStar website ighting 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 40
  • 41. Corporate Ethics: Case Study of Grameen Telecom Corporate Sustainability Lecture by: GrameenBank Bagladesh Phone ladies 2m10 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 41
  • 42. Peranan ICT terhadap Ekonomi Telematika mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting dan strategis sebagai komponen infrastruktur untuk perkembangan ekonomi termasuk Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (Hitt, Ireland&Hoskisson ,2005). Pelayanan Telematika dapat menggantikan bentuk komunikasi lain dan seringkali lebih efektif penggunaannya baik dari segi biaya, waktu dan rantai distribusinya (Hamel and Prahalad, 1995). Bukti lain Telematika yang andal akan memunculkan bentuk komunikasi baru yang lebih kuat, kompleks, dan produktif dari pola-pola komunikasi lain (Harris, 2001). Peningkatan produktifitas komunikasi ini pada akhirnya mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di tempat tersebut (Porter, 1985). 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 42
  • 43. ICT as “BIG PART” of Economic Development Other communication inputs Communication Coordination Knowledge ICTs/ Tech enabling sync interaction/ Development Info seeking/publ’n Capital Tech Enabling/complementary conditions Other Wireless inputs 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 43
  • 44. ICT :Tool to Overcome Poverty The experiences of Grameen Telecom and its partners have clearly demonstrated that ICT could be designed and developed to cater to the need of the poor. It could directly raise the income and social status of the poor in rural Bangladesh and help them overcome poverty. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 44
  • 45. Microcredit and ICT Microcredit and ICT have a common capacity - capacity to empower the poor. They reinforce each other when it comes to addressing the issue of poverty. They lead to a path of self-employment as well as to social and economic emancipation. Grameen Telecom and Grameen Bank have designed a package together primarily to connect people in remote rural areas through mobile phones. Grameen Bank borrowers (Village Phone Operators) who buy a cell phone with a bank loan, can substantially earn bigger income. ICT and Micro Credit are complementing each other, to change the lives of the poor in Bangladesh. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 45
  • 46. Grameen Telecom at a glance • Incorporated in 1995 • Not - for- profit company • Owns 38% share in GrameenPhone • Dedicated to Development ICT in Rural Bangladesh • Introduced Unique Village Phone System, Providing GSM Cellular Phone Services in Rural Bangladesh 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 46
  • 47. Village Phone The Basic Concept • Phone service for the rural population • Bridging the information gap between rural and urban areas • New weapon against poverty • Gateway for IT based services for rural areas • Empowering poor rural women, who are borrowers of Grameen Bank • A mobile community Phone/Public Call Office (PCO) 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 47
  • 48. Village Phone Objectives • Provide easy access to telephone services, all over rural Bangladesh. • A new technology based income generating option to fight rural poverty. • Bring the potential of information revolution to the doorsteps of villagers. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 48
  • 49. Village Phone: The basic structure • Grameen Bank members obtain ownership of the phones under basic loan programme. • S/he provides services to the people in the adjoining rural area, for both outgoing and incoming calls • Phone bills along with other dues are collected by Grameen Bank field staff regularly • Grameen Telecom Unit Offices provide training and required technical services 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 49
  • 50. Model Bisnis Grameen Telecom 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 50
  • 51. Temuan Utama Program Telematika Pedesaan Grameen • Program Village Phone solusi teknis terbaik yang tersedia untuk akses 1 telematika universal pedesaan sesuai dengan keadaan Regulasi Telematika dan kondisi ekonomi Bangladesh saat itu. 2 • Dari sudut pandang pendapatan dan laba “Village Phone” secara penuh dapat diakses oleh seluruh populasi desa demi keberlangsungan usaha. • Village Phone instrumen atau alat bantu yang tangguh untuk 3 mengurangi resiko dalam pengiriman uang dari para anggota keluarga para pekerja di Dhaka City dan yang bekerja di luar negeri. • Keluarga dan kolega sering melibatkan pertukaran informasi tentang harga 4 komoditi pasar, daftar biaya pengiriman barang-barang, tren pasar dan pertukaran informasi valuta. • Pelayanan telematika pedesaan di Bangladesh sangat menguntungkan 5 karena ketiadaan interkoneksi menjadi penghalang yang paling besar untuk mengimbangi permintaan jasa telematika. 6 • Teknologi telematika genggam GSM adalah suatu solusi yang mahal untuk akses universal di daerah pedesaan. 1-Apr-11 IMT MM Corporate Ethic 51
  • 52. See you on the next lecture HBR-Elkington Key Traits of Social Entrepreneurs 9m30