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Mobile	Applica5on	Development	
Gabriel	Huecas	
December	3,	2015
•  Introduc5on	
•  Cordova	
– Hello	World	
– Plugins	
•  Advanced	examples	
•  Phonegap	
•  Adobe	build	
•  Other	SDKs:	Android	Studio,	Ionic,	Intel	XDk,…
•  hSp://	
– FAQ:	hSp://	
•  hSps://	
•  Build	cross	plaorm	mobile	apps	with	HTML5,	
JS	&	CSS3	
– Avoiding	each	mobile	plaorms’	na5ve	
development	language	
•  Even	the	SDK	through	Adobe	Phonegap	Build	
Use	if	you	are:	
•  A	mobile	developer	
–  want	to	extend	an	applica5on	across	more	than	one	
plaorm,	without	having	to	re-implement	it	with	each	
plaorm's	language	and	tool	set.	
•  A	web	developer	
–  want	to	deploy	a	web	app	that's	packaged	for	distribu5on	
in	various	app	store	portals.	
•  A	mobile	developer	
–  interested	in	mixing	na5ve	applica5on	components	with	a	
WebView	(browser	window)	that	can	access	device-level	
–  or	if	you	want	to	develop	a	plugin	interface	between	
na5ve	and	WebView	components.	
Framework	for	
•  Plaorm	for	building	na5ve	mobile	apps	using	
•  Set	of	Device	APIs	
– Allows	mobile	app	developer	to	access	na5ve	
device	func5ons	from	JS	
•  Combined	with	UI	framework	
– Jquery	Mobile,	Dojo	Mobile,	Sencha	Touch	
Supported	OS	
Amazon	FireOS	 Android	 Bada	 Blackberry10	
FirefoxOS	 iOS	 Symbian	 Tizen	
Ubuntu	 WebOS	 Windows	8	 Windows	Phone	7	
Windows	Phone	8	
Packaging	&	Distribu5on	
•  Na5ve-installed	applica5on	
– iOS	->	.ipa	(iPhone	Applica5on	Archive)	
– Android	->	.apk	(Android	Applica5on	Package)	
– Windows	Phone	->	.xap	(Microsoj	Window	Phone	
OS	applica5on	package)	
•  Distributed	through	corresponding	channels:	
•  iTunes,	Google	Play,	Amazon	Market,	BlackBerry	App	
World,	Windows	Phone	Marketplace,	etc.	
•  The	app	UI	created	with	
–  100%	x	100%	
•  Just	one	display	 User	Interface	
100%	x	100%	
Na5ve	Web	view	
•  Several	rendering	
–  Result	may	differ	
•  Development	
•  Tes5ng	
•  UX	
S.O.	 Componente	
iOS	 UIWebView	
Android	 Android.webkit-
Etc.	 Etc.	
•  Cordova	client	App	connects	with	server	app	
– Data	send/receive,	bussines	login,	Data	Base	
– Server:	any	
•  Apache,	IIS,	nginx,…	
•  Server	App:	Java,	PHP,	Ruby,	Node.js,	…	
•  Cordova	client	app	independant	of	backend	
– Standard	web	protocolos	
Data	Bases	
•  Cordova	client	app	(usually)	do	not	interact	
directly	with	the	data	base	
– Through	the	server	
– Standard	HTTP	requests	
•  REST-ful,	XML,	JSON,	SOAP,	websockets	
–  Same	techniques	AJAX-based	apps	
•  Facilitate	our	app	behaves	like	na5ve	
– JQuery	Mobile,	Sencha	Touch,…	
Device	APIs	
•  Accelerometer	
•  BaSery	Status	
•  Camera	
•  Capture	
•  Compass	
•  Connec5on	
•  Contacts	
•  Device	
•  Events	
•  File	
•  Geoloca5on	
•  Globaliza5on	
–  Locale,	language,	and	
•  InAppBrowser	
•  Media	
•  No5fica5on	
•  Splash	Screen	
•  Status	Bar	
•  Storage	
•  Vibra5on	
Running	the	app	
1.  Local	build:	runs	in	a	device	or	emulator	
2.  Through	a	local	server	
	PhoneGap	Desktop	App	&	
	PhoneGap	Mobile	App	
3.  Compiled	in	the	cloud	
4.  From	SDKs/IDEs:	Android	Studio/Intel	XDK/
•  We’ll	see	them	all…	
•  Act	as	an	app	container	
–  Mobile	apps	HTML/JS/CSS,	packaged	as	na5ve	app	
•  Consistent	JS	API	across	supported	devices	
•  Major	device	plaorms	have	good	support	
•  Cordova	is	the	engine	of	PhoneGap	
•  Cordova	can	be	used	straight-up,	bypassing	the	
PhoneGap-branded	download	
•  Extensible	via	plugins	
•  Free	&	open	source	
Basic	requirements	
•  ANT	(Another	Neat	Tool)	J	
– hSp://	
•  Download	
•  Unpack	
•  ANT_HOME	path	to	ant	folder	
•  PATH	add	ANT_HOMEbin	to	PATH	env	var	
–  Depends	on	OS	
•  GIT	client	(hSps://	)	
•  Node.js	(hSps://	)	
– Be	sure	node	and	npm can	be	executed	
Advanced	requirements	
•  Android	SDK	
•  iOS:	Xcode	
•  Windows:	Windows	Phone	SDK	
•  See	details	and	more	mobile	OSs:	
Configura5on	(OSX	Unix)	
export ANT_HOME
export PATH
Configuring	Linux	
•  Some	versions	of	Linux	come	with	‘node’	
command,	not	related	with	‘node.js’	
•  Solu5ons:	
– sudo	apt-get	install	nodejs-legacy	
– sudo	ln	–s	/usr/bin/node	/usr/bin/nodejs	
– Stackoverflow	and	
issues/3911	gives	you	more	informa5on
Configura5on	(Windows)	
Start-> My PC (right
click)-> Properties
Advanced Options ->
Environment variables
Win 8/10
Start -> Computer (right
click)-> properties
Advanced system settings
-> Environment variables
(Note:	view	may	differ	upon	WinOS	version)	
Add	environment	variables	
•  Edit	PATH	
•  Add	
•  If	running	on	a	32bit	
Installing	Cordova	
•  Flavours	
OSX UNIX: $ sudo npm install –g
Windows : C:> npm install –g
•  Without	–g:	local	installa5on,	user	only	
Simple	example	
$> cordova create hello com.example.hw
$> cd hello
$ hello> cordova platform add android
$ hello> cordova build
$ hello> cordova emulate android
Simple	example	explained	(I)	
cordova create hello com.example.hello
•  Hello:	folder	
•  Com.example.hello:	package	
•  HelloWorld:	webapp	name	
Simple	example	explained	(II)	
$>	cd	hello	
$	hello>	cordova	platform	
add	android	
$	hello>	cordova	build	
$	hello>	cordova	emulate	
Go	to	hello	folder	
Add	plaorm	android	
Build	android	na5ve	app	
Emulate	app	
See	next	slide	to	configure	
Comnfiguring	android	emulator	
•  Install	android	SDK	
– android	command	must	be	available	
•  Create	an	AVD	(Android	Virtual	Device)	
–  cordova emulate android	will	use	the	first	AVD	
•  May	specify	a	specific	one:	
cordova emulate android --target “<AVD name>”	
Installing	in	Android	emulator	
$>	cordova	emulate	android	
Total	time:	34.789	secs	
Built	the	following	apk(s):	
Installing	app	on	emulator...	
Using	apk:	/Users/gabriel/Docencia/PhoneGap/Ejemplos/
Unlocking	screen...	
Launching	application...	
Execu5ng	the	app
Global	Commands	
				create	...................	Create	a	project	
				help	.....................	Get	help	for	a	command	
Project	Commands	
				info	.....................	Generate	project	information	
				requirements	..............	Checks	and	print	out	all	the	
requirements	for	platforms	specified	
				platform	..................	Manage	project	platforms	
				plugin	....................	Manage	project	plugins	
				prepare	...........	Copy	files	into	platform(s)	for	building	
				compile	...........	Build	platform(s)	
				clean	.............	Cleanup	project	from	build	artifacts	
				run	...............	Run	project	
																														(including	prepare	&&	compile)	
				serve	.............	Run	project	with	a	local	webserver	
																														(including	prepare)	
				build	->	cordova	prepare	&&	cordova	compile	
				emulate	->	cordova	run	--emulator	
•  Emulator	MUST	be	
•  XCode	
$>	sudo	npm	install	-g	ios-sim	
$>	cordova	platform	add	ios	
$>	cordova	emulate	ios	
Building	project		:	/Users/gabriel/Docencia/PhoneGap/Ejemplos/hello/
	Configuration	:	Debug	
	Platform						:	emulator	
Debug	===	
No	target	specified	for	emulator.	Deploying	to	iPhone-6	simulator	
es.upm.dit.iweb.hello:	9088	
iOS	emulator	
$>	cordova	platform	add	ios	
$>	./platforms/ios/cordova/lib/list-emulator-images		
iPhone-4s,	9.1	
iPhone-5,	9.1	
$>	cordova	emulate	ios	--target="iPhone-4s"	
$>	cordova	emulate	ios	--target="iPad-Air"	
$>	cordova	emulate	ios	--target="iPhone-6"	
$>	cordova	emulate	ios	--target="iPhone-6-Plus”	
$>	ios-sim	showdevicetypes	
iPhone-4s,	9.1	
iPhone-5,	9.1	
•  Run	app	on	a	(chrome)	browser	
cordova	plaorm	add	browser	
cordova	run	browser	
Installing	on	Android	device	
•  USB	connected	devices	
– adb	devices:	list	connected	devices	
– Be	sure	developer	op5ons	are	enabled	in	device	
•  hSp://	
o cordova	run	--device	android	
o adb	-s	<deviceId>	install	–r	plaorms/android/
•  May	distribute	the	apk	via	cloud	storage	
(drive,	drop-box,	one,…),	by	e-mail,	…	
Installing	on	iOS	device	
•  Unfortunately,	I	do	not	know…	yet	
Communica5ng	with	the	HW	
•  Plugins:	add-on	code	that	provides	an	interface	
to	na5ve	components	
•  Registered	in	
–  Also	third-party	plugins	
•  Commands	and	op5ons:	
cordova	plugin	ls:	lista	los	plugins	instalados	
cordova	plugin	search	<word>:	busca	plugin	
cordova	plugin	add	<name>:	añade	el	plugin	<name>	
cordova	plugin	remove	<plugin>:	elimina	un	plugin	
Available	plugins	(I)	
•  Basic	device	informa5on	(Device	API):	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-device	
•  Network	Connec5on	and	BaSery	Events:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-network-informa5on	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-baSery-status	
•  Accelerometer,	Compass,	and	Geoloca5on:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-device-mo5on	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-device-orienta5on	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-geoloca5on	
Available	plugins	(II)	
•  Camera,	Media	playback	and	Capture:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-camera	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-media-capture	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-media	
•  Access	files	on	device	or	network	(File	API):	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-file	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-file-transfer	
Available	plugins	(III)	
•  No5fica5on	via	dialog	box	or	vibra5on:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-dialogs	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-vibra5on	
•  Contacts:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-contacts	
•  Globaliza5on:	
$	corova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-globaliza5on	
Available	plugins	(IV)	
•  Splashscreen:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-splashscreen	
•  Open	new	browser	windows	(InAppBrowser):	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-inappbrowser	
•  Debug	console:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-console	
From	GIT	
•  If	not	registered	in	
cordova	plugin	add	
•  And	all	git	op5ons:	tag,	branch,	in	parts,	…	
$	cordova	plugin	add	
$	cordova	plugin	add	
$	cordova	plugin	add	hSps://
If	the	plugin	(and	its	plugin.xml	file)	is	in	a	subdirectory	within	the	git	
repo,	you	can	specify	it	with	a	:	character.	Note	that	the	#	character	is	
s5ll	needed:	
$	cordova	plugin	add	hSps://
Local	Plugin	
•  Specify	the	path	to	the	directory	where	the	
plugin.xml	is	located	
$ cordova plugin add ../my_plugin_dir
•  The	CLI	adds	plugin	code	as	appropriate	for	each	
•  If	you	want	to	develop	with	lower-level	shell	tools	or	
plaorm	SDKs	
–  Use	plugman	u5lity	to	add	plugins	separately	for	each	
•  Instale	with:	
npm	install	–f	plugman	
•  Adding:	$	plugman	--plaorm	<ios|amazon-
fireos|android|blackberry10|wp8>	--project	
<directory>	--plugin	<name|url|path>	[--
plugins_dir	<directory>]	[--www	<directory>]	[--
variable	<name>=<value>	[--variable	
<name>=<value>	...]]	
•  Removing:	$	plugman	--uninstall	--plaorm	<ios|
amazon-fireos|android|blackberry10|wp8>	--
project	<directory>	--plugin	<id>	[--www	
<directory>]	[--plugins_dir	<directory>]	
•  And	much	more…	out	of	our	scope	J		
Plaorm	Support	
•  hSp://	
•  Camera	
– Takes	photos	and	displays	them	as	a	gallery	
•  Doc	
– API:	
– Examples	in	GIT:	
– Several	examples,	let’s	use	camara(OK)	
•  Samples	in	GitHub,	by	J.	Rodríguez	&	G.	
– hSps://	
– One	small	app	per	characteris5c	
•  Sensors,	geoloca5on,	connec5vity,	storage	and	file	
system,	chips	and	other	hw,	na5ve	sojware,…
Example:	take	a	picture	
$	/>	git	clone	
$	/>	cordova	create	camera	CameraBasic	
$	/>	cp	-r	“./PFC/Camera(OK)/www/*”	./camera/www/	
$	/>	cd	camera	
$	camera/>	cordova	platform	add	android	ios	
$	camera/>	cordova	plugin	add	cordova-plugin-camera	
$	camera/>	cordova	build	android	
$	camera/>	cordova	emulate	android	
$	camera/>	cordova	build	ios	
$	camera/>	cordova	emulate	ios	
•  Objet	geoloca'on:	loca5on	informa5on	
– GPS	based	
– Also	IP	network,	RFID,	WiFi,	Bluetooth	MAC,	GSM/
•  Without	warranty	
•  Based	on	W3C	geoloca5on	specifica5on	
•  The	browser	does	not	reveal	loca5on	to	the	
•  Different	UX	for	each	browser	
•  ALL	OF	THEM	ask,	pasively	or	ac5vely,	for	user	
–  User	is	informed:	
•  Website	wants	to	access	
•  Which	website	ask	for	data	
•  User	chooses	to	share…	or	not	
–  Browser	may	remember	for	further	requests	
Geolocaliza5on:	methods	(I)	
•  geoloca5on.getCurrentPosi5on	
– Returns	the	device	loca5on	in	a	Posi5on	object	
– Parameters:	
•  geoloca5onSuccess:	callback	if	geoloca5on	succeed,	
posi5on	is	passed	as	parameter	
•  geoloca5onError:	(Op5onal)	callback	in	case	of	error	
•  geoloca5onOp5ons:	(Op5onal)	loca5on	op5ons	
Geolocaliza5on:	methods	(II)	
•  geoloca5on.watchPosi5on	
– Inmediately	returns	a	WatchID	(string)	
– Asynchronously	watches	changes	in	device	
– Parameters:	
•  geoloca5onSuccess:	callback	when	device	posi5on	
differs	significantly	from	previous	one	
–  Posi5on	as	a	parameter	
•  geoloca5onError:	(Op5onal)	callback	in	case	of	error	
•  geoloca5onOp5ons:	(Op5onal)	geoloca5on	op5ons	
Geolocaliza5on:	methods	(III)	
•  geoloca5on.clearWatch	
– Stop	watching	process	
– Parameters	
•  WatchID:	iden5fier	of	previous	watch	process	
–  No	further	ac5on	if	invalid	ID	
Geolocaliza5on:	objects	(I)	
•  Read-only	objects:	Position	and	
•  Position	has	two	fields,	the	posi5on	
(coords)	and	the	5me	(5mestamp)	
– cords:	Coordinates	
– 5mestamp:	DOMTimeStamp	
Geoloca5on:	objects	(II)	
•  Coordinates	
–  la5tude:	La5tude	in	decimal	degrees.	(Number)	
–  longitude:	Longitude	in	decimal	degrees.	(Number)	
–  al5tude:	Height	of	the	posi5on	in	meters	above	the	
ellipsoid.	(Number)	
–  accuracy:	Accuracy	level	of	the	la5tude	and	longitude	
coordinates	in	meters.	(Number)	
–  al5tudeAccuracy:	Accuracy	level	of	the	al5tude	coordinate	
in	meters.	(Number)	
–  heading:	Direc5on	of	travel,	specified	in	degrees	coun5ng	
clockwise	rela5ve	to	the	true	north.	(Number)	
–  speed:	Current	ground	speed	of	the	device,	specified	in	
meters	per	second.	(Number)	
Geoloca5on:	objects	(III)	
•  Posi5onOp5ons:	
– enableHighAccuracy:	boolean	
– 5meout:	unsigned	long	
– maximunAge:	unsigned	long	
What	is	PhoneGap	
•  hSps://	
•  PhoneGap	wraps	cordova	with	some	differences	
cordova	build	->	local,	requires	proper	SDKs	
phonegap:	same	interface	(commands/op5ons)	than	
cordova,	BUT:	
phonegap	remote	[command]	->	execute	commands	
against	the	Phonegap	Build	Service	->	Adobe	cloud	
	No	local	installed	SDK	requirement!!	
phonegap	cordova	<command>:	enforces	specific	version	of	
cordova	command	
•  1	Phonegap	
– Desktop	App	
•  Visual	interface	
•  Drag	&	drop	
– CLI	(Command	Line	Interface)	
•  2	Phonegap	Developer	App	
– is	a	mobile	app	that	runs	on	devices	and	allows	
you	to	preview	and	test	the	PhoneGap	mobile	
apps	you	build	across	plaorms	without	
addi5onal	plaorm	SDK	setup	
Installing	PhoneGap	
•  Few	simple	requirements	
– 	node.js	&	git	
– Then:	npm	install	–g	phonegap	
•  Install	Mobile	App	
– Locate	PhoneGap	Developer	app	
and	install	
•  iTunes,	Google	Play,	Windows	Phone	
Serving	an	App	
•  phonegap	serve	[op5ons]	
– Start	a	local	web	server	to	host	the	applicaiton	for	
the	PhoneGap	Developer	app	(or	any	browser)	to	
$ phonegap serve
$ phonegap serve --port 1337
$ phonegap serve --no-autoreload
$ phonegap serve --localtunnel
$ phonegap app
Simple	example	
$>	phonegap	create	helloPG	com.examples.hw	HelloWorldPG	
$>	cd	helloPG/	
$>	phonegap	platform	add	android	
$>	phonegap	platform	add	ios	
$>	phonegap	build	android	
[phonegap]	executing	'cordova	build	android'...	
[phonegap]	completed	'cordova	build	android'	
$>	phonegap	run	android	
[phonegap]	executing	'cordova	run	android'...	
[phonegap]	completed	'cordova	run	android’	
$>	phonegap	serve	
[phonegap]	starting	app	server...	
[phonegap]	listening	on	
[phonegap]	listening	on	
[phonegap]	ctrl-c	to	stop	the	server	
Running	the	example
Installing	Desktop	App	
•  Mac	OS	X	o	Windows	
Using	PhoneGap	Desktop	App	(I)	
•  Click	here	to	create	a	
new	project	or	add	an	
exis5ng	one	
•  Click	here	to	change	
the	default	se€ngs	
– Server	port	
•  Default:	3000	
– Send	anonymous	
diagnos5c	&	usage	data
Using	PhoneGap	Desktop	App	(II)	
•  One	project	served	at	a	
•  Click	here	to	stop	
serving	a	project	
•  IP	and	port	data
Again,	run	the	example
PhoneGap	Build	en	la	nube	
•  phonegap	remote	build	android	
– (cordova	plaorm	add	android;	cordova	build)	
– Requires	account	in	Phonegap	Build	
•  One	private	app	limit	
•  QR	code	generated,	can	be	scanned	by	a	
mobile	device	to	install	app	
$	phonegap	remote	login	
$	phonegap	remote	build	ios	
$	phonegap	remote	install	android	
$	phonegap	remote	run	ios	
$	phonegap	remote	logout	
PhoneGap	remote	commands	
•  login:	login	to	PhoneGap	Build	
–  requires	an	account	and	your	creden5als	
•  logout:	logout	of	PhoneGap	Build	
•  build	<plaorm>:	build	a	specific	plaorm	
•  install	<plaorm>:	install	a	specific	plaorm	
–  returns	a	generated	QR	code	in	the	terminal	
•  run	<plaorm>:	build	and	install	a	specific	plaorm	
Remote	build	
$>	phonegap	create	helloPG	com.examples.hw	HelloWorldPG	
$>	cd	helloPG/	
$>	phonegap	platform	add	android	
$>	phonegap	remote	build	android	
[phonegap]	compressing	the	app...	
[phonegap]	uploading	the	app...	
[phonegap]	building	the	app...	
[phonegap]	Android	build	complete	
Ejecución	en	Android	Studio	
•  Once	android	plaorm	is	added,	project	can	
be	opened	within	Android	Studio	
cordova	build	android	
•  Launch	the	Android	Studio	applica5on	
Ejecución	en	Android	Studio	
•  Select	Import	Project	(Eclipse	ADT,	Gradle,	etc)	
Ejecución	en	Android	Studio	
•  Select	loca5on	of	the	android	
•  For	the	Gradle	Sync	ques5on	
you	can	simply	answer	Yes	
Intel	XDK	
•  SDK:	
•  AppPreview:	para	iOS,	android,	Windows	
•  hSp://
Thank	for	aSending!	
•  G.	Huecas	
•  TwiSer:		@ghuecas	

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