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Composing Journal Abstracts:
                  Information and Language Convention
                        Yohanes Kristianto, GradDipFoodSci, MFT
          Lektor Kepala bidang Ilmu Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi pada Jurusan Gizi
                          Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malan

       Kedudukan abstrak sebagai bagian journal artikel sangat penting. Abstrak
merepresentasikan artikel secara keseluruhan. Pembaca artikel berpengalaman
menggunakan abstrak sebagai dasar untuk memutuskan meneruskan membaca artikel
seluruhnya atau tidak. Abstrak yang tidak menarik– atau mungkin membuat pembaca
sulit memahaminya— akan dilewatkan begitu saja. Sebagai bagian yang penting,
abstrak ditempatkan di “hot spot”, bagian awal artikel setelah judul sebelum
pendahuluan. Sebagai pusat perhatian abstrak harus disusun sedemikian rupa
sehingga menarik.

       Abstrak yang menarik disusun menggunakan sistem tata tulis yang umum
disepakati di kalangan ilmiah. Dengan cara demikian, maka isi, bahasa, dan cara
pemaparannya standard. Penyusunan abstrak dilakukan secara padat (brief), tepat
(concise), dan informatif. Meskipun ringkas, abstrak mencakup pokok-pokok pikiran
dalam naskah ilmiah. Tepat berarti mengkomunikasikan inti naskah ilmiah dengan
baik,dan tidak banyak menimbulkan penafsiran ganda. Abstrak yang informatif akan
memberikan kepuasan kepada pembaca.

       Penyusunan abstrak berbahasa Inggris tidak merupakan translasi kata per kata
atau istilah dari bahasa Indonesianya. Namun, pembuatan abstrak tersebut merupakan
pengekspresian ide dalam bahasa Inggris, sehingga hasilnya lebih natural dan tidak
terlalu kuat kesan inggris-indonesia nya. Translasi langsung ke bahasa Inggris
seringkali mengikutsertakan pola atau gaya bahasa Indonesia -- yang tentunya berbeda
dengan bahasa Inggris. Makalah singkat ini memfokuskan kajian pada aturan dasar
yang lazim dipatuhi dalam membuat abstrak berbahasa Inggris dengan penekanan
pada information and language convention.

A. Informasi dan Urutannya

   Informasi yang dicantumkan dalam abstrak berikut urutannya adalah seperti berikut:

   1. Full Abstract

               B      :   Background information
               O      :   Objective, principle activity of the study
               M      :   Methodology
               R      :   The most important Results of the study
               C/R    :   Conclusion/Recommendation

                                                                            Page 1 of 8
Contoh abstrak dengan unsur BOMRC/R:

                                     COMPOSING LETTERS WITH
                                A SIMULATED LISTENING TYPEWRITER

  Abstract. (1) With a listening typewriter, what an author says would be automatically recognised and
  displayed in front of him/her. (2) However, speech recognition is not yet advanced enough to provide
  people with a reliable listening typewriter.

  (3) An aim of our experiments was to determine if an imperfect listening typewriter would be useful for
  composing letters. (4) Participants dictated letters, either in isolated words or in consecutive word
  speech. (5) They did this with simulations of listening typewriters that recognised either a limited
  vocabulary or unlimited vocabulary.

  (6) Results indicated that some versions, even upon first using them, were at least as good as
  traditional methods of handwriting and dictating. (7) Isolated word speech with large vocabularies may
  provide the basis for a useful listening typewriter.

                                                                  Sumber: (Weissberg and Buker, 1990.)

  2. Reduced Abstract
     Journal populer yang menjadi best seller, seringkali mengalami keterbatasan
     space karena terlalu banyaknya kontributornya. Sehingga editor dengan ketat
     membatasi jumlah kata dalam abstrak. Untuk itu hanya bagian yang terpenting
     dari yang penting saja yang ditulis dalam abstrak. Model reduced abstract

                      O+M         : Objective + methodology
                      R           : Results of the study
                      C/R         : Conclusion/Recommendation

B. Model Pemaparan

  1. Penulis memberikan nama elemen atau judul paragraf:

      Background: The new health paradigm of the year 2010 is emphasising on preventive and
      promotive measure through the improvement of health behaviour of the population. ……………
      Objective: The aim of the study was to examine model of empowering pregnant and lactating
      women through the improvement of health and nutrition behaviour by using the method of
      Women’s Contact. ……………………
      Methods: The study areas were located in Bogor and Tangerang Districts. …………….

                                                                                         Page 2 of 8
Results: The performance of Kontak Ibu in the treatment areas were generally better than that of
     in the control areas ……………….
     Conclusion: ……………
     Suggestion: ……………
                                                                       Sumber: (Husaini et al, 2001)

  2. Penulis tidak memberikan nama elemen atau judul paragraf, tetapi jenis informasi
     yang disampaikan dikemas menggunakan pola BOMR/C.

     Colorectal cancer patients often have anorexia, nausea and vomiting due to diagnostic
     procedures and therapeutic side effects leading to inadequate food intake and undernutrition as
     well as increased energy requirements and metabolic disorders. Improvement in nutritional status
     prior to an operation leads to a better pre and post operative prognosis. Yogurt, a fermented milk,
     is easily digested and absorbed. Furthermore yogurt is highly nutritious and well tolerated.
     Transferrin is a sensitive parameter for assessing changes in protein nutritional status.

     To improve the nutritional status of colorectal cancer patients, an intervention study was carried
     out on hospitalised pre-operative and undernourished colorectal cancer patients, for whom
     3x160g yogurt plus 3x20g sugar was provided as a food supplement daily for 7 days.
     Anthropometric and laboratory assessments were performed at the commencement and the end
     of the study.

     There was a high prevalence of undernutrition among hospitalised colorectal cancer patients
     (74%). Significant increases in body weight and serum transferrin (p < 0.05) were observed after 7
     days intervention. This finding suggests that yogurt can improve the nutritional status of colorectal
     cancer patients.

                                                                           Sumber: (Siagian et al, 1996).

C. Verb Tenses

        ELEMEN                                               TENSE
      Background           Present tense

                           There … a growing body of evidence that abnormalities of the cell
                           membrane, particularly depletion of n-3 essential fatty acids, ……. found in
                           patients suffering from schizophrenia.
                                                                         Sumber: (Warner et al, 1999).
      Objective,           Past tense/Present perfect
      activities           The purpose of the study …. to describe Registered Nurses’ experiences
                           when taking a web-based course from either the workplace or home, and
                           the impact of their learning on clinical practice.
                                                                              Sumber: (Atack, 2003).

                           Net energy analyses ……………………… for eight trajectories which
                           convert energy source into heated domestic water.
                                                                 Sumber: (Weissberg and Buker, 1990).

                                                                                         Page 3 of 8
Methodology     Past tense

                The study …………….. a prospective design, over a period from 2 months
                to 8 years. Detailed observational data of early and later mother–child
                interactions …………….., infant prefrontal function (the A not B task) was
                assessed, and symptoms of child conduct disorder and hyperactivity were
                rated by maternal report at age 5 and 8 years.
                                                        Sumber: (Morrel and Murray, 2003).

                Thirty prairie dogs ………………. on a cholesterol-supplemented lithogenic
                diet. Ten animals …………… 5% psyllium and 10 animals received 5%
                cellulose. After 6 weeks all gallbladder ………………for stones; blood and
                bile were collected for analysis.
                                                        Sumber: (Schwesinger et al, 1999).
Results         Past tense

                Results of this study ……………… that the fermented soybean tempeh
                …………………… liver iron, compared with unfermented soybean, without
                promoting lipid peroxidation in iron-deficient anemic rats.

                                                            Sumber: (Kasaoka, et al, 1997).
Conclusion/Re   Present tense/Tentative verbs/Modal auxiliaries
                The association of blood pressure with sodium intake ……. subtantially
                larger that …….. generally appreciated and …………….. with age and initial
                blood pressure.
                                                                 Sumber: (Law et al, 1991).

                It ………………… that substantial amounts of soy isoflavones can be
                absorbed and are bioavailable in humans; levels depend on dose, gut
                microflora and sex, but not on diet and type of soy product.
                                                                    Sumber: (Xia-Xu, 1996).

                Nurses, employers and educators ………………….. computer skills,
                computer access and the learning environment when preparing for web-
                based learning.
                                                                 Sumber: (Atack, 2003).

                CLD …………… a deleterious effect on the control of hand and eye
                coordination and on perception and intelligence. These results thus re-
                emphasise the necessity for careful neurodevelopmental follow up of
                infants with CLD whether or not they suffered IVH or PVL.
                                                       Sumber: (Katz-Salamon et al, 2000).

                                                                            Page 4 of 8
D. Ungkapan yang Sering Digunakan

          Objective, Principle Activities

                   The present study was carried out           to examine ……………
                                                               to evaluate …………..

                   To examine …………….
                   To evaluate …………….
                   To assess ………………                   studies were conducted 1
                   To improve ……………..

                   …………………………………                               was investigated
                                                               was examined.
                                                               was evaluated.


                   Results indicated ……….
                   The results of this study showed ……….
                                             indicated ………
                                             confirmed ………


                   It is concluded that ……………..
                   The results suggest that …………..
                   …………. can be …….
                   …………. may …………..

D. Guide to Abstract Editing

      1. Quickly scan for BOMRC/R components.

      2. Tenses: Uses the correct tenses.

      3. Double or missing verbs
               It is also has………
               We are cover your health.
               Data presentation using frequency distribution …………….
               For further research needed a larger sample size ………….

    Kalimat yang dimulai dengan to invinitive dianggap bad style.
                                                                                    Page 5 of 8
4. Agreements
         - The farmer who work this land specialise in wheat.
         - The three oldest dinosaur skeleton are on display at the Dinosaur
         - The House subcommittees on Poverty and Pollution are meeting today. Its
           meeting will be televised.

   5. Appropriate Words:
      Pilih jargon-jargon yang sudah umum digunakan menurut bidang ilmu terkait.
      Penggunaan kamus Indonesia – Inggris atau translasi kata per kata mungkin
      menghasilkan terjemahan yang pemilihan katanya tidak tepat pada konteksnya.
      Penyunting ahli, dengan mudah dapat mengenali apakah kata yang dipilih tepat
      atau lazim digunakan untuk bahasa Inggrisnya.

   6. Be careful of passive voice uses
      According to Aebersold et al, (1985) we should use passive voice when:
         a. Agent is not important or is not known
            Very little is known about …………
         b. Writer wishes to avoid a vague noun or pronoun subject.
            The controversery of … versus ... is unlikely to ever be settled definitely.
         c. Writer wishes to make a statement sound objective.
            It has been proven that certain relationship are unhealthy (This avoids
            saying: My studies have proven ………..)
         d. Writer wishes to avoid taking sides or laying blame on someone, be tactful.
            Progress has been limited (Writer does not wish to say why).
         e. Writer wishes to emphasise the end of the sentence, which contains new
            information and so acts as a transition to the next sentence (s).
            A breakthrough in the study of malaria has been announced by Nobel
            Prize winning scientists.

F. Identitas

       Untuk memberikan identitas artikel, penulisan abstrak biasanya disertai nama
       journal atau aliasnya, tahun, volume, nomor, halaman dimana keseluruhan artikel

       Contoh:    Am J Cardiol 1997;79:34-37
                  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) 51, 375 – 380
                  Am J Surg. 1999; 177: 307 - 310
                  BMJ 1991; 302: 811 - 5

       Nama journal, tanggal terbit, volume, dan tahun ditulis pada tiap halaman untuk
       mengidentifikasi journal saat hanya sebagian artikel direproduksi.

                                                                           Page 6 of 8

Aebersold J., Kowitz J., Schwarte B., Smith, E., 1985, Critical Thingking, Critical
      Choices: Book I Reading and Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
American College of Physicians, 2004, Writing a Research                        Abstract,, 20 Jan 2004
Asian Institute of Technology Extension/Language Center, 2004, Writing up Research:
      The Abstract,, 20 Jan 2004
Atack L, 2003, ‘Becoming a web-based learner: registered nurses’ experiences’, Journal
      of Advanced Nursing, vol 44, no 3, pp 289–297.
Husaini, J.K., Widodo, Y., Salimar, 2001, ‘Strategi Baru Penyuluhan Gizi-Kesehatan
      dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Sehat Selama Hamil dan Menyusui’ Penel Gizi
      Makan, vol 24, pp 11 – 23.
Kasaoka, S., Astuti, M., Uehara, M., Suzuki, K., Goto, S., 1997, ‘Effect of Indonesian
     Fermented Soybean Tempeh on Iron Bioavailability and Lipid Peroxidation in
     Anemic Rats’, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol 45, no 1, pp 195 –
Katz-Salamon M, Gerner EM, Jonsson B, Lagercrantz H, 2000, ‘Early motor and mental
      development in very preterm infants with chronic lung disease’, Arch Dis Child
      Fetal Neonatal; vol, 83:F1-F6
Law MR, Frost CD, Wald NJ, 1991, ‘ By How much does dietary salt reduction lower
     blood pressure?: I-analysis of observational data among populations’, British
     Medical Journal, vol 302, pp 811 – 5.
Murrel J and Murray L, 2003, Parenting and the development of conduct disorder and
      hyperactive symptoms in childhood: a prospective longitudinal study’, Journal of
      Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol 44, no 4, pp 489–508
Schwesinger WH, Kurtin WE, Page CP, Stewart RM, Johnson R., 1999, ‘Soluble Dietary
     Fibre Protects against Cholesterol Gallstone Formation’, The American Journal of
     Surgery, vol 177, pp 301 – 310.
Siagian CM, Rumawas JSP, Rahayuningsih S, Pusponegoro AD, 1996, ‘The effect of
      yogurt supplementation on the nutritional status of undernourished pre-operative
      colorectal cancer patients, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol 5, no 2:
The Abstract, 2004, , 20 Jan 2004

The       Rice       University,      2004,        Writing       Research        Papers,, 20 Jan 2004
Tips on Writing Abstracts, 2004,, 20 Jan 2004
Warner, R., Laugharne, J., Peet, M., Brwon, L., Rogers, N., 1999, ‘Retinal Function as a
     Marker for Cell Membrane Omega-3 Fatty Acid Depletion in Schizophrenia: A
     Pilot Study’, Biol Psychiatry, vol 45, pp 1138 – 1142.
                                                                            Page 7 of 8
Waseso MG dan Saukah A, (eds), 2003, Menerbitkan Jurnal Ilmiah, UM Press Malang,
Weisseberg R and Buker S, 1990, Writing up Research: Experimental Research Report
     Writing for Students of English, Prentice Hall Regents, New Jersey.
Xia-Xu, 1996, ‘Human Bioavailability and Health Protective Effects of Soy Isoflavones’, J
      Fruits Vegetables and Nuts, vol 56, no 8, pp 42 – 51.

                                                                           Page 8 of 8

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Composing research abstracts

  • 1. Composing Journal Abstracts: Information and Language Convention Yohanes Kristianto, GradDipFoodSci, MFT Lektor Kepala bidang Ilmu Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi pada Jurusan Gizi Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malan Kedudukan abstrak sebagai bagian journal artikel sangat penting. Abstrak merepresentasikan artikel secara keseluruhan. Pembaca artikel berpengalaman menggunakan abstrak sebagai dasar untuk memutuskan meneruskan membaca artikel seluruhnya atau tidak. Abstrak yang tidak menarik– atau mungkin membuat pembaca sulit memahaminya— akan dilewatkan begitu saja. Sebagai bagian yang penting, abstrak ditempatkan di “hot spot”, bagian awal artikel setelah judul sebelum pendahuluan. Sebagai pusat perhatian abstrak harus disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga menarik. Abstrak yang menarik disusun menggunakan sistem tata tulis yang umum disepakati di kalangan ilmiah. Dengan cara demikian, maka isi, bahasa, dan cara pemaparannya standard. Penyusunan abstrak dilakukan secara padat (brief), tepat (concise), dan informatif. Meskipun ringkas, abstrak mencakup pokok-pokok pikiran dalam naskah ilmiah. Tepat berarti mengkomunikasikan inti naskah ilmiah dengan baik,dan tidak banyak menimbulkan penafsiran ganda. Abstrak yang informatif akan memberikan kepuasan kepada pembaca. Penyusunan abstrak berbahasa Inggris tidak merupakan translasi kata per kata atau istilah dari bahasa Indonesianya. Namun, pembuatan abstrak tersebut merupakan pengekspresian ide dalam bahasa Inggris, sehingga hasilnya lebih natural dan tidak terlalu kuat kesan inggris-indonesia nya. Translasi langsung ke bahasa Inggris seringkali mengikutsertakan pola atau gaya bahasa Indonesia -- yang tentunya berbeda dengan bahasa Inggris. Makalah singkat ini memfokuskan kajian pada aturan dasar yang lazim dipatuhi dalam membuat abstrak berbahasa Inggris dengan penekanan pada information and language convention. A. Informasi dan Urutannya Informasi yang dicantumkan dalam abstrak berikut urutannya adalah seperti berikut: 1. Full Abstract B : Background information O : Objective, principle activity of the study M : Methodology R : The most important Results of the study C/R : Conclusion/Recommendation Page 1 of 8
  • 2. Contoh abstrak dengan unsur BOMRC/R: COMPOSING LETTERS WITH A SIMULATED LISTENING TYPEWRITER Abstract. (1) With a listening typewriter, what an author says would be automatically recognised and displayed in front of him/her. (2) However, speech recognition is not yet advanced enough to provide people with a reliable listening typewriter. (3) An aim of our experiments was to determine if an imperfect listening typewriter would be useful for composing letters. (4) Participants dictated letters, either in isolated words or in consecutive word speech. (5) They did this with simulations of listening typewriters that recognised either a limited vocabulary or unlimited vocabulary. (6) Results indicated that some versions, even upon first using them, were at least as good as traditional methods of handwriting and dictating. (7) Isolated word speech with large vocabularies may provide the basis for a useful listening typewriter. Sumber: (Weissberg and Buker, 1990.) 2. Reduced Abstract Journal populer yang menjadi best seller, seringkali mengalami keterbatasan space karena terlalu banyaknya kontributornya. Sehingga editor dengan ketat membatasi jumlah kata dalam abstrak. Untuk itu hanya bagian yang terpenting dari yang penting saja yang ditulis dalam abstrak. Model reduced abstract adalah: O+M : Objective + methodology R : Results of the study C/R : Conclusion/Recommendation B. Model Pemaparan 1. Penulis memberikan nama elemen atau judul paragraf: Background: The new health paradigm of the year 2010 is emphasising on preventive and promotive measure through the improvement of health behaviour of the population. …………… Objective: The aim of the study was to examine model of empowering pregnant and lactating women through the improvement of health and nutrition behaviour by using the method of Women’s Contact. …………………… Methods: The study areas were located in Bogor and Tangerang Districts. ……………. Page 2 of 8
  • 3. Results: The performance of Kontak Ibu in the treatment areas were generally better than that of in the control areas ………………. Conclusion: …………… Suggestion: …………… Sumber: (Husaini et al, 2001) 2. Penulis tidak memberikan nama elemen atau judul paragraf, tetapi jenis informasi yang disampaikan dikemas menggunakan pola BOMR/C. Colorectal cancer patients often have anorexia, nausea and vomiting due to diagnostic procedures and therapeutic side effects leading to inadequate food intake and undernutrition as well as increased energy requirements and metabolic disorders. Improvement in nutritional status prior to an operation leads to a better pre and post operative prognosis. Yogurt, a fermented milk, is easily digested and absorbed. Furthermore yogurt is highly nutritious and well tolerated. Transferrin is a sensitive parameter for assessing changes in protein nutritional status. To improve the nutritional status of colorectal cancer patients, an intervention study was carried out on hospitalised pre-operative and undernourished colorectal cancer patients, for whom 3x160g yogurt plus 3x20g sugar was provided as a food supplement daily for 7 days. Anthropometric and laboratory assessments were performed at the commencement and the end of the study. There was a high prevalence of undernutrition among hospitalised colorectal cancer patients (74%). Significant increases in body weight and serum transferrin (p < 0.05) were observed after 7 days intervention. This finding suggests that yogurt can improve the nutritional status of colorectal cancer patients. Sumber: (Siagian et al, 1996). C. Verb Tenses ELEMEN TENSE Background Present tense There … a growing body of evidence that abnormalities of the cell membrane, particularly depletion of n-3 essential fatty acids, ……. found in patients suffering from schizophrenia. Sumber: (Warner et al, 1999). Objective, Past tense/Present perfect Principle activities The purpose of the study …. to describe Registered Nurses’ experiences when taking a web-based course from either the workplace or home, and the impact of their learning on clinical practice. Sumber: (Atack, 2003). Net energy analyses ……………………… for eight trajectories which convert energy source into heated domestic water. Sumber: (Weissberg and Buker, 1990). Page 3 of 8
  • 4. Methodology Past tense The study …………….. a prospective design, over a period from 2 months to 8 years. Detailed observational data of early and later mother–child interactions …………….., infant prefrontal function (the A not B task) was assessed, and symptoms of child conduct disorder and hyperactivity were rated by maternal report at age 5 and 8 years. Sumber: (Morrel and Murray, 2003). Thirty prairie dogs ………………. on a cholesterol-supplemented lithogenic diet. Ten animals …………… 5% psyllium and 10 animals received 5% cellulose. After 6 weeks all gallbladder ………………for stones; blood and bile were collected for analysis. Sumber: (Schwesinger et al, 1999). Results Past tense Results of this study ……………… that the fermented soybean tempeh …………………… liver iron, compared with unfermented soybean, without promoting lipid peroxidation in iron-deficient anemic rats. Sumber: (Kasaoka, et al, 1997). Conclusion/Re Present tense/Tentative verbs/Modal auxiliaries commendation The association of blood pressure with sodium intake ……. subtantially larger that …….. generally appreciated and …………….. with age and initial blood pressure. Sumber: (Law et al, 1991). It ………………… that substantial amounts of soy isoflavones can be absorbed and are bioavailable in humans; levels depend on dose, gut microflora and sex, but not on diet and type of soy product. Sumber: (Xia-Xu, 1996). Nurses, employers and educators ………………….. computer skills, computer access and the learning environment when preparing for web- based learning. Sumber: (Atack, 2003). CLD …………… a deleterious effect on the control of hand and eye coordination and on perception and intelligence. These results thus re- emphasise the necessity for careful neurodevelopmental follow up of infants with CLD whether or not they suffered IVH or PVL. Sumber: (Katz-Salamon et al, 2000). Page 4 of 8
  • 5. D. Ungkapan yang Sering Digunakan Objective, Principle Activities The present study was carried out to examine …………… to evaluate ………….. To examine ……………. To evaluate ……………. To assess ……………… studies were conducted 1 To improve …………….. ………………………………… was investigated was examined. was evaluated. Results Results indicated ………. The results of this study showed ………. indicated ……… confirmed ……… Conclusion/Recommendation It is concluded that …………….. The results suggest that ………….. …………. can be ……. …………. may ………….. D. Guide to Abstract Editing 1. Quickly scan for BOMRC/R components. 2. Tenses: Uses the correct tenses. 3. Double or missing verbs Examples: It is also has……… We are cover your health. Data presentation using frequency distribution ……………. For further research needed a larger sample size …………. 1 Kalimat yang dimulai dengan to invinitive dianggap bad style. Page 5 of 8
  • 6. 4. Agreements Examples: - The farmer who work this land specialise in wheat. - The three oldest dinosaur skeleton are on display at the Dinosaur Monument. - The House subcommittees on Poverty and Pollution are meeting today. Its meeting will be televised. 5. Appropriate Words: Pilih jargon-jargon yang sudah umum digunakan menurut bidang ilmu terkait. Penggunaan kamus Indonesia – Inggris atau translasi kata per kata mungkin menghasilkan terjemahan yang pemilihan katanya tidak tepat pada konteksnya. Penyunting ahli, dengan mudah dapat mengenali apakah kata yang dipilih tepat atau lazim digunakan untuk bahasa Inggrisnya. 6. Be careful of passive voice uses According to Aebersold et al, (1985) we should use passive voice when: a. Agent is not important or is not known Very little is known about ………… b. Writer wishes to avoid a vague noun or pronoun subject. The controversery of … versus ... is unlikely to ever be settled definitely. c. Writer wishes to make a statement sound objective. It has been proven that certain relationship are unhealthy (This avoids saying: My studies have proven ………..) d. Writer wishes to avoid taking sides or laying blame on someone, be tactful. Progress has been limited (Writer does not wish to say why). e. Writer wishes to emphasise the end of the sentence, which contains new information and so acts as a transition to the next sentence (s). A breakthrough in the study of malaria has been announced by Nobel Prize winning scientists. F. Identitas Untuk memberikan identitas artikel, penulisan abstrak biasanya disertai nama journal atau aliasnya, tahun, volume, nomor, halaman dimana keseluruhan artikel dimuat. Contoh: Am J Cardiol 1997;79:34-37 European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) 51, 375 – 380 Am J Surg. 1999; 177: 307 - 310 BMJ 1991; 302: 811 - 5 Nama journal, tanggal terbit, volume, dan tahun ditulis pada tiap halaman untuk mengidentifikasi journal saat hanya sebagian artikel direproduksi. Page 6 of 8
  • 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aebersold J., Kowitz J., Schwarte B., Smith, E., 1985, Critical Thingking, Critical Choices: Book I Reading and Writing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. American College of Physicians, 2004, Writing a Research Abstract,, 20 Jan 2004 Asian Institute of Technology Extension/Language Center, 2004, Writing up Research: The Abstract,, 20 Jan 2004 Atack L, 2003, ‘Becoming a web-based learner: registered nurses’ experiences’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol 44, no 3, pp 289–297. Husaini, J.K., Widodo, Y., Salimar, 2001, ‘Strategi Baru Penyuluhan Gizi-Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Sehat Selama Hamil dan Menyusui’ Penel Gizi Makan, vol 24, pp 11 – 23. Kasaoka, S., Astuti, M., Uehara, M., Suzuki, K., Goto, S., 1997, ‘Effect of Indonesian Fermented Soybean Tempeh on Iron Bioavailability and Lipid Peroxidation in Anemic Rats’, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol 45, no 1, pp 195 – 198. Katz-Salamon M, Gerner EM, Jonsson B, Lagercrantz H, 2000, ‘Early motor and mental development in very preterm infants with chronic lung disease’, Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal; vol, 83:F1-F6 Law MR, Frost CD, Wald NJ, 1991, ‘ By How much does dietary salt reduction lower blood pressure?: I-analysis of observational data among populations’, British Medical Journal, vol 302, pp 811 – 5. Murrel J and Murray L, 2003, Parenting and the development of conduct disorder and hyperactive symptoms in childhood: a prospective longitudinal study’, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, vol 44, no 4, pp 489–508 Schwesinger WH, Kurtin WE, Page CP, Stewart RM, Johnson R., 1999, ‘Soluble Dietary Fibre Protects against Cholesterol Gallstone Formation’, The American Journal of Surgery, vol 177, pp 301 – 310. Siagian CM, Rumawas JSP, Rahayuningsih S, Pusponegoro AD, 1996, ‘The effect of yogurt supplementation on the nutritional status of undernourished pre-operative colorectal cancer patients, Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol 5, no 2: p127 The Abstract, 2004, , 20 Jan 2004 The Rice University, 2004, Writing Research Papers,, 20 Jan 2004 Tips on Writing Abstracts, 2004,, 20 Jan 2004 Warner, R., Laugharne, J., Peet, M., Brwon, L., Rogers, N., 1999, ‘Retinal Function as a Marker for Cell Membrane Omega-3 Fatty Acid Depletion in Schizophrenia: A Pilot Study’, Biol Psychiatry, vol 45, pp 1138 – 1142. Page 7 of 8
  • 8. Waseso MG dan Saukah A, (eds), 2003, Menerbitkan Jurnal Ilmiah, UM Press Malang, Weisseberg R and Buker S, 1990, Writing up Research: Experimental Research Report Writing for Students of English, Prentice Hall Regents, New Jersey. Xia-Xu, 1996, ‘Human Bioavailability and Health Protective Effects of Soy Isoflavones’, J Fruits Vegetables and Nuts, vol 56, no 8, pp 42 – 51. Page 8 of 8