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CFI, Rabat
               Module: Didactics

      ELT Approaches and Methods:
    Communicative Language Teaching

Trainee: M. Bedraoui       Trainer: Dr.M. Akkouch


1.   To understand the historical factors that triggered the
     emergence of Communicative Language Teaching.

2.   To identify the principles and assumptions underlying

3.   To select the methodological practices compatible with

4.   To distinguish between different versions of CLT.
A.        A Historical Background
         1.   The Rise of Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics
         2.   The Establishment of the European Common Market
B.        Communicative Language Teaching: Theoretical Assumptions
         1.   Assumptions about Language
         2.   Assumptions about Learning
C.        CLT: Methodologies
         1.   Syllabuses
         2.   Activities
         3.   Instructional materials
         4.   Learner and teacher roles
         5.   Assessment
D.        CLT: Different Versions
         1.   Process- oriented methods
              •   Content-based instruction
              •   Task-based instruction

         2.   Product-oriented methods
                 Text-based instruction
                 Competency-based instruction

An Attempt to define CLT…

Communicative language teaching is an
overarching approach that theoretically and
practically informs a range of language teaching
methods and practices with a central focus on
the communicative aspect of language. CLT
emphasises communication both as a desired
goal and an effective process of learning.

Task One

      Based on what you
          know about
    Language Teaching, try
       to do the multiple
        questions task.

A- A Historical Background

A- A Historical Background
   Richards (2006) classifies trends in language
    teaching into three main phases:

        Phase 1           Phase II           Phase III

• Traditional         • Classic          • Current
  approaches            communicative      language
  (up to the late       language           teaching (from
  60s)                  teaching (from     the 90s to the
                        the 70s to the     present)

1- The Rise of Cognitive Linguistics
                             Noam Chomsky criticized the
                             structuralist view of language
                             and discarded it on the basis
                             that it did not account for the
                                uniqueness and creative
                                   nature of individual

                               He advanced a theory on
                              language production which
                              considered the human mind
                                as the source of innate
                              cognitive linguistic abilities.

The Cognitive View of Language Acquisition

                                                            Chomsky labeled whatever
                                 the human child will
                                                             the relevant capacity the
A human child and a kitten    always acquire the ability
 are exposed to the same                                      human has that the cat
                             to understand and produce
      linguistic data.                                         lacks the "language
                                                                acquisition device"

                                                                LAD is a postulated
   It enables the child to    It is an instinctive mental
                                                            "organ" of the brain that is
produce an infinite number   capacity which enables an
  of sentences which are                                     supposed to function as
                                  infant to acquire and
     novel and creative                                       a congenital device in
                                   produce language.
  throughout his/her life.                                     language acquisition.

Any Implications for Second Language Acquisition?

                                  If humans have an
                                innate mechanism to
                              learn language, does the
                              same theory should apply
                                for second language

      What does a second
     language learner need
        in addition to the
        linguistic input to
      activate his/her LAD?

Developments in Pragmatics

          John Austin (1911- 1960)
          He is best known for the speech acts theory. He pointed out that we
          use language to do things as well as to assert things.

          John Searle (1932)
          "In indirect speech acts the speaker communicates to the hearer more
          than he actually says by way of relying on their mutually shared
          background information, both linguistic and nonlinguistic, together
          with the general powers of rationality and inference on the part of the

          Paul Grice (1913- 1988)
          The first language philosopher who made a distinction between
          semantics (the sentence meaning) and pragmatics (the speaker

Develpoments in Sociolinguistics
        William Labov (1927)
        • The first linguist to study language varieties and dialects.

        Dell Hymes (1927- 2009)
        • He proposed the concept of „Communicative Competence‟
          to make up for Chomesky‟s concept of „linguistic

        Henry Widdowson (1935)
        • He was one of a British A group of British applied linguists
          who emphasized the communicative aspect of language
          that was inadequately addressed in Chomsky‟s linguistic

2- The Establishment of the European Common

The emergence of the European
Common Market

     The need for a multilingual

         The need for alternative methods of
         language teaching

            The Council of Europe was founded

3- The First CLT Syllabus

                                     He suggested a list of
   In 1972, a British applied
                                   functional meanings that
linguist, D.A. Wilkins, drafted
                                    were necessary for an
a document about the needs
                                   effective communicative
     of a language learner.
                                        language use.

                                  In 1976, Wilkins revised this
                                   document and expanded it
 He described two types of         into a book called Notional
 meanings: functions and             Syllabuses which had a
         notions.                    significant impact on the
                                  development of CLT both in
                                       Europe and beyond.

B- Communicative Language Teaching:
      Theoretical Assumptions

     1- Assumptions about language

Criticism of Chomsky’s linguistic theory
    In an influential article, Dell Hymes (1971:      Chomsky‟s
     62) revises Chomsky‟s linguistic theory            model is
     model:                                             inadequate.

                                                       It does not
                                                        account for the
     It remains that the present vision of              sociocultural
     generative grammar extends only a little           dimensions of
     way into the realm of the use of language.         language use.
     To grasp the intuitions and data pertinent
     to underlying competence for use requires
     a sociocultural standpoint. To develop that       Chomsky‟s
     standpoint adequately, one must transcend          dichotomy
     the formulation of the dichotomy                   leaves out the
     competence:performance and the                     communicative
     associated formulation of the judgments            intuitions of a
     and abilities of the users of a language as        language user.
1- An Alternative Model: Communicative
   Dell Hymes (1971: 62) proposes an
    alternative model:
    We have then to account for the fact                 e
    that a natural child acquire knowledge
    of sentences, not only as grammatical,
    but also as appropriate. He or she
    acquires competence as to who to
    speak, when not, and as what to talk
    about with whom, where and in what
    manner. In short, a child becomes
    able to accomplish a repertoire of        Linguistic
    speech acts, to take part in speech      knowledge
    events, and to evaluate their
    accomplishment by others.

Communicative Competence
Communicative Competence:
a knowledge of the social and discursive norms, which when coupled
with a linguistic knowledge, results in successful communication.

   Hymes (1971: ) further explains:
                                         Communicative      Social
                                           experience     experience

    The acquisition of such a
    competency is of course fed by
    social experience, needs, and
    motives, and issues in action that      Social       Communicative
    is itself a renewed source of         experience      competence

    motives, needs, and experience.

1- Assumptions about Language
 Halliday further elaborates Hymes‟ concept of
 „communicative competence‟ and breaks it down into
 seven basic functions:

     The                                The
                 The regulatory                       The personal
instrumental                       interactional
                    function                            function
  function                            function

         The heuristic   The imaginative
           function         function

1- Assumptions about Language
 Canale and Swain (1980) identified four dimensions
 of communicative competence:

Grammatical   Sociolinguistic    Discourse    Strategic
competence     competence       competence   competence

Communicative Competence

           Grammatical competence is concerned
          with the mastery of the linguistic code
          which includes vocabulary knowledge as
          well as knowledge of morphological,
          syntactic, semantic, phonetic and
          orthographic rules. This competence
          enables the speaker to use knowledge and
          skills needed for understanding and
          expressing the literal meaning.

                                   (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
Communicative Competence

           Sociolinguistic competence is the
          knowledge of rules and conventions which
          underlie the appropriate comprehension
          and language use in different
          sociolinguistic and sociocultural context.

                                    (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
Communicative Competence:

         Discursive competence is the mastery of
         rule which determine ways in which forms
         and meaning are combined to achieve a
         meaningful unity of spoken or written text.
         The unity of a text is enabled by cohesion in
         form and coherence in meaning.

                                    (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
Communicative Competence:

          Strategic competence is composed of
          verbal and non-verbal strategies that are
          recalled to make up for breakdowns in
          communication due to insufficient
          competence in one or more components of
          communicative competence.
          These strategies include paraphrase,
          circumlocution, repetition, reluctance,
          avoidance of words, structures or themes,
          guessing, changes of register and style,
          modifications of messages, etc.
                                   (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
Assumptions about Learning

2- Assumptions about Learning
   Johnson and Littlewood (1984) developed a learning theory
    which they considered as compatible with CLT tenets.
   They called it a skill- learning model.

                    Skill-learning model

         • The acquisition of communicative
           competence in language is an
           example of skill development. It
           involves both a cognitive and
           behavioural aspect.
2- Assumptions about Learning

 A Skill- learning model

                             The behavioural stage
  The cognitive stage      involves the automation      Converting cognitive
involves internalisation      of these plans so that   plans into behaviours
   of plans creating         they can be converted     occurs mainly through
appropriate behaviour.      into fluent performance           practice
                                   in real world.

2- Assumptions about Learning
    Richards (2006: 23) proposed what he called „ten core
     assumptions‟ underlying the different practices of CLT

    1.   Interaction and meaningful communication activate
    2.    Meaningful communication results from students
         processing content that is relevant, purposeful, interesting,
         and engaging.
    3.    Communication is a holistic process that often calls upon
         the use of several language skills or modalities.
    4.   Communicative tasks provide opportunities for students to
         use the language.
    5.   Language learning is facilitated both by activities that
         involve inductive or discovery learning of underlying rules
         of language use and organization, as well as by those
    28   involving language analysis and reflection.
2- Assumptions about Learning
6. Language learning is a gradual process that involves
    creative use of language, and trial and error.
7. Learners develop their own routes to language learning,
    at different rates, and have different needs and motivations
    language learning.
8. Successful language learning involves the use of effective
    and communication strategies.
9. The role of the teacher in the language classroom is that of
    a facilitator, who creates a classroom climate conducive to
    language learning and provides opportunities for students to
    practise the language.
10. The classroom is a community where learners learn
 29 through
Task 2

     Identify the assumptions and principles
     underlying the steps in the lesson sketched in
     the handout.

C- CLT: Methodologies

1- Syllabuses
    Discussions about the nature of syllabus have been central to CLT
    A number of considerations are taken into account when designing a
     communication-based syllabus.

                                                                 The target
     Purpose of the        Setting of        Role of the
    language course         learning          learners

      The language
        functions         The notions         The skills        The variety
    involved in these      involved           involved           involved

                        The grammatical      The lexical
                            content           content

1- Some CLT Syllabuses
   A Functional syllabus       A content –based syllabus        A skill-based syllabus

• Communicative                • The purpose is to teach     • It focuses on the
  competence is viewed as        specific information and      integration of the four
  a mastery of functions         content using the             macroskills.
  needed for                     language that learners      • The teaching of each
  communication across a         are also learning.            skills is done through its
  wide range of situations.                                    component microskills.
• The syllabus is organized    • The course is arranged      • skill-based syllabi merge
  according to the functions     around topics related to      linguistic competencies
  the learners should be         the subject being taught.     (pronunciation,
  able to carry out in                                         vocabulary, grammar, and
  English.                                                     discourse) together into
• Grammar and vocabulary                                       generalized types of
  are chosen according to                                      behaviour, such as
  the functions being                                          listening to spoken
  taught.                                                      language for the main
• This syllabus is often                                       idea, writing well-formed
  used as the basis for                                        paragraphs, delivering
  listening and speaking                                       effective lectures, and so
  courses.                                                     forth.

2- Activities
    New classifications of activities have been
     developed with the advent of CLT.

    Fluency and accuracy activities
     • Teachers are recommended to strike a balance between
       the two types of activities.
    Mechanical, meaningful and communicative
     • Practice sequences in CLT textbooks usually take students
       from mechanical to meaningful to communicative activities.

2- Activity Types
    The range of activities, tasks and exercises
     compatible with CLT is unlimited.
    Any activity that can engage learners in
     communication and require the use of such
     communicative processes as information sharing,
     negotiation of meaning and interaction can be
     incorporated into the CLT repertoire.
    Littlewood (1981) distinguishes between:
        Functional communication activities
        social interaction activities

2- Activity Tyes
                               Social interaction
• Learners compare          • Conversation and
  sets of pictures and        discussion sessions
  note difference           • Dialogues and role
• Learners work out a         play
  sequence of events        • Simulations
  out of a set of events.   • debates
• Learners solve
  problems using
  shared clues.

3- Activity Types
         Information gap activities
         Jigsaw activities
         Information gathering activities
         Information transfer activities
         Opinion sharing activities
         Reasoning gap-activities
Task 3

Match the descriptions of the activities with
        their appropriate headings.

3. Instructional Materials
                                 The instructional materials
     CLT proponents have              prepared for CLT
     accorded instructional      classrooms vary from text-
      materials a special         based textbooks, to task-
         importance.              based activities, to realia

                   Heightened discussions
                    have arisen about the
                     issue of authenticity.

3. Instructional Materials
 “Authentic texts (either written or spoken) are those which are
 designed for native speakers: they are real texts designed not for
 language students, but for the speakers of the language in question.”
 (Harmer:1983, 146)

                 Benefits           Limitations

                  Positive effect
                                      Not teacher-
                   on learner‟s

                      Direct          Packed with
                   exposure to        unnecessary
                  language use         vocabulary.

                    Authentic         No repeated
                     cultural         occurrence of
                   information          structures

4. Learner and Teacher Roles
Role refers to “the part that learners and teachers are expected are
expected to play in the learning tasks as well as the social and
interpersonal relationships between the participants.” (Nunan:
1986, 79)

            Learner Role               Teacher Role
             Interactor                Facilitator
             Collaborator              Needs analyst
             Discoverer                Counselor
             Self-assessor             Provider of input
             Problem-solver            Prompter
             Questioner                Reflector
                                        Learner

5. Assessment

                      focuses on

     involves both
      teacher and    Assessment    is not testing

                         is a

D. Communicative Language
      Teaching: Different Versions

CLT: A Paradigm Shift
     CLT has gained credibility and flourished as an effective
     foreign language approach across different world educational

    Jacobs and Farrell (2003: 1) called this wholesale
     development a paradigm shift in second language education.
                 “In second language education, a
          constellation of changes have been proposed
             and, to some ex tent, implemented. This
           constellation of interconnected changes can
          perhaps best be termed a paradigm shift, with
              this paradigm fitting under the general
             Communicative Language umbrella of
                          Teaching (CLT).

CLT: A Paradigm Shift

                  The social
      Learner                    Curricular
                   nature of
     autonomy                   integration

     Focus on                    Thinking
     meaning                      skills

           Alternative   Teachers as
          assessment     co-learners

CLT: Different models

   A number of different second language teaching have
    emerged, reflecting different responses to the issues
    identified as central to CLT approach.

     Process-oriented               Product-oriented
         models                         models

     Content-based                     Text-based

Task 4
    In expert groups of three, discuss the CLT model you
     are assigned. (5 min.)
    Move to discussion groups and share what you learn
     with the other members. (10 min)
    Move back to the expert groups to compare the
     information you got about other models with the
     other members of the group.

    Jacobs, G. M., & Farrell, T. S. C. (January 01, 2003). Understanding and Implementing the CLT (Communicative
     Language Teaching) Paradigm. Relc

    Larsen-Freeman, D. (1986). Techniques and principles in language teaching. New York, N.Y., USA: Oxford
     University Press.

    Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University

    Nunan, D. (July 01, 1991). Communicative Tasks and the Language Curriculum. Tesol Quarterly, 25, 2, 279-295.

    Nunan, D., & Nunan, D. (2004). Task-based language teaching. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

    Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (1986). Approaches and methods in language teaching: A description and
     analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. New York: Cambridge University Press.


   Communication-based activities enhance learning
    Tasks involve the learners in the input and activate their
    Meaningful language and situations support the
     learners‟ processing of the linguistic content and build up
     their communicative competence.

The first syllabus model is a
notional syllabus which specifies
the notional and functional
categories perceived as needed to
be learned by language learners.

But this model of syllabus was
soon criticised for being a replicate
of a traditional syllabus.

It was also criticised for specifying
products rather than
communicative processes.


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Communicative language teaching

  • 1. CFI, Rabat Module: Didactics ELT Approaches and Methods: Communicative Language Teaching Trainee: M. Bedraoui Trainer: Dr.M. Akkouch 1
  • 2. Objectives 1. To understand the historical factors that triggered the emergence of Communicative Language Teaching. 2. To identify the principles and assumptions underlying CLT. 3. To select the methodological practices compatible with CLT. 4. To distinguish between different versions of CLT. 2
  • 3. Outline A. A Historical Background 1. The Rise of Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics 2. The Establishment of the European Common Market B. Communicative Language Teaching: Theoretical Assumptions 1. Assumptions about Language 2. Assumptions about Learning C. CLT: Methodologies 1. Syllabuses 2. Activities 3. Instructional materials 4. Learner and teacher roles 5. Assessment D. CLT: Different Versions 1. Process- oriented methods • Content-based instruction • Task-based instruction 2. Product-oriented methods  Text-based instruction  Competency-based instruction 3
  • 4. An Attempt to define CLT… Communicative language teaching is an overarching approach that theoretically and practically informs a range of language teaching methods and practices with a central focus on the communicative aspect of language. CLT emphasises communication both as a desired goal and an effective process of learning. 4
  • 5. Task One Based on what you know about Communicative Language Teaching, try to do the multiple questions task. 5
  • 6. A- A Historical Background 6
  • 7. A- A Historical Background  Richards (2006) classifies trends in language teaching into three main phases: Phase 1 Phase II Phase III • Traditional • Classic • Current approaches communicative language (up to the late language teaching (from 60s) teaching (from the 90s to the the 70s to the present) 90s) 7
  • 8. 1- The Rise of Cognitive Linguistics Noam Chomsky criticized the structuralist view of language and discarded it on the basis that it did not account for the uniqueness and creative nature of individual sentences. He advanced a theory on language production which considered the human mind as the source of innate cognitive linguistic abilities. 8
  • 9. The Cognitive View of Language Acquisition Chomsky labeled whatever the human child will the relevant capacity the A human child and a kitten always acquire the ability are exposed to the same human has that the cat to understand and produce linguistic data. lacks the "language language acquisition device" LAD is a postulated It enables the child to It is an instinctive mental "organ" of the brain that is produce an infinite number capacity which enables an of sentences which are supposed to function as infant to acquire and novel and creative a congenital device in produce language. throughout his/her life. language acquisition. 9
  • 10. Any Implications for Second Language Acquisition? If humans have an innate mechanism to learn language, does the same theory should apply for second language learning? What does a second language learner need in addition to the linguistic input to activate his/her LAD? 10
  • 11. Developments in Pragmatics John Austin (1911- 1960) He is best known for the speech acts theory. He pointed out that we use language to do things as well as to assert things. John Searle (1932) "In indirect speech acts the speaker communicates to the hearer more than he actually says by way of relying on their mutually shared background information, both linguistic and nonlinguistic, together with the general powers of rationality and inference on the part of the hearer." Paul Grice (1913- 1988) The first language philosopher who made a distinction between semantics (the sentence meaning) and pragmatics (the speaker meaning). 11
  • 12. Develpoments in Sociolinguistics William Labov (1927) • The first linguist to study language varieties and dialects. Dell Hymes (1927- 2009) • He proposed the concept of „Communicative Competence‟ to make up for Chomesky‟s concept of „linguistic competence‟. Henry Widdowson (1935) • He was one of a British A group of British applied linguists who emphasized the communicative aspect of language that was inadequately addressed in Chomsky‟s linguistic theory. 12
  • 13. 2- The Establishment of the European Common Market The emergence of the European Common Market The need for a multilingual workforce The need for alternative methods of language teaching The Council of Europe was founded 13
  • 14. 3- The First CLT Syllabus He suggested a list of In 1972, a British applied functional meanings that linguist, D.A. Wilkins, drafted were necessary for an a document about the needs effective communicative of a language learner. language use. In 1976, Wilkins revised this document and expanded it He described two types of into a book called Notional meanings: functions and Syllabuses which had a notions. significant impact on the development of CLT both in Europe and beyond. 14
  • 15. B- Communicative Language Teaching: Theoretical Assumptions 1- Assumptions about language 15
  • 16. Criticism of Chomsky’s linguistic theory  In an influential article, Dell Hymes (1971:  Chomsky‟s 62) revises Chomsky‟s linguistic theory model is model: inadequate.  It does not account for the It remains that the present vision of sociocultural generative grammar extends only a little dimensions of way into the realm of the use of language. language use. To grasp the intuitions and data pertinent to underlying competence for use requires a sociocultural standpoint. To develop that  Chomsky‟s standpoint adequately, one must transcend dichotomy the formulation of the dichotomy leaves out the competence:performance and the communicative associated formulation of the judgments intuitions of a and abilities of the users of a language as language user. well. 16
  • 17. 1- An Alternative Model: Communicative Competence  Dell Hymes (1971: 62) proposes an alternative model: Social/ discursive knowledg We have then to account for the fact e that a natural child acquire knowledge of sentences, not only as grammatical, but also as appropriate. He or she acquires competence as to who to speak, when not, and as what to talk about with whom, where and in what manner. In short, a child becomes able to accomplish a repertoire of Linguistic speech acts, to take part in speech knowledge events, and to evaluate their accomplishment by others. 17
  • 18. Communicative Competence Communicative Competence: a knowledge of the social and discursive norms, which when coupled with a linguistic knowledge, results in successful communication.  Hymes (1971: ) further explains: Communicative Social experience experience The acquisition of such a competency is of course fed by social experience, needs, and motives, and issues in action that Social Communicative is itself a renewed source of experience competence motives, needs, and experience. 18
  • 19. 1- Assumptions about Language Halliday further elaborates Hymes‟ concept of „communicative competence‟ and breaks it down into seven basic functions: The The The regulatory The personal instrumental interactional function function function function The The heuristic The imaginative representational function function function 19
  • 20. 1- Assumptions about Language Canale and Swain (1980) identified four dimensions of communicative competence: Grammatical Sociolinguistic Discourse Strategic competence competence competence competence 20
  • 21. Communicative Competence Grammatical competence is concerned with the mastery of the linguistic code which includes vocabulary knowledge as well as knowledge of morphological, syntactic, semantic, phonetic and orthographic rules. This competence enables the speaker to use knowledge and skills needed for understanding and expressing the literal meaning. (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
  • 22. Communicative Competence Sociolinguistic competence is the knowledge of rules and conventions which underlie the appropriate comprehension and language use in different sociolinguistic and sociocultural context. (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
  • 23. Communicative Competence: Discursive competence is the mastery of rule which determine ways in which forms and meaning are combined to achieve a meaningful unity of spoken or written text. The unity of a text is enabled by cohesion in form and coherence in meaning. (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
  • 24. Communicative Competence: Strategic competence is composed of verbal and non-verbal strategies that are recalled to make up for breakdowns in communication due to insufficient competence in one or more components of communicative competence. These strategies include paraphrase, circumlocution, repetition, reluctance, avoidance of words, structures or themes, guessing, changes of register and style, modifications of messages, etc. (Bagaric: 2007, 97)
  • 26. 2- Assumptions about Learning  Johnson and Littlewood (1984) developed a learning theory which they considered as compatible with CLT tenets.  They called it a skill- learning model. Skill-learning model • The acquisition of communicative competence in language is an example of skill development. It involves both a cognitive and behavioural aspect. 26
  • 27. 2- Assumptions about Learning A Skill- learning model The behavioural stage The cognitive stage involves the automation Converting cognitive involves internalisation of these plans so that plans into behaviours of plans creating they can be converted occurs mainly through appropriate behaviour. into fluent performance practice in real world. 27
  • 28. 2- Assumptions about Learning  Richards (2006: 23) proposed what he called „ten core assumptions‟ underlying the different practices of CLT 1. Interaction and meaningful communication activate learning. 2. Meaningful communication results from students processing content that is relevant, purposeful, interesting, and engaging. 3. Communication is a holistic process that often calls upon the use of several language skills or modalities. 4. Communicative tasks provide opportunities for students to use the language. 5. Language learning is facilitated both by activities that involve inductive or discovery learning of underlying rules of language use and organization, as well as by those 28 involving language analysis and reflection.
  • 29. 2- Assumptions about Learning 6. Language learning is a gradual process that involves creative use of language, and trial and error. 7. Learners develop their own routes to language learning, progress at different rates, and have different needs and motivations for language learning. 8. Successful language learning involves the use of effective learning and communication strategies. 9. The role of the teacher in the language classroom is that of a facilitator, who creates a classroom climate conducive to language learning and provides opportunities for students to practise the language. 10. The classroom is a community where learners learn 29 through
  • 30. Task 2 Identify the assumptions and principles underlying the steps in the lesson sketched in the handout. 30
  • 32. 1- Syllabuses  Discussions about the nature of syllabus have been central to CLT applications.  A number of considerations are taken into account when designing a communication-based syllabus. The target Purpose of the Setting of Role of the communicative language course learning learners events The language functions The notions The skills The variety involved in these involved involved involved events The grammatical The lexical content content 32
  • 33. 1- Some CLT Syllabuses A Functional syllabus A content –based syllabus A skill-based syllabus • Communicative • The purpose is to teach • It focuses on the competence is viewed as specific information and integration of the four a mastery of functions content using the macroskills. needed for language that learners • The teaching of each communication across a are also learning. skills is done through its wide range of situations. component microskills. • The syllabus is organized • The course is arranged • skill-based syllabi merge according to the functions around topics related to linguistic competencies the learners should be the subject being taught. (pronunciation, able to carry out in vocabulary, grammar, and English. discourse) together into • Grammar and vocabulary generalized types of are chosen according to behaviour, such as the functions being listening to spoken taught. language for the main • This syllabus is often idea, writing well-formed used as the basis for paragraphs, delivering listening and speaking effective lectures, and so courses. forth. 33
  • 34. 2- Activities  New classifications of activities have been developed with the advent of CLT. Fluency and accuracy activities • Teachers are recommended to strike a balance between the two types of activities. Mechanical, meaningful and communicative activities • Practice sequences in CLT textbooks usually take students from mechanical to meaningful to communicative activities. 34
  • 35. 2- Activity Types  The range of activities, tasks and exercises compatible with CLT is unlimited.  Any activity that can engage learners in communication and require the use of such communicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of meaning and interaction can be incorporated into the CLT repertoire.  Littlewood (1981) distinguishes between:  Functional communication activities  social interaction activities 35
  • 36. 2- Activity Tyes Functional Social interaction communication activities activities • Learners compare • Conversation and sets of pictures and discussion sessions note difference • Dialogues and role • Learners work out a play sequence of events • Simulations out of a set of events. • debates • Learners solve problems using shared clues. 36
  • 37. 3- Activity Types Information gap activities Jigsaw activities Information gathering activities Information transfer activities Opinion sharing activities Reasoning gap-activities 37
  • 38. Task 3 Match the descriptions of the activities with their appropriate headings. 38
  • 39. 3. Instructional Materials The instructional materials CLT proponents have prepared for CLT accorded instructional classrooms vary from text- materials a special based textbooks, to task- importance. based activities, to realia content. Heightened discussions have arisen about the issue of authenticity. 39
  • 40. 3. Instructional Materials “Authentic texts (either written or spoken) are those which are designed for native speakers: they are real texts designed not for language students, but for the speakers of the language in question.” (Harmer:1983, 146) Benefits Limitations Positive effect Not teacher- on learner‟s friendly motivation Direct Packed with exposure to unnecessary language use vocabulary. Authentic No repeated cultural occurrence of information structures 40
  • 41. 4. Learner and Teacher Roles Role refers to “the part that learners and teachers are expected are expected to play in the learning tasks as well as the social and interpersonal relationships between the participants.” (Nunan: 1986, 79) Learner Role Teacher Role  Interactor  Facilitator  Collaborator  Needs analyst  Discoverer  Counselor  Self-assessor  Provider of input  Problem-solver  Prompter  Questioner  Reflector  Learner 41
  • 42. 5. Assessment focuses on achievement involves both teacher and Assessment is not testing students is a continuous process 42
  • 43. D. Communicative Language Teaching: Different Versions 43
  • 44. CLT: A Paradigm Shift  CLT has gained credibility and flourished as an effective foreign language approach across different world educational programs.  Jacobs and Farrell (2003: 1) called this wholesale development a paradigm shift in second language education. “In second language education, a constellation of changes have been proposed and, to some ex tent, implemented. This constellation of interconnected changes can perhaps best be termed a paradigm shift, with this paradigm fitting under the general Communicative Language umbrella of Teaching (CLT). 44
  • 45. CLT: A Paradigm Shift The social Learner Curricular nature of autonomy integration learning Focus on Thinking Diversity meaning skills Alternative Teachers as assessment co-learners 45
  • 46. CLT: Different models  A number of different second language teaching have emerged, reflecting different responses to the issues identified as central to CLT approach. Process-oriented Product-oriented models models Content-based Text-based Competency- Task-based based 46
  • 47. Task 4  In expert groups of three, discuss the CLT model you are assigned. (5 min.)  Move to discussion groups and share what you learn with the other members. (10 min)  Move back to the expert groups to compare the information you got about other models with the other members of the group. 47
  • 48. References  Jacobs, G. M., & Farrell, T. S. C. (January 01, 2003). Understanding and Implementing the CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) Paradigm. Relc  Larsen-Freeman, D. (1986). Techniques and principles in language teaching. New York, N.Y., USA: Oxford University Press.  Nunan, D. (1989). Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press.  Nunan, D. (July 01, 1991). Communicative Tasks and the Language Curriculum. Tesol Quarterly, 25, 2, 279-295.  Nunan, D., & Nunan, D. (2004). Task-based language teaching. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.  Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (1986). Approaches and methods in language teaching: A description and analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative language teaching today. New York: Cambridge University Press.   48
  • 49. Communication-based activities enhance learning  Tasks involve the learners in the input and activate their output.  Meaningful language and situations support the learners‟ processing of the linguistic content and build up their communicative competence. 49
  • 50. The first syllabus model is a notional syllabus which specifies the notional and functional categories perceived as needed to be learned by language learners. But this model of syllabus was soon criticised for being a replicate of a traditional syllabus. It was also criticised for specifying products rather than communicative processes. 50

Editor's Notes

  1. Microskills of listening: recognize keywords, recognize the topic, the attude and mood of speakers- follow speech at different rates of speed, identify key information
  2. Another classification by littlewood,: structural activities, quasi communicative, comunicative (functional and social interaction A