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Clinical	for	4th Grade	
Ahmed	Osama	Hashem
FRCS	ophth
PhD,MD Ain Shams	university
Lecturer	of	ophthalmology
Snellen chart- illiterate	E	–OR	Landlot broken	
• Trial	frame	,,	trial	lenses
Test	macula	function	(Amsler grid)
Age	related	Macular	degeneration-Wet	type	
(CNV)with	hemorrhage	and	scar
Test	contrast	sensitivity
Test	color	vision
Test	VA	in	children
• Picture		test
Test	VA	in	children
• preferential	looking
Test	VA	in	children
• hundreds	and	thousand	test	sweet	test
Anterior	blepharitis
1.	Seborrheic	(scaly)
Bilateral	ptosis
Complications	of	blepharitis(Madarosis–poliosis-
ptylosis …….
Leukoma	Adherant
Leukoma	Adherant- Irregular	pupil
Anterior	chamber	flare
vWhat	you	can	see	at	the	bottom	of	the	cornea	?
vWhat	is	the	treatment	?
Mutton	Fat	keratic percepitates
vAnterior	uveitis	if	not	treated	probably	may	
lead	to	sever	complications,	what	are	they	?
Festooned	pupil	posterior	synechia
vWhat	is	your	main	finding?
vMention	3	abnormal	findings	?
vMention	the	most	common	cause?
Rt	Leukocoria
Cortical	cataract	(nearly	complete	cortical)
Nuclear	cataract
Nuclear		cataract
Increase	in	
refractive	index	
Red	reflex	
appears	as	a	ring	
around	a	nuclear	
Nuclear	cataract				Vs	Cortical	cataract
Nuclear	Brown	Cataract
Hypermature cortical	cataract
• A)Typical	Hypermature.
• B)Morgagnian	Type.
Morgagnian cataract
Focal	blue	dot Cataract
Extremely	common	and	insignificant
Subluxated lens
Congenital	or	Developmental	cataract
Morphological	types
• Nuclear,,,,	central,,,,+- Microcornea,Microphthalmia..
• Lamellar-Zonular
Opacity	between	clear	Nucleus	&	Cortex
Sutural Cataract
• Follow	Y	sutures
Coronary	cataract
• Opacity	in	deep	cortex	forming	a	crown	like	around	the	nucleus.
• Polar	cataract:
-Anterior	Polar:pyramidal projecting	into	AC,,,,
May	accompany	persistent	pupillary	membrane
Doesnot affect	vision,,,,away from	nodal	point,,,
• Focal	blue	dot,,
Extremely	common	and	insignificant
Subluxated lens
Intraocular	Artificial	lens
Complication	of	surgery	
• Posterior	capsular	opacification
IOL	dislocated
Anterior	Uveitis	Keratic percepitate
Systemic	diseases
• DM
-Presenile cataract	,,,senile	in	earlier	stage
Good	control	of	blood	sugar,,ophthalm.	Exam,surgery
-True	diabetic	cataract	– relatively	younger	age-snow	flake	cataract.Ant
&	Post	flake	like	opacities.
• Hereditary.	Retinitis	pigmentosa,
Papilledema(optic	disc	edema)
1- Intracranial	causes:
A- Neoplasms		70	%	are	caused	by	brain	tumors	,,	Always	
bilateral	unless	one	nerve	is	atrophic,,	(Foster	kennedy
Frontal	lobe	
Optic	disc	edema	on	
one	side	and	
primary	optic	
atrophy	on	the	
other	side
• Central	retinal	vein	occlusion
Rt	optic	disc	edema
retinal	veins,,
Flame	shaped	He
Venous	pulsation	
retinal	veins,,
Lt	normal	optic	disc
• Post	papilledemic optic	atrophy
Glaucomatous	optic	atrophy
Glaucomatous	optic	atrophy
unilateral	congenial	severe	ptosis
Rt	leukocoria
Apparent	squint
Cover	uncover	test
Worth’s	four	dot	test
five	dots	are	seen,	namely	two	red	and	three	green	in	cases	of	
Maddox	rod	and	tangent	scale	test
The	Maddox	wing	test
Cover	test
Deviation	of	one	eye		Lt	Exotropia(	XT)
Rt	3rd N	palsy
Lt	6th N	palsy
Blow-out	fractures	of	the	orbit
• 1-(Periocular signs)	include	Black	eye,	edema	and	subcutaneous	
• 2- Injury	to	the	infraorbital nerve.	This	can	cause	hypoesthesia	of	the	facial	
skin	of	lower	lid	(Cheek	anaesthesia).	
• 3-Impingement	of	the	inferior	rectus	can	result	in	(Diplopia),	The	diplopia	
typically	occurs	in	both	up-gaze	and	down-gaze	(Vertical	diplopia)	
(Diplopia	worse	in	upward	gaze).	
• 4- (Enophthalmos)	is	usually	absent	at	the	beginning	because	of	associated	
orbital	edema	or	hemorrhage	and,	Enophthalmosmay	develop	after	10	
days	as	the	edema	subsides.
5- uncommon,	Intraocular	ocular	damage	(e.g.	hyphema,	angle	recession,	
retinal	detachment)	should	be	excluded
vWhat	is	the	diagnosis?
vMention	2	useful	investigations?
Rt	fracture	orbital	floor
vWhat	is	the	diagnosis?
vThe	most	common	cause	is	………
This	CT	scan	shows	fracture	of	the	orbital	floor	and	
opacification	of	the	maxillary	sinus.
vSuch	a	patient	usually	complain	of	…………
Eye	lid	hematoma	
(black	eye)
Eye	lid	laceration
Eye	lid	laceration
Vertical	mattress	suture	for	full	thickness	
eyelid	injury	repair
vWhy	this	injury	needs	urgent	repair?
Lacrimal	canalicularinjury	with	nasolacrimal	tube	repair	(Eagle	Tube)
vAn	injury	like	this	should	be	done	immediately			
otherwise	the	patient	will	suffer	from………..
Subconjunctival	Hemorrhage
• Fragile	vessels	rupture	from	trauma,	
Valsalva	pressure	spikes	(sneezing,	
coughing,	retching),	
hypertension,blooddiseases,	or	
without	obvious	cause.
Subconjunctival	Hemorrhage
• Cornea	not	involved.
• Resolves	within	2	weeks.
But	take	care	
You	should	exclude	(Rupture	globe)	Scleral	wound
And	you	should	exclude	fracture	skull	base
DD Local	ocular	trauma Fracture	base	of skull
onset immediate Delayed
Trauma To	eye	,no	proptosis To	head	+	proptosis
consciousness Normal Loss	of	consciousness
site Temporal Fornices
shape Triangular,base to	 the	cornea Tringular,,apex	 to	cornea
color Bright	red Dark red
Posterior	limit definite Is	not seen
Corneal	Abrasion
• Corneal	abrasions	often	worsened	by	
rubbing	and	scratching.
• Foreign	body	sensation	common.
This	photo	took	after	an	injury	to	the	right	Eye
vTell	me	the	complications
Rupture	globe	with	iris	prolapse	Corneal	Limbal wound
vDescribe	the	finding	in	this	picture
vAngle	recession	glaucoma	occurs	after	Blunt	trauma
vWhat	is	the	diagnosis	?
vMention	the	most	common	underlying	cause	?
vWhat	are	the	complications	may	follow	this	
trauma	?
Complication	of	hyphema
1-Secondary	glaucoma	(Open	OR	Close)
2-Blood	stained	cornea	(5%)	(need	increase	of	IOP).
3-Decrease	vision	(due	to	cross	pupil).
4-Recurrent	hyphema (20%)(Secondary	hyphema)	within	3-5	days,	
more	common	in	Black	people
vHow	can	you	manage	a	case	like	this?
vWhat	are	your		findings?
Iridodyalysis D	shaped	pupil
Adie’s	pupil,,ciliary ganglia	lesion
Ultra	sound		
Voissous Ring
Characteristic	stellate	(star	shape)	
appearance	of	traumatic	cataract
Lens	subluxation	(Sunset)
Rosette	shape	cataract
vCommotio	retinae	is	a	complication	of	……….
Retina	Dyalisis from	its	Insertion
Choroidal rupture
Subretinal Hemorrhage-Suprachoroidal
vThis	patient	sustained	trauma	after	ECCE,	
describe	the	findings?
Perforating	Injury
• Eye-threatening	emergency	requiring	
emergency	ophthalmologic	surgical	
MY	DEAR	students	please	
notice	the	difference	
between	penetrating	injury	
and	blunt	one
Perforating	injury
Corneal	perforation	repair
vWhat	are	the	complications?
Metallic	FB	
Corneal	Foreign	bodyy
vWhat	is	your	diagnosis	?								
vWhat	is	the	treatment	?												
Corneal	FB	over	the	limbus
Fb	in	sulcus	subtarsalis –corneal	abrasion	by	Fluoresceine
Rust	ring	after	FB	removal
vWhat	is	this	test	?
vWhat	does	it	indicate	?
River	sign	
Penetratin FB	
vWhat	is	your	diagnosis	?
FB	in	the	vitrous cavity
One	of	the	
complications	of	
perforating	eye	injury	
is	endophthalmitis
with	hypopyon
vWhat	is	the	diagnosis?		
vWhat	is	the	treatment?			
Lt	FB	intraocular	by	
Physical	keratoconjunctivitis-phototoxicity-UV
+ve FL	cobalt	blue	filter
True	exfoliation	:Infrared	effect	in	ovens	and	
Pseudo	exfoliation	occur	as	a	part	of	systemic	
disease	and	lead	to	open	angle	glaucoma
Infrared	(Glassblower	Cataract)
Notice	the	effect	of	light	energy	over	the	photoreceptors	in	OCT
Vascularized	cornel	opacity
Vascularized	cornel	opacity
Cicatricial ectropion
vWhat	is	the	medical	treatment	of	sever	
chemical	injury	?
vAlkali	burn	more	dangerous	than	acid	burn.why?
Necrosis	over	
the	limbus
In	chemical	injury	,the	first	step	is	to	irrigate	the	eye.
vWhat	next	?
Lid	speculum
Amniotic	membrane	graft
Lysis	of	symblepharon
Penetrating	keratoplasty
Boston	Keratoprothesis
Myopic	fundus	with	temporal	crescent
Chorioretinal atrophy	Fuch’s spot
CNV	hemorrhage	in	myopic	fundus
Giant	retinal	tear
Fuch’s spot	in	myopic	fundus
Periperal retinal	break	surrounded	by	Argon	
Fungal	infection	
over	lt orbit	and	lt
maxillary	sinus
Cavernous	hemangioma vs	capillary	
(Age)Commenest benign	MCQ..
Commonest	Adult	tumor	,,(Orbital	lymphoma,,	,,	
Salmon	patch---Lscrimal gland)	Malignant
Rt	Proptosis
Rt	non	axial	proptosis
Bilateral	lid	retraction	DD	bilateral	proptosis
Lt	lid	retraction	Vs	Lt	proptosis
Lt	Non-axial	proptosis
RTl axial	proptosis with	exposure	keratopathy
Preseptal cellulitis
Orbital	cellulitis
Preseptal vs	Orbital	cellulitis	CT
Rt	Lower	lid	trichiasis
DD	Rt	corneal	opacity	-Buphthalmos
Rt	Acute	
Rt	Chronic	Dacryocystitis
Lacrimal	sac	fistula
Lacrimal	gland	swelling- Lt	Acute	
Lt	lacrimal	sac	massage
Probing			1st punctum dilator
Rose	Bengal	staining	of	mucus,	debris	and	
devitalized	epithelial	cells	is	observed	in	the	
inferior	cornea	and	bulbar	conjunctiva
FL	break	up	time	test
Schirmer’s	test
Schirmer’s	test
Lt	congenital	Horner’s	Syndrome	with	iris	
Lt	Horner’s	syndrome	(Ptosis	–miosis -
Attenuation	of	arteries
Waxy	disc	pallor
Normal	margin
Normal	cup
Glaucomatous	optic	atrophy
Peripapillary atrophy	in	glaucoma.
Slit	lamp	+	Gonio lens
90	Diopter	auxillary lens
Slit	lamp	+	applanation tonometry
Applanation +	FL
Digital	method	for	IOP	measurment
Tono pen
Confrontation	test	for	the	Lt	eye
Visual	field	by	projection
Rt	diabetic	retinopathy	maculopathy
Rt	diabetic	retinopathy	maculopathy
Lt	diabetic	maculopathy
Vitrous pre	retinal	hemorrhage
Lt	Hypertensive	retinopathy
vWhat	is	your	diagnosis	?
vMention	the	ttt	briefly	?
vMention	3	abnormal	findings	?
vMention	the	most	common	cause?
Band	shaped	keratopathy
Festooned	pupil	posterior	synechia anterior	uveitis
Iris	naevus
vAnterior	uveitis	if	not	treated	probably	may	
lead	to	sever	complications,	what	are	they	?
- RubeosisIridis
Subluxated Lens	or	Aphake
:Tremolous Iris
Rt	inferior	temporal	vein	occlusion
Lt	superior	temporal	vein	occlusion
Retinal	tear	surrounded	by	Argon	laser
Giant	retinal	break
Rt	upper	temporal	artery	occlusion
Lt	retinal	artery	occlusion	with	macula	sparing	
(cilioretinal artery	sparing
5.	Parasitic	blepharitis
• Pubic	louse&	its	ova(nits).
• Typically	affects	children	with	poor	hyg.conditions.
• Itching.	
Treatment - removal,	destruction	and	delousing
Upper	lid	stye
• .
Madarosis ,Tylosis
Herpes	simplex	blepharitis vesicles
Lower	lid	ectropion
Marcus	Gunn	jaw-winking	syndrome
• Accounts	for	about	5%	of	all	cases	of	congenital	ptosis
• Retraction	or	‘wink’	of	ptotic	lid	in	conjunction	with
stimulation	of	ipsilateral	pterygoid	muscles	
Opening	of	mouth Contralateral	movement	of	jaw
Blepharophimosis syndrome	(Ptosis	-….
Pseudomembranes consist	of	coagulated	
exudate	adherent	to	the	inflamed	
epithelium.	Characteristically,	they	can	be	
easily	peeled	off	leaving	the	epithelium	
Causes(1)	severe	adenoviral	infection,	(2)	
Bacterial	conjunctivitis	and	(3)	autoimmune
Follicular reaction
• Sub epithelial foci of hyperplastic of
lymphoid tissue with in stroma.
• More prominent in fornices.
• Multiple, discrete, slightly elevated,
lesions encircled by a tiny blood
vessel—small grains of rice.
• Size from 0.5 to 5 mm.
1. Viral.
2. Chlamydial.
3. Parinaud oculoglandular syndrome.
4. Hypersensitivity to topical
bacterial	conjunctivitis,
allergic	conjunctivitis,
chronic	blepharitis,
contact	lens	wear,	
superior	limbic	keratoconjunctivitis floppy	
eyelid	syndrome.	elevated	red	dots	as	a	result	of	
the	central	vascular	channel,
Papillary reaction
• Hyperplastic conjunctival epithelium.
• Can develop in palpebral conjunctiva (firmly attached)
and limbus.
• Papilla may mask follicles.
• Giant papilla (confluence)
• Non-specific; (less diagnostic)
1. Chronic blephritis.
2. Allergic conjunctivitis.
3. Bacterial conjunctivitis.
4. Contact lens wears.
5. Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis.
6. Floppy eyelid syndrome.
True	membranes	
True	membranes	form	when	the	
inflammatory	exudate	permeates	the	
superficial	layers
of	the	conjunctival epithelium.	Attempts	to	
remove	the	membrane	may	be	accompanied	
tearing	of	the	epithelium	and	bleeding.
Causes	are	infections	from	ß-haemolytic
streptococci	and	diphtheria.
Trachomatus Pannus
Limbal	vernal
Trantas dotsMucoid nodule
Limbal phlycten
Limbal VKC
Trachomatous scar
PTCs	Trachoma
• Definition: inability	to	close	the	palpebral	fissure
Herpes	zoster	ophthalmicus
Lt	cherry	red	spot	DD	……
Thank	You

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