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Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Introduction to Psychology
Approaching Psychology
Theories of Child Psychology
Critical Evaluation of the Theory
Psychoanalysis & Dental Treatment
Classical Psychoanalytical Theory/
Psychosexual Theory
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
• 1640s: “Psyche” (Latin) or “Psykhe” (Greek) – An animating principle or entity which occupies
and directs the physical body
• 1650s: “Psyche” (Jewish) – Human Soul
• 19th century: Human Mind
• Survival/Adjustment + Genetics + Experiments on conditioned responses = LEARNING
• “Psychology is the science dealing with human mature function and phenomenon of his soul in
the main”
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Approaching Psychology
• Biology – The study of the nervous system and its role in behaviour
• Behaviour – Learning and reinforcing behaviours
• Cognitive – Mentally training the mind
• Cross-Cultural Perspective – Influence of culture on human behaviour
• Evolution – Mental processes help in survival
• Humanistic Psychology – Motivation and its role in thought and behaviour
• Psychodynamic – Role of unconscious mind, life experiences and interpersonal relationships
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
• No particular definition exists till date
• Still a controversy if the personality of the person can be changed or not
CHOLERIC Yellow Bile Determined, Energetic, Passionate
SANGUINE Blood Optimistic, Warm-hearted, Cheerful
PHLEGMATIC Phlegm Slow, Calm, Quiet, Shy, Rational
MELANCHOLIC Black Bile Serious, Fearful, Anxious, Depressed
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Given by Robert C. Mccrae and Paul T. Costa (1988)
Openness Imaginative, Curious, Creative, Sensitive
Conscientiousness Self-Discipline, Careful, Dependable
Extroversion vs Introversion Outgoing, Talkative, Sociable, Assertive
Agreeableness Courteous, Kind, Empathic, Caring
Neuroticism Anxious, Hostile, Depressed
Dr. Balraj Shukla
• 1928 – John Watson’s book gives the first idea about child
“Child Psychology is the science that deals with the mental power
or an interaction through the conscious and subconscious element
in a child.”
• Aims of child psychology:
- Understand the child better
- Effective and efficient dealing with the child
- Identify psychosomatic problems in the child
- Train the child in understanding his/her oral hygiene
- Help modify child’s developmental process
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Psychosocial Theory – Erik Erikson (1963) Social Learning Theory – Albert Bandura (1963)
Psychosexual/Psychoanalytic Theory – Sigmund Freud (1905)
Classical Conditioning – Ivan Pavlov (1927)
Operant Conditioning – BF Skinner (1938)
Cognitive Theory – Jean Piaget (1952)
Hierarchy of Needs – Abraham Maslow (1954)
Psychodynamic: Relationship between human behaviour, emotions, feelings and life experiences
Learning: Acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience
Separation-Individuation Theory – Margaret Mahler (1975)
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Father of modern-day Psychiatry
Austrian neurologist, Docent in Neuropathology
Born in 1856 to Jewish parents, first of eight children
3 years old – Separated from childhood play
9 years old – Outstanding pupil
17 years old – Graduated with honors. Fluent in 8 languages.
24 years old – Becomes a cigar smoker
25 years old – MD from University of Vienna
26-29 years old – Initial interest in clinical psychiatry (Vienna General Hospital)
30 years old – Begins private practice as a specialist in nervous disorders
49 years old – Psychosexual Theory
54 years old – Founder of International Psychoanalytical Association
67 years old – Diagnosed with leukaemia, Tripartite Structural Model
77 years old – Books burnt, Escapes the Nazis, Flies to Britain in exile
83 years old – Death due to oral cancer
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
October 1885 – 3-month internship with Jean-Martin Charcot (neurologist) to study hypnosis
Free Association – Encourage patients to talk freely, without censorship or inhibition, about
whatever ideas occurs to them. This helps in analysing the patient’s unconscious and repression.
Psychoanalysis – Studying the relation between conscious and unconscious mind and bringing
repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind.
Archaic Discharge – When the storage of emotion (psi neurons) combines with conditioning of the
emotion (phi neurons), it results in a behaviour/emotion.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
• NEUROSIS – Functional derangement of neurons without losing touch of reality (psychosis)
• HYSTERIA – Psychological stress and its effect on change in self-awareness
• DREAMS – Inherent wishes and desires
• CONSCIOUS – Present perception memories, thoughts and fantasies
• PRECONSCIOUS – Available memory that can be easily brought to the present
• UNCONSCIOUS – Source of our motivations and neurotic compulsions
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum Ego
External World
Transference Neurosis (first interaction
between therapist and the patient)
New symptoms do not arise. New
impulses and fantasies do.
Narcissistic Neurosis (rarely used in
modern psychoanalysis)
Lack of object relations and fixation in
early childhood were initially explained by
narcissistic neuroses.
Confusion, hallucinations, delusions arise
when a patient is unable to differentiate
between what is real and what is not.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
A feeling or mood manifesting in motor or
glandular activity is called EMOTION.
An instinctual component of psych that drives
the emotional desires, impulses and immediate
satisfaction (Pleasure principle).
It is the most primitive and inaccessible part of
our personality.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Id is activated by the Primary Process of Emotion/Thinking.
It is also known as hallucinatory gratification.
It is largely symbolic, illogical and does not last for a long time.
Urge to eat something sweet in the
middle of a lecture
Day dreaming and
fantasizing about a cake
or cookie
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Any change observed in the functioning of an
organism is called BEHAVIOUR.
Superego has 2 subparts:
• Conscience - moral and ethical component
of mind (Morality principle)
• Ego Ideal – What one ideally can be and how
one ought to behave
Develops around the age of 5 years.
Neutralizes the id to advocate socially
appropriate behaviour. Produces feelings of
shame and guilt.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Assesses the reality of the external word and
acts upon accordingly (Reality Principle).
It develops between 2-6 months of age and is
associated with memory, language, judgement,
intelligence and creativity.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Ego is activated by the Secondary Process of Emotion/Thinking.
It helps in delaying gratification.
A proper secondary process can result in socially appropriate behaviours.
Its main role can be seen during the conflict between the id and the ego.
Urge to eat something sweet in the
middle of a lecture
Day dreaming and
fantasizing about a cake
or cookie
Heading to your
favourite cake shop
after the class
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Ego Defense
Mechanism Example
Denial Blocks external events to awareness
Smokers refusing to believe that smoking is injurious
to health
Displacement Satisfy an impulse with a substitute
Being angry because of Person A and showing the
anger on Person B
Attributing one’s own unacceptable thoughts and
feelings to someone else
Disliking a person thinking that he or she dislikes them
Cognitive distortion of facts to make it less
People believing in their lies to avoid confrontation
Reaction Formation
Reacting in a way completely opposite to one’s
own emotion
Laughing when angry
Regression Stress Thumb sucking, Bed Wetting
Repression Preventing a disturbing thought to dominate
Being afraid of spiders because of a bad past
Transforming one emotion through an unrelated
Punching a boxing bag when angry
Incorporating an external entity into one’s own
Imagining oneself like a superhero after watching a
superhero movie
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
A girl wants to buy an expensive
She cannot buy it as it is too expensive She can take permission from her
parents before buying
A man on diet is hungry while he is
driving his way back home
He cannot eat street food as it is not in
his diet plan
He can satisfy his hunger by waiting till
he gets home
A player is angry and wants to punch his
coach because he scolded him
It is not appropriate to punch your coach
else you might get suspended
The player can try to focus and meditate
and let go of the anger
A boy does not want to wake up when
the alarm goes off
He knows he might be late if he sleeps
too much
He presses the snooze button
Temperament comprises of two basic processes: Reactivity & Control.
The way a child reacts to a situation based on these two processes is
reflective of his or her id, ego and superego.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Pleasure zones in the body that are stimulated in order to eliminate or reduce tension
are called erogenous zones. These are directly related to Id which demands immediate
The failure to halt this gratification after a certain age results in Fixation. Fixation refers
to the theoretical notion that a portion of the individual's libido has been permanently
'invested' in a particular stage of his/her development.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Oral Stage (0-1.5 years)
• Erogenous Zone: Mouth
• Gratifying activities: Nursing, eating, sucking, biting, swallowing
• Interaction with external environment: The mother’s breast
represents not only a source for food and drink but also
represents her love.
• Id is the only psych trait present at this stage. Both insufficient
feeding and forceful feeding can result in oral fixation.
• Fixation results in: Oral eroticism (sucking, eating, dependency,
cheerfulness)& Oral sadism (Nail biting, Smoking, Chewing,
Cruelty, Cynical)
The mouth is the erogenous zone
because at birth, reflexes like
rooting reflex, sucking,
swallowing, gag and crying are
present which are related to the
oral cavity.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Anal Stage (1.5-3 years)
• Erogenous Zone: Anus
• Gratifying activities: Bowel movement and its
• Interaction with external environment: Toilet
• Anal-expulsive personality: Sloppy,
disorganized, reckless, careless.
• Anal-retentive personality: Clean, orderly and
intolerant to those who are not clean.
The erogenous zone is anus as there is an increase
in voluntary activity over the sphincters,
particularly the anal sphincter. A control over the
anal sphincter can also improve neuromuscular
control and help the child understand the
importance of hygiene.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Urethral Stage (3-4 years)
• Erogenous Zone: Transitional stage (anal &
• Gratifying activities: Urination
• Interaction with external environment: Toilet
• Poor urethral control: Competitiveness &
• Urethral competence: Self-competence &
sense of pride
The presence of urethral erotism as this age leads
to urination being a gratifying activity. This stage
also helps the child in realizing the importance of
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Phallic Stage (4-5 years)
• Erogenous Zone: Genitals
• Gratifying activities: Genital fondling
• Interaction with external environment:
Attraction to parent of opposite gender
(Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex)
• Beginning of formation of superego.
• Men: Anxiety and Guilt, interest in one’s own
• Women: No possible fixations result from this
stage but women will always carry a sense of
envy and inferiority.
In this stage a child has unusual fantasies of the
opposite sex without any embarrassment. The
child gets more attracted to the parent of the
opposite gender. Parents of the opposite
gender are likely to teach maintenance of
proper oral hygiene to their child in this stage.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Latency (5 years - puberty)
• Interaction with external environment:
Suppression of sexual feelings, acquiring
new life skills, adjusting to social
environment, developing same sex
friendships, sports etc.
• Better control over ego
• Fixation: Sexual repression and
Various hormonal changes and life experiences
affect the body in general during this stage
and hence there is no particular erogenous
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Genital Stage (Puberty Onwards)
• Erogenous Zone: Genitals
• Gratifying activities: Heterosexual relationships
• Interaction with external environment: memories
of the past, physical manipulation of erogenous
zones and hormonal secretions.
• If there is any fixation in this stage, it is largely due
to difficulties experienced in previous stages.
A person develops the sense of
identity and realizes the
importance of reproduction and
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Gender Role Development
Psychoanalysis Therapy
Moral Development
Behavior origins are unconscious
Psychic Determinism
Unconscious mind is always in a struggle
Adult behaviours are rooted in childhood experiences
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Defense Mechanisms
Projective Tests
Free Association
Importance of Childhood
Importance of Unconscious Mind
Cannot be Generalized
Not empirical
Little free will
Biased sample
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
Source: Freeman R; A fearful child attends: a psychoanalytic explanation of children’s responses to
dental treatment; Int J Ped Dent; 2007
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
A dynamic psychology studies the transformations and exchanges of energy
within the personality. Subsequently, it attempts to explain or interpret
behaviour or mental states in terms of innate emotional forces or processes.
Psychoanalysis is a controversial topic whose scientific basis is often
challenged. In children, the application of Freud’s theory that is based on
sexual drives has often been frowned upon and led to the “Freud Wars.”
Even though it is not empirical and unfalsifiable, Freud’s psychoanalysis
remains a crucial part of psychiatry.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
• Muthu MS, Sivakumar N. (2011). Pediatric Dentistry Principles & Practice (2nd edition). New Delhi. Elsevier
• Koch G., Polsen S., Espelid I., Haubek D. (2017). Pediatric Dentistry – A Clinical Approach (3rd edition). John
Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester.
• Costa, Paul & McCrae, R.R. (1999). A five-factor theory of personality. The Five-Factor Model of Personality:
Theoretical Perspectives. 2. 51-87.
• Freeman R. (2007). A fearful child attends: a psychoanalytic explanation of children's responses to dental
treatment. International journal of paediatric dentistry, 17(6), 407–418.
Dr. Balraj Shukla
Title Lorem Ipsum
• Horacio Etchegoyen, R. (1991). Fundamentals Of Psychoanalytic Technique. London: Routledge.
• Marwah N. (2019). Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry (4th edition). New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers Medical
• Tandon S. (2018). Paediatric Dentistry (3rd edition). New Delhi. Paras Medical Publishers.
• Kalachanis K. & Michailidis I. (2015). The Hippocratic View on Humors and Human Temperament. European
Journal of Social Behaviour 2 (2): 1-5
Dr. Balraj Shukla

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Classical Psychoanalytical Theory

  • 2. Title Lorem Ipsum CONTENTS Introduction to Psychology Approaching Psychology Personality Theories of Child Psychology Critical Evaluation of the Theory Psychoanalysis & Dental Treatment Classical Psychoanalytical Theory/ Psychosexual Theory Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 3. Title Lorem Ipsum INTRODUCTION • 1640s: “Psyche” (Latin) or “Psykhe” (Greek) – An animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body • 1650s: “Psyche” (Jewish) – Human Soul • 19th century: Human Mind • Survival/Adjustment + Genetics + Experiments on conditioned responses = LEARNING • “Psychology is the science dealing with human mature function and phenomenon of his soul in the main” Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 4. Title Lorem Ipsum Approaching Psychology • Biology – The study of the nervous system and its role in behaviour • Behaviour – Learning and reinforcing behaviours • Cognitive – Mentally training the mind • Cross-Cultural Perspective – Influence of culture on human behaviour • Evolution – Mental processes help in survival • Humanistic Psychology – Motivation and its role in thought and behaviour • Psychodynamic – Role of unconscious mind, life experiences and interpersonal relationships Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 5. Title Lorem Ipsum PERSONality • No particular definition exists till date • Still a controversy if the personality of the person can be changed or not TEMPERAMENT SECRETION PERSONALITY CHOLERIC Yellow Bile Determined, Energetic, Passionate SANGUINE Blood Optimistic, Warm-hearted, Cheerful PHLEGMATIC Phlegm Slow, Calm, Quiet, Shy, Rational MELANCHOLIC Black Bile Serious, Fearful, Anxious, Depressed Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 6. Title Lorem Ipsum PERSONality FIVE-FACTOR MODEL OF PERSONALITY/ BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS Given by Robert C. Mccrae and Paul T. Costa (1988) TRAITS PERSONALITY Openness Imaginative, Curious, Creative, Sensitive Conscientiousness Self-Discipline, Careful, Dependable Extroversion vs Introversion Outgoing, Talkative, Sociable, Assertive Agreeableness Courteous, Kind, Empathic, Caring Neuroticism Anxious, Hostile, Depressed Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 7. • 1928 – John Watson’s book gives the first idea about child psychology “Child Psychology is the science that deals with the mental power or an interaction through the conscious and subconscious element in a child.” • Aims of child psychology: - Understand the child better - Effective and efficient dealing with the child - Identify psychosomatic problems in the child - Train the child in understanding his/her oral hygiene - Help modify child’s developmental process Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 8. Title Lorem Ipsum THEORIES OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY Psychosocial Theory – Erik Erikson (1963) Social Learning Theory – Albert Bandura (1963) Psychosexual/Psychoanalytic Theory – Sigmund Freud (1905) Classical Conditioning – Ivan Pavlov (1927) Operant Conditioning – BF Skinner (1938) Cognitive Theory – Jean Piaget (1952) Hierarchy of Needs – Abraham Maslow (1954) Psychodynamic: Relationship between human behaviour, emotions, feelings and life experiences Learning: Acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience Separation-Individuation Theory – Margaret Mahler (1975) Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 9. Title Lorem Ipsum SIGMUND FREUD Father of modern-day Psychiatry Austrian neurologist, Docent in Neuropathology Born in 1856 to Jewish parents, first of eight children 3 years old – Separated from childhood play 9 years old – Outstanding pupil 17 years old – Graduated with honors. Fluent in 8 languages. 24 years old – Becomes a cigar smoker 25 years old – MD from University of Vienna 26-29 years old – Initial interest in clinical psychiatry (Vienna General Hospital) 30 years old – Begins private practice as a specialist in nervous disorders 49 years old – Psychosexual Theory 54 years old – Founder of International Psychoanalytical Association 67 years old – Diagnosed with leukaemia, Tripartite Structural Model 77 years old – Books burnt, Escapes the Nazis, Flies to Britain in exile 83 years old – Death due to oral cancer Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 10. Title Lorem Ipsum CLASSICAL PSYCHOANALYTICAL/ PSYCHOSEXUAL THEORY October 1885 – 3-month internship with Jean-Martin Charcot (neurologist) to study hypnosis Free Association – Encourage patients to talk freely, without censorship or inhibition, about whatever ideas occurs to them. This helps in analysing the patient’s unconscious and repression. Psychoanalysis – Studying the relation between conscious and unconscious mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind. Archaic Discharge – When the storage of emotion (psi neurons) combines with conditioning of the emotion (phi neurons), it results in a behaviour/emotion. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 11. Title Lorem Ipsum CLASSICAL PSYCHOANALYTICAL/ PSYCHOSEXUAL THEORY • NEUROSIS – Functional derangement of neurons without losing touch of reality (psychosis) • HYSTERIA – Psychological stress and its effect on change in self-awareness • DREAMS – Inherent wishes and desires • CONSCIOUS – Present perception memories, thoughts and fantasies • PRECONSCIOUS – Available memory that can be easily brought to the present • UNCONSCIOUS – Source of our motivations and neurotic compulsions Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 12. Title Lorem Ipsum Ego Superego Id P S Y C H O S I S External World Transference Neurosis (first interaction between therapist and the patient) New symptoms do not arise. New impulses and fantasies do. Narcissistic Neurosis (rarely used in modern psychoanalysis) Lack of object relations and fixation in early childhood were initially explained by narcissistic neuroses. Psychosis Confusion, hallucinations, delusions arise when a patient is unable to differentiate between what is real and what is not. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 13. Title Lorem Ipsum THE ICEBERG - ID A feeling or mood manifesting in motor or glandular activity is called EMOTION. An instinctual component of psych that drives the emotional desires, impulses and immediate satisfaction (Pleasure principle). It is the most primitive and inaccessible part of our personality. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 14. Title Lorem Ipsum THE ICEBERG - ID Id is activated by the Primary Process of Emotion/Thinking. It is also known as hallucinatory gratification. It is largely symbolic, illogical and does not last for a long time. Urge to eat something sweet in the middle of a lecture Day dreaming and fantasizing about a cake or cookie Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 15. Title Lorem Ipsum THE ICEBERG - SUPEREGO Any change observed in the functioning of an organism is called BEHAVIOUR. Superego has 2 subparts: • Conscience - moral and ethical component of mind (Morality principle) • Ego Ideal – What one ideally can be and how one ought to behave Develops around the age of 5 years. Neutralizes the id to advocate socially appropriate behaviour. Produces feelings of shame and guilt. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 16. Title Lorem Ipsum THE ICEBERG - EGO Assesses the reality of the external word and acts upon accordingly (Reality Principle). It develops between 2-6 months of age and is associated with memory, language, judgement, intelligence and creativity. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 17. Title Lorem Ipsum THE ICEBERG - EGO Ego is activated by the Secondary Process of Emotion/Thinking. It helps in delaying gratification. A proper secondary process can result in socially appropriate behaviours. Its main role can be seen during the conflict between the id and the ego. Urge to eat something sweet in the middle of a lecture Day dreaming and fantasizing about a cake or cookie Heading to your favourite cake shop after the class Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 18. Title Lorem Ipsum EGO DEFENSE MECHANISMS Ego Defense Mechanism Mechanism Example Denial Blocks external events to awareness Smokers refusing to believe that smoking is injurious to health Displacement Satisfy an impulse with a substitute Being angry because of Person A and showing the anger on Person B Projection Attributing one’s own unacceptable thoughts and feelings to someone else Disliking a person thinking that he or she dislikes them too Rationalization Cognitive distortion of facts to make it less threatening People believing in their lies to avoid confrontation Reaction Formation Reacting in a way completely opposite to one’s own emotion Laughing when angry Regression Stress Thumb sucking, Bed Wetting Repression Preventing a disturbing thought to dominate Being afraid of spiders because of a bad past experience Sublimation Transforming one emotion through an unrelated activity Punching a boxing bag when angry Identification Incorporating an external entity into one’s own personality Imagining oneself like a superhero after watching a superhero movie Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 19. Title Lorem Ipsum EXAMPLES ID SUPEREGO EGO A girl wants to buy an expensive necklace She cannot buy it as it is too expensive She can take permission from her parents before buying A man on diet is hungry while he is driving his way back home He cannot eat street food as it is not in his diet plan He can satisfy his hunger by waiting till he gets home A player is angry and wants to punch his coach because he scolded him It is not appropriate to punch your coach else you might get suspended The player can try to focus and meditate and let go of the anger A boy does not want to wake up when the alarm goes off He knows he might be late if he sleeps too much He presses the snooze button Temperament comprises of two basic processes: Reactivity & Control. The way a child reacts to a situation based on these two processes is reflective of his or her id, ego and superego. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 20. Title Lorem Ipsum EROGENOUS ZONES & FIXATION Pleasure zones in the body that are stimulated in order to eliminate or reduce tension are called erogenous zones. These are directly related to Id which demands immediate gratification. The failure to halt this gratification after a certain age results in Fixation. Fixation refers to the theoretical notion that a portion of the individual's libido has been permanently 'invested' in a particular stage of his/her development. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 21. Title Lorem Ipsum PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT Oral Stage (0-1.5 years) • Erogenous Zone: Mouth • Gratifying activities: Nursing, eating, sucking, biting, swallowing • Interaction with external environment: The mother’s breast represents not only a source for food and drink but also represents her love. • Id is the only psych trait present at this stage. Both insufficient feeding and forceful feeding can result in oral fixation. • Fixation results in: Oral eroticism (sucking, eating, dependency, cheerfulness)& Oral sadism (Nail biting, Smoking, Chewing, Cruelty, Cynical) The mouth is the erogenous zone because at birth, reflexes like rooting reflex, sucking, swallowing, gag and crying are present which are related to the oral cavity. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 22. Title Lorem Ipsum Anal Stage (1.5-3 years) • Erogenous Zone: Anus • Gratifying activities: Bowel movement and its control • Interaction with external environment: Toilet training • Anal-expulsive personality: Sloppy, disorganized, reckless, careless. • Anal-retentive personality: Clean, orderly and intolerant to those who are not clean. The erogenous zone is anus as there is an increase in voluntary activity over the sphincters, particularly the anal sphincter. A control over the anal sphincter can also improve neuromuscular control and help the child understand the importance of hygiene. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 23. Title Lorem Ipsum Urethral Stage (3-4 years) • Erogenous Zone: Transitional stage (anal & phallic) • Gratifying activities: Urination • Interaction with external environment: Toilet training • Poor urethral control: Competitiveness & Ambition • Urethral competence: Self-competence & sense of pride The presence of urethral erotism as this age leads to urination being a gratifying activity. This stage also helps the child in realizing the importance of discipline. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 24. Title Lorem Ipsum Phallic Stage (4-5 years) • Erogenous Zone: Genitals • Gratifying activities: Genital fondling • Interaction with external environment: Attraction to parent of opposite gender (Oedipus Complex and Electra Complex) • Beginning of formation of superego. • Men: Anxiety and Guilt, interest in one’s own features • Women: No possible fixations result from this stage but women will always carry a sense of envy and inferiority. In this stage a child has unusual fantasies of the opposite sex without any embarrassment. The child gets more attracted to the parent of the opposite gender. Parents of the opposite gender are likely to teach maintenance of proper oral hygiene to their child in this stage. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 25. Title Lorem Ipsum Latency (5 years - puberty) • Interaction with external environment: Suppression of sexual feelings, acquiring new life skills, adjusting to social environment, developing same sex friendships, sports etc. • Better control over ego • Fixation: Sexual repression and sublimation Various hormonal changes and life experiences affect the body in general during this stage and hence there is no particular erogenous zone. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 26. Title Lorem Ipsum Genital Stage (Puberty Onwards) • Erogenous Zone: Genitals • Gratifying activities: Heterosexual relationships • Interaction with external environment: memories of the past, physical manipulation of erogenous zones and hormonal secretions. • If there is any fixation in this stage, it is largely due to difficulties experienced in previous stages. A person develops the sense of identity and realizes the importance of reproduction and survival. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 27. Title Lorem Ipsum APPLICATIONS Gender Role Development Psychoanalysis Therapy Attachment Moral Development Aggression Personality ASSUMPTIONS Behavior origins are unconscious Psychic Determinism Unconscious mind is always in a struggle Adult behaviours are rooted in childhood experiences CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE THEORY Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 28. Title Lorem Ipsum STRENGTHS Defense Mechanisms Projective Tests Free Association Importance of Childhood Importance of Unconscious Mind CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE THEORY LIMITATIONS Cannot be Generalized Not empirical Little free will Biased sample Unfalsifiable Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 29. Title Lorem Ipsum PSYCHOANALYSIS & DENTAL TREATMENT Source: Freeman R; A fearful child attends: a psychoanalytic explanation of children’s responses to dental treatment; Int J Ped Dent; 2007 Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 30. Title Lorem Ipsum CONCLUSION A dynamic psychology studies the transformations and exchanges of energy within the personality. Subsequently, it attempts to explain or interpret behaviour or mental states in terms of innate emotional forces or processes. Psychoanalysis is a controversial topic whose scientific basis is often challenged. In children, the application of Freud’s theory that is based on sexual drives has often been frowned upon and led to the “Freud Wars.” Even though it is not empirical and unfalsifiable, Freud’s psychoanalysis remains a crucial part of psychiatry. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 31. Title Lorem Ipsum REFERENCES • Muthu MS, Sivakumar N. (2011). Pediatric Dentistry Principles & Practice (2nd edition). New Delhi. Elsevier India. • Koch G., Polsen S., Espelid I., Haubek D. (2017). Pediatric Dentistry – A Clinical Approach (3rd edition). John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chichester. • Costa, Paul & McCrae, R.R. (1999). A five-factor theory of personality. The Five-Factor Model of Personality: Theoretical Perspectives. 2. 51-87. • Freeman R. (2007). A fearful child attends: a psychoanalytic explanation of children's responses to dental treatment. International journal of paediatric dentistry, 17(6), 407–418. Dr. Balraj Shukla
  • 32. Title Lorem Ipsum REFERENCES • Horacio Etchegoyen, R. (1991). Fundamentals Of Psychoanalytic Technique. London: Routledge. • Marwah N. (2019). Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry (4th edition). New Delhi. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. • Tandon S. (2018). Paediatric Dentistry (3rd edition). New Delhi. Paras Medical Publishers. • Kalachanis K. & Michailidis I. (2015). The Hippocratic View on Humors and Human Temperament. European Journal of Social Behaviour 2 (2): 1-5 Dr. Balraj Shukla