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Marine Invertebrates
 Vertebrates: animals with a
 Invertebrates: animals
without a backbone
 At least 97% of all species
of animals are
 Sponges belong to the phylum Porifera or “pore
 aggregations of specialized cells
 do not form true tissues or organs
 nearly all marine
 sessile: living permanently attached to the bottom
or some other surface
 ostia: numerous tiny pores on the surface of the
 allows water to enter and circulate through a series of
canals where plankton and other organic matter are
filtered out and eaten
 sponge cells are very plastic
 if separated, the cells can even regroup and form a new
 water is pumped into a
larger feeding chamber
lined with collar cells or
 water leaves through
osculum: large opening
on the top of the
 most have spicules:
transparent siliceous or
calcareous supporting
structures of different
shapes and sizes
 many have a skeleton of
spongin: tough elastic fibers
made of protein
 amoebocytes: wandering cells, that secrete
spicules and spongin
 suspension feeders: animals that eat food particles
suspended in water
 filter feeders: actively filter the food particles in the
 deposit feeders: eat detritus that settles on the bottom
 Most produce
 budding of
new sponge
 Some use
survivor pods
 Found almost
everywhere in the world
 largest number are found
in tropical waters
 encrusting sponges:
form thin sometimes
brightly colored growths
on rocks or dead coral
Sponges – Economic Importance
 bath sponges
 still harvested in a few locations of the Gulf of Mexico
and the eastern Mediterranean
 some produce potentially useful chemicals
 Phylum Cnidaria
 Also called coenlenterates
 over 9,000 species including sea anemones, jellyfish,
 display radial symmetry: similar parts of the body are
arranged and repeated around a central axis
 look the same from all sides
 no head, front, or back
 cnidocytes: specialized cells used mainly for capturing
 oral surface: where
the mouth is
 aboral surface:
located in the
opposite site of
the mouth
 centrally located
surrounded by
tentacles: slender
extensions used to
capture and
handle food
 mouth opens into
a gut where food is
 capture food (small prey) by discharging nematocysts
(or cnidae): unique stinging structures found within
cells in the tentacles
 Occur in two basic forms - polyp or medusa
 Polyp: a sac-like attached stage with the mouth and
tentacles oriented upward
 sessile
 Ex. sea anemone
 Medusa: Bell-like structure that resembles an upside-
down polyp and is adapted for swimming
 motile, swimming
 Ex. jellyfish
Types of Cnidarians
 Hydrozoans
 Scyphozoans
 Anthozoans
Hydrozoans (polyps)
 Feathery bushy colonies of tiny polyps
 drifting colonies of hydrozoans are called
 example: portuguese man-of-war (blue bubble or blue
bottle) (Physalia physalis)
Portuguese Man-of-War
 True jellies with medusa shapes that can reach up to 6
feet in diameter
 True Nematocysts are only found in Hydrozoans and
 lack medusa stage
 consists of solitary colonial polyps
 anemones
 corals
 seapens
 sea pansies
 bilateral symmetry: the arrangement of the body
parts in such a way that there is only one way to cut
the body and create two identical halves
 ex. humans
 Phylum: Platyhelminthes
 dorsoventrally flattened (flat bellies and backs)
 20,000 species of flatworms
 Turbellarians
 most common marine
 mainly live in or around
the surface of other
invertebrates (mollusks,
crabs, etc)
 Flukes (trematodes)
 largest group of flatworms
 6,000+ species
 all are parasites
 adults always live in a vertebrate
 larvae may inhabit invertebrates or smaller vertebrates
such as fish
 Tapeworms (cestodes)
 parasitic
 long body made of
repeating units
 live in the intestines of
Ribbon Worms (Nemertean Worms)
 Phylum: Nemertea
 outwardly resemble
flatworms, slightly more
 more advanced intestinal
 circulatory system
 proboscis: long fleshy tube
used to entangle prey
Nematodes (roundworms)
 Phylum: Nematoda
 most are parastic
 a layer of muscles in the body wall pushes and
squeezes against the fluid creating a hydrostatic
 Hydrostatic Skeleton: A system that uses water
pressure against the body wall to maintain body
shape and aid in locomotion
 provide support and aids in locomotion
Nematodes (roundworms)
 live in the flesh or muscle
tissue which used to make
sashimi, sushi, and cerviche
 if the fish is served raw or
undercooked, human
infection is possible
Segmented Worms (annelids)
 Phylum: Annelida
 earthworms and many marine
 Display segmentation
 segments act as a hydrostatic
 efficient crawlers and
Polychaetes (Bristle worms)
 Phylum: Annelida Class: Polychaeta
 each body segment has a pair of flattened
extensions called parapodia “beyond/beside feet”
 which have stiff, often sharp bristles called setae
 Used for movement and breathing through gills on
Polychaetes (Bristle worms)
 Oligochaetes
 small worms found in mud and sand
 feed on detritus
 lack parapodia
 Leeches
 Class: Hirudinea
 live mainly in fresh water
 marine species can be found
attached to marine fishes and
 highly specialized annelida with a
sucker at each end and no parapodia
 Echiurans
 all marine
 similar to peanut worms in size and
 have a non-retractable, spoon-like
(forked) proboscis
 deposit feeders
 Peanut Worms
 sipunculans
 1 to 35 cm long (.4 to 14 inches)
 soft unsegmented bodies
 burrow in the bottom or move into
empty shells
 when it becomes compact it
resembles a large peanut
Clams, Octopuses, and Snails
 Phylum: Mollusca
 more species of mollusca than any other animal
 around 200,000 living species
 most have soft bodies encased in a calcium
carbonate shell
 live in marine, freshwater and terrestrial
 cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, octopus) most
neurologically-advanced of all invertebrates
 gastropods (snails and slugs) are the most numerous
 giant or colossal squid are the largest known invertebrate
 The body is covered by a
mantle: a thin layer of
tissue that secretes the
 usually bilaterally
 ventral, muscular foot
usually used for
 most have a head with eyes and additional sensory
 Radula: a ribbon of small teeth (unique to
molluscs) or rasping tongue
 made mainly of chitin
 gas exchange occurs through paired gills
 shell is modified (internal for squid, octopod; external for
 class - Gastropoda
 largest, most common, and most varied group
 includes snails, periwinkles, limpets, abalones
 a coiled
collection of
enclosed by a
dorsal shell
 shell rests on
a ventral foot
 varied shell
structure and
 carnivorous gastropods prey on clams, oysters worms
and even small fishes
 other gastropods are detritivores
 Nudibranchs or sea slugs - gastropods that have lost
their shell entirely
 class - Bivalvia
 includes clams,
 have two-part shells each part is called a valve
 symmetric along the hinge line
 no head no radula
 inner surface of the shell is lined by the mantle
 gills are used for gas exchange and filter feeding
 strong muscles in the mantle cavity are used to
open and close the valves
 Most commercially
valuable for pearls
 Form when the oysters
secrete layers of calcium
carbonate coat an irritant
or parasite lodges
between the mantle and
the inner surface of the
 Use foot to bury in sand or mud
 Draw water in and out of mantle through siphons
 Feed and maintain oxygen while still buried
 Live mainly in the intertidal zone
 Attach to surface using strong, byssal threads (beard)
 Highly prized food source
 100 simple blue eyes around the valves
 class-cephalopoda
 specialized for locomotion
 adapted mollusc body plan for an active way of life
(nearly all agile swimmers)
 include octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, nautilus
 complex
nervous system
 reduced inner
shell or no
shell at all
 all are marine
or brackish
 no radula, but
do have a two
part beak
 foot is modified into arms and tentacles
 large eyes usually set on sides of the head
 thick, muscular mantle
 2 to 4 gills
 water enters through the free edge of the mantle and
leaves through the siphon or funnel a muscular tube
formed by what remains of the foot
 the chambered nautilus is considered the most
primitive living cephalopod, because of its shell
 dates back 450 million years
 shell is thin, double layered
and pearly white inside
with a dull white with
reddish zebra stripe outside
 the shell is separated into
chambers by the septa,
made of shell material
 as it grows it creates new
larger chambers
 1 chamber every few weeks
until it reaches 38
 occupies one body chamber
 strong, beak-shaped crushing jaws
 eat algae , fish, crabs, shrimp and other
 large collection
of tentacles
arranged into
two circles, an
inner and an
 the female has
twice as many
tentacles in its
inner circle
than the male
 has only a thin shell remnant (pen) within it’s mantle
 strengthened outer collagen sheath to maintain the
mantle’s shape and size
 to swim, the squid fills the mantle cavity with water
and then forces it outward through the funnel in a jet-
propulsion like manner
 normally swims backwards, can swim forward by
bringing all 8 arms together
Humboldt Squid
 fins along the body help with stabilization
 large squids can reach speeds of 15-20 mph
 many species swim in schools
 8 arms, 2 long tentacles covered in suckers: adhesive
discs used for suction between the squid an another
 tentacles only have suckers on the flattened end
 has lost shell entirely
 bag-like mantle located above the head
 also has a strengthened collagen sheath surrounding
the mantle
 does not normally swim
 prefers to remain in
contact with a solid
 uses suckers on its 8 legs
to push and pull itself
along the surface
 most have 240 suckers
on each arm
 Crawling
 usually a solitary animal that lives in a permanent den
or cave under rocks
 ink
 chromatophores: specialized cells used to help an
organism change color
 Chromatophores in action
Feeding and Digestion
 separate mouth and anus
 all cephalopods are
 involves salivary and
digestive glands to help
break down food
 varied diets and
complexity of digestive
systems based on diet
Hungry octopus
Feeding and Digestion
 crystalline style: an
enzyme secreting rod
found in the stomach of
bivalves continually
rotates food and helps in
Feeding and Digestion
 most molluscs have an open circulatory system
 cephalopods have a closed circulatory system
Nervous System
 gastropods and bivalves
do not have a single
brain but several sets of
 cephalopods most
 allows for learning to
 and for rapid movement
and color changing to
avoid predation
 most reproduce sexually, some hermaphroditic
 cephalopods use a spermatophore
 cephalopods lack larva and have large yolk-filled eggs
 octopus protect eggs and female usually dies
protecting young because she does not leave to eat
Octopus mating
 Phylum: Arthropoda
 largest phylum of animals
 insects are dominant
terrestrial group
 crustaceans are more
common in marine
 segmented, bilaterally symmetric
 possess an exoskeleton: large, non-living external
 composed of chitin and secreted by the underlying
layer of tissue
 provides protection, support and increased surface
area for muscle attachment
 to grow, arthropods must molt
 chitinous skeleton hardened by calcium carbonate
 appendages specialized for swimming
 possess 2 pairs of antennae
Small Crustaceans - Copepods
 small, important to plankton
 use enlarged pair of antennae for swimming
 many are parasitic
Small Crustaceans - Barnacles
 filter feeders
 live attached to surfaces,
including other living
 covered in calcareous
 have feather-like
filtering appendages
called cirri
 actually legs used to
sweep water
Small Crustaceans – Amphipods
 small curved body and flattened sideways
 less than 2 cm in length
 some live under larger organisms skin like lice, parasites
Small Crustaceans - Isopods
 about the same size amphipods
 dorsoventrally flattened
 ex. terrestrial pill bugs
 many are parasitic
Small Crustaceans - Krill
 Also called euphausids
 planktonic, shrimp-like
 up to 6 cm long (2.5 in)
 most are filter feeders
 swim in groups of billions of individuals
 five pairs of
legs or
 the first is
heavier -
usually claws
for feeding
and defense
 three pairs of maxillipeds near the mouth
 turned forward, and specialized to sort food and push it
towards the mouth
 well developed carapace
 encloses the part of the body called the cephalothorax
 the rest of the body is known as the body
 shrimp and lobsters have laterally compressed bodies with
distinct and elongated abdomens (the “tail”)
 Decapods use their
chelipeds for feeding
and fighting
 Therefore they often
lose a claw
 They are able to
regenerate lost
 Also most arthropods have two distinct claws
 The larger is called the crusher claw
 And the thinner, more serrated one, is called the
pincer or tearing claw
 In many arthropods, such as lobsters, there are major
structural difference between males and females
 1. Claw size (larger in males)
 2. Tail width (wider in females)
 3. Texture of swimmerets (harder in males)
 Reproduce sexually, using internal fertilization
 Also in crabs, a male has a v shaped abdomen and a
female has a u shaped abdomen
 Typically scavengers
 Varied life environments
 Mutualistic relationships
with other organisms
Shrimp 1 Shrimp 2
American Lobster (Homarus
 also known as the northern lobster, Atlantic
lobster or Maine lobster
 family Nephropidae, commercial lobsters
 bottom dweller
 found in colder waters off the Atlantic coast of
North America
 New England and Canada
 scavenger and predator
 solitary in rocks or caves, also nocturnal
 exoskeleton, which molts 2-3 times a year as a
juvenile and once a year as an adult
Blue Lobster Molt
 Heavy bodied with a large abdomen and huge
 one is lost in an accident or a fight it will regenerate
 sold with one claw -“cull”
 Sold with no claws – “bullet”
 4 pairs of walking
legs (pereiopods)
 4 sets of swimmerets
(pleopods), extend
across the body
 harder in males
 softer in females used
to protect eggs
 feathery gills located on either side of the cephalothorax
Hermit Crabs
 hermit crabs are not true
 scavengers
 hide in empty gastropod
 abdomen is small and tucked under a compact and
broad cephalothorax
 largest and most diverse group of decapods
 highly mobile -
much faster than
 move sideways when
they’re in a hurry
 sideways movement
can also be used to
indicate mating
 ex. fiddler crab
Horseshoe Crabs
 not true crabs
 “living fossils”
 eyes being
researched to
improve vision
errors in humans
Sea spiders
 Have a lophophore - feeding structure made of a set of
ciliated tentacles arranged in a horseshoe-like shape
 Three main types:
 Bryozoans - lace-like
 Phoronids - worm-like
 Lamp Shells - clam-like
 Phylum: Echinodermata
 Pentamerous Radial symmetry: Five-way symmetry
 Water-vascular
system: A
network of
 sea stars sea
urchins connect
to a madreporite:
a porous plate on
the aboral
 Tube feet: muscular extensions of the water-vascular
system that often end in a sucker
 ampullae: muscular sacs that sometimes aid in the
extension of tube feet
 small nerve net similar to cnidarians
 ability to regenerate
 Comet: a sea star with one large regenerated arm
 many spines and bumps - part of the endoskeleton
 give the nickname “spiny-skinned”
 Four main types:
 Sea stars
 Brittle Stars
 Sea Cucumbers
 Sea Urchins
Sea Stars
 Class: Asteroidea
 five arms that radiate around a central disk
Sea Stars
 hundreds of
tube feet
extend from
the oral
surface along
channels on
each arm call
Sea Stars
 the aboral surface of most sea stars is covered with spines
modified into pincer like organs called pedicellariae
 most are predators of bivalves
Brittle Stars
 Class: Ophiuroidea
 star shaped body
 very long flexible arms
 lack an anus
 are detritivores
Sea Cucumbers
 Class: Holothuroidea
 superficially wormlike
 lack spines
 no radial symmetry
Sea Cucumbers
 oral and aboral surfaces
are located on the ends
 deposit feeders
 move using five rows of
tube feet
 use branched tentacles
to gather food
Sea Cucumbers
 defense
 some secrete toxic substances
 some discharge, sometimes toxic, filaments from the
anus to discourage predators
 some eviscerate: discharge the gut and other organs
through the anus
Sea Urchins
 endoskeleton is round
and rigid with movable
spines and pedicellariae
 movement is based on
tube feet and the
movable spines joined
to sockets of the
Sea Urchins
 grazers - sea weeds and
 mouth has an intricate
system of jaws and
muscles called
aristotle’s lantern
 used to bite off pieces
Sea Urchins
 live in rocky shores
 also includes sand dollars
Chordates without a backbone
 Phylum Chordata
 divided into three major groups (subphyla)
 two lack a backbone, one does not
 Protochordates: the invertebrate chordates, chordates
without a backbone
Chordates without a backbone
 4 characteristics needed to be a chordate:
 1. single, hollow nerve chord that runs along the dorsal
side of the body
Chordates with a backbone
 2. pharyngeal gill slits - small openings along the
anterior end of the gut
 pharynx in humans
Chordates without a backbone
 3. notochord - flexible rod for support that lies between
the nerve chord and the gut
Chordates Without a Backbone
 4. post-anal tail - a tail that extends beyond the anus
(coccyx in humans)
Chordates without a backbone
Chordates without a backbone
Chordates without a backbone
 also have a ventral heart
 in vertebrates the notochord is replaced by the backbone
(vertebral column)
 Subphylum:
 best known are sea
 the notochord and
tail are absorbed
 difference between sponge is the protective tunic
 tunic: leathery or gelatinous outer covering not found
on sponges
 filter feeders
 Subphylum
 almost 3 in long
 laterally compressed and
elongated body like a fish
 bottom dwellers
 filter feeders

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  • 2. Marine Invertebrates  Vertebrates: animals with a backbone  Invertebrates: animals without a backbone  At least 97% of all species of animals are invertebrates
  • 3.
  • 4. Sponges  Sponges belong to the phylum Porifera or “pore bearers”  aggregations of specialized cells  do not form true tissues or organs  nearly all marine
  • 5. Sponges  sessile: living permanently attached to the bottom or some other surface
  • 6. Sponges  ostia: numerous tiny pores on the surface of the sponge  allows water to enter and circulate through a series of canals where plankton and other organic matter are filtered out and eaten  sponge cells are very plastic  if separated, the cells can even regroup and form a new sponge
  • 7. Sponges  water is pumped into a larger feeding chamber lined with collar cells or choanocytes  water leaves through osculum: large opening on the top of the sponge
  • 9. Sponges  most have spicules: transparent siliceous or calcareous supporting structures of different shapes and sizes  many have a skeleton of spongin: tough elastic fibers made of protein
  • 10. Sponges  amoebocytes: wandering cells, that secrete spicules and spongin
  • 11. Sponges  suspension feeders: animals that eat food particles suspended in water  filter feeders: actively filter the food particles in the suspension  deposit feeders: eat detritus that settles on the bottom
  • 13. Sponges  Most produce asexually  budding of new sponge  Some use gemmules: survivor pods
  • 14. Sponges  Found almost everywhere in the world  largest number are found in tropical waters  encrusting sponges: form thin sometimes brightly colored growths on rocks or dead coral
  • 15. Sponges – Economic Importance  bath sponges  still harvested in a few locations of the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern Mediterranean  some produce potentially useful chemicals
  • 16.
  • 17. Cnidarians  Phylum Cnidaria  Also called coenlenterates  over 9,000 species including sea anemones, jellyfish, corals
  • 18. Cnidarians  display radial symmetry: similar parts of the body are arranged and repeated around a central axis  look the same from all sides  no head, front, or back
  • 19. Cnidarians  cnidocytes: specialized cells used mainly for capturing prey
  • 20. Cnidarians  oral surface: where the mouth is located  aboral surface: located in the opposite site of the mouth
  • 22. Cnidarians  centrally located mouth surrounded by tentacles: slender finger-like extensions used to capture and handle food  mouth opens into a gut where food is digested
  • 23. Cnidarians  capture food (small prey) by discharging nematocysts (or cnidae): unique stinging structures found within cells in the tentacles
  • 24. Cnidarians  Occur in two basic forms - polyp or medusa
  • 25. Cnidarians  Polyp: a sac-like attached stage with the mouth and tentacles oriented upward  sessile  Ex. sea anemone
  • 26. Cnidarians  Medusa: Bell-like structure that resembles an upside- down polyp and is adapted for swimming  motile, swimming  Ex. jellyfish
  • 27. Types of Cnidarians  Hydrozoans  Scyphozoans  Anthozoans
  • 28. Hydrozoans (polyps)  Feathery bushy colonies of tiny polyps  drifting colonies of hydrozoans are called siphonophores  example: portuguese man-of-war (blue bubble or blue bottle) (Physalia physalis)
  • 30. Scyphozoans  True jellies with medusa shapes that can reach up to 6 feet in diameter  True Nematocysts are only found in Hydrozoans and Scyphozoans
  • 31. Anthozoans  lack medusa stage  consists of solitary colonial polyps  anemones  corals  seapens  sea pansies
  • 32.
  • 33. Worms  bilateral symmetry: the arrangement of the body parts in such a way that there is only one way to cut the body and create two identical halves  ex. humans
  • 34. Flatworms  Phylum: Platyhelminthes  dorsoventrally flattened (flat bellies and backs)  20,000 species of flatworms
  • 35. Flatworms  Turbellarians  most common marine flatworms  mainly live in or around the surface of other invertebrates (mollusks, crabs, etc)
  • 36. Flatworms  Flukes (trematodes)  largest group of flatworms  6,000+ species  all are parasites  adults always live in a vertebrate  larvae may inhabit invertebrates or smaller vertebrates such as fish
  • 37. Flatworms  Tapeworms (cestodes)  parasitic  long body made of repeating units  live in the intestines of vertebrates
  • 38. Ribbon Worms (Nemertean Worms)  Phylum: Nemertea  outwardly resemble flatworms, slightly more complex  more advanced intestinal system  circulatory system  proboscis: long fleshy tube used to entangle prey
  • 39. Nematodes (roundworms)  Phylum: Nematoda  most are parastic  a layer of muscles in the body wall pushes and squeezes against the fluid creating a hydrostatic skeleton  Hydrostatic Skeleton: A system that uses water pressure against the body wall to maintain body shape and aid in locomotion  provide support and aids in locomotion
  • 40. Nematodes (roundworms)  live in the flesh or muscle tissue which used to make sashimi, sushi, and cerviche  if the fish is served raw or undercooked, human infection is possible
  • 41. Segmented Worms (annelids)  Phylum: Annelida  earthworms and many marine worms  Display segmentation  segments act as a hydrostatic skeleton  efficient crawlers and burrowers
  • 42. Polychaetes (Bristle worms)  Phylum: Annelida Class: Polychaeta  each body segment has a pair of flattened extensions called parapodia “beyond/beside feet”  which have stiff, often sharp bristles called setae  Used for movement and breathing through gills on parapodia
  • 44. Oligochaetes  Oligochaetes  small worms found in mud and sand  feed on detritus  lack parapodia
  • 45. Oligochaetes  Leeches  Class: Hirudinea  live mainly in fresh water  marine species can be found attached to marine fishes and invertebrates  highly specialized annelida with a sucker at each end and no parapodia   Echiurans  all marine  similar to peanut worms in size and shape  have a non-retractable, spoon-like (forked) proboscis  deposit feeders  Peanut Worms  sipunculans  1 to 35 cm long (.4 to 14 inches)  soft unsegmented bodies  burrow in the bottom or move into empty shells  when it becomes compact it resembles a large peanut
  • 47. Molluscs  Phylum: Mollusca  more species of mollusca than any other animal group  around 200,000 living species
  • 48. Molluscs  most have soft bodies encased in a calcium carbonate shell  live in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments
  • 49. Molluscs  cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, octopus) most neurologically-advanced of all invertebrates  gastropods (snails and slugs) are the most numerous division  giant or colossal squid are the largest known invertebrate species
  • 50. Molluscs  The body is covered by a mantle: a thin layer of tissue that secretes the shell  usually bilaterally symmetric  ventral, muscular foot usually used for locomotion
  • 51. Molluscs  most have a head with eyes and additional sensory organs  Radula: a ribbon of small teeth (unique to molluscs) or rasping tongue  made mainly of chitin
  • 52. Molluscs  gas exchange occurs through paired gills  shell is modified (internal for squid, octopod; external for gastropods)
  • 53.
  • 54. Gastropods  class - Gastropoda  largest, most common, and most varied group  includes snails, periwinkles, limpets, abalones
  • 55. Gastropods  a coiled collection of organs enclosed by a dorsal shell  shell rests on a ventral foot  varied shell structure and size
  • 56. Gastropods  carnivorous gastropods prey on clams, oysters worms and even small fishes  other gastropods are detritivores
  • 57. Gastropods  Nudibranchs or sea slugs - gastropods that have lost their shell entirely nudibranchs
  • 58.
  • 59. Bivalves  class - Bivalvia  includes clams, mussels, oysters, scallops
  • 60. Bivalves  have two-part shells each part is called a valve  symmetric along the hinge line  no head no radula  inner surface of the shell is lined by the mantle
  • 61. Bivalves  gills are used for gas exchange and filter feeding  strong muscles in the mantle cavity are used to open and close the valves
  • 62. Oysters  Most commercially valuable for pearls  Form when the oysters secrete layers of calcium carbonate coat an irritant or parasite lodges between the mantle and the inner surface of the shell
  • 63. Clams  Use foot to bury in sand or mud  Draw water in and out of mantle through siphons  Feed and maintain oxygen while still buried
  • 64. Mussels  Live mainly in the intertidal zone  Attach to surface using strong, byssal threads (beard)
  • 65. Scallops  Highly prized food source  100 simple blue eyes around the valves
  • 66.
  • 67. Cephalopods  class-cephalopoda  specialized for locomotion  adapted mollusc body plan for an active way of life (nearly all agile swimmers)  include octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, nautilus
  • 68. Cephalopods  complex nervous system  reduced inner shell or no shell at all  all are marine or brackish  no radula, but do have a two part beak
  • 69. Cephalopods  foot is modified into arms and tentacles  large eyes usually set on sides of the head  thick, muscular mantle
  • 70. Cephalopods  2 to 4 gills  water enters through the free edge of the mantle and leaves through the siphon or funnel a muscular tube formed by what remains of the foot
  • 71.
  • 72. Nautilus  the chambered nautilus is considered the most primitive living cephalopod, because of its shell  dates back 450 million years
  • 73. Nautilus  shell is thin, double layered and pearly white inside with a dull white with reddish zebra stripe outside  the shell is separated into chambers by the septa, made of shell material  as it grows it creates new larger chambers  1 chamber every few weeks until it reaches 38 chambers
  • 74. Nautilus  occupies one body chamber  strong, beak-shaped crushing jaws  eat algae , fish, crabs, shrimp and other invertebrates
  • 75. Nautilus  large collection of tentacles arranged into two circles, an inner and an outer.  the female has twice as many tentacles in its inner circle than the male
  • 76.
  • 77. Squid  has only a thin shell remnant (pen) within it’s mantle  strengthened outer collagen sheath to maintain the mantle’s shape and size
  • 78. Squid  to swim, the squid fills the mantle cavity with water and then forces it outward through the funnel in a jet- propulsion like manner  normally swims backwards, can swim forward by bringing all 8 arms together Humboldt Squid
  • 79. Squid  fins along the body help with stabilization  large squids can reach speeds of 15-20 mph  many species swim in schools
  • 80. Squid  8 arms, 2 long tentacles covered in suckers: adhesive discs used for suction between the squid an another object  tentacles only have suckers on the flattened end
  • 81.
  • 82. Octopus  has lost shell entirely  bag-like mantle located above the head  also has a strengthened collagen sheath surrounding the mantle
  • 83. Octopus  does not normally swim  prefers to remain in contact with a solid surface  uses suckers on its 8 legs to push and pull itself along the surface  most have 240 suckers on each arm  Crawling
  • 84. Octopus  usually a solitary animal that lives in a permanent den or cave under rocks  ink  chromatophores: specialized cells used to help an organism change color  Chromatophores in action
  • 85.
  • 86. Feeding and Digestion  separate mouth and anus  all cephalopods are carnivores  involves salivary and digestive glands to help break down food  varied diets and complexity of digestive systems based on diet Hungry octopus
  • 87. Feeding and Digestion  crystalline style: an enzyme secreting rod found in the stomach of bivalves continually rotates food and helps in digestion
  • 88. Feeding and Digestion  most molluscs have an open circulatory system  cephalopods have a closed circulatory system
  • 89.
  • 90. Nervous System  gastropods and bivalves do not have a single brain but several sets of ganglia  cephalopods most complex  allows for learning to occur  and for rapid movement and color changing to avoid predation
  • 91.
  • 92. Reproduction  most reproduce sexually, some hermaphroditic  cephalopods use a spermatophore  cephalopods lack larva and have large yolk-filled eggs  octopus protect eggs and female usually dies protecting young because she does not leave to eat herself
  • 94.
  • 95. Arthropods  Phylum: Arthropoda  largest phylum of animals  insects are dominant terrestrial group  crustaceans are more common in marine environments
  • 96. Arthropods  segmented, bilaterally symmetric  possess an exoskeleton: large, non-living external skeleton  composed of chitin and secreted by the underlying layer of tissue
  • 97. Arthropods  provides protection, support and increased surface area for muscle attachment  to grow, arthropods must molt
  • 98.
  • 99. Crustaceans  chitinous skeleton hardened by calcium carbonate  appendages specialized for swimming  possess 2 pairs of antennae
  • 100. Small Crustaceans - Copepods  small, important to plankton  use enlarged pair of antennae for swimming  many are parasitic
  • 101. Small Crustaceans - Barnacles  filter feeders  live attached to surfaces, including other living organisms  covered in calcareous plates  have feather-like filtering appendages called cirri  actually legs used to sweep water
  • 102. Small Crustaceans – Amphipods  small curved body and flattened sideways  less than 2 cm in length  some live under larger organisms skin like lice, parasites
  • 103. Small Crustaceans - Isopods  about the same size amphipods  dorsoventrally flattened  ex. terrestrial pill bugs  many are parasitic
  • 104. Small Crustaceans - Krill  Also called euphausids  planktonic, shrimp-like  up to 6 cm long (2.5 in)  most are filter feeders  swim in groups of billions of individuals
  • 105. Decapods  five pairs of legs or pereiopods  the first is heavier - usually claws for feeding and defense
  • 106. Decapods  three pairs of maxillipeds near the mouth  turned forward, and specialized to sort food and push it towards the mouth
  • 107. Decapods  well developed carapace  encloses the part of the body called the cephalothorax  the rest of the body is known as the body
  • 108. Decapods  shrimp and lobsters have laterally compressed bodies with distinct and elongated abdomens (the “tail”)
  • 109. Decapods  Decapods use their chelipeds for feeding and fighting  Therefore they often lose a claw  They are able to regenerate lost chelipeds
  • 110. Decapods  Also most arthropods have two distinct claws  The larger is called the crusher claw  And the thinner, more serrated one, is called the pincer or tearing claw
  • 111. Decapods  In many arthropods, such as lobsters, there are major structural difference between males and females  1. Claw size (larger in males)  2. Tail width (wider in females)  3. Texture of swimmerets (harder in males)
  • 112. Decapods  Reproduce sexually, using internal fertilization
  • 113. Decapods  Also in crabs, a male has a v shaped abdomen and a female has a u shaped abdomen
  • 114. Shrimp  Typically scavengers  Varied life environments  Mutualistic relationships with other organisms Shrimp 1 Shrimp 2
  • 115. American Lobster (Homarus americanus)  also known as the northern lobster, Atlantic lobster or Maine lobster  family Nephropidae, commercial lobsters  bottom dweller  found in colder waters off the Atlantic coast of North America  New England and Canada
  • 116. Lobsters  scavenger and predator  solitary in rocks or caves, also nocturnal  exoskeleton, which molts 2-3 times a year as a juvenile and once a year as an adult Blue Lobster Molt
  • 117. Lobsters  Heavy bodied with a large abdomen and huge chelipeds  one is lost in an accident or a fight it will regenerate  sold with one claw -“cull”  Sold with no claws – “bullet”
  • 118. Lobsters  4 pairs of walking legs (pereiopods)  4 sets of swimmerets (pleopods), extend across the body  harder in males  softer in females used to protect eggs
  • 119. Lobsters  feathery gills located on either side of the cephalothorax
  • 120. Hermit Crabs  hermit crabs are not true crabs  scavengers  hide in empty gastropod shells
  • 121. Crabs  abdomen is small and tucked under a compact and broad cephalothorax  largest and most diverse group of decapods
  • 122. Crabs  highly mobile - much faster than lobsters  move sideways when they’re in a hurry  sideways movement can also be used to indicate mating  ex. fiddler crab
  • 123. Horseshoe Crabs  not true crabs  “living fossils”  eyes being researched to improve vision errors in humans
  • 125.
  • 126. Lophophorates  Have a lophophore - feeding structure made of a set of ciliated tentacles arranged in a horseshoe-like shape
  • 127. Lophophorates  Three main types:  Bryozoans - lace-like  Phoronids - worm-like  Lamp Shells - clam-like
  • 128.
  • 129. Echinoderms  Phylum: Echinodermata  Pentamerous Radial symmetry: Five-way symmetry
  • 130. Echinoderms  Water-vascular system: A network of water-filled canals  sea stars sea urchins connect to a madreporite: a porous plate on the aboral surface
  • 131. Echinoderms  Tube feet: muscular extensions of the water-vascular system that often end in a sucker  ampullae: muscular sacs that sometimes aid in the extension of tube feet
  • 132. Echinoderms  small nerve net similar to cnidarians  ability to regenerate  Comet: a sea star with one large regenerated arm
  • 133. Echinoderms  many spines and bumps - part of the endoskeleton  give the nickname “spiny-skinned”
  • 134. Echinoderms  Four main types:  Sea stars  Brittle Stars  Sea Cucumbers  Sea Urchins
  • 135. Sea Stars  Class: Asteroidea  five arms that radiate around a central disk
  • 136. Sea Stars  hundreds of tube feet extend from the oral surface along radiating channels on each arm call ambulacral grooves
  • 137. Sea Stars  the aboral surface of most sea stars is covered with spines modified into pincer like organs called pedicellariae  most are predators of bivalves
  • 138. Brittle Stars  Class: Ophiuroidea  star shaped body  very long flexible arms  lack an anus  are detritivores
  • 139. Sea Cucumbers  Class: Holothuroidea  superficially wormlike  lack spines  no radial symmetry
  • 140. Sea Cucumbers  oral and aboral surfaces are located on the ends  deposit feeders  move using five rows of tube feet  use branched tentacles to gather food
  • 141. Sea Cucumbers  defense  some secrete toxic substances  some discharge, sometimes toxic, filaments from the anus to discourage predators  some eviscerate: discharge the gut and other organs through the anus
  • 142. Sea Urchins  endoskeleton is round and rigid with movable spines and pedicellariae  movement is based on tube feet and the movable spines joined to sockets of the exoskeleton
  • 143. Sea Urchins  grazers - sea weeds and grasses  mouth has an intricate system of jaws and muscles called aristotle’s lantern  used to bite off pieces
  • 144. Sea Urchins  live in rocky shores  also includes sand dollars
  • 145.
  • 146. Chordates without a backbone  Phylum Chordata  divided into three major groups (subphyla)  two lack a backbone, one does not  Protochordates: the invertebrate chordates, chordates without a backbone
  • 147. Chordates without a backbone  4 characteristics needed to be a chordate:  1. single, hollow nerve chord that runs along the dorsal side of the body
  • 148. Chordates with a backbone  2. pharyngeal gill slits - small openings along the anterior end of the gut  pharynx in humans
  • 149. Chordates without a backbone  3. notochord - flexible rod for support that lies between the nerve chord and the gut
  • 150. Chordates Without a Backbone  4. post-anal tail - a tail that extends beyond the anus (coccyx in humans)
  • 151. Chordates without a backbone
  • 152. Chordates without a backbone
  • 153. Chordates without a backbone  also have a ventral heart  in vertebrates the notochord is replaced by the backbone (vertebral column)
  • 154.
  • 155. Tunicates  Subphylum: Unichordata  best known are sea squirts  the notochord and tail are absorbed during metamorphosis
  • 156. Tunicates  difference between sponge is the protective tunic  tunic: leathery or gelatinous outer covering not found on sponges  filter feeders
  • 157.
  • 158. Lancelets  Subphylum Cephalochordata  almost 3 in long  laterally compressed and elongated body like a fish  bottom dwellers  filter feeders

Editor's Notes

  1. each choanocyte has a flagellum that creates currents and a thin collar that traps food, and then ingested by the body of the cell most have many oscula
  2. these two are found mainly between the outer and inner layers of cells
  3. also serve other uses such as food transport, food storage, cell repair and reproduction
  4. can extend proboscis up to 1m beyond their body one species reaches 30m (100ft) making it the longest invertebrate on earth
  5. most people immediately vomit the infected matter back up there are exceptions in which the larvae make it to the stomach or intestine cause symptoms similar to ulcers severe pain, nausea, muscle tearing and sometimes bleeding
  6. can be contracted in sequence by body wall muscles this and flexibility also given by segmentation makes annelids
  7. true circulatory system mainly carnivorous several pairs of eyes a proboscis, often jawed many polychaetes live in temporary or permanent tubes made of mucus, protein, seaweed, mud, sand or shell fragments
  8. previously called univalves gastropod literally means “stomach footed”
  9. “clusters of local brains” larger brain large never fibers that extend the length of the body