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Dana S. Nau and Vikas Shivashankar
University of Maryland
●  Motivation: changes don’t occur instantaneously
Ø  Actions take time, may overlap
Ø  Need ways to reason about this
●  Up to now, we’ve used a “state-oriented view”
•  Sequence of states s0, s1, s2
•  Actions that transform each state into the next one
Ø  No way to reason about overlapping actions
●  Switch to a “time-oriented view”
Ø  Sequence of time points
•  t = 1, 2, 3, …
Ø  For each state variable x,
different values during
different time intervals
Ø  At each time t, the state is
the set of atoms that are
true at time t
t1 t2 t3 t4
●  Temporal assertion:
Ø  a state variable’s value
during a time interval
●  Examples:
change: [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1, l) during [t1,t2], loc(r1)	
  changes from loc1	
  to l
persistence: [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l during [t2,t3], loc(r1)	
  = l
change: [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l, loc2) during [t3,t4], loc(r1)	
  changes from l to loc1	
●  These assertions entail the following temporal constraints
Ø  t1 < t2 < t3 < t4
●  They also entail the following object constraints
Ø  l ≠ loc1, l ≠ loc2
●  We may want to specify additional constraints that aren’t entailed
t1 t2 t3 t4
●  Timeline: a pair (T,C )
Ø  T is a set of temporal
assertions for the
same state variable
Ø  C is a set of constraints
●  T = {[t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l), [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l, [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,loc2)}
●  C = (t1 < t2 < t3 < t4, l ≠ loc1, l ≠ loc2)
Ø  written with parentheses rather than set braces
●  If a constraint is entailed by T then there’s no need to have it in C too
Ø  In the above example, (T,C ) is equivalent to (T, ∅)
●  [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l)
•  sometime during [t1,t2], r1	
  leaves loc1
•  sometime during [t1,t2], r1	
  arrives at l
Ø  But the expression doesn’t say exactly when
●  If we want to be more specific, we could add these to T
•  [t1,t1+1] loc(r1):(loc1,route)
•  [t2–1,t2] loc(r1):(route,l)
Ø  Each change requires at least one unit of time
t1 t2 t3 t4
●  A set of assertions T is nonconflicting if it’s consistent for all variable assignments
Ø  e.g., T1 = {[t1,t2] loc(r1)=loc1, [t2,t3] loc(r1):(loc1,	
●  Otherwise T is potentially conflicting
Ø  e.g., T2 = {[t1,t2] loc(r1)=loc1, [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,lʹ)}
•  e.g., it would be inconsistent if t1 < t3 < t2 and l ≠ loc1
●  Separation constraint: a set of constraints that prevents the conflict
Ø  Some possible separation constraints for C2:
Ø  (t2 < t3), (t4 < t1), (t2 ≤ t3, l=loc1), (t4 ≤ t1, l′=loc1)
●  (T,C) is secure if T is nonconflicting, or C entails a separation constraint for T
•  e.g., (T1, ∅) or (T2, (t2 < t3))
●  (T,C) is viable if either T is nonconflicting, or there exists a separation constraint
Cʹ for T that is consistent with C
•  (T1, ∅) nonconflicting
•  (T2, ∅) Cʹ = (t2 < t3)
Ø  If (T,C) is viable and Cʹ is as in the definition, then (T,C ∪ Cʹ) is secure
●  In a timeline (T,C), let α be one of the following:
Ø  a persistence assertion, e.g., [t,t′] x=v
Ø  a change assertion, e.g., [t,t′] x:(v,v′)
●  α is causally supported if T contains another temporal assertion that establishes
x=v at time t
Ø  Causal support could have one of the following forms:
a persistence assertion [t′′,t] x=v
a change assertion [t′′,t] x:(v′′,v)
●  Example
T = {[t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l),
[t2,t3] loc(r1)=l,
[t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,loc2)}
C = (t4 < t5, l ≠ loc1, l ≠ loc2)
Ø  [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l is causally supported by [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l)
Ø  [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,loc2) is causally supported by [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l
Ø  [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l) isn’t causally supported
t1 t2 t3 t4
●  Each action is represented by a triple (head,T,C), where
Ø  head is the name and arguments
Ø  T is a set of temporal assertions about one or more state variables
•  i.e., T is the union of one or more timelines
Ø  T is a set of constraints
●  On the next two slides, an example
●  Robots moving among loading docks connected by a network of roads
●  Objects and ranges of variables:
Ø  r ∈ Robots, k ∈ Cranes, c ∈ Containers, p ∈ Piles, d ∈ Docks, w ∈ Roads
●  Rigid relations:
Ø  aEached ⊆ (Cranes ∪ Piles) × Docks
Ø  adjacent ⊆ Docks × Roads
●  State variables:
Ø  loc(r) ∈ Docks ∪ Roads
Ø  cargo(r) ∈ Containers ∪ {nil}
Ø  pos(c) ∈ Containers ∪ Robots ∪ Cranes
Ø  pile(c) ∈ Piles ∪ {nil}
Ø  grip(k) ∈ Containers ∪ {nil}
Ø  top(p) ∈ Containers	
  ∪ {pallet}
Ø  content(d) ∈ Robots ∪ {nil}
leave(r,d,w): robot r leaves dock d to an adjacent road w
enter(r,d,w): r enters d from an adjacent road w
navigate(w,w′): navigate from road w to w′
pickup(k,c,r): crane k picks up container c from robot r
putdown(k,c,r): crane k puts down container c on r
stack(k,c,p): crane k stacks container c on top of pile p
unstack(k,c,p): crane k takes a container c from top of p
●  Examples:
[ts,t] loc(r): (d,w)
[t,te] content(d): (r,nil)
t ≤ ts + δ
●  No separate “preconditions” and “effects”
Ø  The precondition is to establish causal support
[ts,t] grip(k): (nil, c)
[ts,t] pos(c): (r,k)
[ts,t] cargo(r): (c,nil)
[ts,te] loc(r) = d
t ≤ ts + δ, t ≤ te
●  Chronicle: a triple φ = (A,T,C)
Ø  A is a set of temporally qualified actions and tasks
Ø  T is a set of temporally qualified assertions for a set of state variables
Ø  C is a consistent set of constraints on the variables in A and T
●  The following definitions all generalize to chronicles
Ø  Potentially conflicting assertions
Ø  Separation constraints
Ø  Secure and viable timelines
Ø  Causal support
●  φ = (A,T,C) , where
●  A = {[t0,t1] leave(r1,dock1,w1),
[t1,t2] navigate(r1,w1,w2),
[t2,t3] enter(r1,dock2,w2),
[t′0,t′1] leave(r2,dock2,w2),
[t′1,t′2] navigate(r2,w2,w1),
[t′2, t′3] enter(r2,dock1,w1)}
●  T = {temporal assertions for the
above actions}
●  C = (t′1 < t2, t1 < t′2,
t1 t2 t3t0
navigate enter
t’1 t’2 t’3t’0
●  φ = (∅, {[0,1] loc(r1)=dock1,
[0,1] loc(r2)=dock2,
[5,t] docked(ship1)=pier1,
[10,t′] docked(ship2)=pier2)},
(t ≥ 5 + δ, t′ ≥ 10 + δ′))
●  No actions this time
Ø  Just temporal assertions and constraints
●  Represents a situation where various exogenous events are scheduled to occur
t4 t6t5 t7 te
●  A task is an expression of the form [t,t′] taskname(arg1,arg2,…)
Ø  the task starts at or after t, and ends at or before t′
●  A method is a triple (head, task, body)
Ø  Will normally write it as in the following example
●  Method for bringing a container c to a pile p
●  m-­‐bring(c,p,p′,d,d′,r)
task: bring(c,p)
[ts,t1] pile(c) = p′
[ts,t1] cargo(r) = nil	
  [ts,t2] move(r,d′)
[ts,t3] uncover(c)
[t1,t4] load(c,r)
[t5,t6] move(r,d)
[t7,te] unload(r,p)
aEached(p′,d′), aEached(p,d), d ≠ d′
t2 ≤ t1, t3 ≤ t1, t3 ≤ t5, t6 ≤ t7
●  A second uncover method is needed, for the case where c = top(p)
●  Planning domain:
Ø  Objects, rigid relations, state variables, primitive actions, temporal
refinement methods
●  Planning problem:
Ø  A pair (Σ,φ0)
•  Σ is a temporal planning domain
•  φ0 is an initial chronicle
●  φ0 = () includes
Ø  initial state of the world
Ø  future facts that are expected to occur independently of the activities to
be planned for
Ø  the tasks to be performed
●  All assertions in φ0 must be non-conflicting
●  Solution plan: a chronicle φ = (A,T,C) having the following properties
Ø  (i) φ contains no tasks. It contains actions and the corresponding assertions
•  These refine all tasks in φ0, all tasks produced by refining those tasks, and
so forth, all the way down
▸  as in the definition of a solution to a refinement planning problem
Ø  (ii) All assertions in φ except for those in φ0 must be causally supported
Ø  (iii) φ is secure
●  Planning is done by a combination of refinement and flaw repair
Ø  three types of flaws
•  φ has tasks: violates condition (i)
•  φ has non-supported assertions: violates condition (ii)
•  φ has potentially conflicting assertions: violates condition (iii)
●  Very similar to PSP in Chapter 2
Ø  Both repeatedly select flaws and
choose resolvers
Ø  One uses a loop, the other uses
•  Just programming style,
can be rewritten either way
•  Which do you think is clearer?
●  In a deterministic implementation
Ø  resolver selection is a
backtracking point
Ø  flaw selection isn’t
●  First kind of flaw: φ contains a task
Ø  Resolver: any applicable instance m of a refinement method
•  applicable if it matches the task and its constraints are consistent with φ’s
Ø  Applying the resolver:
•  Modify φ by replacing the task with m
●  Second kind: φ contains a temporal assertion α that isn’t causally supported (like
an open goal in PSP)
Ø  Resolvers:
•  Add constraints to C
•  Add a persistence assertion to T
•  Add a new task or action to A that supports α
●  Third kind: φ contains assertions that potentially conflict (like threats in PSP)
Ø  These weren’t in φ0
•  Must have been introduced by a resolver for another flaw
Ø  Resolvers: separation constraints
●  leave(r,d,w)
[ts,t] loc(r): (d,w)
[t,te] occupant(d): (r,nil)
●  enter(r,d,w)
[ts,t] occupant(d): (nil,r)	
[t,te] loc(r): (w,d)
●  m-­‐move(r,d1,d2,w)
task: move(r,d2)
body: [ts,t1] loc(r) = d1
[t1,t2] leave(r,d,w)
[t3,te] enter(r,d,w)
t2 < t3
●  φ0 = (∅,
{[t0,t1] loc(r1)=d1,
[t0,t1] occupant(d1)=r1,
[t1,t2] move(r1,d1,d2,w1),
[t′0,t′1] loc(r2)=d2,
[t′0,t′1] occupant(d2)=r2,
(adjacent(d1,w1), adjacent(d2,w1),
t1 < t′2, t′1 < t2))
●  Like earlier example, but simplified by removing navigation
●  I told Malik about the problem with TemPlan never putting the action
specifications into φ. He agrees it’s a problem, and he’ll fix it.
●  Flaw selection, resolver selection
heuristics similar to those in PSP
Ø  Select the flaw with the smallest
number of resolvers
Ø  Choose the resolver that rules out
the fewest resolvers for the other
●  There is also a problem with
constraint management
Ø  We ignored it when discussing
Ø  We’ll discuss it now
●  Each time TemPlan	
  applies a resolver, it modifies (T,C)
Ø  Some resolvers will make (T,C) inconsistent
▸  No solution in this part of the search space
•  Detect inconsistency => prune this part of the search space
•  Don’t detect it => waste time looking for a solution
●  Analogy: PSP checked simple cases of inconsistency
Ø  E.g., can’t create a constraint a ≺ b if there’s already a constraint b ≺ a
Ø  But PSP ignored more complicated cases
●  Example:
Ø  Containers = {c1, c2}
Ø  Range(c1) = Range(c2) = Range(c3) = Containers
Ø  Suppose that to resolve 3 threats,
PSP chooses these resolvers:
•  c1 ≠ c2, c2 ≠ c3, c1 ≠ c3
Ø  No solutions in this part of the search
space, but PSP searches it anyway …
… …
… …
… …
……… …… … … … … … … …
●  At various points, check consistency of C
Ø  If C is inconsistent, then (T,C) is inconsistent
•  Can prune this part of the search space
Ø  If C is consistent then (T,C) may or may not be consistent
●  Example of a case where C is consistent but (T,C) isn’t:
•  T = {[t1, t2] loc(r1)=loc1, [t3, t4] loc(r1)=loc2}
•  C = (t1 < t3 < t4 < t2)
●  C contains two kinds of constraints
Ø  Temporal constraints
•  t1 < t3
Ø  Object constraints
•  loc(r) ≠ l2
●  The way we’ve formulated them, they are decoupled
Ø  no constraint involves both objects and time points
●  Two separate subproblems
Ø  check consistency of object constraints
Ø  check consistency of temporal constraints
Ø  C is consistent iff both are consistent
●  Constraint-satisfaction problem (CSP)
Ø  Checking consistency of CSPs is NP-hard
●  Can write an algorithm that’s complete but runs in exponential time
•  If there’s an inconsistency, always finds it
•  Might prune large parts of the search space
•  But may spend lots of time at each node visited
●  Some well-known constraint-satisfaction techniques
that are incomplete but run in polynomial time
•  arc consistency, path consistency
Ø  Detect some inconsistencies but not others
Ø  Might not prune as much of the search space
Ø  But less time at each node
… …
… …
… …
……… …… … … … … … … …
●  Can check of time constraints in time O(n3)
●  Simple Temporal Network (STN): a pair (τ,φ), where
•  τ = {a set of temporal variables t1, …, tn}
•  φ is a set of expressions that represent constraints on the variables in τ
Ø  Called a network because these correspond to nodes and edges in a graph
●  Each expression in φ has the form rij = [aij,bij], where aij and bij are integers
Ø  Denotes a binary constraint aij ≤ tj − ti ≤ bij
Ø  Thus rij = [aij,bij] is equivalent to rji = [–b,–a]
●  To represent unary constraints, include a dummy variable t0 = 0
Ø  r0i = [a0i,b0i] represents a0i ≤ ti − t0 ≤ b0i
•  i.e., a0i ≤ ti ≤ b0i
●  Solution to an STN: an integer value for each ti
Ø  An STN is consistent if it has a solution
Ø  An STN is minimal if for every constraint rij,
every pair (ti, tj) that satisfies rij belongs to at least one solution
●  STN (τ,φ), where
Ø  τ = {t1, t2, t3}
Ø  φ = {r12=[1,2], r23=[3,4], r13=[2,3]}
●  Transitivity:
Ø  1 ≤ t2 – t1 ≤ 2
Ø  3 ≤ t3 – t2 ≤ 4
==> 4 ≤ t3 – t1 ≤ 6
●  r′13 = [4,6]
●  Can’t satisfy both r13 and r′13
Ø  r13 ∩ r′13 = [2,3] ∩ [4,6] = ∅
●  (τ,φ) is inconsistent
●  STN (τ,φ), where
Ø  τ = {t1, t2, t3}
Ø  φ = {r12=[1,2], r23=[3,4], r13=[2,5]}
●  As before, r′13 = [4,6]
●  This time, (τ,φ) is consistent
Ø  r13 ∩ r′13 = [4,5]
●  Change r13 to [4,5]
Ø  Minimal network:
●  Suppose rik = [aik,bik], rkj = [akj,bkj], rij = [aij,bij]
Ø  Composition:
•  rik • rkj = [aik +akj, bik +bkj]
Ø  Intersection:
•  rij ∩ r′ij = [max(aij +a′ij), min(bij +b′ij)]
Ø  Consistency checking:
•  rik , rkj , rij are consistent if rij ∩ (rik • rkj) ≠ ∅
●  PC (Path Consistency) algorithm:
Ø  Do the above computations
on all triples of constraints
Ø  In cases where the constraint
doesn’t exist, use [−∞, +∞]
Ø  n constraints => n3 triples
=> running time O(n3)
for k = 1 to n do
for every i ∈ {1,…, n–1} such that i ≠ k do
for every j ∈ {i+1, …, n} such that j ≠ k do
rij ← rij ∩ [rik • rkj]
if rij = ∅ then return inconsistent	
[1, 2]
[1, 2]
t1 t4
[3, 4]
[6, 7]
[4, 5]
●  For k = 2, PC adds a constraint r14 = [4,6]
Ø  Additional iterations …
●  What PC is supposed to accomplish
Ø  Make the STN minimal
•  Shrink each time interval rik to exclude
values that aren’t part of any solution
Ø  Detect inconsistent networks
•  If rik = [aik,bik] is empty (i.e., bik < aik), then inconsistent
●  PC	
  is supposed to be complete, but I’m not convinced that it is
for k = 1 to n do
for every i ∈ {1,…, n–1} such that i ≠ k do
for every j ∈ {i+1, …, n} such that j ≠ k do
rij ← rij ∩ [rik • rkj]
if rij = ∅ then return inconsistent	
●  Can modify PC to make it incremental
Ø  Input: a consistent, minimal STN, and
a new constraint r′ij
Ø  Incorporate r′ij in time O(n2)
for k = 1 to n do
for every i ∈ {1,…, n–1} such that i ≠ k do
for every j ∈ {i+1, …, n} such that j ≠ k do
rij ← rij ∩ [rik • rkj]
if rij = ∅ then return inconsistent	
●  Suppose TemPlan gives you a chronicle and you want to execute it
Ø  Constraints on time points
Ø  Need to reason about these in order to decide when to start each action
●  Section 4.4.3 is about this
Ø  Uses STNs, but doesn’t explain how you would get them from chronicles
•  I need to discuss this with Malik
Ø  I’ll just assume we have the STNs, and proceed from there
●  Example:
Ø  bring&move to be done by a robot, takes 30 to 50 time units
Ø  uncover to be done by a crane, takes 5 to 10 time units
●  Want at most 5 seconds between the two ending times
Ø  Don’t want either the crane or robot to wait long
●  Can we accomplish this?
●  Run PC, get a minimized network
Ø  Network is consistent
Ø  There exists a set of time points that satisfies all the constraints
●  That assumes we can control each action’s starting time and ending time
Ø  But we can’t always do that
●  Suppose the time durations are nondeterministic
●  Then t1 is controllable and t2 is uncontrollable
Ø  We can choose the value of t1
Ø  We know t2 ∈ [t1+30, t1+50], but we can’t choose which value
[30, 50]
[5, 10]
[30, 50]
[5, 10]
●  STNU (Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty):
Ø  A 4-tuple (τ,E,φ,C)
•  τ and E are disjoint sets of time points
•  φ and C are disjoint sets of binary constraints on time points
•  τ and φ are controllable (e.g., actions’ starting times
•  E and C are contingent (e.g., actions’ ending times)
●  Consider an action that has a controllable starting time ts ∈ τ and a contingent
ending time te ∈ E
●  Suppose C contains a constraint [l,u] on ts and te
Ø  Then te – ts will be somewhere in [l, u], but we don’t know where
•  Like a random variable from an unknown distribution
●  Want to ensure that there exists a combination of values for the variables in τ
such that for every combination of values of the variables in E,
if C is satisfied then φ is satisfied
●  Dynamic execution strategy: procedure that assigns values to controllable time
points, in real time
Ø  E.g., if these are the starting times of actions, the strategy selects actions
one at a time, and starts executing them
●  Conditions under which the strategy operates (I think)
(1) Can’t ever assign a value that’s in the past
•  Suppose the strategy selects a time point t ∈ τ and gives it a value v
•  Then v ≥ the current time
(2) For each contingent time point t ∈ C
•  the strategy won’t learn t’s value until t is the current time
●  (to be continued)

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  • 1. 1  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   This  work  is  licensed  under  a  CreaBve  Commons  AEribuBon-­‐NonCommercial-­‐ShareAlike  4.0  InternaBonal  License.   Chapter  4     Delibera.on  with  Temporal  Domain  Models   Dana S. Nau and Vikas Shivashankar University of Maryland
  • 2. 2  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Temporal  Planning   time statevariables state timeline ●  Motivation: changes don’t occur instantaneously Ø  Actions take time, may overlap Ø  Need ways to reason about this ●  Up to now, we’ve used a “state-oriented view” •  Sequence of states s0, s1, s2 •  Actions that transform each state into the next one Ø  No way to reason about overlapping actions ●  Switch to a “time-oriented view” Ø  Sequence of time points •  t = 1, 2, 3, … Ø  For each state variable x, different values during different time intervals Ø  At each time t, the state is the set of atoms that are true at time t
  • 3. 3  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   time loc(r1) loc1 loc2 l t1 t2 t3 t4 Change Persistence Temporal  Asser.ons  and  Constraints   ●  Temporal assertion: Ø  a state variable’s value during a time interval ●  Examples: change: [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1, l) during [t1,t2], loc(r1)  changes from loc1  to l persistence: [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l during [t2,t3], loc(r1)  = l change: [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l, loc2) during [t3,t4], loc(r1)  changes from l to loc1   ●  These assertions entail the following temporal constraints Ø  t1 < t2 < t3 < t4 ●  They also entail the following object constraints Ø  l ≠ loc1, l ≠ loc2 ●  We may want to specify additional constraints that aren’t entailed
  • 4. 4  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Timelines   time loc(r1) loc1 loc2 l t1 t2 t3 t4 Change Persistence ●  Timeline: a pair (T,C ) Ø  T is a set of temporal assertions for the same state variable Ø  C is a set of constraints ●  T = {[t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l), [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l, [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,loc2)} ●  C = (t1 < t2 < t3 < t4, l ≠ loc1, l ≠ loc2) Ø  written with parentheses rather than set braces ●  If a constraint is entailed by T then there’s no need to have it in C too Ø  In the above example, (T,C ) is equivalent to (T, ∅)
  • 5. 5  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Timelines   ●  [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l) •  sometime during [t1,t2], r1  leaves loc1 •  sometime during [t1,t2], r1  arrives at l Ø  But the expression doesn’t say exactly when ●  If we want to be more specific, we could add these to T •  [t1,t1+1] loc(r1):(loc1,route) •  [t2–1,t2] loc(r1):(route,l) Ø  Each change requires at least one unit of time time loc(r1) loc1 loc2 l t1 t2 t3 t4 Change Persistence
  • 6. 6  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Separa.on  Constraints   ●  A set of assertions T is nonconflicting if it’s consistent for all variable assignments Ø  e.g., T1 = {[t1,t2] loc(r1)=loc1, [t2,t3] loc(r1):(loc1,  loc2)} ●  Otherwise T is potentially conflicting Ø  e.g., T2 = {[t1,t2] loc(r1)=loc1, [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,lʹ)} •  e.g., it would be inconsistent if t1 < t3 < t2 and l ≠ loc1 ●  Separation constraint: a set of constraints that prevents the conflict Ø  Some possible separation constraints for C2: Ø  (t2 < t3), (t4 < t1), (t2 ≤ t3, l=loc1), (t4 ≤ t1, l′=loc1) ●  (T,C) is secure if T is nonconflicting, or C entails a separation constraint for T •  e.g., (T1, ∅) or (T2, (t2 < t3)) ●  (T,C) is viable if either T is nonconflicting, or there exists a separation constraint Cʹ for T that is consistent with C •  (T1, ∅) nonconflicting •  (T2, ∅) Cʹ = (t2 < t3) Ø  If (T,C) is viable and Cʹ is as in the definition, then (T,C ∪ Cʹ) is secure
  • 7. 7  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Causal  Support   ●  In a timeline (T,C), let α be one of the following: Ø  a persistence assertion, e.g., [t,t′] x=v Ø  a change assertion, e.g., [t,t′] x:(v,v′) ●  α is causally supported if T contains another temporal assertion that establishes x=v at time t Ø  Causal support could have one of the following forms: a persistence assertion [t′′,t] x=v a change assertion [t′′,t] x:(v′′,v)
  • 8. 8  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Causal  Support   ●  Example T = {[t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l), [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l, [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,loc2)} C = (t4 < t5, l ≠ loc1, l ≠ loc2) Ø  [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l is causally supported by [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l) Ø  [t3,t4] loc(r1):(l,loc2) is causally supported by [t2,t3] loc(r1)=l Ø  [t1,t2] loc(r1):(loc1,l) isn’t causally supported time loc(r1) loc1 loc2 l t1 t2 t3 t4 Change Persistence
  • 9. 9  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Temporal  Model  of  an  Ac.on   ●  Each action is represented by a triple (head,T,C), where Ø  head is the name and arguments Ø  T is a set of temporal assertions about one or more state variables •  i.e., T is the union of one or more timelines Ø  T is a set of constraints ●  On the next two slides, an example
  • 10. 10  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Objects,  Rigid  Rela.ons,  State  Variables   ●  Robots moving among loading docks connected by a network of roads ●  Objects and ranges of variables: Ø  r ∈ Robots, k ∈ Cranes, c ∈ Containers, p ∈ Piles, d ∈ Docks, w ∈ Roads ●  Rigid relations: Ø  aEached ⊆ (Cranes ∪ Piles) × Docks Ø  adjacent ⊆ Docks × Roads ●  State variables: Ø  loc(r) ∈ Docks ∪ Roads Ø  cargo(r) ∈ Containers ∪ {nil} Ø  pos(c) ∈ Containers ∪ Robots ∪ Cranes Ø  pile(c) ∈ Piles ∪ {nil} Ø  grip(k) ∈ Containers ∪ {nil} Ø  top(p) ∈ Containers  ∪ {pallet} Ø  content(d) ∈ Robots ∪ {nil}            d1   r1                  d2   r2   w1  
  • 11. 11  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15                            d1   Ac.ons   leave(r,d,w): robot r leaves dock d to an adjacent road w enter(r,d,w): r enters d from an adjacent road w navigate(w,w′): navigate from road w to w′ pickup(k,c,r): crane k picks up container c from robot r putdown(k,c,r): crane k puts down container c on r stack(k,c,p): crane k stacks container c on top of pile p unstack(k,c,p): crane k takes a container c from top of p ●  Examples: leave(r,d,w) [ts,t] loc(r): (d,w) [t,te] content(d): (r,nil) t ≤ ts + δ adjacent(d,w) ●  No separate “preconditions” and “effects” Ø  The precondition is to establish causal support pickup(k,c,r) [ts,t] grip(k): (nil, c) [ts,t] pos(c): (r,k) [ts,t] cargo(r): (c,nil) [ts,te] loc(r) = d t ≤ ts + δ, t ≤ te aEached(k,d) r1                        d2   r2   w1   c1   What’s  wrong     with  this  drawing?   w2  
  • 12. 12  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Chronicle   ●  Chronicle: a triple φ = (A,T,C) Ø  A is a set of temporally qualified actions and tasks Ø  T is a set of temporally qualified assertions for a set of state variables Ø  C is a consistent set of constraints on the variables in A and T ●  The following definitions all generalize to chronicles Ø  Potentially conflicting assertions Ø  Separation constraints Ø  Secure and viable timelines Ø  Causal support
  • 13. 13  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Example   ●  φ = (A,T,C) , where ●  A = {[t0,t1] leave(r1,dock1,w1), [t1,t2] navigate(r1,w1,w2), [t2,t3] enter(r1,dock2,w2), [t′0,t′1] leave(r2,dock2,w2), [t′1,t′2] navigate(r2,w2,w1), [t′2, t′3] enter(r2,dock1,w1)} ●  T = {temporal assertions for the above actions} ●  C = (t′1 < t2, t1 < t′2, adjacent(dock1,w1), adjacent(dock2,w2)) time r1 leave dock1 t1 t2 t3t0 navigate enter dock2 r2 leave dock2 t’1 t’2 t’3t’0 navigate enter dock1            dock1   r1                  dock2   r2   w1   w2  
  • 14. 14  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Another  Example   ●  φ = (∅, {[0,1] loc(r1)=dock1, [0,1] loc(r2)=dock2, [5,t] docked(ship1)=pier1, [10,t′] docked(ship2)=pier2)}, (t ≥ 5 + δ, t′ ≥ 10 + δ′)) ●  No actions this time Ø  Just temporal assertions and constraints ●  Represents a situation where various exogenous events are scheduled to occur
  • 15. 15  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   move t1 t2 t3 ts uncover pile(c)=p’ cargo(r)=nil load move unload t4 t6t5 t7 te Temporal  Tasks  and  Refinement  Methods   ●  A task is an expression of the form [t,t′] taskname(arg1,arg2,…) Ø  the task starts at or after t, and ends at or before t′ ●  A method is a triple (head, task, body) Ø  Will normally write it as in the following example ●  Method for bringing a container c to a pile p ●  m-­‐bring(c,p,p′,d,d′,r) task: bring(c,p) body: [ts,t1] pile(c) = p′ [ts,t1] cargo(r) = nil      [ts,t2] move(r,d′) [ts,t3] uncover(c) [t1,t4] load(c,r) [t5,t6] move(r,d) [t7,te] unload(r,p) aEached(p′,d′), aEached(p,d), d ≠ d′ t2 ≤ t1, t3 ≤ t1, t3 ≤ t5, t6 ≤ t7
  • 16. 16  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   More  Refinement  Methods   ●  A second uncover method is needed, for the case where c = top(p)
  • 17. 17  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Temporal  Planning  Domains/Problems   ●  Planning domain: Ø  Objects, rigid relations, state variables, primitive actions, temporal refinement methods ●  Planning problem: Ø  A pair (Σ,φ0) •  Σ is a temporal planning domain •  φ0 is an initial chronicle ●  φ0 = () includes Ø  initial state of the world Ø  future facts that are expected to occur independently of the activities to be planned for Ø  the tasks to be performed ●  All assertions in φ0 must be non-conflicting
  • 18. 18  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Solu.ons  to  Temporal  Planning  Problems     ●  Solution plan: a chronicle φ = (A,T,C) having the following properties Ø  (i) φ contains no tasks. It contains actions and the corresponding assertions produced •  These refine all tasks in φ0, all tasks produced by refining those tasks, and so forth, all the way down ▸  as in the definition of a solution to a refinement planning problem Ø  (ii) All assertions in φ except for those in φ0 must be causally supported Ø  (iii) φ is secure ●  Planning is done by a combination of refinement and flaw repair Ø  three types of flaws •  φ has tasks: violates condition (i) •  φ has non-supported assertions: violates condition (ii) •  φ has potentially conflicting assertions: violates condition (iii)
  • 19. 19  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Planning  Algorithm   ●  Very similar to PSP in Chapter 2 Ø  Both repeatedly select flaws and choose resolvers Ø  One uses a loop, the other uses recursion •  Just programming style, can be rewritten either way •  Which do you think is clearer? ●  In a deterministic implementation Ø  resolver selection is a backtracking point Ø  flaw selection isn’t
  • 20. 20  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Resolvers  for  Flaws   ●  First kind of flaw: φ contains a task Ø  Resolver: any applicable instance m of a refinement method •  applicable if it matches the task and its constraints are consistent with φ’s Ø  Applying the resolver: •  Modify φ by replacing the task with m ●  Second kind: φ contains a temporal assertion α that isn’t causally supported (like an open goal in PSP) Ø  Resolvers: •  Add constraints to C •  Add a persistence assertion to T •  Add a new task or action to A that supports α ●  Third kind: φ contains assertions that potentially conflict (like threats in PSP) Ø  These weren’t in φ0 •  Must have been introduced by a resolver for another flaw Ø  Resolvers: separation constraints
  • 21. 21  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Example   ●  leave(r,d,w) [ts,t] loc(r): (d,w) [t,te] occupant(d): (r,nil) adjacent(d,w) ●  enter(r,d,w) [ts,t] occupant(d): (nil,r)   [t,te] loc(r): (w,d) adjacent(d,w) ●  m-­‐move(r,d1,d2,w) task: move(r,d2) body: [ts,t1] loc(r) = d1 [t1,t2] leave(r,d,w) [t3,te] enter(r,d,w) adjacent(d1,w) adjacent(d2,w) d1≠d2 t2 < t3                        d1   r1                          d2   r2   w1   ●  φ0 = (∅, {[t0,t1] loc(r1)=d1, [t0,t1] occupant(d1)=r1, [t1,t2] move(r1,d1,d2,w1), [t′0,t′1] loc(r2)=d2, [t′0,t′1] occupant(d2)=r2, [t′1,t′2]  move(r2,d2,d1,w1)}, (adjacent(d1,w1), adjacent(d2,w1), t1 < t′2, t′1 < t2)) ●  Like earlier example, but simplified by removing navigation
  • 22. 22  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   NOTE   ●  I told Malik about the problem with TemPlan never putting the action specifications into φ. He agrees it’s a problem, and he’ll fix it.
  • 23. 23  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Heuris.cs  for  guiding  TemPlan ●  Flaw selection, resolver selection heuristics similar to those in PSP Ø  Select the flaw with the smallest number of resolvers Ø  Choose the resolver that rules out the fewest resolvers for the other flaws   ●  There is also a problem with constraint management Ø  We ignored it when discussing PSP   Ø  We’ll discuss it now
  • 24. 24  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Constraint  Management   ●  Each time TemPlan  applies a resolver, it modifies (T,C) Ø  Some resolvers will make (T,C) inconsistent ▸  No solution in this part of the search space •  Detect inconsistency => prune this part of the search space •  Don’t detect it => waste time looking for a solution ●  Analogy: PSP checked simple cases of inconsistency Ø  E.g., can’t create a constraint a ≺ b if there’s already a constraint b ≺ a Ø  But PSP ignored more complicated cases ●  Example: Ø  Containers = {c1, c2} Ø  Range(c1) = Range(c2) = Range(c3) = Containers Ø  Suppose that to resolve 3 threats, PSP chooses these resolvers: •  c1 ≠ c2, c2 ≠ c3, c1 ≠ c3 Ø  No solutions in this part of the search space, but PSP searches it anyway … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ……… …… … … … … … … …
  • 25. 25  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Constraint  Management  in  TemPlan   ●  At various points, check consistency of C Ø  If C is inconsistent, then (T,C) is inconsistent •  Can prune this part of the search space Ø  If C is consistent then (T,C) may or may not be consistent ●  Example of a case where C is consistent but (T,C) isn’t: •  T = {[t1, t2] loc(r1)=loc1, [t3, t4] loc(r1)=loc2} •  C = (t1 < t3 < t4 < t2)
  • 26. 26  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Consistency  of  C ●  C contains two kinds of constraints Ø  Temporal constraints •  t1 < t3 Ø  Object constraints •  loc(r) ≠ l2 ●  The way we’ve formulated them, they are decoupled Ø  no constraint involves both objects and time points ●  Two separate subproblems Ø  check consistency of object constraints Ø  check consistency of temporal constraints Ø  C is consistent iff both are consistent
  • 27. 27  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Object  Constraints   ●  Constraint-satisfaction problem (CSP) Ø  Checking consistency of CSPs is NP-hard ●  Can write an algorithm that’s complete but runs in exponential time •  If there’s an inconsistency, always finds it •  Might prune large parts of the search space •  But may spend lots of time at each node visited ●  Some well-known constraint-satisfaction techniques that are incomplete but run in polynomial time •  arc consistency, path consistency Ø  Detect some inconsistencies but not others Ø  Might not prune as much of the search space Ø  But less time at each node … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ……… …… … … … … … … …
  • 28. 28  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Time  Constraints   ●  Can check of time constraints in time O(n3) ●  Simple Temporal Network (STN): a pair (τ,φ), where •  τ = {a set of temporal variables t1, …, tn} •  φ is a set of expressions that represent constraints on the variables in τ Ø  Called a network because these correspond to nodes and edges in a graph ●  Each expression in φ has the form rij = [aij,bij], where aij and bij are integers Ø  Denotes a binary constraint aij ≤ tj − ti ≤ bij Ø  Thus rij = [aij,bij] is equivalent to rji = [–b,–a] ●  To represent unary constraints, include a dummy variable t0 = 0 Ø  r0i = [a0i,b0i] represents a0i ≤ ti − t0 ≤ b0i •  i.e., a0i ≤ ti ≤ b0i ●  Solution to an STN: an integer value for each ti Ø  An STN is consistent if it has a solution Ø  An STN is minimal if for every constraint rij, every pair (ti, tj) that satisfies rij belongs to at least one solution  ti    tj   [aij,bij]    t0   [a0i,b0i]  
  • 29. 29  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Two  Examples   ●  STN (τ,φ), where Ø  τ = {t1, t2, t3} Ø  φ = {r12=[1,2], r23=[3,4], r13=[2,3]} ●  Transitivity: Ø  1 ≤ t2 – t1 ≤ 2 Ø  3 ≤ t3 – t2 ≤ 4 ==> 4 ≤ t3 – t1 ≤ 6 ●  r′13 = [4,6] ●  Can’t satisfy both r13 and r′13 Ø  r13 ∩ r′13 = [2,3] ∩ [4,6] = ∅ ●  (τ,φ) is inconsistent ●  STN (τ,φ), where Ø  τ = {t1, t2, t3} Ø  φ = {r12=[1,2], r23=[3,4], r13=[2,5]} ●  As before, r′13 = [4,6] ●  This time, (τ,φ) is consistent Ø  r13 ∩ r′13 = [4,5] ●  Change r13 to [4,5] Ø  Minimal network:  t1    t2    t3   [1,2]   [3,4]   [2,3]    t1    t2    t3   [1,2]   [3,4]   [2,5]    t1    t2    t3   [1,2]   [3,4]   [4,5]  
  • 30. 30  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Opera.ons  on  STNs   ●  Suppose rik = [aik,bik], rkj = [akj,bkj], rij = [aij,bij] Ø  Composition: •  rik • rkj = [aik +akj, bik +bkj] Ø  Intersection: •  rij ∩ r′ij = [max(aij +a′ij), min(bij +b′ij)] Ø  Consistency checking: •  rik , rkj , rij are consistent if rij ∩ (rik • rkj) ≠ ∅ ●  PC (Path Consistency) algorithm: Ø  Do the above computations on all triples of constraints Ø  In cases where the constraint doesn’t exist, use [−∞, +∞] Ø  n constraints => n3 triples => running time O(n3) PC(τ,φ) for k = 1 to n do for every i ∈ {1,…, n–1} such that i ≠ k do for every j ∈ {i+1, …, n} such that j ≠ k do rij ← rij ∩ [rik • rkj] if rij = ∅ then return inconsistent    ti    tk    tj   [aik,bik]   [akj,bkj]   [aij,bij]  
  • 31. 31  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Example   t2 [1, 2] [1, 2] t1 t4 t3 t5 [3, 4] [6, 7] [4, 5] ●  For k = 2, PC adds a constraint r14 = [4,6] Ø  Additional iterations … ●  What PC is supposed to accomplish Ø  Make the STN minimal •  Shrink each time interval rik to exclude values that aren’t part of any solution Ø  Detect inconsistent networks •  If rik = [aik,bik] is empty (i.e., bik < aik), then inconsistent ●  PC  is supposed to be complete, but I’m not convinced that it is PC(τ,φ) for k = 1 to n do for every i ∈ {1,…, n–1} such that i ≠ k do for every j ∈ {i+1, …, n} such that j ≠ k do rij ← rij ∩ [rik • rkj] if rij = ∅ then return inconsistent    ti    tk    tj   [aik,bik]   [akj,bkj]   [aij,bij]  
  • 32. 32  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Example   ●  Can modify PC to make it incremental Ø  Input: a consistent, minimal STN, and a new constraint r′ij Ø  Incorporate r′ij in time O(n2) PC(τ,φ) for k = 1 to n do for every i ∈ {1,…, n–1} such that i ≠ k do for every j ∈ {i+1, …, n} such that j ≠ k do rij ← rij ∩ [rik • rkj] if rij = ∅ then return inconsistent  
  • 33. 33  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Controllability   ●  Suppose TemPlan gives you a chronicle and you want to execute it Ø  Constraints on time points Ø  Need to reason about these in order to decide when to start each action ●  Section 4.4.3 is about this Ø  Uses STNs, but doesn’t explain how you would get them from chronicles •  I need to discuss this with Malik Ø  I’ll just assume we have the STNs, and proceed from there
  • 34. 34  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Controllability   ●  Example: Ø  bring&move to be done by a robot, takes 30 to 50 time units Ø  uncover to be done by a crane, takes 5 to 10 time units ●  Want at most 5 seconds between the two ending times Ø  Don’t want either the crane or robot to wait long ●  Can we accomplish this? ●  Run PC, get a minimized network Ø  Network is consistent Ø  There exists a set of time points that satisfies all the constraints ●  That assumes we can control each action’s starting time and ending time Ø  But we can’t always do that ●  Suppose the time durations are nondeterministic ●  Then t1 is controllable and t2 is uncontrollable Ø  We can choose the value of t1 Ø  We know t2 ∈ [t1+30, t1+50], but we can’t choose which value t1 t3 t2 t4 [30, 50] [5, 10] [-5,5] bring&move uncover t1 t3 t2 t4 [30, 50] [5, 10] [-5,5] [15,50] [0,15] [25,55]
  • 35. 35  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   STNUs   ●  STNU (Simple Temporal Network with Uncertainty): Ø  A 4-tuple (τ,E,φ,C) •  τ and E are disjoint sets of time points •  φ and C are disjoint sets of binary constraints on time points •  τ and φ are controllable (e.g., actions’ starting times •  E and C are contingent (e.g., actions’ ending times) ●  Consider an action that has a controllable starting time ts ∈ τ and a contingent ending time te ∈ E ●  Suppose C contains a constraint [l,u] on ts and te Ø  Then te – ts will be somewhere in [l, u], but we don’t know where •  Like a random variable from an unknown distribution ●  Want to ensure that there exists a combination of values for the variables in τ such that for every combination of values of the variables in E, if C is satisfied then φ is satisfied
  • 36. 36  Dana  Nau  and  Vikas  Shivashankar:  Lecture  slides  for  Automated  Planning  and  Ac0ng   Updated  4/9/15   Dynamic  Execu.on  Strategies   ●  Dynamic execution strategy: procedure that assigns values to controllable time points, in real time Ø  E.g., if these are the starting times of actions, the strategy selects actions one at a time, and starts executing them ●  Conditions under which the strategy operates (I think) (1) Can’t ever assign a value that’s in the past •  Suppose the strategy selects a time point t ∈ τ and gives it a value v •  Then v ≥ the current time (2) For each contingent time point t ∈ C •  the strategy won’t learn t’s value until t is the current time ●  (to be continued)