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How can you get started with mobile?
• Users opt-in:
• -On your website
• -By texting a code & keyword
• Send specific special offers:
• -Weekly
• -Monthly Specials
• Engage with the customer:
• -Feedback / Surveys
• -Timed Promotions
• -Coupon Redemption
How can you get started with mobile?
• Mobile Web Sites:
• Optimized for mobile devices
• Auto detects users
• Serves branded content
• Enhances users experience
• Builds customer database
• -Serves as the entry to your
sales funnel
How to promote your mobile campaign?
•Special Web Promotion
•Search Engine Marketing
•Broadcast to existing lists
•Social Media Channels
•Blogs & Forums
•Location Marketing
•QR Coupon
-On receipt if capable
-At entry & exit locations
•Existing direct mail campaigns
•Flyer insert / collateral
Mobile Marketing: Opportunities
1. Mobile marketing has a great scope as people spend maximum
time on their mobile devices and hence to reach customers has
become easy.
• Big brands have got their location based mobile apps developed in
order to serve customers better.
• These coupons come with a validity period which customers can use
according to their convenience.
• Customers don’t have to remember to carry these coupons wherever
they go.
Mobile Marketing: Opportunities
2. Since internet access, smart phone and tablets have brought entire
world within our reach at any time, it has become easy for us to
browse web for any information.
• Maximum number of time people use their mobile to search web and
gather information.
• A company can tap a customer and interact with, when a customer is
in actual need.
• Hassle-free marketing and selling at the right time is the beauty of
mobile marketing.
Mobile Marketing: Opportunities
3. One can find brands marketing on news apps installed on mobile.
• This is one of the indirect ways for online businesses to reach
customers and advertise their products.
• Mobile marketing leaves no opportunities to reach customers.
• The direct way of advertising is sending bulk messages on text or
internet messenger or mobile app.
Mobile Marketing: Challenges/Risks
Out of context/content ad:
• First impressions are everything. If your ads give viewers a negative first
impression, unfortunately, that is the one that will matter most.
• So be sure to make your ad or content error-free. It’s very hard to fix a
mistake before it’s seen, as mobile advertising is very fast in nature.
Potential for bad user experiences:
• Bad ads or content can go viral just as easily as good ones.
• Review your ad or content carefully, perhaps even have multiple people
review it and try to make sure that your ad will not be received in a bad
Mobile Marketing: Challenges/Risks
Possible navigation issues:
• Consider this when designing mobile ads: About 80% of phones owned in
the U.S. are smartphones, which means that around 20% of consumers are
using standard cellphones.
• While the user might be interested in your ad, some might not be able to
access it.
User costs (Data Usage):
• This is one disadvantage that shouldn’t be overlooked. Although we see
advertisements about unlimited data, that doesn’t mean that everyone has
an unlimited plan.
• Standard data and texting charges may apply to some of those seeing your
ads, so be mindful of that.
Mobile Marketing: Characteristics
• Mobile marketing campaigns easy to plan and execute, regardless of
your technical experience (or lack thereof).
• Launching a mobile marketing campaign can be done very quickly, in
as little as twenty-four hours.
• Mobile marketing software tracks your deliveries, responses and
conversion rates, so that you know just how effective your ads are.
• You are able to market directly to your target audience through
mobile marketing software interfaces designed to let you pick and
choose who you send your ads to.
• Subscribers control whether or not they receive your marketing
ads. Therefore, your audience is willing and interested, as opposed to
Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should
• Don’t force your customers to type when you can make their lives
easier. Give your customers the ability to contact you with one touch.
• The app image to the left, for instance, features one touch calling,
directions, email, and web browsing.
• ONE TOUCH CALLING is especially useful for customers. When it’s time to
buy, they want to call and speak to someone directly. Why stand in their
• Customers may also want to find your location on a map (and generate
• They also may prefer to email or text you. Mobile apps can make this easy.
Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should
• Every mobile marketing app should include a QR code scanner.
• QR codes are an extremely powerful way to offer customers value via
targeted discounts.
• Your store should feature QR code discounts prominently displayed
throughout, offering discounts only available via your mobile app.
• And you display QR codes to facilitate downloading the app itself, not
only in your store but in print advertising, web advertising, and your
social sites.
Best QR code generators
• QR Codes are a quick way of engaging with potential users or bringing
back existing users.
• Scanning QR Codes do not need an app. Thanks to the iOS 11 update
and Google Lens, both iOS and Android smartphones are capable of
scanning a QR Code using the camera app
• China’s QR penetration and success stories served as a proven case-
study for the rest of the world
• QR Codes need little or no initial investment. When done well, it
delivers a rich consumer experience and boosts sales.
• Choosing the right QR Code generator can have a major impact on the
success on the campaign.
#1. Beaconstac’s QR Code generator
#2. QR Code Generator
#3. QR Code Monkey
#4. Scanova
5. The QR Code generator
6. Shopify
7. QR stuff
Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should
• Your customers interact socially. If
they like your app, they’ll want to let
their friends know about it.
• So you should not only integrate
your Facebook and Twitter pages in
your app – you should give
customers the ability to share the
app on THEIR Facebook and Twitter
pages. Take a look at the image of
the app to the right for inspiration.
• Most of your customers text, text,
and text again. So enable sharing via
texting as well.
Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should
• What are GPS coupons? They’re essentially discounts that are unlocked by
repeated visits.
• A mobile app with GPS coupons uses the GPS feature of smartphones to
determine when a customer visits a business, then gives them credit for
doing so.
• After a preset number of visits is reached, the app unlocks a bonus.
• For instance, a retail store could offer a 20 percent discount on all
purchases. An eating establishment could give away a free appetizer or
dessert. You get the idea.
• Customers like GPS coupons because they reward them for being good
Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should
• Push messaging is the game changer in mobile marketing, because
customers read the vast majority of text messages they receive.
• When they first download your app, customers will be given an option to
receive your messages. If they opt in, you are free to message them
whenever you want.
How can you provide value via push messaging?
• Announce special deals only available to app users
• Provide real time limited offers , like a sale not previously announced that
will only run that day
• Send ‘insider information’ that helps your customers make decisions
Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should
• A realtor, for instance, can provide a mortgage payment calculator (a native
function in some platforms).
• A restaurant can provide a tip calculator.
• A membership-based service can provide a registration and login function.
• For instance, you can integrate a mobile-friendly weather page from any
number of sources.
• There is plenty of mobile-friendly information on other sites that can
provide your customers value, and increase the functionality of your app.
• Mobile marketing
apps can also
integrate web pages
that already exist.
• This is a powerful
way to integrate
useful, dynamic
content from your
website – as long as
your site is mobile-
Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should
• Customers want to use your mobile app to buy stuff. You want them
to as well. So include a shopping cart function that makes buying
• Include these seven features and customers will download and use
your apps. Warren Buffet would call this a ‘sustainable competitive
advantage.’ I call it a marketing revolution.
Mobile Marketing Trends
• Certain trends have become obvious, and ignoring them puts a
serious damper on our branding results.
• Here are mobile marketing trends that you absolutely have to pay
attention to, and should consider implementing before we hit 2020.
1. Omnichannel Marketing
• You have to keep in mind that not all mobile interactions start or end on
your smartphone. Users are navigating from multiple devices.
• Their buying journey may start through voice search on a smart assistant
and continue on a mobile device.
• We are living in an age where you can stream television through a smart
• Times are changing and therefore your marketing efforts need to reflect
• Here’s a detailed omnichannel marketing guide and how to implement it in
your overall marketing strategy:
1. Omnichannel Marketing
2. Visual Search
• Some of marketing trends really start resembling sci-fi movies.
• These days you can point your phone camera to any object around
you to associate web search.
• Google Lens is an image recognition technology developed by
Google, designed to bring up relevant information related to objects it
identifies using visual analysis based on a neural network.
• If you haven’t got serious about visual marketing yet, this trend
should have encouraged you to!
2. Visual Search
3. Ever Evolving Instagram Ads
• Traditionally mobile-only, Instagram is growing by the day, and they have
been getting into the advertising game for awhile as their user base
• Some bigger brands have been getting on board with the platform and
started marketing from there, but the crowd is still pretty thin.
• Instagram is adding new and new advertising options every year.
• This year they are introducing ads inside their Explore section where users
would go to discover new content and feeds.
• Of course that means you should be putting a good amount of focus on
your overall Instagram marketing strategy. If you haven’t launched one, it is
a good time to start.
3. Ever Evolving Instagram Ads
4. Augmented Reality
• Augmented reality (AR) works by overlaying virtual objects on top of a
real-world environment (usually by using the camera on a
• If you experienced the hubbub of Pokemon Go, you witnessed
augmented reality in action.
• Other examples include IKEA Place offering you to virtually “place”
IKEA products in your room and Timberland building a virtual fitting
room (known as magic mirror).
4. Augmented Reality
4. Augmented Reality
5. Video Ads
• Video ads are a little bit controversial right now.
• The data still isn’t in on how effective they are, and different sources
report wildly different success rates.
• But there is no denying that more brands are using them, including on
mobile marketing.
• Platforms like YouTube are especially reliant on the advertising form.
• You may want to consider jumping on the bandwagon and trying it for
5. Video Ads
6. Mobile Apps In Google Search Results
• Google started blending their first-page search results to include mobile
apps a couple of years ago.
• Where you would normally see ads or universal search results in the top
spots, you could find Google Play and iTunes recommendations right on the
first page.
• These days Google is also showing the whole section filled with related
Google Apps including average ratings and price.
• Advertisers are also welcome to advertise their official app right inside
their sponsored listing.
• Apps already make up a huge chunk of mobile usage these days. Even if
you don’t have an app yet, it is worth making one just to take advantage of
their popularity, and Google’s new promo guidelines.
6. Mobile Apps In Google Search Results
7. New Payment Systems
• Payment systems are seriously changing.
• Samsung has a payment platform that can be used almost anywhere,
in spite of whether they are optimized for it or not.
• Services like PayPal are being accepted from big names like Walmart.
Smartphones have their own wallets, such as through Apple Pay.
• It is no longer an option to ignore these new ways to pay, because
customers would rather go with a brand that offers the choice.
• MTN Momo, AirtelMoney, Vodafone Cash, Expresspay etc.
8. Customized Lifestyle Apps
• What can we learn from products like the FitBit? That apps are no
longer accessories, they are lifestyles.
• People use mobile devices to reflect and enhance the way that they
live, such as through fitness apps (FitBit, MyFitnessPal), financial
assistance (Mint, Mint Bills), and even smart homes (iSmartAlarm).
• You can promote your services by creating a lifestyle based app of
your own.
8. Customized Lifestyle Apps
Mobile Marketing Devices
• Mobile marketing devices are mobile devices such as smartphones or
tablets, to which specific online marketing measures are targeted.
• Knowledge of the technical features as well as the users and ways of
using these devices is essential for the development of mobile
marketing campaigns.
• A smartphone is a special mobile phone that, in addition to the usual
telephone function, offers additional services such as Internet access
and applications, so-called apps.
Distinction from other devices: Smartphones
• In the meantime, the boundaries to other devices have become
blurred. Smartphones are usually located at a size of about 4 to 5.3
• Tablets, on the other hand, are between 7 and 12 inches in size. In
between, so-called "phablets" or "smartlets" have established
themselves, which can offer a size of approx. 6 inches.
Functions: Smartphones
• Telephone functions, SMS, MMS
• VoIP (telephoning via Internet connection instead of mobile phone
• Use of a web browser
• Dictation functions
• Data storage
• Listen to MP3 or radio
• Create and edit photos and videos
• Internet connection for the computer via tethering
• Navigation features
• Location-based functions
• Use of games
Apps: Smartphones
• Smartphones are characterized by the fact that they can be expanded
and customized with apps.
• In January 2013, Google Play, the app store for Android smartphones,
offered over 800,000 free and paid apps for download.
• Apple's App store was able to record 775,000 app offers at this time.
The Windows Phone platform was still lagging behind with only
around 150,000 offers.
Disadvantages: Smartphones
• Many smartphones are very overloaded with functions and settings,
making it difficult for less technically savvy users to find their way around.
• Smartphone batteries are overburdened with performance-intensive
services such as WLAN or GPS, often resulting in battery life of less than a
• Vulnerability to malware increases with the number of third-party
applications. Around 50 percent of smartphone owners do not use virus
• If the owner does not use a data flat rate, high connection costs can arise
due to the constant, often independently established Internet connections.
• For many consumers, the smartphone brings with it a constant availability
that can sometimes even develop into an addiction.
• A tablet is a mobile device that has similar functions to a smartphone, but
is equipped with a larger display.
• Due to the lack of a keyboard, the tablet is operated entirely via the
• Today's tablets are offshoots of the former handheld PCs, which for a long
time were more for private life than for organizing business.
• In terms of appearance and features, they are very similar to smartphones.
• Some models look like a mere enlarged version of the manufacturer's
respective generation of smartphones (e.g. great similarity between the
Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet).
Functions: Tablet
• Internet access via a browser
• Listen to music and radio
• Storing data in internal memory or on an optional memory card
• Navigation via GPS chip (location services)
• Installing Apps
• Remote access to employer's systems such as ERP systems
• Gaming
• Recording and editing of images and video recordings
• Sending e-mails or instant messaging messages
Apps for Tablets
• Many tablets can be expanded using third-party applications.
• These can be downloaded free of charge or for a fee in so-called
The three largest marketplaces offer a wide range of services:
• Google Play for Android devices: over 800,000 apps
• Apple Appstore for iOS Devices: over 775,000 Apps
• Windows Phone marketplace for Windows Phone devices: approx.
150,000 Apps (as of January 2013)
Disadvantages: Tablet
• Many devices are not adequately protected against malware (e.g. viruses,
• Often confusing due to the variety of functions, especially when installing
many apps
• Costs for connecting to the internet via mobile phone provider (without
flat rate)
• Constant accessibility
• Difficult to input data in text form (but still easier than with a smartphone)
• Short product life cycles and high loss of value due to regular new
• Difficult data exchange
Importance of Mobile Marketing Devices for
Mobile Marketing
1. In order for online marketing to have its full effect, it is important
that the corresponding end device is taken into account in every
• For example, the display size of smartphones or tablets plays a role in
banner advertising in mobile marketing. Likewise, landing pages and
the homepage itself must be designed for use by mobile marketing
Importance of Mobile Marketing Devices for
Mobile Marketing
2. Tablets have meanwhile become an important sales channel for
mobile marketing.
• 48.4 percent of tablet users use their device several times a month or
even a week to purchase material goods via the Internet.
• Media and software (50 percent), tickets (44.7 percent) and services
(39.8 percent) are also frequently requested via the mobile device.
• There are now special advertising campaigns for mobile users, mobile
payment solutions and a large number of native shopping apps for
tablets and other mobile devices.
Importance of Mobile Marketing Devices for
Mobile Marketing
3. The smartphone is also an important sales channel in e-commerce.
In the target group of 18 to 39 years old, three out of four
smartphone users already use their device for mobile shopping.
• Users use their smartphone to surf on rating pages and read what
others have to say about the desired product.
• In this case, mobile marketing with the appropriate end devices as
the goal helps to achieve conversions that are usually actually carried
out on the desktop PC.
Mobile application development
• Mobile application development is the set of processes and
procedures involved in writing software for small, wireless computing
• Like Web application development, mobile application development
has its roots in more traditional software development.
• One critical difference, however, is that Mobile apps are often written
specifically to take advantage of the unique features a particular
mobile device offers.
• For instance, a gaming app might be written to take advantage of the
iPhone's accelerometer or a mobile health app might be written to
take advantage of a smartwatch's temperature sensor.
Mobile application development
• Mobile app development is the creation of software intended to run
on mobile devices and optimized to take advantage of those product's
unique features and hardware.
• The types of mobile apps that developers create include native apps,
hybrid apps and HTML5 apps.
• The mobile app development business is set to grow to nearly $600
billion this year.
Types of mobile apps and programming
• Like desktop software, mobile apps are designed using a wide range
of programming languages and frameworks.
• While the most popular operating systems, iOS and Android, have
done an excellent job of standardizing the types of mobile app
development available for programmers, apps can still vary.
• Here are some mobile app types:
• Native apps
• HTML5 apps
• Hybrid apps
Native apps
• These are apps created for a specific platform (iOS or Android) using the
software development tools and languages supported by those operating
systems. iOS uses Xcode and Objective-C, whereas Android uses Eclipse and
• Developers often prefer native apps because of their ability to utilize a
device's full potential.
• With smart home devices becoming more ubiquitous, developers are
creating unique applications that integrate things like wearables, IoT
sensors and smart screens for personalized experiences.
• Of course, development for each platform is easier said than done and is a
costly and time-consuming process that doesn't work for all businesses.
HTML5 apps
• Based on the near-universal standards of web technologies namely,
HTML5, JavaScript and CSS this type of mobile app takes a write once run
anywhere approach to mobile development.
• Apps developed in this framework are compatible with many platforms and
require only minimal changes to ensure complete functionality in each
operating system.
• HTML5 apps can still send desktop notifications and trigger interactions
through email and other avenues.
• Don't discount web apps' usability, but keep in mind that users are more
likely to use a native app.
• A study from Oracle found that millennials spend 90% of their mobile
time in apps, compared with 10% in web browsers.
Hybrid apps
• These apps entail the creation of a container developed in the native
system that makes it possible to embed an HTML5 app within it.
• This allows apps to make use of the diverse and unique elements of
each native system.
• Before creating your own branded app, consider instead utilizing
already existing apps for greater impact.
• For example, by using mobile-focused marketing on services such as
Yelp, Facebook and Google Maps, you can drive traffic to both your
website and brick-and-mortar location.
10 excellent platforms for building mobile apps
• If you've ever wanted to build an app after thinking up a brilliant idea,
you're in the right place.
• Sure, the fear of coding can push you to not act on building your own app
or to put off looking for the best app building software. Well, the good
news is that it's easier than ever to enter the mobile app market, no coding
knowledge or experience required.
• Whether it's for your business, blog, product, service, or just something
totally random, app creation software options are both plentiful and easy
to find, if you know where to look.
• With a small investment of time and a willingness to learn, you can create
and manage your mobile site or application using one of the app building
platforms listed below.
• Appery is a cloud-based mobile app builder that you can use to create
apps for Android or iOS, and it includes Apache Cordova (Phone Gap),
Ionic, and jQuery Mobile with access to its built-in components.
• Since the builder runs in the cloud, there's nothing to install or download,
and it's easy to get started quickly.
• The Appery app builder includes a visual editor using drag and drop
components to build the UI.
• Appery auto-generates the code for any components you drop in.
• You can connect to any REST API and use it in your app, and instantly add a
cloud database and backend to your app if you need to store data.
• Price: Plans start at $60/month for Pro, $135/month for Team, and custom
pricing for enterprise solutions.
2. Mobile Roadie
• Mobile Roadie is an app creator that allows anyone to create and
manage their own iOS or Android app. Even better, the building
happens in a very visual way.
• The platform supports all media types, with automatic importing of
RSS, Twitter, or Google News keywords, and an auto-refreshing fan
wall for real-time communication with users.
• When you start, you are presented with several layout options, but
you can also customize any of them to your liking.
• Mobile Roadie seems better fit for a brand or service, rather than
• Price: Pricing available upon request.
3. TheAppBuilder
• TheAppBuilder provides a suite of apps to suit employees, clients,
events, and brochures, with two different approaches available.
• This might be the platform to go with if you are designing an app as
an intranet for a company.
• You can build the app using the online toolkit, and either the training
provided or TheAppBuilder itself will work with you to define and
build the structure of the app and populate it with initial content.
• The platform supports native iPhone, iPad, and Android, with
updates going live within 60 seconds of submitting a change.
• The update timing appears to be unmatched from other services.
• Price: Pricing available upon request
4. Good Barber
• Good Barber provides a platform to build iPhone and Android apps, along
with optimized web applications.
• For any of the platforms, you can control every detail of the app without
writing out a single line of code.
• Several highly customizable design templates are available to get started,
with plenty of beautiful icons and access to Google Fonts.
• You receive immediate visual feedback every time you adjust any
parameters in your app.
• Send unique, actionable push notifications and convert your readers into
contributors by letting them submit articles, photos, and videos.
• You can also organize your app and add sections ranging from videos,
photos, sounds, live events, and more.
• Price: Plans start at $32/month for Android apps and at $96/month for iOS
5. Appy Pie
• Appy Pie is a cloud-based DIY mobile app creation tool that allows users
without programming skills to create an app for almost any platform and
publish it.
• There's nothing to install or download just drag and drop pages to create
your own mobile app online.
• All revisions are in real time, with the ability to send push notifications,
monetize with ads, see live analytics, and track location with GPS.
• You can also integrate social media feeds, blogs, websites, audio, radio, and
• When using this platform you're presented with different themes, ranging
from a restaurant to a radio station.
• Price: Plans start at Free with ads and go up to $50/month for Platinum
6. AppMachine
• AppMachine is an easy-to-use platform to build and design professional
native apps for both iOS and Android.
• Using the drag-and-drop interface, you can combine different building
blocks that offer a variety of features, such as information, photos, and
• The building blocks also let you link your app to Facebook, Twitter, or
online stores.
• You can design the app in your own unique style and choose your
navigation paths, colors, fonts, and icons, taking complete control of layout
and watching your progress using the Previewer.
• AppMachine takes care of everything you need to get your app into Apple's
App Store and Google Play.
• Price: Plans start at $49/month per app on the Plus plan, but go up to
$69/month per app.
7. GameSalad
• GameSalad allows you to create and publish games for a variety of
platforms, including iOS, Android, HTML5, and macOS.
• Its drag-and-drop interface allows you to get started quickly, without the
need for any programming knowledge.
• It also aims to let you learn computer science through the building
• The gaming app creator features a scene and actor editor, where you spend
most of your game creation time, setting up actors in a scene and creating
attributes, images, sounds, and navigating between actors.
• GameSalad offers two plans, one geared for educators and another for
developers. But both of these app builders allows you to create a game
without writing a line of code.
• Price: Pricing available upon request for developers and educators.
8. BiznessApps
• BiznessApps provides a platform to help create mobile apps for a
small business with a very simple process.
• It provides a wealth of features, including ordering, a shopping cart,
reviews, messages, dynamic content, third party integrations, push
notifications, comprehensive analytics, and more.
• The easy-to-use content management system allows you to create
an app in minutes, and customize everything using pre-built designs
or your own.
• There are also real-time previews to check your progress as you
design and develop your app.
• Price: Plans start at $99/month for a Single App or $250/month for
the Reseller Partner Program
9. AppMakr
• AppMakr is a DIY app-creation platform that lets anyone craft iOS,
Android, and HTML5 apps, with no coding knowledge required.
• It was founded in 2009, and recently acquired by Infinite Monkeys, to
now form one of the largest DIY app publishing platforms worldwide.
• They state that they are the "original way to make an app.
• You can make as many apps as you want, with unlimited updates,
and utilize a number of features, including push notifications, high-
resolution photo galleries, live updates, music and video streaming,
chat rooms, Google Maps integration, shared events calendars, in-app
shopping, and much more.
• Price: Plans start at Free for the mobile website builder and go up to a
$99/month for the App Pro plan.
10. ShoutEm
• ShoutEm offers an app builder with complete content management,
powerful user engagement tools, and monetization options, coupled with a
seamless publishing process.
• All of this comes together to provide a robust solution for almost any app
building scenario.
• The interface builder offers many customization options, and each app can
be tightly integrated with existing content sources such as WordPress,
Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, and more.
• The multiple monetization options mean you can quickly create a
revenue stream from your app, providing an e-commerce experience, in-
app subscriptions, deals, and coupons, with support for all major ad
networks included.
• You can publish your apps under your developer account to both iTunes
and Google Play, and update your app or content in real time.
• Price: Plans start at $59/month for Android, $99/month for iOS and
Android, and $179/month for extra social and loyalty add-ons.
Advantages of Apps
Uninterrupted Internet access not required:
• This is a major consideration if, for example, you are building a
tourism app to be used by travelers who want to avoid data-roaming
• Travelers would be charged to browse a mobile site but not to access
your app, once they have
downloaded it.
Advantages of Apps
Better phone integration:
• Generally apps can leverage a phone's features (such as its GPS and
camera) better than a mobile site can.
• Apps are usually built for a specific purpose, whereas mobile sites will
function the same across platforms.
• A site will use a recognizable interface and the same navigation across any
device. Which can be good or bad, depending on what you want.
• In the next year or two, mobile devices are expected to overtake
desktop computers as the primary devices used to access in the
• However, 87% of small businesses do not have a mobile-friendly
website in place.
• There's a clear need to make sure you provide a seamless and user-
friendly experience for customers and prospects using smartphones
and tablets. And, by doing so, you'll definitely have a competitive
• But what are your options for mobile-friendly web design?
• Companies using this approach
typically have two websites:
• A desktop, or "full", site, which is
found at your normal website URL
• And a separate site built
specifically for mobile
devices, which typically is
found at a URL like:
• or
Tailored experiences:
• Mobile sites allow you to create different experiences for people that
sit in front of a desktop computer and mobile-device users.
• Your web analytics and customer research might show that mobile
visitors access some information, like your phone number or address,
very frequently; however, they rarely read your press releases.
• Based on that research, your mobile website plays up your contact
information as well as click-to-call and mapping features.
• Press releases are removed, because mobile visitors aren't interested
in them.
Easy to implement for existing websites
• Since a mobile website can be designed and developed independently of
your main website, you can easily add a mobile-friendly website to
supplement your existing website.
Excellent performance
• People expect websites to load in a few seconds. Mobile sites, being
smaller than desktop sites, have fewer files that will need to be
downloaded. That means they'll load quickly on mobile devices.
• Plus, a mobile website won't be a data hog. For customers who subscribe
to data plans, this is a nice perk. They won't have to worry about your site
eating up too much of their allotted data.
Missing content and features
• For many people, a "lite" version of a website doesn't cut it anymore.
Smartphones and tablets aren't always a "secondary" method of
finding information online.
• In some cases, they're the only way people find information online.
• As a result, full content and features need to be available and
accessible, regardless of device.
Messy website addresses
• With mobile websites, you run the risk of people ending up at the
wrong website address.
• Visitors should be redirected automatically, but that doesn’t always
• Plus, things start to get tricky when other websites link to your
• A desktop user might end up on the mobile version of a web page, or
vice versa, depending on where and how someone else grabbed and
shared the link to that page.
Multiple sites to update
• Two websites equals twice as many website updates.
• If you add 5 new products to your main website, you have to add 5
new products to your mobile website, too.
• Dedicated mobile websites can be set up so that they are
automatically updated when your main website is updated, but that's
not always the case.
Time- and resource-intensive support and maintenance
• New mobile devices are introduced right and left.
• You have to stay on top of emerging technology, so that your mobile
website knows what devices to detect.
• This research can be time-consuming, and the related maintenance
costs for keeping your mobile website up-to-date can really add up.
SMS marketing
• SMS marketing is the use of a mobile phone to send SMS (short
message service) or text messages that contain promotional content,
such as special deals, product updates, or any other marketing
information directly to customers.
How it works
• SMS marketing is a permission-based strategy where customers opt
in to receive marketing offers from you.
• By texting a specially designated keyword to a short code, which is
usually a 5-digit code, customers give your company permission to be
added to your SMS database.
• You could also get customers' approval to collect their number when
you're on the phone with them or through a sign-up form on your
website or at your physical store's register.
Advantages of SMS marketing
• Since text messages are generally opened within five minutes upon
receipt, SMS provides you an instant way of marketing to your
customers and building brand loyalty.
• You can, therefore, leverage text message marketing to issue
reminders, delivery notices, limited time or exclusive offers and
redeemable coupons. It's also an effective method for engaging
customers through polls or survey-type messages.
Advantages of SMS marketing
• SMS marketing allows you to personalize text messages for recipients
of your messages. When you insert a customer's first name into your
message, you're more likely to capture their interest and attention –
in addition to generating a good response and conversion rate.
• Another benefit you can get from text message marketing is that it
has automated response functionality. Depending on the action your
subscribers take, you can send messages automatically to their
phones that would trigger a series of follow-up replies or actions from
your SMS software to engage customers further.
Advantages of SMS marketing
• Last, but not least, most SMS marketing applications provide an
option that allows for easy segmentation and management of your
SMS database.
• This makes SMS marketing a cost-effective business strategy that
helps your team hit your SMS metrics.
SMS Marketing Tips
• Be clear in communicating what your SMS marketing campaign is all
about: what types of SMS messages your customers will receive, how
often they will receive them and how they benefit when they opt in.
• Give subscribers who may no longer be interested in your
notifications the chance to opt out anytime by including relevant
instructions in your text campaigns from time to time.
• Don't text during irregular hours, and don't use shorthand texts. Aim
for a professional tone instead.
• Add a disclaimer in your initial text message about possibly incurring
data and message charges if customers don't have unlimited plans for
their subscription.
Mobile Web:
• This refers to the pages that are arranged to fit the mobile screen
sizes (both smartphones and tablets).
• Since more users prefer to access their mobile devices rather than
desktops, it is easier to reach a higher number of target audience.
• Modern ad contents like video ads and other rich media versions help
in offering enhanced ad experience.
In- App:
• Apps are easy to download and navigate and are highly preferred by
present-day mobile users.
• In-App advertisements are those that are visible within these apps.
• These are specifically designed to target user behavior and
preferences and to give them the best browsing experience.
• Ad formats (as discussed in the subsequent sections) rely on the
platform being chosen.
Types of Mobile Advertise
Video ads:
• As digital technologies make video-watching possible on mobile
devices, you could create video ads to reach your target market in a
nonintrusive way.
• Contrary to being intrusive, many consumers consider video ads
entertaining and engaging.
• Your video ads can be part of your MMS messages that you send from
your mobile messaging service provider or website to your mobile
Types of Mobile Advertise
Mobile apps:
• Mobile consumers spend 82 percent of their time using mobile apps,
which makes app-based marketing or in-app advertising a popular
strategy among marketers.
• Facebook is an example of a third-party mobile app that enables you
to integrate your ads into the social media platform through
sponsored posts.
Mobile search ads
• These are ads that customers see when they do a basic search on
Google. Often ads will have extensions like click to call or maps to
help users find your business.
Types of Mobile Advertise
In-game mobile marketing:
• Mobile games can also host your mobile ads, which can be in the
form of banner pop-ups, full-page image ads or video ads that load in
between game time.
Location-based marketing:
• This allows you to send ads on users' mobile devices when they are
within a specific distance to your business or location. Fast food or
other specialty stores are using this strategy to promote brand
awareness among consumers.
Mobile ad campaign payments
• Pay Per Click(PPC)- Also known as Cost per Click (CPC) in some countries.
In simple terms, payments are made based on the number of times the ad
is clicked.
• Cost per Impression (CPI)-Payments are made for every new ad view.
• Cost per Action (CPA)- Payments are made for every completed action.
• Cost per View (CPV)- Payments are made every time an advertisement
pop up.
• Click-Through Rate (CTR)- refers to the number of clicks on a particular
• Cost per Mile (CPM)- Payments for every thousand ad views.
• Conversion Rate (CR)- Percentage of users taking the desired action
• Install Rate (IR)- Percentage of users installing an app.
Proximity marketing definition
• Proximity marketing is all about marketing to your consumer at the
right place, at the right time, with highly relevant and personalized
• Over the past year, we have seen a number of brands ranging from
casinos to theme parks, opt-in to enhance their customer
experience using proximity marketing technologies.
• Also known as ‘hyperlocal marketing’, proximity marketing involves
targeting potential consumers with personalized adverts based on
how near a consumer (or device) is to a specific location and enticing
them to make a purchasing decision in the immediate future.
How does it work?
• Proximity marketing with beacons involves setting up a Bluetooth
enabled mobile device at a particular spot within the range of the
beacon and passing information in the form of text, images or video
via the respective mobile app.
• There are a number of must-haves required to employ this marketing
technique. They are:
How does it work?
1. First of all, the consumer should be using a Bluetooth-enabled
mobile device at the location where the proximity marketing technique
is being applied.
2. A beacon must be deployed in the area where the consumer is
currently located, in order to send out and receive marketing messages
or other information.
3. The targeted consumer should have downloaded the relevant
mobile application and installed it on his or her phone that is capable
of receiving push notifications.
Once the brand deploys a beacon in the spot chosen for promotion, the
communication occurs in 3 quick steps:
1. Device detection: A Beacon scans for Bluetooth enabled mobile
devices in its proximity range while it broadcasts its ID number
(which is unique to a particular beacon in that location) at regular
• The proximity-aware mobile app will also carry a list of ID numbers of
all the beacons that have been activated and will associate them with
their location.
• Once the device matches a beacon’s ID with the ID held in the
proximity-aware mobile app, it lets the app know that the beacon is
Once the brand deploys a beacon in the spot chosen for promotion, the
communication occurs in 3 quick steps:
2. Permission request: For each Bluetooth enabled mobile device detected
within the proximity range of the beacon, it will send requests to consumers
seeking permission to communicate with their mobile device.
3. Content upload: Once the consumer grants permission, depending on how
the app has been configured, it will then notify the consumer with an alert on
the lock-screen, displaying the corresponding message.
• Tapping on the message opens the app, at a screen displaying personalized
marketing messages including text, images, audio and video about products
found at that spot chosen for the promotion or a complementary product
found one aisle away.
Proximity Marketing Examples: Retail Companies
Nailing it with their Campaigns
• McDonald’s sought to enhance personal relationships with customers
as well as promote a new line of coffee-flavoured beverages by
leveraging a new proximity marketing strategy via beacons at its 15
cafés in Istanbul.
• As a part of this program, the chain tapped a popular Turkish loyalty
app called Shopping Genie, to target customers while they were
around the premises of a local McD Café.
• Customers got mobile coupons, via the app, which prompted them to
purchase a coffee and receive a beverage from the new drink line for
• This proximity marketing campaign via beacons helped McDonald’s
achieve 20% conversion rate with 30% of users who received the
Proximity Marketing Examples: Retail Companies
Nailing it with their Campaigns
• Red Bull rolled out beacon campaigns at 1400 Macs/Couche-Tard
convenience stores in Canada.
• Digital signage, one 32 inch screen and two 17 inch screens were used
within the store to inform users about the offers by Red Bull.
• Bluetooth beacons were deployed at the point of purchase, where
customers were waiting in line to pay or just moving around.
• These beacon notifications offered two Red Bull cans for $4!
• Apart from making a profit out of campaigns, Red Bull also monitored
the entire campaign in real-time and captured customer behaviour.
Proximity Marketing Examples: Retail Companies
Nailing it with their Campaigns
• Walmart launched a unique iBeacon trial in partnership with GE.
• The retail giant used GE light bulbs to house beacons and send push
notifications of specials and discount coupons to in-store customers.
• These beacon-equipped LED bulbs can track shoppers within a store
by using the beacons hidden inside them.
• This eliminated the need for such stores to buy separate beacon-
related hardware.
Mobile analytics
• Mobile analytics involves measuring and analysing data generated by mobile
platforms and properties, such as mobile sites and mobile applications.
• Analytics is the practice of measuring and analyzing data of users in order to
create an understanding of user behavior as well as website or application’s
performance. If this practice is done on mobile apps and app users, it is called
“mobile analytics”.
Mobile analytics
• Mobile Analytics measures users’ interaction with the app in addition to
metrics about the app itself, such as app installs, app launches, taps, screens,
events, app versions, flows, user retention, funnel analysis and more.
• Moreover, just like in web analytics, mobile analytics also tracks and
measures similar metrics on users such as how many new users used the app,
from which countries, using which devices and versions, whether they
followed a link on a marketing campaign or an application store search.
• Companies use mobile analytics not only for measuring and understanding
the app usage, but also use it as a tool for business and market research, and
to assess and improve the effectiveness of their mobile apps & services.
Why do companies use Mobile Analytics?
• It is always very important for businesses to measure their critical
KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), as the old rule is always valid: “If
you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
• businesses are super focused on measuring their sales funnels, user
profiles, demographics, crash rates, app open rates, user retention or
any other related data to their business, such as slipping away users,
time spent on the app or most popular paths to an in app purchase.
• To be more specific, if a business finds out 75% of their users exit in
the shipment screen of their sales funnel, probably there is
something wrong with that screen in terms of its design, user
interface (UI) or user experience (UX) or there is a technical problem
preventing users from completing the process.
Why do companies use Mobile Analytics?
• Another important topic for businesses is the advertising spend they
do. Through mobile analytics businesses can track and measure not
only the mobile app but also the effectiveness of their online and
offline marketing campaigns.
• If one marketing channel is better than others in terms of conversions
(app installs, sales, purchases, leads, etc.) why not spend more on it?
How does Mobile Analytics work?
• Most of the analytics tools need a library (an SDK) to be embedded
into the mobile app's project code and at minimum an initialisation
code in order to track the users and screens.
• SDKs differ by platform so a different SDK is required for each
platform such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone etc. On top of that,
additional code is required for custom event tracking.
• With the help of this code, analytics tools track and count each user,
app launch, tap, event, app crash or any additional information that
the user has, such as device, operating system, version, IP address
(and probable location).
Software Development Kit
• SDK. Stands for "Software Development Kit." An SDK is a collection of
software used for developing applications for a specific device or
operating system. Examples of SDKs include the Windows 7 SDK, the
Mac OS X SDK, and the iPhone SDK.
Examples of what is tracked
• SDK. Stands for "Software Development Kit." An SDK is a collection of
software used for developing applications for a specific device or
operating system. Examples of SDKs include the Windows 7 SDK, the
Mac OS X SDK, and the iPhone SDK.
What are Mobile Analytics Tools?
• Mobile analytics tools support analysis of mobile and web applications and
may correlate data across different applications and platforms.
• Mobile web analytics platforms supply insights about how site visitors
using applications via smartphones or tablets experience the app in their
mobile device's browser.
• App analytics for native smartphone applications allow developers to study
user interaction with the app and leverage this data to guide development.
• For mobile app analytics, the number of downloads is a key metric, as is
retention/app usage over time.
• For apps that monetize directly, mobile analytics may cover hard ROI as
• Many of the products in the next slide category have a free version or
freemium model, providing basic metrics at no cost to the user.
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Examples Mobile Analytics Tools
Optimizing A/B Tests
• A/B testing and analytics go hand-in-hand to power a well-optimized
• Analytics are particularly useful for measuring the intended goals
from an A/B test.
• Analyzing your data guarantees that your A/B tests impact your ROI.
• A/B tests are about trade-offs, so being able to see all your data is
one place will help you avoid unforeseen consequences.
Emerging Trends
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing
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Chapter 8- Mobile Marketing

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. How can you get started with mobile? • Users opt-in: • -On your website • -By texting a code & keyword • Send specific special offers: • -Weekly • -Monthly Specials • Engage with the customer: • -Feedback / Surveys • -Timed Promotions • -Coupon Redemption
  • 7. How can you get started with mobile? • Mobile Web Sites: • Optimized for mobile devices • Auto detects users • Serves branded content • Enhances users experience • Builds customer database • -Serves as the entry to your sales funnel
  • 8. How to promote your mobile campaign? Online •Special Web Promotion •Search Engine Marketing •Broadcast to existing lists •Social Media Channels •Blogs & Forums •Location Marketing Offline •QR Coupon -POS/Register -On receipt if capable -At entry & exit locations •Existing direct mail campaigns •Flyer insert / collateral
  • 9.
  • 10. Mobile Marketing: Opportunities 1. Mobile marketing has a great scope as people spend maximum time on their mobile devices and hence to reach customers has become easy. • Big brands have got their location based mobile apps developed in order to serve customers better. • These coupons come with a validity period which customers can use according to their convenience. • Customers don’t have to remember to carry these coupons wherever they go.
  • 11. Mobile Marketing: Opportunities 2. Since internet access, smart phone and tablets have brought entire world within our reach at any time, it has become easy for us to browse web for any information. • Maximum number of time people use their mobile to search web and gather information. • A company can tap a customer and interact with, when a customer is in actual need. • Hassle-free marketing and selling at the right time is the beauty of mobile marketing.
  • 12. Mobile Marketing: Opportunities 3. One can find brands marketing on news apps installed on mobile. • This is one of the indirect ways for online businesses to reach customers and advertise their products. • Mobile marketing leaves no opportunities to reach customers. • The direct way of advertising is sending bulk messages on text or internet messenger or mobile app.
  • 13. Mobile Marketing: Challenges/Risks Out of context/content ad: • First impressions are everything. If your ads give viewers a negative first impression, unfortunately, that is the one that will matter most. • So be sure to make your ad or content error-free. It’s very hard to fix a mistake before it’s seen, as mobile advertising is very fast in nature. Potential for bad user experiences: • Bad ads or content can go viral just as easily as good ones. • Review your ad or content carefully, perhaps even have multiple people review it and try to make sure that your ad will not be received in a bad way.
  • 14. Mobile Marketing: Challenges/Risks Possible navigation issues: • Consider this when designing mobile ads: About 80% of phones owned in the U.S. are smartphones, which means that around 20% of consumers are using standard cellphones. • While the user might be interested in your ad, some might not be able to access it. User costs (Data Usage): • This is one disadvantage that shouldn’t be overlooked. Although we see advertisements about unlimited data, that doesn’t mean that everyone has an unlimited plan. • Standard data and texting charges may apply to some of those seeing your ads, so be mindful of that.
  • 15. Mobile Marketing: Characteristics • Mobile marketing campaigns easy to plan and execute, regardless of your technical experience (or lack thereof). • Launching a mobile marketing campaign can be done very quickly, in as little as twenty-four hours. • Mobile marketing software tracks your deliveries, responses and conversion rates, so that you know just how effective your ads are. • You are able to market directly to your target audience through mobile marketing software interfaces designed to let you pick and choose who you send your ads to. • Subscribers control whether or not they receive your marketing ads. Therefore, your audience is willing and interested, as opposed to captive.
  • 16. Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should Have. 1. ONE TOUCH CONTACTING • Don’t force your customers to type when you can make their lives easier. Give your customers the ability to contact you with one touch. • The app image to the left, for instance, features one touch calling, directions, email, and web browsing. • ONE TOUCH CALLING is especially useful for customers. When it’s time to buy, they want to call and speak to someone directly. Why stand in their way? • Customers may also want to find your location on a map (and generate directions). • They also may prefer to email or text you. Mobile apps can make this easy.
  • 18. Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should Have. 2. QR CODE SCANNING • Every mobile marketing app should include a QR code scanner. • QR codes are an extremely powerful way to offer customers value via targeted discounts. • Your store should feature QR code discounts prominently displayed throughout, offering discounts only available via your mobile app. • And you display QR codes to facilitate downloading the app itself, not only in your store but in print advertising, web advertising, and your social sites.
  • 19.
  • 20. Best QR code generators • QR Codes are a quick way of engaging with potential users or bringing back existing users. • Scanning QR Codes do not need an app. Thanks to the iOS 11 update and Google Lens, both iOS and Android smartphones are capable of scanning a QR Code using the camera app • China’s QR penetration and success stories served as a proven case- study for the rest of the world • QR Codes need little or no initial investment. When done well, it delivers a rich consumer experience and boosts sales. • Choosing the right QR Code generator can have a major impact on the success on the campaign.
  • 21. #1. Beaconstac’s QR Code generator
  • 22. #2. QR Code Generator
  • 23. #3. QR Code Monkey
  • 25. 5. The QR Code generator
  • 28. Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should Have. 3. ONE TOUCH SHARING • Your customers interact socially. If they like your app, they’ll want to let their friends know about it. • So you should not only integrate your Facebook and Twitter pages in your app – you should give customers the ability to share the app on THEIR Facebook and Twitter pages. Take a look at the image of the app to the right for inspiration. • Most of your customers text, text, and text again. So enable sharing via texting as well.
  • 29. Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should Have. 4. GPS COUPONS • What are GPS coupons? They’re essentially discounts that are unlocked by repeated visits. • A mobile app with GPS coupons uses the GPS feature of smartphones to determine when a customer visits a business, then gives them credit for doing so. • After a preset number of visits is reached, the app unlocks a bonus. • For instance, a retail store could offer a 20 percent discount on all purchases. An eating establishment could give away a free appetizer or dessert. You get the idea. • Customers like GPS coupons because they reward them for being good customers.
  • 30. Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should Have. 5. PUSH MESSAGING • Push messaging is the game changer in mobile marketing, because customers read the vast majority of text messages they receive. • When they first download your app, customers will be given an option to receive your messages. If they opt in, you are free to message them whenever you want. How can you provide value via push messaging? • Announce special deals only available to app users • Provide real time limited offers , like a sale not previously announced that will only run that day • Send ‘insider information’ that helps your customers make decisions
  • 31. Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should Have. 6. COOL TOOLS TO IMPROVE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE • A realtor, for instance, can provide a mortgage payment calculator (a native function in some platforms). • A restaurant can provide a tip calculator. • A membership-based service can provide a registration and login function. • For instance, you can integrate a mobile-friendly weather page from any number of sources. • There is plenty of mobile-friendly information on other sites that can provide your customers value, and increase the functionality of your app.
  • 32. • Mobile marketing apps can also integrate web pages that already exist. • This is a powerful way to integrate useful, dynamic content from your website – as long as your site is mobile- friendly.
  • 33. Features Every Mobile Marketing App Should Have. 7. SHOPPING CART • Customers want to use your mobile app to buy stuff. You want them to as well. So include a shopping cart function that makes buying easy. • Include these seven features and customers will download and use your apps. Warren Buffet would call this a ‘sustainable competitive advantage.’ I call it a marketing revolution.
  • 34. Mobile Marketing Trends • Certain trends have become obvious, and ignoring them puts a serious damper on our branding results. • Here are mobile marketing trends that you absolutely have to pay attention to, and should consider implementing before we hit 2020.
  • 35. 1. Omnichannel Marketing • You have to keep in mind that not all mobile interactions start or end on your smartphone. Users are navigating from multiple devices. • Their buying journey may start through voice search on a smart assistant and continue on a mobile device. • We are living in an age where you can stream television through a smart fridge. • Times are changing and therefore your marketing efforts need to reflect that. • Here’s a detailed omnichannel marketing guide and how to implement it in your overall marketing strategy:
  • 37. 2. Visual Search • Some of marketing trends really start resembling sci-fi movies. • These days you can point your phone camera to any object around you to associate web search. • Google Lens is an image recognition technology developed by Google, designed to bring up relevant information related to objects it identifies using visual analysis based on a neural network. • If you haven’t got serious about visual marketing yet, this trend should have encouraged you to!
  • 39. 3. Ever Evolving Instagram Ads • Traditionally mobile-only, Instagram is growing by the day, and they have been getting into the advertising game for awhile as their user base increases. • Some bigger brands have been getting on board with the platform and started marketing from there, but the crowd is still pretty thin. • Instagram is adding new and new advertising options every year. • This year they are introducing ads inside their Explore section where users would go to discover new content and feeds. • Of course that means you should be putting a good amount of focus on your overall Instagram marketing strategy. If you haven’t launched one, it is a good time to start.
  • 40. 3. Ever Evolving Instagram Ads
  • 41. 4. Augmented Reality • Augmented reality (AR) works by overlaying virtual objects on top of a real-world environment (usually by using the camera on a smartphone). • If you experienced the hubbub of Pokemon Go, you witnessed augmented reality in action. • Other examples include IKEA Place offering you to virtually “place” IKEA products in your room and Timberland building a virtual fitting room (known as magic mirror).
  • 44. 5. Video Ads • Video ads are a little bit controversial right now. • The data still isn’t in on how effective they are, and different sources report wildly different success rates. • But there is no denying that more brands are using them, including on mobile marketing. • Platforms like YouTube are especially reliant on the advertising form. • You may want to consider jumping on the bandwagon and trying it for yourself.
  • 46. 6. Mobile Apps In Google Search Results • Google started blending their first-page search results to include mobile apps a couple of years ago. • Where you would normally see ads or universal search results in the top spots, you could find Google Play and iTunes recommendations right on the first page. • These days Google is also showing the whole section filled with related Google Apps including average ratings and price. • Advertisers are also welcome to advertise their official app right inside their sponsored listing. • Apps already make up a huge chunk of mobile usage these days. Even if you don’t have an app yet, it is worth making one just to take advantage of their popularity, and Google’s new promo guidelines.
  • 47. 6. Mobile Apps In Google Search Results
  • 48. 7. New Payment Systems • Payment systems are seriously changing. • Samsung has a payment platform that can be used almost anywhere, in spite of whether they are optimized for it or not. • Services like PayPal are being accepted from big names like Walmart. Smartphones have their own wallets, such as through Apple Pay. • It is no longer an option to ignore these new ways to pay, because customers would rather go with a brand that offers the choice. • MTN Momo, AirtelMoney, Vodafone Cash, Expresspay etc.
  • 49. 8. Customized Lifestyle Apps • What can we learn from products like the FitBit? That apps are no longer accessories, they are lifestyles. • People use mobile devices to reflect and enhance the way that they live, such as through fitness apps (FitBit, MyFitnessPal), financial assistance (Mint, Mint Bills), and even smart homes (iSmartAlarm). • You can promote your services by creating a lifestyle based app of your own.
  • 51. Mobile Marketing Devices • Mobile marketing devices are mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets, to which specific online marketing measures are targeted. • Knowledge of the technical features as well as the users and ways of using these devices is essential for the development of mobile marketing campaigns. • A smartphone is a special mobile phone that, in addition to the usual telephone function, offers additional services such as Internet access and applications, so-called apps.
  • 52. Distinction from other devices: Smartphones • In the meantime, the boundaries to other devices have become blurred. Smartphones are usually located at a size of about 4 to 5.3 inches. • Tablets, on the other hand, are between 7 and 12 inches in size. In between, so-called "phablets" or "smartlets" have established themselves, which can offer a size of approx. 6 inches.
  • 53.
  • 54. Functions: Smartphones • Telephone functions, SMS, MMS • VoIP (telephoning via Internet connection instead of mobile phone connection) • Use of a web browser • Dictation functions • Data storage • Listen to MP3 or radio • Create and edit photos and videos • Internet connection for the computer via tethering • Navigation features • Location-based functions • Use of games
  • 55. Apps: Smartphones • Smartphones are characterized by the fact that they can be expanded and customized with apps. • In January 2013, Google Play, the app store for Android smartphones, offered over 800,000 free and paid apps for download. • Apple's App store was able to record 775,000 app offers at this time. The Windows Phone platform was still lagging behind with only around 150,000 offers.
  • 56. Disadvantages: Smartphones • Many smartphones are very overloaded with functions and settings, making it difficult for less technically savvy users to find their way around. • Smartphone batteries are overburdened with performance-intensive services such as WLAN or GPS, often resulting in battery life of less than a day. • Vulnerability to malware increases with the number of third-party applications. Around 50 percent of smartphone owners do not use virus protection. • If the owner does not use a data flat rate, high connection costs can arise due to the constant, often independently established Internet connections. • For many consumers, the smartphone brings with it a constant availability that can sometimes even develop into an addiction.
  • 57. Tablet • A tablet is a mobile device that has similar functions to a smartphone, but is equipped with a larger display. • Due to the lack of a keyboard, the tablet is operated entirely via the touchscreen. • Today's tablets are offshoots of the former handheld PCs, which for a long time were more for private life than for organizing business. • In terms of appearance and features, they are very similar to smartphones. • Some models look like a mere enlarged version of the manufacturer's respective generation of smartphones (e.g. great similarity between the Samsung Galaxy SIII smartphone and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet).
  • 58.
  • 59. Functions: Tablet • Internet access via a browser • Listen to music and radio • Storing data in internal memory or on an optional memory card • Navigation via GPS chip (location services) • Installing Apps • Remote access to employer's systems such as ERP systems • Gaming • Recording and editing of images and video recordings • Sending e-mails or instant messaging messages
  • 60. Apps for Tablets • Many tablets can be expanded using third-party applications. • These can be downloaded free of charge or for a fee in so-called marketplaces. The three largest marketplaces offer a wide range of services: • Google Play for Android devices: over 800,000 apps • Apple Appstore for iOS Devices: over 775,000 Apps • Windows Phone marketplace for Windows Phone devices: approx. 150,000 Apps (as of January 2013)
  • 61. Disadvantages: Tablet • Many devices are not adequately protected against malware (e.g. viruses, Trojans) • Often confusing due to the variety of functions, especially when installing many apps • Costs for connecting to the internet via mobile phone provider (without flat rate) • Constant accessibility • Difficult to input data in text form (but still easier than with a smartphone) • Short product life cycles and high loss of value due to regular new developments • Difficult data exchange
  • 62. Importance of Mobile Marketing Devices for Mobile Marketing 1. In order for online marketing to have its full effect, it is important that the corresponding end device is taken into account in every measure. • For example, the display size of smartphones or tablets plays a role in banner advertising in mobile marketing. Likewise, landing pages and the homepage itself must be designed for use by mobile marketing devices.
  • 63. Importance of Mobile Marketing Devices for Mobile Marketing 2. Tablets have meanwhile become an important sales channel for mobile marketing. • 48.4 percent of tablet users use their device several times a month or even a week to purchase material goods via the Internet. • Media and software (50 percent), tickets (44.7 percent) and services (39.8 percent) are also frequently requested via the mobile device. • There are now special advertising campaigns for mobile users, mobile payment solutions and a large number of native shopping apps for tablets and other mobile devices.
  • 64. Importance of Mobile Marketing Devices for Mobile Marketing 3. The smartphone is also an important sales channel in e-commerce. In the target group of 18 to 39 years old, three out of four smartphone users already use their device for mobile shopping. • Users use their smartphone to surf on rating pages and read what others have to say about the desired product. • In this case, mobile marketing with the appropriate end devices as the goal helps to achieve conversions that are usually actually carried out on the desktop PC.
  • 65.
  • 66. Mobile application development • Mobile application development is the set of processes and procedures involved in writing software for small, wireless computing devices. • Like Web application development, mobile application development has its roots in more traditional software development. • One critical difference, however, is that Mobile apps are often written specifically to take advantage of the unique features a particular mobile device offers. • For instance, a gaming app might be written to take advantage of the iPhone's accelerometer or a mobile health app might be written to take advantage of a smartwatch's temperature sensor.
  • 67. Mobile application development • Mobile app development is the creation of software intended to run on mobile devices and optimized to take advantage of those product's unique features and hardware. • The types of mobile apps that developers create include native apps, hybrid apps and HTML5 apps. • The mobile app development business is set to grow to nearly $600 billion this year.
  • 68. Types of mobile apps and programming languages • Like desktop software, mobile apps are designed using a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. • While the most popular operating systems, iOS and Android, have done an excellent job of standardizing the types of mobile app development available for programmers, apps can still vary. • Here are some mobile app types: • Native apps • HTML5 apps • Hybrid apps
  • 69. Native apps • These are apps created for a specific platform (iOS or Android) using the software development tools and languages supported by those operating systems. iOS uses Xcode and Objective-C, whereas Android uses Eclipse and Java. • Developers often prefer native apps because of their ability to utilize a device's full potential. • With smart home devices becoming more ubiquitous, developers are creating unique applications that integrate things like wearables, IoT sensors and smart screens for personalized experiences. • Of course, development for each platform is easier said than done and is a costly and time-consuming process that doesn't work for all businesses.
  • 70. HTML5 apps • Based on the near-universal standards of web technologies namely, HTML5, JavaScript and CSS this type of mobile app takes a write once run anywhere approach to mobile development. • Apps developed in this framework are compatible with many platforms and require only minimal changes to ensure complete functionality in each operating system. • HTML5 apps can still send desktop notifications and trigger interactions through email and other avenues. • Don't discount web apps' usability, but keep in mind that users are more likely to use a native app. • A study from Oracle found that millennials spend 90% of their mobile time in apps, compared with 10% in web browsers.
  • 71. Hybrid apps • These apps entail the creation of a container developed in the native system that makes it possible to embed an HTML5 app within it. • This allows apps to make use of the diverse and unique elements of each native system. • Before creating your own branded app, consider instead utilizing already existing apps for greater impact. • For example, by using mobile-focused marketing on services such as Yelp, Facebook and Google Maps, you can drive traffic to both your website and brick-and-mortar location.
  • 72. 10 excellent platforms for building mobile apps • If you've ever wanted to build an app after thinking up a brilliant idea, you're in the right place. • Sure, the fear of coding can push you to not act on building your own app or to put off looking for the best app building software. Well, the good news is that it's easier than ever to enter the mobile app market, no coding knowledge or experience required. • Whether it's for your business, blog, product, service, or just something totally random, app creation software options are both plentiful and easy to find, if you know where to look. • With a small investment of time and a willingness to learn, you can create and manage your mobile site or application using one of the app building platforms listed below.
  • 73. 1. • Appery is a cloud-based mobile app builder that you can use to create apps for Android or iOS, and it includes Apache Cordova (Phone Gap), Ionic, and jQuery Mobile with access to its built-in components. • Since the builder runs in the cloud, there's nothing to install or download, and it's easy to get started quickly. • The Appery app builder includes a visual editor using drag and drop components to build the UI. • Appery auto-generates the code for any components you drop in. • You can connect to any REST API and use it in your app, and instantly add a cloud database and backend to your app if you need to store data. • Price: Plans start at $60/month for Pro, $135/month for Team, and custom pricing for enterprise solutions.
  • 74.
  • 75. 2. Mobile Roadie • Mobile Roadie is an app creator that allows anyone to create and manage their own iOS or Android app. Even better, the building happens in a very visual way. • The platform supports all media types, with automatic importing of RSS, Twitter, or Google News keywords, and an auto-refreshing fan wall for real-time communication with users. • When you start, you are presented with several layout options, but you can also customize any of them to your liking. • Mobile Roadie seems better fit for a brand or service, rather than product. • Price: Pricing available upon request.
  • 76.
  • 77. 3. TheAppBuilder • TheAppBuilder provides a suite of apps to suit employees, clients, events, and brochures, with two different approaches available. • This might be the platform to go with if you are designing an app as an intranet for a company. • You can build the app using the online toolkit, and either the training provided or TheAppBuilder itself will work with you to define and build the structure of the app and populate it with initial content. • The platform supports native iPhone, iPad, and Android, with updates going live within 60 seconds of submitting a change. • The update timing appears to be unmatched from other services. • Price: Pricing available upon request
  • 78.
  • 79. 4. Good Barber • Good Barber provides a platform to build iPhone and Android apps, along with optimized web applications. • For any of the platforms, you can control every detail of the app without writing out a single line of code. • Several highly customizable design templates are available to get started, with plenty of beautiful icons and access to Google Fonts. • You receive immediate visual feedback every time you adjust any parameters in your app. • Send unique, actionable push notifications and convert your readers into contributors by letting them submit articles, photos, and videos. • You can also organize your app and add sections ranging from videos, photos, sounds, live events, and more. • Price: Plans start at $32/month for Android apps and at $96/month for iOS apps.
  • 80.
  • 81. 5. Appy Pie • Appy Pie is a cloud-based DIY mobile app creation tool that allows users without programming skills to create an app for almost any platform and publish it. • There's nothing to install or download just drag and drop pages to create your own mobile app online. • All revisions are in real time, with the ability to send push notifications, monetize with ads, see live analytics, and track location with GPS. • You can also integrate social media feeds, blogs, websites, audio, radio, and more. • When using this platform you're presented with different themes, ranging from a restaurant to a radio station. • Price: Plans start at Free with ads and go up to $50/month for Platinum
  • 82.
  • 83. 6. AppMachine • AppMachine is an easy-to-use platform to build and design professional native apps for both iOS and Android. • Using the drag-and-drop interface, you can combine different building blocks that offer a variety of features, such as information, photos, and video. • The building blocks also let you link your app to Facebook, Twitter, or online stores. • You can design the app in your own unique style and choose your navigation paths, colors, fonts, and icons, taking complete control of layout and watching your progress using the Previewer. • AppMachine takes care of everything you need to get your app into Apple's App Store and Google Play. • Price: Plans start at $49/month per app on the Plus plan, but go up to $69/month per app.
  • 84.
  • 85. 7. GameSalad • GameSalad allows you to create and publish games for a variety of platforms, including iOS, Android, HTML5, and macOS. • Its drag-and-drop interface allows you to get started quickly, without the need for any programming knowledge. • It also aims to let you learn computer science through the building process. • The gaming app creator features a scene and actor editor, where you spend most of your game creation time, setting up actors in a scene and creating attributes, images, sounds, and navigating between actors. • GameSalad offers two plans, one geared for educators and another for developers. But both of these app builders allows you to create a game without writing a line of code. • Price: Pricing available upon request for developers and educators.
  • 86.
  • 87. 8. BiznessApps • BiznessApps provides a platform to help create mobile apps for a small business with a very simple process. • It provides a wealth of features, including ordering, a shopping cart, reviews, messages, dynamic content, third party integrations, push notifications, comprehensive analytics, and more. • The easy-to-use content management system allows you to create an app in minutes, and customize everything using pre-built designs or your own. • There are also real-time previews to check your progress as you design and develop your app. • Price: Plans start at $99/month for a Single App or $250/month for the Reseller Partner Program
  • 88.
  • 89. 9. AppMakr • AppMakr is a DIY app-creation platform that lets anyone craft iOS, Android, and HTML5 apps, with no coding knowledge required. • It was founded in 2009, and recently acquired by Infinite Monkeys, to now form one of the largest DIY app publishing platforms worldwide. • They state that they are the "original way to make an app. • You can make as many apps as you want, with unlimited updates, and utilize a number of features, including push notifications, high- resolution photo galleries, live updates, music and video streaming, chat rooms, Google Maps integration, shared events calendars, in-app shopping, and much more. • Price: Plans start at Free for the mobile website builder and go up to a $99/month for the App Pro plan.
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  • 91. 10. ShoutEm • ShoutEm offers an app builder with complete content management, powerful user engagement tools, and monetization options, coupled with a seamless publishing process. • All of this comes together to provide a robust solution for almost any app building scenario. • The interface builder offers many customization options, and each app can be tightly integrated with existing content sources such as WordPress, Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, and more. • The multiple monetization options mean you can quickly create a revenue stream from your app, providing an e-commerce experience, in- app subscriptions, deals, and coupons, with support for all major ad networks included. • You can publish your apps under your developer account to both iTunes and Google Play, and update your app or content in real time. • Price: Plans start at $59/month for Android, $99/month for iOS and Android, and $179/month for extra social and loyalty add-ons.
  • 92. Advantages of Apps Uninterrupted Internet access not required: • This is a major consideration if, for example, you are building a tourism app to be used by travelers who want to avoid data-roaming charges. • Travelers would be charged to browse a mobile site but not to access your app, once they have downloaded it.
  • 93. Advantages of Apps Better phone integration: • Generally apps can leverage a phone's features (such as its GPS and camera) better than a mobile site can. Platform-specific: • Apps are usually built for a specific purpose, whereas mobile sites will function the same across platforms. • A site will use a recognizable interface and the same navigation across any device. Which can be good or bad, depending on what you want.
  • 94. MOBILE WEBSITE • In the next year or two, mobile devices are expected to overtake desktop computers as the primary devices used to access in the Internet. • However, 87% of small businesses do not have a mobile-friendly website in place. • There's a clear need to make sure you provide a seamless and user- friendly experience for customers and prospects using smartphones and tablets. And, by doing so, you'll definitely have a competitive advantage. • But what are your options for mobile-friendly web design?
  • 95. WHAT IS A MOBILE WEBSITE? • Companies using this approach typically have two websites: • A desktop, or "full", site, which is found at your normal website URL (e.g.,
  • 96. WHAT IS A MOBILE WEBSITE? • And a separate site built specifically for mobile devices, which typically is found at a URL like: • or •
  • 97. PROS AND CONS OF MOBILE WEBSITES Pros Tailored experiences: • Mobile sites allow you to create different experiences for people that sit in front of a desktop computer and mobile-device users. • Your web analytics and customer research might show that mobile visitors access some information, like your phone number or address, very frequently; however, they rarely read your press releases. • Based on that research, your mobile website plays up your contact information as well as click-to-call and mapping features. • Press releases are removed, because mobile visitors aren't interested in them.
  • 98. PROS AND CONS OF MOBILE WEBSITES Pros Easy to implement for existing websites • Since a mobile website can be designed and developed independently of your main website, you can easily add a mobile-friendly website to supplement your existing website. Excellent performance • People expect websites to load in a few seconds. Mobile sites, being smaller than desktop sites, have fewer files that will need to be downloaded. That means they'll load quickly on mobile devices. • Plus, a mobile website won't be a data hog. For customers who subscribe to data plans, this is a nice perk. They won't have to worry about your site eating up too much of their allotted data.
  • 99. PROS AND CONS OF MOBILE WEBSITES Cons Missing content and features • For many people, a "lite" version of a website doesn't cut it anymore. Smartphones and tablets aren't always a "secondary" method of finding information online. • In some cases, they're the only way people find information online. • As a result, full content and features need to be available and accessible, regardless of device.
  • 100. PROS AND CONS OF MOBILE WEBSITES Cons Messy website addresses • With mobile websites, you run the risk of people ending up at the wrong website address. • Visitors should be redirected automatically, but that doesn’t always happen. • Plus, things start to get tricky when other websites link to your website. • A desktop user might end up on the mobile version of a web page, or vice versa, depending on where and how someone else grabbed and shared the link to that page.
  • 101. PROS AND CONS OF MOBILE WEBSITES Cons Multiple sites to update • Two websites equals twice as many website updates. • If you add 5 new products to your main website, you have to add 5 new products to your mobile website, too. • Dedicated mobile websites can be set up so that they are automatically updated when your main website is updated, but that's not always the case.
  • 102. PROS AND CONS OF MOBILE WEBSITES Cons Time- and resource-intensive support and maintenance • New mobile devices are introduced right and left. • You have to stay on top of emerging technology, so that your mobile website knows what devices to detect. • This research can be time-consuming, and the related maintenance costs for keeping your mobile website up-to-date can really add up.
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  • 105. SMS marketing • SMS marketing is the use of a mobile phone to send SMS (short message service) or text messages that contain promotional content, such as special deals, product updates, or any other marketing information directly to customers.
  • 106. How it works • SMS marketing is a permission-based strategy where customers opt in to receive marketing offers from you. • By texting a specially designated keyword to a short code, which is usually a 5-digit code, customers give your company permission to be added to your SMS database. • You could also get customers' approval to collect their number when you're on the phone with them or through a sign-up form on your website or at your physical store's register.
  • 107. Advantages of SMS marketing • Since text messages are generally opened within five minutes upon receipt, SMS provides you an instant way of marketing to your customers and building brand loyalty. • You can, therefore, leverage text message marketing to issue reminders, delivery notices, limited time or exclusive offers and redeemable coupons. It's also an effective method for engaging customers through polls or survey-type messages.
  • 108. Advantages of SMS marketing • SMS marketing allows you to personalize text messages for recipients of your messages. When you insert a customer's first name into your message, you're more likely to capture their interest and attention – in addition to generating a good response and conversion rate. • Another benefit you can get from text message marketing is that it has automated response functionality. Depending on the action your subscribers take, you can send messages automatically to their phones that would trigger a series of follow-up replies or actions from your SMS software to engage customers further.
  • 109. Advantages of SMS marketing • Last, but not least, most SMS marketing applications provide an option that allows for easy segmentation and management of your SMS database. • This makes SMS marketing a cost-effective business strategy that helps your team hit your SMS metrics.
  • 110. SMS Marketing Tips • Be clear in communicating what your SMS marketing campaign is all about: what types of SMS messages your customers will receive, how often they will receive them and how they benefit when they opt in. • Give subscribers who may no longer be interested in your notifications the chance to opt out anytime by including relevant instructions in your text campaigns from time to time. • Don't text during irregular hours, and don't use shorthand texts. Aim for a professional tone instead. • Add a disclaimer in your initial text message about possibly incurring data and message charges if customers don't have unlimited plans for their subscription.
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  • 112. MOBILE PLATFORMS FOR ADVERTISEMENT Mobile Web: • This refers to the pages that are arranged to fit the mobile screen sizes (both smartphones and tablets). • Since more users prefer to access their mobile devices rather than desktops, it is easier to reach a higher number of target audience. • Modern ad contents like video ads and other rich media versions help in offering enhanced ad experience.
  • 113. MOBILE PLATFORMS FOR ADVERTISEMENT In- App: • Apps are easy to download and navigate and are highly preferred by present-day mobile users. • In-App advertisements are those that are visible within these apps. • These are specifically designed to target user behavior and preferences and to give them the best browsing experience. • Ad formats (as discussed in the subsequent sections) rely on the platform being chosen.
  • 114. Types of Mobile Advertise Video ads: • As digital technologies make video-watching possible on mobile devices, you could create video ads to reach your target market in a nonintrusive way. • Contrary to being intrusive, many consumers consider video ads entertaining and engaging. • Your video ads can be part of your MMS messages that you send from your mobile messaging service provider or website to your mobile audience.
  • 115. Types of Mobile Advertise Mobile apps: • Mobile consumers spend 82 percent of their time using mobile apps, which makes app-based marketing or in-app advertising a popular strategy among marketers. • Facebook is an example of a third-party mobile app that enables you to integrate your ads into the social media platform through sponsored posts. Mobile search ads • These are ads that customers see when they do a basic search on Google. Often ads will have extensions like click to call or maps to help users find your business.
  • 116. Types of Mobile Advertise In-game mobile marketing: • Mobile games can also host your mobile ads, which can be in the form of banner pop-ups, full-page image ads or video ads that load in between game time. Location-based marketing: • This allows you to send ads on users' mobile devices when they are within a specific distance to your business or location. Fast food or other specialty stores are using this strategy to promote brand awareness among consumers.
  • 117. Mobile ad campaign payments • Pay Per Click(PPC)- Also known as Cost per Click (CPC) in some countries. In simple terms, payments are made based on the number of times the ad is clicked. • Cost per Impression (CPI)-Payments are made for every new ad view. • Cost per Action (CPA)- Payments are made for every completed action. • Cost per View (CPV)- Payments are made every time an advertisement pop up. • Click-Through Rate (CTR)- refers to the number of clicks on a particular link. • Cost per Mile (CPM)- Payments for every thousand ad views. • Conversion Rate (CR)- Percentage of users taking the desired action • Install Rate (IR)- Percentage of users installing an app.
  • 118. Proximity marketing definition • Proximity marketing is all about marketing to your consumer at the right place, at the right time, with highly relevant and personalized notifications. • Over the past year, we have seen a number of brands ranging from casinos to theme parks, opt-in to enhance their customer experience using proximity marketing technologies. • Also known as ‘hyperlocal marketing’, proximity marketing involves targeting potential consumers with personalized adverts based on how near a consumer (or device) is to a specific location and enticing them to make a purchasing decision in the immediate future.
  • 119. How does it work? • Proximity marketing with beacons involves setting up a Bluetooth enabled mobile device at a particular spot within the range of the beacon and passing information in the form of text, images or video via the respective mobile app. • There are a number of must-haves required to employ this marketing technique. They are:
  • 120. How does it work? 1. First of all, the consumer should be using a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device at the location where the proximity marketing technique is being applied. 2. A beacon must be deployed in the area where the consumer is currently located, in order to send out and receive marketing messages or other information. 3. The targeted consumer should have downloaded the relevant mobile application and installed it on his or her phone that is capable of receiving push notifications.
  • 121. Once the brand deploys a beacon in the spot chosen for promotion, the communication occurs in 3 quick steps: 1. Device detection: A Beacon scans for Bluetooth enabled mobile devices in its proximity range while it broadcasts its ID number (which is unique to a particular beacon in that location) at regular intervals. • The proximity-aware mobile app will also carry a list of ID numbers of all the beacons that have been activated and will associate them with their location. • Once the device matches a beacon’s ID with the ID held in the proximity-aware mobile app, it lets the app know that the beacon is nearby.
  • 122. Once the brand deploys a beacon in the spot chosen for promotion, the communication occurs in 3 quick steps: 2. Permission request: For each Bluetooth enabled mobile device detected within the proximity range of the beacon, it will send requests to consumers seeking permission to communicate with their mobile device. 3. Content upload: Once the consumer grants permission, depending on how the app has been configured, it will then notify the consumer with an alert on the lock-screen, displaying the corresponding message. • Tapping on the message opens the app, at a screen displaying personalized marketing messages including text, images, audio and video about products found at that spot chosen for the promotion or a complementary product found one aisle away.
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  • 127. Proximity Marketing Examples: Retail Companies Nailing it with their Campaigns • McDonald’s sought to enhance personal relationships with customers as well as promote a new line of coffee-flavoured beverages by leveraging a new proximity marketing strategy via beacons at its 15 cafés in Istanbul. • As a part of this program, the chain tapped a popular Turkish loyalty app called Shopping Genie, to target customers while they were around the premises of a local McD Café. • Customers got mobile coupons, via the app, which prompted them to purchase a coffee and receive a beverage from the new drink line for free. • This proximity marketing campaign via beacons helped McDonald’s achieve 20% conversion rate with 30% of users who received the promotion!
  • 128. Proximity Marketing Examples: Retail Companies Nailing it with their Campaigns • Red Bull rolled out beacon campaigns at 1400 Macs/Couche-Tard convenience stores in Canada. • Digital signage, one 32 inch screen and two 17 inch screens were used within the store to inform users about the offers by Red Bull. • Bluetooth beacons were deployed at the point of purchase, where customers were waiting in line to pay or just moving around. • These beacon notifications offered two Red Bull cans for $4! • Apart from making a profit out of campaigns, Red Bull also monitored the entire campaign in real-time and captured customer behaviour.
  • 129. Proximity Marketing Examples: Retail Companies Nailing it with their Campaigns • Walmart launched a unique iBeacon trial in partnership with GE. • The retail giant used GE light bulbs to house beacons and send push notifications of specials and discount coupons to in-store customers. • These beacon-equipped LED bulbs can track shoppers within a store by using the beacons hidden inside them. • This eliminated the need for such stores to buy separate beacon- related hardware.
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  • 132. Mobile analytics • Mobile analytics involves measuring and analysing data generated by mobile platforms and properties, such as mobile sites and mobile applications. • Analytics is the practice of measuring and analyzing data of users in order to create an understanding of user behavior as well as website or application’s performance. If this practice is done on mobile apps and app users, it is called “mobile analytics”.
  • 133. Mobile analytics • Mobile Analytics measures users’ interaction with the app in addition to metrics about the app itself, such as app installs, app launches, taps, screens, events, app versions, flows, user retention, funnel analysis and more. • Moreover, just like in web analytics, mobile analytics also tracks and measures similar metrics on users such as how many new users used the app, from which countries, using which devices and versions, whether they followed a link on a marketing campaign or an application store search. • Companies use mobile analytics not only for measuring and understanding the app usage, but also use it as a tool for business and market research, and to assess and improve the effectiveness of their mobile apps & services.
  • 134. Why do companies use Mobile Analytics? • It is always very important for businesses to measure their critical KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), as the old rule is always valid: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” • businesses are super focused on measuring their sales funnels, user profiles, demographics, crash rates, app open rates, user retention or any other related data to their business, such as slipping away users, time spent on the app or most popular paths to an in app purchase. • To be more specific, if a business finds out 75% of their users exit in the shipment screen of their sales funnel, probably there is something wrong with that screen in terms of its design, user interface (UI) or user experience (UX) or there is a technical problem preventing users from completing the process.
  • 135. Why do companies use Mobile Analytics? • Another important topic for businesses is the advertising spend they do. Through mobile analytics businesses can track and measure not only the mobile app but also the effectiveness of their online and offline marketing campaigns. • If one marketing channel is better than others in terms of conversions (app installs, sales, purchases, leads, etc.) why not spend more on it?
  • 136. How does Mobile Analytics work? • Most of the analytics tools need a library (an SDK) to be embedded into the mobile app's project code and at minimum an initialisation code in order to track the users and screens. • SDKs differ by platform so a different SDK is required for each platform such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone etc. On top of that, additional code is required for custom event tracking. • With the help of this code, analytics tools track and count each user, app launch, tap, event, app crash or any additional information that the user has, such as device, operating system, version, IP address (and probable location).
  • 137. Software Development Kit • SDK. Stands for "Software Development Kit." An SDK is a collection of software used for developing applications for a specific device or operating system. Examples of SDKs include the Windows 7 SDK, the Mac OS X SDK, and the iPhone SDK.
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  • 139. Examples of what is tracked • SDK. Stands for "Software Development Kit." An SDK is a collection of software used for developing applications for a specific device or operating system. Examples of SDKs include the Windows 7 SDK, the Mac OS X SDK, and the iPhone SDK.
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  • 141. What are Mobile Analytics Tools? • Mobile analytics tools support analysis of mobile and web applications and may correlate data across different applications and platforms. • Mobile web analytics platforms supply insights about how site visitors using applications via smartphones or tablets experience the app in their mobile device's browser. • App analytics for native smartphone applications allow developers to study user interaction with the app and leverage this data to guide development. • For mobile app analytics, the number of downloads is a key metric, as is retention/app usage over time. • For apps that monetize directly, mobile analytics may cover hard ROI as well. • Many of the products in the next slide category have a free version or freemium model, providing basic metrics at no cost to the user.
  • 166. Optimizing A/B Tests • A/B testing and analytics go hand-in-hand to power a well-optimized app. • Analytics are particularly useful for measuring the intended goals from an A/B test. • Analyzing your data guarantees that your A/B tests impact your ROI. • A/B tests are about trade-offs, so being able to see all your data is one place will help you avoid unforeseen consequences.