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chemical and physical features of seawater and the
world ocean
The nature of water
 Atom: The basic unit of
 The smallest unit into
which an element can be
divided and still retain
its properties
The nature of water
 Element: A substance composed entirely of one type of
 Molecule: Larger particle composed of two or more
atoms chemically bonded together
The nature of water
 Hydrogen bonds: Weak
bonds between polar
 polar molecule: a
molecule with uneven
distribution of charge
 The reason for water’s
unique properties
States of Water
 Liquid, Gas/Vapor, and Solid/Crystalline
 Water is the only substance that naturally occurs in all
three forms
States of Water
 Liquid -> Gas/Vapor
 Evaporation: The breaking of hydrogen bonds allows
water to change from the liquid phase into the gaseous
States of Water
 Gas/Vapor -> Liquid
 Condensation: The formation of hydrogen bonds
allows water molecules to come together and change
from a gaseous phase to a liquid phase
States of Water
 Solid -> Gas/Vapor
 Sublimation: The
direct change in
phase from a solid to
a gas without a
change in phase to a
liquid in between
States of Water
States of Water
 Density = Mass/Volume
 Water is the only known substance that is less dense as
a solid than it is as a liquid
Heat and Water
 Latent heat of melting:
The amount of heat
required to melt a
 highest among
common substances
 due to hydrogen
Heat and Water
 Heat capacity: The amount of heat needed to raise a
substance’s temperature by a given amount
 reflects how much heat a substance can store
 water can absorb large amounts of heat without altering
 why water is used a common coolant
 ex. car engines
Heat and Water
 Latent heat of evaporation: the amount of heat energy
that is needed to evaporate a substance
 water has a high latent heat of evaporation
 also due to hydrogen bonding
 Only fastest moving bonds are broken, allowing those
molecules with more energy to evaporate
 lower energy molecules are left behind
Heat and Water
 Evaporative cooling: the lower
speed and therefore lower
temperature of molecules
remaining in the liquid phase
after evaporation of the fastest
 how evaporating sweat cools our
Water as a Solvent
 Seawater is a solution: A mixture consisting of two
parts a solvent and a solute which is evenly dissolved
throughout the mixture
 The solute is the substance being dissolved
 The solvent is the substance that causes the dissolving
Water as a Solvent
 Often considered
the “Universal
 can dissolve more
things than any
other natural
Water as a Solvent
 Salts: Substances made up of particles with opposite
 Ions: Electrically charged particles that result from the
loss or gain of an electron
 ex. NaCl -> Na+ and Cl-
Water as a Solvent
 Dissociation: The separation of two oppositely charged
particles in a substance into their individual ions
 ex. NaCl -> Na+ and Cl-
 The characteristics of
seawater are due to two
 1. the nature of pure water
 2. the materials dissolved in
the water
 Some of the material
dissolved in seawater is
the result of weathering
of surrounding rocks
 Weathering: the
physical or chemical
breakdown of rocks
 Salinity: The total amount of
salt dissolved in seawater
 Salinity is usually defined as the
amount of salt in grams that
remains when 1,000 grams of
seawater are evaporated
 ex. 35 g remains, 35 parts per
1000 or 35 ppt
 this is the average salinity of the
 Today electronic equipment is used to measure salinity
 The conductivity of seawater is a good indicator of its
salinity - ions are charged
 Organisms are affected by the concentration of salts
and the types of salt found in particular seawater
 ex. Cl usually makes up 55.03% no matter what else is
 This idea is called the rule of constant proportions
 relative amounts of the various ions in seawater are
always the same
 Water is primarily
removed by evaporation
and less by freezing
 when seawater freezes,
the ions are excluded
from the ice
 ice is almost pure water
 Water is added by
Salinity, Temperature, Density
 Temperature and salinity effect water’s density
 it gets denser as it gets saltier, colder or both
 Temperature in the open ocean varies from -2°C 30°C
 Temperature varies more than salinity
Salinity, Temperature, Density
 Sampling Bottles - measure temperature and salinity
 ex. Niskin bottles
 set up a rack with multiple bottles attached at different
locations, measure many depths at once
Salinity, Temperature, Density
Salinity, Temperature, Density
 Water column: a
vertical shaft of water
extending downward
from the surface
Salinity, Temperature, Density
 Profile: a plot that shows temperature, salinity, or any
other characteristic of seawater at various depths in a
water column
Salinity, Temperature, Density
 Today electronic sensors are
more commonly:
 CTDs: Conductivity-
Temperature-Depth meters
 XBTs: Expendable
 disposable, temperature
 Problem: only measure one
location at a time
 Organisms on land, at sea level, are under 1 atm of
pressure, or the pressure of the atmosphere above
 Organisms in the water are under pressure from the
atmosphere and the water above them
 Every 10 ft of depth, 1 atm of pressure is added
 Problem for fish as well
 gas bladder
Buoyancy in Fish – Bony Fish
Buoyancy in Fish – Cartilaginous Fish
Dissolved Gases
 3 most important for living organisms:
 1. Oxygen (O2)
 2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
 3. Nitrogen (N2)
Dissolved Gases
 Gas exchange: the movement of gases between the
atmosphere and the ocean
 Gases dissolve better in cold water
 Oxygen is not very soluble
 The amount of oxygen in the water is strongly affected
by organisms through the processes of photosynthesis
and respiration
Dissolved Gases
Dissolved Gases
 Photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy ---> C6H12O6
+ 6O2
 Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O +
Dissolved Gases
 CO2 is more easily dissolved, because it chemically
reacts with water
 makes up more than 80% of the dissolved gas in the
 only makes up 0.04% of air
 Makes the ocean critical to understanding the effects
of human activities on the earth’s climate
 Water is transparent
 allows sunlight to enter
 allows for photosynthesis to occur and life to continue
 Not all colors penetrate seawater equally
 Clear ocean water is most transparent to blue light
 Other colors are absorbed more than blue, so as the
depth increases only blue light can get through
 The transparency of
water is greatly affected
by the material
suspended in the water
and the gases dissolved
in the water
The Coriolis Effect
 The Earth is round, therefore anything that moves
over the surface tends to turn at least a little and
does not move directly in a straight line.
 This bending is called the Coriolis Effect
 named after Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis who discovered it
in 1835
The Coriolis Effect
 In the Northern Hemisphere always turns to the right
 In the Southern Hemisphere always turns to the left
Wind Patterns
 winds in our atmosphere are driven by heat energy
from the sun
 As solar energy heats the Equator the air there
becomes less dense and rises.
 Surrounding air gets sucked in to replace the risen air,
creating wind
 The winds are bent due to the Coriolis effect
Wind Patterns
 These winds near
the Equator are
called trade
 approach the
Equator at 45
 least variable of
the winds
Wind Patterns
 Other winds
tend to be
more variable
 Middle
latitudes -
 High latitudes
- polar
Surface Currents
 All major surface currents of the ocean are driven by
the wind
Surface Currents
 Due to the Coriolis effect,
when the wind moves off,
the water is pushed off at a
45 degree angle
 The top layer of water then
pushes on the next layer and
again the Coriolis effect
comes into play
 The next layer moves more
slowly and slightly towards
the right of the top layer
Surface Currents
 Each successive layer in the water column follows this
 Forms a pattern called the Ekman spiral after the
Swedish oceanographer who discovered it
 ekman spiral
Surface Currents
 At a depth of a
few 100 meters
the effect of the
wind is not felt
at all
 The upper part
of the water
column that is
affected by the
wind is called
the Ekman layer
Surface Currents
 Taken as a whole the
Ekman layer moves at 90
degrees from the wind
direction in a process
known as Ekman
 Equatorial currents move
parallel to the equator
Surface Currents
 Under the influence of the Coriolis effect the wind-
driven surface currents combine into huge, more or
less circular systems called gyres
 particularly good at carrying heat due to water’s high
heat capacity
Surface Currents
Surface Currents
 Large scale fluctuations in current patterns such as El
Nino can dramatically affect weather around the world
Three-Layered Ocean
 Surface layer: 100-200m
 mixed by wind, waves and
 “mixed layer”
 heated by the sun
 The warmer water floats in a
shallow “lens” on top and
there is a sharp transition to
the cooler water below
Three-Layered Ocean
 The ocean is stratified, layered based on density
Three-Layered Ocean
Three Layered Ocean
 Thermocline: sudden changes
in temperature over small
depth intervals
 When the weather cools, the
thermocline breaks down by
winds, waves and currents
Three Layered Ocean
 Intermediate Layer: below the surface level
 1,000-1,500 m in depth (200 – 1,200/1,700 m from the
 main thermocline: a zone of transition between warm
surface water and the cold water below
 rarely breaks down
 feature of the open ocean
Three-Layered Ocean
Three-Layered Ocean
 Deep/Bottom Layer: Technically different, similar in
being uniformly cold
 typically less than 4°C
Stability and Overturn
 How stable the water column is
depends on the density difference
between the layers
 A more stable water column has
greater differences in density and
requires more energy to mix the
Stability and Overturn
 Sometimes the columns become unstable, meaning
the surface water is more dense than the water below
 the surface water sinks causing downwelling
 this water displaces and mixes with deeper water
Stability and Overturn
 Process is known as overturn
 Scientists identify overturn by looking at straight line
 When difference is only slight and mixing occurs,
important for the productivity of temperate and polar
Stability and Overturn
 When large amounts of downwelling occurs, the
salinity of that area is changed
 once it has sunk, temperature and salinity do not
Stability and Overturn
 From this point on the volume of water or water mass
has a “fingerprint” - a characteristic combination of
temperature and salinity
 This is called Thermohaline circulation
Great Ocean Conveyor
 Overturn rarely reaches the ocean bottom, only in a
few locations - Atlantic Ocean, south of Greenland
and just north of Antarctica
Great Ocean Conveyor
 After sinking the water
spreads through the
Atlantic and to other
ocean basins
 Water eventually rises
back to the surface
 flows back to the
Atlantic where the cycle
begins again
 This is called the Great
Ocean Conveyor
Great Ocean Conveyor
 mixes the oceans
about every 4,000
 critical to regulating
the earth’s climate
 brings dissolved
oxygen to the deep sea
Great Ocean Conveyor
 It is thought that alterations in the conveyor have
produced rapid climate changes, even ice ages, in the
 Wind causes waves
 Wave: the undulation that forms as a disturbance
moves along the surface of the water
 Crest: The highest
part of the wave
 under a crest the
water moves up
and forward
 Trough: The lowest
part of the wave
 under a trough the
water moves down
and back
 Basically, water particles don’t go anywhere when a
wave goes past, they just move in a circle
 Waves carry energy, but not water
 The size of a wave is
usually expressed as
the (amplitude)
wave height: the
vertical distance
from trough to crest
 Wavelength: the horizontal distance between crests
 Period: the time the wave takes to move past a given
 The faster and longer the wind blows, the larger the
 The size of the wave also depends on fetch: the span of
open water over which the wind blows
 Seas: While the wind is blowing it pushes the wave
crests up into sharp peaks and “stretches out” the
troughs, these waves are called seas
 Waves move away from where they are generated
slightly faster than the speed of the wind
 Once away from the wind they settle into swells
 smoothly rounded crests and troughs
 As waves approach the shoreline and reach shallow
water, they begin to “feel” the bottom of the ocean
 The bottom forces the water particles to move in
elongated ellipses instead of circles, which slows the
 As the waves behind catch up the waves get closer
together, giving a shorter wavelength
 As the waves behind
catch up the waves get
closer together, giving a
shorter wavelength
 These waves pile up -
higher and steeper
 Eventually topple over
or “break” - creating
 When two crests of two waves collide, they add
together producing a higher wave
 This is called Wave Reinforcement
 Sometimes producing rogue waves that appear to rise
up out of nowhere
 When a crest and a trough collide, they cancel each
other out
 This is called wave cancellation
 The dominant force on near
shore sea life.
 They alternately expose and
submerge organisms on the
shore, drive the circulation
of bays and estuaries,
trigger spawning and
influence the lives of marine
organisms in countless
other ways
 The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the
moon and sun/and the rotations of the sun, moon and
 The earth and moon both rotate around a common
point, their combined center of mass
 This rotation produces a centrifugal force
 Centrifugal force: The force that
tends to push a body away from the
center of rotation
 force that pushes you outward on a
 balances the gravitational
attraction between the earth and
 without it the two would either fly
away from each other or crash
 centrifugal force and the moon’s gravity are not in
perfect balance everywhere along the earth’s surface
 the side of the earth nearest the moon, the moon’s
gravity is stronger
 pulls water towards the moon
 side away from the moon
 centrifugal force is stronger
 pushes water away from the moon
 Earth is spinning on its axis
 any given point on the earth’s surface will be the first
under a bulge then away from a bulge
 high tide occurs when that point is under the bulge
 Earth takes 24 hours to complete a rotation
 Moon advances a little on its orbit every day
 full tidal cycle takes 24 hours and 50 minutes
 Tidal range: difference in water level between
successive high and low tides
 Sun produces tidal bulges in the same way as the moon
 Sun is larger than the moon but 400 times further
 effect of the sun on the tides is half that of the moon
 When the sun and the moon are in line with each
other, full moons and new moons the effects are added
 tidal range becomes large
 spring tides: the
tides with a large
tidal wave, occur
around the time of
new or full moons
 occur once every
two weeks
 When the sun and moon
are at right angles their
effects partially cancel
each other
 Neap Tides: tides with a
small tidal range
 Occurs when the moon is
in quarter (first or third)
 Tides in the real world
behave slightly
 They vary based on:
 1. location
 2. shape of the basin
 3. depth of the basin
 There are three types of tidal occurrences:
 1. semi-diurnal
 2. mixed semi-diurnal
 3. diurnal
 Semidiurnal tides: A tidal pattern with two high and
two low tides each day
 East coast of N. America most of Europe and Africa
 Mixed Semidiurnal tides: A tidal pattern with two
successive high tides of different heights each day
 West coast of N. America and Canada
 Diurnal tides: One high and one low tide every day
 uncommon
 coast of Antarctica and parts of the Gulf of Mexico
Caribbean and Pacific
 Tide Tables: A table that gives the predicted time and
height of tides for particular points along a coast
 give values for one particular place
 Effected by channels, reefs, basins and other local
 Weather patterns also effect tides
 strong winds, can pile water up on shore

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Chapter 3-seawater-160218031855

  • 1. chemical and physical features of seawater and the world ocean
  • 2.
  • 3. The nature of water  Atom: The basic unit of matter  The smallest unit into which an element can be divided and still retain its properties
  • 4. The nature of water  Element: A substance composed entirely of one type of atom  Molecule: Larger particle composed of two or more atoms chemically bonded together
  • 5. The nature of water  Hydrogen bonds: Weak bonds between polar molecules  polar molecule: a molecule with uneven distribution of charge  The reason for water’s unique properties
  • 6.
  • 7. States of Water  Liquid, Gas/Vapor, and Solid/Crystalline  Water is the only substance that naturally occurs in all three forms
  • 8. States of Water  Liquid -> Gas/Vapor  Evaporation: The breaking of hydrogen bonds allows water to change from the liquid phase into the gaseous phase
  • 9. States of Water  Gas/Vapor -> Liquid  Condensation: The formation of hydrogen bonds allows water molecules to come together and change from a gaseous phase to a liquid phase
  • 10. States of Water  Solid -> Gas/Vapor  Sublimation: The direct change in phase from a solid to a gas without a change in phase to a liquid in between
  • 12. States of Water  Density = Mass/Volume  Water is the only known substance that is less dense as a solid than it is as a liquid
  • 13.
  • 14. Heat and Water  Latent heat of melting: The amount of heat required to melt a substance  highest among common substances  due to hydrogen bonding
  • 15. Heat and Water  Heat capacity: The amount of heat needed to raise a substance’s temperature by a given amount  reflects how much heat a substance can store  water can absorb large amounts of heat without altering much  why water is used a common coolant  ex. car engines
  • 16. Heat and Water  Latent heat of evaporation: the amount of heat energy that is needed to evaporate a substance  water has a high latent heat of evaporation  also due to hydrogen bonding  Only fastest moving bonds are broken, allowing those molecules with more energy to evaporate  lower energy molecules are left behind
  • 17. Heat and Water  Evaporative cooling: the lower speed and therefore lower temperature of molecules remaining in the liquid phase after evaporation of the fastest molecules  how evaporating sweat cools our skin
  • 18.
  • 19. Water as a Solvent  Seawater is a solution: A mixture consisting of two parts a solvent and a solute which is evenly dissolved throughout the mixture  The solute is the substance being dissolved  The solvent is the substance that causes the dissolving
  • 20. Water as a Solvent  Often considered the “Universal solvent”  can dissolve more things than any other natural substance
  • 21. Water as a Solvent  Salts: Substances made up of particles with opposite charges  Ions: Electrically charged particles that result from the loss or gain of an electron  ex. NaCl -> Na+ and Cl-
  • 22. Water as a Solvent  Dissociation: The separation of two oppositely charged particles in a substance into their individual ions  ex. NaCl -> Na+ and Cl-
  • 23.
  • 24. Seawater  The characteristics of seawater are due to two things:  1. the nature of pure water  2. the materials dissolved in the water
  • 25. Seawater  Some of the material dissolved in seawater is the result of weathering of surrounding rocks  Weathering: the physical or chemical breakdown of rocks
  • 26. Seawater  Salinity: The total amount of salt dissolved in seawater  Salinity is usually defined as the amount of salt in grams that remains when 1,000 grams of seawater are evaporated  ex. 35 g remains, 35 parts per 1000 or 35 ppt  this is the average salinity of the ocean
  • 27. Seawater  Today electronic equipment is used to measure salinity  The conductivity of seawater is a good indicator of its salinity - ions are charged
  • 28. Seawater  Organisms are affected by the concentration of salts and the types of salt found in particular seawater  ex. Cl usually makes up 55.03% no matter what else is present  This idea is called the rule of constant proportions  relative amounts of the various ions in seawater are always the same
  • 29. Seawater  Water is primarily removed by evaporation and less by freezing  when seawater freezes, the ions are excluded from the ice  ice is almost pure water  Water is added by precipitation
  • 30.
  • 31. Salinity, Temperature, Density  Temperature and salinity effect water’s density  it gets denser as it gets saltier, colder or both  Temperature in the open ocean varies from -2°C 30°C (28-86°F)  Temperature varies more than salinity
  • 32. Salinity, Temperature, Density  Sampling Bottles - measure temperature and salinity  ex. Niskin bottles  set up a rack with multiple bottles attached at different locations, measure many depths at once
  • 34. Salinity, Temperature, Density  Water column: a vertical shaft of water extending downward from the surface
  • 35. Salinity, Temperature, Density  Profile: a plot that shows temperature, salinity, or any other characteristic of seawater at various depths in a water column
  • 36. Salinity, Temperature, Density  Today electronic sensors are more commonly:  CTDs: Conductivity- Temperature-Depth meters  XBTs: Expendable Bathythermographs  disposable, temperature measures  Problem: only measure one location at a time
  • 37.
  • 38. Pressure  Organisms on land, at sea level, are under 1 atm of pressure, or the pressure of the atmosphere above them
  • 39. Pressure  Organisms in the water are under pressure from the atmosphere and the water above them  Every 10 ft of depth, 1 atm of pressure is added  Problem for fish as well  gas bladder
  • 40. Buoyancy in Fish – Bony Fish
  • 41. Buoyancy in Fish – Cartilaginous Fish
  • 42.
  • 43. Dissolved Gases  3 most important for living organisms:  1. Oxygen (O2)  2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)  3. Nitrogen (N2)
  • 44. Dissolved Gases  Gas exchange: the movement of gases between the atmosphere and the ocean  Gases dissolve better in cold water  Oxygen is not very soluble  The amount of oxygen in the water is strongly affected by organisms through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration
  • 46. Dissolved Gases  Photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2  Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
  • 47. Dissolved Gases  CO2 is more easily dissolved, because it chemically reacts with water  makes up more than 80% of the dissolved gas in the ocean  only makes up 0.04% of air  Makes the ocean critical to understanding the effects of human activities on the earth’s climate
  • 48.
  • 49. Transparency  Water is transparent  allows sunlight to enter  allows for photosynthesis to occur and life to continue
  • 50. Transparency  Not all colors penetrate seawater equally  Clear ocean water is most transparent to blue light  Other colors are absorbed more than blue, so as the depth increases only blue light can get through
  • 51. Transparency  The transparency of water is greatly affected by the material suspended in the water and the gases dissolved in the water
  • 52.
  • 53. The Coriolis Effect  The Earth is round, therefore anything that moves over the surface tends to turn at least a little and does not move directly in a straight line.  This bending is called the Coriolis Effect  named after Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis who discovered it in 1835
  • 54. The Coriolis Effect  In the Northern Hemisphere always turns to the right  In the Southern Hemisphere always turns to the left
  • 55.
  • 56. Wind Patterns  winds in our atmosphere are driven by heat energy from the sun  As solar energy heats the Equator the air there becomes less dense and rises.  Surrounding air gets sucked in to replace the risen air, creating wind  The winds are bent due to the Coriolis effect
  • 57. Wind Patterns  These winds near the Equator are called trade winds  approach the Equator at 45 angles  least variable of the winds
  • 58. Wind Patterns  Other winds tend to be more variable  Middle latitudes - westerlies  High latitudes - polar easterlies
  • 59.
  • 60. Surface Currents  All major surface currents of the ocean are driven by the wind
  • 61. Surface Currents  Due to the Coriolis effect, when the wind moves off, the water is pushed off at a 45 degree angle  The top layer of water then pushes on the next layer and again the Coriolis effect comes into play  The next layer moves more slowly and slightly towards the right of the top layer
  • 62. Surface Currents  Each successive layer in the water column follows this pattern  Forms a pattern called the Ekman spiral after the Swedish oceanographer who discovered it  ekman spiral
  • 63. Surface Currents  At a depth of a few 100 meters the effect of the wind is not felt at all  The upper part of the water column that is affected by the wind is called the Ekman layer
  • 64. Surface Currents  Taken as a whole the Ekman layer moves at 90 degrees from the wind direction in a process known as Ekman transport  Equatorial currents move parallel to the equator
  • 65. Surface Currents  Under the influence of the Coriolis effect the wind- driven surface currents combine into huge, more or less circular systems called gyres  particularly good at carrying heat due to water’s high heat capacity
  • 67. Surface Currents  Large scale fluctuations in current patterns such as El Nino can dramatically affect weather around the world
  • 68.
  • 69. Three-Layered Ocean  Surface layer: 100-200m thick  mixed by wind, waves and current  “mixed layer”  heated by the sun  The warmer water floats in a shallow “lens” on top and there is a sharp transition to the cooler water below
  • 70. Three-Layered Ocean  The ocean is stratified, layered based on density
  • 72. Three Layered Ocean  Thermocline: sudden changes in temperature over small depth intervals  When the weather cools, the thermocline breaks down by winds, waves and currents
  • 73. Three Layered Ocean  Intermediate Layer: below the surface level  1,000-1,500 m in depth (200 – 1,200/1,700 m from the surface)  main thermocline: a zone of transition between warm surface water and the cold water below  rarely breaks down  feature of the open ocean
  • 75. Three-Layered Ocean  Deep/Bottom Layer: Technically different, similar in being uniformly cold  typically less than 4°C
  • 76.
  • 77. Stability and Overturn  How stable the water column is depends on the density difference between the layers  A more stable water column has greater differences in density and requires more energy to mix the layers
  • 78. Stability and Overturn  Sometimes the columns become unstable, meaning the surface water is more dense than the water below  the surface water sinks causing downwelling  this water displaces and mixes with deeper water
  • 79. Stability and Overturn  Process is known as overturn  Scientists identify overturn by looking at straight line profiles  When difference is only slight and mixing occurs, important for the productivity of temperate and polar waters
  • 80. Stability and Overturn  When large amounts of downwelling occurs, the salinity of that area is changed  once it has sunk, temperature and salinity do not change
  • 81. Stability and Overturn  From this point on the volume of water or water mass has a “fingerprint” - a characteristic combination of temperature and salinity  This is called Thermohaline circulation
  • 82.
  • 83. Great Ocean Conveyor  Overturn rarely reaches the ocean bottom, only in a few locations - Atlantic Ocean, south of Greenland and just north of Antarctica
  • 84. Great Ocean Conveyor  After sinking the water spreads through the Atlantic and to other ocean basins  Water eventually rises back to the surface  flows back to the Atlantic where the cycle begins again  This is called the Great Ocean Conveyor
  • 85. Great Ocean Conveyor  mixes the oceans about every 4,000 years  critical to regulating the earth’s climate  brings dissolved oxygen to the deep sea
  • 86. Great Ocean Conveyor  It is thought that alterations in the conveyor have produced rapid climate changes, even ice ages, in the past
  • 87.
  • 88. Waves  Wind causes waves  Wave: the undulation that forms as a disturbance moves along the surface of the water
  • 89. Waves  Crest: The highest part of the wave  under a crest the water moves up and forward  Trough: The lowest part of the wave  under a trough the water moves down and back
  • 90. Waves  Basically, water particles don’t go anywhere when a wave goes past, they just move in a circle  Waves carry energy, but not water
  • 91. Waves  The size of a wave is usually expressed as the (amplitude) wave height: the vertical distance from trough to crest
  • 92. Waves  Wavelength: the horizontal distance between crests  Period: the time the wave takes to move past a given point
  • 93. Waves  The faster and longer the wind blows, the larger the wave  The size of the wave also depends on fetch: the span of open water over which the wind blows
  • 94. Waves  Seas: While the wind is blowing it pushes the wave crests up into sharp peaks and “stretches out” the troughs, these waves are called seas
  • 95. Waves  Waves move away from where they are generated slightly faster than the speed of the wind  Once away from the wind they settle into swells  smoothly rounded crests and troughs
  • 96. Waves  As waves approach the shoreline and reach shallow water, they begin to “feel” the bottom of the ocean  The bottom forces the water particles to move in elongated ellipses instead of circles, which slows the wave  As the waves behind catch up the waves get closer together, giving a shorter wavelength
  • 97. Waves
  • 98. Waves  As the waves behind catch up the waves get closer together, giving a shorter wavelength  These waves pile up - higher and steeper  Eventually topple over or “break” - creating surf
  • 99. Waves  When two crests of two waves collide, they add together producing a higher wave  This is called Wave Reinforcement
  • 100. Waves  Sometimes producing rogue waves that appear to rise up out of nowhere
  • 101. Waves  When a crest and a trough collide, they cancel each other out  This is called wave cancellation
  • 102.
  • 103. Tides  The dominant force on near shore sea life.  They alternately expose and submerge organisms on the shore, drive the circulation of bays and estuaries, trigger spawning and influence the lives of marine organisms in countless other ways
  • 104. Tides  The tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun/and the rotations of the sun, moon and earth
  • 105. Tides  The earth and moon both rotate around a common point, their combined center of mass  This rotation produces a centrifugal force
  • 106. Tides  Centrifugal force: The force that tends to push a body away from the center of rotation  force that pushes you outward on a merry-go-round  balances the gravitational attraction between the earth and moon  without it the two would either fly away from each other or crash together
  • 107. Tides  centrifugal force and the moon’s gravity are not in perfect balance everywhere along the earth’s surface  the side of the earth nearest the moon, the moon’s gravity is stronger  pulls water towards the moon  side away from the moon  centrifugal force is stronger  pushes water away from the moon
  • 108. Tides
  • 109. Tides  Earth is spinning on its axis  any given point on the earth’s surface will be the first under a bulge then away from a bulge  high tide occurs when that point is under the bulge
  • 110. Tides  Earth takes 24 hours to complete a rotation  Moon advances a little on its orbit every day  full tidal cycle takes 24 hours and 50 minutes
  • 111. Tides  Tidal range: difference in water level between successive high and low tides
  • 112. Tides  Sun produces tidal bulges in the same way as the moon  Sun is larger than the moon but 400 times further away  effect of the sun on the tides is half that of the moon
  • 113. Tides  When the sun and the moon are in line with each other, full moons and new moons the effects are added together  tidal range becomes large
  • 114. Tides  spring tides: the tides with a large tidal wave, occur around the time of new or full moons  occur once every two weeks
  • 115. Tides  When the sun and moon are at right angles their effects partially cancel each other  Neap Tides: tides with a small tidal range  Occurs when the moon is in quarter (first or third)
  • 116.
  • 117. Tides  Tides in the real world behave slightly differently  They vary based on:  1. location  2. shape of the basin  3. depth of the basin
  • 118. Tides  There are three types of tidal occurrences:  1. semi-diurnal  2. mixed semi-diurnal  3. diurnal
  • 119. Tides  Semidiurnal tides: A tidal pattern with two high and two low tides each day  East coast of N. America most of Europe and Africa
  • 120. Tides  Mixed Semidiurnal tides: A tidal pattern with two successive high tides of different heights each day  West coast of N. America and Canada
  • 121. Tides  Diurnal tides: One high and one low tide every day  uncommon  coast of Antarctica and parts of the Gulf of Mexico Caribbean and Pacific
  • 122. Tides  Tide Tables: A table that gives the predicted time and height of tides for particular points along a coast  give values for one particular place
  • 123. Tides
  • 124. Tides  Effected by channels, reefs, basins and other local features  Weather patterns also effect tides  strong winds, can pile water up on shore