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After the Sale
Building Long Term
      Chapter 13
Important Questions Answered
   How important is service after the sale?

   How should salespeople stay in contact with

   Which sales strategies stimulate repeat sales and
    new business in current accounts?

   Which techniques are important to use when
    handling complaints?
Many people believe the emphasis in selling is on getting
the initial sale. For most salespeople, however, sales
increases from one year to the next are due to increasing the
revenue from existing accounts, not from getting new
accounts. Salespeople gain a competitive advantage by
maintaining strong relationships with their customers.
Eventually, when buying decisions need to be made, those
customers look to people they know. Customers are, of
course, the primary revenue source for companies. Many
people do not fully understand the value of a customer.
Customers are also worth more in terms of revenue than
some salespeople recognize. (contd.)

Successfully retaining customers is important to all
 companies. One study reported that 65 percent of the
 average company's business comes from current, satisfied
 customers. Another study found the cost of acquiring a new
 customer to be five times the cost of properly servicing a
 current customer and retaining that customer's business. Ye
 another study indicated that overall, customers are less
 satisfied than ever, so apparently many companies have
 failed to recognize the importance of customer satisfaction.
 Those industries that are losing customers as rapidly as they
 are finding new ones, now recognize the value of retaining

Stages of Partnerships


                              •Failure to
                              Competitors or

In the exploration stage, the relationship is defined
 through the development of expectations for each
 party. The buyer tests the seller's product, how the
 seller responds to requests, and other similar actions
 after the initial sale is made. A small percentage of
 the buyer's business is given to minimize the risk in
 case the vendor cannot perform. When the vendor
 performs well, trust is developed, as is a personal
 relationship. An unfavorable initial experience with
 the product or with the company may be extremely
 difficult to overcome.

Activities of Exploration Stage





The best way to begin a relationship is for each party to be
 aware of what the other expects. To a large degree,
 customers base their expectations on sales presentations.
 Salespeople should make sure customers have reasonable
 expectations of product performance. If the salesperson
 exaggerates the capabilities of the product or the
 company, the customer will be disappointed. Avoiding
 complaints by setting proper expectations is best. Long-
 term relationships are begun by making an honest
 presentation of the product's capabilities and eliminating
 any misconceptions before the order is placed.

Although many people may work on an order before it is
shipped, the salesperson is ultimately responsible, at least in
the eyes of the customer, for seeing that the product is
shipped when promised. Salespeople should keep track of
impending orders and inform buyers when the paperwork is
delayed in the customer's plant. Orders placed directly with
a salesperson should be transmitted to the factory
immediately. Also, progress on orders in process should be
closely monitored. If problems arise in filling the order, the
customer should be informed promptly; on the other hand, if
the order can be filled sooner than promised. Monitoring
order processing is critical to developing a partnership

Customer dissatisfaction can occur just after delivery
of a new product, especially, if the product is
technical or requires special installation. Customers
unfamiliar with the product may have problems
installing or using it. They may even damage the
product through improper use. Many salespeople
visit new customers right after initial deliveries to
ensure the correct use of the product. In this way
they can also help the customer realize the full
potential benefits of the product. It is still the
salesperson's responsibility, however, to make sure
that the customer service department takes proper
care of each new customer.
The first follow up a salesperson should do after the sale is
  a call to say thank you and to check to see that the
  product is working appropriately. Some salespeople use
  specialty advertising, or gifts imprinted with their
  company's name, to say thanks. But salespeople should
  also follow up regularly with their accounts to stay in
  touch with any changing needs or possible problems. In
  fact, failing to follow up is a major complaint that buyers
  have about salespeople. Regular follow up can be
  accomplished via
► Make personal visit
► Telephone
► Mail

Personal visits can be the most expensive form of follow-
up because of the time it takes to travel and because the
sales call will last longer than one conducted through
other means. A personal visit, though, can be extremely
productive because the salesperson can check on
inventories or the performance of the machine or other
aspects that can be accomplished only at the customer's
site. Plus, a customer may be more likely to disclose
more information, such as a minor complaint or
compliment, in a personal setting than over the phone.
Regular personal visits can also build trust, a key
component needed to move the relationship forward.

Between personal visits, it is often a good idea to
make contact via telephone. A salesperson can make
12 or more such calls within an hour, efficiently
checking on his or her clients. Telephone calls are
two-way communication, giving the customer an
opportunity to voice any concerns.

Many companies provide form letters or thank-you cards
to encourage their salespeople to follow up on new sales.
E-mail is also becoming a common form of customer
contact, with customers appreciating the opportunity to
choose when to read and respond to the salesperson's
contact. Although the objective may be to create a
functional relation­ship rather than a strategic
partnership, such follow-up is still necessary to remind
the customer that you are the salesperson with whom
they want to do business.

Handling complaints is critical to developing goodwill
 and maintaining partnerships. Complaints can occur at
 any time in the partnering process, not just during the
 exploration stage. Handling complaints properly is
 always important, but perhaps even more so in the early
 stages of a partnership. Attempts to establish
 partnerships often collapse because of shortsightedness
 in handling customer complaints. Some firms spend
 thousands of dollars on advertising but make the mistake
 of insulting customers who attempt to secure a
 satisfactory adjustment.

Reasons For Dissatisfaction
 Customers can be disappointed for any of the
  following reasons
► The producer performs poorly

► It is being used improperly

► The terms of the sales contract were not met.

Although salespeople usually cannot change the
  product or terms, they can affect these sources of

Techniques for responding to




Customers need to tell their stories without interruption.
 Customers want a sympathetic reaction to their problems,
 whether real or imagined. They want their feelings to be
 acknowledged, their business to be recognized as
 important, and their grievances handled in a friendly
 manner. Good salespeople show they are happy the
 grievance has been brought to their attention. The
 salesperson may express regret for any inconvenience.
 Agreeing with the customer as far as possible gets the
 process off to the right start.

Whenever possible, the salesperson should examine, in
 the presence of the customer, the product claimed to be
 defective. Encouraging the customer to pinpoint the
 exact problem is a good idea. The purpose of getting the
 facts is to determine the cause of the problem so that the
 proper solution can be provided. Experienced
 salespeople soon learn that products may appear
 defective when actually nothing is wrong with them. On
 the other hand, salespeople should not assume product
 or service failure is always the user's fault. They need an
 open mind to search for the facts in each case.

    The next step is to offer a solution. At this time the
     company representative describes the process by which
     the company will resolve the complaint, and the rep
     should then gain agreement that the proposed solution
     is satisfactory. Company policies vary, but many assign
     the responsibility for settling claims to the salesperson.
     Other companies require the salesperson to investigate
     claims recommend a settlement to the home office.
     Whatever the company policy, the customer desires
     quick action and fair treatment and wants to know the
     reasons for the action.
Possible Settlements
► Replace the product without cost to the customer.
► Replace the product and charge the customer for labor
  or transportation costs only.
► Replace the product and share all costs with the
► Replace the product but require the customer to pay
  part of the cost of the new product.
► Instruct the customer on how to proceed with a claim
  against a third party.
► Send the product to the factory for a decision.

The salesperson who has authority only to recommend an
adjustment must take care to report the facts of the case
promptly and accurately to the home or branch office. The
salesperson has the responsibility to act as a buffer between
the customer and the company. After the claim is filed,
contact must be maintained with the customer to see that
the customer secures the promised settlement. The
salesperson also has a responsibility to educate the
customer to forestall future claims. After a settlement to the
customer's satisfaction is a fine time to make some

Salespeople should continuously monitor customers' levels
 of satisfaction and perceptions of product performance
 because customer satisfaction is the most important
 reason for reordering at this stage in the relationship.
 When the customer is satisfied, an opportunity for further
 business exists. Complaints and dissatisfaction can occur
 at any time during the relationship, but handling
 complaints well during the exploration stage is one way to
 prove that the salesperson is committed to keeping the
 customer's business

The next phase of the buyer-seller relationship is
 expansion. When a salesperson does a good job of
 identifying and satisfying needs and the
 beginnings of a partnership are in place, the
 opportunity is ripe for additional sales.

Activities of Exploration Stage
 The ways to maximize the selling opportunity are
► generating repeat orders

►   Upgrading

►   Full-line selling

►   Cross selling

 In some situations the most appropriate strategy is
  to generate repeat orders Several methods can be
  used to improve the likelihood of reorders.




One important method of ensuring reorders is to
know how often and when the company makes
decisions. Buyers do not always have regular
buying cycles, which can make it difficult for
salespeople to be present at buying time. In these
situations the seller still wants to be present in the
buyer's mind. Two items that can help keep the
seller present are catalogs and specialty advertising

Most products need periodic maintenance and repair, and
some mechanical and electronic products require routine
adjustments. Such service requirements offer salespeople
a chance to show buyers that the seller's interest did not
end with the delivery of the product. Salespeople should
be able to make minor adjustments or take care of minor
repairs. If they cannot put the product back into working
order, they must notify the proper company
representative. They should then check to see that the
repairs have been completed in a timely manner and to
the customer's complete satisfaction.

An industrial buyer or purchasing agent may need help in
 choosing a proper grade of oil or in selecting a suitable
 floor cleaner. A buyer for a retail store may want help
 developing sales promotion ideas. Whether the buyer
 needs help in advertising, selling, or managing, good
 salespeople are prepared to offer worth­while suggestions
 or services. When you use your industry expertise to
 solve problems or develop opportunities for your clients
 that do not involve the sale of your product, you add
 value to the relationship, which can ultimately help you
 expand your business within the account.

 Salespeople are in a unique position to offer many
 types of assistance to the buyer. Providing special
 assistance is one hallmark of excellence in selling.
 Good relationships are built faster and made more
 solid by the sales­person who does a little something
 extra for a customer, performing services over and
 above his or her normal responsibilities

Upgrading, also called up-selling, is convincing the
 customer to use a higher quality product or a newer
 product. The salesperson seeks the upgrade because the
 new or better product serves the needs of the buyer more
 effectively than the old product did. Upgrading is crucial to
 companies. When upgrading, it is a good idea to
 emphasize during the needs identification phase that the
 initial decision was a good one. Now, however, needs or
 technology have changed, and the newer product fits the
 customer's requirements better. Otherwise, the buyer may
 believe that the seller is trying to take advantage of the
 relationship to foist off a higher-priced product.

Full-line selling is selling the entire line of
 associated products. The emphasis in full-line
 selling is on helping the buyer realize the synergy
 of owning or carrying all of the products in that

Cross-selling is similar to full-line selling except the
additional products sold are not directly associated
with the initial products. Cross-selling involves
leveraging the relationship with a buyer to identify
needs for additional products. Again, trust in the
selling organization and the salesper­son already
exist; therefore, the sale should not be as difficult as
it would be with a new customer, provided the needs

Tips for Effective Cross-Selling

When the buyer-seller relationship has reached the
commitment stage, there is a stated or implied
pledge to continue the relationship. Formally, this
pledge may begin with the seller becoming a
preferred supplier, which is a greater level of
commitment. Although preferred-supplier status may
mean different things in different companies, in
general it means that the supplier is assured of a
large percentage of the buyer's business and will get
the first opportunity to earn new business.

When firms reach the commitment stage, elements in
addition to trust become important. Trust may be
operationalzed in the form of shared risk. Along with
the dimensions of trust such as competence and
dependability and honesty (or ethics), there must be
commitment to the partnership from the entire
supplying organization, a culture that fits with the
buyer's organizational culture, and channels of
communication so open that the seller and buyer
appear to be part of the same company.

Commitment to the relationship should permeate both
organizations, from top management to the secretary who
answers the phone. This level of commitment means
devoting the resources necessary to satisfy the customer's
needs, even anticipating needs before the buyer does.
Senior management must be convinced of the benefits of
partnering with a specific account and be willing to allow
the salesperson to direct the resources necessary to sustain
the partnership Commitment also requires that all
employees be empowered to handle the needs of the

In the commitment phase of a partnership, the seller
 must take a proactive communication stance. This
 approach means actively seeking opportunities to
 communicate at times other than when the
 salesperson has something to sell or the customer
 has a problem to resolve. Partners are usually the first
 to learn of each other's new products, many times
 even co-developing those products. Salespeople
 should also encourage direct communication among
 similar functional areas.

Corporate culture is the values and beliefs held by senior
management. A company's culture shapes the attitudes and
actions of employees and influences the development of
policies and programs. A single salesperson will nor change
a company's corporate culture to secure a partnership with
a buyer, but the salesperson must identify the type of
culture both organizations hold and make an assessment of
fit. Although a perfect match is not necessary, the sales­
person must be ready to demonstrate that there is a fit.
Though not attempting to change a company's culture, the
salesperson who seeks a partnering relationship seeks
change for both.

           CHANGE AGENT
To achieve increasing revenue in an account over
 time, the salesperson acts as a change agent, or a
 cause of change in the organization. Each sale may
 involve some type of change, perhaps a change
 from a competitive product or simply a new version
 of the old one. Partnering, though, often requires
 changes in both the buying and selling
 organizations. Change is not easy, even when it is
 obviously beneficial.

Change and Resistance

Champions, also called advocates or internal
salespeople, work for the buying firm in the areas most
affected by the proposed change and work with the
salesperson to make the proposal successful. These
champions can build momentum for the proposal by
selling in arenas or during times that are off limits to
the salesperson. It is also important to recognize that
one change is the change in status from preferred
supplier to strategic partner. Salespeople can help
potential champions by providing them with all of the
knowledge they will need.

Positioning the change is similar to positioning a
 product in mass marketing. In this case, the
 salesperson examines the specific needs and wants of
 the various constituencies in the account to position
 the change for the greatest likelihood of success.
 Because salespeople are highly proactive in finding
 areas for improvement (or change) in their partners'
 organizations, positioning a change may determine
 who is involved in the decision.

The customer's needs may be beyond the
 salesperson's expertise. The salesperson must
 assess the situation and determine what resources
 are needed to secure the buyer's commitment. Not
 only allocation of personnel is enough, salespeople
 must manage other resources as well, such as
 travel and entertainment budgets or sample

The salesperson must determine a strategy for the
The salesperson must determine a strategy for the
proposed change and set that strategy against a time line.
This action accomplishes several objectives. First, the
strategy is an outline of planned sales calls, with primary
and minimum call objectives determined for each call.
Second, the time line provides the salesperson with
estimates of when each call should occur. Of course,
objectives and planned times will change depending on
the results of each call, but this type of planning is
necessary to provide the salesperson with guidance for
each call, determine when resources are to be used, and
make sure each call contributes to the visionary objective.

Time Line for Strategy

Too often salespeople believe that once a customer has
committed to a partnership less work is needed to
maintain that relationship. That belief, however, is
untrue. One study found that 55 percent of all strategic
partnerships dissolve within 3 to 5 years, and the rest
have a further life expectancy of only 3.5 years.
Salespeople who subscribe to the belief that partnerships
require less work fall victim to one or more common
problems. The final stage for partnerships is dissolution,
or breakup, but this stage can occur at any point, not just
after commitment. Several potential problems, including
main­taining few personal relationships, failing to
monitor competitor actions or the industry, and falling
into complacency, can lead to dissolution.

Salespeople tend to call on buyers they like; it is natural
 to want to spend time with friends. The result is that
 relationships are cultivated with only a few individuals
 in the account. Unfortunately for such salespeople,
 buyers may leave the organization, transfer to an
 unrelated area, or simply not participate in some
 decisions. Truly effective salespeople attempt to
 develop multiple relationships within an account. One
 benefit of multiple relationships is that different
 champions can be selected for each proposal.

No matter how strong the partnership is, competition will
 want a piece of the business. Accounts are most vulnerable
 when a personnel change occurs, when technology changes,
 or when major directional changes occur, such as a
 company starting a new division or entering a new market.
 Monitoring competitor action can be as simple as checking
 the visitor's log to see who has dropped by or keeping up
 with competitor actions and asking buyers for their
 opinions. Monitoring competition also means thinking
 about the benefits competitors offer, what their products do,
 and what their selling strategies are?

Similar to failing to monitor competition is a failure to
 monitor the industry in which either the salesperson
 or the customer operates. Salespeople often assume
 that the responsibility of monitoring the industry lies
 with someone else, either higher-ups in their own
 company or with the customer. But salespeople who
 fail to monitor both industries stand to miss
 opportunities that change creates. How does the
 professional salesperson monitor the industry? By
 reading trade magazines and by attending trade
 shows and conferences.

Perhaps the most common thief of good accounts is
 complacency. In sales terms, complacency is assuming
 that the business is yours and will always be yours. It is
 failing to continue to work as hard to keep the business
 as you did initially to earn the business.

How To avoid complacency
► Do I understand each individual's personal
  characteristics? Do I have these characteristics in my
  computer file on each account?
► Do I maintain a written or computerized record of
  promises made?
► Do I follow up on every customer request promptly, no
  matter how insignificant it may seem?
► Do I follow up on deliveries, make sure initial experiences
  are positive, and ensure that all paperwork is done
  correctly and quickly?
►     . Have I recently found something new that I can do
  better than the competition?
End of Chapter 13
Thank you

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Personal Selling: Chapter 13

  • 1. After the Sale Building Long Term Partnerships Chapter 13
  • 2. Important Questions Answered  How important is service after the sale?  How should salespeople stay in contact with customers?  Which sales strategies stimulate repeat sales and new business in current accounts?  Which techniques are important to use when handling complaints? 2
  • 3. THE VALUE OF CUSTOMERS Many people believe the emphasis in selling is on getting the initial sale. For most salespeople, however, sales increases from one year to the next are due to increasing the revenue from existing accounts, not from getting new accounts. Salespeople gain a competitive advantage by maintaining strong relationships with their customers. Eventually, when buying decisions need to be made, those customers look to people they know. Customers are, of course, the primary revenue source for companies. Many people do not fully understand the value of a customer. Customers are also worth more in terms of revenue than some salespeople recognize. (contd.) 3
  • 4. THE VALUE OF CUSTOMERS Successfully retaining customers is important to all companies. One study reported that 65 percent of the average company's business comes from current, satisfied customers. Another study found the cost of acquiring a new customer to be five times the cost of properly servicing a current customer and retaining that customer's business. Ye another study indicated that overall, customers are less satisfied than ever, so apparently many companies have failed to recognize the importance of customer satisfaction. Those industries that are losing customers as rapidly as they are finding new ones, now recognize the value of retaining customers. 4
  • 5. Stages of Partnerships Commitment Dissolution •Limited Relationships •Failure to monitor Competitors or industry •Complacency 5
  • 6. EXPLORATION In the exploration stage, the relationship is defined through the development of expectations for each party. The buyer tests the seller's product, how the seller responds to requests, and other similar actions after the initial sale is made. A small percentage of the buyer's business is given to minimize the risk in case the vendor cannot perform. When the vendor performs well, trust is developed, as is a personal relationship. An unfavorable initial experience with the product or with the company may be extremely difficult to overcome. 6
  • 8. SET THE RIGHT EXPECTATIONS The best way to begin a relationship is for each party to be aware of what the other expects. To a large degree, customers base their expectations on sales presentations. Salespeople should make sure customers have reasonable expectations of product performance. If the salesperson exaggerates the capabilities of the product or the company, the customer will be disappointed. Avoiding complaints by setting proper expectations is best. Long- term relationships are begun by making an honest presentation of the product's capabilities and eliminating any misconceptions before the order is placed. 8
  • 9. MONITOR ORDER PROCESSING Although many people may work on an order before it is shipped, the salesperson is ultimately responsible, at least in the eyes of the customer, for seeing that the product is shipped when promised. Salespeople should keep track of impending orders and inform buyers when the paperwork is delayed in the customer's plant. Orders placed directly with a salesperson should be transmitted to the factory immediately. Also, progress on orders in process should be closely monitored. If problems arise in filling the order, the customer should be informed promptly; on the other hand, if the order can be filled sooner than promised. Monitoring order processing is critical to developing a partnership 9
  • 10. ENSURE PROPER INITIAL USE OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICE Customer dissatisfaction can occur just after delivery of a new product, especially, if the product is technical or requires special installation. Customers unfamiliar with the product may have problems installing or using it. They may even damage the product through improper use. Many salespeople visit new customers right after initial deliveries to ensure the correct use of the product. In this way they can also help the customer realize the full potential benefits of the product. It is still the salesperson's responsibility, however, to make sure that the customer service department takes proper care of each new customer. 10
  • 11. FOLLOW UP The first follow up a salesperson should do after the sale is a call to say thank you and to check to see that the product is working appropriately. Some salespeople use specialty advertising, or gifts imprinted with their company's name, to say thanks. But salespeople should also follow up regularly with their accounts to stay in touch with any changing needs or possible problems. In fact, failing to follow up is a major complaint that buyers have about salespeople. Regular follow up can be accomplished via ► Make personal visit ► Telephone ► Mail 11
  • 12. MAKE PERSONAL VISITS Personal visits can be the most expensive form of follow- up because of the time it takes to travel and because the sales call will last longer than one conducted through other means. A personal visit, though, can be extremely productive because the salesperson can check on inventories or the performance of the machine or other aspects that can be accomplished only at the customer's site. Plus, a customer may be more likely to disclose more information, such as a minor complaint or compliment, in a personal setting than over the phone. Regular personal visits can also build trust, a key component needed to move the relationship forward. 12
  • 13. TELEPHONE Between personal visits, it is often a good idea to make contact via telephone. A salesperson can make 12 or more such calls within an hour, efficiently checking on his or her clients. Telephone calls are two-way communication, giving the customer an opportunity to voice any concerns. 13
  • 14. MAIL Many companies provide form letters or thank-you cards to encourage their salespeople to follow up on new sales. E-mail is also becoming a common form of customer contact, with customers appreciating the opportunity to choose when to read and respond to the salesperson's contact. Although the objective may be to create a functional relation­ship rather than a strategic partnership, such follow-up is still necessary to remind the customer that you are the salesperson with whom they want to do business. 14
  • 15. HANDLE CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS Handling complaints is critical to developing goodwill and maintaining partnerships. Complaints can occur at any time in the partnering process, not just during the exploration stage. Handling complaints properly is always important, but perhaps even more so in the early stages of a partnership. Attempts to establish partnerships often collapse because of shortsightedness in handling customer complaints. Some firms spend thousands of dollars on advertising but make the mistake of insulting customers who attempt to secure a satisfactory adjustment. 15
  • 16. Reasons For Dissatisfaction Customers can be disappointed for any of the following reasons ► The producer performs poorly ► It is being used improperly ► The terms of the sales contract were not met. Although salespeople usually cannot change the product or terms, they can affect these sources of complaints. 16
  • 18. ENCOURAGE BUYERES TO TELL THEIR STORY Customers need to tell their stories without interruption. Customers want a sympathetic reaction to their problems, whether real or imagined. They want their feelings to be acknowledged, their business to be recognized as important, and their grievances handled in a friendly manner. Good salespeople show they are happy the grievance has been brought to their attention. The salesperson may express regret for any inconvenience. Agreeing with the customer as far as possible gets the process off to the right start. 18
  • 19. DETERMINE THE FACTS Whenever possible, the salesperson should examine, in the presence of the customer, the product claimed to be defective. Encouraging the customer to pinpoint the exact problem is a good idea. The purpose of getting the facts is to determine the cause of the problem so that the proper solution can be provided. Experienced salespeople soon learn that products may appear defective when actually nothing is wrong with them. On the other hand, salespeople should not assume product or service failure is always the user's fault. They need an open mind to search for the facts in each case. 19
  • 20. OFFER A SOLUTION The next step is to offer a solution. At this time the company representative describes the process by which the company will resolve the complaint, and the rep should then gain agreement that the proposed solution is satisfactory. Company policies vary, but many assign the responsibility for settling claims to the salesperson. Other companies require the salesperson to investigate claims recommend a settlement to the home office. Whatever the company policy, the customer desires quick action and fair treatment and wants to know the reasons for the action. . 20
  • 21. Possible Settlements ► Replace the product without cost to the customer. ► Replace the product and charge the customer for labor or transportation costs only. ► Replace the product and share all costs with the customer. ► Replace the product but require the customer to pay part of the cost of the new product. ► Instruct the customer on how to proceed with a claim against a third party. ► Send the product to the factory for a decision. 21
  • 22. FOLLOW THROUGH WITH ACTION The salesperson who has authority only to recommend an adjustment must take care to report the facts of the case promptly and accurately to the home or branch office. The salesperson has the responsibility to act as a buffer between the customer and the company. After the claim is filed, contact must be maintained with the customer to see that the customer secures the promised settlement. The salesperson also has a responsibility to educate the customer to forestall future claims. After a settlement to the customer's satisfaction is a fine time to make some suggestions. 22
  • 23. ACHIEVE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Salespeople should continuously monitor customers' levels of satisfaction and perceptions of product performance because customer satisfaction is the most important reason for reordering at this stage in the relationship. When the customer is satisfied, an opportunity for further business exists. Complaints and dissatisfaction can occur at any time during the relationship, but handling complaints well during the exploration stage is one way to prove that the salesperson is committed to keeping the customer's business 23
  • 24. EXPANSION The next phase of the buyer-seller relationship is expansion. When a salesperson does a good job of identifying and satisfying needs and the beginnings of a partnership are in place, the opportunity is ripe for additional sales. 24
  • 25. Activities of Exploration Stage The ways to maximize the selling opportunity are ► generating repeat orders ► Upgrading ► Full-line selling ► Cross selling 25
  • 26. GENERATING REPEAT ORDERS In some situations the most appropriate strategy is to generate repeat orders Several methods can be used to improve the likelihood of reorders. ► BE PRESENT AT BUYING TIME ► HELP TO SERVICE THE PRODUCT ► PROVIDE EXPERT GUIDANCE ► PROVIDE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE 26
  • 27. BE PRESENT AT BUYING TIME One important method of ensuring reorders is to know how often and when the company makes decisions. Buyers do not always have regular buying cycles, which can make it difficult for salespeople to be present at buying time. In these situations the seller still wants to be present in the buyer's mind. Two items that can help keep the seller present are catalogs and specialty advertising items. 27
  • 28. HELP TO SERVICE THE PRODUCT Most products need periodic maintenance and repair, and some mechanical and electronic products require routine adjustments. Such service requirements offer salespeople a chance to show buyers that the seller's interest did not end with the delivery of the product. Salespeople should be able to make minor adjustments or take care of minor repairs. If they cannot put the product back into working order, they must notify the proper company representative. They should then check to see that the repairs have been completed in a timely manner and to the customer's complete satisfaction. 28
  • 29. PROVIDE EXPERT GUIDANCE An industrial buyer or purchasing agent may need help in choosing a proper grade of oil or in selecting a suitable floor cleaner. A buyer for a retail store may want help developing sales promotion ideas. Whether the buyer needs help in advertising, selling, or managing, good salespeople are prepared to offer worth­while suggestions or services. When you use your industry expertise to solve problems or develop opportunities for your clients that do not involve the sale of your product, you add value to the relationship, which can ultimately help you expand your business within the account. 29
  • 30. PROVIDE SPECIAL ASSISTANCE Salespeople are in a unique position to offer many types of assistance to the buyer. Providing special assistance is one hallmark of excellence in selling. Good relationships are built faster and made more solid by the sales­person who does a little something extra for a customer, performing services over and above his or her normal responsibilities 30
  • 31. UPGRADING Upgrading, also called up-selling, is convincing the customer to use a higher quality product or a newer product. The salesperson seeks the upgrade because the new or better product serves the needs of the buyer more effectively than the old product did. Upgrading is crucial to companies. When upgrading, it is a good idea to emphasize during the needs identification phase that the initial decision was a good one. Now, however, needs or technology have changed, and the newer product fits the customer's requirements better. Otherwise, the buyer may believe that the seller is trying to take advantage of the relationship to foist off a higher-priced product. 31
  • 32. FULL-LINE SELLING Full-line selling is selling the entire line of associated products. The emphasis in full-line selling is on helping the buyer realize the synergy of owning or carrying all of the products in that line. 32
  • 33. CROSS-SELLING Cross-selling is similar to full-line selling except the additional products sold are not directly associated with the initial products. Cross-selling involves leveraging the relationship with a buyer to identify needs for additional products. Again, trust in the selling organization and the salesper­son already exist; therefore, the sale should not be as difficult as it would be with a new customer, provided the needs exist. 33
  • 34. Tips for Effective Cross-Selling 34
  • 35. COMMITMENT When the buyer-seller relationship has reached the commitment stage, there is a stated or implied pledge to continue the relationship. Formally, this pledge may begin with the seller becoming a preferred supplier, which is a greater level of commitment. Although preferred-supplier status may mean different things in different companies, in general it means that the supplier is assured of a large percentage of the buyer's business and will get the first opportunity to earn new business. 35
  • 36. SECURING COMMITMENT TO A PARTNERSHIP When firms reach the commitment stage, elements in addition to trust become important. Trust may be operationalzed in the form of shared risk. Along with the dimensions of trust such as competence and dependability and honesty (or ethics), there must be commitment to the partnership from the entire supplying organization, a culture that fits with the buyer's organizational culture, and channels of communication so open that the seller and buyer appear to be part of the same company. 36
  • 37. COMMITMENT MUST BE COMPLETE Commitment to the relationship should permeate both organizations, from top management to the secretary who answers the phone. This level of commitment means devoting the resources necessary to satisfy the customer's needs, even anticipating needs before the buyer does. Senior management must be convinced of the benefits of partnering with a specific account and be willing to allow the salesperson to direct the resources necessary to sustain the partnership Commitment also requires that all employees be empowered to handle the needs of the customer. 37
  • 38. COMMUNICATION In the commitment phase of a partnership, the seller must take a proactive communication stance. This approach means actively seeking opportunities to communicate at times other than when the salesperson has something to sell or the customer has a problem to resolve. Partners are usually the first to learn of each other's new products, many times even co-developing those products. Salespeople should also encourage direct communication among similar functional areas. 38
  • 39. CORPORATE CULTURE Corporate culture is the values and beliefs held by senior management. A company's culture shapes the attitudes and actions of employees and influences the development of policies and programs. A single salesperson will nor change a company's corporate culture to secure a partnership with a buyer, but the salesperson must identify the type of culture both organizations hold and make an assessment of fit. Although a perfect match is not necessary, the sales­ person must be ready to demonstrate that there is a fit. Though not attempting to change a company's culture, the salesperson who seeks a partnering relationship seeks change for both. 39
  • 40. THE SALES­PERSON AS CHANGE AGENT To achieve increasing revenue in an account over time, the salesperson acts as a change agent, or a cause of change in the organization. Each sale may involve some type of change, perhaps a change from a competitive product or simply a new version of the old one. Partnering, though, often requires changes in both the buying and selling organizations. Change is not easy, even when it is obviously beneficial. 40
  • 42. CHAMPIONS Champions, also called advocates or internal salespeople, work for the buying firm in the areas most affected by the proposed change and work with the salesperson to make the proposal successful. These champions can build momentum for the proposal by selling in arenas or during times that are off limits to the salesperson. It is also important to recognize that one change is the change in status from preferred supplier to strategic partner. Salespeople can help potential champions by providing them with all of the knowledge they will need. 42
  • 43. POSITIONING THE CHANGE Positioning the change is similar to positioning a product in mass marketing. In this case, the salesperson examines the specific needs and wants of the various constituencies in the account to position the change for the greatest likelihood of success. Because salespeople are highly proactive in finding areas for improvement (or change) in their partners' organizations, positioning a change may determine who is involved in the decision. 43
  • 44. DETERMINING THE NECESSARY RESOURCES The customer's needs may be beyond the salesperson's expertise. The salesperson must assess the situation and determine what resources are needed to secure the buyer's commitment. Not only allocation of personnel is enough, salespeople must manage other resources as well, such as travel and entertainment budgets or sample supplies. 44
  • 45. DEVELOPING A TIME-BASED STRATEGY The salesperson must determine a strategy for the The salesperson must determine a strategy for the proposed change and set that strategy against a time line. This action accomplishes several objectives. First, the strategy is an outline of planned sales calls, with primary and minimum call objectives determined for each call. Second, the time line provides the salesperson with estimates of when each call should occur. Of course, objectives and planned times will change depending on the results of each call, but this type of planning is necessary to provide the salesperson with guidance for each call, determine when resources are to be used, and make sure each call contributes to the visionary objective. 45
  • 46. Time Line for Strategy 46
  • 47. CAUSES OF DISSOLUTION Too often salespeople believe that once a customer has committed to a partnership less work is needed to maintain that relationship. That belief, however, is untrue. One study found that 55 percent of all strategic partnerships dissolve within 3 to 5 years, and the rest have a further life expectancy of only 3.5 years. Salespeople who subscribe to the belief that partnerships require less work fall victim to one or more common problems. The final stage for partnerships is dissolution, or breakup, but this stage can occur at any point, not just after commitment. Several potential problems, including main­taining few personal relationships, failing to monitor competitor actions or the industry, and falling into complacency, can lead to dissolution. 47
  • 48. LIMITED PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Salespeople tend to call on buyers they like; it is natural to want to spend time with friends. The result is that relationships are cultivated with only a few individuals in the account. Unfortunately for such salespeople, buyers may leave the organization, transfer to an unrelated area, or simply not participate in some decisions. Truly effective salespeople attempt to develop multiple relationships within an account. One benefit of multiple relationships is that different champions can be selected for each proposal. 48
  • 49. FAILING TO MONITOR COMPETITOR ACTIONS No matter how strong the partnership is, competition will want a piece of the business. Accounts are most vulnerable when a personnel change occurs, when technology changes, or when major directional changes occur, such as a company starting a new division or entering a new market. Monitoring competitor action can be as simple as checking the visitor's log to see who has dropped by or keeping up with competitor actions and asking buyers for their opinions. Monitoring competition also means thinking about the benefits competitors offer, what their products do, and what their selling strategies are? 49
  • 50. FAILING TO MONITOR THE INDUSTRY Similar to failing to monitor competition is a failure to monitor the industry in which either the salesperson or the customer operates. Salespeople often assume that the responsibility of monitoring the industry lies with someone else, either higher-ups in their own company or with the customer. But salespeople who fail to monitor both industries stand to miss opportunities that change creates. How does the professional salesperson monitor the industry? By reading trade magazines and by attending trade shows and conferences. 50
  • 51. FALLING INTO COMPLACENCY Perhaps the most common thief of good accounts is complacency. In sales terms, complacency is assuming that the business is yours and will always be yours. It is failing to continue to work as hard to keep the business as you did initially to earn the business. 51
  • 52. How To avoid complacency ► Do I understand each individual's personal characteristics? Do I have these characteristics in my computer file on each account? ► Do I maintain a written or computerized record of promises made? ► Do I follow up on every customer request promptly, no matter how insignificant it may seem? ► Do I follow up on deliveries, make sure initial experiences are positive, and ensure that all paperwork is done correctly and quickly? ► . Have I recently found something new that I can do better than the competition? 52