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                       A STRATEGIC DIFFERENTIATOR

Contact Information:
Mark Lane, President
MANAGING THE ENTERPRISE | A CEO’S DAUNTING TASK                                                EA | IN ACTION

                                                                                       Through professional experience,
Defining a strategy and setting it in motion can be one of the most defining
                                                                                           personal observation, and
moments of a leader. Whether you sit comfortably as the industry leader or you             judgment, EA advises on
                                                                                        investments, opportunities, and
find yourself in a competitive chase, an investment decision or implementation                       risks:
gone wrong can derail even the most cohesive strategy. Managing the
                                                                                          ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT
complexities of the enterprise can be quite daunting for CEOs.                          Impacting the formal structure,
                                                                                         work management practices,
                                                                                          human resource policies,
                             What happens when my strategies are not clear and             leadership, and culture
                                                                                              CORPORATE VISION
                             Where are we going and how do I make sure we get           Mapping and alignment with the
                                                                                       mission, objectives, goals, tactics,
                             there in an operational and fiscally responsible way?
                                                                                                 and strategies

                             What happens when my operating model is not flexible
                                                                                                 VALUE CHAINS
                             enough to enable work to get done across the                   Strengthening alliances,
                             organization?                                                 capabilities, services, and
                                                                                         processes by determining the
                             What happens when my leaders are not equipped with        return on technology investments.
                             the necessary tools, training, and technologies to help
                             them be successful?
                                                                                             Rationalizing roadmap
                                                                                          investments with respect to
                             What happens when my operating structure is not              capabilities, resources, and
                             aligned with both strategy and business model?                      competencies

                                                                                                M ARKETPLACE
                                                                                       Recognizing internal and external
                                                                                       competitive forces that determine
                                                                                       the product/service offerings and
 SOLUTION:                                                                                     their relationship
 Leverage enterprise architecture as a strategic differentiator and enabler
 of stable transformation.                                                                   Defining the glossary,
                                                                                        taxonomies, concepts, patterns,
                                                                                       and references used to frame the
DIFFERENTIATOR | ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE                                                   EA | CAPABILITIES

Enterprise architecture (EA) enables the design and implementation of the
                                                                                           BUSINESS ALIGNMENT
structures that link an organization’s strategy with its execution. This vital link       Enables alignment with
                                                                                         business strategic intent.
captures the organizational strategy as blueprints that include enough guidance
and detail for the various parts of the organization to execute while facilitating           TECHNOLOGY VISION
                                                                                      Clearly defines & communicates
collaboration and innovation. Enterprise Architects use specialized practices to      strategic direction for technology
determine where the company is today, scenarios for where it will be tomorrow,
and they provide roadmaps that lead from one stage in the journey to the next:        Ensures technology lifecycle is
                                                                                       managed according to future
                                                                                            state architecture

 Long -Term: Where are we going?                                                       ARCHITECTURE GOVERNANCE
                                                                                      Actively facilitates and governs
 The Enterprise Architect (as a strategist) provides long term stability to ensure      change for the enterprise
 strategies are clear:
      Creating the operating model and transformation plans                                RISK MANAGEMENT
      Developing strategic technology plan                                             Defines, communicates and
                                                                                         mitigates technology and
 Near-Term: How will we make sure we stay on track?                                     architecture risks in a timely
 The Enterprise Architect (as a tactician) facilitates near-term efficiency by
                                                                                          INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT
 ensuring the operating model is flexible:
                                                                                        Capitalizes opportunities to
     Increasing executive awareness of technical and operational issues
                                                                                          maximize value of asset
     Managing technical risk associated with new and updated technology              portfolio through innovation and
     Determining measures for performance and responsiveness                                   rationalization

 Continuum: How do we get there in the most efficient and effective manner -           ARCHITECTURE M ANAGEMENT
 without damage?                                                                           Establishes, sustains,
                                                                                        communicates and actively
 The Enterprise Architect, (fully empowered) manages the architecture and             pursues EA concerns to achieve
 governance through operational excellence and risk mitigation                                 its objectives
     Structuring governance, at the enterprise level
     Ensuring that technical solutions align with fiduciary responsibilities                  INTEGRATION
                                                                                       Uses standardized interfaces,
                                                                                      interoperation, information and
                                                                                           connectivity practices
                                                                                         Code of Ethics
                                                                                 The Code is widely respected and
How do Enterprise Architects lead a strategy of improving business                 adopted; the profession has
                                                                                 mechanisms to discipline violators.
                                                                                     Professional Development
Answer: By formalizing the enterprise's architecture, driving structural             Recognized career paths for
                                                                                      Enterprise Architects exist;
innovations, and overseeing investments in change! The Enterprise Architect      nationally recognized education and
                                                                                 training guidelines and curricula are
serves as a point of differentiation and contributes to your executive team by                 in place.
ensuring that the organization and the operation strategies are clear and in                Accreditation
                                                                                 Consistent certification in enterprise
alignment; assuring that the operating model is flexible enough for work to be   architecture; nationally recognized
                                                                                   certification standards provide
done across the organization.                                                       consistency in certification of
                                                                                        Enterprise Architects.

                                                                                        Body of Knowledge
                                                                                      An acknowledged body of
                                                                                 professional knowledge exists, and
                                                                                     is widely used; the body of
                                                                                  knowledge is regularly reviewed
                                                                                            and updated.

                                                                                       Industry Governance
                                                                                  Effective governance frameworks
                                                                                 are established across the industry.

                                                                                       Professional Education
                                                                                   Curricula exist and reflect best
                                                                                    practices; nationally accepted
                                                                                     model curricula exist; model
                                                                                 curricula are regularly reviewed and

                                                                                         Skills Development
                                                                                 Skills development mechanisms are
                                                                                  in place and widely used (such as
                                                                                    apprenticeships or architect-in-
                                                                                          training programs).

                                                                                       A sustained professional
                                                                                    institutional branding program
                                                                                     exists; the branding program
                                                                                  translates into positive public and
                                                                                         employer perceptions.

                                                                                          Public Outreach
                                                                                 The professional institution provides
                                                                                 day-to-day communication with the
                                                                                           general public.
                                                                                               Describes vision, principles, desired
                                                                                               outcome, & roadmap for developing,
                                                                                               documenting, maintaining, and using
Enterprise Architects are in the best position   Organizations that use Enterprise                  the enterprise architecture
to understand the impact of technological        Architects reduce the risk of lost revenue
                                                                                                      ENTERPRISE MODELS
change from a cultural, process, and business    and lost productivity when they make new       Produces models and other artifacts
viewpoint.                                       investments or add new vendors.               to describe / represent the enterprise
                                                                                                        and its components

                                                                                                    ENTERPRISE ALIGNMENT
                                                 The simple hierarchical structures that
                                                                                               Develops transition and sequencing
                                                 defined the last 50 years of business have    plans based on the as-is and to-be
                                                 given way to a mixture of complex
                                                 horizontal and vertical structures, in            PERFORMANCE MEASURES
                                                                                                   Establishes and executes a
                                                 today's competitive market. Organizations     performance management / metrics
                                                 are constantly being challenged as they try    program to measure its success

                                                 to integrate these structures with the            ENTERPRISE GOVERNANCE
                                                 added complexities of communication and         Inform processes and structures
                                                                                               implemented to direct, manage, and
                                                 infrastructure to execute strategy.            monitor the enterprise’s activities in
                                                                                                      pursuit of its objectives
An Enterprise Architect visualizes these
impacts over time, and helps the organization    Knowing how to address the intersection of        FIDUCIARY PARTICIPATION
                                                                                                 Performs architecture analyses to
retain its competitiveness in the industry.      these concerns requires specialized            identify cost-benefits, performance
                                                 knowledge and experience that cannot be             issues & technology risk

From opportunities to investments, from          learned from working in line positions.                    INFLUENCE
exploration to integration, the Enterprise                                                      Influences, and is influenced by, the
                                                                                               enterprise’s business and investment
Architect has unique training, acumen, and       To not have an Enterprise Architect at the             planning processes
experience to guide a company through its        table is to risk ruin or losing competitive
next evolutionary steps.                         positioning.                                  Senior executives support, promote,
                                                                                                  and apply EA as a method to
                                                                                                 manage the business and the
                                                                                                    changes in that business

                                                                                                Embraces continuous learning and
                                                                                                     knowledge acquisition

The Center for the Advancement of the Enterprise Architecture Profession                 ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
                                                                                       PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE GUIDE
(CAEAP), as an advocacy body, works to establish the trust between the
profession of enterprise architecture and the public it serves. It is an obligation     Serves as the leading business
                                                                                       document for Enterprise Architects
and duty for CAEAP to build this trust through a standardized contract and set
of expectations for enterprise architecture.
                                                                                      MENTORING FOR THE ENTERPRISE
                                                                                       ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL
The trust is enabled through oaths, principles, engagement practices, and               An international EA coaching and
                                                                                         mentoring service that connects
methods for determining consistency of the profession. For this to be a contract        practitioners with expert advisors
                                                                                      dedicated to helping practitioners form
with the public there cannot be barriers to entry for participation. Membership              and grow their practices
fees, technical qualifications, or organizational membership cannot bar anyone
from volunteering their time to advocacy. Furthermore, there can be no hidden          LEADERSHIP IN THE ENTERPRISE
                                                                                        ARCHITECTURE PROFESSION
or profit-driven agendas as these would serve to interfere with and potentially                  (LEAP):

sever any well-earned covenant of trust.                                                  A leading-edge development
                                                                                       opportunity designed for executives
                                                                                         challenged with optimizing the
                                                                                        performance and success of their
                                                                                         EA ACCREDITATION PROGRAM
     Promotes the professional status of Enterprise Architects                                  (EAAP):
                                                                                       Provide excellence in the enterprise
                                                                                        architecture profession by setting
     Works to ensure the legitimacy of the profession by distinguishing it            standards for EA education, training
      from other professions                                                                    and certifications

                                                                                          ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
     Represents the public face of the profession                                           REGISTRY PROGRAM

     Is charged with maintaining a consistent view towards the public, the           A registry that provides recognition to
                                                                                      an individual or an EA team that has
      enterprises we provide value to, and the members                                  met the basic requirements for a
      of our own profession.                                                                        profession

                                                                                                            Serve Society Today
                                                                                                        Enterprises, governments, and
                                                                                                       individuals have immediate and
                                                                                                   pressing need for the duties and advice
CAEAP is the leading advocacy group for                                                                      of the EA Profession.
the enterprise architecture profession,
working on behalf of the many                                                                              Adapt for Tomorrow
professionals on a global scale.                                                                       Society's needs are diverse and
                                                                                                   continually evolving; the EA Profession
                                                                                                    responds to, reflects, and anticipates
Our goal is to guide the industry to a self-                                                        these changes in tomorrows' needs.
governed status of maturity by 2015 -
moving from organized, to qualified, to                                                              Establish and Uphold Ethical and
self-governed which includes a measured                                                                   Professional Standards
                                                                                                    Integrity is the bedrock on which trust
level of maturity in three very distinct                                                             and respect are built; the integrity of
broad areas:                                                                                        the EA Profession is measured by the
                                                                                                   soundness of its professional practices.
    Standards of practice
                                               Architect for adaptability.                             Develop an Empirical Body of
                                               Enterprise Architects design structures that help                 Knowledge
    Professional learning                                                                         A recognized, empirically derived body
                                               organizations embrace change. They bridge
                                                                                                    of knowledge forms the basis for EA
                                               the strategic, operational, and technical aspects
    Industry governance                                                                           practices, and ensures that members
                                               of embracing and exploiting change.                    of the profession have a common
                                                                                                      understanding of these practices.
GOALS:                                         Architect for sustainable value.                        Demonstrate Self-Regulation
                                               Enterprise Architects create holistic enterprise       Professional autonomy is earned
    Clarify in the public eye as to what a    architectures that enable the enterprise to            through the strict enforcement of
                                               deliver sustainable value to both the enterprise     ethical and professional standards;
     professional Enterprise Architect                                                             establishment of accreditation models,
                                               and the public. They recognize responsibility to        certification requirements, and
     contributes                               multiple stakeholders and seek balance among         professional registries; and through
                                               potentially conflicting demands.                       clear and compelling leadership.

    Ensure the public’s trust in EA as a                                                                   Require Impartiality
                                               Advance the EA Profession.                          Bias in judgment or action, whether for
     profession                                Enterprise Architects recognize that advancing       monetary, political or personal gain
                                               only a limited personal agenda while ignoring a     destroys integrity and trust; therefore it
                                                                                                       cannot be tolerated by the EA
    Assure the public they’re dealing with    broader professional scope ultimately limits his                  Profession.
                                               or her potential for growth and contribution.
     competent EA professionals                                                                    Promote Fair and Open Competition
                                               Above all, act with integrity and discretion.         Respect for the Profession, mutual
                                                                                                    respect amongst practitioners of the
    Sustainability of the profession          Enterprise Architects know that trust is the            Profession, and respect for the
                                               foundation of his or her success. Integrity and       principles of freedom and equality
    Brand recognition for the profession      discretion are hallmarks of a trust relationship.     necessitate reward on the basis of
                                                                                                   merit earned through honest effort and
                                               Together, they are the basis for EA Practice.                  delivered value.
    Support professional autonomy
Consider joining CAEAP. When you
                                              become a member of the CAEAP
                                              leadership team, you not only have
                                              access to talented industry peers, who
                                              share your values, and commitment to
                                              corporate excellence but you become
                                              part of the solution.

                                              CAEAP was founded in December of
                                              2008 by Mark Lane and Mark
                                              Goetsch. As of the first quarter of
                                                                                            Contact us at:
                                              2010, CAEAP has over 1,500
                                              members comprised of Enterprise
                                              Architects, Chief Enterprise Architects,
                                              and business executives across four

As a member of CAEAP, you will be recognized and acknowledged by
colleagues and professional leaders with whom you work.

Serving as a member can be a tremendous learning opportunity - assuming a
leadership role requires one to develop a broader scope.

The best way to “give back to the profession” is to author articles and
presentations, or to join one of the association’s existing work streams to
exchange ideas, expertise, and best practices.

At CAEAP, you will have access to peers with similar professional backgrounds
and resources, such as our peer-reviewed journal, books, conferences, and

Of course, all of the above can help advance your career – sharing knowledge,
accelerated learning about EA, greater visibility, networking and relationships.
C:\data\2008 mark lane\caeap\marketing and branding\caeap brochure 2010

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C:\data\2008 mark lane\caeap\marketing and branding\caeap brochure 2010

  • 2. MANAGING THE ENTERPRISE | A CEO’S DAUNTING TASK EA | IN ACTION Through professional experience, Defining a strategy and setting it in motion can be one of the most defining personal observation, and moments of a leader. Whether you sit comfortably as the industry leader or you judgment, EA advises on investments, opportunities, and find yourself in a competitive chase, an investment decision or implementation risks: gone wrong can derail even the most cohesive strategy. Managing the ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT complexities of the enterprise can be quite daunting for CEOs. Impacting the formal structure, work management practices, human resource policies, What happens when my strategies are not clear and leadership, and culture enduring? CORPORATE VISION Where are we going and how do I make sure we get Mapping and alignment with the mission, objectives, goals, tactics, there in an operational and fiscally responsible way? and strategies What happens when my operating model is not flexible VALUE CHAINS enough to enable work to get done across the Strengthening alliances, organization? capabilities, services, and processes by determining the What happens when my leaders are not equipped with return on technology investments. the necessary tools, training, and technologies to help PLAN them be successful? Rationalizing roadmap investments with respect to What happens when my operating structure is not capabilities, resources, and aligned with both strategy and business model? competencies M ARKETPLACE Recognizing internal and external competitive forces that determine the product/service offerings and SOLUTION: their relationship Leverage enterprise architecture as a strategic differentiator and enabler LANGUAGE of stable transformation. Defining the glossary, taxonomies, concepts, patterns, and references used to frame the organization
  • 3. DIFFERENTIATOR | ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE EA | CAPABILITIES Enterprise architecture (EA) enables the design and implementation of the BUSINESS ALIGNMENT structures that link an organization’s strategy with its execution. This vital link Enables alignment with business strategic intent. captures the organizational strategy as blueprints that include enough guidance and detail for the various parts of the organization to execute while facilitating TECHNOLOGY VISION Clearly defines & communicates collaboration and innovation. Enterprise Architects use specialized practices to strategic direction for technology determine where the company is today, scenarios for where it will be tomorrow, TRANSFORMATION and they provide roadmaps that lead from one stage in the journey to the next: Ensures technology lifecycle is managed according to future state architecture Long -Term: Where are we going? ARCHITECTURE GOVERNANCE Actively facilitates and governs The Enterprise Architect (as a strategist) provides long term stability to ensure change for the enterprise strategies are clear:  Creating the operating model and transformation plans RISK MANAGEMENT  Developing strategic technology plan Defines, communicates and mitigates technology and Near-Term: How will we make sure we stay on track? architecture risks in a timely manner The Enterprise Architect (as a tactician) facilitates near-term efficiency by INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT ensuring the operating model is flexible: Capitalizes opportunities to  Increasing executive awareness of technical and operational issues maximize value of asset  Managing technical risk associated with new and updated technology portfolio through innovation and  Determining measures for performance and responsiveness rationalization Continuum: How do we get there in the most efficient and effective manner - ARCHITECTURE M ANAGEMENT without damage? Establishes, sustains, communicates and actively The Enterprise Architect, (fully empowered) manages the architecture and pursues EA concerns to achieve governance through operational excellence and risk mitigation its objectives  Structuring governance, at the enterprise level  Ensuring that technical solutions align with fiduciary responsibilities INTEGRATION Uses standardized interfaces, interoperation, information and connectivity practices
  • 4. EA | INFRASTRUCTURE EMPOWER | YOUR ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTS Code of Ethics The Code is widely respected and How do Enterprise Architects lead a strategy of improving business adopted; the profession has mechanisms to discipline violators. results? Professional Development Answer: By formalizing the enterprise's architecture, driving structural Recognized career paths for Enterprise Architects exist; innovations, and overseeing investments in change! The Enterprise Architect nationally recognized education and training guidelines and curricula are serves as a point of differentiation and contributes to your executive team by in place. ensuring that the organization and the operation strategies are clear and in Accreditation Consistent certification in enterprise alignment; assuring that the operating model is flexible enough for work to be architecture; nationally recognized certification standards provide done across the organization. consistency in certification of Enterprise Architects. Body of Knowledge An acknowledged body of professional knowledge exists, and is widely used; the body of knowledge is regularly reviewed and updated. Industry Governance Effective governance frameworks are established across the industry. Professional Education Curricula exist and reflect best practices; nationally accepted model curricula exist; model curricula are regularly reviewed and revised. Skills Development Skills development mechanisms are in place and widely used (such as apprenticeships or architect-in- training programs). Branding A sustained professional institutional branding program exists; the branding program translates into positive public and employer perceptions. Public Outreach The professional institution provides day-to-day communication with the general public.
  • 5. EA | DUTIES ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTS | AT WORK FOR YOU STRATEGIC Describes vision, principles, desired outcome, & roadmap for developing, documenting, maintaining, and using Enterprise Architects are in the best position Organizations that use Enterprise the enterprise architecture to understand the impact of technological Architects reduce the risk of lost revenue ENTERPRISE MODELS change from a cultural, process, and business and lost productivity when they make new Produces models and other artifacts viewpoint. investments or add new vendors. to describe / represent the enterprise and its components ENTERPRISE ALIGNMENT The simple hierarchical structures that Develops transition and sequencing defined the last 50 years of business have plans based on the as-is and to-be architectures given way to a mixture of complex horizontal and vertical structures, in PERFORMANCE MEASURES Establishes and executes a today's competitive market. Organizations performance management / metrics are constantly being challenged as they try program to measure its success to integrate these structures with the ENTERPRISE GOVERNANCE added complexities of communication and Inform processes and structures implemented to direct, manage, and infrastructure to execute strategy. monitor the enterprise’s activities in pursuit of its objectives An Enterprise Architect visualizes these impacts over time, and helps the organization Knowing how to address the intersection of FIDUCIARY PARTICIPATION Performs architecture analyses to retain its competitiveness in the industry. these concerns requires specialized identify cost-benefits, performance knowledge and experience that cannot be issues & technology risk From opportunities to investments, from learned from working in line positions. INFLUENCE exploration to integration, the Enterprise Influences, and is influenced by, the enterprise’s business and investment Architect has unique training, acumen, and To not have an Enterprise Architect at the planning processes experience to guide a company through its table is to risk ruin or losing competitive LEADERSHIP next evolutionary steps. positioning. Senior executives support, promote, and apply EA as a method to manage the business and the changes in that business LEARNING Embraces continuous learning and knowledge acquisition
  • 6. CAEAP | PROGRAMS The Center for the Advancement of the Enterprise Architecture Profession ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE GUIDE (CAEAP), as an advocacy body, works to establish the trust between the (EA-PPG): profession of enterprise architecture and the public it serves. It is an obligation Serves as the leading business document for Enterprise Architects and duty for CAEAP to build this trust through a standardized contract and set of expectations for enterprise architecture. MENTORING FOR THE ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL (MEAP): The trust is enabled through oaths, principles, engagement practices, and An international EA coaching and mentoring service that connects methods for determining consistency of the profession. For this to be a contract practitioners with expert advisors dedicated to helping practitioners form with the public there cannot be barriers to entry for participation. Membership and grow their practices fees, technical qualifications, or organizational membership cannot bar anyone from volunteering their time to advocacy. Furthermore, there can be no hidden LEADERSHIP IN THE ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE PROFESSION or profit-driven agendas as these would serve to interfere with and potentially (LEAP): sever any well-earned covenant of trust. A leading-edge development opportunity designed for executives challenged with optimizing the performance and success of their organization CAEAP… EA ACCREDITATION PROGRAM  Promotes the professional status of Enterprise Architects (EAAP): Provide excellence in the enterprise architecture profession by setting  Works to ensure the legitimacy of the profession by distinguishing it standards for EA education, training from other professions and certifications ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE  Represents the public face of the profession REGISTRY PROGRAM (EARP):  Is charged with maintaining a consistent view towards the public, the A registry that provides recognition to an individual or an EA team that has enterprises we provide value to, and the members met the basic requirements for a of our own profession. profession
  • 7. EA PROFESSION | PRINCIPLES Serve Society Today Enterprises, governments, and individuals have immediate and pressing need for the duties and advice CAEAP is the leading advocacy group for of the EA Profession. the enterprise architecture profession, working on behalf of the many Adapt for Tomorrow professionals on a global scale. Society's needs are diverse and continually evolving; the EA Profession responds to, reflects, and anticipates Our goal is to guide the industry to a self- these changes in tomorrows' needs. governed status of maturity by 2015 - moving from organized, to qualified, to Establish and Uphold Ethical and self-governed which includes a measured Professional Standards Integrity is the bedrock on which trust level of maturity in three very distinct and respect are built; the integrity of broad areas: the EA Profession is measured by the soundness of its professional practices.  Standards of practice Architect for adaptability. Develop an Empirical Body of Enterprise Architects design structures that help Knowledge  Professional learning A recognized, empirically derived body organizations embrace change. They bridge of knowledge forms the basis for EA the strategic, operational, and technical aspects  Industry governance practices, and ensures that members of embracing and exploiting change. of the profession have a common understanding of these practices. GOALS: Architect for sustainable value. Demonstrate Self-Regulation Enterprise Architects create holistic enterprise Professional autonomy is earned  Clarify in the public eye as to what a architectures that enable the enterprise to through the strict enforcement of deliver sustainable value to both the enterprise ethical and professional standards; professional Enterprise Architect establishment of accreditation models, and the public. They recognize responsibility to certification requirements, and contributes multiple stakeholders and seek balance among professional registries; and through potentially conflicting demands. clear and compelling leadership.  Ensure the public’s trust in EA as a Require Impartiality Advance the EA Profession. Bias in judgment or action, whether for profession Enterprise Architects recognize that advancing monetary, political or personal gain only a limited personal agenda while ignoring a destroys integrity and trust; therefore it cannot be tolerated by the EA  Assure the public they’re dealing with broader professional scope ultimately limits his Profession. or her potential for growth and contribution. competent EA professionals Promote Fair and Open Competition Above all, act with integrity and discretion. Respect for the Profession, mutual respect amongst practitioners of the  Sustainability of the profession Enterprise Architects know that trust is the Profession, and respect for the foundation of his or her success. Integrity and principles of freedom and equality  Brand recognition for the profession discretion are hallmarks of a trust relationship. necessitate reward on the basis of merit earned through honest effort and Together, they are the basis for EA Practice. delivered value.  Support professional autonomy
  • 8. Consider joining CAEAP. When you become a member of the CAEAP leadership team, you not only have access to talented industry peers, who share your values, and commitment to corporate excellence but you become part of the solution. CAEAP was founded in December of 2008 by Mark Lane and Mark Goetsch. As of the first quarter of Contact us at: 2010, CAEAP has over 1,500 members comprised of Enterprise Architects, Chief Enterprise Architects, and business executives across four continents. As a member of CAEAP, you will be recognized and acknowledged by colleagues and professional leaders with whom you work. Serving as a member can be a tremendous learning opportunity - assuming a leadership role requires one to develop a broader scope. The best way to “give back to the profession” is to author articles and presentations, or to join one of the association’s existing work streams to exchange ideas, expertise, and best practices. At CAEAP, you will have access to peers with similar professional backgrounds and resources, such as our peer-reviewed journal, books, conferences, and seminars. Of course, all of the above can help advance your career – sharing knowledge, accelerated learning about EA, greater visibility, networking and relationships.