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2009 Fourth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology

  A new Method for Enterprise Architecture Assessment and Decision-making about
                            Improvement or Redesign

           Mehrshid Javanbakht                         Maryam Pourkamali                                MohammadReza Feizi
       Science and Research Branch                  Science and Research Branch                             Derakhshi
         Islamic Azad University                      Islamic Azad University                                 Tabriz University
               Tehran, Iran                                 Tehran, Iran                                         Tabriz, Iran                                 

 Abstract— In the process of Enterprise Architecture Planning,
                                                                                  As-Is architecture               To-Be architecture
 the “As-Is” architecture is considered as baseline architecture,
 and target-architecture is designed on its basis. However, in
 some enterprises, particularly in developing countries, “as-is”
 architecture is not a suitable basis for creating target                                                      Mission & Goal
                                                                              Mission & Goal
 architecture. One method of improvement and correction of                                                     Business Process
 organizational architecture is using enterprise architecture                Business Process
                                                                               &Function                         &Function
 maturity. In such cases, improvement efforts will not only fail
 to improve the procedures, but also consume time and                                           Transition      Information
 financial and human resources of the organization. That is                     Information
 why it is recommended to redesign the organizational                                                             Service
 architecture     instead    of   organizational     architecture
 improvement. In this paper, multifactor systems are used to                    Technology                      Technology
 provide a practical method for assessment of any given
 organization and making accurate decisions on improvement                     Figure 1. Important Component of Enterprise Architecture
 or redesign of its architecture based on missions, goals and
 restrictions of the organization. With the use of this method,              Therefore, to design the transition plan there is a need to
 the enterprise architectures can be assessed and an accurate            define the “to-be” conditions. However, one cannot
 decision about development of the enterprises can be made               introduce any ideal “to-be” condition or a break point for
 based on its mission.                                                   improvement of organizational “to-be”. This is because once
                                                                         the “to-be” conditions are available; there might be a better
    Keywords-decision making; enterprise            architecture;        status available as well. This is why the enterprise
 improvement; redesigning; assessment                                    architecture maturity was introduced. Here the “to-be” of
                                                                         organizational architecture is expressed in terms of
                        I.    INTRODUCTION
                                                                         enterprise architecture maturity. Thus there is no pause in
     Organizational architecture includes a full set of                  the correction and improvement of organizational
 information about its missions, goals, functions, services,             architecture, and step-by-step guidelines are also available
 and technologies needed to fulfill its goals and missions.              for improvement of organizational architecture. A diagram
 The main components of organizational architecture are “as-             of this approach is demonstrated in Fig.2 [2][3].
 is” architecture, “to-be” architecture, and the transition plan
 designed to convert the “as-is” to “to-be.” Fig. 1 presents an                  As-Is            Ideal         Ideal
 overall idea of these components and their interrelationships                Architecture       Situation          ....Ideal
 [6]. “As-is” architecture is a set of documentations related to                                    #1           #2               #n
 the functions, services, and technologies currently available
 at the organization. “To-be” architecture is a set of
 documentations about policies, strategies, and plans related
 to correction and development of enterprise architecture
 development. The transition plan is a plan that includes all                                                             …
                                                                                                 Level 1       Level 2        Level n
 activities and components necessary for the transition of
 “as-is” architecture to “to-be” architecture [4][5][6][7][8][9].
                                                                                    Figure 2. Enterprise Architecture Maturity Idea

                                                                             It is needed to point out that sometimes the “as-is”
                                                                         condition lacks the necessary capacity and power to play
                                                                         this role sufficiently. In such cases, improvement efforts are
                                                                         futile and redesign of organizational architecture is

978-0-7695-3751-1/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE
                     $26.00                                         69
DOI 10.1109/ICCGI.2009.18
recommended. Therefore the question is how to measure the                   It is needed to note that federal enterprise architecture
capacities of the “as-is” conditions of a given organization            reference models have been developed according to US
in terms of its mission and goals and how to make decision              federal organizations, with the goal of giving efficient and
on its improvement or redesign. In many instances if a                  timely services to US citizens. That is why in this paper the
precise decision is not made, there will be possible risks of           first step is to customize the federal enterprise architecture
waste of time, resources, and man force. Besides, selection             reference models as required for general organizations. A
of the more important activities will enhance efficacy of the           customized reference models is presented in Fig. 3 [1].
time which is consumed. In this paper multifactor systems
are used to provide a practical method for assessing the                                                  Resource Management
conditions of any given organization and making accurate
                                                                                           Human Resource Management
decisions on improvement or redesign of its architecture
based on missions, goals and restrictions of the organization.                                Official Management
Another advantage of this method is the possibility of using
the scores resulting from Cost-Benefit analysis and                                         Supply chain Management
possibility of making decision about planning and                                   Information &Technology Management
scheduling of activities for development of enterprises more
                                                                                  Figure 3. Sample of Customized Reference Model
    In this study, in order to validate the proposed method, a
                                                                        This is done through several case studies such as “Iran
software tool was developed and five different case studies
                                                                        Statistics Center”, “Iran Ports Shipping Lines” and “Tehran
were performed.
  In this paper, the position of the method which is offered            Water and Sewer” organizations.
in the enterprise architecture planning is explained. Then the                      III.     MULTI-AGENT ARCHITECTURE
structure of the multi–agent system which is designed for
the explained method is noted. First, a top-down method for                  One of the significant advantages of supporting decision
detection and prioritization of the important elements of the           making in intelligent and semi-intelligent systems is the use
organization is suggested. Then a bottom-up method for                  of multi-agent systems. These systems usually divide each
assessment of the enterprise architecture based on the                  problem into several sections and assign each section to an
identified scores is explained. In the end, the designed tool,          agent for separate processing in a way that each agent can to
and some case studies which were performed based on the                 use the results of calculations of other agents. This is a big
suggested method, and the results are discussed.                        achievement in solving complex problems. An agent is an
                                                                        autonomous computerized system which has social features
         II.   REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL MODELS                           and the ability to analyze and react. A multi-agent system is
    Budget and time restrictions emerge a need for                      in fact a network of independent components working
prioritization of the development activities and selection of a         interactively to solve a single problem. Defining the duties
subset of them. Therefore in the process of enterprise                  and assigning each work section to one agent is done based
architecture planning there is a need to assess, prioritize, and        on the capacities of agents. The final answer to any question
sequence the components of the given organization. Because              is found through combining all solutions and computations.
of this reasons there is a need to analyze all the components               The proposed method uses multi-agent architecture as
of the organization. Components of organizational                       stated above. A detailed explanation of the above method is
architecture are plenty and diverse. This fact makes their              presented in a multi-agent system. According to this sort of
analysis a very complex process. One method to correctly                architecture, the method is divided into 4 separate agents
classify organizational information is to use reference                 and each of them may be divided into the following sub-
models. Reference architecture is a detailed explanation of             agents. These agents and sub-agents may be seen in Fig. 4.
components and an overall view of the whole system.                     The four selected agents are explained below.
Reference models work within organizational architecture
not only to introduce the necessary components of the                   A.   Middleware Agent
organization, but also to give an estimate of their                          This agent has the duty to offer an interface to input and
relationships. The method presented here recognizes more                transfer the information into un-concentrated knowledge
significant components by using reference models. This is               bases as needed by other agents. This interface must transfer
because they are considered to be standards of best                     the assessment and decision making results to the user as
experiences in the past. The federal enterprise architecture            well. Some of the duties assigned to this agent are as
framework considers a layered structure for the components              follows:
of organizational architecture. Since this applies to the                   • Acquisition of the basic information from reference
method which is proposed here, reference models of FEAF                          models,
(Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework) is used. In this                • Acquisition of the project goals, this section
paper, the business reference model, the service reference                       completes the standards and facts of a multi-agent
model, and the technology reference model will also be                           system,
studied [10][11][12].

•   Acquisition of the rate of significance of each              D.   Knowledge Discovery and Management Agent
         option for the upper layers,                                     This agent has the duty to update and maintain a
     •   Acquisition of the information related to the rate of        knowledge base related to decision making for the project
         each option in the three lower layers,                       status. In this study, comparison of the given project with
     •   Input of neighborhood radius information and                 other successful and unsuccessful projects of the past was
         proximity percents and learning rates in the “nearest        done to recognize the project status. This required storage
         neighborhood” algorithm [13].                                and updating the information from past projects in a new
                                                                      knowledge base, and addition of the new project to the list
    Some of the items given to the user as outputs of these           of best practices or failed projects based on the status
systems are:                                                          detected for it. Management of this knowledge base is the
    • Displaying the level of significance of each item for           duty of this agent. It automatically adds the information of
       the organization to promote its mission and goals,             new projects to the system based on the status detected for
    • Displaying the scores resulting from organizational             them, providing the system with self-learning features.
       assessment,                                                    Moreover, this agent performs parts of its duties by using
    • Displaying the project status through “nearest                  the information received by the middleware agent.
       neighborhood” method in real-time graphic format,
    • Displaying the project status in text format by using
       threshold method,
    • Reporting the results of calculations and system
       decisions specifically or generally and based on
       chosen seeding of the user,
    • Displaying the chosen project based on TOPSIS
       (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to
       Ideal Solution) method [14][15],
    • Displaying the proposed components for

B.   Rule Comparison Agent
     This agent has the duty to draw relational matrices. It
has to connect each item on each layer to the items on the
upper layers. Any mistake in drawing internal matrices will
distort the assessment results. Moreover, this agent controls
the sum of scores and normalizes them according to a score
of 100 while the value of each item for the organization or
the upper layer is entered. To do so, the agent dynamically
checks the information being entered and alerts the user
about the scores left to 100 and in case of a mistake in
inputted information, it prevents that information from being
stored and asks the user to correct the mistake. This is of
utmost significance for such wide knowledge bases.
C.  Dynamic Analytical Agent
    This one assesses the analytical and decision making
core of the system and consists of the following sub-agents:
   • Autonomous agent of top-down procedure,
   • Autonomous agent of bottom-up procedure using
         the output of lowest layer agent in top-down agents,
   • Agent of Statistical threshold analysis,
   • Agent of analysis of the “nearest neighborhood”                           Figure 4 . Architecture used in multi-agent system
   • Agent of analysis of the TOPSIS,                                 Thus the projects entering the knowledge base may not be
   • Agent of the cost-benefit analysis.                              assessed by the current system, or they may have been
                                                                      assessed previously by manual or intuitional methods. In
   The architecture used to connect the sub-agents of this
                                                                      such cases a section of the user interface agent provides a
agent is presented in Fig. 4.
                                                                      chance for entering the information of already-assessed
                                                                      projects. On the other hand, another duty of this agent is to
                                                                      perform the following tasks if necessary:

•    Acquisition of the base information from reference            transition of organizational architecture, but also prioritize
        models,                                                       them. This is a top-down method. The selected levels are:
   •    Acquisition of the project goals,                                 • Objective
   •    Acquisition of the rate of significance of each item              • Goal
        for upper layers,                                                 • Function
   •    Acquisition of the relationship designed by the rule              • Service
        interpreting agent,                                               • Technology
   •    Acquisition of the information related to                     The overall idea of the levels considered in this method can
        determining the rate of meeting of each item on the           be seen in Fig. 5.
        three lower layers,
   •    Acquisition of the data related to neighborhood
        radius and proximity percent and learning rate in the
        “nearest neighborhood” algorithm.
    The proposed method dynamically adapts its
assessments according to the missions, goals, opportunities,
and threats of the organization. Thus, any organizational
architecture is assessed in terms of its own missions and                               Figure 5 . Layers of the method
duties. The method may be divided into several phases as
follows:                                                                 The objectives and goals are determined by detection of
    • Customization of reference models for general                   the points needed to achieve the mission of organizations
         organizations by using case studies,                         and restrictions such as risks and budget or time limitations.
    • Use of a layer model to recognize the relationships             At the highest level, the senior managers of any organization
         between layers of organizational architecture,               choose the objectives according to mission of the given
    • Taking a top-down approach to prioritizing                      organization and prioritize the significance of each objective
         implementation of different components of                    by giving them special scores. The total of significance
         organizational architecture and related activities,          scores of all objectives related to a given project must equal
    • Taking a bottom-up approach towards assessment of               100. When disclosing the scores at goal level one must
         organizational architecture,                                 recognize to which objective they relate. The score is given
    • Computations and calculations related to the cost-              to each goal according to the objective to which it relates.
         benefit analysis,                                            This can be seen in Fig. 6 and (1).
    • Decision making and choice between improvement
         or redesign of organizational architecture.

    The method offered here first uses a top-down approach
to identify and detect the more significant components of the
enterprise architecture and activities related to their
implementation. It proceeds to a bottom-up approach to
assess the enterprise architecture according to the level of                        Figure 6 . Scored Objective-Goal matrix
significance of each component based on organizational
goals and missions. In fact the bottom-up approach uses the
results of the top-down. In this method hierarchy levels are                                                 n
                                                                                Score − of − each − Goal = ∑ (Gi × Fi )
used to disperse the scores.                                                                                 1

                                                                      In (1), Gi is the score related to objectives for which the goal
                                                                      in question will be helpful. n is number of objectives related
   One of the most important issues related to                        to each goal. To score the goal layer, since each objective
organizational architecture is designing a transition plan            consists of a number of goals and a given goal may be more
based on its missions and goals. One issue here is that               important towards promotion of an objective, a certain
designing the transition plan is totally dependent on the             degree of significance is assigned to each goal for. Fi is the
system for which it is designed. As a result, one cannot offer        score related to the significance of each goal for the related
a general plan to enhance all activities related to                   objective. The sum of significance degrees of all goals
improvement of organizational architecture. The proposed              related to one objective must equal 100.
method may not only recognize activities related to                      At lower levels, each function should be studied to
                                                                      identify what goal it is related so that the score can be

determined. Using the Fig. 7 and (2), each function is scored
similar to the goal level.                                                                                          n
                                                                             Score − of − each − Technolog y = ∑ ( M i × Fi )

                                                                         The component with the highest score will receive the
                                                                      highest degree of significance. It is obvious that activities
                                                                      related to implementation of components with higher scores
                                                                      will be assigned a higher priority and are more
                                                                      recommended. Normalization of the calculations has been
               Figure 7 . Scored Goal-Function matrix                 approved in previous studies [1][2].
                                                                          Since in any organization there are restrictions of time
                                                                      and budget that prevent implementation of all recognized
                                             n             (2)        components, in many cases there is no choice but to
       Score − of − each − Function = ∑ ( H i × Fi )                  implement a subset of required components. A cost-benefit
                                                                      analysis can be done by the use of the results of
To the function in question, Fi is the score related to               prioritization.
significance of each function for the given goal. The sum of              In the design of objectives and functions layer, issues
                                                                      like risk and time consumption reduction and functions
significance degrees of all functions related to one goal must
                                                                      related to each one are considered. In fact, these issues are
equal 100. Hi relates to the score of each goal which                 considered in the cost-benefit formula under the benefits in
function will be useful for its promotion. n is number of             the process of score dispersion. Equation (5) may be used
goals related to each function.                                       for this purpose where Benefiti is the score given to ith
    Finally the score given to each service is calculated             component, and Costi is the cost related to the ith
through the Fig. 8 and (3) in which Bi is the score related to        component. Furthermore, with rougher seeding one can use
each function and Fi is the score related significance of each        the cost-benefit analysis for the projects proposed by
service for related function. The sum of significance degrees         different stakeholders. Equation (5) may be used to this end.
of all services related to one function must equal 100.               The component or project with the lowest CBA (Cost-
                                                                      Benefit Analysis) value will gain the highest priority for
                                                                      implementation [2].

                                                                                                       Cost i                   (5)
                                                                                           CBAi =
                                                                                                    ( Benefit i )

                                                                      This sort of analysis may be done in higher levels with the
              Figure 8 . Scored Function-Service matrix
                                                                      same logic. The same formula may be used for the cost-
                                                                      benefit analysis of each project. Using (6) enables us to
                                                                      make decisions about investment in architecture
                                                          (3)         development activities, where m is the number of
         Score − of − each − Service = ∑ ( Bi × Fi )
                                                                      component related to project K. Using the cost-benefit
                                                                      analysis, those projects with lowest CBA are recognized as
As shown in Fig. 9 and (4), the same applies to the                   better choices for implementation.
technology where Mi is the score of related service, n is
number of services related to each technology, and Fi is the                                         m
                                                                                                       ⎡ Costi ⎤                (6)
                                                                                    CBA(Project) K = ∑ ⎢          ⎥
degree of significance of each technology for that service.                                          1 ⎣ Benefiti ⎦ j

                                                                            VI.    METHOD FOR ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE
                                                                         After recognition of the degree of significance of
                                                                      components in enterprise architecture development, comes
                                                                      the assessment procedure according to the significance
            Figure 9 . Scored Service-Technology matrix               degree of each component. To do so, a bottom-up method
                                                                      was used. First the degree of realization of each technology
                                                                      must be determined in terms of percent. Several formulas
                                                                      have been offered in the documentation accompanying this
                                                                      paper which may be used to calculate this degree. Thus the

score related to higher node, is calculated through the
Fig. 10 and (7).                                                                                        n
                                                                                                     ∑ ( BScorei × Bi)
                                                                                       GLScore =        1


                                                                            The score related to each objective is calculated according
                                                                         to the Fig. 13 and (10), where GIScore is the score related to
                                                                         each objective, Gi is the significance of each goal for the
                                                                         parent node, GLScorei is the score given to each goal, and n
           Figure 10 . Dispersion of score for each service              is the number of goal related to each objective.

                       ∑ ( MScorei × Mi)
          FScore = [   1
                                           + S1] / 2

The score of each service may be calculated by (7) where
Fscore is related to each service, Mscorei is related to each                      Figure 13 . Dispersion of score for each Objective
technology, Mi is the degree of significance of each
technology in promotion of the parent node service, n is the
number of technology related to each service and S1 is the                                          n
quality percentage of each service. This process is repeated                                       ∑ (GLscorei × Gi)
for calculation of scores given to function.                                          GIScore =     1

    The score related to each function is calculated by the                                                     n
Fig. 11 and (8), where Bscore is for each function, Fi is the
significance of each service for the parent node, FScorei is                 The rate of influence of each objective may be calculated
the score given to each service, n is the number of services             through (10). The calculated value must approximately
related to each given function, and S2 is quality percentage             equal the rate of significance assigned to objectives at the
of each function.                                                        beginning of top-down calculations. Finally, the score
                                                                         related to the whole Project may be calculated from (11),
                                                                         where Project-score is the score given to the whole project
                                                                         and n is the number of objectives which is defined.
                                                                                                            ∑ GIMScorei
                                                                                     Pr oject − Score =     1

          Figure 11 . Dispersion of score for each Function

                                                                         As the scores are expressed in percent, one can easily
                                                                         determine what percent of the mission of enterprise has been
                       ∑ ( FScorei × Fi)                                 fulfilled.
          BScore = [    1
                                           + S 2] / 2
                               n                                          VII. HOW TO MAKE DECISION ABOUT IMPROVEMENT OR
                                                                                REDESIGN OF ENTERPRISE ARRCHITECTURE
    The score related to each goal is calculated according to               Three decision making methods were used to make a
the Fig. 12 and (9), where GLScore is the score related to
                                                                         choice between improvement and redesign of architecture:
each goal, Bi is the significance of each function for the
parent node, BScorei is the score given to each function, and                • statistical sampling
n is the number of functions related to each goal.                           • nearest neighborhood method
                                                                             • TOPSIS method
                                                                              The first method uses the experiences of previous
                                                                         successful projects and statistical information gathering and
                                                                         sampling methods to calculate the approximate threshold. If
                                                                         the score obtained by the project is higher than the
                                                                         threshold, the enterprise architecture will be benefit from
                                                                         improvement. Otherwise, it is recommended to be
            Figure 12 . Dispersion of score for each Goal                redesigned.

The second method uses the “nearest neighborhood”
strategy to import scoring results of previous successful
projects into the network and eventually studies and reports
on the network conditions based on project interruption
points. For this purpose, the learning rate was taken at 0.1,
neighborhood radius was taken as 2, and neighborhood
radius decrement was taken as 0.999. Two variables x and y
were taken as the score of each project and the costs of its
improvement [13].
    The third method, TOPSIS, is a multiple indicator
decision making method which works based on distances to
the best and worst projects [14][15].
     One of the most important advantages of this method is
the ability to sequence the choices. This method is more
normalized than “nearest neighborhood” method. In this
method the matrix demonstrated in table 1 was used. In this
table, 5 parameters are used. im shows the improvement
choice and rd shows the redesign choice, and n shows the nth
contractor. As shown in table 1, based on cases which are                    Figure 14 . Interface for presenting the results of prioritization
more important for enterprises, the projects which are most
preferred by the enterprise are sequenced. Based on the first
project in sorted list of preferences, improvement or
redesign of the architecture was chosen.

    Contractor       Score   Cost   Time     Person number

                     VIII. CASE STUDY
    For the case studies, the information available in the real
projects of “Iran Statistics Center”, “Iran Ports and Shipping
Lines”, “Tehran Water and Sewer” Organizations and two
hospitals in Tehran was entered as input into the system.
This was accompanied by reasonable results in full harmony
                                                                       Figure 15 . User interface displaying the project status based on “nearest
with intuitive observations of senior managers. The results                                     neighborhood” network
of each of the three methods enriched the correctness of the
presented assessment method.
    A tool for the case study was created which is capable of
storing the information related to the enterprise architecture,
handling the calculations related to the assessment
automatically, and reporting the results. This architecture is
demonstrated in Fig. 4. This tool consists of the following
    • Input of basic information (such as all the data
         related to function, service, and technology),
    • Information input section of each project,
    • Determination of the significance of each
         component based on selected seeding levels,
    • Report of the conditions of a project based on the
         “nearest neighborhood” method, threshold was
         defined based on statistical data gathering, and
         TOPSIS method.
Schemas of some tool intermediates is demonstrated in Fig.                Figure 16 . User interface displaying the project status based on the
14, 15, 16 and 17.                                                                threshold obtained from statistical data gathering

                                                                              [1] Mehrshid Javanbakht, “A new method for enterprise architecture
                                                                              assessment”, Thesis of MSc, Computer Engineering Department,, Islamic
                                                                              Azad University Science and Research Branch, 2006.
                                                                              [2] Mehrshid Javanbakht ,”A New Method for Decision Making and
                                                                              Planning in Enterprises”, IEEE, International Conference on Information
                                                                              & Communication Technologies: From theory to Applications , Aprill
                                                                              [3] M. Ahern Dennis, Clourse Aaron, and Turner Richard.“CMMI
                                                                              Distilled., A practical guide to integrated process improvement”, Second
                                                                              edition,Addison Wesley, Part1, September 23 2003.
                                                                              [4] Blueprint Technologies., “Best practice approach to enterprise
                                                                              architecture”, 8618 Westwood Center Suite. 310, Vienna, VA 22182,
                                                                              United States. 2. NASA-ESDIS, Bldg 32, Rm S224C Mail Code 423.2004.
                                                                              [5] Jaap Schekkerman,B.Sc., ”Enterprise architecture source card”,
                                                                              Institute for enterprise architecture development, 2004.
                                                                              [6] Chief information Officer Council A Practical guide to federal
                                                                              enterprise architecture, Version 1.0. February 2001.
                                                                              [7] EA Practice team., ”Enterprise Architecture Transition Plan, Version
                                                                              1.0”, Volume 1, July 29 2005.
                                                                              [8] Spwak Steven Hill., “Enterprise Architecture Planning: Developing a
  Figure 17. User interface displaying sorted projects based on TOPSIS        blueprint for Data, Applications, & Technology”, John Willey & Sons,
                                 method                                       September 1993.
                                                                              [9] .,”Enterprise architecture development Tool-Kit v 3.0”, National
                                                                              association of state chief information officer,82126. October 2004..
Structure of this tool is the same as the Multi-agent structure               [10] “The business Reference Model Version 2.1”, The federal Enterprise
demonstrated in Section 3.                                                    Architecture Program Management Office, June 2005.
                                                                              [11] “The component reference model(SRM) version 1.0”, The federal
                        IX.    CONCLUSION                                     Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office, Feb 2005.
                                                                              [12] “FEA reference model mapping quick guide, version 2.3”, The
    Using the results of this paper, a method was suggested                   federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office, agust 2008.
that may be used as a complementary factor in assessment                      [13] Gregory Shakhnarovich, Trevor Darrell, and Piotr Indyk, “Nearest-
of organizational architecture. Use of this method enhances                   Neighbor Methods in Learning and Vision: Theory and Practice”, The
the possibility of assessment of organizational architecture                  MIT Press, March 31, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-0262195478
                                                                              [14] E. Triantaphyllou, “Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: A
based on missions, goals, opportunities, and threats of the                   comparative Study”, Springer, November 2000, ISBN-13: 978-
organization. Having such a tool one can compare different                    0792366072
organizations quantitatively and according to their rate of                   [15] K . Paul Yoon, and Ching-Lai Hwang, “Multiple Attribute Decision
meeting special goals and objectives.                                         Making An Introduction”, Sage Publications, January 1995, ISBN-13:
    One obstacle which is faced by many systems is that in                    978-0803954861
many cases the qualitative level of organizational
architecture is so low that its improvement will be too costly
and there is no choice but to redesign the whole architecture.
By the use of the method which is conjectured in this paper,
one is enabled to assess the enterprise architecture and make
more accurate decisions on improvement or redesign of the
organizational architecture. This is a very important decision
in reducing the costs, risks, and time in development or
improvement activities.
    Another advantage of this method is the possibility of
using the scores resulted in Cost-Benefit analysis and
possibility for decision making for planning and scheduling
of activities for development of enterprises.
    Among the development fields available to the proposed
method, is the development and higher accuracy of the list
of reference models. Other fields related to this issue include
finding a more accurate neighborhood function for the
implemented “nearest neighborhood” network. Moreover,
ontology of reference models can be used to fully automate
the rule interpreting agent.


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A new method_for_enterprise_architecture_assessment_and_decision-making_about

  • 1. 2009 Fourth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology A new Method for Enterprise Architecture Assessment and Decision-making about Improvement or Redesign Mehrshid Javanbakht Maryam Pourkamali MohammadReza Feizi Science and Research Branch Science and Research Branch Derakhshi Islamic Azad University Islamic Azad University Tabriz University Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran Tabriz, Iran Abstract— In the process of Enterprise Architecture Planning, As-Is architecture To-Be architecture the “As-Is” architecture is considered as baseline architecture, and target-architecture is designed on its basis. However, in some enterprises, particularly in developing countries, “as-is” architecture is not a suitable basis for creating target Mission & Goal Mission & Goal architecture. One method of improvement and correction of Business Process organizational architecture is using enterprise architecture Business Process &Function &Function maturity. In such cases, improvement efforts will not only fail to improve the procedures, but also consume time and Transition Information financial and human resources of the organization. That is Information plan why it is recommended to redesign the organizational Service Service architecture instead of organizational architecture improvement. In this paper, multifactor systems are used to Technology Technology provide a practical method for assessment of any given organization and making accurate decisions on improvement Figure 1. Important Component of Enterprise Architecture or redesign of its architecture based on missions, goals and restrictions of the organization. With the use of this method, Therefore, to design the transition plan there is a need to the enterprise architectures can be assessed and an accurate define the “to-be” conditions. However, one cannot decision about development of the enterprises can be made introduce any ideal “to-be” condition or a break point for based on its mission. improvement of organizational “to-be”. This is because once the “to-be” conditions are available; there might be a better Keywords-decision making; enterprise architecture; status available as well. This is why the enterprise improvement; redesigning; assessment architecture maturity was introduced. Here the “to-be” of organizational architecture is expressed in terms of I. INTRODUCTION enterprise architecture maturity. Thus there is no pause in Organizational architecture includes a full set of the correction and improvement of organizational information about its missions, goals, functions, services, architecture, and step-by-step guidelines are also available and technologies needed to fulfill its goals and missions. for improvement of organizational architecture. A diagram The main components of organizational architecture are “as- of this approach is demonstrated in Fig.2 [2][3]. is” architecture, “to-be” architecture, and the transition plan designed to convert the “as-is” to “to-be.” Fig. 1 presents an As-Is Ideal Ideal overall idea of these components and their interrelationships Architecture Situation ....Ideal SituationSituation [6]. “As-is” architecture is a set of documentations related to #1 #2 #n the functions, services, and technologies currently available at the organization. “To-be” architecture is a set of documentations about policies, strategies, and plans related Mapping to correction and development of enterprise architecture development. The transition plan is a plan that includes all … Level 1 Level 2 Level n activities and components necessary for the transition of “as-is” architecture to “to-be” architecture [4][5][6][7][8][9]. Figure 2. Enterprise Architecture Maturity Idea It is needed to point out that sometimes the “as-is” condition lacks the necessary capacity and power to play this role sufficiently. In such cases, improvement efforts are futile and redesign of organizational architecture is 978-0-7695-3751-1/09 $25.00 © 2009 IEEE $26.00 69 DOI 10.1109/ICCGI.2009.18
  • 2. recommended. Therefore the question is how to measure the It is needed to note that federal enterprise architecture capacities of the “as-is” conditions of a given organization reference models have been developed according to US in terms of its mission and goals and how to make decision federal organizations, with the goal of giving efficient and on its improvement or redesign. In many instances if a timely services to US citizens. That is why in this paper the precise decision is not made, there will be possible risks of first step is to customize the federal enterprise architecture waste of time, resources, and man force. Besides, selection reference models as required for general organizations. A of the more important activities will enhance efficacy of the customized reference models is presented in Fig. 3 [1]. time which is consumed. In this paper multifactor systems are used to provide a practical method for assessing the Resource Management conditions of any given organization and making accurate Human Resource Management decisions on improvement or redesign of its architecture based on missions, goals and restrictions of the organization. Official Management Another advantage of this method is the possibility of using the scores resulting from Cost-Benefit analysis and Supply chain Management possibility of making decision about planning and Information &Technology Management scheduling of activities for development of enterprises more Figure 3. Sample of Customized Reference Model accurately. In this study, in order to validate the proposed method, a This is done through several case studies such as “Iran software tool was developed and five different case studies Statistics Center”, “Iran Ports Shipping Lines” and “Tehran were performed. In this paper, the position of the method which is offered Water and Sewer” organizations. in the enterprise architecture planning is explained. Then the III. MULTI-AGENT ARCHITECTURE structure of the multi–agent system which is designed for the explained method is noted. First, a top-down method for One of the significant advantages of supporting decision detection and prioritization of the important elements of the making in intelligent and semi-intelligent systems is the use organization is suggested. Then a bottom-up method for of multi-agent systems. These systems usually divide each assessment of the enterprise architecture based on the problem into several sections and assign each section to an identified scores is explained. In the end, the designed tool, agent for separate processing in a way that each agent can to and some case studies which were performed based on the use the results of calculations of other agents. This is a big suggested method, and the results are discussed. achievement in solving complex problems. An agent is an autonomous computerized system which has social features II. REFERENCE ARCHITECTURAL MODELS and the ability to analyze and react. A multi-agent system is Budget and time restrictions emerge a need for in fact a network of independent components working prioritization of the development activities and selection of a interactively to solve a single problem. Defining the duties subset of them. Therefore in the process of enterprise and assigning each work section to one agent is done based architecture planning there is a need to assess, prioritize, and on the capacities of agents. The final answer to any question sequence the components of the given organization. Because is found through combining all solutions and computations. of this reasons there is a need to analyze all the components The proposed method uses multi-agent architecture as of the organization. Components of organizational stated above. A detailed explanation of the above method is architecture are plenty and diverse. This fact makes their presented in a multi-agent system. According to this sort of analysis a very complex process. One method to correctly architecture, the method is divided into 4 separate agents classify organizational information is to use reference and each of them may be divided into the following sub- models. Reference architecture is a detailed explanation of agents. These agents and sub-agents may be seen in Fig. 4. components and an overall view of the whole system. The four selected agents are explained below. Reference models work within organizational architecture not only to introduce the necessary components of the A. Middleware Agent organization, but also to give an estimate of their This agent has the duty to offer an interface to input and relationships. The method presented here recognizes more transfer the information into un-concentrated knowledge significant components by using reference models. This is bases as needed by other agents. This interface must transfer because they are considered to be standards of best the assessment and decision making results to the user as experiences in the past. The federal enterprise architecture well. Some of the duties assigned to this agent are as framework considers a layered structure for the components follows: of organizational architecture. Since this applies to the • Acquisition of the basic information from reference method which is proposed here, reference models of FEAF models, (Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework) is used. In this • Acquisition of the project goals, this section paper, the business reference model, the service reference completes the standards and facts of a multi-agent model, and the technology reference model will also be system, studied [10][11][12]. 70
  • 3. Acquisition of the rate of significance of each D. Knowledge Discovery and Management Agent option for the upper layers, This agent has the duty to update and maintain a • Acquisition of the information related to the rate of knowledge base related to decision making for the project each option in the three lower layers, status. In this study, comparison of the given project with • Input of neighborhood radius information and other successful and unsuccessful projects of the past was proximity percents and learning rates in the “nearest done to recognize the project status. This required storage neighborhood” algorithm [13]. and updating the information from past projects in a new knowledge base, and addition of the new project to the list Some of the items given to the user as outputs of these of best practices or failed projects based on the status systems are: detected for it. Management of this knowledge base is the • Displaying the level of significance of each item for duty of this agent. It automatically adds the information of the organization to promote its mission and goals, new projects to the system based on the status detected for • Displaying the scores resulting from organizational them, providing the system with self-learning features. assessment, Moreover, this agent performs parts of its duties by using • Displaying the project status through “nearest the information received by the middleware agent. neighborhood” method in real-time graphic format, • Displaying the project status in text format by using threshold method, • Reporting the results of calculations and system decisions specifically or generally and based on chosen seeding of the user, • Displaying the chosen project based on TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method [14][15], • Displaying the proposed components for implementation. B. Rule Comparison Agent This agent has the duty to draw relational matrices. It has to connect each item on each layer to the items on the upper layers. Any mistake in drawing internal matrices will distort the assessment results. Moreover, this agent controls the sum of scores and normalizes them according to a score of 100 while the value of each item for the organization or the upper layer is entered. To do so, the agent dynamically checks the information being entered and alerts the user about the scores left to 100 and in case of a mistake in inputted information, it prevents that information from being stored and asks the user to correct the mistake. This is of utmost significance for such wide knowledge bases. C. Dynamic Analytical Agent This one assesses the analytical and decision making core of the system and consists of the following sub-agents: • Autonomous agent of top-down procedure, • Autonomous agent of bottom-up procedure using the output of lowest layer agent in top-down agents, • Agent of Statistical threshold analysis, • Agent of analysis of the “nearest neighborhood” Figure 4 . Architecture used in multi-agent system network, • Agent of analysis of the TOPSIS, Thus the projects entering the knowledge base may not be • Agent of the cost-benefit analysis. assessed by the current system, or they may have been assessed previously by manual or intuitional methods. In The architecture used to connect the sub-agents of this such cases a section of the user interface agent provides a agent is presented in Fig. 4. chance for entering the information of already-assessed projects. On the other hand, another duty of this agent is to perform the following tasks if necessary: 71
  • 4. Acquisition of the base information from reference transition of organizational architecture, but also prioritize models, them. This is a top-down method. The selected levels are: • Acquisition of the project goals, • Objective • Acquisition of the rate of significance of each item • Goal for upper layers, • Function • Acquisition of the relationship designed by the rule • Service interpreting agent, • Technology • Acquisition of the information related to The overall idea of the levels considered in this method can determining the rate of meeting of each item on the be seen in Fig. 5. three lower layers, • Acquisition of the data related to neighborhood radius and proximity percent and learning rate in the “nearest neighborhood” algorithm. IV. ASSESSMENT AND DECISION MAKING METHOD OF ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE The proposed method dynamically adapts its assessments according to the missions, goals, opportunities, and threats of the organization. Thus, any organizational architecture is assessed in terms of its own missions and Figure 5 . Layers of the method duties. The method may be divided into several phases as follows: The objectives and goals are determined by detection of • Customization of reference models for general the points needed to achieve the mission of organizations organizations by using case studies, and restrictions such as risks and budget or time limitations. • Use of a layer model to recognize the relationships At the highest level, the senior managers of any organization between layers of organizational architecture, choose the objectives according to mission of the given • Taking a top-down approach to prioritizing organization and prioritize the significance of each objective implementation of different components of by giving them special scores. The total of significance organizational architecture and related activities, scores of all objectives related to a given project must equal • Taking a bottom-up approach towards assessment of 100. When disclosing the scores at goal level one must organizational architecture, recognize to which objective they relate. The score is given • Computations and calculations related to the cost- to each goal according to the objective to which it relates. benefit analysis, This can be seen in Fig. 6 and (1). • Decision making and choice between improvement or redesign of organizational architecture. The method offered here first uses a top-down approach to identify and detect the more significant components of the enterprise architecture and activities related to their implementation. It proceeds to a bottom-up approach to assess the enterprise architecture according to the level of Figure 6 . Scored Objective-Goal matrix significance of each component based on organizational goals and missions. In fact the bottom-up approach uses the results of the top-down. In this method hierarchy levels are n Score − of − each − Goal = ∑ (Gi × Fi ) (1) used to disperse the scores. 1 V. METHOD OF PRIORITIZING ENTERPRISE In (1), Gi is the score related to objectives for which the goal ARCHITECTURE DEVELOPING PROCESSES in question will be helpful. n is number of objectives related One of the most important issues related to to each goal. To score the goal layer, since each objective organizational architecture is designing a transition plan consists of a number of goals and a given goal may be more based on its missions and goals. One issue here is that important towards promotion of an objective, a certain designing the transition plan is totally dependent on the degree of significance is assigned to each goal for. Fi is the system for which it is designed. As a result, one cannot offer score related to the significance of each goal for the related a general plan to enhance all activities related to objective. The sum of significance degrees of all goals improvement of organizational architecture. The proposed related to one objective must equal 100. method may not only recognize activities related to At lower levels, each function should be studied to identify what goal it is related so that the score can be 72
  • 5. determined. Using the Fig. 7 and (2), each function is scored similar to the goal level. n (4) Score − of − each − Technolog y = ∑ ( M i × Fi ) 1 The component with the highest score will receive the highest degree of significance. It is obvious that activities related to implementation of components with higher scores will be assigned a higher priority and are more recommended. Normalization of the calculations has been Figure 7 . Scored Goal-Function matrix approved in previous studies [1][2]. Since in any organization there are restrictions of time and budget that prevent implementation of all recognized n (2) components, in many cases there is no choice but to Score − of − each − Function = ∑ ( H i × Fi ) implement a subset of required components. A cost-benefit 1 analysis can be done by the use of the results of To the function in question, Fi is the score related to prioritization. significance of each function for the given goal. The sum of In the design of objectives and functions layer, issues like risk and time consumption reduction and functions significance degrees of all functions related to one goal must related to each one are considered. In fact, these issues are equal 100. Hi relates to the score of each goal which considered in the cost-benefit formula under the benefits in function will be useful for its promotion. n is number of the process of score dispersion. Equation (5) may be used goals related to each function. for this purpose where Benefiti is the score given to ith Finally the score given to each service is calculated component, and Costi is the cost related to the ith through the Fig. 8 and (3) in which Bi is the score related to component. Furthermore, with rougher seeding one can use each function and Fi is the score related significance of each the cost-benefit analysis for the projects proposed by service for related function. The sum of significance degrees different stakeholders. Equation (5) may be used to this end. of all services related to one function must equal 100. The component or project with the lowest CBA (Cost- Benefit Analysis) value will gain the highest priority for implementation [2]. Cost i (5) CBAi = ( Benefit i ) This sort of analysis may be done in higher levels with the Figure 8 . Scored Function-Service matrix same logic. The same formula may be used for the cost- benefit analysis of each project. Using (6) enables us to make decisions about investment in architecture n (3) development activities, where m is the number of Score − of − each − Service = ∑ ( Bi × Fi ) 1 component related to project K. Using the cost-benefit analysis, those projects with lowest CBA are recognized as As shown in Fig. 9 and (4), the same applies to the better choices for implementation. technology where Mi is the score of related service, n is number of services related to each technology, and Fi is the m ⎡ Costi ⎤ (6) CBA(Project) K = ∑ ⎢ ⎥ degree of significance of each technology for that service. 1 ⎣ Benefiti ⎦ j VI. METHOD FOR ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE ASSESSMENT After recognition of the degree of significance of components in enterprise architecture development, comes the assessment procedure according to the significance Figure 9 . Scored Service-Technology matrix degree of each component. To do so, a bottom-up method was used. First the degree of realization of each technology must be determined in terms of percent. Several formulas have been offered in the documentation accompanying this paper which may be used to calculate this degree. Thus the 73
  • 6. score related to higher node, is calculated through the Fig. 10 and (7). n (9) ∑ ( BScorei × Bi) GLScore = 1 n The score related to each objective is calculated according to the Fig. 13 and (10), where GIScore is the score related to each objective, Gi is the significance of each goal for the parent node, GLScorei is the score given to each goal, and n Figure 10 . Dispersion of score for each service is the number of goal related to each objective. n (7) ∑ ( MScorei × Mi) FScore = [ 1 + S1] / 2 n The score of each service may be calculated by (7) where Fscore is related to each service, Mscorei is related to each Figure 13 . Dispersion of score for each Objective technology, Mi is the degree of significance of each technology in promotion of the parent node service, n is the number of technology related to each service and S1 is the n (10) quality percentage of each service. This process is repeated ∑ (GLscorei × Gi) for calculation of scores given to function. GIScore = 1 The score related to each function is calculated by the n Fig. 11 and (8), where Bscore is for each function, Fi is the significance of each service for the parent node, FScorei is The rate of influence of each objective may be calculated the score given to each service, n is the number of services through (10). The calculated value must approximately related to each given function, and S2 is quality percentage equal the rate of significance assigned to objectives at the of each function. beginning of top-down calculations. Finally, the score related to the whole Project may be calculated from (11), where Project-score is the score given to the whole project and n is the number of objectives which is defined. n (11) ∑ GIMScorei Pr oject − Score = 1 n Figure 11 . Dispersion of score for each Function As the scores are expressed in percent, one can easily determine what percent of the mission of enterprise has been n (8) ∑ ( FScorei × Fi) fulfilled. BScore = [ 1 + S 2] / 2 n VII. HOW TO MAKE DECISION ABOUT IMPROVEMENT OR REDESIGN OF ENTERPRISE ARRCHITECTURE The score related to each goal is calculated according to Three decision making methods were used to make a the Fig. 12 and (9), where GLScore is the score related to choice between improvement and redesign of architecture: each goal, Bi is the significance of each function for the parent node, BScorei is the score given to each function, and • statistical sampling n is the number of functions related to each goal. • nearest neighborhood method • TOPSIS method The first method uses the experiences of previous successful projects and statistical information gathering and sampling methods to calculate the approximate threshold. If the score obtained by the project is higher than the threshold, the enterprise architecture will be benefit from improvement. Otherwise, it is recommended to be Figure 12 . Dispersion of score for each Goal redesigned. 74
  • 7. The second method uses the “nearest neighborhood” strategy to import scoring results of previous successful projects into the network and eventually studies and reports on the network conditions based on project interruption points. For this purpose, the learning rate was taken at 0.1, neighborhood radius was taken as 2, and neighborhood radius decrement was taken as 0.999. Two variables x and y were taken as the score of each project and the costs of its improvement [13]. The third method, TOPSIS, is a multiple indicator decision making method which works based on distances to the best and worst projects [14][15]. One of the most important advantages of this method is the ability to sequence the choices. This method is more normalized than “nearest neighborhood” method. In this method the matrix demonstrated in table 1 was used. In this table, 5 parameters are used. im shows the improvement choice and rd shows the redesign choice, and n shows the nth contractor. As shown in table 1, based on cases which are Figure 14 . Interface for presenting the results of prioritization more important for enterprises, the projects which are most preferred by the enterprise are sequenced. Based on the first project in sorted list of preferences, improvement or redesign of the architecture was chosen. TABLE I. NORMALIZED WEIGHTED MATRIX Contractor Score Cost Time Person number Contractor(1,im) Contractor(1,rd) … Contractor(n,rd) VIII. CASE STUDY For the case studies, the information available in the real projects of “Iran Statistics Center”, “Iran Ports and Shipping Lines”, “Tehran Water and Sewer” Organizations and two hospitals in Tehran was entered as input into the system. This was accompanied by reasonable results in full harmony Figure 15 . User interface displaying the project status based on “nearest with intuitive observations of senior managers. The results neighborhood” network of each of the three methods enriched the correctness of the presented assessment method. A tool for the case study was created which is capable of storing the information related to the enterprise architecture, handling the calculations related to the assessment automatically, and reporting the results. This architecture is demonstrated in Fig. 4. This tool consists of the following sections: • Input of basic information (such as all the data related to function, service, and technology), • Information input section of each project, • Determination of the significance of each component based on selected seeding levels, • Report of the conditions of a project based on the “nearest neighborhood” method, threshold was defined based on statistical data gathering, and TOPSIS method. Schemas of some tool intermediates is demonstrated in Fig. Figure 16 . User interface displaying the project status based on the 14, 15, 16 and 17. threshold obtained from statistical data gathering 75
  • 8. REFERENCES [1] Mehrshid Javanbakht, “A new method for enterprise architecture assessment”, Thesis of MSc, Computer Engineering Department,, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, 2006. [2] Mehrshid Javanbakht ,”A New Method for Decision Making and Planning in Enterprises”, IEEE, International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: From theory to Applications , Aprill 2008. [3] M. Ahern Dennis, Clourse Aaron, and Turner Richard.“CMMI Distilled., A practical guide to integrated process improvement”, Second edition,Addison Wesley, Part1, September 23 2003. [4] Blueprint Technologies., “Best practice approach to enterprise architecture”, 8618 Westwood Center Suite. 310, Vienna, VA 22182, United States. 2. NASA-ESDIS, Bldg 32, Rm S224C Mail Code 423.2004. [5] Jaap Schekkerman,B.Sc., ”Enterprise architecture source card”, Institute for enterprise architecture development, 2004. [6] Chief information Officer Council A Practical guide to federal enterprise architecture, Version 1.0. February 2001. [7] EA Practice team., ”Enterprise Architecture Transition Plan, Version 1.0”, Volume 1, July 29 2005. [8] Spwak Steven Hill., “Enterprise Architecture Planning: Developing a Figure 17. User interface displaying sorted projects based on TOPSIS blueprint for Data, Applications, & Technology”, John Willey & Sons, method September 1993. [9] .,”Enterprise architecture development Tool-Kit v 3.0”, National association of state chief information officer,82126. October 2004.. Structure of this tool is the same as the Multi-agent structure [10] “The business Reference Model Version 2.1”, The federal Enterprise demonstrated in Section 3. Architecture Program Management Office, June 2005. [11] “The component reference model(SRM) version 1.0”, The federal IX. CONCLUSION Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office, Feb 2005. [12] “FEA reference model mapping quick guide, version 2.3”, The Using the results of this paper, a method was suggested federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office, agust 2008. that may be used as a complementary factor in assessment [13] Gregory Shakhnarovich, Trevor Darrell, and Piotr Indyk, “Nearest- of organizational architecture. Use of this method enhances Neighbor Methods in Learning and Vision: Theory and Practice”, The the possibility of assessment of organizational architecture MIT Press, March 31, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-0262195478 [14] E. Triantaphyllou, “Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: A based on missions, goals, opportunities, and threats of the comparative Study”, Springer, November 2000, ISBN-13: 978- organization. Having such a tool one can compare different 0792366072 organizations quantitatively and according to their rate of [15] K . Paul Yoon, and Ching-Lai Hwang, “Multiple Attribute Decision meeting special goals and objectives. Making An Introduction”, Sage Publications, January 1995, ISBN-13: One obstacle which is faced by many systems is that in 978-0803954861 many cases the qualitative level of organizational architecture is so low that its improvement will be too costly and there is no choice but to redesign the whole architecture. By the use of the method which is conjectured in this paper, one is enabled to assess the enterprise architecture and make more accurate decisions on improvement or redesign of the organizational architecture. This is a very important decision in reducing the costs, risks, and time in development or improvement activities. Another advantage of this method is the possibility of using the scores resulted in Cost-Benefit analysis and possibility for decision making for planning and scheduling of activities for development of enterprises. Among the development fields available to the proposed method, is the development and higher accuracy of the list of reference models. Other fields related to this issue include finding a more accurate neighborhood function for the implemented “nearest neighborhood” network. Moreover, ontology of reference models can be used to fully automate the rule interpreting agent. 76