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Cause we Care
Cause We Care is a young team of philanthropic super heroes that understand Not for Profit (NFP)
values, resources and donation challenges. We drive strategies to enhance, grow and develop new
and innovative ways to address the NFP sector. Cause We Care also provides a solution to small
NFP’s looking to gain a greater presence amongst the wider community.
Today, there is too much noise in the market place. It is becoming more challenging to communicate
why you should donate to a cause. The way people donate has changed. The public wants honesty
and clarity on where their funds are going, how they are being managed and what value they are
Overwhelmingly organisations are out of touch with their supporters and the younger generations
(Dickson & Keyes 2013). However, the core values of engagement have remained the same.
We provide a solution to NFP’s at low cost, utilising social networks (especially YouTube) as a vehicle
of communication. Giving us the ability to communicate swiftly to large groups of people across the
There are a large number of economically insignificant NFP’s willing to take on our solution for
communicating value to their stakeholders. Almost all indicating they were willing to pay a small
premium to be ahead of the noise.
We are devoted to promoting awareness in the NFP sector. Giving NFP the exposure they need,
advertisers and corporates the positive brand exposure they want and viewers the information and
knowledge about NFP to get involved.
How to Read This Document
1. Use the Valuable, Doable, Scaleable tool (in Appendices) when referencing assumption
2. Key assumptions in the first column are orange, key tests combining a few related
assumptions are in second column and are green.
3. Related Assumptions: are those that are not key to the viability of the solution but related in
some way, shape or form (these are in black)
4. References for all tools are found in the Reference List at the end of this document
5. The appendices document should be read from start-to-finish, as that is how the flow of
information is designed to be communicated
Assumption Testing
• MVP1 – YouTube video testing the smallest concept. Would viewers watch and learn about a
NFP and be interested in them learning business skills. So we chose one NFP (Bottle for Botol)
and one skill (pitching)
• MVP2 – online survey, testing our assumptions about the viewers
• Through the use of the tool we were able to establish a number tests listed in Appendices
• A large majority of our assumptions were tested by research by speaking directly with potential
customers and key partners, validating the pros and cons of MPV1. 2D prototyping around
online surveys and storyboarding, 3D prototype testing YouTube video
• Future tests are also needed by going to market via YouTube (using the metrics from
• The ‘Data Needed to Test Assumptions’ tool was also used to articulate what data was needed
to prove or disprove our assumptions
Urgent-Importance Matrix
• Understanding how a corporate member may prioritise their time and open their wallets. We
wanted to get a better understanding the urgency of the corporates task list, and quickly identify
the activities that were important to corporates.
Customer Development Interviews
• We developed a number of questions to gauge interest and further facilitate our assumption
testing. The questions were based of Cindy Alverez’s customer questions and insights gained
form Parts 1 & 2
Online Survey
• Online surveying gave us the ability to reach a broad audience quickly getting valuable feedback
for our MVP1 concept. We tried to articulate all our assumptions into non-biased questions that
would give us a level of agreement or disagreement from the viewers
Rainbow Spreadsheet
• This was used to visualize our interviewing data and information from corporates, NFP’s, public
and advertisers; quickly picking up on themes and insights
Multi Sided Platform
• The Multi-Sided Platform Map gave us a clear view of who and what would be interacting with
our YouTube channel and the competition and what network effects could be generated
• This tool was beneficial to us by being able to understand and then communicate to the
different segments our value to them and gain insight into how they would interact with the
Value Chain Analysis
• Value Chain Analysis helped us understanding the flow of how the Cause We Care competition
delivers value and what resources were potentially needed to make this happen
Business Model Canvas
• This tool was used to map out the key areas of development as a startup, the barriers and
difficulties that would be addressed before going and doing them. This gave us the opportunity
to discuss problems before we got there
Story boarding
• Allows us to articulate the story of what the competition is offering to each customer segment
and whether it connects with them or not
• The storyboard will also be used in future to get customers to fill in blank frames, to tell the
story how they want it told
Mind Mapping
• Used to articulate complicated and intangible concepts and to assist in taking group meeting
Lighting diagrams and Queue cards
• Used in filming to make sure things run smoothly and can be replicated if necessary in the future
MVP1 – YouTube Competition
Key Assumptions
• Team will be able to communicate effectively through the medium of video what NFP's have to
Related Assumptions
• Team will be able to produce high enough quality video for public to watch
• Team will be able to make full-use of advanced YouTube features and other social media to
promote video and make it as interactive as possible (e.g. annotations to outside websites)
Build MVP1 of YouTube competition and gain feedback from fellow students and viewers.
To test whether viewers connected with the concept and would watch and take action as a result
Metrics & Performance
50% expression of support on each assumption.
Results are based on feedback from online survey and general public interviews.
Online Survey and Viewers (general public) Interviews:
All assumptions got >60% validation bar one question, which still passed. The highest level of
support was for 'giving to causes makes me feel good' and the lowest level of support was for 'I have
the capacity to give financially'.
Recommendations & Future Tests
• Research into film production costs will test assumption 6 (although this is MVP1, Phase 2)
• Customer development interviews with corporate and advertisers, showing storyboard of
concept will be a future test
MVP2 - Public Segment Survey
Key Assumptions
• Public will watch part or whole video on YouTube, then share on social media
• Public will care about NFP's and what they are doing after being informed
• YouTube is the correct channel to reach the public
• Public will action/donate as a result of watching video
• Public have the capacity to support/donate to NFP corporates and advertisers will get involved
because they need others to know they do-good because and they want positive brand
Related Assumptions
• Public are open to new NFP's
• Format of video should show before and after teaching business skill
Requesting participants to identify where they fall on a scale of support for the previously
mentioned assumptions.
To elucidate data on viewer preferences regarding content, channel of access, and expected actions
after viewing.
Metrics & Performance
More then 50% expression of interest for key assumptions (validated 60%+)
All Assumptions passed as above in MVP1. There is the possibility that data has been skewed by
survey participants wishing to be obliging and/or the demographic of people with access to the
survey, this could affect the quality of data.
Recommendations & Future Tests
Person to person interviews to gain more comprehensive data, as well as User Experience and/or
ethnographic research on the way viewers interact with the YouTube video and channel (this may
possibly be filmed).
Customer Development Questions – NFP
Key Assumptions
• NFP and other stakeholders will gain benefit from participating in a YouTube competition
because it promotes awareness on effective NFP management and communicates the value of
their work
• The number of viewers will reach a tipping point, where corporates, NFP and advertisers will
want to get involved
Related Assumptions
(Customer development questions NFP 7, 11 valuables 1 in scalable)
• NFP will get involved because they want training
• Survey NFP's, corporates and advertisers on the tipping point of viewers for their involvement
would test assumption 1 in scalable
• Survey as above on whether they gain benefit from positive exposure of their value and if
YouTube is an effective vehicle for this
To validate whether they would be involved in Cause We Care and whether we could solve the
problem of communicating value.
Metrics & Performance
Passes if: 3 NFPs are willing to get on board, <20k views on YouTube would be the tipping point to
attract them to get involved and 50% expression of interest in communicating value.
NFPs passed, with the tipping point being 10k views, more than three were on board and more than
50% expressed interest in communicating value as a priority.
Recommendations & Future Tests
We need to test for the content of Cause We Care – what would be valuable to NFP’s and the
mediums that could be effective for their learning. This can be done through another round of
surveys and ethnographic research on weaknesses in the organizations or further MVP testing
around what content the viewers wanted to see in the competition.
Customer Development Questions – Corporates
Key Assumptions
• Corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know they, “do good”
because and they want positive brand exposure
Other Assumptions
(Customer development questions Corporate 9 valuables 4 do able 1, 2 4 and 5 in Scalable)
• The number of viewers will reach a tipping point, where corporates, NFP and advertisers will
want to get involved
• Corporates would choose to be involved with NFP's that are future scalable, will have a good
reach for advertising and that match causes they are already passionate about
• Corporates need public viewers to get value out of the competition (maybe viewers could
be employees)
• Customer development interviews will test assumptions 7, 9, 11
To find out how, when, and why corporates would get involved with Cause We Care.
Metrics & Performance
Passes if: 3 Corporates are willing to get on board with $15k to winner post tipping point, <20k views
on YouTube would tipping point to attract them to get involved, if 50% of corporates interviewed
express interested in 'positive brand exposure' as desirable, if 'causes would be involved' has at least
one in common with top three identified by online survey (kids and youth, homelessness, and
We failed the corporates, they required a critical mass of viewership prior to getting on board
financially and wanted evidence of a proven concept in market.
Recommendations & Future Tests
We need to pivot how we interact with corporates or to a new customer segment to fund Cause We
Care. We could change the targeted corporates, i.e. interact with corporates that have a clear
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and plan.
Further surveys and interviews need to be conducted to find the best customer segment.
Could create a MVP that demonstrates interest from viewers to the degree required.
Use storyboards to elucidate what the key drivers are for advertisement and attractiveness as a
Customer Development Questions – Advertisers
Key Assumptions
• Corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know they do-good
because and they want positive brand exposure
Related Assumptions
Customer development questions Advertisers 9 valuables 5 in Doable 1, 3 and 5 Scaleable
Customer development interviews will test assumptions 7, 9, 11
To find out when, how and why advertisers would get on board with Cause We Care.
Metrics & Performance
Passes if: 3 Advertisers are willing to get on board willing to sponsor $1700 per episode if viewers
reach tipping point, <20k views on YouTube would be tipping point to attract them to get involved, if
50% of corporates interviewed express interested in 'positive brand exposure' as desirable, if 'causes
would be involved' has at least one in common with top three identified by online survey (kids and
youth, homelessness, and environment).
Advertisers failed, in a financial capacity. While they were very keen to support in-kind with their
products and services they wanted to see a 'proven concept' before financially supporting.
Recommendations & Future Tests
• Pivot to a different kind of business as potential advertisers, maybe larger businesses or connect
with advertisers already strongly linked to a relevant cause.
• Could create a MVP that demonstrates interest from viewers to the degree required.
• Use storyboards to elucidate what the key drivers are for advertisement and attractiveness as a
Customer Development Questions - Viewers
Key Assumptions
• Public will watch part or whole video on YouTube, then share on social media
• Public will care about NFP's and what they are doing after being informed
• YouTube is the correct channel to reach the public
• Public will action/donate as a result of watching video
• Public have the capacity to support/donate to NFP corporates and advertisers will get involved
because they need others to know they do-good because and they want positive brand
Related Assumptions
• Public are open to new NFP's
• Format of video should show before and after teaching business skill
Customer development survey will test Assumptions 1-6 in Valuable.
Metrics & Performance
Passes if: 50% or greater interest in discussed topics.
60% or greater affirmation on all fronts, a clear pass.
Recommendations & Future Tests
• To do UX testing when watching video to understand how viewers interact with videos and
YouTube channels.
• Completing storyboards and allowing customer co-creation of the ‘story’ being told
Key Assumptions
• Team will be able to attract corporates to give prize money
• Team will be able to attract advertisers for the show
• If The Village co-working space is promoted via YouTube, they will get involved and sponsor the
Storyboards will test assumptions 4 & 5 from Doable and 3 from Scaleable.
Metrics & Performance
Will pass if: 3 or more responses from each customer segment support our assumptions in last panel
of storyboard.
For future iterations
Recommendations & Future Tests
Use Storyboards to test assumptions 3, 4 & 5.
Testing by Research
Key Assumptions
• We would be able to produce pilot episode for less than $3k
• NFPs will flourish if given the opportunity to learn business acumen
• The competition is not easily replicable by other companies who do not have our design research
Related Assumptions
• The Difference Incubator and School for Social Entrepreneurs will partner with us
• Research through Blue Ocean Strategy tool to make competitors irrelevant
• Research through contacting relevant parties, to see if they will partner with Cause We Care
• Research into film production costs
Metrics & Performance
• Yes or No (do they want to be a key partner)
• Blue Ocean (if we can create 3 or more touch points that the competition don’t compete on)
Research indicated partners were keen to get on board, costing is validated at just over $2k for pilot,
and Blue Ocean Strategy is test for future iterations.
Recommendations & Future Tests
The Blue Ocean Strategy can be used to further differentiate Cause We Care and create uncontested
market space.
Reference List
Alvarez, C 2010, Customer Development Interviews How-to: What you should be learning, Cindy
Alvarez, viewed 14th May 2014, <
Ankaraju, S 2010, What is a Multi-sided Platform?, viewed 19 May
2014<>., The Business Model Canvas,, viewed
2 May 2014, <>.
Dixon, J & Keyes, D 2013, The Permanent Disruption of Social Media, viewed 25 May 2014,
Dos Santos, C &M 2014, Lecturers, Part 2: What is?, ENT60005 Creativity and Innovation, Learning
Materials on Blackboard, Swinburne of Technology, 31 March 2014, viewed 24 April 2014.
Foley, N 2014, De-risk Your Innovation Project with Assumption Testing, Peer Insight, viewed 14 May
2014, <>.
Indy Mogul 2013, Storyboarding for People who can’t Draw (like me): Friday 101, 19 April, viewed 13
May 2014, <>.
Liedtka, J & Ogilvie, T 2011, 'Chapter 9', Designing for Growth: a design thinking toolkit for
managers, Columbia University Press, NY., The Urgent/Important Matrix: Using time effectively, not just efficiently,, viewed 15th May 2014,
<>. Value Chain Analysis: Achieving excellence in the things that really matter,, viewed 10 May 2014,
Strategyzer 2011, Business Model Canvas Explained, 1 September, viewed 1 May 2014,
Stevens, J 2013, Multimedia Storytelling: learn the secrets from experts at multimedia storytelling
institute 2014, kdmcBerkley, viewed 17 May 2014,
Tomer, S 2013, A Collaborative Lean UX ResearchTool, viewed 20 May 2014,
1. public will watch part or whole video on YouTube, then share on social media
2. public will care about NFP's and what they are doing after being informed
3. YouTube is the correct channel to reach the public
4. public are open to new NFP's
5. public will action/donate as a result of watching video
6. public have the capacity to support/donate to NFP
7. NFP will get involved because they want training
8. format of video should show before and after teaching business skill
9. corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know
they do-good because and they want positive brand exposure
10. NFP will flourish if given the opporutnity to learn business acumen
11. NFP and other stakeholders will gain benefit from participating in a YouTube
competition because it promotes awareness on effective NFP management
and communicates the value of their work
1. team will be able to produce high enough quality video for public to watch
2. team will be able to communicate effectively through the medium of video
what NFP's have to offer
3. team will be able to make full-use of advanced YouTube features and other
social media to promote video and make it as interactive as possible (e.g.
annotations to outside websites)
4. team will be able to attract corporates to give prize money
5. team will be able to attract advertisers for the show
1. the number of viewers will reach a tipping point, where corporates, NFP and
advertisers will want to get involved
2. corporates would choose to be involved with NFP's that are future scalable,
will have a good reach for advertising and that match causes they are
already pasisonate about
3. If The Village co-working space is promoted via YouTube, they will get
involved and sponsor the show
4. corporates need public viewers to get value out of the competition (maybe
viewers could be employees)
5. corporates and advertisers would gain ROI from parterning/sponsoring the
1. the competition is not easily replicable by other companies that do not
have the insights from our design research
1. MVP of YouTube competition will test assumptions 1, 3, 5, 8 [with metrics from Creativity Report Part 2]
2. Survey (for the public customers) with questions for based on insights will test assumptions 2, 4, 5, 6
3. Customer development interviews will test assumptions 7, 9, 11
4. Assumption 10 will be tested by research into NFP that have business skills vs. those who don't and how they perform)
2. The Difference Incubator and School for Social
Entrepreneurs will not see us as competitors and
partner with us
3. Connecting Up and other indirect competitors will not
see us as a threat and therefore not respond
1. Build MVP of YouTube competition and gain feedback from fellow students and public will test assumptions 1, 2, 3
2. Customer development interviews with corporate and advertisers, showing storyboard of concept will test assumptions 4, 5
3. Research into film production costs will test assumption 6 (although this is MVP Phase 2)
1. Survey NFP's, corporates and advertisers on the tipping point of viewers for their involvement would test assumption 1
2. Contact The Village and YGAP to see if they will participate/sponsor our MVP, show storyboard. This will test assumption 3
3. Conduct customer development interviews on why corporates would be involved with a particular cause will test assumption 2
4. Conduct customer development interviews on who corporates want to watch the competition and what they would like them to
action as a result will test assumption 4,5
1. Research existing direct competitors (none known at present) and do R-W-W or VOSE Analysis to test assumption 1
2. Contact The Difference Incubator and The School for Social Entrepreneurs to see if they will partner, this will test assumption 2
3. Take competition to market (branding it as a non-competitor) to seeing if competitors respond will test assumption 1, 3
6. cost of pilot eposide (after MVP) will be less than $3k
Key Assumptions Key Tests
MVP of YouTube competition:
1. how many veiwers
2. what age, gender, demographic
3. do they share or subscribe to the channel
4. if action was taken by the public after viewing the video
(although this would require getting hold of analytics from
Bottle for Botol's website and tracking donations made to
them via YouTube)
1. if we can get $5k advertising revenue per episode
($2k for the MVP)
2. if corporates will give $15k to the competition winner
3. if we can get 3 corporates on board to donate prize
4. why corporates and advertisers would get involved/donate/
sponsor the competition and what percieved benefits there
would be in doing so
5. the tipping point of viewership for them to get involved
6. if The Village and YGAP will get involved
1. does the pilot episode of competition costs less than $3k
(if supported with YouTube ads, this will require 3m views)
Phase 2 MVP - [Competition Landing Page for NFP's]:
1. click-back rates from YouTube
2. competition sign-ups and database growth
3. if there are any direct competitors
1. why NFP's would participate in competition and what
percieved benifits there would be in doing so
5. the tipping point of viewership for them to see it as
1. why and what the public would action after watching the
MVP and final competition
2. whether the public would understand NFP better after
watching the MVP and final competition
if The Difference Incubator and The School for Social
Entpreneurs will see us as a threat/competitor in the future -
even if they don't after we contact them
if the MVP or final competition will actually cause action from the
public - even if they say they would begin supporting or donating
(we could only find this out after going to market)
if corporates and advertisers will get ROI for partnering/
sponsoring the competition and not just views from the public
the problem is real, based on extensive design research
on initial survey, the public:
1. except for "I have the capacity to support causes that I
care about" all questions answered in the public survey
returned 60% or higher positive response
2. initial demographic of public seems to be more than 70%
female, 25yrs old and over
on initial interviews, corporates:
1. did not respond well to the idea of YouTube as a channel
2. wanted 'proof' of ROI before considering being a sponsor
on initial interviews and research, NFP's:
1. seemed keen to be involved and learn business skills but
were unsure if public would action based on video
need to know more about advertisers
Key Data Needed
s & Interviews
Based on V-D-S-D Exercise
Viewer Survey Data 1/6
Total Response Count:
Survey Title:
Cause We Care
Last Response Date:
05-14-2014 03:10pm
Survey Data
AgreeCurrent Rating:
Option Percentage Total
Question 1
I would watch a video that provides
information on not-for-profits.
15% 5
Agree 50% 17
Unsure 35% 12
Disagree 0% 0
0% 0
Option Percentage Total
Question 2
Learning more about not-for-profits
would prompt me to support them?
21% 7
Agree 59% 20
AgreeCurrent Rating:
Unsure 15% 5
Disagree 6% 2
0% 0 2/6
AgreeCurrent Rating:
Option Percentage Total
Question 3
I am interested in being updated on
causes that I care about?
24% 8
Agree 59% 20
Unsure 18% 6
Disagree 0% 0
0% 0
Question 4
I would share an informational
YouTube video with others, that
AgreeCurrent Rating:
Option Percentage Total
relates to causes I am passionate
35% 12
Agree 56% 19
Unsure 3% 1
Disagree 6% 2
0% 0 3/6
Option Percentage Total
Question 5
I have the capacity to give financially
to a cause I am passionate about?
15% 5
41% 14
24% 8
Disagree 15% 5
0% 0
Strongly AgreeCurrent Rating:
Current Rating: Agree
Option Percentage Total
Question 6
I have the capacity to donate time/
expertise/goods to causes that I am
passionate about?
15% 5
Agree 62% 21
Unsure 18% 6
Disagree 6% 2
0% 0 4/6
Question 7
Supporting a cause that I am
passionate about makes me feel
AgreeCurrent Rating:
Option Percentage Total
44% 15
Agree 53% 18
Unsure 3% 1
Disagree 0% 0
0% 0
Option Percentage Total
Question 8
What causes are you passionate
Kids & youth 68% 23
The environment 35% 12
21% 7
Projects in
other countries 26% 9
Disabilities & health 41% 14
Animals 35% 12
Homelessness 47% 16
Other 18% 6 6/6
Option Percentage Total
Question 9
12-18 3% 1
19-24 21% 7
25-30 29% 10
30+ 47% 16
Option Percentage Total
Question 10
Male 26% 9
Female 74% 25
Undecided 0% 0
Total Response Count:
Survey Title:
Cause We Care
Last Response Date:
05-14-2014 03:10pm
Survey Data
Observations & Insights NFP1 NFP2 NFP3 NFP4 NFP5 NFP6 NFP7 NFP8 NFP9 ?/9
What solution is your customer already using to ‘fix’ their problem? 
extensive use of multiple social media channels if a broader audience is required 3
almost 100% of supporters come from word of mouth (very targeted audience required), even if social media is used 4
marketing channels seem to be dictated by who is on the team, rather than what is actually needed 4
What are they doing within 3 minutes before and after their current solution? 
no pattern 3 minutes before or after doing current solution 9
What do they like about the current solution? 
word of mouth is easy, direct and personal 7
feedback and some kind of response from community 3
Is there another solution they have tried in the past that was better or worse? 
have experimented with other solutions 7
What do they wish they could do that currently isn’t possible or practical?
clear desire and plan for future but don't know where to start 9
If they could do [answer to the above question], how would that make their lives easier/better?
clear articulation of outcomes and relief in vocal tone 9
Who is involved with this solution?  How long does it take?
clear articulation of who is involved 7
idea of general timeline for solution 6
What is their state of mind when doing this task?  How busy/hurried/stressed/bored/frustrated?
frustrated 3
busy 1
overwhelmed by enormity of task 2
How much time and/or money would they be willing to invest in a solution that made their lives easier?
time poor 1
no more than a few hundered dollars 1
would not invest money but would invest considerable amount of time and energy 5
would not have the capacity to invest either 1
would invest money as a percentage of ROI 1
Sharon, T 2013, A Collaborative Lean UX Research Tool, Smashing Magazine, viewed 26 May, 2014, <>.
Rainbow Spreadsheet - NFP's
time or money not an issue 1
Second Iteration of Questions
Would you want to receive business prepare you on how to run your organisation better?
yes, 7/10 or higher DNA DNA 4
Do you think you would gain benefit from participating in a competition that promotes awareness...?
yes, 7/10 or higher DNA DNA 6
What would be the tipping point of involvement after the pilot episode?
1,000-10,000 thousand views DNA DNA 6
What would you like the viewers to action as a result of watching the competition?
contact or visit the organisation to see how they can help DNA DNA 3
refer organisation to other beneficaries or advocate for cause DNA DNA 2
support the organisation is other ways 4
donate money or buy product supporting the cause DNA DNA 5
Would you pay to be in the competition if enough of the public...actioned as a result? If so, how much?
yes, more than $100 DNA DNA 2
yes, less than $100 DNA DNA 2
based on level of exposure 6
Corporate Observations & Insights C1 C2 C3 Total
What are your top 5 pain-points, list them in the Urgent-Imporant Matrix?
High Urgency-High Importance in matrix: quality staff 2
Customer conversion and loyalty 3
Ideally, how would you fix your pain points?
Customer awareness and engagement 3
Better relationship and engagement with other stakeholders 3
How would this make your life easier?
Happier staff or members 2
Consistent income or more profit 2
What are you doing to fix them now?
Customer and member relationship improvements 2
What do you like or dislike about current solutions?
No real themes 3
Has there been a past solution that was better or worse?
Could identify a solution that was worse 2
Would you participate in or pay money for a solution that fixed your paint-points?
Yes, of course 2
If they were experienced and it was a last resort 1
How much time or money would you invest? Why?
Based on ROI and opportunity cost 3
Would you watch/use/participate in a YouTube competition? Why/Why not?
Not worth the investment 1
Possibly, unfamiliar with YouTube for furthering commercial interests 1
would suggest that NFP participate as they would get value 1
Assuming your company gave the prize winnings, what would you like to see in the show?
Lots of brand exposure, advertisements or spoken acknolwedgements 3
A lot of viewers 3
What would make you watch the whole show?
Short and entertaining 1
Nothing much really 3
Would the show help you understand NFP's better or make you want to be involved/donate more?
Would need to know what kind of audience there was 1
If I believe in what the organisatin is doing 2
I may learn something that would make me want to donate 2
Advertiser Observations & Insights A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Total
Do you want positive band exposure? Desire level out of 10?
Yes, 8/10 or higher 4
Do you want the public knowing you support noble causes? Desire level out of 10?
Yes, 6/10 or higher 5
What would attract you to advertise your brand in the competition? Desire level out of 10?
Yes, 7/10 or higher 4
What would be your advertising budget for this kind of exposure?
Would not support financially but would offer goods, services and resources in-kind 5
What would be the tipping point of involvement (number of viewers)?
1-10k 4
What causes would you want to support?
Kids, environmental 3
Who would you want to watch and what would you want them to action as a result?
Visit company website and/or enquire about services 5
Pane 1: Derp was surfing on the internet one day, crestfallen at the lack of intelligent,
heartwarming content.
Pane 2: Suddenly, as if to answer his prayers, a friend shared a link to a YouTube vid that
was all about making for good organisations more good!
Pane 3: Derp watched as the heroes of the show flourished and learnt all about their
Pane 4: While watching, Derp was reminded that humanity can be kind of great
Pane 5: Wanting all his friends to know about the wonderous video he just watched,
Derp shared the link again to spread the word
Pane 6: Meanwhile... (empty speech bubble with derpina saying something about derp).
Pane 1: Jack and Jill were frustrated. They're organisation was brilliant and offered great
products and services, but the public just didn't seem to understand that. They had nothing
that 'wow'ed.
Pane 2: They came across a young man named Matt, who told them of a wondrous new
program he was running on YouTube that needed their support.
Pane 3: Jack and Jill got behind it and helped sponsor a really great cause, helping to change
the world
Pane 4: Customers suddenly started paying more attention, realising just what an earnest and
great organisation Jack and Jill had (Blank space to fill out what website customer is on).
Business Model Canvas
- Iterations -
online NFP communities
social media
word of mouth
small for-good
Faild after hypothesis testing Not tested Passed after hypothesis testing
advertisers that
will get ROI
with CSR program
public interested
in for-good
and 'doing-good'
"let the world know the
how brilliant you are"
"be seen doing good"
"be known as an
industry expert"
"be seen doing good"
"we will show you who
is changing the world
and how you can help"
advertisers that
will get ROI
industry trainers
corporates with
CSR program
public attention
personal assistance
brand advocates
brand advocates
online community
via Social Media
social media
landing page
word of mouth
approach directly
approach directly
Version 2.3 Date: 26/05/14 Project: Creativity Report
YouTube competition
database building
communicating value
business acumen training
brand advocacy
finding industry trainers
brand advocacy
competition promotion
communicating value
working capital $20k
film crew & editing
brand assets
landing page
committed team
small fee for competition entry
landing page adds
in-competition adds
sponsorship in-kind
brand advocacy
film crew & editing
identifying value
brand advocacy
hosting training events
brand advocacy
competition promotion
IP (research the 'why')
Industry trainers
The Difference
School for Social
database, landing page,
brand assets
committed team
Key assumptions
Group Meeting Notes
Assupmtions for Public Customer
will watch whole/part of video
interested in NFP
correct channel for information (YouTube)
open to new NFP's
will action/donate as a result
will share video
have capacity to support NFP
Audience: Public
Hero: Public
Plot: getting involved and being the hero
MVP1 = YouTube Video
MVP2 = Customer survey for public
"Start with assumptions first, then build
experiemnts & MVP's to test them."
Em - CSR & Reality TV research
Matt - Communicate and identify value of Youtube competition
Kris - search for 10 corporates
Marc - search for 10 advertisers
Adrian - search for 10 general public
Journey and Empathy Mapping???
Assumption testing
Journalling/Customer Validation Interviews
Validation Canvas
Value Proposition Canvas
Multi-sided Platform Map
Lean UX tools from book??
Customer Segments/Some of our Assumptions
Viewers - general public who are interested in reality shows and
"making a difference"
NFPs - who want to be better, lean and win the prize/exposure
Advertisers - who want exposure to different/correct audience
Corporates - who want exposure to different/correct audience and
who want to use their CSR $ better
Cause We Care - YouTube competition
"What are the benefits of
participating in this competition
for each customer segment?"
"What are our other assuptions that need testing?"
Market Assumptions
1. Corporates would choose to be involved with NFP’s that are (future) scalable, will have a good reach (for
advertising) and matches a cause that they are already passionate about.
2. The number of public viewers is the lynchpin for the multi-sided platform
3. If ‘The Village’ co-working space is promoted via the YouTube competition, they will be interested in being a
corporate sponsor/getting involved
4. NFP will be involved because they want brand exposure via YouTube and training that will help them grow
5. Viewers will care about the show and share on social media
6. Corporates need public viewers to get value out of participating in the competition (maybe the viewers could be just
employees of large companies)
Product Assumptions
1. YouTube is the right channel to reach customers
2. Video will communicate the value that NFP’s have to offer
3. Viewers will watch the whole video (if >5 min)
4. Format of the video should show before  after teaching business skill to communicate value
5. Video would be shared on social media after watching (what are other actions they could take?)
Problem Assumptions
1. Corporates need: others to know they do-good and where to put their CSR dollars
2. Advertisers need: others to know they do-good and want positive brand exposure
3. Public need: to know what NFP have to offer and then want ways to contribute/donate to the cause
Group Meeting Notes 3/5/2014
Adapted from pages 6-7: Klein, L 2013, 'UX for Lean Startups', in Ries, E (eds), UX for Lean Startups, O'Reilly Media, CA.
Group Meeting Notes 3/5/2014
Cause We Care - Bottle for Botol [14:25]
Cause We Care - Bottle for Botol [short]
Please click on videos to follow the links

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Cause We Care - Design Thinking Project Final Report

  • 1. Cause we Care Cause We Care is a young team of philanthropic super heroes that understand Not for Profit (NFP) values, resources and donation challenges. We drive strategies to enhance, grow and develop new and innovative ways to address the NFP sector. Cause We Care also provides a solution to small NFP’s looking to gain a greater presence amongst the wider community. Today, there is too much noise in the market place. It is becoming more challenging to communicate why you should donate to a cause. The way people donate has changed. The public wants honesty and clarity on where their funds are going, how they are being managed and what value they are delivering. Overwhelmingly organisations are out of touch with their supporters and the younger generations (Dickson & Keyes 2013). However, the core values of engagement have remained the same. We provide a solution to NFP’s at low cost, utilising social networks (especially YouTube) as a vehicle of communication. Giving us the ability to communicate swiftly to large groups of people across the globe. There are a large number of economically insignificant NFP’s willing to take on our solution for communicating value to their stakeholders. Almost all indicating they were willing to pay a small premium to be ahead of the noise. We are devoted to promoting awareness in the NFP sector. Giving NFP the exposure they need, advertisers and corporates the positive brand exposure they want and viewers the information and knowledge about NFP to get involved.
  • 2. How to Read This Document 1. Use the Valuable, Doable, Scaleable tool (in Appendices) when referencing assumption numbers 2. Key assumptions in the first column are orange, key tests combining a few related assumptions are in second column and are green. 3. Related Assumptions: are those that are not key to the viability of the solution but related in some way, shape or form (these are in black) 4. References for all tools are found in the Reference List at the end of this document 5. The appendices document should be read from start-to-finish, as that is how the flow of information is designed to be communicated Assumption Testing • MVP1 – YouTube video testing the smallest concept. Would viewers watch and learn about a NFP and be interested in them learning business skills. So we chose one NFP (Bottle for Botol) and one skill (pitching) • MVP2 – online survey, testing our assumptions about the viewers • Through the use of the tool we were able to establish a number tests listed in Appendices • A large majority of our assumptions were tested by research by speaking directly with potential customers and key partners, validating the pros and cons of MPV1. 2D prototyping around online surveys and storyboarding, 3D prototype testing YouTube video • Future tests are also needed by going to market via YouTube (using the metrics from • The ‘Data Needed to Test Assumptions’ tool was also used to articulate what data was needed to prove or disprove our assumptions Urgent-Importance Matrix • Understanding how a corporate member may prioritise their time and open their wallets. We wanted to get a better understanding the urgency of the corporates task list, and quickly identify the activities that were important to corporates. Customer Development Interviews • We developed a number of questions to gauge interest and further facilitate our assumption testing. The questions were based of Cindy Alverez’s customer questions and insights gained form Parts 1 & 2 Online Survey • Online surveying gave us the ability to reach a broad audience quickly getting valuable feedback for our MVP1 concept. We tried to articulate all our assumptions into non-biased questions that would give us a level of agreement or disagreement from the viewers Rainbow Spreadsheet • This was used to visualize our interviewing data and information from corporates, NFP’s, public and advertisers; quickly picking up on themes and insights Multi Sided Platform • The Multi-Sided Platform Map gave us a clear view of who and what would be interacting with our YouTube channel and the competition and what network effects could be generated
  • 3. • This tool was beneficial to us by being able to understand and then communicate to the different segments our value to them and gain insight into how they would interact with the platform Value Chain Analysis • Value Chain Analysis helped us understanding the flow of how the Cause We Care competition delivers value and what resources were potentially needed to make this happen Business Model Canvas • This tool was used to map out the key areas of development as a startup, the barriers and difficulties that would be addressed before going and doing them. This gave us the opportunity to discuss problems before we got there Story boarding • Allows us to articulate the story of what the competition is offering to each customer segment and whether it connects with them or not • The storyboard will also be used in future to get customers to fill in blank frames, to tell the story how they want it told Mind Mapping • Used to articulate complicated and intangible concepts and to assist in taking group meeting notes Lighting diagrams and Queue cards • Used in filming to make sure things run smoothly and can be replicated if necessary in the future
  • 4. Experiments MVP1 – YouTube Competition Key Assumptions • Team will be able to communicate effectively through the medium of video what NFP's have to offer Related Assumptions • Team will be able to produce high enough quality video for public to watch • Team will be able to make full-use of advanced YouTube features and other social media to promote video and make it as interactive as possible (e.g. annotations to outside websites) Test Build MVP1 of YouTube competition and gain feedback from fellow students and viewers. Purpose To test whether viewers connected with the concept and would watch and take action as a result Metrics & Performance 50% expression of support on each assumption. Results Results are based on feedback from online survey and general public interviews. Online Survey and Viewers (general public) Interviews: All assumptions got >60% validation bar one question, which still passed. The highest level of support was for 'giving to causes makes me feel good' and the lowest level of support was for 'I have the capacity to give financially'. Recommendations & Future Tests • Research into film production costs will test assumption 6 (although this is MVP1, Phase 2) • Customer development interviews with corporate and advertisers, showing storyboard of concept will be a future test
  • 5. MVP2 - Public Segment Survey Key Assumptions • Public will watch part or whole video on YouTube, then share on social media • Public will care about NFP's and what they are doing after being informed • YouTube is the correct channel to reach the public • Public will action/donate as a result of watching video • Public have the capacity to support/donate to NFP corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know they do-good because and they want positive brand exposure Related Assumptions • Public are open to new NFP's • Format of video should show before and after teaching business skill Tests Requesting participants to identify where they fall on a scale of support for the previously mentioned assumptions. Purpose To elucidate data on viewer preferences regarding content, channel of access, and expected actions after viewing. Metrics & Performance More then 50% expression of interest for key assumptions (validated 60%+) Results All Assumptions passed as above in MVP1. There is the possibility that data has been skewed by survey participants wishing to be obliging and/or the demographic of people with access to the survey, this could affect the quality of data. Recommendations & Future Tests Person to person interviews to gain more comprehensive data, as well as User Experience and/or ethnographic research on the way viewers interact with the YouTube video and channel (this may possibly be filmed).
  • 6. Customer Development Questions – NFP Key Assumptions • NFP and other stakeholders will gain benefit from participating in a YouTube competition because it promotes awareness on effective NFP management and communicates the value of their work • The number of viewers will reach a tipping point, where corporates, NFP and advertisers will want to get involved Related Assumptions (Customer development questions NFP 7, 11 valuables 1 in scalable) • NFP will get involved because they want training Tests • Survey NFP's, corporates and advertisers on the tipping point of viewers for their involvement would test assumption 1 in scalable • Survey as above on whether they gain benefit from positive exposure of their value and if YouTube is an effective vehicle for this Purpose To validate whether they would be involved in Cause We Care and whether we could solve the problem of communicating value. Metrics & Performance Passes if: 3 NFPs are willing to get on board, <20k views on YouTube would be the tipping point to attract them to get involved and 50% expression of interest in communicating value. Results NFPs passed, with the tipping point being 10k views, more than three were on board and more than 50% expressed interest in communicating value as a priority. Recommendations & Future Tests We need to test for the content of Cause We Care – what would be valuable to NFP’s and the mediums that could be effective for their learning. This can be done through another round of surveys and ethnographic research on weaknesses in the organizations or further MVP testing around what content the viewers wanted to see in the competition.
  • 7. Customer Development Questions – Corporates Key Assumptions • Corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know they, “do good” because and they want positive brand exposure Other Assumptions (Customer development questions Corporate 9 valuables 4 do able 1, 2 4 and 5 in Scalable) • The number of viewers will reach a tipping point, where corporates, NFP and advertisers will want to get involved • Corporates would choose to be involved with NFP's that are future scalable, will have a good reach for advertising and that match causes they are already passionate about • Corporates need public viewers to get value out of the competition (maybe viewers could be employees) Tests • Customer development interviews will test assumptions 7, 9, 11 Purpose To find out how, when, and why corporates would get involved with Cause We Care. Metrics & Performance Passes if: 3 Corporates are willing to get on board with $15k to winner post tipping point, <20k views on YouTube would tipping point to attract them to get involved, if 50% of corporates interviewed express interested in 'positive brand exposure' as desirable, if 'causes would be involved' has at least one in common with top three identified by online survey (kids and youth, homelessness, and environment). Results We failed the corporates, they required a critical mass of viewership prior to getting on board financially and wanted evidence of a proven concept in market. Recommendations & Future Tests We need to pivot how we interact with corporates or to a new customer segment to fund Cause We Care. We could change the targeted corporates, i.e. interact with corporates that have a clear Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and plan. Further surveys and interviews need to be conducted to find the best customer segment. Could create a MVP that demonstrates interest from viewers to the degree required. Use storyboards to elucidate what the key drivers are for advertisement and attractiveness as a concept.
  • 8. Customer Development Questions – Advertisers Key Assumptions • Corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know they do-good because and they want positive brand exposure Related Assumptions Customer development questions Advertisers 9 valuables 5 in Doable 1, 3 and 5 Scaleable Tests Customer development interviews will test assumptions 7, 9, 11 Purpose To find out when, how and why advertisers would get on board with Cause We Care. Metrics & Performance Passes if: 3 Advertisers are willing to get on board willing to sponsor $1700 per episode if viewers reach tipping point, <20k views on YouTube would be tipping point to attract them to get involved, if 50% of corporates interviewed express interested in 'positive brand exposure' as desirable, if 'causes would be involved' has at least one in common with top three identified by online survey (kids and youth, homelessness, and environment). Results Advertisers failed, in a financial capacity. While they were very keen to support in-kind with their products and services they wanted to see a 'proven concept' before financially supporting. Recommendations & Future Tests • Pivot to a different kind of business as potential advertisers, maybe larger businesses or connect with advertisers already strongly linked to a relevant cause. • Could create a MVP that demonstrates interest from viewers to the degree required. • Use storyboards to elucidate what the key drivers are for advertisement and attractiveness as a concept.
  • 9. Customer Development Questions - Viewers Key Assumptions • Public will watch part or whole video on YouTube, then share on social media • Public will care about NFP's and what they are doing after being informed • YouTube is the correct channel to reach the public • Public will action/donate as a result of watching video • Public have the capacity to support/donate to NFP corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know they do-good because and they want positive brand exposure Related Assumptions • Public are open to new NFP's • Format of video should show before and after teaching business skill Tests Customer development survey will test Assumptions 1-6 in Valuable. Metrics & Performance Passes if: 50% or greater interest in discussed topics. Results 60% or greater affirmation on all fronts, a clear pass. Recommendations & Future Tests • To do UX testing when watching video to understand how viewers interact with videos and YouTube channels. • Completing storyboards and allowing customer co-creation of the ‘story’ being told
  • 10. Storyboards Key Assumptions Doable: • Team will be able to attract corporates to give prize money • Team will be able to attract advertisers for the show Scaleable: • If The Village co-working space is promoted via YouTube, they will get involved and sponsor the show Tests Storyboards will test assumptions 4 & 5 from Doable and 3 from Scaleable. Metrics & Performance Will pass if: 3 or more responses from each customer segment support our assumptions in last panel of storyboard. Results For future iterations Recommendations & Future Tests Use Storyboards to test assumptions 3, 4 & 5.
  • 11. Testing by Research Key Assumptions • We would be able to produce pilot episode for less than $3k • NFPs will flourish if given the opportunity to learn business acumen • The competition is not easily replicable by other companies who do not have our design research Related Assumptions • The Difference Incubator and School for Social Entrepreneurs will partner with us Tests • Research through Blue Ocean Strategy tool to make competitors irrelevant • Research through contacting relevant parties, to see if they will partner with Cause We Care • Research into film production costs Metrics & Performance • Yes or No (do they want to be a key partner) • Blue Ocean (if we can create 3 or more touch points that the competition don’t compete on) Results Research indicated partners were keen to get on board, costing is validated at just over $2k for pilot, and Blue Ocean Strategy is test for future iterations. Recommendations & Future Tests The Blue Ocean Strategy can be used to further differentiate Cause We Care and create uncontested market space.
  • 12. Reference List Alvarez, C 2010, Customer Development Interviews How-to: What you should be learning, Cindy Alvarez, viewed 14th May 2014, < development-interviews-how-to-what-you-should-be-learning>. Ankaraju, S 2010, What is a Multi-sided Platform?, viewed 19 May 2014<>., The Business Model Canvas,, viewed 2 May 2014, <>. Dixon, J & Keyes, D 2013, The Permanent Disruption of Social Media, viewed 25 May 2014, <>. Dos Santos, C &M 2014, Lecturers, Part 2: What is?, ENT60005 Creativity and Innovation, Learning Materials on Blackboard, Swinburne of Technology, 31 March 2014, viewed 24 April 2014. Foley, N 2014, De-risk Your Innovation Project with Assumption Testing, Peer Insight, viewed 14 May 2014, <>. Indy Mogul 2013, Storyboarding for People who can’t Draw (like me): Friday 101, 19 April, viewed 13 May 2014, <>. Liedtka, J & Ogilvie, T 2011, 'Chapter 9', Designing for Growth: a design thinking toolkit for managers, Columbia University Press, NY., The Urgent/Important Matrix: Using time effectively, not just efficiently,, viewed 15th May 2014, <>. Value Chain Analysis: Achieving excellence in the things that really matter,, viewed 10 May 2014, <>. Strategyzer 2011, Business Model Canvas Explained, 1 September, viewed 1 May 2014, <>. Stevens, J 2013, Multimedia Storytelling: learn the secrets from experts at multimedia storytelling institute 2014, kdmcBerkley, viewed 17 May 2014, <>. Tomer, S 2013, A Collaborative Lean UX ResearchTool, viewed 20 May 2014, < tool/>.
  • 14.
  • 16. 1. public will watch part or whole video on YouTube, then share on social media 2. public will care about NFP's and what they are doing after being informed 3. YouTube is the correct channel to reach the public 4. public are open to new NFP's 5. public will action/donate as a result of watching video 6. public have the capacity to support/donate to NFP 7. NFP will get involved because they want training 8. format of video should show before and after teaching business skill 9. corporates and advertisers will get involved because they need others to know they do-good because and they want positive brand exposure 10. NFP will flourish if given the opporutnity to learn business acumen 11. NFP and other stakeholders will gain benefit from participating in a YouTube competition because it promotes awareness on effective NFP management and communicates the value of their work 1. team will be able to produce high enough quality video for public to watch 2. team will be able to communicate effectively through the medium of video what NFP's have to offer 3. team will be able to make full-use of advanced YouTube features and other social media to promote video and make it as interactive as possible (e.g. annotations to outside websites) 4. team will be able to attract corporates to give prize money 5. team will be able to attract advertisers for the show 1. the number of viewers will reach a tipping point, where corporates, NFP and advertisers will want to get involved 2. corporates would choose to be involved with NFP's that are future scalable, will have a good reach for advertising and that match causes they are already pasisonate about 3. If The Village co-working space is promoted via YouTube, they will get involved and sponsor the show 4. corporates need public viewers to get value out of the competition (maybe viewers could be employees) 5. corporates and advertisers would gain ROI from parterning/sponsoring the competition 1. the competition is not easily replicable by other companies that do not have the insights from our design research 1. MVP of YouTube competition will test assumptions 1, 3, 5, 8 [with metrics from Creativity Report Part 2] 2. Survey (for the public customers) with questions for based on insights will test assumptions 2, 4, 5, 6 3. Customer development interviews will test assumptions 7, 9, 11 4. Assumption 10 will be tested by research into NFP that have business skills vs. those who don't and how they perform) 2. The Difference Incubator and School for Social Entrepreneurs will not see us as competitors and partner with us 3. Connecting Up and other indirect competitors will not see us as a threat and therefore not respond 1. Build MVP of YouTube competition and gain feedback from fellow students and public will test assumptions 1, 2, 3 2. Customer development interviews with corporate and advertisers, showing storyboard of concept will test assumptions 4, 5 3. Research into film production costs will test assumption 6 (although this is MVP Phase 2) 1. Survey NFP's, corporates and advertisers on the tipping point of viewers for their involvement would test assumption 1 2. Contact The Village and YGAP to see if they will participate/sponsor our MVP, show storyboard. This will test assumption 3 3. Conduct customer development interviews on why corporates would be involved with a particular cause will test assumption 2 4. Conduct customer development interviews on who corporates want to watch the competition and what they would like them to action as a result will test assumption 4,5 1. Research existing direct competitors (none known at present) and do R-W-W or VOSE Analysis to test assumption 1 2. Contact The Difference Incubator and The School for Social Entrepreneurs to see if they will partner, this will test assumption 2 3. Take competition to market (branding it as a non-competitor) to seeing if competitors respond will test assumption 1, 3 6. cost of pilot eposide (after MVP) will be less than $3k Key Assumptions Key Tests i
  • 17. MVP of YouTube competition: 1. how many veiwers 2. what age, gender, demographic 3. do they share or subscribe to the channel 4. if action was taken by the public after viewing the video (although this would require getting hold of analytics from Bottle for Botol's website and tracking donations made to them via YouTube) Sponsorship: 1. if we can get $5k advertising revenue per episode ($2k for the MVP) 2. if corporates will give $15k to the competition winner 3. if we can get 3 corporates on board to donate prize winnings 4. why corporates and advertisers would get involved/donate/ sponsor the competition and what percieved benefits there would be in doing so 5. the tipping point of viewership for them to get involved 6. if The Village and YGAP will get involved Costs: 1. does the pilot episode of competition costs less than $3k (if supported with YouTube ads, this will require 3m views) Phase 2 MVP - [Competition Landing Page for NFP's]: 1. click-back rates from YouTube 2. competition sign-ups and database growth 3. if there are any direct competitors NFP's: 1. why NFP's would participate in competition and what percieved benifits there would be in doing so 5. the tipping point of viewership for them to see it as benefical Public: 1. why and what the public would action after watching the MVP and final competition 2. whether the public would understand NFP better after watching the MVP and final competition if The Difference Incubator and The School for Social Entpreneurs will see us as a threat/competitor in the future - even if they don't after we contact them if the MVP or final competition will actually cause action from the public - even if they say they would begin supporting or donating (we could only find this out after going to market) if corporates and advertisers will get ROI for partnering/ sponsoring the competition and not just views from the public the problem is real, based on extensive design research on initial survey, the public: 1. except for "I have the capacity to support causes that I care about" all questions answered in the public survey returned 60% or higher positive response 2. initial demographic of public seems to be more than 70% female, 25yrs old and over on initial interviews, corporates: 1. did not respond well to the idea of YouTube as a channel 2. wanted 'proof' of ROI before considering being a sponsor on initial interviews and research, NFP's: 1. seemed keen to be involved and learn business skills but were unsure if public would action based on video need to know more about advertisers Key Data Needed
  • 19.
  • 20. Based on V-D-S-D Exercise
  • 22. 1/6 Total Response Count: 34 Survey Title: Cause We Care Last Response Date: 05-14-2014 03:10pm Survey Data AgreeCurrent Rating: Option Percentage Total Question 1 I would watch a video that provides information on not-for-profits. Strongly Agree 15% 5 Agree 50% 17 Unsure 35% 12 Disagree 0% 0 Strongly Disagree 0% 0 Option Percentage Total Question 2 Learning more about not-for-profits would prompt me to support them? Strongly Agree 21% 7 Agree 59% 20 AgreeCurrent Rating: Unsure 15% 5 Disagree 6% 2 Strongly Disagree 0% 0
  • 23. 2/6 AgreeCurrent Rating: Option Percentage Total Question 3 I am interested in being updated on causes that I care about? Strongly Agree 24% 8 Agree 59% 20 Unsure 18% 6 Disagree 0% 0 Strongly Disagree 0% 0 Question 4 I would share an informational YouTube video with others, that AgreeCurrent Rating: Option Percentage Total relates to causes I am passionate about? Strongly Agree 35% 12 Agree 56% 19 Unsure 3% 1 Disagree 6% 2 Strongly Disagree 0% 0
  • 24. 3/6 Option Percentage Total Question 5 I have the capacity to give financially to a cause I am passionate about? Strongly Agree 15% 5 41% 14 Unsure 24% 8 Disagree 15% 5 Strongly Disagree 0% 0 Agree Strongly AgreeCurrent Rating: Current Rating: Agree Option Percentage Total Question 6 I have the capacity to donate time/ expertise/goods to causes that I am passionate about? Strongly Agree 15% 5 Agree 62% 21 Unsure 18% 6 Disagree 6% 2 Strongly Disagree 0% 0
  • 25. 4/6 Question 7 Supporting a cause that I am passionate about makes me feel good? AgreeCurrent Rating: Option Percentage Total Strongly Agree 44% 15 Agree 53% 18 Unsure 3% 1 Disagree 0% 0 Strongly Disagree 0% 0 Option Percentage Total Question 8 What causes are you passionate about? Kids & youth 68% 23 The environment 35% 12 Indigenous Australians 21% 7 Projects in other countries 26% 9 Disabilities & health 41% 14 Animals 35% 12 Homelessness 47% 16 Other 18% 6
  • 26. 6/6 Option Percentage Total Question 9 Age? 12-18 3% 1 19-24 21% 7 25-30 29% 10 30+ 47% 16 Option Percentage Total Question 10 Gender? Male 26% 9 Female 74% 25 Undecided 0% 0 Total Response Count: 34 Survey Title: Cause We Care Last Response Date: 05-14-2014 03:10pm Survey Data
  • 27. Observations & Insights NFP1 NFP2 NFP3 NFP4 NFP5 NFP6 NFP7 NFP8 NFP9 ?/9 What solution is your customer already using to ‘fix’ their problem?  extensive use of multiple social media channels if a broader audience is required 3 almost 100% of supporters come from word of mouth (very targeted audience required), even if social media is used 4 marketing channels seem to be dictated by who is on the team, rather than what is actually needed 4 What are they doing within 3 minutes before and after their current solution?  no pattern 3 minutes before or after doing current solution 9 What do they like about the current solution?  word of mouth is easy, direct and personal 7 feedback and some kind of response from community 3 Is there another solution they have tried in the past that was better or worse?  have experimented with other solutions 7 What do they wish they could do that currently isn’t possible or practical? clear desire and plan for future but don't know where to start 9 If they could do [answer to the above question], how would that make their lives easier/better? clear articulation of outcomes and relief in vocal tone 9 Who is involved with this solution?  How long does it take? clear articulation of who is involved 7 idea of general timeline for solution 6 What is their state of mind when doing this task?  How busy/hurried/stressed/bored/frustrated? stressed frustrated 3 busy 1 overwhelmed by enormity of task 2 How much time and/or money would they be willing to invest in a solution that made their lives easier? time poor 1 no more than a few hundered dollars 1 would not invest money but would invest considerable amount of time and energy 5 would not have the capacity to invest either 1 would invest money as a percentage of ROI 1 Sharon, T 2013, A Collaborative Lean UX Research Tool, Smashing Magazine, viewed 26 May, 2014, <>. Rainbow Spreadsheet - NFP's
  • 28. time or money not an issue 1 Second Iteration of Questions Would you want to receive business prepare you on how to run your organisation better? yes, 7/10 or higher DNA DNA 4 Do you think you would gain benefit from participating in a competition that promotes awareness...? yes, 7/10 or higher DNA DNA 6 What would be the tipping point of involvement after the pilot episode? 1,000-10,000 thousand views DNA DNA 6 What would you like the viewers to action as a result of watching the competition? contact or visit the organisation to see how they can help DNA DNA 3 refer organisation to other beneficaries or advocate for cause DNA DNA 2 support the organisation is other ways 4 donate money or buy product supporting the cause DNA DNA 5 Would you pay to be in the competition if enough of the public...actioned as a result? If so, how much? yes, more than $100 DNA DNA 2 yes, less than $100 DNA DNA 2 based on level of exposure 6 No DNA DNA 1
  • 29. Corporate Observations & Insights C1 C2 C3 Total What are your top 5 pain-points, list them in the Urgent-Imporant Matrix? High Urgency-High Importance in matrix: quality staff 2 Customer conversion and loyalty 3 Ideally, how would you fix your pain points? Customer awareness and engagement 3 Better relationship and engagement with other stakeholders 3 How would this make your life easier? Happier staff or members 2 Consistent income or more profit 2 What are you doing to fix them now? Customer and member relationship improvements 2 What do you like or dislike about current solutions? No real themes 3 Has there been a past solution that was better or worse? Could identify a solution that was worse 2 Would you participate in or pay money for a solution that fixed your paint-points? Yes, of course 2 If they were experienced and it was a last resort 1 How much time or money would you invest? Why? Based on ROI and opportunity cost 3 Would you watch/use/participate in a YouTube competition? Why/Why not? Not worth the investment 1 Possibly, unfamiliar with YouTube for furthering commercial interests 1 would suggest that NFP participate as they would get value 1 Assuming your company gave the prize winnings, what would you like to see in the show? Lots of brand exposure, advertisements or spoken acknolwedgements 3 A lot of viewers 3 ROI 3 What would make you watch the whole show? Short and entertaining 1 Nothing much really 3 Would the show help you understand NFP's better or make you want to be involved/donate more? Would need to know what kind of audience there was 1 If I believe in what the organisatin is doing 2 I may learn something that would make me want to donate 2 Advertiser Observations & Insights A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Total Do you want positive band exposure? Desire level out of 10? Yes, 8/10 or higher 4 Do you want the public knowing you support noble causes? Desire level out of 10? Yes, 6/10 or higher 5 What would attract you to advertise your brand in the competition? Desire level out of 10? Yes, 7/10 or higher 4 What would be your advertising budget for this kind of exposure? Would not support financially but would offer goods, services and resources in-kind 5 What would be the tipping point of involvement (number of viewers)? 1-10k 4 What causes would you want to support? Kids, environmental 3 Who would you want to watch and what would you want them to action as a result? Visit company website and/or enquire about services 5
  • 30. Tools
  • 31.
  • 32. Pane 1: Derp was surfing on the internet one day, crestfallen at the lack of intelligent, heartwarming content. Pane 2: Suddenly, as if to answer his prayers, a friend shared a link to a YouTube vid that was all about making for good organisations more good! Pane 3: Derp watched as the heroes of the show flourished and learnt all about their organisation Pane 4: While watching, Derp was reminded that humanity can be kind of great Pane 5: Wanting all his friends to know about the wonderous video he just watched, Derp shared the link again to spread the word Pane 6: Meanwhile... (empty speech bubble with derpina saying something about derp). Pane 1: Jack and Jill were frustrated. They're organisation was brilliant and offered great products and services, but the public just didn't seem to understand that. They had nothing that 'wow'ed. Pane 2: They came across a young man named Matt, who told them of a wondrous new program he was running on YouTube that needed their support. Pane 3: Jack and Jill got behind it and helped sponsor a really great cause, helping to change the world Pane 4: Customers suddenly started paying more attention, realising just what an earnest and great organisation Jack and Jill had (Blank space to fill out what website customer is on). Storyboards
  • 33. Business Model Canvas - Iterations -
  • 34. YouTube online NFP communities social media word of mouth small for-good organisations Faild after hypothesis testing Not tested Passed after hypothesis testing advertisers that will get ROI sponsors corporates with CSR program public interested in for-good organisations and 'doing-good' "let the world know the how brilliant you are" "be seen doing good" "be known as an industry expert" "be seen doing good" "we will show you who is changing the world and how you can help" competition participants advertisers that will get ROI sponsors industry trainers corporates with CSR program public attention 'remarkability' personal assistance in-person brand advocates in-person brand advocates online community via Social Media YouTube social media landing page word of mouth approach directly approach directly Version 2.3 Date: 26/05/14 Project: Creativity Report YouTube competition database building communicating value business acumen training brand advocacy finding industry trainers brand advocacy competition promotion communicating value working capital $20k film crew & editing brand assets landing page committed team small fee for competition entry landing page adds in-competition adds sponsorship in-kind brand advocacy film crew & editing identifying value brand advocacy hosting training events brand advocacy competition promotion IP (research the 'why') Industry trainers The Difference Incubator School for Social Entrepreneurs database, landing page, brand assets committed team Key assumptions
  • 36. Assupmtions for Public Customer will watch whole/part of video interested in NFP correct channel for information (YouTube) open to new NFP's will action/donate as a result will share video have capacity to support NFP Storyboard Audience: Public Hero: Public Plot: getting involved and being the hero MVP1 = YouTube Video MVP2 = Customer survey for public "Start with assumptions first, then build experiemnts & MVP's to test them."
  • 37. Tasks Em - CSR & Reality TV research Matt - Communicate and identify value of Youtube competition Kris - search for 10 corporates Marc - search for 10 advertisers Adrian - search for 10 general public Tools Journey and Empathy Mapping??? Assumption testing Journalling/Customer Validation Interviews Validation Canvas Storyboarding/Infographics Value Proposition Canvas Multi-sided Platform Map Lean UX tools from book?? Customer Segments/Some of our Assumptions Viewers - general public who are interested in reality shows and "making a difference" NFPs - who want to be better, lean and win the prize/exposure Advertisers - who want exposure to different/correct audience Corporates - who want exposure to different/correct audience and who want to use their CSR $ better Cause We Care - YouTube competition "What are the benefits of participating in this competition for each customer segment?" "What are our other assuptions that need testing?"
  • 38. Market Assumptions 1. Corporates would choose to be involved with NFP’s that are (future) scalable, will have a good reach (for advertising) and matches a cause that they are already passionate about. 2. The number of public viewers is the lynchpin for the multi-sided platform 3. If ‘The Village’ co-working space is promoted via the YouTube competition, they will be interested in being a corporate sponsor/getting involved 4. NFP will be involved because they want brand exposure via YouTube and training that will help them grow 5. Viewers will care about the show and share on social media 6. Corporates need public viewers to get value out of participating in the competition (maybe the viewers could be just employees of large companies) Product Assumptions 1. YouTube is the right channel to reach customers 2. Video will communicate the value that NFP’s have to offer 3. Viewers will watch the whole video (if >5 min) 4. Format of the video should show before  after teaching business skill to communicate value 5. Video would be shared on social media after watching (what are other actions they could take?) Problem Assumptions 1. Corporates need: others to know they do-good and where to put their CSR dollars 2. Advertisers need: others to know they do-good and want positive brand exposure 3. Public need: to know what NFP have to offer and then want ways to contribute/donate to the cause Group Meeting Notes 3/5/2014 Adapted from pages 6-7: Klein, L 2013, 'UX for Lean Startups', in Ries, E (eds), UX for Lean Startups, O'Reilly Media, CA.
  • 40. Cause We Care - Bottle for Botol [14:25] Cause We Care - Bottle for Botol [short] MVP Please click on videos to follow the links