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Primary Information:
 Name: LN
 Age: 9 year old
 Gender: Female
 Date of Birth: 29/06/2009
 Location: Payne, Mthatha
 Referral: Self-referral
 Date of arrival: 28/10/18
 Date of clerkship: 29/10/18
 Informant: Mother, Grandmother, Patient
Presenting complaints:
 The patient presented with a cough of 3 months
duration and 1 day history of coughing up blood
History of presenting complaint:
 The patient was well until 3 months ago when she started
coughing. The cough was productive of non-foul smelling
whitish sputum, and she was unable to quantify the
amount. She did not notice any foul-smelling breath. 2
months later she noticed streaks of blood in her sputum.
She then went to the clinic and sputum and bloods were
taken but she does not know the results.
 1 day prior to presentation to NMAH the sputum
consisted of mostly blood, approximately half a cup full
which was red in colour with small clots. There were no
food particles in the sputum. There is no history of
nausea and vomiting as well as no retching or trauma.
 The coughing was associated with a left-sided chest
pain which was sharp, non-radiating, and not
relieved by anything. She rated it 5/10. The patient
also noticed difficulty in breathing which is
intermittent. There was also associated fever and a
significant loss of weight (noticed 2 months ago).
The grandmother did not notice any abnormal
sounds on breathing. There is no history of choking.
 There is no known TB contact
 The patient exhibited no drenching night sweats,
no loss of appetite, no dizziness, no fainting and
no easy fatigability. There were no palpitations,
no orthopnea, no swelling of lower limbs or
abdomen and no RUQ pain. She did not notice
any easy bruising or bleeding from any other sites
and no rash.
 The grandmother reports no use of herbal
medication. The patient says she has not inserted
any foreign objects in her nose or mouth.
 The patient has no chronic illnesses e.g.
asthma. She has never been diagnosed with
 She is RVD negative last tested in January
 She has no known allergies.
 She has never been hospitalized.
 She is not on any medication.
 She has not had any surgeries or blood
Her mother was a primigravida at the time of pregnancy.
The mother booked late at 6 months as she did not know when
to start ANC. It was an unplanned pregnancy
The mother was found to be RVD reactive on booking bloods
and was initiated on ART. The rest of the blood results are
unknown as she has lost the clinic book. (Rh, RPR, viral
She did not have any complications during the course of her
She did not smoke, drink alcohol or use any recreational drugs
during the course of the pregnancy.
 The mother delivered by NVD at term at Nessie
Knight hospital. There were no complications
during and after delivery.
 The birth weight was 3200g
 APGARs are unknown but the child cried
immediately after delivery. The child did not
require any oxygen, was not put in an incubator,
and was of normal colour.
 The baby was then started on AZT and Nevirapine
but she is unsure of the duration. PCR was not
done at birth, 10 weeks and ELISA at 18months.
 The mother and baby were discharged 6 hours
post delivery.
 The child was not breastfed (The mother was
advised by the nurses not to breastfeed). The child
was given formula feeds (Nan pelargon) for 6
 From 6 months the patient was started on
complementary feeds in the form of purity,
pumpkin, mashed potatoes.
 She continued this until the child was 11 months
and the child was started on solid foods.
 Currently the patient is on home diet.
 The child is up to date with all of her
immunisations according to the mother (RTHC
is lost). Her last immunisation was at 6 years
(Td). The next one is due at age 12 (Td).
Growth and Developmental
 The mother reports that the child has been
growing well.
 She began sitting without support at 5
months. She began crawling at 7 months and
began walking without help at 12 months.
 The fine motor, hearing and speech and social
milestones were achieved at appropriate ages.
 Currently the child is in grade 4, never failed a
grade and she is doing well.
Family History:
 There is nobody else in the family complaining of
similar symptoms (coughing)
 She does not have a family history of any
chronic illnesses. i.e. cardiac conditions,
bleeding disorders, respiratory diseases, or
Social History:
 She is an only child who was raised by the grandmother
from the age of 1 month. She lives in a 3 bedroom
house with 4 other relatives. They have access to water
and electricity. The house is well ventilated. They do not
use firewood and no one smokes in the house.
 The mother works at a private school as a temporary
teacher(income unknown). The grandfather receives
R1700 from an old age grant;2 child support grants
R400 each. Total income is R2500 Income per capita is
R500 (excluding mother’s income) The father is not
involved in the child's life. Thus they have a poor socio-
economic status.
 The household has pets such as dogs (5) and livestock
 The patient has a balanced diet which consists of pap,
rice, vegetables, fruit and all kinds of meat, which is
prepared by the grandmother and with help from the
patient’s cousin.
Systems Review:
 GIT SYSTEM: the patient does not have any vomiting,
diarrhoea, abdominal pains, constipation, or bloody
stools,no skin or eye discolouration
 CNS: She reports no headache, photophobia, blurring of
vision, neck stiffness, collapse or any seizures.
 MUSCULOSKELETAL: the patient does not experience
any muscle, joint or bone pain.
 URINARY SYSTEM: the patient does not report burning
urination, frequency, darkened urine or any problems
History Summary:
 We are presenting LN a 9 year old girl
with a 3 month history of productive
cough, now with haemoptysis of 1 day
duration associated with fever,
intermittent dyspnoea, chest pain and loss
of weight. She is RVD negative with no
known TB contact.
 Pulmonary TB
Support- chronic cough, haemoptysis, significant loss of weight,
dyspnoea, chest pain
Against- no drenching night sweats, no known TB contact
 Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst
Support- cough, chest pain, haemoptysis, fever, loss of weight, dogs
and livestock
 Pneumonia
Support- productive cough, pleuritic chest pain, dyspnoea, fever
 Lung Abscess
Support- productive cough, haemoptysis, loss of weight, fever
Against– not copious, not foul smelling, no halitosis
 Bronchiectasis
Support- Chronic cough, haemoptysis, dyspnoea, loss of weight
Against- No history of recurrent chest infections, no halitosis, no foul
smelling sputum
 Neoplasm (Primary, Secondary)
Support- chronic cough, haemoptysis, significant weight loss,
dyspnoea, fever
Against- No bone pain, no fatigue, no FH of cancers, primary lung
tumours are rare in paediatrics
Foreign body aspiration
Support- cough, dyspnoea, haemoptysis
Against– chronicity, no history of choking, or insertion of foreign body
 The patient appears to be a thin girl evidenced by prominent ribs,
and she in respiratory distress; She was lying in bed with a short
line in-situ and not on oxygen.
 Vital signs
 BP: 105/65 mmHg (97 to 115/ 57-76)- normal
 Heart rate: 128 bpm (75 to 120)- Tachycardia
 Respiratory rate: at 38 b/m (18 to 26) - Tachypnoea
 Temperature: 37.8 degrees Celsius (elevated)
 02 saturation: 96% in room air
General examination:
 No dysmorphic features
 The patient was febrile to touch and had mild pallor;
She had submandibular and cervical palpable lymph
nodes (They were mobile, discrete, non-tender, 0.5 x
0.5 cm)
 There was no jaundice, clubbing, cyanosis, or oedema
and patient was well hydrated.
 The patient had no halitosis or dental carries
 Skin- There was a BCG scar on the right arm. There
were no rashes, no skin lesions, no petechiae, no
Anthropometric Measurements:
 MUAC 15.5CM NORMAL (5-9 YEARS >14,5CM)
 Weight for age: on -1 z-score (normal)
 Height for age: between 0 and -1 z-score (normal)
 Weight for height: between -1 and 0 z-score (normal)
Conclusion: The patient is well nourished
Respiratory system
 The child was in respiratory distress evidenced by
tachypnoea of 38 b/m, flaring of alae nasae and
subcostal recessions.
 The chest was asymmetrical, the left side was
slightly elevated, it was moving with respiration and
there was no scars or chest deformities.
 There was no tenderness on the chest, the trachea
was slightly deviated to the right.
 Chest expansion reduced on the left globally and on
the right upper zone. Tactile fremitus was decreased
on the left mid-lower lung zones.
Respiratory continued:
 There was dullness noted on the apices bilaterally, and
the left middle zone. stony dullness was elicited on the
left lower lung zone( from the 6th intercostal space). The
rest of the right lung was resonant.
 There was decreased air entry bilaterally, more severe
on the left, with absent breath sounds on the left lower
lung zone. The breath sounds were vesicular, with no
added sounds such as wheezing or crackles.
Cardiovascular System
 Pulse: 128bpm, BP 105/65 mmHg, regular, full volume , no
radio-radial delay, no radio-femoral delay , pulses were not
 Hands: felt warm , no cyanosis, no clubbing. Capillary refill was
normal at <2seconds
 Inspection: No distended neck veins, no chest deformities
noted, pulsation was present on the left lower sternal border
 Palpation: apex beat on the 5th intercostal space, midclavicular
 no left parasternal heave
 no palpable thrill
 no palpable p2
 Auscultation: S1 & S2 were normal, No loud p2, and no
murmurs heard
Abdominal Examination
 The abdomen was not distended ,moves with respiration,
umbilicus inverted, no scars or rashes, no distended
superficial veins, no visible masses, and no pulsations.
 The abdomen was soft and non-tender on all 4 quadrants, no
masses felt. Liver span was 10cm in the mid-clavicular line
(upper border in the 6th intercostal space); The spleen was
not palpable; there was no renal angle tenderness
 Tympanic to percussion, No dullness elicited
 No bruits over the renal and aortic areas; normal bowel
sounds were heard
CNS Examination:
Patient was alert and fully conscious. GCS: 15/15.
 Meningeal Signs: No neck stiffness. Negative Kernig’s sign.
Negative Brudzinski neck and leg sign.
 Cranial Nerve Examination: All cranial nerves were intact.
 Motor System: (Upper and Lower limbs bilaterally)
Inspection: No fasciculations; No involuntary movements
Muscle bulk normal, no atrophy
Palpation: Tone- normal globally; Power- proximal and distal 5/5
Reflexes: All deep tendon reflexes were normal
*Babinski sign not present
CNS Examination:
 Superficial reflexes
Abdominal reflex were present; Planter reflexes were present
 Sensory Examination
There was normal sensation to light touch, pain and temperature in
both the upper and lower limb bilaterally
 Cerebellar function:
gait was normal; patient had normal speech, no nystagmus, and normal
finger to nose test.
 Developmental Assessment:
 Gross motor: Appropriate for age
 Fine Motor: Appropriate for age
 Speech & communication: Appropriate for age
 Social: Appropriate for age
 9 year old girl in respiratory distress with signs of
consolidation bilaterally, and signs of a left-sided pleural
effusion. She also has mild pallor, fever, tachycardia and
is well nourished. The rest of the physical examination
was normal.
 Pulmonary TB with left pleural effusion
 Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst with left pleural effusion
 Pneumonia with left pleural effusion
 Lung Abscess
 Neoplasm (lymphomas, leukaemia-metastasis)
1.Pulmonary TB with left pleural
 Support:
Respiratory distress
Decreased chest expansion
Dullness to percussion bilaterally
Stony dullness over the left lower lung zones with absent
breath sounds
Decreased air entry bilaterally
 Against:
No added sounds (crackles)
No bronchial breathing
2. Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst with left
pleural effusion
 Support:
Respiratory distress
Decreased chest expansion
Dullness to percussion
Stony dullness and absent breath sounds on the left lower zone
Decreased air entry bilaterally
3. Pneumonia with left pleural
 Support:
Respiratory distress
Decreased chest expansion
Dullness to percussion
Decreased air entry bilaterally
Stony dullness and absent breath sounds on the left lower zone
No bronchial breathing
No crackles
4. Lung Abscess
 Support:
Dullness to percussion
Decreased chest expansion
Decreased breath sounds
 Against:
No clubbing
No halitosis
No added sounds (crackles)
4. Neoplasm with left sided
pleural effusion
 Support:
Decreased chest expansion
Dullness to percussion
Decreased air entry
Stony dullness and absent breath sounds on the left lower zone
 Against:
No clubbing
No bronchial breathing
She is not cachexic
Rare in paediatrics
1. Pulmonary TB and Pneumonia
 Sputum (geneXpert with Rifampicin sensitivity; MCS):Pending
 Chest X-Ray: *refer to image*
 Mantoux skin test: Negative
 FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9 fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg
(low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N)
WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done
Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)
 CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient
 Urea and electrolytes: Urea 2.8 mmol/L (N); Creat 42 umol/L (N); Na 137
mmol/L (N); K 4.2 mmol/L (N); Cl 100 mmol/L (N); Bicarbonate 15 mmol/L
(low); anion gap 26 (high)
 ABGs: not done
 Total protein: 97 g/L (high); Albumin: 36 g/L (N)
 HIV ELISA: Negative
 Blood culture: not done
2. Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst
 CXR: *refer to image*
 Ultrasound abdomen and the chest
 CT chest: booked for Friday (02/11/2018)
 Ecchinochosis ELISA: pending
 FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9
fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg (low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N)
WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done
Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)
 CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient
3. Lung Abscess
 CXR: *refer to image*
 CT Chest: booked for Friday
 FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9
fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg (low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N)
WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done
Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)
 Blood culture: not done
 CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient
4. Neoplasm
 CXR: *refer to image*
 CT Chest: booked for Friday
 FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9
fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg (low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N)
WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done
Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)
 CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient
 Bronchoscopy with biopsy after CT scan: not done
 Tumour markers: LDH and uric acid - not done
Ultrasound findings:
 Ultrasound abdomen and the chest: showed clear well
defined cystic masses noted in the left and right upper
zones and one on the left lower zone, few septations
noted on one outer left lower zone measuring 80,6mm.
There were no intra abdominal masses and no free fluid
Conclusion : Multiple cystic masses in the lungs in keeping
with hydatid cyst
Working diagnosis:
 Bilateral pulmonary hydatid cyst
(unruptured) to rule out TB
 Non- Pharmacological:
- Educate the patient about how the disease is
contracted, how it may complicate and how it shall be
- Education on hand washing and hygiene practices
- Dietary regulation of pets (dogs)
- Avoid stray dogs
- De-worm dogs
- De-worm children according to the national guidelines
 Pharmacological:
- Albendazole 15mg/kg/day OR 200mg p.o. b.d. for 2
weeks before surgery. Post-surgery continue for 28 days
- This patient is being managed with:
 Albendazole 200mg p.o. b.d
 Augmentin 375mg p.o. 8 hourly
 MVT 10ml p.o. daily
 Surgical management:
- The patient should be discussed with paediatric
pulmonology department at Albert Luthuli Hospital for
surgical management
- Preferably lung conservation therapy.
 The prognosis is guarded as the patient has multiple
large cysts.
The risk of recurrence low. In cases of rupture, there is a
higher chance of recurrence, as well as complications such
as empyema and bronchiectasis developing in the future.

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case of pulmonary Hydatid cyst

  • 2. Primary Information:  Name: LN  Age: 9 year old  Gender: Female  Date of Birth: 29/06/2009  Location: Payne, Mthatha  Referral: Self-referral  Date of arrival: 28/10/18  Date of clerkship: 29/10/18  Informant: Mother, Grandmother, Patient
  • 3. Presenting complaints:  The patient presented with a cough of 3 months duration and 1 day history of coughing up blood
  • 4. History of presenting complaint:  The patient was well until 3 months ago when she started coughing. The cough was productive of non-foul smelling whitish sputum, and she was unable to quantify the amount. She did not notice any foul-smelling breath. 2 months later she noticed streaks of blood in her sputum. She then went to the clinic and sputum and bloods were taken but she does not know the results.  1 day prior to presentation to NMAH the sputum consisted of mostly blood, approximately half a cup full which was red in colour with small clots. There were no food particles in the sputum. There is no history of nausea and vomiting as well as no retching or trauma.
  • 5. HPC CONTINUED  The coughing was associated with a left-sided chest pain which was sharp, non-radiating, and not relieved by anything. She rated it 5/10. The patient also noticed difficulty in breathing which is intermittent. There was also associated fever and a significant loss of weight (noticed 2 months ago). The grandmother did not notice any abnormal sounds on breathing. There is no history of choking.  There is no known TB contact
  • 6. HPC CONTINUED  The patient exhibited no drenching night sweats, no loss of appetite, no dizziness, no fainting and no easy fatigability. There were no palpitations, no orthopnea, no swelling of lower limbs or abdomen and no RUQ pain. She did not notice any easy bruising or bleeding from any other sites and no rash.  The grandmother reports no use of herbal medication. The patient says she has not inserted any foreign objects in her nose or mouth.
  • 7. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY  The patient has no chronic illnesses e.g. asthma. She has never been diagnosed with TB.  She is RVD negative last tested in January 2018  She has no known allergies.  She has never been hospitalized.  She is not on any medication.  She has not had any surgeries or blood transfusions.
  • 8. PERINATAL HISTORY: PRENATAL HISTORY: Her mother was a primigravida at the time of pregnancy. The mother booked late at 6 months as she did not know when to start ANC. It was an unplanned pregnancy The mother was found to be RVD reactive on booking bloods and was initiated on ART. The rest of the blood results are unknown as she has lost the clinic book. (Rh, RPR, viral load,CD4) She did not have any complications during the course of her pregnancy. She did not smoke, drink alcohol or use any recreational drugs during the course of the pregnancy.
  • 9. BIRTH HISTORY:  The mother delivered by NVD at term at Nessie Knight hospital. There were no complications during and after delivery.  The birth weight was 3200g  APGARs are unknown but the child cried immediately after delivery. The child did not require any oxygen, was not put in an incubator, and was of normal colour.  The baby was then started on AZT and Nevirapine but she is unsure of the duration. PCR was not done at birth, 10 weeks and ELISA at 18months.  The mother and baby were discharged 6 hours post delivery.
  • 10. FEEDING HISTORY:  The child was not breastfed (The mother was advised by the nurses not to breastfeed). The child was given formula feeds (Nan pelargon) for 6 months.  From 6 months the patient was started on complementary feeds in the form of purity, pumpkin, mashed potatoes.  She continued this until the child was 11 months and the child was started on solid foods.  Currently the patient is on home diet.
  • 11. IMMUNIZATION HISTORY:  The child is up to date with all of her immunisations according to the mother (RTHC is lost). Her last immunisation was at 6 years (Td). The next one is due at age 12 (Td).
  • 12.
  • 13. Growth and Developmental history:  The mother reports that the child has been growing well.  She began sitting without support at 5 months. She began crawling at 7 months and began walking without help at 12 months.  The fine motor, hearing and speech and social milestones were achieved at appropriate ages.  Currently the child is in grade 4, never failed a grade and she is doing well.
  • 14. Family History:  There is nobody else in the family complaining of similar symptoms (coughing)  She does not have a family history of any chronic illnesses. i.e. cardiac conditions, bleeding disorders, respiratory diseases, or cancer
  • 15. Social History:  She is an only child who was raised by the grandmother from the age of 1 month. She lives in a 3 bedroom house with 4 other relatives. They have access to water and electricity. The house is well ventilated. They do not use firewood and no one smokes in the house.  The mother works at a private school as a temporary teacher(income unknown). The grandfather receives R1700 from an old age grant;2 child support grants R400 each. Total income is R2500 Income per capita is R500 (excluding mother’s income) The father is not involved in the child's life. Thus they have a poor socio- economic status.  The household has pets such as dogs (5) and livestock (goats,cows,pigs).  The patient has a balanced diet which consists of pap, rice, vegetables, fruit and all kinds of meat, which is prepared by the grandmother and with help from the patient’s cousin.
  • 16. Systems Review:  GIT SYSTEM: the patient does not have any vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pains, constipation, or bloody stools,no skin or eye discolouration  CNS: She reports no headache, photophobia, blurring of vision, neck stiffness, collapse or any seizures.  MUSCULOSKELETAL: the patient does not experience any muscle, joint or bone pain.  URINARY SYSTEM: the patient does not report burning urination, frequency, darkened urine or any problems voiding.
  • 17. History Summary:  We are presenting LN a 9 year old girl with a 3 month history of productive cough, now with haemoptysis of 1 day duration associated with fever, intermittent dyspnoea, chest pain and loss of weight. She is RVD negative with no known TB contact.
  • 18. Hypotheses:  Pulmonary TB Support- chronic cough, haemoptysis, significant loss of weight, dyspnoea, chest pain Against- no drenching night sweats, no known TB contact  Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst Support- cough, chest pain, haemoptysis, fever, loss of weight, dogs and livestock  Pneumonia Support- productive cough, pleuritic chest pain, dyspnoea, fever  Lung Abscess Support- productive cough, haemoptysis, loss of weight, fever Against– not copious, not foul smelling, no halitosis
  • 19.  Bronchiectasis Support- Chronic cough, haemoptysis, dyspnoea, loss of weight Against- No history of recurrent chest infections, no halitosis, no foul smelling sputum  Neoplasm (Primary, Secondary) Support- chronic cough, haemoptysis, significant weight loss, dyspnoea, fever Against- No bone pain, no fatigue, no FH of cancers, primary lung tumours are rare in paediatrics Foreign body aspiration Support- cough, dyspnoea, haemoptysis Against– chronicity, no history of choking, or insertion of foreign body
  • 20. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION GENERAL APEARRANCE  The patient appears to be a thin girl evidenced by prominent ribs, and she in respiratory distress; She was lying in bed with a short line in-situ and not on oxygen.  Vital signs  BP: 105/65 mmHg (97 to 115/ 57-76)- normal  Heart rate: 128 bpm (75 to 120)- Tachycardia  Respiratory rate: at 38 b/m (18 to 26) - Tachypnoea  Temperature: 37.8 degrees Celsius (elevated)  02 saturation: 96% in room air
  • 21. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: General examination:  No dysmorphic features  The patient was febrile to touch and had mild pallor; She had submandibular and cervical palpable lymph nodes (They were mobile, discrete, non-tender, 0.5 x 0.5 cm)  There was no jaundice, clubbing, cyanosis, or oedema and patient was well hydrated.  The patient had no halitosis or dental carries  Skin- There was a BCG scar on the right arm. There were no rashes, no skin lesions, no petechiae, no ecchymosis
  • 22. Anthropometric Measurements:  WEIGHT 24KG  HEIGHT 129CM  MUAC 15.5CM NORMAL (5-9 YEARS >14,5CM)  Weight for age: on -1 z-score (normal)  Height for age: between 0 and -1 z-score (normal)  Weight for height: between -1 and 0 z-score (normal) Conclusion: The patient is well nourished
  • 23. Respiratory system Inspection:  The child was in respiratory distress evidenced by tachypnoea of 38 b/m, flaring of alae nasae and subcostal recessions.  The chest was asymmetrical, the left side was slightly elevated, it was moving with respiration and there was no scars or chest deformities. Palpation  There was no tenderness on the chest, the trachea was slightly deviated to the right.  Chest expansion reduced on the left globally and on the right upper zone. Tactile fremitus was decreased on the left mid-lower lung zones.
  • 24. Respiratory continued: Percussion  There was dullness noted on the apices bilaterally, and the left middle zone. stony dullness was elicited on the left lower lung zone( from the 6th intercostal space). The rest of the right lung was resonant. Auscultation  There was decreased air entry bilaterally, more severe on the left, with absent breath sounds on the left lower lung zone. The breath sounds were vesicular, with no added sounds such as wheezing or crackles.
  • 25. Cardiovascular System  Pulse: 128bpm, BP 105/65 mmHg, regular, full volume , no radio-radial delay, no radio-femoral delay , pulses were not collapsing  Hands: felt warm , no cyanosis, no clubbing. Capillary refill was normal at <2seconds  Inspection: No distended neck veins, no chest deformities noted, pulsation was present on the left lower sternal border  Palpation: apex beat on the 5th intercostal space, midclavicular line  no left parasternal heave  no palpable thrill  no palpable p2  Auscultation: S1 & S2 were normal, No loud p2, and no murmurs heard
  • 26. Abdominal Examination Inspection  The abdomen was not distended ,moves with respiration, umbilicus inverted, no scars or rashes, no distended superficial veins, no visible masses, and no pulsations. Palpation  The abdomen was soft and non-tender on all 4 quadrants, no masses felt. Liver span was 10cm in the mid-clavicular line (upper border in the 6th intercostal space); The spleen was not palpable; there was no renal angle tenderness Percussion  Tympanic to percussion, No dullness elicited Auscultation  No bruits over the renal and aortic areas; normal bowel sounds were heard
  • 27. CNS Examination: Patient was alert and fully conscious. GCS: 15/15.  Meningeal Signs: No neck stiffness. Negative Kernig’s sign. Negative Brudzinski neck and leg sign.  Cranial Nerve Examination: All cranial nerves were intact.  Motor System: (Upper and Lower limbs bilaterally) Inspection: No fasciculations; No involuntary movements Muscle bulk normal, no atrophy Palpation: Tone- normal globally; Power- proximal and distal 5/5 Reflexes: All deep tendon reflexes were normal *Babinski sign not present
  • 28. CNS Examination:  Superficial reflexes Abdominal reflex were present; Planter reflexes were present  Sensory Examination There was normal sensation to light touch, pain and temperature in both the upper and lower limb bilaterally  Cerebellar function: gait was normal; patient had normal speech, no nystagmus, and normal finger to nose test.  Developmental Assessment:  Gross motor: Appropriate for age  Fine Motor: Appropriate for age  Speech & communication: Appropriate for age  Social: Appropriate for age
  • 29. Summary:  9 year old girl in respiratory distress with signs of consolidation bilaterally, and signs of a left-sided pleural effusion. She also has mild pallor, fever, tachycardia and is well nourished. The rest of the physical examination was normal.
  • 30. Hypotheses:  Pulmonary TB with left pleural effusion  Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst with left pleural effusion  Pneumonia with left pleural effusion  Lung Abscess  Neoplasm (lymphomas, leukaemia-metastasis)
  • 31. 1.Pulmonary TB with left pleural effusion  Support: Respiratory distress Fever Decreased chest expansion Dullness to percussion bilaterally Stony dullness over the left lower lung zones with absent breath sounds Decreased air entry bilaterally  Against: No added sounds (crackles) No bronchial breathing
  • 32. 2. Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst with left pleural effusion  Support: Fever Respiratory distress Decreased chest expansion Dullness to percussion Stony dullness and absent breath sounds on the left lower zone Decreased air entry bilaterally
  • 33. 3. Pneumonia with left pleural effusion  Support: Fever Respiratory distress Decreased chest expansion Dullness to percussion Decreased air entry bilaterally Stony dullness and absent breath sounds on the left lower zone Against: No bronchial breathing No crackles
  • 34. 4. Lung Abscess  Support: Dullness to percussion Decreased chest expansion Fever Decreased breath sounds  Against: No clubbing No halitosis No added sounds (crackles)
  • 35. 4. Neoplasm with left sided pleural effusion  Support: Pallor Decreased chest expansion Dullness to percussion Decreased air entry Stony dullness and absent breath sounds on the left lower zone  Against: No clubbing No bronchial breathing She is not cachexic Rare in paediatrics
  • 36. Hypothesis-triggered Investigations 1. Pulmonary TB and Pneumonia  Sputum (geneXpert with Rifampicin sensitivity; MCS):Pending  Chest X-Ray: *refer to image*  Mantoux skin test: Negative  FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9 fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg (low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N) WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)  CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient  Urea and electrolytes: Urea 2.8 mmol/L (N); Creat 42 umol/L (N); Na 137 mmol/L (N); K 4.2 mmol/L (N); Cl 100 mmol/L (N); Bicarbonate 15 mmol/L (low); anion gap 26 (high)  ABGs: not done  Total protein: 97 g/L (high); Albumin: 36 g/L (N)  HIV ELISA: Negative  Blood culture: not done
  • 37. 2. Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst  CXR: *refer to image*  Ultrasound abdomen and the chest  CT chest: booked for Friday (02/11/2018)  Ecchinochosis ELISA: pending  FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9 fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg (low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N) WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)  CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient
  • 38. 3. Lung Abscess  CXR: *refer to image*  CT Chest: booked for Friday  FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9 fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg (low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N) WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)  Blood culture: not done  CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient
  • 39. 4. Neoplasm  CXR: *refer to image*  CT Chest: booked for Friday  FBC: Hb- 10.1 g/dl (low);Hct 0.316 L/L (low);MCV 70.9 fL (low); MCH 32.6 pg (low); RCC 4.46 x10^12/L (N) WCC with differential: 22.5 x10^9/L (high) Diff not done Platelet: 668 x 10^9/L (high)  CRP not done and ESR Specimen was insufficient  Bronchoscopy with biopsy after CT scan: not done  Tumour markers: LDH and uric acid - not done
  • 40.
  • 41. Ultrasound findings:  Ultrasound abdomen and the chest: showed clear well defined cystic masses noted in the left and right upper zones and one on the left lower zone, few septations noted on one outer left lower zone measuring 80,6mm. There were no intra abdominal masses and no free fluid Conclusion : Multiple cystic masses in the lungs in keeping with hydatid cyst
  • 42. Working diagnosis:  Bilateral pulmonary hydatid cyst (unruptured) to rule out TB
  • 43. Management:  Non- Pharmacological: - Educate the patient about how the disease is contracted, how it may complicate and how it shall be managed. - Education on hand washing and hygiene practices - Dietary regulation of pets (dogs) - Avoid stray dogs - De-worm dogs - De-worm children according to the national guidelines
  • 44.  Pharmacological: - Albendazole 15mg/kg/day OR 200mg p.o. b.d. for 2 weeks before surgery. Post-surgery continue for 28 days - This patient is being managed with:  Albendazole 200mg p.o. b.d  Augmentin 375mg p.o. 8 hourly  MVT 10ml p.o. daily  Surgical management: - The patient should be discussed with paediatric pulmonology department at Albert Luthuli Hospital for surgical management - Preferably lung conservation therapy.
  • 45. Prognosis:  The prognosis is guarded as the patient has multiple large cysts. The risk of recurrence low. In cases of rupture, there is a higher chance of recurrence, as well as complications such as empyema and bronchiectasis developing in the future.