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Name : Baby of madhusmita sahoo
Age : 03days
Sex : female
Registration No : 1405539719
Father’s Name :Ghania sahoo
Mother’s Name :Pratima sahoo
Date of birth :15/01/16
Religion :Hindu
Mother tongue :Odiya
Bed No :1o
Name of the ward : NICU
Diagnosis : Neonatal Jaundice
Date of admission :07/10/18
Date of discharge :11/10/18
Chief complaioonof my client-
 Yellowish discolouration f the skin and mucus membrane
 Yellowish urination
 Yellowish discolouration of the eye
 Ineffective breastfeeding
 Excessive crying
 Presentmedical history:
 Patient was last well 1 day ago where the mother has noticed yellowish
discolouration of the whole bodyand sclera.
 During the first two days stools were said to be dark in colour which has
turned yellowish by the 3rd day but it was pale.
 In the evening of the 3d day after birth baby was brought to the hospital
and baby was severely jaundiced and patent admitted in NICU.
 Presentsurgical history:
Nothing significant
 Pastmedical history: Nothing significant
 Pastsurgicalhistory: Nothing significant
a) Health of mother : Good
b) Inj.TT taken : Yes
c) Complication during pregnancy : No
d) Any infection during pregnancy? :No
a) Born by :Normal Vaginal
b) Condition at birth :Normal
c) A/S at birth
d) Any problem at birth :No
a) Any abnormalities detected :yes
b) Did the child requires any hospitalization : yes
Baby cried immediately after birth. Breast feeding start after birth.
 Exclusive breast feeding for how long : not started
 Supplementary feeding :no
 BCG given at birth within 24 hours.
a) Behaviour patterns :Normal
b) Developmental history :Normal
2.5 to 3.9 kg
33 -37cm
Pulse :85-190 beats /min
Respiration :30-60breath/min
BP :120/60mmhg
 Well developed sucking, gagging,
swallowing, sneezing,
coughing,extortion reflexes.
 Climbs up one step with assistance
walks side wis and backwards
 Walk with out support
 Kneels with out support
 Able to creep upstairs
 Throws small object repeatedly &
pick the again
 Jumping attempting using both feet
 Seats self in small chair
 Drink alone with
glass,scribble,tower of 2 cubes
 Open box
 Pokes finger in hole
 Scribbles spontaneously
 Turn pages
 Transfer object one hand to other
 Open doorby turning doorknob
 Determine the distance from the crib
high chair to floor
 Normal hearing
3.5 kg
Vital sign:
Pulse :140beats/minute
Respiration :35breath/miute
BP :100/50mmhg
 Sucking,swallowing,gagging,cou
ghing,sneezing,reflexes ar
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Prefers food as like
 Respond to unpleasant order
 Develop sensation of touch & pain
 Speak 4-6 ward without mama,
 Speak ward,name,object,and
 Call personwith name
 Enjoy stories with picture
 Name familiar picture
 Follow command
 Parallel play
 Interest in musical toys & picture
 Watch activities of others
 Interest in dramatic play
 Creative play like use of finger
plain, crayons
 Interest in motor play like use of
large car’s,truck;s,trrain
 Intrest in creative activities like
singing simple song.
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
 Not started
a) Hours of sleep :4hrs/day(day)
b) Hours of sleep :8hrs/day(night)
c) Toilet training started : No
d) Bowel trained completely :No
e) Frequency of bowel movment :once/day
f) Any history of diarrhoea :No
g) Any history of constipation :No
h) Bladder trained completely :No
i) Any other bladder complaint :No
60yrs Male Grand father PG Teacher Good
57yrs Female Grand mother Plus 2 pass House wife Good
38 yrs Male Father Engeneer Good
35 yrs Female Sister in law B .Ed Teacher Good
35yrs Female mother +2 pass House wife Un
2 days female patient Not started Neonatal
DT: 07/10/2018
Temperature 98.60f 98.40f Hypothermia
Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal
Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal
Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
Dt :08/10/18
Temperature 98.60f 98.40f Hypothermia
Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal
Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal
Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
Dt :09/10/18
Temperature 98.60f 98.90f Hypethermia
Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal
Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal
Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
Dt :10/10/18
Temperature 98.60f 98.70f Hyperthermia
Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal
Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal
Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
Dt :11/10/18
Temperature 98.60f 98.60f Normal
Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal
Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal
Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
Height(cm) 50CM 51CM
Baby’s biogical
growth is
Weight (kg) 2.5-3.9 KG 2.8KG
Head circum
33-35 CM 35CM
31-33 CM 31 CM
Mid arm
11CM 11CM
i. Face : tearful ,lethargy
ii. Posture : Not normal
iii. Grooming :Poor
iv. Nutrition :poorly nourished
v. Behaviour :Hypoactive
vi. General buld :Short
vii. State of awareness :Not alert
i. SKIN:
i. Complexion :yellow
ii. Colour changes :Pallor
iii. Texture :Moist
iv. Integrity of skin :yellow
v. Turgor :Abnormal
vi. Skin temperature quality :cold
vii. Seat :Normal
1. Colour :black
2. Texture :dull
3. Quality :Normal
4. Quantity :Normal
5. Elasticity : pluckable
6. Distribution :Normal
7. Hygine :Average
8. Any abnormalities :No
iii. NAILS:
1. Color : yellow
2. Texture :smooth
3. Character :short
4. Quality :pliable
5. Shape :convex
6. Hygiene :average
7. Dermatoglyphics :normal
a) Cervical :
1. Palpable /not palpable :palpable
2. Small /enlarged :small
3. Non-tender/tender :non-tender
4. Discrete/matted :nothing is significant
b) Axillary :
1. Palpable/ not palpable :palpable
2. Small /enlarged :small
3. Non-tender/tender :non-tender
4. Discrete/matted :nothing is significant
c) Inguinal :
1. Palpable/not palpable :palpable
2. Small/enlarged :small
3. Non-tender/tender :non-tender
4. Discrete/matted :nothing is significant
v. Head :
1. Shape :round
2. Symmetry :symmetrical
3. ROM :normal
4. Size
5. Fontanelle & sutures :close/full
6. Lesions :absent
7. Trauma :absent
8. Hygiene :poor
9. Infestations :no
vi. EYE’S:
1. Placement :normal
2. Movement :normal
3. Colour :differently colored
4. Ptosis :no
5. Ectropion :no
6. Entropion :no
7. Setting sun sign :no
8. Puffiness :no
9. Conjuctive :yellow
1. Distribution :normal
2. Direction of growth :straight
3. Length :normal
1. Colour :yellow
2. Exopthalmous :no
3. Hyoertelorism :no
4. Eyes :normal
5. Slant of eye’s :normal
6. Squint :absent
Pupils :
1. Size :normal
2. Shape :round
3. Movement :symmetrical
4. Reaction to light :normal
5. Accommodation :normal
Iris :
1. Shape :round
2. Colour :black
3. Size :equal
4. Clarity :clear
5. Defects :no
Lense :
1. Opacilities :absent
Fundus :normal
vii. EAR’S:
Pinna :
1. Placement : normal
2. Alignment :symmetrical
3. Shape :normal
External canal:
1. Discharge :no
2. Wax :yes
3. Tympanic membrane :normal
viii. NOSE:
1. Nostrils :equal
2. Alanasi :flaring yes
3. Bridge of nose :normal
4. Mucosallining :moist
5. Discharge :no
6. Septum :not deviated
a) Lips:
1. Colour :pallor
2. Texture :dry
3. Lesion’s :absent
4. Crack’s :absent
b) Mucous membrane :
1. Lesion’s :absent
2. Odour :present
3. Bleeding :absent
c) Gingiva:
1. Colour :pale
2. Swelling :absent
3. Bleeding :absent
d) Teeth:
1. Number :no
2. Discolouration :absent
3. Dental caries :absent
e) Tongue:
1. Freely movable :yes
2. Lesion’s :absent
3. Fissuring :present
4. Colouring :present
5. Interferewith speech :not started
f) Uvula:
1. Normal/abnormal :normal
2. Palatine tonsils normal/abnormal :normal
3. Gag reflex :absent
x. Neck:
1. Size :normal
2. Trachea :central
3. Thyroid :normal
4. Nodules :present
5. Carotid arteries :equal
 Level of consciousness :lethargy
 Voice :no response
 Voice cry :weak
 Behaviour :full
 Orientation :abnormal
 Memory :present
 Communication pattern :abnormal
 Balance :abnormal
 Gait :abnormal
 Tone :flacid
 Activity :doll
 Eye;s open :spontaneous
 Motor response :justmoves
 Away :no response
 Verbal response :confused
 Stimulus response :no response
 Pupils :react to slowly
i. Back curvature
 Scoliosis : no
 Lordosis :no
 Kyphosis :no
 Spina bifida present :absent
ii. Upper extremity:
 Symmetry :present
 ROM :normal
 Digit’s : normal
 Any deformity :present
iii. Lower extremity:
 Symmetry :present
 ROM :normal
 Digit’s :normal
 Any deformity :absent
 Skin color :yellow
 Pulses :normal
 Skin temperature/quality :cold
 Cool :extreme
 Cold :extreme
 Clammy : extreme
 Diaphoresis :extreme
 Dry :central
 Heart sound :s1-s2 clear
 Skin turgor :normal
 Capillary rifill :3-5 sec normal
 BP : 110/70mmhg
 Temperature :970
 Rate/min :32brreath/min
 Pattern :regular
 Chest expansion :symmetrical
 Retraction’s :flaring
 Cough :productive
 Sputumcolour :normal
 Breath sound’s :normal
 Right lungs :clear
 Left lungs :clear
 Chest tube :present
 Other :not significant
 Abdomen :flat
 Liver :palpable
 Bowel sounds :absent
 Nutrition :parenteral
 Umbilicus : normal
 Gastric tube :not significant
 External genitalia :normal
 Urethral meatus location :normal
 Reflexes :normal
 Corrugation :normal
 Fissure :present
 Polyp :absent
 Rectal prolapsed :absent
 Kidney :not palpable
 Bladder :not palpable
 Catheters :Foley size
 Dialysis :not started
 Other :not significant
 Incision site :bleeding
 Dissection :redness
 Dressing :dry
 Diaper area :rash
 The liver is the largest of the abdominal viscera, occupying a substantial portion of
the upper abdominal cavity.
 It performs a wide range of metabolic activities necessary for homeostasis, nutrition
and immune defence.
 It is situated in the upper part of the right hypochondriac region, part of the epigastric
region and extending into the left hypochondriac region.
 Weighing between 1 and 2.3 kg.
 It’s upper and anterior surfaces are smooth and curved to fit the under surface of the
diaphragm, it’s posterior surface is irregular in outline.
Superiorly and anteriorly:diaphargm and anterior abdominal wall
Inferiorly: stomach,bile ducts,duodenum,hepatic flexure of the colon,right kidney,and
adrenal gland.
Posteriorly:oesophagus,inferior venacava,aorta,gall bladder,vertrbtal column and
Laterally :lower ribs and diaphragm .
 The liver is enclosed in a thin inlastic capsule and incomletly covered by a layer of
 Folds of peritoneum form supporting ligament’s that attach the liver to the inferior
surface of the diaphargm.
 It is held in postion partly by these ligament’s and partly by the pressure of the
organ in the abdominal cavity.
 The liver has four lobes.the two most obvious are the large right lobe and the
smaller ,wedge-shaped,left lobe .
 The other two,the caudate and quadrate lobes,are areas on the posterior surface.
The portal fissure:
 The posterior surface of liver is know as portal fissure.
 Here various structures enter and leave the gland.
 The poretal vein enters, carrying arterial blood.
 It is a branch from the coeliac artery which is a branch frm the abdominal aorta.
 Nerve fibre’s, sympathetic and parasympathetic ,enter here.
 The right and left hepatic duct’s leave carrying bile from the liver to the gall bladder.
 Lymph vessel’s leave the liver,draining lymph to abdominal and thoracic nodes.
Blood supply:
 The hepatic artery and the portal vein take blood to the liver.
 Venous return is by a variable number of hepatic veins that leave the posterior
surface and immediately enter the inferior venacava just below the diaphargm.
 The lobes of the liver are made up of tiny functual units,called lobules,which are just
visible to the naked eye.
 Liver lobules are hexagonal in outline and are formed by cuboidal cells,the
hepatocytes arranged in pairs of columns regarding from a central vein.between two
pairs of columns cells are sinusoids (blood vessels with incomplet wall,)containing a
mixture of blood from the tiny branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery.
 This arrangment allows the arterial blood and portal venous blood (with a high
concentration of nutrients) to mix and come into close contact with the liver cells.
 Amongst the cells lining the sinusoids are hepatic macrophages (kupffer cells)
whose function is to ingest and destroy worn out blood cells and any foreign
particles present in the blood flowing through the liver.
 Blood drains from the sinusoids into central or centrilobular veins.
 These then merge with veins from other lobules,forming larger veins,untill eventually
they become hepatic veins,which leave the liver and empty into the inferior vena
The liver is one of the most vital organ of the body .it is involved im metabolism.
I. Carbohydrate metabolism:
Liver helps in maintaining the normal blood glucose level.
when glucose level in the blood is less ,then it breaks down glycogen to glucose called
as glycogenolysis and release glucose into the blood stream.
when glucose level is high ,it converts glucose to glycogen,called glycogenesis.
II. Lipid metabolism:
it converts the fat into fatty acids,so that it can be used by the body.
it is called the desaturation of fats.
III. Protein metabolism:
The liver deaminates amino acids so that they can be used for ATP production or
converted to carbohydrates or fats
.it converts the resulting toxic ammonia (NH3)into the much less toxic urea for excretion
in urine.
IV. Excretonof bilirubin :
Bilirubin ,derived from the heme of worn-out red blood cells,is absorbed by the liver
from the blood and secretion into bile.
V. Removalof drugs and hormones:
The liver can detoxifies substances such as alcohol or excrete drugs.
VI. Synthesis of bile salts:
Bile salts are used n the small intestine for the emulsification and absorption of
lipids,cholesterol,phospholipids and lipiproteins.
VII. Activation of vitamin- D:
The skin,liver and kidneys participate in activating vit-D.
VIII. Phagocytosis :
The kupffers cells of the liver phagocytose worn pot red and white blood cells and some
IX. Storage :
The livers stores vitamin A,B12,D,E and K and minerals.
The iron is released from the liver when needed elsewhere in the body.
X. Metabolismof ethanol :
This follows consumption of alcoholic drinks.
XI. Production of heat:
Liver uses the considerable energy and helps in the production of heat.
Storage ofbile:
Stored substances include:
 Glycogen
 Fat-soluble vitamines:A,D,E,K
 Iron ,copper
 Some water soluble vitamines e.g.vit-B12.
Compositionof bile:
Between 500 and 1000 ml of bile is secreted by the liver daily.bile consists of :
 Water
 Mineral salts
 Mucus
 Bile pigments ,mainly bilirubin
 Bile salts,cholesterol
 Hyperbilirubinemia is a condition in which the bilirubin level in the blood is
increased. it is characterized by a yellow discolouration of the skin, mucus
membrane, sclera and various organ.
 The yellow discolouration is caused primarily by accumulation in the skin of
unconjugated bilirubin,a breakdown product of haemoglobin forming after its
release from haemolysed RBCs.
Bilirubin metabolism:
 Bilirubin s one of the breakdown products ofhaemoglobin.
 When RBCs are destroyed, the breakdown products are released into the
circulation, where the haemoglobin spits into heme and globins.
 The bodyuses the globins’ (protein)and heme is converted to conjugated
 In the liver the bilirubin is conjugated with the glucuronyl Transferase.
 This conjugated bliirubin is excreted into the bile.
 In the intestine, bacterial action reduces the conjugated bilirubin into
urobllnogen and stercobilinogen.
 Normally the bodyis able to maintain a balance between the destruction of
RBCs and the use or excretion by the body.
 When this balance is upset,bilirrubin accumulates in thee bodycausing
Physiological jaundice Pathological jaundice
 Not appear before 2nd or 3rd day in term
 In premature baby, it appears after 3rd
or 4th day
 In term newborn, it disappears by thee
end of 7th days while in premature lasts
for 9 to 10 days.
 The total level of total serum bilirubin
never exceeds 12 mg/dl in full term
newborn and 15mg/dl in preterm
 Appears within the 1st day
(24hours after birth)
 Needs longer time or disappears
 Serrum bilirubin exceeds
 Serum biliirubin exceeds the
daily raise of physiological
 Cause kernictrerus in indirect
newborn and the direct bilirubin does
not exceed 1mg/dl of the total bilirubin.
 No kernicterus
 Requires no treatment.
 The newborn is good sucker, no
anaemia, not sick, normal stool, and
urine colour.
 Treatment is important as soon
as possible
 The newborn looks sick, poor
sucking ,pale, abnormal stool
and urine colour.
 It is also called the bilirbin encephalopathy and is caused by the deposition
of the unconjugated bilirubin in the brain.
 It results in the yellowish staining of the brain tissue and the necrosis of
neurons and occurs if the concentration of the unconjugated bilirubin
reaches toxic level.
Stages ofkernicterus:
 Stage 1:poormotor reflex, poorfeeding, vomiting, high-pitched cry,
decreased tone and lethargy.
 Stage 2:opisthotonus, seizurrres, fever, occulogyric crises and paralysis of
upward gaze. Many newborns die in this phase.
 Stage 3:spasticity is decreased at about one week of age (a symptomatic)
 Stage 4:progressive spasticity, deafness, and mental retardation.
 Prematurity
 Breast milk
 Excess productionof bilirubin(haemolytic disease,bruises)
 Enzyme deficiency, bile ductobstruction
 Sepsis
 Diseases like hypthyroidism,IDM
 Genetic predisposition
Pathophysiologyof neonataljaundice:
Excessive haemolysis leads to haemolytic or prehepatic jaundice
Damage of liver parenchyma resulting disturbances of bilirubin metabolism and
bilirubin excretion.
disturbances occur in transferring of bile pigment
conjugation into the bile capillary
Hepatocellular jaundice
Sign and symptoms:
According to book According to patient
 Yellow skin
 Yellow eyes
 Sleepiness
 Poorfeeding
 Brown urine
 Fever
 High pitched cry
 vomiting
 yellow skin
 yellow sclera
 ineffective breast feeding
 yellow urine
 hypothermia
 high pitched cry
DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION:07/10/18(day1 admission)
 GP
 BLOOD picture
 Reticulocyte count
 Hb-12.9g/dl
 RBC -3.34 10ᶺ12/L
 HCT-37%
 WBC-14.53 10ᶺ9/L
 N-38.1%
 L-42.8%
 PLT-343 10ᶺ9/L
 total -26.46mg/dl
 direct bil-1.21mg/dl
 indirect bil-25.25mg/dl
Blood group-B+VE
 GP
 BLOOD picture
 Reticulocyte count
FBC: 6pm
 Hb-11.6g/dl
 RBC -2.99 10ᶺ12/L
 HCT-32.4%
 WBC-15.91 10ᶺ9/L
 N-41.7%
 L-39.8%
 PLT-356 10ᶺ9/L
SBR:at 5pm
 Total bil -20.06mg/dl
 direct bil-1.73mg/dl
 indirect bil-18.33mg/dl
Reticulocyte count:at 10 am-:10%
SBR:at 6pm
 Total bil -16.55mg/dl
 direct bil-1.59mg/dl
 indirect bil-14.96mg/dl
 GP
 BLOOD picture
 Reticulocyte count
 Total bilirubin at 8 am-13.1mg/dl
 Blood picture
RBC-normochromic macrocytic red
cells occational sphyrrocytes,tear
drops,contracted cells and
basophilic stipling.
 abnormal
 PLT- plentiful
Dt :10/10/18
 GP
 BLOOD picture
 Reticulocyte count
FBC: 7pm
 Hb-11.6g/dl
 RBC -3.1410ᶺ12/L
 HCT-33.4%
 WBC-14.4 10ᶺ9/L
 N-35%
 L-48%
 PLT-382 10ᶺ9/L
SBR:at 5pm
 Total bilirubin at 9am -
 direct bil-1.73mg/dl
 indirect bil-18.33mg/dl
Reticulocyte count:at 10 am-:10%
SBR:at 6pm
 Total bil -16.55mg/dl
 direct bil-1.59mg/dl
 indirect bil-14.96mg/dl
Dt 11/10/18
 GP
 BLOOD picture
 Reticulocyte count
SBR:at 6pm
 Total bil -15.96mg/dl
 direct bil-1.07mg/dl
 indirect bil-14.89mg/dl
 phototherapy
 exchange transfusion
 intravenous immunoglobulin
 metalloporphyrins
 breast feeding
 Phenobarbital 5mg/kg
 High dose of IV immunoglobulin
 Provid parents with information
about newborn jaundice
 Checking the baby’s nappies for
dark urine or pale chalky stool
 Assessement of jaundice must be
performed in a well-lit roo ,or
preferrbly,in day light at a window
 Triple phototherapy
 Single phtotherapy
 i.v immunoglobulin:500mg/kg
 metalloporrphyrins
 adequate breast feeding provided
 information given to parents
 assess the baby’s condition by
As per the condition of my patient I am using Henderson’s theory for my patient.
Virginia’s Henderson given 14 basic component ,these are
 Breath normally
 Eat and drink adequately
 Eliminate body waste
 Move and maintain desirable posture
 Sleep and rest
 Select suitable clothes –dress and undress
 Mantain body temperature within normal range by adjusting clothing and
modifying environment.
 Keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the integument.
 Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuries to others.
 Communicate with others in expressing emotions ,needs,fears,or
 Worship according to one’s faith.
 Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment.
 Play or participate in various form’s of recreation.
 Learn ,discover,or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development
and health and use available health facilities.
 yellowish skin
 yellowish eye
 Poor breast feeding
 High pitched crying
 Hypothermia
 seizure
Source of
Nurses ability to define & identify the needs of the patient.
 Yellowish of the skin
 Poor suck
 High pitched crying
 fever
 Restlessness
 lethargy
 Assess baby’s condition
 Providing NICU for phototherapy
 Provide well lit ventilated room
 Follow doctor’s order for giving
 Administer oxygen .
 Maintaining hydration by adminis-
tering IV fluid.
 Avoid overcrowding.
 Exchange transfusion.
Independence in satisfaction of the human beings 14 fundamental basic needs
 Explaining about promote
& support breast feeding to
the family members
 Provide appropriate follow
 Breath normally
 Sleep and rest
 Warming comfortable
Goal met
 Breathnormally
 Sleepandrest
 Warmingcomfortable
 Maintainingpersonal
 Yellowish skin
 Yellowish eyes
 Poor sucking of breast feeding
 Lethargy
 Fever
 Seizure
 Restlessness
 Yellowish skin
 Yellow eyes
 Poor feeding
 Seizure
 fever
 Risk for injury related to procedure of phototherapy as evidenced by skin rashes
of the baby.
 Altered family process related to maturational crisis of term infant as evidenced
by anxious of the family members.
 Impaired skin integrity related to hyperbilrubnemia.
 Deficient fluid volume related to inadequate fluid intake ,phototherapy and
 Anxiety related to medical therapy given to the baby.

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Case study of neonatal jaundice

  • 1.  IDENTIFICATION DATA: Name : Baby of madhusmita sahoo Age : 03days Sex : female Registration No : 1405539719 Father’s Name :Ghania sahoo Mother’s Name :Pratima sahoo Date of birth :15/01/16 Religion :Hindu Mother tongue :Odiya Bed No :1o Name of the ward : NICU Diagnosis : Neonatal Jaundice Date of admission :07/10/18 Date of discharge :11/10/18  CHIEF COMPLAIN: Chief complaioonof my client-  Yellowish discolouration f the skin and mucus membrane  Yellowish urination  Yellowish discolouration of the eye  Ineffective breastfeeding  Excessive crying
  • 2. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:  Presentmedical history:  Patient was last well 1 day ago where the mother has noticed yellowish discolouration of the whole bodyand sclera.  During the first two days stools were said to be dark in colour which has turned yellowish by the 3rd day but it was pale.  In the evening of the 3d day after birth baby was brought to the hospital and baby was severely jaundiced and patent admitted in NICU.  Presentsurgical history: Nothing significant  HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS:  Pastmedical history: Nothing significant  Pastsurgicalhistory: Nothing significant  ANTENATAL HISTORY OF MOTHER: a) Health of mother : Good b) Inj.TT taken : Yes c) Complication during pregnancy : No d) Any infection during pregnancy? :No  NATAL HISTORY: a) Born by :Normal Vaginal b) Condition at birth :Normal c) A/S at birth d) Any problem at birth :No  NEONATAL HISTORY: a) Any abnormalities detected :yes b) Did the child requires any hospitalization : yes  POST NATAL HISTORY: Baby cried immediately after birth. Breast feeding start after birth.  NUTRITION HISTORY:  Exclusive breast feeding for how long : not started  Supplementary feeding :no  BCG given at birth within 24 hours.  PERSONALHISTORY: a) Behaviour patterns :Normal b) Developmental history :Normal
  • 3. BOOK PICTURE PATIENT PICTURE PHYSICAL & BIOLOGICAL WEIGHT: 2.5 to 3.9 kg LENGTH: 48-53cm HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 33 -37cm VITAL SIGNS: Pulse :85-190 beats /min Respiration :30-60breath/min BP :120/60mmhg REFLEX:  Well developed sucking, gagging, swallowing, sneezing, coughing,extortion reflexes. MOTOR DEVELOPMENT:  Climbs up one step with assistance walks side wis and backwards  Walk with out support  Kneels with out support  Able to creep upstairs  Throws small object repeatedly & pick the again  Jumping attempting using both feet  Seats self in small chair FINE MOTOR:  Drink alone with glass,scribble,tower of 2 cubes  Open box  Pokes finger in hole  Scribbles spontaneously  Turn pages  Transfer object one hand to other  Open doorby turning doorknob SENSORYDEVELOPMENT:  Determine the distance from the crib high chair to floor  Normal hearing PHYSICAL & BIOLOGICAL WEIGHT: 3.5 kg LENGTH: 51cm HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 35cm Vital sign: Pulse :140beats/minute Respiration :35breath/miute BP :100/50mmhg REFLEX:  Sucking,swallowing,gagging,cou ghing,sneezing,reflexes ar present. MOTOR DEVELOPMENT:  Not started  Not started  Not started  Not started  Not started FINE MOTOR:  Not started  Not started  Not started  Not started SENSORRYDEVELOPMENT:  Not started  Not started
  • 4.  Prefers food as like  Respond to unpleasant order  Develop sensation of touch & pain LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT:  Speak 4-6 ward without mama, dada  Speak ward,name,object,and person  Call personwith name  Enjoy stories with picture  Name familiar picture  Follow command PLAY STIMULATION:  Parallel play  Interest in musical toys & picture  Watch activities of others  Interest in dramatic play  Creative play like use of finger plain, crayons  Interest in motor play like use of large car’s,truck;s,trrain  Intrest in creative activities like singing simple song.  Not started  Not started LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT:  Not started  Not started  Not started PLAY STIMULATION:  Not started  Not started  Not started  Not started  Not started  PERSONALHISTORY: a) Hours of sleep :4hrs/day(day) b) Hours of sleep :8hrs/day(night) c) Toilet training started : No d) Bowel trained completely :No e) Frequency of bowel movment :once/day f) Any history of diarrhoea :No g) Any history of constipation :No
  • 5. h) Bladder trained completely :No i) Any other bladder complaint :No  FAMILY HISTORY: NAME AGE SEX RELATION EDUCATION OCCUPATION HEAL- TH Rabi sahoo 60yrs Male Grand father PG Teacher Good Mina sahoo 57yrs Female Grand mother Plus 2 pass House wife Good Kuna sahoo 38 yrs Male Father Engeneer Good Tiki sahoo 35 yrs Female Sister in law B .Ed Teacher Good Liza sahoo 35yrs Female mother +2 pass House wife Un healthy Saismit a 2 days female patient Not started Neonatal jaundiice
  • 7. VITAL SIGN: DT: 07/10/2018 TPR & BP NORRMAL VALUE PATIENT VALUE REMARKS Temperature 98.60f 98.40f Hypothermia Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal Dt :08/10/18 TPR & BP NORRMAL VALUE PATIENT VALUE REMARKS Temperature 98.60f 98.40f Hypothermia Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
  • 8. Dt :09/10/18 TPR & BP NORRMAL VALUE PATIENT VALUE REMARKS Temperature 98.60f 98.90f Hypethermia Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal Dt :10/10/18 TPR & BP NORRMAL VALUE PATIENT VALUE REMARKS Temperature 98.60f 98.70f Hyperthermia Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
  • 9. Dt :11/10/18 TPR & BP NORRMAL VALUE PATIENT VALUE REMARKS Temperature 98.60f 98.60f Normal Pulse 85-190beats/min 152brth/min Normal Respiration 30-60brrth/min 32breath/min Normal Blood pressure 67-84mmhg 64/29mmhg Normal
  • 10. PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT: A. ANTHROPOMETRYMEASURRMENT: PARAMETER NORRMAL VALUE PATIENT VALUE REMARRKS Height(cm) 50CM 51CM Baby’s biogical growth is Adequate Weight (kg) 2.5-3.9 KG 2.8KG Head circum ference 33-35 CM 35CM Chest Circumference 31-33 CM 31 CM Mid arm circumference 11CM 11CM  GENERALEXAMINATION: i. Face : tearful ,lethargy ii. Posture : Not normal iii. Grooming :Poor iv. Nutrition :poorly nourished v. Behaviour :Hypoactive vi. General buld :Short vii. State of awareness :Not alert i. SKIN: i. Complexion :yellow ii. Colour changes :Pallor iii. Texture :Moist iv. Integrity of skin :yellow v. Turgor :Abnormal vi. Skin temperature quality :cold vii. Seat :Normal
  • 11. ii. ACCESSORRY STRUCTURES: HAIR: 1. Colour :black 2. Texture :dull 3. Quality :Normal 4. Quantity :Normal 5. Elasticity : pluckable 6. Distribution :Normal 7. Hygine :Average 8. Any abnormalities :No iii. NAILS: 1. Color : yellow 2. Texture :smooth 3. Character :short 4. Quality :pliable 5. Shape :convex 6. Hygiene :average 7. Dermatoglyphics :normal iv. LYMPHATIC: a) Cervical : 1. Palpable /not palpable :palpable 2. Small /enlarged :small 3. Non-tender/tender :non-tender 4. Discrete/matted :nothing is significant b) Axillary : 1. Palpable/ not palpable :palpable 2. Small /enlarged :small 3. Non-tender/tender :non-tender 4. Discrete/matted :nothing is significant c) Inguinal : 1. Palpable/not palpable :palpable 2. Small/enlarged :small 3. Non-tender/tender :non-tender
  • 12. 4. Discrete/matted :nothing is significant v. Head : 1. Shape :round 2. Symmetry :symmetrical 3. ROM :normal 4. Size 5. Fontanelle & sutures :close/full 6. Lesions :absent 7. Trauma :absent 8. Hygiene :poor 9. Infestations :no vi. EYE’S: Eyelid: 1. Placement :normal 2. Movement :normal 3. Colour :differently colored 4. Ptosis :no 5. Ectropion :no 6. Entropion :no 7. Setting sun sign :no 8. Puffiness :no 9. Conjuctive :yellow Eyelashe’s: 1. Distribution :normal 2. Direction of growth :straight 3. Length :normal Sclera: 1. Colour :yellow 2. Exopthalmous :no 3. Hyoertelorism :no 4. Eyes :normal 5. Slant of eye’s :normal 6. Squint :absent
  • 13. Pupils : 1. Size :normal 2. Shape :round 3. Movement :symmetrical 4. Reaction to light :normal 5. Accommodation :normal Iris : 1. Shape :round 2. Colour :black 3. Size :equal 4. Clarity :clear 5. Defects :no Lense : 1. Opacilities :absent Fundus :normal vii. EAR’S: Pinna : 1. Placement : normal 2. Alignment :symmetrical 3. Shape :normal External canal: 1. Discharge :no 2. Wax :yes 3. Tympanic membrane :normal viii. NOSE: 1. Nostrils :equal 2. Alanasi :flaring yes 3. Bridge of nose :normal 4. Mucosallining :moist 5. Discharge :no 6. Septum :not deviated
  • 14. ix. MOUTH & THRROAT: a) Lips: 1. Colour :pallor 2. Texture :dry 3. Lesion’s :absent 4. Crack’s :absent b) Mucous membrane : 1. Lesion’s :absent 2. Odour :present 3. Bleeding :absent c) Gingiva: 1. Colour :pale 2. Swelling :absent 3. Bleeding :absent d) Teeth: 1. Number :no 2. Discolouration :absent 3. Dental caries :absent e) Tongue: 1. Freely movable :yes 2. Lesion’s :absent 3. Fissuring :present 4. Colouring :present 5. Interferewith speech :not started f) Uvula: 1. Normal/abnormal :normal 2. Palatine tonsils normal/abnormal :normal 3. Gag reflex :absent x. Neck: 1. Size :normal 2. Trachea :central 3. Thyroid :normal 4. Nodules :present
  • 15. 5. Carotid arteries :equal xi. NEURROLOGICAL /MUSCULOSKELETAL:  Level of consciousness :lethargy  Voice :no response  Voice cry :weak  Behaviour :full  Orientation :abnormal  Memory :present  Communication pattern :abnormal  Balance :abnormal  Gait :abnormal  Tone :flacid  Activity :doll  Eye;s open :spontaneous  Motor response :justmoves  Away :no response  Verbal response :confused  Stimulus response :no response  Pupils :react to slowly xii. BACK& EXTREMITIES: i. Back curvature  Scoliosis : no  Lordosis :no  Kyphosis :no  Spina bifida present :absent ii. Upper extremity:  Symmetry :present  ROM :normal  Digit’s : normal  Any deformity :present iii. Lower extremity:  Symmetry :present
  • 16.  ROM :normal  Digit’s :normal  Any deformity :absent xiii. CARDIOVASCULAR:  Skin color :yellow  Pulses :normal  Skin temperature/quality :cold  Cool :extreme  Cold :extreme  Clammy : extreme  Diaphoresis :extreme  Dry :central  Heart sound :s1-s2 clear  Skin turgor :normal  Capillary rifill :3-5 sec normal  BP : 110/70mmhg  Temperature :970 F xiv. RESPIRATORY:  Rate/min :32brreath/min  Pattern :regular  Chest expansion :symmetrical  Retraction’s :flaring  Cough :productive  Sputumcolour :normal  Breath sound’s :normal  Right lungs :clear  Left lungs :clear  Chest tube :present  Other :not significant xv. GASTROINTESTINAL:  Abdomen :flat  Liver :palpable
  • 17.  Bowel sounds :absent  Nutrition :parenteral  Umbilicus : normal  Gastric tube :not significant xvi. GENITAL:  External genitalia :normal  Urethral meatus location :normal Anus  Reflexes :normal  Corrugation :normal  Fissure :present  Polyp :absent  Rectal prolapsed :absent xvii. URINARY SYSTEM:  Kidney :not palpable  Bladder :not palpable  Catheters :Foley size  Dialysis :not started  Other :not significant xviii. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM:  Incision site :bleeding  Dissection :redness  Dressing :dry  Diaper area :rash
  • 18. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF LIVER INTERDUCTION:  The liver is the largest of the abdominal viscera, occupying a substantial portion of the upper abdominal cavity.  It performs a wide range of metabolic activities necessary for homeostasis, nutrition and immune defence.  It is situated in the upper part of the right hypochondriac region, part of the epigastric region and extending into the left hypochondriac region.  Weighing between 1 and 2.3 kg.  It’s upper and anterior surfaces are smooth and curved to fit the under surface of the diaphragm, it’s posterior surface is irregular in outline. ORGANS ASSOCIATED WITHTHE LIVER: Superiorly and anteriorly:diaphargm and anterior abdominal wall Inferiorly: stomach,bile ducts,duodenum,hepatic flexure of the colon,right kidney,and adrenal gland. Posteriorly:oesophagus,inferior venacava,aorta,gall bladder,vertrbtal column and diaphargm. Laterally :lower ribs and diaphragm .
  • 19.  The liver is enclosed in a thin inlastic capsule and incomletly covered by a layer of peritoneum.  Folds of peritoneum form supporting ligament’s that attach the liver to the inferior surface of the diaphargm.  It is held in postion partly by these ligament’s and partly by the pressure of the organ in the abdominal cavity.  The liver has four lobes.the two most obvious are the large right lobe and the smaller ,wedge-shaped,left lobe .  The other two,the caudate and quadrate lobes,are areas on the posterior surface. The portal fissure:  The posterior surface of liver is know as portal fissure.  Here various structures enter and leave the gland.  The poretal vein enters, carrying arterial blood.  It is a branch from the coeliac artery which is a branch frm the abdominal aorta.  Nerve fibre’s, sympathetic and parasympathetic ,enter here.  The right and left hepatic duct’s leave carrying bile from the liver to the gall bladder.  Lymph vessel’s leave the liver,draining lymph to abdominal and thoracic nodes. Blood supply:  The hepatic artery and the portal vein take blood to the liver.  Venous return is by a variable number of hepatic veins that leave the posterior surface and immediately enter the inferior venacava just below the diaphargm. Structure:  The lobes of the liver are made up of tiny functual units,called lobules,which are just visible to the naked eye.  Liver lobules are hexagonal in outline and are formed by cuboidal cells,the hepatocytes arranged in pairs of columns regarding from a central vein.between two pairs of columns cells are sinusoids (blood vessels with incomplet wall,)containing a mixture of blood from the tiny branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery.  This arrangment allows the arterial blood and portal venous blood (with a high concentration of nutrients) to mix and come into close contact with the liver cells.  Amongst the cells lining the sinusoids are hepatic macrophages (kupffer cells) whose function is to ingest and destroy worn out blood cells and any foreign particles present in the blood flowing through the liver.  Blood drains from the sinusoids into central or centrilobular veins.  These then merge with veins from other lobules,forming larger veins,untill eventually they become hepatic veins,which leave the liver and empty into the inferior vena cava.
  • 20. FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER: The liver is one of the most vital organ of the body .it is involved im metabolism. I. Carbohydrate metabolism: Liver helps in maintaining the normal blood glucose level. when glucose level in the blood is less ,then it breaks down glycogen to glucose called as glycogenolysis and release glucose into the blood stream. when glucose level is high ,it converts glucose to glycogen,called glycogenesis. II. Lipid metabolism: it converts the fat into fatty acids,so that it can be used by the body. it is called the desaturation of fats. III. Protein metabolism: The liver deaminates amino acids so that they can be used for ATP production or converted to carbohydrates or fats .it converts the resulting toxic ammonia (NH3)into the much less toxic urea for excretion in urine. IV. Excretonof bilirubin : Bilirubin ,derived from the heme of worn-out red blood cells,is absorbed by the liver from the blood and secretion into bile. V. Removalof drugs and hormones: The liver can detoxifies substances such as alcohol or excrete drugs. VI. Synthesis of bile salts: Bile salts are used n the small intestine for the emulsification and absorption of lipids,cholesterol,phospholipids and lipiproteins. VII. Activation of vitamin- D: The skin,liver and kidneys participate in activating vit-D.
  • 21. VIII. Phagocytosis : The kupffers cells of the liver phagocytose worn pot red and white blood cells and some bacteria. IX. Storage : The livers stores vitamin A,B12,D,E and K and minerals. The iron is released from the liver when needed elsewhere in the body. X. Metabolismof ethanol : This follows consumption of alcoholic drinks. XI. Production of heat: Liver uses the considerable energy and helps in the production of heat. Storage ofbile: Stored substances include:  Glycogen  Fat-soluble vitamines:A,D,E,K  Iron ,copper  Some water soluble vitamines e.g.vit-B12. Compositionof bile: Between 500 and 1000 ml of bile is secreted by the liver daily.bile consists of :  Water  Mineral salts  Mucus  Bile pigments ,mainly bilirubin  Bile salts,cholesterol
  • 22. DISEASE CONDITION: DFINITION:  Hyperbilirubinemia is a condition in which the bilirubin level in the blood is increased. it is characterized by a yellow discolouration of the skin, mucus membrane, sclera and various organ.  The yellow discolouration is caused primarily by accumulation in the skin of unconjugated bilirubin,a breakdown product of haemoglobin forming after its release from haemolysed RBCs. Bilirubin metabolism:  Bilirubin s one of the breakdown products ofhaemoglobin.  When RBCs are destroyed, the breakdown products are released into the circulation, where the haemoglobin spits into heme and globins.  The bodyuses the globins’ (protein)and heme is converted to conjugated bilirubin.  In the liver the bilirubin is conjugated with the glucuronyl Transferase.  This conjugated bliirubin is excreted into the bile.  In the intestine, bacterial action reduces the conjugated bilirubin into urobllnogen and stercobilinogen.  Normally the bodyis able to maintain a balance between the destruction of RBCs and the use or excretion by the body.  When this balance is upset,bilirrubin accumulates in thee bodycausing jaundice. TYPES OF HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA: Physiological jaundice Pathological jaundice  Not appear before 2nd or 3rd day in term baby.  In premature baby, it appears after 3rd or 4th day  In term newborn, it disappears by thee end of 7th days while in premature lasts for 9 to 10 days.  The total level of total serum bilirubin never exceeds 12 mg/dl in full term newborn and 15mg/dl in preterm  Appears within the 1st day (24hours after birth)  Needs longer time or disappears  Serrum bilirubin exceeds 12mg/dl.  Serum biliirubin exceeds the daily raise of physiological jaundice.  Cause kernictrerus in indirect hyperrbilirrubinemia.
  • 23. newborn and the direct bilirubin does not exceed 1mg/dl of the total bilirubin.  No kernicterus  Requires no treatment.  The newborn is good sucker, no anaemia, not sick, normal stool, and urine colour.  Treatment is important as soon as possible  The newborn looks sick, poor sucking ,pale, abnormal stool and urine colour. Kernicterus:  It is also called the bilirbin encephalopathy and is caused by the deposition of the unconjugated bilirubin in the brain.  It results in the yellowish staining of the brain tissue and the necrosis of neurons and occurs if the concentration of the unconjugated bilirubin reaches toxic level. Stages ofkernicterus:  Stage 1:poormotor reflex, poorfeeding, vomiting, high-pitched cry, decreased tone and lethargy.  Stage 2:opisthotonus, seizurrres, fever, occulogyric crises and paralysis of upward gaze. Many newborns die in this phase.  Stage 3:spasticity is decreased at about one week of age (a symptomatic)  Stage 4:progressive spasticity, deafness, and mental retardation. Causes:  Prematurity  Breast milk  Excess productionof bilirubin(haemolytic disease,bruises)  Enzyme deficiency, bile ductobstruction  Sepsis  Diseases like hypthyroidism,IDM  Genetic predisposition Pathophysiologyof neonataljaundice: Excessive haemolysis leads to haemolytic or prehepatic jaundice
  • 24. Damage of liver parenchyma resulting disturbances of bilirubin metabolism and bilirubin excretion. disturbances occur in transferring of bile pigment conjugation into the bile capillary Hepatocellular jaundice Sign and symptoms: According to book According to patient  Yellow skin  Yellow eyes  Sleepiness  Poorfeeding  Brown urine  Fever  High pitched cry  vomiting  yellow skin  yellow sclera  ineffective breast feeding  yellow urine  hypothermia  high pitched cry DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION:07/10/18(day1 admission) ACCORDING TO BOOK ACCORDING TO PATIENT  FBC  CRP  SBR  GP  DCT  BLOOD picture  Reticulocyte count FBC:  Hb-12.9g/dl  RBC -3.34 10ᶺ12/L  HCT-37%  WBC-14.53 10ᶺ9/L  N-38.1%  L-42.8%  PLT-343 10ᶺ9/L CRP:1.4mg/L SBR:  total -26.46mg/dl  direct bil-1.21mg/dl  indirect bil-25.25mg/dl DCT:-Negative Blood group-B+VE
  • 25. Dt:08/10/18 ACCORDING TO BOOK ACCORDING TO PATIENT  FBC  CRP  SBR  GP  DCT  BLOOD picture  Reticulocyte count FBC: 6pm  Hb-11.6g/dl  RBC -2.99 10ᶺ12/L  HCT-32.4%  WBC-15.91 10ᶺ9/L  N-41.7%  L-39.8%  PLT-356 10ᶺ9/L SBR:at 5pm  Total bil -20.06mg/dl  direct bil-1.73mg/dl  indirect bil-18.33mg/dl Reticulocyte count:at 10 am-:10% SBR:at 6pm  Total bil -16.55mg/dl  direct bil-1.59mg/dl  indirect bil-14.96mg/dl Dt:09/10/18 ACCORDING TO BOOK ACCORDING TO PATIENT  FBC  CRP  SBR  GP  DCT  BLOOD picture  Reticulocyte count  Total bilirubin at 8 am-13.1mg/dl  Blood picture RBC-normochromic macrocytic red cells occational sphyrrocytes,tear drops,contracted cells and basophilic stipling.  abnormal cells  PLT- plentiful Dt :10/10/18 ACCORDING TO BOOK ACCORDING TO PATIENT  FBC  CRP  SBR  GP  DCT  BLOOD picture  Reticulocyte count FBC: 7pm  Hb-11.6g/dl  RBC -3.1410ᶺ12/L  HCT-33.4%  WBC-14.4 10ᶺ9/L  N-35%  L-48%  PLT-382 10ᶺ9/L SBR:at 5pm  Total bilirubin at 9am - 15.06mg/dl
  • 26.  direct bil-1.73mg/dl  indirect bil-18.33mg/dl Reticulocyte count:at 10 am-:10% SBR:at 6pm  Total bil -16.55mg/dl  direct bil-1.59mg/dl  indirect bil-14.96mg/dl Dt 11/10/18 ACCORDING TO BOOK ACCORDING TO PATIENT  FBC  CRP  SBR  GP  DCT  BLOOD picture  Reticulocyte count SBR:at 6pm  Total bil -15.96mg/dl  direct bil-1.07mg/dl  indirect bil-14.89mg/dl MANAGMENT: ACCORDING TO BOOK ACCORDING TO PATIENT  phototherapy  exchange transfusion  intravenous immunoglobulin  metalloporphyrins  breast feeding  Phenobarbital 5mg/kg  High dose of IV immunoglobulin  Provid parents with information about newborn jaundice  Checking the baby’s nappies for dark urine or pale chalky stool  Assessement of jaundice must be performed in a well-lit roo ,or preferrbly,in day light at a window  Triple phototherapy  Single phtotherapy  i.v immunoglobulin:500mg/kg  metalloporrphyrins  adequate breast feeding provided  information given to parents  assess the baby’s condition by nuses
  • 27. THEORY APPLICATION: As per the condition of my patient I am using Henderson’s theory for my patient. Virginia’s Henderson given 14 basic component ,these are  Breath normally  Eat and drink adequately  Eliminate body waste  Move and maintain desirable posture  Sleep and rest  Select suitable clothes –dress and undress  Mantain body temperature within normal range by adjusting clothing and modifying environment.  Keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the integument.  Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuries to others.  Communicate with others in expressing emotions ,needs,fears,or opinions.  Worship according to one’s faith.  Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment.  Play or participate in various form’s of recreation.  Learn ,discover,or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use available health facilities.  yellowish skin  yellowish eye  Poor breast feeding  High pitched crying  Hypothermia  seizure Source of difficulty Patient Jaundice
  • 28. Nurses ability to define & identify the needs of the patient.  Yellowish of the skin  Poor suck  High pitched crying  fever  Restlessness  lethargy  Assess baby’s condition  Providing NICU for phototherapy  Provide well lit ventilated room  Follow doctor’s order for giving Medications.  Administer oxygen .  Maintaining hydration by adminis- tering IV fluid.  Avoid overcrowding.  Exchange transfusion. Independence in satisfaction of the human beings 14 fundamental basic needs NURSES ROLE  Explaining about promote & support breast feeding to the family members  Provide appropriate follow -up
  • 29.  Breath normally  Sleep and rest  Warming comfortable Goal met  Breathnormally  Sleepandrest  Warmingcomfortable clothes  Maintainingpersonal hygiene.
  • 30. NURSING PROCES: PROBLEM IDENTIFIED:  Yellowish skin  Yellowish eyes  Poor sucking of breast feeding  Lethargy  Fever  Seizure  Restlessness SETTING PRIORITY:  Yellowish skin  Yellow eyes  Poor feeding  Seizure  fever NURSING DIAGNOSIS:  Risk for injury related to procedure of phototherapy as evidenced by skin rashes of the baby.  Altered family process related to maturational crisis of term infant as evidenced by anxious of the family members.  Impaired skin integrity related to hyperbilrubnemia.  Deficient fluid volume related to inadequate fluid intake ,phototherapy and diarrhoea  Anxiety related to medical therapy given to the baby.