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Capacity Planning in Multi-tenant
Hadoop, HBase and Storm Deployments
PRESENTED BY Amrit Lal and Sumeet Singh ⎪ April 02, 2014
2 0 1 4 H a d o o p S u m m i t , A m s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
2 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sumeet Singh
Senior Director, Product Management
Hadoop and Big Data Platforms
Cloud Engineering Group
Amrit Lal
Product Manager
Hadoop and Big Data Platforms
Cloud Engineering Group
§  Product Manager at Yahoo engaged in building
high class and robust Hadoop infrastructure
§  Eight years of experience across HSBC, Oracle
and Google in developing products and
platforms for high growth enterprises
§  M.B.A. from Carnegie Mellon University701 First Avenue,
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
§  Manages Hadoop products team at Yahoo!
§  Responsible for Product Management, Strategy
and Customer Engagements
§  Managed Cloud Services products team and
headed Strategy functions for the Cloud
Platform Group at Yahoo
§  M.B.A. from UCLA and M.S. from
701 First Avenue,
Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
3 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Need for Capacity Planning1
Big Data Platform Deployment Models2
Resource Drivers and Data Sources3
Capacity Models and Tools4
SLA Management5
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Servers Storage
Multi-tenant Apache Hadoop Platform Evolution
4 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Commits to
Scaling Hadoop
for Production
in Search and
with machine
learning &
with Security,
and SLAs
Sourced with
Spinoff for
(H 0.23 YARN)
New Services
(HBase, Storm,
Hive etc.
with partitioned
Apache H2.x
(Low latency,
Util, HA etc.)
Hosted Apps Growth on Apache Hadoop
5 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Q1-11 Q2-11 Q3-11 Q4-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13
New Customer Apps On-boarded
67 projects
in 2011
52 projects
in 2012
113 projects
in 2013
Multi-tenant Apache HBase Growth at Yahoo
6 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
33.6 PB
Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q1-14
Zero to “20” Use Cases (60,000 Regions) in a Year
Region Servers Storage
Multi-tenant Apache Storm Growth at Yahoo
7 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Zero to “175” Production Topologies in a Year
Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q1-14
Supervisor Topologies
Where Does Capacity Planning Fit
8 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Project Lifecycle Support
Big Data Platform Technology Stack at Yahoo
9 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
HivePig Oozie HDFS ProxyGDM
YARN MapReduce
Monitoring Starling
Storm SparkTez
Relevant for Capacity Planning
Deployment Model
10 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
DataNode NodeManager
NameNode RM
DataNode RegionServer
NameNode HBase Master Nimbus
Administration, Management and Monitoring
Load Proxies
Applications and Data
Relevant for Capacity Planning
Capacity Drivers That Matter
11 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Data (Storage) Volume of data to be stored and processed
Memory Container for direct and faster access to stored data
CPU Cores (and threads) available for processing
Throughput Number of transactions per second
Time taken to complete a request or operation ((includes
processing, disk and network I/O time)
Drivers Measure
Apache Hadoop Resources
12 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Data (Storage) Data stored in HDFS (disk)
Map and Reduce containers
(in H 0.23/ 2.0)
YARN-2 for Capacity Scheduler,
Yahoo is not using it yet
Time taken for the jobs to
§ Freq., size, retention, # files
§ Rep. factor
§ Map memory
§ Reduce memory
§ N/A
§ Individual job run times
§ Time to finish all jobs (when
run in parallel) – peak usage
Drivers Measure
Data processed/ second with
concurrent Mappers and Reducers
§ Total data processed
§ Maps and Reduces to run
(simple or complex DAGs)
Working Through a Use Case
13 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Pig Mail needs to process 30 TB of data
everyday in about 6 hours so that it can
develop algorithms that can detect spam
more effectively. A Pig script will parse the
data in sequential phases to finally
materialize the features of the mail that
decides if the mail is a SPAM.
2-L 2-R
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Data (Storage)
14 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Pig Mail Project Info – User Input
Data upload frequency Once daily
Data added per upload 1 TB / day
Data retention (Input) 30 days
Data output 50 GB
Data retention 1 day
Anticipated growth in data volume (3-6 months) 20%
Step 2: # Servers Based on Storage (default values at hdfs-site.xml)
HDFS replication factor
Default: <3>
HDFS required (30 + 0.05) x 1.2 x 3 = 108 TB
Suggested server config (based on total cost) C-xxx/48/4000 (four 4 TB disks)
Storage available per server
12 TB out of 16 TB (rest for OS, temp, swap etc.)
dfs.datanode.du.reserved, <107374182400> 1 TB
Servers required 108 / 12 = 9 servers
Step 3: Namespace Needed (default values at hdfs-site.xml)
HDFS block size
Default: <134217728> 128 MB
Average file size 1.5 X 128 MB = 200 MB (assumed)
Namespace for files 108 TB / 200 MB = 540,000
15 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Cluster/ Node Level Info (configured values at yarn-site.xml) – Admins Only
Max memory on the node for containers
Conf: <45056> (44G out of 48G, rest for the OS)
Virtual to physical memory
Default: <2.1> (2:1 virtual to exceed physical by)
Min allocable memory for containers
Default: <512> (0.5G)
Max allocable memory for containers
Default: <8192> (8G)
Step 2: Container Level Info (default values at mapred-site.xml)
Map task container size
Default: <1536> (1.5G)
Reduce task container size
Default: <2048> (2G)
MR AppMaster memory size
Default: <1536> (1.5G)
Map task JVM heap size
Default: Xmx1024m
Reduce task JVM heap size
Default: Xmx1536m
Map and Reduce container sizes are determined by users developing the app based on memory needs of the tasks
16 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Estimating Number of Mappers
Upper bound on input splits mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize
Lower bound on input splits mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize
Number of mappers
Number of input splits
(e.g. 8,192 maps = 1 TB of data / 128M split size)
Step 2 A: Estimating Number of Reducers
Limit on the input size to reducers
Default: <10737418240> (10G)
Fixed number of reducers mapreduce.job.reduces
Number of reducers Min (fixed reducers, total input size / reducer size)
Step 2 B: Estimating Number of Reducers (Pig and Hive)
Min (fixed reducers, pig.exec.reducers.max,
total input size / pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer)
Default: <max 999, reducer bytes 1GB>
Min (fixed reducers, hive.exec.reducers.max ,
total input size / hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer)
Default: < max 999, reducer bytes 1GB>
Throughput and Latency
17 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Sample Run (with a tenth of data on a sandbox cluster)
Stages # Map Map Size Map Time # Reduce Reduce Size Reduce Time
Stage 1 100 1.5 GB 10 Min 50 2 GB 5 Min
Stage 2 - L 50 1.5 GB 10 Min 20 2 GB 10 Min
Stage 2 - R 30 1.5 GB 5 Min 10 2 GB 5 Min
Stage 3 70 1.5 GB 5 Min 30 2 GB 5 Min
§  SLOT_MILLIS_MAPS and SLOT_MILLIS_REDUCES from Job Counters gives the time spent
§  TOTAL_LAUNCHED_MAPS and TOTAL_LAUNCHED_REDUCES from Job Counters gives # Map and # Reduce
§  Reduce time includes the Sort and Shuffle time. Shuffle Time is Data per Reducer / est. 4 MB/s (bandwidth for
data transfer from Map to Reduce)
§  Add 10% for speculative execution (failed/killed task attempts)
Step 2: Mappers and Reducers for SLA and Full Dataset
Stages Mins SLA Share # Map # Reduce
Stage 1 15 / 45 Min 120 / 360 Min 138
(100 x 11) / 8
(50 x 11) / 8
207 GB 138 GB 345 GB 8
Project Pig Mail Capacity Ask = MAX (Compute <8 Servers>, Storage <9 Servers>) = 9 Servers
Capacity Calculations Tools
18 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Apache HBase Resources
19 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Supported frequency of data read
or written in a second (for a given
record size)
Time taken for the read, write or
scan operations to complete
BlockCache; data that needs to
be served through cache
Data (Storage)
§ Number of reads, writes or
scans per second per server
§ Read or write time in ms
(typically) per record
§ % of data read from cache
§ MemStore / BlockCache
ratio, RegionServer heap
§ N/A
Drivers Measure
Total data stored in HDFS (disk)
§ Avg. record size x avg.
number of records stored
Working Through a Use Case
20 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Awesome eCommerce needs to
process about 200 M records daily
somewhere between 6:00 - 10:00 AM to
update product information. About 50%
of the data is related to existing
products where price may need to be
updated by comparing current with the
new offer price. Remaining 50% of the
offer is new products and will be written
without price comparison.
There are three separate tables for
product, price and offers with 3 KB avg.
record size. Writes are in the order of
500 Million records and reads 250
Million across each of the three tables.
Throughput & Latency
21 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Project Info – User Input
Active reads/writes per day 4 Hrs.
Avg. writes / day (all three tables) 1,500 M
Avg. reads / day (all three tables) 750 M
Average record size 3 KB
Records cached / warmed on start 50%
Step 2: # Servers Based on Write Throughput
Peak concurrent writes required 1,500 M x 3 KB / (4 x 3,600 sec) = ~ 300 MB / sec
Peak write throughput per RegionServer 45 MB / sec (based on performance benchmarks)
Servers required 300 / 45 = 7 RegionServer
Step 3: # Servers Based on Read Throughput
Peak concurrent reads required 750 M x 3 KB / (4x3600 sec) = ~160 MB / sec
Peak cold random read throughput 10 MB / sec (based on performance benchmarks)
Peak hot random read throughput 200 MB / sec (based on performance benchmarks)
RegionServer for cold reads 160 x 50% / 10 = 8
RegionServer for hot read 160 x 50% / 200 = 1
Servers required Max (8,1) = 8 RegionServer
Performance benchmarks were conducted by simulating HBase workloads through YCSB on dedicated servers
22 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: RegionServer Info (configured values at hbase-site.xml and – Admins Only
Max memory available per Region Server
<64 GB>
Heap size of the Region Server JVM
export HBASE_HEAPSIZE = 59392 (58 GB)
Default: <1000> (1000 MB)
Memory allocated to BlockCache
hfile.block.cache.size = 0.8 (80%)
Default: <0.4> (40% of Heap)
Memory allocated to Memstore = 0.2 (20%)
Default: <0.4> (40% of Heap)
Step 2: Servers required to serve from block cache
Total records 200 M
Average record size 3 KB
Total data served 200 M x 3 KB = 0.55 TB
Total data served through BlockCache 0.55 TB x 50% = 0.28 TB
Loading factor in the (LRU) BlockCache (in HBase 0.94) 85 %
Total BlockCache available per RegionServer 58 GB x 0.8 x 85% = 40 GB
Servers required 0.28 TB / 40 GB = 7 RegionServer
Block cache allocation is dependent on the mix of reads and writes access patterns. Remainder of LRU is used by
other resident users such as catalog tables, hfiles indexes, bloom filters
23 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 2: # Servers Based on data served
Raw disk space to JVM heap / RegionServer 10 GB / 128 MB x 3 x 0.2 = 48
Raw disk space available / RegionServer 48 x 58 GB x 0.2 = 0.56 TB
Total data served through tables 0.55 TB
Total raw data served 0.55 TB x 3 = 1.65 TB
Servers required 1.65 / 0.56 = 3 servers
Step 1: RegionServer Info (configured values at hbase-site.xml & – Admins Only
Max memory available per RegionServer C-xxx/64/4000 (four 4 TB disks) = 64 GB
Heap size of the RegionServer JVM
export HBASE_HEAPSIZE = 59392 (58 GB)
Default: <1000> (1000 MB)
Region size
hbase.hregion.max.filesize = 10737418240
Default: <10737418240> (10 GB)
Memory allocated to MemStore = 0.2 (20%)
Default: <0.4> (40% of Heap)
Memstore flush size
hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size= 134217728
Default: <134217728> (128 MB)
HDFS replication factor
dfs.replication = 3
Default: <3>
Project Awesome eCommerce Ask = MAX (Write <7 RS>, Read <8 RS>, Cached<7 RS >, Data <3 RS>) = 8 RS
Capacity Calculations Tools
24 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Apache Storm Resources
25 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Events processed per second or
parallel workers
Worker/ Slot memory for spouts
and bolts
CPU threads needed for workers/
Data (Storage) N/A
§ # events, # messages / sec
§ Tuples / sec
§ Spout and bolt JVM size
§ Message and Tuple size
§ Cores for spout and bolt
processes, inter and intra
§ Inter and Intra worker
§ N/A
Drivers Measure
Time taken for processing the
input stream of events
§ Execute / complete latency
Working Through a Use Case
26 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wonder Search wants to index editorial
content in near real-time for users to be able
to search content. The editorial content is
available in Apache HBase.
Spout: Scans HBase since the last scan till
current time to get the editorial content.
Bolt 1: Build the index and store it back in
Bolt 2: Push the index for serving.
Throughput and Latency
27 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Supervisor Level Info (configured values at storm.yaml or multitenant-scheduler.yaml) – Admins Only
Incoming (worker) messages queue size topology.receiver.buffer.size, Default: <8>
Outgoing (worker) messages queue size topology.transfer.buffer.size, Default: <1024>
Incoming (executor) tuple queue size topology.executor.receive.buffer.size, Default: <1024>
Outgoing (executor) tuple queue size topology.executor.send.buffer.size, Default: <1024>
Slots available per supervisor
<24>, hyper-threaded cores for dual hex-core machines
Multi-tenant scheduler (user isolation scheduler)
multitenant.scheduler.user.pools: <users> : <# nodes>,
topology.isolate.machines: <Number of Nodes>
Step 2: # Servers Based on Throughput
Events processed with single spout per worker 1,000 messages / sec
Target throughput required 8,000 messages / sec
Number of spout executors required 8,000 / 1,000 = 8 (across 8 slots)
Number of tuple executed across 1st bolt (5 executors) 10,000 tuples / sec
Total executors required for 1st bolt 8 x 5 = 40 (across 40 slots)
Number of tuples executed across 2nd bolt (5 executors) 15,000 tuples / sec
Total executors required for 2nd Bolt 8 x 5 = 40 (across 40 slots)
Total slots based on executors 8 + 40 + 40 = 88 Slots
Number of supervisors required 88 / 24 = 4 servers
CPU vs. Throughput
28 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Track CPU usage with JVM tools (jmap/ jstack)
Max CPU cores per supervisor C-xxx/48/4000 (12 physical cores)
CPU usage for 1000 messages / sec
4 physical cores (32.12%)
Includes 1 spout and 5 bolt executors each for bolts 1
and 2, and CPU usage for inter-messaging (ZeroMQ or
Equal CPU division between spout and bolt executor
Executor CPU needs = 4 / (1+5+5) = 4/11 cores
Total workers
Tasks per component
Step 2: Extrapolate for Target Throughput (linear increase)
Target spout executors 8, TopologyBuilder#setSpout()
Target bolt executors 40, TopologyBuilder#setBolt()
CPU needed for spout executors 8 x 4/11 = 3 cores
CPU needed for 1st bolt executors 40 x 4/11 = 15 cores
CPU needed for 2nd bolt executors 40 x 4/11 = 15 cores
CPU need for the topology 3 + 15 + 15 = 33 cores
Total supervisors needed 33 /12 = 3 servers
Memory vs. Throughput
29 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Step 1: Supervisor Level Info
Max memory available per supervisor node
C-xxx/48/4000 <48 GB>
(Usable 42G out of 48G, rest for the OS)
Step 2: # Servers Based on Memory needs
Events processed across spout executors 8,000 messages / sec
Avg. event or message size 3 MB
Data processed per second across spout executors 8,000 x 3 MB = 24 GB / sec
Events processed per second across 1st bolt executors 10,000 x 8 = 80,000 tuples / sec
Average tuple size 100 KB
Data processed per second across 1st bolt executors 80,000 tuples / sec x 100 KB = 8 GB / sec
Data processed per second across 2nd bolt executors 15,000 x 8 tuples / sec x 100 KB = 12 GB / sec
Total data processed 24 GB / sec + 8 GB / sec + 12 GB / sec = 44 GB / sec
Number of Supervisors required to process data 44 / 42 = 2 server
Project Wonder Search Ask = MAX (Throughput <4 Servers>, CPU <3 Servers>, Memory <2 Server >= 4 Servers
Capacity Calculation Tools
30 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
On-going SLA Management
31 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
queue 2
queue 1
queue 3
queue 4
queue 5
queue 6
queue 7
queue 8
queue 11
queue 9
queue 10
SLA Dashboard on Hadoop Analytics Warehouse
Growing with YARN
32 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
HDFS (File System)
YARN (Resource Manager)
R, OpenMPI,
Indexing etc.
Coming soon
New Services on YARN
Near Future for Capacity Planning
33 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hadoop HBase Storm
§  CPU as a resource
§  Container reuse
§  Long-running jobs
§  Other potential
resources such as disk,
network, GPUs etc.
§  Tez as the execution
§  Spark-on-YARN etc.
§  BlockCache
§  LRU
§  Slab
§  Bucket
§  Short circuit reads
§  Bloom filters and co-
§  HBase-on-YARN
§  Storm-on-YARN
§  More experience with
34 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hadoop Capacity Planning
Nathan Roberts Hadoop Core Architect
Koji Noguchi Software Engineer
Viraj Bhat Software Engineer
Ryota Egashiri Software Engineer
Balaji Narayan Service Engineer
Anish Matthew Service Engineer
Rajiv Chittajallu SE Architect
HBase Capacity Planning
Francis Liu Software Engineer
Dheeraj Kapur Service Engineer
Storm Capacity Planning
Bobby Evans Software Engineer
Dheeraj Kapur Service Engineer
Thank You
@ s u m e e t k s i n g h

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Hadoop Summit Amsterdam 2014: Capacity Planning In Multi-tenant Hadoop Deployments

  • 1. Capacity Planning in Multi-tenant Hadoop, HBase and Storm Deployments PRESENTED BY Amrit Lal and Sumeet Singh ⎪ April 02, 2014 2 0 1 4 H a d o o p S u m m i t , A m s t e r d a m , N e t h e r l a n d s
  • 2. Introduction 2 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Sumeet Singh Senior Director, Product Management Hadoop and Big Data Platforms Cloud Engineering Group Amrit Lal Product Manager Hadoop and Big Data Platforms Cloud Engineering Group §  Product Manager at Yahoo engaged in building high class and robust Hadoop infrastructure services §  Eight years of experience across HSBC, Oracle and Google in developing products and platforms for high growth enterprises §  M.B.A. from Carnegie Mellon University701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA @amritasshwar §  Manages Hadoop products team at Yahoo! §  Responsible for Product Management, Strategy and Customer Engagements §  Managed Cloud Services products team and headed Strategy functions for the Cloud Platform Group at Yahoo §  M.B.A. from UCLA and M.S. from Rensselaer(RPI) 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA @sumeetksingh
  • 3. Agenda 3 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands The Need for Capacity Planning1 Big Data Platform Deployment Models2 Resource Drivers and Data Sources3 Capacity Models and Tools4 SLA Management5
  • 4. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 RawHDFSStorage(inPB) NumberofServers(DataNode) Year Servers Storage Multi-tenant Apache Hadoop Platform Evolution 4 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Yahoo! Commits to Scaling Hadoop for Production Use Research Workloads in Search and Advertising Production (Modeling) with machine learning & WebMap Revenue Systems with Security, Multi-tenancy, and SLAs Open Sourced with Apache Hortonworks Spinoff for Enterprise hardening Nextgen Hadoop (H 0.23 YARN) New Services (HBase, Storm, Hive etc. Increased User-base with partitioned namespaces Apache H2.x (Low latency, Util, HA etc.)
  • 5. Hosted Apps Growth on Apache Hadoop 5 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands 272 288 306 330 336 357 368 382 407 449 460 495 260 310 360 410 460 510 Q1-11 Q2-11 Q3-11 Q4-11 Q1-12 Q2-12 Q3-12 Q4-12 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 NumberofNewProjects New Customer Apps On-boarded 67 projects in 2011 52 projects in 2012 113 projects in 2013
  • 6. Multi-tenant Apache HBase Growth at Yahoo 6 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1,140 33.6 PB 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q1-14 DataStored(inPB) NumberofServers(RegionServer) Zero to “20” Use Cases (60,000 Regions) in a Year Region Servers Storage
  • 7. Multi-tenant Apache Storm Growth at Yahoo 7 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Zero to “175” Production Topologies in a Year 760 175 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Q1-13 Q2-13 Q3-13 Q4-13 Q1-14 NumberofTopologies NumberofServers(Supervisor) Supervisor Topologies Multi-tenancy Release
  • 8. Where Does Capacity Planning Fit 8 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Phased Environment Production On-boarding Capacity Planning Architecture Validation Technology Choice Project Lifecycle Support
  • 9. Big Data Platform Technology Stack at Yahoo 9 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Compute Services Storage Infrastructure Services HivePig Oozie HDFS ProxyGDM YARN MapReduce HDFS HBase Zookeeper Support Shop Monitoring Starling Messaging Service HCatalog Storm SparkTez Relevant for Capacity Planning
  • 10. Deployment Model 10 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands DataNode NodeManager NameNode RM DataNode RegionServer NameNode HBase Master Nimbus Supervisor Administration, Management and Monitoring ZooKeeper Pools HTTP/HDFS/GDM Load Proxies Applications and Data Data Feeds Data Stores Oozie Server HS2/ HCat Relevant for Capacity Planning
  • 11. Capacity Drivers That Matter 11 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Data (Storage) Volume of data to be stored and processed Memory Container for direct and faster access to stored data CPU Cores (and threads) available for processing Throughput Number of transactions per second Latency Time taken to complete a request or operation ((includes processing, disk and network I/O time) Drivers Measure
  • 12. Apache Hadoop Resources 12 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Data (Storage) Data stored in HDFS (disk) Memory Map and Reduce containers (in H 0.23/ 2.0) CPU YARN-2 for Capacity Scheduler, Yahoo is not using it yet Throughput Latency Time taken for the jobs to complete § Freq., size, retention, # files § Rep. factor § Map memory § Reduce memory § N/A § Individual job run times § Time to finish all jobs (when run in parallel) – peak usage Drivers Measure Data processed/ second with concurrent Mappers and Reducers § Total data processed § Maps and Reduces to run (simple or complex DAGs) IntheorderofimportanceforHadoop
  • 13. Working Through a Use Case 13 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Pig Mail needs to process 30 TB of data everyday in about 6 hours so that it can develop algorithms that can detect spam more effectively. A Pig script will parse the data in sequential phases to finally materialize the features of the mail that decides if the mail is a SPAM. 1 3 2-L 2-R Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Pig DAG ILLUSTRATIVE
  • 14. Data (Storage) 14 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Pig Mail Project Info – User Input Data upload frequency Once daily Data added per upload 1 TB / day Data retention (Input) 30 days Data output 50 GB Data retention 1 day Anticipated growth in data volume (3-6 months) 20% Step 2: # Servers Based on Storage (default values at hdfs-site.xml) HDFS replication factor dfs.replication Default: <3> HDFS required (30 + 0.05) x 1.2 x 3 = 108 TB Suggested server config (based on total cost) C-xxx/48/4000 (four 4 TB disks) Storage available per server 12 TB out of 16 TB (rest for OS, temp, swap etc.) dfs.datanode.du.reserved, <107374182400> 1 TB Servers required 108 / 12 = 9 servers Step 3: Namespace Needed (default values at hdfs-site.xml) HDFS block size dfs.blocksize Default: <134217728> 128 MB Average file size 1.5 X 128 MB = 200 MB (assumed) Namespace for files 108 TB / 200 MB = 540,000
  • 15. Memory 15 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Cluster/ Node Level Info (configured values at yarn-site.xml) – Admins Only Max memory on the node for containers yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb Conf: <45056> (44G out of 48G, rest for the OS) Virtual to physical memory yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio Default: <2.1> (2:1 virtual to exceed physical by) Min allocable memory for containers yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb Default: <512> (0.5G) Max allocable memory for containers yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb Default: <8192> (8G) Step 2: Container Level Info (default values at mapred-site.xml) Map task container size Default: <1536> (1.5G) Reduce task container size mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb Default: <2048> (2G) MR AppMaster memory size Default: <1536> (1.5G) Map task JVM heap size Default: Xmx1024m Reduce task JVM heap size Default: Xmx1536m Map and Reduce container sizes are determined by users developing the app based on memory needs of the tasks
  • 16. Throughput 16 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Estimating Number of Mappers Upper bound on input splits mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize Lower bound on input splits mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize Number of mappers Number of input splits (e.g. 8,192 maps = 1 TB of data / 128M split size) Step 2 A: Estimating Number of Reducers Limit on the input size to reducers mapreduce.reduce.input.limit Default: <10737418240> (10G) Fixed number of reducers mapreduce.job.reduces Number of reducers Min (fixed reducers, total input size / reducer size) Step 2 B: Estimating Number of Reducers (Pig and Hive) Pig Min (fixed reducers, pig.exec.reducers.max, total input size / pig.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer) Default: <max 999, reducer bytes 1GB> Hive Min (fixed reducers, hive.exec.reducers.max , total input size / hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer) Default: < max 999, reducer bytes 1GB>
  • 17. Throughput and Latency 17 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Sample Run (with a tenth of data on a sandbox cluster) Stages # Map Map Size Map Time # Reduce Reduce Size Reduce Time Stage 1 100 1.5 GB 10 Min 50 2 GB 5 Min Stage 2 - L 50 1.5 GB 10 Min 20 2 GB 10 Min Stage 2 - R 30 1.5 GB 5 Min 10 2 GB 5 Min Stage 3 70 1.5 GB 5 Min 30 2 GB 5 Min Notes: §  SLOT_MILLIS_MAPS and SLOT_MILLIS_REDUCES from Job Counters gives the time spent §  TOTAL_LAUNCHED_MAPS and TOTAL_LAUNCHED_REDUCES from Job Counters gives # Map and # Reduce §  Reduce time includes the Sort and Shuffle time. Shuffle Time is Data per Reducer / est. 4 MB/s (bandwidth for data transfer from Map to Reduce) §  Add 10% for speculative execution (failed/killed task attempts) Step 2: Mappers and Reducers for SLA and Full Dataset Stages Mins SLA Share # Map # Reduce Map Total Reduce Total Total Mem. # Servers Stage 1 15 / 45 Min 120 / 360 Min 138 (100 x 11) / 8 69 (50 x 11) / 8 207 GB 138 GB 345 GB 8 Project Pig Mail Capacity Ask = MAX (Compute <8 Servers>, Storage <9 Servers>) = 9 Servers
  • 18. Capacity Calculations Tools 18 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 19. Apache HBase Resources 19 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Throughput Supported frequency of data read or written in a second (for a given record size) Latency Time taken for the read, write or scan operations to complete Memory BlockCache; data that needs to be served through cache Data (Storage) CPU N/A § Number of reads, writes or scans per second per server § Read or write time in ms (typically) per record § % of data read from cache § MemStore / BlockCache ratio, RegionServer heap § N/A Drivers Measure Total data stored in HDFS (disk) § Avg. record size x avg. number of records stored IntheorderofimportanceforHBase
  • 20. Working Through a Use Case 20 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Awesome eCommerce needs to process about 200 M records daily somewhere between 6:00 - 10:00 AM to update product information. About 50% of the data is related to existing products where price may need to be updated by comparing current with the new offer price. Remaining 50% of the offer is new products and will be written without price comparison. There are three separate tables for product, price and offers with 3 KB avg. record size. Writes are in the order of 500 Million records and reads 250 Million across each of the three tables. ILLUSTRATIVE
  • 21. Throughput & Latency 21 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Project Info – User Input Active reads/writes per day 4 Hrs. Avg. writes / day (all three tables) 1,500 M Avg. reads / day (all three tables) 750 M Average record size 3 KB Records cached / warmed on start 50% Step 2: # Servers Based on Write Throughput Peak concurrent writes required 1,500 M x 3 KB / (4 x 3,600 sec) = ~ 300 MB / sec Peak write throughput per RegionServer 45 MB / sec (based on performance benchmarks) Servers required 300 / 45 = 7 RegionServer Step 3: # Servers Based on Read Throughput Peak concurrent reads required 750 M x 3 KB / (4x3600 sec) = ~160 MB / sec Peak cold random read throughput 10 MB / sec (based on performance benchmarks) Peak hot random read throughput 200 MB / sec (based on performance benchmarks) RegionServer for cold reads 160 x 50% / 10 = 8 RegionServer for hot read 160 x 50% / 200 = 1 Servers required Max (8,1) = 8 RegionServer Performance benchmarks were conducted by simulating HBase workloads through YCSB on dedicated servers
  • 22. Memory 22 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: RegionServer Info (configured values at hbase-site.xml and – Admins Only Max memory available per Region Server C-xxx/64/4000 <64 GB> Heap size of the Region Server JVM export HBASE_HEAPSIZE = 59392 (58 GB) Default: <1000> (1000 MB) Memory allocated to BlockCache hfile.block.cache.size = 0.8 (80%) Default: <0.4> (40% of Heap) Memory allocated to Memstore = 0.2 (20%) Default: <0.4> (40% of Heap) Step 2: Servers required to serve from block cache Total records 200 M Average record size 3 KB Total data served 200 M x 3 KB = 0.55 TB Total data served through BlockCache 0.55 TB x 50% = 0.28 TB Loading factor in the (LRU) BlockCache (in HBase 0.94) 85 % Total BlockCache available per RegionServer 58 GB x 0.8 x 85% = 40 GB Servers required 0.28 TB / 40 GB = 7 RegionServer Block cache allocation is dependent on the mix of reads and writes access patterns. Remainder of LRU is used by other resident users such as catalog tables, hfiles indexes, bloom filters
  • 23. Data 23 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 2: # Servers Based on data served Raw disk space to JVM heap / RegionServer 10 GB / 128 MB x 3 x 0.2 = 48 Raw disk space available / RegionServer 48 x 58 GB x 0.2 = 0.56 TB Total data served through tables 0.55 TB Total raw data served 0.55 TB x 3 = 1.65 TB Servers required 1.65 / 0.56 = 3 servers Step 1: RegionServer Info (configured values at hbase-site.xml & – Admins Only Max memory available per RegionServer C-xxx/64/4000 (four 4 TB disks) = 64 GB Heap size of the RegionServer JVM export HBASE_HEAPSIZE = 59392 (58 GB) Default: <1000> (1000 MB) Region size hbase.hregion.max.filesize = 10737418240 Default: <10737418240> (10 GB) Memory allocated to MemStore = 0.2 (20%) Default: <0.4> (40% of Heap) Memstore flush size hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size= 134217728 Default: <134217728> (128 MB) HDFS replication factor dfs.replication = 3 Default: <3> Project Awesome eCommerce Ask = MAX (Write <7 RS>, Read <8 RS>, Cached<7 RS >, Data <3 RS>) = 8 RS
  • 24. Capacity Calculations Tools 24 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 25. Apache Storm Resources 25 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Throughput Events processed per second or parallel workers Memory Worker/ Slot memory for spouts and bolts CPU CPU threads needed for workers/ executors Latency Data (Storage) N/A § # events, # messages / sec § Tuples / sec § Spout and bolt JVM size § Message and Tuple size § Cores for spout and bolt processes, inter and intra § Inter and Intra worker comm. § N/A Drivers Measure Time taken for processing the input stream of events § Execute / complete latency IntheorderofimportanceforStorm
  • 26. Working Through a Use Case 26 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Wonder Search wants to index editorial content in near real-time for users to be able to search content. The editorial content is available in Apache HBase. Spout: Scans HBase since the last scan till current time to get the editorial content. Bolt 1: Build the index and store it back in HBase. Bolt 2: Push the index for serving. ILLUSTRATIVE
  • 27. Throughput and Latency 27 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Supervisor Level Info (configured values at storm.yaml or multitenant-scheduler.yaml) – Admins Only Incoming (worker) messages queue size topology.receiver.buffer.size, Default: <8> Outgoing (worker) messages queue size topology.transfer.buffer.size, Default: <1024> Incoming (executor) tuple queue size topology.executor.receive.buffer.size, Default: <1024> Outgoing (executor) tuple queue size topology.executor.send.buffer.size, Default: <1024> Slots available per supervisor supervisor.slots.ports <24>, hyper-threaded cores for dual hex-core machines Multi-tenant scheduler (user isolation scheduler) multitenant.scheduler.user.pools: <users> : <# nodes>, topology.isolate.machines: <Number of Nodes> Step 2: # Servers Based on Throughput Events processed with single spout per worker 1,000 messages / sec Target throughput required 8,000 messages / sec Number of spout executors required 8,000 / 1,000 = 8 (across 8 slots) Number of tuple executed across 1st bolt (5 executors) 10,000 tuples / sec Total executors required for 1st bolt 8 x 5 = 40 (across 40 slots) Number of tuples executed across 2nd bolt (5 executors) 15,000 tuples / sec Total executors required for 2nd Bolt 8 x 5 = 40 (across 40 slots) Total slots based on executors 8 + 40 + 40 = 88 Slots Number of supervisors required 88 / 24 = 4 servers
  • 28. CPU vs. Throughput 28 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Track CPU usage with JVM tools (jmap/ jstack) Max CPU cores per supervisor C-xxx/48/4000 (12 physical cores) CPU usage for 1000 messages / sec 4 physical cores (32.12%) Includes 1 spout and 5 bolt executors each for bolts 1 and 2, and CPU usage for inter-messaging (ZeroMQ or Netty) Equal CPU division between spout and bolt executor (assumed) Executor CPU needs = 4 / (1+5+5) = 4/11 cores Total workers TOPOLOGY_WORKERS Config#setNumWorkers Tasks per component TOPOLOGY_TASKS ComponentConfigurationDeclarer#setNumTasks() Step 2: Extrapolate for Target Throughput (linear increase) Target spout executors 8, TopologyBuilder#setSpout() Target bolt executors 40, TopologyBuilder#setBolt() CPU needed for spout executors 8 x 4/11 = 3 cores CPU needed for 1st bolt executors 40 x 4/11 = 15 cores CPU needed for 2nd bolt executors 40 x 4/11 = 15 cores CPU need for the topology 3 + 15 + 15 = 33 cores Total supervisors needed 33 /12 = 3 servers
  • 29. Memory vs. Throughput 29 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Step 1: Supervisor Level Info Max memory available per supervisor node C-xxx/48/4000 <48 GB> (Usable 42G out of 48G, rest for the OS) Step 2: # Servers Based on Memory needs Events processed across spout executors 8,000 messages / sec Avg. event or message size 3 MB Data processed per second across spout executors 8,000 x 3 MB = 24 GB / sec Events processed per second across 1st bolt executors 10,000 x 8 = 80,000 tuples / sec Average tuple size 100 KB Data processed per second across 1st bolt executors 80,000 tuples / sec x 100 KB = 8 GB / sec Data processed per second across 2nd bolt executors 15,000 x 8 tuples / sec x 100 KB = 12 GB / sec Total data processed 24 GB / sec + 8 GB / sec + 12 GB / sec = 44 GB / sec Number of Supervisors required to process data 44 / 42 = 2 server Project Wonder Search Ask = MAX (Throughput <4 Servers>, CPU <3 Servers>, Memory <2 Server >= 4 Servers
  • 30. Capacity Calculation Tools 30 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • 31. On-going SLA Management 31 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands queue 2 queue 1 queue 3 queue 4 queue 5 queue 6 queue 7 queue 8 queue 11 queue 9 queue 10 SLA Dashboard on Hadoop Analytics Warehouse
  • 32. Growing with YARN 32 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands HDFS (File System) YARN (Resource Manager) MapReduce (Batch) Spark (Iterative) Storm (Stream) HBaseGiraph R, OpenMPI, Indexing etc. Coming soon on YARN Available today … New Services on YARN Tez (DAGs)
  • 33. Near Future for Capacity Planning 33 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Hadoop HBase Storm §  CPU as a resource §  Container reuse §  Long-running jobs §  Other potential resources such as disk, network, GPUs etc. §  Tez as the execution engine §  Spark-on-YARN etc. §  BlockCache implementations §  LRU §  Slab §  Bucket §  Short circuit reads §  Bloom filters and co- processors §  HBase-on-YARN §  Storm-on-YARN §  More experience with multi-tenancy
  • 34. Acknowledgement 34 2014 Hadoop Summit, Amsterdam, Netherlands Hadoop Capacity Planning Nathan Roberts Hadoop Core Architect Koji Noguchi Software Engineer Viraj Bhat Software Engineer Ryota Egashiri Software Engineer Balaji Narayan Service Engineer Anish Matthew Service Engineer Rajiv Chittajallu SE Architect HBase Capacity Planning Francis Liu Software Engineer Dheeraj Kapur Service Engineer Storm Capacity Planning Bobby Evans Software Engineer Dheeraj Kapur Service Engineer
  • 35. Thank You @ s u m e e t k s i n g h