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Candida Problems
The problems with candida can occur when a yeast known as candida albicans grows out of control.
Candida is naturally found in our gut and although it is a parasite and serves no useful purpose, it is
fairly harmless a lot of the time. It's the same organism that causes thrush and athletes foot. Candida
can multiply at extraordinary levels, (wine and beer makers will know this) and this too can cause
problems to our health if an overgrowth happens in the bowel.
Overeating of processed carbs makes the perfect environment for candida to grow, so does diabetes,
nutritional deficiencies and a weak immune system. Some medications such as the contraceptive pill
and other hormones, antibiotics or steroids can cause an overgrowth of candida. A
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Candida Overgrowth : A Gastrointestinal Disorder
Candida Overgrowth – A Gastrointestinal Disorder
Definition: Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal infection, part of the yeast family. In a
healthy individual, C. albicans lives synergistically within the digestive tract, vaginal tract, and to a
lessor extent on the skin. However, when the immune system is weak or beneficial flora is
eliminated, C. albicans colonizes, invading healthy mucosal tissues (Berman & Sudbury, 2002, p.
Etiology: Candida is a group of about 150 yeast species with C. albicans accounting for 70–80% of
all candida infections. Candida resides on skin and mucous membranes, including the GI tract
(Aaron, 2015). In normal circumstances and in healthy individuals, C. albicans is controlled by
beneficial ... Show more content on ...
80). When untreated, C. albicans may eventually enter the bloodstream, an infection known as
candidaemia. This infection in the blood then has the opportunity to progress to the growth of fungal
masses in the kidney, heart or brain and can become life threatening (Berman & Sudbury, 2002, p.
919). Although men suffer, women are eight times more likely to experience over growth of C.
albicans due to the effects of estrogen, birth control pills and more frequent use of antibiotics
(Murry, 2000, p. 56).
Contributing factors for C. albicans overgrowth include the use or prolonged use of antibiotics, birth
control pills, steroid medications and high consumption of sugar. The use of these drugs creates an
imbalance of flora in the digestive tract overpowering the beneficial bacteria (Lipski, 2012, p. 80).
Other contributing factors include decreased digestive secretions, dietary factors, impaired
immunity, nutrient deficiency, and impaired liver function (Pizzorno & Murry, 2013, p. 463). In the
case of a depressed immune system, triggers (e.g. antibiotic use or nutrient deficiency) allow the C.
albicans overgrowth to burrow further within the lining of the GI tract. Thus, allowing the
overgrowth to compete with cells and the body for nutrients, leading further into a nutrient deficit.
As the overgrowth continues to flourish, C. albicans secretes mycotoxins and antigens further
depressing the immune system (Pizzorno & Murry, 2013, p. 464).
Symptomatology: Symptoms can
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Candida albicans Essay
Candida albicans
Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus. This means that that C. albicans has to different phenotypic
forms, an oval shaped yeast form and a branching hyphal form. C. albicans normal habitat is the
mucosal membranes of humans and various other mammals including the mouth, gut, vagina, and
sometimes the skin. Normally C. albicans causes no damage and lives symbiotically with the human
or animal host, even helping to breakdown minute amounts of fiber that are eaten in the host's diet.
The normal bacterial flora of the gut, mouth, and vaginal mucosa act as a barrier to the over growth
of fungal infections like C. albicans. Loss of this normal flora is one of the main predisposing
factors to an infection by C. albicans. ... Show more content on ...
albicans can gain an advantage over the normal bacterial flora. Two common substances are steroids
and birth control pills. These both act to alter the host's body chemistry in a way that is favorable to
the over growth of C. albicans. If the host is immunocompromised to begin with as in the case of
AIDS patients or organ transplant receivers that are on immunosupresive drugs C. albicans
infections are very prominent. A common symptom among AIDS patients is oral thrush, where there
is a huge over population of C. albicans on the back of the hosts tongue, it appears as white
When C. albicans becomes pathogenic, or switches it's phenotype to the hyphal form to invade the
host cell epithelium, be it the mouth or the gut or the vagina; these infections are superficial and can
usually be treated with common anti–fungal agents like fluconazole, diflucan, azole–related anti
fungal drugs, amphotericin B, fungizone ( I think this is the same as amphotericin B). However in
severely immunocompromised individuals like transplant patients or AIDS patients C. albicans can
become systemic. That is the fungus will travel through the blood stream and infect any major organ
it can. When C. albicans has become systemic it is almost always fatal because of the similarity
between the host cells and the fungus, and the lack of a reliable anti fungal drug.
Common symptoms of an oral C. albicans infection include burning pain,
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Antimicrobial Activity of the Phytochemical Constituents...
The antimicrobial activity of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, phenol and cardic glycoside
present in the various parts of Chrysophyllum albidium plant were investigated. These
phytochemical were determined quantitatively and tested against staphylococcus aureus, B. subtilis,
pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, C. tetani, and the fungus; candida albicans. Most the plant parts
were found to contain alkaloids, tannins, phenols and flavonoids except for the absence of cardic
glycosides in the root, tannins in leaves, and phenol in seed. The significance of the plant parts in
traditional medicine and the importance of the distribution of these phytochemicals were discussed
with respect to the role of these plant parts in ... Show more content on ...
The extracts were filtered using Whatman filter paper No 42 (125 mm).
Collection of microorganisms
The slants of different microorganisms were obtained from a laboratory stock at the Department of
Microbiology University of Ibadan. These microorganism are staphylococcus aureus, B. subtilis, C.
tetani,, pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, and the fungus, candida albicans.
Phytochemical screening
Chemical tests were carried out on the aqueous extract and on the powdered specimens using
standard procedures to identify the constituents as described by Sofowara (1993), Trease and Evans
(1989) and Harborne (1973).
Test for alkaloids: 1cm3 of 1 % HCl was added to 3cm3 of each extract in a test tube. Each extract
treated with a few drop of Meyer's reagent. A creamy white precipitate was observed indicating the
presence of alkaloids
Test for tannins: About 0.5 g of the dried powdered samples was boiled in 20 ml of water in a test
tube and then filtered. A few drops of 0.1% ferric chloride was added and observed for brownish
green or a blue–black colouration.
Test for saponin: About 2 g of the powdered sample was boiled in 20 ml of distilled water in a water
bath and filtered. 10ml of the filtrate was mixed with 5 ml of distilled water and shaken vigorously
for a stable persistent froth. The frothing was mixed with 3 drops of olive oil and shaken vigorously,
then observed for the
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Environmental Effects Of Reactive Oxygen Cells
Primitive earth's atmosphere was filled with molecular oxygen (O2) by the invasion of
cyanobacteria (Schopf, 1993). Atmospheric oxygen has played a major role in the evolution and is
responsible for catabolic activities of living organisms. On one hand, reactive oxygen species
(ROS), as we know it can prove lethal to the living organisms. But on the other hand, ROS can also
play a major role as a second messenger in the cell and control many essential processes from cell
death, cell differentiation, cell survival and host immune response. The main source of ROS is the
electron transport chain during aerobic respiration (Nohl et al., 2004; Nohl et al., 2003; Sedensky
and Morgan, 2006). The most interesting redox regulated phenomenon is the ... Show more content
on ...
Pre–conditioning with lower doses of ROS can lead to trigger the expression of antioxidant genes to
scavenge ROS (Jamieson, 1992), protecting the yeast from cell death due to high levels of ROS
inside the cell. This baker's yeast has proved to be a valuable model system to study human fungal
pathogens like Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, etc, in the absence of genetic tools for these
organisms. According to evolutionary history, S. cerevisiae and C. albicans got diverged about 300
million years ago (Stajich et al., 2009). Although, they share some common characteristics but are
genetically and phenotypically different in many respects and hence makes baker's yeast a "not so
genuine" model for studying fungal pathogens (Karathia et al., 2011; Mohammadi et al., 2015). C.
albicans and C. glabrata are the major fungal pathogens responsible for causing life–threatning
infections in immunocompromised individuals with mortality rate of more than 50% among fungal
infections and rising due to rise in immunocompromised patients (McNeil et al., 2001; Yang et al.,
2017; Yapar, 2014). Thus it becomes incumbent upon us to understand the molecular mechanisms of
survival of these candida species inside the host, flourish and cause systemic invasive infections.
The toolkit of fungal pathogens, C. albicans or C. glabrata to neutralize and survive the damage
caused by ROS during respiratory burst inside
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The Role Of Superficial Yeast Infections In Humans
Yeasts which are unicellular fungi that cause a wide range of infections commonly called yeast
infections in humans. Yeast infections are characterized into two groups– superficial and systemic.
Superficial yeast infections affect different parts of the human body including the skin, mouth,
digestive tract, nails, etc and can become persistent (Thevissen, 2005).Systemic yeast infections also
called invasive yeast infections affect the brain, spinal cord, eye, gall bladder, heart, lungs, kidneys
and urinary bladder. These infections have considerably increased over the past recent three decades
due to transplantation procedures, cancer chemotherapy, steroid therapy and, in particular, HIV
infection thus leading to a rise in the number of immunocompromised
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Development Of Resistance And Antifungal Agents
Development of resistance to Antifungal agents in candidiasis
Patients with HIV/AIDS all over the world are dealing with candidiasis mostly. Literature data point
out that this opportunistic pathogen is the leading cause of superficial and disseminated fungal
infections in humans. 96% mycoses infection are caused by Candida sp (Kourkoumpetis T M. D.,
2010). In healthy individuals Candida colonizes mainly mucosal surfaces of the oral cavity,
gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts without disease symptoms, where most frequently identified
species are C. al–bicans (70%) and C. glabrata (7%) (Pfaller MA, Epidemiology of invasive
candidiasis: a persistent public health problem, 2007). In immunocompromised ... Show more
content on ...
Although superficial candidiasis rarely presents a risk to the life of patients, it significantly lowers
the quality of life (Borges M, Fungal infections of the skin: infection process and antimycotic
therapy, 2005) (Rotta I, 2012). The high frequency of occurrence of candidiasis combined with
difficult treatment cause a tendency toward better understanding of C. albicans resistance
mechanisms. Therefore, this review focuses on characterization of antifungal agents commonly used
in treatment and fungal resistance mechanisms. We discuss here several topical and systemic options
for the treatment of candidiasis.
Antifungal agents
For the last three decades, fungal infections have become a major problem worldwide, especially
among the immunocompromised individuals (Pfaller MA, Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis,
2007). Despite that Candida is the leading cause of the opportunistic fungal infections, there is a
limited number of antimycotics available for therapy (Naglik JR, 2003) (Cannon RD, 2009). Perea
et al. (Perea S, 2002) divided antifungal agents commonly used for candidiasis treatment in five
major groups basing on their mode of action; group I: inhibition of RNA and/or DNA synthesis
(fluorinated pyrimidine analogs 5–FC); group II: alteration of the membrane function (polyenes:
nystatin, natamycin, amphotericin B AMB); group III: alteration of cell wall biosynthesis by
inhibition of β(1,3)–glucan synthase (echinocandins: caspofungin,
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Yeast Candidiasis Research Paper
Candidiasis also known as Thrush is an infection caused by the yeast Candida. It's found in women,
newborn infants, and adults with poor immune systems. It is known to cause mouth and vaginal
infections that arent life threatning but very annoying. It can be found in almost everyone but causes
only mild problems to the body. The candida organism is present in 30 to 55% of healthy young
adults. About 55% of women are infected with vaginal candidiasis at least one time in their life. It is
the fourth most commonly isolated organism from blood cultures. It is also the most common cause
of fungai infections with poor immune systems. There are two types of Thrush one oral and the
other deep organ. Oral can appear on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and the palate of the mouth. It
often occurs to people with abnormal immune systems. Also ... Show more content on ...
Vaginal Candidiasis experience severe vaginal itching, discharge that often looks like cottage
cheese. the vagina will appear red, swollen, and painful during sexual contact. Oral Candidiasis will
cause white patches on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and on the palette of the mouth. Some effects
include immunesupression, mood swings, depression, poor sleep do to discomfort. It also affects the
organs like the liver and kidneys. You can develop chronic constipation, canker sores, and gal
bladder problems. Vaginal infections can be treated with most over the counter antifungul creams.
Including Monistat, Gyne–Lotrimim, and Mycelex. If the case is small then a single dose of oral
fluconazole is shown to be effective. When its an oral condition it is usually treated with
prescription lozenges or mouthwashes. Other treatments include amphotericin B oral suspension or
treatment with systemic azole medications such as Diflucan. Home remedies for vaginal candidiasis
include vinegar douches or insertion of a paste made from Lactobacillus acidophilus powder into the
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A Brief Note On The And Dental Caries And Periodontal...
ABSTRACT Tobacco users are much more susceptible to dental caries and periodontal diseases
than non–tobacco users. Research suggests that this increased susceptibility may be due in part to
nicotine, a primary active component of tobacco. Five bacterial species and one yeast species
commonly found in the human oral cavity, Lactobacillus casei, Actinomyces viscosus, Actinomyces
naeslundii, Rothia dentocariosa, Entercoccus faecalis, and Candida albicans respectively, were
utilized to investigate if any correlation existed between exposure to various concentrations of
nicotine ranging from 0 to 32 mg/ml and the growth of each microorganism. The minimum
inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC), and planktonic
growth were measured. The MIC was determined to be 16 mg/ml for all organisms except E.
faecalis, which had an MIC of 32 mg/ml. Nicotine had a varying effect on planktonic growth across
the different species. A distinct upward trend in biofilm formation was found in A. viscosus, L.
casei, E. faecalis, and C. albicans through 8 mg/ml. Nicotine also enhanced R. dentocariosa biofilm
formation in all concentrations through 8 mg/ml but was most enhanced at 1 mg/ml. Alternatively,
A. naeslundii exhibited a complete downward trend through 32 mg/ml. The MBIC was found to be
16 mg/ml in all organisms studied. These findings further support research suggesting that the
increased susceptibility to oral health diseases experienced by
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Fungal Infection Essay
Early initiation of effective antifungal therapy and reversal of predisposing risk factors remain the
mainstay of treatment for systemic fungal infections . Diagnosis of fungal infection, by blood
cultures in the cases of immuno–compromised febrile high–risk patients is often unsuccessful due to
the low yields of CFU. (16, 17)
The aim of the current work was early and rapid diagnosis of IFIs in neutropenic cancer patients
with fever and not responding to antibiotics by a sensitive and specific DNA microarray combining
multiplex PCR and consecutive DNA chip hybridization to detect fungal genomic DNA in serum
Pyrexia is the principle sign of infection in neutropenic patients and frequently may be the only
evidence of infection. It ... Show more content on ...
In recent years, numerous DNA–based methods have been developed to identify a variety of
medically important fungi. (20) The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the fungal ribosomal
RNA is one of the most commonly used targets. The ITS region exists in multiple copies in the
fungal genome and shows high interspecies sequence divergence and low intraspecies sequence
variation. (20) Fungal identification methods based on ITS include restriction fragment length
polymorphism analysis, sequence analysis, multiplex PCR, real–time PCR, probe hybridization and
DNA array. (21–25)
A frequent challenge in DNA microarray–based species detection studies is the discrimination
between specific and non–specific signals. Cross hybridization between different fungal genera was
observed in several studies which made it essential to design more than one probe per species. (26,
According to the manufacturer, two aspects of the specificity of the microarray detection system
used in the current study can be discussed. First, the risk of misidentification of any fungal species
with another due to sequence similarities was minimized by the design of species–specific probes
(more than one probe per species) which would be able to distinguish between these species.
Second, the big difference between the level of fluroscence of the perfect match and the cross
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Candida Infection
Normally, a number of different kinds of Candida species are present in the body, but they don't
cause any harm. However, whenever the body experiences stress or the immune system is
compromised, the fungus can proliferate excessively and invade the bloodstream, which can lead to
a systemic Candida infection. This results in the many toxic effects of this fungus.
Here we describe some common causes of Candida overgrowth:
Antibiotics: Antibiotics are responsible for killing off the harmful bacteria in the body, but, in the
process of doing so, they also kill off the healthy bacteria which decreases the number of good
bacteria in the gut, deregulating the amount of Candida which will then begin to multiply. Due to
this gut imbalance, Candida
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Candidiasis And Diabetes
Candidiasis is a disease in which a fungal infection of the mucous membranes is found in the mouth
and throat. The organism may cause infections in other locations, such as nails, skin (diaper rash),
vagina, and the gastrointestinal tract. There are many types of fungus that live in the human body
including candida. Candida is a type of yeast that normally lives in small amounts in areas like your
mouth and belly, or skin without causing any issues. The immune system and the body's bacteria
usually keep Candida in balance. When this balance is interrupted, it can result in an overgrowth of
the Candida fungus, causing it to get infected. The infection is called Candidiasis. There are several
different types of candidiasis, such as Thrush (Oropharyngeal Candidiasis), Genital Yeast Infection
(Genital Candidiasis), Diaper Rash From Yeast Infection, and Invasive Candidiasis. ... Show more
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It is most common among newborns, the elderly, and people who have a weak immune system.
People who are treated for cancer, wear dentures, and diabetes have a higher risk of contracting this
disease as well. Signs and Symptoms include: white or yellow patches on the tongue, lips, gums, or
roof of the mouth, redness or soreness of the mouth or throat, cracking at the corners of the mouth,
and pain when swallowing. Thrush is treated with antifungal medicines like nystatin, clotrimazole,
and fluconazole. In people with weak immune systems, rinsing the mouth with chlorhexidine (CHX)
mouthwash may help prevent the
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Investigation Of Vitro And The Vivo Antifungal Activity Of...
Investigation of in vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of different plant acetonic extracts against
fungal skin isolates
T he worldwide increase of multidrug resistance has impaired the current antimicrobial therapy,
warranting the search for other alternatives.This study investigated the efficacy of using plant
extracts; Lawsonia inermis L(Henna), Glycyrrhiza glabra L(licorice) and Rosmarinus officinalis L
(Rosemary) as antifungal agents.Antifungal susceptibility test revealed that nystatin were mostly
active against tested clinical isolates. In vitro antifungal activity of the different plant extracts
against isolates showed that acetonic extract of licorice, had high antifungal activity. In vivo study,
topical application of licorice gave promising and excellent healing response. We propose that the
higher percentage of (GC–MS) of 3–O–Methyl–d–glucose 29.1 %, most probably are the causes of
its higher antifungal activity.
Fungal and bacterial skin infections are of public health concern as they can elicit social, economic
and public health problem (Maseleno and Hasan, 2013). Heavily infected persons with visible
lesions are often unconscious targets of social stigma of rejection isolation because of their
unslightly appearance. The cost of long term diagnosis and treatment can be over bearing for low
income individuals who make up the bulk of developing countries where these infections occur in
epidemic proportions due to poor hygiene. It
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Bacterial Vaginosis Case Studies
Bacterial Vaginosis
Last year I experience for the first time a bacterial vaginosis. It was horrible; a long month of
intense itch, soreness and burning whenever I urinated or had intercourse. My mother recommended
I try some over the counter antifungal cream, I purchase Monistat 7 ( Miconazole Nitrate 2%) and it
worked great. I have not had reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis but I have heard it is very common
to experience a relapse.
Occurs when there is disequilibrium of normal vaginal flora where Lactobacilli decreases in
population below normal and there is an increase of other bacteria. Three common microorganisms
believed to be present and causing agents for bacterial vaginosis include Candida albicans,
Gardnerella vaginalis and ... Show more content on ...
Garnerella Vaginalis is gram positive facultative anaerobic bacteria. This bacteria is not susceptible
to the gram staining in diagnosing because it is a gram variable. G. vaginalis has exotoxin
vaginolysin. G. vaginalis grows along with other anaerobic bacteria but it is not believed to be the
cause of bacterial vaginosis but rather a signal of microbial imbalance.
Trichomonas vaginalis anaerobic flagellated protozoan acquiring its nutrients by transport cell
membrane and phagocytosis. L. Lagenaur, B. Sanders–Beer, B. Brichacek, R. Pal, X. Liu, Y. Liu, D.
Venzon, P. Lee, D. Hamer (2011)
Common symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis are extreme itching, pain, soreness, vaginal discharge
followed with a foul odor and painful sexual intercourse. Signs would include a strawberry cervix
and possible bubbles in vaginal fluid.
For diagnosing a sample of vaginal discharge is needed to perform a wet smear, then observe with
microscope to find trichomonads protazoa and clue cells. Another test for diagnosing is the
potassium hydroxide test which aims to find psudohypha and the fishy odor associated baterial
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What Is Mucosal Candidiasis?
Mucosal candidiasis is a fungal infection that has become more common as increasing numbers of
people undergo long–term immunosuppressive therapies, antibiotic treatments or use of prescription
drugs that reduce salivary function or changes in vaginal environment. It is estimated that several
millions of people across the world acquire oral candidasis each year, yet the choices in antifungal
drugs therapy are limited and these drugs result in development of drug resistant strains. The
detailed functional characterization of Zinc transporter and genes related to zinc metabolism will
elucidate the pivotal role of pathogen zinc binding proteins during the infection process. As active
zinc deprivation by host represents an important antifungal
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Common Infection Among Women During Child Bearing Period
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a common infection among women, it can affect up to 75% of
women during child–bearing period. VVC usually associated with considerable morbidity;
symptoms include intense pruritus, vaginal discharge and dyspareunia. Many factors have been
identified to predispose to such condition such as oral contraceptive pills, pregnancy, uncontrolled
diabetes mellitus and long–term broad spectrum antibiotic (Cassone, 2015, Falagas et al., 2006).
Beyond the normal host, the range of patients at risk for invasive candidiasis expand to patients with
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, those immunosuppressed due to cancer therapy and organ
transplantation (Bassyouni et al., 2015a).
Recurrent VVC (RVVC) is a more serious condition due to recurrences of symptoms (>4/year) and
refraction to successful treatment. Long–term fluconazole therapy may help in delaying the
recurrences but does not result in a long–lasting cure (Sobel et al., 2004). Maintenance and
preventive therapy is essential for six months but, patients may need to stay on medication for a
longer period (Ringdahl, 2000).
Recent epidemiological studies founded the prevalence of RVVC higher than that reported
previously as the recurrence rate about 7–8% of women who experience a first episode and the
discomfort associated with RVVC is intense which markedly affects the quality of life of young
women with a strong negative impact on work and social life (Cassone, 2015).
Candida albicans was reported
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Research Paper On Yeast Infection
The superlative way to have a good health and to avoid being ill is to maintain a clean body. Having
a yeast infection symptoms means that your body is not hygienic. Ask anybody who recurrently
suffers from yeast infections what their candidiasis symptoms are, and you will perhaps hear the
same tale. Candida, yeast infections, or thrush are tremendously common ailments, particularly amid
females (although males do get them as well), and the symptoms can be anything from somewhat
irritating to truly agonizing. Everybody from babies to the elderly get candida, so it actually isn't
something that you should be self–conscious about.
Frequently known to the medical industry as candidiasis, yeast infection or thrush is a very galling
fungal infection that both males and females suffer. It is a disease that can sprout in diverse portions
of the body, including the penis and vagina. This fungal infection can also breed on the esophagus,
navel, oral cavity, urinary bladder and pharynx. Yeast infection is usually linked to females. Studies
show that in ladies, seventy five percent has at least experienced it in a lifetime. Fifty percent of
which has underwent several yeast infections. Alternatively, a huge number of males have also
suffered from the same thing. Kids, usually from age three to nine, can be affected ... Show more
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If this ensues, you will begin to experience symptoms such as bloating, constipation, unbalanced
bowel movements, superfluous gas discharge and diarrhea. Along with that, it can also affect your
digestion wherein it only lets you consume smaller quantities of nutrients from the usual food you
consume. Owing to poor food digestion, you will feel the supplementary symptoms of headaches,
feeling less invigorated and being exhausted often. Alternatively, when candidiasis is affecting your
genitals, feelings of ache and itchiness are obvious. There are also occurrences where ladies will
have nasty vaginal
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The Causative Agent : Candida
3.2 The causative agent: Candida Historically, C. albicans has been identified when the renowned
Greek physician, Hippocrates, first described oral thrush in his treatise 'Epidemics' published in 4th
century B.C. However, the organism has not been studied vigorously till late twentieth century when
it became one of the most common 4 causes of blood stream and cardiovascular infections in United
States hospitals. Since then, C. albicans has gained the importance as a potential human pathogen
and elevated to the level of model fungal pathogen . The last two decades have witnessed increased
incidence of Candida infections due to the widespread use of broad–spectrum antibiotics in addition
to the increasing numbers of HIV–infected and immune–compromised individuals . 3.2.1 Taxonomy
of Candida species Candida spp. belongs to Ascomycota (Kingdom: Mycetae, Phylum: Ascomycota,
Subphylum: Saccharomycotina, class: Saccharomycetes, order: Saccharomycetales, family:
Saccharomyceteae, genus: Candida) . However, Candida spp. was previously phylogenetic classified
as imperfect fungi, Deuteromycetes, (Kingdom: Fungi, class: Deuteromycetes, order: Moniliales,
family: Cryptococcaceae, genus: Candida) which is described as a "taxonomic pit" in which yeasts
without known sexual stage (teleomorph) is thrown. Recent DNA sequence based methods have
proven that both sexual and asexual Candida spp. are ascomycetes . 3.2.2 Candida species Over 200
Candida spp. exist in nature, however, only a few
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Thrush (Adults) overview Candidiasis of the oral mucosa, also called thrush, is a condition in which
the fungus Candida albicans accumulates in the lining of the mouth. Thrush causes creamy white
lesions, usually on the tongue or cheeks. The lesions can be painful and may bleed. Sometimes
thrush can spread to the palate, gums, tonsils and back of the throat.
Although thrush can affect anyone, it is more likely to occur in children, in people who wear
dentures, use corticosteroids or have a compromised immune system. Thrush is less of a problem if
you are healthy, but in the presence of a weakened immune system, the symptoms of oral
candidiasis may be more severe and difficult to control.
Thrush and other Candida infections can occur ... Show more content on ...
In older children or adolescents who have not previously identified risk factors, a medical condition
may be the cause of oral thrush.
If thrush is the oesophagus–
A lily of the valley that extends into the oesophagus can be serious. To help diagnose this condition,
your doctor will take these tests:
Throat culture. In this procedure, the back of your throat is buffered with sterile cotton and the tissue
sample is placed in culture on a special medium to help determine which bacteria or fungi, causing
the symptoms.
Endoscopic examination. In this procedure, the doctor examines the oesophagus, and stomach using
a flexible tube with a camera on the tip (endoscope).
Treatment for thrush is a complex process that requires an individual approach in each case. The
complex of therapeutic measures includes not only pharmacological effect directly on the pathogen.
Also it produces measures to improve the immunity of the body, treatment of opportunistic diseases
(gastrointestinal diseases, leukaemia, diabetes mellitus), rehabilitation of the oral cavity. It plays an
important role good
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Candidemia Research Paper
Candida is a yeast responsible for the majority of the systemic fungal infections in humans. The
occurrence of nosocomial bloodstream infections (candidemia), has risen considerably in latest
years, [1] being the fourth pathogen isolated in blood cultures in the North America[2]. In Europe, it
ranks among the fifth to tenth most frequently isolated microorganism [3] and in a global assessment
of intensive care units (ICUs), the incidence of candidemia was found to be 6.9 per 1000 patients.
Whereas general incidence of candidemia has raised, possibly due to a growing number of patients
with compelling diseases and risk factors for candidemia, health care units such as ICU or stem cell
transplant units have noticed a decrease in candidemia after using fluconazole prophylaxis [4]. The
list of risk factors is long, where immunocompromised patients, such as those suffered from solid
tumors or hematological malignancies are at the highest threat for developing candidemia, also other
well known risk factors include ICU stay, prolonged antibiotic use or multiple invasive procedures.
More lately, patients groups characterized by several comorbidities, such as elderly, require for
parental nutrition, are increasingly being documented as being at risk of candidemia. ... Show more
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This change in the epidemiology of candidemia represents an important challenge for empirical
management strategies because some species of non–albicans such as Candida glabrata and Candida
krusei exhibit a resistance or variable susceptibility to azole antifungal. IDSA guidelines suggest that
Fluconazole for stable patients and echinocandins in the presence of haemodynamic instability,
previous use of fluconazole or for patients who are at high risk of infection due to C.glabrata or C.
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Vaginal Thrush Research Paper
Vaginal Thrush Vaginal Thrush is an infection caused by yeast called candida albicans. Candida
albicans are among the twenty species of Candida yeast that cause infections in humans. Candida
yeasts are usually harmless and typically live around the vaginal area and on the skin; nevertheless
an overgrowth can cause symptoms to develop. In most cases vaginal thrush symptoms are obvious,
common symptoms include pain, itching and vaginal discharge. Vaginal thrush is a condition that
interferes with the sexual function and sense of wellbeing of a woman. Women who have vaginal
thrush often experience pain during sexual intercourse or when urinating. Thrush that is
symptomatic are categorized as either uncomplicated or complicated. Uncomplicated thrush occurs
occasionally and is mild while complicated thrush is recurrent and becomes more severe over time.
... Show more content on ...
Options for treatment include a tablet that you can take by mouth, anti–thrush cream that you can
rub on to the vulva (skin around the vagina) and anti–thrush pessaries that can inserted into the
vagina. Despite these treatments high success rates some women have recurring episodes of thrush.
It is estimated that out of the 75% of women who will develop the infection at least once in their
lifetime 5% will suffer from typically four or more infections in a year. Because the vaginas PH
levels are affected by hormonal changes vaginal thrush predominately effects pregnant, menopausal
and women at the start of their period. Although vaginal thrush less commonly effects young
females pre–puberty and post–menopausal sometimes, thrush can transpire in post–menopausal
women if they have diabetes that is not controlled, a severe chronic disease, hormone replacement
therapy (HRT), or if they use
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The Fungal Cell Wall And Its Effects On The Environment
1.0 ______
The fungal cell wall plays an important role in the physiological adaptation of the organism in its
environment. The yeast's cell wall serves several essential functions for the such as the ability to
hold its shape, the regulation of water flow into and out of the cell, and the prevention of foreign
bodies that might be toxic from entering.1 It constantly changes during cell division, growth and
morphogenesis; this dynamic feature dictates the organism's protection or susceptibility to the
A true fungal cell wall consists of three main components; lipids, proteins and carbohydrates
(glucan, mannan and chitin).3,6,7 The content of the cell wall varies depending upon the type of
fungal species. Schizosaccharomyces pombe is one fungal species which lacks chitin in its cell wall.
The pathogenic (disease causing) fungus Candida albicans and the saprophytic (feed on dead plant
and animal remains) fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae each contain glucan, mannan and a very
small amount of chitin.8 A pictorial representation of mannoproteins (outermost layer), β–glucans,
β–glucans+chitin, and a plasma membrane that contains lipids is depicted in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1
Typical structure of a yeast cell wall.9
The Greene research group is primarily concerned with developing effective and milder procedures
for isolating β–glucan and mannan from the cell wall of fungal species for structural and
physicochemical characterization. This
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Invasive Mycoses Research Paper
Invasive Mycoses
Fungi have emerged over the past several decades as major contributors to human disease.(1, 2) As
populations of immunocompromised and/or hospitalized patients continue to increase, so will the
incidence of invasive fungal infections. A recent study reported that fungemia in the United States
increased by 207% between 1979 and 2000.(3) Moreover, as the populations at risk for fungal
infection continue to expand, so will the spectrum of pathogens capable of infecting those
Invasive mycoses may be categorized as i) opportunistic or ii) endemic. Endemic infections, which
are generally confined to specific geographic regions, are most often acquired via inhalation of
spores. Infective agents include, but are not limited to, Histoplasma capulsatum, Coccidioides
immitis, and Blastomyces dermatitidis. These infections frequently mimic common pulmonary
infections in initial stages and are therefore often misdiagnosed. Dissemination and advanced
disease follow. Dormancy may also occur, with reactivation of infection years later. This leads to
diagnosis in a geographic regions outside of the high risk area.(4, 5)
Opportunistic ... Show more content on ...
As the transition to the pseudohyphal growth phase occurs, production of an extracellular matrix
begins and continues as the biofilm matures. This matrix is composed primarily of carbohydrates,
which differs from the protein–rich matrix of the C. albicans biofilm. As the biofilm grows, non–
adherent yeast cells are released from the biofilm and into the surrounding medium to facilitate the
spread of infection.(89) Transcription factor Bcr1 is the major regulator of biofilm formation in C.
parapsilosis, as in C. albicans, and is required for proper biofilm formation. Bcr1 functions as
regulator of several cell wall and adhesion target genes, and at least some targets are conserved in C.
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Candidiasis: Fungal Infection
Candidiasis is a fungal infection that is caused by yeast belonging to the Candida family. There are
upwards of 20 different species that are associated with Candida that can cause infections for
humans, the most common of which are Candida albicans and Candida auris in healthcare settings.
Although, Candida lives throughout the body causing no harm, an overpopulation can make
symptoms arise and infection to occur. Candida is normally found in the intestinal tract or on your
mucous membranes and skin. With overpopulation of these Candida albicans, common infections
can occur like thrush or yeast infections. Thrush, or oropharyngeal candidiasis is the infection of the
mouth. Yeast infections commonly occur in the vagina of females. (CDC Candidiasis, ... Show more
content on ...
This is done to prevent the spread to a roommate and potentially increasing the number of people
infected. It is also recommended that both standard and contact precautions are used. Contact
precautions should stay in place as long as there is a high colonized count of Candida auris present
in the patient. It is also important to educate the patient on hand hygiene. This will be a lesson not
only for the prevention of the spread of the infection, but also staying clean and healthy and
preventing the spread of any future pathogens. Providing room disinfection daily will also help to
stop the spread of Candida auris, as well as limit any traces of it on surfaces within the room or
home setting. It is recommended by facilities to use hospital grade infection control disinfectant
agents to do so. (CDC Candida auris, 2017, page
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Candida Research Paper
Do you crave sweets and sugary items? Are you a closet cookie monster? If so, you may
unknowingly harbour yeasts that are gobbling up your sugars before you can use them. These
hidden gremlins in the gut give the tell–tell signs of bloating and indigestion after meals, especially
when you must let out your belt or plan on wearing looser clothing than you used to for any
particular meal.
Of all the parasites I have come across during my 23+ years of practicing, none hold a candle to
Candida albicans and the secret damage that yeasts do. Even though Candida can cause symptoms
that mimic more diseases than any other uninvited guests, it is often still presumed to be a normal
part of our intestinal flora.
Although Candida albicans is one of the most common types of yeast we normally house in our
intestines, if the delicate balance between Candida and the other bugs is tipped, Candida grows
rampantly, which can produce over one hundred different symptoms, beginning with the gut.
Candida can mimic any symptom ... Show more content on ...
If the yeast inflames the lower oesophagus or stomach, you have burning and heartburn. If the lining
of the small intestine is inflamed, carrier or transport proteins are damaged making it more difficult
for the gut to absorb vitamins and minerals – with mysterious fatigue and new infections the
possible result. Now with the gut inflamed putrefactive toxins from the bowel leak into the
bloodstream, promoting aches and pains all over as well as damaging local nerves in the gut, which
lead to
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Increasing Trend Of Non Albicans Cutaneous Candidiasis
Increasing trend in Non albicans Cutaneous Candidiasis: Implications in treatment strategies
Cutaneous candidiasis is a secondary infection of the skin (body folds) and nails in predisposed
patients.1 The disease involvement may be localised or generalised to the skin or nails.2
The clinical manifestations of Candidiasis are of three types: mucocutaneous, cutaneous, and
systemic.3 The spectrum of Cutaneous candidiasis (CC): includes intertrigo, diaper candidiasis,
paronychia, and onychomycosis.4 Infections thrush, intertrigo, enterogastritis and others have long
been known to be due to abnormal proliferation of Candida cells.5
Candida species other than C.albicans have become a significant cause of infection in humans.6
Several of these species are less susceptible to commonly used azole antifungal drugs.6
Hence, the identification of the Candida isolates upto species level along with their antifungal
susceptibility patterns can greatly influence the treatment options for the clinicians and may have an
impact on the patient care.7 Hence this study was done.
Aims and objectives:
1. To isolate Candida species from suspected cases of Cutaneous Candidiasis.
2. To speciate the isolated Candida.
3. To find the antifungal susceptibility for voriconazole and fluconazole among the isolates.
Materials & Methods:
A total of 200 patients presenting with the symptoms of Cutaneous
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Fungal Pathogens
Opportunistic and invasive fungal infections have increased dramatically in recent years. Candida
and Aspergillus spp. are the most famous fungal pathogens that account for majority of invasive and
opportunistic fungal infections, respectively, occurring worldwide. 1This scenario is being observed
among individuals with suppressed immune systems brought about by the use of cytotoxic drugs,
immunosuppressive therapy, or human immunodeficiency virus infection.2 These infections have
also been observed in some iatrogenic or nosocomial clinical settings. Autopsy data indicate that
more than half of the patients who die with malignancies are infected with Candida spp.,
approximately one–third with Aspergillus spp., and increasing numbers with Cryptococcus ... Show
more content on ...
Log P values of designed molecule and Fluconazole were found to be 2.49 and 0.99 respectively.
(Calculated using Chemdraw software). (II) Tertiary amino moiety as bioisoster was selected to
replace tertiary alcohol of Fluconazole. Compared with tertiary alcohol, the tertiary amino group
could not only be liable to form hydrogen bonds, but also accepts proton or form quaternary salts
which results in the increase of water solubility or coordinate with metal ions which probably lead to
enhance affinity, selectivity and potency in biological properties.18 (III) Several studies from the
past have demonstrated that incorporating halobenzyl moiety into organic molecules could greatly
improve the pharmacological properties.19–21 An enhanced pharmacological action results from an
increased rate of absorption, transport of drugs in vivo, and a higher lipid solubility.22 The greater
flexibility of the benzyl moiety as compared to phenyl group may show improved molecular
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Symptoms And Treatment Of A Candidiasis
6. Discussion Vulvovaginal candidiasis is one of the most prevalent vaginal infections and
represents, approximately 40%–50% of all cases of infectious vulvovaginitis . Most episodes of
symptomatic disease are acute attacks of VVC. While some women suffer from daily and chronic
symptoms of the disease (CVVC), others suffer from recurrent episodes being entirely free between
the episodes (RVVC). Therefore, the definition of RVVC requires occurrence of at least 3
symptomatic episodes of VVC in the previous 12 months, although some investigators require 4
symptomatic episodes . Vaginal colonization by Candida spp. occurs in low numbers and follows
adherence of Candida to vaginal ECs. Colonization can persist for months or years in healthy
women not susceptible to RVVC where Candida lives in symbiotic relationship with vaginal
microbiota. The breakdown of this relationship results in symptomatic infection and originates from
either favored overgrowth of Candida or defect in host defense mechanisms . Both subjective health
status and health related quality of life are markedly reduced during and in between episodes in
women with RVVC even in those receiving long term antifungal therapy as recommended by
guidelines . Besides, the chronic use of ketoconazole can result in significant side effects such as
liver toxicity which is not seen with the more tolerated antifungal agent; fluconazole. However, long
term therapy with fluconazole although reduce the rate of RVVC was not
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Tudy, We Have Investigated The Activities Of Seven Terpenic
tudy, we have investigated the activities of seven terpenic compounds; namely carvacrol,
cinnamaldehyde, citral, eugenol, geraniol, menthol and thymol against C. tropicalis biofilm.
Interestingly, it was found that citral, geraniol, and thymol were significantly effective against
planktonic cells of C. tropicalis when compared to C. albicans. Antifungal activities of citral and
geraniol were found to be similar with MIC50 (32ug/ml) while thymol was found to have half the
MIC50 value (16ug/ml) against planktonic cells of C. tropicalis than C. albicans. The minimum
inhibitory concentration (MIC50) is defined as the concentration with 50% cell growth in contrast to
control or untreated sample. When the microdilution format is utilized and ... Show more content on ...
albicans and other non–albicans candida species biofilms 32, no expanded study has been conducted
on the activity of terpenes against C. tropicalis biofilm so far. Here, we have explored the biofilm
inhibition and biofilm eradication properties of citral, geraniol, and thymol against C. tropicalis.
Biofilm inhibition concentration (BIC50) and biofilm eradication concentration (BEC50) was
defined as the concentration at which 50% of the biofilm cells are metabolically active in contrast to
the untreated sample. The calculated BIC50 was found to be two folds higher than MIC50 in
presence of citral (64 ug/ml) , geraniol (64 ug/ml) and thymol (32 ug/ml) , whereas, BEC50
(128ug/ml) of matured biofilm is two to four folds effective when treated with citral, geraniol, and
thymol. In the case of azole standard drugs such as fluconazole, Ramage et al. [38], has
demonstrated that biofilm cells were also resistant with MICs increased 64–1000 times compared
with planktonic cells. Even higher concentrations are needed for complete eradication of biofilm as
it forms a firm habitat for its survival. Thus, there is a need to look for better compounds which are
natural and less harmful when to be used against candida biofilms. Because there is no consensus
regarding the acceptable inhibition level for natural products, we can say the undergone study could
be considered well with the definition proposed by Morels et al. [34]. If extracts displayed a MIC
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Gonorrhoeae Essay
Neisseria gonorrhoeae or common name gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease.
Claudius Galen originated the name and thought the disease was cause by excess flow of semen
(Talaro and Chess 2015). "Niesseria gonorrhoeae are gram negative, aerobic, and non–motile".
(Pathogen Profile Dictionary...2010) When observed under microscope, the appearance of
intracellular diplococci with oval or bean will be seen. When grown on selective culture media,
growth of gram negative, oxidase positive diplococcus, and typical colony morphology will be
present (CDC 2008). N. gonorrhoeae is nonsporeforming and catalase positive (Microbiology in
pictures 2013). Neisseria are fastidious and usually isolated best using Thayer–Martin agar. Plates
should ... Show more content on ...
It has five flagella which helps with motility. "T.vaginalis exists as a trophozite and lacks a cystic
stage" (MicrobeWiki 2010).
Figure 1 T. vaginalis Figure 2 T. vaginalis
Morphology of Life Cycle Stages Trichomonas vaginalis shape and size varies. The appearance is
altered by physiochemical conditions. "When observed in a pure culture, the shape is more uniform
such as pear–shaped or oval" (MicrobeWiki 2010). Trichomoniasis resides in the lower genital tract
of the female and the urethra and prostate of males. "Here is replicates by binary fission". T.
vaginalis does not have cyst form and does not survive well in external environments (Wikimedia
Commons 2015). The cycle begins when an infected person has sexual intercourse with an
uninfected person. The most commonly infected part for females is the lower genital tract and for
males is the inside of the penis. During intercourse, the parasite is transmitted from vagina to penis
but can be passed from vagina to vagina. It's not common for the parasite to infect other body parts
such as the hands or mouth (CDC
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Candida Injection For Warts Research Paper
Receiving a Candida injection for warts is effective for growths that haven't responded to other
treatments. It involves injecting an extract of the dead fungus directly into the core of the wart. Will
a Candida Injection for Warts Give Me a Yeast Infection? How Does Injections of Candida Get Rid
of My Warts? Although you've tried everything you can find to get rid of your warts, they won't go
away. A health care professional has suggested that you consider having a Candida injection for
warts. You've battled yeast infections in the past, and introducing Candida into your body is about
the last thing you're willing to do. Why would a professional suggest such a thing? We understand
your fears about Candida. We have collected the information ... Show more content on ...
The warts die after the second injection. For most people, the warts don't return. Some professionals
prescribe the injections only for warts that have not responded to other treatments. Depending on
how many warts you have, where they are located, and your overall health, your doctor may
recommend injection therapy as the initial treatment. Injections of the Candida antigen are
recommended for common warts and plantar warts. The treatment is not used for genital warts or
flat warts. Choosing a Treatment Warts can be removed in a variety of ways. Some can be
eliminated with home remedies, but others require professional medical care. Several factors
determine the best treatment choice, including: Other medical treatments you are undergoing If
you're pregnant or breastfeeding The size location of your warts The kind of warts you have It's
important to seek medical advice before starting a home treatment. It's possible your growths are
something other than warts which could be worsened by the wrong remedy. Warts that don't respond
to any of the standard treatments are good candidates for Candida antigen injections. Treating Warts
With Candida Candida antigen injections can sometimes have side effects in some individuals.
These include, but aren't limited to: Blisters Feeling like you have the flu Itching Mild discomfort
Rashes or hives
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Candida Bloodstream Infection: A Case Study
INTRODUCTION The incidence and mortality associated with Candida bloodstream infection
(CBSI) have increased over the past two decades, despite the introduction of several extended–
spectrum triazole and echinocandin antifungal agents for prophylaxis, empiric and targeted therapy
[1],[2]. Likewise, CBSI has emerged as an important public health problem with one the highest
costs of any healthcare–associated infections. Candida has been described as the fourth most
common cause of healthcare–associated BSI surpassed only by coagulase–negative staphylococci,
Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus [3], [4]. CBSI has the highest pathogen related mortality
[4] because the signs and symptoms of disease are non–specific. Moreover, the general indications
for ordering a blood culture are fever and leukocytosis, which are absent in around 20% and 50% of
patients with CBSI, respectively [5]. Early identification of CBSI is critical and still depends on
blood cultures, despite the fact that is an insensitive technique [3] and that prophylactic or empiric
antifungals may render false negative results. (???) ... Show more content on ...
albicans as causes of BSI in all USA regions [7] [8]. The changing epidemiology highlights the need
for monitoring the local species distribution and susceptibility to optimize therapy and outcome,
decrease the mortality and the resource utilization and help to plan infection prevention and control
measures. The present study was undertaken to determine the changes in the epidemiology of CBSI,
including the clinical characteristics, the outcome, and the distribution and susceptibility pattern of
Candida species. We also performed a clinical audit to evaluate the empiric treatment prescribed by
the primary team and that recommended by the ID team to evaluate the translation of guidelines into
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Candida Albicans : An Opportunistic Unicellular Fungus
Candida albicans is an opportunistic unicellular fungus that is apart of our microbiota and can lead
to undesirable infections. This particular microorganism makes up part of the flora in our gut,
mouth, and intestine. The populations of Candida albicans that are present in our body are kept
under control by the bacteria living in our gut. When yeast start to over populate, it is commonly due
to an imbalance in our flora. Furthermore there are many infections that are caused by Candida
albicans and the most common occurring infections cause thrush and vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Moreover many individuals don't have a full understanding of the causes and effects of thrush and
vulvovaginal candidiasis. Both infections are as equally ... Show more content on ...
One particular hormone that promotes maintenance and development of the female reproductive
system is estrogen. When women undergo high levels of stress they can easily change their
hormonal patterns [7]. Moreover Vulvovaginal candidiasis is known to commonly occur during a
female's menstrual period. When women undergo a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen gives off
glycogen to the surrounding cells lining the vagina. When hormone production shifts, other
hormones such as progesterone are released at an unfitted time, resulting to the cell death of
Lactobacilli. As a result the glycogen becomes available for the yeast to feed on and multiply. The
change in pH is another important factor that influences the life cycle of Vulvovaginal candidiasis.
Lactic acid is a product of the bacteria Lactobacillus and provides an acidic pH that is less than 4.5
in adult women. [1]. The acidic environment in the vagina allows the acidophilic bacteria such as
Lactobacilli to survive and inhibit the growth of other bacteria. When the pH becomes less acidic it
can lower the amount of Lactobacillus and allow the vagina to become susceptible to unwanted
bacterial and fungal growth [1].
Vulvovaginal candidiasis cannot be transmitted from sexual intercourse or an insect bite. Since we
harbor Candida albicans we can only influence their growth through our lifestyle, overuse of
medications and our health implications such as HIV.
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Probiotics are a very popular topic nowadays, especially now that we have Jamie Lee Curtis as the
Activia (A Dannon brand of yogurt) spokeswoman touting the benefits of probiotics for bowel
irregularity. The use of probiotics has gained interest and support among those who seek natural
methods or preventing and/or combating chronic illnesses.
Probiotics, literally meaning pro life, is the name given to a group of live beneficial microorganisms
found today in many foods as well as in supplement form. Examples of probiotics include
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidum bacterium and Bifidus regularis. Our bodies are already
comprised of the beneficial microorganisms found in probiotics but external factors often
significantly reduce or eliminate ... Show more content on ...
Overuse of antibiotics gives rise to a condition known as dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is a condition in
which the micro flora of the intestinal system is out of whack and the correct balance of
microorganisms is compromised.
Dysbiosis is what gives rise to candida overgrowth also known as candidiasis. When beneficial
microorganisms are destroyed the balance between bacteria and yeasts (Candida albicans) becomes
distorted. Candida albicans is typically a beneficial part of the body's intestinal micro flora but
without the proper amount of beneficial bacteria it becomes an opportunistic microorganism
releasing toxins and causing symptoms throughout the body.
Although probiotics do not kill Candida albicans they do help to repopulate the intestinal system
with beneficial microorganisms. By repopulating the intestinal system with these beneficial
microorganisms the population of candida is kept at bay. Today probiotics are found in many foods.
The most well known food that contains probiotics is probably yogurt. Eating plain unsweetened
yogurt may be a good way for many to consume probiotics daily. Unfortunately, if you are battling
candidiasis you are probably following the candida diet and while some can tolerate yogurt on the
diet many cannot. In this case supplements may be
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Anidulafungin Case Study
Response: Anidulafungin is a semi–synthetic echinocandin with antifungal activity. This agent is
selective for fungal cells as it inhibits glucan sythase enzyme and therefore inhibits the synthesis of
1, 3 beta D glucan which is essential for the fungal cell wall. According to Micromedix
anidulafungin is approved for adults and pediatrics older than 16 years to treat candida related
infections. Anidulafungin is administered as a continuous IV infusion and has good efficacy against
Candida species and Aspergillus species. It is suitable to be used in immuno–compromised patients,
patients with azoles refractory infections and in those with renal impairment. However, this agent is
not approved by the FDA to be used in pediatric population younger than 16 years; yet some limited
studies have been done on this population to examine the safety and efficacy of anidualfungin; the
results of these trials are promising although more studies are needed. ... Show more content on ...
The recommended dose for children in this guideline is (3 mg/kg loading dose followed by
maintenance dose of 1.5 mg/kg/day), but because of the small body of evidence supporting the use
of anidulafungin; the recommendation level is low (BII). The use of anidulafungin in neonates is not
recommended by ESCMID
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Oxidative Stress Response
Oxidative stress response during infection Candida albicans inside phagocytes After internalization
of C. albicans in phagocytes, it has been observed that the target fungal pathogen like any other
microbial pathogen follows the path from phagosomes to phagolysosomes and gets fumigated and
killed. During infection, Candida species are exposed to higher levels of reactive oxygen species
(ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and antimicrobial peptides, low pH and reactive chloride
species (HOCl) inside macrophages and neutrophils, and survival through these harsh conditions is
essential for establishing disease and virulence. C. albicans evolved systems to directly scavenge the
ROS produced by host cells and establish systemic infection. C. ... Show more content on ...
The increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and growth defect in minimal medium of S. cerevisiae
gsh1 mutant cells displays the importance of GSH in fungal cell survival (Grant et al., 1996). The
killing or growth defect by oxidants, disulfiram, hypochlorite (HOCl), and heavy metals is also
rescued by using exogenous GSH in medium (Kwolek–Mirek et al., 2011; Kwolek–Mirek et al.,
2012; Thorsen et al., 2009). Consequently, the deletion mutant of GCS1 (homologue of S. cerevisiae
GSH1) have imapaired tolerance to ROS, decreased killing by phagocytes, and diminished virulence
in systemic candidiasis mouse model (Yadav et al., 2011). Moreover, the other enzymes in GSH
system glutathione reductase (Glr1) of C. albicans have been shown to have reduced resistance to
hydrogen peroxide and play a major role during infection in host (Tillmann et al., 2015).
Morphogenesis of Candida under the control of oxidative stress response The killing of
phagocytosis after the infection by activating apoptosis, necrosis and recently discovered
phenomenon known as pyroptosis has been attributed to the ability of C. albicans to undergo
morphogenesis from budding yeast to filamentous fungal cells. This change in form provides it with
tools to escape
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Informative Essay For Yeast Infection
Yeast Infection:–Undoubtedly, yeast looks too bad over body and nobody like to live up one's entire
life in its impact. So if you unfortunately have the impact of yeast infection you must be searching
some aids to cure it. So if you so, the here we have brought some medication which will surely help
you in aiding this horrible disease Candida.
Generally the disease yeast infection has been found within female and mostly women own this
disease and that too in their vagina. So, every year women spend most money to cure this disease, as
there are many sort of medication. Which guarantee to clear off the all symptoms of this disease
from root. Usually, medical treatment Candida is of two types, one is home–made treatment and
another one is OTC i.e. over the counter medication.
Over the counter medication, is an easy way to get relieve from the produced burn and redness of
yeast infection.So it has bought from the sufferers in big quantity, as women can't wait to get relive
from the intense pain produces from yeast infection and likes to cure it secretly at their place, so the
most convenient way is Over the counter medication.
Before heading towards the remedies and other medication of yeast infection, I think, we should
once check out the reason of it, why it generates and what is the reason all behind.
* Usually, the infection occurs in warm and wet body places, such as in mouth, underarms, between
knees or elbow or in vagina and it can be blocked easily by the skin in
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How Candidiasis Is A Fungal Infection Caused By Yeasts
Candidiasis: Overview and Causes
Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by yeasts that belong to the genus Candida. There are at
least 15 distinct Candida species that cause human disease, but >90% of invasive disease is caused
by the 5 most common pathogens, C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, and C.
krusei with candida albicans being the most prevalent.(Ostrosky–Zeichner et al., 2015) Candida
yeasts normally reside in the intestinal tract and can be found on mucous membranes and skin
without causing infection; however, overgrowth of these organisms can cause symptoms to develop.
Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected.(CDC, 2016e)
The different types of Candidiasis are determined by the area of the body they affect. Oropharyngeal
candidiasis, otherwise known as Thrush, inhabits the buccal cavity or throat. Candidiasis of the
vagina is commonly referred to as a yeast infection. The most clinically significant version of
candidiasis is invasive candidiasis, which happens as a result of a candida species entering the
bloodstream and spreading throughout the body. Invasive candidiasis is primarily found in
immunocompromised patients such as those suffering from HIV, undergoing corticosteroid therapy,
chemotherapy, or those with diabetes.
Candidiasis: Signs and Symptoms and Sequelae
Thrush is relatively easy to recognise as white patches can be observed on the tongue and other oral
mucous membranes. Symptoms
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Clinical Definition Of Clinical Context
Clinical Context
Patient, JD, is a 50–year–old Caucasian male with a past medical history of polysubstance abuse
who presented to outside hospital with shortness of breath and chest pain who developed
cardiogenic shock complicated by shock liver and renal failure and was transferred to Henry Ford
Hospital for elevation of care. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) upon
arrival. While in the ICU, patient developed a fever with leukocytosis and patchy infiltrate on CXR
and was treated for HCAP. Blood cultures were drawn at that time that grew yeast, possibly related
to a line infection. Lines were removed and patient was started on fluconazole. Fungal cultures
drawn grew Candida krusei and Fluconazole was switched to anidulafungin. Infectious Disease was
consulted suggesting total duration of anti–fungals of 2 weeks for candidemia. Repeat blood cultures
drawn after treatment were negative and patient's clinical status improved on anidulafungin
treatment. This patient had spent a total of 21 days in the ICU. C. krusei is known to have intrinsic
resistance to fluconazole5, which is why treatment was switched to anidulafungin, a semisynthetic
echinocandin. However, invasive candidiasis and candidemia with other strains of Candida species
are prevalent in severely ill patients and the proper treatment of such infections should be
Clinical Question
Is anidulafungin superior to fluconazole for treatment of candidemia and invasive candidiasis in
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Candida Problems

  • 1. Candida Problems The problems with candida can occur when a yeast known as candida albicans grows out of control. Candida is naturally found in our gut and although it is a parasite and serves no useful purpose, it is fairly harmless a lot of the time. It's the same organism that causes thrush and athletes foot. Candida can multiply at extraordinary levels, (wine and beer makers will know this) and this too can cause problems to our health if an overgrowth happens in the bowel. Overeating of processed carbs makes the perfect environment for candida to grow, so does diabetes, nutritional deficiencies and a weak immune system. Some medications such as the contraceptive pill and other hormones, antibiotics or steroids can cause an overgrowth of candida. A candida ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Candida Overgrowth : A Gastrointestinal Disorder Candida Overgrowth – A Gastrointestinal Disorder Definition: Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal infection, part of the yeast family. In a healthy individual, C. albicans lives synergistically within the digestive tract, vaginal tract, and to a lessor extent on the skin. However, when the immune system is weak or beneficial flora is eliminated, C. albicans colonizes, invading healthy mucosal tissues (Berman & Sudbury, 2002, p. 919). Etiology: Candida is a group of about 150 yeast species with C. albicans accounting for 70–80% of all candida infections. Candida resides on skin and mucous membranes, including the GI tract (Aaron, 2015). In normal circumstances and in healthy individuals, C. albicans is controlled by beneficial ... Show more content on ... 80). When untreated, C. albicans may eventually enter the bloodstream, an infection known as candidaemia. This infection in the blood then has the opportunity to progress to the growth of fungal masses in the kidney, heart or brain and can become life threatening (Berman & Sudbury, 2002, p. 919). Although men suffer, women are eight times more likely to experience over growth of C. albicans due to the effects of estrogen, birth control pills and more frequent use of antibiotics (Murry, 2000, p. 56). Contributing factors for C. albicans overgrowth include the use or prolonged use of antibiotics, birth control pills, steroid medications and high consumption of sugar. The use of these drugs creates an imbalance of flora in the digestive tract overpowering the beneficial bacteria (Lipski, 2012, p. 80). Other contributing factors include decreased digestive secretions, dietary factors, impaired immunity, nutrient deficiency, and impaired liver function (Pizzorno & Murry, 2013, p. 463). In the case of a depressed immune system, triggers (e.g. antibiotic use or nutrient deficiency) allow the C. albicans overgrowth to burrow further within the lining of the GI tract. Thus, allowing the overgrowth to compete with cells and the body for nutrients, leading further into a nutrient deficit. As the overgrowth continues to flourish, C. albicans secretes mycotoxins and antigens further depressing the immune system (Pizzorno & Murry, 2013, p. 464). Symptomatology: Symptoms can ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Candida albicans Essay Candida albicans Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus. This means that that C. albicans has to different phenotypic forms, an oval shaped yeast form and a branching hyphal form. C. albicans normal habitat is the mucosal membranes of humans and various other mammals including the mouth, gut, vagina, and sometimes the skin. Normally C. albicans causes no damage and lives symbiotically with the human or animal host, even helping to breakdown minute amounts of fiber that are eaten in the host's diet. The normal bacterial flora of the gut, mouth, and vaginal mucosa act as a barrier to the over growth of fungal infections like C. albicans. Loss of this normal flora is one of the main predisposing factors to an infection by C. albicans. ... Show more content on ... albicans can gain an advantage over the normal bacterial flora. Two common substances are steroids and birth control pills. These both act to alter the host's body chemistry in a way that is favorable to the over growth of C. albicans. If the host is immunocompromised to begin with as in the case of AIDS patients or organ transplant receivers that are on immunosupresive drugs C. albicans infections are very prominent. A common symptom among AIDS patients is oral thrush, where there is a huge over population of C. albicans on the back of the hosts tongue, it appears as white speckles. When C. albicans becomes pathogenic, or switches it's phenotype to the hyphal form to invade the host cell epithelium, be it the mouth or the gut or the vagina; these infections are superficial and can usually be treated with common anti–fungal agents like fluconazole, diflucan, azole–related anti fungal drugs, amphotericin B, fungizone ( I think this is the same as amphotericin B). However in severely immunocompromised individuals like transplant patients or AIDS patients C. albicans can become systemic. That is the fungus will travel through the blood stream and infect any major organ it can. When C. albicans has become systemic it is almost always fatal because of the similarity between the host cells and the fungus, and the lack of a reliable anti fungal drug. Common symptoms of an oral C. albicans infection include burning pain, ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Antimicrobial Activity of the Phytochemical Constituents... Abstract The antimicrobial activity of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, phenol and cardic glycoside present in the various parts of Chrysophyllum albidium plant were investigated. These phytochemical were determined quantitatively and tested against staphylococcus aureus, B. subtilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, C. tetani, and the fungus; candida albicans. Most the plant parts were found to contain alkaloids, tannins, phenols and flavonoids except for the absence of cardic glycosides in the root, tannins in leaves, and phenol in seed. The significance of the plant parts in traditional medicine and the importance of the distribution of these phytochemicals were discussed with respect to the role of these plant parts in ... Show more content on ... The extracts were filtered using Whatman filter paper No 42 (125 mm). Collection of microorganisms The slants of different microorganisms were obtained from a laboratory stock at the Department of Microbiology University of Ibadan. These microorganism are staphylococcus aureus, B. subtilis, C. tetani,, pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, and the fungus, candida albicans. Phytochemical screening Chemical tests were carried out on the aqueous extract and on the powdered specimens using standard procedures to identify the constituents as described by Sofowara (1993), Trease and Evans (1989) and Harborne (1973). Test for alkaloids: 1cm3 of 1 % HCl was added to 3cm3 of each extract in a test tube. Each extract treated with a few drop of Meyer's reagent. A creamy white precipitate was observed indicating the presence of alkaloids Test for tannins: About 0.5 g of the dried powdered samples was boiled in 20 ml of water in a test tube and then filtered. A few drops of 0.1% ferric chloride was added and observed for brownish green or a blue–black colouration. Test for saponin: About 2 g of the powdered sample was boiled in 20 ml of distilled water in a water bath and filtered. 10ml of the filtrate was mixed with 5 ml of distilled water and shaken vigorously for a stable persistent froth. The frothing was mixed with 3 drops of olive oil and shaken vigorously, then observed for the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Environmental Effects Of Reactive Oxygen Cells Primitive earth's atmosphere was filled with molecular oxygen (O2) by the invasion of cyanobacteria (Schopf, 1993). Atmospheric oxygen has played a major role in the evolution and is responsible for catabolic activities of living organisms. On one hand, reactive oxygen species (ROS), as we know it can prove lethal to the living organisms. But on the other hand, ROS can also play a major role as a second messenger in the cell and control many essential processes from cell death, cell differentiation, cell survival and host immune response. The main source of ROS is the electron transport chain during aerobic respiration (Nohl et al., 2004; Nohl et al., 2003; Sedensky and Morgan, 2006). The most interesting redox regulated phenomenon is the ... Show more content on ... Pre–conditioning with lower doses of ROS can lead to trigger the expression of antioxidant genes to scavenge ROS (Jamieson, 1992), protecting the yeast from cell death due to high levels of ROS inside the cell. This baker's yeast has proved to be a valuable model system to study human fungal pathogens like Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, etc, in the absence of genetic tools for these organisms. According to evolutionary history, S. cerevisiae and C. albicans got diverged about 300 million years ago (Stajich et al., 2009). Although, they share some common characteristics but are genetically and phenotypically different in many respects and hence makes baker's yeast a "not so genuine" model for studying fungal pathogens (Karathia et al., 2011; Mohammadi et al., 2015). C. albicans and C. glabrata are the major fungal pathogens responsible for causing life–threatning infections in immunocompromised individuals with mortality rate of more than 50% among fungal infections and rising due to rise in immunocompromised patients (McNeil et al., 2001; Yang et al., 2017; Yapar, 2014). Thus it becomes incumbent upon us to understand the molecular mechanisms of survival of these candida species inside the host, flourish and cause systemic invasive infections. The toolkit of fungal pathogens, C. albicans or C. glabrata to neutralize and survive the damage caused by ROS during respiratory burst inside ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Role Of Superficial Yeast Infections In Humans Yeasts which are unicellular fungi that cause a wide range of infections commonly called yeast infections in humans. Yeast infections are characterized into two groups– superficial and systemic. Superficial yeast infections affect different parts of the human body including the skin, mouth, digestive tract, nails, etc and can become persistent (Thevissen, 2005).Systemic yeast infections also called invasive yeast infections affect the brain, spinal cord, eye, gall bladder, heart, lungs, kidneys and urinary bladder. These infections have considerably increased over the past recent three decades due to transplantation procedures, cancer chemotherapy, steroid therapy and, in particular, HIV infection thus leading to a rise in the number of immunocompromised ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Development Of Resistance And Antifungal Agents Development of resistance to Antifungal agents in candidiasis Introduction Patients with HIV/AIDS all over the world are dealing with candidiasis mostly. Literature data point out that this opportunistic pathogen is the leading cause of superficial and disseminated fungal infections in humans. 96% mycoses infection are caused by Candida sp (Kourkoumpetis T M. D., 2010). In healthy individuals Candida colonizes mainly mucosal surfaces of the oral cavity, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts without disease symptoms, where most frequently identified species are C. al–bicans (70%) and C. glabrata (7%) (Pfaller MA, Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis: a persistent public health problem, 2007). In immunocompromised ... Show more content on ... Although superficial candidiasis rarely presents a risk to the life of patients, it significantly lowers the quality of life (Borges M, Fungal infections of the skin: infection process and antimycotic therapy, 2005) (Rotta I, 2012). The high frequency of occurrence of candidiasis combined with difficult treatment cause a tendency toward better understanding of C. albicans resistance mechanisms. Therefore, this review focuses on characterization of antifungal agents commonly used in treatment and fungal resistance mechanisms. We discuss here several topical and systemic options for the treatment of candidiasis. Antifungal agents For the last three decades, fungal infections have become a major problem worldwide, especially among the immunocompromised individuals (Pfaller MA, Epidemiology of invasive candidiasis, 2007). Despite that Candida is the leading cause of the opportunistic fungal infections, there is a limited number of antimycotics available for therapy (Naglik JR, 2003) (Cannon RD, 2009). Perea et al. (Perea S, 2002) divided antifungal agents commonly used for candidiasis treatment in five major groups basing on their mode of action; group I: inhibition of RNA and/or DNA synthesis (fluorinated pyrimidine analogs 5–FC); group II: alteration of the membrane function (polyenes: nystatin, natamycin, amphotericin B AMB); group III: alteration of cell wall biosynthesis by inhibition of β(1,3)–glucan synthase (echinocandins: caspofungin, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Yeast Candidiasis Research Paper Candidiasis also known as Thrush is an infection caused by the yeast Candida. It's found in women, newborn infants, and adults with poor immune systems. It is known to cause mouth and vaginal infections that arent life threatning but very annoying. It can be found in almost everyone but causes only mild problems to the body. The candida organism is present in 30 to 55% of healthy young adults. About 55% of women are infected with vaginal candidiasis at least one time in their life. It is the fourth most commonly isolated organism from blood cultures. It is also the most common cause of fungai infections with poor immune systems. There are two types of Thrush one oral and the other deep organ. Oral can appear on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and the palate of the mouth. It often occurs to people with abnormal immune systems. Also ... Show more content on ... Vaginal Candidiasis experience severe vaginal itching, discharge that often looks like cottage cheese. the vagina will appear red, swollen, and painful during sexual contact. Oral Candidiasis will cause white patches on the tongue, inside the cheeks, and on the palette of the mouth. Some effects include immunesupression, mood swings, depression, poor sleep do to discomfort. It also affects the organs like the liver and kidneys. You can develop chronic constipation, canker sores, and gal bladder problems. Vaginal infections can be treated with most over the counter antifungul creams. Including Monistat, Gyne–Lotrimim, and Mycelex. If the case is small then a single dose of oral fluconazole is shown to be effective. When its an oral condition it is usually treated with prescription lozenges or mouthwashes. Other treatments include amphotericin B oral suspension or treatment with systemic azole medications such as Diflucan. Home remedies for vaginal candidiasis include vinegar douches or insertion of a paste made from Lactobacillus acidophilus powder into the ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. A Brief Note On The And Dental Caries And Periodontal... ABSTRACT Tobacco users are much more susceptible to dental caries and periodontal diseases than non–tobacco users. Research suggests that this increased susceptibility may be due in part to nicotine, a primary active component of tobacco. Five bacterial species and one yeast species commonly found in the human oral cavity, Lactobacillus casei, Actinomyces viscosus, Actinomyces naeslundii, Rothia dentocariosa, Entercoccus faecalis, and Candida albicans respectively, were utilized to investigate if any correlation existed between exposure to various concentrations of nicotine ranging from 0 to 32 mg/ml and the growth of each microorganism. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), minimum biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC), and planktonic growth were measured. The MIC was determined to be 16 mg/ml for all organisms except E. faecalis, which had an MIC of 32 mg/ml. Nicotine had a varying effect on planktonic growth across the different species. A distinct upward trend in biofilm formation was found in A. viscosus, L. casei, E. faecalis, and C. albicans through 8 mg/ml. Nicotine also enhanced R. dentocariosa biofilm formation in all concentrations through 8 mg/ml but was most enhanced at 1 mg/ml. Alternatively, A. naeslundii exhibited a complete downward trend through 32 mg/ml. The MBIC was found to be 16 mg/ml in all organisms studied. These findings further support research suggesting that the increased susceptibility to oral health diseases experienced by ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Fungal Infection Essay Early initiation of effective antifungal therapy and reversal of predisposing risk factors remain the mainstay of treatment for systemic fungal infections . Diagnosis of fungal infection, by blood cultures in the cases of immuno–compromised febrile high–risk patients is often unsuccessful due to the low yields of CFU. (16, 17) The aim of the current work was early and rapid diagnosis of IFIs in neutropenic cancer patients with fever and not responding to antibiotics by a sensitive and specific DNA microarray combining multiplex PCR and consecutive DNA chip hybridization to detect fungal genomic DNA in serum samples. Pyrexia is the principle sign of infection in neutropenic patients and frequently may be the only evidence of infection. It ... Show more content on ... In recent years, numerous DNA–based methods have been developed to identify a variety of medically important fungi. (20) The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the fungal ribosomal RNA is one of the most commonly used targets. The ITS region exists in multiple copies in the fungal genome and shows high interspecies sequence divergence and low intraspecies sequence variation. (20) Fungal identification methods based on ITS include restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, sequence analysis, multiplex PCR, real–time PCR, probe hybridization and DNA array. (21–25) A frequent challenge in DNA microarray–based species detection studies is the discrimination between specific and non–specific signals. Cross hybridization between different fungal genera was observed in several studies which made it essential to design more than one probe per species. (26, 27) According to the manufacturer, two aspects of the specificity of the microarray detection system used in the current study can be discussed. First, the risk of misidentification of any fungal species with another due to sequence similarities was minimized by the design of species–specific probes (more than one probe per species) which would be able to distinguish between these species. Second, the big difference between the level of fluroscence of the perfect match and the cross ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Candida Infection Normally, a number of different kinds of Candida species are present in the body, but they don't cause any harm. However, whenever the body experiences stress or the immune system is compromised, the fungus can proliferate excessively and invade the bloodstream, which can lead to a systemic Candida infection. This results in the many toxic effects of this fungus. Here we describe some common causes of Candida overgrowth: Antibiotics: Antibiotics are responsible for killing off the harmful bacteria in the body, but, in the process of doing so, they also kill off the healthy bacteria which decreases the number of good bacteria in the gut, deregulating the amount of Candida which will then begin to multiply. Due to this gut imbalance, Candida ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Candidiasis And Diabetes Candidiasis is a disease in which a fungal infection of the mucous membranes is found in the mouth and throat. The organism may cause infections in other locations, such as nails, skin (diaper rash), vagina, and the gastrointestinal tract. There are many types of fungus that live in the human body including candida. Candida is a type of yeast that normally lives in small amounts in areas like your mouth and belly, or skin without causing any issues. The immune system and the body's bacteria usually keep Candida in balance. When this balance is interrupted, it can result in an overgrowth of the Candida fungus, causing it to get infected. The infection is called Candidiasis. There are several different types of candidiasis, such as Thrush (Oropharyngeal Candidiasis), Genital Yeast Infection (Genital Candidiasis), Diaper Rash From Yeast Infection, and Invasive Candidiasis. ... Show more content on ... It is most common among newborns, the elderly, and people who have a weak immune system. People who are treated for cancer, wear dentures, and diabetes have a higher risk of contracting this disease as well. Signs and Symptoms include: white or yellow patches on the tongue, lips, gums, or roof of the mouth, redness or soreness of the mouth or throat, cracking at the corners of the mouth, and pain when swallowing. Thrush is treated with antifungal medicines like nystatin, clotrimazole, and fluconazole. In people with weak immune systems, rinsing the mouth with chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash may help prevent the ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Investigation Of Vitro And The Vivo Antifungal Activity Of... Investigation of in vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of different plant acetonic extracts against fungal skin isolates ABSTRACT T he worldwide increase of multidrug resistance has impaired the current antimicrobial therapy, warranting the search for other alternatives.This study investigated the efficacy of using plant extracts; Lawsonia inermis L(Henna), Glycyrrhiza glabra L(licorice) and Rosmarinus officinalis L (Rosemary) as antifungal agents.Antifungal susceptibility test revealed that nystatin were mostly active against tested clinical isolates. In vitro antifungal activity of the different plant extracts against isolates showed that acetonic extract of licorice, had high antifungal activity. In vivo study, topical application of licorice gave promising and excellent healing response. We propose that the higher percentage of (GC–MS) of 3–O–Methyl–d–glucose 29.1 %, most probably are the causes of its higher antifungal activity. INTRODUCTION Fungal and bacterial skin infections are of public health concern as they can elicit social, economic and public health problem (Maseleno and Hasan, 2013). Heavily infected persons with visible lesions are often unconscious targets of social stigma of rejection isolation because of their unslightly appearance. The cost of long term diagnosis and treatment can be over bearing for low income individuals who make up the bulk of developing countries where these infections occur in epidemic proportions due to poor hygiene. It ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Bacterial Vaginosis Case Studies Bacterial Vaginosis Last year I experience for the first time a bacterial vaginosis. It was horrible; a long month of intense itch, soreness and burning whenever I urinated or had intercourse. My mother recommended I try some over the counter antifungal cream, I purchase Monistat 7 ( Miconazole Nitrate 2%) and it worked great. I have not had reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis but I have heard it is very common to experience a relapse. Occurs when there is disequilibrium of normal vaginal flora where Lactobacilli decreases in population below normal and there is an increase of other bacteria. Three common microorganisms believed to be present and causing agents for bacterial vaginosis include Candida albicans, Gardnerella vaginalis and ... Show more content on ... Garnerella Vaginalis is gram positive facultative anaerobic bacteria. This bacteria is not susceptible to the gram staining in diagnosing because it is a gram variable. G. vaginalis has exotoxin vaginolysin. G. vaginalis grows along with other anaerobic bacteria but it is not believed to be the cause of bacterial vaginosis but rather a signal of microbial imbalance. Trichomonas vaginalis anaerobic flagellated protozoan acquiring its nutrients by transport cell membrane and phagocytosis. L. Lagenaur, B. Sanders–Beer, B. Brichacek, R. Pal, X. Liu, Y. Liu, D. Venzon, P. Lee, D. Hamer (2011) Common symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis are extreme itching, pain, soreness, vaginal discharge followed with a foul odor and painful sexual intercourse. Signs would include a strawberry cervix and possible bubbles in vaginal fluid. For diagnosing a sample of vaginal discharge is needed to perform a wet smear, then observe with microscope to find trichomonads protazoa and clue cells. Another test for diagnosing is the potassium hydroxide test which aims to find psudohypha and the fishy odor associated baterial ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. What Is Mucosal Candidiasis? Mucosal candidiasis is a fungal infection that has become more common as increasing numbers of people undergo long–term immunosuppressive therapies, antibiotic treatments or use of prescription drugs that reduce salivary function or changes in vaginal environment. It is estimated that several millions of people across the world acquire oral candidasis each year, yet the choices in antifungal drugs therapy are limited and these drugs result in development of drug resistant strains. The detailed functional characterization of Zinc transporter and genes related to zinc metabolism will elucidate the pivotal role of pathogen zinc binding proteins during the infection process. As active zinc deprivation by host represents an important antifungal ... Get more on ...
  • 30.
  • 31. Common Infection Among Women During Child Bearing Period Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a common infection among women, it can affect up to 75% of women during child–bearing period. VVC usually associated with considerable morbidity; symptoms include intense pruritus, vaginal discharge and dyspareunia. Many factors have been identified to predispose to such condition such as oral contraceptive pills, pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and long–term broad spectrum antibiotic (Cassone, 2015, Falagas et al., 2006). Beyond the normal host, the range of patients at risk for invasive candidiasis expand to patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, those immunosuppressed due to cancer therapy and organ transplantation (Bassyouni et al., 2015a). Recurrent VVC (RVVC) is a more serious condition due to recurrences of symptoms (>4/year) and refraction to successful treatment. Long–term fluconazole therapy may help in delaying the recurrences but does not result in a long–lasting cure (Sobel et al., 2004). Maintenance and preventive therapy is essential for six months but, patients may need to stay on medication for a longer period (Ringdahl, 2000). Recent epidemiological studies founded the prevalence of RVVC higher than that reported previously as the recurrence rate about 7–8% of women who experience a first episode and the discomfort associated with RVVC is intense which markedly affects the quality of life of young women with a strong negative impact on work and social life (Cassone, 2015). Candida albicans was reported ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Research Paper On Yeast Infection The superlative way to have a good health and to avoid being ill is to maintain a clean body. Having a yeast infection symptoms means that your body is not hygienic. Ask anybody who recurrently suffers from yeast infections what their candidiasis symptoms are, and you will perhaps hear the same tale. Candida, yeast infections, or thrush are tremendously common ailments, particularly amid females (although males do get them as well), and the symptoms can be anything from somewhat irritating to truly agonizing. Everybody from babies to the elderly get candida, so it actually isn't something that you should be self–conscious about. Frequently known to the medical industry as candidiasis, yeast infection or thrush is a very galling fungal infection that both males and females suffer. It is a disease that can sprout in diverse portions of the body, including the penis and vagina. This fungal infection can also breed on the esophagus, navel, oral cavity, urinary bladder and pharynx. Yeast infection is usually linked to females. Studies show that in ladies, seventy five percent has at least experienced it in a lifetime. Fifty percent of which has underwent several yeast infections. Alternatively, a huge number of males have also suffered from the same thing. Kids, usually from age three to nine, can be affected ... Show more content on ... If this ensues, you will begin to experience symptoms such as bloating, constipation, unbalanced bowel movements, superfluous gas discharge and diarrhea. Along with that, it can also affect your digestion wherein it only lets you consume smaller quantities of nutrients from the usual food you consume. Owing to poor food digestion, you will feel the supplementary symptoms of headaches, feeling less invigorated and being exhausted often. Alternatively, when candidiasis is affecting your genitals, feelings of ache and itchiness are obvious. There are also occurrences where ladies will have nasty vaginal ... Get more on ...
  • 34.
  • 35. The Causative Agent : Candida 3.2 The causative agent: Candida Historically, C. albicans has been identified when the renowned Greek physician, Hippocrates, first described oral thrush in his treatise 'Epidemics' published in 4th century B.C. However, the organism has not been studied vigorously till late twentieth century when it became one of the most common 4 causes of blood stream and cardiovascular infections in United States hospitals. Since then, C. albicans has gained the importance as a potential human pathogen and elevated to the level of model fungal pathogen . The last two decades have witnessed increased incidence of Candida infections due to the widespread use of broad–spectrum antibiotics in addition to the increasing numbers of HIV–infected and immune–compromised individuals . 3.2.1 Taxonomy of Candida species Candida spp. belongs to Ascomycota (Kingdom: Mycetae, Phylum: Ascomycota, Subphylum: Saccharomycotina, class: Saccharomycetes, order: Saccharomycetales, family: Saccharomyceteae, genus: Candida) . However, Candida spp. was previously phylogenetic classified as imperfect fungi, Deuteromycetes, (Kingdom: Fungi, class: Deuteromycetes, order: Moniliales, family: Cryptococcaceae, genus: Candida) which is described as a "taxonomic pit" in which yeasts without known sexual stage (teleomorph) is thrown. Recent DNA sequence based methods have proven that both sexual and asexual Candida spp. are ascomycetes . 3.2.2 Candida species Over 200 Candida spp. exist in nature, however, only a few ... Get more on ...
  • 36.
  • 37. Candidiasis Thrush (Adults) overview Candidiasis of the oral mucosa, also called thrush, is a condition in which the fungus Candida albicans accumulates in the lining of the mouth. Thrush causes creamy white lesions, usually on the tongue or cheeks. The lesions can be painful and may bleed. Sometimes thrush can spread to the palate, gums, tonsils and back of the throat. Although thrush can affect anyone, it is more likely to occur in children, in people who wear dentures, use corticosteroids or have a compromised immune system. Thrush is less of a problem if you are healthy, but in the presence of a weakened immune system, the symptoms of oral candidiasis may be more severe and difficult to control. Causes– Thrush and other Candida infections can occur ... Show more content on ... In older children or adolescents who have not previously identified risk factors, a medical condition may be the cause of oral thrush. If thrush is the oesophagus– A lily of the valley that extends into the oesophagus can be serious. To help diagnose this condition, your doctor will take these tests: Throat culture. In this procedure, the back of your throat is buffered with sterile cotton and the tissue sample is placed in culture on a special medium to help determine which bacteria or fungi, causing the symptoms. Endoscopic examination. In this procedure, the doctor examines the oesophagus, and stomach using a flexible tube with a camera on the tip (endoscope). Treatment– Treatment for thrush is a complex process that requires an individual approach in each case. The complex of therapeutic measures includes not only pharmacological effect directly on the pathogen. Also it produces measures to improve the immunity of the body, treatment of opportunistic diseases (gastrointestinal diseases, leukaemia, diabetes mellitus), rehabilitation of the oral cavity. It plays an important role good ... Get more on ...
  • 38.
  • 39. Candidemia Research Paper Candida is a yeast responsible for the majority of the systemic fungal infections in humans. The occurrence of nosocomial bloodstream infections (candidemia), has risen considerably in latest years, [1] being the fourth pathogen isolated in blood cultures in the North America[2]. In Europe, it ranks among the fifth to tenth most frequently isolated microorganism [3] and in a global assessment of intensive care units (ICUs), the incidence of candidemia was found to be 6.9 per 1000 patients. Whereas general incidence of candidemia has raised, possibly due to a growing number of patients with compelling diseases and risk factors for candidemia, health care units such as ICU or stem cell transplant units have noticed a decrease in candidemia after using fluconazole prophylaxis [4]. The list of risk factors is long, where immunocompromised patients, such as those suffered from solid tumors or hematological malignancies are at the highest threat for developing candidemia, also other well known risk factors include ICU stay, prolonged antibiotic use or multiple invasive procedures. More lately, patients groups characterized by several comorbidities, such as elderly, require for parental nutrition, are increasingly being documented as being at risk of candidemia. ... Show more content on ... This change in the epidemiology of candidemia represents an important challenge for empirical management strategies because some species of non–albicans such as Candida glabrata and Candida krusei exhibit a resistance or variable susceptibility to azole antifungal. IDSA guidelines suggest that Fluconazole for stable patients and echinocandins in the presence of haemodynamic instability, previous use of fluconazole or for patients who are at high risk of infection due to C.glabrata or C. krusei ... Get more on ...
  • 40.
  • 41. Vaginal Thrush Research Paper Vaginal Thrush Vaginal Thrush is an infection caused by yeast called candida albicans. Candida albicans are among the twenty species of Candida yeast that cause infections in humans. Candida yeasts are usually harmless and typically live around the vaginal area and on the skin; nevertheless an overgrowth can cause symptoms to develop. In most cases vaginal thrush symptoms are obvious, common symptoms include pain, itching and vaginal discharge. Vaginal thrush is a condition that interferes with the sexual function and sense of wellbeing of a woman. Women who have vaginal thrush often experience pain during sexual intercourse or when urinating. Thrush that is symptomatic are categorized as either uncomplicated or complicated. Uncomplicated thrush occurs occasionally and is mild while complicated thrush is recurrent and becomes more severe over time. ... Show more content on ... Options for treatment include a tablet that you can take by mouth, anti–thrush cream that you can rub on to the vulva (skin around the vagina) and anti–thrush pessaries that can inserted into the vagina. Despite these treatments high success rates some women have recurring episodes of thrush. It is estimated that out of the 75% of women who will develop the infection at least once in their lifetime 5% will suffer from typically four or more infections in a year. Because the vaginas PH levels are affected by hormonal changes vaginal thrush predominately effects pregnant, menopausal and women at the start of their period. Although vaginal thrush less commonly effects young females pre–puberty and post–menopausal sometimes, thrush can transpire in post–menopausal women if they have diabetes that is not controlled, a severe chronic disease, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), or if they use ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. The Fungal Cell Wall And Its Effects On The Environment CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 ______ The fungal cell wall plays an important role in the physiological adaptation of the organism in its environment. The yeast's cell wall serves several essential functions for the such as the ability to hold its shape, the regulation of water flow into and out of the cell, and the prevention of foreign bodies that might be toxic from entering.1 It constantly changes during cell division, growth and morphogenesis; this dynamic feature dictates the organism's protection or susceptibility to the environment.2,3,4,5 A true fungal cell wall consists of three main components; lipids, proteins and carbohydrates (glucan, mannan and chitin).3,6,7 The content of the cell wall varies depending upon the type of fungal species. Schizosaccharomyces pombe is one fungal species which lacks chitin in its cell wall. The pathogenic (disease causing) fungus Candida albicans and the saprophytic (feed on dead plant and animal remains) fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae each contain glucan, mannan and a very small amount of chitin.8 A pictorial representation of mannoproteins (outermost layer), β–glucans, β–glucans+chitin, and a plasma membrane that contains lipids is depicted in Figure 1.1. Figure 1.1 Typical structure of a yeast cell wall.9 The Greene research group is primarily concerned with developing effective and milder procedures for isolating β–glucan and mannan from the cell wall of fungal species for structural and physicochemical characterization. This ... Get more on ...
  • 44.
  • 45. Invasive Mycoses Research Paper Invasive Mycoses Fungi have emerged over the past several decades as major contributors to human disease.(1, 2) As populations of immunocompromised and/or hospitalized patients continue to increase, so will the incidence of invasive fungal infections. A recent study reported that fungemia in the United States increased by 207% between 1979 and 2000.(3) Moreover, as the populations at risk for fungal infection continue to expand, so will the spectrum of pathogens capable of infecting those individuals. Invasive mycoses may be categorized as i) opportunistic or ii) endemic. Endemic infections, which are generally confined to specific geographic regions, are most often acquired via inhalation of spores. Infective agents include, but are not limited to, Histoplasma capulsatum, Coccidioides immitis, and Blastomyces dermatitidis. These infections frequently mimic common pulmonary infections in initial stages and are therefore often misdiagnosed. Dissemination and advanced disease follow. Dormancy may also occur, with reactivation of infection years later. This leads to diagnosis in a geographic regions outside of the high risk area.(4, 5) Opportunistic ... Show more content on ... As the transition to the pseudohyphal growth phase occurs, production of an extracellular matrix begins and continues as the biofilm matures. This matrix is composed primarily of carbohydrates, which differs from the protein–rich matrix of the C. albicans biofilm. As the biofilm grows, non– adherent yeast cells are released from the biofilm and into the surrounding medium to facilitate the spread of infection.(89) Transcription factor Bcr1 is the major regulator of biofilm formation in C. parapsilosis, as in C. albicans, and is required for proper biofilm formation. Bcr1 functions as regulator of several cell wall and adhesion target genes, and at least some targets are conserved in C. parapsilosis.(90, ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Candidiasis: Fungal Infection Candidiasis is a fungal infection that is caused by yeast belonging to the Candida family. There are upwards of 20 different species that are associated with Candida that can cause infections for humans, the most common of which are Candida albicans and Candida auris in healthcare settings. Although, Candida lives throughout the body causing no harm, an overpopulation can make symptoms arise and infection to occur. Candida is normally found in the intestinal tract or on your mucous membranes and skin. With overpopulation of these Candida albicans, common infections can occur like thrush or yeast infections. Thrush, or oropharyngeal candidiasis is the infection of the mouth. Yeast infections commonly occur in the vagina of females. (CDC Candidiasis, ... Show more content on ... This is done to prevent the spread to a roommate and potentially increasing the number of people infected. It is also recommended that both standard and contact precautions are used. Contact precautions should stay in place as long as there is a high colonized count of Candida auris present in the patient. It is also important to educate the patient on hand hygiene. This will be a lesson not only for the prevention of the spread of the infection, but also staying clean and healthy and preventing the spread of any future pathogens. Providing room disinfection daily will also help to stop the spread of Candida auris, as well as limit any traces of it on surfaces within the room or home setting. It is recommended by facilities to use hospital grade infection control disinfectant agents to do so. (CDC Candida auris, 2017, page ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Candida Research Paper Do you crave sweets and sugary items? Are you a closet cookie monster? If so, you may unknowingly harbour yeasts that are gobbling up your sugars before you can use them. These hidden gremlins in the gut give the tell–tell signs of bloating and indigestion after meals, especially when you must let out your belt or plan on wearing looser clothing than you used to for any particular meal. Of all the parasites I have come across during my 23+ years of practicing, none hold a candle to Candida albicans and the secret damage that yeasts do. Even though Candida can cause symptoms that mimic more diseases than any other uninvited guests, it is often still presumed to be a normal part of our intestinal flora. Although Candida albicans is one of the most common types of yeast we normally house in our intestines, if the delicate balance between Candida and the other bugs is tipped, Candida grows rampantly, which can produce over one hundred different symptoms, beginning with the gut. Candida can mimic any symptom ... Show more content on ... If the yeast inflames the lower oesophagus or stomach, you have burning and heartburn. If the lining of the small intestine is inflamed, carrier or transport proteins are damaged making it more difficult for the gut to absorb vitamins and minerals – with mysterious fatigue and new infections the possible result. Now with the gut inflamed putrefactive toxins from the bowel leak into the bloodstream, promoting aches and pains all over as well as damaging local nerves in the gut, which lead to ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Increasing Trend Of Non Albicans Cutaneous Candidiasis Increasing trend in Non albicans Cutaneous Candidiasis: Implications in treatment strategies Introduction: Cutaneous candidiasis is a secondary infection of the skin (body folds) and nails in predisposed patients.1 The disease involvement may be localised or generalised to the skin or nails.2 The clinical manifestations of Candidiasis are of three types: mucocutaneous, cutaneous, and systemic.3 The spectrum of Cutaneous candidiasis (CC): includes intertrigo, diaper candidiasis, paronychia, and onychomycosis.4 Infections thrush, intertrigo, enterogastritis and others have long been known to be due to abnormal proliferation of Candida cells.5 Candida species other than C.albicans have become a significant cause of infection in humans.6 Several of these species are less susceptible to commonly used azole antifungal drugs.6 Hence, the identification of the Candida isolates upto species level along with their antifungal susceptibility patterns can greatly influence the treatment options for the clinicians and may have an impact on the patient care.7 Hence this study was done. Aims and objectives: 1. To isolate Candida species from suspected cases of Cutaneous Candidiasis. 2. To speciate the isolated Candida. 3. To find the antifungal susceptibility for voriconazole and fluconazole among the isolates. Materials & Methods: A total of 200 patients presenting with the symptoms of Cutaneous ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Fungal Pathogens Opportunistic and invasive fungal infections have increased dramatically in recent years. Candida and Aspergillus spp. are the most famous fungal pathogens that account for majority of invasive and opportunistic fungal infections, respectively, occurring worldwide. 1This scenario is being observed among individuals with suppressed immune systems brought about by the use of cytotoxic drugs, immunosuppressive therapy, or human immunodeficiency virus infection.2 These infections have also been observed in some iatrogenic or nosocomial clinical settings. Autopsy data indicate that more than half of the patients who die with malignancies are infected with Candida spp., approximately one–third with Aspergillus spp., and increasing numbers with Cryptococcus ... Show more content on ... Log P values of designed molecule and Fluconazole were found to be 2.49 and 0.99 respectively. (Calculated using Chemdraw software). (II) Tertiary amino moiety as bioisoster was selected to replace tertiary alcohol of Fluconazole. Compared with tertiary alcohol, the tertiary amino group could not only be liable to form hydrogen bonds, but also accepts proton or form quaternary salts which results in the increase of water solubility or coordinate with metal ions which probably lead to enhance affinity, selectivity and potency in biological properties.18 (III) Several studies from the past have demonstrated that incorporating halobenzyl moiety into organic molecules could greatly improve the pharmacological properties.19–21 An enhanced pharmacological action results from an increased rate of absorption, transport of drugs in vivo, and a higher lipid solubility.22 The greater flexibility of the benzyl moiety as compared to phenyl group may show improved molecular biological ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Symptoms And Treatment Of A Candidiasis 6. Discussion Vulvovaginal candidiasis is one of the most prevalent vaginal infections and represents, approximately 40%–50% of all cases of infectious vulvovaginitis . Most episodes of symptomatic disease are acute attacks of VVC. While some women suffer from daily and chronic symptoms of the disease (CVVC), others suffer from recurrent episodes being entirely free between the episodes (RVVC). Therefore, the definition of RVVC requires occurrence of at least 3 symptomatic episodes of VVC in the previous 12 months, although some investigators require 4 symptomatic episodes . Vaginal colonization by Candida spp. occurs in low numbers and follows adherence of Candida to vaginal ECs. Colonization can persist for months or years in healthy women not susceptible to RVVC where Candida lives in symbiotic relationship with vaginal microbiota. The breakdown of this relationship results in symptomatic infection and originates from either favored overgrowth of Candida or defect in host defense mechanisms . Both subjective health status and health related quality of life are markedly reduced during and in between episodes in women with RVVC even in those receiving long term antifungal therapy as recommended by guidelines . Besides, the chronic use of ketoconazole can result in significant side effects such as liver toxicity which is not seen with the more tolerated antifungal agent; fluconazole. However, long term therapy with fluconazole although reduce the rate of RVVC was not ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Tudy, We Have Investigated The Activities Of Seven Terpenic tudy, we have investigated the activities of seven terpenic compounds; namely carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde, citral, eugenol, geraniol, menthol and thymol against C. tropicalis biofilm. Interestingly, it was found that citral, geraniol, and thymol were significantly effective against planktonic cells of C. tropicalis when compared to C. albicans. Antifungal activities of citral and geraniol were found to be similar with MIC50 (32ug/ml) while thymol was found to have half the MIC50 value (16ug/ml) against planktonic cells of C. tropicalis than C. albicans. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC50) is defined as the concentration with 50% cell growth in contrast to control or untreated sample. When the microdilution format is utilized and ... Show more content on ... albicans and other non–albicans candida species biofilms 32, no expanded study has been conducted on the activity of terpenes against C. tropicalis biofilm so far. Here, we have explored the biofilm inhibition and biofilm eradication properties of citral, geraniol, and thymol against C. tropicalis. Biofilm inhibition concentration (BIC50) and biofilm eradication concentration (BEC50) was defined as the concentration at which 50% of the biofilm cells are metabolically active in contrast to the untreated sample. The calculated BIC50 was found to be two folds higher than MIC50 in presence of citral (64 ug/ml) , geraniol (64 ug/ml) and thymol (32 ug/ml) , whereas, BEC50 (128ug/ml) of matured biofilm is two to four folds effective when treated with citral, geraniol, and thymol. In the case of azole standard drugs such as fluconazole, Ramage et al. [38], has demonstrated that biofilm cells were also resistant with MICs increased 64–1000 times compared with planktonic cells. Even higher concentrations are needed for complete eradication of biofilm as it forms a firm habitat for its survival. Thus, there is a need to look for better compounds which are natural and less harmful when to be used against candida biofilms. Because there is no consensus regarding the acceptable inhibition level for natural products, we can say the undergone study could be considered well with the definition proposed by Morels et al. [34]. If extracts displayed a MIC less ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Gonorrhoeae Essay Neisseria gonorrhoeae or common name gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease. Claudius Galen originated the name and thought the disease was cause by excess flow of semen (Talaro and Chess 2015). "Niesseria gonorrhoeae are gram negative, aerobic, and non–motile". (Pathogen Profile Dictionary...2010) When observed under microscope, the appearance of intracellular diplococci with oval or bean will be seen. When grown on selective culture media, growth of gram negative, oxidase positive diplococcus, and typical colony morphology will be present (CDC 2008). N. gonorrhoeae is nonsporeforming and catalase positive (Microbiology in pictures 2013). Neisseria are fastidious and usually isolated best using Thayer–Martin agar. Plates should ... Show more content on ... It has five flagella which helps with motility. "T.vaginalis exists as a trophozite and lacks a cystic stage" (MicrobeWiki 2010). Figure 1 T. vaginalis Figure 2 T. vaginalis Morphology of Life Cycle Stages Trichomonas vaginalis shape and size varies. The appearance is altered by physiochemical conditions. "When observed in a pure culture, the shape is more uniform such as pear–shaped or oval" (MicrobeWiki 2010). Trichomoniasis resides in the lower genital tract of the female and the urethra and prostate of males. "Here is replicates by binary fission". T. vaginalis does not have cyst form and does not survive well in external environments (Wikimedia Commons 2015). The cycle begins when an infected person has sexual intercourse with an uninfected person. The most commonly infected part for females is the lower genital tract and for males is the inside of the penis. During intercourse, the parasite is transmitted from vagina to penis but can be passed from vagina to vagina. It's not common for the parasite to infect other body parts such as the hands or mouth (CDC ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Candida Injection For Warts Research Paper Receiving a Candida injection for warts is effective for growths that haven't responded to other treatments. It involves injecting an extract of the dead fungus directly into the core of the wart. Will a Candida Injection for Warts Give Me a Yeast Infection? How Does Injections of Candida Get Rid of My Warts? Although you've tried everything you can find to get rid of your warts, they won't go away. A health care professional has suggested that you consider having a Candida injection for warts. You've battled yeast infections in the past, and introducing Candida into your body is about the last thing you're willing to do. Why would a professional suggest such a thing? We understand your fears about Candida. We have collected the information ... Show more content on ... The warts die after the second injection. For most people, the warts don't return. Some professionals prescribe the injections only for warts that have not responded to other treatments. Depending on how many warts you have, where they are located, and your overall health, your doctor may recommend injection therapy as the initial treatment. Injections of the Candida antigen are recommended for common warts and plantar warts. The treatment is not used for genital warts or flat warts. Choosing a Treatment Warts can be removed in a variety of ways. Some can be eliminated with home remedies, but others require professional medical care. Several factors determine the best treatment choice, including: Other medical treatments you are undergoing If you're pregnant or breastfeeding The size location of your warts The kind of warts you have It's important to seek medical advice before starting a home treatment. It's possible your growths are something other than warts which could be worsened by the wrong remedy. Warts that don't respond to any of the standard treatments are good candidates for Candida antigen injections. Treating Warts With Candida Candida antigen injections can sometimes have side effects in some individuals. These include, but aren't limited to: Blisters Feeling like you have the flu Itching Mild discomfort Rashes or hives ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Candida Bloodstream Infection: A Case Study INTRODUCTION The incidence and mortality associated with Candida bloodstream infection (CBSI) have increased over the past two decades, despite the introduction of several extended– spectrum triazole and echinocandin antifungal agents for prophylaxis, empiric and targeted therapy [1],[2]. Likewise, CBSI has emerged as an important public health problem with one the highest costs of any healthcare–associated infections. Candida has been described as the fourth most common cause of healthcare–associated BSI surpassed only by coagulase–negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus [3], [4]. CBSI has the highest pathogen related mortality [4] because the signs and symptoms of disease are non–specific. Moreover, the general indications for ordering a blood culture are fever and leukocytosis, which are absent in around 20% and 50% of patients with CBSI, respectively [5]. Early identification of CBSI is critical and still depends on blood cultures, despite the fact that is an insensitive technique [3] and that prophylactic or empiric antifungals may render false negative results. (???) ... Show more content on ... albicans as causes of BSI in all USA regions [7] [8]. The changing epidemiology highlights the need for monitoring the local species distribution and susceptibility to optimize therapy and outcome, decrease the mortality and the resource utilization and help to plan infection prevention and control measures. The present study was undertaken to determine the changes in the epidemiology of CBSI, including the clinical characteristics, the outcome, and the distribution and susceptibility pattern of Candida species. We also performed a clinical audit to evaluate the empiric treatment prescribed by the primary team and that recommended by the ID team to evaluate the translation of guidelines into ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Candida Albicans : An Opportunistic Unicellular Fungus Candida albicans is an opportunistic unicellular fungus that is apart of our microbiota and can lead to undesirable infections. This particular microorganism makes up part of the flora in our gut, mouth, and intestine. The populations of Candida albicans that are present in our body are kept under control by the bacteria living in our gut. When yeast start to over populate, it is commonly due to an imbalance in our flora. Furthermore there are many infections that are caused by Candida albicans and the most common occurring infections cause thrush and vulvovaginal candidiasis. Moreover many individuals don't have a full understanding of the causes and effects of thrush and vulvovaginal candidiasis. Both infections are as equally ... Show more content on ... One particular hormone that promotes maintenance and development of the female reproductive system is estrogen. When women undergo high levels of stress they can easily change their hormonal patterns [7]. Moreover Vulvovaginal candidiasis is known to commonly occur during a female's menstrual period. When women undergo a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen gives off glycogen to the surrounding cells lining the vagina. When hormone production shifts, other hormones such as progesterone are released at an unfitted time, resulting to the cell death of Lactobacilli. As a result the glycogen becomes available for the yeast to feed on and multiply. The change in pH is another important factor that influences the life cycle of Vulvovaginal candidiasis. Lactic acid is a product of the bacteria Lactobacillus and provides an acidic pH that is less than 4.5 in adult women. [1]. The acidic environment in the vagina allows the acidophilic bacteria such as Lactobacilli to survive and inhibit the growth of other bacteria. When the pH becomes less acidic it can lower the amount of Lactobacillus and allow the vagina to become susceptible to unwanted bacterial and fungal growth [1]. Transmission Vulvovaginal candidiasis cannot be transmitted from sexual intercourse or an insect bite. Since we harbor Candida albicans we can only influence their growth through our lifestyle, overuse of medications and our health implications such as HIV. Health ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Dysbiosis Probiotics are a very popular topic nowadays, especially now that we have Jamie Lee Curtis as the Activia (A Dannon brand of yogurt) spokeswoman touting the benefits of probiotics for bowel irregularity. The use of probiotics has gained interest and support among those who seek natural methods or preventing and/or combating chronic illnesses. Probiotics, literally meaning pro life, is the name given to a group of live beneficial microorganisms found today in many foods as well as in supplement form. Examples of probiotics include Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidum bacterium and Bifidus regularis. Our bodies are already comprised of the beneficial microorganisms found in probiotics but external factors often significantly reduce or eliminate ... Show more content on ... Overuse of antibiotics gives rise to a condition known as dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is a condition in which the micro flora of the intestinal system is out of whack and the correct balance of microorganisms is compromised. Dysbiosis is what gives rise to candida overgrowth also known as candidiasis. When beneficial microorganisms are destroyed the balance between bacteria and yeasts (Candida albicans) becomes distorted. Candida albicans is typically a beneficial part of the body's intestinal micro flora but without the proper amount of beneficial bacteria it becomes an opportunistic microorganism releasing toxins and causing symptoms throughout the body. Although probiotics do not kill Candida albicans they do help to repopulate the intestinal system with beneficial microorganisms. By repopulating the intestinal system with these beneficial microorganisms the population of candida is kept at bay. Today probiotics are found in many foods. The most well known food that contains probiotics is probably yogurt. Eating plain unsweetened yogurt may be a good way for many to consume probiotics daily. Unfortunately, if you are battling candidiasis you are probably following the candida diet and while some can tolerate yogurt on the diet many cannot. In this case supplements may be ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Anidulafungin Case Study Response: Anidulafungin is a semi–synthetic echinocandin with antifungal activity. This agent is selective for fungal cells as it inhibits glucan sythase enzyme and therefore inhibits the synthesis of 1, 3 beta D glucan which is essential for the fungal cell wall. According to Micromedix anidulafungin is approved for adults and pediatrics older than 16 years to treat candida related infections. Anidulafungin is administered as a continuous IV infusion and has good efficacy against Candida species and Aspergillus species. It is suitable to be used in immuno–compromised patients, patients with azoles refractory infections and in those with renal impairment. However, this agent is not approved by the FDA to be used in pediatric population younger than 16 years; yet some limited studies have been done on this population to examine the safety and efficacy of anidualfungin; the results of these trials are promising although more studies are needed. ... Show more content on ... The recommended dose for children in this guideline is (3 mg/kg loading dose followed by maintenance dose of 1.5 mg/kg/day), but because of the small body of evidence supporting the use of anidulafungin; the recommendation level is low (BII). The use of anidulafungin in neonates is not recommended by ESCMID ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Oxidative Stress Response Oxidative stress response during infection Candida albicans inside phagocytes After internalization of C. albicans in phagocytes, it has been observed that the target fungal pathogen like any other microbial pathogen follows the path from phagosomes to phagolysosomes and gets fumigated and killed. During infection, Candida species are exposed to higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and antimicrobial peptides, low pH and reactive chloride species (HOCl) inside macrophages and neutrophils, and survival through these harsh conditions is essential for establishing disease and virulence. C. albicans evolved systems to directly scavenge the ROS produced by host cells and establish systemic infection. C. ... Show more content on ... The increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and growth defect in minimal medium of S. cerevisiae gsh1 mutant cells displays the importance of GSH in fungal cell survival (Grant et al., 1996). The killing or growth defect by oxidants, disulfiram, hypochlorite (HOCl), and heavy metals is also rescued by using exogenous GSH in medium (Kwolek–Mirek et al., 2011; Kwolek–Mirek et al., 2012; Thorsen et al., 2009). Consequently, the deletion mutant of GCS1 (homologue of S. cerevisiae GSH1) have imapaired tolerance to ROS, decreased killing by phagocytes, and diminished virulence in systemic candidiasis mouse model (Yadav et al., 2011). Moreover, the other enzymes in GSH system glutathione reductase (Glr1) of C. albicans have been shown to have reduced resistance to hydrogen peroxide and play a major role during infection in host (Tillmann et al., 2015). Morphogenesis of Candida under the control of oxidative stress response The killing of phagocytosis after the infection by activating apoptosis, necrosis and recently discovered phenomenon known as pyroptosis has been attributed to the ability of C. albicans to undergo morphogenesis from budding yeast to filamentous fungal cells. This change in form provides it with tools to escape ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Informative Essay For Yeast Infection Yeast Infection:–Undoubtedly, yeast looks too bad over body and nobody like to live up one's entire life in its impact. So if you unfortunately have the impact of yeast infection you must be searching some aids to cure it. So if you so, the here we have brought some medication which will surely help you in aiding this horrible disease Candida. Generally the disease yeast infection has been found within female and mostly women own this disease and that too in their vagina. So, every year women spend most money to cure this disease, as there are many sort of medication. Which guarantee to clear off the all symptoms of this disease from root. Usually, medical treatment Candida is of two types, one is home–made treatment and another one is OTC i.e. over the counter medication. Over the counter medication, is an easy way to get relieve from the produced burn and redness of yeast infection.So it has bought from the sufferers in big quantity, as women can't wait to get relive from the intense pain produces from yeast infection and likes to cure it secretly at their place, so the most convenient way is Over the counter medication. Before heading towards the remedies and other medication of yeast infection, I think, we should once check out the reason of it, why it generates and what is the reason all behind. * Usually, the infection occurs in warm and wet body places, such as in mouth, underarms, between knees or elbow or in vagina and it can be blocked easily by the skin in ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. How Candidiasis Is A Fungal Infection Caused By Yeasts Candidiasis: Overview and Causes Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by yeasts that belong to the genus Candida. There are at least 15 distinct Candida species that cause human disease, but >90% of invasive disease is caused by the 5 most common pathogens, C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, and C. krusei with candida albicans being the most prevalent.(Ostrosky–Zeichner et al., 2015) Candida yeasts normally reside in the intestinal tract and can be found on mucous membranes and skin without causing infection; however, overgrowth of these organisms can cause symptoms to develop. Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected.(CDC, 2016e) The different types of Candidiasis are determined by the area of the body they affect. Oropharyngeal candidiasis, otherwise known as Thrush, inhabits the buccal cavity or throat. Candidiasis of the vagina is commonly referred to as a yeast infection. The most clinically significant version of candidiasis is invasive candidiasis, which happens as a result of a candida species entering the bloodstream and spreading throughout the body. Invasive candidiasis is primarily found in immunocompromised patients such as those suffering from HIV, undergoing corticosteroid therapy, chemotherapy, or those with diabetes. Candidiasis: Signs and Symptoms and Sequelae Thrush is relatively easy to recognise as white patches can be observed on the tongue and other oral mucous membranes. Symptoms ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Clinical Definition Of Clinical Context Clinical Context Patient, JD, is a 50–year–old Caucasian male with a past medical history of polysubstance abuse who presented to outside hospital with shortness of breath and chest pain who developed cardiogenic shock complicated by shock liver and renal failure and was transferred to Henry Ford Hospital for elevation of care. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) upon arrival. While in the ICU, patient developed a fever with leukocytosis and patchy infiltrate on CXR and was treated for HCAP. Blood cultures were drawn at that time that grew yeast, possibly related to a line infection. Lines were removed and patient was started on fluconazole. Fungal cultures drawn grew Candida krusei and Fluconazole was switched to anidulafungin. Infectious Disease was consulted suggesting total duration of anti–fungals of 2 weeks for candidemia. Repeat blood cultures drawn after treatment were negative and patient's clinical status improved on anidulafungin treatment. This patient had spent a total of 21 days in the ICU. C. krusei is known to have intrinsic resistance to fluconazole5, which is why treatment was switched to anidulafungin, a semisynthetic echinocandin. However, invasive candidiasis and candidemia with other strains of Candida species are prevalent in severely ill patients and the proper treatment of such infections should be investigated. Clinical Question Is anidulafungin superior to fluconazole for treatment of candidemia and invasive candidiasis in ... Get more on ...