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There are many different but there is only one TRUTH
Table of contents
Uncover the TRUTH and hidden TREASURE ,
…………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
The power of HD, High Definition ,
……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16
Applying critical thinking on religious conflict ,
…………………………………………………………………………………. 5
There was a huge riot, conflict and clash in 1st
century ………………………………………….. 39
between the follower JESUS VS the follower of ST PAUL
JESUS was sent strictly to Jewish people only ,………………………………………………………. 40
St PAUL of Tarsus violated commandment of JESUS
and preached to the Gentiles , …………………………………………………………………………. 42
St PAUL of Tarsus distorted the message of JESUS and
created new religion and new gods different from what JESUS taught ……………………………. 44
St PAUL of Tarsus was apostate and heretic deserve to death …………………………………… 45
St PAUL of Tarsus protected by ROMAN Government …………………………………………….. 46
St PAUL of Tarsus invented CHRISTIANITY ……………………………………………………… 48
St PAUL of Tarsus a member of Pharisees ……………………………………………………….. 50
St PAUL of Tarsus false prophet, ravenous wolf
disguised in sheep’s clothing ,…………………………………………………………………………. 51
St PAUL of Tarsus’s claim to have seen JESUS in vision is invalid
and obviously he was a liar ,..! …………………………………………………………………….. 52
St PAUL of Tarsus wrote 80% of the New Testament ……………………………………………... 53
St PAUL of Tarsus a Tares amongst the WHEAT ,…………………………………………………. 54
Prove and evidence that JESUS was not a Christian
And he never taught CHRISTIANITY ,…………………………………………………………………. 55
Did St PAUL of Tarsus really follow JESUS ,...? NOT at all ……………………………………… 56
Side by side comparison JESUS VS PAUL ……………………………………………………….. 58
CHRISTMAS pagan influence in Christianity ,………………………………………………………… 62
ESTER bunny, another pagan influence adopted in Christianity ………………………………….. 64
JESUS CHRIST did not die on the CROSS ,
Instead he was escaped and rescued by GOD ……………………………………………………….. 66
Refuting the LABEL of “ LIVE SAVIOR ”
Undefined meaningless sacrifice ,……………………………………………………………………… 73
The superstitious belief and MYTH of the CROSS ,………………………………………………….. 77
Ilohim, Yahweh, Jehovah or Allah ,O,..GOD ,… what is your name ,??? ……………………….. 81
TRINITY VS ONE GOD,/ the falsehood of TRINITY …………………………………………….... 85
JESUS CHRIST never claim to be GOD ……………………………………………………………… 89
Examining the doctrine of TRINITY ……………………………………………………………………. 97
Genuine concept of absolute ONE GOD ……………………………………………………………… 99
Many things that GOD CAN NOT DO ………………………………………………………………… 103
“ The words manifest in the flesh” , … what does it mean ?? ………………………………….. 106
Reason and prove that JESUS is not a “SON OF GOD” ………………………………………… 109
What did JESUS say about himself ?? ……………………………………………………………… 115
Change and Corruption in the BIBLE ( CNN & BBC NEWS ) …………………………………… 119
Who wrote the BIBLE ?? ……………………………………………………………………………… 117
Double standard and paradoxical within the BIBLE ………………………………………………… 123
How to study the BIBLE according to JESUS ……………………………………………………… 123
RED/ Stop following St PAUL X GREEN / follow JESUS only ……………………………… 127
MOSES, CHRIST and MUHAMMAD ( peace be upon them )
taught the same teaching and one divine message ……………………………………………… 160
Prophet MUHAMMAD prophesied in the BIBLE …………………………………………………… 166
ISLAM the Kingdom of GOD
that Jesus Christ was trying to establish …………………………………………………………… 176
FREEWILL and predestination ,…………………………………………………………………….…. 183
Anti-Christ revealed, one eyed king ,………………………………………………………..
………………………………… 212
Mark of the beast 666 REVEALED ,
………………………………………………………………………………………………... 229
ILLUMINATI & ZIONIST AGENDA ,global conspiracy and mind control ,……………………………………...
…………………………….. 241
What will JESUS do when he return in his second coming ?
………………………………………………….… 246
This book is published by IFS-CDA
( Inter Faith Studies and Community Development Association )
Non-profit Organization
Our research study in conveying the TRUTH are based on certain principle ;
1 ) We have to follow the basic principle and the basic foundation of learning
( be rational, put everything in order / not out of order / place everything to where it belong,
Seeking the authenticity and consistency by applying research study method to have side by side
………….comparison of anything )
2 ) This intensive BIBLE study is scholastic and academic intended as a set of
curriculum ( we don’t just engage in indoctrination, emotional feeling and blind faith )
3 ) We are encouraging and promoting rational critical thinking and intellectual .
…...reasoning (not just believe thing blindly, / not just have “faith” ? )
4 ) Study and look at thing from historical context, taking you back in time of history .
5 ) Study the historical accuracy, we have to follow the time line and chronological event
6 ) We need to look thing from multiple perspective and to understand the argument
…...contemporary analysis
7 ) Lastly this is BIBLE study in the light of comparison ( comparing and contrasting 2
… major scripture, The QUR’AN & BIBLE )
( comparing and contrasting 2 historical figure, JESUS VS PAUL ).
8 ) Understanding the conflict resolution, introducing the concept of HD ( High Definition )
…. get into clarity and precision, let get into the Definition of matter .
Be prepare to open your eye, open your mind and open your heart and accept the TRUTH
What is critical thinking ?? First of all, why do you have to
think about anything ? Thinking is a process to figure thing out,
to question any claim or belief and to evaluate any information .
When you start thinking that will cause your mind to curious, you
want to know and find out something . You have a desire to explore
and you will discover and open up a window of enlightenment, new
thought and idea .
Critical thinking is intellectual and scientific approach, a way
of looking at thing from an open minded and multiple perspective .
Most people don’t like to use their mind to think / not even have desire to be logical
person who use basic logic and common sense when it come to religious believe .
They feel as if, thinking is heavy, it require to spend time and energy, it cause tired and exhausted, ( as they
said ; “ I don’t want to think about it ” or “ I don’t have time for it ” )
So instead, most people just believe what ever they want to believe, they just accept thing as face value, follow
thing blindly because they feel convenience . In any case people find reason and excuse not to be blamed
being wrong since most people have done it .
What is critical thinking ? There are many definition of critical thinking, One of
them is ;
“ The careful application of reason in the determination of whether a claim is
true ” - Moore and Parker .
Another definition is ; “ judicious reasoning about what to believe and therefore,
what to do ” ..
Wikipidia’s definition of critical thinking ; “ a way deciding whether a claim is
always true, sometimes true, partly true or false”
Critical thinking is about how to think critically, logically, consciously, thinking
independently outside the box, inquiring the knowledge, know what to think and how
to think, being aware and knowing what going on .
The basic foundation of learning is to question thing that people believe,
require prove and evidence, examine and evaluate the claim, remove all kind of
stereotyped, gather all the information from all different source, make assessment
and sound judgment , study objectively, comparing and contrasting all the cases, find
out for yourself what is the right way to believe and what is the right thing to do ??
What is the right thing to believe ? , It is important for you to have a correct believe, because what you believe
will lead you and manifest in your right action, your correct believe and right action will impact your future life,
what you believe and what you do will determine your final eternal destiny .
If you don’t even know where you are heading,.. or where will your final eternal destiny be , then study and seek
knowledge, just keep in mind that death is not the end of everything, is it only transition and a gateway for your next
spiritual journey,… so think about it and its time to reflex .
We are living in a modern world and free society with the advancement of technology and social
media. Everything that you see, hear and accouter will somehow shape your feeling, thought,
perception and your worldview . Your worldview is the way you view and perceive the live of
this world . People so busy being so much consumed with worldly material pursuit, accumulate
wealth from money, house, car, carrier or something that they thought will give them happiness .
People have forgotten the question what is the most valuable in life or the question ; Does LIFE
has a purpose ? What happen to your soul when you die ? People only concern about making
money and material posses, they willing to get money by any mean necessary and disregard all
the ethical value and the highest moral standard .
People don’t realize that they being enslaved mentally, psychologically as well as physically,
simply because they don’t have the divine guidance, not knowing the purpose of life and the
purpose of our existence as human being .
Some people watching TV all day and believe whatever come out from it .
In fact TELEVISION is the most effective tool use by the elite and conspirator for mind control
and brainwashing people .
So don’t let the TELEVISION control you, rather you have to control TELEVISION and other
media network and technological devise .
Learn how to take control and manage your life, balancing your worldly and spiritual life . You may watch a little bit of
everything, be selective, watch anything that informative and has educational value . Even the NEWS that you see in TV
may not be 100% accurate, because the media mainly only concern about making money, driven for profit, self interest and
political agenda .
Most people believe what they see in TELEVISION, whether talking about history,
news, politic, science fiction, movies, Church ministry and religious claim .
However sooner you will realize that the mass media and government are not really
honest neither they concern about conveying GOD’S TRUTH . ( What is GOD’S
TRUTH it seem to be subjective since there are too many different religion and
each claim to be right one )
So you don’t just believe thing blindly without having knowledge . You have to
study and find out for yourself and knowing the structure of a logical argument .
Identifying Logical fallacies and fallacious argument
In critical thinking skill you will learn to identify fallacious argument and the fallacy of wishful thinking , what
make thing as bad argument, what is wrong with it ? You will be able to identify and spot the fallacy of the
argument . Think as follow ;
Premise ; I desire X to be true . Premise ; ( when I desire X to be true, that is good reason to think X is true )
Conclusion ; X is actually true
Most Christians believe in something to be true based on presumption and emotional feeling . They either appeal to common
practice, appeal to predominated authorities, appeal to predominated institution, appeal to predominated popular culture and
tradition and appeal to emotion feeling and attachment .
“ Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall ‘see’ God ”
( MATTHEW 5 : 8 )
Surely, seeing God does not mean seeing Him tangibly in the physical form .
Rather it mean seeing the inwardly unseen and Eternal reality . Seeing and
knowing the True concept of God and Eternal Guidance .
You must READ and STUDY BIBLE objectively with the intention of
seeking the TRUTH
( not the truth as its dictated by the CHURCH and not the truth the way you
have been programmed and brainwashed to believe by major Institution )
Being ignorance is the worse thing in you as human being ,..! So be smart,..!
Don’t be enslaved ,..! Set yourself FREE,..! Educate yourself,..!! Don’t be
deceive,..! Start thinking out of the box .
Go and see things beyond the surface and outward appearance ,..!
Go and think beyond the LABEL and FORMALITIES, go beyond the STATISTICAL ,..!
Go and think beyond the cultural TRADITION that has no source of TRUTH ,..!
Go beyond the pre-mindset and perception . Get out of the BOX and BAGGAGE .
Don’t be in NARROW MINDED ,..! step outside,.. look at a BIG PICTURE,..!
Look at the VISION and new Paradigm and see the world of REALITY ,..!
Go into deep, go into the essence, go into the substance, go into the definition ,..!
The key aspect of critical thinking : Curiosity and open mindedness
To be open minded does not mean that you have to agree and accept someone’s view
. To be open minded mean you have to listen what some one have to say, examine
the evidence that being presented, recognize the validity of the supported argument,
analyze the proposition objectively .
It would be beneficial if you accept the TRUTH ( please note that the TRUTH has a
signpost, condition, characteristic, requirement that must be fulfill, even TRUTH has
definition that you will came to learn and all lead to ISLAM )
However its up to you either to accept or to reject, for
you are given a FREEWILL and FREECHOICE .
But at the some time you will be judged and you will
be held accountable for choice that you make .
Because you are given the highest faculty by GOD ALMIGHTY that is A BRAIN and a MIND to think, to ponder, to
analyze, to determine and differentiate what is right and wrong,… So choose wisely ! ( choose and embrace ISLAM )
Holding preconceived notion & preconceived mindset
What happen with CHRISTIANS around the world is that when they read the BIBLE, they read it
inside the BOX along with inherited opinion .
When a Christians read their BIBLE, in the back of their mind already preloaded with the
preconceived mindset and preconceived notion, they already have a mental picture in their mind with
the idea of JESUS died on the CROSS .
Therefore when they read some passage and the word of JESUS, they interpreted the way its dictated
by the CHURCH or the way the CHURCH want them to interpreted .
That is unfair and unhealthy mentally and psychologically !
Your mind is not totally FREE, your thought being tied up and enslaved by the
appeal of cultural tradition, your notion and feeling being preoccupied by
common believe, common practice, major opinion and popular authorities/
Church .
Its just like you read the ancient book with presumption of in your mind, the Church giving you
A LENS OF THE EYES that already marked with the image of the CROSS .
So you have to change your mindset, read the BIBLE with a clear new eye glass and with a new clear
lens .
What is the fallacy of wishful thinking ?
It is involves believing a claim to be true because one desire to believe that it is true or
because one desires not to believe that an opposed claim is true .
False believe based on emotional feeling and assumption
I believe and feel something is true, because I think and I feel it is true, because many people believe
what I believe, therefore its must be true no matter what other say . ( appeal to common practice )
“ I believe Christianity is true, because I was born and raised in Christian country and Christian
environment ” ( appeal to cultural tradition )
“ I am Catholic, I think Catholicism is true, because it has a large followers, they have a major
organizational structure, a nice physical architect of the Church, they have Catholic school, Catholic
hospital” ( appeal to majority ) popularity )
“ I think Christianity is true, because once I was illegal immigrant, Lord blessed me, I been sponsored
by the Church, now I have a Green card and I am happy ” ( appeal to authority )
“ I think Christianity is true because once I was a bad person, I was drug dealer, drug addict ,.. I was
alcoholic, then I one day I had a vision, Jesus visited me in a dream, now my life is change ,”
( appeal to emotional feeling )
ALL OF THOSE are subjective view and personal feeling and TRUTH can not be supported, identified, determined and
established based on opinion, emotional feeling and presumption .
Everything has 2 side, inward and outward, so look both side
You have to think objectively, think logically, open the BIBLE, examine the evidence, analyze thing
consciously, DO your own research ,
Study the origin and history of the thing that people believe and claim or religious belief .
Look at thing from all different direction, look at thing from different distance, from different angle,
from different perspective, different point of view, look at the flip side of the coin .
Thing may look good and beautiful on one side, but if you look at on the other side, its may look
ugly horrible, you have to look at both side and make comparison, make assessment and make a
conscious judgment .
“ GOD is LOVE you, Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins,
GOD set you FREE, you are guarantee for Paradise “
How do you know whether the claim really true, ? Does the claim based on the prove and solid evidence ?
Does Christian’s claim being supported and structured by a logical and valid arguments ??
“ So in actuality JESUS was being criminalized and murdered and to cover up their criminal act,
people put a nice label of “sacrifice” as if JESUS have done something like super hero ”
“ But now you seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, ( JOHN 8 : 40 )
“ if you don’t accept
JESUS as your life
savior, you will go
straight to HELL ”
“Now think about it,.. if Jesus was not guilty, innocent and sinless then why would he be
humiliated, tortured, beat up and killed and hang on the cross to bear responsible for the sin that
he did not commit ??!! ” That don’t make any sense at all !
“ I am agree with MUSLIM, they said that there is no body die on the CROSS , for every body
responsible and pay for their own sin ”
Every man shall die for his own iniquity. ( JEREMIAH 31 : 29-30 )
“ The father shall not put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put
to death for the father, every man shall be put to death for his own sin ”
( DEUTERONOMY 24 : 16 )
In attempt to defend the divine message and the pure teaching of JESUS CHRIST
We like to inform you that the doctrine of Christian CHURCH are contain Oxymoron .
Oxymoron is when 2 opposite things being put together and yet overwhelmingly prevalence and
acceptable in the society because its has beneficial self interest and politically correct .
The name and label that being used and the icon / symbol & belief system that they claim are
quite run opposite and contrary .
By definition ‘CHRIST-IAN’ mean the one who obey, imitate and follow the way and the commandment of
JESUS CHRIST . ( Matt 10:25 ) ( John 13:15 ) ( John 14:12 )
Surprisingly, the evidence show that MUSLIMS / ISLAMIC teaching are found to be more attached and
genuinely connected to the actual teaching of JESUS CHRIST .
( MUSLIMS are the real follower of JESUS )
On the other hand,
the CHURCH with
their theological
belief and practice
has been driven by
the idea and the
writing of St PAUL
who clearly
opposing and
Keep in mind this is the statement of St PAUL of
Tarsus ;
PAUL-IAN ( if you believe that JESUS is part of the godhead in Trinitarian doctrine & died
on the CROSS, then you are obviously called ‘PAUL-IAN’, the follower of St PAUL )
“ Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall ‘see’ God ” ( MATTHEW 5:8 )
In order to receive this TREASURE, first of all you have to purify your mind and heart by
removing all type of preconditions and previous mind sets . Surely, seeing God does not mean seeing
Him tangibly in the physical form .
Rather it mean seeing the inwardly unseen and Eternal reality . Seeing and knowing the True
concept of God and Eternal Guidance .
You must READ and STUDY BIBLE objectively with the intention of seeking the TRUTH
( not the truth as its dictated by the CHURCH and not the truth the way you have
been programmed and brainwashed to believe )
Being ignorance is the worse thing in human being ,..! So be smart,..!
Don’t be enslaved ,..! Set yourself FREE,..! Educate yourself,..!! Don’t be deceive,..!
Go beyond the surface and outward appearance ,..!
Go beyond the LABEL and FORMALITIES, go beyond the STATISTICAL ,..!
Go beyond the cultural TRADITION that has no source of truth ,..!
Go beyond the pre-mindset and perception . Get out of the BOX and BAGGAGE .
Don’t be in NARROW MINDED ,..! step outside,.. look at a BIG PICTURE,..!
“ I thought myself that I must do
many things CONTRARY to the
name of Jesus Christ ”
( ACTS 26 : 8 )
Look at the VISION and new Paradigm and see the world of REALITY ,..!
Go into deep, go into the essence, go into the substance, go into the definition ,..!
To be open minded does not mean that we have to agree and accept someone’s view .
To be open minded mean we have to listen what some one have to say, examine the evidence that being presented,
recognize the validity of the supported argument, analyze the proposition objectively .
And after that its up to you either to accept or to reject, for you are given FREEWILL and FREECHOICE . Whatever
you choose in this life, its will goes back to you and you will judge in the Day of Judgment
( TRUTH is not just whatever you want to believe and what you want to claim ?? )
TRUTH has a identity, principle,
definition, condition, signposts,
standards, characteristics &
requirements that must be
fulfilled .
TRUTH is beyond your personal thought, emotional feeling and perception . TRUTH is beyond outward appearance, and
beyond all of subjective presumptions, as JESUS said ;
“ Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment ” ( JOHN 7: 24 )
By nature TRUTH is secretly hidden, covered up, not commonly known by most peoples . TRUTH is exist within
PUZZLE, for most people it is TRUTH will be “MYSTERY”, TRUTH is not as easy as you may thought .
REAL TRUTH is unbelievable, hard to believe, TRUTH is heavy and
hard to handle, ..
By nature, TRUTH itself is essentially clear and pure, unadulterated
However the way to know and to get to the TRUTH is surrounded by
the cloud of confusion, ugliness, narrowness, plot, conspiracy and
therefore TRUTH is hard to handle .
This is consistent with the saying of JESUS ;
“ Narrow is the way that lead unto life and few there that find it
( MATT 7:14 )
“ strive to enter through narrow gate for many I say to
you will seek to enter and will not be able”.. ( LUKE 13:24 )
“ The Kingdom of God ( TRUTH ) is like
Treasure hidden in the field ” ( MATTHEW
13:44 )
Treasure is unknown by most people, its hidden, precious and valuable . This treasure that we talk about is more
valuable than gold, pearls or diamonds . In order to discover and receive this treasure one must be conscious and mentally
prepared .
Something that highly precious you can not just get it for FREE . You have to work in order to get
paid, you must study in order to earn the degree, you must accomplish the goal before being
rewarded . You have to compete and win to be the champion, you must obey, do a good deed and
follow the guidance in order to obtain Eternal salvation .
“ Do not fear them, for there is nothing covered that will not revealed and
nothing hidden that will not be known ” ( MATTHEW 10: 26-28 )
Can you handle the TRUTH ?? The way to the TRUTH is surrounded by obstacle, hardship, difficulties and stumbling
block . So, are you physically and mentally ready?
TRUTH is painful and it could hurt you
“ this is the condemnation that the LIGHT has come into the world and men LOVE DARKNESS rather than
LIGHT, because their deeds is evil, for everyone practicing evil, HATE THE LIGHT and does not come to
the LIGHT, unless his deeds should be expose ” ( JOHN 3 : 20 )
Most people don’t like the TRUTH and they hate the LIGHT, because people don’t like to
be control, people don’t like to be told what to do and what not to do .
We hear oftentimes people said ; “ I want to do what ever I want, I don’t like any body
telling me what to do, I want to life FREE,.. FREE from the RULES and the LAW “ .
Most people love to stay in darkness and they don’t like a light, because in a room of
darkness that has no light people can do whatever they want freely .
They can cheat, they can steal, they can change and switch one thing to something else,
they will manipulate, they will smuggle, sneak through, they will do anything illegal and
disobey the rules, in a dark room and has no light people can do trickery, plan, conspire and plot something .
People don’t like to be told being wrong . People don’t like to be blame or to feel guilty . Imagine you have been told
from your childhood to believe certain thing, about Santa Clause, about Christmas tradition, or that JESUS died on the
CROSS and then suddenly some MUSLIMS telling you ;
“ Those are a MYTH,.. those are wrong and blind faith, a fairytales and imaginary fiction “.
If you are a CHRISTIAN, you probably will get shock, feel hurt and pain and that what the TRUTH is .
Therefore TRUTH could be hurtful and painful to NON MUSLIMS . It is as hurtful and as painful as when I tell you the
TRUTH and I inform you the FACT that JESUS CHRIST was actually a MUSLIM and he taught ISLAM .
CHRISTIAITY is a MYTH, invented and created by St PAUL of Tarsus along with Gentile nation and Roman Empire. All
religion whether Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Paulism, Judaism, Atheism all are a MYTH .
A seemingly there are many ‘TRUTH’, the TRUTH within the realm of this temporary existence that we called ‘life’
In general sense TRUTH is anything factual, anything that can be verifiable, anything that can be trust and
relay on, anything that can be proven either physically, logically, scientifically and also must be correspond
with basic common sense,
because we as human are given the highest faculty that any other creatures does not, and that highest faculty
is the MIND and BRAIN to think, to reason, to analyses, to reflect, to determine what is right & wrong,
which is true & false .
At one point this is how we going to judge every RELIGION whether they are true or not .
There are some TRUTH in certain aspects of life, ( Natural TRUTH )
TRUTH in field of science, chemistry, in physic, in geometry, in
mathematical equation for instance 2+2 =4 its always TRUE
at all time, in all places . Also there is TRUTH in the law of gravity .
All scientific TRUTH is relative, its discovered and relative to the function of time and space and its subject to change .
People used to think that the EARTH was flat like carpet, now we know that the EARTH is round .
People thought that the EARTH is the center of all the planets, then later on we discovered that the SUN is the center of the
planets and all the planets circling around the SUN .
There are TRUTH in the area of moral and ethical value, the law of cause and effect, : what goes
around will come around .
In Buddhism and Hinduism known as KARMA, if you say bad words and wrong thing consequently
will hurt people’s feeling .
If you steal and cheat its will cause conflict, if you harm other you will get harmed by others .
Women if you dress up improper way, its will cause men to get tempted, its may lead to sexual harassment,
assault & rape, or women may get pregnant and have baby out of wedlock .
The word Religion come from Latin word “ligio” or “ligare” mean to connect, “re-ligio” mean to reconnect , so with this
we can define RELIGION as a belief system and practice that connect a person to GOD or some higher power to search for
the TRUTH and to search for meaningful life . RELIGION is simply a mean or a way to find TRUTH and to find GOD
Just as in PHILOSHOPHY, its has more perspective and has various different approach in searching for the meaning of life,
the existence of GOD and finding for the TRUTH,.. like wise the RELIGION .
Like wise the RELIGION, … RELIGION is a mean, a way to find TRUTH and to understand live and GOD, … we should
say that RELIGION is just a process, a course ,… therefore don’t ever come to the final conclusion that RELIGION is the
absolute truth and final destiny . “ My RELIGION is the only truth, if you don’t accept what I believe, you will go
straight to HELL,… you are either with us or against us ”.
The word RELIGION and the RELIGION itself has bad connotation and negative association, some
people do not like RELIGION because it cause tension, conflict, clash and division . Many thing and
images come up in people’s mind when they hear RELIGION, such as the tragedy horror of 911 terrorist
attack associated with Muslim .
Later on we were informed that it was more than just RELIGIOUS issue, the 911 tragedy involved
political agenda, conspiracy, mind control, inside job .
Yet was done deceitfully by pointing finger and blamed on someone else and masqueraded under the
banner and the label of RELIGIOUS term “Jihad” and “HOLY WAR” .
Another case of RELIGION is the issue of celibacy, an attempt to be holy, yet the staggering number of the case of child
molestation that done in and by Catholic Priest,
Another case of RELIGION is that for some people RELIGION is just like a way to make MONEY and BUSINESS spot to
rip people off out of Sunday service, as it is shown in TV they have MEGA CHURCH with multi millioner preacher who
drive a nice fancy car, living in mansion house and luxury lifestyle,… yet on the other side of the world we have many people
who are suffer from poverty, homeless, unemployed .
So again when its come to RELIGIOUS BELIEF thing become complex , TRUTH is
becoming subjective,
TRUTH just a matter of emotional feeling, imaginary, just have faith without a prove
and evidence, people claim to have been inspired in a dream and seeing a vision .
TRUTH as perceived by people only a thought and perception shaped and formed by the influence of cultural tradition
and environments .
Some TRUTH get Intermix and intermingle with some element of cultural tradition, mysticism, fairytale
and mythological images .
Therefore TRUTH should be approached by intellectual reasoning and a deep analysis study, inquiring knowledge,
providing prove and evidence .
Our emotional feeling are change from time to time so we can not rely TRUTH based on emotional feeling, of course there
are some good and bad aspect in every RELIGION, there are some flow in every RELIGION .
Therefore we say that there are some TRUTH in every RELIGIONS . How do we know which part of that
RELIGION is true and which part is false .
All depending on the integrity, the authenticity and the reliability of their scripture . We find some people claim something
and perform ritual practice, yet what they do, not even found in their own scripture .
GOD’SWORDS is the only eternal absolute TRUTH . that exist Eternally, this automatically bring
question which one is the GOD’S WORDS,.. Qur’an, Bible, Torah, Weda, holy book, or any
other ancient scripture . ??
Through out reading this book you will examine and be able to determine and identify which book is
the WORDS OF GOD that worthy to be follow for guidance and instruction manual .
Another way I look at RELIGION, it just like a vehicle and eternal destiny .
where people have mental and spiritual need to ride on that will take them to a
better place
So we see there are many different kind of RELIGION ( vehicles ) with
different platform, different number follower/passengers try to attack people,
offering some promise and future hope .
Some of their driver tend to drive through the right way, some offering a way of
short cut and most of them are not going any where
One may ask, why should it be DEFINITION in every religious words and terms ??
Because the word will be unclear and ambiguous until we define it . What does the word Definition mean according to
dictionary ?? If you are willing to search the dictionary for the meaning of the word ‘ Definition ’ , or Goggle and
Yahoo , you will find explanation concerning the word ‘ definition ’ as follows ;
* Statement of the meaning as a word or phrase . * Putting or being clear or sharp, out lined . * Making or being
definite or explicit . * The power of the lens to show an object clarity . * The degree of distinctness of opinion . * The
process of research, of making limit with clarity . * To determine or set down the boundaries .
From the Etymological y and Linguistic meaning ; The word definition came from Latin word ‘difiineen ’ or ‘ definere ’
which mean to limit . Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary explained as followed ;
* The act of defining , determination of the limit as telescope, accurate in definition .
* Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification , a description of a thing by its properties or explanation of the
meaning of a word or term .
• (Logic) an exact enunciation of the constituents which make up the logical essence . (Opt) Distinctness or
clearness , as of an image formed by an optical instrument , precision in detail .
After working and conducting some research in deep analysis study then by the grace of God Almighty we come up with the
idea and the concept of dHigh Definition
HIGH DEFINITION is not just to be apply or limited on physical outlook of
technological advancement , computerization system, rockets science , material
object , digital , soft ware and hard ware ,..
but also HIGH DEFINITION should also be apply in the concept, ideology ,
world view , a belief system , a way of life , our way of thinking
There is absolutely Definition in every words such as ; God, prophet, messenger, religion, peace, love , gospel,
Christianity, Islam, Muslim, faith, anti Christ , freedom, sacrifice , Truth and religious unity ,
Peoples indulge in Oxymoron claiming believing in something, yet the word that people utter and thing that they
believe are completely run the opposite .
By definition, a person can not be Christian, yet they believe that Jesus was crucified and died on the cross .
kDefinition of the word ‘TRUTH’’’
From ISLAMC scripture we are told that TRUTH is whatever God Almighty said and whatever messengers or the prophet
said . From the Bible it clear, that TRUTH are represent by Jesus Christ and other previous Prophets, as Jesus said ;
“ if you continue in my words you shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you FREE ” ( JOHN 8:31 )
“ I am the way the TRUTH and the life, no one come to the Father except through me” ( JOHN 14:6 )
Jesus Christ spoke about the coming of false prophet in many places . So be aware and examine anyone who claim to be
inspired or claim to be a prophet . The question is ; Does MUHAMMAD a false prophet or does PAUL a false
prophet ?
How to identify true prophet and false prophet ?? We have 2 billion CHRISTIANS who say that MUHAMMAD is not a
prophet, but PAUL is a prophet sent to Gentiles /non Jewish.
On the other hand we have 1,5 billion MUSLIMS who say PAUL is a not a prophet but MUHAMMAD is the TRUE and
last prophet sent to all mankind .
For a better understanding, we put it in the following way ; Two groups of faith who claim to be the follower of JESUS,
First are Christians who claim to follow JESUS in a way that is predominantly programmed by PAUL .
The second are Muslims who claim to follow JESUS in a way that it perfected and finalized by the last prophet
And this is the reason we deliver this message to reconcile the conflict by showing the middle ground and proposing the
concept of High Definition .
DDefinition of the word ‘NAME’ ’
NAME is a word by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others . A word used to described or evaluate .
A word or term by which a person or thing is commonly and distinctively known . A word, title or phrase descriptive of
character .
As we know every items, objects and product has a NAME . In the field of mathematic, biology, geography, microbiology,
chemistry, physic, every tiny thing has a NAME .
Some people say that GOD ALMIGHTY does not have a NAME,.. that is really silly and foolish ! Think about it !
GOD almighty the Creator of all thing, the One Who posses all of the perfect nature and highest attribute, the One who
clearly distinct ,Supreme, the One who above all type of defect,.. yet ,.. He does not have a name that distinguish Him self
from others false gods ??
Therefore GOD ALMIGHTY must have a NAME, and HIS NAME is ALLAH which you about to learn in this book .
hDefinition of the word ‘PROPHET’’’
PROPHET are the one who sent by God Almighty to deliver the divine message from GOD . Now if someone claim to be
a PROPHET, does that make him a PROPHET ??? NO !
PROPHET must teach the pure monotheistic believe of the absolute oneness of God .
A PROPHET can not contradict or different essentially and fundamentally from the previous PROPHET that come
before him . Along with those thing, PROPHET also divinely guided, protected, purified by God in his conduct and
moral character .
Here we have PAUL the founder of the CROSS, who predominantly occupied 80% of the New Testament with his epistles, who
claimed himself to be apostle / prophet to the Gentiles .
PAUL said : “ I speak foolishly, I am bold also ” ( 2 CORINTHIANS 11:21 )
PAUL said ; “ I have become fool in boasting ” ( 2 CORINTHIANS 12:11 )
PAUL said ; “ I did not burden you, nevertheless being crafty, I caught you by cunning ” ( 2 CORINTHIANS 12:16 )
PAUL said : “ What I speak, I speak not according to the Lord, but as it were foolishly in this confidence of boasting ”
( 2 CORINTHIANS 11:17 )
PAUL said ; “ what I am doing, I do not understand ” ( ROMANS 7:15 )
PAUL said ; “ for the good that I will do, I do not do, but the evil I will not to do, that I practice ” ( ROMANS 7:19 )
PAUL said ; “ indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to name of Jesus Christ ” ( ACTS 26: 8 )
kDefinition of the word ‘RELIGION’’’
RELIGION may be defined as a system of belief and practice that connecting a person to Highest power and a mean to
seek GOD and a way to find TRUTH .
However RELIGION do not necessarily provide us with the Ultimate fact and absolute TRUTH, because first of all
TRUTH has definition, condition, criterions, a signs and characteristics that must be fulfilled .
Second of all RELIGION are most likely mix up with man’s tradition, culture, myth, fairytale and superstition .
Of course there are some portion of Truth in every RELIGIONS depending on the authenticity of scripture that they have .
Some Hindus Philosophers said that RELIGION is like a river or stream . No matter how crooked, how short or how long
the distance are, all RIVER are facing and going to the same direction of the OCEAN . What they trying to say is that ALL
RELIGIONS are same and will lead to GOD and obtain happiness in Paradise . You don’t have to convert one to the
other, you don’t have to criticized other faith .
This kind of thought are will not be tolerated in the Semitic RELIGIONS which Islam, Christianity and Judaism .
In my view, RELIGION are like A VEHICLES that people try to ride on it, that
VEHICLES with their driver tend to take them to certain direction and promise them an
eternal destiny .
Some VEHICLES has more follower that the other, each has different way and direction,
some try to take an easy way of short cut and some VEHICLES do not run nor making a
move .
They make their VEHICLES like monument and statue, antique item, they put some
decoration, sprinkles, mystical ornament, and they perform ritual around it.
So if RELIGION is VEHICLES and a mean to seek GOD and find the TRUTH,.. then you have to keep YOUR
VEHICLES moving, put some work on it and drive it with open hearted and open minded, you have to study the
comparison of different RELIGION and FAITH and do some research .
so in that sense,.. YES all RELIGIONS through the process of learning and searching will lead you to the same direction
and the ultimate reality and final destiny which is ISLAM .
kDefinition of the word ‘PEACE’’’
PEACE is the condition state of mind for having a feeling of comfort, secure, being free from any type of pressure .
PEACE also defined as a feeling of happiness from the fact of knowing the TRUTH, knowing the essence and the
purpose of life, even when a person being physically unsure or being harmed and tortured .
PEACE also defined as knowing and understanding the True concept of TRUTH which is total submission, Obedience
and self-surrender to the Law of God Almighty ( abbreviated in one word ‘ISLAM’ ) and this concept will bring PEACE
and Tranquility in people’s mind in the midst of hardship, difficult time, pressure, trial and tribulation .
If ISLAM mean PEACE and self submission to GOD, then why are there MUSLIMS who commit violence and horrendous
act such as kidnapping Westerner, suicide bombing and terrorist act .??
You have to know the differences between MUSLIM & ISLAM, so that you won’t get confuse . ISLAM is a
comprehensive set up system, divine institution, legislation and a way of life . MUSLIM are a person who try practice
ISLAM, since there is no human being who is perfect, so that is why there are a good and bad MUSLIM, just as we have a
good and bad people in any religion .
Therefore if a MUSLIM commit violence that is not indictment against ISLAM, just as when a bad CHRISTIANS commit
a crime and violence that is not indictment against the teaching of JESUS CHRIST .
kDefinition of the word ‘LOVE’’’
LOVE may be defined as a deep feeling attached to something for either to person, animal, material objects or special
interest in any field that will drive person’s motion and passion. Just as when a man LOVE his wife he will dream and
always remember her, he surely be willing to sacrifice at any cost to defend her .
Likewise, When you LOVE Jesus Christ, you MUST follow him . ( not following PAUL ) .
when you LOVE Jesus Christ you must stand to defend him . ( not defending PAUL ) .
JESUS said ; “ if you LOVE me, keep my commandments ” ( JOHN 14:15 )
( Don’t keep PAUL’s commandments )
JESUS said ; “ he who had my commandments and keep them, he the one that LOVE me ” ( JOHN 14:21 )
JESUS did not say ; “ he who had PAUL’s commandments and keep them, he the one that LOVE me ”
JESUS said : “ If you keep my commandment, you will abide in my LOVE ” ( JOHN 15:10 )
JESUS did not say ; “ if you keep PAUL’s commandment, you will abide in my LOVE ”
Through out the BIBLE, you will notice that JESUS always single out and referring to himself and JESUS always
disassociate himself from the way and the doctrine of PAUL .
hDefinition of the word ‘GOSPEL’’’ =>
What does GOSPEL mean ?? People said GOSPEL is a good news . But what is that good news ? Jesus Christ died on the cross
as living sacrifice and God had set you FREE .
When you study and analyze in deep, this is actually NOT what JESUS taught !!
This is the way, the idea and the commandments of PAUL, as PAUL said ;
PAUL said : “ according to my gospel ” ( ROMANS 2:16 )
PAUL said : “ if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that
God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved ” ( ROMANS 10:9 )
PAUL said : “ Jesus Christ was raised from the dead according to my gospel ”
( TIMOTHY 2:8 )
Because CHRISTIANS are following PAUL instead of following JESUS, and when
TWO persons with TWO different teachings, TWO different messages, TWO
different commands running together at the same time, it will ruin the original
concept and system .
TRUTH is mix up and concealed, its hidden from your views as JESUS said ;
“ The Kingdom of God is like Treasure hidden in the field ” ( MATT 13:44 )
In order to discover the hidden Treasure of JESUS,
first you must disconnect and unplug PAUL from
Do your homework, make a list of side by side
comparison of what JESUS said and what PAUL said .
And you will realizes that both JESUS & PAUL are
different and opposing each other, so you must take
only what JESUS said .
Everything that Jesus Christ said is TRUE, every words that Jesus spoken are
precious, JESUS is the Light, the shepherd, the way, the Truth and the Life .
If you continue believing, keeping and obeying the words and the commandments of PAUL, you will never find the
But if you continue to gather, to hear, obey, hold on firmly every words that JESUS said, you will know the TRUTH .
“ if you continue in my words you shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you FREE ” ( JOHN 8:31 )
JESUS CHRIST prophesied the coming of someone, the comforter, “The spirit of Truth”, a person, a man, the last and final prophet
who revived, rejuvenated and finalized the message of Jesus Christ and all prophets .
“ Nevertheless , I tell you the Truth , it is better for you that I go , for if I go not a way , the comforter will not
come unto you, but if I depart , I will send him ( ? ) unto you ” ( JOHN 16:7 )
People have forgotten and abandon the real teaching of JESUS, they have following PAUL .
PAUL are the founder of Christianity or the founding father of the modern Church .
If you love JESUS CHRIST you must listen and obey what JESUS said . JESUS CHRIST command you that you have to look up
to this last and final Prophet MUHAMMAD who brought the remembrances of everything that Jesus Christ have taught .
Prophet MUHAMMAD had completed and perfected the message and the teaching that JESUS CHRIST have leave off
But the Comforter , which is the Holy Ghost whom he Father will send in my name, He ( ? ) shall teach you all things
and bring all things to you remembrance what so ever I have said unto you
( JOHN 14 : 26 )
We are giving you only overviews and the highlights of each points, we suggest you to read on the subject for more detail .
In other word, JESUS CHRIST was trying to say ;
“ If you continue in my words, you shall know ISLAM and ISLAM shall make you FREE ” ( JOHN 8:31 )
This is the GOSPEL, the Good News, God’s Kingdom that Jesus Christ was tend to spoke and preached to the world .
Of course most people do not like and do not pay attention when they hear the message of ISLAM, but this what Jesus Christ have
spoke regarding the signs post, the nature, and the characteristics of the TRUTH that will set you FREE .
JESUS said“ Narrow is the way which lead unto LIFE and few there be that find it ” ( MATTHEW 7:14 )
kDefinition of the word ‘CHRISTIAN’’’
What does CHRISTIAN mean ? And how to define Christianity ??
Here are two options to help you find the answer ; (1) Does Christian mean the one who must believe that Jesus is god and
was died on the cross as living sacrifice or
(2) does Christian mean the one who believes in Jesus, ( believe in whatever he said ) and one who listen, obey, follow and
imitate Jesus as role model for those who seek the Eternal way of Guidance .
What is the implication of this critical question ;
If you choose the first answer (as most people do), you are in reality following PAUL, because the idea that Jesus was died
on the cross is to be found from the statement of PAUL( ROMANS 10:8-9 / TITUS 2:13 / 1 COR 15:4 /
2TIMOTHY 2:8 / GALATION 3:13 ) .
You are called PAULINE .
But if you prefer the second last answer, that means you have chosen wisely and that is the way it should be . Because it is more
genuine and authentic based on the precious saying of Jesus Christ in (JOHN 13:15) and it well goes along with the teaching of ISLAM .
“ For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you ”.
CHRISTIAN mean the one who listen, obey and follow the way and commandments of Jesus Christ.
CHRISTIAN mean the one who copy, imitate, more like or look like Jesus Christ .
A person who are MUSLIM also call themselves CHRISTIAN because they are following the way of JESUS . MUSLIM worship God
in prostration the way like JESUS . MUSLIM great each other in peace, obeying the way of JESUS. MUSLIM don’t eat pork
following the way of JESUS . MUSLIM male are circumcised imitating the way of JESUS .
So who do you consider yourself ; are you CHRISTIAN or are you PAULINE ??
kDefinition of the word ‘Believe in JESUS’’’
What does mean when we say ; “ we believe in JESUS ” ?
FOR MUSLIMS this statement of believe in JESUS has a real meaning in the real fullest
sense . When MUSLIMS say that they believe in JESUS, they really, absolutely and
definitely believe in JESUS .
MUSLIMS stand with the Red letter BIBLE, because in that BIBLE they put the words of
JESUS in red color, which make us easy to distinguish which words that JESUS spoke and
which one is not .
In other word, MUSLIMS do not believe the whole BIBLE from cover to cover ,because
there are many thing in the BIBLE, good and bad, some are authentic, some are not, some
words in the BIBLE are NOT spoken by JESUS, and the author of most writings are even
unknown /anonymous, so how could you trust the whole BIBLE ??
MUSLIMS do not believe of what PAUL said about JESUS .
MUSLIM do not believe in what the CHURCH say about JESUS, because the CHURCH
are driven by PAUL and PAUL contradict JESUS in many way .
So to believe in JESUS mean, you have to believe in what JESUS said about himself .
To believe in JESUS mean you must believe in what JESUS himself said about what the
TRUTH is ?
And that what believe in JESUS essentially mean .
kDefinition of the word ‘FAITH’’’
To have FAITH its mean TO BELIEVE in something, or whatever you believe in something, that is your FAITH . Then someone
may ask you ; What make you BELIEVE in such and such ??
What is your BELIEVE based on ???
Or If I tell you something that I can fly or elevate myself 5 feet above the ground, would BELIEVE me ?? You would say ;
NO,..NO,..!!! you will also say ; you have to PROVE me, because I only believe what I see .
So the point being, even FAITH / BELIEVE require a PROOF and EVIDENCE not just BELIEVE in something blindly ,..!!!
Often time Christians asking question to the Muslims ; “ Do you BELIEVE in Jesus ?? ”
Muslim said : “ Yes,.. I BELIEVE in Jesus ”, ( meaning in his mind, BELIEVE in everything that Jesus Christ said ).
Christians asking back to emphasize the question ; “ I mean do you BELIEVE that Jesus was death on the cross , do except him to
be your Savior ?? ”
If that what “Christians” mean, then it change the meaning. What he actually saying is that : “ Do you BELIEVE what PAUL said
that Jesus Christ was dead on the CROSS as a live savior ?? ”
So here through and by High Definition everything is made to be clear in outcome . Muslims don’t want to follow PAUL , but they
only BELIEVE and accept to follow JESUS .
FAITH is the ability for the person to see or to perceive unseen reality, because the fact of the matter is that the Eternal reality is
unseen, while life of this world is only illusive temporary thing
kDefinition of the word ‘ANTI-CHRIST’’ =>
The Church define ‘ANTI CHRIST ’ as being any one who deny the divinity of Christ which is on the basis of John’s
speaking ;
“ Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not God and this is the spirit of Anti Christ ”
( 1 JOHN 4:3 )
However from the Bible also we find something interesting and before we persist, let us analyzes the word ‘ANTI ’ .
When you look at the dictionary, the word ‘ANTI’ is synonyms with the following words ; opposing, against, contrary,
conflicting, rival, deferent, deviate .
Here we have in the BIBLE someone who named PAUL who contradict JESUS
PAUL said ; “ indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to name of Jesus Christ ”( ACTS 26: 8 )
JESUS said : “ He that is not with me is against me and he that not gather with me is scatter ” ( LUKE 11:23 )
Dear reader and Truth seekers, you must be with JESUS and do not be with PAUL .
We don’t say that PAUL are anti Christ . Because anti-Christ are many, the last and the final are has been identified and
revealed and it available in many resources and books for those who want to study .
But by looking through the Definition and actual practice, PAUL can literally be ANTI CHRIST .
kDefinition of the word ‘ISLAM’J
Like many abbreviations that you see today such as FBI, CNN, CIA, CBN, TBN, UN, USA, ESPN, PBS, NBC, UPS,
. ISLAM is abbreviation and short form from the long definition of profound and comprehensives set up system divinely
legislated by God Almighty.
ISLAM is the complete way of life, the only religion that observe pure concept of monotheistic belief , the absolute oneness
of God Almighty with all of His perfect nature, entity and attributes .
The only religion that teach correctly how to give and worship God, the Creator what He deserve . The only way of life
that give understanding on how to fulfill the essence the purpose of human existence .
The rule and Law, with the reward and punishment . Eternal guidance and instruction manual in detail on how perform
your daily life.
ISLAM is total submission, obedience, surrender, sincerely and willingly to Law of God Almighty
The religion and way of life that fundamentally taught by all prophets and messengers of God from the first man Adam,
Noah, Jonah, Jacob, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Solomon, Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus Christ and finalized by last prophet
Muhammad . ( Peace and blessing be upon them all )
ISLAM teach that every human being was born in the pure form, naturally incline to natural submitting his/her self to the
will and Law God Almighty ( Abbreviated in short form called ‘ MUSLIM ’ )
We urge everyone to study everything through the DEFINITION .
Study the real ISLAM from the authentic and reliable source of The QUR’AN and SUNAH ( the way it has been practiced,
shown and approved by prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Definition of the word ‘ FREEDOM ’
One of the most trickiest and disputable subject is the term and the idea of FREE-DOM .
FREE-DOM can be understood and to be perceive positively, depending on where and how do
you want to put it on .
In the political sense FREE-DOM is always associated with DEMOCRACY . we want to be
FREE, we don’t want to be controlled, FREE from slavery, FREE from being oppressed, FREE
to be able to do and express what we want .
and then as people become more civilized, the society has declined, FREE–DOM as it is practice in West has become gone
to far, going overboard, has gone beyond the limit, gone beyond the bound and out of control .
FREE-DOM as being understood in West or in America can means FREE society, FREE life styles, FREE intermingling,
FREE sex, FREE to do what ever they want, even FREE to disobey GOD, FREE even if that has to break and violate
In other word, FREE from the RULES and GOD’S LAW, and that what happen in America and Western country that
predominantly CHRISTIAN, under the umbrella of CHRISTIANITY Western country happen to be secular and FREE
society .
We may say that this is a CONCEPT of bad FREE-DOM or destructive FREE-DOM
To the point where people in the West make up their own definition of FREE-DOM, FREE-DOM in the West mean do
what ever you want as long as you don’t commit violence and crimes and as long as you don’t violate other people’s right .
However Western idea of FREE-DOM doest not give the standard the issue of moral and immoralities , what moral and
immoral does not exist , what is good and bad does not clearly distinct .
In summer time, look at the female dress up, half way naked, the prevalence of premature sexual activities, a way of
nakedness, pornography, prostitution , alcoholism, abortion, same sex marriage, gambling and casino, fortune teller, body
piercing and tattoo , mortgage and bank interest and all forms of FREE life styles, FREE intermingling ,
all of those are violation against GOD’LAW and every violation of GOD’S LAW is immoral , and people get license for
committing immoralities, FREE-DOM to practice and choose your way of life, to be liberal, conservative, religious,
apostasy, heretic, agnostic or to be atheist .
Even to the point of abstract and delusive FREE-DOM,.. FREE to deviate, FREE to apostate, to alter, to tamper, to corrupt
FREE to change GOD’S WORDS .
DEMOCRACY / FREEDOM in western context some time can be apparently positive, under the umbrella and the label of
“ human right ” , while at the same time it is a violation of GOD’S LAW and commandment .
you mean when we say FREE-DOM ,..??
Are you FREE from sin and the wrath of God , are you
FREE from the punishments of Hell Fire, ??
or are you FREE from the GOD’S LAW, FREE from
obligation, rules and regulation, which is this in itself is a
form of disobedience, destructive and misguidance .
As you looking at this pamphlet of “gospel” track, GOD SET YOU FREE,.. therefore the word FREE here can be
interpreted in 2 different ways , POSITIVE or NEGATIVE .
FREEDOM in the context of Islamic concept is very well defined and profound . In ISLAM the concept of FREE means
to be FREE from all those things, the double standard and hypocrisy , FREE from the influence of immoralities , FREE
from the influence moral decadence of our fabric society . FREE from the deception and delusion and the destructive of
spiritual bondage . FREE from evil thought and conspiracy, mind control, manmade ideology and corruption .
The only way to set mankind FREE from is when they willing to surrender and submit themselves to The one and the only
GOD, ALLAH the Creator of all things ( becoming a MUSLIM ).
Part of applying and fulfilling that ISLAMIC CONCEPT of FREEDOM,.. mean every Muslims must strive to obey
GOD’LAW and to ovoid and to stay away all form of disobedience .
So when a person becoming a MUSLIM, he / she becoming FREE,.. FREE from the wrath of GOD, FREE from the treat
and the punishment of Jahanam ( HELL FIRE ), Every MUSLIMS commanded to enjoin that which good and forbid that
which wrong . If a Muslim see anything wrong, they tend to change and stop it .
A very common question CHRISTIANS post to MUSLIMS is the following question :
If Muslims are given full free-dom to live, to practice Islam and build Mosque in America,
then “ Why there is NO religious free-dom to build CHURCH in Saudi Arabia ?????
The answer is simple, if MUSLIMS are given FREE-DOM to live and practice ISLAM in America,.. then that is the way
should be and that the way thing should work .
If people are prohibit to build CHURCH in the country of Saudi Arabia, ..that is the way should be and that is the way
thing should work .
FREE-DOM does not mean to give permission to do whatever people want to the point even when a person committing
apostate, and heretic and violating GOD’LAW ,
FREE DOM does not mean to give and receive similar and equal treatment between 2 peoples who commit 2 different thing
one is doing RIGHT & and the other committing WRONG action .
Definition of the word ‘SACRIFICE’
SACRIFICE may be divined as an acts of risking and giving up something for the sake of something
greater or in order to save or rescuing something that much worthy . Obviously there are 2 type of
first is a good SACRIFICE that being done for a good cause, SACRIFICE that being done within the realm of goodness
and performed for the sake of increasing the obedience and keeping GOD’s LAW
Secondly there is a bad SACRIFICE that being done within the realm of badness and being performed for the cause
of mischief and chaos, turmoil and pulling people away from obeying God’s LAW .
the false ideology and myth of the cross that cause and encourage people to commit more sin, the way of shortcut and
disobediences, thinking that we can live FREE, no more God’s LAW, we can do what ever we want because someone
already die on the cross to pay our sin .
This is a meaningless, undefined and bad SACRIFICE ,…
JESUS did not die on the CROSS, instead he was saved, survived and rescued by GOD as you will learn further in this book
And JESUS himself refused to perform blood sacrifice as you see in this verse ;
For I desired mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than burn offerings ( HOSEA 6:6 )
But go ye and learn what that mean, I will have mercy And not sacrifice……… ( MATTHEW 9:13 )
But if ye had known what this mean, I will have mercy & not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the
guiltless ( MATTHEW 12:7 )
Even IF JESUS REALLY DIED ON THE CROSS, this very notion is contradict, being oppose and refuted by the following 3
passage within the BIBLE .
“ The father shall not put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the father,
every man shall be put to death for his own sin ”
( DEUTERONOMY 24 : 16 )
Every man shall die for his own iniquity. ( JEREMIAH 31 : 29-30 )
“ The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son ”
( EZEKIEL 18 : 20 )
The whole notion of the CROSS / CHRISTIANITY does not make any sense, unfair, unjust and
contradict the nature of reality . Adam & Eve ate forbidden fruit and committed sin, GOD did not
forgive them and yet a thousand years later on someone named JESUS CHRIST who was sinless,
innocent who did not do anything wrong was humiliated, beat up and punished to bear responsible
for the sin that he did not commit ??
That truly unfair, unjust and does not reflecting upon GOD’LOVE & mercy and forgiveness .
So keep in mind that there is NO such a thing as someone die for anybody’s sin . Every body must
be responsible for their own sin .
TRUTH is anything factual or being honest, anything that can be verifiable, anything that can be proven either logically,
intellectually, scientifically, scripturally and historically .
TRUTH is when your thought, perception, world view, ideology or belief system mach up perfectly, goes hand in hand .
consistent, coincide and correspond with THE NATURE AND reality .
TRUTH is anything that has fidelity, identical, similar, a likeness to the standard set of origin .
REALITY is defined as anything that occur, exist, happening and take place within the spectrum of time,
space and location, whether it is happen in the past, present or future .
It is TRUE that GOD is real, death is absolute and certainty, Heaven and Hell are exist, Heaven and Hell are a fact, real and
reality . The world will end and collapse someday and this is true, fact and reality . The Day of Judgment is a fact, real and
reality . The punishment of the grave is a fact, real and reality . Those are the element of unseen world and Eternal Reality .
The existence of GOD THE CREATOR UNIVERSE, the existence of Heaven & Hell are can
not be perceive physically through 5 human sense since our sense and our knowledge are
limited and Heaven and Hell can not be proven directly through scientific exploration and
experiment .
Just as everyone believe that microorganism, virus, germ, bacteria are exist, those
microorganism can not be seen through naked eyed . you must use a tool called
microscope in order see germ and bacteria .
Everyone believe that start, planets and galaxy are there exist but those object can not be seen by merely naked eyed .
You must have and use a tool called binoculars or telescope to see them .
The same way GOD ALMIGHTY can not be seen in this life . Demon & Angels are there,
they are real , Heaven & Hell can not be proven nor seen physically in this life, you must study
and use a tool of Divine revelation called ISLAM / QUR’AN in order to see and perceive .
With regard to the religious claim of CHRISTIANITY, The question is
whether or not Jesus Christ really die nor crucified on the CROSS .
Did crucifixion really take place ? Did Jesus Christ ever claim to be God ?
Did JESUS claim to be son of God ?
Because ultimately this religious claim and historical event is something that happened in pass as far
as goes back to 2000 years ago . Who can really sure what really happen over 2000 years ago ?
Eternal and divinely or Godly TRUTH is absolutely one, this is the real absolute ultimate reality .
you have to be constantly aware and conscious . Since GOD is absolutely one ( not Trinitarian ),
the TRUTH in essence is one, the source of light and guidance is one, the message is one, the
way of life is one, the way and the form of worship is one way,
This godly TRUTH is quite the opposite from secular world view and political correctness that
very much control by mass media propaganda which they only giving you one site information .
A CHAIR and TABLE are a material object that has it own definition, description, meaning,
function, reason and it own purpose . TABLE is a material object designed to place and hold
something on it . A TABLE & CHAIR are designed to make your life and your daily activities
fell easier, comfort, relaxing and enjoyable .
Remember, TRUTH is anything that correspond with nature / match up with reality .
Eternal TRUTH is just as real as the non-material object, its even more real everlasting . TRUTH are non-material
and non-perishable existence ,
You must have something in order to get something because those are the most useful and beneficial material object .
TRUTH must be established
based on the acceptance of
the order / of the message .
CHRISTIANITY can never be TRUTH, the evidence and the argument speak for itself , it is self evidence, since
CHRISTIANITY was build based on the rejection of JESUS .
Think about the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT . There is no effect without the cause, the cause for the creation and the
establishment of CHRISTIANITY is the alleged “ death of JESUS ” .
Think about this question ; When GOD ALMIGHTY sent JESUS on earth, did GOD ALMIGHTY want JESUS to be
rejected or to be accepted ,..?? of course GOD ALMIGHTY want JESUS to be accepted ?
GOD ALMIGHTY sent JESUS to his own people / to the JEWS people and JEWS people rejected JESUS . Please keep in
mind that rejection is sin and a form of disobedience .
“ JESUS come to his own and his own people ( Jewish ) received him not ” ( JOHN 1 : 11 )
As a result of that rejection the Gentiles people and ROMAN EMPIRE took advantage, the guy named PAUL of Tarsus
distorted and corrupted the pure teaching of JESUS .
PAUL spreading false news and made up story that JESUS was tortured to death to pay for our sin, the trickiest part of it, is
that PAUL who was backed by ROMAN EMPEROR using the label of “ SACRIFICE ” and they have changed the
narrative story which is sound good perception in people’s mind .
They have made JESUS as if he was a HERO and performed blood sacrifice to save mankind, while in reality the flip side
of the coin JESUS was totally innocent and sinless, JESUS was not criminal and he should not be killed .
So here is the point ; if JEWS people did not kill and crucify JESUS in first place, will there be any CRISTIANITY today ?
Of course , NOT ,..! JEWS people rejected JESUS, they plotted, planed and conspired to kill and crucify JESUS ?
The reality is that JESUS was actually saved and rescued by GOD ALMIGHTY, that is why JESUS is coming back, when
he come back, JESUS will dispel all of the misconception and the MYTH OF THE CROSS that being attributed unto him .
TRUTH is similitude, resembled
personified & characterized like
a HOUSE and structure of
constructive building
Because HOUSE is a place and the center for everything, a place where you can take a
rest and lay your head down, a place to seek shelter and protection, a place where you can
refuge from uncertain weather condition either rain, storm, cold winter or hot summer, a
place where you find love, peace, tranquility and happiness, a place where you can nurture
and educate your kinds .
Like wise that what TRUTH is ! TRUTH is a place where you can find knowledge,
understandings, about LIFE & death, about yourselves, about the reason and the purpose
why are we here on earth, TRUTH is a place where you can ask any question and find all
the answer, because that what TRUTH is, the source of GUIDANCE, and when you live
upon TRUTH and right GUIDANCE you will find enlightenments, comfort and peace .
TRUTH has constructive component which is foundation and certain pillars and those
component made up a complete and perfect way of life and comprehensive set up
system and the only correct belief system of life .
A HOUSE has foundation and certain pillars and a roof . Just like structure of the
HOUSE and networks , like wise TRUTH ( which is ISLAM and the ONLY one ) is
something that you can not take it partially, you can NOT take some and leave some out .
The word ‘ complete ’ is a noun indicate a process of making or divinely designed,
ordained and revealed by GOD Almighty .
All prophets and God’s messenger lay the foundation and contributed in their lifetime, build up that constructive system of
TRUTH . In each time of every PROPHET, the teaching is not complete, not fully develop, and not fully revealed .
TRUTH is not something that being created, invented or discovered by humankind, TRUTH is divinely revealed and
ordained by the Creator in stages over period of certain time .
Therefore when its finished and finalized, its become a complete way of life or complete constructive building, a
complete divine revelation, that is called ISLAM .
“ Therefore whosoever hears these saying of mine and does them, I will like him to a
WISE man
( MATTHEW 7:24 )
1 . Believe in absolute one God 1 . Declaration of faith,
2 . Believe in the angels 2 . Perform 5 time daily worship
3 . Believe in all prophets 3 . Fasting in the month of Ramadan
4 . Believe in reveled books 4 . Purifying wealth by giving charity
5 . Believe in predecree / predestination 5 . Going to Hajj, annual pilgrimage
6 . Believe in the day of judgment
Those 6 pillars of believe and 5 pillars of acceptable action you must absolutely accept them sincerely in order that your
life be guided and if you believe and practice correctly you will obtain a great reward of Paradise and will dwell there
eternally .
You must accept and embrace this TRUTH way of life ( ISLAM ) because it is essential the only
correct believe system that cover and encompass every aspect of life whether political, economical ,
spiritual , social and ethical .
Embracing a correct believe system is important because psychological a correct
believe system will lead people to the correct and righteous action .
The basis SOLID FOUNDATION OF TRUTH is to observe, to uphold the genuine concept of pure
monotheistic belief in the ONENESS OG GOD .
To worship GOD the way HE deserve to be praise and worship ( not to praise and worship HIM the
way whatever we want ) .
To worship God alone directly without associate any partner with God, without setting any sharer in
His Holiness and Divinity . To give GOD’S RIGHT first over human’s right .
Not to worship GOD along with something else, not to worship GOD a long with another Gods . Not to
put any barrier, blockades, or any thing in a way between you and GOD .
Not to say anything about God that you have no right to say , not to visualize, to depict God in any
form and picture and likeness ,..
Not to give GOD that which is man’s attribute and to give man/human being GOD’S ATTRIBUTES . not to make any
thing similar / equal with GOD . not to attribute any human and animalistic qualities to GOD .
Not to say , to believe or to claim anything that lowering , degrading the honor, holiness and the sanctuary of God .
Not to say that God has offspring ,son, daughter, wife, mother, family, relative or uncle .
To worship ALLAH the one and the only GOD Who deserved to praised and worshipped . This is the nutshell the
foundation of TRUTH and the ultimate purpose of LIFE .
TRUTH is defined as whatever
GOD ALMIGHTY say and what
ever the Messenger of GOD or
Prophets say .
What ever JESUS said that is
TRUE, what MUHAMMAD said
that is TRUE what ever MOSES
said that is TRUE .
Peace and blessing of GOD be
upon all those Prophets and
Messengers .
Again it is important to seek
knowledge and to know what the
criteria to recognize the TRUE
Prophet from the false prophet .
TRUTH must contain 2 element ;
TRUTH must be logical, because
we human are being given a
highest faculty, the brain and
mind to think, to analyze and to
differentiates between right and
wrong .
Secondly TRUTH must be
divinely Revealed by GOD,
therefore its should not contain
any discrepancy and contradiction
“ What I speak, I speak not
according to the LORD, but as if
were foolishly in this confidence of
boasting ”
( 2 CORINTHIAN 11 : 7 )
The TRUE Prophet must truly
sent by GOD along with prove
and miracle to support his claim .
The TRUE Prophet must call
people to the pure monotheistic
belief to worship one GOD ( not
to worship multiple gods, like the
manmade doctrine of Trinity )
The TRUE Prophet must
consistent and confirmed the
message of the previous Prophet
that come before him .
Here PAUL said ;
“ I thought myself that I must
do many thing contrary the
name of JESUS of Nazaret ”
( ACTS 26: 8 )
Atheist claim and believe that there is NO GOD, Atheist said that GOD does NOT exist, therefore their believe lead to
another conclusion that ;
there is NO life after death, there is NO hell or paradise, there is NO angles, there is NO day of judgment, there is NO
freewill and predestination, they do NOT have a book of scripture or textbook of guidance, and therefore for Atheist life
has NO significant purpose, and NO meaning .
This is really false and delusional, because Atheism with their claim and their belief contradict the nature of
( Scientific - physical reality ) ( religious belief, theology, philosophy, ideology )
TRUTH is defined as when your thought, when your worldview, when your believe system, when your perception
consistent, correspond, coincide, goes hand in hand and mach up with the nature of REALITY .
Atheist people are so much emphasis and fully rely solely on the logic . They give their live, their thinking and their
argument based on the logic, as if they are worshipping the logic .
The world, the universe and the existent of GOD can not be proven solely based on the logic . Because our logic are
limited, our capacity and our ability are limited and we are limited being . The same way we can not rely solely based on
faith, because the word and the notion of faith oven time being misused to justify their false and blind belief . so this is
the reason why there must be a middle path of Divine Revelation .
GOD ALMIGHTY tend to communicate with HIS creation by sending a messenger from among human being to inform
mankind about this life and the next live. There will be another life which is Eternal, there is Hell Fire and Paradise, there
is a Day of Judgment where every human being will be hell accountable for what they have done .
There is another GODs creation that are unseen/ Jin/the spiritual being, Angels and also demonic being/Satan . There is a
punishment in the grave, which fact but can not be seen and view by our sight .
so in ISLAM the word faith is defined as to BELIEVE IN THE UNSEEN, the ability for the person to know, to
understand and to perceive the unseen eternal REALITY ( either Hell Fire or Paradise )
Meaning thing are still there and exist even though they can not be seen directly/tangibly, for
instant the germ, virus and bacteria, can not be seen by naked eye, they need a tool called
microscope . The start, planet and galaxy can not be seen by naked eye, those need a tool
called telescope, the air that we breath can not be seen by naked eye, but still can see and feel
the effect .
GOD ALMIGHTY can not be know by 5 human sense ; GOD can not be seen, hear, taste, touch and smell,
GOD ALMIGHTY is defining HIMSELF, HE introduce and identify HIM SELF through HIS book / HIS Words
that HE revealed through the Angels and received by the last Prophet/ Messenger of GOD, Muhammad ( pbuh ).
GOD ALMIGHTY can be “seen”, can be known and comprehend by understanding
the knowledge of GOD taught by Prophet and Messenger .
Every Prophet taught us that we should know GOD’s identity, quality, nature,
attribute .
GOD ALMIGHTY telling us that HE is the Creator of all things, He is uniquely one
and distinct, HE is Unseen, Invisible, Infinite, Perfect, Independent, Eternal, Self-
Existing, Self-Sufficient, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Knowing, All-Powerful,
If GOD can be seen in this life than the whole life and the entire creation has no
purpose, meaningless and pointless .
Think about it, the ultimate purpose of life is about a TEST and we are here TO BE
TESTED . This is true and making sense .
Every public place, every office building, Mall, shopping center or supermarket has a
surveillance camera to watch over and monitor what going on .
The producer or supervisor who conducting the scenario will not show themselves,
they put a trap and they put hidden camera and the producer are watching you from
behind the scene .
Likewise GOD ALMIGHTY are the Creator of
universe and the Creator of the entire drama and
scenario on earth what we called LIFE .
GOD ALMIGHTY will not show HIM SELF to
HIS creation .
GOD ALMIGHTY and the Angels are watching
you from behind the scene . Every single action
that you do being watched and recorded .
You will be held accountable and bring to justice
in the Day of Judgment .
If you break and disobey GOD’S LAW, you will
be punish in Hell Fire but if you obey and keep
GOD’S COMMANDMENT you will be rewarded
with the next Eternal Paradise .
This is the reason why GOD created Devil / Satan
as element in this world in order to attract, to
seduce, to delude and mislead mankind .
At the same time GOD sent Prophet, Messenger
and righteous people to warn you . GOD also
sent a Book for those who seek a guidance .
The REALITY of this life is that every item, product, material object has a purpose and
reason why they are exist or why are they being created .
Likewise human being created by GOD the Creator of all thing with REASON and
PURPOSE . The ultimate purpose of life is to know GOD, to acknowledge GOD, to obey
and worship ALLAH, GOD Almighty the way HE deserved to be worshipped and you will
be rewarded with the Everlasting live in PARADISE .
Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with nature of REALITY .
Since ATHEIST don’t believe that human being are created by GOD and they claim that human being just exist by itself
or evolved from apes and monkey, therefore ATHEISM contradict the TRUTH and contradict the nature of REALITY
The TRUTH ( ISLAM ) say that live is a test / trial prior to determine the next eternal
life and everlasting happiness, you have to do some work and to be tested and must pass the
test before graduate school, before awarded with Degree, before granted a driver license,
before get hired, before granted with US citizenship . We are being tested and tempted
with all kind of temptation good + bad in life, a set of rules / law, restriction + obligation,
attraction, distraction, amusement, delightful of life .
Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY .
Since ATHEIST don’t believe in GOD, for them life has no meaning and we are not being tested by anything .
Therefore the way of ATHEISM contradict the TRUTH and contradict the way of REALITY .
The TRUTH ( ISLAM ) say that human being created with instruction manual and book
of guidance . The REALITY is that every single products and item around us for instance ;
sell phone, ipod, laptop, rice cooker, microwave, radio, TV and everything else that you
buy come with instruction manual and guidance . Like wise human being created along
with a book of guidance and instruction manual which is the Noble QUR’AN .
Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY .
Where as ATHEISM say that GOD does not exist, then its follow that LIVE has NO book of instruction and manual .
Therefore ATHEISM contradict the nature of TRUTH and contradict nature of REALITY .
The REALITY of this live is that for the purpose of maintaining well being of
livelihood, we have appointed institution and people who in charge as security guard .
In this live there is controller, surveillance camera, supervision, video recording, to
watch over and monitor any criminal activity . Any one who commit crimes will be
held accountable in court of LAW and JUSTICE .
The same way GOD set Rule and LAW, prohibition, restriction and obligation that must be obey . Along with that Rule and
LAW, GOD sent an Angels to write every action that you do, to record every bad and good deed that you perform .
GOD also sent a Book of Guidance and instruction manual to guide mankind for success . GOD also inform us about the
Day of Judgment where in human being will stand before GOD and held accountable for what they do in this life .
Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY .
Since ATHEIST don’t believe in GOD and HIS angels and they don’t believe that our action being recorded, therefore
ATHEISM is false against the nature of TRUTH and the nature of REALITY .
The TRUTH ( ISLAM ) is like a BUILDING or a HOUSE, .. WHY ??
Because HOUSE is essential and important element for human being . HOUSE is the
center for human life, it’s a place to live, to rest, to find peace and comfort with the
love one . A place where you raise family, a place where you seek shelter, protection
from unpleasant weather condition .
There is NO other religion that has foundation and pillars in their creed and theological
concept, except ISLAM.
Every HOUSE has pillars and foundation . The REALITY is that every one of us / every human that ever live on
earth always have either a shelter, house, apartment, hotel, or any contractive building .
Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY
Since ATHEIST do not believe in GOD and all the belief system and tenants ( foundation & pillars ) related to GOD,
that mean ATHISM contradict the way of TRUTH and contradict the nature of REALITY .
( No body died for your sins )
The REALITY of this live is that if I commit a crimes, I will have to responsible for my wrong
action, everybody else will not be held accountable for my wrong action . otherwise that will be
unfair and unjust .
Everybody must responsible for their wrong doing and pay for their own sin . NO BODY die on
the cross .
Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY
Was JESUS sinless and innocent ? If yes,.. why would he be tortured, humiliated and killed to bear the sin that he did not
commit ?? The idea of the CROSS, the very notion that JESUS was beaten, being humiliated, tortured and killed on the
CROSS to bear the sin that he did not commit is inconsistent, unfair and contradict the TRUTH and contradict the nature of
“ The father shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the father,
every man shall be put to death for his own sin ( DEUTERONOMY 24:16 )
Every man shall die for his own iniquity ( JEREMIAH 31:29-30 )
“ The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son ”
( EZEKIEL 18:20 )
“ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected
knowledge,… because you have forgotten the LAW of your God ” ( HOSEA 4:6 )
“ Prove all thing hold fast that which is good ” ( 1 THESE 5:21 )
“ Come now and let us reason together said the Lord ( ISAIAH 1:18 ) .
To have KNOWLEDGE mean to know, to be aware of what going on, to be critical, to be reasonable, to know the
historical evidence for the thing that they claim and believe .
Instead of being stack, lack up, held hostage in BLIND BELIEVE . Not to be constricted in pre bias
mindset, Not to put yourself in restricted preconceive notion, emotional feeling, thought and
perception . Not to let yourself stumbling in narrow mindedness of dogmatic cultural tradition .
KNOWLEDGE is the accumulation one’s desire and devoted lifetime to learn, to study,
to research, to investigate and collect all related information of the subject matter, to think
deeply and analyses thing objectively and being able to comprehend and see the whole
paradigm picture and being able to perceive the Unseen Eternal world of reality . ( as
opposed to just indulging in temporal unreal world )
“ whoever exalts ( arrogant ) himself will be humble ( humiliated ) and he who humbles himself will be exalted ”
( MATTHEW 23:12 ) “ humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will lift you up ” ( JAMES 4:16 )
To be humble means basically to OBEY AND SURRENDER YOURSELF TO
People thought that they being HUMBLE, yet they are humbling to the wrong thing .
You must tolerate others who hold different views, you must be willing to listen, to consider
someone’s idea when it is presented with the sound proof and evidence . Also removing all
type of negative thinking such as prejudice, bias and precondition . Do not resist reasoning
and constructive criticism from others , neither feel offended and emotional .
JESUS said “ Blessed is he who is not offended because of me ” ( MATTHEW 11:6 )
We live in a multi-cultural and diverse society, people come from different ethnic backgrounds,
different lifestyles with different views and perspectives, they may have different thoughts and
understanding .
Consider also that it is our right to have freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom expression and freedom of
choice . SO if anybody approach you and confront you with different view of TRUTH, you should not get offended by
and don’t get angry, don’t get emotional .
“ Love your enemy, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,
pray for those who spitefully persecute you ” ( MATTHEW 5 : 44 )
Loving your enemy does not mean supporting or joining their acts of evil door, rather try to guide them
sincerely by way of wisdom, compassion and patient . Differences and division in religious
belief sometimes cause conflicts, hatred, enmity and hostility .
However you being different does not mean we should hate or even look at each other as the enemy.
You need to think and answer this crucial question ;
How can I love you even though we are different ,..? How can I love you if I am against you ? How can I love you when
I am not with you,
I have to be with you, In order to be with you, first I must find something in common, find something that is appealing, find
the similarities, something that you and I can agree upon and come to an agreement .
“ O, foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all that prophets have spoken ” ( LUKE 24:25
“ if anyone of you lack of wisdom, let him ask God, Who gives to all liberally and without
reproach and it will be given to him” ( JAMES 1:5 )
A wise person has an amazing personality and characteristic of patience, tolerance, humility, sincerity, honesty,
forgivingness and truthfulness . Wisdom is having knowledge and being able to see and comprehend things deeply
beyond the outward appearance .
“ Narrow is the way that lead unto life and few there that find it ” ( MATTHEW 7: 14 )
JESUS CHRIST taught pure monotheistic belief that there is only absolutely one GOD
( not trinity ), JESUS taught that he was sent by GOD, meaning he was a messenger of
GOD . JESUS taught us how to pray, and JESUS himself pray and worshipped GOD .
JESUS taught that GOD,S LAW must be observed, preserved and to be obey all the time .
JESUS taught that if you wish to enter PARADISE you must keep and obey GOD’S LAW
and divine commandment .
Thus by definition and actual practice JESUS CHRIST WAS A MUSLIM and HE
“ wide is the gate ,broad is the way that led to unto destruction and many will go in ” ( MATTHEW 7 : 13 )
The way of destruction and HELL FIRE is surrounded
by all form of delusional, deception, laziness, easiness,
pleasure and worldly attraction .
The way of darkness and HELL FIRE is widely open,
there is NO LAW, NO rules and regulation, there is
NO obligation .
They thought that they can go to HEAVEN by way of
short cut, they offer you FREE TICKET .
Every Prophet and Messengers of God has been sent for the same purpose and with the same message and all that they
brought is just one thing in command ;
“ worship God alone and obey His everlasting commandment “.
Not one of those Prophets ever claimed or said ;
“…I am God and worship me..”…!!.
In fact the first of all and the main commandment that Jesus
teaches us is to acknowledge the Oneness of God (Allah), this the
God who created Jesus and the God whom Jesus worship ,..!!
( MARK 12 : 29 )
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ , whom thou hast sent
( JOHN 17:3 )
Notice the conjunction ‘ and ’, indicating 2 separated entities between God and Jesus Christ .
Jesus was sent by God, so the one who is sent by God, he is a Messenger of God .
After we acknowledge that Jesus was messenger of God or a prophet ,then what is the message that
he sent to his people ? Let us see what Jesus said ;
“ and I know that His commandment is life everlasting ”
( JOHN 12 : 50 )
There is NO way in any shape or form that GOD’S LAW to be abolish, because the purpose of
God’s Law is to keep our live in order, to show mankind right and wrong and to guide them on the
right path .
“ if thou wilt enter into ( Heaven/ eternal ) life , keep the commandment ”
( MATTHEW 19:17 )
JESUS did not say ; “ if you wish to enter Paradise, you must believe that I dead on cross ”
Often time Christians disagree and resist and come up with this argument . They said ;
“who can please God and meet God’s standard by doing works and keeping the LAW and commandments ?
ANSWER ; God know that human being are weak and imperfect, the point is that God is Most Merciful and Most
Forgiving, He does not require 100% perfect obedience from His servant .
God bestows Mercy and forgiveness while mankind is commanded to beg forgiveness with a sincere repentance .
The point being ; “ FORGIVE and FORGET ” . how simple is that,..!!
Suppose you want to take a any test and examination in school, or taking a test for driver
license, taking a test for US citizenship , they give 100 question . Do you have to be
100% correct in order to pass the test ?? of course NO ,.!
If you can fill out and answer correctly 80% - 90% of the question, then you can surely
pass .
We are told from the Biblical version that Adam and Eve committed sin, they ate forbidden
fruit, God was so tremendous angry to the point that every innocent child that is born inherit
that sin .
And many thousand years later, an innocent person (Jesus Christ) was punished, tortured
and killed for the sin that he did not commit . Sadly, this is of course does not reflecting upon
God’s Love, Mercy and Justice .
GOD ALMIGHTY is The Most Loving Kind and Forgiving, He can just simply forgive
Adam & Ave and mankind and let His “beloved son” Jesus Christ free to go without being
crucified for the sin that he did not commit .
If you are a loving father and someone is harming you or commit a crime against you,
you are either prosecute that person to the court of LAW or if you are a loving kind person,
you simply just forgive that person .
You will not grasp your loving son and torture him in order to forgive that person that
harm you .
Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY .
In CHRISTIAN theology GOD is being depicted as a Loving Father, the doctrine of
“original sin” say that Adam and Ave committed sin unintentionally, this was their first
mistake that they commit anyhow .
GOD the loving Father so angry did not forgive Adam & Ave . Yet GOD let HIS son (
JESUS ) being beaten, tortured, humiliated and killed to bear responsible for the sin that
JESUS did not commit .
This is unfair, unjust, non sense, insanity, baloney and hogwash ….!!! CHRISTIANITY is
against the principle of TRUTH and contradict the very nature of practical REALITY .
PAUL is one of most influential person in the Christian world, in fact 80% New Testament of the Bible filled up with
his epistles . PAUL preached his OWN gospel of Jesus being equal with God and that he has abolished the Law, being
crucified on the cross which is different from what Jesus taught .
While the basic fundamental teaching of Jesus the one we just explained in brief .
So in order to unlock and discover the TREASURE OF JESUS CHRIST, one must be willing to
unplug themselves from Paul because Jesus Christ also said :
“ no man can serve 2 masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to
the one and despite the other ” ( MATTHEW 6 : 24 )
You can not love JESUS while still loving and obeying PAUL at the same time . You
can not follow PAUL and JESUS at the same time, either you must reject PAUL in
order to accept and follow JESUS . The reason is because PAUL and JESUS
are 2 different persons with 2 different teachings and 2 different messages .
“ Let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord , he is a double-minded man,
unstable in all his way ” ( JAMES 1:7-8 )
“ Draw near to God and He will draw near you, cleanse your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts you
double minded ” ( JAMES 4 : 8 )
ISLAM is calling people back to the way and the original message of JESUS CHRIST, because the Divine
message and original teaching of JESUS has been altered and distorted and misconstrued by PAUL .
We have the prophecy by prophet Jeremiah where it talk about some
peoples who distorted and changed the pure message of JESUS .
They wrote a book ( BIBLE ) with their own hand and claim to be
inspired from GOD .
After you study and read this book you will realize that this prophecy
obviously goes to and describing an individual name ST PAUL OF
“ How can you say ; We are wise and the Law of the Lord is with us ? Look, the false pen of the scribes
certainly works falsehood . The wise man is ashamed . They are dismayed and taken . Behold, they
have rejected the word of the Lord , so what wisdom do they have ”
( JEREMIAH 8:8 )
Remember that ST PAUL OF TARSUS was not one of the 12 official disciples of JESUS, keep in mind that ST PAUL
never meet JESUS, also ST PAUL wrote 80% of The New Testament .
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
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Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH
Can you handle The TRUTH ,..?  Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH

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Can you handle The TRUTH ,..? Missing page history of JESUS and Hidden TRUTH

  • 1. There are many different but there is only one TRUTH 1
  • 2. Table of contents Uncover the TRUTH and hidden TREASURE , …………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 The power of HD, High Definition , ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16 Applying critical thinking on religious conflict , …………………………………………………………………………………. 5 There was a huge riot, conflict and clash in 1st century ………………………………………….. 39 between the follower JESUS VS the follower of ST PAUL JESUS was sent strictly to Jewish people only ,………………………………………………………. 40 St PAUL of Tarsus violated commandment of JESUS and preached to the Gentiles , …………………………………………………………………………. 42 St PAUL of Tarsus distorted the message of JESUS and created new religion and new gods different from what JESUS taught ……………………………. 44 St PAUL of Tarsus was apostate and heretic deserve to death …………………………………… 45 St PAUL of Tarsus protected by ROMAN Government …………………………………………….. 46 St PAUL of Tarsus invented CHRISTIANITY ……………………………………………………… 48 St PAUL of Tarsus a member of Pharisees ……………………………………………………….. 50 St PAUL of Tarsus false prophet, ravenous wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing ,…………………………………………………………………………. 51 St PAUL of Tarsus’s claim to have seen JESUS in vision is invalid and obviously he was a liar ,..! …………………………………………………………………….. 52 St PAUL of Tarsus wrote 80% of the New Testament ……………………………………………... 53 St PAUL of Tarsus a Tares amongst the WHEAT ,…………………………………………………. 54 Prove and evidence that JESUS was not a Christian And he never taught CHRISTIANITY ,…………………………………………………………………. 55 Did St PAUL of Tarsus really follow JESUS ,...? NOT at all ……………………………………… 56 Side by side comparison JESUS VS PAUL ……………………………………………………….. 58 CHRISTMAS pagan influence in Christianity ,………………………………………………………… 62 2
  • 3. ESTER bunny, another pagan influence adopted in Christianity ………………………………….. 64 JESUS CHRIST did not die on the CROSS , Instead he was escaped and rescued by GOD ……………………………………………………….. 66 Refuting the LABEL of “ LIVE SAVIOR ” Undefined meaningless sacrifice ,……………………………………………………………………… 73 The superstitious belief and MYTH of the CROSS ,………………………………………………….. 77 Ilohim, Yahweh, Jehovah or Allah ,O,..GOD ,… what is your name ,??? ……………………….. 81 TRINITY VS ONE GOD,/ the falsehood of TRINITY …………………………………………….... 85 JESUS CHRIST never claim to be GOD ……………………………………………………………… 89 Examining the doctrine of TRINITY ……………………………………………………………………. 97 Genuine concept of absolute ONE GOD ……………………………………………………………… 99 Many things that GOD CAN NOT DO ………………………………………………………………… 103 “ The words manifest in the flesh” , … what does it mean ?? ………………………………….. 106 Reason and prove that JESUS is not a “SON OF GOD” ………………………………………… 109 What did JESUS say about himself ?? ……………………………………………………………… 115 Change and Corruption in the BIBLE ( CNN & BBC NEWS ) …………………………………… 119 Who wrote the BIBLE ?? ……………………………………………………………………………… 117 Double standard and paradoxical within the BIBLE ………………………………………………… 123 How to study the BIBLE according to JESUS ……………………………………………………… 123 RED/ Stop following St PAUL X GREEN / follow JESUS only ……………………………… 127 MOSES, CHRIST and MUHAMMAD ( peace be upon them ) taught the same teaching and one divine message ……………………………………………… 160 Prophet MUHAMMAD prophesied in the BIBLE …………………………………………………… 166 ISLAM the Kingdom of GOD that Jesus Christ was trying to establish …………………………………………………………… 176 FREEWILL and predestination ,…………………………………………………………………….…. 183 CAN THERE BE OBJECTIVE LEGISLATED MORALITY ,…………………………………….………………………. 206 3
  • 4. Anti-Christ revealed, one eyed king ,……………………………………………………….. ………………………………… 212 Mark of the beast 666 REVEALED , ………………………………………………………………………………………………... 229 ILLUMINATI & ZIONIST AGENDA ,global conspiracy and mind control ,……………………………………... …………………………….. 241 What will JESUS do when he return in his second coming ? ………………………………………………….… 246 This book is published by IFS-CDA ( Inter Faith Studies and Community Development Association ) Non-profit Organization Our research study in conveying the TRUTH are based on certain principle ; 1 ) We have to follow the basic principle and the basic foundation of learning ( be rational, put everything in order / not out of order / place everything to where it belong, Seeking the authenticity and consistency by applying research study method to have side by side ………….comparison of anything ) 2 ) This intensive BIBLE study is scholastic and academic intended as a set of curriculum ( we don’t just engage in indoctrination, emotional feeling and blind faith ) 3 ) We are encouraging and promoting rational critical thinking and intellectual . …...reasoning (not just believe thing blindly, / not just have “faith” ? ) 4 ) Study and look at thing from historical context, taking you back in time of history . 5 ) Study the historical accuracy, we have to follow the time line and chronological event 6 ) We need to look thing from multiple perspective and to understand the argument …...contemporary analysis 7 ) Lastly this is BIBLE study in the light of comparison ( comparing and contrasting 2 … major scripture, The QUR’AN & BIBLE ) ( comparing and contrasting 2 historical figure, JESUS VS PAUL ). 4
  • 5. 8 ) Understanding the conflict resolution, introducing the concept of HD ( High Definition ) …. get into clarity and precision, let get into the Definition of matter . Be prepare to open your eye, open your mind and open your heart and accept the TRUTH What is critical thinking ?? First of all, why do you have to think about anything ? Thinking is a process to figure thing out, to question any claim or belief and to evaluate any information . When you start thinking that will cause your mind to curious, you want to know and find out something . You have a desire to explore and you will discover and open up a window of enlightenment, new thought and idea . Critical thinking is intellectual and scientific approach, a way of looking at thing from an open minded and multiple perspective . Most people don’t like to use their mind to think / not even have desire to be logical person who use basic logic and common sense when it come to religious believe . They feel as if, thinking is heavy, it require to spend time and energy, it cause tired and exhausted, ( as they said ; “ I don’t want to think about it ” or “ I don’t have time for it ” ) So instead, most people just believe what ever they want to believe, they just accept thing as face value, follow thing blindly because they feel convenience . In any case people find reason and excuse not to be blamed being wrong since most people have done it . What is critical thinking ? There are many definition of critical thinking, One of them is ; “ The careful application of reason in the determination of whether a claim is true ” - Moore and Parker . 5
  • 6. Another definition is ; “ judicious reasoning about what to believe and therefore, what to do ” .. Wikipidia’s definition of critical thinking ; “ a way deciding whether a claim is always true, sometimes true, partly true or false” Critical thinking is about how to think critically, logically, consciously, thinking independently outside the box, inquiring the knowledge, know what to think and how to think, being aware and knowing what going on . The basic foundation of learning is to question thing that people believe, require prove and evidence, examine and evaluate the claim, remove all kind of stereotyped, gather all the information from all different source, make assessment and sound judgment , study objectively, comparing and contrasting all the cases, find out for yourself what is the right way to believe and what is the right thing to do ?? What is the right thing to believe ? , It is important for you to have a correct believe, because what you believe will lead you and manifest in your right action, your correct believe and right action will impact your future life, what you believe and what you do will determine your final eternal destiny . If you don’t even know where you are heading,.. or where will your final eternal destiny be , then study and seek knowledge, just keep in mind that death is not the end of everything, is it only transition and a gateway for your next spiritual journey,… so think about it and its time to reflex . We are living in a modern world and free society with the advancement of technology and social media. Everything that you see, hear and accouter will somehow shape your feeling, thought, perception and your worldview . Your worldview is the way you view and perceive the live of this world . People so busy being so much consumed with worldly material pursuit, accumulate wealth from money, house, car, carrier or something that they thought will give them happiness . People have forgotten the question what is the most valuable in life or the question ; Does LIFE has a purpose ? What happen to your soul when you die ? People only concern about making money and material posses, they willing to get money by any mean necessary and disregard all the ethical value and the highest moral standard . People don’t realize that they being enslaved mentally, psychologically as well as physically, simply because they don’t have the divine guidance, not knowing the purpose of life and the purpose of our existence as human being . Some people watching TV all day and believe whatever come out from it . In fact TELEVISION is the most effective tool use by the elite and conspirator for mind control and brainwashing people . So don’t let the TELEVISION control you, rather you have to control TELEVISION and other media network and technological devise . Learn how to take control and manage your life, balancing your worldly and spiritual life . You may watch a little bit of everything, be selective, watch anything that informative and has educational value . Even the NEWS that you see in TV may not be 100% accurate, because the media mainly only concern about making money, driven for profit, self interest and political agenda . Most people believe what they see in TELEVISION, whether talking about history, news, politic, science fiction, movies, Church ministry and religious claim . 6
  • 7. However sooner you will realize that the mass media and government are not really honest neither they concern about conveying GOD’S TRUTH . ( What is GOD’S TRUTH it seem to be subjective since there are too many different religion and each claim to be right one ) So you don’t just believe thing blindly without having knowledge . You have to study and find out for yourself and knowing the structure of a logical argument . Identifying Logical fallacies and fallacious argument In critical thinking skill you will learn to identify fallacious argument and the fallacy of wishful thinking , what make thing as bad argument, what is wrong with it ? You will be able to identify and spot the fallacy of the argument . Think as follow ; Premise ; I desire X to be true . Premise ; ( when I desire X to be true, that is good reason to think X is true ) Conclusion ; X is actually true Most Christians believe in something to be true based on presumption and emotional feeling . They either appeal to common practice, appeal to predominated authorities, appeal to predominated institution, appeal to predominated popular culture and tradition and appeal to emotion feeling and attachment . JESUS CHRIST said ; “ Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall ‘see’ God ” ( MATTHEW 5 : 8 ) Surely, seeing God does not mean seeing Him tangibly in the physical form . Rather it mean seeing the inwardly unseen and Eternal reality . Seeing and knowing the True concept of God and Eternal Guidance . You must READ and STUDY BIBLE objectively with the intention of seeking the TRUTH ( not the truth as its dictated by the CHURCH and not the truth the way you have been programmed and brainwashed to believe by major Institution ) Being ignorance is the worse thing in you as human being ,..! So be smart,..! Don’t be enslaved ,..! Set yourself FREE,..! Educate yourself,..!! Don’t be deceive,..! Start thinking out of the box . Go and see things beyond the surface and outward appearance ,..! Go and think beyond the LABEL and FORMALITIES, go beyond the STATISTICAL ,..! Go and think beyond the cultural TRADITION that has no source of TRUTH ,..! Go beyond the pre-mindset and perception . Get out of the BOX and BAGGAGE . Don’t be in NARROW MINDED ,..! step outside,.. look at a BIG PICTURE,..! Look at the VISION and new Paradigm and see the world of REALITY ,..! Go into deep, go into the essence, go into the substance, go into the definition ,..! The key aspect of critical thinking : Curiosity and open mindedness 7
  • 8. To be open minded does not mean that you have to agree and accept someone’s view . To be open minded mean you have to listen what some one have to say, examine the evidence that being presented, recognize the validity of the supported argument, analyze the proposition objectively . It would be beneficial if you accept the TRUTH ( please note that the TRUTH has a signpost, condition, characteristic, requirement that must be fulfill, even TRUTH has definition that you will came to learn and all lead to ISLAM ) However its up to you either to accept or to reject, for you are given a FREEWILL and FREECHOICE . But at the some time you will be judged and you will be held accountable for choice that you make . Because you are given the highest faculty by GOD ALMIGHTY that is A BRAIN and a MIND to think, to ponder, to analyze, to determine and differentiate what is right and wrong,… So choose wisely ! ( choose and embrace ISLAM ) Holding preconceived notion & preconceived mindset What happen with CHRISTIANS around the world is that when they read the BIBLE, they read it inside the BOX along with inherited opinion . When a Christians read their BIBLE, in the back of their mind already preloaded with the preconceived mindset and preconceived notion, they already have a mental picture in their mind with the idea of JESUS died on the CROSS . Therefore when they read some passage and the word of JESUS, they interpreted the way its dictated by the CHURCH or the way the CHURCH want them to interpreted . That is unfair and unhealthy mentally and psychologically ! Your mind is not totally FREE, your thought being tied up and enslaved by the appeal of cultural tradition, your notion and feeling being preoccupied by common believe, common practice, major opinion and popular authorities/ Church . Its just like you read the ancient book with presumption of in your mind, the Church giving you A LENS OF THE EYES that already marked with the image of the CROSS . So you have to change your mindset, read the BIBLE with a clear new eye glass and with a new clear lens . What is the fallacy of wishful thinking ? It is involves believing a claim to be true because one desire to believe that it is true or because one desires not to believe that an opposed claim is true . False believe based on emotional feeling and assumption I believe and feel something is true, because I think and I feel it is true, because many people believe what I believe, therefore its must be true no matter what other say . ( appeal to common practice ) 8
  • 9. “ I believe Christianity is true, because I was born and raised in Christian country and Christian environment ” ( appeal to cultural tradition ) “ I am Catholic, I think Catholicism is true, because it has a large followers, they have a major organizational structure, a nice physical architect of the Church, they have Catholic school, Catholic hospital” ( appeal to majority ) popularity ) “ I think Christianity is true, because once I was illegal immigrant, Lord blessed me, I been sponsored by the Church, now I have a Green card and I am happy ” ( appeal to authority ) “ I think Christianity is true because once I was a bad person, I was drug dealer, drug addict ,.. I was alcoholic, then I one day I had a vision, Jesus visited me in a dream, now my life is change ,” ( appeal to emotional feeling ) ALL OF THOSE are subjective view and personal feeling and TRUTH can not be supported, identified, determined and established based on opinion, emotional feeling and presumption . Everything has 2 side, inward and outward, so look both side You have to think objectively, think logically, open the BIBLE, examine the evidence, analyze thing consciously, DO your own research , Study the origin and history of the thing that people believe and claim or religious belief . Look at thing from all different direction, look at thing from different distance, from different angle, from different perspective, different point of view, look at the flip side of the coin . Thing may look good and beautiful on one side, but if you look at on the other side, its may look ugly horrible, you have to look at both side and make comparison, make assessment and make a conscious judgment . “ GOD is LOVE you, Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins, GOD set you FREE, you are guarantee for Paradise “ How do you know whether the claim really true, ? Does the claim based on the prove and solid evidence ? Does Christian’s claim being supported and structured by a logical and valid arguments ?? NOW LET US LISTEN AND CONSIDER THE ISLAMIC ARGUMENT “ So in actuality JESUS was being criminalized and murdered and to cover up their criminal act, people put a nice label of “sacrifice” as if JESUS have done something like super hero ” “ But now you seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, ( JOHN 8 : 40 ) 9 “ if you don’t accept JESUS as your life savior, you will go straight to HELL ”
  • 10. “Now think about it,.. if Jesus was not guilty, innocent and sinless then why would he be humiliated, tortured, beat up and killed and hang on the cross to bear responsible for the sin that he did not commit ??!! ” That don’t make any sense at all ! “ I am agree with MUSLIM, they said that there is no body die on the CROSS , for every body responsible and pay for their own sin ” Every man shall die for his own iniquity. ( JEREMIAH 31 : 29-30 ) “ The father shall not put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the father, every man shall be put to death for his own sin ” ( DEUTERONOMY 24 : 16 ) In attempt to defend the divine message and the pure teaching of JESUS CHRIST We like to inform you that the doctrine of Christian CHURCH are contain Oxymoron . Oxymoron is when 2 opposite things being put together and yet overwhelmingly prevalence and acceptable in the society because its has beneficial self interest and politically correct . The name and label that being used and the icon / symbol & belief system that they claim are quite run opposite and contrary . By definition ‘CHRIST-IAN’ mean the one who obey, imitate and follow the way and the commandment of JESUS CHRIST . ( Matt 10:25 ) ( John 13:15 ) ( John 14:12 ) Surprisingly, the evidence show that MUSLIMS / ISLAMIC teaching are found to be more attached and genuinely connected to the actual teaching of JESUS CHRIST . CHRIST-IAN ( MUSLIMS are the real follower of JESUS ) CHRIST 10 On the other hand, the CHURCH with their theological belief and practice has been driven by the idea and the writing of St PAUL who clearly opposing and contradicting JESUS CHRIST .
  • 11. St PAUL Keep in mind this is the statement of St PAUL of Tarsus ; PAUL-IAN ( if you believe that JESUS is part of the godhead in Trinitarian doctrine & died on the CROSS, then you are obviously called ‘PAUL-IAN’, the follower of St PAUL ) JESUS CHRIST said ; “ Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall ‘see’ God ” ( MATTHEW 5:8 ) In order to receive this TREASURE, first of all you have to purify your mind and heart by removing all type of preconditions and previous mind sets . Surely, seeing God does not mean seeing Him tangibly in the physical form . Rather it mean seeing the inwardly unseen and Eternal reality . Seeing and knowing the True concept of God and Eternal Guidance . You must READ and STUDY BIBLE objectively with the intention of seeking the TRUTH ( not the truth as its dictated by the CHURCH and not the truth the way you have been programmed and brainwashed to believe ) Being ignorance is the worse thing in human being ,..! So be smart,..! Don’t be enslaved ,..! Set yourself FREE,..! Educate yourself,..!! Don’t be deceive,..! Go beyond the surface and outward appearance ,..! Go beyond the LABEL and FORMALITIES, go beyond the STATISTICAL ,..! Go beyond the cultural TRADITION that has no source of truth ,..! Go beyond the pre-mindset and perception . Get out of the BOX and BAGGAGE . Don’t be in NARROW MINDED ,..! step outside,.. look at a BIG PICTURE,..! 11 “ I thought myself that I must do many things CONTRARY to the name of Jesus Christ ” ( ACTS 26 : 8 )
  • 12. Look at the VISION and new Paradigm and see the world of REALITY ,..! Go into deep, go into the essence, go into the substance, go into the definition ,..! To be open minded does not mean that we have to agree and accept someone’s view . To be open minded mean we have to listen what some one have to say, examine the evidence that being presented, recognize the validity of the supported argument, analyze the proposition objectively . And after that its up to you either to accept or to reject, for you are given FREEWILL and FREECHOICE . Whatever you choose in this life, its will goes back to you and you will judge in the Day of Judgment THE NATURE OF TRUTH ( TRUTH is not just whatever you want to believe and what you want to claim ?? ) TRUTH has a identity, principle, definition, condition, signposts, standards, characteristics & requirements that must be fulfilled . TRUTH is beyond your personal thought, emotional feeling and perception . TRUTH is beyond outward appearance, and beyond all of subjective presumptions, as JESUS said ; “ Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment ” ( JOHN 7: 24 ) By nature TRUTH is secretly hidden, covered up, not commonly known by most peoples . TRUTH is exist within PUZZLE, for most people it is TRUTH will be “MYSTERY”, TRUTH is not as easy as you may thought . REAL TRUTH is unbelievable, hard to believe, TRUTH is heavy and hard to handle, .. By nature, TRUTH itself is essentially clear and pure, unadulterated However the way to know and to get to the TRUTH is surrounded by the cloud of confusion, ugliness, narrowness, plot, conspiracy and therefore TRUTH is hard to handle . This is consistent with the saying of JESUS ; 12
  • 13. “ Narrow is the way that lead unto life and few there that find it ” ( MATT 7:14 ) “ strive to enter through narrow gate for many I say to you will seek to enter and will not be able”.. ( LUKE 13:24 ) “ The Kingdom of God ( TRUTH ) is like Treasure hidden in the field ” ( MATTHEW 13:44 ) Treasure is unknown by most people, its hidden, precious and valuable . This treasure that we talk about is more valuable than gold, pearls or diamonds . In order to discover and receive this treasure one must be conscious and mentally prepared . Something that highly precious you can not just get it for FREE . You have to work in order to get paid, you must study in order to earn the degree, you must accomplish the goal before being rewarded . You have to compete and win to be the champion, you must obey, do a good deed and follow the guidance in order to obtain Eternal salvation . “ Do not fear them, for there is nothing covered that will not revealed and nothing hidden that will not be known ” ( MATTHEW 10: 26-28 ) Can you handle the TRUTH ?? The way to the TRUTH is surrounded by obstacle, hardship, difficulties and stumbling block . So, are you physically and mentally ready? TRUTH is painful and it could hurt you JESUS CHRIST said ; “ this is the condemnation that the LIGHT has come into the world and men LOVE DARKNESS rather than LIGHT, because their deeds is evil, for everyone practicing evil, HATE THE LIGHT and does not come to the LIGHT, unless his deeds should be expose ” ( JOHN 3 : 20 ) Most people don’t like the TRUTH and they hate the LIGHT, because people don’t like to be control, people don’t like to be told what to do and what not to do . We hear oftentimes people said ; “ I want to do what ever I want, I don’t like any body telling me what to do, I want to life FREE,.. FREE from the RULES and the LAW “ . Most people love to stay in darkness and they don’t like a light, because in a room of darkness that has no light people can do whatever they want freely . They can cheat, they can steal, they can change and switch one thing to something else, they will manipulate, they will smuggle, sneak through, they will do anything illegal and disobey the rules, in a dark room and has no light people can do trickery, plan, conspire and plot something . People don’t like to be told being wrong . People don’t like to be blame or to feel guilty . Imagine you have been told from your childhood to believe certain thing, about Santa Clause, about Christmas tradition, or that JESUS died on the CROSS and then suddenly some MUSLIMS telling you ; 13
  • 14. “ Those are a MYTH,.. those are wrong and blind faith, a fairytales and imaginary fiction “. If you are a CHRISTIAN, you probably will get shock, feel hurt and pain and that what the TRUTH is . Therefore TRUTH could be hurtful and painful to NON MUSLIMS . It is as hurtful and as painful as when I tell you the TRUTH and I inform you the FACT that JESUS CHRIST was actually a MUSLIM and he taught ISLAM . CHRISTIAITY is a MYTH, invented and created by St PAUL of Tarsus along with Gentile nation and Roman Empire. All religion whether Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Paulism, Judaism, Atheism all are a MYTH . WHAT IS TRUTH ? A seemingly there are many ‘TRUTH’, the TRUTH within the realm of this temporary existence that we called ‘life’ In general sense TRUTH is anything factual, anything that can be verifiable, anything that can be trust and relay on, anything that can be proven either physically, logically, scientifically and also must be correspond with basic common sense, because we as human are given the highest faculty that any other creatures does not, and that highest faculty is the MIND and BRAIN to think, to reason, to analyses, to reflect, to determine what is right & wrong, which is true & false . At one point this is how we going to judge every RELIGION whether they are true or not . There are some TRUTH in certain aspects of life, ( Natural TRUTH ) TRUTH in field of science, chemistry, in physic, in geometry, in mathematical equation for instance 2+2 =4 its always TRUE at all time, in all places . Also there is TRUTH in the law of gravity . All scientific TRUTH is relative, its discovered and relative to the function of time and space and its subject to change . People used to think that the EARTH was flat like carpet, now we know that the EARTH is round . People thought that the EARTH is the center of all the planets, then later on we discovered that the SUN is the center of the planets and all the planets circling around the SUN . There are TRUTH in the area of moral and ethical value, the law of cause and effect, : what goes around will come around . In Buddhism and Hinduism known as KARMA, if you say bad words and wrong thing consequently will hurt people’s feeling . If you steal and cheat its will cause conflict, if you harm other you will get harmed by others . Women if you dress up improper way, its will cause men to get tempted, its may lead to sexual harassment, assault & rape, or women may get pregnant and have baby out of wedlock . WHAT IS RELIGION ? 14
  • 15. The word Religion come from Latin word “ligio” or “ligare” mean to connect, “re-ligio” mean to reconnect , so with this we can define RELIGION as a belief system and practice that connect a person to GOD or some higher power to search for the TRUTH and to search for meaningful life . RELIGION is simply a mean or a way to find TRUTH and to find GOD Just as in PHILOSHOPHY, its has more perspective and has various different approach in searching for the meaning of life, the existence of GOD and finding for the TRUTH,.. like wise the RELIGION . Like wise the RELIGION, … RELIGION is a mean, a way to find TRUTH and to understand live and GOD, … we should say that RELIGION is just a process, a course ,… therefore don’t ever come to the final conclusion that RELIGION is the absolute truth and final destiny . “ My RELIGION is the only truth, if you don’t accept what I believe, you will go straight to HELL,… you are either with us or against us ”. The word RELIGION and the RELIGION itself has bad connotation and negative association, some people do not like RELIGION because it cause tension, conflict, clash and division . Many thing and images come up in people’s mind when they hear RELIGION, such as the tragedy horror of 911 terrorist attack associated with Muslim . Later on we were informed that it was more than just RELIGIOUS issue, the 911 tragedy involved political agenda, conspiracy, mind control, inside job . Yet was done deceitfully by pointing finger and blamed on someone else and masqueraded under the banner and the label of RELIGIOUS term “Jihad” and “HOLY WAR” . Another case of RELIGION is the issue of celibacy, an attempt to be holy, yet the staggering number of the case of child molestation that done in and by Catholic Priest, Another case of RELIGION is that for some people RELIGION is just like a way to make MONEY and BUSINESS spot to rip people off out of Sunday service, as it is shown in TV they have MEGA CHURCH with multi millioner preacher who drive a nice fancy car, living in mansion house and luxury lifestyle,… yet on the other side of the world we have many people who are suffer from poverty, homeless, unemployed . . So again when its come to RELIGIOUS BELIEF thing become complex , TRUTH is becoming subjective, TRUTH just a matter of emotional feeling, imaginary, just have faith without a prove and evidence, people claim to have been inspired in a dream and seeing a vision . TRUTH as perceived by people only a thought and perception shaped and formed by the influence of cultural tradition and environments . Some TRUTH get Intermix and intermingle with some element of cultural tradition, mysticism, fairytale and mythological images . Therefore TRUTH should be approached by intellectual reasoning and a deep analysis study, inquiring knowledge, providing prove and evidence . Our emotional feeling are change from time to time so we can not rely TRUTH based on emotional feeling, of course there are some good and bad aspect in every RELIGION, there are some flow in every RELIGION . Therefore we say that there are some TRUTH in every RELIGIONS . How do we know which part of that RELIGION is true and which part is false . All depending on the integrity, the authenticity and the reliability of their scripture . We find some people claim something and perform ritual practice, yet what they do, not even found in their own scripture . 15
  • 16. GOD’SWORDS is the only eternal absolute TRUTH . that exist Eternally, this automatically bring question which one is the GOD’S WORDS,.. Qur’an, Bible, Torah, Weda, holy book, or any other ancient scripture . ?? Through out reading this book you will examine and be able to determine and identify which book is the WORDS OF GOD that worthy to be follow for guidance and instruction manual . Another way I look at RELIGION, it just like a vehicle and eternal destiny . where people have mental and spiritual need to ride on that will take them to a better place So we see there are many different kind of RELIGION ( vehicles ) with different platform, different number follower/passengers try to attack people, offering some promise and future hope . Some of their driver tend to drive through the right way, some offering a way of short cut and most of them are not going any where IN ATTEMPT ON HOW TO BE MORE CLEAR, PRECISE, OBJECTIVE, SPECIFIC ,EXACT & DEFINITE . One may ask, why should it be DEFINITION in every religious words and terms ?? Because the word will be unclear and ambiguous until we define it . What does the word Definition mean according to dictionary ?? If you are willing to search the dictionary for the meaning of the word ‘ Definition ’ , or Goggle and Yahoo , you will find explanation concerning the word ‘ definition ’ as follows ; * Statement of the meaning as a word or phrase . * Putting or being clear or sharp, out lined . * Making or being definite or explicit . * The power of the lens to show an object clarity . * The degree of distinctness of opinion . * The process of research, of making limit with clarity . * To determine or set down the boundaries . From the Etymological y and Linguistic meaning ; The word definition came from Latin word ‘difiineen ’ or ‘ definere ’ which mean to limit . Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary explained as followed ; * The act of defining , determination of the limit as telescope, accurate in definition . * Act of ascertaining and explaining the signification , a description of a thing by its properties or explanation of the meaning of a word or term . • (Logic) an exact enunciation of the constituents which make up the logical essence . (Opt) Distinctness or clearness , as of an image formed by an optical instrument , precision in detail . After working and conducting some research in deep analysis study then by the grace of God Almighty we come up with the idea and the concept of dHigh Definition HIGH DEFINITION is not just to be apply or limited on physical outlook of technological advancement , computerization system, rockets science , material object , digital , soft ware and hard ware ,.. but also HIGH DEFINITION should also be apply in the concept, ideology , world view , a belief system , a way of life , our way of thinking 16
  • 17. There is absolutely Definition in every words such as ; God, prophet, messenger, religion, peace, love , gospel, Christianity, Islam, Muslim, faith, anti Christ , freedom, sacrifice , Truth and religious unity , Peoples indulge in Oxymoron claiming believing in something, yet the word that people utter and thing that they believe are completely run the opposite . By definition, a person can not be Christian, yet they believe that Jesus was crucified and died on the cross . kDefinition of the word ‘TRUTH’’’ From ISLAMC scripture we are told that TRUTH is whatever God Almighty said and whatever messengers or the prophet said . From the Bible it clear, that TRUTH are represent by Jesus Christ and other previous Prophets, as Jesus said ; “ if you continue in my words you shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you FREE ” ( JOHN 8:31 ) “ I am the way the TRUTH and the life, no one come to the Father except through me” ( JOHN 14:6 ) Jesus Christ spoke about the coming of false prophet in many places . So be aware and examine anyone who claim to be inspired or claim to be a prophet . The question is ; Does MUHAMMAD a false prophet or does PAUL a false prophet ? How to identify true prophet and false prophet ?? We have 2 billion CHRISTIANS who say that MUHAMMAD is not a prophet, but PAUL is a prophet sent to Gentiles /non Jewish. On the other hand we have 1,5 billion MUSLIMS who say PAUL is a not a prophet but MUHAMMAD is the TRUE and last prophet sent to all mankind . For a better understanding, we put it in the following way ; Two groups of faith who claim to be the follower of JESUS, First are Christians who claim to follow JESUS in a way that is predominantly programmed by PAUL . The second are Muslims who claim to follow JESUS in a way that it perfected and finalized by the last prophet MUHAMMAD . And this is the reason we deliver this message to reconcile the conflict by showing the middle ground and proposing the concept of High Definition . DDefinition of the word ‘NAME’ ’ NAME is a word by which an entity is designated and distinguished from others . A word used to described or evaluate . A word or term by which a person or thing is commonly and distinctively known . A word, title or phrase descriptive of character . As we know every items, objects and product has a NAME . In the field of mathematic, biology, geography, microbiology, chemistry, physic, every tiny thing has a NAME . Some people say that GOD ALMIGHTY does not have a NAME,.. that is really silly and foolish ! Think about it ! GOD almighty the Creator of all thing, the One Who posses all of the perfect nature and highest attribute, the One who clearly distinct ,Supreme, the One who above all type of defect,.. yet ,.. He does not have a name that distinguish Him self from others false gods ?? Therefore GOD ALMIGHTY must have a NAME, and HIS NAME is ALLAH which you about to learn in this book . hDefinition of the word ‘PROPHET’’’ PROPHET are the one who sent by God Almighty to deliver the divine message from GOD . Now if someone claim to be a PROPHET, does that make him a PROPHET ??? NO ! PROPHET must teach the pure monotheistic believe of the absolute oneness of God . 17
  • 18. A PROPHET can not contradict or different essentially and fundamentally from the previous PROPHET that come before him . Along with those thing, PROPHET also divinely guided, protected, purified by God in his conduct and moral character . Here we have PAUL the founder of the CROSS, who predominantly occupied 80% of the New Testament with his epistles, who claimed himself to be apostle / prophet to the Gentiles . PAUL said : “ I speak foolishly, I am bold also ” ( 2 CORINTHIANS 11:21 ) PAUL said ; “ I have become fool in boasting ” ( 2 CORINTHIANS 12:11 ) PAUL said ; “ I did not burden you, nevertheless being crafty, I caught you by cunning ” ( 2 CORINTHIANS 12:16 ) PAUL said : “ What I speak, I speak not according to the Lord, but as it were foolishly in this confidence of boasting ” ( 2 CORINTHIANS 11:17 ) PAUL said ; “ what I am doing, I do not understand ” ( ROMANS 7:15 ) PAUL said ; “ for the good that I will do, I do not do, but the evil I will not to do, that I practice ” ( ROMANS 7:19 ) PAUL said ; “ indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to name of Jesus Christ ” ( ACTS 26: 8 ) kDefinition of the word ‘RELIGION’’’ RELIGION may be defined as a system of belief and practice that connecting a person to Highest power and a mean to seek GOD and a way to find TRUTH . However RELIGION do not necessarily provide us with the Ultimate fact and absolute TRUTH, because first of all TRUTH has definition, condition, criterions, a signs and characteristics that must be fulfilled . Second of all RELIGION are most likely mix up with man’s tradition, culture, myth, fairytale and superstition . Of course there are some portion of Truth in every RELIGIONS depending on the authenticity of scripture that they have . Some Hindus Philosophers said that RELIGION is like a river or stream . No matter how crooked, how short or how long the distance are, all RIVER are facing and going to the same direction of the OCEAN . What they trying to say is that ALL RELIGIONS are same and will lead to GOD and obtain happiness in Paradise . You don’t have to convert one to the other, you don’t have to criticized other faith . This kind of thought are will not be tolerated in the Semitic RELIGIONS which Islam, Christianity and Judaism . In my view, RELIGION are like A VEHICLES that people try to ride on it, that VEHICLES with their driver tend to take them to certain direction and promise them an eternal destiny . Some VEHICLES has more follower that the other, each has different way and direction, some try to take an easy way of short cut and some VEHICLES do not run nor making a move . They make their VEHICLES like monument and statue, antique item, they put some decoration, sprinkles, mystical ornament, and they perform ritual around it. So if RELIGION is VEHICLES and a mean to seek GOD and find the TRUTH,.. then you have to keep YOUR VEHICLES moving, put some work on it and drive it with open hearted and open minded, you have to study the comparison of different RELIGION and FAITH and do some research . 18
  • 19. so in that sense,.. YES all RELIGIONS through the process of learning and searching will lead you to the same direction and the ultimate reality and final destiny which is ISLAM . kDefinition of the word ‘PEACE’’’ PEACE is the condition state of mind for having a feeling of comfort, secure, being free from any type of pressure . PEACE also defined as a feeling of happiness from the fact of knowing the TRUTH, knowing the essence and the purpose of life, even when a person being physically unsure or being harmed and tortured . PEACE also defined as knowing and understanding the True concept of TRUTH which is total submission, Obedience and self-surrender to the Law of God Almighty ( abbreviated in one word ‘ISLAM’ ) and this concept will bring PEACE and Tranquility in people’s mind in the midst of hardship, difficult time, pressure, trial and tribulation . If ISLAM mean PEACE and self submission to GOD, then why are there MUSLIMS who commit violence and horrendous act such as kidnapping Westerner, suicide bombing and terrorist act .?? You have to know the differences between MUSLIM & ISLAM, so that you won’t get confuse . ISLAM is a comprehensive set up system, divine institution, legislation and a way of life . MUSLIM are a person who try practice ISLAM, since there is no human being who is perfect, so that is why there are a good and bad MUSLIM, just as we have a good and bad people in any religion . Therefore if a MUSLIM commit violence that is not indictment against ISLAM, just as when a bad CHRISTIANS commit a crime and violence that is not indictment against the teaching of JESUS CHRIST . kDefinition of the word ‘LOVE’’’ LOVE may be defined as a deep feeling attached to something for either to person, animal, material objects or special interest in any field that will drive person’s motion and passion. Just as when a man LOVE his wife he will dream and always remember her, he surely be willing to sacrifice at any cost to defend her . Likewise, When you LOVE Jesus Christ, you MUST follow him . ( not following PAUL ) . when you LOVE Jesus Christ you must stand to defend him . ( not defending PAUL ) . JESUS said ; “ if you LOVE me, keep my commandments ” ( JOHN 14:15 ) ( Don’t keep PAUL’s commandments ) JESUS said ; “ he who had my commandments and keep them, he the one that LOVE me ” ( JOHN 14:21 ) JESUS did not say ; “ he who had PAUL’s commandments and keep them, he the one that LOVE me ” JESUS said : “ If you keep my commandment, you will abide in my LOVE ” ( JOHN 15:10 ) JESUS did not say ; “ if you keep PAUL’s commandment, you will abide in my LOVE ” Through out the BIBLE, you will notice that JESUS always single out and referring to himself and JESUS always disassociate himself from the way and the doctrine of PAUL . hDefinition of the word ‘GOSPEL’’’ => What does GOSPEL mean ?? People said GOSPEL is a good news . But what is that good news ? Jesus Christ died on the cross as living sacrifice and God had set you FREE . When you study and analyze in deep, this is actually NOT what JESUS taught !! This is the way, the idea and the commandments of PAUL, as PAUL said ; 19
  • 20. PAUL said : “ according to my gospel ” ( ROMANS 2:16 ) PAUL said : “ if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved ” ( ROMANS 10:9 ) PAUL said : “ Jesus Christ was raised from the dead according to my gospel ” ( TIMOTHY 2:8 ) Because CHRISTIANS are following PAUL instead of following JESUS, and when TWO persons with TWO different teachings, TWO different messages, TWO different commands running together at the same time, it will ruin the original concept and system . TRUTH is mix up and concealed, its hidden from your views as JESUS said ; “ The Kingdom of God is like Treasure hidden in the field ” ( MATT 13:44 ) In order to discover the hidden Treasure of JESUS, first you must disconnect and unplug PAUL from JESUS . Do your homework, make a list of side by side comparison of what JESUS said and what PAUL said . And you will realizes that both JESUS & PAUL are different and opposing each other, so you must take only what JESUS said . Everything that Jesus Christ said is TRUE, every words that Jesus spoken are precious, JESUS is the Light, the shepherd, the way, the Truth and the Life . If you continue believing, keeping and obeying the words and the commandments of PAUL, you will never find the TRUTH. . But if you continue to gather, to hear, obey, hold on firmly every words that JESUS said, you will know the TRUTH . “ if you continue in my words you shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you FREE ” ( JOHN 8:31 ) JESUS CHRIST prophesied the coming of someone, the comforter, “The spirit of Truth”, a person, a man, the last and final prophet who revived, rejuvenated and finalized the message of Jesus Christ and all prophets . “ Nevertheless , I tell you the Truth , it is better for you that I go , for if I go not a way , the comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart , I will send him ( ? ) unto you ” ( JOHN 16:7 ) People have forgotten and abandon the real teaching of JESUS, they have following PAUL . PAUL are the founder of Christianity or the founding father of the modern Church . If you love JESUS CHRIST you must listen and obey what JESUS said . JESUS CHRIST command you that you have to look up to this last and final Prophet MUHAMMAD who brought the remembrances of everything that Jesus Christ have taught . Prophet MUHAMMAD had completed and perfected the message and the teaching that JESUS CHRIST have leave off But the Comforter , which is the Holy Ghost whom he Father will send in my name, He ( ? ) shall teach you all things and bring all things to you remembrance what so ever I have said unto you ( JOHN 14 : 26 ) 20
  • 21. We are giving you only overviews and the highlights of each points, we suggest you to read on the subject for more detail . In other word, JESUS CHRIST was trying to say ; “ If you continue in my words, you shall know ISLAM and ISLAM shall make you FREE ” ( JOHN 8:31 ) This is the GOSPEL, the Good News, God’s Kingdom that Jesus Christ was tend to spoke and preached to the world . Of course most people do not like and do not pay attention when they hear the message of ISLAM, but this what Jesus Christ have spoke regarding the signs post, the nature, and the characteristics of the TRUTH that will set you FREE . JESUS said“ Narrow is the way which lead unto LIFE and few there be that find it ” ( MATTHEW 7:14 ) kDefinition of the word ‘CHRISTIAN’’’ What does CHRISTIAN mean ? And how to define Christianity ?? Here are two options to help you find the answer ; (1) Does Christian mean the one who must believe that Jesus is god and was died on the cross as living sacrifice or (2) does Christian mean the one who believes in Jesus, ( believe in whatever he said ) and one who listen, obey, follow and imitate Jesus as role model for those who seek the Eternal way of Guidance . What is the implication of this critical question ; If you choose the first answer (as most people do), you are in reality following PAUL, because the idea that Jesus was died on the cross is to be found from the statement of PAUL( ROMANS 10:8-9 / TITUS 2:13 / 1 COR 15:4 / 2TIMOTHY 2:8 / GALATION 3:13 ) . You are called PAULINE . But if you prefer the second last answer, that means you have chosen wisely and that is the way it should be . Because it is more genuine and authentic based on the precious saying of Jesus Christ in (JOHN 13:15) and it well goes along with the teaching of ISLAM . “ For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you ”. CHRISTIAN mean the one who listen, obey and follow the way and commandments of Jesus Christ. CHRISTIAN mean the one who copy, imitate, more like or look like Jesus Christ . A person who are MUSLIM also call themselves CHRISTIAN because they are following the way of JESUS . MUSLIM worship God in prostration the way like JESUS . MUSLIM great each other in peace, obeying the way of JESUS. MUSLIM don’t eat pork following the way of JESUS . MUSLIM male are circumcised imitating the way of JESUS . So who do you consider yourself ; are you CHRISTIAN or are you PAULINE ?? kDefinition of the word ‘Believe in JESUS’’’ What does mean when we say ; “ we believe in JESUS ” ? FOR MUSLIMS this statement of believe in JESUS has a real meaning in the real fullest sense . When MUSLIMS say that they believe in JESUS, they really, absolutely and definitely believe in JESUS . MUSLIMS stand with the Red letter BIBLE, because in that BIBLE they put the words of JESUS in red color, which make us easy to distinguish which words that JESUS spoke and which one is not . 21
  • 22. In other word, MUSLIMS do not believe the whole BIBLE from cover to cover ,because there are many thing in the BIBLE, good and bad, some are authentic, some are not, some words in the BIBLE are NOT spoken by JESUS, and the author of most writings are even unknown /anonymous, so how could you trust the whole BIBLE ?? MUSLIMS do not believe of what PAUL said about JESUS . MUSLIM do not believe in what the CHURCH say about JESUS, because the CHURCH are driven by PAUL and PAUL contradict JESUS in many way . So to believe in JESUS mean, you have to believe in what JESUS said about himself . To believe in JESUS mean you must believe in what JESUS himself said about what the TRUTH is ? And that what believe in JESUS essentially mean . kDefinition of the word ‘FAITH’’’ To have FAITH its mean TO BELIEVE in something, or whatever you believe in something, that is your FAITH . Then someone may ask you ; What make you BELIEVE in such and such ?? What is your BELIEVE based on ??? Or If I tell you something that I can fly or elevate myself 5 feet above the ground, would BELIEVE me ?? You would say ; NO,..NO,..!!! you will also say ; you have to PROVE me, because I only believe what I see . So the point being, even FAITH / BELIEVE require a PROOF and EVIDENCE not just BELIEVE in something blindly ,..!!! Often time Christians asking question to the Muslims ; “ Do you BELIEVE in Jesus ?? ” Muslim said : “ Yes,.. I BELIEVE in Jesus ”, ( meaning in his mind, BELIEVE in everything that Jesus Christ said ). Christians asking back to emphasize the question ; “ I mean do you BELIEVE that Jesus was death on the cross , do except him to be your Savior ?? ” If that what “Christians” mean, then it change the meaning. What he actually saying is that : “ Do you BELIEVE what PAUL said that Jesus Christ was dead on the CROSS as a live savior ?? ” So here through and by High Definition everything is made to be clear in outcome . Muslims don’t want to follow PAUL , but they only BELIEVE and accept to follow JESUS . FAITH is the ability for the person to see or to perceive unseen reality, because the fact of the matter is that the Eternal reality is unseen, while life of this world is only illusive temporary thing kDefinition of the word ‘ANTI-CHRIST’’ => The Church define ‘ANTI CHRIST ’ as being any one who deny the divinity of Christ which is on the basis of John’s speaking ; “ Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not God and this is the spirit of Anti Christ ” ( 1 JOHN 4:3 ) However from the Bible also we find something interesting and before we persist, let us analyzes the word ‘ANTI ’ . When you look at the dictionary, the word ‘ANTI’ is synonyms with the following words ; opposing, against, contrary, conflicting, rival, deferent, deviate . Here we have in the BIBLE someone who named PAUL who contradict JESUS PAUL said ; “ indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to name of Jesus Christ ”( ACTS 26: 8 ) JESUS said : “ He that is not with me is against me and he that not gather with me is scatter ” ( LUKE 11:23 ) Dear reader and Truth seekers, you must be with JESUS and do not be with PAUL . 22
  • 23. We don’t say that PAUL are anti Christ . Because anti-Christ are many, the last and the final are has been identified and revealed and it available in many resources and books for those who want to study . But by looking through the Definition and actual practice, PAUL can literally be ANTI CHRIST . kDefinition of the word ‘ISLAM’J Like many abbreviations that you see today such as FBI, CNN, CIA, CBN, TBN, UN, USA, ESPN, PBS, NBC, UPS, BBC, NWO, NBA, WHO,CTI . ISLAM is abbreviation and short form from the long definition of profound and comprehensives set up system divinely legislated by God Almighty. ISLAM is the complete way of life, the only religion that observe pure concept of monotheistic belief , the absolute oneness of God Almighty with all of His perfect nature, entity and attributes . The only religion that teach correctly how to give and worship God, the Creator what He deserve . The only way of life that give understanding on how to fulfill the essence the purpose of human existence . The rule and Law, with the reward and punishment . Eternal guidance and instruction manual in detail on how perform your daily life. ISLAM is total submission, obedience, surrender, sincerely and willingly to Law of God Almighty , The religion and way of life that fundamentally taught by all prophets and messengers of God from the first man Adam, Noah, Jonah, Jacob, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Solomon, Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus Christ and finalized by last prophet Muhammad . ( Peace and blessing be upon them all ) ISLAM teach that every human being was born in the pure form, naturally incline to natural submitting his/her self to the will and Law God Almighty ( Abbreviated in short form called ‘ MUSLIM ’ ) We urge everyone to study everything through the DEFINITION . Study the real ISLAM from the authentic and reliable source of The QUR’AN and SUNAH ( the way it has been practiced, shown and approved by prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Definition of the word ‘ FREEDOM ’ One of the most trickiest and disputable subject is the term and the idea of FREE-DOM . FREE-DOM can be understood and to be perceive positively, depending on where and how do you want to put it on . In the political sense FREE-DOM is always associated with DEMOCRACY . we want to be FREE, we don’t want to be controlled, FREE from slavery, FREE from being oppressed, FREE to be able to do and express what we want . and then as people become more civilized, the society has declined, FREE–DOM as it is practice in West has become gone to far, going overboard, has gone beyond the limit, gone beyond the bound and out of control . FREE-DOM as being understood in West or in America can means FREE society, FREE life styles, FREE intermingling, FREE sex, FREE to do what ever they want, even FREE to disobey GOD, FREE even if that has to break and violate GOD’LAW, FREE from GOD’S LAW . In other word, FREE from the RULES and GOD’S LAW, and that what happen in America and Western country that predominantly CHRISTIAN, under the umbrella of CHRISTIANITY Western country happen to be secular and FREE society . 23
  • 24. We may say that this is a CONCEPT of bad FREE-DOM or destructive FREE-DOM To the point where people in the West make up their own definition of FREE-DOM, FREE-DOM in the West mean do what ever you want as long as you don’t commit violence and crimes and as long as you don’t violate other people’s right . However Western idea of FREE-DOM doest not give the standard the issue of moral and immoralities , what moral and immoral does not exist , what is good and bad does not clearly distinct . In summer time, look at the female dress up, half way naked, the prevalence of premature sexual activities, a way of nakedness, pornography, prostitution , alcoholism, abortion, same sex marriage, gambling and casino, fortune teller, body piercing and tattoo , mortgage and bank interest and all forms of FREE life styles, FREE intermingling , all of those are violation against GOD’LAW and every violation of GOD’S LAW is immoral , and people get license for committing immoralities, FREE-DOM to practice and choose your way of life, to be liberal, conservative, religious, apostasy, heretic, agnostic or to be atheist . Even to the point of abstract and delusive FREE-DOM,.. FREE to deviate, FREE to apostate, to alter, to tamper, to corrupt FREE to change GOD’S WORDS . DEMOCRACY / FREEDOM in western context some time can be apparently positive, under the umbrella and the label of “ human right ” , while at the same time it is a violation of GOD’S LAW and commandment . AMERICA is THE LAND OF FREE-DOM . But what do you mean when we say FREE-DOM ,..?? Are you FREE from sin and the wrath of God , are you FREE from the punishments of Hell Fire, ?? or are you FREE from the GOD’S LAW, FREE from obligation, rules and regulation, which is this in itself is a form of disobedience, destructive and misguidance . As you looking at this pamphlet of “gospel” track, GOD SET YOU FREE,.. therefore the word FREE here can be interpreted in 2 different ways , POSITIVE or NEGATIVE . FREEDOM in the context of Islamic concept is very well defined and profound . In ISLAM the concept of FREE means to be FREE from all those things, the double standard and hypocrisy , FREE from the influence of immoralities , FREE from the influence moral decadence of our fabric society . FREE from the deception and delusion and the destructive of spiritual bondage . FREE from evil thought and conspiracy, mind control, manmade ideology and corruption . The only way to set mankind FREE from is when they willing to surrender and submit themselves to The one and the only GOD, ALLAH the Creator of all things ( becoming a MUSLIM ). Part of applying and fulfilling that ISLAMIC CONCEPT of FREEDOM,.. mean every Muslims must strive to obey GOD’LAW and to ovoid and to stay away all form of disobedience . So when a person becoming a MUSLIM, he / she becoming FREE,.. FREE from the wrath of GOD, FREE from the treat and the punishment of Jahanam ( HELL FIRE ), Every MUSLIMS commanded to enjoin that which good and forbid that which wrong . If a Muslim see anything wrong, they tend to change and stop it . A very common question CHRISTIANS post to MUSLIMS is the following question : If Muslims are given full free-dom to live, to practice Islam and build Mosque in America, then “ Why there is NO religious free-dom to build CHURCH in Saudi Arabia ????? The answer is simple, if MUSLIMS are given FREE-DOM to live and practice ISLAM in America,.. then that is the way should be and that the way thing should work . If people are prohibit to build CHURCH in the country of Saudi Arabia, ..that is the way should be and that is the way thing should work . 24
  • 25. FREE-DOM does not mean to give permission to do whatever people want to the point even when a person committing apostate, and heretic and violating GOD’LAW , FREE DOM does not mean to give and receive similar and equal treatment between 2 peoples who commit 2 different thing one is doing RIGHT & and the other committing WRONG action . Definition of the word ‘SACRIFICE’ SACRIFICE may be divined as an acts of risking and giving up something for the sake of something greater or in order to save or rescuing something that much worthy . Obviously there are 2 type of SACRIFICE ; first is a good SACRIFICE that being done for a good cause, SACRIFICE that being done within the realm of goodness and performed for the sake of increasing the obedience and keeping GOD’s LAW Secondly there is a bad SACRIFICE that being done within the realm of badness and being performed for the cause of mischief and chaos, turmoil and pulling people away from obeying God’s LAW . the false ideology and myth of the cross that cause and encourage people to commit more sin, the way of shortcut and disobediences, thinking that we can live FREE, no more God’s LAW, we can do what ever we want because someone already die on the cross to pay our sin . This is a meaningless, undefined and bad SACRIFICE ,… JESUS did not die on the CROSS, instead he was saved, survived and rescued by GOD as you will learn further in this book And JESUS himself refused to perform blood sacrifice as you see in this verse ; For I desired mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than burn offerings ( HOSEA 6:6 ) But go ye and learn what that mean, I will have mercy And not sacrifice……… ( MATTHEW 9:13 ) But if ye had known what this mean, I will have mercy & not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless ( MATTHEW 12:7 ) Even IF JESUS REALLY DIED ON THE CROSS, this very notion is contradict, being oppose and refuted by the following 3 passage within the BIBLE . “ The father shall not put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the father, every man shall be put to death for his own sin ” ( DEUTERONOMY 24 : 16 ) Every man shall die for his own iniquity. ( JEREMIAH 31 : 29-30 ) “ The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son ” ( EZEKIEL 18 : 20 ) The whole notion of the CROSS / CHRISTIANITY does not make any sense, unfair, unjust and contradict the nature of reality . Adam & Eve ate forbidden fruit and committed sin, GOD did not forgive them and yet a thousand years later on someone named JESUS CHRIST who was sinless, innocent who did not do anything wrong was humiliated, beat up and punished to bear responsible for the sin that he did not commit ?? That truly unfair, unjust and does not reflecting upon GOD’LOVE & mercy and forgiveness . So keep in mind that there is NO such a thing as someone die for anybody’s sin . Every body must 25
  • 26. be responsible for their own sin . DEFINITION OF TRUTH TRUTH is anything factual or being honest, anything that can be verifiable, anything that can be proven either logically, intellectually, scientifically, scripturally and historically . TRUTH is when your thought, perception, world view, ideology or belief system mach up perfectly, goes hand in hand . consistent, coincide and correspond with THE NATURE AND reality . TRUTH is anything that has fidelity, identical, similar, a likeness to the standard set of origin . REALITY is defined as anything that occur, exist, happening and take place within the spectrum of time, space and location, whether it is happen in the past, present or future . It is TRUE that GOD is real, death is absolute and certainty, Heaven and Hell are exist, Heaven and Hell are a fact, real and reality . The world will end and collapse someday and this is true, fact and reality . The Day of Judgment is a fact, real and reality . The punishment of the grave is a fact, real and reality . Those are the element of unseen world and Eternal Reality . The existence of GOD THE CREATOR UNIVERSE, the existence of Heaven & Hell are can not be perceive physically through 5 human sense since our sense and our knowledge are limited and Heaven and Hell can not be proven directly through scientific exploration and experiment . Just as everyone believe that microorganism, virus, germ, bacteria are exist, those microorganism can not be seen through naked eyed . you must use a tool called microscope in order see germ and bacteria . Everyone believe that start, planets and galaxy are there exist but those object can not be seen by merely naked eyed . You must have and use a tool called binoculars or telescope to see them . The same way GOD ALMIGHTY can not be seen in this life . Demon & Angels are there, they are real , Heaven & Hell can not be proven nor seen physically in this life, you must study and use a tool of Divine revelation called ISLAM / QUR’AN in order to see and perceive . With regard to the religious claim of CHRISTIANITY, The question is whether or not Jesus Christ really die nor crucified on the CROSS . Did crucifixion really take place ? Did Jesus Christ ever claim to be God ? Did JESUS claim to be son of God ? Because ultimately this religious claim and historical event is something that happened in pass as far as goes back to 2000 years ago . Who can really sure what really happen over 2000 years ago ? Eternal and divinely or Godly TRUTH is absolutely one, this is the real absolute ultimate reality . you have to be constantly aware and conscious . Since GOD is absolutely one ( not Trinitarian ), the TRUTH in essence is one, the source of light and guidance is one, the message is one, the way of life is one, the way and the form of worship is one way, This godly TRUTH is quite the opposite from secular world view and political correctness that very much control by mass media propaganda which they only giving you one site information . 26
  • 27. A CHAIR and TABLE are a material object that has it own definition, description, meaning, function, reason and it own purpose . TABLE is a material object designed to place and hold something on it . A TABLE & CHAIR are designed to make your life and your daily activities fell easier, comfort, relaxing and enjoyable . Remember, TRUTH is anything that correspond with nature / match up with reality . Eternal TRUTH is just as real as the non-material object, its even more real everlasting . TRUTH are non-material and non-perishable existence , You must have something in order to get something because those are the most useful and beneficial material object . TRUTH must be established based on the acceptance of the order / of the message . CHRISTIANITY can never be TRUTH, the evidence and the argument speak for itself , it is self evidence, since CHRISTIANITY was build based on the rejection of JESUS . Think about the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT . There is no effect without the cause, the cause for the creation and the establishment of CHRISTIANITY is the alleged “ death of JESUS ” . Think about this question ; When GOD ALMIGHTY sent JESUS on earth, did GOD ALMIGHTY want JESUS to be rejected or to be accepted ,..?? of course GOD ALMIGHTY want JESUS to be accepted ? GOD ALMIGHTY sent JESUS to his own people / to the JEWS people and JEWS people rejected JESUS . Please keep in mind that rejection is sin and a form of disobedience . “ JESUS come to his own and his own people ( Jewish ) received him not ” ( JOHN 1 : 11 ) As a result of that rejection the Gentiles people and ROMAN EMPIRE took advantage, the guy named PAUL of Tarsus distorted and corrupted the pure teaching of JESUS . PAUL spreading false news and made up story that JESUS was tortured to death to pay for our sin, the trickiest part of it, is that PAUL who was backed by ROMAN EMPEROR using the label of “ SACRIFICE ” and they have changed the narrative story which is sound good perception in people’s mind . They have made JESUS as if he was a HERO and performed blood sacrifice to save mankind, while in reality the flip side of the coin JESUS was totally innocent and sinless, JESUS was not criminal and he should not be killed . So here is the point ; if JEWS people did not kill and crucify JESUS in first place, will there be any CRISTIANITY today ? Of course , NOT ,..! JEWS people rejected JESUS, they plotted, planed and conspired to kill and crucify JESUS ? The reality is that JESUS was actually saved and rescued by GOD ALMIGHTY, that is why JESUS is coming back, when he come back, JESUS will dispel all of the misconception and the MYTH OF THE CROSS that being attributed unto him . 27
  • 28. TRUTH is similitude, resembled personified & characterized like a HOUSE and structure of constructive building Because HOUSE is a place and the center for everything, a place where you can take a rest and lay your head down, a place to seek shelter and protection, a place where you can refuge from uncertain weather condition either rain, storm, cold winter or hot summer, a place where you find love, peace, tranquility and happiness, a place where you can nurture and educate your kinds . Like wise that what TRUTH is ! TRUTH is a place where you can find knowledge, understandings, about LIFE & death, about yourselves, about the reason and the purpose why are we here on earth, TRUTH is a place where you can ask any question and find all the answer, because that what TRUTH is, the source of GUIDANCE, and when you live upon TRUTH and right GUIDANCE you will find enlightenments, comfort and peace . TRUTH has constructive component which is foundation and certain pillars and those component made up a complete and perfect way of life and comprehensive set up system and the only correct belief system of life . A HOUSE has foundation and certain pillars and a roof . Just like structure of the HOUSE and networks , like wise TRUTH ( which is ISLAM and the ONLY one ) is something that you can not take it partially, you can NOT take some and leave some out . The word ‘ complete ’ is a noun indicate a process of making or divinely designed, ordained and revealed by GOD Almighty . All prophets and God’s messenger lay the foundation and contributed in their lifetime, build up that constructive system of TRUTH . In each time of every PROPHET, the teaching is not complete, not fully develop, and not fully revealed . TRUTH is not something that being created, invented or discovered by humankind, TRUTH is divinely revealed and ordained by the Creator in stages over period of certain time . Therefore when its finished and finalized, its become a complete way of life or complete constructive building, a complete divine revelation, that is called ISLAM . THE PILLARS OF TRUTH 28
  • 29. “ Therefore whosoever hears these saying of mine and does them, I will like him to a WISE man who BUILT HIS HOUSE ON THE ROCK ” ( MATTHEW 7:24 ) 1 . Believe in absolute one God 1 . Declaration of faith, 2 . Believe in the angels 2 . Perform 5 time daily worship 3 . Believe in all prophets 3 . Fasting in the month of Ramadan 4 . Believe in reveled books 4 . Purifying wealth by giving charity 5 . Believe in predecree / predestination 5 . Going to Hajj, annual pilgrimage 6 . Believe in the day of judgment Those 6 pillars of believe and 5 pillars of acceptable action you must absolutely accept them sincerely in order that your life be guided and if you believe and practice correctly you will obtain a great reward of Paradise and will dwell there eternally . You must accept and embrace this TRUTH way of life ( ISLAM ) because it is essential the only correct believe system that cover and encompass every aspect of life whether political, economical , spiritual , social and ethical . Embracing a correct believe system is important because psychological a correct believe system will lead people to the correct and righteous action . BASIC FOUNDATION OF TRUTH The basis SOLID FOUNDATION OF TRUTH is to observe, to uphold the genuine concept of pure monotheistic belief in the ONENESS OG GOD . To worship GOD the way HE deserve to be praise and worship ( not to praise and worship HIM the way whatever we want ) . To worship God alone directly without associate any partner with God, without setting any sharer in His Holiness and Divinity . To give GOD’S RIGHT first over human’s right . Not to worship GOD along with something else, not to worship GOD a long with another Gods . Not to put any barrier, blockades, or any thing in a way between you and GOD . Not to say anything about God that you have no right to say , not to visualize, to depict God in any form and picture and likeness ,.. Not to give GOD that which is man’s attribute and to give man/human being GOD’S ATTRIBUTES . not to make any thing similar / equal with GOD . not to attribute any human and animalistic qualities to GOD . Not to say , to believe or to claim anything that lowering , degrading the honor, holiness and the sanctuary of God . Not to say that God has offspring ,son, daughter, wife, mother, family, relative or uncle . To worship ALLAH the one and the only GOD Who deserved to praised and worshipped . This is the nutshell the foundation of TRUTH and the ultimate purpose of LIFE . TRUTH is defined as whatever GOD ALMIGHTY say and what 29
  • 30. ever the Messenger of GOD or Prophets say . What ever JESUS said that is TRUE, what MUHAMMAD said that is TRUE what ever MOSES said that is TRUE . Peace and blessing of GOD be upon all those Prophets and Messengers . Again it is important to seek knowledge and to know what the criteria to recognize the TRUE Prophet from the false prophet . TRUTH must contain 2 element ; TRUTH must be logical, because we human are being given a highest faculty, the brain and mind to think, to analyze and to differentiates between right and wrong . Secondly TRUTH must be divinely Revealed by GOD, therefore its should not contain any discrepancy and contradiction “ What I speak, I speak not according to the LORD, but as if were foolishly in this confidence of boasting ” ( 2 CORINTHIAN 11 : 7 ) . The TRUE Prophet must truly sent by GOD along with prove and miracle to support his claim . The TRUE Prophet must call people to the pure monotheistic belief to worship one GOD ( not to worship multiple gods, like the manmade doctrine of Trinity ) The TRUE Prophet must consistent and confirmed the message of the previous Prophet that come before him . Here PAUL said ; “ I thought myself that I must do many thing contrary the name of JESUS of Nazaret ” ( ACTS 26: 8 ) IN RESPOND TO ATHEISM 30
  • 31. Atheist claim and believe that there is NO GOD, Atheist said that GOD does NOT exist, therefore their believe lead to another conclusion that ; there is NO life after death, there is NO hell or paradise, there is NO angles, there is NO day of judgment, there is NO freewill and predestination, they do NOT have a book of scripture or textbook of guidance, and therefore for Atheist life has NO significant purpose, and NO meaning . This is really false and delusional, because Atheism with their claim and their belief contradict the nature of REALITY ( Scientific - physical reality ) ( religious belief, theology, philosophy, ideology ) PRACTICAL DAILY LIFE SITUATION + THEORY / CONCEPT/ WORLD VIEW = TRUTH TRUTH is defined as when your thought, when your worldview, when your believe system, when your perception consistent, correspond, coincide, goes hand in hand and mach up with the nature of REALITY . Atheist people are so much emphasis and fully rely solely on the logic . They give their live, their thinking and their argument based on the logic, as if they are worshipping the logic . The world, the universe and the existent of GOD can not be proven solely based on the logic . Because our logic are limited, our capacity and our ability are limited and we are limited being . The same way we can not rely solely based on faith, because the word and the notion of faith oven time being misused to justify their false and blind belief . so this is the reason why there must be a middle path of Divine Revelation . GOD ALMIGHTY tend to communicate with HIS creation by sending a messenger from among human being to inform mankind about this life and the next live. There will be another life which is Eternal, there is Hell Fire and Paradise, there is a Day of Judgment where every human being will be hell accountable for what they have done . There is another GODs creation that are unseen/ Jin/the spiritual being, Angels and also demonic being/Satan . There is a punishment in the grave, which fact but can not be seen and view by our sight . so in ISLAM the word faith is defined as to BELIEVE IN THE UNSEEN, the ability for the person to know, to understand and to perceive the unseen eternal REALITY ( either Hell Fire or Paradise ) Meaning thing are still there and exist even though they can not be seen directly/tangibly, for instant the germ, virus and bacteria, can not be seen by naked eye, they need a tool called microscope . The start, planet and galaxy can not be seen by naked eye, those need a tool called telescope, the air that we breath can not be seen by naked eye, but still can see and feel the effect . GOD ALMIGHTY can not be know by 5 human sense ; GOD can not be seen, hear, taste, touch and smell, GOD ALMIGHTY is defining HIMSELF, HE introduce and identify HIM SELF through HIS book / HIS Words that HE revealed through the Angels and received by the last Prophet/ Messenger of GOD, Muhammad ( pbuh ). GOD ALMIGHTY can be “seen”, can be known and comprehend by understanding the knowledge of GOD taught by Prophet and Messenger . Every Prophet taught us that we should know GOD’s identity, quality, nature, attribute . 31
  • 32. GOD ALMIGHTY telling us that HE is the Creator of all things, He is uniquely one and distinct, HE is Unseen, Invisible, Infinite, Perfect, Independent, Eternal, Self- Existing, Self-Sufficient, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Knowing, All-Powerful, If GOD can be seen in this life than the whole life and the entire creation has no purpose, meaningless and pointless . Think about it, the ultimate purpose of life is about a TEST and we are here TO BE TESTED . This is true and making sense . Every public place, every office building, Mall, shopping center or supermarket has a surveillance camera to watch over and monitor what going on . The producer or supervisor who conducting the scenario will not show themselves, they put a trap and they put hidden camera and the producer are watching you from behind the scene . Likewise GOD ALMIGHTY are the Creator of universe and the Creator of the entire drama and scenario on earth what we called LIFE . GOD ALMIGHTY will not show HIM SELF to HIS creation . GOD ALMIGHTY and the Angels are watching you from behind the scene . Every single action that you do being watched and recorded . You will be held accountable and bring to justice in the Day of Judgment . If you break and disobey GOD’S LAW, you will be punish in Hell Fire but if you obey and keep GOD’S COMMANDMENT you will be rewarded with the next Eternal Paradise . This is the reason why GOD created Devil / Satan as element in this world in order to attract, to seduce, to delude and mislead mankind . At the same time GOD sent Prophet, Messenger and righteous people to warn you . GOD also sent a Book for those who seek a guidance . LIFE HAS A REASON AND PURPOSE 32
  • 33. The REALITY of this life is that every item, product, material object has a purpose and reason why they are exist or why are they being created . Likewise human being created by GOD the Creator of all thing with REASON and PURPOSE . The ultimate purpose of life is to know GOD, to acknowledge GOD, to obey and worship ALLAH, GOD Almighty the way HE deserved to be worshipped and you will be rewarded with the Everlasting live in PARADISE . Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with nature of REALITY . Since ATHEIST don’t believe that human being are created by GOD and they claim that human being just exist by itself or evolved from apes and monkey, therefore ATHEISM contradict the TRUTH and contradict the nature of REALITY LIVE IS A TEST, WE ARE BEING TESTED The TRUTH ( ISLAM ) say that live is a test / trial prior to determine the next eternal life and everlasting happiness, you have to do some work and to be tested and must pass the test before graduate school, before awarded with Degree, before granted a driver license, before get hired, before granted with US citizenship . We are being tested and tempted with all kind of temptation good + bad in life, a set of rules / law, restriction + obligation, attraction, distraction, amusement, delightful of life . Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY . Since ATHEIST don’t believe in GOD, for them life has no meaning and we are not being tested by anything . Therefore the way of ATHEISM contradict the TRUTH and contradict the way of REALITY . HUMAN BEING ARE CREATED WITH MANUAL The TRUTH ( ISLAM ) say that human being created with instruction manual and book of guidance . The REALITY is that every single products and item around us for instance ; sell phone, ipod, laptop, rice cooker, microwave, radio, TV and everything else that you buy come with instruction manual and guidance . Like wise human being created along with a book of guidance and instruction manual which is the Noble QUR’AN . Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY . Where as ATHEISM say that GOD does not exist, then its follow that LIVE has NO book of instruction and manual . Therefore ATHEISM contradict the nature of TRUTH and contradict nature of REALITY . EVERY ACTION THAT YOU DO IS RECORDED The REALITY of this live is that for the purpose of maintaining well being of livelihood, we have appointed institution and people who in charge as security guard . 33
  • 34. In this live there is controller, surveillance camera, supervision, video recording, to watch over and monitor any criminal activity . Any one who commit crimes will be held accountable in court of LAW and JUSTICE . The same way GOD set Rule and LAW, prohibition, restriction and obligation that must be obey . Along with that Rule and LAW, GOD sent an Angels to write every action that you do, to record every bad and good deed that you perform . GOD also sent a Book of Guidance and instruction manual to guide mankind for success . GOD also inform us about the Day of Judgment where in human being will stand before GOD and held accountable for what they do in this life . Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY . Since ATHEIST don’t believe in GOD and HIS angels and they don’t believe that our action being recorded, therefore ATHEISM is false against the nature of TRUTH and the nature of REALITY . TRUTH IS CHARACTERIZED LIKE A HOUSE The TRUTH ( ISLAM ) is like a BUILDING or a HOUSE, .. WHY ?? Because HOUSE is essential and important element for human being . HOUSE is the center for human life, it’s a place to live, to rest, to find peace and comfort with the love one . A place where you raise family, a place where you seek shelter, protection from unpleasant weather condition . There is NO other religion that has foundation and pillars in their creed and theological concept, except ISLAM. Every HOUSE has pillars and foundation . The REALITY is that every one of us / every human that ever live on earth always have either a shelter, house, apartment, hotel, or any contractive building . Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY Since ATHEIST do not believe in GOD and all the belief system and tenants ( foundation & pillars ) related to GOD, that mean ATHISM contradict the way of TRUTH and contradict the nature of REALITY . EVERYBODY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN SIN ( No body died for your sins ) The REALITY of this live is that if I commit a crimes, I will have to responsible for my wrong action, everybody else will not be held accountable for my wrong action . otherwise that will be unfair and unjust . Everybody must responsible for their wrong doing and pay for their own sin . NO BODY die on the cross . Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY Was JESUS sinless and innocent ? If yes,.. why would he be tortured, humiliated and killed to bear the sin that he did not commit ?? The idea of the CROSS, the very notion that JESUS was beaten, being humiliated, tortured and killed on the CROSS to bear the sin that he did not commit is inconsistent, unfair and contradict the TRUTH and contradict the nature of REALITY . “ The father shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the father, every man shall be put to death for his own sin ( DEUTERONOMY 24:16 ) 34
  • 35. Every man shall die for his own iniquity ( JEREMIAH 31:29-30 ) “ The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son ” ( EZEKIEL 18:20 ) DEFINITION OF KNOWLEDGE “ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because you have rejected knowledge,… because you have forgotten the LAW of your God ” ( HOSEA 4:6 ) “ Prove all thing hold fast that which is good ” ( 1 THESE 5:21 ) “ Come now and let us reason together said the Lord ( ISAIAH 1:18 ) . To have KNOWLEDGE mean to know, to be aware of what going on, to be critical, to be reasonable, to know the historical evidence for the thing that they claim and believe . Instead of being stack, lack up, held hostage in BLIND BELIEVE . Not to be constricted in pre bias mindset, Not to put yourself in restricted preconceive notion, emotional feeling, thought and perception . Not to let yourself stumbling in narrow mindedness of dogmatic cultural tradition . KNOWLEDGE is the accumulation one’s desire and devoted lifetime to learn, to study, to research, to investigate and collect all related information of the subject matter, to think deeply and analyses thing objectively and being able to comprehend and see the whole paradigm picture and being able to perceive the Unseen Eternal world of reality . ( as opposed to just indulging in temporal unreal world ) OBEY THE TRUTH AND BE HUMBLE “ whoever exalts ( arrogant ) himself will be humble ( humiliated ) and he who humbles himself will be exalted ” ( MATTHEW 23:12 ) “ humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he will lift you up ” ( JAMES 4:16 ) To be humble means basically to OBEY AND SURRENDER YOURSELF TO GOD’S LAW . People thought that they being HUMBLE, yet they are humbling to the wrong thing . You must tolerate others who hold different views, you must be willing to listen, to consider someone’s idea when it is presented with the sound proof and evidence . Also removing all type of negative thinking such as prejudice, bias and precondition . Do not resist reasoning and constructive criticism from others , neither feel offended and emotional . DO NOT GET OFFENDED JESUS said “ Blessed is he who is not offended because of me ” ( MATTHEW 11:6 ) 35
  • 36. We live in a multi-cultural and diverse society, people come from different ethnic backgrounds, different lifestyles with different views and perspectives, they may have different thoughts and understanding . Consider also that it is our right to have freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom expression and freedom of choice . SO if anybody approach you and confront you with different view of TRUTH, you should not get offended by and don’t get angry, don’t get emotional . TREAT OTHER WITH LOVE & KINDNESS “ Love your enemy, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who spitefully persecute you ” ( MATTHEW 5 : 44 ) Loving your enemy does not mean supporting or joining their acts of evil door, rather try to guide them sincerely by way of wisdom, compassion and patient . Differences and division in religious belief sometimes cause conflicts, hatred, enmity and hostility . However you being different does not mean we should hate or even look at each other as the enemy. You need to think and answer this crucial question ; How can I love you even though we are different ,..? How can I love you if I am against you ? How can I love you when I am not with you, I have to be with you, In order to be with you, first I must find something in common, find something that is appealing, find the similarities, something that you and I can agree upon and come to an agreement . DON’T BE FOOLISH BUT SEEK WISDOM “ O, foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all that prophets have spoken ” ( LUKE 24:25 ) “ if anyone of you lack of wisdom, let him ask God, Who gives to all liberally and without reproach and it will be given to him” ( JAMES 1:5 ) A wise person has an amazing personality and characteristic of patience, tolerance, humility, sincerity, honesty, forgivingness and truthfulness . Wisdom is having knowledge and being able to see and comprehend things deeply beyond the outward appearance . SAVE YOURSELF FROM DESTRUCTION “ Narrow is the way that lead unto life and few there that find it ” ( MATTHEW 7: 14 ) JESUS CHRIST taught pure monotheistic belief that there is only absolutely one GOD ( not trinity ), JESUS taught that he was sent by GOD, meaning he was a messenger of GOD . JESUS taught us how to pray, and JESUS himself pray and worshipped GOD . 36
  • 37. JESUS taught that GOD,S LAW must be observed, preserved and to be obey all the time . JESUS taught that if you wish to enter PARADISE you must keep and obey GOD’S LAW and divine commandment . Thus by definition and actual practice JESUS CHRIST WAS A MUSLIM and HE TAUGHT ISLAM . “ wide is the gate ,broad is the way that led to unto destruction and many will go in ” ( MATTHEW 7 : 13 ) The way of destruction and HELL FIRE is surrounded by all form of delusional, deception, laziness, easiness, pleasure and worldly attraction . The way of darkness and HELL FIRE is widely open, there is NO LAW, NO rules and regulation, there is NO obligation . They thought that they can go to HEAVEN by way of short cut, they offer you FREE TICKET . SIMPLE BASIC SALVATION Every Prophet and Messengers of God has been sent for the same purpose and with the same message and all that they brought is just one thing in command ; “ worship God alone and obey His everlasting commandment “. Not one of those Prophets ever claimed or said ; “…I am God and worship me..”…!!. In fact the first of all and the main commandment that Jesus teaches us is to acknowledge the Oneness of God (Allah), this the God who created Jesus and the God whom Jesus worship ,..!! ( MARK 12 : 29 ) And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ , whom thou hast sent ( JOHN 17:3 ) Notice the conjunction ‘ and ’, indicating 2 separated entities between God and Jesus Christ . Jesus was sent by God, so the one who is sent by God, he is a Messenger of God . After we acknowledge that Jesus was messenger of God or a prophet ,then what is the message that he sent to his people ? Let us see what Jesus said ; “ and I know that His commandment is life everlasting ” ( JOHN 12 : 50 ) There is NO way in any shape or form that GOD’S LAW to be abolish, because the purpose of God’s Law is to keep our live in order, to show mankind right and wrong and to guide them on the right path . “ if thou wilt enter into ( Heaven/ eternal ) life , keep the commandment ” ( MATTHEW 19:17 ) JESUS did not say ; “ if you wish to enter Paradise, you must believe that I dead on cross ” SHOW YOUR LOVE, MERCY & FORGIVENESS 37
  • 38. Often time Christians disagree and resist and come up with this argument . They said ; “who can please God and meet God’s standard by doing works and keeping the LAW and commandments ? ANSWER ; God know that human being are weak and imperfect, the point is that God is Most Merciful and Most Forgiving, He does not require 100% perfect obedience from His servant . God bestows Mercy and forgiveness while mankind is commanded to beg forgiveness with a sincere repentance . The point being ; “ FORGIVE and FORGET ” . how simple is that,..!! Suppose you want to take a any test and examination in school, or taking a test for driver license, taking a test for US citizenship , they give 100 question . Do you have to be 100% correct in order to pass the test ?? of course NO ,.! If you can fill out and answer correctly 80% - 90% of the question, then you can surely pass . We are told from the Biblical version that Adam and Eve committed sin, they ate forbidden fruit, God was so tremendous angry to the point that every innocent child that is born inherit that sin . And many thousand years later, an innocent person (Jesus Christ) was punished, tortured and killed for the sin that he did not commit . Sadly, this is of course does not reflecting upon God’s Love, Mercy and Justice . GOD ALMIGHTY is The Most Loving Kind and Forgiving, He can just simply forgive Adam & Ave and mankind and let His “beloved son” Jesus Christ free to go without being crucified for the sin that he did not commit . If you are a loving father and someone is harming you or commit a crime against you, you are either prosecute that person to the court of LAW or if you are a loving kind person, you simply just forgive that person . You will not grasp your loving son and torture him in order to forgive that person that harm you . Remember TRUTH is when your thought and belief system mach up and correspond with the nature of REALITY . In CHRISTIAN theology GOD is being depicted as a Loving Father, the doctrine of “original sin” say that Adam and Ave committed sin unintentionally, this was their first mistake that they commit anyhow . GOD the loving Father so angry did not forgive Adam & Ave . Yet GOD let HIS son ( JESUS ) being beaten, tortured, humiliated and killed to bear responsible for the sin that JESUS did not commit . This is unfair, unjust, non sense, insanity, baloney and hogwash ….!!! CHRISTIANITY is against the principle of TRUTH and contradict the very nature of practical REALITY . DON’T BE HYPOCRITICAL PAUL is one of most influential person in the Christian world, in fact 80% New Testament of the Bible filled up with his epistles . PAUL preached his OWN gospel of Jesus being equal with God and that he has abolished the Law, being crucified on the cross which is different from what Jesus taught . While the basic fundamental teaching of Jesus the one we just explained in brief . So in order to unlock and discover the TREASURE OF JESUS CHRIST, one must be willing to unplug themselves from Paul because Jesus Christ also said : “ no man can serve 2 masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despite the other ” ( MATTHEW 6 : 24 ) 38
  • 39. You can not love JESUS while still loving and obeying PAUL at the same time . You can not follow PAUL and JESUS at the same time, either you must reject PAUL in order to accept and follow JESUS . The reason is because PAUL and JESUS are 2 different persons with 2 different teachings and 2 different messages . “ Let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord , he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his way ” ( JAMES 1:7-8 ) “ Draw near to God and He will draw near you, cleanse your hands, you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded ” ( JAMES 4 : 8 ) ISLAM is calling people back to the way and the original message of JESUS CHRIST, because the Divine message and original teaching of JESUS has been altered and distorted and misconstrued by PAUL . We have the prophecy by prophet Jeremiah where it talk about some peoples who distorted and changed the pure message of JESUS . They wrote a book ( BIBLE ) with their own hand and claim to be inspired from GOD . After you study and read this book you will realize that this prophecy obviously goes to and describing an individual name ST PAUL OF TARSUS . “ How can you say ; We are wise and the Law of the Lord is with us ? Look, the false pen of the scribes certainly works falsehood . The wise man is ashamed . They are dismayed and taken . Behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord , so what wisdom do they have ” ( JEREMIAH 8:8 ) Remember that ST PAUL OF TARSUS was not one of the 12 official disciples of JESUS, keep in mind that ST PAUL never meet JESUS, also ST PAUL wrote 80% of The New Testament . THERE WAS A WAR, CONFLICT, CLASH AND HUGE RIOT IN THE 1ST CENTURY, TOOK PLACE IN JERUSALEM, IT WAS A WAR BETWEEN ; JESUS CHRIST’S FAMILIES PAUL OF TARSUS DISCIPLES & HIS EARLY FOLLOWERS AND HIS FOLLOWER, GENTILES BACKED BY ROMAN GOVERMENT 39