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Breast Cancer Informative Speech
Be a warrior with winning intents...
Napoleon hill once said "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting....
It's not merely about the wars been fighting inside the battle field but includes all combats that every
person has to fight throughout his or her life. You may come across many difficult situations in your
life and at times feel yourself in despair but obviously it's not the end of life. You can make it
beginning of a new life full with hopes. Woman a beautiful and delicate creature of God, but it
doesn't mean she can't fight against the adversities. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in
women worldwide, with nearly 1.7 million new cases diagnosed in 2012 (second most common
cancer overall). This represents about 12% of all new cancer cases and 25% of all cancers in
women. Breast cancer is hormone related, and the factors that modify the risk of this ... Show more
content on ...
Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer not having risk factors doesn't mean that
you will not get cancer. Older age is the main risk factor for most cancers. The chance of getting
cancer increases as you get older. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma,
which begins in the cells of the duct. Cancer that begins in the lobes or lobules is called lobular
carcinoma and is more often found in both breasts than are other types of breast cancer. .
Inflammatory breast cancer is an uncommon type of breast cancer in which the breast is warm, red,
and swollen. Self–examination can be the first step towards detection. Breast light self–examination
device provides a chance for early discovery. It is in fact a device for screening that is looking for
cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When
abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat. By the time symptoms appear,
cancer may have begun to
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Breast Cancer That Develops From Breast Tissue Essay
Breast cancer that develops from breast tissue. Signs of breast cancer may include a lump in the
breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid coming from the nipple, or a red scaly
patch of skin. In those with distant spread of the disease, there may be bone pain, swollen lymph
nodes, shortness of breath, or yellow skin.
Risk factors for developing breast cancer include: female sex, obesity, lack of physical exercise,
drinking alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, ionizing radiation, early age at
first menstruation, having children late or not at all, older age, and family history. About 10% of
cases are due to genes inherited from a person 's parents. Breast cancer most commonly develops in
cells from the lining of milk ducts and the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers
developing from the ducts are known as ductal carcinomas, while those developing from lobules are
known as lobular carcinomas.
In addition, there are more than 18 other sub–types of breast cancer. Some cancers develop from
pre–invasive lesions such as ductal carcinoma in situ. The diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed
by taking a biopsy of the concerning lump. Once the diagnosis is made, further tests are done to
determine if the cancer has spread beyond the breast and which treatments it may respond to.
1:1 Personal context
Breast cancer is the most frequent form of malignancy in women. It may occur at any time but is far
more likely to show up after a
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Incidence Rates Of Breast Cancer
Incidence rates of breast cancer are rising and mortality rates are proportionally high in Arab
countries compared to rates in developed countries. The common late diagnosis among Arab women
has been related to the low participation rates of Arab women in breast cancer screening activities
(Soskolne et al., 2007).
Attention has been paid to barriers and facilitators related to breast cancer screening to develop
culturally appropriate and effective interventions (Donnelly et al., 2011). It is recognized that
personal, religious, environmental, social, and economic factors influence participation in screening
programs and other screening activities (Soskolne et al., 2007).
So factors affecting Breast Cancer Screening can be classified as following:
1– Factors related to the subject.
2– Factors related to health care system.
Factors related to the subject:
1. Age:
The elderly patients faced considerably more barriers compared with younger women. Screening
elderly women significantly is less often than younger women, regardless of family history of breast
cancer (Weinberger et al., 1991).
Age influenced potential attendance was 67% of those aged 65–69 who accept breast cancer
screening compared with 27% of those aged 80 and over (Edwards and Jones, 2000).
Despite the well publicized benefits of screening, about one third of US women aged 40 and older
report having no recent mammogram and this proportion varies widely by state. After increasing for
25 years, screening
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Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Regarding Breast Self...
Umbreen PBSN 02133037 Facilitator's. Robina Kousar Preceptor: Mr. M. Shahid Riaz Subject:
Senior Elective Community Health Nursing In partial fulfillment for the Degree of Post RN BSc
Nursing The Lahore School of Nursing THE UNIVERSITY OF LAHORE 2013–2015 May 8, 2015
study.................................................................................3 1.2
1.3. Significance of study.................................................................................................................4
1.4 Justification of study..................................................................................................................4
1.5 Purpose of study.........................................................................................................................5
1.6 Research Question.....................................................................................................................5 1.7
Hypothesis...............................................................................................................................5 1.5
Conceptual Definitions
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Paper On Breast Cancer
Cancer of the breast is the most common type of non–skin cancer affecting women. It also comes
second after lung cancer in the number of deaths among the African–American population in 2017;
the American Cancer Society estimated that there would be approximately 252,710 new cases of
breast cancer which is considered invasive that will be diagnosed in the United States. More so,
nearly 63,410 new cases of (CIS) carcinoma in situ will be detected, and approximately 40,610
women will depart this life as a result of cancer of the breast(Siegel, Miller, & Jemal, 2015).In the
United States, the incidence of cancer of the breast is not similar among the African America
women and the white. Such that, it has been noted that the ... Show more content on
It is well elaborated that health care providers should share information with their clients on the
health benefits and the harm of breast cancers screening tests available (Siu, 2016). Also, the
healthcare worker should clarify to the client using evidence all the screening methods available and
known risks for cancer of the breast.
The United States Preventive Service Task Force recommends mammography to individuals who
are 50 years and above taking into account the risks it poses to the client (Nelson, Smith, Griffin, &
Fu, 2013).Mammography is well thought–out as the primary technique for screening of breast
cancer. This procedure is crucial in the detection of early stages of breast cancer more often before
even a lump can be physically felt(Gøtzsche & Jørgensen, 2013). In Canada, a 15–20% reduction in
mortality as a result of breast cancer–related complications has been observed following the
screening with mammography (Care & others, 2011)
The guidelines that existed previously had considered clinical breast examination which was to be
done by the healthcare worker. However, the Canadian task force on Preventive Healthcare 2011 has
concluded that there is inadequate proof for the recommendation of this procedure when there is the
availability of mammography. United States Preventive Service Task Force also recommends that
all women clients should be taught about
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Genetic Factors To The Development Of Breast Cancer
You probably know at least one person who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer
is the most common cancer for women in the United States. Although more common in women, this
cancer can also be found in men. The abnormal development of breast tissue cells ultimately
generates Breast Cancer. However, there are many different things that can provoke these cells to
Even today, scientists are still unsure about all the factors that cause Breast Cancer. So that is why
research continues to be done to find reasons as to why it is being developed and different ways to
prevent it. They have discovered that breast cancer can be affected by both environmental and
genetic factors. In addition to that, doctors do know that there are a few specific gene mutations that
exist that are linked to Breast Cancer. Mutated genes can be acquired through life and some of these
genes can create Breast Cancer. Some other common causes are the regular consumption of alcohol,
the regular smoking of cigarettes, and being very overweight. Being exposed to the hormone
estrogen for longer amounts of time is also very common in the development of Breast Cancer. This
happens when menstruation lasts after the age of 50 and starts before the age of 12. Some doctors
also believe that irradiation in the chest due to previous issues and treatments can also lead to
cancer. ... Show more content on ...
Mutated genes can also be inherited. When inherited, the rate of developing this cancer is much
higher. It is common to be diagnosed with breast cancer if many others of your family have had
breast cancer or ovarian cancer in the past. Especially, if it was triple–negative, in both breasts, or a
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Why Is It Important To Preform Breast Self-Examination?
It is extremely important for women to preform breast self – examinations (BSE). However, even
though it is almost the year 2018 some individuals still refrain from speaking about proper breast
care. Breasts are seen as private, personal things, and often it is taboo to bring up in most
conversations. Over 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2107, and unfortunatly
over 40,610 women will die from breast cancer this year. We must be able to open conversation
about breast care. While also respecting the induvial and her privacy, and culture. Health education
intervention This specific interaction between a health educator and patient would not be considered
a successful heath education intervention. If an intervention is successful the person will change
their behavior. In this case the women would leave and ... Show more content on ...
The health educator used an anatomically correct model to show exactly how to perform a breast
self – examinations (BSE), and this was correctly done. If the health educator would have showed
her the techniques on her own breast, or even worse asked the patient if she could touch the patient
that would have been completely inappropriate and unprofessional. The health educator also
correctly educated the women on how important breast self – examinations (BSE) were for
detection of breast cancer Heath educator negatives One thing the health educator could have done
differently is not of asked the patient if she performs breast self–exams already. This put the women
on the spot, and she felt obligated to say yes, when in reality she did not. The health educator should
have explained to the women the important of self–breasts exams, and then asked the women if she
would like to know how to do them. As health educator it is our ethical and professional duty to
educate people about their health. But we cannot force them to learn we must be respectful of each
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Elderly Interview
cRunning head: ELDER INTERVIEW
Elder Interview
Jorge Fernandez
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
School of Nursing
NURS 3313 – Care of the Healthy Aging Adult
Elder Interview
General Appearance
Normal Signs of Aging Mrs. L is a 64 year old female Caucasian who lives in West Texas. Her hair
is naturally gray, but she dyes it, and appears thin and evenly distributed on her head. There are no
signs of baldness but her hair is thinning. Tabloski (2006) states "the hair of a older person looks
gray or white due to a decrease in the number of functioning melanocytes and the replacement of
pigmented strands of hair with non–pigmented ones" (p. 335). Mrs. L's skin is thin and pale in color.
No other parts of her body were visible. ... Show more content on ...
L was married for 20 years. She has 2 daughters; one is going to school and the other lives in Texas.
Her mother has been living with her for 3 ½ years. She enjoys movies, having coffee with her
friends once a week, and her two grandchildren. She is active in her church, and used to do prison
ministry. She works in Gerontology at the Health Sciences Center and has been a Tech employee for
25 years.
Current Medications Mrs. L stated that she takes Baby Aspirin daily, two Vitoran pills for blood
pressure, pills for high cholesterol, fish oil, and extra Vitamin B. She did not mention any adverse
effects the medications had on her.
Health Promotional Activities
Use of Exercise Mrs. L stated that she likes to take walks at least 3 to 4 times a week. Her back
problems affect her ability to do a wide range of exercises.
Use of Relaxation Techniques Mrs. L stated that she enjoys coffee or sharing with friends. She does
not do many of the things she used to do since her mother moved in with her. She likes to cross
stitch and listen to music. She said that doing all these things helped her to relax.
Current Immunizations Mrs. L stated that she has had her current pneumonia and shingles
immunizations. She has also had her flu shot for the year. For the prevention of pneumonia and
influenza, it is recommended that older persons receive an influenza vaccination yearly and a
pneumococcal immunization every 10 years (Tabloski, 2006, p. 508).
Last Physical Exam
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Breast Cancer Prevention and Education Essay
According to the American Cancer Society, "Breast cancer is the common disease of women in the
United States, other than skin cancer." After lung cancer, it is the leading secondary cause of cancer
death in women. It helps to have some basic facts about the normal makeup of the breasts to
understand breast cancer. In the past, this disease was one of the most feared forms of cancer due to
its fatality rate and because complete recovery often required breast removal. The best way to fight
this disease is to have a plan that helps you detect the disease in its early stages. Now, however,
treatment options have been expanded and there is a higher probability of full recovery than ever
before. Lives can be saved by increasing awareness of ... Show more content on ...
These ducts lead to the nipple in the center of a dark area of skin called the areola. Fat encloses the
lobule and ducts. There are no muscles in the breast, but the rest underneath each and cover the ribs.
These common features can from time to time cause the breasts to feel lumpy, especially in women
who are poor or who have undersized breasts. Each breast also contains blood vessels and lymph
vessels which carry colorless liquid and lead to little bean–shaped organs called lymph nodes.
Clusters of lymph nodes found near the breast under the arm, on top of the collarbone, and in the
chest. Lymph nodes are also originating in various other parts of the body (Everyday Health, Inc.,
According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, "Study has shown that women with risk
factors are more prone than others to contain the disease because no one knows the exact origin of
breast cancer." Several risk factors can be traced to better ways of identifying and detecting cancer
in an early stage and the effect of changes in the way we live by delaying childbirth, taking
substitute hormones and oral contraceptives, eating foods high in fat, or drinking excessive alcohol.
More risk factors include early menstruation, late menopause and having your first child neither at
an aging period nor given birth, and taking birth control for years if women are under age 35. Other
risk factors are a family history of breast cancer and concentrated breast
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Essay On Mammography
Mammography can still be performed with breast implants in place. Mammography technicians are
trained to use specialized techniques for women with breast implants that help to image the breast
tissue around the curved surface of the implants. Be sure to let the mammography provider know
that you have breast implants when you schedule your mammogram.
It is not possible to obtain a mammogram by imaging through the implants, only around them.
Breast implants therefore potentially do reduce a radiologist's ability to visualize breast tissue
completely. This is more of a concern with implants placed immediately behind the breast ('sub–
mammary', aka 'sub–glandular' position), so for that reason the sub–pectoral position is strongly
There is no conclusive evidence which shows that women with breast implants are diagnosed with
breast cancer at a later stage than women without implants – which one would expect if breast
implants actually delayed the detection of breast cancer. Likewise, women with breast implants do
not appear to have a higher mortality rate from breast cancer compared to women without breast
implants. Breast implants do not obscure or interfere with patient self–examination or physician
breast examination, which are at least as important as (if not more important than) mammography
for breast cancer screening. ... Show more content on ...
The most sensitive and specific radiologic test for breast cancer is a contrast–enhanced MRI scan,
which refers to an MRI that is enhanced by the administration of an intravenous 'contrast' agent. The
contrast agent helps to 'light up' a breast cancer on the MRI scan when one is present. Breast
implants do not interfere with breast MRI scanning in any
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Breast Cancer : Education Is Vital
Breast Cancer: Education is Vital
Every nineteen seconds a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the world, yet controversy still
surrounds the issue of breast cancer education and recommendations for screenings
( Four top organizations have introduced different recommendations on breast
cancer screening, although proposed treatment plans are similar, the issue still persists. Educating
women of all ages, ethnic and social backgrounds is significant because there are many
misconceptions on breast cancer screening that has instilled fear in many women, causing them to
forego any type of screening or testing. Therefore, would improved educational resources impact
breast cancer screening compliance, leading to earlier detection, thus improving overall survival
rates of breast cancer patients? In–depth education is significant in relation to breast cancer survival
rates based on the ability to reduce anxiety and common misconceptions related to screening
processes and improving compliance.
The research will show that improved education and guidance from cancer professionals could be
beneficial to many women so they are aware of their options and able to make informed decisions in
the process. The earlier a cancer is detected increases the rate of survival in most cases. The risks for
acquiring breast cancer increase with age, therefore proving the necessity for compliance with
screenings, which include breast self–examinations monthly, clinical breast
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Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory: Early Detection Of...
Learning theory: I would use Bandura's "Social Cognitive Theory". He focuses on the acquisition of
behaviors. He believes that people acquire behaviors through the observation of others, then imitate
what they have observed". (Moore, A., 1999). The theory also states that, people learn from one
another through observation, imitation, and modeling in a social setting. Teaching breast self–
examination to a group of women in a gynecology clinic class is perfect setting to apply Bandura's
social learning theory. At first, I will teach them how important it is to do the self–breast exam in
early detection of breast cancer. Since breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among
women in the United States, early detection will increase
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Breast Self Awareness Papers
Page Title Breast Self–Awareness
Meta Description Our Round Rock obgyns explain how breast self–awareness can help detect breast
cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages.
Meta Title (70 cap) Breast Self–Awareness – Early Cancer Detection – Round Rock Obgyns
Live Date (AMY)
URL (AMY) Breast Self–Awareness
Understanding breast self–awareness facilitates early breast cancer detection
In the past, you may have been urged to perform a monthly breast self–exam. Many women forget
to perform the exam or aren't sure if they're doing it right. However, many reputable medical
organizations now recommend that women practice breast self–awareness instead of worrying about
sticking to a rigid schedule of monthly breast self–exams. Our ... Show more content on ...
An annual clinical breast examination during your annual wellness exam
Annual mammograms if you are age 40 and over, or earlier if you have risk factors that put you at
higher risk for developing breast cancer
Incorporating breast self–awareness into your everyday life
What is breast self–awareness?
Breast self–awareness means knowing your own breasts, including what they normally look and feel
like. Once you establish this, you can report any changes that you notice to our Round Rock obgyns.
Breast self–awareness requires that you touch your breasts to determine how they normally feel and
if there are any changes. You also need to look at your breasts to notice changes. Here are some
important changes you should note and report to our Round Rock obgyns.
Any lumps, thickening or knots in your breasts or armpit area
Changes in the shape or size or your breasts
Redness, darkening, warmth or swelling
Puckered or dimpled breast skin
Nipples that feel itchy, sore, scaly or develop a rash
Nipple discharge, especially if it is bloody
Swelling in the lymph nodes near the breast, such as in the
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Essay on Breast Cancer Case Study
Luis F Vega Jr
NUR 1211
Breast Cancer Case Study
Mrs. Thomas, a 57 year old married lawyer, was found to have a 4 X 6 cm firm, fixed mass in the
upper, outer quadrant of the right breast during a routine physical examination, and a stereotactic
core biopsy indicated a malignant tumor. Although the surgeon recommended a mastectomy because
of the size of the tumor, Mrs. Thomas chose to have a lumpectomy. Now three weeks postoperative,
she is scheduled for chemotherapy.
Subjective Data
Never had a routine mammogram
Never practiced Breast Self–Examination (BSE)
States she deserves to have breast cancer for being so careless about her health
Chose to have a lumpectomy to remove the tumor despite its large size because she believes ...
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What can the nurse do to help Mrs. Thomas reduce or manage the common physical effects of the
Nausea & Vomiting – anti–emetic drug, eat and drink slowly, drinking enough fluids
Mouth sores (Mucositis) – OTC anesthetics, ice chips or popsicles, gargling
Diarrhea – drink plenty of fluids, high–protein foods, cooked vegetables, fresh fruits without the
Hair loss – wear some kind of head covering (scarf, turban, hat, or wig)
4. What does the finding that Mrs. Thomas's tumor is estrogen receptor–positive mean? What
additional treatment modalities might this suggest? This means that estrogen, but not progesterone,
may be supporting the growth and spread of the cancer cells. Your doctor usually will prescribe
some form of hormonal therapy at some point in your treatment plan.
5. How could the nurse help Mrs. Thomas cope with her feelings of guilt and maintain a positive
relationship with her husband? The nurse could listen to and explore Mrs. Thomas's feeling of guilt.
Inform her about support groups and counseling that are available in her area.
6. What are some possible reasons that Mrs. Thomas did not perform BSE or have mammography
Not confident in the technique of BSE
Fear that something may be found
Losing her sexual identity
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Changes In Honor Of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Steward would like to take the time to educate women
about the risk factors associated with the breast cancer, as well as provide tips on how to screen
themselves this October. For some women their breasts change in shape and appearance several
times over the course of their lives due to different hormonal fluctuations. Some women experience
little to no change at all. Regardless, it is important to become familiar and comfortable with the feel
and look of your breasts so in the case of any changes you are able to identify them and accurately
discuss these changes with your doctor. If you ever feel a lump, or anything out of the ordinary
never hesitate to call your doctor immediately. Risks Some
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Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Cancer
Cancer that develops in the cells of the breast 12
Diagnosis requires a tissue biopsy for microscopic examination to determine pathology
The TNM classification is used for clinical staging of breast tumors. The American Joint Committee
on Cancer (AJCQ 7th edition stages breast cancer as follows: 12 o TX: primary tumor cannot be
assessed o TO: no evidence of primary tumor o Tis: cancer in situ
– Tis (DCIS): ductal carcinoma in situ
– Tis (LCIS): lobular carcinoma in situ
– Tis (Paget): Paget disease of the nipple not associated with DCIS/LCIS o T1: 20 mm but " '50 mm
in greatest dimension o T3: >50 mm in greatest dimension o T4: regional invasion o NX: regional
nodes cannot be ... Show more content on ...
Stages o Stage 0: TisNOMO o Stage lA: T1NOMO o Stage IB: (TO–T1)N1miMO o Stage IlA:
(TO–T1)N1 MO, T2NOMO o Stage liB: T2N1MO, T3NOMO o Stage lilA: (TO–T2)N2MO,
T3(N1–N2)MO o Stage 1118: T4(NO–N2)MO o Stage IIIC: any T, N3, MO o Stage IV: any T, any
N, M1
History o Breast mass may not be detectable and found incidentally on screening mammography 21
o Mass in breast detected by patient or by screening mammography 21 o Personal and/or significant
family history (First– or second–degree relatives) of breast and/or ovarian cancer, or atypia noted on
prior biopsies 21 o There may be bone pain due to metastasis in advanced disease o Shortness of
breath may be present if spread to the lungs
Physical examination o Palpable breast lumps are detectable in 90% of cancers and are the most
common sign 8 o Eczematous ulcer of the nipple
– Paget 's disease may mimic these findings
o Skin edema/erythema o Breast lymphedema (peau d 'orange) o Skin nodules o In advanced
disease, there may be signs of pleural effusion, and/or hepatomegaly, and/or bone metastases as
regional and generalized spread of the cancer ensues 2 o Bloody nipple discharge:unilateral,
– Nipple discharge generally relates to a benign condition and its most common cause is an
intraductal papilloma, a benign condition treated by excision alone 8 o Skin and/or nipple retraction
o Eczematous ulcer of the nipple
– Paget 's disease may mimic these findings
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Breast Cancer Hispanic Women
Breast Cancer in Hispanic Women
Yulexis Perez
NR 222 Health & Wellness Professor Dr. Telsa Henlon
Chamberlain College of Nursing
April 2017
According to research, it has established that breast cancer is one of the leading cause of cancer
death among Hispanic women despite them having a low incidence rate of breast cancer. It has
attributed to the fact that most Hispanic women presents with advanced breast cancer at diagnosis,
and thus is more likely to die from breast cancer compared with non–Hispanic white women.
According to Banegas and Li (2012), an estimated number of 39510 breast cancer deaths in women
occurred, and 226,870 new breast cancer cases were diagnosed in the US. Among all these cases,
Hispanic women ... Show more content on ...
This project will be of great help to the Hispanic women. Having a health promotion project that is
guided by research is a significant step in achieving better health outcomes on preventing and
managing breast cancer in Hispanic women.
Banegas, M. P., Leng, M., Graubard, B. I., & Morales, L. S. (2013). The risk of developing invasive
breast cancer in Hispanic women: A look across Hispanic subgroups. Cancer, 119(7), 1373–1380.
Banegas, M. P., & Li, C. I. (2012). Breast cancer characteristics and outcomes among Hispanic
Black and Hispanic White women. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 134(3), 1297–1304.
Healthy People 2020. Cancer. Retrieved on 31st March 2017 from–objectives/topic/cancer
John, E. M., Sangaramoorthy, M., Hines, L. M., Stern, M. C., Baumgartner, K. B., Giuliano, A. R.,
Slattery, M. L. (2015). Overall and abdominal adiposity and premenopausal breast cancer risk
among Hispanic women: the breast cancer health disparities study. Cancer Epidemiology,
Biomarkers & Prevention, 24(1), 138–147.
Kratzke, C., Vilchis, H., & Amatya, A. (2013). Breast cancer prevention knowledge, attitudes, and
behaviors among college women and mother–daughter communication. Journal of Community
Health, 38(3),
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Research Paper On Breast Augmentation
Since 2006, breast augmentation has ranked as the number one cosmetic surgical procedure.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, with nearly 300,000 augmentations
performed in 2014, breast augmentation surgery remains at the top of the list for cosmetic surgical
procedures; 23 percent of these procedures were completed using saline implants and 77 percent
using silicone implants.
Women in Orange County who are unhappy with the way their breasts look may decide to have an
augmentation to:
Improve their self–confidence Make their breasts fuller and increase their projection Enhance their
self–image Improve the proportions of their body to balance their figure ... Show more content on ...
Because breast augmentation is an extremely personal procedure, a woman should choose to have
an augmentation for herself, not for someone else.
A good candidate for breast augmentation in Orange County:
She is unhappy with the volume, size and/or shape of her breasts. Has a realistic expectation as to
what an augmentation can do for her. She is physically healthy. Has breasts that appear
asymmetrical. She is unhappy because the upper parts of her breasts appear
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Teaching And Learning Plan On Testicular Cancer For Second...
Evaluating our teaching and learning plan on Testicular cancer for second year nursing students
enable us to reflect on the whether the teaching and learning tools were effective in reaching the
goals we laid out in our teaching plan and rational. Using a summative evaluation we were able to
determine the effectiveness of our plan and learners experience (Worrall, P.S., 2014). This approach
enabled us to determine whether we as teachers facilitated a stimulating and effective educational
session that enabled learners to be at their peak learning capacity in an environment that fostered
learning through the use of visuals, auditory and interactive tools to deliver salient information
about testicular cancer to which the students are ... Show more content on ...
To support increased learning in our allotted thirty minutes time frame, we included some videos
pre–class to help to establish a concept of our topic and, emailed our powerpoint in which they
could take their own notes during class. We used repetition with discretion to provide a platform for
which our Powerpoint presentation could build up their understanding (Fitzgerald, K., & Keyes, K.
(2014). We feel this minimized the same information being repeated in a manner in what Fitzgerald
& Keyes (2014) desctive effective learning tools by reviewing key points to deepen the learner 's
Challenges that we experienced while facilitating our teaching plan were: Nervous at the start of our
presentation, pronunciation of a few pathology terms, intermittent reduce volume from presenter
and disengagement from the class during the implementation of our activity in which we had the
class participate in a testicular self–examination. We feel the disengagement occurred because we
didn't explain activity prior to doing it. Time efficiency played a role in our decision to pass out the
activity props while Sarah explained the rationale for the activity. We feel that providing the
students with props distracted their attention from what Sarah was explaining. This could also be a
effect of what Richards (2014) describes are Locus of control where motivation from within the
learner is influence by external forces in which
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Patient Denies Performing Breast Self Examination
Breast: Patient denies any pain, lump, nipple discharge, rash, history of breast disease, or any
surgery on breasts. Patient denies performing breast self–examination.
Respiratory: Patient denies having history of lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis,
pneumonia, or tuberculosis. She also denies having chest pain with breathing, wheezing or noise
breathing, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, sputum, toxin or pollution exposure. Patient states that
she had common cold with some productive cough for about a week last month. Also, patient states
that occasionally she experiences shortness of breath when she runs for more than 40 minutes.
Patient states that her last chest x–ray was 1 years ago, and the results were negative. ... Show more
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Patient denies any straining or discomfort on defecation. Patient denies having any recent change of
bowel movements as, constipation, diarrhea, black stools, or rectal bleeding. She denies
hemorrhoids, or fistula. Patient also denies using laxatives or antacids.
Urinary System: Patient states that she urinates about 4 times a day without urgency. She denies
having nocturia, dysuria, polyuria or oliguria, hesitancy or straining, narrowed stream,
inconsistence, or pain in flank groin, suprapubic region, or low back. She states that her urine is
clear, and it does not present hematuria. In order to avoid urinary tract infections, she states that she
drinks about three liters of water every day. She had a UTI at age 18.
Male Genital System: N/A
Female Genital System: No discharge, itching, sores, lumps. Patient had her menstruation was 2
weeks ago normal menstruation.
Peripheral Vascular: Patient denies any coldness, numbness or tingling, swelling of legs or arms,
discoloration in hands or feet, varicose veins or complications, intermittent claudication,
thrombophlebitis, or ulcers. She states that she crosses legs at the knees occasionally when long
term sitting, and she does not wear support hose in these circumstances.
Musculoskeletal System: Patient denies having history of arthritis or gout. She also denies the
presence of pain, stiffness, swelling, deformity, limitation of motion,
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Cholecystitis Case Study Essay
Presenting symptom:
A 28–year old Caucasian female patient is presenting with a new breast lump found on self–
examination at home. The patient describes this breast lump located in the left upper quadrant of her
breast and states that it is approximately the size of a pea and is hard.
The physical examination would include a thorough breast examination. The patient should be
covered for decency and exposing one breast at a time should be done. Breasts are divided into four
quadrants based on horizontal and vertical lines crossing at the nipple (Bickley, 2013). Palpation of
lymph nodes in the lateral, central, subscapular, pectoral, supraclavicular and infraclavicular areas
should be palpated to determine any further lumps. A thorough health ... Show more content on ...
Patients may be more apt to take breast cancer seriously and do monthly examinations knowing that
they have a BRCA mutation. This may help to save lives and prevent future health declines
associated with breast cancer. There are also many cultural considerations with breast cancer. For
example, Latinas are usually diagnosed with breast cancer in advanced stages (Kingsley, 2010). This
may be because it can be taboo to talk about cancers or perhaps those born to poor economic status
do not have access to adequate health care screenings. However, Latinas have a lower incidence of
breast cancer compared to Caucasians (Kingsley, 2010). No matter the race, age, ethnicity, culture or
religion breast cancer is a serious illness and getting immediate medical attention may just save
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Breast Cancer Essay
Breast Cancer Breast Cancer is a cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes
that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women,
although male breast cancer is rare. Anyone women could be at risk for breast cancer but, there are
factors that make some women more susceptible to breast cancer than others. A risk factor is
anything that affects your chances of getting a particular disease. Some can be controlled and some
can't. The ones you can control are genetics or family history, and environmental exposures or
behaviors that might have happened in the past. The current and future behaviors can be controlled
like exercise and a good diet. You also need to watch ... Show more content on ...
There have been cases were a man will get breast cancer and it is rare but it has happened. Men do
need to check the same areas women do just to make sure that if they would get it that it could be
caught soon enough. Exercise will help prevent the chances of getting breast cancer as well, studies
show that exercising about 2 hours per week (swimming, walking, jogging, hiking, and riding a
bicycle will reduce a women's chance of getting breast cancer by 20%. Early detection is the key to
beating or fighting a chronic disease like breast cancer and any other cancer or disease out there.
Finding it early enough makes it easy for your body to fight it off and beat it and it also makes it
easier for the doctors to help you beat it. There are also ways to make sure that you keep an eye on
things yourself and that is by self–examination and the doctors say that every woman needs to do
this at least 2 a month. If there is ever any doubt and you think that something is wrong then make a
doctor's appointment right away. In conclusion, besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most
commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. Just fewer than 30% of cancers in women
are breast cancers. That is why it is important to do self–examinations and always go to doctors'
visits to make sure you are healthy. We've all heard the saying "your life depends on it" well this is
very true for women when it comes to breast
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Annotated Bibliography On Mammograms
Kolata, G. (2009, November 17). Panel urges mammograms at 50, Not 40. The New York Times.
Retrieved from
The Author reports that the new recommended age for mammograms, by the United States
Preventative Services Task Force, has changed from 50 to 40 to reduce the harm from over
screening and overtreatment. It also reports that self–breast examinations are no longer
recommended on a regular basis. This recommendation comes from evidence that there are no major
benefits of early screenings and that only "one cancer death is prevented for every 1,904 women"
screened, age 40 to 49. Conversely, there is evidence that frequent early screenings can lead to
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Breast Self-Exam Process Analysis
The Steps of Improving Your Breast Self–Examination
If you are quickly self–examining your breasts under the shower once per month, you may be
skipping some important steps of an effective, breast self–examination. In fact, to perform the best
breast self–examination, you need to follow several steps that involve checking more than the
breasts themselves. Here are the steps of performing an effective, monthly, breast self–examination,
which are recommended by breast cancer surgeons. You may even not be aware of some the steps
that are essential.
1st step – check out the breasts for differences An effective, breast self–examination involves both
the feel and the look of the breasts. To check out the appearance of your breasts sit or stand ... Show
more content on ...
Examine the breasts and the surrounding areas by doing circular motions and increasing the pressure
to examine more than just superficial tissue.
4th step – examine the areas around the breasts Check the surrounding areas from the collarbone to
the sternum and below the breasts as well. Examine the parts under the arm for lymph nodes and
swelling. Check all the areas around the breasts for something that feels like a walnut, marble or a
5th step – the timing of the self–examination Examine the breasts at the same time every month. Do
this at least a week after your menstruation since there are less changes in breasts caused by the
menstrual cycle at this time. Women in postmenopause can perform the examination at any time of
the month. Even though it is still debated whether breast self–examination is necessary, men and
women who are at greater risk for breast cancer should perform the examination. Many women
detect breast lumps and breast cancer by themselves and this makes them visit the doctor
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Physical Assessment Case Studies
Physical Assessment Jane presents to the hospital for evaluation of a right breast mass. Jane reports
that she felt a lump during her self–breast examination a month ago and called for an appointment
with her gynecologist for a checkup and mammogram. On examination in the office, Jane's breasts
are asymmetrical, pain, redness, warmth and bloody discharge from the right nipple. The right
breast with a lump at the 3 o'clock position and the skin is dimpling in that area. Jane's mammogram
reveals a 6cm mass to right breast. Ultrasound of the right breast confirms the 6 cm mass. Core
needle biopsy confirms Stage III Breast Cancer. ER and PR= positive, HER2=positive. Jane was 12
years old when she started her periods, had 1 pregnancy and ... Show more content on ...
In doing this research, all the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tools are geared towards women.
According to BreastCancer.Org, in 2015, an estimated 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer
are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 60,290 new cases of non–invasive
(in situ) breast cancer. About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer
over the course of her lifetime. About 2,350 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be
diagnosed in men in 2015. A man's lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000. The most
significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender (being a woman) and age (growing
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Mammography Essay
After careful analysis of numerous studies performed in many countries around the world, I believe
that mammography contributes to increased detection of breast cancer but shows no reduction in its
mortality rate. The strongest articles that support my stance surround the Canadian National Breast
Screening Study (CNBSS), which is a randomized clinical trial started in 1980 which aimed to
assess the differences in breast cancer prevalence in two primary groups of women aged 40–59. 89
835 women have participated in this study since its inception. The first group consists of those who
underwent breast examinations supplemented with screening mammography (mammography arm,
44 925 women), while the second group only received breast examinations and ... Show more
content on ...
CNBSS findings were released at the 13, 11–16 and 25 year marks. Results from the first period
concluded that early mammography and physical examination of the breasts detected considerably
more node–negative, small tumours than usual care, but it had no impact on the rate of death from
breast cancer.1 Due to the length of the observational period following enrollment in the study,
subjects fell between 50 and 59 years old at the time of this evaluation. The mortality ratio between
the two groups at first look was 1.36. Both groups showed similar survival rates1. Upon the second
evaluation, researchers acknowledged the benefit of improved detection of impalpable and even in
situ breast carcinomas with screening, but were adamant that mammography played no role in
reducing mortality rate2. The 25 year findings are of particular importance, as the CNBSS is now
the longest running observational study of its kind. All–cause mortality was 9477 or 10.6% in the
follow up period3. At the 25 year mark, 505 women in the control arm had died of breast cancer
versus 500 in the mammography arm. One point that was mentioned in many studies is the over–
diagnosis consequence of
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Breast Cancer Breast Self Examination
Background of the Study
Breast is a very vital portion of a female's body. Breast problems and diseases alike carcinoma get
distress and sorrow to women and most women should do everything in their capability to avoid its
presence (Omoyeni, Oluwafeyikemi, & Irinoye, 2014).
According to American cancer society Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of
the breast. A malignant tumor is a set of cancer cells that can develop into (invade) near tissues or
spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease happens almost exclusively in women
(American Cancer Society, 2015).
For early identification of breast cancer Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is an important and
inexpensive method.Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is the examination done by individuals to help
identify any abnormality within the breasts. It involves visually and by hand examining the breasts.
It should be done at the age of 20 years and monthly;rather a few days after an individual's
menstrual period when the breasts are slight swollen. Breast Self–Examination (BSE) involves a
process whereby women inspect their breasts regularly to detect any abnormal swelling and ready
for taking medical care. For the early recognition of breast cancerBreast self–examination is a useful
tool (Omoyeni, etal., 2014).
. According to American Cancer Society the use the of finger pads of the 3 middle fingers on your
left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast.While standing in front of a mirror with
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study grid Essay examples
University of Phoenix Material
Case Study Grid
List five factors of the patient's history that demonstrate nursing needs.
Complete the table below with the following information:
Formulate three nursing diagnoses using the Problem, Etiology, and Signs and Symptoms (PES)
format and the taxonomy of NANDA. The diagnoses must be based on the case study, be
appropriate, be prioritized, and be formatted correctly.
For each nursing diagnosis, state two desired outcomes using NOC criteria. Desired outcomes must
be patient–centered and measurable within an identified timeframe.
For each outcome, state two nursing interventions using NIC criteria as well as one evaluation
method. Interventions and the evaluation method must be ... Show more content on
Debbie states that she was anxious previously as she thought the will not remember all the
information given. She is happy as she did everything correct.
Evaluation method
Asked multiple cross questions, Debbie answers as educated, seems more interested in future
Debbie made an organizer for her. The organizer contains medication regimen, few special
considerations, reminders.
Demonstrated Debbie how to do breast examination, catheterization. Used a kit and plastic body to
demonstrate. Used the board to give important information regarding medication.
Debbie demonstrates what she does at home to do the catheterization, breast self–examination,
questions given, answered properly as was educated.
Nursing Diagnosis 3: Emotional distress.
Debbie is experiencing emotional distress, anxiety. As stated in case study she is tearful, has great
concern regarding her future.
Effective communication among nurse and patient/family can improve care and relieve suffering.
The diagnosis and treatment for cancer is a major challenge and it affects all aspects of life. By
therapeutic communication, providing information, encouraging optimistic outlook, teaching how to
reduce stress patient care will have better outcomes. (Yarbro, Wujchik, & Gobel, 2010).
Desired Outcome 1
Desired Outcome 2
Nursing Intervention 1
Debbie will get used to controlling her stress by daily walks, relaxation techniques, music, spending
time with
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Breast Self Examination
In regards to breast cancer, there is no emergent management. The diagnosis of breast cancer is
usually found by clinical breast exam or radiologic evaluation. If a patient presents to the emergency
room with a breast lump, they will likely be discharged with instructions to follow up with their
primary care provider.
Patient Education, Maintenance, and Prevention
Breast Self Examination Breast self examination (BSE) remains a controversial and debated subject
amongst the medical field. In comparison to last year's guidelines, the newest set of guidelines from
2013 state that "all women should be counseled to perform month breast self–examination"
(Khatcheressian, 2013).
It is essential that women be taught proper technique and that ... Show more content on ...
Breastfeeding has been shown to exert a protective effect on females. In multiple case–control and
cohort studies, the difference in the two groups at hand in relation to breast cancer risk were the
length at which they breastfed (Chen, 2013). In another meta–analysis, it was "shown that duration
of maternal nursing correlates with substantial risk reduction independent of either parity or age at
first full–term pregnancy" (Lippman, 2012).
Physical activity. Increased physical activity has many benefits to the average human, however, for
women it is postulated to reduce breast cancer risk. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it is
thought to do so "through hormonal influences, such as reducing serum estrogens, insulin, and
insulin growth factor–1 levels" (Chen, 2013). In another recent review, it was "estimated that risk of
breast cancer was reduced by 25 percent among physically active women compared with women
who were the least active" (Lynch, 2011).
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Njccc Stage 1
Lesson 5 Teacher Genevieve Yhap–Zebro Grade 9 Length 40 minutes Date 2/21/17 Subject Human
Sexuality – focus on breast, testicular, and cervical/Pap smear Stage 1– Desired Results Established
Goals: NHES Standard 7 – Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health–enhancing
behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. PI 7.12.1 Analyze the role of individual responsibility in
enhancing health. 7.12.2 Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain
or improve the health of self and others. 7.12.3 Demonstrate a variety of behaviors that avoid or
reduce health risks to self and others. NJCCC Standard 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire
health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy,
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The Treatment Of Breast Cancer
Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease occurring in women in Saudi
society. After study and research, it found that two–thirds of the injuries in the Saudi society are
diagnosed in advanced stages. The reasons for that are the lack of education for necessary of Self–
examination and clinical examination annual, leading to the spread of the disease further. In addition
to genetic changes, environmental pollution, bad lifestyle , Obesity ,Lack of exercise are also factors
that helped in the spread of the disease. The delayed age of marriage and lack of breastfeeding are
the risk factors for breast cancer(1,10,14).Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer is important
for successful treatment selection , and increase mortality rate of breast cancer.
Currently mammography and ultrasound are basic imaging techniques for detection and localization
of breast tumor. Breast Ultrasound is a typically painless medical test that uses reflected sound
waves for further evaluation of a breast abnormality or a specific area seen on mammography.
Ultrasound can locate and measure abnormalities or changes to determine if a breast lump is solid or
filled with fluid. A mammogram is an x–ray of the breast which may find tumors that are too small
to feel. Women aged 40 to 74 years should have annual screening mammograms to lower chance of
dying from breast cancer(2,15).Mammograms are less likely to find breast tumors in women
younger than 50 years. This may
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Breast Cancer Case Study
Breast Cancer Case Study 1.4
Lydia is a 45–year–old Caucasian premenopausal female who is visiting her PCP for her annual
physical examination. Part of her physical examination includes a 'ladies exam' including PAP smear
and breast examination. On breast exam you note a small, painless lump in the right upper outer
quadrant. There is no nipple discharge but dimpling was noted around the area of the lump when
sitting upright. Lydia does practice breast self examination but not regularly. She has never had a
mammogram. She is used to having lumps in her breast that seem to come and go with her menses
and was told, in the past, she has fibrocystic breast disease. This particular lump did not resolve
after her period, but she did not think anything of it since it was not painful. ... Show more content
on ...
There were no masses or swelling in the right axilla or forearm. Lydia is a loan officer at a local
bank. She is married and has 3 children ages 4, 7, and 10. Her age at menarche was at 11 years and
2 months. She has taken oral contraceptives in the years before the birth of her first child. Her
family history includes a grandmother and mother who was both diagnosed with breast cancer
before the age of 45. Her father is alive and has a history of hypertension and prostate cancer. Social
history: Drinks 2 pots of coffee daily, denies tobacco, alcohol consumption of 1 glass of wine daily
to wind down, and she denies illicit drug use. All laboratory values were within normal limits. The
remainder of her physical examination and physical examination were within normal limits.
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Breast Cancer Essay
Breast Cancer
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are many different types of
cancer that are affecting people all over. Breast Cancer is one of these, and is found in man and
women. Over 200,000 women and 1,300 men have been diagnosed with breast cancer this year. One
in eight women will detect breast cancer in their lifetime. Men are less than one percent of the cases
of breast cancer that are detected. Although prevention is not yet available, early detection is the
best way to handle breast cancer, which can be treated in many ways.
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor found in the glandular tissue of the breast. This tumor is called a
carcinoma, which causes a single abnormal cell to ... Show more content on ...
SERMs is a drug that has estrogen–like properties and anti–estrogen properties that is used to help
prevent the loss of bone density in postmenopausal women and causes pre–menopausal women to
be more fertile. This will help to block the effects of estrogen on breast tissue that will reduce the
risk of breast cancer. Also a clinical breast examination or a screening mammogram by a physician
is a way to detect breast cancer at early stages. By giving yourself a self–breast examination, by
means of using your hands to feel for bumps or tumors is a way to help prevent breast cancer from
spreading. It is best if it is detected early.
The biggest symptom of breast cancer is finding a lump on your breast. This doesn't actually mean
that you have breast cancer, but it is something you should get checked right away. It could by a
cyst, which is a fluid filled sac that is not cancerous. A change in how the breast or nipple feels,
such, as tenderness is also a symptom. Even a change in the size of your breast or nipple should be
something to look out for.
Recent studies have shown that women who use antibiotics double their chance of the risk of breast
cancer. Scientists say that women should not stop using antibiotics to cure infections. Antibiotics
affect the bacteria in the digestive system in ways that interfere with the ways the body uses food to
protect against cancer.
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Breast Cancer Behavior Analysis Paper
Breast cancer is overwhelmingly common. In fact, in 2013, there were an estimated 3,053,450
women living with female breast cancer in the united states (Howlader et al., 2013). This disease has
such an immense impact on the lives that it touches. Therefore, it should be taken seriously and
preventions should not be neglected. The purpose for this paper is to explore my health behavior
change in regards to breast cancer prevention, while utilizing my support system. I will also apply
the nursing process throughout my discussion about the behavior change. Breast cancer is
something that has personally touched my family and more than once. I have more than one
immediate family member that is currently diagnosed with breast cancer. This alone, ... Show more
content on ...
In fact, it was not the behavior change project that changed my thought process but rather my family
member's diagnosis and the timing was perfect for this paper. Over the course of the past 5 weeks or
so, I have moved from precontemplation to the preparation stage and will be moving into the action
stage in the coming month. I have implemented some new healthy behavior in regards to breast
cancer prevention and I have plan of action such as talking with my physician. I will carry out the
above screening tools that were mentioned as well as continue to lean on my family for support.
Something that I have learned through this process is that fear can be a major motivator. Regardless
of where it comes from there needs to be some form of motivation. If my family was perfectly
healthy and I felt fine, I would feel like there was no reason for me to even consider breast cancer
prevention. This experience has made me realize that it is important to consider all aspects of my
own health. Just because I feel fine now does not mean that I will be fine in the future. Exactly as
my family member mentioned, prevention is key. Women need to take the time to support a healthy
lifestyle, perform self–exams, and get regular mammograms. This is something that I will hold onto
and hopefully be able to implement into my nursing practice and educate when I
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Breast Cancer Essay
Breast Cancer:
Risk Factors, Detection & Treatment
Among all American women who die when they are between the ages of forty and forty–five, the
cause of death most likely to be listed on their death certificates is BREAST CANCER. Breast
tumors are responsible for the greatest number of deaths among women, and breast cancer alone is
the cause of almost one fifth of all cancer related mortalities. It results in the death of thirty seven
thousand American women every year. Currently, there is no concrete answer as to how breast
cancer is caused nor is their a cure for the disease. "Research over the past fifty years has narrowed
the causes down to certain risk factors that are common amongst breast cancer ... Show more
content on ...
The mammography is quite a process because it involves several steps. The first step is the taking of
several X–rays of each breast to search for abnormalities. The second step is the doing an extensive
examination of the patients medical history. The patient is then sat down and counseled by the
person performing the exam, usually a radiologist. The only discomfort experienced during a
mammography is when the breast is compressed to facilitate better viewing of the tissue by the X–
ray machine. "Due to the time and effort as well as the radiation absorbed during the mammography,
it is only recommended that they be taken every 3 years after the age of twenty, and annually if over
the age of forty." (Seltzer, 133) "Even though both self exams and the use of a mammography is
proven to greatly reduce the mortality rate with breast cancer, only a small portion of the women in
America partake of it." (Subak–Sharpe, 125) Most women don't because they either fear the pain of
discovering the disease, fear the mutilation of their breasts that could follow, or fear losing a breast
itself. Despite their life saving characteristics, women insist on saying things such as "Why go
looking for trouble?" In the end, they might only be facing death.
Treatment methods for breast cancer have progressed
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Three-Pronged Approach Analysis
Describe the three–pronged approach to early detection of breast masses: mammography, clinical
breast exam, and self–awareness.
Early detection by screening for breast masses involves a three pronged approach: mammography,
breast self–examination, clinical breast examination. Women should have a baseline mammography
screening beginning at the age forty. Women who are at a high risk for breast cancer should have a
yearly exam beginning at age the age of thirty. A mammography is an X–ray that allows health care
professionals to examine the breast tissue for any suspicious areas. Mammograms can often show a
breast abnormality before it can be self–detected. The clinical breast exam is performed by a
healthcare professional that is trained to recognize different types of abnormalities and risk factors.
The clinical breast exams are conducted in–office, typically completed by a family physician or
gynecologist at your annual exam. A self–breast exam is something women should do once a month
at home. Breast self–exams help you become familiar with how your ... Show more content on ...
Women who are at the greatest risk are over the age over the age of fifty years of age. Patients with
a family history of cancer, especially in their first degree relatives, may have inherited mutations of
BRCA1 and/or BRCA2. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genetic mutations that put patients are risk for
cancer. Patients that have a history of breast cancer are five times more likely of developing cancer
in the opposite breast. Patients with dense breast are at risk for developing breast cancer due to the
fact dense breast contains more glandular and connective tissue. Patients who are exposed to high
doses of ionizing radiation to the thorax, early menarche, tobacco use, nulliparity, late menopause,
and first child birth after thirty years of age put the patient at risk for breast cancer (Ignatavicius,
2013, p.
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The Treatment Of Breast Cancer
The human body is made of about 37 trillion cells, which work together in collaboration to keep
your body functioning correctly. When a cancer or a disease attacks healthy cells, it overtakes the
entire cell's functions and rapidly multiplies into other corrupt cells. It is very important to the safety
of a person's life to be educated on the effects of cancer and how to detect them, because it is a
wildfire like disease, once it has spread it is extremely hard to control. Breast cancer intrigues me
because I have a high risk of getting this cancer due to my family history; from my great aunts to
aunts to my own mother. They have shown strength and courage in defeating every bad cell that
comes through their pathway. This report is to inform the reader on the history of breast cancer, the
types of breast cancer, how it is diagnosed, treatment methods and future prevention methods.
The presence of breast cancer can be dated for the entire time human life has existed. It was known
easily because breast cancer is detected through self–examination, what a person would feel in self–
examination is a lump or a mass of cells in one specific spot of the breast. However, because the
definition and term Breast Cancer was beyond their literary means in the early years, the lumps
found on breasts were seen as something of embarrassment or forbidden (Mandal). The Egyptians
and Greeks from over 3,500 years ago was the first culture to inspect the breast cancer, they thought
it was just
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Breast Cancer : A Serious Condition
Destiny Myers
BBH 411W.004
Prof. Gyekis
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a serious condition and takes many people 's lives each and every year. It accounts
for at least 18.2% of cancer deaths worldwide.1 In society today, women are more focused on what
appeals to men, rather than worrying about their own health. "If only women paid as much attention
to their breast as men do" is promoted by National Breast Cancer Foundation. 2 The message that I
took from this PSA is the notion that women do not pay enough attention to their bodies from a
health standpoint. Men are seen paying more attention to our breast than we do. Being educated on
pre–screening techniques, signs, & overall education about breast cancer could help increase
awareness and decrease incidence rates3. Women need to stop obsessing about self–image and start
focusing more on their overall health. Breast cancer is a serious invasive cancer and if we paid more
attention to it then the better prepared we will be in the future. This lead me to find two studies
related to Breast cancer awareness. The two studies look at different groups and measure and
evaluate their knowledge of risks & symptoms, pre–screening techniques.
In 2006, a preventative study was done on 3 ethnic groups of women (Blacks, Arab, Latinos).
Where they studied in a community–based setting their knowledge and socioeconomic factors
associated with 3 types of breast cancer screening.4 (Self Examination, Clinical Examination,
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African American Immigrants
African Immigrants: Breast Cancer Awareness and Mammogram Use
Nature and scope of the project: Despite the advances in medical technology, breast cancer is the
most common cancer among women and is the second cause of mortality in African–American and
Caucasian women in the United States. Mammography has shown to be one of the best method to
reduce late detection of breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends monthly self–
breast examination (SBE), clinical breast examination every three years and mammography starting
at age of 40. Despite the recommendations, there is a disparity among different racial groups. The
breast cancer screening rates are higher in certain subgroups, including low–income African–
Americans and Hispanic
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Breast Cancer Informative Speech

  • 1. Breast Cancer Informative Speech Be a warrior with winning intents... Napoleon hill once said "Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.... It's not merely about the wars been fighting inside the battle field but includes all combats that every person has to fight throughout his or her life. You may come across many difficult situations in your life and at times feel yourself in despair but obviously it's not the end of life. You can make it beginning of a new life full with hopes. Woman a beautiful and delicate creature of God, but it doesn't mean she can't fight against the adversities. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, with nearly 1.7 million new cases diagnosed in 2012 (second most common cancer overall). This represents about 12% of all new cancer cases and 25% of all cancers in women. Breast cancer is hormone related, and the factors that modify the risk of this ... Show more content on ... Having a risk factor does not mean that you will get cancer not having risk factors doesn't mean that you will not get cancer. Older age is the main risk factor for most cancers. The chance of getting cancer increases as you get older. The most common type of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma, which begins in the cells of the duct. Cancer that begins in the lobes or lobules is called lobular carcinoma and is more often found in both breasts than are other types of breast cancer. . Inflammatory breast cancer is an uncommon type of breast cancer in which the breast is warm, red, and swollen. Self–examination can be the first step towards detection. Breast light self–examination device provides a chance for early discovery. It is in fact a device for screening that is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat. By the time symptoms appear, cancer may have begun to ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Breast Cancer That Develops From Breast Tissue Essay Breast cancer that develops from breast tissue. Signs of breast cancer may include a lump in the breast, a change in breast shape, dimpling of the skin, fluid coming from the nipple, or a red scaly patch of skin. In those with distant spread of the disease, there may be bone pain, swollen lymph nodes, shortness of breath, or yellow skin. Risk factors for developing breast cancer include: female sex, obesity, lack of physical exercise, drinking alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, ionizing radiation, early age at first menstruation, having children late or not at all, older age, and family history. About 10% of cases are due to genes inherited from a person 's parents. Breast cancer most commonly develops in cells from the lining of milk ducts and the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers developing from the ducts are known as ductal carcinomas, while those developing from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. In addition, there are more than 18 other sub–types of breast cancer. Some cancers develop from pre–invasive lesions such as ductal carcinoma in situ. The diagnosis of breast cancer is confirmed by taking a biopsy of the concerning lump. Once the diagnosis is made, further tests are done to determine if the cancer has spread beyond the breast and which treatments it may respond to. 1:1 Personal context Breast cancer is the most frequent form of malignancy in women. It may occur at any time but is far more likely to show up after a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Incidence Rates Of Breast Cancer Incidence rates of breast cancer are rising and mortality rates are proportionally high in Arab countries compared to rates in developed countries. The common late diagnosis among Arab women has been related to the low participation rates of Arab women in breast cancer screening activities (Soskolne et al., 2007). Attention has been paid to barriers and facilitators related to breast cancer screening to develop culturally appropriate and effective interventions (Donnelly et al., 2011). It is recognized that personal, religious, environmental, social, and economic factors influence participation in screening programs and other screening activities (Soskolne et al., 2007). So factors affecting Breast Cancer Screening can be classified as following: 1– Factors related to the subject. 2– Factors related to health care system. Factors related to the subject: 1. Age: The elderly patients faced considerably more barriers compared with younger women. Screening elderly women significantly is less often than younger women, regardless of family history of breast cancer (Weinberger et al., 1991). Age influenced potential attendance was 67% of those aged 65–69 who accept breast cancer screening compared with 27% of those aged 80 and over (Edwards and Jones, 2000). Despite the well publicized benefits of screening, about one third of US women aged 40 and older report having no recent mammogram and this proportion varies widely by state. After increasing for 25 years, screening ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Regarding Breast Self... KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE REGARDING BREAST SELF–EXAMINATION (BSE) AMONG POST RN NURSING STUDENTS IN LAHORE (Proposal) Submitted By Gulshan Umbreen PBSN 02133037 Facilitator's. Robina Kousar Preceptor: Mr. M. Shahid Riaz Subject: Senior Elective Community Health Nursing In partial fulfillment for the Degree of Post RN BSc Nursing The Lahore School of Nursing THE UNIVERSITY OF LAHORE 2013–2015 May 8, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study.................................................................................3 1.2 KeyWords..........................................................................................................................................3 1.3. Significance of study.................................................................................................................4 1.4 Justification of study..................................................................................................................4 1.5 Purpose of study.........................................................................................................................5 1.6 Research Question.....................................................................................................................5 1.7 Hypothesis...............................................................................................................................5 1.5 Conceptual Definitions ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Paper On Breast Cancer Introduction Cancer of the breast is the most common type of non–skin cancer affecting women. It also comes second after lung cancer in the number of deaths among the African–American population in 2017; the American Cancer Society estimated that there would be approximately 252,710 new cases of breast cancer which is considered invasive that will be diagnosed in the United States. More so, nearly 63,410 new cases of (CIS) carcinoma in situ will be detected, and approximately 40,610 women will depart this life as a result of cancer of the breast(Siegel, Miller, & Jemal, 2015).In the United States, the incidence of cancer of the breast is not similar among the African America women and the white. Such that, it has been noted that the ... Show more content on ... It is well elaborated that health care providers should share information with their clients on the health benefits and the harm of breast cancers screening tests available (Siu, 2016). Also, the healthcare worker should clarify to the client using evidence all the screening methods available and known risks for cancer of the breast. The United States Preventive Service Task Force recommends mammography to individuals who are 50 years and above taking into account the risks it poses to the client (Nelson, Smith, Griffin, & Fu, 2013).Mammography is well thought–out as the primary technique for screening of breast cancer. This procedure is crucial in the detection of early stages of breast cancer more often before even a lump can be physically felt(Gøtzsche & Jørgensen, 2013). In Canada, a 15–20% reduction in mortality as a result of breast cancer–related complications has been observed following the screening with mammography (Care & others, 2011) The guidelines that existed previously had considered clinical breast examination which was to be done by the healthcare worker. However, the Canadian task force on Preventive Healthcare 2011 has concluded that there is inadequate proof for the recommendation of this procedure when there is the availability of mammography. United States Preventive Service Task Force also recommends that all women clients should be taught about ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Genetic Factors To The Development Of Breast Cancer You probably know at least one person who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer for women in the United States. Although more common in women, this cancer can also be found in men. The abnormal development of breast tissue cells ultimately generates Breast Cancer. However, there are many different things that can provoke these cells to develop. Even today, scientists are still unsure about all the factors that cause Breast Cancer. So that is why research continues to be done to find reasons as to why it is being developed and different ways to prevent it. They have discovered that breast cancer can be affected by both environmental and genetic factors. In addition to that, doctors do know that there are a few specific gene mutations that exist that are linked to Breast Cancer. Mutated genes can be acquired through life and some of these genes can create Breast Cancer. Some other common causes are the regular consumption of alcohol, the regular smoking of cigarettes, and being very overweight. Being exposed to the hormone estrogen for longer amounts of time is also very common in the development of Breast Cancer. This happens when menstruation lasts after the age of 50 and starts before the age of 12. Some doctors also believe that irradiation in the chest due to previous issues and treatments can also lead to cancer. ... Show more content on ... Mutated genes can also be inherited. When inherited, the rate of developing this cancer is much higher. It is common to be diagnosed with breast cancer if many others of your family have had breast cancer or ovarian cancer in the past. Especially, if it was triple–negative, in both breasts, or a ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Why Is It Important To Preform Breast Self-Examination? It is extremely important for women to preform breast self – examinations (BSE). However, even though it is almost the year 2018 some individuals still refrain from speaking about proper breast care. Breasts are seen as private, personal things, and often it is taboo to bring up in most conversations. Over 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2107, and unfortunatly over 40,610 women will die from breast cancer this year. We must be able to open conversation about breast care. While also respecting the induvial and her privacy, and culture. Health education intervention This specific interaction between a health educator and patient would not be considered a successful heath education intervention. If an intervention is successful the person will change their behavior. In this case the women would leave and ... Show more content on ... The health educator used an anatomically correct model to show exactly how to perform a breast self – examinations (BSE), and this was correctly done. If the health educator would have showed her the techniques on her own breast, or even worse asked the patient if she could touch the patient that would have been completely inappropriate and unprofessional. The health educator also correctly educated the women on how important breast self – examinations (BSE) were for detection of breast cancer Heath educator negatives One thing the health educator could have done differently is not of asked the patient if she performs breast self–exams already. This put the women on the spot, and she felt obligated to say yes, when in reality she did not. The health educator should have explained to the women the important of self–breasts exams, and then asked the women if she would like to know how to do them. As health educator it is our ethical and professional duty to educate people about their health. But we cannot force them to learn we must be respectful of each patient ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Elderly Interview cRunning head: ELDER INTERVIEW Elder Interview Jorge Fernandez Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing NURS 3313 – Care of the Healthy Aging Adult Elder Interview General Appearance Normal Signs of Aging Mrs. L is a 64 year old female Caucasian who lives in West Texas. Her hair is naturally gray, but she dyes it, and appears thin and evenly distributed on her head. There are no signs of baldness but her hair is thinning. Tabloski (2006) states "the hair of a older person looks gray or white due to a decrease in the number of functioning melanocytes and the replacement of pigmented strands of hair with non–pigmented ones" (p. 335). Mrs. L's skin is thin and pale in color. No other parts of her body were visible. ... Show more content on ... L was married for 20 years. She has 2 daughters; one is going to school and the other lives in Texas. Her mother has been living with her for 3 ½ years. She enjoys movies, having coffee with her friends once a week, and her two grandchildren. She is active in her church, and used to do prison ministry. She works in Gerontology at the Health Sciences Center and has been a Tech employee for 25 years. Current Medications Mrs. L stated that she takes Baby Aspirin daily, two Vitoran pills for blood pressure, pills for high cholesterol, fish oil, and extra Vitamin B. She did not mention any adverse effects the medications had on her. Health Promotional Activities Use of Exercise Mrs. L stated that she likes to take walks at least 3 to 4 times a week. Her back problems affect her ability to do a wide range of exercises. Use of Relaxation Techniques Mrs. L stated that she enjoys coffee or sharing with friends. She does not do many of the things she used to do since her mother moved in with her. She likes to cross stitch and listen to music. She said that doing all these things helped her to relax. Current Immunizations Mrs. L stated that she has had her current pneumonia and shingles immunizations. She has also had her flu shot for the year. For the prevention of pneumonia and influenza, it is recommended that older persons receive an influenza vaccination yearly and a
  • 9. pneumococcal immunization every 10 years (Tabloski, 2006, p. 508). Last Physical Exam ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Breast Cancer Prevention and Education Essay According to the American Cancer Society, "Breast cancer is the common disease of women in the United States, other than skin cancer." After lung cancer, it is the leading secondary cause of cancer death in women. It helps to have some basic facts about the normal makeup of the breasts to understand breast cancer. In the past, this disease was one of the most feared forms of cancer due to its fatality rate and because complete recovery often required breast removal. The best way to fight this disease is to have a plan that helps you detect the disease in its early stages. Now, however, treatment options have been expanded and there is a higher probability of full recovery than ever before. Lives can be saved by increasing awareness of ... Show more content on ... These ducts lead to the nipple in the center of a dark area of skin called the areola. Fat encloses the lobule and ducts. There are no muscles in the breast, but the rest underneath each and cover the ribs. These common features can from time to time cause the breasts to feel lumpy, especially in women who are poor or who have undersized breasts. Each breast also contains blood vessels and lymph vessels which carry colorless liquid and lead to little bean–shaped organs called lymph nodes. Clusters of lymph nodes found near the breast under the arm, on top of the collarbone, and in the chest. Lymph nodes are also originating in various other parts of the body (Everyday Health, Inc., 2010). According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, "Study has shown that women with risk factors are more prone than others to contain the disease because no one knows the exact origin of breast cancer." Several risk factors can be traced to better ways of identifying and detecting cancer in an early stage and the effect of changes in the way we live by delaying childbirth, taking substitute hormones and oral contraceptives, eating foods high in fat, or drinking excessive alcohol. More risk factors include early menstruation, late menopause and having your first child neither at an aging period nor given birth, and taking birth control for years if women are under age 35. Other risk factors are a family history of breast cancer and concentrated breast ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay On Mammography Mammography can still be performed with breast implants in place. Mammography technicians are trained to use specialized techniques for women with breast implants that help to image the breast tissue around the curved surface of the implants. Be sure to let the mammography provider know that you have breast implants when you schedule your mammogram. It is not possible to obtain a mammogram by imaging through the implants, only around them. Breast implants therefore potentially do reduce a radiologist's ability to visualize breast tissue completely. This is more of a concern with implants placed immediately behind the breast ('sub– mammary', aka 'sub–glandular' position), so for that reason the sub–pectoral position is strongly preferred. There is no conclusive evidence which shows that women with breast implants are diagnosed with breast cancer at a later stage than women without implants – which one would expect if breast implants actually delayed the detection of breast cancer. Likewise, women with breast implants do not appear to have a higher mortality rate from breast cancer compared to women without breast implants. Breast implants do not obscure or interfere with patient self–examination or physician breast examination, which are at least as important as (if not more important than) mammography for breast cancer screening. ... Show more content on ... The most sensitive and specific radiologic test for breast cancer is a contrast–enhanced MRI scan, which refers to an MRI that is enhanced by the administration of an intravenous 'contrast' agent. The contrast agent helps to 'light up' a breast cancer on the MRI scan when one is present. Breast implants do not interfere with breast MRI scanning in any ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Breast Cancer : Education Is Vital Breast Cancer: Education is Vital Every nineteen seconds a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in the world, yet controversy still surrounds the issue of breast cancer education and recommendations for screenings ( Four top organizations have introduced different recommendations on breast cancer screening, although proposed treatment plans are similar, the issue still persists. Educating women of all ages, ethnic and social backgrounds is significant because there are many misconceptions on breast cancer screening that has instilled fear in many women, causing them to forego any type of screening or testing. Therefore, would improved educational resources impact breast cancer screening compliance, leading to earlier detection, thus improving overall survival rates of breast cancer patients? In–depth education is significant in relation to breast cancer survival rates based on the ability to reduce anxiety and common misconceptions related to screening processes and improving compliance. The research will show that improved education and guidance from cancer professionals could be beneficial to many women so they are aware of their options and able to make informed decisions in the process. The earlier a cancer is detected increases the rate of survival in most cases. The risks for acquiring breast cancer increase with age, therefore proving the necessity for compliance with screenings, which include breast self–examinations monthly, clinical breast ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory: Early Detection Of... Learning theory: I would use Bandura's "Social Cognitive Theory". He focuses on the acquisition of behaviors. He believes that people acquire behaviors through the observation of others, then imitate what they have observed". (Moore, A., 1999). The theory also states that, people learn from one another through observation, imitation, and modeling in a social setting. Teaching breast self– examination to a group of women in a gynecology clinic class is perfect setting to apply Bandura's social learning theory. At first, I will teach them how important it is to do the self–breast exam in early detection of breast cancer. Since breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in the United States, early detection will increase ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Breast Self Awareness Papers Page Title Breast Self–Awareness Meta Description Our Round Rock obgyns explain how breast self–awareness can help detect breast cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages. Meta Title (70 cap) Breast Self–Awareness – Early Cancer Detection – Round Rock Obgyns Comments Live Date (AMY) URL (AMY) Breast Self–Awareness Understanding breast self–awareness facilitates early breast cancer detection In the past, you may have been urged to perform a monthly breast self–exam. Many women forget to perform the exam or aren't sure if they're doing it right. However, many reputable medical organizations now recommend that women practice breast self–awareness instead of worrying about sticking to a rigid schedule of monthly breast self–exams. Our ... Show more content on ... An annual clinical breast examination during your annual wellness exam Annual mammograms if you are age 40 and over, or earlier if you have risk factors that put you at higher risk for developing breast cancer Incorporating breast self–awareness into your everyday life What is breast self–awareness? Breast self–awareness means knowing your own breasts, including what they normally look and feel like. Once you establish this, you can report any changes that you notice to our Round Rock obgyns. Breast self–awareness requires that you touch your breasts to determine how they normally feel and if there are any changes. You also need to look at your breasts to notice changes. Here are some important changes you should note and report to our Round Rock obgyns. Any lumps, thickening or knots in your breasts or armpit area Changes in the shape or size or your breasts Redness, darkening, warmth or swelling Puckered or dimpled breast skin Nipples that feel itchy, sore, scaly or develop a rash Nipple discharge, especially if it is bloody Swelling in the lymph nodes near the breast, such as in the
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  • 16. Essay on Breast Cancer Case Study Luis F Vega Jr NUR 1211 Breast Cancer Case Study Mrs. Thomas, a 57 year old married lawyer, was found to have a 4 X 6 cm firm, fixed mass in the upper, outer quadrant of the right breast during a routine physical examination, and a stereotactic core biopsy indicated a malignant tumor. Although the surgeon recommended a mastectomy because of the size of the tumor, Mrs. Thomas chose to have a lumpectomy. Now three weeks postoperative, she is scheduled for chemotherapy. Subjective Data Never had a routine mammogram Never practiced Breast Self–Examination (BSE) States she deserves to have breast cancer for being so careless about her health Chose to have a lumpectomy to remove the tumor despite its large size because she believes ... Show more content on ... What can the nurse do to help Mrs. Thomas reduce or manage the common physical effects of the chemotherapy? Nausea & Vomiting – anti–emetic drug, eat and drink slowly, drinking enough fluids Mouth sores (Mucositis) – OTC anesthetics, ice chips or popsicles, gargling Diarrhea – drink plenty of fluids, high–protein foods, cooked vegetables, fresh fruits without the skin Hair loss – wear some kind of head covering (scarf, turban, hat, or wig) 4. What does the finding that Mrs. Thomas's tumor is estrogen receptor–positive mean? What additional treatment modalities might this suggest? This means that estrogen, but not progesterone, may be supporting the growth and spread of the cancer cells. Your doctor usually will prescribe some form of hormonal therapy at some point in your treatment plan. 5. How could the nurse help Mrs. Thomas cope with her feelings of guilt and maintain a positive relationship with her husband? The nurse could listen to and explore Mrs. Thomas's feeling of guilt. Inform her about support groups and counseling that are available in her area. 6. What are some possible reasons that Mrs. Thomas did not perform BSE or have mammography performed? Not confident in the technique of BSE
  • 17. Fear that something may be found Losing her sexual identity ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Changes In Honor Of Breast Cancer Awareness Month In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Steward would like to take the time to educate women about the risk factors associated with the breast cancer, as well as provide tips on how to screen themselves this October. For some women their breasts change in shape and appearance several times over the course of their lives due to different hormonal fluctuations. Some women experience little to no change at all. Regardless, it is important to become familiar and comfortable with the feel and look of your breasts so in the case of any changes you are able to identify them and accurately discuss these changes with your doctor. If you ever feel a lump, or anything out of the ordinary never hesitate to call your doctor immediately. Risks Some ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Cancer TERMINOLOGY CLINICAL CLARIFICATION Cancer that develops in the cells of the breast 12 Diagnosis requires a tissue biopsy for microscopic examination to determine pathology CLASSIFICATION The TNM classification is used for clinical staging of breast tumors. The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCQ 7th edition stages breast cancer as follows: 12 o TX: primary tumor cannot be assessed o TO: no evidence of primary tumor o Tis: cancer in situ – Tis (DCIS): ductal carcinoma in situ – Tis (LCIS): lobular carcinoma in situ – Tis (Paget): Paget disease of the nipple not associated with DCIS/LCIS o T1: 20 mm but " '50 mm in greatest dimension o T3: >50 mm in greatest dimension o T4: regional invasion o NX: regional nodes cannot be ... Show more content on ... Stages o Stage 0: TisNOMO o Stage lA: T1NOMO o Stage IB: (TO–T1)N1miMO o Stage IlA: (TO–T1)N1 MO, T2NOMO o Stage liB: T2N1MO, T3NOMO o Stage lilA: (TO–T2)N2MO, T3(N1–N2)MO o Stage 1118: T4(NO–N2)MO o Stage IIIC: any T, N3, MO o Stage IV: any T, any N, M1 DIAGNOSIS CLINICAL PRESENTATION History o Breast mass may not be detectable and found incidentally on screening mammography 21 o Mass in breast detected by patient or by screening mammography 21 o Personal and/or significant family history (First– or second–degree relatives) of breast and/or ovarian cancer, or atypia noted on prior biopsies 21 o There may be bone pain due to metastasis in advanced disease o Shortness of breath may be present if spread to the lungs Physical examination o Palpable breast lumps are detectable in 90% of cancers and are the most common sign 8 o Eczematous ulcer of the nipple – Paget 's disease may mimic these findings o Skin edema/erythema o Breast lymphedema (peau d 'orange) o Skin nodules o In advanced disease, there may be signs of pleural effusion, and/or hepatomegaly, and/or bone metastases as regional and generalized spread of the cancer ensues 2 o Bloody nipple discharge:unilateral, spontaneous
  • 20. – Nipple discharge generally relates to a benign condition and its most common cause is an intraductal papilloma, a benign condition treated by excision alone 8 o Skin and/or nipple retraction o Eczematous ulcer of the nipple – Paget 's disease may mimic these findings CAUSES AND ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Breast Cancer Hispanic Women Breast Cancer in Hispanic Women Yulexis Perez NR 222 Health & Wellness Professor Dr. Telsa Henlon Chamberlain College of Nursing April 2017 Introduction According to research, it has established that breast cancer is one of the leading cause of cancer death among Hispanic women despite them having a low incidence rate of breast cancer. It has attributed to the fact that most Hispanic women presents with advanced breast cancer at diagnosis, and thus is more likely to die from breast cancer compared with non–Hispanic white women. According to Banegas and Li (2012), an estimated number of 39510 breast cancer deaths in women occurred, and 226,870 new breast cancer cases were diagnosed in the US. Among all these cases, Hispanic women ... Show more content on ... This project will be of great help to the Hispanic women. Having a health promotion project that is guided by research is a significant step in achieving better health outcomes on preventing and managing breast cancer in Hispanic women. References Banegas, M. P., Leng, M., Graubard, B. I., & Morales, L. S. (2013). The risk of developing invasive breast cancer in Hispanic women: A look across Hispanic subgroups. Cancer, 119(7), 1373–1380. Banegas, M. P., & Li, C. I. (2012). Breast cancer characteristics and outcomes among Hispanic Black and Hispanic White women. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 134(3), 1297–1304. Healthy People 2020. Cancer. Retrieved on 31st March 2017 from–objectives/topic/cancer John, E. M., Sangaramoorthy, M., Hines, L. M., Stern, M. C., Baumgartner, K. B., Giuliano, A. R., Slattery, M. L. (2015). Overall and abdominal adiposity and premenopausal breast cancer risk among Hispanic women: the breast cancer health disparities study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 24(1), 138–147. Kratzke, C., Vilchis, H., & Amatya, A. (2013). Breast cancer prevention knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among college women and mother–daughter communication. Journal of Community Health, 38(3), ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Research Paper On Breast Augmentation Since 2006, breast augmentation has ranked as the number one cosmetic surgical procedure. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, with nearly 300,000 augmentations performed in 2014, breast augmentation surgery remains at the top of the list for cosmetic surgical procedures; 23 percent of these procedures were completed using saline implants and 77 percent using silicone implants. REASONS WOMEN IN ORANGE COUNTY CHOOSE TO HAVE A BREAST AUGMENTATION Women in Orange County who are unhappy with the way their breasts look may decide to have an augmentation to: Improve their self–confidence Make their breasts fuller and increase their projection Enhance their self–image Improve the proportions of their body to balance their figure ... Show more content on ... THE IDEAL CANDIDATE FOR BREAST AUGMENTATION IN ORANGE COUNTY Because breast augmentation is an extremely personal procedure, a woman should choose to have an augmentation for herself, not for someone else. A good candidate for breast augmentation in Orange County: She is unhappy with the volume, size and/or shape of her breasts. Has a realistic expectation as to what an augmentation can do for her. She is physically healthy. Has breasts that appear asymmetrical. She is unhappy because the upper parts of her breasts appear ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Teaching And Learning Plan On Testicular Cancer For Second... Evaluating our teaching and learning plan on Testicular cancer for second year nursing students enable us to reflect on the whether the teaching and learning tools were effective in reaching the goals we laid out in our teaching plan and rational. Using a summative evaluation we were able to determine the effectiveness of our plan and learners experience (Worrall, P.S., 2014). This approach enabled us to determine whether we as teachers facilitated a stimulating and effective educational session that enabled learners to be at their peak learning capacity in an environment that fostered learning through the use of visuals, auditory and interactive tools to deliver salient information about testicular cancer to which the students are ... Show more content on ... To support increased learning in our allotted thirty minutes time frame, we included some videos pre–class to help to establish a concept of our topic and, emailed our powerpoint in which they could take their own notes during class. We used repetition with discretion to provide a platform for which our Powerpoint presentation could build up their understanding (Fitzgerald, K., & Keyes, K. (2014). We feel this minimized the same information being repeated in a manner in what Fitzgerald & Keyes (2014) desctive effective learning tools by reviewing key points to deepen the learner 's understanding. Challenges that we experienced while facilitating our teaching plan were: Nervous at the start of our presentation, pronunciation of a few pathology terms, intermittent reduce volume from presenter and disengagement from the class during the implementation of our activity in which we had the class participate in a testicular self–examination. We feel the disengagement occurred because we didn't explain activity prior to doing it. Time efficiency played a role in our decision to pass out the activity props while Sarah explained the rationale for the activity. We feel that providing the students with props distracted their attention from what Sarah was explaining. This could also be a effect of what Richards (2014) describes are Locus of control where motivation from within the learner is influence by external forces in which ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Patient Denies Performing Breast Self Examination Breast: Patient denies any pain, lump, nipple discharge, rash, history of breast disease, or any surgery on breasts. Patient denies performing breast self–examination. Respiratory: Patient denies having history of lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia, or tuberculosis. She also denies having chest pain with breathing, wheezing or noise breathing, shortness of breath, hemoptysis, sputum, toxin or pollution exposure. Patient states that she had common cold with some productive cough for about a week last month. Also, patient states that occasionally she experiences shortness of breath when she runs for more than 40 minutes. Patient states that her last chest x–ray was 1 years ago, and the results were negative. ... Show more content on ... Patient denies any straining or discomfort on defecation. Patient denies having any recent change of bowel movements as, constipation, diarrhea, black stools, or rectal bleeding. She denies hemorrhoids, or fistula. Patient also denies using laxatives or antacids. Urinary System: Patient states that she urinates about 4 times a day without urgency. She denies having nocturia, dysuria, polyuria or oliguria, hesitancy or straining, narrowed stream, inconsistence, or pain in flank groin, suprapubic region, or low back. She states that her urine is clear, and it does not present hematuria. In order to avoid urinary tract infections, she states that she drinks about three liters of water every day. She had a UTI at age 18. Male Genital System: N/A Female Genital System: No discharge, itching, sores, lumps. Patient had her menstruation was 2 weeks ago normal menstruation. Peripheral Vascular: Patient denies any coldness, numbness or tingling, swelling of legs or arms, discoloration in hands or feet, varicose veins or complications, intermittent claudication, thrombophlebitis, or ulcers. She states that she crosses legs at the knees occasionally when long term sitting, and she does not wear support hose in these circumstances. Musculoskeletal System: Patient denies having history of arthritis or gout. She also denies the presence of pain, stiffness, swelling, deformity, limitation of motion, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Cholecystitis Case Study Essay Presenting symptom: A 28–year old Caucasian female patient is presenting with a new breast lump found on self– examination at home. The patient describes this breast lump located in the left upper quadrant of her breast and states that it is approximately the size of a pea and is hard. The physical examination would include a thorough breast examination. The patient should be covered for decency and exposing one breast at a time should be done. Breasts are divided into four quadrants based on horizontal and vertical lines crossing at the nipple (Bickley, 2013). Palpation of lymph nodes in the lateral, central, subscapular, pectoral, supraclavicular and infraclavicular areas should be palpated to determine any further lumps. A thorough health ... Show more content on ... Patients may be more apt to take breast cancer seriously and do monthly examinations knowing that they have a BRCA mutation. This may help to save lives and prevent future health declines associated with breast cancer. There are also many cultural considerations with breast cancer. For example, Latinas are usually diagnosed with breast cancer in advanced stages (Kingsley, 2010). This may be because it can be taboo to talk about cancers or perhaps those born to poor economic status do not have access to adequate health care screenings. However, Latinas have a lower incidence of breast cancer compared to Caucasians (Kingsley, 2010). No matter the race, age, ethnicity, culture or religion breast cancer is a serious illness and getting immediate medical attention may just save someone's ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Breast Cancer Essay Breast Cancer Breast Cancer is a cancer that forms in tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands that make milk). It occurs in both men and women, although male breast cancer is rare. Anyone women could be at risk for breast cancer but, there are factors that make some women more susceptible to breast cancer than others. A risk factor is anything that affects your chances of getting a particular disease. Some can be controlled and some can't. The ones you can control are genetics or family history, and environmental exposures or behaviors that might have happened in the past. The current and future behaviors can be controlled like exercise and a good diet. You also need to watch ... Show more content on ... There have been cases were a man will get breast cancer and it is rare but it has happened. Men do need to check the same areas women do just to make sure that if they would get it that it could be caught soon enough. Exercise will help prevent the chances of getting breast cancer as well, studies show that exercising about 2 hours per week (swimming, walking, jogging, hiking, and riding a bicycle will reduce a women's chance of getting breast cancer by 20%. Early detection is the key to beating or fighting a chronic disease like breast cancer and any other cancer or disease out there. Finding it early enough makes it easy for your body to fight it off and beat it and it also makes it easier for the doctors to help you beat it. There are also ways to make sure that you keep an eye on things yourself and that is by self–examination and the doctors say that every woman needs to do this at least 2 a month. If there is ever any doubt and you think that something is wrong then make a doctor's appointment right away. In conclusion, besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. Just fewer than 30% of cancers in women are breast cancers. That is why it is important to do self–examinations and always go to doctors' visits to make sure you are healthy. We've all heard the saying "your life depends on it" well this is very true for women when it comes to breast ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Annotated Bibliography On Mammograms Kolata, G. (2009, November 17). Panel urges mammograms at 50, Not 40. The New York Times. Retrieved from The Author reports that the new recommended age for mammograms, by the United States Preventative Services Task Force, has changed from 50 to 40 to reduce the harm from over screening and overtreatment. It also reports that self–breast examinations are no longer recommended on a regular basis. This recommendation comes from evidence that there are no major benefits of early screenings and that only "one cancer death is prevented for every 1,904 women" screened, age 40 to 49. Conversely, there is evidence that frequent early screenings can lead to overtreatment ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Breast Self-Exam Process Analysis The Steps of Improving Your Breast Self–Examination If you are quickly self–examining your breasts under the shower once per month, you may be skipping some important steps of an effective, breast self–examination. In fact, to perform the best breast self–examination, you need to follow several steps that involve checking more than the breasts themselves. Here are the steps of performing an effective, monthly, breast self–examination, which are recommended by breast cancer surgeons. You may even not be aware of some the steps that are essential. 1st step – check out the breasts for differences An effective, breast self–examination involves both the feel and the look of the breasts. To check out the appearance of your breasts sit or stand ... Show more content on ... Examine the breasts and the surrounding areas by doing circular motions and increasing the pressure to examine more than just superficial tissue. 4th step – examine the areas around the breasts Check the surrounding areas from the collarbone to the sternum and below the breasts as well. Examine the parts under the arm for lymph nodes and swelling. Check all the areas around the breasts for something that feels like a walnut, marble or a pea. 5th step – the timing of the self–examination Examine the breasts at the same time every month. Do this at least a week after your menstruation since there are less changes in breasts caused by the menstrual cycle at this time. Women in postmenopause can perform the examination at any time of the month. Even though it is still debated whether breast self–examination is necessary, men and women who are at greater risk for breast cancer should perform the examination. Many women detect breast lumps and breast cancer by themselves and this makes them visit the doctor ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Physical Assessment Case Studies Physical Assessment Jane presents to the hospital for evaluation of a right breast mass. Jane reports that she felt a lump during her self–breast examination a month ago and called for an appointment with her gynecologist for a checkup and mammogram. On examination in the office, Jane's breasts are asymmetrical, pain, redness, warmth and bloody discharge from the right nipple. The right breast with a lump at the 3 o'clock position and the skin is dimpling in that area. Jane's mammogram reveals a 6cm mass to right breast. Ultrasound of the right breast confirms the 6 cm mass. Core needle biopsy confirms Stage III Breast Cancer. ER and PR= positive, HER2=positive. Jane was 12 years old when she started her periods, had 1 pregnancy and ... Show more content on ... In doing this research, all the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tools are geared towards women. According to BreastCancer.Org, in 2015, an estimated 231,840 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 60,290 new cases of non–invasive (in situ) breast cancer. About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. About 2,350 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in men in 2015. A man's lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 1,000. The most significant risk factors for breast cancer are gender (being a woman) and age (growing ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Mammography Essay After careful analysis of numerous studies performed in many countries around the world, I believe that mammography contributes to increased detection of breast cancer but shows no reduction in its mortality rate. The strongest articles that support my stance surround the Canadian National Breast Screening Study (CNBSS), which is a randomized clinical trial started in 1980 which aimed to assess the differences in breast cancer prevalence in two primary groups of women aged 40–59. 89 835 women have participated in this study since its inception. The first group consists of those who underwent breast examinations supplemented with screening mammography (mammography arm, 44 925 women), while the second group only received breast examinations and ... Show more content on ... CNBSS findings were released at the 13, 11–16 and 25 year marks. Results from the first period concluded that early mammography and physical examination of the breasts detected considerably more node–negative, small tumours than usual care, but it had no impact on the rate of death from breast cancer.1 Due to the length of the observational period following enrollment in the study, subjects fell between 50 and 59 years old at the time of this evaluation. The mortality ratio between the two groups at first look was 1.36. Both groups showed similar survival rates1. Upon the second evaluation, researchers acknowledged the benefit of improved detection of impalpable and even in situ breast carcinomas with screening, but were adamant that mammography played no role in reducing mortality rate2. The 25 year findings are of particular importance, as the CNBSS is now the longest running observational study of its kind. All–cause mortality was 9477 or 10.6% in the follow up period3. At the 25 year mark, 505 women in the control arm had died of breast cancer versus 500 in the mammography arm. One point that was mentioned in many studies is the over– diagnosis consequence of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Breast Cancer Breast Self Examination Background of the Study Breast is a very vital portion of a female's body. Breast problems and diseases alike carcinoma get distress and sorrow to women and most women should do everything in their capability to avoid its presence (Omoyeni, Oluwafeyikemi, & Irinoye, 2014). According to American cancer society Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that starts in the cells of the breast. A malignant tumor is a set of cancer cells that can develop into (invade) near tissues or spread (metastasize) to distant areas of the body. The disease happens almost exclusively in women (American Cancer Society, 2015). For early identification of breast cancer Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is an important and inexpensive method.Breast Self–Examination (BSE) is the examination done by individuals to help identify any abnormality within the breasts. It involves visually and by hand examining the breasts. It should be done at the age of 20 years and monthly;rather a few days after an individual's menstrual period when the breasts are slight swollen. Breast Self–Examination (BSE) involves a process whereby women inspect their breasts regularly to detect any abnormal swelling and ready for taking medical care. For the early recognition of breast cancerBreast self–examination is a useful tool (Omoyeni, etal., 2014). . According to American Cancer Society the use the of finger pads of the 3 middle fingers on your left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast.While standing in front of a mirror with ... Get more on ...
  • 32. study grid Essay examples University of Phoenix Material Case Study Grid List five factors of the patient's history that demonstrate nursing needs. Complete the table below with the following information: Formulate three nursing diagnoses using the Problem, Etiology, and Signs and Symptoms (PES) format and the taxonomy of NANDA. The diagnoses must be based on the case study, be appropriate, be prioritized, and be formatted correctly. For each nursing diagnosis, state two desired outcomes using NOC criteria. Desired outcomes must be patient–centered and measurable within an identified timeframe. For each outcome, state two nursing interventions using NIC criteria as well as one evaluation method. Interventions and the evaluation method must be ... Show more content on ... Debbie states that she was anxious previously as she thought the will not remember all the information given. She is happy as she did everything correct. Evaluation method Asked multiple cross questions, Debbie answers as educated, seems more interested in future education. Debbie made an organizer for her. The organizer contains medication regimen, few special considerations, reminders. Rationale Demonstrated Debbie how to do breast examination, catheterization. Used a kit and plastic body to demonstrate. Used the board to give important information regarding medication. Debbie demonstrates what she does at home to do the catheterization, breast self–examination, questions given, answered properly as was educated. Nursing Diagnosis 3: Emotional distress. Debbie is experiencing emotional distress, anxiety. As stated in case study she is tearful, has great
  • 33. concern regarding her future. Effective communication among nurse and patient/family can improve care and relieve suffering. The diagnosis and treatment for cancer is a major challenge and it affects all aspects of life. By therapeutic communication, providing information, encouraging optimistic outlook, teaching how to reduce stress patient care will have better outcomes. (Yarbro, Wujchik, & Gobel, 2010). Desired Outcome 1 Desired Outcome 2 Nursing Intervention 1 Debbie will get used to controlling her stress by daily walks, relaxation techniques, music, spending time with ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Breast Self Examination In regards to breast cancer, there is no emergent management. The diagnosis of breast cancer is usually found by clinical breast exam or radiologic evaluation. If a patient presents to the emergency room with a breast lump, they will likely be discharged with instructions to follow up with their primary care provider. Patient Education, Maintenance, and Prevention Breast Self Examination Breast self examination (BSE) remains a controversial and debated subject amongst the medical field. In comparison to last year's guidelines, the newest set of guidelines from 2013 state that "all women should be counseled to perform month breast self–examination" (Khatcheressian, 2013). It is essential that women be taught proper technique and that ... Show more content on ... Breastfeeding has been shown to exert a protective effect on females. In multiple case–control and cohort studies, the difference in the two groups at hand in relation to breast cancer risk were the length at which they breastfed (Chen, 2013). In another meta–analysis, it was "shown that duration of maternal nursing correlates with substantial risk reduction independent of either parity or age at first full–term pregnancy" (Lippman, 2012). Physical activity. Increased physical activity has many benefits to the average human, however, for women it is postulated to reduce breast cancer risk. Although the exact mechanism is unknown, it is thought to do so "through hormonal influences, such as reducing serum estrogens, insulin, and insulin growth factor–1 levels" (Chen, 2013). In another recent review, it was "estimated that risk of breast cancer was reduced by 25 percent among physically active women compared with women who were the least active" (Lynch, 2011). ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Njccc Stage 1 Lesson 5 Teacher Genevieve Yhap–Zebro Grade 9 Length 40 minutes Date 2/21/17 Subject Human Sexuality – focus on breast, testicular, and cervical/Pap smear Stage 1– Desired Results Established Goals: NHES Standard 7 – Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health–enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. PI 7.12.1 Analyze the role of individual responsibility in enhancing health. 7.12.2 Demonstrate a variety of healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others. 7.12.3 Demonstrate a variety of behaviors that avoid or reduce health risks to self and others. NJCCC Standard 2.1 Wellness: All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Treatment Of Breast Cancer Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease occurring in women in Saudi society. After study and research, it found that two–thirds of the injuries in the Saudi society are diagnosed in advanced stages. The reasons for that are the lack of education for necessary of Self– examination and clinical examination annual, leading to the spread of the disease further. In addition to genetic changes, environmental pollution, bad lifestyle , Obesity ,Lack of exercise are also factors that helped in the spread of the disease. The delayed age of marriage and lack of breastfeeding are the risk factors for breast cancer(1,10,14).Early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer is important for successful treatment selection , and increase mortality rate of breast cancer. Currently mammography and ultrasound are basic imaging techniques for detection and localization of breast tumor. Breast Ultrasound is a typically painless medical test that uses reflected sound waves for further evaluation of a breast abnormality or a specific area seen on mammography. Ultrasound can locate and measure abnormalities or changes to determine if a breast lump is solid or filled with fluid. A mammogram is an x–ray of the breast which may find tumors that are too small to feel. Women aged 40 to 74 years should have annual screening mammograms to lower chance of dying from breast cancer(2,15).Mammograms are less likely to find breast tumors in women younger than 50 years. This may ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Breast Cancer Case Study Breast Cancer Case Study 1.4 Lydia is a 45–year–old Caucasian premenopausal female who is visiting her PCP for her annual physical examination. Part of her physical examination includes a 'ladies exam' including PAP smear and breast examination. On breast exam you note a small, painless lump in the right upper outer quadrant. There is no nipple discharge but dimpling was noted around the area of the lump when sitting upright. Lydia does practice breast self examination but not regularly. She has never had a mammogram. She is used to having lumps in her breast that seem to come and go with her menses and was told, in the past, she has fibrocystic breast disease. This particular lump did not resolve after her period, but she did not think anything of it since it was not painful. ... Show more content on ... There were no masses or swelling in the right axilla or forearm. Lydia is a loan officer at a local bank. She is married and has 3 children ages 4, 7, and 10. Her age at menarche was at 11 years and 2 months. She has taken oral contraceptives in the years before the birth of her first child. Her family history includes a grandmother and mother who was both diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 45. Her father is alive and has a history of hypertension and prostate cancer. Social history: Drinks 2 pots of coffee daily, denies tobacco, alcohol consumption of 1 glass of wine daily to wind down, and she denies illicit drug use. All laboratory values were within normal limits. The remainder of her physical examination and physical examination were within normal limits. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Breast Cancer Essay Breast Cancer Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. There are many different types of cancer that are affecting people all over. Breast Cancer is one of these, and is found in man and women. Over 200,000 women and 1,300 men have been diagnosed with breast cancer this year. One in eight women will detect breast cancer in their lifetime. Men are less than one percent of the cases of breast cancer that are detected. Although prevention is not yet available, early detection is the best way to handle breast cancer, which can be treated in many ways. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor found in the glandular tissue of the breast. This tumor is called a carcinoma, which causes a single abnormal cell to ... Show more content on ... SERMs is a drug that has estrogen–like properties and anti–estrogen properties that is used to help prevent the loss of bone density in postmenopausal women and causes pre–menopausal women to be more fertile. This will help to block the effects of estrogen on breast tissue that will reduce the risk of breast cancer. Also a clinical breast examination or a screening mammogram by a physician is a way to detect breast cancer at early stages. By giving yourself a self–breast examination, by means of using your hands to feel for bumps or tumors is a way to help prevent breast cancer from spreading. It is best if it is detected early. The biggest symptom of breast cancer is finding a lump on your breast. This doesn't actually mean that you have breast cancer, but it is something you should get checked right away. It could by a cyst, which is a fluid filled sac that is not cancerous. A change in how the breast or nipple feels, such, as tenderness is also a symptom. Even a change in the size of your breast or nipple should be something to look out for. Recent studies have shown that women who use antibiotics double their chance of the risk of breast cancer. Scientists say that women should not stop using antibiotics to cure infections. Antibiotics affect the bacteria in the digestive system in ways that interfere with the ways the body uses food to protect against cancer. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Breast Cancer Behavior Analysis Paper Breast cancer is overwhelmingly common. In fact, in 2013, there were an estimated 3,053,450 women living with female breast cancer in the united states (Howlader et al., 2013). This disease has such an immense impact on the lives that it touches. Therefore, it should be taken seriously and preventions should not be neglected. The purpose for this paper is to explore my health behavior change in regards to breast cancer prevention, while utilizing my support system. I will also apply the nursing process throughout my discussion about the behavior change. Breast cancer is something that has personally touched my family and more than once. I have more than one immediate family member that is currently diagnosed with breast cancer. This alone, ... Show more content on ... In fact, it was not the behavior change project that changed my thought process but rather my family member's diagnosis and the timing was perfect for this paper. Over the course of the past 5 weeks or so, I have moved from precontemplation to the preparation stage and will be moving into the action stage in the coming month. I have implemented some new healthy behavior in regards to breast cancer prevention and I have plan of action such as talking with my physician. I will carry out the above screening tools that were mentioned as well as continue to lean on my family for support. Something that I have learned through this process is that fear can be a major motivator. Regardless of where it comes from there needs to be some form of motivation. If my family was perfectly healthy and I felt fine, I would feel like there was no reason for me to even consider breast cancer prevention. This experience has made me realize that it is important to consider all aspects of my own health. Just because I feel fine now does not mean that I will be fine in the future. Exactly as my family member mentioned, prevention is key. Women need to take the time to support a healthy lifestyle, perform self–exams, and get regular mammograms. This is something that I will hold onto and hopefully be able to implement into my nursing practice and educate when I ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Breast Cancer Essay Breast Cancer: Risk Factors, Detection & Treatment Among all American women who die when they are between the ages of forty and forty–five, the cause of death most likely to be listed on their death certificates is BREAST CANCER. Breast tumors are responsible for the greatest number of deaths among women, and breast cancer alone is the cause of almost one fifth of all cancer related mortalities. It results in the death of thirty seven thousand American women every year. Currently, there is no concrete answer as to how breast cancer is caused nor is their a cure for the disease. "Research over the past fifty years has narrowed the causes down to certain risk factors that are common amongst breast cancer ... Show more content on ... The mammography is quite a process because it involves several steps. The first step is the taking of several X–rays of each breast to search for abnormalities. The second step is the doing an extensive examination of the patients medical history. The patient is then sat down and counseled by the person performing the exam, usually a radiologist. The only discomfort experienced during a mammography is when the breast is compressed to facilitate better viewing of the tissue by the X– ray machine. "Due to the time and effort as well as the radiation absorbed during the mammography, it is only recommended that they be taken every 3 years after the age of twenty, and annually if over the age of forty." (Seltzer, 133) "Even though both self exams and the use of a mammography is proven to greatly reduce the mortality rate with breast cancer, only a small portion of the women in America partake of it." (Subak–Sharpe, 125) Most women don't because they either fear the pain of discovering the disease, fear the mutilation of their breasts that could follow, or fear losing a breast itself. Despite their life saving characteristics, women insist on saying things such as "Why go looking for trouble?" In the end, they might only be facing death. Treatment methods for breast cancer have progressed ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Three-Pronged Approach Analysis Describe the three–pronged approach to early detection of breast masses: mammography, clinical breast exam, and self–awareness. Early detection by screening for breast masses involves a three pronged approach: mammography, breast self–examination, clinical breast examination. Women should have a baseline mammography screening beginning at the age forty. Women who are at a high risk for breast cancer should have a yearly exam beginning at age the age of thirty. A mammography is an X–ray that allows health care professionals to examine the breast tissue for any suspicious areas. Mammograms can often show a breast abnormality before it can be self–detected. The clinical breast exam is performed by a healthcare professional that is trained to recognize different types of abnormalities and risk factors. The clinical breast exams are conducted in–office, typically completed by a family physician or gynecologist at your annual exam. A self–breast exam is something women should do once a month at home. Breast self–exams help you become familiar with how your ... Show more content on ... Women who are at the greatest risk are over the age over the age of fifty years of age. Patients with a family history of cancer, especially in their first degree relatives, may have inherited mutations of BRCA1 and/or BRCA2. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genetic mutations that put patients are risk for cancer. Patients that have a history of breast cancer are five times more likely of developing cancer in the opposite breast. Patients with dense breast are at risk for developing breast cancer due to the fact dense breast contains more glandular and connective tissue. Patients who are exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation to the thorax, early menarche, tobacco use, nulliparity, late menopause, and first child birth after thirty years of age put the patient at risk for breast cancer (Ignatavicius, 2013, p. ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Treatment Of Breast Cancer The human body is made of about 37 trillion cells, which work together in collaboration to keep your body functioning correctly. When a cancer or a disease attacks healthy cells, it overtakes the entire cell's functions and rapidly multiplies into other corrupt cells. It is very important to the safety of a person's life to be educated on the effects of cancer and how to detect them, because it is a wildfire like disease, once it has spread it is extremely hard to control. Breast cancer intrigues me because I have a high risk of getting this cancer due to my family history; from my great aunts to aunts to my own mother. They have shown strength and courage in defeating every bad cell that comes through their pathway. This report is to inform the reader on the history of breast cancer, the types of breast cancer, how it is diagnosed, treatment methods and future prevention methods. The presence of breast cancer can be dated for the entire time human life has existed. It was known easily because breast cancer is detected through self–examination, what a person would feel in self– examination is a lump or a mass of cells in one specific spot of the breast. However, because the definition and term Breast Cancer was beyond their literary means in the early years, the lumps found on breasts were seen as something of embarrassment or forbidden (Mandal). The Egyptians and Greeks from over 3,500 years ago was the first culture to inspect the breast cancer, they thought it was just ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Breast Cancer : A Serious Condition Destiny Myers BBH 411W.004 Prof. Gyekis 2/18/16 Breast Cancer Breast cancer is a serious condition and takes many people 's lives each and every year. It accounts for at least 18.2% of cancer deaths worldwide.1 In society today, women are more focused on what appeals to men, rather than worrying about their own health. "If only women paid as much attention to their breast as men do" is promoted by National Breast Cancer Foundation. 2 The message that I took from this PSA is the notion that women do not pay enough attention to their bodies from a health standpoint. Men are seen paying more attention to our breast than we do. Being educated on pre–screening techniques, signs, & overall education about breast cancer could help increase awareness and decrease incidence rates3. Women need to stop obsessing about self–image and start focusing more on their overall health. Breast cancer is a serious invasive cancer and if we paid more attention to it then the better prepared we will be in the future. This lead me to find two studies related to Breast cancer awareness. The two studies look at different groups and measure and evaluate their knowledge of risks & symptoms, pre–screening techniques. In 2006, a preventative study was done on 3 ethnic groups of women (Blacks, Arab, Latinos). Where they studied in a community–based setting their knowledge and socioeconomic factors associated with 3 types of breast cancer screening.4 (Self Examination, Clinical Examination, ... Get more on ...
  • 44. African American Immigrants African Immigrants: Breast Cancer Awareness and Mammogram Use Nature and scope of the project: Despite the advances in medical technology, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and is the second cause of mortality in African–American and Caucasian women in the United States. Mammography has shown to be one of the best method to reduce late detection of breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends monthly self– breast examination (SBE), clinical breast examination every three years and mammography starting at age of 40. Despite the recommendations, there is a disparity among different racial groups. The breast cancer screening rates are higher in certain subgroups, including low–income African– Americans and Hispanic ... Get more on ...