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Breat Cancer Screening Essay
Current research shows mammograms are stronger than in the past. In a recent study it has confirmed that mammograms benefit for women in their
forties and fifties. Women feel confident about the benefits that are associated with a regular mammograms for findingcancer early. However,
mammograms can have their limitations. A mammogram will miss some cancers, and it sometimes can lead to follow up of findings that are not
cancer that could include biopsies. Women should be told about the benefits, limitations, and potential harms that are linked with regularbreast cancer
screening. Mammograms can miss some cancers. more content...
The purpose of having a screening mammography is to identify small breast cancer. The use of film mammography can be very hard to recognize
breast cancer in younger women and women that may have dense breast tissue. This is because the women normal breast tissue have a density of
carcinoma. It very difficult to tell which is normal and which could be carcinoma. There is an advantage to the film mammography where the contrast
image of the breast can be modified and could allow the differences in the detection of the tissues.
According to the case study in the text it states that sixty six percent of all women and fifty one percent of women under age of fifty who has breast
cancer will be identified by having a screening test (Fleming, 2008). From my research I found that having a
screening mammography is a very valuable tool in the detection of breast cancer especially if it is caught early in the stages to improve the survival
rate. For women who get a screening after age the of fifty have a good chance of reducing the risk of death of breast cancer from twenty five to thirty
percent and women age forty the data states a very positive chance of detecting breast cancer early and great chances of survival.
2. Are the breast cancer screening patient outcomes between the Case Study data results and the current data results that you identified better or worse?
I feel that the case
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Breast Cancer Thesis
Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis
Breast cancer is a form of cancer that develops within the cells of the breast tissue. This type of cancer is more common in females as breast cancer
is sensitive to the estrogen hormone; however, males can develop breast cancer as well. A cause of breast cancer has not been found and it is not well
understood why some develop breast cancer and others do not. However, breast cancer risk factors include age, genetics, a past history of cancer, dense
breast tissue, obesity, alcohol consumption and radiation exposure to name a few.
A cancer diagnosis typically comes after a routine cancer screen or after the patient notices signs and symptoms and consults their physician. The
diagnosis process for breast cancer may
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Essay on Male Breast Cancer
"The term "breast cancer" refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast" (Breast Cancer,n.d). What society does not realize,
is that men have breasts. If men can have abnormal cell growths in the breast, they are except–able to breast cancer as well. Men need to be aware of
the prevention, diagnoses, and treatments for male breast cancer. Society links breast cancer to women, but what about the males in our society? Males
have breast tissues,'' Boys' and men's bodies normally do not produce much of the breast stimulating hormones. As a result their breast tissue usually
stays flat and small (Breast Cancer,2008). Men usually have mounds of fat breast tissue, but a small percentage can have more content...
Meanwhile, in addition to the male's occupation, radiation exposure and age can lead to breast cancer developments ( National Cancer Institute,
2007). When these risk factors are revealed in a diagnoses of breast cancer, men have more advanced cancerous growths than women (Giordano,
2004). So men may think, how do I get breast cancer? Is it inherited?
Breast cancer is normally linked by society though genetics of female family members. Some men in society may think that they, personally, can not
get breast cancer because they are not women. While in today's society,some men normally link breasts to women. When men hear breast cancer, they
may think of women. According to Fackelmann, if a male family member has a history of prostate cancer, the risk for cancer increases throughout
other male or female family members (1992). Remember, the definition of cancer, abnormal cell growths of the breast tissue. Breast cancer does not
choose between male or females. Males and females both have breasts tissue. However, patients with high risks include men and woman over the age
of 40 (National Breast Cancer Foundation, n.d). Leading experts, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society and the American College
of Radiology, now recommend annual mammograms for males and females over the age of 40(Breast Cancer,2008). Will men talk to their physicians
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Essay about Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is one of the most widespread cancers among women worldwide. In the US, it is the most common, and the leading cause of cancer
related deaths among women between 45 – 64 years of age (Clegg et al., 2002; Ward et al., 2008). Early detection and improved treatment procedures
have resulted in gradual decline in the number of deaths caused by the disease since 1990. Nevertheless, in 2009, the estimated death toll for the
disease was 40,170 (American Cancer Society, 2009). The gravity of the disease therefore demands further research towards its early diagnosis, and for
evaluating the prognosis of its course.
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease characterized by the complex interplay of molecular, genetic more content...
The principal mechanism leading to pain and inflammation is the arachidonic acid (AA) pathway. AA is typically bound to the membrane
phospholipids and is released by a group of enzymes known as the phospholipases A2's. AA acts as the precursor of the group of bioactive lipids
collectively known as the eisosanoids. There have been several reports that AA and the eicosanoids are intimately linked to cancer biology
(Markaverich et al., 2007; Nie et al., 2001; Pan et al., 2008; Sveinbjornsson et al., 2008). The downstream enzymatic pathways of AA, the
cycloxygenases (COX) and the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathways, are responsible for the synthesis of the eicosanoids from AA. Elevated levels of the
COX–2 protein have been reported in archived breast cancer tissue, and studies indicate that the overexpression of COX–2 is sufficient to induce
mammary tumor formation in transgenic mice (Denkert et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2001). Human cancerous breast tissue indicates 3– to 30–fold higher
12–LO mRNA when compared to the normal breast tissue (Ding et al., 2003; Natarajan et al., 1997). There is sufficient evidence that the products of
the COX and LOX enzymatic pathways, the eicosanoids, such as the prostaglandin (PG) PGE2 and
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Breast Cancer Essay
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world (Breast). Every three minutes a woman is diagnosed: one in eight women will have
breast cancer (Walgreens, 2011; Chen, 2010). "I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I
never thought it would be me. I never thought I'd hear those devastating words: 'You havebreast cancer.' "– Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a democratic
representative of Florida (2011).
Mutations turn genes on and off, activating diseases; all women have a chance of developing breast cancer (Understanding; Breast). Unhealthy cells
divide and form a tumor. The tumor can be benign and not dangerous. Malignant tumors can become potentially more content...
This cancer has a higher chance of spreading and a worse prognosis (Rosen, 2011).
Triple–negative breast cancer occurs when cells lack estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors from not having an excess of the HER2 protein
(Rosen, 2011). The gene HER2 helps cells grow, divide, and repair; this spreads the disease faster. HER2–positive breast cancer becomes a more
aggressive cancer and has a higher risk for recurrence (Chen, 2010).Typically found in younger women and African–American women; this cancer
grows and spreads quickly (Rosen, 2011).
Paget disease of the nipple starts in the breast ducts and spreads to the nipple; accounting for about 1% of breast cancers. The skin of the nipple
appears crusted, scaly, and red. The woman may experience burning or itching (Rosen, 2011).
Angiosarcoma begins in blood vessel or lymph vessel cells; usually developing as a complication of radiation treatments. This cancer grows and
spreads quickly (Rosen, 2011).
Risks increase for breast cancer as you age. Women are 100 times more likely to get breast cancer than men. The chance of breast cancer developing
becomes higher when a family member has cancer: 20 – 30% of women with breast cancer have a family history of cancer. Genes increase the chances
of breast cancer; women with a gene defect have an 80% chance of breast cancer (Chen, 2010). Only 5–10% of cancers are caused by an abnormality
inherited from
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Essay on Breast Cancer Awareness
According to the American Cancer Society, Every year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; furthermore Twelve percent of
all women will contract the disease, and 3.5% of them will die from breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2005). There are risk factors that may
lead to breast cancer. There are 4 stages of breast cancer and several treatments, although treatments vary from types and stages of breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old (Breast Cancer, 2009).When cells divides it causes cancer which
then changes from an normal call to what's called a cancerous cell that requires gene alterations. The uncontrolled growth and alter genes is what causes
tumors more content...
I'm not saying that someone will really get breast cancer because a few other women in the family have it but know that there's a small chance is
good. Other factors are woman who gets menopause and they are very the age of 50. Also a young girl under the age of 12 yrs old who starts a
period does to. Women over 40 who have there first pregnancy is at risk of getting the disease. Caucasian women have a much higher better chance
of having breast cancer but a black woman has a higher risk of dying. Other races chances are real low like Spanish, Asian or Indian women.
According to a study, woman who takes birth control has a slightly greater risk of getting breast cancer. Most studies suggest that use of HRT
(Hormone Replacement Therapy) for relief of menopause symptoms for more than 5 years may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer (Breast
Cancer Statistics, 2008).
Let's get to the four stages of breast cancer. First is stage zero which is noninvasive, that is, carcinoma in situ with no affected metastasis or lymph
nodes. Stage zero is the most favorable. Now Stage One breast cancer is less than two centimeters in greatest dimension and is only in the breasts.
Stage two is when the cancer is no bigger then two centimeters but has spread to lymph nodes. With stage three breast cancers is a lager size, lets say
greater then two inches in diameter. It also has a greater involvement from the lymph nodes or inflammatory type.
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Breast Cancer Essay
Breast Cancer
Kinds of support Breast Cancer Clients' need.
Harpreet Kaur Malhi
Scholarly Writing in Nursing
October 27, 2017
Breast cancer is no longer a menace as it was years back; however, little is known on what the patients experience after treatment. Pauwels, Charlier,
Lechner & Van Hoof (2013) state that the period of transition to survivorship is filled with emotional distress and a low quality of life. It is evident
that the survivors have to go through many struggles and in the recent past, there have been interventions that are meant to improve on their well being.
No clear guidelines exist on how the psychological interventions that should be applied to assist breast cancer patients to make a more
Learning on the best coping strategies will help to do away with their fears and learn on how to run the day to day stress. Depression, PTSD, or even
psychological suffering may make treatment of breast cancer quite difficult (Hutchinson, 2010). Better handling of the accompanying emotions will
help to improve the medical care that the patient receives.
For younger women, the treatment procedure may be tougher on them. Changes such as induced early menopause, lower level of estrogen can bring
issues such as hot flashes, sweating at night and even vaginal dryness. Besides cases of infertility due to lower estrogen levels, there is the possibility
of experiencing lower sexual drive (Partridge, 2013). With the treatment–induced menopause, there is a high possibility of weight gain; it is commonly
accompanied by sleep disturbance and fatigue. Due to the treatment, there is a possibility of having lower bone mineral deposits; this may lead to
bone–related deficiencies. Cardiovascular health issues have also been reported; besides the bodily harm that they cause, there is a great possibility of
physiological disturbance that will need expert care (Partridge, 2013).
Support needed by the patients
Partridge, (2013) states that; a comprehensive approach is needed to accord the patients the best care possible. With this knowledge, researchers
developed a program that addresses the issues faced
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Essay on Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is only one of 200 different types of cancer. It is considered a woman's disease but both men and women have the disease. Every year,
more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Twelve percent of all women will get the disease and 3.5% of them will die. Breastcancer
is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old.
Cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably. Cells keep dividing even though new cells are not needed. Change from normal to cancerous cells
requires gene alterations.
Altered genes and uncontrolled growth may lead to tumors. These tumors can be benign (NOT cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumors
won't spread but it can damage tissues more content...
Being obese may also increase your risk.
chemicals – Researchers in the New York State Department of Health have found that women on Long Island who grew up within a mile of a chemical
plant have a greater chance of getting breast cancer if they lived further away from the chemical plant.
race – Even though white women are more likely to get cancer than African–American women, African–American women are more likely to die from
cancer. Asian, Hispanic, and American Indian women have a lower risk of getting breast cancer.
Birth control pills – A study showed that women using birth control pills have a slightly greater risk of breast cancer.
Hormone replacement therapy – Most studies suggest that use of HRT for relief of menopause symptoms for more than 5 years may slightly increase
the risk of breast cancer.
Alcohol – Women who have 2 to 5 drinks daily have about 1 1/2 times the risk of women who drink no alcohol.
There are several symptoms of breast cancer. Early cancer may not show any symptoms at all but as time goes by and the cancer grows, there may be
You may get a lump or a thickening in or near the breast. Change in its shape or contour, swelling, thickening, pore enlargement, retraction or scaliness
of the nipple, nipple discharge, pain or tenderness. It is usually found in a person's breast as a hard lump that is painless. In some cases, pain and
tenderness may occur. Bloody
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Breast Cancer: A Short Story
"What's this for?" I asked my mom as I lifted my tear–filled eyes to meet my favorite candy she was pushing in my direction. She responded with the
kindest, most understanding words that acted like miniature needles pricking my heart, "because I know you are hurting." In that moment the guilt of
not reciprocating this treatment towards her whenever she was solely trying to live for me and my sister was all too much. I fell apart. My sobs
became uncontrollable and tears began to flow like they were coming from a faucet. My family altogether had always been loving, supportive, and
strong. All of these things only increased when my innocent mom was diagnosed with breast cancer during my eighth grade school year. Mymother's
love for me and my
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Breast Cancer Speech
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is commonly found in women. According to the Australian Government Cancer organization, 28 males + 3,087
females have died from breast cancer, and it is perceived that by the age of 85, 1 in 8 Australians women are diagnosed with breast cancer.
What is Breast cancer? Cancer is caused when a cell turns cancerous. When a cell in the body is mutated the DNA within the cell is damaged, causing
the cell to stop its traditional function and allowing the cell to become cancerous. When the cell in the breast mutates and turns cancerous, it leads to
breast cancer. The cancerous cell grows into a tumor. Breast cancer has not been so prominent in Australia for the past few decades, yet, it is more
commonly more content...
Higher the stage of cancer the more extended the treatment. The research that will be conducted is to discover a type of virus that will infect the body
and make breast cancer cell glow. This process will make the cancer cell glow, making the treatment more effective and efficient. Currently are are
many studies on breast cancer, The national cancer institute show many studies that have been done on breast cancer treatment already. We still need
to understand better to make our treatments efficient, for the welfare of our fellow Australian.
To successfully make a virus that will infect the body and make the cancer cell glow green we will need to follow the following brief methodology.
Gene For The Glow:
To make a cell glow, we will need a DNA that tells the cell to glow. Meaning that we will need to extract a gene that will code the cell to glow green.
Luckily we can extract GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) from jellyfish DNA. Once the GFP is extracted, we will be able to use to code our virus.
Code For the Virus:
Using the GFP gene, we will able to code a virus that makes the cancer cell glow. We will need to programme the gene so that it only turns on the
GFP gene when it infects a cancer cell. Applicating that the cell will only glow if it is a cancerous
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Breat Cancer Screening Essay

  • 1. Breat Cancer Screening Essay BREAST CANCER SCREENING DR. DANA MORTEZ ARLECIA PURVIS JULY 17, 2011 Current research shows mammograms are stronger than in the past. In a recent study it has confirmed that mammograms benefit for women in their forties and fifties. Women feel confident about the benefits that are associated with a regular mammograms for findingcancer early. However, mammograms can have their limitations. A mammogram will miss some cancers, and it sometimes can lead to follow up of findings that are not cancer that could include biopsies. Women should be told about the benefits, limitations, and potential harms that are linked with regularbreast cancer screening. Mammograms can miss some cancers. more content... The purpose of having a screening mammography is to identify small breast cancer. The use of film mammography can be very hard to recognize breast cancer in younger women and women that may have dense breast tissue. This is because the women normal breast tissue have a density of carcinoma. It very difficult to tell which is normal and which could be carcinoma. There is an advantage to the film mammography where the contrast image of the breast can be modified and could allow the differences in the detection of the tissues. According to the case study in the text it states that sixty six percent of all women and fifty one percent of women under age of fifty who has breast cancer will be identified by having a screening test (Fleming, 2008). From my research I found that having a screening mammography is a very valuable tool in the detection of breast cancer especially if it is caught early in the stages to improve the survival rate. For women who get a screening after age the of fifty have a good chance of reducing the risk of death of breast cancer from twenty five to thirty percent and women age forty the data states a very positive chance of detecting breast cancer early and great chances of survival. 2. Are the breast cancer screening patient outcomes between the Case Study data results and the current data results that you identified better or worse? I feel that the case Get more content on
  • 2. Breast Cancer Thesis Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Breast cancer is a form of cancer that develops within the cells of the breast tissue. This type of cancer is more common in females as breast cancer is sensitive to the estrogen hormone; however, males can develop breast cancer as well. A cause of breast cancer has not been found and it is not well understood why some develop breast cancer and others do not. However, breast cancer risk factors include age, genetics, a past history of cancer, dense breast tissue, obesity, alcohol consumption and radiation exposure to name a few. A cancer diagnosis typically comes after a routine cancer screen or after the patient notices signs and symptoms and consults their physician. The diagnosis process for breast cancer may Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Male Breast Cancer "The term "breast cancer" refers to a malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the breast" (Breast Cancer,n.d). What society does not realize, is that men have breasts. If men can have abnormal cell growths in the breast, they are except–able to breast cancer as well. Men need to be aware of the prevention, diagnoses, and treatments for male breast cancer. Society links breast cancer to women, but what about the males in our society? Males have breast tissues,'' Boys' and men's bodies normally do not produce much of the breast stimulating hormones. As a result their breast tissue usually stays flat and small (Breast Cancer,2008). Men usually have mounds of fat breast tissue, but a small percentage can have more content... Meanwhile, in addition to the male's occupation, radiation exposure and age can lead to breast cancer developments ( National Cancer Institute, 2007). When these risk factors are revealed in a diagnoses of breast cancer, men have more advanced cancerous growths than women (Giordano, 2004). So men may think, how do I get breast cancer? Is it inherited? Breast cancer is normally linked by society though genetics of female family members. Some men in society may think that they, personally, can not get breast cancer because they are not women. While in today's society,some men normally link breasts to women. When men hear breast cancer, they may think of women. According to Fackelmann, if a male family member has a history of prostate cancer, the risk for cancer increases throughout other male or female family members (1992). Remember, the definition of cancer, abnormal cell growths of the breast tissue. Breast cancer does not choose between male or females. Males and females both have breasts tissue. However, patients with high risks include men and woman over the age of 40 (National Breast Cancer Foundation, n.d). Leading experts, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society and the American College of Radiology, now recommend annual mammograms for males and females over the age of 40(Breast Cancer,2008). Will men talk to their physicians about Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about Breast Cancer Breast cancer is one of the most widespread cancers among women worldwide. In the US, it is the most common, and the leading cause of cancer related deaths among women between 45 – 64 years of age (Clegg et al., 2002; Ward et al., 2008). Early detection and improved treatment procedures have resulted in gradual decline in the number of deaths caused by the disease since 1990. Nevertheless, in 2009, the estimated death toll for the disease was 40,170 (American Cancer Society, 2009). The gravity of the disease therefore demands further research towards its early diagnosis, and for evaluating the prognosis of its course. Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease characterized by the complex interplay of molecular, genetic more content... The principal mechanism leading to pain and inflammation is the arachidonic acid (AA) pathway. AA is typically bound to the membrane phospholipids and is released by a group of enzymes known as the phospholipases A2's. AA acts as the precursor of the group of bioactive lipids collectively known as the eisosanoids. There have been several reports that AA and the eicosanoids are intimately linked to cancer biology (Markaverich et al., 2007; Nie et al., 2001; Pan et al., 2008; Sveinbjornsson et al., 2008). The downstream enzymatic pathways of AA, the cycloxygenases (COX) and the lipoxygenase (LOX) pathways, are responsible for the synthesis of the eicosanoids from AA. Elevated levels of the COX–2 protein have been reported in archived breast cancer tissue, and studies indicate that the overexpression of COX–2 is sufficient to induce mammary tumor formation in transgenic mice (Denkert et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2001). Human cancerous breast tissue indicates 3– to 30–fold higher 12–LO mRNA when compared to the normal breast tissue (Ding et al., 2003; Natarajan et al., 1997). There is sufficient evidence that the products of the COX and LOX enzymatic pathways, the eicosanoids, such as the prostaglandin (PG) PGE2 and Get more content on
  • 5. Breast Cancer Essay Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in the world (Breast). Every three minutes a woman is diagnosed: one in eight women will have breast cancer (Walgreens, 2011; Chen, 2010). "I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I never thought it would be me. I never thought I'd hear those devastating words: 'You havebreast cancer.' "– Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a democratic representative of Florida (2011). Mutations turn genes on and off, activating diseases; all women have a chance of developing breast cancer (Understanding; Breast). Unhealthy cells divide and form a tumor. The tumor can be benign and not dangerous. Malignant tumors can become potentially more content... This cancer has a higher chance of spreading and a worse prognosis (Rosen, 2011). Triple–negative breast cancer occurs when cells lack estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors from not having an excess of the HER2 protein (Rosen, 2011). The gene HER2 helps cells grow, divide, and repair; this spreads the disease faster. HER2–positive breast cancer becomes a more aggressive cancer and has a higher risk for recurrence (Chen, 2010).Typically found in younger women and African–American women; this cancer grows and spreads quickly (Rosen, 2011). Paget disease of the nipple starts in the breast ducts and spreads to the nipple; accounting for about 1% of breast cancers. The skin of the nipple appears crusted, scaly, and red. The woman may experience burning or itching (Rosen, 2011). Angiosarcoma begins in blood vessel or lymph vessel cells; usually developing as a complication of radiation treatments. This cancer grows and spreads quickly (Rosen, 2011). Risks increase for breast cancer as you age. Women are 100 times more likely to get breast cancer than men. The chance of breast cancer developing becomes higher when a family member has cancer: 20 – 30% of women with breast cancer have a family history of cancer. Genes increase the chances of breast cancer; women with a gene defect have an 80% chance of breast cancer (Chen, 2010). Only 5–10% of cancers are caused by an abnormality inherited from
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  • 7. Essay on Breast Cancer Awareness According to the American Cancer Society, Every year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; furthermore Twelve percent of all women will contract the disease, and 3.5% of them will die from breast cancer (American Cancer Society, 2005). There are risk factors that may lead to breast cancer. There are 4 stages of breast cancer and several treatments, although treatments vary from types and stages of breast cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old (Breast Cancer, 2009).When cells divides it causes cancer which then changes from an normal call to what's called a cancerous cell that requires gene alterations. The uncontrolled growth and alter genes is what causes tumors more content... I'm not saying that someone will really get breast cancer because a few other women in the family have it but know that there's a small chance is good. Other factors are woman who gets menopause and they are very the age of 50. Also a young girl under the age of 12 yrs old who starts a period does to. Women over 40 who have there first pregnancy is at risk of getting the disease. Caucasian women have a much higher better chance of having breast cancer but a black woman has a higher risk of dying. Other races chances are real low like Spanish, Asian or Indian women. According to a study, woman who takes birth control has a slightly greater risk of getting breast cancer. Most studies suggest that use of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) for relief of menopause symptoms for more than 5 years may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer (Breast Cancer Statistics, 2008). Let's get to the four stages of breast cancer. First is stage zero which is noninvasive, that is, carcinoma in situ with no affected metastasis or lymph nodes. Stage zero is the most favorable. Now Stage One breast cancer is less than two centimeters in greatest dimension and is only in the breasts. Stage two is when the cancer is no bigger then two centimeters but has spread to lymph nodes. With stage three breast cancers is a lager size, lets say greater then two inches in diameter. It also has a greater involvement from the lymph nodes or inflammatory type. Get more content on
  • 8. Breast Cancer Essay Breast Cancer Kinds of support Breast Cancer Clients' need. Harpreet Kaur Malhi Scholarly Writing in Nursing Wednesday October 27, 2017 Breast cancer is no longer a menace as it was years back; however, little is known on what the patients experience after treatment. Pauwels, Charlier, Lechner & Van Hoof (2013) state that the period of transition to survivorship is filled with emotional distress and a low quality of life. It is evident that the survivors have to go through many struggles and in the recent past, there have been interventions that are meant to improve on their well being. No clear guidelines exist on how the psychological interventions that should be applied to assist breast cancer patients to make a more content... Learning on the best coping strategies will help to do away with their fears and learn on how to run the day to day stress. Depression, PTSD, or even psychological suffering may make treatment of breast cancer quite difficult (Hutchinson, 2010). Better handling of the accompanying emotions will help to improve the medical care that the patient receives. For younger women, the treatment procedure may be tougher on them. Changes such as induced early menopause, lower level of estrogen can bring issues such as hot flashes, sweating at night and even vaginal dryness. Besides cases of infertility due to lower estrogen levels, there is the possibility of experiencing lower sexual drive (Partridge, 2013). With the treatment–induced menopause, there is a high possibility of weight gain; it is commonly accompanied by sleep disturbance and fatigue. Due to the treatment, there is a possibility of having lower bone mineral deposits; this may lead to bone–related deficiencies. Cardiovascular health issues have also been reported; besides the bodily harm that they cause, there is a great possibility of physiological disturbance that will need expert care (Partridge, 2013). Support needed by the patients Partridge, (2013) states that; a comprehensive approach is needed to accord the patients the best care possible. With this knowledge, researchers developed a program that addresses the issues faced
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  • 10. Essay on Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Breast cancer is only one of 200 different types of cancer. It is considered a woman's disease but both men and women have the disease. Every year, more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Twelve percent of all women will get the disease and 3.5% of them will die. Breastcancer is the leading cause of death among women who are 40 to 55 years old. Cancer occurs when cells divide uncontrollably. Cells keep dividing even though new cells are not needed. Change from normal to cancerous cells requires gene alterations. Altered genes and uncontrolled growth may lead to tumors. These tumors can be benign (NOT cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumors won't spread but it can damage tissues more content... Being obese may also increase your risk. chemicals – Researchers in the New York State Department of Health have found that women on Long Island who grew up within a mile of a chemical plant have a greater chance of getting breast cancer if they lived further away from the chemical plant. race – Even though white women are more likely to get cancer than African–American women, African–American women are more likely to die from cancer. Asian, Hispanic, and American Indian women have a lower risk of getting breast cancer. Birth control pills – A study showed that women using birth control pills have a slightly greater risk of breast cancer. Hormone replacement therapy – Most studies suggest that use of HRT for relief of menopause symptoms for more than 5 years may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. Alcohol – Women who have 2 to 5 drinks daily have about 1 1/2 times the risk of women who drink no alcohol. Symptoms
  • 11. There are several symptoms of breast cancer. Early cancer may not show any symptoms at all but as time goes by and the cancer grows, there may be symptoms. You may get a lump or a thickening in or near the breast. Change in its shape or contour, swelling, thickening, pore enlargement, retraction or scaliness of the nipple, nipple discharge, pain or tenderness. It is usually found in a person's breast as a hard lump that is painless. In some cases, pain and tenderness may occur. Bloody Get more content on
  • 12. Breast Cancer: A Short Story "What's this for?" I asked my mom as I lifted my tear–filled eyes to meet my favorite candy she was pushing in my direction. She responded with the kindest, most understanding words that acted like miniature needles pricking my heart, "because I know you are hurting." In that moment the guilt of not reciprocating this treatment towards her whenever she was solely trying to live for me and my sister was all too much. I fell apart. My sobs became uncontrollable and tears began to flow like they were coming from a faucet. My family altogether had always been loving, supportive, and strong. All of these things only increased when my innocent mom was diagnosed with breast cancer during my eighth grade school year. Mymother's love for me and my Get more content on
  • 13. Breast Cancer Speech Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is commonly found in women. According to the Australian Government Cancer organization, 28 males + 3,087 females have died from breast cancer, and it is perceived that by the age of 85, 1 in 8 Australians women are diagnosed with breast cancer. What is Breast cancer? Cancer is caused when a cell turns cancerous. When a cell in the body is mutated the DNA within the cell is damaged, causing the cell to stop its traditional function and allowing the cell to become cancerous. When the cell in the breast mutates and turns cancerous, it leads to breast cancer. The cancerous cell grows into a tumor. Breast cancer has not been so prominent in Australia for the past few decades, yet, it is more commonly more content... Higher the stage of cancer the more extended the treatment. The research that will be conducted is to discover a type of virus that will infect the body and make breast cancer cell glow. This process will make the cancer cell glow, making the treatment more effective and efficient. Currently are are many studies on breast cancer, The national cancer institute show many studies that have been done on breast cancer treatment already. We still need to understand better to make our treatments efficient, for the welfare of our fellow Australian. To successfully make a virus that will infect the body and make the cancer cell glow green we will need to follow the following brief methodology. Gene For The Glow: To make a cell glow, we will need a DNA that tells the cell to glow. Meaning that we will need to extract a gene that will code the cell to glow green. Luckily we can extract GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) from jellyfish DNA. Once the GFP is extracted, we will be able to use to code our virus. Code For the Virus: Using the GFP gene, we will able to code a virus that makes the cancer cell glow. We will need to programme the gene so that it only turns on the GFP gene when it infects a cancer cell. Applicating that the cell will only glow if it is a cancerous
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