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Rod Brooks
Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer,
PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company
Who is PEMCO?

• Personal-lines mutual insurance
  company founded in 1949
• Serves niche market of
  preferred-risk policyholders
• Provides coverage to ~200k
  Washington households
• Historically conservative and
  legacy oriented
• Leads with relationship.
Know what's important

Customer Experience

                       • Integrity
                       • Responsibility
                       • Courage

• Leads with relationship
PEMCO’s “WHY”        Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
We enable and        Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?

protect the dreams   Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?

of responsible
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
Northwest people.    Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
                     Why? Why? Why? Why?
Our Vision

PEMCO is the Northwest insurance company
that “gets it.” An organization that’s great to do business with,
one that shares the values of those who live here, one that’s
genuinely likeable. It’s the first choice of responsible people.
The BHAG: Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal

     “Never have to advertise
           for a lead again”
                      PEMCO customers
                      can’t stand the thought
                      of friends and family
                      doing business with
                      anyone else.
Branding Playbook:
Your Company or Your Agencies
The importance of leveraging brand assets.
Jerry McGuire syndrome can be contagious!

 Show me the money
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
                        • Car insurance is anything but
                          conservative when it comes to
                          marketing these days!
                        • Doling out dollars once reserved for
                          categories like beer and travel.
                        • 2009 Spending - $4.15 B – more
                          than twice industry spending in 2000.
                        • Industry growth – all lines – up 2.7%
                          in same time period.
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
                               “Everything is working.
                          The one thing I don’t want to have
                             stand in your way is money.
                                That’s what I’ve got.”
      “We wanted to kick Flo’s ass!”                          Warren Buffet
Nobody wants to sit around and talk about                     - GEICO
 car insurance… We needed to entertain…
          Get people’s attention.”          Nina Abnee – Leo Burnett
                                            Agency for Allstate

       “...we’re not slowing down
                                                   Pam El, Marketing V.P.
until we get the job done. And our job
                                                   State Farm Insurance
  is to capture the hearts and minds
       [of potential customers].”
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!

                             Top 5 Carriers
                              Spent $2.39
                             Billion Dollars
                                In 2009
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!

                             Top 5 Carriers
                              Spent $2.39
                             Billion Dollars
                                In 2009
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!

                             Top 5 Carriers
                              Spent $2.39
                             Billion Dollars
                                In 2009
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!

                             Top 5 Carriers
                              Spent $2.39
                             Billion Dollars
                                In 2009
Four billion dollars is like brand magic!

                             Top 5 Carriers
                              Spent $2.39
                             Billion Dollars
                                In 2009

A Challenger is, above all,
a state of mind rather than
a state of market.
Challenger Brands are the
brands that inspire us.
Brands that we respect
and remember; that we
are attracted to.
After all…
No one roots for Goliath.
Battle Field

• Challenge Status Quo
• Highly Nimble
• Innovative & Creative
• Defined Strategies
• Leverages Partnerships
• Capitalizes on WOM of
  loyal customers, and
• Lacks Economic Scale
Brand challenges and differing views
                  Carrier        Agency             Agent

           Has invested      Has invested      Has spent
           heavily in the    heavily in the    lifetime
INVESTMENT carrier brand     agency brand      developing
           position and      position and      personal brand.
           promise.          promise.          Expects similar
           Expects similar   Expects similar   from the carrier
           from agency       from carrier      and agency.
           partners.         partners.
Brand challenges and differing views
               Carrier          Agency              Agent

           Views insured as Views insured as Views insured as
           “their customer” “their customer” “their customer”
CUSTOMER   first.           first.           first.

           Views agency     Views carrier as   Views carrier as
           and agent as     product            manufacturer
  ROLE     distribution     manufacturer       and agency as
           pipeline.        and agent as       employer.
Brand challenges and differing views
                   Carrier         Agency               Agent

           Expects             Expects             Believes that
           consistency of      consistency of      the real brand
CONSISTENT brand image         brand image         relationship that
           throughout the      regardless of       matters is the
           life cycle of the   which carrier the   one they hold
           relationship.       business is         with the
                               written to.         customer.
Brand challenges and differing views
                Carrier           Agency              Agent

           Expects that all   Expects that all   Expects that all
           agency touch       carrier touch      brand promises
 PROMISE   points deliver     points deliver     made by carrier
           product and        product and        and agency set
           service            service            them up for
           experience         experience         success at the
           consistent with    consistent with    point of sale.
           carrier brand      agency brand
           promise.           promise.
Brand challenges and differing views
               Carrier             Agency               Agent
                                                   Expects carrier
          Expects agency       Expects carrier
          to deliver an        to deliver an       and agency to
          “unfair share” of    “unfair share” of   supply leads,
 UNFAIR                                            easy to use
 SHARE    business in          support in
                                                   systems, and
          exchange for         exchange for        “unfair
          marketing            new business,       compensation”
          support and          service and         for selling on
          distribution         retention that      behalf of the
          rights to product.   agency provides.    both.
Brand challenges and differing views
              Carrier            Agency               Agent

          Firmly believes    Firmly believes     Firmly believes
          that carrier       that local agency   that they could
 TRUMP    brand trumps the   brand trumps the    do what they do
          local agency       carrier brand.      for any agency
          brand.                                 and carrier, and
                                                 that their brand
                                                 is the one that is
                                                 the ace of trump.
Early lessons still apply

                                              A feature without a
                                              benefit is like a car
                                              without gas...
                                              It’s not going to go
                                              very far!

Feature:                              Benefit:
• What a product or service includes! • How a product or service helps!
• A feature “tells”                   • A benefit “sells”
Early lessons still apply – and more

                                              If you don’t know your
                                              why, your what and
                                              your how don’t matter.

• The emotional reward your customer expects to receive from their
  engagement with the brand.
• How a product or service feels!
Early lessons still apply – and more

                                              People don’t buy what
                                              you do, they buy why
                                              you do it.

Value Proposition:
• Tells your customer why you do what you do that leads to a powerful
  value proposition and brand positioning statement.
Customer trained to rank order choices

                          • Best price?
                          • Best promise?
                          • Best value?
In Commodity Business – Partners Matter

                         • Best Relationship!
                         • Best Service!
                         When brands are viewed as
                         commodities, the distribution
                         partner may take the higher
                         rung on the ladder.
Brand ladder and consumer relevance

                The third place...       Think differently…
                Between work and home.   Challenge the status quo.
Brand ladder and consumer relevance

                The third place...       Think differently…
                Between work and home.   Challenge the status quo.

                   Superior beans            Innovation /cool design
                   Genuine service           Over 300,000 apps
                   Inviting atmosphere       Outstanding experience
Brand ladder and consumer relevance

                The third place...           Think differently…
                Between work and home.       Challenge the status quo.

                   More than great coffee        Convenient – Easy to use
                   Coffeehouse experience        Enables a simplified life
                   A relaxing place for me       Helps me stay connected
                   Superior beans                Innovation /cool design
                   Genuine service               Over 300,000 apps
                   Inviting atmosphere           Outstanding experience
Brand ladder and consumer relevance

                The third place...           Think differently…
                Between work and home.       Challenge the status quo.

                   Feeling of connection         Belong to an elite group
                   Place for conversation        It’s cool, so I’m cool
                   A sense of community          Empowering technology
                   More than great coffee        Convenient – Easy to use
                   Coffeehouse experience        Enables a simplified life
                   A relaxing place for me       Helps me stay connected
                   Superior beans                Innovation /cool design
                   Genuine service               Over 300,000 apps
                   Inviting atmosphere           Outstanding experience
The Golden Circle – Are yours aligned?

  Bad Marketing:
  • Attempts to sell – What we do
  Good Marketing:
  • Attempts to tell – Why we do it
                                                          - Simon Sinek
          Why?                        How?                      What?
Purpose – Cause – Belief       Guiding Principles       Tangible Proof - Results
The Why is your driving    The Hows are the specific   The Whats are the tangible
motivation for action.     actions that are taken to   ways in which you bring your
                           realize your Why.           Why to life.
Intersection of strategy and marketing...
…or road to nowhere!
Awareness to Advocacy

                                         Transaction Stage

Close the loop on end to end engagement
1) Content 2) Connections 3) Collaboration
“I know you”

                                          Transaction Stage

Initial: “I Know You” – Low Engagement
1) Familiar 2) Assessing & Evaluating 3) Consideration
“I like you”

                                          Transaction Stage

Transaction: “I Like You” – Low Engagement
1) Functional 2) Transactional 3) Expectations met
“I love you”

                                        Transaction Stage

Referral: “I Love You” – Active engagement
1) Loyal 2) Relationship based 3) Recommendation behavior
“I defend you”

                                           Transaction Stage

Advocacy: “I Defend You” – Highly Active Engagement
1) Affinity 2) Proactive defender 3) Collaborative 4) Connected
Measure and monitor the journey

Identify, Engage, Enable, Encourage Fierce Advocates

            NW Local   Most
             Insurer Preferred
               35%     45%
                                 Households Retention
                                                        45% C.L.S.
Awareness To Advocacy

                 • In reality, the model is less
                   linear and more circular.
                 • Advocacy can be touched
                   and impacted – pro or con –
                   at each stage.
                 • The ideal result is to fuel
                   “The Advocacy Engine”
                   with timely and relevant
                   conversations consistently
                   and regularly.
Awareness To Advocacy

                 Closing the loop on
                 end-to-end engagement:
                 Listen: What is being said about
                 your brand and brands of your agents
                 Participate: Join the conversation
                 with great content, relevant resources
                 for customers AND agencies.
                 Encourage: Foster connections
                 between customers, agencies, carrier.
                 Enable: Provide customers and
                 agents a place to tell their stories.
Developing brand continuity that pays

               1.   Compare and contrast
               2.   Plan and develop
               3.   Implement and monitor
               4.   Follow up and validate
               5.   Keep eye on the prize
               6.   Don’t repeat mistakes
               7.   Establish results-based investing
Listen to your agents with open minds.

               1. Compare and contrast
                 • Assess and Identify common traits and
                   values of both brands
                 • Review and establish brand guidelines for
                   both parties
                 • Determine where brands are NOT aligned
                   and avoid those intersections.
Establish a plan for success.

                2. Plan and develop
                  • Establish common goals and desired
                    outcomes for the collaborative effort
                  • Agree on support and investments
                  • Establish and follow a review process
                  • Assess deliverables and results
                  • Set tracking methods and metrics.
Work your plan – Be opportunistic

               3. Implement and monitor
                 • Agency leads the way
                 • Communicate and implement launch
                   plans with all stakeholders
                 • Monitor and review opportunities for
                   improvement and next steps.
Inspect what you expect.

               3. Implement and monitor
                  • Agency leads the way
                  • Communicate and implement launch
                    plans with all stakeholders
                  • Monitor and review opportunities for
                    improvement and next steps.
               4. Follow up and validate
                  • Assess deliverables and impact
                  • Stay current on financial obligations
                  • Review metrics and determine success.
Focus, listen, add value. Be different!

                5. Keep your eye on the prize
                  •   Remember who is closest to customer
                  •   Listen. Ask questions. Listen some more.
                  •   Act local, spend local, be local
                  •   Add value to the brand ladder
                  •   Be creative, flexible, and nimble
                  •   Support out-of-the-box ideas.
Learn from effort – Don’t repeat mistakes.

                5. Keep your eye on the prize
                  •   Remember who is closest to customer
                  •   Listen. Ask questions. Listen some more.
                  •   Act local, spend local, be local
                  •   Add value to the brand ladder
                  •   Be creative, flexible, and nimble
                  •   Support out-of-the-box ideas.
                6. Don’t repeat what doesn’t work
                  • Carrier branded templates for direct mail,
                    newspaper, broadcast, out of home
                  • Heavy-handed co-op rules.
Reward performance with investments.

              Available to all eligible agencies
              • Puts agency in control and holds accountable
              Designed to help sell more products
              • 50/50 matching funds from first dollar
              • Focused on local use – Co-branded
              Action and result-based techniques
              • Funds determined by prior-year production
              • Failure to grow reduces next year’s funding
              Keeping it simple
              • Agency selects options, sets their plan, runs their
                program, reports their results.
Let’s Connect
Twitter: @NW_Mktg_Guy
Facebook: Rod Brooks
A Shameless Plug
     “The leading organization for advancing the
art and science of “talkable brands” and advocacy”.

                     Case Studies from market leaders
                    Ethical Leadership - Best Practices
                    Online and Offline - Measurable ROI
                  Enthusiasts – Brands – Service Providers


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Branding Playbook: Your Company Or Your Agencies

  • 1. Rod Brooks Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, PEMCO Mutual Insurance Company
  • 2. Who is PEMCO? • Personal-lines mutual insurance company founded in 1949 • Serves niche market of preferred-risk policyholders • Provides coverage to ~200k Washington households • Historically conservative and legacy oriented • Leads with relationship.
  • 3. Know what's important World-Class Customer Experience PEMCO BUSINESS MODEL • Integrity • Responsibility • Courage • Leads with relationship
  • 4. PEMCO’s “WHY” Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? We enable and Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? protect the dreams Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? of responsible Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Northwest people. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
  • 5. Our Vision PEMCO is the Northwest insurance company that “gets it.” An organization that’s great to do business with, one that shares the values of those who live here, one that’s genuinely likeable. It’s the first choice of responsible people.
  • 6. The BHAG: Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal “Never have to advertise for a lead again” PEMCO customers can’t stand the thought of friends and family doing business with anyone else.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. Branding Playbook: Your Company or Your Agencies The importance of leveraging brand assets.
  • 10. Jerry McGuire syndrome can be contagious! Show me the money
  • 11. Four billion dollars is like brand magic! • Car insurance is anything but conservative when it comes to marketing these days! • Doling out dollars once reserved for categories like beer and travel. • 2009 Spending - $4.15 B – more than twice industry spending in 2000. • Industry growth – all lines – up 2.7% in same time period.
  • 12. Four billion dollars is like brand magic! “Everything is working. The one thing I don’t want to have stand in your way is money. That’s what I’ve got.” “We wanted to kick Flo’s ass!” Warren Buffet Nobody wants to sit around and talk about - GEICO car insurance… We needed to entertain… Get people’s attention.” Nina Abnee – Leo Burnett Agency for Allstate “...we’re not slowing down Pam El, Marketing V.P. until we get the job done. And our job State Farm Insurance is to capture the hearts and minds [of potential customers].”
  • 13. Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
  • 14. Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
  • 15. Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
  • 16. Four billion dollars is like brand magic!
  • 17. Four billion dollars is like brand magic! Top 5 Carriers Spent $2.39 Billion Dollars In 2009
  • 18. Four billion dollars is like brand magic! Top 5 Carriers Spent $2.39 Billion Dollars In 2009
  • 19. Four billion dollars is like brand magic! Top 5 Carriers Spent $2.39 Billion Dollars In 2009
  • 20. Four billion dollars is like brand magic! Top 5 Carriers Spent $2.39 Billion Dollars In 2009
  • 21. Four billion dollars is like brand magic! Top 5 Carriers Spent $2.39 Billion Dollars In 2009
  • 22.
  • 23. Challengers A Challenger is, above all, a state of mind rather than a state of market. Challenger Brands are the brands that inspire us. Brands that we respect and remember; that we are attracted to. After all… No one roots for Goliath.
  • 24. Battle Field • Challenge Status Quo • Highly Nimble • Innovative & Creative • Defined Strategies • Leverages Partnerships • Capitalizes on WOM of loyal customers, and • Lacks Economic Scale
  • 25. Brand challenges and differing views Carrier Agency Agent 1 Has invested Has invested Has spent heavily in the heavily in the lifetime INVESTMENT carrier brand agency brand developing position and position and personal brand. promise. promise. Expects similar Expects similar Expects similar from the carrier from agency from carrier and agency. partners. partners.
  • 26. Brand challenges and differing views Carrier Agency Agent 2 Views insured as Views insured as Views insured as “their customer” “their customer” “their customer” CUSTOMER first. first. first. 3 Views agency Views carrier as Views carrier as and agent as product manufacturer ROLE distribution manufacturer and agency as pipeline. and agent as employer. employee.
  • 27. Brand challenges and differing views Carrier Agency Agent 4 Expects Expects Believes that consistency of consistency of the real brand CONSISTENT brand image brand image relationship that throughout the regardless of matters is the life cycle of the which carrier the one they hold relationship. business is with the written to. customer.
  • 28. Brand challenges and differing views Carrier Agency Agent 5 Expects that all Expects that all Expects that all agency touch carrier touch brand promises PROMISE points deliver points deliver made by carrier product and product and and agency set service service them up for experience experience success at the consistent with consistent with point of sale. carrier brand agency brand promise. promise.
  • 29. Brand challenges and differing views Carrier Agency Agent Expects carrier 6 Expects agency Expects carrier to deliver an to deliver an and agency to “unfair share” of “unfair share” of supply leads, UNFAIR easy to use SHARE business in support in systems, and exchange for exchange for “unfair marketing new business, compensation” support and service and for selling on distribution retention that behalf of the rights to product. agency provides. both.
  • 30. Brand challenges and differing views Carrier Agency Agent 7 Firmly believes Firmly believes Firmly believes that carrier that local agency that they could TRUMP brand trumps the brand trumps the do what they do local agency carrier brand. for any agency brand. and carrier, and that their brand is the one that is the ace of trump.
  • 31. Early lessons still apply A feature without a benefit is like a car without gas... It’s not going to go very far! Feature: Benefit: • What a product or service includes! • How a product or service helps! • A feature “tells” • A benefit “sells”
  • 32. Early lessons still apply – and more If you don’t know your why, your what and your how don’t matter. Purpose: • The emotional reward your customer expects to receive from their engagement with the brand. • How a product or service feels!
  • 33. Early lessons still apply – and more People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Value Proposition: • Tells your customer why you do what you do that leads to a powerful value proposition and brand positioning statement.
  • 34. Customer trained to rank order choices • Best price? • Best promise? • Best value?
  • 35. In Commodity Business – Partners Matter • Best Relationship! • Best Service! When brands are viewed as commodities, the distribution partner may take the higher rung on the ladder.
  • 36. Brand ladder and consumer relevance The third place... Think differently… Between work and home. Challenge the status quo.
  • 37. Brand ladder and consumer relevance The third place... Think differently… Between work and home. Challenge the status quo. Superior beans Innovation /cool design Genuine service Over 300,000 apps Inviting atmosphere Outstanding experience
  • 38. Brand ladder and consumer relevance The third place... Think differently… Between work and home. Challenge the status quo. More than great coffee Convenient – Easy to use Coffeehouse experience Enables a simplified life A relaxing place for me Helps me stay connected Superior beans Innovation /cool design Genuine service Over 300,000 apps Inviting atmosphere Outstanding experience
  • 39. Brand ladder and consumer relevance The third place... Think differently… Between work and home. Challenge the status quo. Feeling of connection Belong to an elite group Place for conversation It’s cool, so I’m cool A sense of community Empowering technology More than great coffee Convenient – Easy to use Coffeehouse experience Enables a simplified life A relaxing place for me Helps me stay connected Superior beans Innovation /cool design Genuine service Over 300,000 apps Inviting atmosphere Outstanding experience
  • 40. The Golden Circle – Are yours aligned? Bad Marketing: • Attempts to sell – What we do Good Marketing: • Attempts to tell – Why we do it - Simon Sinek Why? How? What? Purpose – Cause – Belief Guiding Principles Tangible Proof - Results The Why is your driving The Hows are the specific The Whats are the tangible motivation for action. actions that are taken to ways in which you bring your realize your Why. Why to life.
  • 41. Intersection of strategy and marketing...
  • 42. …or road to nowhere!
  • 43. Awareness to Advocacy Transaction Stage Close the loop on end to end engagement 1) Content 2) Connections 3) Collaboration
  • 44. “I know you” Transaction Stage Initial: “I Know You” – Low Engagement 1) Familiar 2) Assessing & Evaluating 3) Consideration
  • 45. “I like you” Transaction Stage Transaction: “I Like You” – Low Engagement 1) Functional 2) Transactional 3) Expectations met
  • 46. “I love you” Transaction Stage Referral: “I Love You” – Active engagement 1) Loyal 2) Relationship based 3) Recommendation behavior
  • 47. “I defend you” Transaction Stage Advocacy: “I Defend You” – Highly Active Engagement 1) Affinity 2) Proactive defender 3) Collaborative 4) Connected
  • 48. Measure and monitor the journey Identify, Engage, Enable, Encourage Fierce Advocates Unaided Awareness 23% NW Local Most Insurer Preferred 35% 45% Approx. 200,000 Over 94% Households Retention Approx. 45% C.L.S. (Loyalty) ?
  • 49. Awareness To Advocacy • In reality, the model is less linear and more circular. • Advocacy can be touched and impacted – pro or con – at each stage. • The ideal result is to fuel “The Advocacy Engine” with timely and relevant conversations consistently and regularly.
  • 50. Awareness To Advocacy Closing the loop on end-to-end engagement: Listen: What is being said about your brand and brands of your agents Participate: Join the conversation with great content, relevant resources for customers AND agencies. Encourage: Foster connections between customers, agencies, carrier. Enable: Provide customers and agents a place to tell their stories.
  • 51. Developing brand continuity that pays 1. Compare and contrast 2. Plan and develop 3. Implement and monitor 4. Follow up and validate 5. Keep eye on the prize 6. Don’t repeat mistakes 7. Establish results-based investing
  • 52. Listen to your agents with open minds. 1. Compare and contrast • Assess and Identify common traits and values of both brands • Review and establish brand guidelines for both parties • Determine where brands are NOT aligned and avoid those intersections.
  • 53. Establish a plan for success. 2. Plan and develop • Establish common goals and desired outcomes for the collaborative effort • Agree on support and investments • Establish and follow a review process • Assess deliverables and results • Set tracking methods and metrics.
  • 54. Work your plan – Be opportunistic 3. Implement and monitor • Agency leads the way • Communicate and implement launch plans with all stakeholders • Monitor and review opportunities for improvement and next steps.
  • 55. Inspect what you expect. 3. Implement and monitor • Agency leads the way • Communicate and implement launch plans with all stakeholders • Monitor and review opportunities for improvement and next steps. 4. Follow up and validate • Assess deliverables and impact • Stay current on financial obligations • Review metrics and determine success.
  • 56. Focus, listen, add value. Be different! 5. Keep your eye on the prize • Remember who is closest to customer • Listen. Ask questions. Listen some more. • Act local, spend local, be local • Add value to the brand ladder • Be creative, flexible, and nimble • Support out-of-the-box ideas.
  • 57. Learn from effort – Don’t repeat mistakes. 5. Keep your eye on the prize • Remember who is closest to customer • Listen. Ask questions. Listen some more. • Act local, spend local, be local • Add value to the brand ladder • Be creative, flexible, and nimble • Support out-of-the-box ideas. 6. Don’t repeat what doesn’t work • Carrier branded templates for direct mail, newspaper, broadcast, out of home • Heavy-handed co-op rules.
  • 58. Reward performance with investments. Available to all eligible agencies • Puts agency in control and holds accountable Designed to help sell more products • 50/50 matching funds from first dollar • Focused on local use – Co-branded Action and result-based techniques • Funds determined by prior-year production • Failure to grow reduces next year’s funding Keeping it simple • Agency selects options, sets their plan, runs their program, reports their results.
  • 59.
  • 60. Let’s Connect Twitter: @NW_Mktg_Guy Facebook: Rod Brooks Blog:
  • 61. A Shameless Plug “The leading organization for advancing the art and science of “talkable brands” and advocacy”. Case Studies from market leaders Ethical Leadership - Best Practices Online and Offline - Measurable ROI Enthusiasts – Brands – Service Providers