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Brain fog
“Brain fog” isn’t a medical condition. It’s a term used for certain symptoms that can affect
your ability to think. You may feel confused or disorganized or it might be hard to focus or put
your thoughts into words.
Brain fog is loosely used to describe cloudy mental thinking, difficulty with focus or
concentration or sometimes difficulty with memory, or the ability to memorize new
Some examples of brain fog
You set your alarm only find you have done
it already.
You walk into a room and forget why.
You look everywhere for your glasses when
they are on your head the whole time.
You can’t find the keys and your spouse
find them in the fridge with the milk.
The word, phrase or name is on the tip of
your tongue but you just can’t recall it.
We all know this
We’ve experienced it when
we’ve had a bad flu, too
little sleep, a severe shock
as in the death of a loved
one, or a few drinks too
But what if you experience
this most the time?
This is what is commonly
known as brain fog.
Identify the cause
Once you identify the cause and
address the issue for your personal
cause of brain fog you can regain
mental clarity and improve the quality
of your life again.
Brain fog can easily disrupt your
quality of life, inspiration and
happiness, in extreme cases increase
the likelihood for symptoms of anxiety
and depression.
Functions affected by brain fog:
● Memory
● Understanding
● Lack of clarity
● Slow hazy thinking
● Forgetfulness
● Confusion
● Disorientation
● Difficulty formulating thoughts
● Feeling impaired
● Difficulty recalling
● Difficulty holding long conversations
● Poor Concentration
● Information processing
● Inability to Focus
● Visual skills
● Recognizing shapes
● Ability to move
● Organization
● Problem-solving
● Planning
As you can see the list is
long and some might sound
Brain fog can last for just an hour or last for weeks or months. It's usually easy to
identify the root cause when it's for a day or less, but it it lasts for long periods of
time it is time to look at why.
The good news is that all of our symptoms are our body’s way of telling us
something needs to change, it's a sign. It could be as simple as your diet,
lifestyle, self-care, or environment.
What are the
causes of brain
There are numerous
explanations for why brain fog
occurs. It might take some
trial and error to figure out
your unique case.
Lifestyle causes
Brain fog can often be the
result of lifestyle factors that
directly affect how your brain
functions. Modern life and a
busy lifestyles is taxing on the
brain. It could be as simple
as getting more quality rest to
function at its best.
Causes of brain
fog that relate to
lifestyle include:
Lack of sleep
Hormone changes
Medical condition
Low energy from physical inactivity
Stress, Overwhelm, and
The body releases cortisol, or the
“fight-or-flight” hormone in response to any
stressful situation.
With the ongoing daily stressors of modern
society there can be a continuous flood of
cortisol throughout the body. The stress
response is never switched off. This is
taxing on the whole body and can be really
difficult on the brain.
When in flight or flight
mode it will:
Increased inflammation
Cause Insomnia
Increased need of micronutrients, such as
magnesium, if you’re diet is poor and you’re not
taking quality vitamins you’re highly deficient.
Reducing stress will help
alleviate brain fog
Practicing ways to reduce stress in your
daily life can be quite helpful. Whether
through exercise, meditation or another
calming practice, find one that works for
Normal everyday stress should not cause
it. If one starts experiencing brain fog from
normal everyday stress, this may be an
underlying sign of another problem.
Chronic stress
Chronic stress however can increase
blood pressure, weaken the immune
system, and trigger depression. It can
also cause mental fatigue. When your
brain is exhausted, it becomes harder
to think, reason, and focus.
Sedentary Lifestyle
With regular exercise the type that gets your heart pumping and causes you to break into a
mild sweat, it stimulates the part of the brain that is responsible for thinking, memory and
Recently researchers also found that people who spend too many hours sleeping and just
sitting around with little brain stimulation had thinning of the parts of the brain responsible
for memory formation.
Sitting is seen as the new smoking. We need movement to increase blood flow and
therefor oxygen to the brain and to stimulate the hormones responsible for the growth of
new brain cells.
Exercise also burns up cortisol and releases endorphins, happy hormones. It can combat
brain fog by reducing inflammation, improving mood and sleep and counteracting stress
and anxiety.
Evidence proves one of the critical functions of sleep is to restore and optimize neural connectivity, so sleep is
absolutely essential for learning and memory.
You don’t have to be an expert to know that your alertness and thought processes suffer after a night of no or very little
sleep. The day after a night of less than five hours sleep everything seems painful, slow moving and harder to do. The
reduced brain activity after sleep deprivation can even be seen in brain scans.
Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep has been shown to provide the best benefits for the brain. Try to increase the quality
of your sleep to help reduce brain fatigue during the day. Look at your schedule and calculate 8 hours of sleep, start
preparing for bed an hour early by turning off all devices, journaing, reading or anything that is less stimulating to your
Poor concentration and cloudy thoughts.
The brain needs sleep in order to recuperate. So, when sleep is regularly interrupted or when one suffers from a sleep
disorder, they are more likely to experience brain fog in the morning upon waking. For some, a simple cup of coffee is
enough to clear away the fog, but for those who suffer from serious sleep deprivation, the fog will not go away.
You need sleep to help your brain work the way it should, but too much can make you feel foggy, too. Aim for 7 to 9
hours. To get good rest at bedtime, you may want to avoid caffeine and alcohol after 2pm It is also helpful to have a
consistent regular sleep schedule every day including weekends.
Sleep continued
Whether it’s adrenal stress, life stress, work shifts, or not making sleep a priority in your life, not getting enough sleep or good quality
sleep can be a singular cause of brain fog. Even just one night of sleeping for only 5 hours can have a negative impact on your cortisol
If you’re not getting good sleep you can pretty much count on weighing at least 5 extra pounds, having sugar cravings, and brain fog.
Individuals will sometimes brag about the lack of sleep they get, but reality is it’s no laughing matter. A good response would be,
“that’s great but did you know your brain is now functioning at a lower quality?”
Traffic safety officials regularly warn us of the risks of driving while drunk or distracted. Americans need to wake up to the dangers of
getting behind the wheel when sleepy, according to a recent study of crash rates. Research has shown that about 20 percent of fatal
accidents in the U.S. involve a drowsy driver.
Your brain is the most hard-working organ in your
body. Besides needing energy to function, it also
needs a constant supply of micro-nutrients
including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
essential fatty acids.
A poor diet with lots of sugar and refined
carbohydrates, with too little protein, fruit and
vegetables to supply the nutrients you brain needs,
can result in brain fog.
A diet with plenty of fresh whole foods rich in
Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and complex B
vitamins will help reduce the episodes of brain
Vitamin B-12 supports healthy brain function, and a
vitamin B12 Deficiency can bring on brain fog.
If you have
food allergies
brain fog may
develop after
eating certain
Common culprits include:.
● Aspartame
● Gluten
● peanuts
● dairy
foods from
your diet
So often when we think about our diets we focus on what to
take out, but it’s also critically important to feed your brain by
adding in the nutrients your brain requires for health. The top
macronutrients that feed our brains are proteins, which make
up the building blocks of our neurotransmitters, the chemicals
involved in brain and nervous system signaling. Dark leafy
greens, and an abundance of vegetables in the diet 8-10
servings per day (I use Opti Green50 to ensure this and more
is addresses), and berries are great brain food.
Our brains also require B-vitamins for optimal functioning, and
in fact, low B12 contributes to cognitive problems.
Low iron can also cause brain fog and in one small study,
simply adding a high protein lunch with iron rich sources
improved brain function in just 4 months.
Brain foods:
Green Leafy Vegetables
Pumpkin Seeds
Green Tea
A diet high in unhealthy
carbs and fats, as well as
processed foods, is also
known to cause high levels
of inflammation in the
body. Inflammation affects
the brain on cellular level. It
causes changes in the
three main hormones –
dopamine, serotonin and
cortisol, these regulate
mood, energy and focus.
Iron deficiency
Anemia is a condition that affects the
red blood cells in the body. If the red
blood cells fail to deliver enough
oxygen to organs and tissues, a
person may experience mental and
physical tiredness(brain fog),
alongside other symptoms, such as
shortness of breath. Get your iron
levels checked at your next doctor's
appointment. High levels can have the
same brain fog like symptoms.
Thyroid and Adrenal
Thyroid dysfunctions, such as hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease
can also cause brain fog.
One of the functions the thyroid plays is to maintain brain health.
Hypothyroidism, when the thyroid is under-functioning, has a known
impact on cognitive function, showing up as hard to focus and memory
problems, over time, can cause dementia.
Brain fog can be the result of hormonal changes.
During pregnancy and menopause changes in the levels of estrogen and
progesterone are known to lead to changes in memory and concentration.
A lack of thyroid hormone is also associated with brain fog.
When women go through menopause, they sometimes experience brain fog due to fluctuating hormones. As the hormones
become regulated, the symptoms of brain fog tend to disappear.
Menopause and hormone changes during the menopausal transition made it harder for women to take in and remember new
information, and to focus their attention on challenging tasks.
Women may find it harder to learn or remember things when they reach this stage of life. It happens about a year after their
last period, usually around age 50. Along with brain fog, they also may have hot flashes, sudden sweating with a higher heart
rate, body temperature and other body changes. Hormone supplements and other types of medication may help.
Hormonal changes can also trigger brain fog. Levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen increase during pregnancy.
This change can affect memory and cause short-term cognitive impairment.
Similarly, a drop in estrogen level during menopause can cause forgetfulness, poor concentration, and cloudy thinking.
Women report changes in concentration
and memory during pregnancy, and
breastfeeding (some of which is due to
loss of sleep!). This is largely due to
natural fluctuations in estrogen levels and
changes in our psyches, desires, and
focus that occur cyclically as a result.
Testosterone is an essential hormone for men (and women
a very small amount). At healthy levels, testosterone is
responsible for everything from controlling your sex drive,
energy levels to helping you gain strength and develop
muscle tissue.
It also has a range of effects on your brain, helping to make
you feel more confident, assertive and masculine.
Testosterone even affects things like your bone and heart
health, making it an essential hormone not just for physical
and mental performance, but also for general health.
There are lots of signs or symptoms of low testosterone,
brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, low sex drive, poor mood,
memory problems, lack of motivation, and decline in your
physical strength.
There’s a couple natural supplements for anyone that feels
this might be something they may be experiencing, Primal
T and Night T (contact me for more information)
Antioxidants are another key
component for a healthy
brain. Foods rich in
antioxidants are able to fight
off oxidative stress. Vitamin D
and Vitamin B complex
supplements are essential for
cognitive function. These
vitamins supply the body with
necessary nutrients to
cleanse, rejuvenate, and heal.
Alfalfa Sprouts
Red Bell Peppers
Green Tea
Eating a healthy diet
naturally increases
one's antioxidants
In order to maintain optimum mental clarity, some
people supplement their diet with Micro Factor and
Opti-Greens 50 (contact me for more information)
Free radicals
Free radicals damage brain
cells and DNA through a
process called oxidation,
which contributes to brain fog.
Foods listed in Antioxidants
help defend your cells from
damage caused by free
Things we are expose
us to that expose us to
Free Radicals are:
Cigarette smoke
Air pollutants
Industrial chemicals
Certain medications
Fried food
Sugary foods
Processed meats
Chemicals in our water
Studies indicate that flavonoids found in
certain fruits and veggies are able to improve
memory and brain function, thereby helping to
lower symptoms related to brain fog. Two
products that help removing free radicals from
our bodies are Micro Factor and Opti-Greens
50.(ask me for more information)
Water makes up 73% of the brain. Even mild
dehydration causes an imbalance.
Runners are confused and disorientated at the
end of a marathon, studies have shown that
even 2% dehydration can affect mental
performance. Mild dehydration can alter
concentration, alertness, short-term memory
and perception.
So if you don’t drink enough water this could
be contributing to your brain fog.
Signs of Dehydration, include brain fog,
afternoon fatigue, focus issues, depression,
anger, exhaustion, headaches, sleep issues,
stress, and a lack of mental clarity and acuity.
Low or High Blood sugar
levels (glucose)
Blood sugar that swings too low or too high can cause brain fog. Symptoms of low blood sugar include irritability or lightheadedness
between meals, cravings for sweets, waking up at 3 or 4 a.m., dependence on coffee or sugar for energy, becoming upset easily, and
Since glucose is the primary source of energy for the brain, fluctuating glucose levels in the blood can cause some short-term brain
fatigue symptoms. For this reason, those with diabetes are at high risk for brain fog.
Your brain relies on a steady source of glucose in your blood for proper functioning, including focus, memory, and clarity. Skipping
meals, going 4 hours or greater will result in low blood sugar. Further, low blood sugar then makes us crave quick fixes in the form of
sugary foods and quick carbs (muffins, cookies, pastries, for example). Falling into the craving and eating these result in inflammation
that can also impact your brain health(and joints). It’s also important to be aware of the symptoms of low or high blood sugar especially
if it runs in your family.
Nutritional deficiencies Your brain function relies on proper levels of magnesium,
potassium, folic acid, vitamin B12, and amino acids in the
body. When these nutrients are deficient or the body is
dehydrated, brain fog will occur.
One factor that may be largely to blame for vitamin
deficiencies is the obsession with restrictive diets.
Americans are engaging in some kind of fad diet throughout
their life, and when they do that, they are cutting out food
groups, this will can cause repercussions, such as nutrient
Get your vitamins in check, recommended vitamins that will
prevent these deficiencies are Micro Factor and
Opti-Greens 50(contact me for more information)
Brain fog is the side-effect most commonly reported for
prescription as well as some over the counter medicines.
Some common medications include sleeping pills, allergy
medicine, pain medication, antibiotics, anti-depressants, as well
as anti-anxiety medications.
Cognitive impairment has also been reported with certain blood
pressure medicines as well as statins which are prescribed for
lowering cholesterol.
If you take medicine and notice that your thinking isn’t as clear
as it should be or you suddenly can’t remember things, call your
You may not remember things well or be able to think through problems easily. It’s hard to
know if this is linked to the loss of energy and motivation that comes with depression, or if
depression affects your brain in a way that causes the fog. Treatment for your depression,
which includes medication and therapy, should help get you back on track.
Depression flattens out your brain signaling. Your neurons (nerve cells) just don’t fire with
the same frequency as when you’re in a more vibrant mood. Further, the lower levels of
neurotransmitters including adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine that accompany
depression can impact your ability to focus, remember, and feel mentally sharp. Worry
and anxiety are on a spectrum, anxiety a more debilitating form of worry, which like worry,
creates mental distraction, you’re focusing on the problem and this keeps your brain from
processing new information easily, having easy recall, and paying attention to what’s
immediately in front of you. Your brain is diverting its attention onto the worry. There are
many causes of depression and anxiety, including current life circumstances, history of
trauma, nutritional deficiency, gluten or dairy intolerance, and more.
Making some lifestyle changes can help overcome some of these problems.
Studies show changes to diet and exercise can also increase a person's energy level
reduce or eliminate depression.
remedies to
improve brain
fog include:
● Sleeping 8 to 9 hours per night
● Managing stress by knowing your limitations and avoiding excessive
alcohol and caffeine
● Exercising
● Strengthening your brain power (try volunteering or solving brain
● Finding enjoyable activities
● Increasing your intake of protein, fruits, vegetables, vitamins
For stopping by
T !
I support my clients spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Anything discussed in a course, live video, presentation, educational material, the group, through private message, email, phone or other
communication is said to be just suggestions and each individual is responsible for one's self, actions and must follow any and all doctors advice they have been given first and foremost. I am not a medical doctor,
dietician or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics or nutrition. I make no claim to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. My goal is to help my clients
make gradual, lifelong changes that enable them to achieve their health goals and meet their ultimate vision of well-being. I am in the process of obtaining several certifications and have NASM certified coaches
helping with guidance, plans, fitness and nutritional information. By being in this group or purchasing coaching services, you confirm that you have read and agree to each statement below and that you wish to
1. I understand that the health coaching services I will be receiving are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition and are not intended to be a substitute for the advice,
treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed medical professional.
2. I understand that my Health Coach may not make any medical diagnoses or claims and is not a substitute for my personal physician.
3. I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my coaching sessions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions.
4. I understand and agree that I should consult with my personal physician prior to making any significant changes to my diet and/or lifestyle.
5. I understand and agree that if I am under the care of a medical professional or am currently using prescription
medication, I should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplement use with my doctor and should not discontinue any prescription medication without first consulting my doctor.
6. I understand that all comments and ideas offered by my Health Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my defined goals. I have the ability to give my informed consent, and hereby
give such consent to my Health Coach to assist me in achieving such goals.
7. I understand that the care that I receive during my health coaching sessions is separate from the care that I receive from any medical facility in that the health coaching sessions are in no way intended to
be construed as medical advice or care.
8. I acknowledge that I take full responsibility for my life and well-being, as well as all decisions made during and after the duration of my health coaching sessions.
9. I understand that my Health Coach will keep my information confidential and will not share my information or
communicate anything that is said in the privacy of a coaching session to a third party unless expressly authorized by me or legally compelled by law, process or order of any court or governmental
10. I understand results are not guaranteed, it is suggested to full heartedly give the advice your full 100% try over a period of time(one month minimum).
11. NO REFUNDS. by payment and agreeing to these terms your payment is not refundable. Payments are automatically sent each month and due by the 7th or removed from the program re-entry may
have a fee and or re-entry may be postponed until the next enrollment.
12. Food journals will be reviewed twice a week at random if they are not full and complete no evaluation will be communicated until next check.
13. I hereby release Katherine Hood or any other individuals in this group, individually, from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands
whatsoever, in law or equity, which I had, now have or will have in the future, arising from my past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to the health coaching services.

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Brain fog

  • 1.
  • 2. Brain fog “Brain fog” isn’t a medical condition. It’s a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think. You may feel confused or disorganized or it might be hard to focus or put your thoughts into words. Brain fog is loosely used to describe cloudy mental thinking, difficulty with focus or concentration or sometimes difficulty with memory, or the ability to memorize new information.
  • 3. Some examples of brain fog You set your alarm only find you have done it already. You walk into a room and forget why. You look everywhere for your glasses when they are on your head the whole time. You can’t find the keys and your spouse find them in the fridge with the milk. The word, phrase or name is on the tip of your tongue but you just can’t recall it.
  • 4. We all know this feeling. We’ve experienced it when we’ve had a bad flu, too little sleep, a severe shock as in the death of a loved one, or a few drinks too many. But what if you experience this most the time? This is what is commonly known as brain fog.
  • 5. Identify the cause Once you identify the cause and address the issue for your personal cause of brain fog you can regain mental clarity and improve the quality of your life again. Brain fog can easily disrupt your quality of life, inspiration and happiness, in extreme cases increase the likelihood for symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • 6. Functions affected by brain fog: ● Memory ● Understanding ● Lack of clarity ● Slow hazy thinking ● Forgetfulness ● Confusion ● Disorientation ● Difficulty formulating thoughts ● Feeling impaired ● Difficulty recalling ● Difficulty holding long conversations ● Poor Concentration ● Information processing ● Inability to Focus ● Visual skills ● Recognizing shapes ● Ability to move ● Organization ● Problem-solving ● Planning
  • 7. As you can see the list is long and some might sound familiar. Brain fog can last for just an hour or last for weeks or months. It's usually easy to identify the root cause when it's for a day or less, but it it lasts for long periods of time it is time to look at why. The good news is that all of our symptoms are our body’s way of telling us something needs to change, it's a sign. It could be as simple as your diet, lifestyle, self-care, or environment.
  • 8. What are the causes of brain fog? There are numerous explanations for why brain fog occurs. It might take some trial and error to figure out your unique case.
  • 9. Lifestyle causes Brain fog can often be the result of lifestyle factors that directly affect how your brain functions. Modern life and a busy lifestyles is taxing on the brain. It could be as simple as getting more quality rest to function at its best.
  • 10. Causes of brain fog that relate to someone's lifestyle include: Stress Worry Overwhelm Lack of sleep Diet Medications Hormone changes Dehydration Medical condition Low energy from physical inactivity
  • 11. Stress, Overwhelm, and Worry The body releases cortisol, or the “fight-or-flight” hormone in response to any stressful situation. With the ongoing daily stressors of modern society there can be a continuous flood of cortisol throughout the body. The stress response is never switched off. This is taxing on the whole body and can be really difficult on the brain.
  • 12. When in flight or flight mode it will: Increased inflammation Cause Insomnia Increased need of micronutrients, such as magnesium, if you’re diet is poor and you’re not taking quality vitamins you’re highly deficient.
  • 13. Reducing stress will help alleviate brain fog Practicing ways to reduce stress in your daily life can be quite helpful. Whether through exercise, meditation or another calming practice, find one that works for you. Normal everyday stress should not cause it. If one starts experiencing brain fog from normal everyday stress, this may be an underlying sign of another problem.
  • 14. Chronic stress Chronic stress however can increase blood pressure, weaken the immune system, and trigger depression. It can also cause mental fatigue. When your brain is exhausted, it becomes harder to think, reason, and focus.
  • 15. Sedentary Lifestyle With regular exercise the type that gets your heart pumping and causes you to break into a mild sweat, it stimulates the part of the brain that is responsible for thinking, memory and learning. Recently researchers also found that people who spend too many hours sleeping and just sitting around with little brain stimulation had thinning of the parts of the brain responsible for memory formation. Sitting is seen as the new smoking. We need movement to increase blood flow and therefor oxygen to the brain and to stimulate the hormones responsible for the growth of new brain cells. Exercise also burns up cortisol and releases endorphins, happy hormones. It can combat brain fog by reducing inflammation, improving mood and sleep and counteracting stress and anxiety.
  • 16. Sleep Evidence proves one of the critical functions of sleep is to restore and optimize neural connectivity, so sleep is absolutely essential for learning and memory. You don’t have to be an expert to know that your alertness and thought processes suffer after a night of no or very little sleep. The day after a night of less than five hours sleep everything seems painful, slow moving and harder to do. The reduced brain activity after sleep deprivation can even be seen in brain scans. Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep has been shown to provide the best benefits for the brain. Try to increase the quality of your sleep to help reduce brain fatigue during the day. Look at your schedule and calculate 8 hours of sleep, start preparing for bed an hour early by turning off all devices, journaing, reading or anything that is less stimulating to your mind. Poor concentration and cloudy thoughts. The brain needs sleep in order to recuperate. So, when sleep is regularly interrupted or when one suffers from a sleep disorder, they are more likely to experience brain fog in the morning upon waking. For some, a simple cup of coffee is enough to clear away the fog, but for those who suffer from serious sleep deprivation, the fog will not go away. You need sleep to help your brain work the way it should, but too much can make you feel foggy, too. Aim for 7 to 9 hours. To get good rest at bedtime, you may want to avoid caffeine and alcohol after 2pm It is also helpful to have a consistent regular sleep schedule every day including weekends.
  • 17. Sleep continued Whether it’s adrenal stress, life stress, work shifts, or not making sleep a priority in your life, not getting enough sleep or good quality sleep can be a singular cause of brain fog. Even just one night of sleeping for only 5 hours can have a negative impact on your cortisol level. If you’re not getting good sleep you can pretty much count on weighing at least 5 extra pounds, having sugar cravings, and brain fog. Individuals will sometimes brag about the lack of sleep they get, but reality is it’s no laughing matter. A good response would be, “that’s great but did you know your brain is now functioning at a lower quality?” Traffic safety officials regularly warn us of the risks of driving while drunk or distracted. Americans need to wake up to the dangers of getting behind the wheel when sleepy, according to a recent study of crash rates. Research has shown that about 20 percent of fatal accidents in the U.S. involve a drowsy driver.
  • 18. Diet Your brain is the most hard-working organ in your body. Besides needing energy to function, it also needs a constant supply of micro-nutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids. A poor diet with lots of sugar and refined carbohydrates, with too little protein, fruit and vegetables to supply the nutrients you brain needs, can result in brain fog. A diet with plenty of fresh whole foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and complex B vitamins will help reduce the episodes of brain fatigue. Vitamin B-12 supports healthy brain function, and a vitamin B12 Deficiency can bring on brain fog.
  • 19. If you have food allergies or sensitivities, brain fog may develop after eating certain foods. Common culprits include:. ● MSG ● Aspartame ● Gluten ● peanuts ● dairy
  • 20. Removing trigger foods from your diet may improve symptoms. So often when we think about our diets we focus on what to take out, but it’s also critically important to feed your brain by adding in the nutrients your brain requires for health. The top macronutrients that feed our brains are proteins, which make up the building blocks of our neurotransmitters, the chemicals involved in brain and nervous system signaling. Dark leafy greens, and an abundance of vegetables in the diet 8-10 servings per day (I use Opti Green50 to ensure this and more is addresses), and berries are great brain food. Our brains also require B-vitamins for optimal functioning, and in fact, low B12 contributes to cognitive problems. Low iron can also cause brain fog and in one small study, simply adding a high protein lunch with iron rich sources improved brain function in just 4 months.
  • 21. Brain foods: Beets Blueberries Broccoli Eggs Tomatoes Fish Green Leafy Vegetables Pumpkin Seeds Turmeric Green Tea Beans
  • 22. Inflammation A diet high in unhealthy carbs and fats, as well as processed foods, is also known to cause high levels of inflammation in the body. Inflammation affects the brain on cellular level. It causes changes in the three main hormones – dopamine, serotonin and cortisol, these regulate mood, energy and focus.
  • 23. Iron deficiency Anemia is a condition that affects the red blood cells in the body. If the red blood cells fail to deliver enough oxygen to organs and tissues, a person may experience mental and physical tiredness(brain fog), alongside other symptoms, such as shortness of breath. Get your iron levels checked at your next doctor's appointment. High levels can have the same brain fog like symptoms.
  • 24. Thyroid and Adrenal imbalances Thyroid dysfunctions, such as hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease can also cause brain fog. One of the functions the thyroid plays is to maintain brain health. Hypothyroidism, when the thyroid is under-functioning, has a known impact on cognitive function, showing up as hard to focus and memory problems, over time, can cause dementia.
  • 25. Hormones Brain fog can be the result of hormonal changes. During pregnancy and menopause changes in the levels of estrogen and progesterone are known to lead to changes in memory and concentration. A lack of thyroid hormone is also associated with brain fog.
  • 26. Menopause When women go through menopause, they sometimes experience brain fog due to fluctuating hormones. As the hormones become regulated, the symptoms of brain fog tend to disappear. Menopause and hormone changes during the menopausal transition made it harder for women to take in and remember new information, and to focus their attention on challenging tasks. Women may find it harder to learn or remember things when they reach this stage of life. It happens about a year after their last period, usually around age 50. Along with brain fog, they also may have hot flashes, sudden sweating with a higher heart rate, body temperature and other body changes. Hormone supplements and other types of medication may help. Hormonal changes can also trigger brain fog. Levels of the hormones progesterone and estrogen increase during pregnancy. This change can affect memory and cause short-term cognitive impairment. Similarly, a drop in estrogen level during menopause can cause forgetfulness, poor concentration, and cloudy thinking.
  • 27. Pregnancy Women report changes in concentration and memory during pregnancy, and breastfeeding (some of which is due to loss of sleep!). This is largely due to natural fluctuations in estrogen levels and changes in our psyches, desires, and focus that occur cyclically as a result.
  • 28. Low Testosterone Testosterone is an essential hormone for men (and women a very small amount). At healthy levels, testosterone is responsible for everything from controlling your sex drive, energy levels to helping you gain strength and develop muscle tissue. It also has a range of effects on your brain, helping to make you feel more confident, assertive and masculine. Testosterone even affects things like your bone and heart health, making it an essential hormone not just for physical and mental performance, but also for general health. There are lots of signs or symptoms of low testosterone, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, low sex drive, poor mood, memory problems, lack of motivation, and decline in your physical strength. There’s a couple natural supplements for anyone that feels this might be something they may be experiencing, Primal T and Night T (contact me for more information)
  • 29. Antioxidants Antioxidants are another key component for a healthy brain. Foods rich in antioxidants are able to fight off oxidative stress. Vitamin D and Vitamin B complex supplements are essential for cognitive function. These vitamins supply the body with necessary nutrients to cleanse, rejuvenate, and heal.
  • 31. Eating a healthy diet naturally increases one's antioxidants In order to maintain optimum mental clarity, some people supplement their diet with Micro Factor and Opti-Greens 50 (contact me for more information)
  • 32. Free radicals Free radicals damage brain cells and DNA through a process called oxidation, which contributes to brain fog. Foods listed in Antioxidants help defend your cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  • 33. Things we are expose us to that expose us to Free Radicals are: X-rays Ozone Cigarette smoke Air pollutants Industrial chemicals Radiation Certain medications Fried food Alcohol Sugary foods Processed meats Pesticides Chemicals in our water
  • 34. Flavonoids Studies indicate that flavonoids found in certain fruits and veggies are able to improve memory and brain function, thereby helping to lower symptoms related to brain fog. Two products that help removing free radicals from our bodies are Micro Factor and Opti-Greens 50.(ask me for more information)
  • 35. Dehydration Water makes up 73% of the brain. Even mild dehydration causes an imbalance. Runners are confused and disorientated at the end of a marathon, studies have shown that even 2% dehydration can affect mental performance. Mild dehydration can alter concentration, alertness, short-term memory and perception. So if you don’t drink enough water this could be contributing to your brain fog. Signs of Dehydration, include brain fog, afternoon fatigue, focus issues, depression, anger, exhaustion, headaches, sleep issues, stress, and a lack of mental clarity and acuity.
  • 36. Low or High Blood sugar levels (glucose) Blood sugar that swings too low or too high can cause brain fog. Symptoms of low blood sugar include irritability or lightheadedness between meals, cravings for sweets, waking up at 3 or 4 a.m., dependence on coffee or sugar for energy, becoming upset easily, and forgetfulness. Since glucose is the primary source of energy for the brain, fluctuating glucose levels in the blood can cause some short-term brain fatigue symptoms. For this reason, those with diabetes are at high risk for brain fog. Your brain relies on a steady source of glucose in your blood for proper functioning, including focus, memory, and clarity. Skipping meals, going 4 hours or greater will result in low blood sugar. Further, low blood sugar then makes us crave quick fixes in the form of sugary foods and quick carbs (muffins, cookies, pastries, for example). Falling into the craving and eating these result in inflammation that can also impact your brain health(and joints). It’s also important to be aware of the symptoms of low or high blood sugar especially if it runs in your family.
  • 37. Nutritional deficiencies Your brain function relies on proper levels of magnesium, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B12, and amino acids in the body. When these nutrients are deficient or the body is dehydrated, brain fog will occur. One factor that may be largely to blame for vitamin deficiencies is the obsession with restrictive diets. Americans are engaging in some kind of fad diet throughout their life, and when they do that, they are cutting out food groups, this will can cause repercussions, such as nutrient deficiencies. Get your vitamins in check, recommended vitamins that will prevent these deficiencies are Micro Factor and Opti-Greens 50(contact me for more information)
  • 38. Medication Brain fog is the side-effect most commonly reported for prescription as well as some over the counter medicines. Some common medications include sleeping pills, allergy medicine, pain medication, antibiotics, anti-depressants, as well as anti-anxiety medications. Cognitive impairment has also been reported with certain blood pressure medicines as well as statins which are prescribed for lowering cholesterol. If you take medicine and notice that your thinking isn’t as clear as it should be or you suddenly can’t remember things, call your doctor.
  • 39. Depression You may not remember things well or be able to think through problems easily. It’s hard to know if this is linked to the loss of energy and motivation that comes with depression, or if depression affects your brain in a way that causes the fog. Treatment for your depression, which includes medication and therapy, should help get you back on track. Depression flattens out your brain signaling. Your neurons (nerve cells) just don’t fire with the same frequency as when you’re in a more vibrant mood. Further, the lower levels of neurotransmitters including adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine that accompany depression can impact your ability to focus, remember, and feel mentally sharp. Worry and anxiety are on a spectrum, anxiety a more debilitating form of worry, which like worry, creates mental distraction, you’re focusing on the problem and this keeps your brain from processing new information easily, having easy recall, and paying attention to what’s immediately in front of you. Your brain is diverting its attention onto the worry. There are many causes of depression and anxiety, including current life circumstances, history of trauma, nutritional deficiency, gluten or dairy intolerance, and more. Making some lifestyle changes can help overcome some of these problems. Studies show changes to diet and exercise can also increase a person's energy level reduce or eliminate depression.
  • 40. Home remedies to improve brain fog include: ● Sleeping 8 to 9 hours per night ● Managing stress by knowing your limitations and avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine ● Exercising ● Strengthening your brain power (try volunteering or solving brain puzzles) ● Finding enjoyable activities ● Increasing your intake of protein, fruits, vegetables, vitamins
  • 41. For stopping by T !
  • 42. Disclosure I support my clients spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Anything discussed in a course, live video, presentation, educational material, the group, through private message, email, phone or other communication is said to be just suggestions and each individual is responsible for one's self, actions and must follow any and all doctors advice they have been given first and foremost. I am not a medical doctor, dietician or nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics or nutrition. I make no claim to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. My goal is to help my clients make gradual, lifelong changes that enable them to achieve their health goals and meet their ultimate vision of well-being. I am in the process of obtaining several certifications and have NASM certified coaches helping with guidance, plans, fitness and nutritional information. By being in this group or purchasing coaching services, you confirm that you have read and agree to each statement below and that you wish to proceed: 1. I understand that the health coaching services I will be receiving are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition and are not intended to be a substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed medical professional. 2. I understand that my Health Coach may not make any medical diagnoses or claims and is not a substitute for my personal physician. 3. I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my well-being during my coaching sessions, and subsequently, including my choices and decisions. 4. I understand and agree that I should consult with my personal physician prior to making any significant changes to my diet and/or lifestyle. 5. I understand and agree that if I am under the care of a medical professional or am currently using prescription medication, I should discuss any dietary changes or potential dietary supplement use with my doctor and should not discontinue any prescription medication without first consulting my doctor. 6. I understand that all comments and ideas offered by my Health Coach are solely for the purpose of aiding me in achieving my defined goals. I have the ability to give my informed consent, and hereby give such consent to my Health Coach to assist me in achieving such goals. 7. I understand that the care that I receive during my health coaching sessions is separate from the care that I receive from any medical facility in that the health coaching sessions are in no way intended to be construed as medical advice or care. 8. I acknowledge that I take full responsibility for my life and well-being, as well as all decisions made during and after the duration of my health coaching sessions. 9. I understand that my Health Coach will keep my information confidential and will not share my information or communicate anything that is said in the privacy of a coaching session to a third party unless expressly authorized by me or legally compelled by law, process or order of any court or governmental agency. 10. I understand results are not guaranteed, it is suggested to full heartedly give the advice your full 100% try over a period of time(one month minimum). 11. NO REFUNDS. by payment and agreeing to these terms your payment is not refundable. Payments are automatically sent each month and due by the 7th or removed from the program re-entry may have a fee and or re-entry may be postponed until the next enrollment. 12. Food journals will be reviewed twice a week at random if they are not full and complete no evaluation will be communicated until next check. 13. I hereby release Katherine Hood or any other individuals in this group, individually, from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, which I had, now have or will have in the future, arising from my past or future participation in, or otherwise with respect to the health coaching services.