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Creating a Healthy Lifestyle, Long term Weight-Loss &
Maintenance Strategies by Katherine Hood, Power UP
I am a Certified Health Coach, Certified also as a Life Coach and I am Personal
Trainer(certified). I have ten years in the health and fitness industry. I am not a doctor,
nutritionist, or dietitian, however my weight loss program is doctor lead and dietitian
Bring value and provide 1-3 takeaways.
Goal today
Who wants to Create a Healthy
Lifestyle, Long term
Weight-Loss OR Maintain a
Healthy Body Weight?
Power UP!
Definition: A paradigm is a view or perspective in a
single phrase. A guiding principle. It can be thought
of as a framework of beliefs. A paradigm helps us to
make sense of the world around us or in this case
this presentation.
“What you focus on improves.”
Who I am:
Katherine Hood, Retired
Allstate Agent 22 years.
I fell in love with fitness, health
and inspiring others through
Personal goal is to compete in
as many states as I can.
“My mission is to help individuals
establish healthy habits, rituals,
and an identity that creates a
long-lasting healthy lifestyle. I am
passionate about inspiring others
to become the healthiest version
of themselves and giving them so
much more than a smaller
waistline, I can help individuals
have a new outlook on life, have
more energy, increased
confidence, greater success in
career, and much more. “
A strong core can improve your posture,
stability, muscle balance, and protect your
back. Core exercises are often neglected. A
gym membership is not required to have a
strong core. Learning how to properly engage
your core and maintaining strength can help
ease current back pain and prevent future injury.
This is an image of my L4, L5 before my first
I didn't have an accident or event that caused
this herniation, it was form not taking care of my
body. Being hunched over a desk for 9+ hours a
day for many years with no exercises or
understanding how important having a strong
Core Strength and Spine Health
After moving here August
2018, I still struggled days
or weeks with chronic pain.
Dr Ellis discovered my
axis/atlas was causing
tension and imbalance on
my lower hips and back.
After her treatment, I am
now able to train in the gym
more effectively and my
daily activities are less
How do we establish a
Healthy Lifestyle and a
Healthy weight?
Is it with a diet??
Absolutely NOT
A diet is temporary
Diets are painful, restrictive
Lack nutrients we need.
Eliminating entire food groups, deeming them bad!
They often cause Psychological impacts, increasing our
stress hormones.
Every diet, with a drastic weight loss, there is a loss of
valuable muscle.
When weight is put back on, what is gained back?
We all have an identity.
How we view ourselves and what others perceive of us.
My Journey
Today’s presentation will include a
little of my own personal journey.
My identity used to be
before starting my health
journey was a:
Driven Workaholic
I sat at my desk for 9+ hours often
with little to no breaks, lack of
hydration, poor quality food (fuel), zero
movement, no recovery or self care.
All on my own terms, or ignorance.
We are all a
product of our
There’s always a
positive intention
behind our habits
the good and even
the bad.
How I
being a
served me…
I thought it meant greater
We all have habits.
All the things we do without much thought. Did you know we have anywhere from 60,000-
80,000 thoughts a day? These subconscious thoughts are the product of who we are. Our
thoughts and habits are why we are overweight, sad, overwhelmed, and out of balance.
Have an immediate benefit, perhaps a stress
relief, lesson anxiety or zone out.
But this has a long term negative effect,
weight gain, and many health risks.
Bad Habits, taking
Drinking for
Good Habits
take Working
out for instance:
Often has little short term benefit, usually
the opposite is true, sweat, sore, time
consuming or pain.
But a long term benefit sexy strong body,
longer life and better health.
What I know
If I had taken better care of myself. I
would have been way more attentive,
gotten sick less, been a better mother,
better wife, more productive, felt
better, less moody, been ever MORE
successful, avoided several surgeries
if I would have had balanced in BOTH
my health and life.
My focus was clouded.
I sacrificed my social life, my health, and my family to being a superstar insurance agent
for many years.
I would say “There’s not enough time to workout” “no time to eat right” “I don’t like water
or do I want to pee all the time” “I hate breakfast” “All these things are such a waste of
My kids grew up in the back of the office.
I recall my oldest daughter yelling from our bathroom, “wipe my butt” as I was on a sales
call, covering up the phone praying my client didn’t hear her.
My life was out of balance.
Sitting for years did a lot of harm on
my body, and as a result, I have had
two back surgeries, primary case:
a weak core
What Sitting does
Places a significant amount of pressure on
your back muscles and spinal discs.
When sitting all day your glutes actually go
to sleep, atrophy sets in(muscle loss).
Your glutes”butt” are responsible for much of
your movement in your daily life not just for
the aesthetics.
(who wants a round booty though?)
Your glutes are one key component of your
Having a strong core is essential in all daily
Sitting is harmful,
its known as the
“new smoking”.
Lower calorie burn=weight gain
Less muscle=slower metabolism
Poor posture=neck and back pressure/injury
Less exposure to sun(vit d)=sadness/depression
Pain=pressure in back, hips, spine
Varicose veins=painful visible broken veins
What’s the solution?
Engage in workouts 3 or more times a week that engage your
core (including the gluteus maximus), at minimum.
Get up and move, stretch every 90 minutes.
How many minutes
or hours do you
workout each
How many “steps”
(if you have a
tracker) do you get
each week?
Minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workout each
week. Or 30 minutes 5 days a week.
Or 10,000 TRUE steps a day!
As an insurance agent I was also neglecting my nutrition.
My philosophy was“starvation” all day, and eat what I want at night..
Now days they call it intermittent fasting.
My Story Continued..
What I now know..
Fasting is not healthy.
(harmful to metabolic system, muscles, blood sugar levels, puts your body in
“starvation mode”, weight loss may occur but at the cost of valuable muscle,
bone and nutritional depletion)
Calorie confusion
I also had the mindset that a calorie is a calorie.
There’s a huge difference between 2000 twinkie
calories than 2000 chicken and salad calories.
Focus on the daily
habits, not the scale
I was also fixated on the number on the scale, not my health,
longevity or protecting my organs from long term damage.
When I started I wanted to weight 118 pounds like I did in high
Putting so much
emphasis on the scale
leads to shortcuts,
destructive behaviour,
quick fixes and
Wired & Tired
I would wake up, drink espresso until 2 pm (stimulant)
Eat something out of my drawer (old stale granola bar or old
Halloween candy)(sugar to keep me from crashing)
Dinner would be something rich
filled with sticks of butter, or fried. With a side of 1-2-3 glasses of
wine to “unwind” from a stressful day.
All causing irreversible damage to my thyroid and other organs.
Evenings I was exhausted
and just wanted to veg out.
ZERO desire to play with my two daughters, I would tell them
“mommy is exhausted”
I couldn’t wait to put my daughters to bed
Feeling this exhausted all the time was “normal” or “I will make up my lack of
sleep on the next vacation”.
Truth is, I was burnt out.
And my health was deteriorating. My blood sugar levels were all over the map
and I certainly wasn’t listening to what my body needed.
What I thought..
No self care
Zero concern for my long term health.
No friends, no time or energy. I didn’t even know what self care was.
I was WAY out of balance
And not truly happy, and secretly depressed
Was I showing up to work at optimal levels?
Being the best mother and wife I could be?
Did I feel good?
At what cost?
This was my normal.
Everyone was doing it. In casual conversation, everyone complained about
how tired, exhausted they were. The“social norm”.
What does “Feeling Good” feel like?
I honestly didn’t know what feeling good meant, or that it was possible to have energy and
be excited to be at work.
Everyone complains about how tired, and exhausted they are, the fancier the car the bigger
the bags are under their eyes.
What was my
priority, what
was I focused
Certainly not my health.
Hitting a bottom
I knew something had to change.
What I needed was education and Help
I needed to learn how to:
Reset, recover, rest, reboot, and establish self care
Hydrate, fuel my body properly
Change my environment
Set goals
Find my passion
Give back and inspire in my community
Create friendships and relationships with people outside of work
Show up as an energetic mother and wife
How do you
define good
Common response:
Sexy hot body, maybe athletic build.. Someone who works out every day at a gym. Or a
certain weight on the scale.
Good Health is not just a
Sexy Hot Body.
Someone can appear to be of “good health” but actually have a lot
of medical issues known or unknown. And are they truly HAPPY?
BALANCE in all
these areas is
“Optimal Health”.
Healthy Weight
Quantity, and Quality Sleep(underrated)
Nutrition (not a diet, food is fuel)
Goals (push you to be better)
Education (brain health)
Environment (support)
Family (happiness)
Love (purpose)
Social life (social creatures)
Spirituality (grounding)
Finances (root of issues)
Mindset (positivity)
Movement, exercise
Fun/ Recreation (experience life)
Community (fulfillment)
Career, business (meaning)
Doctors visits (Blood Work Yearly)
We need balance in our
lives, and focus on ALL
areas, not just one.
What we focus on
Being out of balance will
overflow into other areas
of your health and life.
We all will have
seasons where things
are a bit off balance.
But don’t make it an excuse or let it
derail you long term.
For example: Going to
college, striving for a
degree, the education piece
might be heavily weighed.
What is suffering as a result?
We only have 100% of us to to give.
Often people are either broke and have a lot of time.
Have no time and lots of money.
Examples of imbalance.
We all have 24 hours in a day.
What are you doing
with all your time?
To perform optimally.
Be the most fulfilled.
Show up eager and highly
effective we need to….
Sleep 8 hours
Work 8 hours
Do the things you love and enjoy the remaining 8 hours
Does this make
you pause and
question where
you’re wasting
What are YOUR time wasters?
Are you mindlessly checking your phone 150 times a day?
Scrolling on social media and other useless information?
Filling your mind with negative news?
Checking email hourly wading through useless marketing, surveys, and quizzes?
Getting lost in the drama of people that don’t have the same goals or ambition you do?
Are you binge-watching a tv show that has zero educational value and will take up space in
your mind?
Are you going home and mindlessly playing video games or watching sports on the couch?
Are you spending time drinking or at the bar?
Unplug from social media
Have a trusted person change your passwords on all your social media
accounts Monday and give you the passwords on Friday Night.
Think of your
brain as if it’s a
new iphone..
Don’t want to waste your memory on
games, and useless apps?
11 Things Poor
People do that
Rich People don’t
● Watch tv every night
● Eat fast food
● Watch tons of sports
● Focus on Obstacles rather than
● Have bad hygiene
● Blame others for their problems
● Spend time with the wrong people
● Don’t go to the doctor regularly
● Never follow-through
● Don’t read
● Don’t invest in themselves
What is your identity?
Or your personal mantra
(one sentence)
The qualities, beliefs, personality, looks
and/or expressions that make a person.
How would
someone view
you that just
met you?
How would you
describe to someone
honestly how your
health is?
How do you want
to be viewed?
Love Life, Clean, Successful
Confident, Ambitious, Fit,
Healthy, Driven, Passionate
Motivated, Inspiring
Creative, Powerful
How do you currently
view yourself?
Just Getting by, Lazy
Jokester, Loud
Sloppy, Moody
Tired, lost
Burt out, or Given up
Identity is powerful
Embodying the identity you want to be viewed as, is fully dependent on your
own self, your choices, your actions, and how you think about yourself.
What you focus on improves.
I was determined to break free from my
darkness. I joined a gym and created
friendships and bonds with people in the
bodybuilding community. Every year increasing
my knowledge and fine tuning my physique. I
choose to hold the identity of a fitness
professional and love that it inspires people to
find their optimal health.
Well, who are you at your
Want to be thought of or
remembered as successful?
There’s a huge difference
“I AM healthy”
“I am going to try and be healthy”
What does it take to be
number one at anything?
Consistency, and having as many things as
possible be second nature, hone in your skills by
repetition and reliving more energy to focus on
improving and becoming even more effective
with your time.
Remember life is short, don’t wait to start.
If you identify as “I am a runner” you’re always a runner, and you will naturally
gravitate and attract healthy choices and people.
If your friends from college call you up to go to the bar the night before a race,
what choice will you make, if you are a runner?
Lasting Effect
Embodying a specific identity or way of being will also have a lasting effect on
YOU vs a goal to run one marathon.
Run that marathon, then what?
If you are “a runner” you are not going to stop after one marathon you’ll be
looking to achieve new heights, goals, places and experience life to new
heights and levels.
Master a Skill
To master any behavior or be the best
at anything you have to be consistent
and do the actions so many times
you’re doing it subconsciously.
That’s how you get to a mastery level.
This can apply to even small daily
It takes a high level of commitment.
Athletes, for instance.
Olympians focus on
shaving 1-100th of a
second off their time
over a 4-year span.
By practice, and
perfecting a skill to find
to a fine edge.
Becoming a master at
their craft.
Society, Culture, Beliefs
and our Environment weigh
heavily on us and our
These influence our decisions on what we eat for dinner, movies to watch and
the next new smartphone we buy.
But also our health.
Social Media
Social media can have a huge impact on your identity and
what you’re subconsciously choosing to embody.
Choose what or whom you follow wisely.
Are these people positive, motivating and people you
admire and strive to be like? Do they have the same or
similar goals? Are the pages and people you follow eating
healthy, and doing things that are healthy?
If you want to eat healthy and become healthy stop
following cake decorating pages and toxic people!
Health is more than a sexy body.
Find and create balance in all areas of your life.
Have habits or rituals that incorporate having a strong core & regular movement.
What you focus on improves.
Lessons today:
What’s one take away
from this presentation
or Questions?
If you didn’t sign in please do so.
Thank you!
Sign in
30 Days of Motivation, 1 tip
emailed for 30 days.
Schedule an Appointment,
confidential call to talk to me
about your story, and
discuss your goals.
Than yo !

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Creating a healthy lifestyle with heart health in mind

  • 1. Please sign in, then silent phones. Thank you!
  • 2. Creating a Healthy Lifestyle, Long term Weight-Loss & Maintenance Strategies by Katherine Hood, Power UP
  • 3. Disclosure I am a Certified Health Coach, Certified also as a Life Coach and I am Personal Trainer(certified). I have ten years in the health and fitness industry. I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, however my weight loss program is doctor lead and dietitian supervised.
  • 4. Bring value and provide 1-3 takeaways. Goal today
  • 5. Who wants to Create a Healthy Lifestyle, Long term Weight-Loss OR Maintain a Healthy Body Weight?
  • 6. Power UP! Paradigm Definition: A paradigm is a view or perspective in a single phrase. A guiding principle. It can be thought of as a framework of beliefs. A paradigm helps us to make sense of the world around us or in this case this presentation.
  • 7. Paradigm: “What you focus on improves.”
  • 8. Who I am: Katherine Hood, Retired Allstate Agent 22 years. I fell in love with fitness, health and inspiring others through bodybuilding. Personal goal is to compete in as many states as I can.
  • 9. “My mission is to help individuals establish healthy habits, rituals, and an identity that creates a long-lasting healthy lifestyle. I am passionate about inspiring others to become the healthiest version of themselves and giving them so much more than a smaller waistline, I can help individuals have a new outlook on life, have more energy, increased confidence, greater success in career, and much more. “
  • 10. A strong core can improve your posture, stability, muscle balance, and protect your back. Core exercises are often neglected. A gym membership is not required to have a strong core. Learning how to properly engage your core and maintaining strength can help ease current back pain and prevent future injury. This is an image of my L4, L5 before my first surgery. I didn't have an accident or event that caused this herniation, it was form not taking care of my body. Being hunched over a desk for 9+ hours a day for many years with no exercises or understanding how important having a strong core. Core Strength and Spine Health
  • 11. After moving here August 2018, I still struggled days or weeks with chronic pain. Dr Ellis discovered my axis/atlas was causing tension and imbalance on my lower hips and back. After her treatment, I am now able to train in the gym more effectively and my daily activities are less painful.
  • 12. How do we establish a Healthy Lifestyle and a Healthy weight? Is it with a diet??
  • 14. A diet is temporary Diets are painful, restrictive Lack nutrients we need. Eliminating entire food groups, deeming them bad! They often cause Psychological impacts, increasing our stress hormones. Every diet, with a drastic weight loss, there is a loss of valuable muscle. When weight is put back on, what is gained back? BODY FAT
  • 15. Identity We all have an identity. How we view ourselves and what others perceive of us.
  • 16. My Journey Today’s presentation will include a little of my own personal journey.
  • 17. My identity used to be before starting my health journey was a: Driven Workaholic I sat at my desk for 9+ hours often with little to no breaks, lack of hydration, poor quality food (fuel), zero movement, no recovery or self care. All on my own terms, or ignorance.
  • 18. We are all a product of our habits. There’s always a positive intention behind our habits the good and even the bad.
  • 19. How I believed being a workaholic served me… I thought it meant greater production.
  • 20. We all have habits. All the things we do without much thought. Did you know we have anywhere from 60,000- 80,000 thoughts a day? These subconscious thoughts are the product of who we are. Our thoughts and habits are why we are overweight, sad, overwhelmed, and out of balance.
  • 21. Have an immediate benefit, perhaps a stress relief, lesson anxiety or zone out. But this has a long term negative effect, weight gain, and many health risks. Bad Habits, taking Drinking for instance:
  • 22. Good Habits take Working out for instance: Often has little short term benefit, usually the opposite is true, sweat, sore, time consuming or pain. But a long term benefit sexy strong body, longer life and better health.
  • 23. What I know now… If I had taken better care of myself. I would have been way more attentive, gotten sick less, been a better mother, better wife, more productive, felt better, less moody, been ever MORE successful, avoided several surgeries if I would have had balanced in BOTH my health and life. My focus was clouded.
  • 24. Sacrifice I sacrificed my social life, my health, and my family to being a superstar insurance agent for many years. I would say “There’s not enough time to workout” “no time to eat right” “I don’t like water or do I want to pee all the time” “I hate breakfast” “All these things are such a waste of time” My kids grew up in the back of the office. I recall my oldest daughter yelling from our bathroom, “wipe my butt” as I was on a sales call, covering up the phone praying my client didn’t hear her. My life was out of balance.
  • 25. Sitting for years did a lot of harm on my body, and as a result, I have had two back surgeries, primary case: a weak core
  • 26. What Sitting does Places a significant amount of pressure on your back muscles and spinal discs. When sitting all day your glutes actually go to sleep, atrophy sets in(muscle loss). Your glutes”butt” are responsible for much of your movement in your daily life not just for the aesthetics. (who wants a round booty though?) Your glutes are one key component of your core. Having a strong core is essential in all daily movement.
  • 27. Sitting is harmful, its known as the “new smoking”. Lower calorie burn=weight gain Less muscle=slower metabolism Poor posture=neck and back pressure/injury Less exposure to sun(vit d)=sadness/depression Pain=pressure in back, hips, spine Varicose veins=painful visible broken veins
  • 28. What’s the solution? Engage in workouts 3 or more times a week that engage your core (including the gluteus maximus), at minimum. Get up and move, stretch every 90 minutes.
  • 29. How many minutes or hours do you workout each week? How many “steps” (if you have a tracker) do you get each week?
  • 30. GOAL: Minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity workout each week. Or 30 minutes 5 days a week. Or 10,000 TRUE steps a day!
  • 31. As an insurance agent I was also neglecting my nutrition. My philosophy was“starvation” all day, and eat what I want at night.. Now days they call it intermittent fasting. My Story Continued..
  • 32. What I now know.. Fasting is not healthy. (harmful to metabolic system, muscles, blood sugar levels, puts your body in “starvation mode”, weight loss may occur but at the cost of valuable muscle, bone and nutritional depletion)
  • 33. Calorie confusion I also had the mindset that a calorie is a calorie. There’s a huge difference between 2000 twinkie calories than 2000 chicken and salad calories.
  • 34. Focus on the daily habits, not the scale I was also fixated on the number on the scale, not my health, longevity or protecting my organs from long term damage. When I started I wanted to weight 118 pounds like I did in high school.
  • 35. Putting so much emphasis on the scale leads to shortcuts, destructive behaviour, quick fixes and sabotage.
  • 36. Wired & Tired I would wake up, drink espresso until 2 pm (stimulant) Eat something out of my drawer (old stale granola bar or old Halloween candy)(sugar to keep me from crashing) Dinner would be something rich filled with sticks of butter, or fried. With a side of 1-2-3 glasses of wine to “unwind” from a stressful day. All causing irreversible damage to my thyroid and other organs.
  • 37. Evenings I was exhausted and just wanted to veg out. ZERO desire to play with my two daughters, I would tell them “mommy is exhausted” I couldn’t wait to put my daughters to bed
  • 38. Feeling this exhausted all the time was “normal” or “I will make up my lack of sleep on the next vacation”. Truth is, I was burnt out. And my health was deteriorating. My blood sugar levels were all over the map and I certainly wasn’t listening to what my body needed. What I thought..
  • 39. No self care Zero concern for my long term health. No friends, no time or energy. I didn’t even know what self care was.
  • 40. I was WAY out of balance And not truly happy, and secretly depressed
  • 41. Was I showing up to work at optimal levels? Being the best mother and wife I could be? Did I feel good? NO! At what cost?
  • 42. This was my normal. Everyone was doing it. In casual conversation, everyone complained about how tired, exhausted they were. The“social norm”.
  • 43. What does “Feeling Good” feel like? I honestly didn’t know what feeling good meant, or that it was possible to have energy and be excited to be at work. Everyone complains about how tired, and exhausted they are, the fancier the car the bigger the bags are under their eyes.
  • 44. What was my priority, what was I focused on? Certainly not my health.
  • 45. Hitting a bottom I knew something had to change.
  • 46. What I needed was education and Help I needed to learn how to: Reset, recover, rest, reboot, and establish self care Hydrate, fuel my body properly Change my environment Set goals Find my passion Give back and inspire in my community Create friendships and relationships with people outside of work Show up as an energetic mother and wife
  • 47. How do you define good health?
  • 48. Common response: Sexy hot body, maybe athletic build.. Someone who works out every day at a gym. Or a certain weight on the scale.
  • 49. Good Health is not just a Sexy Hot Body. Someone can appear to be of “good health” but actually have a lot of medical issues known or unknown. And are they truly HAPPY?
  • 50. BALANCE in all these areas is “Optimal Health”. Healthy Weight Quantity, and Quality Sleep(underrated) Hydration(consistent) Nutrition (not a diet, food is fuel) Goals (push you to be better) Education (brain health) Environment (support) Family (happiness) Love (purpose) Social life (social creatures) Spirituality (grounding) Finances (root of issues) Mindset (positivity) Movement, exercise Fun/ Recreation (experience life) Community (fulfillment) Career, business (meaning) Doctors visits (Blood Work Yearly)
  • 51. We need balance in our lives, and focus on ALL areas, not just one. Remember: What we focus on improves. Being out of balance will overflow into other areas of your health and life.
  • 52. We all will have seasons where things are a bit off balance. But don’t make it an excuse or let it derail you long term.
  • 53. For example: Going to college, striving for a degree, the education piece might be heavily weighed. What is suffering as a result? We only have 100% of us to to give.
  • 54. Typical Often people are either broke and have a lot of time. or Have no time and lots of money. Examples of imbalance.
  • 55. We all have 24 hours in a day.
  • 56. What are you doing with all your time?
  • 57. To perform optimally. Be the most fulfilled. Show up eager and highly effective we need to…. Sleep 8 hours Work 8 hours Do the things you love and enjoy the remaining 8 hours
  • 58. Does this make you pause and question where you’re wasting time?
  • 59. What are YOUR time wasters? Are you mindlessly checking your phone 150 times a day? Scrolling on social media and other useless information? Filling your mind with negative news? Checking email hourly wading through useless marketing, surveys, and quizzes? Getting lost in the drama of people that don’t have the same goals or ambition you do? Are you binge-watching a tv show that has zero educational value and will take up space in your mind? Are you going home and mindlessly playing video games or watching sports on the couch? Are you spending time drinking or at the bar?
  • 60. Unplug from social media Have a trusted person change your passwords on all your social media accounts Monday and give you the passwords on Friday Night.
  • 61. Think of your brain as if it’s a new iphone.. Don’t want to waste your memory on games, and useless apps?
  • 62. 11 Things Poor People do that Rich People don’t ● Watch tv every night ● Eat fast food ● Watch tons of sports ● Focus on Obstacles rather than Opportunities ● Have bad hygiene ● Blame others for their problems ● Spend time with the wrong people ● Don’t go to the doctor regularly ● Never follow-through ● Don’t read ● Don’t invest in themselves
  • 63. What is your identity? Or your personal mantra (one sentence)
  • 64. Identity The qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person.
  • 65. How would someone view you that just met you?
  • 66. How would you describe to someone honestly how your health is?
  • 67. How do you want to be viewed?
  • 68. Love Life, Clean, Successful Confident, Ambitious, Fit, Healthy, Driven, Passionate Motivated, Inspiring Creative, Powerful How do you currently view yourself? Just Getting by, Lazy Jokester, Loud Sloppy, Moody Tired, lost Burt out, or Given up OR
  • 69. Identity is powerful Embodying the identity you want to be viewed as, is fully dependent on your own self, your choices, your actions, and how you think about yourself.
  • 70. Remember: What you focus on improves. I was determined to break free from my darkness. I joined a gym and created friendships and bonds with people in the bodybuilding community. Every year increasing my knowledge and fine tuning my physique. I choose to hold the identity of a fitness professional and love that it inspires people to find their optimal health.
  • 71. Well, who are you at your core? Want to be thought of or remembered as successful? Ambitious? Inspirational? Focused? Driven?
  • 72. There’s a huge difference between “I AM healthy” & “I am going to try and be healthy”
  • 73. What does it take to be number one at anything? Consistency, and having as many things as possible be second nature, hone in your skills by repetition and reliving more energy to focus on improving and becoming even more effective with your time. Remember life is short, don’t wait to start.
  • 74. If you identify as “I am a runner” you’re always a runner, and you will naturally gravitate and attract healthy choices and people. If your friends from college call you up to go to the bar the night before a race, what choice will you make, if you are a runner?
  • 75. Lasting Effect Embodying a specific identity or way of being will also have a lasting effect on YOU vs a goal to run one marathon. Run that marathon, then what? If you are “a runner” you are not going to stop after one marathon you’ll be looking to achieve new heights, goals, places and experience life to new heights and levels.
  • 76. Master a Skill To master any behavior or be the best at anything you have to be consistent and do the actions so many times you’re doing it subconsciously. That’s how you get to a mastery level. This can apply to even small daily habits.
  • 77. It takes a high level of commitment.
  • 78. Athletes, for instance. Olympians focus on shaving 1-100th of a second off their time over a 4-year span. How? By practice, and perfecting a skill to find to a fine edge. Becoming a master at their craft.
  • 79. Society, Culture, Beliefs and our Environment weigh heavily on us and our behaviors. These influence our decisions on what we eat for dinner, movies to watch and the next new smartphone we buy. But also our health.
  • 80. Social Media Social media can have a huge impact on your identity and what you’re subconsciously choosing to embody. Choose what or whom you follow wisely. Are these people positive, motivating and people you admire and strive to be like? Do they have the same or similar goals? Are the pages and people you follow eating healthy, and doing things that are healthy? If you want to eat healthy and become healthy stop following cake decorating pages and toxic people!
  • 81. Health is more than a sexy body. Find and create balance in all areas of your life. Have habits or rituals that incorporate having a strong core & regular movement. What you focus on improves. Lessons today:
  • 82. What’s one take away from this presentation or Questions?
  • 83. If you didn’t sign in please do so. Thank you!
  • 84. poweruphealth Sign in 30 Days of Motivation, 1 tip emailed for 30 days. Schedule an Appointment, confidential call to talk to me about your story, and discuss your goals.