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Belgian Puppet Users Group
Something About MCollective
24th of June 2014
Hosted by Telenet/Hostbasket
Lochristi - Belgium
Orchestration & MCollective
Hands-on - Setting up MCollective
The 'mco' command
MCollective Agents
And what about Tomorrow ?
Orchestration on Wikipedia
Orchestration describes the automated
arrangement, coordination, and management of
complex computer systems, middleware, and
Orchestration in human Language ?
Parallel job execution System
Marionette Collective:
Uses Publish Subscribe Middleware
Very scalable (form small to huge clusters)
Broadcast paradigm (Network is the only source of truth)
no central database - no complex naming convention
Simple command line tools
Extremely pluggable
Community extentions available
build upon existing middleware
uses existing authentication/authorisation models
uses existing clustering techniques
uses existing routing/network isolation methods
Marionette Collective
Pluggable core
middleware (STOMP compliant)
Data Sources (Chef & Puppet supported + Facter[Community])
Mcollective as transport (eg, central service inventory system)
MCollective - Components
Overview - Components
The MCollective Server - mcollectived
The MCollective Client
MCollective Middleware Overview
Inside The MCollective Middleware
Middleware Choices
ActiveMQ - preferred
Best tested
Performance is great
Powerfull and flexible security features
Scaleable by clustering
Pain in the #$@% to configure
detailed docs on
Connector is shipped with MCollective
Not that good tested as ActiveMQ
Not documented @ docs.puppetlabs
Connector is shipped with MCollective
Generic Stomp Connector (Deprecated)
Custom Connector Plugins
Getting dirty hands
Vagrant boxes
What we need
Centos vagrant boxes images
puppetlabs vagrant boxes
Centos 6.5 64bit nocm
Centos 6.5 32bit nocm
Minimal centos6.5 vagrant box
centos minimal 64 bit version
centos minimal 32 bit
My vagrantfile with bridged networking (with puppetlabs centos 6.5i nocm box)
Vagrantfile (showoff download link)
Vagrant setup
Based on the Vagrantfile from previous slide.
Only one ActiveMQ server (running on my laptop)
Only the ':johan' image is needed.
mkdir -p bpug_vagrant/puppet ; cd bpug_vagrant (puppet = shared folder)
download Vagrantfile
Used domainname =
change johan to 'yourname' (should be unique)
adjust box_url ( eg file://'downloaded box file' )
adjust memory settings (currently 1GB)
starting the vagrant box :
vagrant up 'yourname'
Having trouble -- shout !!
logging into your box
vagrant ssh 'yourname'
sudo -i
Info we need
The setup
One central ActiveMQ server (already up and running)
Many MCollective nodes
Your Virtual Boxes ...
Server role
Client role
Bridged mode, so we can see each others node
Installation done by hand
Info we need before hand
The ipaddress ActiveMQ server (dhcp based)
The passwords for configuration files :
client: 29l6wD2mIzbLpbp4GMnUzchHp2XWpKk8N8dcxXCnDRU=
server: 04BpZofasX1dDexFsqZcgfM1tkC4VCGI6hoziWMu7zw=
Pre-shared key: Gw8nclOGn1YiIMvEAxgeZ7jrL1ErCdZZXm2e7JX2S4o=
( keys are generated with : $ openssl rand -base64 32 )
We are using packages from Puppetlabs repos
Mcollective clients/servers
Working NTP
2.0.0 not supported yet
1.9.0/1.9.2 will fail
Ruby stomp +1.2.2
Mcollective + 2.5.0
5MB disk
256 MB ram
Requirements Continued
Middleware Broker
500 MB ram
Messaging middleware :
ActiveMQ 5.8 with stomp connector
RabbitMQ 2.8 with stomp connector
Disk Space for Middleware server : 15MB
Some CPU & Network capacity (+2 connections per server)
platforms puppetlabs repo
RHEL 5|6|7
Fedora 19 - 20
Debian Lucid|Precise|Saucy|Sid|Squeeze|Trusty|Wheezy
Installing the packages
Installing Puppetlabs repos
osfamily == RedHat
$ sudo yum install
$ sudo yum install
osfamily == Debian
$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-sid.deb
$ sudo apt-get update
(replace sid with your version)
Installing ActiveMQ - How I Did It
Installing the package
On osfamily == RedHat
$ sudo yum install activemq
$ sudo chkconfig activemq on
On osfamily == Debian
$ sudo apt-get install activemq
$ sudo sysv-rc-conf activemq on
ActiveMQ Configuration
The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml
Line number correspond to download-able activemq.xml file
Enable Purging the Broker
35 <broker xmlns="" brokerName="localhost" useJmx="true"
Disable producerFlowControl & memory cleanup
50 <destinationPolicy>
51 <policyMap>
52 <policyEntries>
53 <!-- MCollective generally expects producer flow control to be turned off. -->
54 <policyEntry topic=">" producerFlowControl="false" memoryLimit="1mb"/>
55 <!-- MCollective will generate many single-use reply queues,
56 which should be garbage-collected after five minutes to conserve memory. -->
57 <policyEntry queue="*.reply.>" gcInactiveDestinations="true" inactiveTimoutBeforeGC="300000"/>
ActiveMQ Configuration - continued
The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml
define logins for clients and servers in simpleAuthenticationPlugins
104 <simpleAuthenticationPlugin>
105 <users>
106 <authenticationUser username="client" password="29l6wD2mIzbLpbp4GMnUzchHp2XWpKk8N8dcxXCnDRU="
107 <authenticationUser username="server" password="04BpZofasX1dDexFsqZcgfM1tkC4VCGI6hoziWMu7zw="
108 </users>
109 </simpleAuthenticationPlugin>
ActiveMQ Configuration - continued
The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml
Define permissions for clients and servers in authorizationPlugins
110 <authorizationPlugin>
111 <map>
112 <authorizationMap>
113 <authorizationEntries>
114 <authorizationEntry queue=">" write="admins" read="admins" admin="admins" />
115 <authorizationEntry topic=">" write="admins" read="admins" admin="admins" />
116 <authorizationEntry queue="mcollective.>" write="clients" read="clients" admin="clients" />
117 <authorizationEntry topic="mcollective.>" write="clients" read="clients" admin="clients" />
118 <authorizationEntry queue="mcollective.nodes" read="servers" admin="servers" />
119 <authorizationEntry queue="mcollective.reply.>" write="servers" admin="servers" />
120 <authorizationEntry topic="mcollective.*.agent" read="servers" admin="servers" />
121 <authorizationEntry topic="mcollective.registration.agent" write="servers" read="servers"
admin="servers" />
122 <authorizationEntry topic="ActiveMQ.Advisory.>" read="everyone" write="everyone" admin="everyone"/>
123 </authorizationEntries>
124 </authorizationMap>
125 </map>
126 </authorizationPlugin>
ActiveMQ Configuration - continued
The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml
Transports - Only one transport should be enabled
156 <transportConnectors>
157 <transportConnector name="stomp+nio" uri="stomp+nio://"/>
158 </transportConnectors>
Disable web console (commented out)
170 <!-- disabled for security reasons
171 <import resource="jetty.xml"/>
172 -->
Fire it up - and check
$ service activemq start
$ netstat -an | grep 61613
$ tail -200f /var/log/activemq/activemq.log | less
In the real world
Adjust firewall (port 61613)
Selinux and equivalents
Installing MCollective Servers
Installing the package
osfamily == RedHat
$ sudo yum install mcollective
$ sudo chkconfig mcollective on
osfamily == Debian
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-stomp mcollective
$ sudo sysv-rc-conf mcollective on
MCollective Server Configuration
(based on the downloadable server.cfg)
user and password are also defined in activemq.xml on messaging server
6 plugin.activemq.pool.size = 1
7 =
8 plugin.activemq.pool.1.port = 61613
9 plugin.activemq.pool.1.user = server
10 plugin.activemq.pool.1.password = 04BpZofasX1dDexFsqZcgfM1tkC4VCGI6hoziWMu7zw=
pre-shared-key form earlier slides
17 # Security provider
18 securityprovider = psk
19 plugin.psk = Gw8nclOGn1YiIMvEAxgeZ7jrL1ErCdZZXm2e7JX2S4o=
Check the libdir directory
22 libdir = /usr/libexec/mcollective
Fire it up - and verify
$ service mcollective start
$ netstat -an | grep 61613
The MCollective Client
Installing the MCollective Client Package
osfamily == RedHat
$ sudo yum install mcollective-client
oSfamily == Debian
$ sudo apt-get install mcollective-client
Configuring the MCollective Client
(based on the downloadable client.cfg)
user and password are also defined in activemq.xml on messaging server
3 connector = activemq
4 plugin.activemq.pool.size = 1
5 =
6 plugin.activemq.pool.1.port = 61613
7 plugin.activemq.pool.1.user = client
8 plugin.activemq.pool.1.password = 29l6wD2mIzbLpbp4GMnUzchHp2XWpKk8N8dcxXCnDRU=
9 plugin.activemq.heartbeat_interval = 30
pre-shared-key form earlier slides
17 # Security provider
18 securityprovider = psk
19 plugin.psk = Gw8nclOGn1YiIMvEAxgeZ7jrL1ErCdZZXm2e7JX2S4o=
Check the libdir directory
22 libdir = /usr/libexec/mcollective
Testing the Setup so Far
Testing the Basic Setup
The MCollective Ping Test
low level query
[vagrant@johan ~]$ mco ping time=176.15 ms time=185.95 ms
Are the passwords & user/groups correct
middleware server : activemq.xml
mcollective server.cfg
mcollective client.cfg
check for port 61613
MCollective Command Line Client
Introduction mco command-line client
Clients uses 2 plugins
connector plugin (connection to middleware)
security plugin (sign & optionally encript data)
PSK (pre-shared key)
same connectors on all MCollective components
Introduction mco command-line client
builtin plugin
gathers info about MCollective server
server configuration
server stats
available plugins
Configuration Classes
Facts (aka facter)
Introduction mco command-line client
Inventory - example run
$ mco inventory heliotrope
Inventory for heliotrope:
Inventory for heliotrope:
Server Statistics:
Version: 2.5.0
Start Time: Mon Apr 14 03:11:12 -0700 2014
Config File: /etc/mcollective/server.cfg
Collectives: mcollective
Main Collective: mcollective
Process ID: 1334
Total Messages: 16
Messages Passed Filters: 13
Messages Filtered: 3
Expired Messages: 0
Replies Sent: 12
Total Processor Time: 38.56 seconds
System Time: 128.22 seconds
discovery rpcutil
Data Plugins:
agent fstat
Configuration Management Classes:
No classes applied
No facts known
Inventory continued
custom output format
ruby script
use it as script argument
inventory do
format "%20s %8s %10s %-20s"
fields {[ identity, facts["architecture"],facts["operatingsystem"], facts["operatingsystemrelease"]]}
$ mco inventory --script
geode x86_64 CentOS 6.4
sunstone amd64 Ubuntu 13.10
heliotrope x86_64 CentOS 6.5
mc plugin
built in
defined in client.cfg (mc plugin)
13 # Use auto-discovery
14 default_discovery_method = mc
sends broadcast queries
mco plugin doc mc
flatfile plugin
list of hostnames from file
mco plugin doc flatfile
flatfile plugin
$ cat /path/to/hostlist
$ mco rpc rpcutil ping --disc-method flatfile --disc-option /path/to/hostlist
Discovering hosts using the flatfile method .... 2
* [ ============================================================>] 2 / 2
Timestamp: 1385012042
Timestamp: 1385012044
Finished processing 2 / 2 hosts in 146.13 ms
mco rpc rpcutil is how to invoke a direct call to the API without using the client application.
MCollective's filters
Can be used on all MCollective commands
$ mco help <command>
Host Filters
-W, --with FILTER Combined classes and facts filter
-S, --select FILTER Compound filter combining facts and classes
-F, --wf, --with-fact fact=val Match hosts with a certain fact
-C, --wc, --with-class CLASS Match hosts with a certain config management class
-A, --wa, --with-agent AGENT Match hosts with a certain agent
-I, --wi, --with-identity IDENT Match hosts with a certain configured identity
MCollective filters - examples
$ mco find -with-identity /i/
$ mco find -with-identity /^webd/
$ mco find -with-class webserver
$ mco find -with-fact operatingsystem=CentOS
$ mco find -with-agent package
Filters requires the mc Discovery Plugin.
Flatfile discovery only supports identity filter
MCollective combined filters
Types of combined filters
Puppet Classes & Facter facts
$ mco ping --with "/^webd/ operatingsystem=CentOS"
Select filter
combination of
Factes and Classes
Boolean Logic ( AND - OR - NOT|! )
$ mco ping --select "operatingsystem=CentOS and /nameserver/"
$ mco ping --select "operatingsystem=CentOS and !environment=dev"
$ mco ping --select "( /httpd/ or /nginx/ ) and is_virtual=true"
CentOS hosts named web followed by a number.
Ping only CentOS hosts which have the nameserver class applied to them.
Ping every CentOS host which isn’t in the dev environment.
match virtualized hosts with either the httpd or nginx Puppet class applied to them.
Add limitations to MCollective command
Limit option
Control how many servers get the request
--limit matching server
$ mco ping --limit 15
$ mco ping --one --with-fact operatingsystem=CentOS
$ mco ping --limit 5 --with-class webserver
$ mco ping --limit 33% --with-class webserver
Fifteen servers of any type
Only one CentOS server
Five servers which have the webserver Puppet class applied to them
One third of the servers which have the webserver Puppet class applied to them
Add limitations to MCollective command
batch option
Controls how many servers receive the request in batch
Controls time between batches
$ mco ping --batch 5 --batch-sleep 30 --with-fact country=de
$ mco package upgrade sudo --batch 10 --batch-sleep 20
Ping batches of five German servers every 30 seconds
Fast upgrade sudo in batches of ten servers spaced twenty seconds apart
Controlling mco command output
output in json format
supress status bar
timing discovery
full RPC statistics
key/value pairs inventory server
Facter generate facts
Installing facter
osfamily == RedHat
$ sudo yum install facter
osfamily == Debian
$ sudo apt-get install facter
Facter facts & MCollective
configure /etc/mcollecive/server.cfg
30 # facter
31 factsource=yaml
32 plugin.yaml=/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml
Generate a facts.yaml file
$ facter -y > /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml
optionally add a crontab
$ cat /etc/cron.d/
*/30 * * * * facter -y >/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml
restart mcollective
$ mco inventory nodename
MCollective & Puppet Classes
Only works with puppet
Puppet agents :
writes classes.txt
$statedir (/var/lib/puppet/state)
agent node runs MCollective server
puppet agent --configprint classfile
must match classesfile /etc/mcollective/server.cfg
We can simulate puppet classes by faking a classes.txt in /etc/mcollective/classes.txt
MCollective Agents
Extending MCollective
MCollective Agents
Agents uses 2 plugins
connector plugin (connection to middleware)
security plugin (sign & optionally encript data)
PSK (pre-shared key)
same connectors on all MCollective components
Agent Parts
Agent part (servers)
DDL (servers & clients)
Client part (clients)
Common part (servers & clients)
MCollective Agent - Installing from Packages
From the PuppetLabs Repositories
Install on every MCollective Server
Many community MCollective Agents (eg. github)
osfamily == RedHat
$ sudo yum install mcollective-filemgr-agent
$ sudo yum install mcollective-nettest-agent
$ sudo yum install mcollective-package-agent
$ sudo yum install mcollective-service-agent
osfamily == Debian
$ sudo apt-get install mcollective-filemgr-agent
$ sudo apt-get install mcollective-nettest-agent
$ sudo apt-get install mcollective-package-agent
$ sudo apt-get install mcollective-service-agent
MCollective Agent - Inside the Package
[vagrant@johan ~]$ rpm -ql mcollective-package-common-4.3.0-1.el6.noarch
[vagrant@johan ~]$ rpm -ql mcollective-package-agent-4.3.0-1.el6.noarch
[vagrant@johan ~]$ rpm -ql mcollective-package-client-4.3.0-1.el6.noarch
MCollective Agent - The Components
The DLL file
DDL = Data Description Language
Definition remote methods
Description input format
Description generated output
Used for Validating Input
If you stick to code convention
MColelctive Agent - The Components
MCollective Agent DLL Example
[vagrant@johan ~]$ cat /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/package.ddl
metadata :name => "package",
:description => "Install and uninstall software packages",
:author => "R.I.Pienaar",
:license => "ASL 2.0",
:version => "4.3.0",
:url => "",
:timeout => 180
requires :mcollective => "2.2.1"
["install", "update", "uninstall", "purge"].each do |act|
action act, :description => "#{act.capitalize} a package" do
input :package,
:prompt => "Package Name",
:description => "Package to #{act}",
:type => :string,
:validation => :shellsafe,
:optional => false,
:maxlength => 90
output :output,
:description => "Output from the package manager",
:display_as => "Output"
output :epoch,
:description => "Package epoch number",
:display_as => "Epoch"
MCollective Agent - The Components
The Agent Plugin
Installed on all MCollective servers
Uses DLL for Meta Data & initialization
Defines Agent Actions
Action : individual tasks the agent can do
MCollective Agent - The Components
The Client
Installed only on MCollective clients
Provides access to agents and actions
Uses also DDL
eg. input validation
Clients - Agents - DLL are strongly coupled
MCollective Client Help
[vagrant@johan ~]$ mco help plugin package
MCollective Plugin Application
Usage: mco plugin package [options] <directory>
mco plugin info <directory>
mco plugin doc <plugin>
mco plugin doc <type/plugin>
mco plugin generate agent <pluginname> [actions=val,val]
mco plugin generate data <pluginname> [outputs=val,val]
info : Display plugin information including package details.
package : Create all available plugin packages.
doc : Display documentation for a specific plugin.
Application Options
-n, --name NAME Plugin name
--postinstall POSTINSTALL Post install script
--preinstall PREINSTALL Pre install script
--revision REVISION Revision number
-h, --help Display this screen
The Marionette Collective 2.5.2
[vagrant@johan ~]$
And What About Tomorrow
This is not the end,
Just the beginning
Delve much deeper into MCollective
Read, Read and Read even more
Experiment as much as you can
Secure your MCollective Infrastructure
Authentication connector
Tuning your ActiveMQ
Puppetlabs Docs on ActiveMQ & MCollective
Manage yout MCollective infrastructure with puppet
Puppetlabs MCollective Module on the Forge
Learning MCollective pupept module
Great for getting more insight in managing MCollective with
wikipedia - Orchastration(computing
PuppetLabs MCollective online docs
Introduction to orchestration using MCollective - Pieter Loubser
Inroduction to Mcollective - R.I. Pienaar
MCollective Installed. And now ? - Thomas Gelf
Learning MCollective - Jo Rhet (O'Reilly)
This Presentation on Github
??? Questions ???
Thank You For Attending
- - -
Thanks go to our Host for Tonight
Do not forget the coolest T-Shirt

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Bpug mcollective 20140624

  • 1. Belgian Puppet Users Group Something About MCollective 24th of June 2014 Hosted by Telenet/Hostbasket Lochristi - Belgium
  • 3. Agenda Orchestration & MCollective Hands-on - Setting up MCollective The 'mco' command MCollective Agents And what about Tomorrow ?
  • 5. Orchestration on Wikipedia Orchestration describes the automated arrangement, coordination, and management of complex computer systems, middleware, and services.
  • 6. Orchestration in human Language ? Parallel job execution System
  • 7. MCollective Marionette Collective: Framework Uses Publish Subscribe Middleware Very scalable (form small to huge clusters) Broadcast paradigm (Network is the only source of truth) no central database - no complex naming convention Simple command line tools Extremely pluggable Community extentions available
  • 8. MCollective build upon existing middleware uses existing authentication/authorisation models uses existing clustering techniques uses existing routing/network isolation methods
  • 9. Marionette Collective Pluggable core middleware (STOMP compliant) Authorisation serialisation Data Sources (Chef & Puppet supported + Facter[Community]) Mcollective as transport (eg, central service inventory system)
  • 12. The MCollective Server - mcollectived
  • 16. Middleware Choices ActiveMQ - preferred Best tested Performance is great Powerfull and flexible security features Scaleable by clustering Pain in the #$@% to configure detailed docs on Connector is shipped with MCollective RabbitMQ Not that good tested as ActiveMQ Not documented @ docs.puppetlabs Connector is shipped with MCollective Generic Stomp Connector (Deprecated) Custom Connector Plugins
  • 19. What we need Centos vagrant boxes images puppetlabs vagrant boxes Centos 6.5 64bit nocm Centos 6.5 32bit nocm Minimal centos6.5 vagrant box centos minimal 64 bit version centos minimal 32 bit My vagrantfile with bridged networking (with puppetlabs centos 6.5i nocm box) Vagrantfile (showoff download link)
  • 20. Vagrant setup Based on the Vagrantfile from previous slide. Only one ActiveMQ server (running on my laptop) Only the ':johan' image is needed. mkdir -p bpug_vagrant/puppet ; cd bpug_vagrant (puppet = shared folder) download Vagrantfile Used domainname = change johan to 'yourname' (should be unique) adjust box_url ( eg file://'downloaded box file' ) adjust memory settings (currently 1GB) starting the vagrant box : vagrant up 'yourname' Having trouble -- shout !! logging into your box vagrant ssh 'yourname' sudo -i
  • 22. The setup One central ActiveMQ server (already up and running) Many MCollective nodes Your Virtual Boxes ... Server role Client role Bridged mode, so we can see each others node Installation done by hand
  • 23. Info we need before hand The ipaddress ActiveMQ server (dhcp based) The passwords for configuration files : client: 29l6wD2mIzbLpbp4GMnUzchHp2XWpKk8N8dcxXCnDRU= server: 04BpZofasX1dDexFsqZcgfM1tkC4VCGI6hoziWMu7zw= Pre-shared key: Gw8nclOGn1YiIMvEAxgeZ7jrL1ErCdZZXm2e7JX2S4o= ( keys are generated with : $ openssl rand -base64 32 )
  • 24. Requirements We are using packages from Puppetlabs repos Mcollective clients/servers Working NTP Ruby 1.8.7/1.9.3 2.0.0 not supported yet 1.9.0/1.9.2 will fail Ruby stomp +1.2.2 Mcollective + 2.5.0 5MB disk 256 MB ram
  • 25. Requirements Continued Middleware Broker 500 MB ram Messaging middleware : ActiveMQ 5.8 with stomp connector RabbitMQ 2.8 with stomp connector Disk Space for Middleware server : 15MB Some CPU & Network capacity (+2 connections per server) platforms puppetlabs repo RHEL 5|6|7 Fedora 19 - 20 Debian Lucid|Precise|Saucy|Sid|Squeeze|Trusty|Wheezy
  • 27. Installing Puppetlabs repos osfamily == RedHat $ sudo yum install $ sudo yum install osfamily == Debian $ wget $ sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-sid.deb $ sudo apt-get update (replace sid with your version)
  • 28. Installing ActiveMQ - How I Did It
  • 29. Installing the package On osfamily == RedHat $ sudo yum install activemq $ sudo chkconfig activemq on On osfamily == Debian $ sudo apt-get install activemq $ sudo sysv-rc-conf activemq on
  • 30. ActiveMQ Configuration The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml Line number correspond to download-able activemq.xml file Enable Purging the Broker 35 <broker xmlns="" brokerName="localhost" useJmx="true" schedulePeriodForDestinationPurge="60000"> Disable producerFlowControl & memory cleanup 50 <destinationPolicy> 51 <policyMap> 52 <policyEntries> 53 <!-- MCollective generally expects producer flow control to be turned off. --> 54 <policyEntry topic=">" producerFlowControl="false" memoryLimit="1mb"/> 55 <!-- MCollective will generate many single-use reply queues, 56 which should be garbage-collected after five minutes to conserve memory. --> 57 <policyEntry queue="*.reply.>" gcInactiveDestinations="true" inactiveTimoutBeforeGC="300000"/>
  • 31. ActiveMQ Configuration - continued The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml define logins for clients and servers in simpleAuthenticationPlugins 104 <simpleAuthenticationPlugin> 105 <users> 106 <authenticationUser username="client" password="29l6wD2mIzbLpbp4GMnUzchHp2XWpKk8N8dcxXCnDRU=" groups="servers,clients,everyone"/> 107 <authenticationUser username="server" password="04BpZofasX1dDexFsqZcgfM1tkC4VCGI6hoziWMu7zw=" groups="servers,everyone"/> 108 </users> 109 </simpleAuthenticationPlugin>
  • 32. ActiveMQ Configuration - continued The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml Define permissions for clients and servers in authorizationPlugins 110 <authorizationPlugin> 111 <map> 112 <authorizationMap> 113 <authorizationEntries> 114 <authorizationEntry queue=">" write="admins" read="admins" admin="admins" /> 115 <authorizationEntry topic=">" write="admins" read="admins" admin="admins" /> 116 <authorizationEntry queue="mcollective.>" write="clients" read="clients" admin="clients" /> 117 <authorizationEntry topic="mcollective.>" write="clients" read="clients" admin="clients" /> 118 <authorizationEntry queue="mcollective.nodes" read="servers" admin="servers" /> 119 <authorizationEntry queue="mcollective.reply.>" write="servers" admin="servers" /> 120 <authorizationEntry topic="mcollective.*.agent" read="servers" admin="servers" /> 121 <authorizationEntry topic="mcollective.registration.agent" write="servers" read="servers" admin="servers" /> 122 <authorizationEntry topic="ActiveMQ.Advisory.>" read="everyone" write="everyone" admin="everyone"/> 123 </authorizationEntries> 124 </authorizationMap> 125 </map> 126 </authorizationPlugin>
  • 33. ActiveMQ Configuration - continued The /etc/activemq/activemq.xml Transports - Only one transport should be enabled 156 <transportConnectors> 157 <transportConnector name="stomp+nio" uri="stomp+nio://"/> 158 </transportConnectors> Disable web console (commented out) 170 <!-- disabled for security reasons 171 <import resource="jetty.xml"/> 172 -->
  • 34. Fire it up - and check $ service activemq start $ netstat -an | grep 61613 $ tail -200f /var/log/activemq/activemq.log | less In the real world Adjust firewall (port 61613) Selinux and equivalents
  • 36. Installing the package osfamily == RedHat $ sudo yum install mcollective $ sudo chkconfig mcollective on osfamily == Debian $ sudo apt-get install ruby-stomp mcollective $ sudo sysv-rc-conf mcollective on
  • 37. MCollective Server Configuration /etc/mcollective/server.cfg (based on the downloadable server.cfg) user and password are also defined in activemq.xml on messaging server 6 plugin.activemq.pool.size = 1 7 = 8 plugin.activemq.pool.1.port = 61613 9 plugin.activemq.pool.1.user = server 10 plugin.activemq.pool.1.password = 04BpZofasX1dDexFsqZcgfM1tkC4VCGI6hoziWMu7zw= pre-shared-key form earlier slides 17 # Security provider 18 securityprovider = psk 19 plugin.psk = Gw8nclOGn1YiIMvEAxgeZ7jrL1ErCdZZXm2e7JX2S4o= Check the libdir directory 22 libdir = /usr/libexec/mcollective
  • 38. Fire it up - and verify $ service mcollective start $ netstat -an | grep 61613 tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED
  • 40. Installing the MCollective Client Package osfamily == RedHat $ sudo yum install mcollective-client oSfamily == Debian $ sudo apt-get install mcollective-client
  • 41. Configuring the MCollective Client (based on the downloadable client.cfg) user and password are also defined in activemq.xml on messaging server 3 connector = activemq 4 plugin.activemq.pool.size = 1 5 = 6 plugin.activemq.pool.1.port = 61613 7 plugin.activemq.pool.1.user = client 8 plugin.activemq.pool.1.password = 29l6wD2mIzbLpbp4GMnUzchHp2XWpKk8N8dcxXCnDRU= 9 plugin.activemq.heartbeat_interval = 30 pre-shared-key form earlier slides 17 # Security provider 18 securityprovider = psk 19 plugin.psk = Gw8nclOGn1YiIMvEAxgeZ7jrL1ErCdZZXm2e7JX2S4o= Check the libdir directory 22 libdir = /usr/libexec/mcollective
  • 43. Testing the Basic Setup The MCollective Ping Test low level query [vagrant@johan ~]$ mco ping time=176.15 ms time=185.95 ms Troubleshooting Are the passwords & user/groups correct middleware server : activemq.xml mcollective server.cfg mcollective client.cfg Networking check for port 61613
  • 45. Introduction mco command-line client Connector Clients uses 2 plugins connector plugin (connection to middleware) ActiveMQ security plugin (sign & optionally encript data) PSK (pre-shared key) same connectors on all MCollective components (clients/servers/middleware)
  • 46. Introduction mco command-line client Inventory builtin plugin gathers info about MCollective server server configuration server stats available plugins Configuration Classes Facts (aka facter)
  • 47. Introduction mco command-line client Inventory - example run $ mco inventory heliotrope Inventory for heliotrope: Inventory for heliotrope: Server Statistics: Version: 2.5.0 Start Time: Mon Apr 14 03:11:12 -0700 2014 Config File: /etc/mcollective/server.cfg Collectives: mcollective Main Collective: mcollective Process ID: 1334 Total Messages: 16 Messages Passed Filters: 13 Messages Filtered: 3 Expired Messages: 0 Replies Sent: 12 Total Processor Time: 38.56 seconds System Time: 128.22 seconds Agents: discovery rpcutil Data Plugins: agent fstat Configuration Management Classes: No classes applied Facts: No facts known
  • 48. Inventory continued custom output format ruby script use it as script argument inventory do format "%20s %8s %10s %-20s" fields {[ identity, facts["architecture"],facts["operatingsystem"], facts["operatingsystemrelease"]]} end $ mco inventory --script geode x86_64 CentOS 6.4 sunstone amd64 Ubuntu 13.10 heliotrope x86_64 CentOS 6.5
  • 49. Discovery mc plugin built in defined in client.cfg (mc plugin) 13 # Use auto-discovery 14 default_discovery_method = mc sends broadcast queries mco plugin doc mc flatfile plugin list of hostnames from file mco plugin doc flatfile
  • 50. Discovery flatfile plugin $ cat /path/to/hostlist fireagate heliotrope $ mco rpc rpcutil ping --disc-method flatfile --disc-option /path/to/hostlist Discovering hosts using the flatfile method .... 2 * [ ============================================================>] 2 / 2 heliotrope Timestamp: 1385012042 fireagate Timestamp: 1385012044 Finished processing 2 / 2 hosts in 146.13 ms mco rpc rpcutil is how to invoke a direct call to the API without using the client application.
  • 51. MCollective's filters Can be used on all MCollective commands $ mco help <command> Host Filters -W, --with FILTER Combined classes and facts filter -S, --select FILTER Compound filter combining facts and classes -F, --wf, --with-fact fact=val Match hosts with a certain fact -C, --wc, --with-class CLASS Match hosts with a certain config management class -A, --wa, --with-agent AGENT Match hosts with a certain agent -I, --wi, --with-identity IDENT Match hosts with a certain configured identity
  • 52. MCollective filters - examples $ mco find -with-identity /i/ $ mco find -with-identity /^webd/ $ mco find -with-class webserver $ mco find -with-fact operatingsystem=CentOS $ mco find -with-agent package Filters requires the mc Discovery Plugin. Flatfile discovery only supports identity filter
  • 53. MCollective combined filters Types of combined filters Puppet Classes & Facter facts $ mco ping --with "/^webd/ operatingsystem=CentOS" Select filter combination of Factes and Classes Boolean Logic ( AND - OR - NOT|! ) $ mco ping --select "operatingsystem=CentOS and /nameserver/" $ mco ping --select "operatingsystem=CentOS and !environment=dev" $ mco ping --select "( /httpd/ or /nginx/ ) and is_virtual=true" CentOS hosts named web followed by a number. Ping only CentOS hosts which have the nameserver class applied to them. Ping every CentOS host which isn’t in the dev environment. match virtualized hosts with either the httpd or nginx Puppet class applied to them.
  • 54. Add limitations to MCollective command Limit option Control how many servers get the request --one --limit --limit matching server $ mco ping --limit 15 $ mco ping --one --with-fact operatingsystem=CentOS $ mco ping --limit 5 --with-class webserver $ mco ping --limit 33% --with-class webserver Fifteen servers of any type Only one CentOS server Five servers which have the webserver Puppet class applied to them One third of the servers which have the webserver Puppet class applied to them
  • 55. Add limitations to MCollective command batch option Controls how many servers receive the request in batch Controls time between batches $ mco ping --batch 5 --batch-sleep 30 --with-fact country=de $ mco package upgrade sudo --batch 10 --batch-sleep 20 Ping batches of five German servers every 30 seconds Fast upgrade sudo in batches of ten servers spaced twenty seconds apart
  • 56. Controlling mco command output --json output in json format --no-progress supress status bar --verbose timing discovery full RPC statistics
  • 57. Facts key/value pairs inventory server Facter generate facts Installing facter osfamily == RedHat $ sudo yum install facter osfamily == Debian $ sudo apt-get install facter
  • 58. Facter facts & MCollective configure /etc/mcollecive/server.cfg 30 # facter 31 factsource=yaml 32 plugin.yaml=/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml Generate a facts.yaml file $ facter -y > /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml optionally add a crontab $ cat /etc/cron.d/ */30 * * * * facter -y >/etc/mcollective/facts.yaml restart mcollective $ mco inventory nodename
  • 59. MCollective & Puppet Classes Only works with puppet Puppet agents : writes classes.txt $statedir (/var/lib/puppet/state) agent node runs MCollective server puppet agent --configprint classfile must match classesfile /etc/mcollective/server.cfg We can simulate puppet classes by faking a classes.txt in /etc/mcollective/classes.txt
  • 61. MCollective Agents Connector Agents uses 2 plugins connector plugin (connection to middleware) ActiveMQ security plugin (sign & optionally encript data) PSK (pre-shared key) same connectors on all MCollective components (clients/servers/middleware) Agent Parts Agent part (servers) DDL (servers & clients) Client part (clients) Common part (servers & clients)
  • 62. MCollective Agent - Installing from Packages From the PuppetLabs Repositories Install on every MCollective Server Many community MCollective Agents (eg. github) osfamily == RedHat $ sudo yum install mcollective-filemgr-agent $ sudo yum install mcollective-nettest-agent $ sudo yum install mcollective-package-agent $ sudo yum install mcollective-service-agent osfamily == Debian $ sudo apt-get install mcollective-filemgr-agent $ sudo apt-get install mcollective-nettest-agent $ sudo apt-get install mcollective-package-agent $ sudo apt-get install mcollective-service-agent
  • 63. MCollective Agent - Inside the Package [vagrant@johan ~]$ rpm -ql mcollective-package-common-4.3.0-1.el6.noarch /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/package.ddl /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/util/package /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/util/package/base.rb /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/util/package/packagehelpers.rb /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/util/package/puppetpackage.rb [vagrant@johan ~]$ rpm -ql mcollective-package-agent-4.3.0-1.el6.noarch /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/package.rb [vagrant@johan ~]$ rpm -ql mcollective-package-client-4.3.0-1.el6.noarch /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/application/package.rb
  • 64. MCollective Agent - The Components The DLL file DDL = Data Description Language Definition remote methods Description input format Description generated output metadata author version license ... Used for Validating Input If you stick to code convention
  • 65. MColelctive Agent - The Components MCollective Agent DLL Example [vagrant@johan ~]$ cat /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/agent/package.ddl metadata :name => "package", :description => "Install and uninstall software packages", :author => "R.I.Pienaar", :license => "ASL 2.0", :version => "4.3.0", :url => "", :timeout => 180 requires :mcollective => "2.2.1" ["install", "update", "uninstall", "purge"].each do |act| action act, :description => "#{act.capitalize} a package" do input :package, :prompt => "Package Name", :description => "Package to #{act}", :type => :string, :validation => :shellsafe, :optional => false, :maxlength => 90 output :output, :description => "Output from the package manager", :display_as => "Output" output :epoch, :description => "Package epoch number", :display_as => "Epoch" ................. ...........
  • 66. MCollective Agent - The Components The Agent Plugin Installed on all MCollective servers Uses DLL for Meta Data & initialization Defines Agent Actions Action : individual tasks the agent can do
  • 67. MCollective Agent - The Components The Client Installed only on MCollective clients Provides access to agents and actions Uses also DDL eg. input validation .... Clients - Agents - DLL are strongly coupled
  • 68. MCollective Client Help [vagrant@johan ~]$ mco help plugin package MCollective Plugin Application Usage: mco plugin package [options] <directory> mco plugin info <directory> mco plugin doc <plugin> mco plugin doc <type/plugin> mco plugin generate agent <pluginname> [actions=val,val] mco plugin generate data <pluginname> [outputs=val,val] info : Display plugin information including package details. package : Create all available plugin packages. doc : Display documentation for a specific plugin. Application Options -n, --name NAME Plugin name --postinstall POSTINSTALL Post install script --preinstall PREINSTALL Pre install script --revision REVISION Revision number .... -h, --help Display this screen The Marionette Collective 2.5.2 [vagrant@johan ~]$
  • 69. And What About Tomorrow
  • 70. This is not the end, Just the beginning Delve much deeper into MCollective Read, Read and Read even more Experiment as much as you can Secure your MCollective Infrastructure Authentication connector Tuning your ActiveMQ Puppetlabs Docs on ActiveMQ & MCollective Manage yout MCollective infrastructure with puppet Puppetlabs MCollective Module on the Forge Learning MCollective pupept module Great for getting more insight in managing MCollective with puppet
  • 71. references wikipedia - Orchastration(computing PuppetLabs MCollective online docs Introduction to orchestration using MCollective - Pieter Loubser Inroduction to Mcollective - R.I. Pienaar MCollective Installed. And now ? - Thomas Gelf Learning MCollective - Jo Rhet (O'Reilly) This Presentation on Github
  • 73. Thank You For Attending - - - Thanks go to our Host for Tonight Telenet/Hostbasket Do not forget the coolest T-Shirt