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Editorial 4 Blueberries, Bagels, and Gravity
   	                Dominick M. Maino, OD, MEd, Chicago, Illinois

   Keywords: evidenced-based practice,                     don’t have to pick it up and throw it away!).
optometric vision therapy, strabismus                      After careful consideration, I have come to the
surgery, vision screening                                  conclusion that it must be in the blueberry’s
                                                           nature to go to ground. It is in their genetic
   Blueberries innately go to ground,                      makeup and just what is predicted of them
   They seek gravity,                                      no matter the situation.
   They seek down.
   Genetically they appear to know …                       Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
   that up isn’t where they wish to go.                        The American Optometric Association and
   Bagels are a steadying force,                           various state associations are supporting
   and not blueberry repellant, of course.                 programs that present the very best evi­­
   …and gravity is what it always does…                    denced-based care in optometry.1,2,3 The
    pulling downward just because.                         College of Optometrists in Vision Development
                                                           (COVD) has bibliographies of articles that
    I am often a creature of predictability.               offer research supporting the evidence-
One instance of this is that I am turning into             based care we offer our patients.4 The
a consistent eater of berries. Blueberries,                Optometric Extension Program Foundation
strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries;               (OEPF) and COVD have long supported
they all attend me at breakfast. I lightly toast           journals that publish the science behind the
a bagel, put a schmear of cream cheese on                  evidence-based functional vision care used
each side, sprinkle a cinnamon dusting upon                to solve patient problems.5,6 COVD and
it all, and then add the berries.                          OEPF have now joined with the Australasian
    Strawberries think this is a good idea and             College of Behavioral Optometry7 to support
obediently rest upon my well-prepared bagel                a new scientifically-based professional
bed. Blackberries and raspberries appear to                journal, Optometry & Visual Performance.8
enjoy the company of the strawberries and                      The functional optometrist uses evidence-
stay where I place them on the bagel as well.              based clinical diagnostic care, while pushing
But blueberries seem to seek out gravity.                  the envelope to discover new and exciting
When I put them on my bagel, they often roll               methodologies that use the principles of
towards the earth with abandon. The good                   neuroplasticity in our therapeutic procedures.
news is that if my berry-loving pit bull, Cali, is         We acknowledge that using evidence-based
around, the downward-seeking blueberry is                  clinical care is appropriate. Based on this
quickly captured, eaten, and digested (and I               approach, we then modify and improve the
Optometry & Visual Performance	                      75	                                  Volume 1 | Issue 2
existing diagnostic and therapeutic care                  Dr. Mitchell Scheiman) has published
given to take this care to the next level for the         numerous papers showing that optometric
benefit of our patients. We do not inherently             vision therapy (office-based vergence/
discount the science available just because               accommodative therapy with home therapy
we disagree with the outcomes of a particular             procedures) results in a significantly greater
research project.                                         improvement in symptoms and clinical
                                                          measures of near point of convergence and
Ignoring and Misusing                                     positive fusional vergence with a greater
Research Outcomes                                         percentage of patients reaching the criteria
   It may be that like the blueberries I men-             of success when compared with other forms
tioned previously, organized medicine, and in             of therapy.11 The therapeutic effects were
particular many of our ophthalmological col-              found to be long lasting.12
leagues, must also go to the ground, talking                 Other articles published in major journals
down whenever optometry is involved in the                by this group noted “A successful or improved
discussion. Perhaps it is just in their genetic           outcome after Convergence Insufficiency (CI)
make-up, or it is a habituated behavioral re-             treatment was associated with a reduction
sponse learned over the years. We should                  in the frequency of adverse academic
not, however, accept these automated,                     behaviors and parental concern associated
nonsensical, and irrational responses. We                 with reading and school work as reported
should, in a spirit of congeniality and colle-            by parents.”13 “Vision therapy/orthoptics
giality, point out where the science clearly              is effective in improving accommodative
shows the illogicality of their beliefs.                  amplitude and accommodative facility in
   This is treacherous ground we walk upon,               school-aged children with symptomatic CI
however. Science also clearly shows that                  and accommodative dysfunction,”14 and that
those who hold mistaken beliefs do not give               those with ADHD like behaviors should be
them up easily.9,10 If we do not try to place             evaluated for the presence of CI.15 We also
these colleagues on a path that leads to a                discovered what does not work: “Base-
better approach to patient care, all suffer.              in prism reading glasses were found to be
                                                          no more effective in alleviating symptoms,
CITT, Prescribing Glasses,                                improving the near point of convergence, or
Vision Screening, and Strabismus                          improving positive fusional vergence at near
Surgery Outcomes                                          than placebo reading glasses…”16 and that
                                                          the pencil push-up technique for CI is the
Convergence Insufficiency                                 least effective form of treatment available.­

Treatment Trial                                              Unfortunately, some of our eye care
   The Convergence Insufficiency Treatment                colleagues refused to accept the evidence-
Trial (CITT) group (Primary Investigator                  based outcomes of these clinical trials using
Optometry & Visual Performance	                     76	                                  Volume 1 | Issue 2
personal opinion, bias, and experience                   are good enough and that they are all that is
as proof.10,18 One of our protagonists                   needed to ensure the visual welfare and eye
wrote, “Although every question cannot be                health of our children. The research does not
addressed by a randomized clinical trial, the            support this. The Cochrane Collaboration (a
best available evidence should be sought and             group that takes a critical look at clinical trials
used to guide treatments.” Since he seemed               and other research), have time and again
to be saying one thing to one audience19                 brought this into question. They have stated,
and something quite different to another                 “The review found that there is currently not
audience,20 my response was “So what                     enough evidence to determine whether
is it to be? Is belief and clinical experience           or not screening programmes reduce the
enough to disregard the evidence-based,                  proportion of older children and adults with
research-based findings of the CITT study?               amblyopia. The authors concluded that
Is it appropriate to write one thing if you              there is, therefore, a need for some robust
support the outcomes of a clinical trial, but to         evaluation of the screening programmes that
write another if you do not?”18 This particular          are in place to see if they are truly effective or
individual never did respond to my concerns,             not. Any such evaluation would have to also
even though he was invited to do so.                     look at how much screening programmes
                                                         cost and what effect untreated amblyopia
Prescribing Eyewear                                      has on quality of life” 22 and “The aim of this
   Many of my colleagues tell me that                    review was to find studies that evaluated
the author of the next article I am going to             the effectiveness of school vision screening
discuss is actually a great fellow. I do not             programmes in first identifying children with
doubt the word of my colleagues; I do doubt              reduced vision. No eligible randomised
the so-called research when its sole purpose             studies were found. There is a clear need for
has been foretold by its title even before               reliable evidence to measure the effectiveness
the data was collected.21 This particular tid-           of vision screening.”23 They have also noted
bit of pseudo-science was conducted by a                 that not only is there little evidence for using
member of a profession least known for their             vision screenings for children, there is also
refracting acumen, and yet bold enough to                little evidence that screening outcomes are
call into question the integrity of another              viable within the adult community as well.24,25
profession that is considered the expert                      I have reviewed the validity of vision
within the realm of refractive care.                     screening multiple times using various modes
                                                         of written and digital communication.26 The
Vision Screening                                         American Optometric Association has clearly
   Time and again our ophthalmological                   spelled out the limitations of vision screening
colleagues tell us that vision screenings are            for our children27 and the InfantSEE® 28
adequate for the nation’s children, that they            program has demonstrated the need for
Optometry & Visual Performance	                    77	                                     Volume 1 | Issue 2
full and comprehensive eye and vision                      Strabismus Surgery Outcomes
examinations for our children time and again.                  Various Cochrane Reviews of strabismus
    They also note that:                                   surgery research currently available have
    •  in 10 children is at risk from undiagnosed
      1                                                    noted they “did not find any randomised
      vision problems                                      trials that compared treatment to another
    •  in 30 children will be affected by
      1                                                    treatment or to no treatment. A large, multi-
      amblyopia – often referred to as lazy                centre, non-randomised trial found that
      eye – a leading cause of vision loss in              children operated on earlier had better
      people younger than 45 years                         binocularity at age six compared to the
    •  in 25 will develop strabismus – more
      1                                                    late surgery group. This group had been
      commonly known as crossed eyes – a                   operated on more frequently however
      risk factor for amblyopia                            and there was no significant difference in
    •  in 33 will show significant refractive
      1                                                    the angle of the squint after surgery in
      error such as near-sightedness, far-                 either group. This review does not resolve
      sightedness, and astigmatism                         the controversy regarding the best type
    •  in 100 will exhibit evidence of eye
      1                                                    of surgery … It highlights a need for
      disease – e.g. glaucoma                              further research in this area.” 30 In a review
    •  in 20,000 children have retinoblastoma
      1                                                    of the use of botulinum toxin, it was found
      (intraocular cancer), the seventh most               that “The results showed no prophylactic
      common pediatric cancer                              use for botulinum toxin in sixth nerve palsy,
    How can ophthalmology continue to                      poor effect in adult horizontal strabismus
ignore the science? How can they throw                     without binocular use of the eyes, and
aside the fact that evidence-based support                 no difference in response for retreatment of
of vision screenings is non-existent? Do                   infantile esotropia or acute onset esotropia.
they care so little for America’s children that            It was not possible to determine dose
they place an organizational political agenda              effect because of the different types and
ahead of the welfare of our little ones? It                doses of botulinum toxin used in each trial.
certainly appears that way since organized                 Complications from the use of botulinum
ophthalmology, along with various third-party              toxin (Botox or Dysport) included transient
payers and other entities with a fiscal interest           ptosis and vertical deviation and combined
in the future of vision screening, have tried              rates for these complications ranged from
to block the Pediatric Essential Eye Health                24% to 55.54%. This review identified a
Benefit program.29 We would hope that an                   need for more randomized controlled trials
evidenced-based health care profession                     to provide further reliable evidence on the
would know better. Apparently, they do not.                effective use of botulinum toxin for the
                                                           treatment of strabismus.”31

Optometry  Visual Performance	                      78	                                  Volume 1 | Issue 2
Another review of the research noted                trials above shows that accommodative
that the number of placebo-controlled,                 dysfunctions can be successfully treated with
double blind, prospective, and randomized              therapy.14 Although we do not have research
strabismus surgery outcome clinical trials             at the level of a clinical trial in some areas,
was zero.32 Ophthalmology has pointed out              we do have an evidence-based platform that
to me how difficult such a study would be              strongly suggests OVT is effective for many
using the same reasons optometry used                  dysfunctions of the binocular vision system.34
prior to the CITT study. Optometry managed             These same companies often fiscally support
to create and complete this clinical trial.            diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that
Shouldn’t ophthalmology also be held to a              do not have clinical trials supporting their
similar standard?33                                    use. Is this an example of discriminative
                                                       third-party coverage rules for two similar but
Ignoring and Misusing                                  different health care professions?
Research Outcomes
   Misusing research outcomes appears to               Blueberries
be one way to limit access to optometric                  Are those who disparage OVT, better
vision care by some third-party payers. These          eye health for our children, and appropriate
misguided companies will demand that 12                access to the care optometry provides really
sessions of home-based vision therapy be               blueberries?
instituted before in-office optometric vision             Blueberries innately go to ground,
therapy can begin. None of the clinical trials            They seek gravity,
or other available appropriately conducted                They seek down.
research that I am familiar with even remotely            Genetically they appear to know …
suggests that this be done. Another similar               that up isn’t where they wish to go.
scheme is to limit in-office optometric vision
therapy (OVT) to 12 sessions. Nowhere did                 M
                                                           aybe not, perhaps these protagonists
the research indicate that 12 sessions was                are more like gravity….
the number of visits needed for success. As               …and gravity is what it always does…
we know, each patient is different, and they               pulling downward just because.
may require different approaches to care and
either more or fewer visits for the completion         … and what about optometry? Since we
of that care.                                          have always reached out to every individual,
                                                       profession, organization, and institution with
   These third-party payers may also state             open arms, I think we are more like the bagel
that vision therapy is only effective for CI           …
and not for other binocular vision disorders.             Bagels are a steadying force,
We do know that at least one of the clinical              and not blueberry repellant, of course.
Optometry  Visual Performance	                  79	                                  Volume 1 | Issue 2
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Optometry  Visual Performance	                                    81	                                            Volume 1 | Issue 2

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Blueberries, Bagels and Gravity

  • 1. Editorial 4 Blueberries, Bagels, and Gravity Dominick M. Maino, OD, MEd, Chicago, Illinois Keywords: evidenced-based practice, don’t have to pick it up and throw it away!). optometric vision therapy, strabismus After careful consideration, I have come to the surgery, vision screening conclusion that it must be in the blueberry’s nature to go to ground. It is in their genetic Blueberries innately go to ground, makeup and just what is predicted of them They seek gravity, no matter the situation. They seek down. Genetically they appear to know … Evidence-Based Clinical Practice that up isn’t where they wish to go. The American Optometric Association and Bagels are a steadying force, various state associations are supporting and not blueberry repellant, of course. programs that present the very best evi­­ …and gravity is what it always does… denced-based care in optometry.1,2,3 The pulling downward just because. College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) has bibliographies of articles that I am often a creature of predictability. offer research supporting the evidence- One instance of this is that I am turning into based care we offer our patients.4 The a consistent eater of berries. Blueberries, Optometric Extension Program Foundation strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries; (OEPF) and COVD have long supported they all attend me at breakfast. I lightly toast journals that publish the science behind the a bagel, put a schmear of cream cheese on evidence-based functional vision care used each side, sprinkle a cinnamon dusting upon to solve patient problems.5,6 COVD and it all, and then add the berries. OEPF have now joined with the Australasian Strawberries think this is a good idea and College of Behavioral Optometry7 to support obediently rest upon my well-prepared bagel a new scientifically-based professional bed. Blackberries and raspberries appear to journal, Optometry & Visual Performance.8 enjoy the company of the strawberries and The functional optometrist uses evidence- stay where I place them on the bagel as well. based clinical diagnostic care, while pushing But blueberries seem to seek out gravity. the envelope to discover new and exciting When I put them on my bagel, they often roll methodologies that use the principles of towards the earth with abandon. The good neuroplasticity in our therapeutic procedures. news is that if my berry-loving pit bull, Cali, is We acknowledge that using evidence-based around, the downward-seeking blueberry is clinical care is appropriate. Based on this quickly captured, eaten, and digested (and I approach, we then modify and improve the Optometry & Visual Performance 75 Volume 1 | Issue 2
  • 2. existing diagnostic and therapeutic care Dr. Mitchell Scheiman) has published given to take this care to the next level for the numerous papers showing that optometric benefit of our patients. We do not inherently vision therapy (office-based vergence/ discount the science available just because accommodative therapy with home therapy we disagree with the outcomes of a particular procedures) results in a significantly greater research project. improvement in symptoms and clinical measures of near point of convergence and Ignoring and Misusing positive fusional vergence with a greater Research Outcomes percentage of patients reaching the criteria It may be that like the blueberries I men- of success when compared with other forms tioned previously, organized medicine, and in of therapy.11 The therapeutic effects were particular many of our ophthalmological col- found to be long lasting.12 leagues, must also go to the ground, talking Other articles published in major journals down whenever optometry is involved in the by this group noted “A successful or improved discussion. Perhaps it is just in their genetic outcome after Convergence Insufficiency (CI) make-up, or it is a habituated behavioral re- treatment was associated with a reduction sponse learned over the years. We should in the frequency of adverse academic not, however, accept these automated, behaviors and parental concern associated nonsensical, and irrational responses. We with reading and school work as reported should, in a spirit of congeniality and colle- by parents.”13 “Vision therapy/orthoptics giality, point out where the science clearly is effective in improving accommodative shows the illogicality of their beliefs. amplitude and accommodative facility in This is treacherous ground we walk upon, school-aged children with symptomatic CI however. Science also clearly shows that and accommodative dysfunction,”14 and that those who hold mistaken beliefs do not give those with ADHD like behaviors should be them up easily.9,10 If we do not try to place evaluated for the presence of CI.15 We also these colleagues on a path that leads to a discovered what does not work: “Base- better approach to patient care, all suffer. in prism reading glasses were found to be no more effective in alleviating symptoms, CITT, Prescribing Glasses, improving the near point of convergence, or Vision Screening, and Strabismus improving positive fusional vergence at near Surgery Outcomes than placebo reading glasses…”16 and that the pencil push-up technique for CI is the Convergence Insufficiency least effective form of treatment available.­ 17 Treatment Trial Unfortunately, some of our eye care The Convergence Insufficiency Treatment colleagues refused to accept the evidence- Trial (CITT) group (Primary Investigator based outcomes of these clinical trials using Optometry & Visual Performance 76 Volume 1 | Issue 2
  • 3. personal opinion, bias, and experience are good enough and that they are all that is as proof.10,18 One of our protagonists needed to ensure the visual welfare and eye wrote, “Although every question cannot be health of our children. The research does not addressed by a randomized clinical trial, the support this. The Cochrane Collaboration (a best available evidence should be sought and group that takes a critical look at clinical trials used to guide treatments.” Since he seemed and other research), have time and again to be saying one thing to one audience19 brought this into question. They have stated, and something quite different to another “The review found that there is currently not audience,20 my response was “So what enough evidence to determine whether is it to be? Is belief and clinical experience or not screening programmes reduce the enough to disregard the evidence-based, proportion of older children and adults with research-based findings of the CITT study? amblyopia. The authors concluded that Is it appropriate to write one thing if you there is, therefore, a need for some robust support the outcomes of a clinical trial, but to evaluation of the screening programmes that write another if you do not?”18 This particular are in place to see if they are truly effective or individual never did respond to my concerns, not. Any such evaluation would have to also even though he was invited to do so. look at how much screening programmes cost and what effect untreated amblyopia Prescribing Eyewear has on quality of life” 22 and “The aim of this Many of my colleagues tell me that review was to find studies that evaluated the author of the next article I am going to the effectiveness of school vision screening discuss is actually a great fellow. I do not programmes in first identifying children with doubt the word of my colleagues; I do doubt reduced vision. No eligible randomised the so-called research when its sole purpose studies were found. There is a clear need for has been foretold by its title even before reliable evidence to measure the effectiveness the data was collected.21 This particular tid- of vision screening.”23 They have also noted bit of pseudo-science was conducted by a that not only is there little evidence for using member of a profession least known for their vision screenings for children, there is also refracting acumen, and yet bold enough to little evidence that screening outcomes are call into question the integrity of another viable within the adult community as well.24,25 profession that is considered the expert I have reviewed the validity of vision within the realm of refractive care. screening multiple times using various modes of written and digital communication.26 The Vision Screening American Optometric Association has clearly Time and again our ophthalmological spelled out the limitations of vision screening colleagues tell us that vision screenings are for our children27 and the InfantSEE® 28 adequate for the nation’s children, that they program has demonstrated the need for Optometry & Visual Performance 77 Volume 1 | Issue 2
  • 4. full and comprehensive eye and vision Strabismus Surgery Outcomes examinations for our children time and again. Various Cochrane Reviews of strabismus They also note that: surgery research currently available have • in 10 children is at risk from undiagnosed 1 noted they “did not find any randomised vision problems trials that compared treatment to another • in 30 children will be affected by 1 treatment or to no treatment. A large, multi- amblyopia – often referred to as lazy centre, non-randomised trial found that eye – a leading cause of vision loss in children operated on earlier had better people younger than 45 years binocularity at age six compared to the • in 25 will develop strabismus – more 1 late surgery group. This group had been commonly known as crossed eyes – a operated on more frequently however risk factor for amblyopia and there was no significant difference in • in 33 will show significant refractive 1 the angle of the squint after surgery in error such as near-sightedness, far- either group. This review does not resolve sightedness, and astigmatism the controversy regarding the best type • in 100 will exhibit evidence of eye 1 of surgery … It highlights a need for disease – e.g. glaucoma further research in this area.” 30 In a review • in 20,000 children have retinoblastoma 1 of the use of botulinum toxin, it was found (intraocular cancer), the seventh most that “The results showed no prophylactic common pediatric cancer use for botulinum toxin in sixth nerve palsy, How can ophthalmology continue to poor effect in adult horizontal strabismus ignore the science? How can they throw without binocular use of the eyes, and aside the fact that evidence-based support no difference in response for retreatment of of vision screenings is non-existent? Do infantile esotropia or acute onset esotropia. they care so little for America’s children that It was not possible to determine dose they place an organizational political agenda effect because of the different types and ahead of the welfare of our little ones? It doses of botulinum toxin used in each trial. certainly appears that way since organized Complications from the use of botulinum ophthalmology, along with various third-party toxin (Botox or Dysport) included transient payers and other entities with a fiscal interest ptosis and vertical deviation and combined in the future of vision screening, have tried rates for these complications ranged from to block the Pediatric Essential Eye Health 24% to 55.54%. This review identified a Benefit program.29 We would hope that an need for more randomized controlled trials evidenced-based health care profession to provide further reliable evidence on the would know better. Apparently, they do not. effective use of botulinum toxin for the treatment of strabismus.”31 Optometry Visual Performance 78 Volume 1 | Issue 2
  • 5. Another review of the research noted trials above shows that accommodative that the number of placebo-controlled, dysfunctions can be successfully treated with double blind, prospective, and randomized therapy.14 Although we do not have research strabismus surgery outcome clinical trials at the level of a clinical trial in some areas, was zero.32 Ophthalmology has pointed out we do have an evidence-based platform that to me how difficult such a study would be strongly suggests OVT is effective for many using the same reasons optometry used dysfunctions of the binocular vision system.34 prior to the CITT study. Optometry managed These same companies often fiscally support to create and complete this clinical trial. diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that Shouldn’t ophthalmology also be held to a do not have clinical trials supporting their similar standard?33 use. Is this an example of discriminative third-party coverage rules for two similar but Ignoring and Misusing different health care professions? Research Outcomes Misusing research outcomes appears to Blueberries be one way to limit access to optometric Are those who disparage OVT, better vision care by some third-party payers. These eye health for our children, and appropriate misguided companies will demand that 12 access to the care optometry provides really sessions of home-based vision therapy be blueberries? instituted before in-office optometric vision Blueberries innately go to ground, therapy can begin. None of the clinical trials They seek gravity, or other available appropriately conducted They seek down. research that I am familiar with even remotely Genetically they appear to know … suggests that this be done. Another similar that up isn’t where they wish to go. scheme is to limit in-office optometric vision therapy (OVT) to 12 sessions. Nowhere did M aybe not, perhaps these protagonists the research indicate that 12 sessions was are more like gravity…. the number of visits needed for success. As …and gravity is what it always does… we know, each patient is different, and they pulling downward just because. may require different approaches to care and either more or fewer visits for the completion … and what about optometry? Since we of that care. have always reached out to every individual, profession, organization, and institution with These third-party payers may also state open arms, I think we are more like the bagel that vision therapy is only effective for CI … and not for other binocular vision disorders. Bagels are a steadying force, We do know that at least one of the clinical and not blueberry repellant, of course. Optometry Visual Performance 79 Volume 1 | Issue 2
  • 6. References 16. Scheiman M, Cotter S, Rouse M, Mitchell GL, et al. 1. 6th Annual Evidence Based Care in Optometry Conference Randomised clinical trial of the effectiveness of base-in Last Accessed February 25, 2013. prism reading glasses versus placebo reading glasses for symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children. Br J 2. American Optometric Association. AOA participates in Ophthalmol. 2005;89:1318-23. international evidence-based guidelines conference. Last Accessed February 25, 2013. 17. Scheiman M, Mitchell GL, Cotter S, Kulp MT, et al. A ran- domized clinical trial of vision therapy/orthoptics versus 3. American Optometric Association. Evidence-based pencil pushups for the treatment of convergence insuffi- optometry in sight. Last Accessed ciency in young adults Optom Vis Sci. 2005;82:583-95. February 25, 2013. 18. Maino D. An open letter to David K Wallace, MD, MPH (and 4. College of Optometrists in Vision Development. Research other disbelievers and holders of outdated and biased and White Papers. Last opinions and beliefs). Optom Vis Dev 2008;39:178-80. Accessed February 25, 2013. 19. Wallace DK. Evidence based medicine and levels of 5. Optometry Vision Development. evidence. Am Orthop J 2010;60:2-5. OVP. Last Accessed February 25, 2013. 20. Wallace D. Treatment options for symptomatic convergence 6. Journal of Behavioral Optometry. insufficiency. Arch Ophthalmol. 2008;126:1455-56. journals. Last Accessed February 25, 2013. 21. Donahue SP. How often are spectacles prescribed to 7. Australasian College of Behavioral Optometry. http:// “normal” preschool children? JAAPOS. 2004:8:224-9. Last Accessed February 25, 2013. 22. Powell C, Hatt SR. Cochrane Reviews. Vision screening 8. Optometry Visual Performance programmes for amblyopia (lazy eye). July 8, 2009. http:// Last Accessed February 25, 2013. Last Accessed February 25, 2013. 9. Tavris C, Aronson E. Mistakes Were Made (but not by me): 23. Powell C, Wedner S, Hatt SR. Cochrane Reviews. Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Screening school aged children and adolescents for Acts. Mariner Books, NY, NY; Reprint edition, 2008. reduced vision caused by the need for glasses. July 8, 10. Maino D. Mistakes were made (Yes by you!). Optom Vis 2009. Last Accessed Dev 2011;42:66-9. February 25, 2013. 11. Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Study Group. 24. Desapriya E, Wijeratne H, Subzwari S, Babul-Wellar S, et Randomized clinical trial of treatments for symptomatic al. Cochrane Reviews. Vision screening of older drivers to convergence insufficiency in children. Arch Opthalmol prevent road traffic injuries and deaths. March 16, 2011. 2008;126(10):1336-49. Last Accessed February 26, 2013. 12. Convergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial Study Group. Long-term effectiveness of treatments for symptomatic 25. Smeeth LL, Iliffe S. Cochrane Reviews. Community convergence insufficiency in children. Optom Vis Sci. screening for visual impairment in the elderly. July 16, 2009;86:1096-103. 2008. Cochrane Reviews. Last Accessed February 26, 2013. 13. Borsting E, Mitchell GL, Kulp MT, Scheiman M, et al. Improvement in academic behaviors after successful 26. MainosMemos. USPSTF Children’s Vision Screening treatment of convergence insufficiency. Optom Vis Sci. Recommendations Will Harm Ongoing Efforts to Reverse 2012;89:2-8. High Rates of Preventable Vision Loss. February 8, 2011. Last Accessed February 27, 14. Scheiman M, Cotter S, Kulp MT, Mitchell GL, et al. 2013. Treatment of accommodative dysfunction in children: Results from a randomized clinical trial. Optom Vis Sci. 27. American Optometric Association. Limitations of Vision 2011;88:1343-52. Screening Programs. Last Accessed February 25, 2013. 15. Rouse M, Borsting E, Mitchell GL, Kulp MT, et al. Academic behaviors in children with convergence insufficiency 28. InfantSEE. Last Accessed with and without parent-reported ADHD. Optom Vis Sci. February 25, 2013. 2009;86:1169-77. Optometry Visual Performance 80 Volume 1 | Issue 2
  • 7. 29. American Optometric Association. AOA’s Patient Access 32. Maino D. The number of placebo controlled, double blind, Message Takes Hold in Federal Plan for Health Law prospective, and randomized strabismus surgery outcome Implementation. Last Accessed clinical trials: None! Optom Vis Dev 2011;42:134-6. February 25, 2013. 33. MainosMemos. Strabismus Surgery: The Discussion 30. Elliott S, Shafiq A. Cochrane Reviews. Different treatments Continues January 15, 2013. for a squint (deviation of the eye) that occurs within the Last Accessed February 27, 2013. first six months of life. August 10, 2011. 34. College of Optometrists in Vision Development. Research Cochrane-trtmts. Last Accessed February 25, 2013. and White Papers. Last 31. Rowe FJ, Noonan CP. Cochrane Review. Botulinum toxin Accessed February 27, 2013. for the treatment of strabismus. February 15, 2012. http:// Last Accessed February 25, 2013. Optometry Visual Performance 81 Volume 1 | Issue 2