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The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine

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      Advanced Search                  FEATURE              Ophthalmology and optometry:
                                                            working together
      EW WEEK No. 4

                                                            by Michelle Dalton, EyeWorld Contributing Editor
   · Bayer, Regeneron
   initiate Phase III
   VEGF Trap-Eye study                                      A decreasing number of ophthalmologists, coupled with an
   in Asia                                                  increasing patient base, has led numerous physicians to embrace an
   · ifa Systems buys                                       integrated eye care model—where optometrists, ophthalmic
                                                            technicians, and ophthalmologists all work under the same roof to
   · B+L introduces                                         provide efficient and effective patient care.
   iPhone app for
                                                            Others prefer co-management—where different practices refer
                                                            patients across boundaries and leave the optometrist as the primary
   · Celtic Therapeutics
   to license Resolvyx                                      care physician to handle a majority of eye care complaints. In the
   dry eye treatment                                        majority of states, optometrists can diagnose and treat glaucoma,
   program                                                  refractive errors, numerous anterior segment diseases (such as dry
                                                            eye), and can prescribe oral and topical drugs. With the current
   View this Issue                                          healthcare reforms, it's likely that "co-management will take on a       With the current state of
                                                            greater role, as will integrated eye care," said Michael Fu, OD, in      healthcare reforms, most
   Get the Feed
                                                            private practice at D'Ambrosio Eye Care, Inc., Lancaster, Mass.          optometrists think working
                                                            "Primary care providers are going to provide more care to more           with ophthalmologists
   Get the E-mail
                                                            people," and with some major insurance companies no longer               provides the best patient care
    Enter Email
                                                            accepting consultation codes, integrated practices may be more           model
      Subscribe                                             efficient, he said.
                                                            Noting that "integrated eye care can have nothing to do with co-management," the former is likened
        Monthly Poll                                        to a vertical integration in the same practice, and co-management comprises different practices
                                                            where both jointly manage the patient, said Jimmy Jackson, OD, president of InSight LASIK,
                                                            Lafayette, Colo.
   Do you believe                                           The pressures of healthcare reform—as it currently stands—"will favor practices with multiple
   refractive volume                                        practitioners in them, whether it's large optometry practices with consulting ophthalmologists on staff
   will rebound during                                      or vice versa," Dominick M Maino, OD, MEd, FAAO, FCOVD-A, a professor of pediatrics/binocular
   2010?                                                    vision at the Illinois Eye Institute/Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, and an adjunct professor of
                                                            pediatrics at the Centro de Optometria, Madrid, Spain, and is in private practice in Harwood Heights,
                                                            Ill. He believes an area that has not yet fully embraced the idea of integration—but should —is
       No                                                   pediatric ophthalmology and optometry.
                                                            When executed well, both optometrists and ophthalmologists benefit, experts say. The primary care
                                                            physician (usually the optometrist) probably knows the patient "better than anyone else, and is a
                                                            fully engaged member of the team," Dr. Jackson said. The surgery centers win in this scenario, he
    View Poll Results                                       said, because each member of the team has access to the most complete patient records and
                                                            ophthalmic surgeons can spend more time on surgery and less time on routine care and post-op
          Resources                                         care. Optometric practices benefit as well—"the best way to retain patients in the long-term is to
                                                            facilitate the best secondary and tertiary care and be an integral member of the post-op team," Dr.
                                                            Jackson said.
   Ophthalmologists                                         Dr. Fu agreed, saying co-management/integrated eye care is a "more efficient way of treating
                                                            patients. The specialists are busy perfecting their surgical techniques, and we can easily handle the
   Practice Managers
                                                            primary care aspects. In this model, we see numerous potential surgical candidates, not just those
   Patient Education                                        who have no problems in their post-op or those who don't have a need for surgery."
                                                            Of concern to the American Medical Association and the American College of Surgeons is that the
   EyeSpaceMD                                               most appropriate trained professional be responsible for post-op care – and that co-management is
                                                            not approved by those societies when based on economic decisions to transfer care of patients after
   IOL Calculator                                           surgery, and in fact, may be illegal.

                                                            Keys to success

                                                            As with most business plans, integrated eye care can only succeed if there is mutual respect
                                                            between the ophthalmologists and optometrists. "There's no magic formula or true secrets that
                                                            someone knows that will magically make your practice a successful one," Dr. Jackson said. "There's
                                                            no secret beyond having a solid business plan, working really hard and paying attention to details."[2/7/2011 5:53:18 PM]
The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine

                                                            His practice follows three tenets: high-touch (meaning every team member pays attention to every
                                                            detail of patient care), high-tech (continuous investment in new technology and education for all staff
                                                            members), and high respect of all team members in co-managing all patients.
                                                            Some practices have continued to thrive simply by putting patient care first, said George Rickard,
                                                            OD, in private practice at Laurel Eye Clinic, Brookville, Pa. "We've continued to prosper over the
                                                            years because of our model. We support area ODs and our commitment to integrated eye care.
                                                            When new surgeons join our practice, they have to share the company philosophy and show they're
                                                            committed to the model we've created or they wouldn't fit in," he said. Laurel Eye Clinic has three
                                                            main offices and several smaller offshoots, and each team member is committed to the founder's
                                                            philosophy, he said.
                                                            At Illinois Eye Institute, "we have 'advanced care area' with incredible ophthalmologists who work
                                                            with us. It is a very good working relationship. In that sense, it's an integrated environment," Dr.
                                                            Maino said. In that case, there's a three-physician office with a full referral list of ophthalmologists
                                                            "whom we know we work well with and with whom we've built a long history."
                                                            As a practice, Dr. Fu said the group has "a mission statement to deliver the best possible eye care.
                                                            You have to have a mission statement inn mind to focus on what you want to do. We have to
                                                            continually train and motivate staff. We close our office once a month to discuss the mission
                                                            statement with everyone on staff," he said. "The goal is to consistently ensure patient care is the
                                                            first and foremost topic in our minds. It's imperative to the success of a practice to listen to the
                                                            patient, follow-through, etc. It doesn't have to mean spending a lot more time on the patient care.
                                                            Our staff meetings include updating each other on the latest research and treatment, what's new in
                                                            the journals, etc."

                                                            Pros and cons

                                                            For some optometrists, the advantages of an integrated eye care practice are numerous. For one,
                                                            optometrists have readily available access to specialty care for their patients, Dr. Fu said.
                                                            "The patient already knows the practice and doesn't have to travel further to go see a specialist, or
                                                            worry about not being familiar with the practice," he said. Additionally, he believes that for
                                                            optometrists who are so inclined, working in an integrated practice can be a "great learning
                                                            experience." Further, since everyone on staff has access to all the charts, there's an immediacy co-
                                                            managed practices cannot offer.
                                                            "Immediately after someone's been referred to the ophthalmologists, we can see what the diagnosis
                                                            was, or how patient care proceeded with their specialist. We're never caught waiting for referral
                                                            letters back from another office," he said.
                                                            Dr. Rickard noted one advantage of an integrated model is the ability to control the quality of care
                                                            because everyone is under the same roof. "There's nothing wrong with the quality of care of an
                                                            independent doctor, but an integrated model might be more attractive to groups of surgeons in
                                                            terms of oversight and control whereas the traditional model of a single 'storefront' might be more
                                                            applicable to a surgeon who's by himself because of logistics," Dr. Rickard said. "For instance, if
                                                            you're the sole eye care provider in a small town, you might better serve your patients if you've got
                                                            a network of specialists you can use."
                                                            If surgeons prefer to maximize their time performing surgery, "then the integrated model is good
                                                            because the surgeon is using his skills and training to the maximum," Dr. Rickard said. "If you're the
                                                            type of surgeon who enjoys handholding and spending a lot of time with patients without necessarily
                                                            doing a high volume of surgery, or you enjoy the interaction with patients after surgery, then co-
                                                            management might be for you."
                                                            The advantages of an integrated eye care practice are "significant if there is, indeed, mutual respect
                                                            for the skills of each profession," Dr. Maino said. "What I find in the day-to-day interaction for most
                                                            practitioners is that the mutual respect is there. Optometrists find the ophthalmologists who value
                                                            our abilities. Integrated eye care can only work when both professions have a god understanding of
                                                            what each other does and allows each to do what we do best for the patient."
                                                            Optometrists interviewed for this article could not name many disadvantages to an integrated eye
                                                            care practice. For the most part, the only down side remains a somewhat territorial attitude about
                                                            patients, where once referred to the practice's ophthalmologist, patients are not "handed back" to
                                                            the optometrist until it's time for the annual vision exam. One disadvantage to a co-managed
                                                            approach is a potential for poor communication between the two practices which could inadvertently
                                                            lead to complications with insurance paperwork or even patient records if practices are on different
                                                            electronic health records systems.


                                                            In most states, optometrists are not allowed to perform
                                                            intraocular surgery or use lasers. Beyond that, however, most
                                                            optometrists believe their role as the primary eye care
                                                            provider should place them in a leadership position, working in
                                                            cooperation with a specialist.
                                                            "Despite what the ophthalmic community might say, an
                                                            appropriate healthcare system should be under the leadership
                                                            of the primary eyecare provider, which is usually the
                                                            optometrist," Dr. Maino said. "In most states, optometrists
                                                            practice medical ophthalmology at the highest level,
                                                            diagnosing and treating glaucoma and anterior segment
                                                            problems. When something goes beyond our scope of
                                                            expertise, we'll make an initial diagnosis and refer out to an
                                                            ophthalmologist. What benefits everyone in that situation is[2/7/2011 5:53:18 PM]
The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine

                                                            that it frees up the ophthalmologist to do what he or she does
                                                            best, which is more surgery. The more surgery they perform,
                                                            the better they become, the better the patient outcomes.
                                                            Conversely, the more optometrists are managing the patient
                                                            as a primary care practitioner, that individual also becomes
                                                            more skilled at a much higher level."
                                                            In Massachusetts, optometrists are allowed to place punctal
                                                            plugs and perform punctal occlusion, but "we can't prescribe oral medications. We can prescribe
                                                            topical, but not oral," Dr. Fu said. The state legislature has been debating the issue "for years and
                                                            years," Dr. Fu said, but Massachusetts remains the sole state that makes it illegal for an optometrist
                                                            to prescribe glaucoma medications. "Overall, optometrists have shown across the country they are
                                                            well-trained to diagnose and treat glaucoma and are very willing to refer for those cases they can't
                                                            handle or when patients are progressing even with treatment."
                                                            At the core of the issue, Dr. Jackson said, is that optometry is a regulated profession, yet there's no
                                                            universal agreement among the states as to what an optometrist can and cannot do. "Because I
                                                            have lived and practiced in different states, I've seen the legislative battles in all of them, and I'm a
                                                            little cynical on the process," Dr. Jackson said. "Optometry as a profession is continually going back
                                                            to the legislature to deal with advancements and how to allow the physicians to change and grow."
                                                            He adds that legislative battles are only about patient care and not monetarily based "is complete
                                                            baloney. There are scores of practitioners who get along wonderfully well, but in the hierarchy there
                                                            are some fundamental differences."
                                                            On the other hand, continuing to define optometry "as a non-surgical profession and I don't have a
                                                            problem with that," Dr. Rickard said. "Some optometrists out there don't feel we should be that
                                                            limited, but the vast majority are okay with the laws the way they are. Of course, there are some
                                                            ophthalmologists who begrudge optometrists for what we're allowed to do. Some, not most, but

                                                            Moving forward

                                                            Dr. Fu believes integrated eye care will continue to gain in popularity, mainly because optometrists
                                                            "can learn quite a bit by being that much closer to the specialist, and can become more comfortable
                                                            with patient care because of that relationship. The ophthalmologists in our practice have helped
                                                            make us all better diagnosticians." Overall, he said optometrists are not trying to "steal" anyone's
                                                            patients; they're comfortable "treating what we treat and we know when we need a second opinion
                                                            or something is out of our comfort zone."
                                                            Co-managing patient care is "the most cost-efficient care model for the patient," Dr. Jackson said,
                                                            based on the greater geographic distribution of ODs in general.
                                                            "There's going to be a greater interest in co-management because it makes fiscal sense for the
                                                            overall healthcare system," he said. "There's always going to be patients who need to be referred
                                                            out. No matter how good an individual state law is, and no matter how comfortable an optometrist is
                                                            performing various procedures, there are patients who are going to need secondary and tertiary
                                                            With patient loyalty dictated more by insurance company coverage than actual quality of care these
                                                            days, "if you tell a patient they've been diagnosed with X, 'here are some practices I work with for
                                                            you to go see,' the patient isn't going to feel you're involved in their disease management. You're
                                                            not helping them navigate the surgical aspects of their disease. If, however, you refer the patient to
                                                            an individual doctor, or tell them you've created a lists of people who can provide the best care for
                                                            their diagnosis but you will be the point person and provide all the pre- and post-op care, you're in
                                                            essence doing what you can to foster some sort of patient loyalty."
                                                            Any business model that can "improve efficiencies in the delivery of care is going to succeed," Dr.
                                                            Rickard said. In the future, he envisions practices vying or bidding for government contracts and
                                                            integrated eye care groups will be better positioned to compete in that scenario than a typical co-
                                                            managed practice.
                                                            Saying a colleague of his noted optometry "is no longer just on the menu, we're on the table," Dr.
                                                            Maino said, "our associations have spoken to lawmakers. Because optometry has taken such an
                                                            approach to our involvement of healthcare at state and national levels, I hope our ophthalmic
                                                            colleagues will realize working together is the only way to achieve good patient care."
                                                            He firmly believes that if the two professions do not work together to provide patient care,
                                                            "lawmakers will gobble us up. They'll dictate to us what system they want for eye care delivery and
                                                            they'll determine who's the least expensive to provide it."
                                                            Dr. Jackson agreed, "To be true partners with ophthalmologists is the ultimate. That being said, a lot
                                                            of optometrists and ophthalmologists go into practice because of the autonomy. You will give up[2/7/2011 5:53:18 PM]
The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine

                                                            some of that when you join an integrated practice. One of the beauties of our profession is that it's
                                                            so broad and there are so many options available to us, we do have the best of all worlds."

                                                            Editor's note: No one had a financial interest to disclose aside from a vested interest in his practice.

                                                            Contact information:

                                                            Fu: (978) 537-3900;
                                                            Jackson: (303) 665-7577;
                                                            Maino: (312) 949-7280;
                                                            Rickard: (814) 849-8344;

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  • 1. The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine Search Share this article • Print Article Search COVER Advanced Search FEATURE Ophthalmology and optometry: working together EW WEEK No. 4 by Michelle Dalton, EyeWorld Contributing Editor · Bayer, Regeneron initiate Phase III VEGF Trap-Eye study A decreasing number of ophthalmologists, coupled with an in Asia increasing patient base, has led numerous physicians to embrace an · ifa Systems buys integrated eye care model—where optometrists, ophthalmic Inoveon technicians, and ophthalmologists all work under the same roof to · B+L introduces provide efficient and effective patient care. iPhone app for Others prefer co-management—where different practices refer Crystalens patients across boundaries and leave the optometrist as the primary · Celtic Therapeutics to license Resolvyx care physician to handle a majority of eye care complaints. In the dry eye treatment majority of states, optometrists can diagnose and treat glaucoma, program refractive errors, numerous anterior segment diseases (such as dry eye), and can prescribe oral and topical drugs. With the current View this Issue healthcare reforms, it's likely that "co-management will take on a With the current state of greater role, as will integrated eye care," said Michael Fu, OD, in healthcare reforms, most Get the Feed private practice at D'Ambrosio Eye Care, Inc., Lancaster, Mass. optometrists think working "Primary care providers are going to provide more care to more with ophthalmologists Get the E-mail people," and with some major insurance companies no longer provides the best patient care Enter Email accepting consultation codes, integrated practices may be more model Subscribe efficient, he said. Noting that "integrated eye care can have nothing to do with co-management," the former is likened Monthly Poll to a vertical integration in the same practice, and co-management comprises different practices where both jointly manage the patient, said Jimmy Jackson, OD, president of InSight LASIK, Lafayette, Colo. Do you believe The pressures of healthcare reform—as it currently stands—"will favor practices with multiple refractive volume practitioners in them, whether it's large optometry practices with consulting ophthalmologists on staff will rebound during or vice versa," Dominick M Maino, OD, MEd, FAAO, FCOVD-A, a professor of pediatrics/binocular 2010? vision at the Illinois Eye Institute/Illinois College of Optometry, Chicago, and an adjunct professor of pediatrics at the Centro de Optometria, Madrid, Spain, and is in private practice in Harwood Heights, Yes Ill. He believes an area that has not yet fully embraced the idea of integration—but should —is No pediatric ophthalmology and optometry. When executed well, both optometrists and ophthalmologists benefit, experts say. The primary care physician (usually the optometrist) probably knows the patient "better than anyone else, and is a fully engaged member of the team," Dr. Jackson said. The surgery centers win in this scenario, he View Poll Results said, because each member of the team has access to the most complete patient records and ophthalmic surgeons can spend more time on surgery and less time on routine care and post-op Resources care. Optometric practices benefit as well—"the best way to retain patients in the long-term is to facilitate the best secondary and tertiary care and be an integral member of the post-op team," Dr. Jackson said. Ophthalmologists Dr. Fu agreed, saying co-management/integrated eye care is a "more efficient way of treating patients. The specialists are busy perfecting their surgical techniques, and we can easily handle the Practice Managers primary care aspects. In this model, we see numerous potential surgical candidates, not just those Patient Education who have no problems in their post-op or those who don't have a need for surgery." Of concern to the American Medical Association and the American College of Surgeons is that the EyeSpaceMD most appropriate trained professional be responsible for post-op care – and that co-management is not approved by those societies when based on economic decisions to transfer care of patients after IOL Calculator surgery, and in fact, may be illegal. Keys to success As with most business plans, integrated eye care can only succeed if there is mutual respect between the ophthalmologists and optometrists. "There's no magic formula or true secrets that someone knows that will magically make your practice a successful one," Dr. Jackson said. "There's no secret beyond having a solid business plan, working really hard and paying attention to details."[2/7/2011 5:53:18 PM]
  • 2. The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine His practice follows three tenets: high-touch (meaning every team member pays attention to every detail of patient care), high-tech (continuous investment in new technology and education for all staff members), and high respect of all team members in co-managing all patients. Some practices have continued to thrive simply by putting patient care first, said George Rickard, OD, in private practice at Laurel Eye Clinic, Brookville, Pa. "We've continued to prosper over the years because of our model. We support area ODs and our commitment to integrated eye care. When new surgeons join our practice, they have to share the company philosophy and show they're committed to the model we've created or they wouldn't fit in," he said. Laurel Eye Clinic has three main offices and several smaller offshoots, and each team member is committed to the founder's philosophy, he said. At Illinois Eye Institute, "we have 'advanced care area' with incredible ophthalmologists who work with us. It is a very good working relationship. In that sense, it's an integrated environment," Dr. Maino said. In that case, there's a three-physician office with a full referral list of ophthalmologists "whom we know we work well with and with whom we've built a long history." As a practice, Dr. Fu said the group has "a mission statement to deliver the best possible eye care. You have to have a mission statement inn mind to focus on what you want to do. We have to continually train and motivate staff. We close our office once a month to discuss the mission statement with everyone on staff," he said. "The goal is to consistently ensure patient care is the first and foremost topic in our minds. It's imperative to the success of a practice to listen to the patient, follow-through, etc. It doesn't have to mean spending a lot more time on the patient care. Our staff meetings include updating each other on the latest research and treatment, what's new in the journals, etc." Pros and cons For some optometrists, the advantages of an integrated eye care practice are numerous. For one, optometrists have readily available access to specialty care for their patients, Dr. Fu said. "The patient already knows the practice and doesn't have to travel further to go see a specialist, or worry about not being familiar with the practice," he said. Additionally, he believes that for optometrists who are so inclined, working in an integrated practice can be a "great learning experience." Further, since everyone on staff has access to all the charts, there's an immediacy co- managed practices cannot offer. "Immediately after someone's been referred to the ophthalmologists, we can see what the diagnosis was, or how patient care proceeded with their specialist. We're never caught waiting for referral letters back from another office," he said. Dr. Rickard noted one advantage of an integrated model is the ability to control the quality of care because everyone is under the same roof. "There's nothing wrong with the quality of care of an independent doctor, but an integrated model might be more attractive to groups of surgeons in terms of oversight and control whereas the traditional model of a single 'storefront' might be more applicable to a surgeon who's by himself because of logistics," Dr. Rickard said. "For instance, if you're the sole eye care provider in a small town, you might better serve your patients if you've got a network of specialists you can use." If surgeons prefer to maximize their time performing surgery, "then the integrated model is good because the surgeon is using his skills and training to the maximum," Dr. Rickard said. "If you're the type of surgeon who enjoys handholding and spending a lot of time with patients without necessarily doing a high volume of surgery, or you enjoy the interaction with patients after surgery, then co- management might be for you." The advantages of an integrated eye care practice are "significant if there is, indeed, mutual respect for the skills of each profession," Dr. Maino said. "What I find in the day-to-day interaction for most practitioners is that the mutual respect is there. Optometrists find the ophthalmologists who value our abilities. Integrated eye care can only work when both professions have a god understanding of what each other does and allows each to do what we do best for the patient." Optometrists interviewed for this article could not name many disadvantages to an integrated eye care practice. For the most part, the only down side remains a somewhat territorial attitude about patients, where once referred to the practice's ophthalmologist, patients are not "handed back" to the optometrist until it's time for the annual vision exam. One disadvantage to a co-managed approach is a potential for poor communication between the two practices which could inadvertently lead to complications with insurance paperwork or even patient records if practices are on different electronic health records systems. Politics In most states, optometrists are not allowed to perform intraocular surgery or use lasers. Beyond that, however, most optometrists believe their role as the primary eye care provider should place them in a leadership position, working in cooperation with a specialist. "Despite what the ophthalmic community might say, an appropriate healthcare system should be under the leadership of the primary eyecare provider, which is usually the optometrist," Dr. Maino said. "In most states, optometrists practice medical ophthalmology at the highest level, diagnosing and treating glaucoma and anterior segment problems. When something goes beyond our scope of expertise, we'll make an initial diagnosis and refer out to an ophthalmologist. What benefits everyone in that situation is[2/7/2011 5:53:18 PM]
  • 3. The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine that it frees up the ophthalmologist to do what he or she does best, which is more surgery. The more surgery they perform, the better they become, the better the patient outcomes. Conversely, the more optometrists are managing the patient as a primary care practitioner, that individual also becomes more skilled at a much higher level." In Massachusetts, optometrists are allowed to place punctal plugs and perform punctal occlusion, but "we can't prescribe oral medications. We can prescribe topical, but not oral," Dr. Fu said. The state legislature has been debating the issue "for years and years," Dr. Fu said, but Massachusetts remains the sole state that makes it illegal for an optometrist to prescribe glaucoma medications. "Overall, optometrists have shown across the country they are well-trained to diagnose and treat glaucoma and are very willing to refer for those cases they can't handle or when patients are progressing even with treatment." At the core of the issue, Dr. Jackson said, is that optometry is a regulated profession, yet there's no universal agreement among the states as to what an optometrist can and cannot do. "Because I have lived and practiced in different states, I've seen the legislative battles in all of them, and I'm a little cynical on the process," Dr. Jackson said. "Optometry as a profession is continually going back to the legislature to deal with advancements and how to allow the physicians to change and grow." He adds that legislative battles are only about patient care and not monetarily based "is complete baloney. There are scores of practitioners who get along wonderfully well, but in the hierarchy there are some fundamental differences." On the other hand, continuing to define optometry "as a non-surgical profession and I don't have a problem with that," Dr. Rickard said. "Some optometrists out there don't feel we should be that limited, but the vast majority are okay with the laws the way they are. Of course, there are some ophthalmologists who begrudge optometrists for what we're allowed to do. Some, not most, but some." Moving forward Dr. Fu believes integrated eye care will continue to gain in popularity, mainly because optometrists "can learn quite a bit by being that much closer to the specialist, and can become more comfortable with patient care because of that relationship. The ophthalmologists in our practice have helped make us all better diagnosticians." Overall, he said optometrists are not trying to "steal" anyone's patients; they're comfortable "treating what we treat and we know when we need a second opinion or something is out of our comfort zone." Co-managing patient care is "the most cost-efficient care model for the patient," Dr. Jackson said, based on the greater geographic distribution of ODs in general. "There's going to be a greater interest in co-management because it makes fiscal sense for the overall healthcare system," he said. "There's always going to be patients who need to be referred out. No matter how good an individual state law is, and no matter how comfortable an optometrist is performing various procedures, there are patients who are going to need secondary and tertiary care." With patient loyalty dictated more by insurance company coverage than actual quality of care these days, "if you tell a patient they've been diagnosed with X, 'here are some practices I work with for you to go see,' the patient isn't going to feel you're involved in their disease management. You're not helping them navigate the surgical aspects of their disease. If, however, you refer the patient to an individual doctor, or tell them you've created a lists of people who can provide the best care for their diagnosis but you will be the point person and provide all the pre- and post-op care, you're in essence doing what you can to foster some sort of patient loyalty." Any business model that can "improve efficiencies in the delivery of care is going to succeed," Dr. Rickard said. In the future, he envisions practices vying or bidding for government contracts and integrated eye care groups will be better positioned to compete in that scenario than a typical co- managed practice. Saying a colleague of his noted optometry "is no longer just on the menu, we're on the table," Dr. Maino said, "our associations have spoken to lawmakers. Because optometry has taken such an approach to our involvement of healthcare at state and national levels, I hope our ophthalmic colleagues will realize working together is the only way to achieve good patient care." He firmly believes that if the two professions do not work together to provide patient care, "lawmakers will gobble us up. They'll dictate to us what system they want for eye care delivery and they'll determine who's the least expensive to provide it." Dr. Jackson agreed, "To be true partners with ophthalmologists is the ultimate. That being said, a lot of optometrists and ophthalmologists go into practice because of the autonomy. You will give up[2/7/2011 5:53:18 PM]
  • 4. The Best of Ophthalmology.....EyeWorld News Magazine some of that when you join an integrated practice. One of the beauties of our profession is that it's so broad and there are so many options available to us, we do have the best of all worlds." Editor's note: No one had a financial interest to disclose aside from a vested interest in his practice. Contact information: Fu: (978) 537-3900; Jackson: (303) 665-7577; Maino: (312) 949-7280; Rickard: (814) 849-8344; Contribute | Editorial Board | Advertiser Index | Publishing Statement | Advertise with Us Copyright © 1997-2011 EyeWorld News Service This site is optimized for 1024 X 768 Resolution Visit for a PDA optimized experience[2/7/2011 5:53:18 PM]