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San Francisco CA, Aug 28, 2016
Melanie Swan
Philosophy & Economic Theory
New School for Social Research, NY NY
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain 101: the Automation Economy and the Future of Money
Part of a Series on Cryptophilosophy
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities 1
Melanie Swan, Blockchain Futurist
 Philosophy and Economic Theory, New School
for Social Research, New York NY
 Founder, Institute for Blockchain Studies
 Singularity University Instructor; Institute for Ethics and
Emerging Technology Affiliate Scholar; EDGE
Essayist; FQXi Advisor (Foundational Questions Inst)
Traditional Markets Background Economic Theory Leadership
New Economies research group
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
I. Blockchain technology: What is it?
 Basic: definition and status
 Advanced: automation economy
II. Singularity-class applications
 Friendly AI
 Brain as a DAC
 Bio-cryptoeconomy
 Blockchains in Space
 Nanotech/Synbio
III. Conclusion: Singularity futures
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Thesis Statement
Beyond digitalizing money, payments,
economics, and finance, blockchains are a
singularity-class technology that enables the
secure, trackable, automated coordination of
very large-scale projects, fleets, and swarms
The implications could be an orderly transition
to the automation economy and trust-rich
human-machine collaboration in the digital
smartnetwork societies of the future
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain Technology: What is it?
 Blockchain technology is the secure distributed ledger
software that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin
 Bitcoin Internet of Money: Skype is an app allowing phone calls
via Internet without POTS; Bitcoin is an app allowing money
transfer via the Internet without banks; ‘decentralized Paypal’
(decentralized network)
OSI Protocol Stack
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain: a chain of transaction blocks
 Every 10 minutes, the latest
block of submitted
transactions is validated (by
cryptographic mining) and
posted to a single distributed
 Each new block of
transactions calls the last
block, so that the
transactions are chained
together sequentially, hence
the word blockchain
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchains: secure transfer of money
 Phase I: transfer information
 Modernize publishing, music, news;
content, information
 Phase 2: transfer money, property
 Modernize of economics and finance
 Digital payments layer the Internet
never had
 Baking the qualitative good of trust
into the infrastructure
 Moving up the stack, pushing different
qualitative states through the Internet
pipes, building future smartnetworks
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Singularity-class project: Financial Inclusion
 Just as the Printing Press and
the Internet flattened access to
communicating information...
 …blockchains are giving the
power of the printing press to
banking, credit, finance,
economics, and currency
 Access to economic and financial
systems (credit) as a basic human
right (4 billion unbanked)
 Long-tail economics: any two
parties can transact on the
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Issue: hierarchy is not scalable
Sources: What is Decentralization?,
 Blockchains are a form of trust-making technology
 A system of checks and balances that is universal and
planetary-scale (Kardashev-level)
 New tiers of scalability are needed
 Million-genome repositories (largest is 3700 currently),
connectome databases to reveal brain structure
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Economic Principles: not just for Economics
Economic Principles
 Traditional Deployment
 Buy/sell transactions
 Financial markets
 Blockchain Deployment
 Any interaction is a discovery
and exchange process
 Decentralized models
supplement hierarchy
 Demurrage: incitatory potential
and resource redistribution
across network nodes
 Reciprocal mining communities
(smarthome IOT, brain BCI)
Blockchain technology is prompting
a rethinking of economic principles
and concepts (resources,
exchange, allocation, pricing,
distribution, markets) to apply in
non-monetary contexts
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain Economics and Finance
Bitcoin, Crypto-currencies Smart Contracts
Economics Finance
Spot, Cash Market Futures, Options
Present Future
Real-time payments Utility Settlement Coin
(USC) (8/24/16)
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Decentralized Economics and Finance
The organizing assumption of
economic systems has been
scarcity; an orientation to the
production and distribution of scarce
material goods. This no longer holds
in an era of digital services, non-rival
goods, and complementarity
Mindset Shifts:
1. Scarcity to Abundance
2. Labor to Fulfillment
3. Hierarchy to Decentralization
The organizing assumption of
financial systems has been the
control or at least prediction of
the future value of assets and
liabilities; finance = credit (credit
is really about trust). Also no
longer holding.
Mindset Shifts:
1. Access instead of Ownership
2. Topological Ranges instead
of Point Values
3. Assurity instead of
Source: New School New Economies and Finance Working Group:
Economics Finance
Present FutureTemporality
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Abundance Philosophy of Economics:
decentralized economics and finance
Source: Swan, M. "Automation Economy: An Abundance Philosophy of Economics" In Emerging Technology and
Unemployment. Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming.
 Phase I: transition to Automation Economy
 Phase II: transition to Actualization Economy
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
I. Blockchain technology: What is it?
 Basic: definition and status
 Advanced: automation economy
II. Singularity-class applications
 Friendly AI
 Brain as a DAC
 Bio-cryptoeconomy
 Blockchains in Space
 Nanotech/Synbio
III. Conclusion: Singularity futures
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchains help Singularity-class Problems
 Properties: secure trackable automated
coordination of large-scale projects and
large numbers of things
 Fleets, swarms, and networks:
 IOT sensors, autonomous vehicles, synaptic
connections, deep-learners, social robotics,
medical nanorobots, planet terraformers, synbio
agents, environmental cleanup bots
 Implication: vast amount of self-
orchestrating network activity
 Automated system of checks and balances; all
“transactions” must confirm via reputation
confirmation, algorithmic trust and smartnetwork
consensus mechanisms
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain AI Apps
Enact Friendly AI (Artificial Intelligence)
 Digital intelligences running on
 Not in isolation
 Good reputational standing
required to conduct operations
 Transactions to access resources
(like fund-raising), provide services,
enter into contracts, even retire
 Smartnetwork consensus only
validates and records bonafide
transactions from ‘good’ agents
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Brain DACs applied to Thinking Machines
(Decentralized Autonomous Corporation (packages of smart contracts))
 Automate thinking process
 Thinking is computational: input-
 Blockchain-based deep learners
 State storing: Recurrent neural nets
 Memory: modular machine learning
add-on (Neural Turing Machines)
 File-serving architecture, Internet’s
new plumbing: IPFS
 Predictability: structural equation
modeling, causal graphical models
 Example: Autonomous lab robots
 On-chain IP discovery tracking
Source: Swan, M. Blockchain Thinking: The Brain as a DAC. Neural Turing Machines:
IPFS (Benet):
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Consciousness and the Brain as a DAC
1. Hard problem of consciousness
 What is it like to be a bat, me, you, etc.
 Consciousness and the human brain
 Need to connect information and meaning
 Use Brain DACs to automate modeling
 Big data needed for progress: Large-scale
databases of personal connectome files to
reveal brain structure, synaptic relations
2. Personal Thinking Chains (backup)
 Life-log memories, impute utility functions and
goals, generate QS biometric datastore
 Example: Oculus Rift–connectome integration
for experience sharing (SnapChat t+1)
Source: Swan, M. Blockchain Thinking: The Brain as a DAC (Decentralized Autonomous Corporation). Technology and
Society Magazine, IEEE 2015; 34(4): 41-52.
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Large possibility space of Intelligence
Source: Yudkovsky, E. In Roman V. Yampolskiy. Artificial Superintelligence. 2015.
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities 20
Future of Diverse Thinking Entities
Smart Contract
Enhanced Human
Whole Brain
Classic Human
Column Arrays
Machine Learning
Trading Networks
Real-time Bidding
Digital Mindfile
Artificial Life
Synthetic BiologyDesigned
Supercomputers AI
Expert Systems
Natural Language
Brain Scans
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
VR DACs: metaverse chains & prototyping
 Blockchains automate VR world-building
 Simulations, models: QFT, entropy, etc.
 VR exceeds IRL limitations
 Entertainment, challenge, fun, meaningful
activity, 10,000 gaming hours; VR is
composable and rewarding in ways the
physical world is not; Simulation
 VR/IRL interplay and embedded world
 Computational universe embedded in
physical universe (all objects “smart”; ARG:
Pokémon Go, Ingress)
 Physical universe in the computational
universe (living in VR)
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Social Robotics
 Personal voice assistants,
social robotics
 All apps become voice-activated,
 Cross-cloud accessibility (IOT
smarthome, connected car,
 Fleet coordination functionality:
 Automated, secure,
tracking/logging, remunerative
structure, transaction coordination,
apps/processes (smart contracts),
coordination (updates), audit log
Source: Swan, M. Philosophy of Social Robotics: Abundance Economics. Sociorobotics, 2016.
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Nanotech Grey Goo and Runaway Synbio
 Worry: Grey Goo (unchecked
nanotech proliferation), DNA-
printed synthetic bio-plague
 Solution: signing; as physical-
world engineers sign the
bridges they build, likewise
synbio engineers sign DNA
and nanotech designs
(unavoidable signing per
detectable origins)
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Instead of grey goo, blockchain Utility Fog
 Blockchain-based nano-
compilers create and manage
on-demand utility fog
 Utility fog: a collection of
nanorobots that can replicate
a physical structure on-
 Info probe, shield, control buffer,
assessment tool, in-situ resource
 Example: auto-chair DAC for
diabetic patients
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
 Bio-cryptoeconomics for secure
automation and coordination of medical
nanorobotics for cellular repair
 Secure crypto-transaction tracking
 Automated coordination
 Medical nanorobotics as coming-onboard
repair platform for the human body
 Activity coordinated, tracked, monitored
 High number of agents and “transactions”
 Secure automation is obvious requirement
 Crypto-tracking DAC coordinates medical
nanorobotic cell repair
Sources: Bio-Cryptoeconomy: Nanorobotic DACs for Cell Repair and Enhancement
Medical nanorobotic DACs to coordinate cell repair
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Bio-Nano Repair DACs
 In-cell repair DACs monitoring individual cell
health and facilitating augmentation
(enhancement platform)
 Bio-DACs manage physical health and mental
performance as a demurrage (action-inciting)
health currency
 Idea-tracking
 BCI-interfacing
Sources: Bio-Cryptoeconomy: Nanorobotic DACs for Cell Repair and Enhancement
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
BCI Cloudminds and Chainbrains
 Cloudmind: cloud-based thinker
or thinking entity
 Joining a cloudmind
collaboration, blockchains
(cryptographic ledgers) to
administer cloudminds
 Line-item tracking and credit-
assignation (like Github, or
SVN/CVS for brainstorming)
 Privacy, security
 Remuneration
 Protect against personal identity loss
and absorption into a groupmind
Source:; Mind’ is generally
denoting an entity with some capacity for processing, not the volitionary action and free will of a consciousness agent
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Spacechains: Blockchains in Space
 Advances in space
 Launch: microsats, small rockets, commercial
launch (reusability, rocket design), regular
Mars launches planned each 26 months with
large-cargo drops, communications networks,
 Light sail and optical propulsion
 Asteroid mining, space settlement, transport
 Exoplanet discovery in habitable zones (Alpha
Centauri, TRAPPIST-1)
 Relevant blockchain functionality
 Secure, track-able automation and
coordination of numerous items (units and
parameters) at very-large scale
 Autonomous entities, Bitsat backup network
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain IOT
 M2M/IOT Bitcoin payment network to
enable the machine economy
 IOT 2020: 26 bn devices in a $7 tn market
 The economic layer the web never had
 Smarthome IOT networks
 Self-mining ecologies
 Privacy orchestration: devices, robotics, digital
personal health assistants
 Blockchains: economic principle-driven
large-scale resource allocation and
coordination mechanisms
Smartcity Connected
Car Coordination
Smarthome IOT and
Personal Robotics
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain Health
 Blockchain technology in health-related applications
1. EMRs: Personal Health Record Storage and Access
 Personal health records stored and administered via blockchain
 Users key-permission doctors and other parties into records
2. Health Research Commons
 Aggregated personal medical records, quantified self data
commons (DNA.bits), genome and connectome files
3. Health Document Notary Services
 Proof-of-insurance, test results, prescriptions, status, condition,
treatment, physician referrals
4. Doctor Vendor RFP Services
 (Like Uber drivers) doctors and health practices bid to supply
medical services; automated bidding via tradenets
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Cryptocurrency design features
 Economics as a design tool
 Cryptocurrencies for non-monetary purposes
 Example: demurrage property, a built-in
mechanism for spend/action-taking
 Anti-inflationary, supply can be set to expire, redistribute,
etc. at certain moments
 Good for systems where want full consumption: drug,
neuro-transmitters, idea propagation, GBIs (Guaranteed
Basic Income)
 GBHA (Guaranteed Basic Health Initiative): paid out and
payable in HealthCoin; HSA (Health Savings Account) 2.0
 Fitbit is a demurrage health currency by encouraging
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Cryptocurrency design features
 Health itself as a demurrage currency, a
continually auto-redistributing commodity
among synapses, cells, humans; body and
brain as a DAO/DAC AI
 Cognitive enhancement drugs work this way,
maximize distribution in the neuro-stack:
piracetams, CILTEP
 Concept: demurrage resource-allocation +
Đapp (blockchain-based distributed app)
 Automatic redistribution of any commodity within a system
(brain or mindfile (potentiation, optogenetic stimulation)), body
(‘health’ (oxygen, waste removal nanobots, circulating lab-on-
chips)), work team (ideas), society (liberty)
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain Genomics
 Jurisdictional regulation prevents
individuals from having access to
their own genetic data
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Bitcoin MOOCs
 Blockchain-based “Kiva for literacy”
 Peer-to-peer learning contracts
 Literacy beyond reading
 Technical, Agricultural, Vocational Literacy
 Blockchain-based personal development
 QS-biometric utility function imputation and tracking
 Maslow chains, subjectivation and actualization chains
 Development Economics 2.0: CoinDrops
 Literacy contracts, remittances, blockchain-tracked
aid, microcredit, decentralized credit bureaus
 Open-source FICO scores
 Peer-vouched reputation
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Digital Cryptocitizen Sensibility
 The new literacy: digital literacy
 Cryptocitizen: back-up your money
 Self-responsibility-taking; designing
personalized economic, political, and
social systems
 Governance services vs. being governed
 Monetary, economic, financial, and legal
services (example: self-designed mortgage)
Source: Swan, M. Crypto Enlightenment: A Social Theory of Blockchains
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
I. Blockchain technology: What is it?
 Basic: definition and status
 Advanced: automation economy
II. Singularity-class applications
 Friendly AI
 Brain as a DAC
 Bio-cryptoeconomy
 Blockchains in Space
 Nanotech/Synbio
III. Conclusion: Singularity futures
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain downside and risks?
Satoshi Roundtable #3: Scaling
Bitcoin Milan Oct 8-9, 2016
Hacking Scandals
Mt Gox, Ethereum DAO, Bitfinex
Silk Road, drug dealers,
terrorists, criminals
Scalability, Block size,
Sidechains, Mining
Mining Centralization
Centralization temporary; wider-
spread at higher-scale; moving to 16
nm, solar/hydro-powered chips
Building resilient system constantly
under open attack 24/7 (remember
early Internet DNS attacks)
Blockchains are a universal
technology available to all; non-
criminal activity predominates
Early Internet: this can’t scale, it is not resilient, Yahoo, AltaVista down for days of DNS attacks
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Technological Unemployment
 Key singularity-class challenge: orderly transition to the
Automation Economy
 Half (47%) of U.S. employment is at risk of automation in the
next two decades – Carl Frey, Oxford, 2015
 Why are there still so many jobs in a world that could be
automating more quickly? – David Autor, MIT, 2015
Source: Swan, M. "Automation Economy: An Abundance Philosophy of Economics" In Emerging Technology and
Unemployment. Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming.
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Next to Automate? Driving & Transportation
 Indicator: automotive company
R&D labs in Silicon Valley
 Autonomous passenger cars
 Singapore self-driving taxis - 8/24/16
 Uber’s first self-driving fleet arrives in
Pittsburgh – Aug 2016
 Commercial trucking
 “Autonomous Driving Long-Distance
Trucks within Ten Years” - 2014
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain Applications by Sector (selected)
Relevant Blockchain Properties
• Cryptoledger
• Decentralized network
• Trustless
• Independent
• Permanent record
• Public records
• Notarization time-
stamping hashes
• Universal format
• Accessibility
& Legal
• Transnational orgs
• Personalized
governance services
• Voting, propositions
• P2P bonds
• Tele-attorney services
• IP registration and
• Tax receipts
• Notary service and
document registry
• Currency
• Payments &
• Banking & Finance
• Clearing &
• Insurance
• FinTech
• Trading & Derivatives
• QA & Internal Audit
• Crowdfunding
• Agricultural & drone
sensor networks
• Smarthome networks
• Integrated smartcity,
connected car,
smarthome sensors
• Self-driving car
• Personalized robots,
robotic companions
• Personalized drones
• Digital assistants
• Communication
• Large-scale
• Entity ingress/egress
• Transaction security
• Universal format
• Large-scale multi-
• Privacy and security
• Real-time
• Universal EMR
• Health databanks
• QS Data Commons
• Big health data
stream analytics
• Digital health wallet
• Smart property
• HealthToken
• Personal
• Large-scale
element for
• Checks-and-
balances system
for ‘good-player’
• Community
• Crowd analysis
• P2P resourcenets
• Film, dataviz
• AI: blockchain
advocates, friendly
AI, blockchain
learners, digital
mindfile services
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Permissioned (identity-known) and
Permissionless (anonymous) Ledgers
Source: Swan, M. Blockchain Consensus Protocols. extended
from: Swanson, T. (2015). Consensus as a service: a brief report on the emergence of permissioned, distributed ledger systems
New car: Enduser freedom
• Censorship-resistant
• ‘Brave new world’ apps
• Anonymous validators (network
vulnerable to anonymous attack)
Better horse: Enterprise efficiency
• Identity-confirmed
• ‘Reinvent the existing world’
improvement apps
• Official legal registry
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Seeking blockchain collaboration
 New School New Economies working group
 Mission statement:
 Join:
 Papers
 CFP 4000-word articles “Philosophy of Blockchains” due Oct 1,
2016, Wiley journal Metaphilosophy
 Events: NY and CA
 Rethink/ECONOMICS, Thursday, September 15, 7-9 pm,
ConsenSys, 49 Bogart Street, Suite 22, Brooklyn NY 11249
 Book / special journal issue contributions
 Decentralized economics, Decentralized finance
Thank You! Questions?
Aug 28, 2016
Blockchain Singularities
Thesis Statement
Beyond digitalizing money, payments,
economics, and finance, blockchains are a
singularity-class technology that enables the
secure, trackable, automated coordination of
very large-scale projects, fleets, and swarms
The implications could be an orderly transition
to the automation economy and trust-rich
human-machine collaboration in the digital
smartnetwork societies of the future
San Francisco CA, Aug 28, 2016
Melanie Swan
Philosophy & Economic Theory
New School for Social Research, NY NY
Blockchain Singularities
Blockchain 101: the Automation Economy and the Future of Money
Part of a Series on Cryptophilosophy
Thank You! Questions?

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Blockchain Singularities

  • 1. San Francisco CA, Aug 28, 2016 Slides: Melanie Swan Philosophy & Economic Theory New School for Social Research, NY NY Blockchain Singularities Blockchain 101: the Automation Economy and the Future of Money Part of a Series on Cryptophilosophy cryptophilosophy
  • 2. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities 1 Melanie Swan, Blockchain Futurist  Philosophy and Economic Theory, New School for Social Research, New York NY  Founder, Institute for Blockchain Studies  Singularity University Instructor; Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technology Affiliate Scholar; EDGE Essayist; FQXi Advisor (Foundational Questions Inst) Traditional Markets Background Economic Theory Leadership New Economies research group Source:,,
  • 3. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain 2 Source:
  • 4. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Agenda I. Blockchain technology: What is it?  Basic: definition and status  Advanced: automation economy II. Singularity-class applications  Friendly AI  Brain as a DAC  Bio-cryptoeconomy  Blockchains in Space  Nanotech/Synbio III. Conclusion: Singularity futures 3
  • 5. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Thesis Statement 4 Beyond digitalizing money, payments, economics, and finance, blockchains are a singularity-class technology that enables the secure, trackable, automated coordination of very large-scale projects, fleets, and swarms The implications could be an orderly transition to the automation economy and trust-rich human-machine collaboration in the digital smartnetwork societies of the future
  • 6. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain Technology: What is it? 5  Blockchain technology is the secure distributed ledger software that underlies cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin  Bitcoin Internet of Money: Skype is an app allowing phone calls via Internet without POTS; Bitcoin is an app allowing money transfer via the Internet without banks; ‘decentralized Paypal’ Internet (decentralized network) Blockchain Bitcoin Source: Application Layer Protocol Layer Infrastructure Layer SMTP Email VoIP Phone calls OSI Protocol Stack
  • 7. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain: a chain of transaction blocks  Every 10 minutes, the latest block of submitted transactions is validated (by cryptographic mining) and posted to a single distributed ledger  Each new block of transactions calls the last block, so that the transactions are chained together sequentially, hence the word blockchain 6 Source:
  • 8. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchains: secure transfer of money 7  Phase I: transfer information  Modernize publishing, music, news; content, information  Phase 2: transfer money, property  Modernize of economics and finance  Digital payments layer the Internet never had  Baking the qualitative good of trust into the infrastructure  Moving up the stack, pushing different qualitative states through the Internet pipes, building future smartnetworks Source:
  • 9. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Singularity-class project: Financial Inclusion  Just as the Printing Press and the Internet flattened access to communicating information...  …blockchains are giving the power of the printing press to banking, credit, finance, economics, and currency  Access to economic and financial systems (credit) as a basic human right (4 billion unbanked)  Long-tail economics: any two parties can transact on the network 8 Source:
  • 10. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Issue: hierarchy is not scalable 9 Sources: What is Decentralization?,  Blockchains are a form of trust-making technology  A system of checks and balances that is universal and planetary-scale (Kardashev-level)  New tiers of scalability are needed  Million-genome repositories (largest is 3700 currently), connectome databases to reveal brain structure
  • 11. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Economic Principles: not just for Economics 10 Economic Principles  Traditional Deployment  Buy/sell transactions  Financial markets  Blockchain Deployment  Any interaction is a discovery and exchange process  Decentralized models supplement hierarchy  Demurrage: incitatory potential and resource redistribution across network nodes  Reciprocal mining communities (smarthome IOT, brain BCI) Blockchain technology is prompting a rethinking of economic principles and concepts (resources, exchange, allocation, pricing, distribution, markets) to apply in non-monetary contexts
  • 12. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain Economics and Finance 11 Bitcoin, Crypto-currencies Smart Contracts Economics Finance Spot, Cash Market Futures, Options Market Present Future Source:, networks, Real-time payments Utility Settlement Coin (USC) (8/24/16) Temporality Regime
  • 13. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Decentralized Economics and Finance 12 The organizing assumption of economic systems has been scarcity; an orientation to the production and distribution of scarce material goods. This no longer holds in an era of digital services, non-rival goods, and complementarity Mindset Shifts: 1. Scarcity to Abundance 2. Labor to Fulfillment 3. Hierarchy to Decentralization The organizing assumption of financial systems has been the control or at least prediction of the future value of assets and liabilities; finance = credit (credit is really about trust). Also no longer holding. Mindset Shifts: 1. Access instead of Ownership 2. Topological Ranges instead of Point Values 3. Assurity instead of Insufficiency Source: New School New Economies and Finance Working Group: Economics Finance Present FutureTemporality Regime
  • 14. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Abundance Philosophy of Economics: decentralized economics and finance 13 Source: Swan, M. "Automation Economy: An Abundance Philosophy of Economics" In Emerging Technology and Unemployment. Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming.  Phase I: transition to Automation Economy  Phase II: transition to Actualization Economy A B C
  • 15. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Agenda I. Blockchain technology: What is it?  Basic: definition and status  Advanced: automation economy II. Singularity-class applications  Friendly AI  Brain as a DAC  Bio-cryptoeconomy  Blockchains in Space  Nanotech/Synbio III. Conclusion: Singularity futures 14
  • 16. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchains help Singularity-class Problems 15  Properties: secure trackable automated coordination of large-scale projects and large numbers of things  Fleets, swarms, and networks:  IOT sensors, autonomous vehicles, synaptic connections, deep-learners, social robotics, medical nanorobots, planet terraformers, synbio agents, environmental cleanup bots  Implication: vast amount of self- orchestrating network activity  Automated system of checks and balances; all “transactions” must confirm via reputation confirmation, algorithmic trust and smartnetwork consensus mechanisms
  • 17. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain AI Apps Enact Friendly AI (Artificial Intelligence) 16  Digital intelligences running on consensus-managed smartnetworks  Not in isolation  Good reputational standing required to conduct operations  Transactions to access resources (like fund-raising), provide services, enter into contracts, even retire  Smartnetwork consensus only validates and records bonafide transactions from ‘good’ agents Sources:,
  • 18. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Brain DACs applied to Thinking Machines (Decentralized Autonomous Corporation (packages of smart contracts))  Automate thinking process  Thinking is computational: input- processing-output  Blockchain-based deep learners  State storing: Recurrent neural nets  Memory: modular machine learning add-on (Neural Turing Machines)  File-serving architecture, Internet’s new plumbing: IPFS  Predictability: structural equation modeling, causal graphical models  Example: Autonomous lab robots  On-chain IP discovery tracking 17 Source: Swan, M. Blockchain Thinking: The Brain as a DAC. Neural Turing Machines: IPFS (Benet):
  • 19. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Consciousness and the Brain as a DAC 1. Hard problem of consciousness  What is it like to be a bat, me, you, etc.  Consciousness and the human brain  Need to connect information and meaning  Use Brain DACs to automate modeling  Big data needed for progress: Large-scale databases of personal connectome files to reveal brain structure, synaptic relations 2. Personal Thinking Chains (backup)  Life-log memories, impute utility functions and goals, generate QS biometric datastore  Example: Oculus Rift–connectome integration for experience sharing (SnapChat t+1) 18 Source: Swan, M. Blockchain Thinking: The Brain as a DAC (Decentralized Autonomous Corporation). Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE 2015; 34(4): 41-52.
  • 20. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Large possibility space of Intelligence 19 Source: Yudkovsky, E. In Roman V. Yampolskiy. Artificial Superintelligence. 2015.
  • 21. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities 20 Future of Diverse Thinking Entities Autonomous Car Smart Contract DAOs/DACs Enhanced Human IOT/M2M Smartnetworks Whole Brain Emulations Hybrid Classic Human Source: Neocortical Column Arrays Deep-Learning Clusters Machine Learning Algorithms Simulated Minds High-frequency Trading Networks Real-time Bidding Arrays Brain-computer Interfaces Digital Mindfile Uploads Artificial Life Synthetic BiologyDesigned Life Cellular Automata Supercomputers AI Agents Expert Systems Autonomic Computing Natural Language Processors Brain Scans Animals Personal Robotics Smarthome Networks
  • 22. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities VR DACs: metaverse chains & prototyping  Blockchains automate VR world-building  Simulations, models: QFT, entropy, etc.  VR exceeds IRL limitations  Entertainment, challenge, fun, meaningful activity, 10,000 gaming hours; VR is composable and rewarding in ways the physical world is not; Simulation  VR/IRL interplay and embedded world  Computational universe embedded in physical universe (all objects “smart”; ARG: Pokémon Go, Ingress)  Physical universe in the computational universe (living in VR) 21 Source:
  • 23. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Social Robotics  Personal voice assistants, social robotics  All apps become voice-activated, interactive  Cross-cloud accessibility (IOT smarthome, connected car, smartcity)  Fleet coordination functionality:  Automated, secure, tracking/logging, remunerative structure, transaction coordination, apps/processes (smart contracts), coordination (updates), audit log 22 Source: Swan, M. Philosophy of Social Robotics: Abundance Economics. Sociorobotics, 2016.
  • 24. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Nanotech Grey Goo and Runaway Synbio 23  Worry: Grey Goo (unchecked nanotech proliferation), DNA- printed synthetic bio-plague  Solution: signing; as physical- world engineers sign the bridges they build, likewise synbio engineers sign DNA and nanotech designs (unavoidable signing per detectable origins)
  • 25. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Instead of grey goo, blockchain Utility Fog  Blockchain-based nano- compilers create and manage on-demand utility fog  Utility fog: a collection of nanorobots that can replicate a physical structure on- demand  Info probe, shield, control buffer, assessment tool, in-situ resource cloud  Example: auto-chair DAC for diabetic patients 24
  • 26. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities  Bio-cryptoeconomics for secure automation and coordination of medical nanorobotics for cellular repair  Secure crypto-transaction tracking  Automated coordination  Medical nanorobotics as coming-onboard repair platform for the human body  Activity coordinated, tracked, monitored  High number of agents and “transactions”  Secure automation is obvious requirement  Crypto-tracking DAC coordinates medical nanorobotic cell repair 25 Sources: Bio-Cryptoeconomy: Nanorobotic DACs for Cell Repair and Enhancement Bio-cryptoeconomy Medical nanorobotic DACs to coordinate cell repair
  • 27. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Bio-cryptoeconomy Bio-Nano Repair DACs  In-cell repair DACs monitoring individual cell health and facilitating augmentation (enhancement platform)  Bio-DACs manage physical health and mental performance as a demurrage (action-inciting) health currency  Idea-tracking  BCI-interfacing 26 Sources: Bio-Cryptoeconomy: Nanorobotic DACs for Cell Repair and Enhancement
  • 28. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities BCI Cloudminds and Chainbrains  Cloudmind: cloud-based thinker or thinking entity  Joining a cloudmind collaboration, blockchains (cryptographic ledgers) to administer cloudminds  Line-item tracking and credit- assignation (like Github, or SVN/CVS for brainstorming)  Privacy, security  Remuneration  Protect against personal identity loss and absorption into a groupmind 27 Source:; Mind’ is generally denoting an entity with some capacity for processing, not the volitionary action and free will of a consciousness agent
  • 29. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Spacechains: Blockchains in Space 28  Advances in space  Launch: microsats, small rockets, commercial launch (reusability, rocket design), regular Mars launches planned each 26 months with large-cargo drops, communications networks,  Light sail and optical propulsion  Asteroid mining, space settlement, transport  Exoplanet discovery in habitable zones (Alpha Centauri, TRAPPIST-1)  Relevant blockchain functionality  Secure, track-able automation and coordination of numerous items (units and parameters) at very-large scale  Autonomous entities, Bitsat backup network
  • 30. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain IOT 29 Sources:,  M2M/IOT Bitcoin payment network to enable the machine economy  IOT 2020: 26 bn devices in a $7 tn market  The economic layer the web never had  Smarthome IOT networks  Self-mining ecologies  Privacy orchestration: devices, robotics, digital personal health assistants  Blockchains: economic principle-driven large-scale resource allocation and coordination mechanisms Smartcity Connected Car Coordination Smarthome IOT and Personal Robotics Coordination
  • 31. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain Health  Blockchain technology in health-related applications 1. EMRs: Personal Health Record Storage and Access  Personal health records stored and administered via blockchain  Users key-permission doctors and other parties into records 2. Health Research Commons  Aggregated personal medical records, quantified self data commons (DNA.bits), genome and connectome files 3. Health Document Notary Services  Proof-of-insurance, test results, prescriptions, status, condition, treatment, physician referrals 4. Doctor Vendor RFP Services  (Like Uber drivers) doctors and health practices bid to supply medical services; automated bidding via tradenets 30 Source:
  • 32. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Cryptocurrency design features  Economics as a design tool  Cryptocurrencies for non-monetary purposes  Example: demurrage property, a built-in mechanism for spend/action-taking  Anti-inflationary, supply can be set to expire, redistribute, etc. at certain moments  Good for systems where want full consumption: drug, neuro-transmitters, idea propagation, GBIs (Guaranteed Basic Income)  GBHA (Guaranteed Basic Health Initiative): paid out and payable in HealthCoin; HSA (Health Savings Account) 2.0  Fitbit is a demurrage health currency by encouraging action 31
  • 33. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Cryptocurrency design features  Health itself as a demurrage currency, a continually auto-redistributing commodity among synapses, cells, humans; body and brain as a DAO/DAC AI  Cognitive enhancement drugs work this way, maximize distribution in the neuro-stack: piracetams, CILTEP  Concept: demurrage resource-allocation + Đapp (blockchain-based distributed app)  Automatic redistribution of any commodity within a system (brain or mindfile (potentiation, optogenetic stimulation)), body (‘health’ (oxygen, waste removal nanobots, circulating lab-on- chips)), work team (ideas), society (liberty) 32
  • 34. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain Genomics 33  Jurisdictional regulation prevents individuals from having access to their own genetic data
  • 35. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Bitcoin MOOCs  Blockchain-based “Kiva for literacy”  Peer-to-peer learning contracts  Literacy beyond reading  Technical, Agricultural, Vocational Literacy  Blockchain-based personal development contracts  QS-biometric utility function imputation and tracking  Maslow chains, subjectivation and actualization chains  Development Economics 2.0: CoinDrops  Literacy contracts, remittances, blockchain-tracked aid, microcredit, decentralized credit bureaus  Open-source FICO scores  Peer-vouched reputation 34
  • 36. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Digital Cryptocitizen Sensibility  The new literacy: digital literacy  Cryptocitizen: back-up your money  Self-responsibility-taking; designing personalized economic, political, and social systems  Governance services vs. being governed  Monetary, economic, financial, and legal services (example: self-designed mortgage) 35 Source: Swan, M. Crypto Enlightenment: A Social Theory of Blockchains enlightenment-social-theory-of-blockchains
  • 37. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Agenda I. Blockchain technology: What is it?  Basic: definition and status  Advanced: automation economy II. Singularity-class applications  Friendly AI  Brain as a DAC  Bio-cryptoeconomy  Blockchains in Space  Nanotech/Synbio III. Conclusion: Singularity futures 36
  • 38. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain downside and risks? ISSUE 37 Satoshi Roundtable #3: Scaling Bitcoin Milan Oct 8-9, 2016 Hacking Scandals Mt Gox, Ethereum DAO, Bitfinex Silk Road, drug dealers, terrorists, criminals Scalability, Block size, Sidechains, Mining Mining Centralization RESPONSE Centralization temporary; wider- spread at higher-scale; moving to 16 nm, solar/hydro-powered chips Building resilient system constantly under open attack 24/7 (remember early Internet DNS attacks) Blockchains are a universal technology available to all; non- criminal activity predominates Early Internet: this can’t scale, it is not resilient, Yahoo, AltaVista down for days of DNS attacks Source:
  • 39. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Technological Unemployment  Key singularity-class challenge: orderly transition to the Automation Economy  Half (47%) of U.S. employment is at risk of automation in the next two decades – Carl Frey, Oxford, 2015  Why are there still so many jobs in a world that could be automating more quickly? – David Autor, MIT, 2015 38 Source: Swan, M. "Automation Economy: An Abundance Philosophy of Economics" In Emerging Technology and Unemployment. Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming.
  • 40. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Next to Automate? Driving & Transportation  Indicator: automotive company R&D labs in Silicon Valley  Autonomous passenger cars  Singapore self-driving taxis - 8/24/16  Uber’s first self-driving fleet arrives in Pittsburgh – Aug 2016  Commercial trucking  “Autonomous Driving Long-Distance Trucks within Ten Years” - 2014 39 Source: service,
  • 41. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Blockchain Applications by Sector (selected) 40 Sources: Relevant Blockchain Properties • Cryptoledger • Decentralized network • Trustless counterparties • Independent consensus-confirmed transactions • Permanent record • Public records repository • Notarization time- stamping hashes • Universal format • Accessibility Government & Legal • Transnational orgs • Personalized governance services • Voting, propositions • P2P bonds • Tele-attorney services • IP registration and exchange • Tax receipts • Notary service and document registry Financial Services • Currency • Payments & Remittance • Banking & Finance • Clearing & Settlement • Insurance • FinTech • Trading & Derivatives • QA & Internal Audit • Crowdfunding IOT (M2M, computing) • Agricultural & drone sensor networks • Smarthome networks • Integrated smartcity, connected car, smarthome sensors • Self-driving car • Personalized robots, robotic companions • Personalized drones • Digital assistants • Communication (messaging) • Large-scale coordination • Entity ingress/egress • Transaction security • Universal format • Large-scale multi- data-stream integration • Privacy and security • Real-time accessibility Health • Universal EMR • Health databanks • QS Data Commons • Big health data stream analytics • Digital health wallet • Smart property • HealthToken • Personal development contracts • Large-scale infrastructural element for coordination • Checks-and- balances system for ‘good-player’ access • Community supercomputing • Crowd analysis • P2P resourcenets • Film, dataviz • AI: blockchain advocates, friendly AI, blockchain learners, digital mindfile services Science
  • 42. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Permissioned (identity-known) and Permissionless (anonymous) Ledgers 41 Source: Swan, M. Blockchain Consensus Protocols. extended from: Swanson, T. (2015). Consensus as a service: a brief report on the emergence of permissioned, distributed ledger systems New car: Enduser freedom • Censorship-resistant • ‘Brave new world’ apps • Anonymous validators (network vulnerable to anonymous attack) Better horse: Enterprise efficiency • Identity-confirmed • ‘Reinvent the existing world’ improvement apps • Official legal registry Stellar
  • 43. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Seeking blockchain collaboration  New School New Economies working group  Mission statement:  Join:  Papers  CFP 4000-word articles “Philosophy of Blockchains” due Oct 1, 2016, Wiley journal Metaphilosophy  Events: NY and CA  Rethink/ECONOMICS, Thursday, September 15, 7-9 pm, ConsenSys, 49 Bogart Street, Suite 22, Brooklyn NY 11249  Book / special journal issue contributions  Decentralized economics, Decentralized finance 42 Source: Thank You! Questions?
  • 44. Aug 28, 2016 Blockchain Singularities Thesis Statement 43 Beyond digitalizing money, payments, economics, and finance, blockchains are a singularity-class technology that enables the secure, trackable, automated coordination of very large-scale projects, fleets, and swarms The implications could be an orderly transition to the automation economy and trust-rich human-machine collaboration in the digital smartnetwork societies of the future
  • 45. San Francisco CA, Aug 28, 2016 Slides: Melanie Swan Philosophy & Economic Theory New School for Social Research, NY NY Blockchain Singularities Blockchain 101: the Automation Economy and the Future of Money Part of a Series on Cryptophilosophy cryptophilosophy Thank You! Questions?